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References to publications of L. A. Sz´ ekely November 24, 2010 1./ L. A. Sz´ ekely, Remarks on the chromatic number of geometric graphs, in: Graphs and Other Topics (ed. M. Fiedler), Teubner- Texte zur Mathematik, Band 59, Leipzig, l983, 312–315. References 1. Fernando Mario de Oliveira Filho, New Bounds for Geometric Packing and Coloring via Harmonic Analysis and Optimization, Ph.D. Thesis, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam, 2009. 2. FERNANDO MARIO DE OLIVEIRA FILHO AND FRANK VAL- LENTIN, A QUANTITATIVE VERSION OF STEINHAUS THEO- REM FOR COMPACT, CONNECTED, RANK-ONE SYMMETRIC SPACES, arXiv:1005.0471v1 [math.CO] 4 May 2010 3. Hart, Derrick, Explorations of geometric combinatorics in vector spaces over finite fields, Ph.D., UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - COLUMBIA, 2008, 70 pages 4. Hart D, Iosevich A, Ubiquity of simplices in subsets of vector spaces over finite fields, ANALYSIS MATHEMATICA Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-38 Published: JAN 2008 5. M. S. Payne, D. Coulson, A dense distance 1 excluding set in R 3 , Austr. Math. Soc. Gaz. 34 (2) (2007), 97–102. 6. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry, 2005, 499 pages. 7. P. Erd˝ os, Some combinatorial, geometric, and set theoretic problems in measure theory, in: Measure Theory, Oberwolfach, 1983, eds. D. olzow, D. Maharam-Stone, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 1089, Springer-Verlag, 1984, 321–327. 8. K. J. Falconer, The realization of small distances in plane sets of pos- itive measure, Bull. London Math. Soc. 18(1986), 471–474. 9. K. J. Falconer, J. M. Marstrand, Plane sets of positive density at infin- ity contain all large distances, Bull. London Math. Soc. 18(1986), 475–477. 1
Page 1: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

References to publications of

L. A. Szekely

November 24, 2010

1./ L. A. Szekely, Remarks on the chromatic number of geometricgraphs, in: Graphs and Other Topics (ed. M. Fiedler), Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik, Band 59, Leipzig, l983, 312–315.


1. Fernando Mario de Oliveira Filho, New Bounds for Geometric Packingand Coloring via Harmonic Analysis and Optimization, Ph.D. Thesis,Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam, 2009.


3. Hart, Derrick, Explorations of geometric combinatorics in vector spacesover finite fields, Ph.D., UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - COLUMBIA,2008, 70 pages

4. Hart D, Iosevich A, Ubiquity of simplices in subsets of vector spacesover finite fields, ANALYSIS MATHEMATICA Volume: 34 Issue: 1Pages: 29-38 Published: JAN 2008

5. M. S. Payne, D. Coulson, A dense distance 1 excluding set in R3,Austr. Math. Soc. Gaz. 34 (2) (2007), 97–102.

6. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry,2005, 499 pages.

7. P. Erdos, Some combinatorial, geometric, and set theoretic problemsin measure theory, in: Measure Theory, Oberwolfach, 1983, eds. D.Kolzow, D. Maharam-Stone, Springer Lecture Notes in MathematicsVol. 1089, Springer-Verlag, 1984, 321–327.

8. K. J. Falconer, The realization of small distances in plane sets of pos-itive measure, Bull. London Math. Soc. 18(1986), 471–474.

9. K. J. Falconer, J. M. Marstrand, Plane sets of positive density at infin-ity contain all large distances, Bull. London Math. Soc. 18(1986),475–477.


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10. J. Bourgain, A Szemeredi-type theorem for sets of positive density inRn, Israel J. Math 54(1986), 307–316. (This paper actually did notgive a citation to my work, although clearly ought to have done.)

11. H. Furstenberg, Y. Katznelson, B. Weiss, Ergodic theory and con-figurations in sets of positive density, in: Mathematics of RamseyTheory, J. Nesetril, V. Rodl, eds., Algorithms and Combinatorics 5,Springer Verlag, 1990, 184–198.

12. H. T. Croft, K. J. Falconer, R. K. Guy, Unsolved Problems in Ge-ometry, Problem Books in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1991.

2./ L. A. Szekely, Measurable chromatic number of geometric graphsand sets without some distances in Euclidean space, Combina-torica 4(1984), 213–218.


1. M. S. Payne, Unit distance graphs with ambiguous chromatic number,Electronic J. Combinatorics 16 (2009) pp. 7.

2. F. M. de Oliveira Filho, F. Vallentin, Fourier analysis, linear program-ming and densities of distance avoiding sets in Rn

3. M. S. Payne, D. Coulson, A dense distance 1 excluding set in R3,Austr. Math. Soc. Gaz. 34 (2) (2007), 97–102.

4. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry,2005, 499 pages.

5. L. Lovasz and K. Vesztergombi, Geometric representations of graphs,in: Paul Erdos and his Mathematics II, Bolyai Studies 11, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 471–498.

6. P. Erdos, Some combinatorial and metric problems in geometry, in:Intuitive Geometry, Siofok, 1985, Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai48(1987), 167–177.

7. H. T. Croft, K. J. Falconer, R. K. Guy, Unsolved Problems in Ge-ometry, Problem Books in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1991.

8. L. Babai, P. Frankl, Linear Algebra Methods in Combinatorics,Part 1, Preliminary Version, July 1988, Department of Computer Sci-ence, The University of Chicago. (Also Preliminary Version 2, Septem-ber 1992).

9. R. B. Eggleton, 3 unsolved problems in graph theory, Ars Combina-toria 23A(1987), 105–121.

10. A. Raigorodskii, Borsuk’s problem and the chromatic number of cer-tain metric spaces, Russ. Math. Surv. 56 (1) (2001) 103–109.

11. Raigorodskii, A.M. Borsuk’s problem and the chromatic numbers ofmetric spaces (2007) Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 28,pp. 273-280.

3./ L. A. Szekely, On the number of homogeneous subgraphs of agraph, Combinatorica 4(1984), 363–372.


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1. David Conlon, On the Ramsey Multiplicity of Complete Graphs, arXiv:0711.4999v1[math.CO] 30 Nov 2007

2. J. Cutler, B. Montagh,Unavoidable subgraphs of colored graphs, DIS-CRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 308 Issue: 19 Pages: 4396-4413Published: OCT 6 2008

3. A. Thomason, The simplest case of Ramsey’s theorem, in: Paul Erdosand his Mathematics II, Bolyai Studies 11, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 667–695.

4. A. Thomason, Random graphs, strongly regular graphs and pseudo-random graphs, in: Surveys in Combinatorics, LMS Lecture Notes123, C.U.P., Cambridge, 1987, 173–195.

4./ L. A. Szekely, On two concepts of discrepancy in a class of com-binatorial games, in: Finite and Infinite Sets, Coll. Math. Soc.Janos Bolyai 37(1985), 679–683.


1. AS Fraenkel, Combinatorial games: selected bibliography with a suc-cinct gourmet introduction, the electronic journal of combinatorics(2009), #DS2

2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, UniversityLecture Notes Series 49, AMS, 2009.

3. Andras Csernenszky, The PickerChooser diameter game, TheoreticalComputer Science Volume 411, Issues 40-42, 6 September 2010, Pages3757-3762

4. J. Beck, Surplus of Graphs and the Lovsz Local Lemma, BuildingBridges Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 2008, Volume 19, 47-102, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85221-6 2

5. Balogh J, Martin R, Pluhar A, The Diameter Game, RANDOM STRUC-TURES & ALGORITHMS 35 (2009) 3 369–389.

6. Feldheim ON, Krivelevich M, Winning Fast in Sparse Graph Construc-tion Games, COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTINGVolume: 17 Issue: 6 Pages: 781-791 Published: NOV 2008

7. J. Beck, Combinatorial Games: Tic-Tac-Toe Theory, Cambridge Uni-versity Press, 2008, 746 pages.

8. Alon N, Krivelevich M, Spencer J, et al. Discrepancy games ELEC-TRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 12 (1): Art. No. R51SEP 29 2005

9. Frieze A, Krivelevich M, Pikhurko O, et al. The game of JumbleGCOMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING 14 (5-6): 783-793 SEP-NOV 2005


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10. J. Beck, Deterministic graph games and a probabilistic intuition, Com-binatorics, Probability and Computing 3(1994), 13–26.

11. J. Beck, Achievement games and the probabilistic method, Combi-natorics, Paul Erdos is Eighty (Volume 1), Keszthely, Hungary,1993, eds. D. Miklos, V. T. Sos, T. Szonyi, Bolyai Society Mathemat-ical Studies 1, 51–78.

12. J. Beck, Games, randomness, and algorithms, in: The Mathematicsof Paul Erdos vol. I, eds. R. L. Graham and J. Nesetril, Algorithmsand Combinatorics 13, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 280–310.

5./ L. A. Szekely, A note on common origin of cubic binomial identi-ties, a generalisation of Suranyi’s proof on Le Jen Shoo’s formula,J. Comb. Theory Ser. A 40(1985), 171–174.


1. Kadell KWJ Telescoping partial fractions decompositions, the little q-Jacobi functions of complex order, and the nonterminating q-Saalschutzsum RAMANUJAN JOURNAL 13 (1-3): 449-469 JUN 2007

2. Eric W. Weisstein, CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, page2927.

3. Eric W. Weisstein. ”Szekely Identity.” From MathWorld–A WolframWeb Resource.http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SzekelyIdentity.html

4. Jiang Zeng, Pfaff-Schaalschutz revisited, J. Comb. Theory Ser. A51(1989), 141–143.

5. V. Strehl, Binomial identities—combinatorial and algorithmic aspects,Disc. Math. 136(1994), 309–346.

6. R. A. Proctor, D. C. Wilson, Interpretation of a basic hypergeomet-ric identity with Lie characters and Young tableaux, Disc. Math.137(1995), 297–302.

6./ L. A. Szekely, Holiday numbers: sequences resembling the Stir-ling numbers of second kind, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 48(1985),459–467.


1. Wang, Yi; Yeh, Yeong-Nan Polynomials with real zeros and Po’lyafrequency sequences. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 109 (2005), no. 1,63–74

2. Klazar M, Luca F On some arithmetic properties of polynomial expres-sions involving Stirling numbers of the second kind ACTA ARITH 107(4): 357-372 2003

3. H. K. Hwang, Asymptotics of Poisson approximation to random dis-crete distributions: An analytic approach Adv. Appl. Probability,31 (2) 1999, 448–491


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7./ A. Bogmer and L. A. Szekely, Asymptotic formula for the numberof solutions of a diophantic system, Annales Univ. Sci. Bud.Eotvos 28(1985), 203–215.


1. I. Joo, On the number of partitions of N into terms of 1, 2, ..., n, re-peating a term at most n times, Annales Univ. Sci. Bud. Eotvos28(1985), 217–227.

2. G. O. H. Katona, Ramanujan’s work in the theory of partitions, J.Indian Inst. Sci. (1987), 33–38.

8./ L. A. Szekely and N. C. Wormald, Generating functions for theFrobenius problem with 2 or 3 generators, Math. Chronicle15(1986), 49–57.



2. Aicardi F, Fel LG, Gaps in nonsymmetric numerical semigroups, IS-RAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 175(1)(2010) 85–112

3. Holroyd AE, Partition identities and the coin exchange problem JOUR-NAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A Volume: 115 Is-sue: 6 Pages: 1096-1101 Published: AUG 2008

4. K Woods, Rational generating functions and lattice point sets, Ph. D.Thesis, University of Michigan, 2004

5. Leonid G. Fel, Frobenius problem for semigroups S(d1, d2, d3), 2006,Functional Analysis and Other Mathematics Volume 1, Number 2,119-157, DOI: 10.1007/s11853-007-0009-5

6. LG Fel, Analytic Representations in the 3-dim Frobenius Problemarxiv.orgLG Fel - Arxiv preprint math/0507370, 2005 - arxiv.org

7. Denham G Short generating functions for some semigroup algebrasELECTRON J COMB 10 (1): Art. No. R36 2003

8. A. Barvinok, J. E. Pommersheim, An algorithmic theory of latticepoints in polyhedra, New Perspectives in Geometric CombinatoricsMSRI Publications 38, 1999, 91–147.

9. Barvinok, A; Woods, K, Short rational generating functions for latticepoint problems, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATI-CAL SOCIETY; 2003; v.16, no.4, p.957-979.

9./ L. A. Szekely, The analytic behaviour of the holiday numbers,Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 51(1987), 365–369.


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1. Wang, Yi; Yeh, Yeong-Nan Polynomials with real zeros and Po’lyafrequency sequences. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 109 (2005), no. 1,63–74

2. Klazar, Martin; Luca, Florian On some arithmetic properties of poly-nomial expressions involving Stirling numbers of the second kind. ActaArith. 107 (2003), no. 4, 357–372.

3. H. K. Hwang, Asymptotics of Poisson approximation to random dis-crete distributions: An analytic approach Adv. Appl. Probability,31 (2) 1999, 448–49

10./ P. Erdos, I. Joo and L. A. Szekely, Remarks on infinite series,Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 22(1987) (1-4), 395–400.


1. M. Szegedy, G. Tardos, On the decomposition of infinite series intomonotone decreasing parts, Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 23(1988),81–84.

2. M. Horvath, Answer to a problem of Joo, Studia Sci. Math. Hung.23(1988), 245–250.

11./ L. A. Szekely, Inclusion-exclusion formulae without higher terms,Ars Comb. 23B(1987), 7–20.


1. D. A. Grable, Hypergraphs and sharpened sieve inequalities, DiscreteMath. 132 (1994)(1-3), 75–82.

2. D. de Caen, A lower bound on the probability of a union, DiscreteMath. 169(1997), no. 1-3, 217–220.

12./ L. A. Szekely and N. C. Wormald, Bounds on the measurablechromatic number of Rn, Discrete Math. 75(1989), 343–372.(Also published as: Bounds on the measurable chromatic numberof Rn, in: Graph Theory and Combinatorics 1988, Proceedingsof the Cambridge Combinatorial Conference in Honour of PaulErdos, ed. B. Bollobas, Annals of Discrete Mathematics 43,North-Holland, 1989, 343–372.)


1. M. S. Payne, D. Coulson, A dense distance 1 excluding set in R3,Austr. Math. Soc. Gaz. 34 (2) (2007), 97–102.

2. C. Bachoc, G. Nebe, F. M. de Oliveira Filho, F. Vallentin, Lowerbounds for measurable chromatic numbers, GEOMETRIC AND FUNC-TIONAL ANALYSIS 19 (2009) Issue: 3 Pages: 645-661.


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3. F. M. de Oliveira Filho, F. Vallentin, Fourier analysis, linear program-ming and densities of distance avoiding sets in Rn

4. page 254, CRC Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry,(E.Goodman, J. O’Rourke, eds.), CRC Press, 1997.

5. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry,2005, 499 pages.

6. R. Radoicic, G. Toth, A note on the chromatic number of R3, Discreteand Computational Geometry—The Goodman–Pollack Festschrift(Algebra and Combinatorics 25), Springer-Verlag, 2003.

7. O. Nechustan, On the space chromatic number, Discrete Math. 256(1-2) (2002), 499–507

8. T. R. Jensen and B. Toft, Graph Coloring Problems, Wiley-Interscience,1995.

9. V. Klee, S. Wagon, Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Ge-ometry and Number Theory, MAA Dolciani Expositions No. 11,1991, Providence, RI.

10. H. T. Croft, K. J. Falconer, R. K. Guy, Unsolved Problems in Ge-ometry, Problem Books in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1991.

11. L. Babai, P. Frankl, Linear Algebra Methods in Combinatorics,Part 1, Preliminary Version, July 1988, Department of Computer Sci-ence, The University of Chicago. (Also Preliminary Version 2, Septem-ber 1992).

12. K. Cantwell, Edge-Ramsey theory, Discrete Comput. Geom. 15(1996)(3), 341–352.

13. K. Cantwell, Finite Euclidean Ramsey theory, J. Combin. Theory A73(1996), 273–285.

14. D. Coulson, An 18-colouring of 3-space omitting distance one, DiscreteMath. 170(1997), 241–247.

13./ P. L. Erdos and L. A. Szekely, Applications of antilexicographicorder I: An enumerative theory of trees, Adv. Appl. Math.10(1989), 488–496


1. Jacob Post, COMBINATORICS OF ARC DIAGRAMS, FERRERSFILLINGS, YOUNG TABLEAUX AND LATTICE PATHS, Master’sthesis in Computing Science, 2001, Simon Fraser University.

2. B. Vance, Counting ordered trees by permuting their parts, Amer.Math. Monthly 2006 113 (4): 329-335

3. Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 4, Sec-tions Generating All Partitions, Exercise 10, Addison–Wesley,2005.


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4. C. Semple and M. Steel, Phylogenetics, Oxford Lecture Series in Math-ematics and its Applications 24, Oxford University Press, 2003

5. Akos Toroczkai, On the topological classification of binary trees usingthe Horton-Strahler index, Phys. Rev. E 6501 (1): 6130-+ Part 2JAN 2002.

6. P. Hilton, J. Pedersen, Two recurrence relations for Stirling factors,Bull. Belg. Math. Soc.-Sim. 6 (4) (1999), 615–623.

7. P. W. Diaconis, and S. P. Holmes, Matchings and phylogenetic trees,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95(25) (1998), 14600-14602.

8. W. Y. Chen, A general bijective algorithm for trees, Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 87(1990), 9635–9639.

9. W. Y. C. Chen, On the combinatorics of plethysm, Ph. D. Thesis, M.I. T., Cambridge, Ma., 1991.

10. M. A. Steel, The complexity of reconstructing trees from qualitativecharacters and subtrees, J. Classification 9(1992), 91–116.

11. P. L. Erdos, A new bijection on rooted forests, Discrete Math. 111(1993), 179–188.

12. R. P. Stanley, Enumerative Combinatorics, Vol. 2, Cambridge Uni-versity Press, 1999.

13. M. A. Steel, Decompositions of leaf-coloured binary trees, Adv. Appl.Math. 14(1993), 1–24.

14. R. Ehrenborg, M. Mendez, Schroder parenthesizations and chordates,J. Comb. Theory Ser A 67(1994), 127–139.

15. M. Hendy, P. Hilton, J. Pedersen, Stirling factors and phylogenetictrees, Journees Mathematiques & Informatique 5(1994), 110–122.

16. T. Bier, Remarks on the algebra of calculus, manuscript.

14./ T. D. Porter and L. A. Szekely, Generating functions for a prob-lem of Riordan, J. Comb. Math. Comb. Comput. 6(1989),195–198.


1. T. D. Porter, Some results in combinatorial analysis and graph theory,Ph. D. Thesis, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 1990.

15./ M. Carter, M. Hendy, D. Penny, L. A. Szekely and N. C. Wormald,On the distribution of length of evolutionary trees, SIAM J. Dis-crete Math. 3(1990), 38–47.


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1. M. Steel, The Penny Ante: Mathematical biology or biological math-ematics? New Zealand Science Review Vol 66 (1) 2009 12–13.

2. Quantifying the potential utility of phylogenetic characters Author(s):Cotton JA, Wilkinson M Source: TAXON Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages:131-136 Published: FEB 2008

3. D. Cieslik, Shortest Connectivity, An Introduction with Applicationsin Phylogeny, Springer, 2005.

4. Semple C, Steel M Unicyclic networks: Compatibility and enumerationIEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGYAND BIOINFORMATIOCS 3 (1): 84-91 JAN-MAR 2006

5. D Bryant, The Splits in the Neighborhood of a Tree, Annals of Com-binatorics 8 (2004) 1-11

6. T Dezulian, M Steel, Phylogenetic closure operations and homoplasy-free evolution, Proceedings of the 2004 International Federation ofClassification Societies, Springer- Verlag (in press)

7. Arias JS, Miranda-Esquivel DR Profile Parsimony (PP): an analysisunder Implied Weights (IW) CLADISTICS 20 (1): 56-63 FEB 2004

8. J. Felsenstein, Inferring Phylogenies, Sinauer Associates, 2004.

9. C. Semple and M. Steel, Phylogenetics, Oxford Lecture Series in Math-ematics and its Applications 24, Oxford University Press, 2003

10. Dorit S. Hochbaum, Anu Pathria, Path Costs in Evolutionary TreeReconstruction (1997) Journal of Computational Biology

11. Dan Faith, Syst. Biol.12. K. Hewitt, Blocks as a tool for learning: Historical and contemporary

perspectives, Young Children 56 (1) (2001).

13. M. A. Steel, Distribution on bicoloured binary trees arising from theprinciple of parsimony, Discrete Appl. Math. 41(1993), 245–261.

14. C. Semple, M. Steel, Tree reconstruction from multistate characters,Adv. Appl. Math. 28 (2002), 169–184.

15. M. A. Steel, Distributions on bicoloured evolutionary trees, Ph. D.Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 1989.

16. M. A. Steel, The complexity of reconstructing trees from qualitativecharacters and subtrees, J. Classification 9(1992), 91–116.

17. M. A. Steel, Decompositions of leaf-coloured binary trees, Adv. Appl.Math. 14(1993), 1–24.

18. M. A. Steel, M. D. Hendy, D. Penny, The significance of the length ofthe shortest tree, J. Classification 9(1992), 71–90.

19. D. Penny, M. D. Hendy, M. A. Steel, Testing the theory of descent, in:Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences, eds. M. M. Miyamoto,Oxford Univversity Press, Oxford, 1991, 155–183.


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20. J. B. Slowinski, Unordered versus ordered characters, Syst. Biol.42(1993) (2), 155–165.

21. P. A. Goloboff, Homoplasy and the choice among cladograms, Cladis-tics 7 (1991) (3), 215–232.

22. W. P. Maddison, M. Slatkin, Null models for the number of evolution-ary steps in a character on a phylogenetic tree, Evolution 45 (1991)(5) 1184-1197.

23. J. W. Moon, M. A. Steel, A limiting theorem for parsimoniously bi-coloured trees, Appl. Math. Letters 6(4)(1993), 5–8.

24. P. L. Erdos, A new bijection on rooted forests, Discrete Math. 111(1993),179–188.

25. H. H. Bock Probabilistic models in cluster analysis, Comput. Stat.Data An. 23 (1996)(1) 5–28.

26. A. M. Hamel, M. A. Steel, The length of a leaf colouration on a randombinary tree, SIAM Discrete Math. 10 (1997), no. 3, 359–372.

27. M. A. Steel, L. Goldstein, and M. S. Waterman, A central limit theo-rem for parsimony length of trees, Adv. Appl. Probability, 28(1996),1051–1071.

28. D. S. Hochbaum, A. Pathria, Path costs in evolutionary tree recon-struction, J. Comput. Biol. 4(1997) (2), 163–175.

29. E. Matisoo-Smith, R. M. Roberts, G. J. Irwin, et al., Patterns ofprehistoric human mobility in Polynesia indicated by mtDNA fromthe Pacific rat, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95 (25), 15145–15150.

30. L. J. Collins, V. Moulton, D. Penny, Use of RNA secondary structurefor studying the evolution of RNase P and RNase MRP, J. Mol. Evol.51 (2000), 194–204.

16./ T. D. Porter and L. A. Szekely, On a matrix discrepancy prob-lem, Congr. Num. 73(1990), 239–248.


1. Baogang Xua, Juan Yana, and Xingxing Yu, A note on balanced bi-partitions, Discrete Mathematics Volume 310, Issue 20, 28 October2010, Pages 2613-2617

2. Jie Maa and Xingxing Yu, Bounds for pairs in partitions of graphs,Discrete Mathematics Volume 310, Issues 15-16, 28 August 2010, Pages2069-2081

3. Rui Li, Baogang Xu, Biased Judicious Partition of Graphs

4. Baogang Xu, Juan Yan, Xingxing Yu, Balanced judicious bipartitionsof graphs, Journal of Graph Theory Volume 63, Issue 3, pages 210225,March 2010

5. T. D. Porter, Some results in combinatorial analysis and graph theory,Ph. D. Thesis, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 1990.


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6. Bollobas, B.; Scott, A. D. Problems and results on judicious parti-tions. Random structures and algorithms (Poznan, 2001). RandomStructures Algorithms 21 (2002), no. 3-4, 414–430.

7. T. D. Porter, Graph partitions, J. Comb. Math. Comb. Comput.15(1994), 111–118.

8. T. D. Porter, Minimal partitions of a graph, Ars Combinatoria 53(1999), 181–186.

9. T. D. Porter, and Bing Yang, Graph partitions II, J. Comb. Math.Comb. Comput. 37(2001), 149–158.

17./ A. A. Kooshes, B. M. E. Moret and L. A. Szekely, Improvedbounds on the prison yard problem, Congr. Num. 76(1990),145–149.


1. Z. Furedi, D. Kleitman, The prison yard problem, Combinatorica14(1994), 287–300.

2. A. A. Kooshesh, Structuring techniques for path and visibility prob-lems, Ph. D. Thesis, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM,1992.

18./ L. H. Clark, J. I. McCanna, R. C. Entringer and L. A. Szekely,Extremal problems for local properties of graphs, AustralasianJ. Comb. 4(1991), 25–31.


1. N Alon, A Shapira, On an Extremal Hypergraph Problem of Brown,Erdos and Sos Combinatorica, 26 (6) (2006) 627–645.

2. Mieczyslaw Borowiecki, Elzbieta Sidorowicz, Some extremal problemsof graphs with local constraints, Discrete Mathematics 251 (2002),19–32.

3. Borowiecki, Mieczyslaw; Mihok, Peter On graphs with a local heredi-tary property. Graph theory (Kazimierz Dolny, 1997). Discrete Math.236 (2001), no. 1-3, 53–58.

4. J. I. McCanna, The classification of self-dual graphs and other resultsin graph theory, Ph. D. Thesis, University of New Mexico, Albu-querque, NM, 1990.

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34. M. Steel, M. D. Hendy, D. Penny, Invertible models of sequence evolu-tion, Preprint 93/02, School of Mathematics, Massey University, sub-mitted to Mathematical Biosciences.

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39. V. Ferretti, D. Sankoff, Phylogenetic invariants for more general evo-lutionary models, J. Theor. Biology 173(1995), 147–162.

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44. M. Steel, M. D. Hendy, D. Penny, Reconstructing evolutionary treesfrom nucleotide pattern probabilities, Universitat Bielefeld, Forschung-schwerpunkt Strukturbildungprozesse, Materialen XCIV, 1995.

45. D. L. Swofford, G. J. Olsen, P. J. Waddell, D. M. Hillis, PhylogeneticInference, in: Molecular Systematics, D. M. Hillis, C. Moritz, B. K.Mable, eds., 2nd edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Ma.,1996.

46. M. Steel, Reconstructing evolutionary models under a variety of Markov-style models, Proceedings of Phylogeny Workshop held at Prince-ton University, February 6–8, 1995, Host: Simon Tavare, DIMACSTechnical Report 95–48, October 1995, 51–54.

47. P. J. Waddell, D. Penny, Evolutionary trees of apes and humans fromDNA sequences, Chapter 3 in: Handbook of Symbolic Evolution,eds. A. J. Lock and C. R. Peters, Oxford University Press, Oxford, p.53–73.

48. P. J. Waddell, D. Penny, T. Moore, Extending Hadamard conjugationto model sequence evolution with variable rates across sites, Inf. andMath. Sci. Reports Series B 96/11, Massey University.

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53. M. Steel, M. D. Hendy, D. Penny, Reconstructing phylogenies fromnucleotide pattern probabilities: a survey and some new results, Disc.Appl. Math. 88 (1998) 367–396.

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32./ D. de Caen and L. A. Szekely, On a problem of Erdos and Lovasz,Ars Comb. 35A(1993), 187–192.


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1. Matsen FA, : Fourier Transform Inequalities for Phylogenetic Trees,IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGYAND BIOINFORMATICS Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 89-95 Published:JAN-MAR 2009

2. Bryant D, Hadamard Phylogenetic Methods and the n-taxon Process,BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY Volume: 71 Issue: 2Pages: 339-351 Published: FEB 2009

3. Sullivant S Toric fiber products JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA 316 (2):560-577 OCT 15 2007

4. W. Buczynska - J.A. Wisniewski: On geometry of binary symmetricmodels of phylogenetic trees, J. European Math. Soc. 9 (3) (2007),609–635

5. E.S. Allman - J.A. Rhodes: Phylogenetic ideals and varieties for thegeneral Markov model, Adv. Appl. Math. 40 (2008) (2), 127–148.

6. Pachter L, Sturmfels B The mathematics of phylogenomics SIAM RE-VIEW 49 (1): 3-31 MAR 2007

7. S.M. Sullivant: Toric ideals in algebraic statistics, UC Berkeley Ph.D.Thesis (2005), 1–137.

8. S. Sullivant: Topic fiber products, arXiv:math.AC/0602052 v1 (2006),1–19.

9. Chor B, Hendy MD, Snir S Maximum likelihood Jukes-Cantor triplets:Analytic solutions MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 23(3): 626-632 MAR 2006

10. E.S. Allman - J.A. Rhodes: The identifiability of tree topology for phy-logenetic models, including covarion and mixture models, JOURNALOF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 13 (5): 1101-1113 JUN 2006

11. M.D. Hendy - S. Snir: Hadamard conjugation for the Kimura 3STmodel: Combinatorial proof using path sets IEEE-ACM TRANSAC-TIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMAT-ICS Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: 461-471 Published: JUL-SEP 2008

12. M.D. Hendy: Hademard conjugation: an analytical tool for phyloge-netics, in Mathematics of evolution & phylogeny (ed. O. Gascuel)Oxford Univ. Press (2004), 143–177.

13. M. Casanellas - L.D. Garcia - S. Sullivant: Catalog of small trees,Chapter 15, in Algebraic Statistics for Computational Biology(Ed. L. Pachter and B. Sturmfels) in press Cambridge Univ. Press(2005) 298–311.

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Page 27: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

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17. C. Semple and M. Steel, Phylogenetics, Oxford Lecture Series in Math-ematics and its Applications 24, Oxford University Press, 2003

18. David Sankoff, Mathieu Blanchette, Comparative Genomics via Phy-logenetic Invariants for Jukes-Cantor Semigroups (1999) Proceedingsof the International Conference on Stochastic ...

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20. D. Sankoff and M. Blanchette, Phylogenetic invariants for genome re-arrangements, J. Comput. Biol. 6 (3-4) (1999), 431–435.

21. D. Sankoff - M. Blanchette: Probability models for genomec invariants,Adv. Appl. Prob. 25(1993), 290–302.

22. V. Ferretti, B. F. Lang, D. Sankoff, Skewed base composition, asym-metric transition matrices, and phylogenetic invariants, J. Computa-tional Biology 1(1994), 77–92.

23. M. D. Hendy, D. Penny, M. A. Steel, Discrete Fourier spectral analysisfor evolution, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91(1994), 3339–3343.

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25. V. Ferretti, D. Sankoff, A remarkable non-linear invariant for evolutionwith heterogeneous rates, 134(1996), Math. Bioscience 71–83.

26. D. Penny, M. Hendy, P. Lockhart, M. A. Steel, Corrected parsimony,minimum evolution and Hadamard conjugation, Syst. Biol. 45(1996)(4),596–606.

27. M. Steel, M. D. Hendy, D. Penny, Invertible models of sequence evolu-tion, Preprint 93/02, School of Mathematics, Massey University, sub-mitted to Mathematical Biosciences.

28. M. Steel, M. D. Hendy, D. Penny, Reconstructing evolutionary treesfrom nucleotide pattern probabilities, Universitat Bielefeld, Forschung-schwerpunkt Strukturbildungprozesse, Materialen XCIV, 1995.

29. D. L. Swofford, G. J. Olsen, P. J. Waddell, D. M. Hillis, PhylogeneticInference, in: Molecular Systematics, D. M. Hillis, C. Moritz, B. K.Mable, eds., 2nd edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Ma.,1996.

30. A. W. M. Dress, D. H. Huson and V. Moulton, Analyzing and visual-izing sequence and distance data using SplitsTree, Discrete AppliedMathematics, 71(1996), 95–109.


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31. P. J. Waddell, D. Penny, T. Moore, Extending Hadamard conjugationto model sequence evolution with variable rates across sites, Inf. andMath. Sci. Reports Series B 96/11, Massey University.

32. P. J. Waddell, D. Penny, T. Moore, Hadamard conjugations and mod-eling sequence evolution with unequal rates across sites, Mol. Phylo-genet. Evol 8(1997)(1) 33–50.

33. P. J. Waddell, Statistical Methods of Phylogenetic Analysis, IncludingHadamard Conjugations, LogDet Transforms, and Maximum Likeli-hood. PhD thesis, Massey University, New Zealand. (1996)

34. D. H. Huson, Analyzing Evolutionary Data with SplitsTree2: A Pro-gram for Analyzing and Visualizing Evolutionary Data, ftp::ftp.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/math/splits (1997)

35. M. Steel, M. D. Hendy, D. Penny, Reconstructing phylogenies fromnucleotide pattern probabilities: a survey and some new results, Disc.Appl. Math. 88 (1998) 367–396.

36. S. N. Evans, X. W. Zhou, Constructing and counting phylogeneticinvariants, J. Comput. Biol. 5 (4)(1998), 713–724.

34./ L. A. Szekely, P. L. Erdos, M. A. Steel and D. Penny, A Fourierinversion formula for evolutionary trees, Appl. Math. Letters6(1993) (2), 13–17.


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7. M.D. Hendy - S. Snir: Hadamard conjugation for the Kimura 3STmodel: Combinatorial proof using path sets Source: IEEE-ACM TRANS-ACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFOR-MATICS Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: 461-471 Published: JUL-SEP2008

8. M.D. Hendy: Hademard conjugation: an analytical tool for phyloge-netics, in Mathematics of evolution & phylogeny (ed. O. Gascuel)Oxford Univ. Press (2004), 143–177.

9. P.D. Jarvis - J.D. Bashford - J.G. Sumner: Path integral formulation ofphylogenetic branching processes, preprint arXiv:q-bio.PE/0411047v1 27 Nov (2004), 1–21.

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45./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, Book em-beddings and crossing numbers, in: Graph-Theoretic Conceptsin Computer Science Proc. 20th Intnl. Workshop WG’94, ed.J. van Leeuwen, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 903,


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Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1995, 256–268 (Also published as: Bookembeddings and crossing numbers, J. Graph Theory 21(1996)(4),413–424.)


1. LETICIA RODRIGUES BUENO, Sobre reducao de cruzamentos dearestas em desenho linear, Master Thesis, 2005, Maringa, PR.

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3. Bansal, R.; Srivastava, K.; Shweta; Varshney, K.; Sharma, N.; Anevolutionary algorithm for the 2-page crossing number problem, vo-lutionary Computation, 2008. CEC 2008. (IEEE World Congress onComputational Intelligence). IEEE Congress on Issue Date: 1-6 June2008 On page(s): 1095 - 1102 Location: Hong Kong Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-1822-0

4. Hongmei. He, Ondrej. Sykora, A Hopfield Neural Network Model forthe Outerplanar Drawing Problem, IAENG International Journal ofComputer Science, 32:4, IJCS 32 4 17

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11. He HM, Sykora O, Makinen E An improved neural network model forthe two-page crossing number problem IEEE TRANSACTIONS ONNEURAL NETWORKS 17 (6): 1642-1646 NOV 2006

12. He HM, Sykora O, Makinen E Genetic algorithms for the 2-page bookdrawing problem of graphs JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS 13 (1): 77-93FEB 2007


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19. W Winterbach, The crossing number of a graph in the plane, MSc (Ap-plied Mathematics: Graph Theory) Thesis, University of Stellenbosch,2004.

20. Fulek R, He HM, Sykora O, et al. Outerplanar crossing, numbers of3-row meshes, Halin graphs and complete p-partite graphs LECTURENOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3381: 376-379 2005

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29. D. Bergstrand, A. Woo, The outer crossing number of a graph: a newparameter with results for Km,n, Technical Report, Rollins College,1997.

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32. L. Stacho, I. Vrto, Bisection width of transposition graphs, DiscreteAppl. Math. 84 (1998), 221–235.

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12. P Dankelmann, A note on MAD spanning trees J. Combin. Math.Combin. Comput, 2000

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1. P. Bonsma, Matching-cuts and Leafy Trees in Graphs 2006

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5. DR Wood, JA Telle, Planar Decompositions and the Crossing Numberof Graphs with an Excluded Minor New York J. Math 13(2007), 117–146.

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4. Daniel NΘ Coore, Botanical ComputingΘ A Developmental Approachto Generating Interconnect Topologies on an Amorphous Computer,PhD Thesis, MIT, 1999.


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5. The minor crosssing number of graphs with an excluded minor Au-thor(s): Bokal D, Fijavz G, Wood DR Source: ELECTRONIC JOUR-NAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Article Number:R4 Published: JAN 1 2008

6. DR Wood, JA Telle, Planar Decompositions and the Crossing Numberof Graphs with an Excluded Minor New York J. Math 13(2007), 117–146.

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10. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

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2. A. Liebers, Methods for planarizing graphs — a survey and annotatedbibliography, Konstanzer Schriften in Mathematik und Informatik12 (1996).

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4. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

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21. Elekes G, Simonovits M, Szabo E, A Combinatorial Distinction Be-tween Unit Circles and Straight Lines: How Many Coincidences Canthey Have? COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING 18(2009) Issue: 5 691-705

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31. K. J. Swanepoel, UNIT DISTANCES AND DIAMETERS IN EU-CLIDEAN SPACES Discrete Comput. Geom. 41 (2009) 1-27.

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33. M. Sharir, Arrangements in Geometry: Recent Advances and Chal-lenges LNCS 4698, Springer 2007, 12-16.

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36. PK Agarwal, R Apfelbaum, G Purdy, M Sharir, Similar simplices in ad-dimensional point set Proceedings of the twenty-third annual sym-posium on , 2007.

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59. J Solymosi Ramsey-type resultson planar geometric objects, Ph.D.Thesis, ETHZ.

60. J. Matousek, Lectures on Discrete Geometry, Springer-Verlag, 2002.

61. Alon, N., Last, H., Pinchasi, R., Sharir, M. On the Complexity ofArrangements of Circles in the Plane, Discrete Comput Geom 26:465-492 (2001)

62. J. Solymosi, Dense arrangements are locally very dense I SIAM JOUR-NAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 20 (3): 623-627 2006

63. Michiel Smid, Planar Graphs, Euler’s Formula, Crossing Numbers,Point-Line Incidences, and Unit-Distances, Carleton University.

64. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

65. S. Smorodinsky, Combinatorial Problems in Computational Geometry,Ph. D. Thesis, Tel-Aviv University, 2003.

66. P. K. Agarwal, E. Nevo, J. Pach, R. Pinchasi, M. Sharir, S. Smorodin-sky, Lenses in arrangements of pseudo-circles and their applications,Journal of the ACM, 2004, 51 (2), pp. 139-186

67. A Iosevich, H Jorati, I Laba, Geometric incidence theorems via Fourieranalysis, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATI-CAL SOCIETY 361(2009)Issue: 12 6595-6611.

68. I. Laba, FROM HARMONIC ANALYSIS TO ARITHMETIC COM-BINATORICS, Bulletin (new series) of the AMS 45 (1): 77-115 2008


Page 55: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

69. G. Elekes, Csaba D. Toth, Incidences of not-too-degenerate hyper-planes, Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry archive Pro-ceedings of the twenty-first annual symposium on Computational ge-ometry table of contents Pisa, Italy SESSION: Combinatorial geome-try table of contents Pages: 16 - 21 Year of Publication: 2005 ISBN:1-58113-991-8

70. Pach J, Radoicic R, Vondrak J Nearly equal distances and Szemeredi’sregularity lemma COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY-THEORY ANDAPPLICATIONS 34 (1): 11-19 APR 2006

71. Iosevich A, Konyagin S, Rudnev M, et al. Combinatorial complexityof convex sequences DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY35 (1): 143-158 JAN 2006

72. M.Rudnev, Szemeredi-Trotter theorem and applications, Post-Graduatelectures in Bristol, 2004.

73. J. Pach, R. Radoicic. J. Vondrak, On the diameter of separated pointsets in R3 with many nearly equal distances EUROPEAN JOURNALOF COMBINATORICS 27 (8): 1321-1332 NOV 2006

74. J. Solymosi, Csaba D. Toth, On distinct distances in homogeneoussets in the Euclidean space Discrete and Computational Geometry, 35(2006) 537-549

75. J. Pach, G. Tardos, Forbidden patterns and unit distances, AnnualSymposium on Computational Geometry archive Proceedings of thetwenty-first annual symposium on Computational geometry table ofcontents Pisa, Italy SESSION: Combinatorial geometry table of con-tents Pages: 1 - 9 Year of Publication: 2005 ISBN:1-58113-991-8

76. J. Pach, G. Tardos, Forbidden paths and cycles in ordered graphs andmatrices ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 155: 359-380 2006

77. Mathematics Encyclopedia and Lessons,http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Crossing number#Crossing numbers in graph theory

78. Jacob E. Goodman, Pseudoline arrangments in: , Handbook of Dis-crete and Computational Geometry By Jacob E. Goodman, JosephO’Rourke,

79. Agarwal PK, Sharir M Pseudo-line arrangements: Duality, algorithms,and applications SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING 34 (3): 526-5522005

80. E. D. Deamaine, J. S. B. Mitchell, J. O’Rourke, The Open ProblemsProject, pp. 1–69.

81. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry,2005, 499 pages.

82. Akutsu T Algorithms for point set matching with k-differences LEC-TURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3106: 249-258 2004

83. Stefan Felsner, Geometric Graphs and Arrangements, Some Chap-ters from Combinatorial Geometry, Advanced Lectures in Mathemat-ics, Vieweg & Sohn Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2004.


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84. Alex Iosevich, Fourier Analysis and Geometric Combinatorics

85. Thomas Wolff, Recent work connected with the Kakeya problem, pp.43

86. Thomas Wolff, Lectures on Harmonic Analysis, 135 pages,

87. Aronov, B., Pach, J., Sharir, M., Tardos, G., Distinct distances in threeand higher dimensions, Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposiumon Theory of Computing, pp. 541-546

88. Aronov B, Pach J, Sharir M, et al. Distinct distances in three andhigher dimensions COMB PROBAB COMPUT 13 (3): 283-293 MAY2004

89. Sharir M, Welzl E Point-line incidences in space COMB PROBABCOMPUT 13 (2): 203-220 MAR 2004

90. Sharir M, Welzl E Point-line incidences in space The 18 th AnnualSymposium on Computational Geometry(SCG’02), 2002 pp. 107-111.

91. B. Montaron, An improvement of the crossing number bound, Journalof Graph Theory Volume 50, Issue 1 , (2005) Pages 43 - 54

92. Pach J, Radoicic R, Tardos G, et al. Improving the Crossing Lemmaby finding more crossings in sparse graphs DISCRETE & COMPU-TATIONAL GEOMETRY 36 (4): 527-552 DEC 2006

93. J. Pach, R. Radoicic, G. Tardos, G. Toth, Improving the crossinglemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs, Annual Symposiumon Computational Geometry archive Proceedings of the twentieth an-nual symposium on Computational geometry table of contents Brook-lyn, New York, USA SESSION: Session 3 table of contents Pages: 68- 75 Year of Publication: 2004 ISBN:1-58113-885-7

94. J. Solymosi, V. Vu, Near optimal bounds for the Erdos distinct dis-tance problem in high dimension, COMBINATORICA Volume: 28Issue: 1 Pages: 113-125 Published: 2008

95. K. J. Swanepoel, P. Valtr, The unit distance problem on spheres, in:Towards a Theory of Geometric Graphs, Contemporary Mathematics342, Amer. Math. Soc. 2004, 273–279,

96. J. Pach, M. Sharir, Geometric incidences, in: Towards a Theory ofGeometric Graphs, Contemporary Mathematics 342, Amer. Math.Soc. 2004, 185–223.

97. J. Pach, Preface, in: Towards a Theory of Geometric Graphs, Con-temporary Mathematics 342, Amer. Math. Soc. 2004, viii–xii.

98. Gavrilov M, Indyk P, Motwani R, et al. Combinatorial and experi-mental methods for approximate point pattern matching ALGORITH-MICA 38 (1): 59-90 JAN 2004

99. Bishnu A, Das S, Nandy SC, et al. An improved algorithm for pointset pattern matching under rigid motion LECT NOTES COMPUTSC 2653: 36-45 2003


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100. Noga Alon, Hagit Last, Rom Pinchasi, Micha Sharir, On The Com-plexity of Arrangements of Circles in the Plane, 2001 Discrete andComputanional Geometry 26 (4), pp. 465-492

101. Sharir M The Clarkson-Shor technique revisited and extended COMBPROBAB COMPUT 12 (2): 191-201 MAR 2003

102. Sharir M The Clarkson-Shor technique revisited and extended AnnualSymposium on Computational Geometry archive Proceedings of theseventeenth annual symposium on Computational geometry table ofcontents Medford, Massachusetts, United States Pages: 252 - 256 Yearof Publication: 2001 ISBN:1-58113-357-X

103. R. B. Richter, G. Salazar, A survey of good crossing number theoremsand questions,

104. J. Pach, G. Tardos, Isosceles triangles determined by a planar pointset, Graphs and Combinatorics 18 (4) (2002) 769–779.

105. A. Beygelzimer, S. Radziszowski, On halving line arrangements, Dis-crete Math. 257 (2-3) (2002), 267–283.

106. E. Makai, Jr., J. Pach, and J. Spencer, New results on the distributionof distances determined by separated point sets, in: Paul Erdos andhis Mathematics II, Bolyai Studies 11, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 499–511.

107. L. Lovasz and K. Vesztergombi, Geometric representations of graphs,in: Paul Erdos and his Mathematics II, Bolyai Studies 11, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 471–498.

108. G. Elekes, SUMS versus PRODUCTS in number theory, algebra, andErdos geometry, in: Paul Erdos and his Mathematics II, Bolyai Studies11, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 241–290.

109. B. Aronov, V. Koltun, M. Sharir, Incidences between points and circlesin three and higher dimension, DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONALGEOMETRY 33 (2): 185-206 FEB 2005

110. Aronov, B., Koltun, V., Sharir, M., Incidences between points andcircles in three and higher dimensions, 2002 Proceedings of the AnnualSymposium on Computational Geometry, pp. 116-122

111. M. Sharir, S. Smorodinsky, On generalized geometric graphs and pseu-dolines,

112. M. Sharir, S. Smorodinsky, Extremal configurations and levels in pseu-doline arrangements LECT NOTES COMPUT SC 2748: 127-139 2003

113. G. Tardos, On distinct sums and distinct distances ADV MATH 180(1): 275-289 DEC 1 2003

114. Solymosi J, Tardos G, Toth CD, The k most frequent distances in theplane DISCRETE COMPUT GEOM 28 (4): 639-648 DEC 2002

115. N. Alon, H. Last, R. Pinchasi, et al., On the complexity of arrange-ments of circles in the plane, Discrete and Computational Geometry26(4), 2001, 465–492.


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116. Boris Aronov, Micha Sharir, Cutting Circles into Pseudo-segments andImproved Bounds for Incidences, DISCRETE COMPUT GEOM 28(4): 475-490 DEC 2002.

117. Dan Halperin, Arrangements, Handbook of Discrete and Computa-tional Geometry, eds. Jacob E. Goodman and Joseph O’Rourke CRCPress, 1997.

118. Jiri Matousek, Mathematical snapshots from the computational ge-ometry landscape, ICM: Proceedings of the International Congress ofMathematicians

119. Jiri Matousek, Geometric set systems (1998) IEEE Symposium onFoundations of Computer Science

120. Piotr Indyk, Rajeev Motwani, Suresh Venkatasubramanian, GeometricMatching under Noise: Combinatorial Bounds and Algorithms

121. Pankaj K. Agarwal Micha Sharir, On the Number of Congruent Sim-plices in a Point Set, Discrete Comp. Geom. 28 (2002), 123–150.

122. Janos Pach, Micha Sharir, Radial Points in the Plane, Eur. J. Comb22 (6) (2001), 855–863.

123. Pankaj K. Agarwal Micha Sharir, On the Number of Congruent Sim-plices in a Point Set, Annual Symposium on Computational Geometryarchive Proceedings of the seventeenth annual symposium on Compu-tational geometry table of contents Medford, Massachusetts, UnitedStates Pages: 1 - 9 Year of Publication: 2001 ISBN:1-58113-357-X

124. J Solymosi, CD Toth On the distinct distances determined by a planarpoint set, Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry archiveProceedings of the seventeenth annual symposium on Computationalgeometry Medford, Massachusetts, United States Pages: 29 - 32 Yearof Publication: 2001 ISBN:1-58113-357-X

125. P. Brass, Combinatorial geometry problems in pattern matching, DIS-CRETE COMPUT GEOM 28 (4): 495-510 DEC 2002.

126. B. Aronov, T. K. Dey, Polytopes in arrangements, Disc. Comp.Geom. 25 (1) (2001), 51–63.

127. N. Alon, Algebraic and probabilistic methods in discrete mathematics,Geom. Func. Anal. 455–470, Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI2000.

128. J. Solymosi and Cs. D. Toth, Different distances in the plane, Disc.Comp. Geom. 25 (4) (2001), 629–634.

129. J. Solymosi and Cs. D. Toth, The k most frequent distances in theplane, submitted.

130. J. Pach, J. Spencer, and G. Toth, New bounds on crossing numbers,Discrete Comp. Geom. 24 4 (2000), 623–644.

131. G. Elekes, M. B. Nathanson, I. Z. Ruzsa, Convexity and sumsets, J.Number Theory 83 (2) (2000), 194–201.

132. D. B. West, Introductions to Graph Theory, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2001.


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133. J. Pach, Crossing numbers, in: Discrete and Computational Geom-etry Japanese Conference JCDCG’98, Tokyo, Japan, December 1998,eds. J. Akiyama, M. Kano, M. Urabe, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience Vol. 1763, 267–273, 2000.

134. MR 99j:11022 (Reviewer: Vsevolod F. Lev) Chen, Yong-Gao On sumsand products of integers. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999), no. 7,1927–1933. (Reviewer: Vsevolod F. Lev)

135. J. Erickson, Space-time tradeoffs or emptiness queries, SIAM J. Com-put 29 (6) (2000), 1968–1996.

136. Cs. Toth, The complex Szemeredi-Trotter theorem, submitted.

137. G. Elekes, L. Ronyai, A combinatorial problem on polynomials andrational functions, J. Comb. Theory A 89 (2000), 1-20.

138. B. M. Abrego and S. Fernandez-Merchant, On the maximum numberof equilateral triangles, I Discrete and Comp. Geometry 23 (1)(2000), 129–135.

139. J. Pach, Finite point configurations, Chapter 1 in Handbook of Dis-crete and Computational Geometry, ed. Goodman and O’Rourke,CRC press, 1997.

140. J. Pach, Geometric Graph Theory, Chapter 10 in Handbook of Dis-crete and Computational Geometry, ed. Goodman and O’Rourke,CRC press, 1997.

141. J. Pach, J. Spencer, and G. Toth, New bounds on crossing numbers,15th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1999, 124–133.

142. Suresh Venkatasubramanian, GEOMETRIC SHAPE MATCHING ANDDRUG DESIGN, Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford, 1999.

143. Pach, J., Geometric graph theory. Surveys in combinatorics, 1999(Canterbury), 167–200, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 267,Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1999.

144. A. Granville, F. Roesler, The set of differences of a given set, Amer.Math. Monthly 106 (4) (1999), 338–344.

145. P. Erdos, On some of my favourite theorems, in: Combinatorics,Paul Erdos is Eighty (Vol. 2) Keszthely, Hungary, 1993, eds. D.Miklos, Vera T. Sos, T. Szonyi, 1996, Bolyai Society MathematicalStudies 2, 97–132.

146. J. Pach, M. Sharir, On the number of incidences between points andcurves, Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing 7 (1998), 121–127.

147. J. Pach, G. Toth, Graphs drawn with few crossings per edge, Proc.Symposium on Graph Drawing ’95, Berkeley, CA, USA, September1996, ed. Stephen North, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1190,Springer Verlag, Berlin, 345–354.

148. T. K. Dey, and J. Pach, Extremal problems for geometric hypergraphs,Lexture Notes in Computer Science 1178 Springer-Verlag, 1996, 105–114.


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149. J. Pach, G. Toth, Graphs drawn with few crossings per edge, Combi-natorica 17(1998)(3), 427–439.

150. T. K. Dey, and J. Pach, Extremal problems for geometric hypergraphs,Disc. Comput. Geom. 19 (1998), 473–484.

151. G. Elekes, On the number of sums and products, Acta Arithm. 81(1997)(4), 365–367.

152. B. Bollobas, To prove and conjecture: Paul Erdos and his mathemat-ics, Amer. Math. Monthly 105(1998) (3), 209–237.

153. L. Babai, Paul Erdos (1913–1996) His influence on the theory of com-puting, 29th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, 383–400, 1997.

154. L. Babai, J. Spencer, Paul Erdos Notices Amer. Math. Soc 45(1998) (1) 64–73.

155. P. Brass, On point sets with many unit distances in few directions,Discrete Comput. Geom. 19(1998)(3), 355–366.

156. T. Dey, Improved bounds for planar k-sets and related problems, Dis-crete Comput. Geom. 19(1998)(3), 373–382.

157. T. Dey, Improved bounds for planar k-sets and related problems, IEEESymposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1997

158. T. Akutsu, H. Tamaki, T. Tokuyama, Distribution of distances andtriangles in a point set and algorithms for computing the largest com-mon point sets, Discrete Comput. Geom. 20(1998) (3), 307–331.

159. T. Akutsu, H. Tamaki, T. Tokuyama, Distribution of distances and tri-angles in a point set and algorithms for computing the largest commonpoint sets, Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry archiveProceedings of the thirteenth annual symposium on Computationalgeometry, Nice, France Pages: 314 - 323 Year of Publication: 1997ISBN:0-89791-878-9

160. M. Aigner, G. M. Ziegler, Proofs from the Book, Springer-Verlag,1998.

161. B. Bollobas, Paul Erdos and probability theory, Random Structuresand Algorithms 13(3-4) (1998), 521–533.

162. K. J. Swanepoel, Cardinalities of k-distance sets in Minkowski spaces,Discrete Math. 198 (1999), 759–767.

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2. Hamed, Mahe Ben, Wang, Feng, Stuck in the forest: Trees, networksand Chinese dialects, Diachronica, Volume 23, Number 1, 2006 , pp.29-60(32)

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9. Gang Wu - Jia-Huai You - Guohui Lin: A lookahead branch-and-bound algorithm for the Maximum Quartet Consistency Problem, Al-gorithms in Bioinf. LNCS 3602 3692 LNBI (2005), 65–76.

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12. Tao Liu - Jijun Tang - B.M.E. Moret: Quartet-based phylogeny re-construction from gene orders, COCOON ’05 August 16-19, Kun-ming, Yunnan, Chine (2005), LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTERSCIENCE 3595: 63-73 2005.

13. Salamin N, Hodkinson TR, Savolainen V Towards building the Treeof Life: A simulation study for all angiosperm genera SYSTEMATICBIOLOGY 54 (2): 183-196 APR 2005


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14. J. Felsenstein, Inferring Phylogenies, Sinauer Associates, 2004.

15. L. A. Salter, Algorithms for Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction (2000)METMBS’00: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CON-FERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND ENGINEERING TECHNIQUESIN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, VOLS I AND II;2000; p.459-465 Conference: International Conference on Mathemat-ics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences(METMBS 00); June 26-29, 2000; LAS VEGAS, NEVADA

16. Daniel Huson, Scott Nettles, Laxmi Parida, Tandy Warnow, ShibuYooseph, The Disk-Covering Method for Tree Reconstruction (1998)Proceedings of Proc. “Algorithms and Experiments”, (ALEX‘98),Trento, Italy (1998), 62–75.

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3. B Mohar, Do We Really Understand the Crossing Numbers? Mathe-matical Foundations of Computer Science 2010 Lecture Notes in Com-puter Science, 2010, Volume 6281/2010, 38-41, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15155-2 5

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8. Djidjev, H; Vrto, I An improved lower bound for crossing numbersLECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE; 2002; v.2265, p.96-101 (Conference: 9th International Symposium on Graph Drawing(GD 2001); September 23-26, 2001; VIENNA, AUSTRIA)

9. L Faria, CHM Figueiredo, O Sykora, I Vrt’o, An Improved UpperBound on the Crossing Number of the Hypercube, Proc. 29th Intl.Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 230 -236 Volume 2880 / 2003.

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3. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry,2005, 499 pages.

4. Van Dam ER The combinatorics of Dom de Caen DESIGNS CODESAND CRYPTOGRAPHY 34 (2-3): 137-148 FEB-MAR 2005


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5. T. Lam, A result on 2k-cycle-free bipartite graphs, submitted

6. J. A. Bondy, Extremal problems of Paul Erdos on circuits in graphs,in: Paul Erdos and his Mathematics II, Bolyai Studies 11, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 135–156.

7. S. Hoory, The size of bipartite graphs with a given girth, J. Comb.TheoryB 86 (2) (2002), 215–220.

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58./ L. H. Clark, J. E. McCanna, L. A. Szekely, A survey of countingbicoloured trees, Bull. Inst. Combin. Appl. 21(1997), 33–45.


1. N. Dershowitz and S. Zaks, Up and down young and old, new andeven, manuscript

2. Chunlin Liu, RNA secondary structures and bicoloured ordered trees(2006) Ars Combinatoria, 81, pp. 305-309.

3. Y. Lin, C. Liu, Enumeration for spanning forests of complete bipartitegraphs Ars Combin. 70 (2004), 135–138.

59./ P. L. Erdos and L. A. Szekely, Pseudo-LYM inequalities and AZidentities, Adv. Appl. Math. 19 (1997), pp. 431443.


1. Tran Dan Thu, An AZ-style identity and Bollobas deficiency, Journalof Combinatorial Theory, Series A Volume 114, Issue 8, November2007, Pages 1504-1514

60./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, Crossingnumbers of Cm × Cn and other families of curves, Discrete andComp. Geometry 19 (1998), 237–247.


1. Zheng WP, Lin XH, Yang YS, et al. On the crossing number of K-msquare P-n GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS 23 (3): 327-336 JUN2007

2. Klesc M, Kocurova A The crossing numbers of products of 5-vertexgraphs with cycles DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 307 (11-12): 1395-1403 Sp. Iss. SI MAY 28 2007

3. De Mendonca, C.F.X., Xavier, E.F., Stolfi, J., Faria, L., De Figueiredo,C.M.H., The non planar vertex deletion of Cn x Cm, Ars Combinatoria76, pp. 3-28

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5. Salazar G, Ugalde E An improved bound for the crossing number ofC(m)xC(n): a self-contained proof using mostly combinatorial argu-ments GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS 20 (2): 247-253 JUN 2004

6. de Mendonca CFX, Xavier EF, Stolfi J, et al. The non planar vertexdeletion of C-n x C-m ARS COMBINATORIA 76: 3-28 JUL 2005

7. A. Riskin, on the nonembeddability and crossing numbers of someKleinical polyhedral maps on the torus Graphs and Combinatorics21 (1): 131-135 MAR 2005

8. D. Mubayi, Intersecting curves in the plane, Graphs and Combina-torics18 (3)(2002) 583–589.

9. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

10. A. Foley, R. Krieger, A. Riskin, and I. Stanton, The crossing numbersof some twisted toroidal graphs, Bull. ICA 36 (2002) 80–88.

11. H. A. Juarez, G. Salazar, Optimal meshes of curves in the Klein bottle,JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B; MAY 2003;v.88, no.1, p.185-188.

12. H. A. Juarez, G. Salazar, Drawings of Cm×Cn with one disjoint familyII, J. Comb. Theory 36 (3) (2001), 161–165.

13. L. Y. Glebsky and G. Salazar, The conjecture Cm×Cn is as conjecturedfor all n ≥ m(m+1), JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY 47 (1): 53-72SEP 2004

14. E. Garcia-Moreno, G. Salazar, Bounding the crossing number of agraph in terms of the crossing number of a minor with small maximumdegree, J. Graph Theory 36 (3) (2001), 168–173.

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16. G. Salazar, Small meshes of curves and their role in the analysis ofoptimal meshes, Discrete Math. 263(1-3) (2003),233–246.

61./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely, I. Vrto, Bipartite crossingnumbers of meshes and hypercubes, Proc. 5th Int l. Symposiumon Graph Drawing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1353,Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1997, 37–46.


1. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

2. S. L. Bezrukov, Edge isoperimetric problems on graphs, Technical Re-port, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Uni. Paderborn,1997.

62./ P. L. Erdos, A. Frank, and L. A. Szekely, Minimum multiwaycuts in trees, Discrete Appl. Math. 87 (1998), 67–75.


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1. Nagamochi H Algorithms for the minimum partitioning problems ingraphs ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN PARTIII-FUNDAMENTAL ELECTRONIC SCIENCE 90 (10): 63-78 2007

2. ALESSIO CAMPISANO, LUCA CITTADINI, GIUSEPPE DI BAT-TISTA, TIZIANA REFICE, CLAUDIO SASSO, Update-driven rootcause analysis in interdomain routing, Universita degli Studi di RomaTre


4. Chandra Chekuri, Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, On bidirected relax-ation for the multiway cut problem Disc. Appl. Math 150 (2005),67-79.

63./ Erdos-Ko-Rado and Hilton-Milner type theorems for intersectingchains in posets, Combinatorica, 20(1) (2000) 27–45. (with A.Seress and P. L. Erdos).


1. F. Brunk, Intersection problems in combinatorics, Ph.D. Thesis, St.Andrews University, 2008.

2. P.A. Carey - A.P. Godbole: Partial Covering Arrays and a Gener-alized Erdos-Ko-Rado Property, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIALDESIGNS 18(3) (2010) 155–166.

3. Peter Borg and Fred Holroyd, The Erdos-Ko-Rado properties of var-ious graphs containing singletons, Discrete Mathematics Volume 309,Issue 9, 6 May 2009, Pages 2877-2885

4. Borg P, Holroyd F The Erdos-Ko-Rado properties of set systems de-fined by double partitions, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Volume: 309Issue: 14 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 4754-4761 Published: JUL28 2009

5. Holroyd F, Talbot J Graphs with the Erdos-Ko-Rado property DIS-CRETE MATHEMATICS 293 (1-3): 165-176 Sp. Iss. SI APR 6 2005

6. Eva Czabarka, Intersecting chains in finite vector spaces, Combina-torics, Probability and Computing, 8 (1999), 509–528.

7. Eva Czabarka, Shifting technique in finite vector spaces, Ph.D. Thesis,University of South Carolina, Columbia, 1998.

64./ P. L. Erdos, M. A. Steel, L. A. Szekely, and T. J. Warnow, Con-structing big trees from short sequences, ICALP’97, 24th Inter-national Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming(Silver Jubilee of EATCS), Bologna, Italy, July 7th–11th, 1997,Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 1256, Springer-Verlag,1997, 827–837.


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1. Ionescu T, Polaillon G, Boulanger F, Minimum Tree Cost QuartetPuzzling, JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION 27(2)(2010) 136–157

2. M. Tarawneh: A novel quartet-based method for inferring evolution-ary trees from molecular data, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sidney(2008), 1–151.

3. Short quartet puzzling: A new quartet-based phylogeny reconstructionalgorithm Author(s): Snir S, Warnow T, Rao S Source: JOURNALOF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Pages: 91-103 Published: JAN 2008

4. Gang Wu - M-Y. Kao - Guohui Lin - J-H. You: Reconstructing phy-logenies from noisy quartets in polynomial time with a high successprobability, Algorithms for Mol. Biol. 3:1 (2008), 1–10.

5. Wu G, You JH, Lin GH Quartet-based phylogeny reconstruction withanswer set programming IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COM-PUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS 4 (1): 139-152JAN-MAR 2007

6. Wu, G., Lin, G., You, J.-H. Quartet based phylogeny reconstructionwith answer set programming (2004) Proceedings - International Con-ference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI, pp. 612-619.

7. P. Kearney, Phylogenetics and the quartet method, in: Current Top-ics in Computational Molecular Biology By Tao (EDT) Jiang, Ying(EDT) Xu, Michael Q. (EDT) Zhang, 2002, 111–134.

8. B.B. Zhou - D. Chu - M. Tarawneh - P. Wang- C. Wang - A. Zamoya- R.P. Brent: Paralell implementation of a quartet-based algorithmfor phylogenetic analysis, Online Proc. Fifth IEEE Workshop onHigh Performance Computational Biology (HICOMB06) (2006),1–8. (to appear in IEEE Bioinf.)

9. B. B. Zhou, M. Tarawneh, D. Chu, P. Wang, C. Wang, A. Zomaya,and R. P. Brent, On a New Quartet-Based Phylogeny ReconstructionAlgorithm, Proceedings ofthe 2006 International Conference on , 2006

10. B.B. Zhou - M. Tarawneh - C. Wang - A. Zamoya - R.P. Brent: A novelquartet-based method for phylogenetic inference, Proc. Fifth IEEESymposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE05) (2005),32–39.

11. M. Hu - P. Kearney - J.H. Badger: A Collapsing Method for theEfficient Recovery of Optimal Edges in Phylogenetic Trees, Int. J.Artificial Intelligence Tools 14 (2005), 717–731.

12. AWM Dress, PL Erdoes, X-Trees and Weighted Quartet Systems, An-nals of Combinatorics, 7 (2003) 155 - 169.

13. Jonathan Badger, Paul Kearney, Ming Li, John Tsang, Tao Jiang,Selecting the branches for an evolutionary tree: a polynomial timeapproximation scheme, Journal of Algorithms Volume 51 , Issue 1(April 2004) Pages: 1 - 14 Year of Publication: 2004 ISSN:0196-6774


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14. G Della Vedova, Multiple Sequence Alignment and Phylogenetic Re-construction: Theory and Methods in Biological Data Analysis, Ph.D.Thesis, Universit‘a degli Studi di Milano.

15. Tao Liu - Jijun Tang - B.M.E. Moret: Quartet-based phylogeny recon-struction from gene orders, COCOON ’05 August 16-19, Kunming,Yunnan, Chine (2005), 237–241.

16. Gang Wu - Guohui Lin - Jia-Huai You: Quartet Based PhylogenyReconstruction with Answer Set Programming, in 16th IEEE Int.Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’04) (2004),612–619.

17. Gang Wu, Guohui Lin, J. You, and X. Wu. Faster Solution to theMaximum Quartet Consistency Problem with Constrained Program-ming. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2005).January 17-21, 2005, Singapore. Accepted on August 27, 2004.

18. Damon Shing-Min Liu, Che-Hao Wu, An effective approach for con-structing the phylogenetic tree on a grid-based architecture, Proceed-ings - Fourth IEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering,BIBE 2004, pp. 134-141

19. Gascuel O, McKenzie A Performance analysis of hierarchical clusteringalgorithms J CLASSIF 21 (1): 3-18 2004

20. J. Felsenstein, Inferring Phylogenies, Sinauer Associates, 2004.

21. Monika Rauch Henzinger, Valerie King, Tandy Warnow, Constructinga Tree from Homeomorphic Subtrees, with Applications to Computa-tional Evolutionary Biology 1999 Algorithmica (New York) 24 (1), pp.1-13

22. D. Pelleg: Algorithms for constructing phylogenies from quartets,Master Thesis, Technion, Haifa, Israel (1998), 1–30.

23. M. Hu: A Collapsing Method for the Efficient Recovery of OptimalEdges in Phylogenetic Trees, Master Thesis, University of Waterloo(2001), 1–106.

24. P. Bonizzoni - G.D. Vedova - G. Mauri: Approximating the maximumisomorphic agreement subtree is hard, Int. J. Found. Comp. Sci 11(2000), 579–590.

25. J.A.A. Nylander: Taxonomic sampling in phylogenetic analysis: Prob-lems and strategies reviewed. Introductory Research Essay No. 1.Department of Systematic Zoology, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Up-psala University. (2001), 1–28.

26. M. Hu - P. Kearney - J.H. Badger: A Collapsing Method for theEfficient Recovery of Optimal Edges in Phylogenetic Trees, 3rd IEEESymposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, March 10-12,2003, Bethesda MD, USA (BIBE’03) 95–106.

27. Vedova, G.D., Wareham, H.T., Optimal algorithms for local vertexquartet cleaning, 2002 Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on AppliedComputing, pp. 173-177


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28. Vedova GD, Wareham HT Optimal algorithms for local vertex quartetcleaning BIOINFORMATICS 18 (10): 1297-1304 OCT 2002

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30. Tao Jiang - P. Kearney - Ming Li: A polynomial time approximationscheme for inferring evolutionary trees from quartet topologies and itsapplication, submitted (2001), 1–20.SIAM J COMPUT, 2001

31. J.H. Badger - P. Kearney: Picking fruit from the Tree of Life, Proc.16th ACM Symp. Appl. Comp (SAC), Las Vegas, March 11-14,(2001), 61–67.

32. J. Kim - T. Warnow: Tutorial on phylogenetic tree estimation, inISMB’99, 7th Conf. Intell. Systems for Molecular Biology, Au-gust 6-10, Heidelberg, Germany, Tutorial Section, (1999), 1–29.

33. J. Gramm - R. Niedermeier: Minimum quartet inconsistency is fixedparameter tractable, Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute fur InformatikWSI-2001-3 (2001), 1–29.

34. V. Ranwez, O. Gascuel, Quartet based phylogenetic inference: im-provements and limits, Mol. Biol. Evol. 18 (6) 2001, 1103–1116.

35. M. Shpak, G. A. Churchill, The information content of a characterunder a Markov model of evolution, Mol. Phyl. Evol. 17 (2000),231–243.

36. V. Berry - O. Gascuel: Inferring evolutionary trees with strong com-binatorial evidence, Theor. Comp. Sci. 240 (2000), 271–298.

37. M. Csuros: Reconstructing Phylogenies in Markov Models of SequenceEvolution, Ph.D. Thesis Yale University, (2000), 1–232.

38. Haoyong Zhang: Design, implementation and analysis of a novel quartet-based phylogenetic reconstruction method, Thesis for MS in Com-puter Sci. University of Waterloo, Canada (2000) 1–86.

39. V. Berry, D. Bryant, T. Jiang, P. Kearney, Ming Li, T. Wareham,Haoyong Zhang: A practical algorithm for recovering the best sup-ported edges of an evolutionary tree (Extended abstract), ACM Symp.on Discrete Algorithms SODA2000 (2000), 287–296.

40. O. Gascuel, On the optimization principle in phylogenetic analysisand the minimum-evolution criterion, Mol. Biol. Evol. 17(3)(2000),401–405.

41. Susan P. Holmes, Phylogenies: An overview, Statistics and Genetics,(ed. Halloran and Geisser), IMA series, vol 112, Springer Verlag, NY,81–119.

42. D. H. Huson, S. M. Nettles, and T. J. Warnow, Disk-covering, a fast-converging method for phylogenetic tree reconstruction, J. Comp.Biol. 6 (3–4) (1999), 369–386.


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43. V. Berry and D. Bryant, Faster reliable phylogenetic analysis, RE-COMB’99 Lyon, France (1999), 59–68.

44. V. Berry, Tao Jiang, P. Kearney, Ming Li, T. Wareham, Quartet clean-ing: improved algorithms and simulations, Algorithms – ESA’99,7th annual European symposium Prague, Chezh Rep. Lect. NotesComp. Sci 1643 (1999), 313–324. (1999).

45. V. Berry, An improved polynomial time algorithm for computing therefined Buneman tree, Preprint CS-RR-342, Warwick University, (1998),1–11. http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/pub/reports/rr/

46. A. Ben-Dor, B. Chor, D. Graur, R. Ophir, D. Pelleg: Constructingphylogenies from quartets: elucidation of Eutherian superordinal rela-tionships, J. Comp. Biol. 5 (1998), 377–390.

47. V. Berry, O. Gascuel, Inferring evolutionary trees with strong com-binatorial evidence, Computing and Combinatorics, Third AnnualInternational Conference, COCOON ’97, Shanghai, China, Au-gust 1997, COCOON’97 Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.1276, Springer-Verlag 111–123.

48. K. Rice, T. Warnow, Parsimony is hard to beat, Computing andCombinatorics, Third Annual International Conference, COCOON’97, Shanghai, China, August 1997, COCOON’97 Lecture Notesin Computer Science Vol. 1276, Springer-Verlag 124–133.

49. T. Warnow, Some combinatorial optimization problems in phyloge-netics, in: Graph Theory and Combinatorial Biology, L. Lovaszet. al., eds. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 7, Janos BolyaiMathematical Society, Budapest, 1999, 363–413.

50. A. Ambainis, R. Desper, M. Farach, S. Kannan, Nearly tight boundson the learnability of evolution, Proc. 38th IEEE Conference onFoundations of Computer Science (FOCS’97), 1997, 524–533.

51. M. Bonet, M. Steel, T. Warnow, S. Yooseph, Better methods for solv-ing parsimony and compatibility, J. Comp. Biol. 5(3) (1998), 391–407.

52. D. Huson, S. Nettles, K. Rice, T. Warnow, S. Yooseph: Hybrid tree re-construction methods, 2nd Workshop on Algorithmic Engineering(WAE’98), Saarbrucken, Germany (1998),

53. D. Huson, S. Nettles, K. Rice, T. Warnow, S. Yooseph: Hybrid treereconstruction methods, ACM J. Exp. Alg 4 (1998), Articel 5.

54. M. Bonet, M. Steel, T. Warnow, S. Yooseph, Better methods for solv-ing parsimony and compatibility, (extended abstarct) RECOMB 98New York (1998), 40–49.

55. P.E. Kearney: The Ordinal Quartet Method, (extended abstarct) RE-COMB 98 New York (1998), 125-133.

56. B. Chor: From quartets to phylogenetic trees, SOFSEM’98: The-ory and Practice of Informatics, B. Rovan, ed. Lecture Notes inComputer Science 1521, pp. 36–53, Springer-Verlag, 1998.


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57. Tao Jiang - P. Kearney - Ming Li: Orchestrating quartets: approxima-tion and data correction, FOCS’98 Proceedings of the 39th AnnualIEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (1998),

58. V. Berry, Methodes et algorithmes pour reconstruire les arbres del’Evolution, These de Doctorat, Universite de Montpellier II, 1997.

59. V. Berry, O. Gascuel, Reconstructing phylogenies from resolved 4-trees, Rapport de Recherche Universite Montpellier II, R. R. LIRM 97076.

60. D. Huson, S. Nettles, L. Parida, T. Warnow, S. Yooseph, The Disk-Covering Method for Tree Reconstruction, Proceedings of “Algorithmsand Experiments”, (ALEX‘98), Trento, 1998, 62–75.

61. Junhyong Kim, Large-scale phylogenies and measuring the perfor-mance of phylogenetic estimators, Syst. Biol. 47(1) (1998), 43–60.

62. M. Steel, M. D. Hendy, D. Penny, Reconstructing phylogenies fromnucleotide pattern probabilities: a survey and some new results, Disc.Appl. Math. 88 (1998) 367–396.

63. D. Huson, S. Nettles, T. Warnow, Obtaining highly accurate topol-ogy estimates of evolutionary trees from very short sequences, RE-COMB’99 Lyon, France (1999), 198–207.

64. D. Bryant, M. Steel, Fast algorithms for constructing optimal treesfrom quartets, Proc. Tenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium onDiscrete Algorithms, Baltimore, Maryland, 1999, 147–155.

65./ P. L. Erdos, M. A. Steel, L. A. Szekely, and T. J. Warnow, Afew logs suffice to build (almost) all trees I, Random Structuresand Algorithms 14(1999)(2) 153–184.


1. S Snir, L Pachter, Phylogenetic Profiling of Insertions and Deletionsin Vertebrate Genomes, esearch in Computational Molecular BiologyLecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, Volume 3909/2006, 265-280,

2. Constantinos Daskalakis and Sebastien Roch, Alignment-Free Phylo-genetic Reconstruction, Research in Computational Molecular BiologyLecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6044/2010, 123-137,


4. Mihaescu, Radu Horia, Distance methods for phylogeny reconstruc-tion, Ph.D. Thesis, 2008, University of California, Berkeley.

5. SJ Roch, Markov Models on Trees: Reconstruction and Applications,Ph.D. Thesis, 2007, University of California, Berkeley.

6. Maw-Shang Chang, Chuang-Chieh Lin and Peter Rossmanith, A Prop-erty Tester for Tree-Likeness of Quartet Topologies, Theory of Com-puting Systems DOI: 10.1007/s00224-010-9276-5


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7. J Chakerian, S Holmes, Computational Tools for Evaluating Phyloge-netic and Hierarchical Clustering Trees - Arxiv preprint arXiv:1006.1015,2010

8. Myung Jin Choi, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Animashree Anandkumar, AlanS. Willsky, Learning Latent Tree Graphical Models, arXiv:1009.2722v1[stat.ML] 14 Sep 2010

9. Ilan Gronau, Shlomo Moran, and Irad Yavneh, Adaptive DistanceMeasures for Resolving K2P Quartets: Metric Separation versus Stochas-tic Noise, Journal of Computational Biology 2010 doi:10.1089/cmb.2009.0236.

10. Humphries EM, Winker K, Working through polytomies: Auklets re-visited, MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 54(1)(2010)Pages: 88-96

11. Mossel E, Roch S, Incomplete Lineage Sorting: Consistent PhylogenyEstimation from Multiple Loci, IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ONCOMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS 7(1)(2010)166-171.

12. Gronau I, Moran S, Yavneh I, Towards optimal distance functionsfor stochastic substitution models, JOURNAL OF THEORETICALBIOLOGY 260(2)(2010) Pages: 294-307

13. Roch, S., Toward Extracting All Phylogenetic Information from Ma-trices of Evolutionary Distances, SCIENCE Volume: 327 (2010) Issue:5971 Pages: 1376-1379

14. Bhamidi S, Rajagopal R, Roch S, Network Delay Inference from Ad-ditive Metrics, RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS 37(2)(2010) 176–203

15. Chang MS, Lin CC, Rossmanith P, New Fixed-Parameter Algorithmsfor the Minimum Quartet Inconsistency Problem, THEORY OF COM-PUTING SYSTEMS 47(2)(2010) 342–367

16. Allman ES, Rhodes JA, Trees, Fast and Accurate, SCIENCE 327 Issue:5971 (2010) Pages: 1334-1335

17. Elias I, Lagergren J, Fast neighbor joining, THEORETICAL COM-PUTER SCIENCE Volume: 410 Issue: 21-23 Pages: 1993-2000 Pub-lished: MAY 17 2009

18. Soltis DE, Moore MJ, Burleigh G, et al, Molecular Markers and Con-cepts of Plant Evolutionary Relationships: Progress, Promise, andFuture Prospects, CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES Vol-ume: 28 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 1-15 Published: 2009

19. Mihaescu R, Levy D, Pachter L, Why Neighbor-Joining Works, AL-GORITHMICA Volume: 54 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-24 Published: MAY2009

20. Lacey MR, Calmes J, A Sharp Error Probability Estimate for theReconstruction of Phylogenetic Quartets by the Four-Point Method,JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Volume: 16 Issue: 3Pages: 443-456 Published: MAR 2009


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21. Willson SJ, Robustness of Topological Supertree Methods for Recon-ciling Dense Incompatible Data, IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ONCOMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS Volume:6 Issue: 1 Pages: 62-75 Published: JAN-MAR 2009

22. Mossel E, Roch S, Steel M, Shrinkage Effect in Ancestral MaximumLikelihood, IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONALBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 126-133 Published: JAN-MAR 2009

23. Steffen Klaere, Tanja Gesell, Arndt von Haeseler, The impact of singlesubstitutions on multiple sequence alignments, Phil. Trans. R. Soc.B Volume: 363 Issue: 1512 Pages: 4041-4047 Published: DEC 27 2008

24. C. Daskalakis - E. Mossel - S. Roch: Evolutionary Trees and the IsingModel on the Bethe Lattice: a Proof of Steels Conjecture, arXiv:math/0509575v2(2008), 1–34.

25. On the hardness of inferring phylogenies from triplet-dissimilaritiesAuthor(s): Gronau I, Moran S Source: THEORETICAL COMPUTERSCIENCE Volume: 389 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 44-55 Published: DEC 102007

26. Short quartet puzzling: A new quartet-based phylogeny reconstructionalgorithm Author(s): Snir S, Warnow T, Rao S Source: JOURNALOF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Pages: 91-103 Published: JAN 2008

27. Gang Wu - M-Y. Kao - Guohui Lin - J-H. You: Reconstructing phy-logenies from noisy quartets in polynomial time with a high successprobability, Algorithms for Mol. Biol. 3:1 (2008), 1–10.

28. C. Daskalakis - E. Mossel - S. Roch: Phylogenies without BranchBounds: Contracting the Short, Pruning the Deep, arXiv:0801.4190v1(2008), 1–19.

29. E. Mossel - S. Roch: Incomplete Lineage Sorting: Consistent Phy-logeny Estimation From Multiple Loci, arXiv:0710.0262v2 (2007),1–14.

30. Grunewald, S., Steel, M., Swenson, M.S. Closure operations in phylo-genetics (2007) Mathematical Biosciences, 208 (2), pp. 521-537.

31. M. R. Lacey, J. T. Tang, A signal-to-noise analysis of phylogeny es-timation by neighbor-joining: insufficiency of polynomial length se-quences, Math. Biosci. 199 (2006) 188-215.

32. Chor B, Hendy M, Penny D Analytic solutions for three taxon MLtrees with variable rates across sites DISCRETE APPLIED MATHE-MATICS 155 (6-7): 750-758 APR 1 2007

33. Maw-Shang Chang - Ling-Ju Hung - Chuang-Chieh Lin - P. Ross-manith A randomized fixed-parameter algorithm for the minimumquartet inconsistency problem, 24th Workshop on Comb. Math.and Comp. Theory CMCT’07 Nantou, Taiwan, April, (2007), 132–138.


Page 75: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

34. K. Sjolander: Phylogenetic inference in protein superfamilies: Analysisof SH2 domains, Proceedings ISMB’98 (ed. J. Glasgow et.al) (1998),165–174.

35. Claudine Levasseur, Francois-Joseph Lapointe, Total evidence, aver-age consensus and matrix representation with parsimony: what a dif-ference distances make, Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online 2006: 2249–253.

36. Snir S, Rao S Using max cut to enhance rooted trees consistency IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY ANDBIOINFORMATICS 3 (4): 323-333 OCT-DEC 2006

37. Cryan, M., Goldberg, L.A., Goldberg, P.W., Evolutionary trees canbe learned in polynomial time in the two-state general Markov model, SIAM Journal on Computing 31 (2), pp. 375-397

38. Wu G, You JH, Lin GH A polynomial time algorithm for the minimumquartet inconsistency problem with O(n) quartet errors INFORMA-TION PROCESSING LETTERS 100 (4): 167-171 NOV 30 2006

39. Mossel E, Roch S Learning nonsingular phylogenies and hidden Markovmodels ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY 16 (2): 583-614 MAY2006

40. T. Warnow: Large-scale phylogenetic reconstruction, in Handbook ofComputational Biology (S. Aluru (editor)), Chapman & Hall, CRCComputer and Information Science Series, (2005), 1–24.

41. D. Adkins - C. Daskalakis - C. Hill - A, Jaffe - R.H. Mihaescu - E.Mossel - S. Rao: MST-based framework for sequence based Tree re-construction, to appear (2005), 1–7.

42. R. Mihaescu - D. Levy - L. Pachter: Why neighbor-joining works,arXiv:cs.DS/0602041 (2006), 1–16.

43. S. Snir - T. Warnow - S. Rao: Quartets MaxCut: A new quartet-basedphylogeny reconstruction algorithm, Bioinformatics (2006), 1–14.

44. U. Roshan: Algorithmic techniques for improving the speed and ac-curacy of phylogenetic methods, Ph.D Thesis, University Texas atAustin (2004) 1–256.

45. S. Bocker: From subtrees to supertrees, Ph.D. Thesis, UniversitatBielefeld (1999) 1–100.

46. Wang LS, Warnow T Reconstructing chromosomal evolution SIAMJOURNAL ON COMPUTING 36 (1): 99-131 2006

47. S. Bhamidi - R. Rajagopal - S. Roch: Network delay infrence fromadditive metrics, arXiv:math.PR/0604367 v1 (2006), 1–19.

48. B.D. Thatte: Invertibility of the TKF model of sequence evolution,Math. Biosci. 200 (2006), 58–75.

49. S. Bocker, Unrooted supertrees: Limitations, traps, and phylogeneticpatchworks; in: Phylogenetic supertrees: the book


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50. SN Evans, D Ringe, T Warnow, INFERENCE OF DIVERGENCETIMES AS A STATISTICAL INVERSE PROBLEM, Invited paper,to appear in special volume on Phylogenetic Methods and the Pre-history of Languages Cambridge University Press (2005), 1–19.

51. B Chor, M Hendy, D Penny, Analytic Solutions for Three-Taxon MLMCTrees with Variable Rates Across Sites, LECTURE NOTES IN COM-PUTER SCIENCE, 2001 - Springer volume 2149 p. 204

52. M.R. Lacey - J.T. Chang: A signal-to-noise analysis of phylogeny es-timation by neighbor-joining: Insufficiency of polynomial length se-quences, Math. Biosciences 199 (2006), 188–215.

53. Gang Wu - Jia-Huai You - Guohui Lin: A lookahead branch-and-bound algorithm for the Maximum Quartet Consistency Problem, Al-gorithms in Bioinf. LNCS 3602 (2005), 65–76.

54. M.A. Sanderson: Where have all the clades gone? A systematist’s takeon inferring phylogenies, Evolution 59 (2005) 2056–2058.

55. Xiaomeng Wu - Xiu-Feng Wan - Gang Wu - Dong Xu - Guohui Lin:Phylogenetic analysis using complete signature information pf whole-genomes and clustered neighbor-joining method, 2006 InternationalJournal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 2 (3), pp. 219-248.

56. M.A. Steel - J. Hein: Reconstructing pedigrees: a combinatorial per-spective, J. Theor. Biol. (2005), 1–16.

57. C. Daskalakis - C. Hill - A. Jaffe - R.H. Mihaescu - E. Mossel - S. Rao:Maximal accurate forests from distance matrices, LECTURE NOTESIN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3909: 281-295 2006

58. R.H. Mihaescu - D. Adkins - C. Daskalakis - C. Hill - A. Jaffe - E.Mossel - S. Roche: A polynomial time algorithm for phylogenetic treereconstruction from logarithmic-size data, to appear (2005), 1–19.

59. S. Snir - A. Rao: Quartet semi-definite programming revisited, sub-mitted (2005), 1–12.

60. E. Mossel, Distorted metric on trees and phylogenetic forests, IEEE/ACMTrans. Comp. Biol. and Bioinf. 4 (1): 108-116 JAN-MAR 2007

61. C. Daskalakis - E. Mossel - S. Roch: Optimal phylogenetic reconstruc-tion, 2006 Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory ofComputing 2006, pp. 159-168

62. Luay Nakhleh, Usman Roshan, Katherine St. John, Jerry Sun, TandyWarnow The Performance of Phylogenetic Methods on Trees of BoundedDiameter, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag GmbHISSN: 0302-9743 Volume 2149 / 2001 Algorithms in Bioinformatics:First International Workshop, WABI 2001, Aarhus, Denmark, August28-31, 2001, Proceedings Editors: O. Gascuel, B. M. E. Moret (Eds.):p. 214


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63. B. M. E. Moret, Tandy Warnow, Reconstructing optimal phylogenetictrees: a challenge in experimental algorithmics, Lecture Notes In Com-puter Science, Experimental algorithmics: from algorithm design torobust and efficient software archive Pages: 163 - 180 Year of Publica-tion: 2002 ISBN:3-540-00346-0

64. E. Mossel - M.A. Steel: How much can evolved characters tell us aboutthe tree that generated them, in Mathematics of Evolution and Phy-logeny (Ed. O. Gascuel) Oxford Univ. Press (2004), 384–412.

65. Tao Liu - Jijun Tang - B.M.E. Moret: Quartet-based phylogeny recon-struction from gene orders, COCOON ’05 August 16-19, Kunming,Yunnan, Chine (2005), 237–241.

66. I. Elias - J. Lagergren: Fast Neighbor Joining, ICALP 2005 LNCS3580 (2005), 1263–1274.

67. A. Rokas, S. B. Carroll, More genes or more taxa? The relative con-tribution of gene number and taxon number to phylogenetic accuracy,Mol. Biol. Evol. 22(5) (2005),1337–1344.

68. E. Mossel - S. Roch: Learning nonsingular phylogenies and hiddenMarkov models, Proceedings of ACM STOC’05 (2005), 366–375.(full version arXiv:cs.LG/0502076 v1 18 Feb 2005) To appear in Annalsof Applied Probability, 2006.

69. U. Roshan - B.M.E. Moret - T.L. Williams - T. Warnow: Performanceof supertree methods on various dataset decompositions, in Phyloge-netic Supertrees: Combining Information to Reveal the Tree ofLife (O.R.P. Bininda-Emonds, editor), Kluwer Academics, (2004),301–328.

70. Gang Wu - Guohui Lin - Jia-Huai You: Quartet Based PhylogenyReconstruction with Answer Set Programming, in 16th IEEE Int.Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’04) (2004),612–619.

71. Gang Wu, Guohui Lin, J. You, and X. Wu. Faster Solution to theMaximum Quartet Consistency Problem with Constrained Program-ming. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2005).January 17-21, 2005, Singapore. Accepted on August 27, 2004.

72. Gang Wu - Jia-Huai You - Guohui Lin: A lookahead branch-and-boundalgorithm for the Maximum Quartet Consistency Problem, Tech. Re-port TR05-05 University of Alberta (2005), 1–14.

73. F.S. Roberts: Challenges for Discrete Mathematics and TheoreticalComputer Science in the Defense against Bioterrorism, in Bioterror-ism: Mathematical Modeling Applications in Homeland Security(ed. by H. T. Banks and Carlos Castillo-Chavez), Proceeding of DI-MACS and NFS, 2002, SIAM (2003), Chapter 1.

74. Driskell AC, Ane C, Burleigh JG, et al. Prospects for building the treeof life from large sequence databases SCIENCE 306 (5699): 1172-1174NOV 12 2004


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75. E. Mossel, M. Steel, How much can evolved characters tell us aboutthe tree that generated them?

76. Piaggio-Talice, Raul; Burleigh, Gordon; Eulenstein, Oliver. 2004.Quartet Supertrees, in Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R.P. (ed), PhylogeneticSupertrees: Combining Information to Reveal the Tree of Life, pp.173-191. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, the Netherlands

77. Elizabeth S. Allman and John A. Rhodes, Quartets and parameterrecovery for the general Markov model of sequence mutation, AppliedMathematics Research Express 2004:4 (2004) 107-131.

78. Mossel E, Steel M A phase transition for a random cluster model onphylogenetic trees MATH BIOSCI 187 (2): 189-203 FEB 2004

79. J. Felsenstein, Inferring Phylogenies, Sinauer Associates, 2004.

80. C. Semple and M. Steel, Phylogenetics, Oxford Lecture Series in Math-ematics and its Applications 24, Oxford University Press, 2003

81. Moret BME, Roshan U, Warnow T Sequence-length requirements forphylogenetic methods LECT NOTES COMPUT SC 2452: 343-3562002

82. Sanderson MJ, Driskell AC The challenge of constructing large phylo-genetic trees TRENDS PLANT SCI 8 (8): 374-379 AUG 2003

83. Sanderson MJ, Driskell AC, Ree RH, et al. Obtaining maximal con-catenated phylogenetic data sets from large sequence databases MOLBIOL EVOL 20 (7): 1036-1042 JUL 2003

84. E. Mossel, On the impossibility of reconstructing ancestral data andphylogenies, J. Comp. Biol. 10 (5): 669-676 2003

85. Lagergren J Combining polynomial running time and fast convergencefor the disk-covering method J COMPUT SYST SCI 65 (3): 481-493NOV 2002

86. M. Csuros: Fast recovery of evolutionary trees with thousands ofnodes, J COMPUT BIOL 9 (2): 277-297 2002

87. L. Nakhleh, U. Roshan, K. St. John, J. Sun, T. Warnow, Designingfast converging phylogenetic methods

88. E. Mossel, Phase transitions in phylogeny, T AM MATH SOC 356 (6):2379-2404 2004

89. Monika Rauch Henzinger, Valerie King, Tandy Warnow, Construct-ing a Tree from Homeomorphic Subtrees, with Applications to Com-putational Evolutionary Biology in Proceedings of the 7th AnnualACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms (SODA ’96) (1996),333–340.

90. M. Csuros: Fast recovery of evolutionary trees with thousands ofnodes, RECOMB’01 Montreal, Canada (2001), 104–113.

91. K. St. John - T. Warnow - B.M.E. Moret - L. Vawter: Performancestudy of phylogenetic methods: (unweighted) quartet methods andNeigbor-joining, J. Algorithms (2002), 173–193..


Page 79: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

92. M. Csuros: Reconstructing Phylogenies in Markov Models of SequenceEvolution, Ph.D. Thesis Yale University, (2000), 1–232.

93. M.E. Cryan: Learning and approximation algorithms for problemsmotivated by evolutionary trees, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warwick(1999), 1–176.

94. D. Huson, S. Nettles, K. Rice, T. Warnow, S. Yooseph: Hybrid treereconstruction methods, ACM J. Exp. Alg 4 (1998), Articel 5.

95. T. Warnow, B. M. E. Moret, K. St. John: Absolute convergence: truetrees from short sequences, ACM Symp. on Discrete AlgorithmsSODA 2001 (2001), 1–9.

96. D. Bryant, M. Steel, Constructing optimal trees from quartets, J.Algorithm 38 (1)(2001), 237–259.

97. M. Csuros, M-Y. Kao, Provably fast and accurate recovery of evolu-tionary trees through harmonic greedy triplets, SIAM J. Computing31 (1) (2001) 306–322.

98. S. Bocker, D. Bryant, A. W. M. Dress, M. A. Steel Algorithmic aspectsof tree amalgamation J. Algorithm 37 (2) (2000), 522–537.

99. B. Chor, M. D. Hendy, B. R. Holland, et al., Mol. Biol. Evol. Multi-ple maxima of likelihood in phylogenetic trees: An analytic approach,17 (2000), 1529–1541.

100. M. Csuros - M-Y Kao: O(n2)-time accurate recovery of large evolu-tionary trees from triplets and quartets, in preparation.

101. M. Steel, D. Penny, Parsimony, likelihood and the role of models inmolecular phylogenetics, Mol. Biol. Evol. 17 (6) (2000) 839–850.

102. Susan P. Holmes, Phylogenies: An overview, Statistics and Genetics,(ed. Halloran and Geisser), IMA series, vol 112, Springer Verlag, NY,81–119.

103. D. H. Huson, S. M. Nettles, and T. J. Warnow, Disk-covering, a fast-converging method for phylogenetic tree reconstruction, J. Comp.Biol. 6 (3–4) (1999), 369–386.

104. V. Berry, Methodes et algorithmes pour reconstruire les arbres del’Evolution, These de Doctorat, Universite de Montpellier II, 1997.

105. T. Warnow, Some combinatorial optimization problems in phyloge-netics, in: Graph Theory and Combinatorial Biology, L. Lovaszet. al., eds. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 7, Janos BolyaiMathematical Society, Budapest, 1999, 363–413.

106. M. Cryan, L. A. Goldberg, P. W. Goldberg, Evolutionary trees canbe learned in polynomial time in the two-state general Markov model,FOCS’98 Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Symposium onFoundations of Computer Science, (1998) 436–445.

107. D. Huson, S. Nettles, T. Warnow, Obtaining highly accurate topol-ogy estimates of evolutionary trees from very short sequences, RE-COMB’99 Lyon, France (1999), 198–207.


Page 80: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

108. S. Bocker, A. W. M. Dress, M. A. Steel, Patching up X-trees, Annalsof Combinatorics 3 (1999), 1–12.

66./ P. L. Erdos, M. A. Steel, L. A. Szekely, and T. J. Warnow, Afew logs suffice to build (almost) all trees II, Theor. Comp. Sci.221 (1-2)(1999), 77–118.


1. Elchanan Mossel and Eric Vigoda, Limitations of Markov Chain MonteCarlo Algorithms for Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny, The Annals ofApplied Probability Vol. 16, No. 4 (Nov., 2006), pp. 2215-2234.

2. Guy Bresler, Elchanan Mossel and Allan Sly, Reconstruction of MarkovRandom Fields from Samples: Some Observations and Algorithms,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008, Volume 5171/2008, 343-356, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85363-3 28.

3. Charles Semple and Mike Steel, Tree Reconstruction via a ClosureOperation on Partial Splits, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001,Volume 2066/2001, 126-134, DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45727-5 11.

4. S. Roch, Sequence Length Requirement of Distance-Based PhylogenyReconstruction: Breaking the Polynomial Barrier, Foundations of Com-puter Science, 2008. FOCS ’08. IEEE 49th Annual IEEE Symposiumon Issue Date: 25-28 Oct. 2008, 729 - 738 Philadelphia, PA.

5. I. Gronau, S. Moran, S. Snir, Fast and reliable reconstruction of phy-logenetic trees with very short edges, SODA ’08 Proceedings of thenineteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms

6. Sebastien Roch, Phase Transition in Distance-Based Phylogeny Re-construction

7. Daniele Catanzaro, The minimum evolution problem: Overview andclassification, Networks Volume 53, Issue 2, pages 112125, March 2009.

8. Andrej Bogdanov, Elchanan Mossel and Salil Vadhan, The Complexityof Distinguishing Markov Random Fields, Approximation, Random-ization and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and TechniquesLecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008, Volume 5171/2008, 331-342,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85363-3 27

9. Sagi Snir, Λ Raphael Yuster, Reconstructing approximate phylogenetictrees from quartet samples

10. Elchanan Mossel, Sebastien Roch, Allan Sly, On the inference of largephylogenies with long branches: How long is too long? Arxiv preprintarXiv:1001.3480, 2010 - arxiv.org

11. Alexandr AndoniΛ, Mark Braverman, Avinatan Hassidim, Phyloge-netic Reconstruction with Insertions and Deletions,

12. Vincent Ranwez, Methodes efficaces pour reconstruire de grandes phy-logenies suivant le principe du maximum de vraisemblance, UNIVER-SITE DE MONTPELLIER II, Ph.D. Thesis in Informatics, 2002.


Page 81: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

13. Steffen Klaere, Tanja Gesell, Arndt von Haeseler, The impact of singlesubstitutions on multiple sequence alignments, Phil. Trans. R. Soc.B

14. G. Hickey - P. Carmi - A. Maheshwari - N. Zeh: NAPX: A PolynomialTime Approximation Scheme for the Noahs Ark Problem Algorithmsin Bioinformatics Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008, Volume5251/2008, 76-86,

15. G. Hickey - P. Carmi - A. Maheshwari - N. Zeh: NAPX: An Approxi-mation Algorithm for the Noah’s Ark Problem with Random FeatureLoss, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Bioinformatics and ComputationalBiology http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TCBB.2010.37

16. L. van Iersel - J. Keijsper - S. Kelk - L. Stougie - F. Hagen - T.Boekhout: Constructing level-2 phylogenetic networks from triplets,Research in Computational Molecular Biology, RECOMB’08 LNCS4955 (2008), 450–462.

17. L. van Iersel - J. Keijsper - S. Kelk - L. Stougie: Constructing level-2phylogenetic networks from triplets, arXiv:0707.2890v1 [q-bio.PE](2007), 1–24.

18. Short quartet puzzling: A new quartet-based phylogeny reconstructionalgorithm Author(s): Snir S, Warnow T, Rao S Source: JOURNALOF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Pages: 91-103 Published: JAN 2008

19. On the hardness of inferring phylogenies from triplet-dissimilaritiesAuthor(s): Gronau I, Moran S Source: THEORETICAL COMPUTERSCIENCE Volume: 389 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 44-55 Published: DEC 102007

20. C. Daskalakis - E. Mossel - S. Roch: Phylogenies without BranchBounds: Contracting the Short, Pruning the Deep, arXiv:0801.4190v1(2008), 1–19.

21. L. van Iersel - J. Keijsper - S. Kelk - L. Stougie: Constructing level-2phylogenetic networks from triplets, arXiv:0707.2890v1 [q-bio.PE](2007), 1–24.

22. Ming-Yang Kao - Xiang-Yang Li - Weizhao Wang: Average cas anal-ysis for tree labeling schemes, Theor. Comp. Sci (2007), 378 (3) pp.271–291. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2007.02.066

23. Cryan, M., Goldberg, L.A., Goldberg, P.W., Evolutionary trees canbe learned in polynomial time in the two-state general Markov model, SIAM Journal on Computing 31 (2), pp. 375-397

24. Mossel E, Vigoda E Response to comment on ”Phylogenetic MCMCalgorithms are misleading on mixtures of trees” SCIENCE 312 (5772):doi:10.1126/science.1124180 APR 21 2006

25. Mossel E, Roch S Learning nonsingular phylogenies and hidden Markovmodels ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY 16 (2): 583-614 MAY2006


Page 82: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

26. I. Gronau - S. Moran: Neighbor joining algorithms for inferring phy-logenies via LCA distances JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BI-OLOGY 14 (1): 1-15 JAN 2007

27. S. Snir - T. Warnow - S. Rao: Quartets MaxCut: A new quartet-basedphylogeny reconstruction algorithm, Bioinformatics (2006), 1–14.

28. T. Warnow: Large-scale phylogenetic reconstruction, in Handbook ofComputational Biology (S. Aluru (editor)), Chapman & Hall, CRCComputer and Information Science Series, (2005), 1–24.

29. D. Adkins - C. Daskalakis - C. Hill - A, Jaffe - R.H. Mihaescu - E.Mossel - S. Rao: MST-based framework for sequence based Tree re-construction, to appear (2005), 1–7.

30. U. Roshan: Algorithmic techniques for improving the speed and ac-curacy of phylogenetic methods, Ph.D Thesis, University Texas atAustin (2004) 1–256.

31. Mossel E, Vigoda E Response to comment on ”Phylogenetic MCMCalgorithms are misleading on mixtures of trees” SCIENCE 312 (5772):doi:10.1126/science.1124180 APR 21 2006

32. SCALING OF ACCURACY IN EXTREMELY LARGE PHYLOGE-NETIC TREES ORP Bininda-Emonds, SG Brady, J Kim, MJ Sander-son - Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 2001

33. C. Daskalakis - C. Hill - A. Jaffe - R.H. Mihaescu - E. Mossel - S. Rao:Maximal accurate forests from distance matrices, LECTURE NOTESIN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3909: 281-295 2006

34. R.H. Mihaescu - D. Adkins - C. Daskalakis - C. Hill - A. Jaffe - E.Mossel - S. Roche: A polynomial time algorithm for phylogenetic treereconstruction from logarithmic-size data, to appear (2005), 1–19.

35. S. Snir - A. Rao: Quartet semi-definite programming revisited, sub-mitted (2005), 1–12.

36. E. Mossel, Distorted metric on trees and phylogenetic forests, IEEE/ACMTrans. Comp. Biol. and Bioinf. 4 (1): 108-116 JAN-MAR 2007

37. V King, L Zhang, Y Zhou, On the Complexity of Distance-based Evo-lutionary Tree Reconstruction, SODA, SIAM PROCEEDINGS SE-RIES; 2003; p.444-453 (Conference: 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Sym-posium on Discrete Algorithms; January 12-14, 2003; BALTIMORE,MARYLAND)

38. Chor B, Tuller T Maximum likelihood of evolutionary trees: hardnessand approximation BIOINFORMATICS 21: I97-I106 Suppl. 1 JUN2005

39. A. Rokas, S. B. Carroll, More genes or more taxa? The relative con-tribution of gene number and taxon number to phylogenetic accuracy,Mol. Biol. Evol. 22(5) (2005),1337–1344.

40. E. Mossel - S. Roch: Learning nonsingular phylogenies and hiddenMarkov models, Proceedings of ACM STOC’05 (2005), 366–375.


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(full version arXiv:cs.LG/0502076 v1 18 Feb 2005) To appear in Annalsof Applied Probability, 2006.

41. Bryant D, Moulton V NeighborNet: An agglomerative method for theconstruction of planar phylogenetic networks LECT NOTES COM-PUT SC 2452: 375-391 2002

42. Desper R, Gascuel O Fast and accurate phylogeny reconstruction al-gorithms based on the minimum-evolution principle LECT NOTESCOMPUT SC 2452: 357-374 2002

43. C. Semple and M. A. Steel, Cyclic permutations and evolutionarytrees, Adv. Appl. Math. 32 (4) 669-680 MAY 2004

44. R. Desper, O. Gascuel, Fast and accurate phylogeny reconstruction al-gorithms based on the minimum-evolution principle J. Comput. Biol.9 (5) (2002), 687–705.

45. M. Csuros: Fast recovery of evolutionary trees with thousands ofnodes, J COMPUT BIOL 9 (2): 277-297 2002

46. L. Nakhleh, U. Roshan, K. St. John, J. Sun, T. Warnow, Designingfast converging phylogenetic methods

47. E. Mossel, Phase transitions in phylogeny, T AM MATH SOC 356 (6):2379-2404 2004

48. M. Csuros: Fast recovery of evolutionary trees with thousands ofnodes, RECOMB’01 Montreal, Canada, 2001, 104–113.

49. M. Csuros: Reconstructing Phylogenies in Markov Models of SequenceEvolution, Ph.D. Thesis Yale University, (2000), 1–232.

50. M.E. Cryan: Learning and approximation algorithms for problemsmotivated by evolutionary trees, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warwick(1999), 1–176.

51. J. Kim - T. Warnow: Tutorial on phylogenetic tree estimation, inISMB’99, 7th Conf. Intell. Systems for Molecular Biology, Au-gust 6-10, Heidelberg, Germany, Tutorial Section, (1999), 1–29.

52. K. Atteson, The performance of neighbor-joining methods of phyloge-netic reconstruction, Algorithmica 25 251–278.

53. D. H. Huson, S. M. Nettles, and T. J. Warnow, Disk-covering, a fast-converging method for phylogenetic tree reconstruction, J. Comp.Biol. 6 (3–4) (1999), 369–386.

54. O. Gascuel: Evidence for a relationship between algorithmic schemeand shape of inferred trees, Data Analysis. Scientific Modellingand Practical Applications (ed. W. Gaul, O. Opitz, M. Schader)Springer (2000), 157–168.

55. T. Warnow - B.M.E. Moret - K. St. John: Absolute convergence: truetrees from short sequences, ACM Symp. on Discrete AlgorithmsSODA2001 (2001), 1–9.


Page 84: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

56. Susan P. Holmes, Phylogenies: An overview, Statistics and Genetics,(ed. Halloran and Geisser), IMA series, vol 112, Springer Verlag, NY,81–119.

57. T. Warnow, Some combinatorial optimization problems in phyloge-netics, in: Graph Theory and Combinatorial Biology, L. Lovaszet. al., eds. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 7, Janos BolyaiMathematical Society, Budapest, 1999, 363–413.

58. D. Huson, S. Nettles, T. Warnow, Obtaining highly accurate topol-ogy estimates of evolutionary trees from very short sequences, RE-COMB’99 Lyon, France (1999), 198–207.

59. M. Csuros, K-Y. Ming, Reconstructing evolutionary trees in a generalMarkov model, in preparation.

60. M. Csuros, M-Y. Kao, Provably fast and accurate recovery of evolu-tionary trees through harmonic greedy triplets, SIAM J. Computing31 (1) (2001) 306–322.

61. M. Farach, S. Kannan, Efficient algorithms for inverting evolution, J.ACM 46 (4) 437–449.

67./ P. L. Erdos, K. Rice, M. A. Steel, L. A. Szekely, and T. J.Warnow The Short Quartet Method, was appear in Math. Mod-elling and Sci. Computing, Special Issue of the papers presentedat the Computational Biology sessions at the 11th ICMCM,March 31 - April 2, 1997, Georgetown University ConferenceCenter, Washington, D.C., USA. Also to be published by Prin-cipia Scientia, St. Luis. (The volume was never published!)


1. M. Tarawneh: A novel quartet-based method for inferring evolution-ary trees from molecular data, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sidney(2008), 1–151.

2. D. Shing-Min Liu - Che-Hao Wu: An effective approach for construct-ing the phylogenetic tree on a grid-based architecture, in Proc. 4thIEEE Symp. Bioinformatics, etc. BIBE’04 (2004), 134–141.

3. Hu, Badger, Kearney (2003), A Collapsing Method for the EfficientRecovery of Optimal. Edges in Phylogenetic

4. M. Csuros: Reconstructing Phylogenies in Markov Models of SequenceEvolution, Ph.D. Thesis Yale University, (2000), 1–232.

5. D. Huson - S. Nettles - L. Parida - T. Warnow - S. Yooseph, TheDisk-Covering Method for Tree Reconstruction, Proceedings of Proc.“Algorithms and Experiments”, (ALEX‘98), Trento, Italy (1998),62–75.

6. P. Kearney, The ordinal quartet method, RECOMB’98, 125–134.

7. M. Csuros, M-Y. Kao, Fast recovery of evolutionary trees throughharmonic greedy triplets, submitted.


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8. M. Csuros, M-Y. Kao, Recovery of evolutionary trees through har-monic greedy triplets, Tenth ACM-SIAM Symposium on DiscreteAlg., 1999, 261–268.

9. M. Csuros, K-Y. Ming, Reconstructing evolutionary trees in a generalMarkov model, in preparation.

68./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, On bipartitecrossings, largest biplanar subgraphs, and the linear arrange-ment problem, Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures(WADS’97), August 6-8, 1997 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada,Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1272, Springer-Verlag,1997, 55–68.


1. Chang Wu Yu, On the complexity of the maximum biplanar subgraphproblem, Information Sciences 129 (2000). 239–250.

2. W Winterbach, The crossing number of a graph in the plane, MSc (Ap-plied Mathematics: Graph Theory) Thesis, University of Stellenbosch,2004.

3. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

4. M. Newton, O. Sykora, M. Uzovic, I. Vrto, New exact results andbounds for bipartite crossing numbers of meshes, LECTURE NOTESIN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3383: 360-370 2004

5. Newton M, Sykora O, Withall M, et al. A parallel approach to row-based VLSI layout using stochastic hill-climbing LECT NOTES AR-TIF INT 2718: 750-758 2003

6. P. Mutzel, An alternative method to crossing minimization on hierar-chical graphs, SIAM J. Optimiz. 11 (4) (2001), 1065–1080.

7. F. Shahrokhi,I. Vrt’o, On 3-layer crossings and pseudo arrangements,in: Graph Drawing Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 1731,225–231, 1999, Springer-Verlag.

8. P. Mutzel, Optimization in leveled graphs, in: Encyclopedia of Op-timization, (Pardalos, P. M., Floudas, C. A. eds.), Kluwer AcademicPublishers, 1999.

9. M. Stallmann, Brglez, D. Ghosh, Evaluating iterative heuristics forbigraph crossing number minimization, in: Proc. IEEE 1999 Intl.Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Press, 1999, p. 4.

69./ F. Shahrokhi and L. A. Szekely Integral uniform flows in sym-metric networks, Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science(WG’98, Smolenice), J. Hromkovic and O. Sykora eds., LectureNotes in Computer Science 1517, Springer-Verlag, 1998, 272–284.


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1. P. Ruzicka, On efficiency of path systems induced by routing and com-munication schemes, Computing and Informatics 20 (2) (2001), 181–205.

2. S. Cicerone, G. Di Stefano, M. Flammini, Low-congested interval rout-ing schemes for hypercubelike networks Networks 36 (3) 2000, 191–201.

70./ M. A. Steel and L. A. Szekely, Inverting random functions, An-nals of Combinatorics 3 (1999), 103–113.


1. Mahendra Mariadassou, Robustesse des arbres phylogenetiques, Uni-versite Paris Sud - Paris XI (2009-11-27), Avner Bar-Hen (Dir.)

2. Bin Ma and Louxin Zhang, Efficient estimation of the accuracy of themaximum likelihood method for ancestral state reconstruction, Jour-nal of Combinatorial Optimization DOI: 10.1007/s10878-009-9261-6

3. Guoliang Li, Jian Ma, Louxin Zhang, Greedy Selection of Species forAncestral State Reconstruction on Phylogenies: Elimination Is Betterthan Insertion, PLoS ONE 5(2): e8985. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008985

4. Constantinos Daskalakis and Sebastien Roch, Alignment-Free Phylo-genetic Reconstruction, Research in Computational Molecular BiologyLecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6044/2010, 123-137,

5. Sebastien Roch, Phase Transition in Distance-Based Phylogeny Re-construction

6. Holder MT, Sukumaran J, Lewis PO, A Justification for Reportingthe Majority-Rule Consensus Tree in Bayesian Phylogenetics Source:SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY Volume: 57 Issue: 5 Pages: 814-821 Pub-lished: 2008

7. Guoliang Li, Mike Steel, Louxin Zhang, More Taxa Are Not Necessar-ily Better for the Reconstruction of Ancestral Character States, SystBiol (2008) 57 (4): 647-653.

8. C. Daskalakis - E. Mossel - S. Roch: Phylogenies without BranchBounds: Contracting the Short, Pruning the Deep, arXiv:0801.4190v1(2008), 1–19.

9. F.S. Roberts: Challenges for Discrete Mathematics and TheoreticalComputer Science in the Defense against Bioterrorism, in Bioterror-ism: Mathematical Modeling Applications in Homeland Security(ed. by H. T. Banks and Carlos Castillo-Chavez), Proceeding of DI-MACS and NFS, 2002, SIAM (2003), Chapter 1.

10. E. Mossel, M. Steel, How much can evolved characters tell us aboutthe tree that generated them?

11. E. Mossel, M. Steel, A phase transition for a random cluster model onphylogenetic trees, Math. Biosci. 187 (2004) 189–203.


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12. M Steel, J HEIN, Reconstructing pedigrees: A combinatorial perspec-tive. J Theor Biol, 2005

13. J. Felsenstein, Inferring Phylogenies, Sinauer Associates, 2004.

14. Holmes S, Statistics for phylogenetic trees THEOR POPUL BIOL 63(1): 17-32 FEB 2003

15. M. Steel, D. Penny, Parsimony, likelihood and the role of models inmolecular phylogenetics, Mol. Biol. Evol. 17 (6) (2000) 839–850.

71./ R. Howard, G. Karolyi, L. A. Szekely, Towards a Katona typeproof for the 2-intersecting Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem, ElectronicJ. Combinatorics, 8 (1) (2001), R31.


1. F. Brunk, Intersection problems in combinatorics, Ph.D. Thesis, St.Andrews University, 2008.

2. Tran Dan Thu, An AZ-style identity and Bollobas deficiency, Journalof Combinatorial Theory, Series A Volume 114, Issue 8, November2007, Pages 1504-1514

3. K. Ford, Maximal collections of intersecting arithemetic progressions,Combinatorica 23 (2003), 263–282.

4. G. O. H. Katona, The cycle method and its limits, Numbers, Infor-mation and Complexity, Ingo Althofer, Ning Cai, Gunther Dueck,Levon Khachatrian, Mark S. Pinsker, Andras Sarkozy, Ingo Wegenerand Zhen Zhang (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 129–141.

72./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, A new lowerbound for bipartite crossing numbers with applications, Theor.Comp. Sci. 245 (2) (2000), 281–294.


1. Judith R. Fredrickson, On the Crossing Number of Complete Graphs:Growing MinimalKn From MinimalKn?1, University of Nevada, Reno,2006.

2. Eliezer A Albacea, A Linear Algorithm for Bipartite Drawing withMinimum Edge Crossings of Complete Binary Trees, Philippine Com-puting Journal, Vol 1, No 1 (2006).

3. M Newton, O Sykora, M Withall, I Vrto, A PVM Computation ofBipartite Graph Drawings

4. E. Makinnen, H. Siirtola, The barycenter heuristic and the reorderablematrix, Informatica 29 (2005), 357–363.

5. M. Newton, O. Sykora, I. Vrto, Two new heuristics for two-sided bi-partite graph drawing, Lecture Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 2528(Revised Papers from the 10th International Symposium on GraphDrawing) Pages: 312 - 319 , 2002 ISBN:3-540-00158-1


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6. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

7. M. Newton, O. Sykora, M. Uzovic, I. Vrto, New exact results andbounds for bipartite crossing numbers of meshes, LECTURE NOTESIN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3383: 360-370 2004

8. Newton M, Sykora O, Withall M, et al. A parallel approach to row-based VLSI layout using stochastic hill-climbing LECT NOTES AR-TIF INT 2718: 750-758 2003

73./ P. L. Erdos, and L. A. Szekely, Erdos-Ko-Rado theorems ofhigher order, in: Numbers, Information and Complexity, IngoAlthofer, Ning Cai, Gunther Dueck, Levon Khachatrian, Mark S.Pinsker, Andras Sarkozy, Ingo Wegener and Zhen Zhang (eds.),Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 117–124.


1. C.Y. Ku, D. Renshaw, Erdos-Ko-Rado theorems for permutations andset partitions, J. Comb. Theory (A) (2008), 1–13.



3. K. Meagher, L. Moura, Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorems for uniform set par-tition systems Elect. J. Comb. 12 (1) (2005), Art. No. R40.

4. R. Ahlswede: Advances on extremal problems in number theory andcombinatorics, in European Congress of Mathematics, Barcelona,2000 Vol. 1, Progress in Mathematics 201 (2001), 147–175.

74./ F. Shahrokhi and L. A. Szekely, Constructing integral uniformflows in symmetric networks and application to the edge-forwardingindex problem, Discrete Applied Math. 108 (2001), 175–191.


1. Hou XM, Xu JM, Xu M, The Forwarding Indices of Wrapped ButterflyNetworks, NETWORKS 53 (2009) Issue: 4 329-333.

2. Elsasser R, Lorenz U, Sauerwald T, On randomized broadcasting inStar graphs : DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 157Issue: 1 Pages: 126-139 Published: JAN 6 2009

3. Hou XM, Xu JM, Xu M, The Forwarding Indices of Wrapped But-terfly Networks NETWORKS Volume: 53 Issue: 4 Pages: 329-333Published: JUL 2009

4. Jun Yan; Chao Yang Forwarding Index of Cube-Connected Cycles,DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume: 157 Issue: 1 Pages:1-7 Published: JAN 6 2009


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5. Xu M, Xu JM The forwarding indices of augmented cubes INFOR-MATION PROCESSING LETTERS 101 (5): 185-189 MAR 16 2007

6. Xinmin Hou, Min Xu, Jun-Ming Xu, Forwarding indices of folded n-cubes, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS 145 (3): 490-492 JAN30 2005

7. Xinmin Hou, Min Xu, Jun-Ming Xu, Forwarding indices of Cartesianproduct graphs TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 10(5): 1305-1315 SEP 2006

75./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, On bipartitedrawings and the linear arrangement problem, SIAM J. Com-puting 30 (6) (2001), 1773–1789.


1. Meysam Tavassoli, Mohammd Ghodsi, Farnoosh Khodakarami, S. MehdiHashemi, An Algorithm for 3D-biplanar Graph Drawing

2. Christian Bachmaier, A Generalized Framework for Drawing DirectedGraphs, Habilitation Thesis, Universitat Passau, 2009.

3. Johannes Uhlmann and Mathias Weller, Two-Layer Planarization Pa-rameterized by Feedback Edge Set, Theory and Applications of Mod-els of Computation Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume6108/2010, 431-442, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13562-0 39.

4. Zoheir Ezziane, Experimental Comparison Between Evolutionary Al-gorithm and Barycenter Heuristic for the Bipartite Drawing Problem,Journal of Computer Science 3 (9): 717-722, 2007.

5. Seok-Hee Hong, Hiroshi Nagamochi, New Approximation to the One-sided Radial Crossing Minimization, Journal of Graph Algorithms andApplications http://jgaa.info/ vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 179–196 (2009)

6. Harrigan, M.; Healy, P., Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applica-tions http://jgaa.info/ vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 293317 (2008)

7. Eliezer A Albacea, A Linear Algorithm for Bipartite Drawing withMinimum Edge Crossings of Complete Binary Trees, Philippine Com-puting Journal, Vol 1, No 1 (2006).

8. Harrigan, M.; Healy, P., Efficiently drawing a significant spanning treeof a directed graph, in: Visualization, 2007. APVIS ’07. 2007 6thInternational Asia-Pacific Symposium on Issue Date: 5-7 Feb. 2007,53 - 59 .

9. Reeti Sharma and Kamal Srivastava, A new hybrid Evolutionary Al-gorithm for the MinLA problem, International Journal of OperationalResearch Volume 5, Number 2 / 2009, 229 - 249

10. Hong SH, Nagamochi H, Approximating Crossing Minimization in Ra-dial Layouts, LATIN 2008: Theoretical Informatics Lecture Notes inComputer Science, 2008, Volume 4957/2008, 461-472, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-78773-0 40.


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11. Hong SH, Nagamochi H, : Approximation Algorithms for MinimizingEdge Crossings in Radial Drawings, ALGORITHMICA 58(2) (2010)Pages: 478–497

12. : Amaral ARS, A mixed 0-1 linear programming formulation for theexact solution of the minimum linear arrangement problem, OPTI-MIZATION LETTERS Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Pages: 513-520 Published:SEP 2009

13. Liu XC, Yang XG, Tang YY, Molecular solution to the optimal lineararrangement problem based on DNA computation Source: JOURNALOF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Pages:172-183 Published: JUL 2008

14. Gurski F, Graph parameters measuring neighbourhoods in graphs -Bounds and applications Source: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHE-MATICS Volume: 156 Issue: 10 Pages: 1865-1874 Published: MAY28 2008

15. W Ahmad, A Khokhar - cHawk: An Efficient Biclustering Algorithmbased on Bipartite Graph Crossing Minimization

16. T. Poranen, E. Makinen, Tie-breaking heuristics for the barycenterand median algorithms

17. I Safro, D Ron, A Brandt Multilevel algorithms for linear orderingproblems- 2005 - wisdomarchive.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il

18. H Fernau, Parameterized Algorithmics: A Graph-Theoretic Approach,Habilitation Thesis, Universitat Tubingen, 2005,

19. E. Makinnen, H. Siirtola, The barycenter heuristic and the reorderablematrix, Informatica 29 (2005), 357–363.

20. R Hochberg, Minimum Linear Arrangement of Trees, Master’ Thesis,2002, NCSU.

21. Poranen T A genetic hillclimbing algorithm for the optimal linear ar-rangement problem FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE 68 (4): 333-356 DEC 2005

22. M. Forster, Crossings in clustered graphs, Ph. D. Thesis, UniversitatPassau, 2004.

23. Falk Schreiber, Visualisierung bichemisher Reaktions, Ph. D. Thesis,Universitat Passau, 2001.

24. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

25. V. Dujmovic, A. Por, David R. Wood, Track layouts of graphs, Dis-crete Mathematics and Computer Science 6(2004) 497–522.

26. M. Newton, O. Sykora, I. Vrto, Two new heuristics for two-sided bi-partite graph drawing, Lecture Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 2528(Revised Papers from the 10th International Symposium on GraphDrawing) Pages: 312 - 319 , 2002 ISBN:3-540-00158-1


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27. Munoz, X; Unger, W; Vrt’o, One sided crossing minimization is NP-hard for sparse graphs, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCI-ENCE; 2002; v.2265, p.115-123 (Conference: 9th International Sympo-sium on Graph Drawing (GD 2001); September 23-26, 2001; VIENNA,AUSTRIA)

28. V. Dujmovic, M. Fellows, M. Hallett, M. Kitching, G. Liotta, C.McCartin, N. Nishimura, P. Ragde, F. Rosamond, M. Suderman, S.Whitesides, D. R. Wood Proc. Graph Drawing (GD’01) A Fixed-Parameter Approach to Two-Layer Planarization, Lecture Notes inComputer Science 2265 (2002), 1-15.

29. Dujmovic, V., Fellows, M., Hallett, M., Kitching, M., Liotta, G., Mc-cartin, C., Nishimura, N., (...), Wood, D.R., A fixed-parameter ap-proach to 2-layer planarization , Algorithmica (New York) 45 (2006)(2),pp. 159-182

30. Thilikos DM, Serna M, Bodlaender HL Cutwidth II: Algorithms forpartial w-trees of bounded degree JOURNAL OF ALGORITHMS 56(1): 25-49 JUL 2005

31. Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Maria J. Serna, Hans L. Bodlaender, A polyno-mial time algorithm for the cutwidth of bounded degree graphs withsmall treewidth Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2001

32. Matthias Stallmann, Franc Brglez, Debabrata Ghosh, Heuristics, Ex-perimental Subjects, and Treatment Evaluation in Bigraph CrossingMinimization ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithms, 2001

33. Debabrata Ghosh, Franc Brglez, Matthias Stallmann, Generation ofTightly Controlled Circuit Classes for Problems in Physical Design(2000)

34. Matthias Stallmann, Franc Brglez, Debabrata Ghosh, Evaluating It-erative Improvement Heuristics for Bigraph Crossing Minimization(1999)

35. Debabrata Ghosh, Franc Brglez, Matthias Stallmann First Steps To-wards Experimental Design in Evaluating Layout Algorithms: WireLength versus Wire Crossing in Linear Placement Optimization (1998)

36. Matthias Stallmann, Franc Brglez, Debabrata Ghosh, Heuristics andExperimental Design for Bigraph Crossing Number Minimization (1999)ALENEX

37. Diaz J, Petit J, Serna M A survey of graph layout problems ACMCOMPUT SURV 34 (3): 313-356 SEP 2002

38. R. A. Hochberg, M. F. Stallmann, Optimal one-page tree embeddingsin linear time, INFORM PROCESS LETT 87 (2): 59-66 JUL 31 2003

76./ L. A. Szekely, Erdos on unit distances and the Szemeredi-Trottertheorems, Paul Erdos and his Mathematics II., eds. G. Halasz, L.Lovasz, M. Simonovits, and V. T. Sos, Bolyai Society Mathemat-ical Studies 11, Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Budapest,2002, 649–666.


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1. A. B. Kupavskii and A. M. Raigorodskii, On the chromatic number ofR9, Journal of Mathematical Sciences Volume 163, Number 6, 720-731,DOI: 10.1007/s10958-009-9708-4

2. A. E. Guterman, V. K. Lyubimov, A. M. Raigorodskii and S. A. Us-achev, On independence numbers of distance graphs with vertices in{−1, 0, 1}n: estimates, conjectures, and applications to the Nelson-ErdosHadwiger problem and the Borsuk problem, Journal of Mathe-matical Sciences Volume 165, Number 6, 689-709, DOI: 10.1007/s10958-010-9835-y

3. Sebastian M. Cioaba, Eigenvalues, Expanders and Gaps between Primes,Ph.D. Thesis, Queen’s University, Kingston CA, 2005.

4. Raigorodskii AM, Rubanov OI, Distance graphs with large chromaticnumber and without large cliques, MATHEMATICAL NOTES 87(3-4)(2010) 392–402

5. Kupavskii AB, Lifting of a bound for the chromatic number of a”e(n) to higher dimensions, DOKLADY MATHEMATICS 80(3)(2009)833–836.

6. A.B. Kupavskii, A.M. Raigorodskii, On the chromatic numbers ofsmall-dimensional Euclidean spaces, Electronic Notes in Discrete Math-ematics Volume 34, 1 August 2009, Pages 435-439

7. Lyubimov VK, Raigorodskii AM, Lower bounds for the independencenumbers of some distance graphs with vertices in -1,0,1 (n) : DOK-LADY MATHEMATICS 80(2009) issue 1 547-549.

8. Gorskaya ES, Mitricheva IM, Protasov VY, et al., Estimating the chro-matic numbers of Euclidean space by convex minimization methods,SBORNIK MATHEMATICS 200 (2009) Issue: 5-6 783-801.

9. Raigorodskii AM, On distance graphs with large chromatic numberbut without large simplices, RUSSIAN MATHEMATICAL SURVEYSVolume: 62 Issue: 6 Pages: 1224-1225 2007.

10. Raigorodskii AM, Shitova IM, Chromatic numbers of real and rationalspaces with real or rational forbidden distances, SBORNIK MATHE-MATICS Volume: 199 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 579-612 2008.

11. C. Bachoc, G. Nebe, F. M. de Oliveira Filho, F. Vallentin, Lowerbounds for measurable chromatic numbers GEOMETRIC AND FUNC-TIONAL ANALYSIS 19 (2009) 3 Pages: 645-661.

12. F. M. de Oliveira Filho, F. Vallentin, Fourier analysis, linear program-ming and densities of distance avoiding sets in Rn

13. Raigorodskii AM On Ramsey numbers for special complete distancegraphs MATHEMATICAL NOTES 82 (3-4): 426-429 SEP-OCT 2007

14. Raigorodskii, A.M. Colorings of spaces, and random graphs (2007)Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 146 (2), pp. 5723-5730.


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15. Moshchevitin NG, Raigorodskii AM Colorings of the space R-n withseveral forbidden distances MATHEMATICAL NOTES 81 (5-6): 656-664 MAY-JUN 2007

16. Boris Bukh, Measurable sets with excluded distances (2007) ElectronicNotes in Discrete Mathematics, 29 (SPEC. ISS.), pp. 65-71

17. Boris Bukh, Measurable sets with excluded distances, GEOMETRICAND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Pages: 668-697,2008

18. Raigorodskii, A.M., On the chromatic number of a space with twoforbidden distances, Doklady Mathematics 73 (3), pp. 417-420

19. Raigorodskii, A.M., On the Borsuk and Erdos-Hadwiger numbers,Mathematical Notes 79 (5), pp. 854-863

20. Raigorodskii, A.M., On the structure of distance graphs with largechromatic numbers, Mathematical Notes 80 (3-4), pp. 451-453

21. SM Cioaba, Eigenvalues, Expanders and Gaps between Primes, Ph.D.Thesis, Queen’s University, 2005, 101 pages.

22. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry,2005, 499 pages.

23. Stefan Felsner, Geometric Graphs and Arrangements, Some Chap-ters from Combinatorial Geometry, Advanced Lectures in Mathemat-ics, Vieweg & Sohn Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2004.

24. Raigorodskii AM, On the Brosuk and Erdos-Hadwiger numbers MATH-EMATICAL NOTES 79 (5-6): 854-863 MAY-JUN 2006

25. Raigorodskii AM The Erdos-Hadwiger problem and the chromaticnumbers of finite geometric graphs SBORNIK MATHEMATICS 196(1-2): 115-146 JAN-FEB 2005

26. A. M. Raigorodskii, The Erdos-Hadwiger problem and the chromaticnumbers of finite geometric graphs, Doklady Math. 392 no. 3, 313–317. (DOKLADY MATHEMATICS 68 (2): 216-220 SEP-OCT 2003)

27. G. Elekes, SUMS versus PRODUCTS in number theory, algebra, andErdos geometry, in: Paul Erdos and his Mathematics II, Bolyai Studies11, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 241–290.

28. G. Kubicki, J. Lehel, and M. Morayne, Patch colorings and rigid col-orings of the rational n-space, J. Comb. Theory B 84 (1) 45–53.

29. A. Raigorodskii, Borsuk’s problem and the chromatic number of cer-tain metric spaces, Russ. Math. Surv. 56 (1) (2001) 103–109.

77./ O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, Fractional length and cross-ing numbers, in: Graph Drawing 2002, Lecture Notes in Com-puter Science Vol. 2528, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2002, 186–192.


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1. Melanie Agnew, Investigation into properties of natural embeddings

2. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

78./ M. Fischermann, A. Hoffmann, D. Rautenbach, L. Szekely andL. Volkmann, Wiener index versus maximum degree in trees,Discrete Math. 122 (1–3) (2002), 127–137.


1. Muhuo Liua, and Bolian Liu, On the variable Wiener indices of treeswith given maximum degree, Mathematical and Computer ModellingVolume 52, Issues 9-10, November 2010, Pages 1651-1659

2. M. Saheli, A.L. Ashrafi, The Eccentric Connectivity Index of Zig-ZagPolyhex Nanotubes and Nanotori, Journal of Computational and The-oretical Nanoscience, Volume 7, Number 10, October 2010 , pp. 1900-1903(4)

3. Stevanovic D., Maximizing Wiener index of graphs with fixed max-imum degree, Communications in Mathematical and in ComputerChemistry / MATCH 2008, vol. 60, br. 1, str. 71-83

4. Wang S., Guo X., Trees with extremal Wiener indices, Communica-tions in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry / MATCH 2008,vol. 60, br. 2, str. 609-622

5. A.R. Ashrafi, M. Sahelia and M. Ghorbania, The eccentric connectiv-ity index of nanotubes and nanotori , Journal of Computational andApplied Mathematics doi:10.1016/j.cam.2010.03.001

6. Mahboubeh Saheli, Ali Reza Ashrafi, THE ECCENTRIC CONNEC-TIVITY INDEX OF ARMCHAIR POLYHEX NANOTUBES, Mace-donian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 29, No.1, pp. 7175 (2010)

7. Aleksandar Ilic and Dragan Stevanovic, The Estrada index of chemicaltrees, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry Volume 47, Number 1, 305-314, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-009-9570-0

8. Xuezheng Lv, Yan Yan, Aimei Yu and Jingjing Zhang, Ordering treeswith given pendent vertices with respect to Merrifield-Simmons indicesand Hosoya indices, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry Volume 47,Number 1, 11-20, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-009-9526-4

9. Dong H., Guo X., Ordering trees by their wiener indices, Communica-tions in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry / MATCH 2006,vol. 56, br. 3, str. 527-540

10. Lv, X., Yu, A., The Merrifield-Simmons indices and Hosoya indices oftrees with a given maximum degree, Communications in Mathematicaland in Computer Chemistry / MATCH 2006, vol. 56, br. 3, str. 605-616


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11. Shubo Chen, Weijun Liu, Molecular Structure Descriptors for VolkmanTrees,

12. Balakrishnan R, Sridharan N, Iyer KV, Wiener index of graphs withmore than one cut-vertex, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERSVolume: 21 Issue: 9 Pages: 922-927 Published: SEP 2008

13. Xiao-Dong Zhang, Min-Xian Han, The maximum Wiener index oftrees with given degree sequence, Communications in Mathematicaland in Computer Chemistry / MATCH 2008, vol. 60, br. 2, str.623-644

14. Hua Wang, Sums of distances between vertices-leaves in k-ary trees,Bull. Inst. Comb. Appl.

15. Simic SK, Tosic DV, The index of trees with specified maximum degreeSource: MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL ANDIN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY Volume: 54 Issue: 2 Pages: 351-362Published: 2005

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14. Bolshoy A, Volkovich Z, Whole-genome prokaryotic clustering basedon gene lengths, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume:157 Issue: 10 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 2370-2377 Published:MAY 28 2009

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19. Koonin EV, Evolution of genome architecture, INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY Volume: 41Issue: 2 Pages: 298-306 Published: FEB 2009

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21. Danchin A, Bacteria as computers making computers, FEMS MICRO-BIOLOGY REVIEWS Volume: 33 Issue: 1 Pages: 3-26 Published:JAN 2009

22. Koonin EV, Wolf YI, Genomics of bacteria and archaea: the emerg-ing dynamic view of the prokaryotic world, NUCLEIC ACIDS RE-SEARCH Volume: 36 Issue: 21 Pages: 6688-6719 Published: DEC2008

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27. Harrington ED, Jensen LJ, Bork P, Predicting biological networks fromgenomic data, FEBS LETTERS Volume: 582 Issue: 8 Pages: 1251-1258 Published: APR 9 2008

28. Analysis of gene order data supports vertical inheritance of the leuko-toxin operon and genome rearrangements in the 5 ’ flanking regionin genus Mannheimia Author(s): Larsen J, Kuhnert P, Frey J, et al.Source: BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Volume: 7 Article Num-ber: 184 Published: OCT 3 2007

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44. Markov AV, Zakharov IA Large and small rearrangements in the evo-lution of prokaryotic genomes RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS42 (11): 1303-1312 NOV 2006

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69. Sankoff D, Lefebvre JF, Tillier E, et al. The distribution of inversionlengths in bacteria LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE3388: 97-108 2005

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76. Schmidt T, Stoye Quadratic time algorithms for finding common inter-vals in two and more sequences LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTERSCIENCE 3109: 347-358 2004

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16. Ho PT, The crossing number of K1,m,n, DISCRETE MATHEMAT-ICS Volume: 308 Issue: 24 Pages: 5996-6002 Published: DEC 28 2008

17. Pelsmajer MJ, Schaefer M, Stefankovic D, Removing even crossings onsurfaces, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume:30 Issue: 7 Pages: 1704-1717 Published: OCT 2009

18. Alberston MO, Cranston DW, Fox J, : Crossings, colorings, andcliques, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume:16 Issue: 1 Article Number: R45 Published: APR 3 2009

19. Ho PT, On the Crossing Number of Some Complete MultipartiteGraphs, UTILITAS MATHEMATICA Volume: 79 Pages: 125-143Published: JUL 2009

20. M. J. Pelsmajer, M. Schaefer, D. Stefankovic, Crossing numbers ofgraphs with rotation systems Lecture Notes In Computer Science Pro-ceedings of the 15th international conference on Graph drawing, Syd-ney, Australia Pages: 3-12 Year of Publication: 2007 ISBN ISSN:0302-9743 , 3-540-77536-6

21. The crossing number of flower snarks and related graphs Author(s):Zheng WP, Lin XH, Yang YS, et al. Source: ARS COMBINATORIAVolume: 86 Pages: 57-64 Published: JAN 2008

22. Zheng WP, Lin XH, Yang YS, et al. The crossing number of kn-odel graph W-3,W-n, UTILITAS MATHEMATICA Volume: 75 Pages:211-224 Published: MAR 2008

23. The minor crosssing number of graphs with an excluded minor Au-thor(s): Bokal D, Fijavz G, Wood DR Source: ELECTRONIC JOUR-NAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Article Number:R4 Published: JAN 1 2008

24. B. Mohar, The genus crossing number, ARS MATHEMATICA CON-TEMPORANEA, 2009

25. H Fernau, Parameterized Algorithmics: A Graph-Theoretic Approach,Habilitation Thesis, Universitat Tubingen, 2005,

26. Mohar, B. On the crossing number of almost planar graphs (2006)Informatica (Ljubljana), 30 (3), pp. 301-303.

27. Dujmovic V, Wood DR Graph treewidth and geometric thickness pa-rameters DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY 37 (4):641-670 MAY 2007

28. Marco Cesati, Compendium of Parameterized Problems

29. DR Wood, JA Telle, Planar Decompositions and the Crossing Numberof Graphs with an Excluded Minor New York J. Math 13(2007), 117–146.

30. J Leanos, G Salazar, On the additivity of crossing numbers of graphs,JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS Vol-ume: 17 Issue: 9 Pages: 1043-1050 Published: SEP 2008


Page 107: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

31. S. Pan, On the Crossing Numbers of Complete Graphs, Master’s The-sis, University of Waterloo, 2006.

32. D. Bokal, Structural Approach to the Crossing Number of Graphs,Doctoral Thesis, University of Ljubljana, 2006.


34. De Klerk E, Maharry J, Pasechnik DV, et al. Improved bounds forthe crossing numbers of K-m,K-n and K-n(*) SIAM JOURNAL ONDISCRETE MATHEMATICS 20 (1): 189-202 2006

35. Salazar G On the crossing numbers of loop networks and generalizedPetersen graphs DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 302 (1-3): 243-253 Sp.Iss. SI OCT 28 2005

36. M. J. Pelsmajer, M. Schaefer, D. Stefankovic, Odd crossing number isnot crossing number, 2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3843LNCS, pp. 386-396

37. Odd crossing number and crossing number are not the same Au-thor(s): Pelsmajer MJ, Schaefer M, Stefankovic D Source: DISCRETE& COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY Volume: 39 Issue: 1-3 Pages:442-454 Published: MAR 2008

38. Pelsmajer, M.J., Schaefer, M., Stefankovic, D. Removing Even Cross-ings on Surfaces (2007) Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 29(SPEC. ISS.), pp. 85-90.

39. M. J. Pelsmajer,M Schaefer Removing Even Crossings JOURNAL OFCOMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B 97 (4): 489-500 JUL 2007

40. S. Norine, Matching structure and Pfaffian orientations of graphs,Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Tech, 2005.

41. Ivan Christov, The Crossing Number of a Graph, (2004).

42. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

43. W Winterbach, The crossing number of a graph in the plane, MSc (Ap-plied Mathematics: Graph Theory) Thesis, University of Stellenbosch,2004.

44. R. B. Richter, G. Salazar, A survey of good crossing number theoremsand questions,

45. Pach, J., Geometric graph theory. Surveys in combinatorics, 1999(Canterbury), 167–200, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 267,Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1999.

83./ O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, A note on Halton’s conjec-ture, Information Sciences164 (2004) (1-4) 61–64. .


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1. Barat J, Matousek J, Wood DR, Bounded-degree graphs have arbitrar-ily large geometric thickness ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBI-NATORICS 13 (1): Art. No. R3 JAN 7 2006

2. Poranen T, Fast algorithms for the thickness of a graph


4. Poranen T A simulated annealing algorithm for determining the thick-ness of a graph INFORMATION SCIENCES 172 (1-2): 155-172 JUN9 2005

5. T. Poranen, E. Makkinen, Remarks on the thickness and outerthick-ness of a graph, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLI-CATIONS 50 (1-2): 249-254 JUL 2005

84./ E. Czabarka, O. Sykora, I. Vrt’o, L. A. Szekely, Biplanar crossingnumbers: a survey of results and problems, More Sets, Graphsand Numbers, eds. E. Gyori, G. O. H. Katona, and L. Lovasz,Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 15, Springer Verlag, 2006,57–77.


1. L Beaudou, D Bokal, On the sharpness of some results relating cutsand crossing numbers, the electronic journal of combinatorics 17 (2010),#R96

2. Laurent Beaudou, Autour de problemes de plongements de graphes,Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Grenoble I, 2009.

3. Joshua K.Lambert, Finding a biplanar embedding of Cn×Cn×Cl×Pm

4. Joshua K.Lambert, The biplanar crossing number of Ck×Cl×C2m×Pn

5. A. Riskin, The biplanar crossing number of C4n, The Bulletin of the

ICA, 49 (2007) 79–85.

6. Pach J, Radoicic R, Tardos G, et al. Improving the Crossing Lemmaby finding more crossings in sparse graphs DISCRETE & COMPU-TATIONAL GEOMETRY 36 (4): 527-552 DEC 2006

7. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

8. Spencer, Joel The biplanar crossing number of the random graph.Towards a theory of geometric graphs, 269–271, Contemp. Math.,342, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2004.

9. J. Pach, R. Radoicic, G. Tardos, G. Toth, Improving the crossinglemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs, Annual Symposiumon Computational Geometry archive Proceedings of the twentieth an-nual symposium on Computational geometry table of contents Brook-lyn, New York, USA SESSION: Session 3 table of contents Pages: 68- 75 Year of Publication: 2004 ISBN:1-58113-885-7


Page 109: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

85./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, Bounds onconvex crossing numbers, COCOON 2003, The Ninth Interna-tional Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Lecture Notesin Computer Science vol. 2697, Springer Verlag, 2003 487–495.


1. Kolman P, Matousek J Crossing number, pair-crossing number, andexpansion JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B92 (1): 99-113 SEP 2004

2. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

86./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, The gapbetween the crossing number and the convex crossing number,in: Towards a Theory of Geometric Graphs, ed. J. Pach, Con-temporary Mathematics 342, Amer. Math. Soc. 2004, 249–258.


1. Radoslav Fulek, Hongmei He, Ondrej S?kora and Imrich Vr?o, Outer-planar Crossing Numbers of 3-Row Meshes, Halin Graphs and Com-plete p-Partite Graphs, SOFSEM 2005: Theory and Practice of Com-puter Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, Volume 3381/2005,376-379, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30577-4 43

2. Hongmei Hea, Ondrej Sykora, and Imrich Vrt’o, Crossing Minimi-sation Heuristics for 2-page Drawings, Electronic Notes in DiscreteMathematics Volume 22, 15 October 2005, Pages 527-534

3. DR Wood, JA Telle, Planar Decompositions and the Crossing Numberof Graphs with an Excluded Minor New York J. Math 13(2007), 117–146.

4. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry,2005, 499 pages.

5. Hongmei He and O. Sykora, New circular drawing algorithms,

6. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

87./ L. A. Szekely, Short proof for a theorem of Pach, Spencer, andToth, in: Towards a Theory of Geometric Graphs, ed. J. Pach,Contemporary Mathematics 342, Amer. Math. Soc. 2004, 281–283.


1. J. Fox, Csaba D. Toth, On the decay of crossing numbers, J. Comb.Theory Ser. B 98(2008) 33–42.

2. J. Cerny, J. Kyncl, G. Toth, Improvement on the decay of crossingnumbers


Page 110: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

3. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

4. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry,2005, 499 pages.

88./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, Bounds andmethods for k-planar crossing numbers, Graph Drawing 2004,Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 2912, Springer Verlag,Berlin, 2004, 37–46.

89./ L. A. Szekely, Counting rooted spanning forests in complete mul-tipartite graphs, Ars Combinatoria 73 (2004), 97–100.

90./ E. Czabarka, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, OuterplanarCrossing Numbers, Circular Arrangement Problem, and Isoperi-metric Functions, Elect. J. Combinatorics 11 (1) (2004) R81 (20pages).


1. DR Wood, JA Telle, Planar Decompositions and the Crossing Numberof Graphs with an Excluded Minor New York J. Math 13(2007), 117–146.

2. A Riskin, The circulark-partite crossing number ofKm,n, Arxiv preprintmath.CO/0605235, 2006

3. H Fernau, Parameterized Algorithmics: A Graph-Theoretic Approach,Habilitation Thesis, Universitat Tubingen, 2005,

91./ L. A. Szekely and Hua Wang, On subtrees of trees, Adv. Appl.Math. 34 (2005), 138–155.


1. Andreas Maunz, Christoph Helma and Stefan Kramer, Efficient miningfor structurally diverse subgraph patterns in large molecular databases,Machine Learning DOI: 10.1007/s10994-010-5187-6

2. Chehreghani MH, Chehreghani MH, Lucas C, et al., Efficient rulebased structural algorithms for classification of tree structured data,INTELLIGENT DATA ANALYSIS Volume: 13, 1 165-188 : 2009

3. C Heuberger, SG Wagner, Asymptotics of the extremal values of cer-tain graph parameters in trees with bounded degree

4. Heuberger C, Wagner SG, Maximizing the number of independent sub-sets over trees with bounded degree JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORYVolume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 49-68 Published: MAY 2008

5. Hua Wang, Sums of distances between vertices-leaves in k-ary trees,Bull. Inst. Comb. Appl.


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6. M. Hamina, M. Peltola, Least-central subtrees, center and centroid ofa tree

7. Hua Wang, The extremal values of the Wiener index of a tree with agiven degree sequence

8. R. Kirk, Hua Wang, Largest number of subtrees of trees with a givenmaximum degree, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMAT-ICS Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Pages: 985-995 Published: 2008

9. Teufl, E., Wagner, S. Enumeration problems for classes of self-similargraphs (2007) Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 114 (7), pp.1254-1277.

10. Yan, W., Yeh, Y. N., Enumeration of subtrees of trees, Enumeration ofsubtrees of trees THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 369 (1-3):256-268 DEC 15 2006

11. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, A092781.http://www.research.att.com/˜njas/sequences

12. Hua Wang, Subtrees of Trees, Wiener Index and Related Problems,Ph. D. Thesis, University of South Carolina, 2005.

13. C. Heuberger, H. Prodinger, On α-greedy expansions of numbers, Ad-vances in Applied Mathematics 38 (2007)(4): 505-525

14. S. Wagner, Correlation of graph-theoretical indices, SIAM JOURNALON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 21 (1): 33-46 2007

92./ L. A. Szekely, Progress on crossing number problems, SOFSEM2005: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 31st Confer-ence on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of ComputerScience Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia, January 22-28, 2005. Editors:P. Vojtas, M. Bielikova, B. Charron-Bost, et al. Lecture Notesin Computer Science Vol. 3381, 2005, Springer-Verlag, 53–61.


1. The minor crosssing number of graphs with an excluded minor Au-thor(s): Bokal D, Fijavz G, Wood DR Source: ELECTRONIC JOUR-NAL OF COMBINATORICS Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Article Number:R4 Published: JAN 1 2008

2. H Fernau, Parameterized Algorithmics: A Graph-Theoretic Approach,Habilitation Thesis, Universitat Tubingen, 2005,

3. Pinchasi, R. Linear algebra approach to geometric graphs (2007) Jour-nal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 114 (8), pp. 1363-1374.

93./ F. Shahrokhi, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, k-planarcrossing numbers, Discrete Appl. Math. 155 (2007), 1106–1115.

94./ P. L. Erdos, A. Seress and L. A. Szekely, Non-trivial t-intersectionin the function lattice, Annals of Combinatorics 9 (2005) 177–187.


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1. Li YS, Wang J Erdos-Ko-Rado-type theorems for colored sets ELEC-TRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 14 (1): Art. No. R1JAN 3 2007

95./ L. A. Szekely, Hua Wang, and Yong Zhang, Some non-existenceresults on Leech trees, Bull. Inst. Comb. Appl. 44 (2005).


1. Hua Wang, Subtrees of Trees, Wiener Index and Related Problems,Ph. D. Thesis, University of South Carolina, 2005.

96./ Linyuan Lu and L. A. Szekely, Using Lovasz Local Lemma inthe space of random injections, Electronic J. Comb. 14 (2007)R63, pp. 13.


1. D. Scheder, P. Zumstein, Unsatisfiable CNF formulas need many con-flicts, Arxiv preprint arXiv:0806.1148, 2008

2. Heidi Gebauer, Robin A. Moser, Dominik Scheder and Emo Welzl, TheLovasz Local Lemma and Satisfiability, Efficient Algorithms LectureNotes in Computer Science, 2009, Volume 5760/2009, 30-54.

3. D. Scheder, P. Zumstein, How many conflicts does it need to be unsat-isfiable?, Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Proceedings of the 11thinternational conference on Theory and applications of satisfiabilitytesting, Guangzhou, China Pages: 246-256 2008.

4. D. Scheder, Unsatisfiable Linear CNF Formulas Are Large, and Diffi-cult to Construct Explicitely, 27th International Symposium on The-oretical Aspects of Computer Science - STACS 2010, Nancy : France(2010), 621-632


97./ L. A. Szekely and Hua Wang, Binary trees with the largest num-ber of subtrees, Discrete Appl. Math. 155 (2007), 374-386.


1. C Heuberger, SG Wagner, Asymptotics of the extremal values of cer-tain graph parameters in trees with bounded degree

2. R. Kirk, Hua Wang, Largest number of subtrees of trees with a givenmaximum degree, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMAT-ICS Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Pages: 985-995 Published: 2008


Page 113: References to publications of - University of South Carolinapeople.math.sc.edu/laszlo/cita.pdf · 2. J. Beck, Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics, University Lecture Notes

3. Yan, W., Yeh, Y. N., Enumeration of subtrees of trees, THEORETI-CAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 369 (1-3): 256-268 DEC 15 2006

4. Heuberger C, Wagner SG, Maximizing the number of independent sub-sets over trees with bounded degree Source: JOURNAL OF GRAPHTHEORY Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 49-68 Published: MAY 2008

5. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, A092781.http://www.research.att.com/˜njas/sequences

6. C. Heuberger, H. Prodinger, On α-greedy expansions of numbers, Ad-vances in Applied Mathematics 38 (2007)505-525

7. Hua Wang, Subtrees of Trees, Wiener Index and Related Problems,Ph. D. Thesis, University of South Carolina, 2005.

98./ L. A. Szekely and Hua Wang, Binary trees with the largest num-ber of subtrees with at least one leaf, Congressus Numerantium177 (2005), 147–16.


1. Yan WG, Yeh YN Enumeration of subtrees of trees THEORETICALCOMPUTER SCIENCE 369 (1-3): 256-268 DEC 15 2006

2. R. Kirk, Hua Wang, Largest number of subtrees of trees with a givenmaximum degree, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMAT-ICS Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Pages: 985-995 Published: 2008

3. Hua Wang, Subtrees of Trees, Wiener Index and Related Problems,Ph. D. Thesis, University of South Carolina, 2005.

99./ E. Czabarka, O. Sykora, L. A. Szekely and I. Vrto, Crossing num-bers and biplanar crossing numbers II: using the probabilisticmethod, Random Structures and Algorithms 33 (2008) 480–496.


1. Joshua K.Lambert, Finding a biplanar embedding of Cn×Cn×Cl×Pm

2. Joshua K.Lambert, The biplanar crossing number of Ck×Cl×C2m×Pn

3. P. Brass, W. Moser, J. Pach, Research Problems in Discrete Geometry,2005, 499 pages.

4. Pach, J., Geometric graph theory. Surveys in combinatorics, 1999(Canterbury), 167–200, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 267,Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1999

100./ M. A. Steel and L. A. Szekely, Teasing apart two trees, Combi-natorics, Probability, and Computing 16 (2007) (6) 203–222.


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2. Louxin Zhang, Jian Shen, Jialiang Yang and Guoliang Li, Analyzingthe Fitch Method for Reconstructing Ancestral States on Ultramet-ric Phylogenetic Trees, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Volume 72,Number 7, 1760-1782, DOI: 10.1007/s11538-010-9505-8

3. Olivier Gascuela, and Mike Steel, Inferring ancestral sequences intaxon-rich phylogenies, Mathematical Biosciences Volume 227, Issue2, October 2010, Pages 125-135

101./ M. A. Steel and L. A. Szekely, On the variational distance of twotrees, ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY 16 (3): 1563-1575 AUG 2006


1. Mahendra Mariadassou, Robustesse des arbres phylogenetiques, Uni-versite Paris Sud - Paris XI (2009-11-27), Avner Bar-Hen (Dir.)

102./ D. Bokal, E. Czabarka, L. A. Szekely, and I. Vrto, Graph minorsand the crossing number of graphs, Electronic Notes in DiscreteMath.


1. Janos Pach, Jozsef Solymosi, Gabor Tardos, Crossing numbers of im-balanced graphs, Journal of Graph Theory Volume 64, Issue 1, pages1221, May 2010

2. Chimani, Markus, Computing crossing numbers, Ph.D. Thesis, TUDortmund, 2009.



5. H Fernau, Parameterized Algorithmics: A Graph-Theoretic Approach,Habilitation Thesis, Universitat Tubingen, 2005,

103./ L. A. Szekely, An optimality criterion for the crossing number,Ars Mathematica Contemporena 1(2008), 32–37.


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1. I. Vrto, Crossing Numbers of Graphs: A Bibliography,http://www.ifi.savba.sk/∼imrich

2. M. J. Pelsmajer, M. Schaefer, D. Stefankovic, : REMOVING IN-DEPENDENTLY EVEN CROSSINGS, SIAM JOURNAL ON DIS-CRETE MATHEMATICS 24(2)(2010) 379–393.

3. M. J. Pelsmajer, M. Schaefer, D. Stefankovic, Crossing numbers ofgraphs with rotation systems Lecture Notes In Computer Science Pro-ceedings of the 15th international conference on Graph drawing, Syd-ney, Australia Pages: 3-12 , 2007 ISBN ISSN:0302-9743 , 3-540-77536-6

104./ A. Sali and L. A. Szekely, On the existence of Armstrong in-stances with bounded domains, Foundations of Information andKnowledge Systems (FoIKS 2008), Lecture Notes in ComputerScience Vol. 4932, pp. 151–157, 2008, Springer-Verlag.


1. Sven Hartmann, Uwe Leck and Sebastian Link, On Codd Familiesof Keys over Incomplete Relations, The Computer Journal AdvanceAccess published September 29, 2010

2. Sven Hartmann, Henning Kohler, and Thu Trinh, On the Existenceof Armstrong Data Trees for XML Functional Dependencies, S. Linkand H. Prade (Eds.): FoIKS 2010, LNCS 5956, pp. 94113, 2010.

105./ E. Czabarka, P. Dankelmann, L. A. Szekely, Diameter of 4-colorable graphs, Europ. J. Comb. 30 (2009) 1082–1089.

106./ M. A. Steel, L. A. Szekely, E. Mossel, Phylogenetic informationcomplexity: is testing a tree easier than finding it? J. Theor.Biology 25 (2009) 95–102.


1. Matthias Dehmer, Marina Popovscaia, Towards Structural NetworkAnalysis, BULETINUL ACADEMIEI DE STIINTE A REPUBLICIIMOLDOVA. MATEMATICA Number 1(62), 2010, Pages 322

107./ L. A. Szekely, Yiting Yang, On the expectation and varianceof the reversal distance, Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica 1(2009) (1) 5–20.

108./ E. Czabarka, L. A. Szekely, S. Wagner, The inverse problem forcertain tree parameters, Discrete Applied Math. 157(15)(2009),3314–3319.


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109./ Hyunju Kim, Z. Toroczkai, I. Miklos, P. L. Erdos, L. A. Szekely,On realizing all simple graphs with a given degree sequence Phys.Lett. A Math. Theor. 42 (2009) 392001.


1. Del Genio CI, Kim H, Toroczkai Z, et al., Efficient and Exact Samplingof Simple Graphs with Given Arbitrary Degree Sequence, PLOS ONEVolume: 5 Issue: 4 (2010) Article Number: e10012

2. Erdos PL, Miklos I, Toroczkai Z, A simple Havel-Hakimi type algo-rithm to realize graphical degree sequences of directed graphs, ELEC-TRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 17 (1)(2010) ArticleNumber: R66

3. Klinkowski, AnyTraffic routing algorithm for label-based forwarding,IEEE GLOBCOM 2009 proceedings.

4. Charo I Del Genio, Hyunju Kim, Zoltan Toroczkai, Kevin E. Bassler,Efficient and exact sampling of simple graphs with given arbitrarydegree sequence

5. Ginestra Bianconi, Entropy of network ensembles, Physical ReviewE 79, 036114 (2009).

110./ M. A. Steel and L. A. Szekely, Inverting random functions III:discrete MLE revisited, Annals Comb. 13 (2009) 373–390.



2. Mahendra Mariadassou, Robustesse des arbres phylogenetiques, Uni-versite Paris Sud - Paris XI (2009-11-27), Avner Bar-Hen (Dir.)

111./ M. A. Steel, L. A. Szekely, An improved bound on the MaximumAgreement Subtree problem, Appl. Math. Letters 22 (2009)1778–1780.


1. J Goodrich, Phylogenetic Pipeline for the Detection of Horizontal GeneTransfer

112./ H. Aydinian, E. Czabarka, P. L. Erdos, L. A. Szekely, A tour ofM -part L-Sperner families, to appear in J. Comb Theory Ser A.

113./ H. Aydinian, E. Czabarka, K. Engel, P. L. Erdos, L. A. Szekely,A note on full transversals and mixed orthogonal arrays, Aus-tralasian J. Comb. 48(2010), 133–141.


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114./ L. A. Szekely, Hua Wang, and Taoyang Wu, The sum of dis-tances between the leaves of a tree and the ’semi-regular’ prop-erty, Discrete Math. (2010)

115./ D. Bokal, E. Czabarka, L. A. Szekely, and I. Vrto, General lowerbounds for the minor crossing numbers of graphs, Discrete andComputational Geometry 44(2010), 463–483.


116./ Combinatorial exercises, JATE University, Szeged, l983 (in Hun-garian).


1. P. Hajnal Elementary problems in combinatorics, Polygon, BolyaiInstitute, Szeged, 1997 (in Hungarian).

117./ L. A. Szekely, Analytic Methods in Combinatorics, Thesis forthe Candidate’s Degree, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1985.(in Hungarian)


1. Boris Bukh, Measurable sets with excluded distances

2. Quas A, Distances in positive density sets in R-d, JOURNAL OFCOMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A Volume: 116 Issue: 4 Pages:979-987 Published: MAY 2009

118./ An algebraic approach to the uniform concurrent multicommod-ity flow problem: theory and applications, Technical Report CRPDC-91-4, Department of Computer Science, University of North Texas,1991 (with F. Shahrokhi).


1. L Torok, Volumes of 3D Drawings of Homogenous Product Graphs(Extended Abstract),SOFSEM 2005: Theory and Practice of Com-puter Science: 31st Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Prac-tice of Computer Science Liptovsky’ Ja’n, Slovakia, January 22-28,2005. Proceedings, LNCS 3381/2005, p. 423. Editors: Peter Vojta’s(,Ma’ria Bielikova’, Bernadette Charron-Bost, et al.

2. P. Ruzicka, On efficiency of path systems induced by routing and com-munication schemes, Computing and Informatics 20 (2) (2001), 181–205.

3. P. Ruzicka, Efficient communication schemes, Theory and practice ofinformatics SOFSEM’98, Band 25, 244–263.


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4. L. Stacho, I. Vrto, Bisection width of transposition graphs, DiscreteAppl. Math. 84 (1998), 221–235.

5. O. Sykora, I. Vrto, On crossing numbers of hypercubes and cube-connected cycles, BIT Comp. Sci. and Num. Math. 33(1993)232–237.

6. O. Sykora, I. Vrto, On VLSI layouts of the star graph and relatednetworks, Integration, the VLSI Journal 17(1994), 83–93.

7. M. Scharbrodt, Die Kreuzungszahl von Graphen, Diplomarbeit, In-stitut fur Informatik der Universitat zu Koln, 1994.

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