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··tc . , REG». GOA-ji , Panaji, 4th July, 1985 lAsadhal3, 1907l SERIES II No. 14 OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTE , . -' -. - '-, - -..;:: .-- - " OF GOA._.DAMAN' 'AND.,DIU i' GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU Education Department Order No, 12/1/85/l:/Edn/ ARCH/II Read: 1. Government Order No. dated 1,1-3-82 creating various posts for the College. of Architecture. 2. U. P. S. C's letter No. F.l/92/84-R. G. dated .30-1'85. On the recommendation of the Union Public Service. Com- mission, Shri K. Khandeparkar is -hereby temporarily appointed as Lecturer in Architecture _ in. Goa :College of Architecture with effect from 7-6-85 . (F. N.) in the scale of -700-1600 -plus usual allowances admissible -from time to time. His initial pay will be fixed according" to the' rules as recommended by the -Unioil Public Service Comm1ss1on 'vide their letter quoted above. . 2. The appointment is temporary 1$ - subject to the as specified in offer of appointment vide Memorandum of even -number dated 19-3-85. 3. The appointment_ is further subject to the conditions that in ease, anything- adverse 'is brought to the notice on verification of his character' and antecedents. his .services will be terminated. By' order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa. Daman and Diu. D. N. Accawade, Under Panaji, 27th June, 1985. ... Forest and Agriculture Department Order No. 3/25-34/83;WET Read:- Government Notification No. 3/25-34/84/WET dated 15-9-1984. Government is hereby pleased to extend the powers _ of Executive Engineer, Works Division XIV, liTigation Depart- ment, Margao-Goa to the command area -of the Anjilllem Irrigation Project and delimit the jurb3diction of Executive Engineer, Works Division I, Irrigati.on Department, Panaji M Canal Officer to areas as detailed in column 4 of the No- tification minus the Command area of' Anjunem Irrigation Project. . The above order will come linto force with immediate elf:fect. . By order .and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, ,Damap. and Diu. - A. P. ·Panvelkar, Under Secretary to the Government of Goa. . Daman and Diu. 25th June, 1985. .. Notification No. DC/FST/85 In exercise of the powers conferred by section SS of the Goa, .. Danian and Diu. of Trees Act, i984 (6 of 19M}- Government of Goa, Daman .and ,Diu hereby invests the Tree officers and other officers specified. in column 1 of the Schedule' hereto with. the . powerS specified !n the. corresponding entry of colwnn 2 thereof. ScaEDULE Officer Powers under section 33 of. the Act 2 1. Tree Offlcer/Deputy Con- servator of Forests Clauses (a), (b)., (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of sec- tion 33. 2. Assistant Conservator Forests 3. Range Forest Officers of Clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g) of section 33. Clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g) of section 33. 4. Deputy Range Forest ·Offl- ' Clauses (a)" (b), (d) and 5. 6. 7. S. cer <e) C1f section 3S. Round .Foresters Clauses (b), (d) and (e) of section 33. Forest Guards Cla.uses (a)· and (e) C1f section S3. Chief Forest SW'Veyor Clause (a)' of section 33. Forest Clause (a) of section S3. By order and In the name of the A_t<>r of Goe., Daman and DiU. A. ·P. Uncler secre4uY to the -Government of Goa, Daman and DIu. . J.me, 1985 ... Public Works and Urban'DevehlpmentDepartinent Order No.7/14-1/79-WET The Administrator'- of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to repatriate .wlth lnunediate effect Shri S. Y. Kharwlgate, Superintending Engineer of Public, Works Department and at present on deputation as Senior TeChnical Examiner in Technical Examiner's Cell, Panaji. upon his repatriation the services of 8hri S. Y. Kharangate are placed at the 'disposal of the Education Department, Secretariat Panaji for posting hiin. on deputation as Project Officer of the Goa University . By order· and In, the name of the AdminlStrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.: A. V. Pimenta, Under Secretary (P.W. &u.ti.). , Panajl, 3rd May, 1985.
Page 1: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary


. , REG». GOA-ji ,

Panaji, 4th July, 1985 lAsadhal3, 1907l SERIES II No. 14

OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTE , . -' -. - '-, - -..;:: .-- -





Education Department


No, 12/1/85/l:/Edn/ ARCH/II Read: 1. Government Order No. 16/12/81~WET dated

1,1-3-82 creating various posts for the College. of Architecture.

2. U. P. S. C's letter No. F.l/92/84-R. G. dated .30-1'85.

On the recommendation of the Union Public Service. Com­mission, Shri ~. K. Khandeparkar is -hereby temporarily appointed as Lecturer in Architecture _ in. Goa :College of Architecture with effect from 7-6-85 . (F. N.) in the scale of Rs~ -700-1600 -plus usual allowances admissible -from time to time. His initial pay will be fixed according" to the' rules as recommended by the -Unioil Public Service Comm1ss1on 'vide their letter quoted above. .

2. The appointment is temporary ~d 1$ -subject to the conditi~ns as specified in th~ offer of appointment vide Memorandum of even -number dated 19-3-85.

3. The appointment_ is further subject to the conditions that in ease, anything- adverse 'is brought to the notice on verification of his character' and antecedents. his .services will be terminated.

By' order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa. Daman and Diu.

D. N. Accawade, Under Secretary-_(Educa~on).

Panaji, 27th June, 1985. ... Forest and Agriculture Department


No. 3/25-34/83;WET

Read:- Government Notification No. 3/25-34/84/WET dated 15-9-1984.

Government is hereby pleased to extend the powers _ of Executive Engineer, Works Division XIV, liTigation Depart­ment, Margao-Goa to the command area -of the Anjilllem Irrigation Project and delimit the jurb3diction of Executive Engineer, Works Division I, Irrigati.on Department, Panaji M Canal Officer to areas as detailed in column 4 of the No­tification minus the Command area of' Anjunem Irrigation Project. .

The above order will come linto force with immediate elf:fect.

. By order .and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, ,Damap. and Diu. -

A. P. ·Panvelkar, Under Secretary to the Government of Goa. . Daman and Diu.

Panaj~ 25th June, 1985.



No. DC/FST/85

In exercise of the powers conferred by section SS of the Goa, .. Danian and Diu. P1'e$e~tdon of Trees Act, i984 (6 of 19M}- th~ Government of Goa, Daman .and ,Diu hereby invests the Tree officers and other officers specified. in column 1 of the Schedule' hereto with. the . powerS specified !n the. corresponding entry of colwnn 2 thereof.


Officer Powers under section 33 of. the Act


1. Tree Offlcer/Deputy Con­servator of Forests

Clauses (a), (b)., (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of sec­tion 33.

2. Assistant Conservator Forests

3. Range Forest Officers

of Clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g) of section 33.

Clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g) of section 33.

4. Deputy Range Forest ·Offl- ' Clauses (a)" (b), (d) and





cer <e) C1f section 3S.

Round .Foresters Clauses (a»~ (b), (d) and (e) of section 33.

Forest Guards Cla.uses (a)· and (e) C1f section S3.

Chief Forest SW'Veyor Clause (a)' of section 33.

Forest Survey~. Clause (a) of section S3.

By order and In the name of the A_t<>r of Goe., Daman and DiU.

A. ·P. Ptp(L1Je'lkar~_ Uncler secre4uY to the -Government of Goa, Daman and DIu. .

,I'anaj~24th J.me, 1985 • ... Public Works and Urban'DevehlpmentDepartinent



The Administrator'- of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to repatriate .wlth lnunediate effect Shri S. Y. Kharwlgate, Superintending Engineer of Public, Works Department and at present on deputation as Senior TeChnical Examiner in Technical Examiner's Cell, Panaji.

Co~quent upon his repatriation the services of 8hri S. Y. Kharangate are placed at the 'disposal of the Education Department, Secretariat Panaji for posting hiin. on deputation as Project Officer of the Goa University .

By order· and In, the name of the AdminlStrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.:

A. V. Pimenta, Under Secretary (P.W. &u.ti.). , Panajl, 3rd May, 1985.

Page 2: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary



No. LS~MUN-3182-68-C

Read:- Government Notification No. LSG-MUN-3182-68--0 dated 36-3-85.

1n exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-e·S~ction- (1) of Section 71. of the Goa, Dalnan -& Diu Municipalities A9t • 1968 (7 of 1969), the Administrator.of.Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to appoint Shrl R. K. Bhatia, Secretary (UDT). as._ Director of Municipal Administration during the leave pe ... · riod of Smt. Nailli Jayseelan, iffi addition to his own duties.

By order and in the name -of the Administrator of'~! Daman .and DilL . .

A. V. Pimenta, Under Secretary, (PW&UD)~

Panaji, 26th June, 1985.



Read: Notification No. 4-46-76-UDD dated 26-6-1983 and Notification No. 4/5/2/84-LAWD'dated30-11-1984; .

The· appoi"ntment' o~ depub.ti~n of' Shri Tapas' Neogy, Associate Town Planner, as Town Planning Officer/Member Secretary of the Monnugao Planning and Development Authority is extended for further period of one year with effect from 20-6-1985. '-

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu; ,

A. V. Pimenta) Under Secretary (PW &·ti~). . Panaji, 26th June, 1985.

. Revenue Department


No. 22/156/82-RD

Whereas it appears to'the Appropriate Government (herein­after referred to as "the' Govemment~') that the land'specifiied in the, sChedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the' "said land") is likely to be needed for ,public p'urpose viz; Land Acquisition Impr9vemen~ and BIT of road from Navelim-Sin­quetim to Talaulim Vm.age.

Therefore the Goverrune~t is pleased to ,notify under sub­~section (1.) of Section 4 Of., the Land .A,cqUisitio,n. Act, 1894 (hereinafter reterred to as"'the "said Act") that the said land ·is likely to be needed for the purpoSe specifiied above. '

2. All persons interested ,in the said land are, hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any 'surveyor or other persons employed upon the s,aid land for the purpOse of the Said acquisition. Any contracts for the disposal. of the said land by sale, mortgage, assignment, exchange or otherwise, or any outlay conunenced or improvements made thereon without the sanction of the Collector appoint~ in paragraph 4 below, after the date of the publication of this NotifiCation,. will under clause (seventh)' of Section '24 of the said Act, be disre-

SERIES II !fa. 14


No. 7/15-1/84'WET

Read: Government order 'of even .number dated 2~2~1985.

In the .para 1st of the Government 'order ·cit~d above after the words "with .effect from" instead of 26~9~1984 may be read as '1-12~1984.'

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.

A. V~ Pim.enta; Under SecretarY to';'llie ·Go.vernmeIit .of',~, Darp.an and' Diu. .

Panaji,' 24th June, 1985.

Tourism, Information and T ransportDepartment


No. 4/12/80-HD(G)/Part file

Read: Order No. 4/12/80-HD(G)IPart file dated 6-6-1985.

In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary (,STE)" instead ''Of Under Secretary (Home). .

V. M. Dhume, Under Secretary .(STE).

Panaji, 24th June, 1985 .

garded by hIim while assessing compensation for"such parts of tl!e said land as may be finally acquired. .

,3.) If the, ·Government is satisfied that ·the said land. is needed for ;the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that effect under ,Section 6 of the said· Act will be published in the OffIiclal Gazette, 'in due course. If the acquisition' is ,abandoned wholly or in part, the fact wi).l, be notified.

4. The Goverrun~nt is' further pleased tel" appoint under clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the' Additional Deputy' Collector South Div. Margao to perform -the functions ot a Collector under the said Act·in respect of the. said land..

& The Government lis iIsb pieased. to authoriSe under 'sub~ ~section (2) of Section (4) of the said Act, 'the. following officers to do the: acts, specified therein in respect of the' said land.

1. The Collector of ~ Panaji.

2. The Additional Deputy Collector South Div. Margao.

3. The Executive Engin,ee.r, Works Division VI, Fatorda, Margao.

4. The Dire~tor of Land 'S~ey, Panajt

6. A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection in the of(ice of the Additional Deputy COllector South Div. Mar~o for a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette.


(Description of the ~aid l.and)

Sr. No. Taluka Village SurieyNo. Sub. ni'l. No. Names of the persons believed to be interested Approximate .ar~ in 'sq. mts.

t 2 3 4 5 6

Salcete Navelim 103 1 Vasant Naracinva Keni. 30.00 -do- -do- 103 2 1) Elsa MasaraJ. 25.00

2) Basentur Marsaral. -do- -do- 103 3 Vas811t Narcinva Kem. .,15.00 -do- -do- 103 ;I Granguram 'Naik. 80.00 -do- '.:....do- 104 Vas ant Narcinva Keni •. 150.00 -do- -do- 105 3 Vasant 'N~cinva .Keni., . 200.00 -do---'- -do- 332 1 Furterilal Menezes. 600.00 Salcete . Talaulim 332 2 1) Alberto Souza. 150.00

2) Aloulslo Souza. i

Page 3: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary

4TH JUL¥, 1985 (ASADHA 13, 1907)

2 3 4

. Tal.au~im. 333

-do- -=-do- 333

-dQ- -dQ- 333 -'.dQ- -,00- 22 -!IO- -do- 22 _dQ- -do- 4;

-dQ- -do- 4; '-dQ~ -dO- 4 --':do~ -do- 4 -dQ- -;-do- 4

:=~.' -do- 334 -do- 334

-dQ- -do-. 334 -dQ- -do- 334; -do- "-(jo~ 334 -,dQ- ........,..do- 334

,-dQ-, -do- 334 ---:-:-9P- -.40- 3 -dQ- -do- 337 -dQ- -do-- 337 -dQ- -do- 337 -dQ- -do- 337 -dQ- -do- 341 -do- -dQ- ,341 c'-flp_ -dO- 341 -do- -do- 341

-do- -do- l -dO- -dO- l -dQ- -do- 290 -dQ- -do- 290 -do- -do- '290 -do- -do- 290 -dQ- -do- 290 -dQ- -dQ- 290' -dQ- -do-- 290 -dQ- -do- 290 -dQ- -do- 290 -dQ-- -do- 290 -dQ- -do- 290 -do- -dO"":""" 291 -do- .:...-do- 291

-do- -do- 291 ' 291

·-do- -do- 29i -do- -do- 2\12 -do- -do- 292 -do- -do- 292 -do- -do- 292 -do- -do- 282 -do- -do- 274 -do- -do- 274 -do- -do- 274 -do- -do- 274 -do- -da- 28! -do- -do-! 281 -<10- -do"":"""': 276 -do- -do- 276 -do- -do- 276 -do- -do- 276 -do- -do- 276 -do- -do- 276 -do- -do- 276 -do-'- -do- '277 -do- -do---': 270 -do- -da- 135 """"':'do- -do- 136 -do- -do- 33 -do- ---":"do- 23



,5 1 3 4;

18 26 28 30 5

13 14 l~ 18 1~

17, :.\ 4 2

10 11 1 5 7 9

1 2 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 9,

10 11 12

1 4

6 2 8

',3 5

,9 4 7 2 6 7 8 2 4 1

,2 3 4 5 6 7


2 1


3) Azunda Souza. 1) Albeifu'SoiiZil,. 2) AloUIslosOuza.' 3) AzWldaSouZa..' :I.) Glrag<i 'l'dei;' 2} Ranilr'l'ele.:., 'I) RantTeles. 4) Piedade Teles. S) JoaO'"T~es;" Alex Fra:ncisCo :Il,ebello. Reserto'TOles; , " , A.Je><anclriDiiFerrao. , Narasiva Rama Chandra KfDi. Sarat<'t'n~silv'a..'· \,", '", : ",. "' . Mari~~f 'IJi~ily~; . ~;~1ii:.~~~. , .: N ·V:.'~ch~dr:a'KenJ. A~ P'Sill'.a:-'" .' ' .. Sara !)'4Z!iva:':J" . ' Ma~nan~'GOin~ '. Gabri.h¥iiiil~r'v:~es. . " , ' 1) Jacii.6 'Cabral.'" . 2) Paixoo Cabral. ~Anj~ ... Simp~ 'Fernlqldej!. :M:aria. 'Angela"Luxdes Cotlnho. Octav,ino Ferrao. ~'GOmes. ' 'AlJ4ati~'nc;?~~~n.~ ~Q Rosario Mjran~a.

ex .l:\..ebello. Church Property. ~9Se Minguel 'l'i>l\CO D'Menezes. ' 1) Santana Caridade Filas!ano Cotinho. 2) Francis Masinl Cotlnh,C' ~?-~ 9~ ~9:Wlt ~~ 9.f T~la.ulbu. Remedio PIres. . &salina EmdJana. LiiiZtiui. FIlomlnli.

,. ~9:~o Vales: .~ Franco Ferr.ao~ ~oVales.

. Alex Manuel Fea.ncis Pereira.' FranciSco Antonio Laurenco. i'\W!"n Joseph Fernandes. .~ Jose Cabral AzavedQ~ ~~s'an Joseph Fernandes. Maria Piadade CaSsal. _ Consasap Souza. . . Maiia Consasao Souza. Roque Francis Ferrao. Maria Consasao S01l7A. Alex. Manuel Franctls Pereira. Francisco Antonio Lawareo. Susan Joseph PIres. Maria JOSe Azavedo. Susan Joseph Pires. Marla Piedade Cassa!. PE>dro Perls. ,,~a.tesh R: Keny. YPI~ent Joao Antonio' Teles. ~uiS Marian Goes. J~ Pires. ~9!ie )'4anuel de Pledade.

. ~ilIp Rebello. . . Sara Jose Azavedo.

ManUel Coutinho de Rosario. Vencalure Sebastiano SoarC8. Caitano Pedro Joao Paris. Jolotinho Vicente de Peris. ~a Jorge Azavedo. ~qmunidade. . Alex'Manuel F. Pereira. FiI:i.oiano R. D'Silva. ~lex Pereira. J~~ui.zn Xavier Ferrao. ,~o Menezes. F~o Menezes. s~: ~o:~'~-rt Tales.·


By or~er and in the name of the ~t. ~v~rnor' ~f G9a;- :Daman and Diu.

P. 8. Nadkarn~ Under Secretary ,(Revenue). Panaj~ 23rd May, 1985. . "

; .'

.:: .:'



ioo:oo io.o.QQ '50:00

.7Ml.O ~O·OO 40.~ il\·oo 40·00 ~5;op 3Q.OQ 5Q.1l<! 85,@



25.00 50.00 35.00

150.00 125.00 275.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 25.00

75.00 50.00 15.00 45.00 40.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 10.00 3,0.00 5.00

30.00 30.00

, .20.00 15.00

10.00 50.00 10.00 25.00 5.00

25.00 35.00

525.00 335.00 140.00 100.00 200.00 ~40.00 240.00 125.00

75.00 60.00 75.00 50.00

250.00 50.00

1200.00 , 125.00 1125.00 . 600,00

815.00 245.00


Page 4: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary



No. 22/165/84-RD

Whereas it appears to the Appropriate Government (here~ inafter referred to as "the Government") that the land specified in the schedule hereto (hereinafter referred" to a:3_ the "said land") is likely to be needed for public. purpose viz. L.A. for const. of Clbretta to Rangall road via Carshota Zuvem road (part-II) in V. P. Velim, Salcete.

.Therefor~ the Government is pleased to notify under. sub­-section (1) of Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (liereinafter referred to as the "said Act") that the,. said land is ~ely to be needed for the purpose spec~fied above.

2. Ali persons interested in the said land are hereby warned' not to obstruct or m.terfere with any surveyor or other persons- employed upon the said land for the purpose' of the said acquisition. Any contracts for the disposal of the' said land by -sale, mortgage, assignment, excrumge: or otherwise, or any outlay commenced or improvements made thereon without the sanction of the Collector appointed in p8;l'8.graph 4 below, after the date of the publication of this Notification, will l,lllder clause (seventh) of Section 24 of the said' Act, be disregarded by him while assessing compensation f~r. f:;uch parts of the s~d land as may be finally acquired. ','

3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is needed for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that effect


under Section 6 of the' said Act Will be published in the Official Gazette, in due course. If the acquisition is abandoned whoUy or in part, the fact will be notified.

.:,4. The Government is further pleased to appoint WIder clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the Add!. Dy. Collector (3-South) C/o Mamlatdar otflce. Quepem to perfonn the functions of a Collector under the said Act in respect of the said land. .

5. The Government is also pleased to authorise under sub­-section (2) of Section (4) of the said Act, 'the· following officers to do the acts, specified therein in respect .of the said land •.

1. The Collector of Goa, Panaji.

2. The Add!. DY. COllector (3-South) C/o. Mamlatdar Office, Quepem.

3. The Executive Engineer, W.D.VI (R&B); Fatorda, Margao.

4.. The ~rector of Land Survey, Panaji.

·6. A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection In the office of the Add!. Deputy Collector (3-South) C/o. Mamlatdar Office. Quepem, for a period of 30 days from the date of publiCation of this Notification in the Official Gazette.


(Description of the said land)

Sr. No. Taluka Village Survey No; Sub. Div. No.

1 2 3 4 ,5

Salcete Vellm 122 1

-do- -do- 122. 2

-do- 122 3

-do- -dO- 122 4

-do- -do- A

-do- -do- 404

Names of the persons believed· to be interested


·Comunidade. , North: Comunidad •.

South: Rozario Cardozo East: Comunidade. west: Road.

Hazaric:> Cardoz. North: Comunidade. South: Gurudas Tlmblo.· East: Rozario Cardozo West: Road.

Gurudas Timblo. North: Rozario Cardozo South: Inacinha D'Silva.

Rozario D'Silva, Nazareth D'Silva, Roque· Xavier D'Silva, Francisco D'Silva & Lorencinha Cruz D'Silva.

East: Gurudas Timblo. West: Road.

Comunidade. . East: South: East: West:

Not Known. . North: Inacinha D'Silva,

, . Rozario D'Silva, Nazareth D'Silva, Roque Xavier D,Silva, Francisco D'Silva & Lorencisco Cruz D'Silva.

South: Comunidade. East: .. west: Comuni:dade, .

Inadnha D'Silva. Roiario D'Sllva, Nazareth D'Silva, Roque' ·Xavier D'Silva. FranCisco D'Silva & Lorencinha. Cruz D'Silva.

North: Gurudas Timblo. South: PlotA. East: Inacinha D'Silva.

Rozario D'Sllva, N.a.zareth D'Stllva, Roque Xavier D'Silva.

Approximate area in sq. mts,



. ·175.00





Page 5: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary

4TH JULY, 1985 (ASADHA 13, 1907) 237

1 2 3 4 5 G

Salcete Velim 65 . Comuni!lade. "9500.00 -do- -do-- 66 1· Comunidade. 25.00 -do- -do- 66 2 . JOaquim ·Vaz, Beliza Vaz & Pirito. · 75.00 ""':""do- -do- 66 '4 BazIlIo Vaz. 60.00 -do- ·-do-- 66 5 Joaquim Vaz, Bellza Vaz & Pinto. ..' · 65.00

'-do- -do- 66 6 BazIllo Vaz. 60.00 -do- -do- 66 7 Joaquim Vaz~ Beliza Vaz &, ~into. 70.00 -do- -do- 66 8 BazIlio Vaz. 85.00

. -do- -do- 66 9 Gregorio xavier & Advls xavier. 60.00 -do- ~do- 66 10 candido Andrade & Teotonlo ·Andrade. 60.00 -'-do- -do- 66 11 Cruzlnha Andrade. '75.00 -do- -do- 407 Espceiosa candelina Vaz. 65.00

Joaquim Francisco. Estaques de Andrade & caetano. Conceicao de Andrade.

-do- -do- 62 Jose Francisco Rebelo. 400.00 -do- -do- 60 5 EliZa: :M:oraes. 150.00 -do- -do- 60 8 .' Adellano Deniz. 140.00 -do- -do- 60 14 .- ~Maria Jerana Fernades. 80.00 -~ -do~ -do- 60 19 Maria ida Francisco. 100.00

PInto de Almeida & Gregorio. TamaturgoPiedade Almeida.

-do- -do- '60 22 Josefina Fernandes. 100.00 -do- --do- .60 24 Joaqulm Leonlta Rebelo. 75.00 -do- -do- 7l 1 Roquizinho Conceicao & Francisco 155.00

Conceicao Pais. -do- -do- 7l 3 Joao Constancio Rebelo. 155.00 -do- -do- ,71 5 Genovia Fernande"s. 170.00 -do- -do- 7i 6 .Comunidade. 30.00 -do- -do- 7l 8 Lourenco Fernandes & Teotonio Luciano 170.00

Fernandes. -do- -do- 72 1 Jose Francisco Rebello. · 170.00 .. -do- -do- 72 ·1 Joaquina Leonita Rebelo & 150.00

CUstodio Rebello. ,,", -do- -do- 72 5 Catarina Fernandes. '125.00 ·-do- -·do- 72 12. . Jose Constancio·Rebello. ~<l70.oo -do.:....... -do- 72 ' 14" , ,"',"JazeIiho Rebello, r'-',

10.00 "Joad Constacio t:tebello,

Y'., ~ Jose Francisco J:tebello & , '-DiOgo ',Oonceicao Roque Rebe~ot

-do'- --do- 72 16 . Higfuilana Beatriz Colaco. 40.00 :""'do- -do- 59 :: . , CaclaUinho Cardozo 350.00 -do·- -do- 59 7 Higllnia.na Beatriz Colaco. 600.00 "":'do- -do- 56 1" Cdniuludade. 70.00 -do- -do- 56 a ' Cruz;_,Cairo, Nelson Cairo &: -. Francisco cairo. 150.00 -'-do- -do-- 131 7 ' Comuriidade. 60.00 -do- -·do- 131 8 ,.,:: . Comumdade. 30.00 -do- ~do- 131 9, " Comunidade. 25.00 -do-- -do- 131 .,10< Comunidade. 25.00 -do- -·do--...:.... 131 11 Conmnidade. 40.00 ,-do- -do- 131 12 Comunidade. 135.00 -do-- -do- 131 13.:, Comunidade. 55.00 -do- ....,..--do- 131 14 Comuni<jade. 60.00 -do- -do- 131 15' . Comunidade. 35.00 -do- -do- 131 17 . ,- : Comunidade. 160.00 -do- ,-do- ' . .108 1 Comunidade. 125.00 -do- '~do- 108 2 Comunidade, 35.00 -do-- :'-'do'- 108. '3 Comunidade, 40.00 -do:...· -do- 108 4 Comunldade. 10.00 , -do.....:..- -do,- . ,108 5 Comunidade. 65.00 _13: -do- -ao-'- 108 7 Comunidade. 200.00 -do- -do-,- 108 8' Comuriidade. 35:00 -do- -do--:- . '108 ·9 Comunidade. 50.00 -do- -do- 108 .21 Comunidade. 50.00 -do.- -do- 108 . 25 Comunidade . 55.00 -do- -do- 108 50 Comunidade. 25.00 -do- -da- 108 51 Comunidade. 30.00 -do- -do'- 108 52 Comunidade. 35.00 -do- -:- do':"""" 108 53 Comunidade. 35.00 -do- -do-' 107 1 Comunidade. 250.00 -do- -do- 107 2 Comunidade. 40.00' -do- ~do-. 107 3 Comunidade. 15.00 .,.-do- -do~ 107 4 , Comunidade. 10.00 -do- ~do~ 107 5 Comunidade. 30.00 -do- -.do-. 107 6 Comunidade. 25.00 -do- ·-do- 107 19 Comunidade. 10.00 -do- -do- 107 22 Comunidade. 10.00 -do- -do- 107 23 Coml,mida4~· ""',-"'" .. :: ~:. iO.oo -do- -do-':'" 107 '26 Comunidade. 10.00 -do- -do--":' 106 4 Comunidade. . '-'- -. ," ,,', - : ~; . '25,()0 -do- -do- 106 3 Comunidade. 40.00 ''''-- -do- -,.do- 337 I Niceta ;Barros & Joao Franco BalTOs. 125.00 r


Page 6: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary


i i' e., if ~

Salcete Vellm 330 ......;...:'do- -do- 330 ....::..:....do- -do- 330 ~do- -do- aso' ...:....-do- -do- 330'

,-...:..:....dQ- -do- 380' .,.::.-do- -do-· 330 c.:::....do- -do- 330'

-:_ .::-do- -do- 3~ .;-.-do'- -do- ' .. 3.,!-0, --'-do_ -do- 330 ~do- -do- 330 -do- -do- 326

-do- -d6- i27'


.. ;.:...:....do- -do- 327

~do- -do- 32& -do- -':"do- 318 ...:......:.do- -do- 317

"".- ~do- -do- 336 .-:=-,,:do- -do- 336 -do- -do- 331 .;...:.:.do- -do- 331

, :'. '~do- -do- 331 '-:do- -do- 325 ..;...;....do- -do- 322 .:...:...do- -do- 321

(,- -do- -do- 321

-do- -do- 321

-'-do- ~do-

-do- -do- 321

, .. ;


t 2 3 '4,

5 6' 1


8' 9<

1"; 1~




1 2; 1 21 5' & ! 1 2




carmelito Borges. HonOl'ato Borges. A.g.ostfnho Fernandes.

, , :buts- Fernandes. C"e€an81 Fernandes, JosinhO' -Fernandes. Cesfu.ircio Fernandes. Fpanoifico Xavier· Borges & ;AntOnio> Pedro Borges. ,Antonio Pedro Borges. FPancie'Co X&viep" Borges.

· .~q~ santan ~rges. Avelmo' Piedade Fernandes. · Zalma;. Antaa,

, ,A:Jbe_YtOr Antao & Jasmina· Antao. · "Mukun'd Kamat,

;Leonardo Colaeo, Avei!n1t Colaeo, ir1l6lffia Colaeo,

. iMifZ Bolaeo, ':. , .Jtih..:.em· _Colaco, . , , 'Fe1'tirnena Colac6; '.

jta~eUsa Colaco, . , 1!-e-raid6 Colaco & Mariano COlaco. J6s~~~dade coft!co, . J6~qMm. Sivvestte' Colaco & COnceicao C'o~o. __ Kamat,· .

Ml;i, Costa Martins, V':Ue'riaDa Andra~e. Va:lenti1la Andratle & AmaraG Andrade. vto!eta} de Costa'., 0hUl'OO Property' of Vellm, T0m~ Modesto Marcelino Pais. J'e'a'lllifu Santan·Borges. Avelin'6' Piedade .:Fernandes.

, Pbli¢'j'onio D'Silva. ,Muka.;d Kamat, .Ave!in6 -de Costs.; COnce!cao Colac<> & JoaqUim Silvestre . (lOfaeo, .

Jose- Pledade Colaco. Lorenclnha de Costa Correira, 6ristaiina Costa, . . :fited'iide Costa, . " uai>£ uinha Colaico, Jose ~"edade Coiaco &

'jo'SfS xavier Costa Colaeo, Lofeiicfi)ha de Costa Correia, ci'lsbri!nha Costa, Pietiade Costa, . :I!tiltl(julnha Colaco, ,J'",," P>edade colaco &

· .Jose XlI. vier Costa Colaeo. Mukutid Kamat &, FellJ<be'rto D'Silva Colaeo,

Boundaf'te8 :

North: S. N: 144/8, Roo:d, s. No, 122'/1, 2, 3, ViII~gecavelossli'il; S, No, 467 /ri, 72/12, 16, 17, 55/0, 337/1;330/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, '10, 11, 111, &. 13"S. No, 326/0, 327/1. & 2,320/6. 818/1, 317/IJ, 33117. 8,9,,10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 8r; 1't. .

South: S. No. 404/0, 401/0, 60/1, Zf 3, 4, 5, 59/11 56/3, 4 & ~., 108/1, 2, 3, 4-, 5, 7, ' 107/1, 106/3, Nala, 336/1, 2, 331/1, 2 & 5, 325/0, 822/1, 321/1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, 318/1 & 2, 317/0,

East: S,Nb', 1""/1, 2, 3, S, No, 404/0, S,No, 66/1, _2, 4, 5, 6, 1, 8, 9, 407/0, "11/1, 3, 5, 6, g, 72/1, 4, 5, 12, 16, 17, 55/0, Road. Nail!,

West: Village Cavelossifi'l, S, No. 64/0, 62/0, 60/5, 12, 8, 9, .14; 19, 22, 24,. R-oad, S. No, 59/3, 7, 56/3 & 1, 109/10. 10817, 8, 9, ,21, 25, 50, 51, 52 / 53, Nala,


85:00 '90,00

'65,00 65,00 40,00 50,00, 30,00 35,00

65,00 65,00 SO,OO

, 120,00 850,00'



975,00 2725,00 1775,00

375,00 70,00

275,00 ·125,00 150.00 725,00 :rOO,OO

75,00 , 190,00

25,00 40,00



Total ....... "" ... , 28,935.00

By order and in ~e name Of the Lt. Go:Yeriioi' of. GOa, Daman, and Diu. :f>;ii, Nadkaml, Under Secretary (Revenue).

'I>lInaji, 25th April, 1985.

------- ------,--- _. ------, -.

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4TH JULY,.'4.98" (ASADHA 13, 1907) 239



W1;l.~r~s it appears. to the ApprQ.pr_i~te Go.Y~J'P.l1le~t ,fhereIn- . afterr~~rred to as "the Governm'e~t .. ) th{tt tbe"Jand spec1fie.d in the lilllhedule hereto. (h.erl$aft~r l'eferre4 to .ll,S .the ':s.aid land"'> . Is .. likely to be n.,oo.e4 fo.r PUbl\c P.\l."1?_ yiz, );,\U).);l acquisition for widening of N. H. 17 froin Km. 80/290 to 84/900 Lollem, Canacona.,

3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land 18 needed for the afores:iid purpOse, a d~lar,ation to that effect 'under Sectio.n 6 of the said Act will be published· in the·· Official

, Gazette, in due course. If- the acqui$i.tiUn:is a~9A.ri·,wholly .or in part, the fact will be notified. .

. 4. The Government is further pleased to appoint under clause (c) of Sectio.n 3 of the said Act the Additlo.Dl>1 Deputy Collector (3-South) Margao to perform the functions of a Collector under the said Act in respect of the sa1d land.

Ther~ore the Government, is pl~e4 .to, W?,~y -\ll;ld.~ . {ruQ-: -section (1) of Section 4 of theL\U).d 4-cg$itlonAct, 189~ (hereinaft.er referred to as the "~.Ij.\d .44") ;;tjllI.t;the. !'lj.\dJand Is l~ely to be needed for the purpose ~C\f)edabove.

5. The Government is also pleased to authorise under sub­-section (2) of Section (4) of the said Act, the following of­ficers' to do the acts, specified therein in respect of the said land.

1. The Collector of Goa, P.anaji. 2. -'W persons interested in the.",,\d b!.nll.are /lerepy warned not to obstruct or interfere with any suryeypr or other per­sons employed upon the said land for lh,e',Pl!rp:ose of,,~e,saiq. acqulsitl!>D. Any contracts for the .disPQII.'ll: of the '''ld l~d py s.ale, p1P~gage, assignment, ex~hange pr .p!h¢r\ViS,e, ,pr ~ri.y outlay commenced or improvements ,ma4,~' thereo:t:l. wlt;b.out the sanction of the Collector appoin.te~.in ;Pfil~PQ._4,'pelQW •. after the date of the publication of this Notif1.c:8.tion, will under' clause (seventh) of Section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded­by ~ .wblle assessing compensation fOI':SUCb- parts of:the

2. The Add!. Deputy Collector (3-South) Maxgao.

said land as may be f!nally acquired. .

3. The, Executive Engineer, Works Division XIV, PWD, Fatc)rda, Margao. -

4. The ,Director of Land Survey, Panaji.

6. A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection in the office of the Ad4I. Dy. Collector (3-South) 1 Fatorda, 1![argao for.~'a period of 30 days from the date of publication ,of this Notification in the Official Gazette.


,(Djl"",ri~,of the said land)

'l'a1uka Village Sur:vey'NQ. 'SUb. Di'9. No~ Nam..es of the persons believed to be interested APproximate area in sq. mb.

·1 2 ~. 4

·Canacona Lol1em 24. 15 24 ll.5

23 12

?? 11 23 :19 ~ ~.

28 8 23 7

.. ~; 6 23 P

. 'l .3 :~ ~

8 J4 '! r 7 III 7 8

58 1

68 2

Sf! 3 68 \I.

·44· ~ #

44 II 44 4

46 1 46 11 4~ . 3

·4· I)

6 ·11



·Shri Urnesh Lax\man Prabhu Agrsani. '1. $hri- Vijay Ramchandra.Poinguinkar. J! .. Smt.Ratnabai jtamchandra Poinguinkar. ~. ~rnt~ Shanti Ramchandra Pdinguinkar. 4:." sOO Anil Vasant Poingu.i1lkar. 5.Shri·Suh.as VlIJ!ant Poingulnkar. 6. Shrl·Kishor Vasant Poingulnkar. 1; Shrl Krish= Rarnchandra Ptabhu Bhide.

. 'L pand,urang Anant .Alcharya. ~ l;Sprfakant Polllguinkar.

.l. XAs!tJ1a Ramchandra Pmbhu Bhide. 2. Ragunath Ramchandra Prabhu Bhide. 3. Govind Ramchandr.a. Prabhu Desai. 1. Urnesh Laximan Prabhu Agrsa.nl. 1. Pandurang Vithal Pr"bhu 4-grsan!. 1 .. Qon,..'lnidadeOfLolem. l .. Kj:ish= Ramchandra Prabhu Bhide.

.); ~lipnath RaID.chandra Bhide. c (p.:,gpyjJ~d Ramchandra Bhide.

'1~ SWami of partpl . 1.;~l:!i'i:)rath Nage'sh Nayak. ~;':rwn!!"a Lollekar. ;I.. VIIIDIJlUl ·Lollekjlr. 1. Yamuna "Loliekar.

; .~ •. 13l);!.girath Na~h Nayak. . 3. Y.llikjlllth NltgIlSh Nayak.

3.D!psII-gar NagllOh Nayak. ;1.. §i!bma Dias. ;1. y/lJltunth Nag~h Nayak. 3. Pil'!'agar Nag6;?h Nayak. l. p;!Xt~al Swami Mathadhisl>. PJ'OPerty. 1, l3l)~rath Nagesh Nayak.·· ~; y!'i!tl/llth Nag~h Nayak. ~.!?l~gl>r Nagesh Nayak.

: . (lppl Yeshwant Blude. 1. ~av KesMW Bhat. 1.AlI~t Guno Bjlat. 1. Raghunath Rarnchandra Ptabhu Bhide.

,2. Govind Ramc\jjLndra Prabl!li> Bhide. S. Krl.shna. Rarnc/landra Prabhu Bhide. 1. Madhav Sada.slrlv Bhat Tengs .. 1; NarayJUl Pandurang Kama.t. . 1.Vesh\vant PuTushottam Fhal Desai. 1. Riikinln! Shabi!. Prabhu Gaonkar.

·1. ~v Sadashi· Bhat Tengse. 1. ~ehandra ;ahiCl> Varlk. 1. Mai!hav Sad"!1hiv Bhat Tengse. 1, Kesl1av Vithal Bhat Fugro •.



20.00 135.00

102.00 52.00 52.00 48.00

52;00 64.00 ·8.00


64.00 130.00 43.00 . 10.00 90.00



120.00 ·45.00

104.00 . 40.00

42.00 92.00 .

60.00 46.00 16.00 12.00 44.00 60.00 64.00 46.00

Page 8: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary

1 2 3 4





H. 53



1 2 3 4 5


2 3 4 I;

6 8 7

7 8


1 2 3

4 Ii

6 7 1 2





'1 8

9 ·10

1· 2 3

4 I; 6

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4


SERIES lIRa. 1ft

• 1. Achut Vithal Prabhu Gaonkar. 1. Jaywant Yesso Prabhu Gaonk.ar. 1. Rukmini Shaba Prabhu Gaonkar. 1. yeshwant Vyenkatesh Prabhli Gaonka.r. 1. Laxintikant ;Y eshwant Prabhu Gaonk.ar.

2. Ajit Yeshwant Prabhu Gaonkar. 3. Chandrakant Y. Prabhu Gaonkar.

1. Narayan Rarru:handra Shenvi Bello. 2.·Bhicu Raghuvir Prabhu Gaonkar . . 1. Bhien R,aghuvir Prabhu Gaonkar. 1. Jagannath Prabhu Gnonkar. 1. Anant Guno Bhat. 1. Sudhkar Venktesh Prabhu Gaonk.ar. 2. Pushpavati Yeshvant Pha!. 3. Anant Venkates!>. Prabhu Gaonkar. 1. Gonfruria e Nirankar Devasthan. Premavati Vishnu Prabhu Gaonkar. Krishi!a. Putu Prabhu Gaonk.ar.

· Venko.tesh Putu Pro.bhu. Gaonkar •. Gopjka Hari 'Bhandari. Govind Mukund Prabhu Gaonkar.

· Confraria of Durgadevi of Lollem. Mohan Ramchandra Bho.t.

Narayan' Ramchandra Shenvi Belio. Vaman Ramchandra Shenvi Belio.

· Covind 'R.amchandra. Shenvi Bello. Bhleu R.aghuvir Prabhu Gaonkar. Govind Ramchandra Shenvi BeIlio. Vaman Ramchandra Shenvi Belio. Narayan Ramchandra Shenvt- Belio. Narayan Ramchandra Shenvi .Bello. Narayan Ramcharidra Shenvi Bello. Achut Vitho.! Prabhu Gaonkar. Han. Vithal Prabhu Gaonkar. Krishna Putu Prabhu Gaonkar. Achut· Vithal Prabhu Gaonkar. Hari Vithal Prabhu Gaonkar. Comunidade of Lollem. . Jaganath Prabhu Gaonkar. Comunidade of· Loliem. . . H: Keshav Devo.lay of Lollem. Caretaker: Jalram Dhalu Namsikar. H:·. Keshav De-valay of Lol!em. Coretaker:i) Putu Bhanu Namslkar .•

. II) Krishi!a. Ondu Namsikar. ill) Putu Bhanu' Namsikar. iv) Nirankar Devasthan Names, v) Babu Bhanu Namsikar.

H: Keshsv Devalay of Loliero. Caretaker: Shabo.. Shabl Namslkar.

H :8::' Keshav Deva'lay of. Loliem. CAretaker: Dhaku 'Pondu Namsikar .. Keshav Devalay-of Loliem.

: Garetaker: Sh:abaiShabi Namsikar. Confraria of Shri Keshav Devasthan· of Lollero.. 1. Sudbakar Venktesh Pro.bhuGaonkar. 2. Anant Venkatl'Sh Prabhu Gaonka.r. Pushpavati- Yeshwant Pha!. ' Ramchandra Bhicu Varik.

Go.janan Govind Bhat. Sada Ganpatl Desai. Gullib ,Madho.v Prabhu Desai.

G";jananGo_a Bhat. Jagnatb Prabhu Gaonkar. Vaman 'Ramehandro. Shenvi Bello.

Raghunath Yeshwa.nt P<abhu, Atchut Anant Prabhu. Shridhar Vaikunth Kamat. ~rilavatl Vishnu. Prabhu Gaonkar. Keshav Devasthan of .Lollem. Coretaker: Raina Gurguro Namslkar. ~eshav. Devalay of Lollem. 'Yeshwant K. Malya. Anant -Yeshwant Prabhu. Hari Ramchandra Bhat. I .. Maqhav Raya Bhat.

.2 .. Ramdas Raya Bhat. " . 1. Raghunath Yeshwant PrabhuGaonkar. 2. Hari Ramchandra Bhat. 3. Madhav Raya Bhat. Madhl\v Ray'; Bhat.

,Al)ant.Pandurang Prabhu.

,-----~. ---------'- -~--


12.00 36.00 36.00

150.00 '160.00


150.00 90.00 56.00 72.00

80.00 28.00 36.00

116.00 90.00 22·00 50.00

76.00 28.00

80.00 75.00


6.00 70.00


100.00 90.00

6.00 60.00

5.00 20.00





120.00 100.00

85.00 40.00

60.00 60.00 60.00

25.00 100.00 70.00

70.00 16.00 40.00 60.00



55.00 40.00 70.00 30.00


60.00 170.00



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4TH JULY, 19~5JASADHA 13,1907)

1 2 3

Canacona Loliem 55






• 1

~ 3 4 5 6 'J 1 2


'" 5 1 2 3 ..

1 2 3 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11

1 2


4 !i

6 7-


1. Purushotta Shridhar Prabbu Gaonkar. 2. Vasuileo Sllridh,8.r Prabhu Gaonkar. Gaj<man Govind Bhat. . Jaganath Govind Bhat. Vma.yak Anant Prabhu Gaonkar. Krishaa Govind Bh/l.t. Achut .Anant P. Gaonkar. Eaghwiath Yeshwant PrabhU' Gaonkar. Hart Riunchandra Bhat. . 1 .. HarI R.amchandra Bhat.

'2. Madhav'Raya Bhat. 3. 'Raghunath Yeshwant Prabhu Gaonkar. ~ ~cu Raghuvir Prabhu Gaonkar. Vltorlnb.a DIas.· Gonsalo Francisco DIas. V..m.tesh Ro.nlda3 Prabhu Gaonkar.

'Madli8.v Raya' Bhat: · Coniunidade of LoMem. 1. Subhash R.amChandra Varik. 2:'Vishwanath R3.nichandra Varik: Padmanath R. Prabhu.

• .Premanand L1u<im.aJlKamat. 'Yamuna- Loliekar.

· 1: N'arayan Al,lanLPrRbhu. '·2. Waman Anant PrRbhu.

3. Achut Anant Prabhu. VlthaJ Sundor Lollekar. . Pandhli.ri Narayan Prabhu. Inacinha·MenezeS.

. Albert Fernandes; Maria "Filomena Sores. Nar.a.yan L. Prabhu Agrsani. Jose Dias, RoeaIma. Dlas. Marla Barreto.

'. Vaman Anant Prabhu. Achut Anant Prabhu. _ p. P. Pereira.. Pramod I,aximidhar Prabhu Gaonkar.

· . Gopa.\krishna Pundalik Prabhu. Gaonkar. PurUshottam Shridhar Prabhu. Vas'udev Shridhar Piabhu. ,Kesha1f Babai Prabhu Gaonkar. ¥ohandas Trlvikram Prabhu. ShIonmnt Trlvikram Prabhu. )?urushotta sJuidhar Prabhu.

· V~esh L. Varik. Co.Qiunidade of Loliem.

... "

Total ............... ..

By order and in the D.3.l1'I:e of :the Lt.. Governor of Goa. Daman and. DilL·

P •. s. Nailkarni~ Under Secretary. (Revenue).

PaDaji, 8th May, 1985.



36.00 75.00 So.OO 90.00

1S0.00 44.00

140.00 160.00

65.00 60.00 70.00

MO.OO 250.00


190.00 164.00 250.00



52.00 25.00 60.00 .

100.00 52.00 80.00 80.00 40.00 75.00 70.00

140.00 52.00


42.00 55.00

28.00 28.00




No. 22/59/85·RD "Whereas it appears to th'e Appropriate' Government :( here:'

in.after referred to as "the Government") tha.t' the' land .specified in the schedule "hereto (here~ referred-.to"as the "said land") is likely to ,be needed for public purpose viz. Land AcquiSition for Widening -of road at Pomburpa-Ol811-lim in Bardez Taluka.

", 3. If the Government is satisfied that the said la;nd is : :needed for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that effect under Section 6 of the said Act will be published in the Official

"Gazette, in due course. If the acquisition is abandoned wholly or in part, the fact will be notified .

Therefore the Government is pleased to, notify under sub­-section (1) of Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894-(he1;eina.fter referred to as the "said Act") that the said land islikely to be needed fo~ the purpose specified above.

2. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or other persons employed. upon the sald land for the purpose of- the said acquisition. Any contracts for the disposal of the said land by Sale, mortgage, -assimunent, exchange or otherwise, or any outla.y commenced or improvements made thereon without the sanction of the' COllector .appointed in paragraph 4 below, after the date of the publication of this Notification, will under clause (seventh) ot Section 24 of the said Act be disregarded by him while assessing compensation for sUch parts of the said land as -may be finally acquired.

4. The Government is fUrther pleased to appoint under clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act the Additional Dy. Collector (HQ·2) Panaji, Goa to perform the functions of" ~llector under the said Act in res~t of the said land.

,5. The_ Government is also pleased to authorise Under sub~ . -section (2) of Section (4) of the said Act, the following officers to do the acts, specified therein in respect of the said land.

1. The Collector of Goa, Pana.ji.

2. The Add!. Dy. Collector (HQ·2) Panaji, Goa.

3. The Executive Engineer, W.D. II(R&B), Panaji" Goa.

4. The Director" of Lam Survey, Panajl.

6. A rough plan. of the said land- as available :Cor inspection in the offic~ of the Add!. Dy. Collector (HQ-'~) .Pan .. :;;; Goa for _a period of 30 days. from the ,date _of ~blication ,of this N otif1cation in the Off.icial Gazette.

Page 10: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary


Sr. No. Taluka Village

1 a 3


, -.'


Bar'dez' , Olaulim

Survey No.

• 1()





42 16






(Description of th~ said land)

Sub-Div. "-,_No: . .- Names- ;of the pe'rsons believed to be interested

.. '5

6(l?art) . 5(part)



0": . Lilio Borges. 0: 1) Asllo de Mapusa.

2) Joaqulm Caetan Pinto; ':3) . Anna PhillciaC3rvaJho.

,0: ·Anna PInto.

.'0'; 'Anton Jose Pinto. ,. ,; -Vitorln Vicent Castelino.

"9.(part) .... ~:'-.; .. ~-:. Eoquira Borges. ;;. ; LilY, Borges .

. l()(part)


l1(parf) . .. 261 (part) .

.15(part). .16(part)


. 2.3(part) .'





l(part) 2(part) 3(parf) 4(part) 5(part) 6(part) 9(part)

10(parf) . 12(part) 13(parf)


5(part) 2 (part) 3 (part)


5(part) 6(part)

l(part) 2(part) 4(part)

. .... 'o"~', .Anton ~a Rodrigues . .. Marian Santan Rodrigues.

· 0: LeopoldiI) Borges.

o : Gullermina. Borges. · 0: ·Joao Francis Borges. 'T:Raojl G. Namlekar.

" 0: Lizarte Fernandes. 0: Dellcio Castellno.

· T: Sonu D. Salgaokar. · O:··Berta Borges. '. _T;, .Rajar.a.m Naoso Naroji.

'.0: :1) Jose Borges . 2) .:r,ra.xy Borges.

· 3) CJarist Borges . . T: Bhiku L. Nail<.

· 0: Anna Castellnho Noronha. Ulhas Sadashiv Haldaneat'.

· T: Savilo Sitaram Haldankar. """'0: Dellclo Castellnho.

O:'Ana CastellIia Noronha. · "J;·'J:~!ohn Fernandes.

·O:'.F)orlpes· Matilda D'silva ·.AlIas Floripes. D'Silva. "~oin.e Alex. D'silva.

0: Laxman J.a.ganath Kandolkar. 0: Conceicao M_endes. 0: Adelinha Fernandes. 0: Domitllda Pinto.

. 0: Purif1casao Mendes. 0: Nlcolao Pinto. 0: Angel Maria Borges. 0: Sebastiao Rodrigues. 0: Nalatin Castellne. 0: Comunidade. T: Santan Rodrigues. 0: Julla Azavedo. T: Vaicunta P. Nail<. 0: Angela Maria Borges: 0: Angela Maria ,Borges. 0: Julda Azavedo. . T: Vaicunta Pundalic. Naik. 0: Euric J. Pinto.

Denrds E. Pin.to .. Mariao Rita Pinto. Cylvia Pinto.

T: Suresh Anant Madkaikar. . 0: Ana Pinto. '0: Julia .Azavedo. T: Valcunte ·P. Nail<.

0: Joao Caetano Roqrigues. 0: Maria A. Pereir.a E _ Castelina. 0: Lily Borges.

1 j

} } }






Approximate area in sq. mts .

. ,









55.00 15.00

20.00 30.00







200.00 20.00 25;()0 30.00 15.00 2G.00 25.00

'65.00 30.00 25.00


40.00 95.00 95.00·


. '36.00 55.00

200.00 95.00


Tqta1 ............................. . 2490.00

By order aD.d in the name of the LiEmtenant Governor of Goa, Daman -and Diu.

p~ :8._-zrci4kp;r~ .. JInder Secretary (RevenUe).

panaj!,2:i~d: April, 1995.

Page 11: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary

, J, ..

f;TH JULY,1985 (ASADHA 13,1907) 243


No. 22/215/84-RD

aald Act, that the said land spedlfied In tbe schedule hereto is needed to be acquired for the public purpose specified ,above.

Whereas by Goverrunent Notification NO. 22/215/84-RD, dated 13-11-84 published on page 592 to 594 of' 1'''l1e.II, No. 33 of the Official Gazette, dated 15-11-84 it was JWtified under Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (hereiiJ.after refetTedto as "the said Act") that the land, specified in the schedule appended to the said Notification -(hez:e1nafter. refetredto as the "s.aId laud") was likely to be needed for the publlc purpose viz. For Widening & improvement of road NH 17' between Km 19/600 to 23/500 Panajl Karnataka Border Section.

-Now, Therefore, the. Government is pleased to declare under the provisions of Section 6 of the sald Act that the said land is required for the public purpose speCified abov~.

2. The Government is also pleased to appoint under clanse (c) of Section 3 of tbe aald Act, tbe Add!. Deputy Collector (2-South),Margao-Goa to perform tbe functions of Ii Collector for all proceedlJigs hereinafter to be'taken in respect of the aald land, and to direct him under Section 7 of the aald Act to take order for tbe acquisition of, the aald laud.

And Whereas the appropriate Government (herednafter referred -to as "the Government") is satisfied after:' considering the report made under sub-section (2) of Section 5A of the

3. A plau of tbe aald laud can be inspected at the office of " the said Add!. Dy., Collector (2-South), ,Margao-Goa till the

award is made Wlder Section 11~

Sr. No. Tal,uka Village


l.Ionnug'lo Cortalim

Plot No.


102 102 104



111 112 113 114 ,115 116,



135 137,



(Description of the,'aald land)

Survey NO •. .


,7,part 5 part 1 part 2 part

,3 part 4 part 5 part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 1 part

; 2part 3 part 4 Palt

4 part 2 part 1 part 1 part 1 part 1 part 3 part 1 part 3 part 4 part 2 part ,

',14 part ' 16 part 17 part 18 part 19 part 20 part

1 part , 1 part 8 part

" 9part 17 part

18 part 19 part ?Opart 21 part , 22 part

1 part

Nal:ll~s ot the ,~erso-ns believed, to be interested.

Lourenco Rodrigues. Lourenco Rodrigues. Confraria of CortaUm.

, Arun Naber. Rosa Pimenta.. Arun Naber. Rosa Tavares.; Con!frarla of Corta.llm. Rosa Pimenta. Arun Naber. Rosa Tavares. Aruri Naber. Jacinto Costa., Con!fraria of Cortalim. Ai-un Naber. Jaclnto Costa. Con!f:raria of Cortalim. V.,M. 8algaonkar. Tenant: Francis Xavier Noronha. V. M. 8algaonkar. Comunidade of' CortaliIil. Comunidade of cOrtalim. Comunidade of Cortallm. Ralnkrlshna Mahadev Salgaonkar. V. M. Salgaonkar & Bros.' Pvt. Ltd, Brito Costa. ' V. M. 8algaonkar. Comunidade of CortaIim. V. M. 8algaonkar. 1) Mmguel, Gama. 2) MartinD'Sa.

. 3) LulS Gama. Comunidade of CortaIim. Rexnediana Ga.tll8. Manuel -Gama. Sebastiao Gama. Martin D'Sa. Antonio' Gama.

,Comunidade of Cortalim. Comwtidade of CorlaIim. Comunidade of CortaIim. Comunidade of Cortalim. 1) Luis Garoa. 2) Martina D'Sa. Cosmo Gama. Antonio Fernandes Garn.a. Jose Thomas Gama.'­Menino Gama. 1) Minguel Garno,. 2) Martin D'Sa.

,1) Martina D'Sa. 2) Minguel Gama. 3) Luis G.ama. 4) Jose-Grona. 5) Antonio Gama. 6) Santen Gama.

,7) Pascoai Gama. 8) Manuel Gama. 9) Cosmo Gama.

10) Menlno Gama. 11) Remediana Gama, 12) Sebas,tiao Gama.


- Approximate area in .!!q. rots.


370.00 365.00 490.00 450.00 835.00 735.00 380.00 525.00 635.00 735.00 200.00

3i~~ 655.00 710.00 950.00 445.00


, 65.00 2360.00' •

, 1760.00 7380.00

820.00 975.00

4795.00 85.00

3060.00, 1375.00

65.00 195,00 220.00 305.00

520.00 275.00 700.00

1520.00 20.00 25.00 10.00 '

20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 20.00


Page 12: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary

244 SfJ~IES II No: 14

1 -3~' ... ~4·· 6 6


satcete Nagoa

13~ 3part 4 Il\\ft

5 part

6 part 'lPart;' !! P,Ort


162 (part)

I 1 P'!Xt l!lP~

157 lpart 158 1 part

21 1 p'!Xt 22, 1part 23 1part 24 lpart 25 1 part 26 lpart 28 1 part 30 1part 40 1part 41 1part

ir=' l1J"d: 2)=lY~' 1) Luiil'Gam.a..'

, 2) MarlliflYSa; Manuel '''Glilil&:'

, llenina' dama. 1} LuiS Gam,;;. ~i Maitiri'lYs:a; COsmo" D.-'(ta:ma.:'

'Antcni Francis Gama. , Jose Til\,~ G~ 1) Mil)llll~l ~ ,

, 2) Maif.in D~Sa. 'biunodai' Kama.t.

~hiili\}= ~i ~ ~~~~!i~~oo.. Comunidade of Nagoa.

-do­Damu Kamat." ThomaJiI Fernandes. Heirs of Joaquim . Salvador Noronha. Comunidade of Nag",,-


1. Fracis Luis, Gai>rl'le Noronlla. 2. ~aviano Soc~ Noronha. 3. :Mell>,a. da Cunha lll;oronha.

~~ order and :In the name of the Lt. Governor of, ~a, ~~tm and I?~~~

P. 8. Nadkarn4, Under Secretary (Revenue).

:E:'~ 1st May, 1985.


No. 26/7/85-RD 2. Shr! M. P.

-Total .............. .


500.00 ,\15:00

225.00 ' ,.",1., .; ....

'165.00 i4:!i.oo ~.0lI 150W

115.00 3610.00 2905.00 1650.00 1025.00 2605.00

10$00.00 i520.00

365.00 320.00

890.00 4125.00 1530.00



The Administrator of Goa~ Daman and Diu is;plea,~ to order tt:ansfer- of the below mentioned Mamlatdar. for: Record of RI~tS.1n ,the Directorate of Land Survey,withlmmedia.te effect; 'bi-publlc interest. -= '. ~, : .. ' ,.

Salel~:r. Mamlatdar for Record of Rights, ~?rth, Panaj~.

Mamlatdar for Record of Rights" South, Margao.

'''Shri M. -V-.- ·.SaIeIkar;--MamIatdar for Record of Rights, ~orth, shall ~ove first and hand over charge to Shri B • qt.rvalho, ~$S:i~t Sur:v;ey and settlement Officer and relieve Sqrl U. V. S~ ~rad from the post of Mamlatdar for Record of Rights, 80,11,\11.

• , .',>'"' .

Sr. 'Name of the No. ., 'dp;lcer Present posting Posted on tranaf~

1 2 3

1. Shr! U. V. S. Barad

Mamlatdar for Record of Rights, South~ Margao.

Mamlatdar for Record of RIghts, North, Parmj!. ' • ',' -'--; , .. , '"~v

••• Public Health Department


No. 5/24/81-PHD

The- following transfers of the officers under the DJrecto~ rate of Health Services are hereby ordered with iinmediate effec~ '~:r:t~ in public interest. --- "

'SI. -Warne of the Ofti~er/de­No. - 'si~ation and present

" posting

1. Dr. Vithal V. Kamat, Sr.



Surgeon, Cottage Hospital, Daman. Dr. A. V. Salelkar, Sr. Sur­geon, Hospicio Hospital, Margao.

Dr. Karan Singh Gunjyal, Sr. Surgeon, Cottage Hos­pital, Chicalim.

Designation and place o,~ , transfer

Sr. Surgeon, Hospicio Hos:­pital, Margao'vice'Di,.-.A" V. SaleIkar tranSfet'j;'ed ..

Sr. Surgeon, Cottage 1ios­pita!, Chlcallm vlc~ ,Dr, Karan Singh ,Gunj y,a I transferred. ~ ,

Sr. Surgeon. Primary Health Centre Diu' vice Dr. Chand.

By Q~~~Jj ~d in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Da:rn;~~ and Diu~ ,

A. V. Pimenta, Under Secretary (Revenue).

Panajl, 21~t June, 1985 .

1. Dr. y,. v,~ -~mat should leave first by handing over the (!¥rge Jo ~~e .~. ENT Surgeon at Daman.

2 .. The 1;:>i!,e~tor of ~~lth Services will not entertain leave application, f# any kill"C! from any of the above transferred o.{ficers un,W ~e officer' takes charge of ~s posting.

3. The Director of Health Services will make immediate arrangement'to' relieve'the transferred officers forthwith so ~, to enabl~ tq.,em to take charge Of their neW postings.

By ordeJ;" a;nd in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Dama~ and Diu.

S. v. Bh"1!r~ Under Secretary (Health),

Panaji, 25th,- June, 1985.


No. 5/140/80-PHD-VoI. I

On the recommendation of the Union Public Service 'Conun'ission the following doctors are hereby appointed to the post of Medical' Officer/Rural Medical Officer/.Tr. School, Health Officer under the Directorate ot· Health Services on regul'iU' basis, on the terms and conditions contained in the

Page 13: REG». GOA-ji , OFFICIAL ··.GAZETTEgoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/8586/8586-14-SII-OG.pdf · In the above referred order in the second para at Sr. No. 5~ read as "Under Secretary

4TH JULY, 1985 (ASADHA 13, 1907)

Government Memorandum of even number dated 8-3-85 .and posted at the places shown against their names With immediate effect.

The doctors have already been medically examined and found fit by the Medical Boards.

Sr. No. Name of the doctor Designation and places __ ~1 __________ ~2~ ______ ~ __________ ~OfP~sUng. ____ ~~

1. Dr. Uday S. Kelk.al·

2. Dr. Suresh Prasad

Medical .officer, Primary Health Centre, Diu vice Dr. (Mrs.) Patankar.

Rural Medical OMcer, Ru­ral Medical Dispensary, Ghogla Diu vice Dr. Nl­shidkurnar Naik.

The above doctors should report to the Health" .officer, Primary Health centre, Diu aud take charge of their respec­tive posts.

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.

S. V. Bhadri, Under Secretary (Health).

Panaji, 28th, June, 1985.

Ind~stries and Labour Department


No. 28/26/85-I~P

Whereas the Lieutenant Governor of Goa-, Daman aild Diu is of the opinion that an industrial dispute exists between the m.anagement of Mis. Rajaram Bandekar (Sirigao) Mines Private Limited, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa -and thei.T workman. Shri Mukund Mahallllll'e, Asstt.' Plot Incharge repr~€'nted by the National Mine Workers' Unl.on, Quepem-;Goa in respect of the matter specified in the Schedule annexed hereto (hereinafter rp.ierred to as ~e "said dispute');

And whereas' the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu cOnsiders it expedient to iJ'~fer the said dispute for adjudication.

Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause '(d) of sub~section (1) of section 10 of the Industria! Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947>, -the Lieutenant. Go",,:ernor of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby Tefers the srud dlSPUW for adjudication to the Industrial 'fiibunal of Goa. Damar, and Diu, Panaji, constituted under section 7A ,of the said Act.

"Whether the action of management of Mis. Rajaram Bandekar (Sirigao) Mines Private Limited" Vasco-da­-Gama, Goa in terminating the, services of, Shri Mukund Mahambre, Asstt. Plot Incharge with effect from 1~9-S3 is legal and justified?

If not" to what relief the workman is entitled to?".

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. '

Subhash V. Elekar~ Under Secr;etary (Industries and La­bour).

Panaji, 28th JW1e, 1985.


No. 2417/80-=

In exercise of the powers conferred by regulation 76 of the Employees' State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, tne Government of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby constitutes a. Me~


dical Appeal Tribunal consisting of-Dr. Ant.onio Orlando de G. B. Pinto Soares, Additiortal Sessions and Civil Judge, Senior Division, Margao, Goa.

By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu.

Subhash V. Elekar~ Under Secretary (IndustrieS and La,bour). '

Panaji, 19th June, 1985.


No •. 15/5/8()-ILD-Vol. I

Read:- Government Notification No. 15/5/80-ILD-Vol. I dated 20-5-1985.

'In ex.e:reise of the powers conferred by· section ,4 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Industrial Development Act, 1965 (22 of 1965) and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the Administrator. of Goa, Daman and. Diu hereby nominates Shri Manuel Fernandes as Member (non-official) and conse­quently"amends the Govetrunent Noofication of even number dated the 6th June, 1984 (hereinafter c,alled the "said Noti~

In the said notification namely:-

'In the said notification namely: -

(i) after Entry No.' 7, the following Entry shall be inserted, namely:-

"S. Shrl Manuel Fe~des Member (i-ton-officiaI)".

(ti) for the second para, tne foilowing para sh,aJI be substituted, namely:-

,"Shri "Manuel Fernandes, Member (non-official) is $,ppointed as Chairman of the Goa, Daman and Diu Industrial ·Development Corporation".

By order and in th~ name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. ~

Subhash V. E'lekar~ Under Secretary (Industries and Labour). .

Panaji, 24th June, 1985.

Law Department.

Establishment Branch


No. 3'21-82/LD

In exerclse of the powers conferred by sub section (9) o-f section 24 of the Coqe ~ of Criminal Procedure 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974) the Administrator of Go>!. Doman and Diu, hereby appoints Shri V. R. Guinde, Assistant Public Prose·· cutor, Quepem as Special Public Prosecutor for the purpose of preferring .and conducting revision application against the Judgement passed by the Judicial MagiStrate First CI~. Quepem iln Criminal Case No. 121/81 before tile District and Sessions Court Margao.

The earlier order of even number dated 13-6-1985 stands as cancelled.

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. '

G. G. Kambli, Under Secretary (L,aw).

Panaji, 21st June, 1985.

GOVT. PRINTING PRESS -- GOA (Imprensa Nacional - Goa) PRIDE -- RIo, 1-45 Po.
