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"REGARDED ? «9 A PIRATE.» JUDOK COWING'S OPINION' OK ANYBODY WHO CRITICISES THE JUDICIARY. HIS CHARGE "TO THE ORANO JUKI 9 MIERDAY fctlTPOSKD TO BE AIMED ?? I'R. PARK BURST.¦EEFT.CT 08 IUBCENT «dunciR-g.. Judge Rnfus R Cowing yesterday delivered a «'hurgo to the Grand Jury In Part I of the Court of General Sessions, an«! spoke in tenni of reproach atK>ut some person who. h«· Bald, had bees attacking tho judiciary. He declare, that the per.»on, whom he did not name, ought to be regarded as a p.rate. His address was Mpposed to be aimed at the Rev. Dr. Parkhurst in particular, on account of what I>r. Parkhurst hud said about the ease of Cornelius B. Parker, the "policy king," who escaped conviction when tried before Judge Cowing and liter pleaded guilty and got off with a fine. Ju.ige Cowing*· remarks caueed considerable com¬ ment In the «Ity, wherever their purport w.is known 1.1 eventnc, and it was »uid that he probably h lot relish»., many of the criticisms which had bees «jaeeed upon his own conduct, particularly criticism· if bis course in M curing the appointment of his own ion to a well-paid clerkship in the Court of General ISMlOBS wh«n the patronage of th«· court was di¬ vided, or mainly delivered over to Tammany. If 11 th- people who ..»¡ned in ClitlcMni his action ire pirates, ¡t was sai 1. then there are 10,900 or more jlra'es in the city. In speaking to the mb.rs of the Grand Jury lust before noon about thdr duties, Judge Cowing laid: "The Grand Jury Is an boneet and ?·?»??· 10 ly Of Citisene that stands between th·· people and the Individual, in like manner, the Judiciary is the sheet-anchor on which rests the stability of our p. rf- ernment. Th«.· Judicial*) must be honest, Intelligent an i fearless In the performance of duty. A PIRATI! ???> DISTURBER. "He who «assails the judiciary become· » llsturber ?i public peace and order, and is an enemy of our lovernmertt. Such a man should be regard« l aa a .irate. Woe betide him, or her. or them, wbo under» takes to attack the judiciary. Sich a disturber <'f public peace and menace n> tiie stability of «>ur gov¬ ernment should be carefully watched, end there Bbould he ted out to him a fitting penalty for ao serious an offence." Judge Cowing then went on with th· usual In« ¦tractions to the Grand Jury. A Singular coincidence was that as Judge ('..wing was .on.'ludlng his remarks, tli«· Rev. l>r. Park- hurst walked Into the Criminal Court Building sn 1 look the elevator up to Part IV, General Beaslons, Where the trial of Roundsman l»antel Redner for bribery was going on. Superintendent Dennett, of the Parktiurst Society, was with the doctor. The substance «>f Judge Cowing'· ornre.· was repeated to Dr. Parkhurst and he was asked if he had any¬ thing to say, as It was the general Impression that h^· was ili«· aiiogtd "disturber of public peace" re¬ leí red to by the Judge. "I have p comments to make," Dr. Parkhurst said, "to any anonym,.,?- criticism of my conduct. .'· say my nam« was ?··? mentioned. It would, therefore, i.· v. ry Illogical for m. to paaa any Judgment on the Judg.'.» remark· " "Do you consider man a disturber of pub'.lc peace wbo criticises the Judiciary?" wa» ask.J "Any criticism founded on pure motive· and honestly and Intelligently conducted ahould not be a disturber of public peace." he anawered. THK REFORMER SMILES Dr. Parkhurst said he was not responsible fir the inferen.«· drawn from the Judge's remarks that he. the Doctor, was the person referred to. lie smiled at all the question.-- asked him a? though he regretted that the Judge had not mentioned name· Mr. I»enn«tt then asked In what part of the court the Fleming trial was going on. When t ?] and the ..«.«tor got in :ii<- elevator and wem ther. Judge Cowing told the (.rand Jury ihat the May Grand Jury had done an unprecedented amount ·' work. They had disponed ut m..re than 700 ,··.??- plaints and left little or nothing for thi present Jury. Something never before heard <»f was that they left but on.- Excls« »mplalnt undisposed "It Is my private opinion." sail Judge .'owing, "that t sad mistak.· waa mad«· ln putting on this cour» the disposition of excise cases. They are not misdemeanors and tins court, which Is already overcrowded with business· la design« l for felo¬ nies and moat seri, u_s offences. Bui we must ob*y the law and dispose of these case« a tii celerityf' He said there were fifty prisoner· in the Ì waiting to have their caaes dlapoeed of District- Attorney Fellow« and in» assistants, Georg· Goi «|on Battle and .!. J. McManus, wen in courl .lurii.g the Judge's charge. John P. Townsend pr.'sident of tiie Bower) Bank, srss Belt ? as thè foreman of the jury.. says HI8 UKMAI'.KS WERE GENERAL, Judse G?????? was ¡teen when he li-ft the h< neh «Surir.« th«- í'otirt recesa .nil sskcd if h" ferrei to the Rev. Dr, Psrkhurst in bis rhsrgi Crand Jury. "My remarks war« general." he sai ;, 'er.«' referred to no one In particular." The following compos*·.! thr· «-¡ran»! Jury for life Jure term; Fred 8, Well«, merchant, So, 109 Worth- st.; \\':nii.-!'l s. Stephenaon, express, No. !<l Wall¬ st.; James s. rurrv, merchant, No. 857 Broadway; »Samuel ivi real estate, No 14Î West Twentj si md-st ; Jacob C. Leech, retired, No, 1 Gram¬ men*}· Park; Albert F. D'Aluch, architect, No. 28S Fourth-ave John H. Patrick, j»r»-si lent, No. ?'??? w.·« Houston-si »Samuel W Brown, broker, Si» r.f» Liberty -st. ¡ William P. Wadeworth, retired, No. IM »Broadway; Robert Rutherford, retir···!. No. 13:· East ? tr-«nth-st. Justu« !.. Bulkley, No. 7«; Qold-.t.; Kbnez« r Bailey, retired, No 333 Hudson-Bt.; Abraham G Miles, secretary, No it I'.rk Row; Wolf Boroschek. retired No. Hi« »Saat G". ty-aixtn-st.; Philip Dailey, builder, No. 809 Slxth-ave.; Joseph P. Skilrnan. retired, No. 32*5 \Vest eeventy-seventh'f*..; Henry C. Rol ? vKoo'ls. No Worth-Bt ; Wai:.-r R Gray, hard¬ ware, No. ffj Chambers-at. ; Nlcholaa O'Do coal, ?a MB Wesl 81xty-flrat-et; li.-r.ry J Wads- worth, »retired, No. 13 Kast Twenty-elghth-st. ; Fred w. Haynes. drygoods, No. 2t Thomas·«*.; Peí- tan Bissell, r«al «state. No. d'.·"· Broadway; Meyer Thalme.'»sir,i«"''r. i»r· .-.dent, Ño. 133 Grand-st, -e» ,- TO SUBMIT PLANS OX THURSDAY. MEETING OF THK MANHATTAN ELEVATED RAILWAY COMMITTEE- A SUPPOSED OUTLINE OF THE SCHEME. George J. Gould, Russell Sai;«» and Robert M. Qal- laway. ron.stliutlng the special committee of lhe Manhattan Railway Company on raji.d transit, met yesterday afternoon In the oftV'Ts of the Merchants' National Hank, of which Mr. Gallaway Is president, After th·· mcatlng Mr. Gould eai»i the committee had decide«! to present a g«-iicra: plan for Ihe estensi io of tii»· elevated system to the Rapid Tran.lt Com- ?, »elon on Thursday. At that time, .Mr. Oouid ad le 1, th·.· plan would be mad·· pulì'.;''. j»»:-*· understanding is that th..· plan will propose SjKoop In :he Annexed District, s lu.jp ai 'ht- Bat¬ tery, and a crosstown Un.· from the City Hall ter¬ minus, with a new Uns from Wesl Fourteenth-sl down West-st. to Battery Piaci Tag i.ia::.-r ?? -? change In motive power will not I·»· 'lealr. with. That is something fur future «¦ration. Mayor Strong made the statement yesterday that there would t,·· no nor« conference« between himself and Meurs Gould and San«· on rapid transit mat¬ ters at the city Hall. Th- Mayor added thai the re¬ port that he was to Bee the representative« of tr,«· Manhattan Elevated Railway C'.-mpanv yesterday was a misapprehension. BEAL ESTATE BUSINESS ?? THK EXCHANGES. The Hiicilon rooms were deserted yesterday, as the «inly parcel announced was under foreclosure pro¬ ceedings At th.· Broadway Real Estate Baleoroom, William Kenn illy sold the northwest corner of Lewis and Third sts four and three story sn«h factory, «"._ i.\»_ ·'.._ Irregular, to the «plaintiff, «;. it Norton, f, r ? Henry Fr»·«.· lias «old to William Prager the five- story double tenement No .'..i' Kldrl«!ge-st., lot 21 «·? 100, on private terms. The Lawrence estate has sold four lots on the southeast torner of Twelftb-ave. and One-hundred- au l-thlrty-flrat-at. REAL ESTATE THANSFEIU.. Si Ni, ii In. -,iv.·, e «. Tt» 11 fl « Ol rentre lin«! l.Nth-.t. ID.llx Irregular; lv'.\\nr.i s Whitman el il ·>· it re, etc, 1 Jl ii. » 1' |f.itI.T. 912.10O ITOlh-tt, r. in·:· liti »ve lODxlUO; ?'···'· ni ? Kearni ami wife to William ?. Brownell 19,900 11 Ml.-.·»«, n ». loti li" and 141, being _, of parrel 30, map of the Waiden tract, 12th Ward; Mary ? Schi user John Vol« . 99.900 llUth-st, n ». 989 ft of Avenue \ 90x100.10; I'lilllp Stacom an.l wlf·· t.. Philip 11 "TilH. 11.m« l-'.'.i».. So* Klfl and ITI Cast; Koben S Hoya unì «nt·· in Oe nre (.atfleld. I9.S00 Allome) ut, S ß; Philip r .»'«rn vie and another, itom, et. io Louli ?a?'?? . 8.fr») Fil; dge »?, No .·¦». \lii-. I: ConWIng .ml a '¦¦ to Peter M.·.' irmlck. ? ",1" James .-¦·, \ s 7·' md T··'.. Mary Sullivan »n«J husband lo Qsrari ? . ïl.ooo Fus: Broadway, ¡37? I.· Buseholi »ml wlf· to .tarali Sturm.. 16.000 Av.-r.ii«- A, s «As.e tt » nf Sd »:. 44x120; l: iberl s Lev) ind wife Mas and Morris Schwerts., s...ou» Eldridg« .·, N< iti. Barneu L·« y ani »if«· to S ? ? inkel ·? ? anothei. ;·.t .«¦_¦» Avenu« A, «¦ ». »»..'. it s ..f .'! (t, 44x190; Augu»! li.i-·,. « ta Robert s I. « . M.<»«> 3d »t. .w '¿m-, John Rhelnfrank, pxerutor ot I «¦ :¦; Wagner, ta Emiri Brunlng. 23,000 Lero) »t, No i.,:.. M irk K Newc mh, as executor .n '' Wall . '.« ?"" I. .-·. No I"·".. .?.·!?? «¦ UhIIh.. »,. Maria Ils Bini . 9.000 .'·. No I'.'.'. West; Elisabeth Peuerbaí la .lui··« Chatelan . IT..'·.«» Seti »I, No 50 East; Margaret .; Colgate t,, .1 C risai . 47,900 1-1 »ve, ? -. 49.3 ft ? of 90th It, 24.8x73; A·!'"' Heiferth and wife to Kalchen Elm . 1T.'»>» Avenu« ?, No 248 Mar) Flnkbelmei lo dual ? ? v-r . 9.000 ?.-.«" «t, « ». l'i.» fi ..f .v eve, _:..'.'» ». Ell«· Kempner la Michael l_leberman . ??,??? Franklin ,i\··. s s. 4.'<3 ft ? ·· of Jefferson l. I«. 8x131x10 SnI.'II \,?·'.?!.. '_n,m I I. ·¦¦ Bh. , . ?.???) ». 322.11 ft ? .f 11 ·??<· »·. 23x100; Lewi· v La Veil·, et ni, t·. Prend« i' Cumin.. 6.fr») ie«.»tli-si. ? ? 11»·.'! f| ofSleblilni »ve 7.? .'.«rT...«t 79x107.5; Henry Tiffany, as trust.·», t., Ed waitl a Bell . 4.7TO Lexington avi t s «'.» _.' ft ..f T.'M «t, ITvT", Henr) Thompaon, refere·, lo Cornellui I' King« 10,000 41st -t. S ·_·? East; Henry Heather, »s execu lor, lo J ihn n gan . ?·? i»«> ISOtl t. s s, 123 fi e of Courtlandt-ave, '.'.".???"; Martin Orlszlei and wife Hernard Muid S ß i.'::··!. »t. ? ?, _««_·._ ft e ol Alexander i_:..i««>. M.u·« I. Tri a ?··.. lo R J Muller ... .9 000 Willi, m w s T.'· ft s of I.T': ·:. 23x81.f Ross Porter t·. Thomaa F 8 mer* __.,.vio ave, ß ». 111.ß ft .f r._ i st, io sxi«t>; Int on Ragett. and urli t Jarnei Stau·.... 7.4«? .' imbuì ave, » »rnei «'.??': »? __1??a.5; Straus· and another to Loul« ? Reckend rfer 99.000 Sin' «t, n s. _??. fr w of U..· :,««. y·.Im ?: .i-i v Skinner ami wife io Samuel It Haine« ._ 27.«.'«? 1st me. ? «.«:·«»: w 11 lam ?? ?::« imi «."> t·» ?μ??'·* lu. k and wife. 1717:-'» RECORDED Mi IRTO -OES Aar r.. I. ,».- I. An aa W Pallila. N,> .1 At'Tney- st 5 yeara . $7.'TO Êmmi m an S.vlnga B .New Y ·;. N »208 ;:i »t, 1 >·.,- iXMO Butler, Jacob M to ex. itora ' Jamee Mont» ·· a Si Nl ave. Tl» 11 fr - f lasth S a-« . ??0 Same lo Beth M M Ulken, n ·¦ e-ner st ni h let .ve mh». M ÎSO Cuehman, Hora lo i:, lo »Title Ou liante· I Truat ?, No 111 VVeel 133 el, 1 ? ai. *¦·"·» ··¦ urn «;· rse, Jar» : W II, p s Ulti ·. L'.'.·. fl ,,f -·'. iv« .<-..,·- . lfl>«». s,m.·· ¦·· ?·\· lerl-k Hark, -.un· property, .1 (reara 2.IMU Mai ) E, n. J. .ri ? ?: Mai > Thon ?- ·.'.:¦¦ ani« Ufe Inauran ·¦ Co, » ¦¦¦¦' rnei ;???» ni ave .,.·,·: Usih-ai ß loti ·, m ··¦ . «rt «? Mary Sullivan, Noa To and Tul. Ur·:»- -t 5 yeari. R 000 Dr«··, ru- Jullua, an »« Ifi .la Kill ft ¦ e corner Tt h-av. nd 14lh at, S yeara.. 80.000 Bam« to »an - lirii »t, 250 r; ¦'. ?", .«?»·. B la'- . L'·'»,'·»» wife lar» W, »Bell, ? » liath il. 200 ft e of Si 14.000 - li k. urne ;>· ¦;,· rtv, 2 yeera m nth . 1000 ? \\ Bell, n ¦ Hit» »t, IM ? . »f m ear». ? ß.oui) 1···??>. .1 \,?·. t L'.'·'. irli.« i: !.. .ri ?,····'.,··, ? ISO - «Mth-el. 3 ><·»" ? ra». M r. r mer> '.' Illam K, and wife to lennl« ? !¦:»··.:. - s .-,'.;!. »t, 220 fl « .' Bth ive, ae urea On M -, ,.'.? v. .'- and Tl.·"··.« ·; »:·!·??.: ?- .r ¦· inn M «, lamtth. ? 27ß We-- usti -·. year·. 12.'. »? ,c,.r· » . ? · '? ibi d Fra tretera No .'Ts Wesl IlSth a 3 yeara . 12 ta? Kell, Edward, lo Jared IV IMI ¦» IM··,-t. 'J*>. ft e of -.·. ..··.·;·¦.,·. ? . r:»*» »r, Emm « f Edward Rii iw e \\ bIm. fa; ? ¦· I entre¬ at ? reara . tt.BOO Robert S. «».."i-· li»,·,· »a A«enu« A. 8S.U ft e of 3d-et. 2 year« .10'«»O Jullua ·. lo Mar) Itraln.ei ? I '".· -r 31 Bayerd-ai ·'¦ .-. ft "O Mri'orn «Ifred R ris. ? S 02 11 »tei .12 000 ; lo Andrea» ?. 20.2 ft ? of 0th ear* BOO W r. ,.··' '"-·¦'-¦> »3 <*TO \«. ,, Georg» 11 ni ted Si ". ii 275 ft f 10 i««»xi;.i. io IM l-»i I yeai . 2* <o> nd wll IM k, a ¦ |33d al I'·« ft « yea« : .... it. 215.10 ft e ot i*hui Trlnllv I ,-. 7 «vto I. liei to Ka »AK - , 75.5 fi G «"Ih e ear» :¦:'¦¦¦' Boti Kai lai a ?·.?? « Il ave, «ID ·¦ .< -..··, - :, .·- .', ".«¦> ..·. ?. iure '»'· l.'.ii fi er r»f Park .". ·· im 20 noo ?? . alfe / for 1 Belief of Req li-ut G·?..'- Ne« V ¦·' - · l".'.!i at, ISS fi ¦ a·««·. Hugh, North Rivi · 34th il iv, er of Si i ? '««?? Dut tins. J Hi f John II TIM ? 15« ?. »-¦ ?? S yeara. 10.000 Davi. Alle. I 114 ¦-. ?2.?«?? Elm, Kai ·.. Maria He '.· .··«.. « · lai ive, f ? p ol 3»»i 000 J >:.!«. t ti, t», M.r«.-.:· t O «'«.Isaii No B0 Baal Miti st. 3 ear* 23 '"·» vici ·G ai ? wife ... Title ... rant« « ??, No 1.1 Weal «Ml l ¦. ar ï. v. Illam O, ind wife ? ' Frederic Ker<- norhan truete a Olle» piare, B4.8 n f Igwli ,.-,.· î ,-'ir S. O<10 Ha ta I Joeephln. tabetl M La« Sd at, '¦"¦·'· fi w ·? (MI e. S yean I 000 H lei Harriet 11. 1 W I·····¦··. r- . ? 814 Wi .·:-·¦: 12 ">«> il san, John to Emigran) Induatrlal S.vlnga Bank, - - lis· »1 ?-» ft e ni 3 ... »·,.-«. Hem ? Mori and ¦ If« to 1 Iti» Quaranti»« .»' Truel .·. r. a a Bth «I 1 Miti. at. .1 ) ir«._ 24 (»?? I to Solon n M ·.·. . a Klngabury Roe»], !««> w "f ?¦··· ·¦ 3 year«. G, '»«O Lleltermann M Kempner, ? · 20th M 210 tt c I !».IS vo !::';.» Kempner, »ame pr ¡¦.¦rv. ß month» Il Bou ? r-, L. Ul» « h'i J hn I. Il ·. It I. I. and »notti« exe, nor« .r Julia M ».···». n ? .·!·.··!· »», 7M.8 ? «, ,·' r,·*, ave : w.,r- ?? ono ? Bllberl and «if· m ·»» ,,« ?;,?w.ir 1. Franke, :·».,·-· l. w . Tlnton .?ß ?.« ?«, ft a <-t lSfMh-irt, ."· ...uh 2 mortsase« 7'a» Bwltser, Margaret, ·» t.':.· »united Ktatei Tniet Company, Sew York, ? « cor Bth u\<· «?,? BBth »t 1 ... . t«iO»«i S·:·/ »' :»!.·· M A Bad «rife ti North River la» -s »Bank, ? 149 West 4Ut at, 1 ..,;,r. a«gj0 Bel ick, ·'..·,·:··.« and wife t William M ED Mo »9A0 ?" ·· a %ear«. p, rft) »Sauer, Kte.i.-M· k W, to Titie Quai - I Tin« Company, No B28 Eaal fgith ¦' '.: ·,,·,:- IS <?. f-'atn- to .l"l»ii ? B«Ha No .'..··" '.,-· K>lh-at 8 . J8 (iOQ Bam. t j i-i"i"tk ?; a«, No ,'».'!. East Men «·. 3 rear« . .'... is or» SafTord, Charlea E, lo ßernaru W w'.-t,. ? » 44'h ht, 4SB ?»· '. yeere., 30 ra«) Wali.i.e. J .hn C, lo Charle* G »Buckley, truatee I,,».nia C Hoppoek. Ne IfW f^rnv-«t. 3 y ars.. 8 232 K_me t -, mm·. .1 ... Wally, saffi« ir party, 1 year 2,'_«W W e(l»ni««'. r. A Otiti 10 Clan· H.iivn. n · ..2.i-«t. îfr» fi t lHh-o.ro, Instalment·. ft..v>0 Wagner fidili and srlf· ta Oerman Sarins· Ses »'«. s « 4lft-it, i«·« ft » i,f fiili- 1 . . 12.O30 G.?'??.?.??«; PLANI Fil.Fin. \ ¦·« bulMlngi Wesl Karmi R ad and Foreat st, n e mr. er. fur a two-stoT) and attle frame dwelling, Os BAntnrt v of No I' :·-'«» . 93.·*«. M iris l'iirk-iive mil ''.ihIiiiiii «t, « w <v.rn«T, for B rine-dur. frame stable and shed to Richard Marshall, of No 32 >»b) st, owner; Herman Krueger, lessee . íwo Duncoml ai 1 U irtcei ·¦ ea, n s, opt» It« ; ' «?. ut :!t:> ft ·» of Elllott-st, for ¦ two and half »'"iv frame dwelling, by Marietta /. Bl« f No -'-' hai ?'??-ß. . " too 1 ni. and Berk« aves, ·?·? Ute pomi aboul .?? ? w ol Rill 11 si f ¦·»¦ m is ml ? half story ime Iwelllng, b) Annette ?. »Edward* ot ?·> 22 Charlton »: . ».<<»» Clint ,n gnd 1 ¦,,··.·· rnei for Ihre·· »torj birick «ore end tenement, tv Arthur A Sway, of Moiri· Fmk. ?.··?>.· l«land . I8.990 ., ave, n e comer l.'iTtii st. by J ihn ? «...p,??. lessee, of No 237 Wesl 12. ««h «'. for G? ·.·:· " iti. snd coaiWni . _.ooi llittti to I3_.li -·- ind Amsterdam-ave and it it« ,, :¦.<_·, lui »? ·? y iiem« m and all lc « ?·»;.. building, «·> Columbia i'ollege iruiiee·. 900.000 East Bn-adwa) and Jetton ?-ai, ? e corner. G·? ,? «? »ton brtck it.o ind iti re, ? y Harry Fi«, h.-r 0. No 233 Madison-si . 2_.««t? ?? :, -t.. ·· cornei If« ? ?, -? for six- itorv in. k Hat and »··¦¦··. b) -un. . -. ?_-·??.G·-?I ·'.« »?. ß s. s.' I fi ii nf l'v-11.an It, for ., « «i frame dwlllng, Marie Toelberg, t N l.'.'l·.· II- ·· m . *ro') Br sdway N T"». forsten y briol« »tore ind 1 ift», |»y est île t Wllll un M » rd hand H Mi » ol Ko IS .»tor Plac«·. lesee.. - 92d n » iOO :: « f _m le dam av·, for »« lw< H, ·. brlrk Ital n". ll |·'. ¦. »" Mar) Ward N.·..«' Weal »4M at, ownei 3fr». 14'.u »· u «? v.· Wall 1, eve, for a Sve itory brick More, by Anna ? Pa'e, .·? No 6S7 Wa»lon .ve ownei . .«.«mu Aim ·¦ . av«., ? 2,841, by R_e_r. Strainer, of v·. :·¦: v.,- !__·! .·. a two story fram» dwell Ing . « ··» Amsterdam sre, ·· ?, .'·:(·; fl « of T8th-et, »·«/ 1. p Morton, of N.i 373 Atniterdam ave, ¡· « nve-etory brick rlub dwel ns, etc. 1..W) try Helena Pre f No :«»T i: p In4tl It, t > a ?,?.?? « rid store............ ß«>» \ m r.nv 1 Mr» Ernest «1 erm. r, ol So ·'·:. flroa Iwaj : and baia p en) In let .......4 a.ono Moi ive. No 1 .·· Nt: lull» Mclntyre, .f ..',¦> »'.to Morri«_-*ve, tn .1 ··.« 11 ¦¦ fram« hotel l.fr»> l»»ti. »t and G · ? ·«¦ Peter I . ·»·-r to a flve atol ·? ana basement r.·«» W ,«···?.··. riace, ? i:t. « Il .beri 11 m t, f I' »;.,.;¦¦;- S V. ' ? »?·1 l '»«e i.oor, 14·(? -' N .m East. 28th si Ko 12« West II S 124 _W N II» We»t, |.) th« «' tT of New fork, to f lur t. -i»-·»:··· y b; lek pul . . ß,.'?? li:.·:, »? ? BO I'·.· « by Ini M ¦:.· ighlln of No IS Weil li·'-'!- »t. t.. a m.· ·.· ,ry tri· ? ·,·?·· m·',· ..... 1..VO 421 «t. So 44 ·· 83 Ki.>»t and No 182 Bart « the New '. rk, New 11 and Hal ' it .¦'-¦??, ¦¦ ? i«···, ry »'..re an ITI « lg. ,.... 8 «?«1 ?? 11 ivi e * ¦__,'_· f 1 ' S itti ".ulev.irl by Mary J Puffy, to two and a half «t .ry I dwelling _ l.r.oo Burnalde ive No l.tHW ? tohn J D Ige, ·» a t«> «...rv frame f_»i Avenue .' ?? _»> ?») M,m I V. ker, »,f No 101 IflOth It, J «'·_', G?. k·· r .·.·¦·.__;· .1 brick h ·'«·! _>«. 8·1 ??ß, ?'·. ·_.??". h) flenr) I h of S" TT.» .11 \\e, t.. 11 three «¦ .tore l"«. «IM 84 '. ? 14 Vv. ? ,? »? \? teg, of ? 14 Rasi ."·4·! »· t » ? f ir .ry and basei bri 'k Iweiiing .i-ïi 2..1 «t. \ « :..·. .: .<¦: "f MM 21-ft««· · - Lu k »t re »u.! tenement rto. ·· 208 by 11· « Hilling Co, nt Xo 7H II · » leren a'«· .". «· ·. N ! »>: I » i.ta R 1. 2 «-."..i l-i ? 1ry frame welling and im 14«·'. »t. ? 177 I. t s 1 4TT Rasi 14411 »·.'.·. tory frame .? w. .«_-> «Xitn propntn /or Onlt \DJOININO FIFTH «Il ground Uva fhl »eli ·.·.·¦· ... ;¦" " » '.. ?·«?> tot; «unny prot»rted rear; new »an:l»ry pitimtitng. Prie·, tlOOuO. itur'jii» »124.900 Permit« an»! all t»artl»-ular» i I. from DOVOIaAS ROBIKSO.*g ? ro.. »r» mah.son ave M UBEaTcTT ST. 2fi Cet /or Unoinro« |Jtir-joiet ? »i I!..''.". ·."»'¦«·.:¦ : * : ? J> '? .·'. «».·.. B| · kraai Maid·« ? ine, iam. i.i. Clin ¦ - ih« «traete RVl.A* I »*H '¦·¦ /nrnieh**· Apartm-nt·» vio Lei .Urookhm Real (Petaif /or Cuir. SECURE YOUR HOMES NOW FOR THE FALL. ¦ ... ». I . ) «r ? .... ' . lire ? ,. LEONARD MOODY, Ititi I - I \ I I vTonntin }Jio*jritn /or Ball LARCHMONT. Y I I.I ·....- * « adapte«! »r ? u, JI II'» .onntrn JJroprrtn /or Bale or ?? %\t\ /nniielicb fioncro vio Crt vXoiiiurn. r«OTTA«KS ?? ? ».\». in ·.» ll. I I 2n mil. ' o* th« ..-...-? · lag·«; II ? n.-'.i- I.om; BRACH *i»»»«»>< i \ i i<»>. 71 BROADWAY, CK .? -,? it'. ion mil·* A V rurnial -1 S·«.», ?·.· / ruotili, ?»» ? ' II.'. ? r ?,« ?«, "t, ?. in« ? «moflí ?." iwey. (1??? ? '¦'¦ ·.·.«.»· ·¦ ' .arm rea Imtl ?; I . ? Maa* /nriiiGlifíi '? ? ii ri ine ni ß vio Cet« Tin: «.?. \ »? ? imi. :'. ? ?. p. ?,,«·!·<·> I'lirU. ? murr ICOt*.«nt, Ilnnl» ??,-. ?»'· ?' «G ? '»' "¦»'¦ f.«1ag BOUth nnd weat- ? rooma md 2 itha li--- -ri«- ?.? «, un < ? ??!. .11 »,? mei Pa rk HOHSES A.\D t Aititi Mil·:». A l-'.iK SALII A at.vilsh j.alr high knee a, tin« col.». IM» hand» high, «lx ami i-e\en year* old. iplendidly match, i ??. cole« ani dlagÑMttaea; are thoroughly l>r»«ken. double hihi »mele, and ar«· »both g,»o«1 «addle h'.raei.; hav« been iief-d in eltj f«»r th·· 1er. year, and are fully WAR- RANTED in »»-.·) partlealar, Aleo ar, ele gant Kaîdkt and »harne·« eob, ].%'«¡ lanía high, »?? yeara old; THORCU'UHlaï BROKEN, ¦:· i- and -marie, ani aaf« fur any '»r.e t«. p i«· or drive. .Vis , brougham, mall phaet »n. »am; t'¡, family aum ·. eeeta f,»ur. rimai' Il »agon, J< TO* 1 «ag »?. pole «nd shaft«; ringle an»i heavy end llgbl ... rr,·.««. In!'«-· senil* men a Bacila!) »riding eaddl. and ?»p»1?·. riding habita, »roten, Whip« ani all the »tat·'·· effeete: .·.. ibi «¦» ;i miiuediatHy. N«. OKKERH Itl.l si ?. OWNER':» PRIVAT*! STARI.K. 23 Eaat Slal 81 ii'-ar .'»ih ava ' KiJr ¡4AI>:. i"..«t pacer Ir ? »ad or track, reeord; ,??·? and klt,»r. 1.?..1 heglit, ¦.an l* »«¦· S a' 101 Caritos av., "»t»r «r ZI South Portland-ave., iir-»/»,k ivn. evenings. SHETIaAÑD POMES Over ¡«BO retad te ae:?ct fi» m ohll«Iien-a punie»; lre«-dlng »t-.'-k. «·?? tor catalogna W. J SA.MI' son Touasetowa Ohio. STNCRRAV KB 41, ¿ST 4TB. ????G? YUl'. MONTCLAIR Real etrtate, .ill kind»; aale or rent, 6 Ii-··»·. ;hj ·: N T.. and opp. I. .nd W «·,:.· a Montclalr. CLARENCE II. TftíliS. AT MONTCLAIR H«misss for «ale »nd to let. furnl»ti«d and unfurnlahird. WM. M TA VI/JR. Montclalr. N. J._ rtllMMIKI) HOI SKI TO-LET. ASBI'Hï PARK, N. J. -I'eelreble fur- ?.?».'.···? anClaca« tor rem, »end for Il«t. MILAN ???*, Asbury INrk. N. J. CHOICE PL'HNISMRD COTTÄOES at A»- bury I'ark eat «,?· u.lt> \..»· lu G. PRANK APPLEBT, Aaliuij I'ark. ? J FiRvisiirn iiorsËs t? rent et Rldgefleld. N.» Canaan. liranclnllle, Pomfh-t, <'»>nne« tlcut Muflliluna, Madian. N«tley, Atlanti. ll'ahlali.ls. .it r-din«»1 rent»' RUST'S ? M*HAR«f, 1*1 B*as«l mtm. _ SI'itlNO LAKF. BEACH. N. J .Pe«lrat>le furnlahed cottage f«»r aea*<»n, liât.« on re- «Vbbmu YAIUJ ft BL'CiiANAN. Btsi.Miss CHAHCBfl. A PARTNER wi'h 910,000 to 918.000 rn.h t·. Invrai ? a _.··· paying, old Ntib- llane. wholeaale bualneae; lb« ¡, eeenl own it» desiring extend an. enlarge it.«· "t"'. «il. pr ·'¦¦ ihe Mtlafartlon "f the righi party thai lhe pronta ·_· larg« ,,r, ti- inveatmeni -..t.. no agenta tf. r. Tribuni· .rt. « HF8ÌNESH PLÁí'Efl ,,f all kin ¡¡old quickly; addii -..¡ pr ur··. for rn-v hanta, m and ol hei ? guarantee Mil-faction. 1 ,?tt?.? ft «'" L'.; Chambers m CAMPAIGN NOVELTY! I'niled ?.«?.» patent for sale, Kn... ? Him <>ut." ?«? «-«.nt article; circular fi«·«·. Addr« HE HARNL'M NOVELTY COMPANY, Iin.Im¬ port, ('..nn. CAPITAL PROCURED for m«r_ri»nt_. p »r. ifi then deilrlng ?, li¬ tui, their business; s·..,.·-«·« an,i busines· ?·..?· ··» « ild QU « llhoul publl. Ity, MlxiNAi.i. \\i'.i;i\.··, n«« Naseau -t (OR BALE Pat. ni :··".'¦» ".»T, on '·¦ It« .ok thin «ti> u«· ob market, «,? pa» tie manufacture »am«. Adre·· IN¬ VENTOR, »"I Pennsylrsnl· a·.»· Wash¬ ington, «' WELLKNOWN m;» G \ t iiaxt, n.-.,r 14th st ul a greal M CI COSI "f «?·urei« only; free and deal IMMRD1 ATI. 182 »'··'· ave., rnei ;:·¦,. WANTED. Inrentors Ibould writ· .»"hn We«lder».'irn A <'·»., Pu'.nt Attorneys Waahlngton, D, C, fer Ibelr 81.OW preis lum; m^nitilv «Or»tc«t op.n to Ihen up.? eppliratl ? IIKIiSS MAKI .... a riusi' «I.ass dressmaker want« work m private farolllee by .'is. perfect litter; will iem,«1«"l Artdie»« 0EWINO, V.4 3,1 BV· _ COUTt'RIERE FRANÇAISE.· J_..W tail»» anil dre«»ma_«-i -\ -?? 11. _.-. ualk'rii,· ant carriage enema; » «km: sew .leere·: Short notice; resi nabi« »price·; re¬ modelling. Mm« ANDERSON, 194 West l.'.th-it.. formerly wltb ?tern Brother·. "i»iti:ssMAKi:it FÍrsi risas; 9 reara" .«" l-erlrr.« ·<· Mm« Conelly, Bth av«·.. :.» f«-w m..r«· «"Uli ??t». tl 3«> per «1_? Mfeet, venir«, tailor mal· dresses a ipecl__.lt). H M Hox 2T. 1.212 Hr..i.!_a> I.ItKSSMAKKI- Wl«hm mor» customeri l.y day at home; Bll.li and '.)ilidr«n'« sown» a «? lal'y, reference. 404 Writ itili, St. PHBMMAKISO. DRESSMAKER By an espetieneed dreaa in.»«·.·-', by day, $1 It·. .,r bom« ahi·· aiuta wrape, ? ..»«>· «/alen el itylea; lunch nni>. CtTTEH Boa 4:1, 1,242 Broadway. DRESSMAKER 'it year. rundióme aulta, ;»··¦«· »tylee, t.i, «t, ,it not othei . ? ·¦,«.; ,«a Mra SMYTH, i.i«. «*.rh av» .Vii «¦ DRESSMAKER Compelen! and esperi· ·!»'··?. formerly with 11 Altman A «', th* latest «print? atyle.; $.' t,.-i day; high <¦-' reference. vii·.-. DRESSMAKER, 2:,:i Weat 14'h at EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, flr-i ··· r a. ?ß? r»,·· to nn« trade, ili » nor« mgagemenia in private ram lllea, »lty or eountry; i>ei»«,n.it refeiei.» «-. D., 2-t *th-.ve. FITTER ft. ind m Tl «Ugl ·· ..f at)ll«ii ·· ?··.··?. flti-r ent. en fan· tr·'-it bv the d.n ? >-·« Rl KER .N«?8, isr, iin>adwi MME. O. V. Dl'RRAND, Parialan die.a- makei új We»t luth »·., llploma «if ?,,,??.,?, fittine warranted; laateful «tylee; goee all kl »»la »f annuii·- ? » .1 i . rat« prlc«-a ani »h rt r,< tl · MME o M DT'RRAND, p.rUlaa dr·«.« mak< 1. U W«*sl isth-at diploma ? honor; Siting warranted; tasteful atylea; rnak«·» ail kin!» «>f »ummer e»»wn» at nm.l »rat.· price* and at *hor1 notice, MIDLER A PENDER. ex|.»rieii«-»d aree» maker, can tak» more «u»t<»m«r«; fit and -ii guaranteed. ; ·,·,-. 1·.»i»nal u .Jlf. W. at 4Bth-*t. PARISIAN DRESSMAKER. Flrat <¦!»«· ruttt-r. fitter, want» ni'.r» euatomera; h',me <<r by dav; g.-l reference; 11. bjee- ti..n to cuntri. H., French dreeamakei 1G1? WeM 34th »1. MM! It.l.AMiOt «. SHIRTWAIST! specials; Mn«· Dually «tain waleta ne««»t denigri», μ». regne« fr»»m $1 .'ai. UH« detachabl« »llar, re duoed to tèe. JAMMES. »iti Broadway 4DVEKTISEMENTS and »ubs.rripii.in» f«,r The Tribune r*<-e1v»·.] at their Uptown in·,·, ?. 1.212 »BreMw.y, 2.1 »i.a.r north >f sut «t.. until o'clock 11 m.. »«Iv» r laementa yaeetrat «t the f,,il«>wing »branch (Tice« at regular ",, · rate« until Su', i a ». m .u». W4 Bth-av.» ? O II BALIE. ? Hl.!·: ·?.1· PRII M«» rerond hand v.,. .i md Iron « .rklng toa bin« -, full) ruaran!»«!. ma. hlnei > t> ·.ghi .mJ >¦_ _] anged UEOBUE I: ?.???. SVU Medi ? :. «? A ll' " ? II \.M ?. night »» ·? vVe»l in. htistnens. Appi) MÜLLER BRI >.-' 27 U «? it. Hl' I.ITS M.imi. h nr Defiance il ·. lei; gra le, il«_ 1»'..'· m le; .«:i ni lira, ?: \ r«.Kit MAN. 4.?? Islington .··. ?·..? Itili «. G?? ALI ili) ..imi ini Hie tin·· ;, -»rated ? nie ? medicine, 1.1···, extenalvel) idvertlee<l ? tne msrkel her s Uh ? ¦· ?. ,?? .m k ·? han ?. .. »ng si ? ;.·? » itrlght at the buj rr*i «i ,n Addre - i-TTO NIKNAUKR Bl ill»»n I. Hoboken, N. 1. y> »R 8. ime ialini »tore; ?»? yean 111 hed. heap in ·. «»uni ..f »' ?*.··?.'»?. 1,881 Lrxlngl »? ave ?. .,? 11? l'.'.'.t. ?, DEBKB' im «|U»1I.7 flB 111. 121, 822, 1-3 «928, *4S and ii* V. Ii ?.» fs ? SONS, .:· 4T Juhn ¦: n-.ir Nae u »1. ADVERTI8EMENT8 nnd «ul.«.-rlptlon« fbr The Tribune reeetrid ai th*ir Uptown «ifli.e. NO. 1.242 Broadway, 2d door n,.ith at 3Ut »t.. until t. ..??... k? m. ».v«r- llaenienil recelred at the following Liai.· h ?.??.'··» at rrguliii «Me· r.r··« anlll »¦ μ m., vis.: 284 8th are.,·.· cor 'S.,: «?, 192 «?. ?«.» col I2tl. «' ?-' '..· ??» ??» ?«»- We·! extih ¦· t"«'. Weel «_ »· ».. ,r liti» av. '.'·_ I·:«.»! 1411. »' _?? '.\ ·-t «_.! ,-. between t »?.? 9th «?.·«. |? Eau 4??» »t l.rtns 81 ???.-. l«-'w.-.n Tulli and 7Tlh ·«» i.'tVi Sd iv« near »ll»t «'.; 1.701 1»! ave., ?.ir ««l'ili ». <?-_» ,.,? ,?», ?.,?G Hal 884 ? ß« » 9S8 Bleeckei »? I »is ? »«.«¦ _4«> ?.?-? Tt'ltl ««.; ?.?21 _·1- .¦_ 2..W1- S·! .' '··" Am-'.?.?,??? .?, 4«._ \v.«t 4_·? ·' 14« Ka.«t llltli «t.; _1?_ ?.,., «»?, »· s,·,«. ?»?? ire.; «wi 9th «\« 1 ·.:..· '. «i are r.n «17?, «· 204 Eait ««th .t l.oy Hr,.a.w..y. |.8_BI 9d «v». ; 12» Bth er·.; 1 918 M »«» ::... .n, »ve. ai the H«,r!»iii r»fn^r» ¿-?? ..d ««». n»ar IlSlh «t 1?? r.n.t 12.1th »t n»«r .11 »«» 248 Weel 1251h «? bet Til« and »ih »re» «!_n w.«t iir.ih «I. Al th« Ilrookl.n OfTW»: 8*7 Fult.n «».. 721. Pape· «' «VI C_Wt- «t 48 Broadway. F. 189 Bmedway. L. D.A Li»- «Villi· ·(a», near l_r_»_wi_r. no a an and rooms. HORTON*S, 14f» Weat 2ii'1-»t.. New-York. near Masonic Tem|.l·'. .'»??-??-?? tl «everywhere, IIÍ0 a day; American plan; regular l««ain)er* at raasonsMs tate»._ NICE llirht furnl«h.'»l »moms, with or with ill l-»ar»l. m»alerate »prtcea 1··' We*t BTth-rt 1 132 MADISON AVE., cornier .11»» at.. Splendid Iracatlon; double ami »ingie roonu, »Ith "G without hoard._ V.iTM ST.. in WEST Beautiful, large an.l «mile rooms table unegcelled: «er \|»·,· flr«t cla**; trnn«lent» ac.·.,mm,»dated; référencée_ 24 EAST T.-.Tit-ST -Lnrg« hand*, «me noma, en suite or alngla; »ummer price», excellent cuisine. ill WEST .'»IST S.T Handeomely fur- nlehed ».|u«r* room, third floor; with boiard; refereneea_ 4..1?? -T i'.I WEST Beautiful, large be k parlor; ai»«» third floor front room, with privat* bath. B6TH st 4.* WEST DealrabI« room« with ?'.'.-???; American family, reference«, B'il' ST. B7 WERT. Mand.--.mely furnished. large room·; »uperlor tsble ar attend¬ ance; trsnalenta sccommodati I; references 121ST ST., B24 EAST Pteasant room; privat· ? ur, rn.r tiro boarder«. I'lRNISIIFD ROOMS. IIAND.40ME PRONT PARLOR, Mltabl. f . ,«,.. tor; privata 11 ose lut West 44th st. IRVING PLACE. 14 Elesantly rurnlahed corner room.; even Improvement. MADISON \\K. M Km·. I.rg. rooms, Bmactlng, with privat« »bath; tviih nr wltl .it board; rultable for thr«·· gentle- rt fer. t.··· ex, hanged. 4 WEST KSD st Hand· me r.-.m- for lh* rammer; highere! refer . >¦¦·. ms· 17?.? ST., 50 WEST st dMtniMe parlor aulle; »uttaMe f.r doctor; excel leni locali!). aleo two other moins; refet . ·. .-a 2:<l· ST. ? v.-? 2WI Ii»» in« f;m |3 to *».*» »·· w ··.-:.. houM nen iy fut ? -!;¦·'. ·μ man» enl sr.Tii st rat WEST Handeomely fur. 1 · ·.· an 1 hall It* in .';·. KAST J KAST 11-TH STS DeetraM« rooma at «ummer price·; i«>f er»:. ·» 88 EAST 49TH -? r.-«· cla*·, cool ?«, l'i pei week, ,,r 7', enti t day. «ß???-ST.. NO. IS3 WEST. Ilari 1«. m-lv ;.mi»l.e,t ?.·?? ti »· md floor; al»·. puri»»r floor, aullabl« f »r couple, and « gì« lo in», pi !' ale f.» 82 IRVINtl PLAI'E, near »i-ntii-r-y Y»,M De.lra ' -1 rotini, wl'h home, SMnforta; mi rpttonal; »references re¬ quire ?. 140 BAST B4TH ST ?' »'« ' lare« r m : .leo hall leu ·-, private family; referen »· r.· -? ·· ?. ????.? WANTED. Naia. CARETAKERS »lem in; man end wife. | .. :. »,?. a: -' « ? ÜB! I ·· ir, J ibi« 30 Il 12 II h floor SALESMAN . ·?· · irlng May hav. » vacane foi Greater Ne·.,· ? ? ? li «m ng the hing, ci ak y. .NlJPAiTl'RER, M t 1*1 r WAN.! .. ·«¦ in m.k« fai) «eel<l>· In ai * ¦' · w III ·¦ Il r f «rf. Il ONE Iti SDRED ¦:.?.·,!:-' ? Irret ? ?? ?.»?», ? \ ; WANTED AN IDEA S ran think ì BÖHM elmple tl ng ; Bteni ecl ??·?». tr.»»· n,.,·. brins I »U ««¦-»..h Wr.t* JOHN A'EDDEftni UN à CO, l\i-»nt At- lorneya Weehlng, b D C for their St.SÒO prtu ffei icntora »and :ur et mo ? venrl r.» »ar·.···!. WORK WAMKD, Mat«·. A !:·'·-.*-- MAN With .*«*· ve»rV *x e export. Imp.p rr»r. N a. |e ? engagement » REU HIDE i . ¦ .»f r e I st . » B J « a. Y -, 14 ·' A Vol NU . » ? ALI« i ..·»...· Al»· · I care" f?? . · « r- ?-· .. ? r ·· ! ??? EPF.lt · r ? 11 22 . » I.MlKI ... « ? at ? . up payroll». . t oft .. . IM,. ·¦ \ > ? «ini nun m - ¦¦ ... - ? . ¦- j . - . IM IH. 1 1er ? * . . . , a IloWE. IT I « . IT ··«·. ¦ rh l'i* ·¦ 11 I. · ', a " »^ ·-! ? V » ». ?..!·.-· private wat -hnian Iti ? « r pertv t et ll vl-.l-.l-. ¦·".» 2,1 ave lly a .- Ilíver ·· ,·.· ,,, ¡ ¦ I mecha gheet ref ·¦···, Nr« ? . .»?.· rate «alan ' '*· ¦' - ELI « RH I \\ 1 mg ? »· 23 »«pert" ri* trie Ughi - Ini ? la. : \ '·. ; K il' I IMO ... \ .1 l'Uri.M A ? Bti :. man ..« Bremen Appi) · HARLI > ».?; \ vi IOS Hr. rn« Ich »1 l'Uri MAN Somi >..,,' ,?|.·?p,,... .¦.,,, run engin. ·». ?·· iii.f.t t ii.g T la. '·'.'-" !.. ,(, lAMTull l'ARRTAKER tl) man and t ¦¦¦. car·· '¦¦ ? '.·,·- man Bandy ·.« ih ,- »ri turn ? »h ? md rit iddri μ \\ G .'. Hai ? « ??'.??'??. siili::.; nun,»?. il,I- l«l filini·!» ond. M '". .·· 4.'" »' .»? ? _l. willing '.· work .,· ,.t.· ihlni. .:,.!.,· ting ·.:. .? ,. ?? aliati ind lei man .1 A \ MS. |H2 ? ?" PORI ER nr siili I. MAN ige 2»t. willing md ol llgini Brsl .»¦ refi Iren l_AWRENC'B, ra ·· it too Wen ·_:·> PORTER. H«· ? colored n il ml I ; filli Ii.? ,: HILL, l"l »' '¦'¦'¦ ¦: il PORTER · W A ? ????? By rêspi rìsi le ?, in ·? ??,???? "¦'¦ Ite in Iruil w..rih>; furnlih hlgheit ··!· .¦..n ··« Al dreee \ .t ? Jack* ?. ?.?'.? Pul ton «t In ,_!. ? PAINTER, iwperhsnger, pliiterer «?·? iira.ur; ¦¦ .«? t' u»:« ,nv workei !,· ??; |i v .»t·· moi k for land lord·; i,-«t referen·?-«. RULER, 777 2.1 aie. 8ALEHMAÑ, gond »».M-·««. «« ni ???·-1 »in..Il «.«?··» «·|.1? niiiiV-i -? an) legtll mate bualneai; mason'· materlil prefern I; ¦ui'h a> idamnni |.tn »ter, manici» ,?. A'ldrea· ? u 28, Weal ll iboken, ? .1 s.M.i. MAN Bualneaa man, 81, desires ?·, ill Ion ai «ali-iman iruuvagei thorough ni», m accounts buying, ·? it» nilenre English and lei mei iiisiie«! reference«. Addrees A II. Rotini v.'.·. '_"i in· idwsy, ? Y. HTEN'iKlRAPHER. ?) la« itudenl .lur mit nimmer months Address l. A. MAfUtHALL Tottenrttle. s. i. RTENOORAPHER and REMINOTOÑ ..M ItATOU young man. in, owning machine, desire« ? -imitimi. flr»i clase rei rrenrei Addrssi K M. T., á^ióA Presi déni »? Brooklyn. BTENOtÍRAPHER snd Tïi'Kwm TER .1.·" ¦1res ?·· «m n. it rears' old; >; months' experience; luimt with parenti; «n mi chine OEORQE «» HLADOX, Tl» Weil IfTth it. BTENOOH xi'MKli «n.l TTPEWRITER nrsati poem ? ·« r ·· 4 p, m erenlngs; tsperlrnced compelen) t, '»k- rharg* of rreep nd«n ·. heel référencée; termi n. il« ..XPERT, lt,,\ '_, Tri: nn» »m.·«· WATCHMAN i:.|-ii. n, an.l crer· n··«··. M MIT.?.???. 149 Conorer-eL, Un. k lin. WORK »WANTED by a Orman, inher, In» dustrtous .«»?.? trustworthy, »t inything; Im rit» ief.r-n.·«.. A..ir. »¦ IloCSkl Ll.l.i'liil. itili tail 2_t_.»._, WORK WANTED. Mille. WATCHMAN..A strictly ««.ber end rell..- bie man, with ?""? re.-immen,latt,-,n« and experience., t ¦» watch faetortee, »tore«, building·, ft,·., hy day or tiliçht. WM. ????'??. T29 ll'h-iive.__ WANT III». ?? ? married m.n. 43 year· nf igl position M ag'-nt nr private sec¬ retary for · gentleman of wealth owning perry tn or ai^ui New York or Phila¬ delphia: referen«!·« cheerfully given; per¬ colili Interview «arne»tiy desired. Ad- dress C s MILLS, 979 Asylum-·... Hart¬ ford, Conn. Yi.IVN.i MAN. 21, reference, w|»hc. steady position. M. JACKSON, 29 Bt. Mark· 1? «. ·¦ _ TOUNO MAN'. 2<»; »tronn: wl»h.» % sttua- ? «here h·· '-nn learn ft tra/??. Ad¬ dr..» ? HOWENS, 111» I_erO} YOtrNO MAN «.»nt·« »position New Yet* hinter house; ."> year»' expérience; gir· t_-.t reference. ·'., 199 Fnlrmount- ?G«·, Newark. .X. .1. ÏOUNO MAN residing In New-Rochell· want· ¦ ? «Itlon -..|e»m»n for Weet- che«ter County. J. FRANK. New-Ilo- Cheli·, N. Y. _ Y"t'N·; MAN 22, derire· position ln Fire Inaurane« offlc«; ft venr»' exrVrlcn,'«·. Addreea ? ARLES REEF, ix_ Suy-lnm- .l Mv. iklyn. «foi NO MAN tlWi ii"d education; willing to do anything or learn a good tin,le. Addre»· T. KEBFE, 2TS North 2d »t., Brooklyn._ ???G?? MAN. Englllh, li», »e«ki iltuatlon Indoor ierrant, ral·., etc.; exp»r- lenced; »scellent reference·; city preferred. FRANK SMITH. 189 Eaat 23d it TOUNO MAN wllhea work of »ny kind"; referents. JA«'«»H I«»KR. 1«_8 i_th-st., Brooklyn. Y'.i'.N.; MAN. 20 v»ant of »jce, graduate if the Brooklyn lliph School, '»... de»ir«« pnsltlon with chue· of .dvsneemeat; ref¬ erences .-.nd security. Alír.ív. A. K. It.. ?»! He«··» «t.. Br okiin WORK WANTED. Fruíale. COMPANION Bi young lady tn country ,.r ettj ; good ? ¡der, rocallal nnd experi¬ enced dressmaker; ei teacher; best refer »? ?!.en. WILLINO, Bog 20. Tribune Office. _ COMPANION ?. teacher young lady, re fin«··!. ·· «¡ ibi ·« :.·. position for ».im¬ mer, ilther companion or gorernes·; he»» of referme··. Addre·· ??·.? 104. Junction. ? _ COMPANION Led) ot refinement, ex- pertenc* and tblllty want» positi >n irlon to elderly ·, er» ? or invalid, or any apaclty ? t menial, In refln-l family; '.? i.,,·»··!··, and f nd of children; «v elleni refe «? »« ?'·»? Ad!'"»» ll ?: .? Ul '.'.'-· Drlgl ·· ? »talen I»land. i;oVi:um>s. ,\n American young · refine I. « r··« po .·· p is go\ rnea», c p panlon 1, usekeeper menisi; competent . fur and unici ' in; excellent «·, »! cone»p..|iden» ne.it .. 1 .'..«[*r; »i'-»:ieit r«. . given .«:.'· »xpecied; poeition «.e«tr»i In New -r. '"' a femtly of ·- ,. ·.·.., «»attng full t il.is. AillLITT, Box _'l. Tri' .in_ Of p ¦· _i MANI' t'RE Young Isdy wlshe· a few privet« ruatomers si 'er ? ?»; or out; «lite «nlv Mill HELEN, 40 Weit 2.1. ¦I Broad wa ll ? 1'?. ',''.' ·?? ·?_?'.·? ? «? ·« ¡ ·-' ? ·| »du . «pel ? ? not afraid f work; t»·· I ref . OMPETENT, H.x 9S, Office, _..··.'¦ ? t.a to «««'«t with « ? »r bo »kkeep.ni In . I room a '. Ire·· M. ? » O fl DOMESTIC ·??G?????? WAITED. Mai· Bt'TLER I.« tv going abroad w'.r»» ··¦ «e, in n ; »ItInn f .r h»r I u'l*r. wh« m » ? »mmen ? 27 Basi Wi it Bl IJ !'. .'n privat· fim'.ly. when ·¦ ond mai ? « ipt. pre* »·.·. empi .«? be Men l* <;. 31 tint « _ Itt'TV" r ·¦·,·'.. - ,n thoroughly un- la the d .·¦- f » >·»??;·??»G.« ... wagei »·«' TLER. Tweet Mil 11 prevent em| « ». '. ».?« rife t'-v. .·«« «-««-: ....·.. «joe Emi ... I it and »Ai »IMAN. «·? «?! LAl'NUI | mu and wife ? aa er and tei ·-¦¦·-..· | leful; .-« ..r-«e:it . ? .4.'. «nt 4.'.·'. _t PI. !'. u 1 VALET Br e mpei at ? man · «.·-·., ughly experienced family; generally ' bilging; City ref.r e ·· ? ? ·? 4.'. 1 _42 1«: _«.'.w,y. RI 'fi.; it Br a y ung man in Rnt-otiM privale fai ··. r ·.-·., »_ r»'·· e, .·,,, .,· 4,.i u·:. ,??.. m cimar ·· re . « '. vvi'.T ? · Europe w th -··. m n '¦' «rn ¦ ··.. »r, ; ? ·. ut .: _>t : t «.lAMBERMAID : ' · We·« _""i »t. Ut ? f t|g%l 5 p." in. : ti . itati·« » ·. r W 73 » , Ulead n ?.: u the « » Addre«· Bl ? LI H .··..· . ?? I l'I' 1. < I un Addr»«· It »¦ ?? aitón, de¬ lire· ; rn nt- » « ·¦ iti > ? il Boi ;·4, 1 _4¿ -. ' r a ..Idre·· C ?., ». ¦. man r w »tchman Un· - .··.'. r . ?. Wl ...... > »¦ m m »i. t wife «v.:; · ¡k· ?'· I im '. r ' i ih ? ?| ,-lty W _»* ?'««? 4»;t M CARE. man and wlf« :, in m.»· «ratte nelgl « ·?·?«; ?>· une» le. _B_ .·· |2d II 4'!, ".. : « !IM IN ti) a ? · ... .. -,,,,· » an ta the » ??_? carriage·; «? 1 ' - t ind willing an ? ·_ . ·. t c-ty referen «a Aildress or call W. «'. u East ïîth »t. ·. :tMiN ind «i vit; '·:μ:?·. want· · «'«'.1 H S rl Tribun« CiiACIIM vn German mlddl« «u- »rai year· esperi« ? city; com - ·· ·.. «¦¦ -~1 ief_i»n.» Il· ?.!'. 7s ?: .»·. .¦;·. r.-»r COACHMAN Plain gardener; b) young p .n active, tempri it« . . » ??,»? UN g.'. r, ?,··· ? ·¦» ?, Ti II .: ¦· '"? <>>??·|???? ind ÔAROKNER Cíeful; in. m leretan re of I :»··· t- intry driver; good pen «.«?? -. for 'J .'. «« » ?? \iu.i:s It A l ?1«.A· 'UMAX m ? A Iti I.N1Ò1V Hv ma. ri-.l n..m Kngllah; ..¦l>-r md h ni il bilging; caret il di Irsr; «Arsi .¦in»» pep»..nal references. ??'.?.-»· h,.? tut. V.l.. .. ? d, N J. COA»*llMAN A g.-ntlemnn glvlti* up keeping li.'rae» deelr ' nlng ? .Ithm for h « '¦·¦.«. rimen. » horn he can recommend for 10 year* pssC Apply .v.«. 141. Na aau nt.. ·. u: lv ?, \, MIMAN V ??·.;: it. in. itngl* it 1 ireful rt '.? ??p? obllsln.. »peeking ?.» in, S| an ¦»'. ai d .. ell) untry (Irei clu»* reference. It ? It » _·," ? rlbum »ni····. COACHMAN Married, no children, tn g«x>d -ef.ne «, .-t empi ?·t enn be Men J. ('., 82 Eaa! iilM st ? ?? m IN as* 29, iKiit !> ft. 7. * ·.·'· ??."». under» r is thoroughly e . bu line a; good ,·???? It ?\··? tt»,·» an» I \ :.ii.·^» piraent employer, W. 11. UK' IWN, 40 Wall .1. »COACHMAN Bngtlah, »tingi·, a.e ·.·« thoroughlj understand* t.i« buatneaa; g», ?. r ireful di Iver; «« ¦> ii a an) lai ?...n* empio) ei an be men. A 1- drea. one week, T MERRITT, 1.849 Broad- « S| .'.-? IIMAN .lid l.'SEFI M VN -Kng- ||*h, middle-aged, »Ingle; rare "f hore«a ga awn s a 1.1mm UAH DENER 420 List I'.lih »t. COACHMAN. Hv a ili-' rl««« man In a privet» family; underat.nd« bualnee« \.'t. u-ii. experienced wllh ii"r».'s. city ? r.»ran« M Bog 00, Irli.un· Uptown Office, 2)2 Broad« nj r>>A. IIMAN By n «male man: beet of referen«*·; no! «frald of work; laat em ployer can be .«··· n. ?????-»·»« G-'.? Baal il'.'.l COACHMAN ind OARDENER. Married thoroughly understand* tt»·· ear« of hoiae«. BITtagM »???,? COW·; BV« ietti» with pre* nt employer; will he highly r.·» «.in m -?, t.i THOMAS NEWMAN, »Realyn, I., ng lal.ir,»', .COACHMAN »nd OARDENER. Hy â youns man man; ? years' refereaee from i.«»i employer ,,-»t driver. »LENOX III! linst Bid Al halli··»» »t.»re. OTIÂCHMAN Hi u rîrsl cla»i man. under si,m·;- io» bueineee thoroughly; not afraid ol hard »"ik, atrl.-tl« tempérete; ß l/ear.' beai reference f ·m iu»i employer; willing snd DbPglna; et ··»!«, lu ail h.i!,lta - ,?»hin i.aeo lit ». 7 «, ?? \i ·, \ ll) trou man. 'it. tho* ought) understands eare et h... *«*e. ear la ? ha na ? lawns and gHr.len o. SHERIDAN '--.il Weel 2:»th at. COACHMAN, .·.·' Bv .. »ingle, ompe nt .·¦ ·? in in se coachman, »·.·. m man. «?».·:??? man. «teady, ».«her. willing. obliging; u, private family; peraonal refer en,¦· EDMl'ND, -'Kl Weal MHi ·!., Knlck erl.H-ker -t.it je iiiai'HMAN Hv middle Bgad,' »Ingle I nul »hinan. I.at employer »un be eeen William. ?,?a iiiuadusay. COACHMAN. By a Scotchman r. ' afm.d », r aatry; r>-f"rer.c·«. u»t ·::.. rj er an la» ee*c J. 3., IY'% .11, 1.el¬ lo id way, ??????? By thoroughly eipetrter.c.i.t. Bins!» v .un* man, Proteetani »roughly c mpetent ty driver g»···', «apearan«»; '·» « .1 Bg, obliging; *> yea-»' h.gr.eat per»»nal Wrlll :.f «··«.'....*. v.. I .1 M 1.Í42 Broadway._ POA IIMAN -lly ycuns m«rrle«l Fren-rv ·- "u*t dleenge*·-·, wi':. '-r. g -'. tei «ver.«··· a* t., capability, »,1t·.··? tn·'. e»tv, no objection to the cuimtrv. C ».· Irena PHIUPPB, V.K, M eve. COACHMAN i'eoful colored man . ratai la hla dntlaa; p aira..! at «· «it .···. refereneea; w.vge» n. Ian a* JAMES, lot làvat áts.-h-«*t r-om 4. FARMHAND v««r·« emptoymenl g ¦ I tr...«·:- snd pi ughmen, refer, n.-e. Al Ire»* MK*HAEL NERNET. .·."» r mon st.. ? .?. OARDENER, Marii-d. no ohlldren; 2»· « ipertrs e at 'he ·, ariou» fjratich«» ur r a*»«»», -are »f ga-le. ant private ¦ igh iman; uni«r*tan.l. > ¦ out * leni ef ? -·,untry piai*. G.·-' ,t» ; :l\a·.· fleet preferred; lefei- . '.-a OARDENER »1 Pa.'lflo- . klyn. OAK ENBB ging»!· mir: milling lo . us«fil '.»ire« p.-rtr. .cent »:!-- n r.-i-rtvari » pia«*. Y. R. 11 Uni - « 'v Pia ... OARDENER Hv Swede «-n gentleman'« - , «, enced In grvenho .-»s. n -"*. , pei ·» and gardene; or «ny trusta rthjr P"»ltion. t'«*-at referen e»; amali family. aJ- ·.·¦ »'. Roa SS, 1 -i'- ?·?« «? gardener By y »mg man, '? ali ir famil stan; g tod reference »; S., Tribun. Oft, e OARDENER and rLORIST By aerean; «.rai. family: ae bead gardener .ar tane .liarg» ol g-ntletn»:i » pl«oa; referen .-a OARDENER, I W<ast-st., Bouth Nccwalk. OARDENER Marrie«!; compétent In greet ». ipcrlea, roaeh .s·», rsge Iside, Bower snd fruit garden; no Block; nnllenun'* plac. g »1 reference·, P. ·'.. It \ >|7 Hemrpetead, I.-r.g l-..nl HOUSEKEEPER n««t f reference* .·»:: ill Nl'QEBNER, 11J ? ". ,i «· » .-«r.; Int. NI'ltSE Mai« nurss d«*alre« engagement ivei; ? ref*r»n »a Addre«*· IN- TEORITT, in Oolumbua av». ÑI'RSK and MASBBCR Oradu.te. «μG- ?«-·? .Veringa at ma**Bg», »e»k» *n gag-irent HENRY RELU Hi* Adelphl »· it.· klyn l si:i" i. MAN By a young man er.m.1« «-««.re of 1, »IV. ail«] law »Bt eren.» ? »? Ni:· ?? MO sth- .va L'SEFTL MAN City iñtr· ' gat lener; paint, kalaomln·. an) kind work. 127 \'» ··»: sii «t. rsiii··: ?. man B] . ) ins c i-l man ureefu] m,«n, ran .1 an> Kind Of ttouae « >rk; willing snd obliging mi give ret enmce from i»»r . t go ? country Call or u'l·.;.··» «' n, ¡m Law reni ·· »· ; ti or »-.ir.· Msjett VnlNU MAN. 20. would like iltuatl - riri · |. al ·: ha« .1 k ! at ? ·. w :k. best reference. ML'NOBZER, BIS ¡M ave. ?. Man Fly «.-....¦hm'a-i ·· M man'» ptaee; underetand* ,-are of nor»»« «. «« ani garden. Addreee WILLIAM MARTIN. 177 West Hith »t.. care Ityron. WAITER and l'SEFCL MAN. By young colon ? man *i . nal tercien, ,·. r ?? Hon 1,1, l.'.'li.' IH «? I.« <·¦ DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Maie. COACHMAN..Married, no family; under- »fami» care li»>r»e*, harnes., carri g, * burns, fuma«···, gar.Ieiilng; »oher, willing renatile; careful driver; be»t reference*' [?. C «'hithrim. N. J. »'OA'HMAN and GROOM..ñy »IrìgTe Swede, ¡12; thoroughly underatand« hi» buatlKM·; ß year»' reference; city or coun- tiy. .1. Nj, 'ill) i:«»t 43d Bt. COACHMAN, groom, generally uieful; un- .'eretants care of horee», harne«», rar- rtage», ,owa. garden, lawn»; good refer¬ en«··.·«. T., IS» F.a»t 47lh-»t. ? IA« ?1???. < m gentleman'*- place; 3 ye.n» with last employer, »'all or an¬ dres« LARSON, care of Ny»trom, l»ii Floyd »t.. Brooklyn. COACHMAN..By a thoroughly competent marrle.l man: no encumhrt.n'-e; 12 year»· t»c»t city reo mmendatl'? will certify hon¬ es-y and capability. ? Fast Md-St, COACHMAN..Sing'.e man; city or country· firm cine» reference*, »are of TsT, H. McCarthy, Maud ? Stahle, 12í>th-*t., Ams¬ terdam ave. COACHMAN ani OROOM wssts situation In city or country; temperate; present and former employer can he eeen. FOX, lo Bast 5(<th-et. COACHMAN. OARI.I.NKIl. CfSoK and LACNDRE8S..Ensllehman ami wlf·; no family; e*tp*r1«a«-«d; capable every branch, highly re,··«amended. At ''Alt- PENTER'S, IOS .'.th ave. COA» "Il MAN avi OAItr-IdNÈR.- -Scotch; »tngi»·, ¡«r.b.r, industriel»; g-».d driver; care lawn», milk, generally usefnl; b»»t reference·. At CARPENTER'S, l'rA «th- ave _ COACHMAN English; married; 30; thor¬ oughly undersfnn.1* dutl··« «t first cla«* Ml d luttaient; h:ghe»t per» nal ani written reference«; city or country. R. J.. car» E. J.» ?.'.?, 1,191 «Tullan «t.. Hrooklyn. COACHMAN. Perfectly understand» hla bualne··; long satisfactory référencée In rlt) ft in ¡a«t «nl fn.·m»r «employer«. Ad- dreaa O. 2.TÄ ftth ave. COACHMAN. Want situation for my na'hman; lived with me 3 years; «Olct- 1·. ¦ ,:»·-, h,ne»t. civil and "t'liglng, Bret clasa family coachman; hreaking up my C(,iUi»hm«nt and going to Europe, ·!«» w,nil not part with him. ?.. 334 ..'··«· :. COACHMAN By »married G:-<,··«·??·. ·' iroughly un!er*t»n.is hi» bucine·« In all ?·» i.rHn.-h·»*. atrlctly aober; .-an be wei; mended by la»t »mp..yer. JOHN, Iti-, I'ark BV·. COACHMAÑ Krgüsh; mirri« ?. ? ? ThiT- dren; g-? reliable man; ins· <~!a«» r<-< .rei «ß| elty or soantry. R. s, '··., Hin aie. COACHMAN EnglUh; alngte; strictly ¦otwr; country preferred; besl re« *n m-r. ia'i ana Addre·· ?. 12T Weat M«r »t. COACHMAN.- English; n.artl»^ on· chlH, r'.."-· »«»; ri-.uritry pref-rred, t.est re»-..m mendatlona Addrssa ?. H.. nil d'h .··.'.·· COACHMAN Want* position for a few m nth»; family g Ing to E'ir»pe: flrsr cla»» refe.-encee J H 45 .V.-»> 4Srh a'. »'..?? IIMAN Thoroughly r nip-ten·. »«* vear»' f1r»t e;n»a lty p«er*on.ll) wrl'ten ref.-renr-e; »absolutely »"t,er ent willing left ¦ ml giving up horse, ;,? ? . Tía Sil a' e COACHMAN ÖND-MAN In prl- ??» la « »untry preferred; ? id ref.-ren.e: worked f«»r Rrokaw Iip.ther*. 4.? Baal Slat «t.. private «tabi··. COACHMAN V .r.g man. 2»\. know· hie nal referen e las! »?: ployer; Binali aalary, m country, A lire»* I-.N \;h' e, i.·: 1! a\». COACHMAN Hv thoroughly »??*·· .: marri*d man» no family; In requlr* « will f .:..[ ,ì. ¡ging, r-··- '. and »aref'il. ??????? referen e príidu.«»«!. K .'.ï* ."»rt» ave. COACHMAN ^n,,·. esperlenc-ed Ctty ,,r, lintry .Ir".·.-, ani a.: r .r. ! SMS ex-ei.en·. referen ·. ' r '.·:«!?««* and .y. ADVERTISER, 2? a.· »and.i-- a. e COACHMAN Married no rar:;:i>, wlf« fi «lient cook - laundma* If recuira, mat. who thoroughly snderstaads bla ne»* Ir. »very reepe - «· y temperate, . ·· ,r!a r «f.. dl»engag«M Ir. BM . of ·!.* family · » ho .¦nn 1- Been. <V. r a V.re** I. ¡1, 1U Ka»» .'1-1 «' top fl COACHMAN a gentleman wlshe« tltuav· llon f r competent aehi «j. »:gh» ?..«.·» t-e* p-,r»-i.a. nfereaca «*»:; at \ is \\e»t ti»· »t près··-.·, employer, ·· \ HMAN Tl roughly mpetenl man .very ree;·-.:, married; r.«»i refer- ri li.'.r-.·»· I. *'i.t «·' a it. IIO.tliSTH stri vrio\M \\ Wl'l.tl. I > m ill«·. ATTENDANT.· n> « mi,ill» aged m mmm t rendement ind expel ¦ « itlei ant or uaeful ·¦ mpan ? an elderly ;«i« or In« all I; can famlt) sew Ing; beai reference·, Inquini where encaged, 44 ? tisn i .?«,·.. Brooklyn. ....?.. VVAMH snd IRON. Respectable « iman to .·¦ >k, « i»t «., Iron. » «.III ?. ·¦;·:, ¦·. C lUltl. OtOtOttOt. .'.72 1 ,i\ ·· itore ? »li ,,,,! I.AI NI'KK.SS Two « ery n.-st Oerman girle; on· cook nil imin dree«, other .»· chambermaid and wattreaa ,.r nui»». I,»»' r ¦feren,·.., .-it. or country. I«;; Essi 84th «-? «xh.K w man .. undeistandi .oup·, meat· and deeert·; ? ....? i«i_er. reterei .·.·». ?,» objection t.. e ti. »rt dletaliue «.ut of town. 2ii> Beat 90th »: COOK 0*rman I'r oteMani cook; r_rj n«at. .·,«?»??·?» young «« .man; thoroughly iindcr»tiiii.Lt nil branch·· f plain mil fin « «king; it \··?»?«' reference· preeent employât arilo iilng sbruad BERTHA, «¦am Colli«·, l»i«> Weel 99d »? _ <>»»l_. Ki-gllKh l'|,t«ataiu ..·,_. n»»l.«l with ponies smahtng; rhnmbeitinxM and waitress; two competenl mid reliable girl«; Ihoroughly iiulerniitnllnn ihelr .lull«·», ref erenee« city oi country. «*«)?.?.????. ion w.it ·__:.! «t. COOK. A lady leaving cltv woul 1 like to hnd ? plae· for her cook, weeher and Ironer for the dimmer month«, city or country 44 South Portland ?«·«·'. H'klyn. COOK. By nn American woman «x «.client oooh and «?»« waahlng; »hort dlavui· e In cuntry. tftt» West 2ht h »t. «*««<>K and LAL'NDREtM. Hy young woniiiii In u privat· fiinill« be»t city référence l'ali at 2.W li»»« 64th »t.. lop Boor, front. no .«rd·. «'««..K. Hy u mpefUhl· «v,m.ni «» «.k. final -I·«· reference. 111 ol'J»,ttotl to cuntí > 9 llethllll« It. COOK CHAMBERMAID and u aitRI.hs. li\ gwedlah gtrta; on« .«,k. other ??» liiiml.eriiiai.l nnd null·.«», city or country; referen,·« Call 41»I «Ith-av«. «COOK I'r.-n.h. »|-»aWliig English; ll well saperi»ar·«! in fancy and family co. king. baking and _M____gn_g h..ii«.-h..lrt where kitchen maid k.pt, isfirence·, ja«. «ji IN'l, 999 «Uh «ve._ COOK.- A Itnly WlekM le l'Iace a compe¬ tent ««»oh; 5 year»' very be»t peí ß· nal r«'f. rencm from pre«»nt employer. Call at _>._ ___ \\ «si Slit »U I r09^^ .MALE ASTy'ÏEÙÎ^XitTu, (ALL REFKf$.c$YMei" BVíi4ci í, 9«.ant»f,I"I,'kín';V ,XVe8T1(}i-» | «ll.ml_,»4 u m n* n^«»*?*- «tata-5 f«erU?d.offlr· w«Ma.^ Brooklyn üflice. 2 a., "l L <?eg«r^Sj»* *.?,-COOKt ______T-^__?a««_J rei».·.. ¡iundrM_«. wailll'*r'«iiir^ etc.; ».|»e, ."\%'""«'onZ K. referen,:«» n %%,*%»»< ?S^? mal« »eryent.; all r^fr*? ««I» 2W leh coachmen, gaM.r»«' bw* » dre»»e»; ??G|, , « .'-""J. «f «M <___. o-ug-SroCg ?4?<1 »liSLtjr*; .bwedlah c.M.k» u,,.. «ß Inir« çsS&'SaSiÇ L249 n.,._.dway. A',lJr*»· M. ÇW HOC8EWO'_t'jt__.MiT____. -a.a. " 0·??·? girli; one .?G1*^^· g".od baker" excel". ..n4*r'u'*i5f« .^^69^ old; nn fiim:.hC5, '.,rr,-»J«. rompent; oeTt «nTw_S__?*3S »m. M-ere "or^ja?.,^0«·· i__tn¿ COOK.- a young Chm.f__n£s*-., >",",:» .? ¡? Am«rl.¿ l2£?»§ï «t? d araah.r -ml j~2~*J_ft_ ' rmmna, -etan «SL^S* r ne* rar, μ?_Gμ«__»*!'1 * ¦""" *«»___». fj COOK «nd LÂl :KÖi5n_r_Sr2 - a1_9_5 ? ·.__»(___*_.** r into «m cla»j rt______F*À»5 cook ?.·-..., «eût¡TS35B^a un ler.tandi HI Unta of 5gÄ| ir» TMh'ii«: rity ,,. rountr-r h-T4* referen «a 9_-j Eut 3ith-_t ?' ¦¦ «w CHAMBERMAID Ry ___Mi«______'-___. ·????^G_3_? ÇiSw^gMPJveïî CHAMBEIlMAID an. KAlcF«TMr-_. ,i y ung mr: not | a? ¡r. .¿g"¦?* .land« dreMmaklng. HTUXD TfciH Bad «·. · «<_| i; m a i n. ^¡Tudy wiuJT^r leat, tn_Mwvn__r______l maid willing to mal?» h«r»»if «2? » -i m«|d. who un4»r»u___ i!* » "¦"¦' «g B Ih e»-. uLt** «fa 1 ?·»· litf.-m. * " ORK A ?__μ5μG?__? waahlng nnd H«k__a ? .'ill Ea»'. 3Mrì-«t.. M|B DAY ß WORK a nmMtgMb ta wlihM .si « m rl. wur.ini h_e»2r tag r an.'.hliiK 241 Wut «·___G^ DAf'H '·«·¦' 'R ?" A w-man ¡_ ¦ _TZ Im· r ;¦« .«...»- «mt-dlei .rene« Mr« Ml P.RAY 23ß ____G(?__G 2.1 G r .*TW*«. OERMAN Proteetant; _5y 5S_S ireful management of ¦rr.eJl _?«_?__!· Dea!, thorough :-. r.;. : M LI ^5 ' ·· ' beklag; In or out »f an 1 years' referenc« DM .·» »v». br·«» «: ·. 11«, »ta, G..-st flight.. ' HOI SEKEEPER -By Gerani ¡SS «a rklng h^u»«Ke«jer. _H_S , wl wer ; r»feiT»d; good <-v,k; do «Aha.· t Iren -«·>¦ or c.untry. cx>t___n Id.» '.«.»»t 231-lt. K HOL'SEWORK 'ly »r. elderly <J«r___ * _U_ to do housework id »mail fkra» privat« family; intry srt'.errti, p\ reference. s MOALLEt, 1.14» Ita. are., Ifffth and l__.li «ta 1! »11IEWOIUC..«Situation eeeM ·.: u ¦¦ « rk. willing to tt cuntiy ?* erenc». M., H,i 8.. l.j^a Bn__»v. H » ? ? ICE i'ER. . By i^ciWÌw«^ (gperlenee. an_ oapablt, u «or__f h .«»r:»»;.r In »m___ f.rr.lly; e. »___ii he»t of referene«. Addis« H01C, : Blbl« Hv.»e 1 -TX:-:EP__R---By' HunjirUW S woman. Mr·. «_..MMER. Hi) Welt· tt . §:¦ .r.i *! ¦ r. "lain: .:.:«·» fe«aF~<Sääi__ä ? Ini v.a»· in American fair.Üy; «_G3 o'..·.:->¦; g.-it.'--_er.'» Alita a i|»»m.7 rafaren »» ne. Car« M:·· Mûr.ntsi, tl E»·: _5t!-.-»'w _ ;_.I"N. V-' S mpe<ent g'rl; tm-.lt·. ;r .»·« family go'r.g :n «uifry; ta n to a·*·.«, rrlth ctuunbu.nrl: e::j rsferen ·. iO_AXN«.»X. It» Satt l*th-r. LAt'NDRJÊSfl -dwidlA giri; ñnt-cUu»; etty referen ¦·. Cir« Baa Johmon. ì.tSt 1«· ? e , ?. ÖD aad r;AM.TRE».-Sort_ Orn·.« l'r leefnt »elal ·? »_g»g»_i-a·.. *)?>· . ¦»: r»f<>r»n«i AJ-IWI H.VN'-VKrt. 21 ?:?· H.«»,. Ï_ MAID l-, · -MÜ i>r iB'.il»«-M«l Y»ti h Lad] ??μμ?-? »oí ¦* «".rei.r 1 ? «-·'. C^'.lglM. Ig · eouaUTl 9rel .*» reterer.co. J., B:x * ;_»_. t- .. lwa)_,_ MAID er SCReK te int* t *«?**· lltaf euro, By ? _r._ »MM wocu rjg); th roughlj n»«riia»M v**^'" ¦.»xmstresi isaat »Uglag. ______\_f_\ .; .,.:¦¦-_. thc»f«x«_3r ·"***"£· ...... ..«ir.'.ei w.'h_?· 9 r. »nd wl· »¦"-'· C'·""'·;.; p..r_-i«·· refer·· «·» »*l ^r »r.i* LONDON 193 Eii: MAH» A " ' i«'i f1.1 or atte·.:.:.: 10 e».»r!>· or ?«·» B-tl txeelle« "·. -.»'·.«*· r***r««»· ?. ? 9M '¦' ·'"_- ??:»p Pren« ITote-taat jtrl\_8__\ ..e. idren iiaann.! i««1 *~ .no«· :.*·· we«t 2«'-.-it_,- NCR-IE Fren h A .-.eric·«·. f"ri ¦ »se Iren Hint _ß9-ß__»« 4.T « '_. Nfi^.' ; .--; .^ ¦¦ * . .._ ..· __· , ng to «arel «v-ue·» ?. vi::· ? r^-r-r '?,'-? -.; **t*w ? »,.»··. ?: KSK -French; er»· c^J^g t e. «Tell »e -..111:1..:. ¡e·! -»'¦«' " "' ' ' "«?». ? .,;. ung ?:.,«?.«? &**£+ -:?' ??· le.-? ? .? irei 18 » ft-35 Nt R»E ·'··'¦ ' «T2L· ««? .,¦t*«:,I;;<Ya ????« ^ :;,h.:, ?·????-.??· y. 341 v. e-· » -<r. a »e. w KI-RI.E ? ·;^.-/·? nurse. «< ? ? , r'¿ ·. ,·- in ? Jm nt t"'*"1 ..an» mus. « *%__y%s. r rSs__.-_»re*C N't'I'SE r I P^TAIE· VgÇgit, eel« ** man Prote»lan gif· _ .».miel M9 W^JÜ^-SSíTS Nt KSC K»!"-rfr.,«.tnut'«ííri ...«? Un íi.vi.i. :.·«.· vw s»'» ·¦ ¡-¡^ ? ?:·'' i-.iv lea^M *_^&im__l n n '··'" '" G;:' :,, ,, """?il ...,,, uri »« rtllff.aer»« »* .·..,·. AiMrem ?»·* -"'· ^^_^_ "iír^lihe8. "Ä-a*i WJA er.· "..·· fr "f I·"'"··"1 <"''"· ,^. Wesl 51s« 't ¿¿H». 2 bkamutrbm. ·*' &V5RSI ,? aun an. >¦; ·'·'*'"· .r,.-í» * ¦% jlewark, N. J- . »î«b»»» m..si ti m ;. »>;,,. °;S ·* »** eiÄntng Mi'HlU«. W ___ «round Boor. -lace » teiii. ü >-ar° ___*_:_____, nil ·< ¦ from preeent cmploer. _l ftl»t »1 _. _..,-_ ,7h .i'.-o·** foe "·' « ., mpeteal wt» "?'? te· before ??··?. »47 E_1"5__Ü ?·'/ WÁBHIHO. OntajJ «Ä » fc .,,rk. cr ».'_',h,^.h_#{.i reUb aTOIW, 90« ^e·' «'tn-ew







«dunciR-g..Judge Rnfus R Cowing yesterday delivered a

«'hurgo to the Grand Jury In Part I of the Court

of General Sessions, an«! spoke in tenni of reproachatK>ut some person who. h«· Bald, had bees attackingtho judiciary. He declare, that the per.»on, whom

he did not name, ought to be regarded as a p.rate.His address was Mpposed to be aimed at the Rev.

Dr. Parkhurst in particular, on account of what I>r.

Parkhurst hud said about the ease of Cornelius B.Parker, the "policy king," who escaped convictionwhen tried before Judge Cowing and liter pleadedguilty and got off with a fine.

Ju.ige Cowing*· remarks caueed considerable com¬

ment In the «Ity, wherever their purport w.is known

1.1 eventnc, and it was »uid that he probably h

lot relish»., many of the criticisms which had bees

«jaeeed upon his own conduct, particularly criticism·if bis course in M curing the appointment of his own

ion to a well-paid clerkship in the Court of GeneralISMlOBS wh«n the patronage of th«· court was di¬

vided, or mainly delivered over to Tammany. If

11 th- people who ..»¡ned in ClitlcMni his action

ire pirates, ¡t was sai 1. then there are 10,900 or more

jlra'es in the city.In speaking to the m· mb.rs of the Grand Jury

lust before noon about thdr duties, Judge Cowinglaid: "The Grand Jury Is an boneet and ?·?»??·

10 ly Of Citisene that stands between th·· people and

the Individual, in like manner, the Judiciary is thesheet-anchor on which rests the stability of our p. rf-

ernment. Th«.· Judicial*) must be honest, Intelligentan i fearless In the performance of duty.

A PIRATI! ???> DISTURBER."He who «assails the judiciary become· » llsturber

?i public peace and order, and is an enemy of our

lovernmertt. Such a man should be regard« l aa a

.irate. Woe betide him, or her. or them, wbo under»takes to attack the judiciary. Sich a disturber <'f

public peace and menace n> tiie stability of «>ur gov¬ernment should be carefully watched, end thereBbould he m« ted out to him a fitting penalty for ao

serious an offence."Judge Cowing then went on with th· usual In«

¦tractions to the Grand Jury.A Singular coincidence was that as Judge ('..wing

was .on.'ludlng his remarks, tli«· Rev. l>r. Park-hurst walked Into the Criminal Court Building sn 1

look the elevator up to Part IV, General Beaslons,Where the trial of Roundsman l»antel Redner forbribery was going on. Superintendent Dennett,of the Parktiurst Society, was with the doctor. Thesubstance «>f Judge Cowing'· ornre.· was repeatedto Dr. Parkhurst and he was asked if he had any¬thing to say, as It was the general Impression thath^· was ili«· aiiogtd "disturber of public peace" re¬

leí red to by the Judge."I have p comments to make," Dr. Parkhurst

said, "to any anonym,.,?- criticism of my conduct..'· say my nam« was ?··? mentioned. It would,therefore, i.· v. ry Illogical for m. to paaa anyJudgment on the Judg.'.» remark· "

"Do you consider .» man a disturber of pub'.lcpeace wbo criticises the Judiciary?" wa» ask.J"Any criticism founded on pure motive· and

honestly and Intelligently conducted ahould not bea disturber of public peace." he anawered.

THK REFORMER SMILESDr. Parkhurst said he was not responsible fir

the inferen.«· drawn from the Judge's remarks thathe. the Doctor, was the person referred to. liesmiled at all the question.-- asked him a? though heregretted that the Judge had not mentioned name·Mr. I»enn«tt then asked In what part of the court

the Fleming trial was going on. When t ?]and the ..«.«tor got in :ii<- elevator and wem ther.Judge Cowing told the (.rand Jury ihat the May

Grand Jury had done an unprecedented amount ·'work. They had disponed ut m..re than 700 ,··.??-

plaints and left little or nothing for thi presentJury. Something never before heard <»f was thatthey left but on.- Excls« »mplalnt undisposed

"It Is my private opinion." sail Judge .'owing,"that t sad mistak.· waa mad«· ln putting on thiscour» the disposition of excise cases. They arenot misdemeanors and tins court, which Is alreadyovercrowded with business· la design« l for felo¬nies and moat seri, u_s offences. Bui we must ob*ythe law and dispose of these case« a tii celerityf'He said there were fifty prisoner· in the Ì

waiting to have their caaes dlapoeed of District-Attorney Fellow« and in» assistants, Georg· Goi«|on Battle and .!. J. McManus, wen in courl.lurii.g the Judge's charge. John P. Townsendpr.'sident of tiie Bower) Bank, srss Belt t« ? as thèforeman of the jury..

says HI8 UKMAI'.KS WERE GENERAL,Judse G?????? was ¡teen when he li-ft the h< neh

«Surir.« th«- í'otirt recesa .nil sskcd if h" r« ferreito the Rev. Dr, Psrkhurst in bis rhsrgiCrand Jury. "My remarks war« general." he sai ;,'er.«' referred to no one In particular."The following compos*·.! thr· «-¡ran»! Jury for life

Jure term; Fred 8, Well«, merchant, So, 109 Worth-st.; \\':nii.-!'l s. Stephenaon, express, No. !<l Wall¬st.; James s. rurrv, merchant, No. 857 Broadway;»Samuel ivi real estate, No 14Î West Twentjsi md-st ; Jacob C. Leech, retired, No, 1 Gram¬men*}· Park; Albert F. D'Aluch, architect, No.28S Fourth-ave John H. Patrick, j»r»-si lent, No.?'??? w.·« Houston-si »Samuel W Brown, broker,Si» r.f» Liberty-st. ¡ William P. Wadeworth, retired,No. IM »Broadway; Robert Rutherford, retir···!. No.13:· East ? tr-«nth-st. Justu« !.. Bulkley,No. 7«; Qold-.t.; Kbnez« r Bailey, retired, No 333Hudson-Bt.; Abraham G Miles, secretary, No itI'.rk Row; Wolf Boroschek. retired No. Hi« »SaatG". ty-aixtn-st.; Philip Dailey, builder, No. 809Slxth-ave.; Joseph P. Skilrnan. retired, No. 32*5\Vest eeventy-seventh'f*..; Henry C. Rol? vKoo'ls. No 7« Worth-Bt ; Wai:.-r R Gray, hard¬ware, No. ffj Chambers-at. ; Nlcholaa O'Docoal, ?a MB Wesl 81xty-flrat-et; li.-r.ry J Wads-worth, »retired, No. 13 Kast Twenty-elghth-st. ;Fred w. Haynes. drygoods, No. 2t Thomas·«*.; Peí-tan Bissell, r«al «state. No. d'.·"· Broadway; MeyerThalme.'»sir,i«"''r. i»r· .-.dent, Ño. 133 Grand-st,

-e» ,-



George J. Gould, Russell Sai;«» and Robert M. Qal-laway. ron.stliutlng the special committee of lheManhattan Railway Company on raji.d transit, metyesterday afternoon In the oftV'Ts of the Merchants'National Hank, of which Mr. Gallaway Is president,After th·· mcatlng Mr. Gould eai»i the committee haddecide«! to present a g«-iicra: plan for Ihe estensi ioof tii»· elevated system to the Rapid Tran.lt Com-?, »elon on Thursday. At that time, .Mr. Oouidad le 1, th·.· plan would be mad·· pulì'.;''.j»»:-*· understanding is that th..· plan will proposeSjKoop In :he Annexed District, s lu.jp ai 'ht- Bat¬tery, and a crosstown Un.· from the City Hall ter¬minus, with a new Uns from Wesl Fourteenth-sldown West-st. to Battery PiaciTag i.ia::.-r ?? -? change In motive power will notI·»· 'lealr. with. That is something fur future«¦ration.Mayor Strong made the statement yesterday thatthere would t,·· no nor« conference« between himselfand Meurs Gould and San«· on rapid transit mat¬ters at the city Hall. Th- Mayor added thai the re¬port that he was to Bee the representative« of tr,«·Manhattan Elevated Railway C'.-mpanv yesterdaywas a misapprehension.


BUSINESS ?? THK EXCHANGES.The Hiicilon rooms were deserted yesterday, as the

«inly parcel announced was under foreclosure pro¬ceedings At th.· Broadway Real Estate Baleoroom,William Kenn illy sold the northwest corner ofLewis and Third sts four and three story sn«hfactory, «"._ i.\»_ ·'.._ Irregular, to the «plaintiff, «;. itNorton, f, r ?Henry Fr»·«.· lias «old to William Prager the five-

story double tenement No .'..i' Kldrl«!ge-st., lot 21 «·?100, on private terms.The Lawrence estate has sold four lots on the

southeast torner of Twelftb-ave. and One-hundred-au l-thlrty-flrat-at.

REAL ESTATE THANSFEIU..Si Ni, ii In. -,iv.·, e «. Tt» 11 fl « Ol rentre lin«!

l.Nth-.t. ID.llx Irregular; lv'.\\nr.i s Whitmanel il ·>· it re, etc, 1 Jl ii. » 1' |f.itI.T. 912.10O

ITOlh-tt, r. .· in·:· liti »ve lODxlUO; ?'···'· ni? Kearni ami wife to William ?. Brownell 19,900

11 Ml.-.·»«, n ». loti li" and 141, being _, of parrel30, map of the Waiden tract, 12th Ward; Mary? Schi user John Vol« . 99.900

llUth-st, n ». 989 ft .· of Avenue \ 90x100.10;I'lilllp Stacom an.l wlf·· t.. Philip 11 "TilH. 11.m«

l-'.'.i».. So* Klfl and ITI Cast; Koben S Hoyaunì «nt·· in Oe nre (.atfleld. I9.S00

Allome) ut, S ß; Philip r .»'«rn vie and another,itom, et. io Louli ?a?'?? . 8.fr»)

Fil; dge »?, No .·¦». \lii-. I: ConWIng .ml a '¦¦

to Peter M.·.' irmlck. ? ",1"

James .-¦·, \ s 7·' md T··'.. Mary Sullivan »n«Jhusband lo Qsrari ? . ïl.ooo

Fus: Broadway, \· ¡37? I.· m« Buseholi »ml wlf·to .tarali Sturm.. 16.000

Av.-r.ii«- A, .· s «As.e tt » nf Sd »:. 44x120; l: iberls Lev) ind wife Mas and Morris Schwerts., s...ou»

Eldridg« .·, N< iti. Barneu L·« y ani »if«· toS ? ? inkel ·? ? anothei. ;·.t .«¦_¦»

Avenu« A, «¦ ». »»..'. it s ..f .'! (t, 44x190; Augu»!li.i-·,. « ta Robert s I. « . M.<»«>

3d »t. .w '¿m-, John Rhelnfrank, pxerutor ot I«¦ :¦; Wagner, ta Emiri Brunlng. 23,000

Lero) »t, No i.,:.. M irk K Newc mh, as executor.n '' Wall . '.« ?""

I. .-·. No I"·".. .?.·!?? «¦ UhIIh.. »,. Maria IlsBini . 9.000

.'·. No I'.'.'. West; Elisabeth Peuerbaí la.lui··« Chatelan . IT..'·.«»

Seti »I, No 50 East; Margaret .; Colgate t,, .1 Crisai . 47,900

1-1 »ve, ? -. 49.3 ft ? of 90th It, 24.8x73; A·!'"'Heiferth and wife to Kalchen Elm . 1T.'»>»

Avenu« ?, No 248 Mar) Flnkbelmei lo dual? ? M« v-r . 9.000

?.-.«" «t, « ». l'i.» fi .· ..f .v eve, _:..'.'» ». Ell«·Kempner la Michael l_leberman . ??,???

Franklin ,i\··. s .· s. 4.'<3 ft ? ·· of Jefferson l.I«. 8x131x10 SnI.'II \,?·'.?!.. '_n,m I I. ·¦¦

Bh. , . ?.???)». 322.11 ft ? .f 11 ·??<· »·. 23x100;

Lewi· v La Veil·, et ni, t·. Prend« i' Cumin.. 6.fr»)ie«.»tli-si. ? ? 11»·.'! f| s· ofSleblilni »ve 7.? .'.«rT...«t

79x107.5; Henry I» Tiffany, as trust.·», t., Edwaitl a Bell . 4.7TO

Lexington avi t s «'.» _.' ft ..f T.'M «t, ITvT",Henr) Thompaon, refere·, lo Cornellui I' King«

10,00041st -t. S ·_·? East; Henry Heather, »s execu

lor, lo J ihn n gan . ?·? i»«>ISOtl t. s s, 123 fi e of Courtlandt-ave, '.'.".???";Martin Orlszlei and wife Hernard Muid S '¦ ß

i.'::··!. »t. ? ?, _««_·._ ft e ol Alexander m» i_:..i««>.M.u·« I. Tri a ?··.. lo R J Muller ... .9 000

Willi, m w s T.'· ft s of I.T': ·:. 23x81.f RossPorter t·. Thomaa F 8 mer* __.,.vio

ave, ß ». 111.ß ft .» .f r._ i st, io sxi«t>;Inton Ragett. and urli t Jarnei Stau·.... 7.4«?

.' imbuì ave, » »rnei «'.??': »? __1??a.5;Straus· and another to Loul« ? Reckend rfer 99.000

Sin' «t, n s. _??. fr w of U..· :,««. y·.Im?: h« .i-i v Skinner ami wife io Samuel It

Haine« ._ 27.«.'«?1st me. ? «.«:·«»: w 11 lam ?? ?::« imi «."> t·»

?µ??'·* s· lu. k and wife. 1717:-'»

RECORDED Mi IRTO -OESAar r.. I. ,».- I. An aa W Pallila. N,> .1 At'Tney-

st 5 yeara . $7.'TOÊmmi ?¦ ;¦ m an S.vlnga B

.New Y ·;. N »208 ;:i »t, 1 >·.,- iXMOButler, Jacob M to ex. itora ' Jamee Mont»

·· a Si Nl .· ave. Tl» 11 fr - f lasth a· Sy» a-« . ??0

Same lo Beth M M Ulken, n ·¦ e-ner st ni h let.ve '¦ mh». M ÎSO

Cuehman, Hora lo i:, lo »Title Ou liante· I Truat?, No 111 VVeel 133 el, 1 ?ai. *¦·"·»

··¦ urn «;· rse, Jar» : W H· II, p s Ulti ·.L'.'.·. fl .· ,,f -·'. iv« .<-..,·- . lfl>«».

s,m.·· ¦·· ?·\· lerl-k Hark, -.un· property, .1 (reara 2.IMUMai ) E, n. J. .ri ? ?: Mai >

Thon ?- ·.'.:¦¦ ani« Ufe Inauran ·¦ Co, » ¦¦¦¦'

rnei ;???» ni ave .,.·,·: Usih-ai ß loti ·, m ··¦

. «rt «?

Mary Sullivan, Noa To andTul. Ur·:»- -t 5 yeari. R 000

Dr«··, ru- Jullua, an »« Ifi .la Kill ft¦ e corner Tt h-av. nd 14lh at, S yeara.. 80.000

Bam« to »an - lirii »t, 250 r; ¦'. ?", .«?»·. Bla'- . L'·'»,'·»»

wife lar» W, »Bell, ? »liath il. 200 ft e of Si 14.000

- li k. urne ;>· ¦;,· rtv, 2 yeeram nth . 1000? \\ Bell, n ¦ Hit» »t, IM ?

. »fmear». ? ß.oui)1···??>. .1 \,?·. t L'.'·'.

irli.« i: !.. .ri ?,····'.,··, ? ISO -

«Mth-el. 3 ><·»" ? ra».M r. r mer> '.' Illam K, and wife to lennl« ?

!¦:»··.:. - s .-,'.;!. »t, 220 fl « .' Bth ive, ae urea OnM -, ,.'.? v. .'- and Tl.·"··.« ·; »:·!·??.:

?- .r ¦· inn M «, lamtth. ? 27ßWe-- usti -·. year·. 12.'. »?

,c,.r· » . ?« ? · '? ibi d Fra tretera No.'Ts Wesl IlSth a 3 yeara . 12 ta?

Kell, Edward, lo Jared IV IMI ¦» IM··,-t. 'J*>.ft e of -.·. ..··.·;·¦.,·. ? . r:»*»

?« »r, Emm « f Edward Rii iwe \\ bIm. fa; ? :¦ ¦· I entre¬

at ? reara . tt.BOO]· Robert S. «».."i-· li»,·,· »a A«enu«

A. 8S.U ft e of 3d-et. 2 year« .10'«»O?· Jullua ·. lo Mar) Itraln.ei ? I '".· -r

31 Bayerd-ai ·'¦ .-. ft "OMri'orn «Ifred R ris. ?

S 02 11 »tei .12 000; lo Andrea» H«

?. 20.2 ft ? of 0th ear* ?ß BOOW r. ,.··'

'"-·¦'-¦>»3 <*TO

\«. ,, Georg» 11 ni ted Si ".ii 275 ft f 10

i««»xi;.i. io IM l-»i I yeai . 2* <o>nd wll IM

k, a ¦ |33d al I'·« ft « yea« :....

it. 215.10 ft e ot i*hui Trlnllv I,-. 7 «vto

I. liei to Ka »AK- ,75.5 fi G «"Ih e ear» :¦:'¦¦¦'

Boti Kai lai a ?·.?? « Il ave,«ID ·¦ .< -..··, - :, .·- .', ".«¦>

..·. ?. iure '»'·l.'.ii fi er r»f Park .· .". ·· im 20 noo

?? . alfe /for 1 Belief of Req

li-ut G·?..'- Ne« V ¦·' - · l".'.!i at, ISS fi ¦a·««·.

Hugh, North Rivi ·

34th il iv, r· er of Si i ? '««??

Dut tins. J Hif John II TIM ? 15« ?. »-¦ ??

S yeara. 10.000Davi. Alle. '¦

I 114¦-. ?2.?«??Elm, Kai ·.. Maria He '.· .··«.. « ·

lai ive, f ? p ol 3»»i 1« 000J >:.!«. t ti, t», M.r«.-.:· t O «'«.Isaii No B0

Baal Miti st. 3 ear* 23 '"·»vici ·G ai ? wife ... Title ... rant« «

??, No 1.1 Weal «Ml -· l ¦. ar ï.v. Illam O, ind wife ? ' Frederic Ker<-

norhan truete <¦ a Olle» piare, B4.8 :¦ n fS· Igwli ,.-,.· î ,-'ir S. O<10

Ha ta I Joeephln. tabetl M La«Sd at, '¦"¦·'· fi w ·? (MI e. S yean I 000

H lei Harriet 11. 1 W I·····¦··. r- .

? 814 Wi .·:-·¦:12 ">«>il san, John to Emigran) Induatrlal S.vlnga

Bank, - - lis· »1 ?-» ft e ni 3 ... »·,.-«.Hem ? Mori and ¦ If« to 1 Iti» Quaranti»«

.»' Truel .·. r. a a Bth «I1 Miti. at. .1 ) ir«._ 24 (»??

I to Solon n M ·.·.. a Klngabury Roe»], !««> t» w "f ?¦··· ·¦

3 year«. G, '»«OLleltermann M Kempner, ? · 20thM 210 tt c I !».ISvo

!::';.» Kempner, »ame pr ¡¦.¦rv. ß month» Il Bou? r-, L. Ul» « h'i J hn I. .· Il ·. It I. I.and »notti« exe, nor« .r Julia ?« M ».···».n ? .·!·.··!· »», 7M.8 ? «, ,·' r,·*, ave : w.,r- ?? ono

?Bllberl and «if· m ·»» ,,« ?;,?w.ir1. Franke, :·».,·-· l. w . Tlnton .?ß ?.« ?«, ft a<-t lSfMh-irt, ."· ...uh 2 mortsase« 7'a»

Bwltser, Margaret, ·» t.':.· »united Ktatei TnietCompany, Sew York, ? « cor Bth u\<· «?,?BBth »t 1 ... . t«iO»«i

S·:·/ »' :»!.·· M A Bad «rife ti North River la»-s »Bank, ? 149 West 4Ut at, 1 ..,;,r. a«gj0Bel ick, ·'..·,·:··.« and wife t William M ED Mo»9A0 ?" ?« ·· a %ear«. p, rft)»Sauer, Kte.i.-M· k W, to Titie Quai - I Tin«

Company, No B28 Eaal fgith ¦' '.: ·,,·,:- IS <?.f-'atn- to .l"l»ii ? B«Ha No .'..··" '.,-· K>lh-at 8

. J8 (iOQBam. t j i-i"i"tk ?; a«, No ,'».'!. East Men «·. 3rear« . .'... is or»

SafTord, Charlea E, lo ßernaru W w'.-t,. ? »44'h ht, 4SB ?»· '. yeere., 30 ra«)Wali.i.e. J .hn C, lo Charle* G »Buckley, truatee

I,,».nia C Hoppoek. Ne IfW f^rnv-«t. 3 y ars.. 8 232K_me t -, mm·. .1 ... Wally, saffi« ir party, 1 year 2,'_«WW e(l»ni««'. r. A Otiti 10 Clan· H.iivn.

n · ..2.i-«t. îfr» fi t lHh-o.ro, Instalment·. ft..v>0Wagner fidili and srlf· ta Oerman Sarins·

Ses '· »'«. s « 4lft-it, i«·« ft » i,f fiili-1 . . 12.O30

G.?'??.?.??«; PLANI Fil.Fin.

\ ¦·« bulMlngiWesl Karmi R ad and Foreat st, n e mr. er. fur a

two-stoT) and attle frame dwelling, Os BAntnrtv of No :¦ I' :·-'«» . 93.·*«.

M iris l'iirk-iive mil ''.ihIiiiiii «t, « w <v.rn«T, for B

rine-dur. frame stable and shed to RichardMarshall, of No 32 >»b) st, owner; HermanKrueger, lessee .


Duncoml ai 1 U irtcei ·¦ ea, n s, opt» It« ;'

«?. ut :!t:> ft ·» of Elllott-st, for ¦ two andhalf »'"iv frame dwelling, by Marietta /. Bl«

f No -'-' hai ?'??-ß. ." too

1 ni. and Berk« aves, ·?·? Ute pomi aboul.?? ? w ol Rill 11 si f ¦·»¦ m is ml ? half story

ime Iwelllng, b) Annette ?. »Edward* ot ?·>

22 Charlton »: . ».<<»»

Clint ,n gnd 1 ¦,,··.·· rnei for Ihre··»torj birick «ore end tenement, tv Arthur A

Sway, of Moiri· Fmk. ?.··?>.· l«land . I8.990., ave, n e comer l.'iTtii st. by J ihn ?

«...p,??. lessee, of No 237 Wesl 12. ««h «'. forG? ·.·:· " iti. snd coaiWni .


llittti to I3_.li -·- ind Amsterdam-ave and it it«,, :¦.<_·, lui »? ·? y iiem« m and all lc « ?¬

?·»;.. building, «·> Columbia i'ollege iruiiee·. 900.000East Bn-adwa) and Jetton ?-ai, ? e corner. G·?

,? «? »ton brtck it.o ind iti re, ? y HarryFi«, h.-r 0. No 233 Madison-si . 2_.««t?

?? :, -t.. ·· cornei I« If« ? ?, -? for >« six-itorv in. k Hat and »··¦¦··. b) -un. . -.

?_-·??.G·-?I ·'.« »?. ß s. s.' I fi ii nf l'v-11.an It, for., « -¦ «i frame dwlllng, Marie Toelberg,

t N l.'.'l·.· II- ·· m .*ro')

Br sdway N T"». forsten y briol« »tore ind1 ift», |»y est île t Wllll un M » F« rd hand H

Mi » ol Ko IS .»tor Plac«·. lesee..-

92d -· n » iOO :: « f _m le dam av·, for »«

lw< H, ·. brlrk Ital '¦ n". ll |·'. ¦. »"

Mar) Ward N.·..«' Weal »4M at, ownei 3fr».

14'.u »· u «? v.· Wall 1, eve, for a Sve itory

brick More, by Anna ? Pa'e, .·? No 6S7 Wa»lon.ve ownei . .«.«muAim ·¦

. av«., ? 2,841, by R_e_r. Strainer, ofv·. :·¦: v.,- !__·! .·. a two story fram» dwell

Ing .« ··»

Amsterdam sre, ·· ?, .'·:(·; fl « of T8th-et, »·«/1. p Morton, of N.i 373 Atniterdam ave, ¡· «

nve-etory brick rlub dwel ns, etc. 1..W)try Helena

Pref No :«»T i: p In4tl It, t > a

?,?.?? « rid store............ ß«>»\ m r.nv 1 Mr» Ernest «1 erm. r,

ol So ·'·:. flroa Iwaj : and baiap en) In let .......4 a.ono

Moi ive. No 1 .·· Nt: lull» Mclntyre, .f ..',¦>

»'.to Morri«_-*ve, tn .1 ··.« 11 ¦¦ fram« hotel l.fr»>

l»»ti. »t and G · ? ·«¦ PeterI . ·»·-r to a flve atol ·? ana basement r.·«»

W ,«···?.··. riace, ? i:t. « Il .beri 11 m t, f

I' »;.,.;¦¦;- S V. ' ? »?·1 l '»«ei.oor,

14·(? -' N .m East. 28th si Ko 12« WestII S 124 _W N II» We»t, |.) th«

«' tT of New fork, to f lur t. -i»-·»:··· y b; lek pul>· .

. ß,.'??li:.·:, »? ? BO I'·.· « by Ini M ¦:.· ighlln ofNo IS Weil li·'-'!- »t. t.. a m.· ·.· ,ry tri· ? ·,·?··

m·',· .....1..VO

421 «t. So 44 ·· 83 Ki.>»t and No 182 Bart« the New '. rk, New 11 and Hal ' it

.¦'-¦??, ¦¦ ? i«···, ry »'..re an ITI «

lg. ,.... 8 «?«1

?? 11 ivi e * ¦__,'_· f 1 ' S itti ".ulev.irl byMary J Puffy, to two and a half «t .ry Idwelling_ l.r.oo

Burnalde ive No l.tHW ? tohn J D Ige, ·» a

t«> «...rv framef_»iAvenue .' ?? _»> ?») M,m I V. ker, »,f No 101

-· IflOth It, J «'·_', G?. k·· r .·.·¦·.__;·

.1 brick h ·'«·! _>«.8·1 ??ß, ?'·. ·_.??". h) flenr) I h of S" TT.»

.11 \\e, t.. 11 three «¦ r» .torel"«.


84 '. ? 14 Vv. ? 1· ,? »? \? teg, of ? 14Rasi ."·4·! »· t » ? f ir .· .ry and baseibri 'k Iweiiing .i-ïi

2..1 «t. \ « :..·. .: .<¦:"f MM 21-ft««· · - Lu k »t re »u.!tenement rto.

'· ·· '· 208 by 11· «

Hilling Co, nt Xo 7H II · »

leren a'«·.". «· ·. N ! »>: I » i.ta R 1.2 «-."..i l-i ? 1ry framewelling and im

14«·'. »t. ? 177 I. t s 1

4TT Rasi 14411 »·.'.·. tory frame .? w. .«_->

«Xitn propntn /or Onlt

\DJOININO FIFTH «Il ground Uvafhl »eli ·.·.·¦· ... ;¦" " » '.. ?·«?>

tot; «unny prot»rted rear; new »an:l»ry pitimtitng. Prie·,tlOOuO. itur'jii» »124.900 Permit« an»! all t»artl»-ular»iI.t·from

DOVOIaAS ROBIKSO.*g ? ro..»r» mah.son ave M UBEaTcTT ST.

2fi Cet /or Unoinro« |Jtir-joiet? »i I!..''.". .· ·."»'¦«·.:¦ : * : ?

J> '? .·'. «».·.. B| · n« kraai Maid·«? ine,iam. i.i. Clin ¦- ih« «traete

RVl.A* I »*H '¦·¦

/nrnieh**· Apartm-nt·» vio Lei

.Urookhm Real (Petaif /or Cuir.



...». I .

) «r ?....

' .




vTonntin }Jio*jritn /or Ball


·....- * «

adapte«! »r ?u, -·


.onntrn JJroprrtn /or Bale or ?? %\t\

/nniielicb fioncro vio Crt vXoiiiurn.r«OTTA«KS ?? ? ».\». in ·.» ll. I I

2n mil. ' o* th«

..-...-? ?» · lag·«; II ?

n.-'.i-I.om; BRACH *i»»»«»>< i \ i i<»>. 71 BROADWAY,

CK .? -,? it'. ion mil·* A V rurnial -1 S·«.», ?·.·/ ruotili, ?»» ? ' II.'.? r ?,« ?«, "t, ?. in« ? «moflí ?." iwey.

(1??? ? '¦'¦ ·.·.«.»· ·¦


.arm rea Imtl ?; I . ?Maa*

/nriiiGlifíi '? ? ii ri ine ni ß vio Cet«Tin: «.?. \ »? ? imi.

:'. ? ?. p. ?,,«·!·<·> I'lirU. ? murr ICOt*.«nt,Ilnnl» ??,-. ?»'· ?' «G ? '»' "¦»'¦ f.«1ag BOUth nnd

weat- ? rooma md 2 itha li--- -ri«- ?.? «,un< ? ??!. .11 »,? mei Pa rk

HOHSES A.\D t Aititi Mil·:».A l-'.iK SALII A at.vilsh j.alr high kneea, tin« col.». IM» hand» high, «lx amii-e\en year* old. iplendidly match, i ??.cole« ani dlagÑMttaea; are thoroughlyl>r»«ken. double hihi »mele, and ar«· »bothg,»o«1 «addle h'.raei.; hav« been iief-d in eltjf«»r th·· 1er. year, and are fully WAR-RANTED in »»-.·) partlealar, Aleo ar, elegant Kaîdkt and »harne·« eob, ].%'«¡ laníahigh, »?? yeara old; THORCU'UHlaïBROKEN, ¦:· i- and -marie, ani aaf« furany '»r.e t«. p i«· or drive. .Vis , brougham,mall phaet »n. »am; t'¡, family aum ·.eeeta f,»ur. rimai' Il »agon, J< TO* 1«ag »?. pole «nd shaft«; ringle an»iheavy end llgbl ... rr,·.««. In!'«-· senil*men a Bacila!) »riding eaddl. and ?»p»1?·.riding habita, »roten, Whip« ani all the»tat·'·· effeete: .·.. ibi «¦» ;i miiuediatHy.N«. OKKERH Itl.l si ?.

OWNER':» PRIVAT*! STARI.K.23 Eaat Slal 81 ii'-ar .'»ih ava '

KiJr ¡4AI>:. i"..«t pacer Ir ? »ad ortrack, p· reeord; .· ,??·? and klt,»r. 1.?..1heglit, ¦.an l* »«¦· S a' 101 Caritos av.,"»t»r «r ZI South Portland-ave., iir-»/»,kivn. evenings.SHETIaAÑD POMES Over ¡«BO retad teae:?ct fi» m ohll«Iien-a punie»; lre«-dlng»t-.'-k. «·?? tor catalogna W. J SA.MI'son Touasetowa Ohio.

STNCRRAV KB 41, ¿ST 4TB.????G? YUl'. MONTCLAIR Real etrtate,.ill kind»; aale or rent, 6 Ii-··»·. ;hj ·:N T.. and opp. I« I. .nd W «·,:.· aMontclalr. CLARENCE II. TftíliS.AT MONTCLAIR H«misss for «ale »nd tolet. furnl»ti«d and unfurnlahird. WM. MTA VI/JR. Montclalr. N. J._rtllMMIKI) HOI SKI TO-LET.

ASBI'Hï PARK, N. J. -I'eelreble fur-?.?».'.···? anClaca« tor rem, »end for Il«t.MILAN ???*, Asbury INrk. N. J.CHOICE PL'HNISMRD COTTÄOES at A»-bury I'ark eat «,?· u.lt> \..»· luG. PRANK APPLEBT,Aaliuij I'ark. ? JFiRvisiirn iiorsËs t? rent etRldgefleld. N.» Canaan. liranclnllle,Pomfh-t, <'»>nne« tlcut Muflliluna, Madian.N«tley, Atlanti. ll'ahlali.ls. .it r-din«»1rent»' RUST'S ? M*HAR«f, 1*1 B*as«lmtm.

_SI'itlNO LAKF. BEACH. N. J .Pe«lrat>lefurnlahed cottage f«»r aea*<»n, liât.« on re-«Vbbmu YAIUJ ft BL'CiiANAN.

Btsi.Miss CHAHCBfl.A PARTNER wi'h 910,000 to 918.000 rn.h

t·. Invrai ? a _.··· paying, old Ntib-llane. wholeaale bualneae; lb« ¡, eeenl ownit» desiring extend an. enlarge it.«·"t"'. «il. pr ·'¦¦ ihe Mtlafartlon "f therighi party thai lhe pronta ·_· larg« ,,r,ti- inveatmeni -..t.. no agenta tf. r.Tribuni· .rt. «

HF8ÌNESH PLÁí'Efl ,,f all kin 1» ¡¡oldquickly; addii -..¡ pr ur··. for

rn-v hanta, m and ol hei ?guarantee Mil-faction. 1 ,?tt?.?

ft «'" L'.; Chambers m

CAMPAIGN NOVELTY! I'niled ?.«?.»patent for sale, Kn... ? Him <>ut." ?«?

«-«.nt article; circular fi«·«·. Addr« HEHARNL'M NOVELTY COMPANY, Iin.Im¬port, ('..nn.

CAPITAL PROCURED for m«r_ri»nt_.p »r. ifi then deilrlng ?, li¬

tui, their business; s·..,.·-«·« an,i busines·?·..?· ··» « ild QU « llhoul publl. Ity,MlxiNAi.i. A· \\i'.i;i\.··, n«« Naseau -t

(OR BALE Pat. ni :··".'¦» ".»T, on '·¦ It«.ok thin «ti> u«· ob market, «,? pa»

tie manufacture »am«. Adre·· IN¬VENTOR, »"I Pennsylrsnl· a·.»· Wash¬ington, I» «'

WELLKNOWN m;» G \ t iiaxt, n.-.,r

14th st ul a greal M CI m· COSI "f«?·urei« only; free and deal IMMRD1ATI. 182 »'··'· ave., rnei ;:·¦,.

WANTED. Inrentors Ibould writ· .»"hnWe«lder».'irn A <'·»., Pu'.nt Attorneys

Waahlngton, D, C, fer Ibelr 81.OW preislum; m^nitilv «Or»tc«t op.n to Ihen up.?eppliratl ?


a riusi' «I.ass dressmaker want« workm private farolllee by .'is. perfect litter;

will iem,«1«"l Artdie»« 0EWINO, V.4 3,1BV·


COUTt'RIERE FRANÇAISE.· J_..Wtail»» anil dre«»ma_«-i -\ -?? 11. _.-. ualk'rii,·

ant carriage enema; n· » «km: sew.leere·: Short notice; resi nabi« »price·; re¬modelling. Mm« ANDERSON, 194 Westl.'.th-it.. formerly wltb ?tern Brother·."i»iti:ssMAKi:it FÍrsi risas; 9 reara" .«"

l-erlrr.« ·<· Mm« Conelly, Bth av«·.. :.»f«-w m..r«· «"Uli ??t». tl 3«> per «1_? Mfeet,venir«, tailor mal· dresses a ipecl__.lt).H M Hox 2T. 1.212 Hr..i.!_a>I.ItKSSMAKKI- Wl«hm mor» customeri

l.y day at home; Bll.li and '.)ilidr«n'«sown» a «? .· lal'y, reference. 404 Writitili, St.

PHBMMAKISO.DRESSMAKER By an espetieneed dreaa

in.»«·.·-', by day, $1 It·. .,r bom«ahi·· aiuta wrape, ? ..»«>· «/alen el

.· itylea; lunch nni>. CtTTEH Boa4:1, 1,242 Broadway.DRESSMAKER 'it year.rundióme aulta, ;»··¦«· »tylee, t.i, «t, ,it

not othei . ? ·¦,«.; ,«a MraSMYTH, i.i«. «*.rh av» .Vii «¦

DRESSMAKER Compelen! and esperi··!»'··?. formerly with 11 Altman A «',

th* latest «print? atyle.; $.' t,.-i day; high<¦-' reference. vii·.-. DRESSMAKER,2:,:i Weat 14'h at

EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, flr-i··· r a. ?ß? r»,·· to nn« trade, ili

» nor« mgagemenia in private ramlllea, »lty or eountry; i>ei»«,n.it refeiei.» «-.

D., 2-t *th-.ve.FITTER ft.

ind mTl «Ugl ··

..f at)ll«ii·· ?··.··?. flti-r

ent. en

fan· tr·'-it bv the d.n ? >-·« Rl KER.N«?8, isr, iin>adwi

MME. O. V. Dl'RRAND, Parialan die.a-makei új We»t luth »·., llploma «if

?,,,??.,?, fittine warranted; laateful «tylee;goee all kl »»la »f annuii·- ? » ?» .1 i. rat« prlc«-a ani »h rt r,< tl ·

MME o M DT'RRAND, p.rUlaa dr·«.«mak< 1. U W«*sl isth-at diploma ?

honor; Siting warranted; tasteful atylea;rnak«·» ail kin!» «>f »ummer e»»wn» at nm.l»rat.· price* and at *hor1 notice,MIDLER A PENDER. ex|.»rieii«-»d aree»maker, can tak» more «u»t<»m«r«; fit

and -ii guaranteed. ; ·,·,-. 1·.»i»nal u.Jlf. W. at 4Bth-*t.PARISIAN DRESSMAKER. Flrat <¦!»«·

ruttt-r. fitter, want» ni'.r» euatomera;h',me <<r by dav; g.-l reference; 11. bjee-ti..n to cuntri. H., French dreeamakei1G1? WeM 34th »1.

MM! It.l.AMiOt «.

SHIRTWAIST! specials; Mn«· Dually «tainwaleta ne««»t denigri», µ». regne«

fr»»m $1 .'ai. UH« detachabl« »llar, reduoed to tèe. JAMMES. »iti Broadway4DVEKTISEMENTS and »ubs.rripii.in» f«,rThe Tribune r*<-e1v»·.] at their Uptown

in·,·, ?. 1.212 »BreMw.y, 2.1 »i.a.r north>f sut «t.. until 1» o'clock 11 m.. »«Iv» r

laementa yaeetrat «t the f,,il«>wing »branch(Tice« at regular ",, · rate« until Su', i a

». m .u». W4 Bth-av.»


? Hl.!·: ·?.1· PRII M«» rerond handv.,. .i md Iron « .rklng toa bin« -, full)

ruaran!»«!. ma. hlnei > t> ·.ghi .mJ >¦_

_] anged UEOBUE I: ?.???. SVU Medi? :. «?

A ll' " ? II \.M ?.night ?» ?· »» ·? vVe»l

in. htistnens. Appi) MÜLLERBRI >.-' 27 U «? it.Hl' ?· I.ITS M.imi. h nr Defiance il ·. lei;

gra le, il«_ 1»'..'· m ?· le; .«:ini lira, ?: \ r«.Kit

MAN. 4.?? Islington .··. ?·..? Itili «.

G?? ALI ili) ..imi ini t· Hietin·· ;, -»rated ? nie ?

medicine, 1.1···, ?« extenalvel) idvertlee<l? tne msrkel her s Uh ? ¦· ?. ,??

.m k ·? han ?. .. »ng si? ;.·? » itrlght at the buj rr*i ,·«i ,n Addre - i-TTO NIKNAUKR Bl ill»»nI. Hoboken, N. 1.y> »R 8. ime ialini »tore; ?»?yean 111 hed. heap in ·. «»uni ..f

»' ?· ?*.··?.'»?. 1,881 Lrxlngl »? ave?. .,? 11?l'.'.'.t. ?, |« DEBKB' im «|U»1I.7 flB 111.

121, 822, 1-3 «928, *4S and ii* V. Ii?.» fs ? SONS, .:· 4T Juhn ¦: n-.ir Nae

u »1.

ADVERTI8EMENT8 nnd «ul.«.-rlptlon« fbrThe Tribune reeetrid ai th*ir Uptown

«ifli.e. NO. 1.242 Broadway, 2d door n,.ithat 3Ut »t.. until t. ..??... k ? m. ».v«r-llaenienil recelred at the following Liai.· h?.??.'··» at rrguliii «Me· r.r··« anlll »¦

µ m., vis.: 284 8th are.,·.· cor 'S.,: «?, 192«?. ?«.» col I2tl. «' ?-' '..· ??» ??»

?«»- We·! extih ¦· t"«'. Weel «_ »· ».. ,rliti» av. '.'·_ I·:«.»! 1411. »' _?? '.\ ·-t «_.!,-. between t ?« »?.? 9th «?.·«. |? Eau4??» »t l.rtns 81 ???.-. l«-'w.-.n Tulli and7Tlh ·«» i.'tVi Sd iv« near »ll»t «'.; 1.7011»! ave., ?.ir ««l'ili ». <?-_» ,.,? ,?», ?.,?GHal -· 884 ? ß« » 9S8 Bleeckei »?

I »is ? »«.«¦ _4«> ?.?-? Tt'ltl ««.; ?.?21 _·1-.¦_ 2..W1- S·! .' '··" Am-'.?.?,??? .?,

4«._ \v.«t 4_·? ·' 14« Ka.«t llltli «t.; _1?_?.,., «»?, »· s,·,«. ?»?? ire.; «wi 9th «\«

1 ·.:..· '. «i are r.n «17?, «· 204 Eait ««th.t l.oy Hr,.a.w..y. |.8_BI 9d «v». ; 12»Bth er·.; 1 918 M »«» ::... .n, »ve. aithe H«,r!»iii r»fn^r» ¿-?? ..d ««». n»arIlSlh «t 1?? r.n.t 12.1th »t n»«r .11 »«»

248 Weel 1251h «? bet Til« and »ih »re»«!_n w.«t iir.ih «I. Al th« Ilrookl.n OfTW»:8*7 Fult.n «».. 721. Pape· «' «VI C_Wt-«t 48 Broadway. F. I» 189 Bmedway.L. D.A Li»- «Villi· ·(a», near l_r_»_wi_r.

no aan and rooms.

HORTON*S, 14f» Weat 2ii'1-»t.. New-York.near Masonic Tem|.l·'. .'»??-??-?? tl

«everywhere, IIÍ0 a day; American plan;regular l««ain)er* at raasonsMs tate»._NICE llirht furnl«h.'»l »moms, with or with

ill l-»ar»l. m»alerate »prtcea 1··' We*t

BTth-rt1 132 MADISON AVE., cornier .11»» at..

Splendid Iracatlon; double ami »ingieroonu, »Ith "G without hoard._V.iTM ST.. in WEST Beautiful, large

an.l «mile rooms table unegcelled: «er\|»·,· flr«t cla**; trnn«lent» ac.·.,mm,»dated;référencée_24 EAST T.-.Tit-ST -Lnrg« hand*, «menoma, en suite or alngla; »ummer price»,

excellent cuisine.

ill WEST .'»IST S.T Handeomely fur-nlehed ».|u«r* room, third floor; with

boiard; refereneea_4..1?? -T i'.I WEST Beautiful, largebe k parlor; ai»«» third floor front room,

with privat* bath.B6TH st 4.* WEST DealrabI« room«

with ?'.'.-???; American family, reference«,

B'il' ST. B7 WERT. Mand.--.mely furnished.large room·; »uperlor tsble ar attend¬

ance; trsnalenta sccommodati I; references121ST ST., B24 EAST Pteasant room;

privat· ? ur, rn.r tiro boarder«.


IIAND.40ME PRONT PARLOR, Mltabl.f . ,«,.. tor; privata 11 ose lut West

44th st.

IRVING PLACE. 14 Elesantly rurnlahedcorner room.; even Improvement.

MADISON \\K. M Km·. I.rg. rooms,Bmactlng, with privat« »bath; tviih nr

wltl .it board; rultable for thr«·· gentle-rt fer. t.··· ex, hanged.

4 WEST KSD st Hand· me

r.-.m- for lh* rammer; highere! refer. >¦¦·. ms·

17?.? ST., 50 WEST M» st dMtniMeparlor aulle; »uttaMe f.r doctor; excel

leni locali!). aleo two other moins; refet. ·. .-a

2:<l· ST. ? v.-? 2WI Ii»» in« f;m |3 to*».*» »·· w ··.-:.. houMnen iy

fut ? -!;¦·'. ·µ man» enl

sr.Tii st rat WEST Handeomely fur.1 · ·.· an 1 hall It* in

.';·. KAST J "¦ KAST 11-TH STSDeetraM« rooma at «ummer price·; i«>f

er»:. ·»

88 EAST 49TH -? r.-«· cla*·, cool?«, l'i pei week, ,,r 7', enti t day.

«ß???-ST.. NO. IS3 WEST. Ilari 1«. m-lv;.mi»l.e,t ?.·?? ti »· md floor; al»·.

puri»»r floor, aullabl« f »r couple, and « gì«lo in», pi !' ale f.»

82 IRVINtl PLAI'E, near »i-ntii-r-y Y»,MDe.lra ' -1 rotini, wl'h home,

SMnforta; ?· mi rpttonal; »references re¬

quire ?.140 BAST B4TH ST ?' »'« '

lare« r m: .leo hallleu ·-, private family; referen »· r.· -? ·· ?.

????.? WANTED.

Naia.CARETAKERS »lem in; man end wife.

| .. :. »,?. a: -'

« ? ÜB! I ·· ir, J

ibi« 30 Il 12 II 4· h floor

SALESMAN . ·?· · irlngMay hav. » vacane foi Greater

Ne·.,· ? ? ? li «m ng the hing, ci aky. .NlJPAiTl'RER, M t

1*1 r

WAN.! .. ·«¦ '« in m.k« fai) «eel<l>·In ai * ¦' ·

w III ·¦ Il r f «rf. Il ONE Iti SDREDI» ¦:.?.·,!:-' ? Irret ? ?» ?? ?.»?»,

? \ ;

WANTED AN IDEA S ran think ìBÖHM elmple tl ng ; Bteni ecl

??·?». tr.»»· n,.,·. brins I »U ««¦-»..h Wr.t*JOHN A'EDDEftni UN à CO, l\i-»nt At-lorneya Weehlng, b D C for their St.SÒOprtu ffei icntora »and :ur et mo ?

venrl r.» »ar·.···!.


Mat«·.A !:·'·-.*-- MAN With .*«*· ve»rV *x

e export. Imp.prr»r.N a. |e

? engagement» REU HIDE i . ¦ .« .»f

r e

I st.» B J « a. Y

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A Vol NU . »? ALI«

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Al»· · I care"f??. · «

r- ?-· .. ? r ··

! ??? EPF.lt · r? 11 22

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I.MlKI ...

« ? at ?. up payroll».

.t oft .. .·


IM,. ·¦

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IloWE. IT I «

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»^ ·-! ? V» ». ?..!·.-·

private wat -hnian Iti? « r pertv

t et ll vl-.l-.l-. ¦·".» 2,1 ave

lly a .- Ilíver·· ?¦ ,·.·.· ,,,

¡¦I mecha gheet ref·¦···, -· Nr« ? . .»?.·

rate «alan ' '*· ¦' - '¦

ELI « RH I \\ 1 mg ? »· 23 »«pert"ri* trie Ughi - Ini

? la.: \ '·. -« ; K S« i« il'

I IMO ... \ .1

l'Uri.M A ? Bti :. man..« Bremen Appi) · HARLI > ».?; \ vi

IOS Hr. rn« Ich »1

l'Uri MAN Somi >..,,' ,?|.·?p,,... .¦.,,,

run engin. ·». 1· ?·· iii.f.t t ii.g T la.'·'.'-" !.. ,(,

lAMTull l'ARRTAKER tl) man andt ¦¦¦. car··

'¦¦ ? '.·,·- man Bandy ·.« ih,- »ri turn ?»h ? md rit

iddri µ \\ G .'. Hai ? «

??'.??'??. siili::.;nun,»?. il,I- l«l filini·!» ond. M

'". .·· 4.'" »'

.»? ? _l. willing '.· work .,· ,.t.· ihlni..:,.!.,· ting ·.:.

.? ,. ?? aliati ind lei man .1 A \ MS.|H2 ? ?"

PORI ER nr siili I. MAN ige 2»t.willing md ol llgini Brsl .»¦ refi

Iren l_AWRENC'B, ra ·· ittoo Wen ·_:·>

PORTER. H«· ? colored n ilml I ; filli Ii.? ,:

HILL, l"l u· »' '¦'¦'¦ ¦: ilPORTER · W A ? ????? By rêspi rìsi le

?, in ?« ·? ??,???? "¦'¦ ?· Ite in Iruilw..rih>; furnlih hlgheit ··!· .¦..n ··« Aldreee \ .t ? Jack* ?. ?.?'.? Pulton «t In ,_!. ?

PAINTER, iwperhsnger, pliiterer «?·?:· iira.ur; ¦¦ ?· .«? t' u»:« ,nv workei

!,· ??; |i v .»t·· moi k for landlord·; i,-«t referen·?-«. RULER, 777 2.1aie.

8ALEHMAÑ, gond »».M-·««. «« ni ???·-1»in..Il «.«?··» «·|.1? niiiiV-i -? an) legtll

mate bualneai; mason'· materlil prefern I;¦ui'h a> idamnni |.tn »ter, manici» ,?.

A'ldrea· ? u 28, Weal ll iboken, ? .1

s.M.i. MAN Bualneaa man, 81, desires?·, ill Ion ai «ali-iman iruuvagei ?»

thorough ni», m accounts buying, ·??« it» nilenre English and lei meiiiisiie«! reference«. Addrees A II. Rotiniv.'.·. '_"i in· idwsy, ? Y.

HTEN'iKlRAPHER. ?) la« itudenl .lurmit nimmer months Address l. A.

MAfUtHALL Tottenrttle. s. i.

RTENOORAPHER and REMINOTOÑ..M ItATOU young man. in, owning

machine, desire« ? -imitimi. flr»i clase reirrenrei Addrssi K M. T., á^ióA Presidéni »? Brooklyn.BTENOtÍRAPHER snd Tïi'Kwm TER .1.·"

¦1res ?·· «m n. it rears' old; >; months'experience; luimt with parenti; «n michine OEORQE «» HLADOX, Tl» WeilIfTth it.

BTENOOH xi'MKli «n.l TTPEWRITERnrsati poem ? ·« r ·· 4 p, m erenlngs;

tsperlrnced compelen) t, '»k- rharg* ofrreep nd«n ·. heel référencée; termi

n. il« ..XPERT, lt,,\ '_, Tri: nn» »m.·«·WATCHMAN i:.|-ii. n, an.l crer· n··«··.M MIT.?.???. 149 Conorer-eL, Un. k

lin.WORK »WANTED by a Orman, inher, In»dustrtous .«»?.? trustworthy, »t inything;

Im rit» ief.r-n.·«.. A..ir. »¦ IloCSklLl.l.i'liil. itili tail 2_t_.»._,


WATCHMAN..A strictly ««.ber end rell..-bie man, with ?""? re.-immen,latt,-,n« and

experience., t ¦» watch faetortee, »tore«,

building·, ft,·., hy day or tiliçht. WM.????'??. T29 ll'h-iive.__WANT III». ?? ? married m.n. 43 year·

nf igl position M ag'-nt nr private sec¬

retary for · gentleman of wealth owningperry tn or ai^ui New York or Phila¬

delphia: referen«!·« cheerfully given; per¬colili Interview «arne»tiy desired. Ad-dress C s MILLS, 979 Asylum-·... Hart¬ford, Conn.

Yi.IVN.i MAN. 21, reference, w|»hc. steadyposition. M. JACKSON, 29 Bt. Mark·

1? «. ·¦


TOUNO MAN'. 2<»; »tronn: wl»h.» % sttua-? «here h·· '-nn learn ft tra/??. Ad¬

dr..» ? HOWENS, 111» I_erO}YOtrNO MAN «.»nt·« »position New Yet*

hinter house; ."> year»' expérience;gir· t_-.t reference. ·'., 199 Fnlrmount-?G«·, Newark. .X. .1.

ÏOUNO MAN residing In New-Rochell·want· ¦ ? «Itlon a» -..|e»m»n for Weet-

che«ter County. J. FRANK. New-Ilo-Cheli·, N. Y. _

Y"t'N·; MAN 22, derire· position ln FireInaurane« offlc«; ft venr»' exrVrlcn,'«·.

Addreea ?ARLES REEF, ix_ Suy-lnm-.l Mv. iklyn.«foi NO MAN tlWi ii"d education; willing

to do anything or learn a good tin,le.Addre»· T. KEBFE, 2TS North 2d »t.,Brooklyn._???G?? MAN. Englllh, li», »e«ki iltuatlona« Indoor ierrant, ral·., etc.; exp»r-

lenced; »scellent reference·; city preferred.FRANK SMITH. 189 Eaat 23d it

TOUNO MAN wllhea work of »ny kind";referents. JA«'«»H I«»KR. 1«_8 i_th-st.,

Brooklyn.Y'.i'.N.; MAN. 20 v»ant of »jce, graduate

if the Brooklyn lliph School, '»... de»ir««

pnsltlon with chue· of .dvsneemeat; ref¬erences .-.nd security. Alír.ív. A. K. It..?»! He«··» «t.. Br okiin


COMPANION Bi young lady tn country,.r ettj ; good ? ¡der, rocallal nnd experi¬

enced dressmaker; ei teacher; best refer.· »? ?!.en. WILLINO, Bog 20. TribuneOffice. _

COMPANION ?. teacher young lady, refin«··!. ·· «¡ ibi ·« :.·. position for ».im¬

mer, ilther companion or gorernes·; he»»of referme··. Addre·· ??·.? 104. Junction.? _

COMPANION Led) ot refinement, ex-

pertenc* and tblllty want» positi >n a«

irlon to elderly ·, er» ? or invalid, or

any apaclty ? t menial, In refln-l family;'.? i.,,·»··!··, and f nd of children;

«v elleni refe «? »« ?'·»? Ad!'"»» ll ?: .?

Ul '.'.'-· Drlgl ·· ? »talen I»land.i;oVi:um>s. A· ,\n American young

· refine I. !· « r··« po.·· p is go\ rnea», c p panlon 1, usekeeper

menisi; competent. fur and unici ' in; excellent

«·, »! cone»p..|iden» ne.it.. 1 .'..«[*r; »i'-»:ieit r«.

. given .«:.'· »xpecied; poeition «.e«tr»iIn New -r. '"' a femtly of

·- ,. ·.·.., «»attng full;« t il.is. AillLITT, Box _'l. Tri' .in_ Ofp ¦·


MANI' t'RE Young Isdy wlshe· a fewprivet« ruatomers si 'er ? ?»; -· or out;

«lite «nlv Mill HELEN, 40 Weit 2.1.¦I ,· Broadwa

ll ? 1'?. ',''.' ·?? ·?_?'.·? ? «? ·« ¡ ·-'? ·| »du . «pel ? ?

not afraid f work; t»·· I ref. OMPETENT, H.x 9S,Office,

_..··.'¦ ? t.a to «««'«t with« ? »r bo »kkeep.ni In

. I room a '. Ire·· M.? » O fl


Bt'TLER I.« tv going abroad w'.r»» ··¦

«e, in n ; »ItInn f .r h»r I u'l*r. wh« m»? »mmen ? 27 Basi Wi it

Bl IJ !'. .'n privat· fim'.ly. when ·¦

ond mai ? « ipt. pre*»·.·. empi .«? be Men l* <;. 31 tint« _

Itt'TV" r "¦ ·¦·,·'.. - ,n thoroughly un-'· la the d .·¦- f » >·»??;·??»G.«... wagei »·«' TLER. Tweet Mil

11 prevent em| «

». '. ».?«rife t'-v. .·««

«-««-: ....·.. «joe Emi...

I it and '· »Ai »IMAN. «·? «?!LAl'NUI | mu and wife

? aa er and tei·-¦¦·-..· |leful; .-« ..r-«e:it

. ? .4.'. «nt 4.'.·'. _t

PI. !'. u 1 VALET Br e mpei at? man · .· «.·-·., ughly

experienced family; generally-·

' bilging; City ref.re ·· ? ? ·? 4.'. 1 _42 1«: _«.'.w,y.RI 'fi.; it Br a y ung man in Rnt-otiM

privale fai ··. r ·.-·., »_

r»'·· e, .·,,, .,· 4,.i u·:. ,??.. m cimar·· re

.« '. vvi'.T ? · Europe w th

.· -··.

m n '¦' «rn ¦ ··.. »r, ; ? ·. ut .: _>t:


: ' ·We·« _""i »t.

Ut ? f t|g%l 5 p."lü in. : ti . itati·«

» ·.

r W 73» , Ulead

n ?.: u>¦

the « » Addre«· Bl ?LI H .··..·

. ?? I l'I' 1. < I unAddr»«· It

»¦ ?? aitón, de¬lire· ; rn nt-

» «·¦ iti

> ? il Boi ;·4, 1 _4¿-. ' r a

..Idre·· C ?.,».

¦. manr w »tchman

;· Un· - .··.'. r. ?. Wl ......

> »¦ m m »i. t wife «v.:; · ¡k·?'· I im '. r '

i ih ? ?| ,-ltyW _»* ?'««? 4»;t M

CARE. man and wlf«:, in m.»· «ratte

nelgl r· « ·?·?«; ?>· une»le. _B_ .·· |2d II 4'!, ".. :

« !IM IN ti) a ?· ... .· .. -,,,,·

» an tathe » ??_? carriage·; «? 1' - t ind willing an ? ·_ . ·. t c-tyreferen «a Aildress or call W. «'. u Eastïîth »t.

·. :tMiN ind «i vit; '·:µ:?·. want· ·«'«'.1 H S rl Tribun«

CiiACIIM vn German mlddl« «u- '¦»rai year· esperi« ? city; com

- ·· ·.. «¦¦ -~1 ief_i»n.»Il· ?.!'. 7s ?: .»·. .¦;·. r· r.-»r

COACHMAN Plain gardener; b) youngp .n active, tempri it« . . » ??,»?

UNg.'. r, ?,··· ? ·¦» ?, Ti II .: ¦· '"? :·

<>>??·|???? ind ÔAROKNER Cíeful;in. m leretan re of I :»···

t- intry driver; good pen«.«?? -. for 'J .'. «« » ?? \iu.i:s

It A l

?1«.A· 'UMAX m ? A Iti I.N1Ò1V Hv ma.ri-.l n..m Kngllah; ..¦l>-r md h ni il

bilging; caret il di Irsr; «Arsi.¦in»» pep»..nal references. ??'.?.-»· h,.?tut. V.l.. .. ? d, N J.

COA»*llMAN A g.-ntlemnn glvlti* upkeeping li.'rae» |» deelr ' nlng ?

.Ithm for h « '¦·¦.«. rimen. » horn he canrecommend for 10 year* pssC Apply .v.«.141. Na aau nt.. ·. u: lv?, \, MIMAN V ??·.;: it. in. itngl* it 1

ireful rt '.? ??p? obllsln..»peeking ?.» in, S| an ¦»'. ai d ..

ell) untry (Irei clu»* reference. It? It » _·," ? rlbum »ni····.

COACHMAN Married, no children, tng«x>d -ef.ne «, .-t empi ?·t

enn be Men J. ('., 82 Eaa! iilM st

? \» ?? m IN as* 29, h« iKiit !> ft.7. * ·.·'· ??."». under» r is thoroughly

e . bu line a; good ,·???? It ?\··? tt»,·»an» I \ :.ii.·^» piraent employer,W. 11. UK' IWN, 40 Wall .1.

»COACHMAN Bngtlah, »tingi·, a.e ·.·«thoroughlj understand* t.i« buatneaa;

g», ?. r ireful di Iver; «« ¦> ii a an)lai ?...n* empio) ei an be men. A 1-drea. one week, T MERRITT, 1.849 Broad-« S|.'.-? IIMAN .lid l.'SEFI M VN -Kng-

||*h, middle-aged, »Ingle; rare "f hore«aga awn s a 1.1mm UAHDENER 420 List I'.lih »t.

COACHMAN. Hv a ili-' rl««« man In a

privet» family; underat.nd« ?« bualnee«\.'t. u-ii. experienced wllh ii"r».'s. city? r.»ran« M Bog 00, Irli.un· UptownOffice, 2)2 Broad« nj

r>>A. IIMAN By n «male man: beet ofreferen«*·; no! «frald of work; laat em

ployer can be .«··· n. ?????-»·»« G-'.? Baalil'.'.l

COACHMAN ind OARDENER. Marriedthoroughly understand* tt»·· ear« of

hoiae«. BITtagM »???,? COW·; BV« ietti» withpre* nt employer; will he highly r.·» «.in

m -?, t.i THOMAS NEWMAN, »Realyn,I., ng lal.ir,»',.COACHMAN »nd OARDENER. Hy â

youns man man; ? years' refereaeefrom i.«»i employer ,,-»t driver. »LENOXIII! linst Bid Al halli··»» »t.»re.

OTIÂCHMAN Hi u rîrsl cla»i man. undersi,m·;- io» bueineee thoroughly; not

afraid ol hard »"ik, atrl.-tl« tempérete; ßl/ear.' beai reference f ·m iu»i employer;willing snd DbPglna; et ··»!«, lu ail h.i!,lta

- ,?»hin i.aeo lit .» i» ».

7 «, ?? \i ·, \ ll) trou ,« man. 'it. tho*ought) understands eare et h... *«*e. ear

la ? ha na ? lawns and gHr.len o.SHERIDAN '--.il Weel 2:»th at.

COACHMAN, .·.·' Bv .. »ingle, ompe?· nt .·¦ ·? in in se coachman, »·.·. m

man. «?».·:??? man. «teady, ».«her. willing.obliging; u, private family; peraonal referen,¦· EDMl'ND, -'Kl Weal MHi ·!., Knlckerl.H-ker -t.it jeiiiai'HMAN Hv middle Bgad,' »Ingle

I nul »hinan. I.at employer »un be eeenWilliam. ?,?a iiiuadusay.

COACHMAN. By a Scotchman r. ' afm.d», r aatry; r>-f"rer.c·«. u»t

·::.. rj er an la» ee*c J. 3., IY'% .11, 1.el¬lo idway,??????? By thoroughly eipetrter.c.i.t.

Bins!» v .un* man, Proteetani »roughlyc mpetent ty driver g»···', «apearan«»; '·»« .1 Bg, obliging; *> yea-»' h.gr.eat per»»nalWrlll :.f «··«.'....*. v.. I .1 M 1.Í42Broadway._POA IIMAN -lly ycuns m«rrle«l Fren-rv

·- "u*t dleenge*·-·, wi':. '-r. g -'. tei«ver.«··· a* t., capability, »,1t·.··? tn·'.e»tv, no objection to the cuimtrv. C».· Irena PHIUPPB, V.K, M eve.

COACHMAN i'eoful colored man. ratai la hla dntlaa; p *» aira..! at «· «it.···. refereneea; w.vge» n. Iana* JAMES, lot làvat áts.-h-«*t r-om 4.

FARMHAND v««r·« emptoymenl g ¦ Itr...«·:- snd pi ughmen, refer, n.-e. Al

Ire»* MK*HAEL NERNET. .·."» rmon st..? .?.

OARDENER, Marii-d. no ohlldren; 2»·« ipertrs e at 'he ·, ariou» fjratich«»

ur i· r a*»«»», -are »f ga-le. ant private¦ igh iman; uni«r*tan.l. > ¦

out * leni ef ? -·,untry piai*.G.·-' ,t» ; :l\a·.· fleet preferred; lefei-

. '.-a OARDENER »1 Pa.'lflo-. klyn.OAK ENBB ging»!· mir: milling lo

. us« fil '.»ire« p.-rtr. .cent »:!--n *· r.-i-rtvari » pia«*. Y. R. 11

Uni - « 'v Pia ...

OARDENER Hv Swede «-n gentleman'«- , «, enced In grvenho .-»s. n -"*.

, pei ·» and gardene; or «ny trusta rthjrP"»ltion. t'«*-at referen e»; amali family. aJ-·.·¦ s« »'. Roa SS, 1 -i'- ?·?« ?« «?

gardener By y »mg man, '? aliir famil stan; g tod

reference »; S., Tribun. Oft, e

OARDENER and rLORIST By aerean;«.rai. family: ae bead gardener .ar tane

.liarg» ol g-ntletn»:i » pl«oa; referen .-a

OARDENER, I W<ast-st., Bouth Nccwalk.

OARDENER Marrie«!; compétent Ingreet ». ipcrlea, roaeh .s·», rsge

Iside, Bower snd fruit garden; no Block;nnllenun'* plac. g »1 reference·, P. ·'..It \ >|7 Hemrpetead, I.-r.g l-..nl

HOUSEKEEPER n««t f reference* .·»::ill Nl'QEBNER, 11J

? ". ,i «· » ;¦ .-«r.; Int.

NI'ltSE Mai« nurss d«*alre« engagementivei; ? ref*r»n »a Addre«*· IN-

TEORITT, in Oolumbua av».

ÑI'RSK and MASBBCR Oradu.te. «µG-?«-·? .Veringa at ma**Bg», »e»k» *n

gag-irent HENRY RELU Hi* Adelphl»· it.· klynl si:i" i. MAN By a young man

er.m.1« «-««.re of 1, »IV. ail«] law »Bteren.» ? »? Ni:· ?? MO sth- .vaL'SEFTL MAN City .· iñtr· '

gat lener; paint, kalaomln·. an)kind work. 127 \'» ··»: sii «t.

rsiii··: ?. man B] . ) ins c !· i-l mana» ureefu] m,«n, ran .1 an> Kind Of ttouae« >rk; willing snd obliging mi give retenmce from i»»r . t go ?country Call or u'l·.;.··» «' n, ¡m Lawreni ·· »· ; ,· ti or »-.ir.· MsjettVnlNU MAN. 20. would like iltuatl -

riri · |. al ·: ha« i« .1 k ! at ? ·.

w :k. best reference. ML'NOBZER, BIS¡M ave.

?. Man Fly «.-....¦hm'a-i ·· Mman'» ptaee; underetand* ,-are of nor»»«

«. «« ani garden. Addreee WILLIAMMARTIN. 177 West Hith »t.. care Ityron.

WAITER and l'SEFCL MAN. By youngcolon ? man *i . nal tercien, ,·. r ??

Hon 1,1, l.'.'li.' IH «? I.« <·¦


COACHMAN..Married, no family; under-»fami» care li»>r»e*, harnes., carri g, *

burns, fuma«···, gar.Ieiilng; »oher, willingrenatile; careful driver; be»t reference*'[?. C «'hithrim. N. J.»'OA'HMAN and GROOM..ñy »IrìgTe

Swede, ¡12; thoroughly underatand« hi»buatlKM·; ß year»' reference; city or coun-tiy. .1. Nj, 'ill) i:«»t 43d Bt.

COACHMAN, groom, generally uieful; un-.'eretants care of horee», harne«», rar-

rtage», ,owa. garden, lawn»; good refer¬en«··.·«. T., IS» F.a»t 47lh-»t.? IA« ?1???. < m gentleman'*- place; 3

ye.n» with last employer, »'all or an¬dres« LARSON, care of Ny»trom, l»iiFloyd »t.. Brooklyn.COACHMAN..By a thoroughly competent

marrle.l man: no encumhrt.n'-e; 12 year»·t»c»t city reo mmendatl'? will certify hon¬es-y and capability. ? Fast Md-St,COACHMAN..Sing'.e man; city or country·

firm cine» reference*, »are of TsT, H.McCarthy, Maud ? Stahle, 12í>th-*t., Ams¬terdam ave.

COACHMAN ani OROOM wssts situationIn city or country; temperate; present

and former employer can he eeen. FOX,lo Bast 5(<th-et.COACHMAN. OARI.I.NKIl. CfSoK andLACNDRE8S..Ensllehman ami wlf·;

no family; e*tp*r1«a«-«d; capable everybranch, highly re,··«amended. At ''Alt-PENTER'S, IOS .'.th ave.

COA» "Il MAN avi OAItr-IdNÈR.- -Scotch;»tngi»·, ¡«r.b.r, industriel»; g-».d driver;

care lawn», milk, generally usefnl; b»»treference·. At CARPENTER'S, l'rA «th-ave _

COACHMAN English; married; 30; thor¬oughly undersfnn.1* dutl··« «t first cla«*

Ml d luttaient; h:ghe»t per» nal ani writtenreference«; city or country. R. J.. car» E.J.» ?.'.?, 1,191 «Tullan «t.. Hrooklyn.

COACHMAN. Perfectly understand» hlabualne··; long satisfactory référencée In

rlt) ft in ¡a«t «nl fn.·m»r «employer«. Ad-dreaa O. I· 2.TÄ ftth ave.

COACHMAN. Want situation for myna'hman; lived with me 3 years; «Olct-

1·. ¦ ,:»·-, h,ne»t. civil and "t'liglng, Bretclasa family coachman; hreaking up myC(,iUi»hm«nt and going to Europe, ·!«»w,nil not part with him. ?.. 334 ..'··«·:.

COACHMAN By »married G:-<,··«·??·.·' iroughly un!er*t»n.is hi» bucine·« In

all ?·» i.rHn.-h·»*. atrlctly aober; .-an be wei;mended by la»t »mp..yer. JOHN,

Iti-, I'ark BV·.

COACHMAÑ Krgüsh; mirri« ?. ? ? ThiT-dren; g-? reliable man; ins· <~!a«» r<-<

.rei «ß| elty or soantry. R. s, '··., Hinaie.

COACHMAN EnglUh; alngte; strictly¦otwr; country preferred; besl re« *n

m-r. ia'i ana Addre·· ?. 12T Weat M«r »t.

COACHMAN.- English; n.artl»^ on· chlH,r'.."-· »«»; ri-.uritry pref-rred, t.est re»-..m

mendatlona Addrssa ?. H.. nil d'h .··.'.··

COACHMAN Want* position for a fewm nth»; family g Ing to E'ir»pe: flrsr

cla»» refe.-encee J H 45 .V.-»> 4Srh a'.

»'..?? IIMAN Thoroughly r nip-ten·. »«*vear»' f1r»t e;n»a lty p«er*on.ll) wrl'ten

ref.-renr-e; »absolutely »"t,er ent willingleft ¦ ml giving up horse, ;,? ? . TíaSil a' e

COACHMAN SÌ ÖND-MAN In prl-??» la « »untry preferred; ? id

ref.-ren.e: worked f«»r Rrokaw Iip.ther*. 4.?Baal Slat «t.. private «tabi··.

COACHMAN V .r.g man. 2»\. know· hienal referen e las! »?:

ployer; Binali aalary, m country, A lire»*I-.N \;h' e, i.·: 1! a\».

COACHMAN Hv thoroughly »??*·· .:marri*d man» no family; In aü requlr*

« will b» f .:..[ ,ì. ¡ging, r-··- '.and »aref'il. ??????? referen e príidu.«»«!.K .'.ï* ."»rt» ave.

COACHMAN ^n,,·. esperlenc-ed Ctty,,r, lintry .Ir".·.-, ani a.: r .r. ! SMS

ex-ei.en·. referen ·. ' r '.·:«!?««* and.y. ADVERTISER, 2? a.· »and.i--

a. e

COACHMAN Married no rar:;:i>, wlf«fi «lient cook - laundma* If recuira,

mat. who thoroughly snderstaads blane»* Ir. »very reepe - «· y temperate,. ·· ,r!a r «f.. dl»engag«M Ir. BM

. of ·!.* family · » ho.¦nn 1- Been. <V. r a V.re** I. ¡1, 1UKa»» .'1-1 «' top flCOACHMAN a gentleman wlshe« tltuav·

llon f r competent aehi «j. »:gh»?..«.·» t-e* p-,r»-i.a. nfereaca «*»:; at\ is \\e»t ti»· »t près··-.·, employer,

·· \ HMAN Tl roughly mpetenl man.very ree;·-.:, married; r.«»i refer-

ri li.'.r-.·»· I. *'i.t «·' a it.

IIO.tliSTH stri vrio\M \\ Wl'l.tl.I>m ill«·.

ATTENDANT.· n> « mi,ill» aged m mmmt rendement ind expel ¦ « itlei

ant or uaeful ·¦ mpan ? an elderly ;«i«or In« all I; can famlt) sew Ing; beaireference·, Inquini where encaged, 44

? tisn i .?«,·.. Brooklyn.....?.. VVAMH snd IRON. Respectable

« iman to .·¦ >k, « i»t «., Iron. »

«.III ?. ·¦;·:, ¦·. C lUltl. OtOtOttOt. .'.72 1,i\ ·· itore

? »li ,,,,! I.AI NI'KK.SS Two « ery n.-stOerman girle; on· _» cook nil imin

dree«, other .»· chambermaid and wattreaa,.r nui»». I,»»' r ¦feren,·.., .-it. or country.I«;; Essi 84th «-?

«xh.K w man h« .. undeistandi.oup·, meat· and deeert·; ? ....? i«i_er.

reterei .·.·». ?,» objection t.. e ti. »rt dletaliue«.ut of town. 2ii> Beat 90th »:

COOK 0*rman I'roteMani cook; r_rjn«at. .·,«?»??·?» young «« .man; thoroughly

iindcr»tiiii.Lt nil branch·· f plain milfin « «king; it \··?»?«' reference· preeentemployât arilo l» iilng sbruad BERTHA,«¦am Colli«·, l»i«> Weel 99d »?


<>»»l_. Ki-gllKh l'|,t«ataiu ..·,_. n»»l.«lwith ponies smahtng; rhnmbeitinxM and

waitress; two competenl mid reliable girl«;Ihoroughly iiulerniitnllnn ihelr .lull«·», referenee« city oi country. «*«)?.?.????. ionw.it ·__:.! «t.

COOK. A lady leaving cltv woul 1 like tohnd ? plae· for her cook, weeher and

Ironer for the dimmer month«, city or

country 44 South Portland ?«·«·'. H'klyn.COOK. By nn American woman a· «x

«.client oooh and «?»« waahlng; »hortdlavui· e In cuntry. tftt» West 2ht h »t.

«*««<>K and LAL'NDREtM. Hy .« youngwoniiiii In u privat· fiinill« be»t city

référence l'ali at 2.W li»»« 64th »t.. lopBoor, front. no .«rd·.

«'««..K. Hy u mpefUhl· «v,m.ni «» «.k.final -I·«· reference. 111 ol'J»,ttotl to

cuntí > 9 llethllll« It.

COOK CHAMBERMAID and u aitRI.hs.li\ t« gwedlah gtrta; on« a» .«,k.

other ??» liiiml.eriiiai.l nnd null·.«», cityor country; referen,·« Call 41»I «Ith-av«.

«COOK I'r.-n.h. »|-»aWliig English; ll wellsaperi»ar·«! in fancy and family co. king.

baking and _M____gn_g h..ii«.-h..lrt wherekitchen maid ?» k.pt, isfirence·, ja«.«ji IN'l, 999 «Uh «ve._COOK.- A Itnly WlekM le l'Iace a compe¬

tent ««»oh; 5 year»' very be»t peí ß· nalr«'f. rencm from pre«»nt employer. Call at_>._ ___ \\ «si Slit »UI

r09^^.MALE ASTy'ÏEÙÎ^XitTu,(ALL REFKf$.c$YMei" BVíi4cií, 9«.ant»f,I"I,'kín';V ,XVe8T1(}i-» |l» «ll.ml_,»4 u m n* n^«»*?*-«tata-5 f«erU?d.offlr· w«Ma.^Brooklyn üflice. 2 a., "lL <?eg«r^Sj»**.?,-COOKt ______T-^__?a««_J

rei».·.. ¡iundrM_«. wailll'*r'«iiir^etc.; ».|»e, ."\%'""«'onZ K.referen,:«» n%%,*%»»< ?S^?

mal« »eryent.; all r^fr*? ««I» 2Wleh coachmen, gaM.r»«' bw*»dre»»e»; ??G|, ,

« .'-""J. «f «M<___. o-ug-SroCg ?4?<1 »liSLtjr*;.bwedlah c.M.k» u,,.. «ß Inir«çsS&'SaSiÇL249 n.,._.dway. A',lJr*»· M. ÇWHOC8EWO'_t'jt__.MiT____. -a.a.


0·??·? girli; one .?G1*^^·g".od baker" excel". ..n4*r'u'*i5f«

.^^69^old; nn fiim:.hC5, '.,rr,-»J«.

rompent; oeTt «nTw_S__?*3S»m. M-ere "or^ja?.,^0«·· i__tn¿COOK.- a young Chm.f__n£s*-.,>",",:» .? ¡? Am«rl.¿ l2£?»§ï«t? d araah.r -ml j~2~*J_ft_' rmmna, -etan «SL^S*f« r ne* rar, µ?_Gµ«__»*!'1 *¦""" *«»___». fjCOOK «nd LÂl:KÖi5n_r_Sr2- a1_9_5 ? ·.__»(___*_.**r into «m cla»j rt______F*À»5cook ?.·-..., «eût¡TS35B^aun ler.tandi HI Unta of 5gÄ|ir» TMh'ii«: rity ,,. rountr-r h-T4*referen «a 9_-j Eut 3ith-_t ?' ¦¦ «wCHAMBERMAID Ry ___Mi«______'-___.·????^G_3_?ÇiSw^gMPJveïîCHAMBEIlMAID an. KAlcF«TMr-_.

,i y ung mr: not | a? ¡r. .¿g"¦?*.land« dreMmaklng. HTUXD TfciHBad «·. · «<_|i; m a i n. ^¡Tudy wiuJT^rleat, tn_Mwvn__r______lmaid willing to mal?» h«r»»if «2?

» -i m«|d. who un4»r»u___ i!*» "¦"¦' «g B Ih e»-. uLt**

«fa 1 ?·»· litf.-m. *" ORK A ?__µ5µG?__?waahlng nnd H«k__a ?.'ill Ea»'. 3Mrì-«t.. M|B

DAY ß WORK a nmMtgMb tawlihM .si « m rl. wur.ini h_e»2rtag r an.'.hliiK 241 Wut «·___G^DAf'H '·«·¦' 'R ?" A w-man ¡_ ¦ _TZIm· r ;¦« .«...»- «mt-dlei.rene« Mr« Ml P.RAY 23ß ____G(?__G2.1 G r .*TW*«.OERMAN Proteetant; _5y 5S_Sireful management of ¦rr.eJl _?«_?__!·Dea!, thorough :-. r.;. : M LI ^5' ·· ' beklag; In or out »f an 1years' referenc« DM .·» »v». br·«»4· «: ·. 11«, »ta, G..-st flight..


HOI SEKEEPER -By Gerani ¡SSa» «a rklng h^u»«Ke«jer. _H_S ,wl !¦ wer ; r»feiT»d; good <-v,k; do «Aha.·t Iren -«·>¦ or c.untry. cx>t___n

Id.» '.«.»»t 231-lt. K

HOL'SEWORK 'ly »r. elderly <J«r___* _U_ to do housework id »mail fkra»

privat« family; intry srt'.errti, p\reference. s MOALLEt, 1.14» Ita.are., Ifffth and l__.li «ta

1! »11IEWOIUC..«Situation eeeM ·.: u¦¦ « rk. willing to f· tt cuntiy ?*

erenc». M., H,i 8.. l.j^a Bn__»v.H » ? ? ICE i'ER..By i^ciWÌw«^(gperlenee. an_ oapablt, u «or__fh .«»r:»»;.r In »m___ f.rr.lly; e. »___iihe»t of referene«. Addis« H01C, :Blbl« Hv.»e1 -TX:-:EP__R---By' HunjirUW Swoman. Mr·. «_..MMER. Hi) Welt·

tt . §:¦ .r.i *! ¦ r.

"lain: .:.:«·» fe«aF~<Sääi__ä ?Ini v.a»· in American fair.Üy; «_G3

o'..·.:->¦; g.-it.'--_er.'» Alita a i|»»m.7rafaren » » ne. Car« M:·· Mûr.ntsi, tlE»·: _5t!-.-»'w


;_.I"N. V-' S mpe<ent g'rl; tm-.lt·.;r .»·« family go'r.g :n «uifry; ta

n to a·*·.«, rrlth ctuunbu.nrl: e::jrsferen ·. iO_AXN«.»X. It» Satt l*th-r.

LAt'NDRJÊSfl -dwidlA giri; ñnt-cUu»;etty referen ¦·. Cir« Baa Johmon. ì.tSt

1«· ? e,

?. ÖD aad r;AM.TRE».-Sort_ Orn·.«l'r leefnt »elal ·? »_g»g»_i-a·.. _» *)?>·

. ¦»: r»f<>r»n«i AJ-IWIH.VN'-VKrt. 21 ?:?· H.«»,. Ï_MAID l-, · -MÜ i>r iB'.il»«-M«l

Y»ti h Lad] ??µµ?-? »oí ¦*«".rei.r 1 ? «-·'. C^'.lglM. Ig ·eouaUTl 9rel .*» reterer.co. J., B:x *

;_»_. t- .. lwa)_,_MAID er SCReK te int* t *«?**·

lltaf euro, By ? _r._ »MM wocu

rjg); th roughlj n»«riia»M v**^'"¦.»xmstresi isaat »Uglag. ______\_f_\

.; .,.:¦¦-_. thc»f«x«_3r ·"***"£·...... ..«ir.'.ei w.'h_?·

9 r. »nd wl· »¦"-'· C'·""'·;.;p..r_-i«·· refer·· «·» »*l ^r »r.i*

LONDON 193 Eii:

MAH» A " ' i«'i f1.1or atte·.:.:.: 10 e».»r!>· or ?«·» B-tl

txeelle« "·. -.»'·.«*· r***r««»·?. ? 9M '¦' ·'"_-??:»p Pren« ITote-taat jtrl\_8__\

..e. idren iiaann.! i««1 *~.no«· :.*·· we«t 2«'-.-it_,-NCR-IE Fren h A .-.eric·«·. f"ri ¦ »se

Iren Hint _ß9-ß__»«4.T _· « '_.Nfi^.' ; .--; .^

¦¦ *. .._ ..· __·

, ng to «arel «v-ue·»

?· ?. vi::· ? r^-r-r '?,'-?-.; **t*w? »,.»··. ,¬

?: KSK -French; er»· c^J^gt e. «Tell »e -..111:1..:. ¡e·! -»'¦«'

" "' ' ' "«?».? .,;. ung ?:.,«?.«? &**£+-:?' ??·le.-? ? ?ß .?irei 18 » ft-35Nt R»E ·'··'¦ ' «T2L· ««?

.,¦t*«:,I;;<Ya????« ^ :;,h.:, ?·????-.??·y. 341 v. e-· » -<r.

a »e. w

KI-RI.E ? ·;^.-/·?nurse. «< ? ? , r'¿

·. ,·- in ? Jm nt t"'*"1..an»

mus. « *%__y%s.rrSs__.-_»re*C

N't'I'SE r I P^TAIE· VgÇgit, eel« **man Prote»lan gif·


.».miel M9 W^JÜ^-SSíTSNt KSC K»!"-rfr.,«.tnut'«ííri ...«?

Un íi.vi.i. :.·«.· vw s»'» ·¦ ¡-¡^? ?:·'' i-.iv lea^M *_^&im__l

n n '··'" '" G;:' :,, ,, ;· """?il...,,, uri »« rtllff.aer»« »*.· .·..,·. AiMrem ?»·* -"'·


"iír^lihe8. "Ä-a*i WJAer.· "..·· fr "f I·"'"··"1 <"''"· ,^.Wesl 51s« 't ¿¿H». 2bkamutrbm. ·*' &V5RSI,? aun an. >¦; ·'·'*'"· .r,.-í» * ¦%

jlewark, N. J- . »î«b»»»m..si ti m ;. *· »>;,,. °;S ·* »**

eiÄntng Mi'HlU«. W___

«round Boor. -lace »

teiii. ü >-ar° ___*_:_____, nil ·< ¦from preeent cmploer. _lftl»t »1

_. _..,-_ ,7h .i'.-o·**

foe "·' «., mpeteal wt» "?'? te·

before ??··?. »47 E_1"5__Ü ?·'/WÁBHIHO. OntajJ «Ä » fc

.,,rk. cr ».'_',h,^.h_#{.i reUbaTOIW, 90« ^e·' «'tn-ew
