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Regional Wind Transmission Issues

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Regional Wind Transmission Issues. November 9, 2009. Overview. Wind Integration / Penetration Issues are BIG in SPP: 50 GW+ of wind farms in GI queue, Current queue 36 GW with significantly more expected - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Regional Wind Transmission IssuesNovember 9, 2009

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• Wind Integration / Penetration Issues are BIG in SPP: • 50 GW+ of wind farms in GI queue, Current queue 36 GW

with significantly more expected • Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study (EWITS)

projects 60-95 GW of wind development in SPP

• SPP supports many wind related initiatives• JCSP’08 / EWITS• NERC IVGTF• NWCC• Nebraska Power Authority Wind Integration Study

• Focus today on two SPP internal studies

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Wind Integration Task Force

The SPP WITF was developed by MOPC to determine the impact of integrating wind generation into the SPP transmission system and energy markets.

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Wind Integration Task Force Study

• In Process• Focus on 10 and 20% wind penetration scenarios

with necessary transmission• Defer 40% scenarios

• Significant transmission expansion to manage wind injections at 10-20% penetration rates with approximately 2% curtailments

• Recommendations will provide key input into scope and need for Priority Projects

• Conclude analyses in December with recommendations to MOPC in January 2010

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SPS Wind Penetration Study

• Concern that Southwestern Public Service (SPS) system was likely at immediate reliability risk• Many wind providers see SPS system a prime

opportunity because of combination of high wind, load and existing network, despite limited interface capability.

• Many behind the meter distribution turbines not studied.

• “Qualifying Facilities”• EIS Market

• AMEC contracted to assess expected operating conditions in upcoming spring seasons.

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Wind Data

• NREL/DOE 2004-2006 wind data for every 2 square kilometers every 10 minutes at 80 and 100m heights • Diversity exists, but expected range is 0 to 100%

of nameplate capacity for wind farms within SPS• Ramps are noteworthy• Maximum 10 minute change ranges from +26% to -23%• Maximum hourly change ranges from +57% to -52%

• Energy output in spring is impressive. Capacity factors of aggregate wind farms range from 49.0% in 2004 to 58.2% in 2006

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Correlation Between Wind and Load

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Unit Commitment – Load and Wind

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Value of Incremental Export Capability

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Next Steps

• SPS has almost 900 MW of wind interconnected to their system today with another 2,000 MW with signed Interconnection Agreements. Wind curtailments have occurred and can be expected to increase in the future. New operating procedures and changes to tariff / interconnection agreements may be required. • SPP is working with SPS who is the Balancing

Authority to determine next steps and create an Action Plan• Potential of further studies to refine analyses• Share results and next steps with stakeholders

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EWITS Scenario 2

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Jay Caspary

Director, Transmission Development

Southwest Power Pool

[email protected]
