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335^ ABBREVIATIONS AER = American Economic Review Archiv = Archiv für die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung B. = Berlin B.A. = Buenos Aires CS = Cuba Socialista DA = Das Argument DZfP = Deutsche Zeitschrift ftlr Philosophie EN = Ekonomicheskie nauki EO = Ekonomicheskoe obozrenie EZh = Ekonomicheskaia zhizn’ F. = Frankfurt am Main Gr. = Karl Marx, Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Berlin, 1953* H. = Hamburg Hm. = Harmondsworth ISJ = International Socialist Journal ISR = International Socialist Review JPE = Journal of Political Economy Kap. = Karl Marx, Das Kapital. Vols. 1-3. Marx-Engels Werke. Vols. XXIH-XXV. L. - London Ln. = Leningrad LTM = Les Temps Modernes M. = Moscow MEW = Marx-Engels Werke. 40 vols. Berlin, 1958-1968. MR = Monthly Review NIRE = Nuestra Industria--Revista Economica NK = Neue Kritik NKh = Narodnoe khoziaistvo N.Y. = New York NZ = Die Neue Zeit



AER = American Economic Review

Archiv = Archiv für die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung

B. = Berlin

B.A. = Buenos Aires

CS = Cuba Socialista

DA = Das Argument

DZfP = Deutsche Zeitschrift ftlr Philosophie

EN = Ekonomicheskie nauki

EO = Ekonomicheskoe obozrenie

EZh = Ekonomicheskaia zhizn’

F. = Frankfurt am Main

Gr. = Karl Marx, Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Berlin, 1953*

H. = Hamburg

Hm. = Harmondsworth

ISJ = International Socialist Journal

ISR = International Socialist Review

JPE = Journal of Political Economy

Kap. = Karl Marx, Das Kapital. Vols. 1-3. Marx-Engels Werke. Vols. XXIH-XXV.

L. - London

Ln. = Leningrad

LTM = Les Temps Modernes

M. = Moscow

MEW = Marx-Engels Werke. 40 vols. Berlin, 1958-1968.

MR = Monthly Review

NIRE = Nuestra Industria--Revista Economica

NK = Neue Kritik

NKh = Narodnoe khoziaistvo

N.Y. = New York

NZ = Die Neue Zeit

OC = Ernesto Che Guevara, Obras Completas. 4 vols. Buenos Aires, 1967-1968.

P. = Paris

PdK = Probleme des Klassenkampfs

PE = Problemy ekonomiki

PK = Planovoe khoziaistvo

PL = Progressive Labor

PSS = V.l. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochineniy. 5th ed. 55 vols. Moscow, 1958-1965.

PZM = Pod Znamenem Marksizma

QJE = Quarterly Journal of Economics

RES = Review of Economic Studies

S&S = Science and Society

Sochineniia = I.V. Stalin, Sochineniia. 13 vols. Moscow, 1947-1952.

Sopo = Sotsialistische Politik

Sots. khoz. = Sotsialisticheskoe khoziaistyo

TudM = Karl Marx, Theorien über den Mehrwert. Marx-Engels Werke, Vol. XXVI: Parts 1-3.

Typ = Teoria y Practica

UdBdM = Unter dem Banner des Marxismus

VE = Voprosy ekonomiki

VF = Vorposy filosofii

VKA = Vestnik Kommuni stiche skoy Akademii

VLU = Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta. Seriia ekonomiki, filosofii i prava.

VMGU = Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriia VII. Ekonomika.

VSA = Vestnik Sotsialisticheskoy Akademii

W.B. = Iriest Berlin

Ww = Wirtschaftswissenschaft



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