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Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel

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  • 8/11/2019 Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel


    CS Nilesh Patel

  • 8/11/2019 Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel


    Loans & Advances [Section 185 & 186] Loans to Directors Section 185

    No company shall give loan, provide guarantee/ security to Director/ personsconnected with DirectorPersons connected with Director:

    a) any director of the lending company, or of a company which is its holdingcompany or any partner or relative of any such director;

    b) any firm in which any such director or relative is a partner;c) any private company of which any such director is a director or member;d) any body corporate at a general meeting of which not less than twenty-five

    per cent of the total voting power may be exercised or controlled by anysuch director, or by two or more such directors, together; or

    e) any body corporate, the Board of directors, managing director or manager,whereof is accustomed to act in accordance with the directions orinstructions of the Board, or of any director or directors, of the lendingcompany.

    Private Companies are also covered

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    Two possible interpretation of Save a s o the rwise p rov ided in the Act Section 185 not applicable to transactions permitted under Section 186(2) Will render

    Section 185 redundantSection 185 is prohibitory in nature and a code in itself. Permission u/s 186 availableonly for loans/ guarantee not otherwise prohibited u/s 185

    Accustomed to act in accordance with the directions or instructionsRegular or usual practice of issuing directions or instructions by the Board or Directorof lending company

    Directions or instructions are followed by the Board of receiving entity

    ExemptionsLoans may be provided to MD/WTD as a policy for employees; or pursuant toscheme approved by special resolution

    Loans by company in its ordinary course of its business at a rate not lessthan the Bank Rate declared by RBILoans/ guarantee/ security by holding company to its Wholly Owned SubsidiaryGuarantee/ Security by holding company to its subsidiary is exemptedProvided Loans are utilized by subsidiary for its principle business


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    Ordinary course of its business Complex test for determinationMemorandum of Association may be decisiveTransaction is in furtherance of the business objectives and has closeproximity with the normal business of the companyRecurring in nature - Previous instances to demonstrate that such activity iscustomary

    Negative TestTransaction should not be of extraordinary or unusual nature

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    Loans, investments, guarantee - Section 186(2)Company can:

    a) Give loan to any person or body corporateb) Give guarantee or security in connection with Loan to any body corporate or

    personc) Acquire securities of any other body corporate

    up to 60% of share capital, free reserves and securities premium or 100% o f

    reserves and secur i t ies prem ium with approval of the BoardUnanimous resolution at the Board meeting for loan, investment, guaranteeor securityPrivate companies are also coveredInterest on loan not lower than G-sec

    Prior Special Resolution required for loans, investment etc. exceeding the limitSpecial Resolution not required

    In respect of loans, investment, guarantee etc. to Wholly Owned Subsidiary/ JointVenture companyIn respect of acquisition by holding company of securities of Wholly Owned Subsidiary

    However, such loans guarantee/ secur i t ies w i l l be coun ted for ca lcula t ing thel im it , unlike earl ier Section 372A

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    Special resolution to specify cap on loans, guarantee, security etc.Special resolution by existing companies To be passed within one year fromnotification i.e. by 31/03/2015Particulars of loans, investment etc including the purpose of utilization byrecipient to be disclosed in financial statementCompany which has defaulted in repayment of Deposits or interest thereon arenot eligible to give loan or provide guarantee/ security till default is subsisting

    Register to be maintained in Form MBP 2 (For entries after 1 st April, 2014)

    Exemption from Section 186 :Infrastructure companies/ Financing Companies/ Banks/ NBFC/ HFC/Insurance companies

  • 8/11/2019 Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel


    * Exemption to infrastructure companies/ Financing Companies/ Banks/ NBFC/HFC/ Insurance companies

    Transaction Whether Section 185 or 186attracted?

    185 186*

    Loans to employees as a part of companypolicy (except MD/WTD)


    Loans, guarantee, security by holding towholly owned subsidiary

    No Yes ButSpecialResolution notrequired

    Loans by holding to subsidiary (If notconnected to Director in anyway)

    No SpecialResolution, if itexceeds limit

    Corporate Guarantee by holding company forterm loan by subsidiary No (Rule 10) SpecialResolution, if itexceeds limit

    Corporate Guarantee by holding company forBank/ Performance Guarantee by subsidiary

    No No

  • 8/11/2019 Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel


    Related Party Transactions [Section 188] Approval of Board at a meeting required for following Related Party

    Transactions:Sale/ buy of goods or supply of servicesSale / bu y any p rop er ty

    Leasing of any property Appointment of any agent for purchase/ sale of goods etc.

    Appointment to any office or place of profit in company, its subsidiary orassociateUnderwriting of share or debentures

    Approval of Audit Committee for all transaction with Related Party {Section 177(4)}

    Conditions to enter into RPTs:Board Agenda shall disclose, names of related parties, material terms including

    value, nature/ duration of contract etcDirector shall not be present at the meeting during discussions

    All RPTs to be reported in Board Report with justificationContracts entered without approval of Board or shareholders and ratified within 3

    months Voidable at option of Board

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    Prior approval of shareholders by Special Resolution :Company with share capital of Rs. 10 Cr or more

    Sale, purchase of goods & material exceeding 25% of turnoverSelling, buying of any property exceeding 10% of net worth or 10% of turnoverLease contracts above 10% of networth or 10% of turnover

    Availing or rendering of Services exceeding 10% of networth Appointment to place of profit in company, subsidiary or associate at

    remuneration above Rs. 2.5 Lac p.m.Turnover or networth calculated as per last audited financial statementRelated Par ty shal l not v ote on the t ransact ion

    Special Resolution by Holding Company will be sufficient for entering intotransaction with its Wholly Owned Subsidiary

    ExemptionTransactions entered in the ord inary course o f b us iness and a t arms l eng thOrdinary course of business - Refer discussion u/s 185

    Arms length transaction between related parties conducted as if they wereunrelated so that there is no conflict of interestTransfer pricing methods may be adopted

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    Three stage compliances

    Transaction in ordinary course and at arms length Audit Committee Board Shareholders

    Below orabove threshold

    X X

    Transactions not in the ordinary course or n ot at arms length

    Below threshold X

    Above threshold

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    Illustrative list of transactions Whether Section 188 attracted?

    Providing loans, guarantee etc. to subsidiary NoEquity contribution by holding in subsidiary No

    Leasing of premises/ Using joint premises Yes. Exempted if in the ordinarycourse of business

    Existing contract for 5 years No. Can continue till full tenure.Material contracts by listedcompany - Till first general meetingafter 1 st October, 2014 if transactionis likely to continue beyond 31 st March, 2015

    Purchase of shares by KMP through StockExchanges


    Appointment of Managing Director No

  • 8/11/2019 Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel


  • 8/11/2019 Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel


    A related party transaction is a transfer of resources, services or obligationsbetween a company and a related party, regardless of whether a price is charged

    Parties are related if one party;Controls the otherExercises significant influence over the otherIs a related party under Section 2(76)Is a key management personnel of the Company or of a parent company

    An entity is related to a company if any of the following conditions applies:a) The entity and the company are members of the same groupb) One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entityc) Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party.d) Two entities are JV and associate, respectively of a third entitye) The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of either the

    reporting entity or an entity related to the reporting entity

    Clause 49 of Listing Agreement [w.e.f. 1/10/2014]

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    Listing Agreement Companies Act 2013

    Wider definition of Related Party coveringclose family members, fellow groupcompanies etc.

    Close relatives, companies in whichDirectors are interested, holding &subsidiary company etc.

    All RPTs to require prior approval of AuditCommittee

    Approval or subsequent modification toall RPTs

    All material RPTs to be approved byshareholders through special resolution andrelated parties to abstain from voting

    Approval of RPTs exceeding prescr ibedthreshold by special resolution andrelated parties to abstain from voting

    Company to formulate policy on materialrelated party transactions and dealing withRPTs(Transaction(s) individually or collectivelyentered during FY exceeds 5% or turnoveror 20% of net worth of company)


    Policy on dealing with RPTs to be disclosedon website and also in Annual Report


    Material RPTs to be disclosed to StockExchanges on quarterly basis alongwith CGReport

    All RPT to be reported in Board Reportwith justification

  • 8/11/2019 Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel


    Thank you

  • 8/11/2019 Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel


    Notification not

    made public

    Section 2(76) Related party with reference to company means:Director, KMP or their relative Firm in which a director, manager or his relative is a partnerPrivate company in which a director or manager is a member or directorPublic company in which a director or manager is a director and holds alongwithhis relatives, more than 2% of its paid-up share capitalBody corporate whose BOD, MD or manager is accustomed to act inaccordance with advice, directions or instructions of a director or manager(except services provided in professional capacity)

    Any person under whose advice, directions or instructions (except servicesprovided in professional capacity) of director or manager is accustomed to actCompany which is;

    Holding, subsidiary or an associate company of such companyFellow subsidiary

    Director, KMP of holding company or his relative

  • 8/11/2019 Related Party Transactions & Loans - Nilesh Patel


    Section 2(77) Relative includes members of HUF and followingrelationship:

    Self & Spouse

    Father &Mother

    Children (Son/Daughter) & their


    Brother & sister
