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Relations of America and Russia

Date post: 13-Apr-2018
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 Kelly Speca :-Relations of America and Russia  America and Russia both are the power nations of the world and having the dominating effects on the world politics. But relations between the United States and Russia has tense for a long time in the past. America and Russia both shown their power to each other in past.However, in recent years, the two countries have established a growing partnership.But, in last few time both are confront on the issue of Ukraine, which leads to a tense environment in world of politics. This is not the first time, when both are confront to each others.

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Kelly Speca  :-Relations ofAmerica and Russia 

America and Russia both are the power nations of the world and having thedominating effects on the world politics. But relations between the United Statesand Russia has tense for a long time in the past. America and Russia both showntheir power to each other in past.However, in recent years, the two countries haveestablished a growing partnership.But, in last few time both are confront on theissue of Ukraine, which leads to a tense environment in world of politics. his is notthe first time, when both are confront to each others.

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!old "ar

The Cold War was a state of military and political tension afterWorld War II between powerful countries like America andRussiaThe first phase of the Cold War be!an in the first twoyears after the end of the Second World War in "#$%A clash of&ery different beliefs and ideolo!y - capitalism &ersuscommunism - each held with almost reli!ious con&iction' formed

the basis of an international power stru!!le

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Relationship (etween The )S* Russia 

+rom the period "#,, to "##"' Russia was the lar!est part of theSo&iet )nionThat battle was' in the broadest sense' a stru!!lebetween capitalist and communistforms of social and economyor!aniation Russia has now nominally adopted democraticand also adopted capitalist structures' Cold War history stillcolors )S-Russian relations today

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.ld +rictions:

The )nited States and Russia ha&e still found plenty o&er whichto battle The )S has pushed hard for further political andeconomic restore in Russia' while Russia bristles at what theysee as meddlin! in internal affairs The )nited States and it alliesin /AT. ha&e in&ited new' former So&iet' nations to 0oin thealliance in the face of deep Russian opposition

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1ffects of the Cold War

Cold War continues to influence world affairsIn addition to the loss of life by uniformedsoldiers' millions died in the superpowers2 pro3y wars around the !lobe' most notably inSoutheast Asia4""5 6ost of the pro3y wars and subsidies for local conflicts ended alon! with the Cold War7 the incidence of interstate wars' ethnic wars' re&olutionary wars' as well as refu!ee and displaced persons crises has declined sharply in the post8Cold WaryearsThe le!acy of Cold War conflict' howe&er' is not always easily erased' as many ofthe economic and social tensions that were e3ploited to fuel Cold War competition inparts of the Third World remain acute

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