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Relativistic Phase Displacement Space Drive

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Relativistic Phase Displacement Space Drive Warping Space Time with Phased Standing Waves Moacir L. Ferreira Jr. May 26, 2011
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RelativisticPhase Displacement Space Drive Warping Space Time with Phased Standing Waves

Moacir L. Ferreira Jr.May 26, 2011

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• In accordance with the Theory of Relativity, gravity and acceleration are equivalents, and both warp spacetime. And also, mass/energy cannot locally travel faster than the speed of light, but there is no prohibition in warping spacetime to make things appear faster than light. Spacetime itself has no restriction on the speed with which it can be stretched.

• Acceleration/gravity warps spacetime, and force generates acceleration.

• Hence, hypothetically, a FTL moving force can warp spacetime substantially in order to produce an opposing acceleration.

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• FTL moving magnetic force, from a multiphase system, can be mathematically verifiable (f ≥ c/L):

Rotating AC motor: v=2πrf (circular motion force)2πr = LLinear AC motor: v=Lf (straight-line motion force)v=c, c=Lf, f=c/LHypothetically, FTL force if (f ≥ c/L)c= f λ(f ≥ c/L) → (c/λ ≥ c/L) → (L ≥ λ)

e.g., Length of 5m: f ≥ (c/L) → f ≥ (3×10⁸/5) → f ≥ 60 MHz

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• Two emitters, phased [0° 90°], and quarter-wave spaced (nλ+ ¼λ), can produce Standing Waves for generating attraction/repulsion.

• Note: Standing Wave can momentarily disappear because it is the result of superposition of two opposing waves.

Antennas are fixed.

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• Having two groups of Standing Waves: one group with emitters

Phased {[0° 90°] [90° 180°] [180° 270°] [ 270° 0°]}, quarter-wave spaced (nλ+ ¼λ), inclined 45°, ∠crisscrossing another similar group, adjusting the bottom layer to be ¼λcos(45°) wider to align crossing region, and the Length of the crossing region to be greater than the wavelength(L ≥ λ).

• A moving force will be imposed to be faster than light (L≥λ), which is to warp spacetime instead of being faster than light.

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• Due to phase’s differences, a linear moving pattern of spinning waves is created, trying to run downward faster than light, which is to warp spacetime producing an astonishing upward acceleration, propelling a spacecraft, at least at subluminal speeds, in a more energy-efficient way than expelling-mass propulsion.

• Spinning waves are configured to run faster than light (L≥λ), but in accordance with Theory of Relativity, it can't. Instead, the spacetime is stretched behind the spacecraft creating acceleration.

• Expected energy consumption, not taking into account EM losses, is 50kW/tonne @ 1 g-force.

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Fusion Energy Source

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• Fusion fuels: He-3, Li-6/7, deuterium, and B-11; available on moons, planets and asteroids.

• Multi-megavolt electrostatic generator (low

charge/mass ratio). Neutralization at outputs (low power consumption).

• Fusion energy conversion directly into electricity by multistage ion collectors; and subsequently recycling byproducts.

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Fusion Energy Source

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• From this, Subluminal Warp Drives can be more technically feasible, bringing Superluminal Warp Drives some steps closer.

• Subluminal Warp Drive can reduce drastically dependence on propellants, making the interstellar travels more technically feasible and economically affordable.

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