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RELIGION AND PEACE Outcomes A student: H1 explains aspects of religion and belief systems H2 describes and analyses the influence of religion and belief systems on individuals and society H5 evaluates the influence of religious traditions in the life of adherents H6 organises, analyses and synthesises relevant information about religion from a variety of sources, considering usefulness, validity and bias H7 conducts effective research about religion and evaluates the findings from the research H8 applies appropriate terminology and concepts related to religion and belief systems H9 coherently and effectively communicates complex information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms. THE UNDERSTANDING OF PEACE IN CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM Learn about: Peace expressed through sacred texts for TWO religious traditions drawn from: Christianity - the New Testament Islam - the Qur’an and Hadith Learn to: Investigate the understanding of peace and how it is informed through significant writings within sacred texts for TWO religious traditions drawn from: Christianity - the New Testament Islam - the Qur’an and Hadith Peace core concepts - State of mutual harmony between people and groups; A state of tranquillity, freedom from disturbance or agitation; calm; repose; reconciliation - More than just “opposite to war” - ALWAYS LINKED TO THE PARADIGM - Begins with an individual’s awareness and personal response to the teachings of a religion - Focused on and arises from justice, compassion, mercy, love, community


OutcomesA student:H1 explains aspects of religion and belief systemsH2 describes and analyses the influence of religion and belief systems on individuals and societyH5 evaluates the influence of religious traditions in the life of adherentsH6 organises, analyses and synthesises relevant information about religion from a variety ofsources, considering usefulness, validity and biasH7 conducts effective research about religion and evaluates the findings from the researchH8 applies appropriate terminology and concepts related to religion and belief systemsH9 coherently and effectively communicates complex information, ideas and issues usingappropriate written, oral and graphic forms.


○ Peace expressed through sacred textsfor TWO religious traditions drawnfrom:

➔ Christianity - the New Testament➔ Islam - the Qur’an and Hadith

Learn to:○ Investigate the understanding of peace

and how it is informed through significantwritings within sacred texts for TWOreligious traditions drawn from:

➔ Christianity - the New Testament➔ Islam - the Qur’an and Hadith

Peace core concepts- State of mutual harmony between people and groups; A state of tranquillity, freedom from

disturbance or agitation; calm; repose; reconciliation- More than just “opposite to war”- ALWAYS LINKED TO THE PARADIGM- Begins with an individual’s awareness and personal response to the teachings of a religion- Focused on and arises from justice, compassion, mercy, love, community


➔ Sacred texts and teachings of religion aim to nurture within an individual thesevalues that contribute to peace

➔ These values are exemplified through ethics, ways by which to live out and promotethe values, and rituals, actions of the individual/community to work towards peace

Sacred Texts in ISLAMQuran = fundamental text for all Muslims, direct revelation of Allah → 114 SurahsHadith = collection of traditions, words and deeds of Muhammad

- The word ‘Islam’ comes from Selm and Salam, the Arabic words for peace → Quran refers toIslam as the ‘paths of peace’

- Muslims greet each other with the expression, “As-Salamu-Alaykum” meaning “Peace be withyou”

- First verse of the Quran contains the wish for peace, “In the Name of Allah, the mostmerciful, the most compassionate.”➔ One of Allah’s names is “As Salaam” which means peace➔ His 99 beautiful names are focused on peace, emphasises his compassionate nature



➔ This invocation occurs at the beginning of every Surah (except one), and is theopening for most muslim prayers

- Eventual goal: paradise which is perfect, the epitome of peace;➔ “O Soul at peace, return unto the Lord” Surah 89:28➔ “Allah guides those who seek His pleasure…leads them out of darkness into light”

Surah 5:16-17- Muhammads aim was to bring peace, mercy and harmony to mankind

Sacred texts in CHRISTIANITY- The greek word for peace used in the NEW TESTAMENT means “to be in harmony with

another”- Peace = a condition of freedom from disturbance, whether outwardly, as of a nation from

war or enemies, or inwardly, as in inner peace, within the soul.- Ultimate expression of peace in NT = the peace that is achieved in the relationship between

God and human beings in the forgiveness of sins➔ Peace is ultimately a reference to the death of Jesus, the most significant work of

Christ- Peace was central to the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels and other writings of

the New testament- Christian adherents across denominations share a common belief that they are called to

practice the virtues of faith, hope and love in all aspects of life, contributing to the quest forindividual and global peace

- Peace is linked to universal love- Peace is foundational to the paradigm of Christianity = building the Kingdom of God

➔ All adherents are called to build and work towards this common goal➔ Underpins the values of inclusion, love, justice, compassion, mercy, equality

Inner peace World peace

- Jesus’ teachings referred to an innerpeace that was God’s gift to humankind;“Peace is what I leave with you, it is myown peace I give to you” (John 14:27) →Christ is the administrator of peace,providing a model that adherents canstrive towards to “imitate” to actively “bringabout the Kingdom of God”

- Christian adherents acrossdenominations share a common beliefthat they are all called to practice the

- The NT also records guidelines forpeace in a greater kingdom sense; “Loveyour enemies and pray for those whopersecute you” (Matthew 5:43-44)

- St Paul said that peace is an obligationof being a Christian and that followersare not to seek revenge against thosewho oppose or oppress them; “If yourenemy is hungry, you should give himfood...resist evil and conquer it withgood” (Romans 12:20-21)



virtues of faith, hope and love in allaspects of life, contributing to the questfor individual and global peace

- Peace is a personal quality to bedeveloped and shown in relationshipswith others; “Blessed are thepeacemakers, for they are the childrenof God” (Matthew 5:9) beatitudes

- St Paul said that peace is an obligationof being a Christian and that followersare not to seek revenge against thosewho oppose or oppress them; “If yourenemy is hungry, you should give himfood...resist evil and conquer it withgood” (Romans 12:20-21)

Contemporary christian responses to issues of peace- ‘War as a method of settling international disputes is incompatible with the teaching and

example of Our Lord Jesus Christ” (The Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops)- ‘Peace results from that harmony built into human society by its divine founder, and

actualised by people as they thirst after ever greater justice” (Catholic Church, Gaudium etSpes, n78)

Learn about:○ Principal teachings about peace in TWO

religious traditions

Learn to:○ Outline the principal teachings about

peace in TWO religious traditions


- Importance of sustaining inner peace is through the ultimate submission to Allah, paving thefoundation for achieving world peace

- Belief in God displayed through submission, sustains unity and inner peace, as it providesthe adherent with reassurance they will never be alone, “Allah is the ally of those whobelieve.” (Quran 2:257)

- Acording to the Hadith, the daily prayer of Muhammad was centred on peace, “O Allah, youare the original source of peace; from you is all peace and to you returns all peace, so, makeus live with peace…”➔ Mandatory shahada fosters collective strength in faith and submission to Allah, thus

facilitating peace

Tawhid- Shahada: profession of allegience to Allah; “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his

holy messenger,” putting individuals on the “path to peace.” Quran 5:16



- Affirmation of the 99 names of Allah including “As-Salam,” the embodiment of peace- Adherents recognise that Allah is the source of peace, and that all forms of peace are

founded by the active worship of Allah- “He brings them out of darkness into light” (Quran 2:257) = without God, there is darkness,

as God brings happiness that leads to tranquility and a state of inner peace

Ummah- Fosters a greater understanding of peace as it concerns the values of inclusion and compassion

within the Islamic community → links to Allah’s merciful and compassionate nature- Promoted by Qutb as being the desired outcome of the pursuit of ‘jihad’ to rid the world of

jahili influences- Promotes a faithful application to Islamic rituals and traditions, thus allowing the attainment

of peace- Hajj = centred around the notion of ummah and the values of inclusion and justice, enabling

a spiritual blossoming of the adherent in achieving inner peace by immersing themselves inthe footsteps of the Prophets, inevitably leading to the attainment of world peace➔ Inner peace: Arafat, the platform to seek forgiveness for sins, resulting in peace of

mind and a greater prospect of reward in El-Jannah➔ World peace: Eid, the feast of sacrifice, in which pilgrims offer a sheep, distributing its

meat to poor people around the world, exemplary of the zakat pillar of faith

The ideal society- To live in harmony with all of God’s creation is the only way in which an adherent can fulfill their

duty of submission → “Allah invites to the abode of peace, and guides whoever wills (to beguided) in a straight path.” 10:25

- The accounts of creation and the natural order in the Quran present the universe as amodel, characterised by harmony and peace

- According to the Quran, the ideal society is “Dar Al Salaam” meaning the house of peace- A part of the mission of the Prophet, he advocated for solidarity that contributes to the ideal

Ummah, emphasising that one must change themself in order to change others → the

Jihad- The essential struggle in overcoming obstacles to the submission to allah; overcoming the

obstacles to obtain peace- Means to strive or struggle, referring primarily to the struggle within the individual to live

according to the rules for life prescribed in the Quran- Greater jihad is the struggle against desires and passions, avoiding selfishness (nafs) that pose

as an impediment to obtaining inner peace → “The greatest jihad is to battle your own soul, tofight the evil within yourself.” (Hadith)

- When the Quran refers to war/fighting the word “qital” is used, not jihad



- The tradition of Muhammad affirms, “Allah grants to ifq (gentleness), what he does not grantto unf (violence).” Hadith 4/255

- Sawm, obligatory pillar of fasting during Ramadan: self restraint against limiting anddestructive inner impulses that stop adherents from achieving inner peace

- “To him who fights in God's cause...shall grant him a rich reward” (Quran 4:74)

CHRISTIANITYBringing about the kingdom of God through Agape

- The kingdom of God is a place of peace, justice, forgiveness and acceptance; all are called tobe part of it and create it through action and mission

- Gaudium et Spes, “the joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men andwomen of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joysand hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ”

- Agape is the embodiment of Christ’s peace and unconditional love which, throughacceptance of agape allows adherents to accept themselves as the inheritors of Christ’s love

- Unconditional, sacrificial and selfless love exemplified by Christ’s crucifixion- The innate and undeniable love for others, a direct reflection of Christ is mirrored by

adherents through John 13:34-35 golden rule, “love one another, just as I have loved you,you also are to love one another.”

QUOTES- “Human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness” (James 3:9)- “Pursue peace with everyone” (Hebrews 12:14)- “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward all people” (Lule 2:14)- “Bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through

the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3)- “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness and

peace...let us then pursue what leads to peace and to building up one another” (Romans14:17-19)

- “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither maleor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28)

Imitating Christ- Inner peace is believed to be derived from the model of Jesus’ divine image, therefore,

Christians are called to model their lives in a way that “imitates Christ” (Ephesians 4)➔ Peace is at the heart of Jesus’ life and ministry, therefore, Chrisitians must implement

this concept in their lives- Christ’s teachings of inclusion, tolerance, compassion and justice to the world- The Gospels provide examples of how Christ acted towards a multitude of people of

different classes.e.g. Leper, Adulterer



- The goat for every Chrisitian is to become an embodiment of Christ, a divine purposeenacted as a path to peace

- Adherents imitate Christ in their daily lives through their recognition that to imitate is to‘connect’ to Christ via prayer

- Christ is the administrator of peace, “Peace i leave you; my peace i give you” (John 14:27),providing a model that adherents can strive towards to “imitate” in order to actively “bringabout the kingdom of god”

QUOTES- “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace I give to you” (John 14:27)- “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts” (Colossians 3:15)

Dignity and Respect- Dignity and respect are God’s call to treat others as “made in the image of God,” therefore

“submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Eph 5:21)- Without respect for themselves and a lack of unconditional dignity towards others, the ideal

of achieving peace or “bringing about the Kingdom of God” cannot happen- Harmony is about peace, achieved through prayer (inner peace) and service (world peace)

➔ “The obligations of justice and love are fulfilled only if each person, contributing tothe common good, according to his own abilities and the needs of others...dedicatedto bettering the conditions of human life” (Gaudium et spes 30.1; 1965)

- Acts of penance enables the harmony with one self and others➔ Reconciliation is emphasised in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mountain, “First go and be

reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift” (Matthew 5:24), as peace withother believers is a requirement for worship

➔ “If you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heavenmay forgive your sins” (Mark 11:25)

- Christians are encouraged to maintain respect with others and reconcile under the guidanceof God; promotes the platform for inner peace

- Catholic/Orthodox mass➔ Sign of peace through shaking the hand amongst the congregation, symbolic of the

wider community➔ Orthodox liturgical “kiss of peace” at the beginning of the Eucharistic prayer is a sign

of reconciliation, performed by the clergy in preparation for the offering of theeucharist; “Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are inchrist” (Peter 5:14)

QUOTES- “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger,

and you invited me in” Matthew 25:35



Sanctity of Human life- Chrisitans are created in the divinity/likeness of God and are required to treat life with a high

degree of sanctity; God desires peace for all people and for creation- Christians are all created in God’s image, thus, defiling the sanctity of others challenges

God’s intent and relationship with his people- Informs the understanding that God has made all humans equally sacred thus, all deserve to

be treated with kindness- Adherents are instructed to live their lives in accordance to the concept that humans are

created in the divinity of God; equality, fraternity, justice- CCC 2302, “Our Lord asked for peace of heart and denounced murderous anger and hatred

as immoral”- Mater et Magistra 215, “Whatever the progress in technology and economic life, there can be

neither justice nor peace in the world, so long as men fail to realise how great is their dignity;for they have been created by God and are His children”

QUOTES- Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive those who sin against

me?” Jesus replied, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven times” (Matthew18:21-22)

- “If your enemy is hungry, you should give him food...resist evil and conquer it with good”(Romans 12:20-21)

Learn about:○ The contribution of TWO religious

traditions to peace in the context of:➔ The individual - means of achieving

inner peace➔ The world - means of achieving world


Learn to:○ Demonstrate how TWO religious traditions

guide the individual in achieving innerpeace

○ Discuss how TWO religious traditions arecontributing to world peace


INNER PEACE IN ISLAM- Peace is firstly to be at rest with one’s own desires and ambitions (nafs)- Reciprocal relationship between inner peace and the peace of the wider world

➔ Not possible to live at peace with others until there is a sense of peace within one’sself (vice versa)

- The concept of peace is two fold:



1. To be at peace with Allah2. To be at peace with oneself and with the rest of the world

- Submission is at the heart of peace➔ Peace is not possible outside of the relationship with Allah; only means of attaining

peace is through complete submission to the will of Allah➔ The more perfect the submission to Allah, the more profound the sense of inner


The Fiver Pillars (Arkan Al-Islam)- Each require both an internal or spiritual commitment in conjunction with an outward action

or sign

Pillar How inner peace is obtained

Shahada The repudiation of anything false includes a repudiation of self and selifhsness(nafs), which frees a muslim to worshup allah freely without the restrictions ofegocentrism → this freedom is an integral part of the quest for inner peace, assuch selfishness destroys all sense of epace

Salat The daily five prayers contribute to the purity of a person, providing strength tocarry out the requirements of Islam and forgiveness of transgression, “verily, theprayer prevents one from the shameful and evil deeds” Quran 29:45 → thisconstant reminder of Allah’s presence is foundational for a sense of inner peace

- The Prostration Movement ‘rakat’➔ Vital part of the performance of the five obligatory prayers➔ Used to praise, glorify and humble oneself in front of Allah➔ Individual is fully awake and alert, however with a clear,

relaxed, inwardly focused mind, ignoring the external worldand events taking place around them

➔ The rakat movement is a humbling act of bowing down toallah, letting go of one’s pride and submitting

➔ “The nearest a servant comes to his Lord is when is isprostrating himself, so make supplication (in this state)”Hadith 482

➔ At the end of the prayer, muslims turn their face to the rightand left, saying “peace be upon you, and the mercy andblessings of allah,” reminding muslims of the importance ofothers around them, both in the mosque and in the rest ofthe world

➔ The position in which the forehead touches the ground is thenearest an adherent

➔ Equalness and strengthens submission

Zakat The freedom from the attachment of wealth and possessions (things thatundermine the search for inner peace) contributes to the purification andcleanse of an individual, thus attaining inner peace



Sawm Ramadan involves self-disciplinary fasting, that puts aside feelings ofselfishness, with the intense hunger exposing the reality of poverty that callsfor almsgiving in the world

Hajj ‘To embark on a journey with a purpose,’ the purpose being to completely submitto the will of allah, leading to the attainment of inner peace to the greatestcapacity → The rituals of Ihram, Arafat, Jamarat and Eid are mechanisms ofachieving inner peace. The physical and financial demands of Hajj requirededication and sacrifice, involving putting aside selfishness in seeking to submitto the will of Allah

Contemporary Issues displaying the strive for INNER Peace in Islam

Issue Explanation Teaching link

Husband of victimforgives terroristresponsible for theNZ MosqueTerrorist Attack in2019

Farid Ahmad, the husband of a victim of the NZ mosqueattack forgives the gunman who shot and killed his wife. Heinsists that “forgiveness is the best path forward,” holdingno “grudges” and “hopes and prays that he will be a greatcivilian one day.”

- Forgiveness and compassion


Survivors of the NZMosque TerroristAttack in 2019embarking on Hajj

The survivors of the NZ attacks embarked on Hajj, as a wayof finding inner peace. They say the pilgrimage has been themeans to heal from the violence that changed their lives,displayed through their words, “My feelings are calm now.I’m not in chaos anymore. I am more at peacenow..concentrated on doing and spreading peace.”

- Healing and strength


COVID 19 andRamadan

Muslims have been forced to think outside the box tosustain traditions that attend the evening meals, and theconnections of the month of faster, communal prayer andcelebration brings.

“Now feels like a time to distil life to the essence,” Omid Safi,Duke Uni Prof of Islamic Studies

“Hopefully people will still feel a sense of community whenthey break their fast via virtual calls after a long day ofreflection and solitude”





- The cross and the suffering of Jesus is a symbol of God in the midst of the complexities ofhuman life

- Christians can find inner peace in and through living their vocation as disciples of Jesus anddirecting their lives towards the following of this teaching to “imitate Christ”

- Inner peace arises from “loving the lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, withall your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 29-31)➔ Knowing God through Jesus = in order to love God and develop a real relationship

with Him which answers the deepest human longings for inner peace, Chrisitainsaccept that Jesus is “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). A belief in Jesus leadsthe adherent to follow the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes to live a life ofvirtue, which in turn brings inner peace

➔ Studying the Scriptures = a vehicle for Christians to love God with heart, mind, souland strength. The Bible contains the key that unlocks the door to peace and closeconnection to God, themself as the individual and inevitably the world

➔ Prayer = gives Christians a sense of the presence of God and creates a peacefulspace and time for adherents to reflect on their lives, to consider that worry candisturb their peace of mind and that trust in God is what matters the most in thegreater scheme of things.

➔ Communal Worship = Christians are able to find acceptance, identity and purpose ina faith community that worships and prays together. Gathering together, toremember and offer prayers of thanksgiving is a time for the blessings of innerpeace for Christians as disciples for Jesus. Most forms of communal worship areprayers such as the Lord's Prayer and Nicene Creed, readings from the Bible,sermons, homilies and hymns. The mass, Eucharist, Divine Liturgy and HolyCommunion is the centre of worship and the most important communal celebrationfor most Christian variants.

- Inner peace arises from “loving your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 29-31)➔ Forgiveness = a person who is angry, resentful, vengeful and bitter will not be able to

extend peace and love to others. Christianity acknowledges that humans are notperfect and that there are many situations that disrupt a person’s inner peace, andso God offers forgiveness in all situations which means peace of mind is restoredwhen an individual asks for and accepts forgiveness (Luke 15:11-32)

➔ Expressing gratitude = helps people not to take one another or earthly resources forgranted. True gratitude is seeing each other and everything as a gift; an integralexperience that life must be based on for a Christian

➔ Treating your neighbour in a way that is respectful and therefore builds the bonds ofthe Kingdom of God = to be grateful for one other grows the sense of holiness

QUOTES- “To hope for and to find inner peace, requires a commitment to Christ who is the ‘light of

the world’” (John 8:12)



Individual Quote Teaching link

Evangelical LutheranChurch Leader USA

- Recognised thetough,uncomfortable workof being “called out”in the world

“Engage the world, engage the issues...be thepresence and peace of Christ in this issue”

“We have been called to be peacemakers andhealing hands in the world”

Relates to John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; mypeace I give to you..Let not your hearts betroubled, neither let them be afraid”

Kingdom ofGod

Leila Abdallah- Mother of the four

children who died atthe hands of a drunkdriver

- Explained howpraying twice a dayas a family and thesupport of othershas sustained themduring their grief

“I think in my heart I forgive him..I’m not going tohate him because that’s not who we are”

At a time of enormous tragedy she “has found theability to forgive her children’s alleged killer bypraying to God,” and urges those who are feelinguncertain in the the face of the ever changingclimate of life to do the same

Andrea Bocelli- Advocates for

Christian supportstructures that assistadherents to gaininner peace,especially in complexcircumstances

Offered an Easter “music for hope” concert livestreamed from the Duomo Cathedral in Milan

“I believe in the strength of praying together..trulyneeded right now”

This service “brings together millions of claspedhands everywhere in the world, we will thiswounded Earth’s pulsing heart”

Contemporary Issues displaying the strive for INNER Peace in Christianity

Issue Explanation Teaching link

Inter-contemplativedialogues duringthe COVID 19 crisisthrough Christianmediation

- Facilitated through the World Community forChristian Meditation

- Leads the mind to the heart through simplicity,silence and stillness

- Teaches a meditation practice derived from theGospel teaching of Jesus and the advice of early



Christian monks- “The Kingdom of God does not come in such a way

as to be seen. No one will say ‘look here it is,’ or‘there it is’ because the Kingdom of God is withinyou”

COVID 19 livestreaming ofSunday services

- The Leichhardt Uniting Church offers its two Sundayservices through facebook live streaming, wherebycongregants are invited to comment prayerrequests and participate by singing to the hymns

- This church aims to gravitate towards experiencesthat will allow people to gather digitally in thisperiod of social isolation, obtaining a sense of peaceamidst the “sense of grief and unknowingnessabout the future” according to ReverendSukumar-White

- For Christina Mikhael, who attends these services,“having a community to go through this experiencehas been really important for all of us,” propellingpeople to make more time for spiritual connectionto one another and God


- “He who believes in God and the Last Day should honour hisguest, should not harm hisneighbour, should speak good or keep quiet” (Bukhari, Muslim)

- “Whoever hurts a non muslim citizen of a muslim state hurts me, and he who hurts meannoys God” (Bukhari)

- “He who hurts a non muslim citizen of a muslim state, i am his adversary and i shall be hisadversary on the day of judgement” (Bukhari)

- Originates from the time of the propher, whereby Muhammad allowed non-muslims to prayin the mosque, providing them with shelter as they stayed a few nights in Madinah.

Example Explanation Teaching Link

Jewish andMusliminterfaith “CloseNeighbourProject”

Elhanan Miller is an orthodox jew and Thana Jawabreh is adevout Muslim created the “close neighbour” project, a seriesof videos uploaded to the People of the Book YoutubeChannel, intended to create an interdenominational andcultural bridge between Jews and Muslims in Israel.

- Tolerance and understanding


A CommonWord Between

Oct 2017, a letter by 138 Islamic leaders and scholars wasaddressed to Pope Benedict XVI and all christian leaders



Us and You(2017)

around the world, driven by an agenda of peace- Fulfills both Quranic and scriptural commandments

respectively:➔ “Say: O people of the scripture! Come to a

common word as between us and you, that weworship none but God”

➔ “You shall love your neighbour as yourself”(Mark 12:31)

Muslims and Christians make up 45% of the world'spopulation, meaning that peace must be established betweenthe two before world peace can be achieved

- Desire for mutual respect for the theologicalsimilarities and differences of the two traditions

- “Finding common ground between Muslims andChristians is not simply a matter for polite ecumencialdialogue between selected religious leaders” (Acommon word)

HumanFraternity forWorld Peace2019

In February 2019, Pope Francis and the Grand Imam Ahmed AlAzhar signed the document on HFWP and living together

- Declaration calls for people from around the world torediscover and recommit to living out values thatsupport a more peaceful future for all

- Formation of the higher committee of humanfraternity and the abrahamic family house are the firstexamples of what the declaration has inspired

- The ultimate aspirations in the document are for allpeople of goodwill from all faiths, belief systems andcultures will be inspired to undertake acts of peacearound the world

- Tolerance and understanding


COVID 19statements fromreligious leaders

- Rabbis, archbishops, patriarchs, imams and sheiksgathered in Jerusalem, reciting a joint prayer in theirrespective languages to alleviate the sufferingexperienced by the covid pandemic

- Spoke out against xenophobia and racism which hasbeen exacerbated by the pandemic

- “We stand together in different languages but withone heart before God” Rabbi Lau

- “The situation has allowed something quite rare forjews, muslims and christians, to say the same prayertogether...I hope this continues after the pandemicbecause we need to pray altogether for all the peoplesin the world” Jerusalem Archbishop Pizzaballa

JCMA (Jewish - Promotes the prevention of emotional and physical



Christian MuslimAssociation ofAustralia)

abuse arising from religious intolerance and culturaldiscrimination

- Aims to reduce racism, bigotry and violence throughcreating and providing forums for interfaith dialogueand shared experiences


- Acts as a voice for the interests and concerns of AusMuslim women, including converts

- Provide advice, assistance and mentoring on contempissues related to islamic women.e.g. Critical of thehijab

- Promotes the roles of leadership of women,regardless of race or culture

- Initiatives for community development andsupport.e.g. Homelessness and domestic violencerelief, youth empowerment

- Aims at improving relationship between adherentswith the Islamic and wider community by creatinginformed and positive perceptions of Islam

Islamic Councilof NSW

- Provides chaplaincy services in prison,s hospitals andeducational institutions

- Provides islamic special religious education to publicschools in NSW

- Interfaith, multicultural and harmony activitiesadvocate and advise local state and federal gov andorganisations on behalf od Muslim communities

Charter of thenew alliance ofvirtue

- Launched at the Forum for promoting peace in muslimsocieities in 2019 → theme of the forum was “the role ofreligions in promoting tolerance: from possibility tonecessity”

- Bought together more than 500 religious and civicleaders from around the world → muslim, christian,jewish, buddhist, hindu

- “The New Alliance of Virtue, is for Muslims, forbelievers in other world religions, and for secular andhumanist worldviews. It is all-inclusive”

Contemporary examples displaying the strive for WORLD Peace in Islam

Example Explanation Teaching Link

Islamic ReliefAustralia

- Somalia floods emergency- Ramadan appeal- Emergency relief- Syria appeal



- Aid and development- Alyateem child sponsorship- Each year, during ramadan, they distribute food packs

to vulnerable people across the world to address foodinsecurity and ease some of the burdens they face →last year, delivered about 8000 food packs to over43,000 people in over 25 countries

- Global islamic relief family was able to distributeover 164,000 food packs in 33 countries, reachingalmost 1 million people

Fatwa againstterrorism

- 70 Muslim scholars issued an edict in 2018 that sausviolent extremism and terrorism violate theprinciples of Islam

- “We reaffirm the violence and terrorism cannot andshould not be assoicated with any religion, nationalyor ethnic group, as violent extremism and terrorismin all its forms..are against the holy principles ofIslam” stated in the declaration

- Action and directives promoting peace andprinciples of the faith


Letter to Bagdadi - Provide evidence of Muslim denunciation ofterrorism

- “It is forbidden in Islam to harm or mistreat - in anyway - Chrisitians or people of the scripture”

- “It is forbidden in Islam to force people to convert”- “It is forbidden in Islam to enact legal punishments

without following the correct procedures thatensure justice and mercy”

- “It is forbidden in Islam to attribute evil acts to God”

Muslim AidAustralia

- Estab 1989, international relief and developmentagency

- Supports and assists the world’s poorestcommunities regardless of race, religion ornationality

- Contributes to world peace by being an organisationthat employs the pillar of zakat

- A main objective is to implement sustainable living →various initiatives are important to ensure families areable to maintain stable incomes and be provided anopportunity to make a change in their lives




- In the contemporary world, the poor are those lacking in something; love, finance, help,hope, peace etc, therefore calling Luke 4:18 words, “The spirit of the lord is upon me,because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor”

- The essential requirement of Chrisitiantiy in relation to peace is to follow Jesus’ example asthe source of strength in the long struggle to achieve the peace of God

- Jesus’ response to violence was not more violence, but the radical invitation to “love yourenemies, do good to those who hate you” (Luke 6:27)

- Christianity is contributing to world peace through➔ Public statements and the example of Church leaders or church representatives➔ The work of organisations to achieve world peace.e.g. St Vincent De Paul, Anglicare,

Salvation Army➔ Efforts of individuals dedicated to world peace, reaching out to lonely people,

refugees, the poor, homeless, disadvantaged women and children➔ Participation in celebrations and days to commemorate world peace

- Loving your neighbour is at the crux of the achievement of world peace➔ If the mission of Jesus to serve others is not continued, conflict occurs because

adherents prayers and worship are simply words with no reciprocal action➔ A christian is called to be a peacemaker, a bridge builder between people, a good

neighbour and an overall good, kind person➔ “To reach peace, teach peace”; St John Paul II (For the celebration of the day of peace

1979) = ultimately, peace is concerned with right relationship- “Peace results from that harmony built into human society by its divine founder, and

actualised by people as they thirst after even greater justice” (Catholic Church, Gaudium etSpes n78)

- Uniting Church document ‘Harmony and Diversity: transforming the Church’ → “to live in adiverse community we need to have a shared value..regardless of culture and religiousbackground, it is about peace”

Example Explanation Teaching Link

Catholic HealthCare

A ministry of the Catholic church inspired by the mission ofJesus, who embraced the world with compassion to bringjustice and healing in order to build the kingdom of God

- Respond to God’s call to bring alive the Gospel visionthrough the range of services they provide for thecommunity

- Concerned with health, aged care and disadvantagecommunity support

Uniting ChurchExodusFoundation

Reverend Bill Crews created the Exodus foundation to assistSydney’s most vulnerable to attain some sense of inner peace

- Tend to the bodies, spirits and lives of thousands of

Building theKingdom ofGod through



Sydney’s long term homeless through soup kitchensand free health centre services

compassion,mercy andjustice

Anglicare AtHome (AAH)program

Provide free chaplaincy services to those accessing theprogram, providing personal support for older people living athome

- Aim to provide holistic care for every person on thispackage

- “Old age often isolates Christians from their Church,so a Chaplain’s visit can be a vital support for theirfaith,” Francis Chalwell, head of the AHH program

- “For those who are not chrisitains, the Chaplain mayhave opportunities to sensitively and gently pointthem to Christ”

Act for Peace An organisation based on the notion that “justice isfoundational to peace”

- Believe that “when people all over the world worktogether, big changes are possible”

- Vision = a peaceful world where all people share asafe, just and dignified life

- Provide sustainable living environments, educationand health care to communities in need


A confederation of over 160 members working at thegrassroots in almost every country of the world

- Inspired by the catholic faith, caritas is the helpinghand of the church that reaches out to the poor,vulnerable and excluded, regardless of race orreligion, to build a world based on justice and fraternallove (echos Pope Francis call to fraternity)

Laudato Si’ Week Enviro Ethics = this week in May, formed by Pope Francis,teaches us how to build a better world together, as“everything is connected”

- Uniting of catholics in solidarity for a more just andsustainable future

- “Interdependence obliges us to think of one worldwith a common plan” (Laudato Si’, 164)

- As everything is connected, and all God’s creation isequal, environmental action provides the frameworkfor world peace

John XXIII ‘Pacemin Terris’ (1963)

Pacem in Terris = Peace on Earth- Encyclical addressed to “all people of good will”- Reasserts the Church’s teaching that all people have



an equal and inherent dignity as children of God- Upholding and preserving this innate nature of

humanity is the key to peace between neighbours andnations

- John identified three understandings of human dignitythat lead to peace:

1. Individuals should respect their neighbour as aperson of equal worth

2. States should exercise legitimate authority forthe common good of all their citizens

3. States should respect and co-operate witheach other, accepting their differences

Pax ChristiInternational(peace of Christ)

Pax Christi Inter is a catholic peace movement with 120member organisations worldwide that promotes peace,respect of human rights, justice and reconciliation worldwide

- Holds special consultative status in the UN to addressthe root causes and destructive consequences ofviolent conflict and war

Pax Christi is the notion that peace is given by God to humanityas an intrinsic trait → a way of life for christians

- “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you” (John14:27)


Example Explanation Teaching Link

Pope Francis,World Day ofPeace 2020

Intention = “We pray that Chrisitans, followers of otherreligions, and all people of goodwill may promote peace andjustice in the world”

“Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgivehim? Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, butseventy times seven” (Mt 18:21-22) → This path of reconciliationis a summons to discover in the depths of our heart the power offorgiveness and the capacity to acknowledge one another asbrothers and forgiveness, growing our capacity to become menand women of peace

HumanFraternity forWorld PeaceFeb2019

Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al Azhar signed thedocument on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Livingtogether during the first ever papal visit to the ArabianPeninsula

- Declaration calls for “people from around the world torediscover and recommit to living out values that



support a more peaceful future for all”- Formation of the Higher Committee of Human

Fraternity and the construction of the AbrahamicFamily House displays the progress of this declaration

- “In the name of God who has created all human beingsequal in rights, duties and dignity, and who has calledthem to live together as brothers and sisters, to fill theearth and make known the values of peace and love”

- This declaration “constitutes an invitation toreconciliation and fraternity among all believers andnon-believers..hoping and seeking to achieve the aimof finding a universal peace that all can enjoy in thislife”


“Turning faith into action for peace” by building partnershipsto transform violence and oppression

- Inclusive, multi-faith spiritually guided peacemaking

“The GreenPatriarch,”EcumenicalPatriarchBatholomew

Reverend Batholomew has assumed a leadership role inraising awareness about climate change, emphasising that theenvironmental crisis is a deeply spiritual issue, directlyconnected to greater social issues that are impeding theattainment of world peace

- Sept 1st is an annual day of prayer for God’s creation➔ All orthodox churches, the world council of

churches, the roman church and anglicanunion observe this day

- Environmental issues must be resolved in dialogueand partnership with other religions

- 9 international interfaith and interdisciplinarysymposiums on climate change

“A CommonWord BetweenUs and You” Oct2017

A letter by 138 Islamic leaders addressed to Pope Benedict XVIand all chrisitan leaders around the world

- Fulfills both Quranic and scriptural commandments➔ “Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to a

common word as between us and you, that weworship none by God”

- Driven by an agenda of peace- Prince Muhammad of Jordan, the architect of the

letter, stated his desire is “a mutual respect for thetheological similarities and differences of the twotraditions”

- As Muslims and Chrisitians make up 45% of the world’spopulation, peace must be established between thetwo before world peace can be achieved

Lovingneighbor asyourself



Religions forPeace

The only international multi-religious organisation withaffiliated multi-religious leadership platforms around theworld in over 90 nation and 6 regional inter religious councils(IRCs)

- At the heart of RfP’s understanding and vision of peaceis the “advancement of human dignity, harmony withthe earth with and through faith leadership”

- “Multi-religious engagement not only enhancesknowledge of other religions, but also deepens theunderstanding and practice of one’s own faith”

