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Religious comunity life

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History Of Religious CommunitiesReligious Life TodayThe aspects ( characteristic) of “Community Life”

How to improve… community bonds

Problems of Community life


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A Community is a place where people come

together to share common interests and resources.

The origin of “community” is from the Latin word …

"The word "community" is derived from the Old French communité which is derived from the Latin communitas (cum, "with/together" + munus, "gift"), a broad term for fellowship or organized society." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community)

"Community: The origin of the word "community" comes from the Latin munus, which means the gift, and cum, which means together, among each other. So community literally means to give among each other." (http://www.seek2know.net/word.html)

What is community-

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A community is not “My Community”.It is “Our Community”.

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A community is a social unit of any size that shares common values. mgvR/msN nj GKwU mvgvwRK cÖwZôvb †hLv‡b me©mvaviY g~j¨‡eva mg~n mnfvwMZv (PP©v K‡i) Kiv nq| †hgb: e¨envh© me wKQz mevi GK ms‡M GKB avivq Rxeb hvcb


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It is a group of people who are connected by durable/strong relations that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties, and who usually define that relationship as important to their social identity and practice. GwU GKwU `j hviv Lye Mfxi k³ e܇b evav _v‡K ( i‡³i m¤ú©K bv n‡jI ü`‡qi ..) hviv cÖKvk K‡i †h GB m¤úK©i PP©vB Zv‡`i Rb¨ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© mvgvwRK cwiwPwZ - Acts 2: 38-42


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Different communities fulfil different needs: • The spiritual

community• The family community• The living

community/Religious Com.

• The recreational community

• The learning community

• The employment community

• The health community• The internet


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Christian Religious Communities • Began a few centuries after the Resurrection of

Jesus – desert to pray, meditate on the word of God. L„óvb mbœ¨vmeªZx msN ïiæ nq, hxïi cybiæÌv‡bi KZK hyM c‡i| Zviv giyfzwg‡Z hvq cÖv_©bv Ki‡Z, Ck¦‡ii evYx a¨vb Ki‡Z|

Zv‡`i g‡a¨ †KD Ava¨vwZ¥K cwiPvjK, ‡KD Wv³vi, ‡KD cwiPvjK, ag©cÖPviK, DwKj BZ¨vw` †ckvq wb‡qvwRZ wQj| cÖwZwU ms‡Ni wQj mZš¿ ˆewkó¨, K¨vwiRg, ˆcÖwiwZK KvR Ges mZš¿ wbqg-Kvbyb wKfv‡e Zv‡`i K¨vwiRg Abymv‡i Zviv ms‡N evm Ki‡e|

• Each group is unique and has a unique charism – ministry and a unique rule of life on how to live out that charism

Acts 2: 38-42

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Religious Communities


Small Christian communities SCC- THE NEW WAY OF BEING CHURCH.flv

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First Monastic CommunitiesBasil of Caesarea

established communities for both men and, working with his sister Macrina, women

The Rule Basil wrote for his communities would become the basis for Orthodox monasticism

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St. Benedict

Benedict of Nursia established a religious community at Monte Cassino, Italy

The Rule he (The Benedictine Rule) wrote for the monks there would become the basis for monastic life in the Catholic Church

The order he founded still flourishes in the Church today

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• First built in the 7th century; it has been rebuilt several times. The most recent was in the late 20th century after its almost complete destruction during World War II.

Benedict’s Abbey at Monte Cassino

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Religious Life Today • Today there are two types of religious


– Contemplative – live and work in their monasteries and convents

– Active – live in community, but work “in the world”

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Characteristics: • All members of religious communities take the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience

• All communities have a specific “habit” –

• something in their clothing that identifies them as belonging to that particular community

Religious Life Today

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Traditional Benedictine nun

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Active Communities

• Work “in the world”• Often may work at any job that does not

contradict Church teaching and beliefs, but most work for the Church.

• ( hv gÐjxi wkÿv I wek¦v‡mi ms‡M †Kvb Ø›Ø Av‡b Ggb KvR Qvov) ‡cÖiYgyLx msN ¸‡jv gÐjxi Rb¨ ‡h †Kvb †mev KvR KiZ|

• Attend Mass daily; pray a modified form of the Liturgy of the Hours

• Live in community

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The aspects ( characteristic) of “Community Life”

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“Building a Healthy Community” – Need Five most important and crucial moments… where the community comes together to share and grow in one direction. - eªv`vi Wbvì msN e× Rxeb wel‡q M‡elbv K‡i, AwfÁZvi Av‡jv‡K, Abya¨vb K‡i wj‡L‡Qb - mbœ¨vmeªZx‡`i Rb¨ me‡P‡q ¸iæZ¡c~Y© gyûZ© nj cvuPwU †h gyn~Z© ¸‡jv‡Z KwgDwbwUi m`m¨MY mnfvwMZvi Rb¨ GKwÎZ nq Ges GKB j‡ÿ¨ †e‡o D‡V|


Brother Donald

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Five most important and crucial (necessary) moments

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1. MEAL TIMES, 2. Prayer and Faith sharing times, 3. Fun times/ Recriation4. Happy hours/Community day or Feast5. Meeting on common valuesBy Brother Jean Clement

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Five most important moments

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The five moments as mentioned by Brother Donald are surely present and very important; the community in general comes together, and, so to say, coming together “- provide opportunity to listen to others, - Share one’s own thoughts,

- Review and evaluate experiences;

- Think and plan together”.

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How to improve… community bonds

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1. Love, Faith /Trust no love will last without equal amounts of respect and trust.2. Confidentiality - 3. Acceptance -Accept and celebrate differences So accepting and celebrating that we are all different is a great starting point.

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4. Appreciation, 5. Support - 6. Encouragement- 7. Empathy/Sympathy- Develop empathy: There is a great expression that I learned a long time ago: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Community Bonds

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8. Positive attitude - Positive and supportive relationships will help us to feel healthier, happier, and more satisfied with our lives.9. Understanding –Communication occurs when someone understands you, not just when you speak. 10. Assertive Communication -

Community Bonds

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Assertive communication

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Assertive communication is the ability to speak and interact in a manner(way) that considers and respects the rights and opinions of others while also standing up for your own rights, needs and personal boundaries. AvZ¥cÖZ¨q hy³ BwZevPK †hvMv‡hvM (Assertive communication) nj A‡b¨i m¤§vb, AwaKvi iÿv K‡i K_v ejvi `ÿZv; †hLv‡b wb‡Ri AwaKvi Pvwn`v Ges e¨w³MZ mxgve×ZvI ‡`Lv nq| (K_v ejvi †KŠkj I `ÿZv)

Assertive communication

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-Assertive communication is an effective adaptation to conflicting situations.

-GUv (Assertive communication ) djcÖmy ev mdjKvg fv‡e Ø›Ø ev msNvZc~Y© cwiw¯’wZ‡Z Lvc LvIqv‡bv|

Assertive communication

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Assertiveness is a key skill in maintaining healthy relationships. `„pZv ev AvZ¥cÖZ¨q nj mym¤úK© ¯’vc‡bi `ÿZvi PvweKvwV| Four Different Styles… Generally speaking, communication can be characterized by four different styles.

1. Passive communication: (without active response)

2. Aggressive Communication: (attac kor confront)

3. Passive-Aggressive Communication

4. Assertive Communication: (showing confident forceful personality)

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Not standing(position/status) up for your rights;

Not setting limits or boundaries on another’s behavior

Continually putting others needs before your own

Taking on the role of “martyr”

Not being able to say “no”Passive/Reactive/Submissive/Unreceptive/unthinking/inconsiderate/careless

1. Passive communication:

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2. Aggressive Communication Bullying(irritation) and threatening others to get what

you want

Threatening people

Ignoring(pay no attention) to needs and rights of others

Shouting, yelling (roar), screaming(loud )or physically abusing others

EX. You’re completely selfish and a bad example to your son.

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3. Passive-Aggressive Communication

Indirectly communicating – Ex. saying something that is designed/ planned for the other person to hear without saying it to them directly

Withdrawing love and affection

Using sarcasm/put downs

Using humor to be nasty or hurtful

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Being direct and honest

Being able to negotiate – having a sense of give and take

Asking for your own needs to be met, while respecting needs of others

Being able to say “no” and set limits

Being able to acknowledge when you are in the wrong

4. Assertive Communication

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When you are assertive Others will feel comfortable, know

where you stand & respect you for your honesty...

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Community Bonds

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Patient - Good listener - Listen Effectively- Active or reflective listening is the single most useful and important listening skill. In active listening, we also are genuinely interested in understanding what the other person is thinking, feeling, wanting, or what the message means. djcÖmy ev mdjfv‡e ‡kvbv- mwµqfv‡e ev m‡PZbfv‡e †kvbv nj GKwU `ÿZv ; G mgq Avgiv LyeB AvšÍwiKfv‡e AvMÖn mnKv‡i eyS‡Z †Póv Kwi A‡b¨ wK fve‡Q, wK Abyfe Ki‡Q, wK cÖZ¨vkv Ki‡Q...

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Active or reflective listening is the single most useful and important listening skill. In active listening, we also are genuinely interested in understanding what the other person is thinking, feeling, wanting, or what the message means. djcÖmy ev mdjfv‡e ‡kvbv- mwµqfv‡e ev m‡PZbfv‡e †kvbv nj GKwU `ÿZv ; G mgq Avgiv LyeB AvšÍwiKfv‡e AvMÖn mnKv‡i eyS‡Z †Póv Kwi A‡b¨ wK fve‡Q, wK Abyfe Ki‡Q, wK cÖZ¨vkv Ki‡Q... y

Listen Effectively

Community Bonds

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Problems of Community life

msN e× Rxe‡bi mgm¨v mg~n:

1. cvi¯úwiK Ø›`, fzjeySv-eywS

2. MÖnYxq g‡bvfv‡ei Afve3. wek¦¯ÍZvi Afve 4. e×g~j aviYv5. mgv‡jvPbv6. Zzjbv Kiv7. cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi g‡bvfve

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mgm¨v mg~n:8. ÿgv nxbZv9. wnsmv-we‡Øl10.D”Pvwfjvl11. cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi


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msNe× Rxeb:msNe× Rxeb:

cÖwZwU gvbyl mgv‡R evm K‡i e‡jB Zvi GKwU wbR¯^ cwiPq _v‡K Ges GB m¤ú‡K©i ¸‡YB ci¯ú‡ii mv‡_ GKwU eÜb M‡o I‡VÓ | g½jevZ©vi Avb›` 115

-wgjb I åZ…‡Z¡i †mevq wb‡ew`Z Rxeb †e`bv`vqK e‡j

-cÖZxqgvb n‡jI GKgvÎ msNe×Zvi g‡a¨B AvwZ¥K Hk`vb LvuwU I inm¨RbKfv‡e dj`vqK nq| g½jevZ©vi Avb›` 130

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Healthy Community Building

By Definition - Community building is a planned effort

made in order to improve communications and working relationships…

KwgDwbwU MVb nj- cvi¯úwiK

†hvMv‡hv‡Mi Dbœqb I Kvh©‡ÿ‡Î mym¤úK© ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ cwiKwíZ cÖ‡Póv|

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Know the individuals skills and abilities strengths, weaknesses, blind spots

Know what the team needs to do

Increases creativity, Increases brainstormingIncreases resources, Increases efficiencyIncreases talents and abilities

Condition the team for the work coach individuals and the team monitor team conditions nurture the team

How To Build a team or Healthy Community …

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Clear Objectives

Sound Procedures/


Good Communication Openness

Support and Trust

Appropriate Leadership

Individual Development

Cooperation and Conflict

Balanced Roles/task

Regular Review

Building Blocks/bone/element to Successful Community

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Top 9 Toolsfor Constructive Community Building

Collaboration Patience Flexibility Assertiveness/boldness

Creativity Commitment Honesty Appreciation

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What to Look For…

Essential Elements of Community Building Listening Questioning Persuading (make somebody believe you) Respecting Helping Sharing Participating

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BE A GOOD person


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The End

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May 3, 2023 54THANKS A LOT…
