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Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath...

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MSG MONTICELLO PROJECTS FEDERAL FACILITY AGREEMENT REPORT September/October 2004 Report Period: September 1- October 31, 2004 DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of monitoring wells in accordance with the Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, and an onsite inspection by EPA and UDEQ, EPA was able tci write and sign the Preliminmy Closeout Report for the Monticello Mill Tailings Site (MMTS), Operable Units I, II, and III. With EPA's signature on this document (September 29, 2004), the MMTS was designated as "construction complete." MRAP The annual inspection oftheMMTS was conducted September 15-17,2004. With the exception of property now owned by the City of Monticello, the site is in good condition. Restoration and maintenance issues continue to exist on City owned property. DOE continues to discuss resolution of inadequate restoration and lack of maintenance with the City. MVP The annual inspection of the MVP was conducted in conjunction with the MMTS inspection on September 15-17, 2004. No compliance issues were found and the MVP is in good condition.
Page 1: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of



September/October 2004 Report Period: September 1- October 31, 2004

DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath


With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of monitoring wells in accordance with the Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, and an onsite inspection by EPA and UDEQ, EPA was able tci write and sign the Preliminmy Closeout Report for the Monticello Mill Tailings Site (MMTS), Operable Units I, II, and III. With EPA's signature on this document (September 29, 2004), the MMTS was designated as "construction complete."


The annual inspection oftheMMTS was conducted September 15-17,2004. With the exception of property now owned by the City of Monticello, the site is in good condition. Restoration and maintenance issues continue to exist on City owned property. DOE continues to discuss resolution of inadequate restoration and lack of maintenance with the City.


The annual inspection of the MVP was conducted in conjunction with the MMTS inspection on September 15-17, 2004. No compliance issues were found and the MVP is in good condition.

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FF A Monthly Report September - October 2004 Page 2 of4



September/October 2004


Report Period: September 1- October 31, 2004 DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath

Operable Units I and II

EPA signed the Preliminary' Closeout Report for the Monticello Mill Tailings (USDOE) Site, Operable Units I, II, and!!!, on September 29, 2004, thereby providing a designation of "construction complete" for the MMTS.

The annual inspection of the Monticello Mill Tailings Site and the Monticello Radioactively Contaminated Sites was conducted September 15-17. With the exception ofmillsite restoration, both of these CERCLA sites are in good condition. Inspection of the monitoring wells in the ground water monitoring network was completed the week of October 4 during the fall sampling event.

DOE is continuing discussions with the City of Monticello concerning adequate restoration of the former millsite. DOE requested that this issue be placed on the agenda for the November 10, 2004, City Council meeting so that DOE can discuss plans by the City concerning restoration and maintenance of the former millsite. The request was granted by the City.

A preliminary analysis was conducted of the data collected during the 2004 revegetation monitoring of the Monticello repository cover. Recommendations for improving the success of the revegetation effort were discussed. DOE will address these issues in the forthcoming repository cover monitoring report.

Chapter 5, Project Scheduled and Milestones, of the Monticello Site Management Plan was submitted via email to EPA and UDEQ on October 4, 2004. EPA provided an extension to the original deadline of September 30 for this document due to the accelerated schedules of remedial action reports that were required to obtain construction complete status for the MMTS.

The pump and power supply cords on Leak Detection Sump 2 were replaced and tested. The pump is working; however, the water is muddy, which causes the pressure sensitive level indicators to read erroneously high. A measured amount of water has been added to the sump to clean out the mud but the problem has not been resolved. The Monticello crew will continue to address the problem. The annual telemetry calibration test was also conducted at this time since it also requires a known amount of water to be added to the sumps.


See attached document submittal table for projected submittal dates.

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FF A Monthly Report September- October 2004 Page 3 of4




All required signatures (DOE, EPA, and UDEQ) were obtained on the Remedial Action Report for the Interim Remedial Action Record of Decision, Operable Unit Ill, Swface Water and Ground Water, Monticello Mill Tailings (USDOE) Site, Monticello Utah by September 28, 2004. This document is complete and has been placed in the Information Repository.

All required signatures (DOE, EPA, and UDEQ) were obtained on the Interim Remedial Action Report, Monticello Mill Tailings (USDOE) National Priorities List Site, OU III­Swface Water and Ground Water Monitored Natural Attenuation Remedy by September 28, 2004. This document is complete and has been placed in the Information Repository.

A Biological Technical Assistance Group (BTAG) meeting was held October 5 and 6. The purpose of the BTAG, consisting of members of DOE, DOE's contractor, EPA, UDEQ, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was to determine how to monitor biological receptors of selenium at the MMTS. BTAG members concurred. on the sampling protocol for sediment and co-located water samples in the wetland areas. Discussions were held concerning the wildlife survey and benthic macro invertebrate sampling for. selenium that will be conducted in 2005. It was agreed that a P.fOgram directive specifying details of the wildlife survey would be completed by January 15, 2005. Another program directive that identifies how benthic macro invertebrate sampling will be conducted is due on February 1, 2005.

A program directive (MSG-04-0 1) was issued for sampling of sediment and surface water in Wetlands 1, 2, and 3, and the sediment pond. This program directive, which was approved by the BTAG, augments the OU III Post-ROD Monitoring Plan. The samples were collected on October 6.

The first post-Record of Decision for OU Ili ground and surface water sampling event was conducted during the week of October 4.


See attached document submittal table for projected submittal dates.


No new issues.

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FF A Monthly Repmt September - October 2004 Page 4 of4



The annual inspection of the MVP was conducted in conjunction with the MMTS inspection on September 15-17,2004. No compliance issues were found and the MVP is in good condition.


Not established.


No new issues.

Page 5: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of

OPERABLE UNITS I, ll and ill Projected Deliverables to Regulatory Agencies

December 2004 through February 2005

Regulator Input or Concurrence Needed

Acnon Keport and PCRs for 13 Groundwater-Impacted Properties (includes millsite) Draft final RAR submitted for signature

Draft-Final RAR for Repository • DOE submits final for EPA/UDEQ signatures

lfff)p):U)) l • Record of Decision signed by all parties·

• Su:rfuce and Ground Water Monitoring Plan

Final RDIRA Work Plan • DOE installs wells

~'.'"' : ''.'_.,. '.'1 • Draft Final for OU ill Interim Remedial Action RAR 1' OUUI ''''''·· • DOE submits final for signatures

Interim RAR for Monitored Natural Attenuation

r))fut j • BTAG Meeting at Monticello

• Su:rfuce and Ground Water and Sediment Sampling

• Program directive for wildlife survey

• Program directive for rnacroinvertebrate sampling

• Annual Site Inspection






No No

No No







Page 6: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of

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Page 11: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of

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10{4/2004 4083 ·116.7 1.1.7 35 . 7/.5/2004 0.32 0.00 6938.00 Wl/2004 7109 253.9 25.4. 28 '7/l2/Z00'4 0.31 0.00 6938.-oo 1216/2004 ' 0.0 0.0 35 7/19.6.~ 0.30 . 0.00 6938.00 113/2005 o.o 0.0 28 ,-,,7126(}.0(14 0,30 3.0 6938.00 0.(

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Month' ·I' Total __ fo~ I Avcrn.S:e r Begin ' Month· PerDay

1:: --

11512004 0 0,0 : 0.0 28- Level is monitored : -91612004 0.32 0.00 6938,00 212/2004 0 0.0 o;o 28 Lo:vel is monitored 9/1312004 0.30 0.00 6938.00 3/112004 0 0.0 0.0 28 Level is monitored 9120/:iOOi: f-- 0.30 0.00 6938.00 4/5/2004 0 0.0 0.0 35 Sum-p -pum-ped March 23. 2004 (No totalizer Reading) 9/27/2004 5/3/2004 147 4.2 0.4 35 Pum instilled A ril2S, 2004 intial pumping of 125 gallons. 10/4/2'004 0.31 0.00 6938.00 o.oo 6/J/2004 2 0.1 0.0. 28 10/J:l/2004 0.32 0.00 6938.00 0.00 7/5/2004 3 0.1 0.-0 28 10/t8/2004 0.3 0.00 6938.00 0.00 812/2004 3 0.1 0.0. ·28 IOJistido4 0.33 0.00 6938.00 0.00 9/6/2004 0 0.0 0.0 28 ll/112004 0.32 0.00 6938.00 0.00

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I 1/31200_

- _1/3{2005 •·

~ 11f';J?OM ?004SliMPREADINGS Condensed.xls Created by Todd Moon

Page 12: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of


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2123(2004 0

3/1/2004 460 9;:4' 4.0 49

··3/'812004 366 '52.3 22.2 7

3/f.~~o~ 33 ,4;'1 2.0 7 Pond 4 Syston is offline

~~ 9300 1328.6 565.3 7 8()20 1145,7 m.5 7

4/5/2004 4922 703.1 299:2 7

:4/l;zt2~ 3567' :509.6 216.8 7

4/1912904 3343 477;6 203.2 7 . '4/2612004 2075' 296;'4 126'.1 7

' .51312004· 18ll 258.7 110.'1 7

5~10f2004 1731 247.3 105.2 7. 5/17/:Wo4 273 39.0 16:6 7

?~Q4 532' 76.0 32.3 7 ' ' 5/31/2004 532 76.0 32.3 ·1

,6nfl004 34 4.9 2.1 7

6/14/2004 329 47.0 20.0 7

6121/2004 250 35.7 15.2 7 : '6128Jzo04 84 12.0 ·s.t 7

71512004: 270 "' 16.4 7

7/~212004 67 9.6 4.1 7

7/19!2?'J4' 35 5.0 2.1 7

7/2612004 37 5.3 2.2 7

812/:!004 0 o.o 0.0 7

S/9/2004 0

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91612004 0 ' 9/~3/2004 0

9/2012004 0 . -'9/27/2004 0

10/4'/2004 0 10/1112004 0

t6tt8n:o04 0 ,10/25/2004 0

11/1!2004 . 0 .

1118/2004 llflS/2004 ill22!2004 11129/2004 12/612004

-12113/2004 12120/2004 12/2.7/2004


' 11/<;f?OO<I ?004SUMPREADINGS Condensed.xls Created by Todd Moon

Page 13: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of

Monthly. Pond 4 Surveillance Checklist

Jc£ ~OE" Qi= . . Monticello LTSM Representative Date /D- 1'/-2J:Jo'f

Level of Water in Pond 4 ---~k::::!O>:::_.#dv //f-.

rnspection Item ·Acceptable {Yes!No)

Comments & Recommendation

Condition of:



Signs .

Visible Piping

Visible Liner

Lifo Saver. Station

Evidence of erosion <lf:

Top of Pond 4 Berm

Pond4 Sideslopes


. stirro~ding1ltcit

. so>ep~g~.n;;~Pond4



OvertoppingofP<ln~4 /'10 ·

Evidence of: Vandalism ;;o

In!ru5ionby Wildlife · ,vo -

liitrusion by humims


.. :._. _. . .... .. :-;.

Page 14: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of

Monthly RepositorySurveUiance Checklist

Monticello LTSMRepresentative J.c: )!A06 ·. ~ , . Date ID·/1·Zool/

s& we.o.. then. D11Tfl- L<> ~ Meteorological Data for the period beginning ending, ________ _

Average wind speed. ___ _ Prevailiilg wind direction. ___ _

Average temperature'------ High Temperature-~- Low Temperature. __ _

Current barometric pressure. _____ _

Total precipitation _____ Inches of Precipitation in last 24 hours _____ _

Inspeetipn Item

Condition of:




· Site Marker

Drainage ditches

Manholes · SettlenientPlates


Evidence of erosion of:

. Top ofRepository

Repository Sideslop<:S


Surrounding area

Evidence of:


!ritrnsiotihy wildlife

Burroyting A.lfimal Damage

Intrnsion by humans

· Aecumulation of trash

Additional Comments







Comments and Recommendations

. .:: __ ::.-_-· ..

. ./

aMNa.l I N~~ot.J !,1,)0, ~ fw.!d fill$ la,~ hlo~- Otv~ qf .fW. .fluN~.l to~tJd wo.s Jk &iiJce

ho.d k.N .fna.IV o.f'l\r..+ b~ fu cwsfrwc--/,i,.., qwm a..d Ca"" h, L'ff ~ b~ t!.>eeillolJl21VY. wo.~ ~,:U,J .

Vpeerz. OLJM!? w<L( r<gpL.qJ w 1YJ41Vhofe #3 - Cornt>!Js o:mmo 'Uu!U- 11\Qiol!. bad arvd pvm1 wo.s '·w~w odr,..... 1ht1112 No-s a. lof. 4 muJ ,·,_,·11-< e'vme: · ~ fljlf. c.omp~M wetU. geplgred 1 iv 1)1o.11f!tle ~I ad maiVA~t.. #:'2... this puf 111J • 1>14tJ~ + I fk CD!It(l/ltffOI(.,£ hOI)(.. k&dr OJM? el,p,t/t,/,

Page 15: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of


NAHE: Monticello LTSM CITY: STATE: ELEV: 7066 ft LAT: 37° 54' 00" N LONG: 109° 18. 00" w




------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 68 0 7 81.4 5:00p 53o1 7:00a 1.7 5o4 OoOO 8o8 22o0 11: OOa SSE

2 69o9 81.2 4:00p 59o8 4:00a Oo5 5o4 OoOO 13o0 33o0 10:00a ESE

3 63o3 74o2 1:00p 53o5 12:00rn 3o5 1.7 Oo09 15o0 47o0 1:00p ESE

4 47o9 56o7 4:00p 39o5 12:00rn 17o1 OoO Oo25 9o5 32o0 6:00p ESE

5 50o1 63o4 5:00p 36o5 6:00a 14o9 OoO OoOO 6o5 25o0 2:00p ssw 6 59o2 74o7 5:00p 46o1 7:00a 7o5 1.7 OoOO 5o0 16o0 12:00p ssw 7 62 0 9 . 75o6 3:00p 49o6 7:00a 4o9 2o9 OoOO 6o5 24 oO 3:00p E

8 65o4 77o2 3:00p 52o6 7:00a 3o0 3o4 OoOO 8o3 24o0 1:00p ESE

9 66o9 78o1 3:00p 53o8 7:00a 1.7 3o6 OoOO 8o1 26o0 5:00p SSE

10 62 0 9 73o0 l:OOp 53o8 12:00rn 3o4 1.3 Oo16 7o8 31.0 2:00a ESE

11 67o1 79o9 4:00p 52o0 5:00a 3o1 5o1 OoOO 5o1 18o0 11: OOp s 12 67o2 78o1 3:00p 56o7 7:00a 1.5 3o7 OoOO 10o2 40o0 10:00p ESE

13 65o7 76o8 4:00p 53o9 8:00a 2o9 3o6 OoOO 11.5 35o0 11: OOa ESE

14 65o8 76o1 3:00p 50o1 12:00rn 2o3 3o1 OoOO 13o1 39o0 2:00p ESE

15 57o3 71.6 6:00p 4 6o 2 8:00a 8o6 Oo9 OoOO 8o5 29o0 4:00a WSW

16 64 0.1 75o8 5:00p 51.6 8:00a 3o8 2o9 OoOO 9o4 33o0 4:00p SE

17 64 0 6 76o3 5:00p 52o0 8:00a 3o6 3o2 OoOO 9o6 29o0 5:00p ESE

18 60o 6 72 0 5 5:00p 52o2 6:00a 5o6 1.2 Oo03 8o5 36o0 6:00p ESE

19 51.9 55o3 2:00a 48o6 11: OOa 13o1 OoO Oo71 16o7 41.0 12:00rn ESE

20 49o 7. 57o5 2:00p 40o9 12:00rn 15o3 OoO Oo35 15o5 54o0 3:00a ESE

21 38o5 41.5 1:00a 34o9 10:00p 26o5 OoO Oo09 8o8 28o0 10:00p WSVI

22 41.1 52o0 6:00p 31.2 4:00a 23o9 OoO OoOO 6o0 21.0 12:00p VIS VI

23 47 0 8 62 0 9 5:00p 35o9 7:00a 1702 OoO OoOO 5o0 19o0 6:00p NV/

24 5307 64o7 4:00p 44o2 2:00a llo 3 OoO OoOO 6o8 19o0 4:00p sw 25 54 0 2 66o1 5: OOp. 45o1 6:00a 10o8 OoO OoOO 5o8 17 0 0 3:00p SW

26 56o1 68o9 4:00p 47o3 8:00a 902 Oo3 OoOO 7o1 18o0 6:00a ESE 27 59o5 72 0 5 6:00p 50o1 5:00a 6o8 1.3 OoOO 5o6 no o 2:00p s 28 57o4 67o4 4:00p 47o6 8:00a 7o8 Oo2 OoOO 100 4 32o0 9:00p ESE 29 45o6 49o9 5:00p 4L9 8:00a 19o4 OoO Oo53 8o6 28o0 11: OOp E

30 46o2 56o3 3:00p 39o2 12:00rn 18o8 OoO Oo01 8o3 28o0 2:00p ESE --------------------------------------------------------------~-------------~--------

57o7 81.4 1 31o2 22 26907 50o9 2o22 9o0 54o0 20 ESE

Max >~ 90o0: 0 Max <~ 32o0: 0 Min <~ 32o0: 1 Min <= OoO: 0 Max Rain: Oo 71 ON 09/19/04 Days of Rain: 8 (>: 01 in) 5 (> 0 1 in) 0 (>1 in) Heat Base: 65o0 Cool Base: 65o0 Method: Integfation

Page 16: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of

Monticello L TSM Representative'--JJ\eot:L·~~l!Jl~~:::=:;;tl:?:~='---- Date 9- 7 ·Zoot/

Meteorological Data for the period beginning $= ~6,-...l.z. ddu€(1... tlu9. 2Doj

Average wind speed.____ Prevailrng' wind direction_· ___ _

Average temperature____ High Temperature_~-- Low Temperature. __ _

Current barometric pressurec__ ____ _

Total preCipitation _____ Inches of Precipitation in last 24 hours _____ _

Inspection Item

Condition of:




Site Marker

Drainage ditches




Evidence of erosion of:

Top of Repository

Repository Sides lopes


Surrounding area

Evidence of:


Intrusion by wildlife

Burr01ving ~,n Damage

Intrusion by humans

Aecumulation of trash






Comments and Recommendations


./}UJ! t?tf ;J;,;_j {ooe-q) ().)eli4 he&. .£u. fh dtu /~,y lkafw~.iw.. t:r-6 Aov.uui<y ~IIi;,

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Page 17: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of

.··': . .. ;

Monthly Pond 4 Survellla~Checklist

Monticello LTSM Representative .Jo~· ~j._ ~~ Date Cf- 7..:ZDocf

Level of Water in Pond 4

Inspection Item

Condition of:




Visible Piping

Visible Liner

Life Sa\'er Station

Evidence of erosion <>f:

TopilfPond4 Berm




sei~~~~ from Pond 4

Overtopping of Pond 4

Evidence of:


lntrusion~by wildlife

Intrusion by humiuts

Aceumulation of trash

Additional Comments·


Acceptable (Yes/No)

qe s


Comments & Recommendation


· /64 A a> tW.o/ tV«i~J/MM- Jk.-.. /k .tar;vs - llliJf- rywd_

.I 'I

Page 18: Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, Preliminmy ... · DOE Project Coordinator: Art Kleinrath HIGHLIGHTS With the completion of all remedial action reports, installation of


NAME: Monticello LTSM CITY: STATE: ELEV: 7066 ft LAT: 37° 54' 00 11 N LONG: 109° 18' 00 11 w




------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 74.2 85.5 5:00p 61.5 6:00a 0.2 9.4 0.00 7.7 30.0 5:00p s 2 67.9 75.1 5:00p 58.6 12:00m 0.8 3.6 0.00 9.0 27.0 1:00p WSW

3 63.9 76.7 6:00p 55.0 5:00a 3.0 1.9 0.39 4.4 30.0 3:00p SSW

4 71.0 83.8 4:00p 57.2 6:00a 1.4 7.5 0.00 7.0 28.0 9:00p s 5 64.4 76.3 2:00p 57.5 12:00m 2.2 1.6 0.31 7.9 27.0 2:00p ESE

6 65.5 77.9 4:00p 53.6 3:00a 2.6 3.1 0.08 7.2 38.0 11: OOp E ..

7 67.7 80.7 4:00p 54.4 7:00a 2.5 5.3 0.00 5.7 24.0 4:00p WSW 8 72.4 83.6 5:00p 59.3 7:00a 0.5 8.0 0.00 7.3 22.0 2:00p WSW 9 73.1 88.0 5:00p 59.8 7:00a 0.6 8.7 0.00 7.1 24.0 1:00p s

10 71.9 85.3 4:00p 58.1 8:00a 0.8 7.7 0.00 8.5 30.0 5:00p s 11 74.6 85.9 3:00p 63.1 6:00a 0.1 9.7 0.00 8.2 29.0 3:00p s 12 73.3 84.7 5:00p 60.1 8:00a 0.3 8.6 0.00 8.5 30.0 3:00p s 13 71.6 83.0 5:00p 58.6 6:00a 0.3 6.9 0.00 6.9 24.0 1:00p E 14 67.8 79.2 3:00p 56.7 5:00a 1.3 4.1 0.00 10.2 26.0 12:00p ESE 15 66.7 79.8 5:00p 57.0 7:00a 2.0 3.7 0.00 10.6 . 26.0 6:00p ESE 16 64.6 78.6 4:00p 54.2 6:00a 3.3 2.9 0.00 6.3 30.0 6:00p ESE 17 64.6 74.2 5:00p 54.2 7:00a 2.9 2.5 0.00 8.0 30.0 10:00p SE 18 61.6 71.6 4:00p 55.0 5:00a 4.3 0.8 0.00 6.5 29.0 7:00p WSW 19 60.9 70.9 6:00p 52.5 5:00a . 4. 8 0.7 0.01 6.4 26.0 5:00p WS\'1 20 61.5 72.0 4:00p 53.1 6:00a 4.2 0.7 0.12 5.2 19.0 1:00p s 21 59.1 68.9 4 :OOp 49.9 8:00a 6.3 0.3 0.18 5.3 22.0 4:00p ESE 22 62.6 74.0 6:00p 53.8 4:00a 3.B 1.5 0.25 6.7 32.0 2:00p ESE 23 61.8 71.3 6:00p 49.2 5:00a 4.6 1.4 0.00 10.0 34.0 12:00p ESE 24 62.3 71.5 4:00p 52.2 7:00a 3.7 1.0 0.00 11.2 35.0 3:00p SE 25 61.7 74.6 4:00p 45.4 6:00a 5.6 2.3 0.00 13.1 38.0 3:00p ESE 26 66.1 77.6 5:00p 54.8 6:00a 2.2 3.3 0.00 14.5 .34.0 12:00p ESE 27 57.8 68.1 6:00p 48.9 7:00a 7.5 0.3 0.01 11.0 29.0 1:00a WSW 28 62.7 77.6 5:00p 49.1 .7:00a 5.6 3.3 0.00 6.3 22.0 1:00p ssw 29 66.3 79.4 3:00p 53.6 5:00a 3.2 4.:5 0.00 7.3 28.0 4:00p ssw 30 66.8 79.9 4:00p 55:1 3:00a 3.0 4.7 0.00 6.8 24.0 6:00p s 31 67.7 81.1 3 ,·oop 54.7 7:00a 2.3 5.0 0.00 6.5 24.0 3: OOp s ---~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

66.3 88.0 9 45.4 25 85.9 125.0 1.35 8.0 38.0 6 ESE

Max >= 90.0: 6 Max <= 32.0: 0 Min <= 32.0: 0 Min <= 0.0: 0 Max Rain: 0.39 ON 08/03/04 Days of Rain: 6 (>.01 in) 5 (>.1 in) 0 (>1 in) Heat Base: 65.0 Cool Base: 65.0 Method: Integration
