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Repartitia spatiala a principalelor aglomerari urbane

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    11TH ANNUAL EDITION(Built Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations)


    Demographia World Urban Areas (Introduction) 1

    JANAUARY 2015


    Table 1: Largest Urban Areas in the World 20Table 2: Urban Areas by Geography (Including Selected under 500,000 Population) 44y g p y ( g p )Table 3: Urban Areas by Land Area (Urban Footprint) 84Table 4: Urban Areas by Urban Population Density 108


    Table 5: Summary: Urban Areas Over 500,000 132


    Mumbai: Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus)Mumbai: Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus)


    Toward More Prosperous Cities: Framing Essay on Urban Policy, Planning,

    Transport and the Dimensions of Sustainability

    11th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey

    The Evolving Urban Form (Profiles of World Urban Areas)

    City Sector Model

    (Urban Core & Suburban Small Area Analysis within Metropolitan Areas (US)

    Demographia World Urban Areas (Built-Up Urban Areas or Urban Agglomerations)

    11th Annual Edition: January 2015 Demographia World Urban Areas (Built-up Urban Areas or Urban Agglomerations) is the only annually published inventory of population, corresponding land area and population density for urban areas with more than 500,000 population. Unlike metropolitan area lists, Demographia World Urban Areas applies a generally consistent definition to built-up urban areas.1 Demographia World Urban Areas has been widely cited and has been used by respected websites, such as City Mayors. 1. DEMOGRAPHIA WORLD URBAN AREAS This report contains population, land area and population density for all 1,009 identified urban areas (urban agglomerations or urbanized areas) in the world with 500,000 or more population as of the volume date. The total population of these urban areas is estimated at 2.06 billion, 53 percent of the world urban population in 2015 A number of smaller urban areas are also listed. Overall, data is provided for 1,728 urban areas of all sizes, which comprise a population of 2.2 billion people, 56 percent of the world urban population. Revisions from the last edition: Improved satellite imagery is routinely becoming available, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of land area estimates that are not available from national census authorities. Further, the United Nations has expanded its "urban agglomeration" list

    1 Other regularly published urban agglomeration lists do not contain consistently defined entities. They tend to mix metropolitan areas, municipalities (parts of metropolitan areas) and urban areas (built up urban areas or agglomerations). None of these lists include urban land area data. The United Nations list is unique in providing notes that clarify the nature of its listings (core cities, metropolitan areas, urban areas and others).

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 1

  • to include populations of 300,000 or more, from the previous 750,000 threshold. This augmented source has made it possible to expand this edition to the more than 1,000 urban areas with more than 500,000 population. Demographia World Urban Areas is not intended for trend analysis. Changes indicated in population and land area represent the latest and most accurate information available. However, there is little or no historical urban area data and sources are continually improving. As a result, changes in individual urban areas from year to year may indicate improved sources, rendering previous data non-comparable with the latest data. 2. DISTRIBUTION OF LARGE URBAN AREA POPULATION More than one-half of the population of large urban areas (500,000 and over) is in Asia, living in 532 of the 1,009 large urban areas (Figure 1). In recent years, the world has become more than one-half urban for the first time in history. This year's edition indicates that there are 34 megacities in the world (urban areas over 10 million population). A total of 75 urban areas are indicated with 5,000,000 or more population. Yet, it would be a mistake to imply that the world's urban residents live in settings similar to 5th Avenue in New York or within the fourth ring road of Beijing or in inner Paris. A sizable number of people live in urban settings that are anything but large urban (See: What is a Half-Urban World?2). Less than one quarter (23.3 percent) of the world population lives in urban areas of 1,000,000 population or more. Less than 30 percent (28.1 percent) lives in urban areas with 500,000 or more population. More than 70 percent of the world's population lives outside urban areas with 500,000 or more residents (Figure 2).3

    2 Wendell Cox (2012), "What is a Half-Urban World," The New Geography, http://www.newgeography.com/content/003249-what-a-half-urban-world. 3 The of urban areas under 100,000 is estimated by applying ratios from, Making Room for a Planet of Cities (Shlomo Angel, with Jason Parent, Daniel L. Civco, and Alejandro M. Blei) to the Demographia data.


    Asia56.6% Europe


    North America12.9%

    Oceania 1.4%South America


    Distribution: Large Urban Area PopulationBY CONTINENT: 500,000 & OVER

    Figure 1

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 2

  • A ranking analysis of world urban areas indicates that the world median urban resident lives in Honolulu, an urban area with an estimated population of 842,000 residents in 2015. On other words, one-half of the world's urban residents live in urban areas small than Honolulu and one-half live in urban areas that are larger. 3. URBAN AREAS: DEFINITIONAL ISSUES An urban area ("built-up urban area,"4 urbanized area or urban agglomeration)5 is a continuously built up land mass of urban development that is within a labor market (metropolitan area or metropolitan region. An urban area contains no rural land (all land in the world is either urban or rural). In some nations, the term "urban area" is used, but does not denote an urban area as a built-up urban area.6 An urban area is best thought of as the urban footprint --- the lighted area that can be observed from an airplane (or satellite) on a clear night. National census authorities in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States designate urban areas. Except in Australia, the authorities use a minimum urban density definition of 400 persons per square kilometer (or the nearly identical 1,000 per square mile in the United States). Urban Areas Contrasted with Metropolitan Areas: An urban area (built-up urban area or urban agglomeration) is fundamentally different from a metropolitan area. A

    4 "Built up urban area" is the new urban area term now used by National Statistics in the United Kingdom. It may be the most descriptive short term for urban areas. 5 Called a "population centre" in Canada and an "urban centre" in Australia. The term "urban area" is used (or translated into English) in China and New Zealand. However, in these countries "urban areas" extend well beyond the built-up urban area and are thus more similar to metropolitan areas. 6 In China, sub-city or sub-regional districts called shixiaqu () are sometimes referred to as urban areas. Shixiaqu, however are more akin to labor markets (metropolitan areas) and extend well beyond the urban footprint. Similarly, urban areas as defined in New Zealand are more akin to labor markets (metropolitan areas) because they extend beyond the urban footprint.

    Rural (Not Urban)46.0%

    Under 100,00015.2%100,000-500,00010.7%








    10,000,000+ (Megacity)


    Population by Size of Urban Area & RuralWORLD 2015

    Figure 2

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 3

  • metropolitan area is a labor market and includes substantial rural (non-urban)7 territory or area of discontinuous urban development (beyond the developed urban fringe). Urban areas draw employees from a labor market area larger than the area of continuous development. For example, INSEE, the census authority of France defines the Paris urban area ("unit urbaine") as 2,845 square kilometers and the Paris metropolitan area (aire urbaine) as 17,100 square kilometers, indicating that more than 80 percent of the land area is outside the Paris urban area. Similarly, in the United States, among the 52 metropolitan areas with more than 1,000,000 population, 81 percent of the land area is rural, not urban.8 Because of the fundamental differences between urban areas (or urban agglomerations) and metropolitan areas, it is inappropriate to compare their populations. Despite that, some lists of urban areas or metropolitan areas contain mixed and thus non-comparable data. Metropolitan Area Densities: Metropolitan area densities can be calculated. However, because there are no international standards for delineating metropolitan areas, comparisons between nations are non-comparable. Moreover, the building blocks for metropolitan areas are often far too large for comparison. Among the least useful building blocks are in the United States, where counties are used. The size of counties in the United States varies up to 1,500 times. The most expansive metropolitan area in the United States is Riverside-San Bernardino, at 27,300 square miles (71,000 square kilometers), not much smaller than Austria. Metropolitan densities in the United States therefore cannot even be validly compared even among themselves. Further, metropolitan densities should not be confused with urban densities. Urban densities can be calculated only using urban populations and excluding populations of rural areas. All metropolitan areas have rural areas and thus no metropolitan density measure can be an urban density measure. Urban Areas and Urban Extents Contrasted: In some cases, urban areas have virtually grown together, yet are still considered separate urban areas. This report confines urban areas to a single metropolitan area (below) or labor market area. Continuous urbanization that extends beyond individual labor markets (metropolitan areas) can be called "urban extents." What constitutes a particular metropolitan area is a matter of judgment and there are no generally accepted international principles for delineating metropolitan areas (unlike urban areas). However, it is necessary to draw a line, especially where adjacent urban areas have grown together, but remain essentially distinct labor markets. For example, the following urban extents are composed of more than one urban area:

    7 All land is that is not urban is considered rural. 8 Wendell Cox, "Rural character in America's Metropolitan Areas, The New Geography, " http://www.newgeography.com/content/004088-rural-character-america-s-metropolitan-areas

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 4

  • The coast of Japan from Tokyo-Yokohama to Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto has nearly grown together. Yet, this ribbon of urbanization is far too large to be a single metropolitan area (labor market) and thus considered to be multiple urban areas (an urban extent).

    The Pearl River Delta urban areas of Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Huizhou, Zhuhai, Guangzhou and Foshan in Chinas Guangdong province are very close to one-another and in some cases the built-up urban areas are virtually adjacent. Yet, this is not considered a single built-up there is not a single, unified labor market. This report considers Guangzhou and Foshan as a single urban area, because they have become more economically integrated than the other urban areas. Each of the other areas in the Pearl River Delta economic region is classified as a separate urban area. The urban extent also includes Hong Kong, which would also be disqualified from being a part of an integrated Pearl River Delta urban area by virtue of border control that is virtually international in nature.

    The Yangtze River Delta contains nearby urban areas stretching from Nanjing to Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo. In most cases there is a clear rural delineation between these urban areas. Moreover, each is a separate labor market, even where there is contiguity. Each of the urban areas is thus considered separate.

    The same applies to the Northeastern "megalopolis" of the United States. The continuous urban development that exists is has rural separations in some cases and each of the major metropolitan areas represents a separate labor market. Thus virtually continuous urban areas of the Northeast corridor are considered separate.

    International Urban Areas: Urban areas (and metropolitan areas) are confined to a single nation, unless there is virtual freedom of movement (including labor) between the adjacent nations. This is indicated by the lack of customs or immigration facilities at borders, or the broad access to work permits for working in adjacent countries. Currently, this condition is met only between some continental nations of the European Union. For example, the Lille urban area is in both France and Belgium yet is considered a single urban area because there is freedom of labor movement without trade, immigration or customs barriers. Treaty provisions render Geneva (Switzerland)-Annemasse (France), Basel (Switzerland) and the suburban areas of France and Germany and Milan together with Chiasso in Switzerland as a single urban area. However, Detroit-Windsor and San Diego-Tijuana are not considered single urban areas because there is not freedom of labor movement between the two nations. Moreover, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, adjacent urban areas in China, are considered to separate urban areas, principally because unfettered labor movement between is not permitted. Municipality (City or Commune): An urban area is different from a municipality (also often called a city or a local government authority). Municipalities have political boundaries that usually include only a part of the urban area. For example, the city of Seoul represents less than one-half of the population of the Seoul-Incheon urban area, which extends well beyond the municipality. On the other hand, a municipality may be

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 5

  • considerably larger than an urban area and therefore contain considerable non-urban (or rural) territory. Zaragoza, Spain is an example. A large part of the municipality of Mumbai is rural, composed of the Rajiv Ghandi National Park and thus not included in the urban area. The translated term "city" is generally used to denote sub-provincial (or in some cases provincial) government areas in China. These would be more appropriately called regions and many were formerly referred to as "prefectures." Generally, they extend far beyond their built-up areas (such as Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan and Guangzhou). The city of Chongqing, which has the largest population of any entity called a city (municipality) in the world and the stretches far beyond any reasonable definition of a metropolitan area and also has a land area similar to that of Austria. Its population is largely rural, not urban, and is far too large to be considered a metropolitan area (unlike some Chinese "cities"). 4. URBAN POPULATION DENSITY Demographia World Urban Areas provides average urban population density data. It is not possible to perfectly coordinate the dates of current population estimates with land area estimates. As a result, population densities (calculated using current estimates) are expressed in rounded numbers (to the nearest 100). Thus, the urban population densities should be considered reasonable approximations, rather than as precise. By necessity, average data masks significant variations within urban areas. For example, the population density of the Phoenix urban area is more than half-again higher than that of the Boston urban area. Yet, the highest population densities of the Boston core are at least five times that of the highest density areas in Phoenix. Moreover, Boston has a far larger commercial core (central business district or downtown). The difference is that the Phoenix suburbs are denser than the Boston suburbs. Similarly, London and Athens have similar population densities. Yet, the core densities in Athens are considerably higher than in London. The Athens suburbs, however, are among the least dense in the world. The Essen-Dusseldorf and Milan urban areas have almost identical densities, yet core densities are considerably higher in Milan. Demographia World Urban Areas defines the population and density of urban footprints, regardless of their internal density profiles. 5. URBAN AREA POPULATION AND LAND AREA ESTIMATE SOURCES AND ISSUES A base year population is provided for all urban areas. The base year estimate uses the methodology indicated by the coding in the Source: Population column. Current population estimates are provided for larger urban areas, using projected population growth rates, principally from the United Nations or national authorities.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 6

  • Base Year Population Estimates: Methods National census authority population land area data is used where it is reported for urban areas.9 For other urban areas, Demographia uses mapping software to estimate continuous urbanization. Demographia also uses small area population data, where available, to match population estimates to urban land area. Sources for Base Population & Land Area Estimates: The tables indicate the method used to estimate both the land area and the population of each urban area. The following codes are used.

    A: National census authority data agglomeration data (land area or population). B: Demographia land area estimate based upon map or satellite photograph analysis. C: Demographia population from lower order jurisdictions, including reduction for rural areas. D: Population estimate based upon United Nations agglomeration estimate. F: Other population estimate (including local government. N: Combined urban area using national census authority data

    Reliability: The sources of the base population estimates are, in order by reliability:

    (1) National census authorities, where representative agglomeration data is available (such as in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Sweden, Norway and Australia). India urban agglomerations are not used in some cases because the geographical size of constituent units (municipalities) includes large rural (non-urban) areas (Source codes A & N above). (2) Demographia population estimates developed by building up population estimates from lower order jurisdictional data to match the urban area boundaries. In some cases, this method includes the use of somewhat larger geographies, from which estimated rural area populations are deducted. Data is from national census authorities (Source code C). It is intended that ultimately all population estimates not directly taken from national census authorities for urban area will be estimated by this method. (3) Estimates based upon the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects database. (Source code D). (4) Other estimates (Source code F).

    9 There are exceptions. Demographia provides a separate estimate of the population for the Mumbai urban area because the Census of India definition includes substantial rural areas. Demographia also provides a separate estimate for the land area of Marseille because the INSEE definition includes a large rural territory within the urban area (a mountain range, Chaine de etoile).

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 7

  • There are concerns about the population estimates available in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Pakistan. In each of these nations, recent census data has not been reported. Both nations are growing rapidly and the data for "building up" urban area population is not available. The population estimates in Nigeria are also of concern. The 2006 census results were highly disputed For example, the federal census indicated a population for the state of Lagos of 9.1 million. A parallel census conducted by the state found the population to be 17.5 million.10 Demographia World Urban Areas bases its population on the federal census, consistent with a policy of relying on the highest legal authorities in cases of conflict. However, it is possible that the population of Lagos (and perhaps other urban areas of Nigeria) is substantially higher than indicated. 6. CURRENT YEAR POPULATION DATA A current year (2015) population estimate is provided for most urban areas, which is modeled from the base year population. The principle source of population changes estimates is the United Nations projection. 7. COMBINED URBAN AREAS In the United States, metropolitan areas may be combined into combined statistical areas, which are, in effect, larger metropolitan areas or metropolitan regions, with somewhat less stringent economic interchanges (employment commuting).11 Where the urban footprint (composing a single labor market) materially extends beyond the metropolitan area to a combined statistical area with the same "first name," Demographia creates a combined ban area. For example, the New York urban area stretches from the New York metropolitan area, well into other parts of the New York combined statistical area (into the Bridgeport, New Haven and Trenton metropolitan areas). These continuous urban areas are considered a combined urban area. In Canada, where the national census authority (Statistics Canada) also defines metropolitan areas, the Toronto, Hamilton and Oshawa metropolitan areas are also considered a single labor market and are combined into a single combined urban area. While Canada does not designate combinations of metropolitan areas, Statistics Canada has indicated that if criteria similar to that of the United States were applied the Toronto, Hamilton and Oshawa metropolitan areas could be combined.12

    10 http://www.lagosstate.gov.ng/pagelinks.php?p=6 11 Metropolitan areas require a 25 percent employment interchange between constituent counties (US metropolitan areas are no longer based on central municipalities, but now use "central counties"). Combined statistical areas require a 15 percent employment interchange between adjacent metropolitan areas. 12 http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/92f0138m/2008002/5002030-eng.htm.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 8

  • COMBINED URBAN AREAS Designated only in Nations Reporting Urban Agglomeration Data

    NATION COMBINED URBAN AREA & Constituent Urban Areas (Source Code N) Canada TORONTO: Hamilton, Oshawa, Toronto United States BOSTON: Boston, Nashua (NH) United States CHICAGO, Chicago, Kenosha (WI), Round Lake Beach United States DALLAS-FORT WORTH: Dallas-Fort Worth, Denton, McKinney United States HOUSTON: Conroe, Houston United States LOS ANGELES: Los Angeles, Riverside-San Bernardino, Mission Viejo United States NEW YORK: Bridgeport (CT), New Haven (CT), New York, Trenton (NJ), Danbury (CT), Twin Rivers (NJ) United States ORLANDO: Kissimmee, Orlando United States PHOENIX: Avondale, Phoenix United States SAN FRANCISCO: Concord, Livermore, San Francisco, San Jose, Vallejo A combined urban area consists of adjacent urban areas that are located within the same labor market area

    8. SMALLER URBAN AREAS (LESS THAN 500,000 POPULATION) Information is provided for some smaller urban areas. These urban areas are not representative of all urban areas under 500,000. Smaller urban areas are shown (1) to indicate urban areas often shown by international sources to be larger, (2) where national census authority data is produced for urban areas. The first instance is relevant to China. The Chinese term "shi" is popularly translated as "city" in English. Yet, "shi" does not denote urban. Chinese "shi" and their equivalent terms are simply divisions of divisions of provinces or province equivalent. China is divided into more than 3,000 "shi," most of which are primarily rural (in land area), just as the United States is divided into more than 3,000 counties and France into more than 30,000 communes, with most of their respective land area being rural. None of these divisions is inherently urban. Analysts often refer to Chinese "cities" of more than 1,000,000 population that have little urbanization. For example, Laibin is a "shi" in Guanxi, with more than 2 million residents. The local authorities have designated an urban area of more than 900,000 population. Yet the urbanization of Laibin is estimated at less than 100,000 residents. This year's edition includes the smaller urban areas in Table 2. Tables 1, 3 and 4 contain information only on the larger urban areas (500,000 and over population).

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 9

  • 9. CAUTIONS Demographia World Urban Areas is a continuing project. Revisions are made as more accurate satellite photographs and population estimates become available. As a result, Demographia World Urban Areas is not intended for trend analysis. Changes indicated in population and land area represent the latest and most accurate information available. However, there is little or no historical urban area data and sources are continually improving. As a result, changes in individual urban areas from year to year may indicate improved sources, rendering previous data non-comparable with the latest data. Moreover, all of the data is estimated. Appropriate caution is therefore advised. 10. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC URBAN AREAS The notes below notes identify some additional components that (1) might be thought to be separate, (2) are classified as separate by statistical agencies or are (3) listed to indicate to better describe the geography of an urban area. For example, some sources indicate that the Tehran and Karaj urban areas in Iran are separate. Demographia World Urban Areas shows Tehran and Karaj in the same urban area, which is indicated below. No attempt is made to otherwise provide an inventory of municipalities or other entities in urban areas, because of their large numbers For example, the Paris urban area has more than 400 local government authorities. Thus, the failure to list a component in an urban area name does not indicate that it has been excluded. Aachen, Germany: Includes Heerlen, Netherlands. Amersfoort, Netherlands: Included in Utrecht. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Includes Haarlem Amman, Jordan: Includes Az-Zarqa. Ansan, Korea: Included in Seoul-Incheon. Avondale, AZ, USA: Included in Phoenix. Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India: Included in Delhi.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 10

  • Bataysk, Russia: Includes Rostov. Bhiwandi, Maharashtra, India: Not included in Mumbai. A separate urban area. Bogor, Indonesia: Included in Jakarta Boston, MA, USA: Includes Worcester and Nashua. Bridgeport, CT, USA: Included in New York. Chiasso, Switzerland: Included in Milan. Chicago, IL, USA: Includes Kenosha and Round Lake. Choloma, Honduras: Included in San Pedro Sula Chungli, Taiwan: Included in Taipei. Concord, CA, USA: Included in San Francisco Conroe, TX, USA: Included in Houston. Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, USA: Includes Denton and McKinney Danbury, CT, USA: Included in New York. Darwin, NT, Australia: Includes Palmerston. Delhi: Includes Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurgaon and Bahadurgarh urban areas. Denton, TX, USA: Included in Dallas-Fort Worth Dhaka, Bangladesh: Nayaranganj included.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 11

  • Dongguan, Guangdong, China: The Demographia estimate is lower than last year, because local estimates previously used were higher than reported in the 2010 census. Dongyang, ZJ, China: Included in Yiwu (Jinhua) Dubai, UAE: Includes Sharja Ezhou, Hubei, China: Includes Huangzhou (Huanggang). Faridabad, Haryana, India: Included in Delhi. Foshan, Guangdong, China: Included in Guangzhou-Foshan Francisco Morato, Sao Paulo, Brazil: Included in Sao Paulo Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India: Included in Delhi. Guangzhou-Foshan, Guangdong, China: Includes Foshan Gurgaon, Haryana, India: Included in Delhi. Hague, Netherlands: Included in Rotterdam-Hague Hamilton, ON, Canada: Included in Toronto. Haarlem, Netherlands: Included in Amsterdam. Heerlen, Netherlands: Included in Aachen, Germany. Himeji, Hyogo, Japan: Included in Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto. Houston, TX, USA: Includes Conroe.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 12

  • Huangmei (Huanggang), HUB: Included in Jiujiang, JX. Huangzhou (Huanggang), Hubei, China: Included in Ezhou. Hubli, West Bengal, India: Does not include Dharwad. Huiyang qu (Huizhou), Guangdong, China: Included in Shenzhen. Huizhou, Guangdong, China: Huicheng qu only Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan: Shown as a separate urban area. Some sources combine Fukuoka with Kitakyushu (such as the United Nations). Incheon, South Korea: Included in Seoul-Incheon, Jakarta, Indonesia: Various international sources limit their population estimates to DKI Jakarta itself (the national capital district) or include only inner suburbs (such as the cities of Tangerang, South Tangerang, Bekasi and Depok). However, the urbanization of Jakarta extends beyond into the regencies of Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang and Bogor and to the separate city of Bogor. Jianbizhen (qu), China: Included in Zhenjiang, JS Jinjiang, Fuzhou, China: Included in Quanzhou. Jiujiang, JX, China: Includes Huangmei (Huanggang), HUB. Kalyan, Maharashtra, India: Not included in Mumbai. A separate urban area. Kangbashi (Ordos), NM, China: See: Yijinhuoluo-Kangbashi Karawang, Indonesia: Included in Jakarta Karachi, Pakistan: The population is lower than other estimates (such as the United Nations), which include metropolitan area population not within the continuously developed urban area.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 13

  • Karaj, Iran: Included in Tehran. Kenosha, WI, USA: Included in Chicago. Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan: Shown as a separate urban area. Some sources combine Kitakyushu with Fukuoka (such as the United Nations), which is not a part of the continuous urbanization of Kitakyushu. The Demographia population estimate is a build-up of municipality population within the continuously developed area (urban area or agglomeration).

    Kissimmee, FL, USA: Included in Orlando. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: The population is higher other agglomeration estimates (such as the United Nations), which does not include all of the continuously developed urban area. Continuous urbanization extends well beyond the municipality of Kuala Lumpur, for example to Port Klang and the area represents a single labor market (metropolitan area) The Demographia population estimate is a build-up of population within the continuously developed area (urban area or agglomeration). Lagos, Nigeria: Higher population estimates are indicated by some sources. The Demographia population estimate is determined from accumulating smaller area population data from the 2006 census. Leiden, Netherlands: Included in Rotterdam-Hague Livermore, CA, USA: Included in San Francisco. Los Angeles, CA, USA: Includes Riverside-San Bernardino and Mission Viejo. Manila, Philippines: The population is higher other agglomeration estimates (such as the United Nations), which tend to be limited to Metro Manila (the National Capital Region), which is a province level jurisdiction. The continuous urbanization of Manila extends outward into Bulucan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal and Batangas provinces. Maputo, Monzambique: Includes Matola. McKinney, TX, USA: Included in Dallas-Fort Worth.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 14

  • Miami, FL, USA: Includes the former urban areas of Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, which were combined by the US Census Bureau into Miami in 2000. Milan, Italy: The population is higher other agglomeration estimates (such as the United Nations), which does not include all of the continuously developed urban area, which stretches well into Como, Lecco and Varese provinces. Milan includes Chiasso, Switzerland. Mission Viejo, CA, USA: Included in Los Angeles. Moscow, Russia: Demographia is indebted to Richard Forstall, who has provided local authority area population data for portions of Moscow Oblast within the Moscow urban areas. Other estimates (such as the United Nations estimate) include only the municipality of Moscow, which includes only part of the urban footprint. Mumbai, Maharashtra, India: Excludes Kalyan, Bhiwandi, Kalyan and Vasai-Virar, which are outside the urban footprint of Mumbai. The Census of India classifies Kalyan within the Mumbai agglomeration. Mumbai includes Panvel. Nara, Nara, Japan: Included in Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto. Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India: Included in Mumbai. Nayaranganj, Bangladesh: Included in Dhaka. Nashua, NH, USA: Included in Boston. New York, NY-NJ-CT, USA: Includes Bridgeport, New Haven, Trenton, Danbury and Twin Rivers urban areas Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India: Included in Delhi. Ordos, NM, China: See Yijinhuoluo-Kangbashi (Ordos), NM Orlando, FL, USA: Includes Kissimmee. Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto, Japan: Portions of the prefectures of Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto and Nara area included. Includes Himeji. United Nations estimates separate Osaka-Kobe and Kyoto and exclude both Nara and Himeji.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 15

  • Oshawa, ON, Canada: Included in Toronto. Quanzhou, Fuzhou, China: Includes Shishi and Jinjiang Palmerston., NT, Australia: Included in Darwin Panvel, Maharashtra, India: Included in Mumbai. Phoenix, AZ, USA: Includes Avondale (which are designated by the US Census Bureau as separate urban areas). Riverside-San Bernardino, CA, USA: Included in Los Angeles. Rostov, Russia: Includes Bataysk. Round Lake, IL, USA: Included in Chicago. Rotterdam-Hague, Netherlands: Includes Leiden San Francisco, CA, USA: Includes San Jose, Concord, Livermore and Vallejo. San Jose, CA, USA: Included in San Francisco. San Pedro Sula, Honduras: Includes Choloma. Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil: Includes Francisco Morato. Seoul-Incheon, Korea: Includes Suweon and Ansan. Shanghai, China: Includes Taicang Sharja, UAE: Included in Dubai.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 16

  • Shenzhen, Guangdong, China: Includes Huiyang qu (Huizhou). Shishi (shi), Fuzhou, China: Included in Quanzhou. Stuttgart, Germany: The population is lower than other estimates (such as the Millennium Cities Database), which include metropolitan area population not within the continuously developed urban area. The Demographia population estimate is a build-up of municipality population within the continuously developed area (urban area or urban agglomeration). Suweon, Korea: Included in Seoul-Incheon. Taicang, China: Included in Shanghai. Taipei, Taiwan: The population is higher than other estimates (such as the United Nations), which do not include all population within the continuously developed urban area (especially in Taipei County). Includes New Taipei (urban portion) and Taoyuan. Taiyuan, Shanxi, China: Includes Yuci qu (Jinzhong). Taoyuan, Taiwan: Included in Taipei. Tehran, Iran: Includes Karaj. Tokyo-Yokohama, Japan: Includes large areas Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba and Saitama prefectures and smaller areas of Gunma, Tochigi and Ibaraki prefectures. Toronto, ON, Canada: Includes Hamilton and Oshawa. Trenton, NJ, USA: Included in New York. Twin Rivers, NJ, USA: Included in New York. Utrecht, Netherlands: Includes Amersfoort. Vallejo, CA, USA: Included in San Francisco.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 17

  • Vasai-Virar, Maharashtra: Not included in Mumbai. A separate urban area. Xi'an, Shaanxi, China: Includes Xiangyang. Xiangyang, Shaanxi, China: Incluced in Xi'an. Xicheng, Ningxia, China: Included in Yinchuan. Yanzhou, Jiangsu, China: Includes Jiangdu shi. Yinchuan, Ningxia, China: Includes Xicheng. Yiwu (Jinhua), ZJ China: Includes Dongyang. Yuci qu (Jinzhong), Shanxi, China: Included in Taiyuan. Zhenjiang: Includes Jianbizhen qu. 11. COVER ILLUSTRATION Mumbai: Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus).. 12. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Demographia wishes to produce the most accurate possible estimates. This edition incorporates changes from suggestions that were deemed to be appropriate. Comments, suggestions, criticism and data are welcomed.

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 18

  • [email protected] Demographia PO Box 841

    Belleville, Illinois 62222 USA (St. Louis, Missouri-Illinois Urban Area, USA)


    Permission granted to quote or copy with attribution

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 19


    Urban Areas 500,000 & Over Population

    Rank Geography Urban AreaPopulation Estimate Year

    Base Year Population Estimate

    Land Area: Square Miles Density

    Land Area: Km2 Density Base Year



    Land Area

    Source Notes1 Japan Tokyo-Yokohama 37,843,000 2015 37,100,000 3,300 11,500 8,547 4,400 2010 C B2 Indonesia Jakarta 30,539,000 2015 27,300,000 1,245 24,500 3,225 9,500 2010 C B3 India Delhi, DL-UP-HR 24,998,000 2015 22,250,000 800 31,200 2,072 12,100 2011 A B4 Phili i M il 24 123 000 2015 20 750 000 610 39 500 1 580 15 300 2010 C B4 Philippines Manila 24,123,000 2015 20,750,000 610 39,500 1,580 15,300 2010 C B5 South Korea Seoul-Incheon 23,480,000 2015 22,500,000 875 26,800 2,266 10,400 2010 C B6 China Shanghai, SHG-JS-ZJ 23,416,000 2015 22,025,000 1,475 15,900 3,820 6,100 2013 L B7 Pakistan Karachi 22,123,000 2015 19,530,000 365 60,600 945 23,400 2011 C B8 China Beijing, BJ 21,009,000 2015 19,000,000 1,475 14,200 3,820 5,500 2013 L B9 United States New York, NY-NJ-CT 20,630,000 2015 20,366,000 4,495 4,500 11,642 1,800 2010 N N10 China Guangzhou-Foshan GD 20 597 000 2015 16 400 000 1 325 15 500 3 432 6 000 2010 C B10 China Guangzhou Foshan, GD 20,597,000 2015 16,400,000 1,325 15,500 3,432 6,000 2010 C B11 Brazil Sao Paulo 20,365,000 2015 19,200,000 1,045 19,500 2,707 7,500 2010 C B12 Mexico Mexico City 20,063,000 2015 19,250,000 800 25,100 2,072 9,700 2010 C B13 India Mumbai, MH 17,712,000 2015 16,600,000 211 83,900 546 32,400 2011 C B14 Japan Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto 17,444,000 2015 17,000,000 1,240 14,100 3,212 5,400 2010 C B15 Russia Moscow 16,170,000 2015 15,500,000 1,800 9,000 4,662 3,500 2010 C B16 Bangladesh Dhaka 15,669,000 2015 13,600,000 139 112,700 360 43,500 2011 C B17 Egypt Cairo 15,600,000 2015 15,600,000 680 22,900 1,761 8,900 2015 C B18 United States Los Angeles, CA 15,058,000 2015 14,667,000 2,432 6,000 6,299 2,400 2010 N N19 Thailand Bangkok 14,998,000 2015 13,500,000 1,000 15,000 2,590 5,800 2010 C B20 India Kolkata, WB 14,667,000 2015 14,113,000 465 31,500 1,204 12,200 2011 A B21 Argentina Buenos Aires 14,122,000 2015 13,370,000 1,035 13,600 2,681 5,300 2010 C B22 Iran Tehran 13,532,000 2015 13,000,000 575 23,500 1,489 9,100 2011 C B23 T k I t b l 13 287 000 2015 12 400 000 525 25 300 1 360 9 800 2011 C B23 Turkey Istanbul 13,287,000 2015 12,400,000 525 25,300 1,360 9,800 2011 C B24 Nigeria Lagos 13,123,000 2015 13,123,000 350 37,500 907 14,500 2015 D B25 China Shenzhen, GD 12,084,000 2015 11,500,000 675 17,900 1,748 6,900 2010 C B26 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 11,727,000 2015 11,300,000 780 15,000 2,020 5,800 2010 C B27 Congo (Dem. Rep.) Kinshasa 11,587,000 2015 11,587,000 225 51,500 583 19,900 2015 D B28 China Tianjin, TJ 10,920,000 2015 10,275,000 775 14,100 2,007 5,400 2013 F B29 France Paris 10,858,000 2015 10,460,000 1,098 9,500 2,845 3,800 2010 A A29 France Paris 10,858,000 2015 10,460,000 1,098 9,500 2,845 3,800 2010 A A30 Peru Lima 10,750,000 2015 10,750,000 355 30,300 919 11,700 2015 C B31 China Chengdu, SC 10,376,000 2015 8,750,000 595 17,400 1,541 6,700 2010 C B32 United Kingdom London 10,236,000 2015 9,787,000 671 14,600 1,738 5,900 2011 A A33 Japan Nagoya 10,177,000 2015 10,000,000 1,500 6,800 3,885 2,600 2010 C B34 Pakistan Lahore 10,052,000 2015 8,675,000 305 33,000 790 12,700 2010 F B35 India Bangalore, KA 9,807,000 2015 8,499,000 450 21,800 1,166 8,400 2011 A B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 20

  • 36 India Chennai, TN 9,714,000 2015 8,696,000 375 25,900 971 10,000 2011 A B37 United States Chicago, IL-IN-WI 9,156,000 2015 9,023,000 2,647 3,400 6,856 1,300 2010 N N38 Colombia Bogota 8,991,000 2015 7,150,000 190 47,300 492 18,300 2005 C B39 Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh City 8,957,000 2015 8,200,000 575 15,600 1,489 6,000 2012 C B40 India Hyderabad, AP 8,754,000 2015 7,749,000 475 18,400 1,230 7,100 2011 A B41 China Dongguan, GD 8,442,000 2015 8,100,000 625 13,500 1,619 5,200 2010 C B42 S th Af i J h b E t R d 8 432 000 2015 7 600 000 1 000 8 400 2 590 3 300 2011 C B42 South Africa Johannesburg-East Rand 8,432,000 2015 7,600,000 1,000 8,400 2,590 3,300 2011 C B43 China Wuhan, HUB 7,509,000 2015 7,350,000 450 16,700 1,166 6,400 2013 L B44 China: Taiwan Taipei 7,438,000 2015 7,200,000 440 16,900 1,140 6,500 2005 C B45 China Hangzhou, ZJ 7,275,000 2015 5,950,000 470 15,500 1,217 6,000 2010 C B46 China: Hong Kong SAR Hong Kong 7,246,000 2015 7,050,000 106 68,400 275 26,400 2011 C B47 China Chongqing, CQ 7,217,000 2015 6,200,000 360 20,000 932 7,700 2010 C B48 India Ahmadabad, GJ 7,186,000 2015 6,352,000 135 53,200 350 20,600 2011 A B48 India , 7,186,000 2015 6,352,000 135 53,200 350 20,600 2011 A B49 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 7,088,000 2015 6,100,000 750 9,500 1,943 3,600 2010 C B50 China Quanzhou, FJ 6,710,000 2015 5,600,000 590 11,400 1,528 4,400 2010 C B51 Germany Essen-Dusseldorf 6,679,000 2011 6,700,000 1,025 6,500 2,655 2,500 2011 C B52 Iraq Baghdad 6,625,000 2015 6,625,000 260 25,500 673 9,800 2015 D B53 Canada Toronto, ON 6,456,000 2015 6,094,000 883 7,300 2,287 2,800 2011 N N54 Chile Santiago 6,225,000 2015 6,100,000 380 16,400 984 6,300 2012 C B55 United States Dallas-Fort Worth, TX 6,174,000 2015 5,658,000 1,998 2,800 5,175 1,200 2010 N N56 Spain Madrid 6,171,000 2015 5,900,000 510 12,100 1,321 4,700 2011 C B57 China Nanjing, JS 6,155,000 2015 5,775,000 490 12,600 1,269 4,800 2013 L B58 China Shenyang, LN 6,078,000 2015 5,500,000 390 15,600 1,010 6,000 2010 C B59 China Xi'an, SAA 5,977,000 2015 5,175,000 360 16,600 932 6,400 2010 C B60 United States San Francisco-San Jose, CA 5,929,000 2010 5,808,000 1,080 5,400 2,797 2,100 2010 N N61 Angola Luanda 5 899 000 2015 4 790 000 345 17 100 894 6 600 2010 C B61 Angola Luanda 5,899,000 2015 4,790,000 345 17,100 894 6,600 2010 C B62 China Qingdao, SD 5,816,000 2015 5,100,000 575 10,100 1,489 3,900 2010 C B63 United States Houston, TX 5,764,000 2015 5,184,000 1,793 2,900 4,644 1,200 2010 N N63 United States Miami, FL 5,764,000 2015 5,502,000 1,239 4,400 3,209 1,800 2010 A A65 Indonesia Bandung 5,695,000 2015 5,300,000 180 31,600 466 12,200 2010 C B66 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 5,666,000 2015 4,850,000 580 9,800 1,502 3,800 2010 C B67 India Pune, MH 5,631,000 2015 5,050,000 185 30,400 479 11,800 2011 A B, , , , , , ,68 Singapore Singapore 5,624,000 2015 5,150,000 200 28,100 518 10,900 2010 A B69 United States Philadelphia, PA-NJ-DE-MD 5,570,000 2015 5,442,000 1,981 2,700 5,131 1,100 2010 A A70 India Surat, GJ 5,447,000 2015 4,585,000 90 60,500 233 23,400 2011 A B71 Italy Milan 5,257,000 2015 5,200,000 730 7,200 1,891 2,800 2010 C B72 China Suzhou, JS 5,246,000 2015 4,000,000 435 12,100 1,127 4,700 2010 C B73 Russia St. Petersburg 5,126,000 2015 5,050,000 520 9,900 1,347 3,800 2010 C B74 Sudan Khartoum 5,125,000 2015 5,125,000 360 14,200 932 5,500 2015 D B75 United States Atlanta, GA 5,015,000 2015 4,515,000 2,645 1,700 6,851 700 2010 A A76 China Zhengzhou, HEN 4,942,000 2015 4,175,000 320 15,400 829 6,000 2010 C B77 United States Washington, DC-VA-MD 4,889,000 2015 4,587,000 1,322 3,500 3,424 1,400 2010 A A78 Indonesia Surabaya 4,881,000 2015 4,650,000 260 18,800 673 7,200 2010 C B79 China Harbin, HL 4,815,000 2015 4,350,000 220 21,900 570 8,500 2010 C B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 21

  • 80 Ivory Coast Abidjan 4,800,000 2015 4,800,000 125 38,400 324 14,800 2015 D B80 Myanmar Yangon 4,800,000 2015 4,800,000 210 22,900 544 8,800 2015 D B82 Kenya Nairobi 4,738,000 2015 3,600,000 215 22,000 557 8,500 2008 C B83 Spain Barcelona 4,693,000 2015 4,500,000 415 11,300 1,075 4,400 2011 C B84 Egypt Alexandria 4,689,000 2015 4,350,000 113 41,500 293 16,000 2011 C B85 Afghanistan Kabul 4,635,000 2015 4,635,000 100 46,400 259 17,900 2015 D B86 M i G d l j 4 603 000 2015 4 250 000 290 15 900 751 6 100 2010 C B 686 Mexico Guadalajara 4,603,000 2015 4,250,000 290 15,900 751 6,100 2010 C B 687 Turkey Ankara 4,538,000 2015 4,150,000 255 17,800 660 6,900 2011 C B88 Brazil Belo Horizonte 4,517,000 2015 4,300,000 420 10,800 1,088 4,200 2010 C B89 United States Boston, MA-NH-RI 4,478,000 2015 4,407,000 2,056 2,100 5,325 800 2010 N N90 China Xiamen, FJ 4,420,000 2015 3,200,000 225 19,600 583 7,600 2010 C B91 Kuwait Kuwait 4,283,000 2015 3,775,000 275 15,600 712 6,000 2012 C B92 Tanzania Dar es Salaam 4,219,000 2015 3,200,000 220 19,200 570 7,400 2010 C B92 Tanzania Dar es Salaam 4,219,000 2015 3,200,000 220 19,200 570 7,400 2010 C B93 United States Phoenix, AZ 4,194,000 2015 3,826,000 1,234 3,100 3,196 1,300 2010 N N94 China Dalian, LN 4,183,000 2015 3,650,000 300 13,900 777 5,400 2010 C B95 Ghana Accra 4,145,000 2015 3,750,000 375 11,100 971 4,300 2010 C B96 Mexico Monterrey 4,083,000 2015 3,750,000 345 11,800 894 4,600 2010 C B97 Germany Berlin 4,069,000 2015 4,000,000 520 7,800 1,347 3,000 2011 C B98 Australia Sydney, NSW 4,036,000 2015 3,908,000 786 5,000 2,037 2,000 2011 A A99 China Fuzhou, FJ 3,962,000 2015 3,425,000 170 23,300 440 9,000 2010 C B100 Indonesia Medan 3,942,000 2015 3,700,000 185 21,300 479 8,200 2010 C B101 United Arab Emirates Dubai 3,933,000 2015 3,100,000 520 7,600 1,347 2,900 2010 C B102 Australia Melbourne, VIC 3,906,000 2015 3,708,000 982 3,800 2,543 1,500 2011 A A102 Italy Rome 3,906,000 2015 3,800,000 430 9,100 1,114 3,500 2010 C B102 South Korea Busan 3,906,000 2015 4,000,000 155 25,200 401 9,700 2010 C B105 South Africa Cape Town 3 812 000 2015 3 600 000 315 12 100 816 4 700 2011 C B105 South Africa Cape Town 3,812,000 2015 3,600,000 315 12,100 816 4,700 2011 C B106 China Jinan, SD 3,789,000 2015 3,325,000 280 13,500 725 5,200 2010 C B107 China Ningbo, ZJ 3,753,000 2015 3,125,000 285 13,200 738 5,100 2010 C B108 Viet Nam Hanoi 3,715,000 2015 3,250,000 180 20,600 466 8,000 2012 C B109 Italy Naples 3,706,000 2015 3,725,000 395 9,400 1,023 3,600 2010 C B110 China Taiyuan, SAX 3,702,000 2015 3,350,000 200 18,500 518 7,100 2010 C B111 Saudi Arabia Jiddah 3,677,000 2015 3,230,000 325 11,300 842 4,400 2010 C B, , , , , ,112 United States Detroit, MI 3,672,000 2015 3,734,000 1,337 2,800 3,463 1,100 2010 A A113 China Hefei, AH 3,665,000 2015 3,350,000 280 13,100 725 5,100 2010 C B114 China Changsha, HUN 3,657,000 2015 3,125,000 240 15,200 622 5,900 2010 C B115 China Kunming, YN 3,649,000 2015 3,275,000 275 13,300 712 5,100 2010 C B116 China Wuxi, JS 3,597,000 2015 3,250,000 285 12,600 738 4,900 2010 C B117 Colombia Medelln 3,568,000 2015 2,975,000 88 40,500 228 15,700 2005 C B118 Pakistan Faisalabad 3,560,000 2015 3,560,000 70 50,900 181 19,600 2015 D B118 Syria Aleppo 3,560,000 2015 3,560,000 100 35,600 259 13,700 2015 D B120 Nigeria Kano 3,550,000 2015 3,550,000 97 36,600 251 14,100 2015 D B121 Canada Montral, QC 3,536,000 2015 3,408,000 597 5,700 1,546 2,300 2011 A A122 Senegal Dakar 3,520,000 2015 3,520,000 75 46,900 194 18,100 2015 D B123 Greece Athens 3,484,000 2015 3,500,000 225 15,500 583 6,000 2011 C B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 22

  • 124 China Changzhou, JS 3,425,000 2015 3,000,000 320 10,700 829 4,100 2010 C B125 South Africa Durban 3,421,000 2015 3,300,000 410 8,300 1,062 3,200 2011 C B126 Brazil Porto Alegre 3,413,000 2015 3,300,000 310 11,000 803 4,300 2010 C B127 India Jaipur, RJ 3,409,000 2015 3,073,000 160 21,300 414 8,200 2011 A B128 Brazil Fortaleza 3,401,000 2015 3,125,000 200 17,000 518 6,600 2010 C B129 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 3,376,000 2015 3,125,000 170 19,900 440 7,700 2012 C B130 Chi Ch h JL 3 368 000 2015 3 050 000 205 16 400 531 6 300 2010 C B130 China Changchun, JL 3,368,000 2015 3,050,000 205 16,400 531 6,300 2010 C B131 China Shijiazhuang, HEB 3,367,000 2015 2,875,000 200 16,800 518 6,500 2010 C B132 Brazil Recife 3,347,000 2015 3,200,000 160 20,900 414 8,100 2010 C B133 Iran Mashhad 3,294,000 2015 3,000,000 115 28,600 298 11,100 2011 C B134 United States Seattle, WA 3,218,000 2015 3,059,000 1,010 3,000 2,616 1,200 2010 A A135 Morocco Casablanca 3,211,000 2015 2,900,000 105 30,600 272 11,800 2004 C B136 Brazil Salvador 3,190,000 2015 3,000,000 135 23,600 350 9,100 2010 C B136 Brazil Salvador 3,190,000 2015 3,000,000 135 23,600 350 9,100 2010 C B137 China Urumqi, XJ 3,184,000 2015 2,625,000 190 16,800 492 6,500 2010 C B137 India Lucknow, UP 3,184,000 2015 2,901,000 125 25,500 324 9,800 2011 A B139 Bangladesh Chittagong 3,176,000 2015 2,900,000 43 73,900 111 28,500 2011 C B140 China Wenzhou, ZJ 3,169,000 2015 2,675,000 125 25,400 324 9,800 2010 C B141 Nigeria Ibadan 3,160,000 2015 3,160,000 180 17,600 466 6,800 2015 D B142 Turkey Izmir 3,112,000 2015 2,900,000 115 27,100 298 10,400 2011 C B143 Brazil Curitiba 3,102,000 2015 2,825,000 325 9,500 842 3,700 2010 C B144 United States San Diego, CA 3,086,000 2015 2,957,000 732 4,000 1,896 1,600 2010 A A145 Cameroon Yaounde 3,060,000 2015 3,060,000 89 34,400 231 13,300 2015 D B146 China Zhangjiaggang-Jiangyin, (Suzhou-Wuxi) JS 3,056,000 2010 2,330,000 260 11,800 673 4,500 2010 C B147 India Kanpur, UP 3,037,000 2015 2,920,000 80 38,000 207 14,700 2011 A B148 China Zhongshan, GD 3,031,000 2015 2,300,000 265 11,400 686 4,400 2010 C B149 Yemen Sana 2 980 000 2015 2 980 000 86 34 700 223 13 400 2015 D B149 Yemen Sana 2,980,000 2015 2,980,000 86 34,700 223 13,400 2015 D B150 Israel Tel Aviv 2,979,000 2015 2,750,000 185 16,100 479 6,200 2010 C B151 China Guiyang, GZ 2,955,000 2015 2,600,000 125 23,600 324 9,100 2010 C B152 Cameroon Douala 2,940,000 2015 2,940,000 79 37,200 205 14,400 2015 D B153 China: Taiwan Taichung 2,935,000 2015 2,500,000 190 15,400 492 6,000 2004 C B154 South Africa Pretoria 2,927,000 2015 2,550,000 475 6,200 1,230 2,400 2011 C B155 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo 2,925,000 2015 2,925,000 115 25,400 298 9,800 2015 D Bp g , , , , , ,156 Pakistan Hyderabad 2,920,000 2015 2,650,000 28 104,300 73 40,300 2011 C B157 Venezuela Caracas 2,861,000 2015 2,825,000 114 25,100 295 9,700 2011 C B158 North Korea Pyongyang 2,850,000 2015 2,850,000 68 41,900 176 16,200 2015 D B159 India Kalyan, MH 2,841,000 2011 2,650,000 36 78,900 93 30,500 2011 C B160 Paraguay Asuncion 2,827,000 2015 2,500,000 250 11,300 648 4,400 2010 C B161 United States Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI 2,771,000 2015 2,651,000 1,022 2,600 2,647 1,000 2010 A A162 China Lanzhou, GS 2,703,000 2015 2,420,000 100 27,000 259 10,400 2010 C B163 Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 2,700,000 2015 2,700,000 180 15,000 466 5,800 2015 D B163 Ecuador Guayaquil 2,700,000 2015 2,700,000 85 31,800 220 12,300 2015 D B165 India Nagpur, MH 2,668,000 2015 2,498,000 95 28,100 246 10,800 2011 A B166 Portugal Lisbon 2,666,000 2015 2,600,000 370 7,200 958 2,800 2011 C B167 Azerbaijan Baku 2,661,000 2015 2,300,000 425 6,300 1,101 2,400 2009 C B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 23

  • 168 Netherlands Rotterdam-Hague 2,660,000 2015 2,650,000 380 7,000 984 2,700 2013 C B169 Brazil Campinas 2,645,000 2015 2,450,000 360 7,300 932 2,800 2010 C B170 United Kingdom Manchester 2,639,000 2015 2,553,000 243 10,500 630 4,200 2011 A A171 China Nanchang, JX 2,637,000 2015 2,325,000 210 12,600 544 4,800 2010 C B172 United States Tampa-St. Petersburg, FL 2,621,000 2015 2,442,000 957 2,600 2,479 1,100 2010 A A173 Mozambique Maputo 2,615,000 2015 2,425,000 160 16,300 414 6,300 2010 C B174 Chi T i K h i 2 599 000 2015 2 500 000 140 18 600 363 7 200 2004 C B174 China: Taiwan Kaohsiung 2,599,000 2015 2,500,000 140 18,600 363 7,200 2004 C B175 Algeria Algiers 2,590,000 2015 2,590,000 175 14,800 453 5,700 2015 D B175 China Nanning, GX 2,590,000 2015 2,150,000 118 21,900 306 8,500 2010 C B177 Japan Sapporo 2,570,000 2015 2,570,000 240 10,700 622 4,100 2015 D B178 Syria Damascus 2,560,000 2015 2,560,000 70 36,600 181 14,100 2015 D B179 United States Denver, CO 2,559,000 2015 2,374,000 668 3,600 1,730 1,500 2010 A A180 Brazil Brasilia 2,536,000 2015 2,300,000 260 9,800 673 3,800 2010 C B180 Brazil Brasilia 2,536,000 2015 2,300,000 260 9,800 673 3,800 2010 C B181 Philippines Cebu 2,535,000 2015 2,325,000 80 31,700 207 12,200 2010 C B182 Japan Fukuoka 2,525,000 2015 2,550,000 205 12,300 531 4,800 2010 C B183 United Kingdom Birmingham 2,512,000 2015 2,441,000 231 10,600 599 4,200 2011 A A184 Pakistan Rawalpindi-Islamabad 2,510,000 2015 2,510,000 165 15,200 427 5,900 2015 D B185 Ghana Kumasi 2,500,000 2015 2,500,000 130 19,200 337 7,400 2015 C B185 Mali Bamako 2,500,000 2015 2,500,000 120 20,800 311 8,000 2015 D B187 India Coimbatore, TN 2,481,000 2015 2,151,000 110 22,600 285 8,700 2011 A B188 Jordan Amman 2,468,000 2015 2,300,000 133 18,600 344 7,200 2000 C B189 China Linyi, SD 2,465,000 2015 2,200,000 350 7,000 907 2,700 2010 C B190 Haiti Port-au-Prince 2,440,000 2015 2,440,000 66 37,000 171 14,300 2015 D B190 Nigeria Abuja 2,440,000 2015 2,440,000 87 28,000 225 10,800 2015 D B192 China Shantou, GD 2,419,000 2015 2,225,000 140 17,300 363 6,700 2010 C B193 India Indore MP 2 405 000 2015 2 167 000 105 22 900 272 8 800 2011 A B193 India Indore, MP 2,405,000 2015 2,167,000 105 22,900 272 8,800 2011 A B194 Madagascar Antananarivo 2,398,000 2015 1,875,000 85 28,200 220 10,900 2010 C B195 India Kozhikode, KL 2,394,000 2015 2,030,000 46 52,000 119 20,100 2011 A B196 Iran Esfahan 2,392,000 2015 2,225,000 135 17,700 350 6,800 2011 C B197 China Chaoyang-Chaonan (Shantou,) GD 2,391,000 2010 2,200,000 105 22,800 272 8,800 2010 C B198 South Korea Daegu 2,382,000 2015 2,400,000 95 25,100 246 9,700 2010 C B199 China Tangshan, HEB 2,378,000 2015 1,960,000 107 22,200 277 8,600 2010 C Bg , , , , , , ,200 India Kochi, KL 2,374,000 2015 2,118,000 170 14,000 440 5,400 2011 A B201 Colombia Cali 2,357,000 2015 2,000,000 73 32,300 189 12,500 2005 C B202 China Shaoxing, ZJ 2,350,000 2015 1,970,000 185 12,700 479 4,900 2010 C B203 Nigeria Port Harcourt 2,340,000 2015 2,340,000 61 38,400 158 14,800 2015 D B204 China Huai'an, JS 2,282,000 2015 1,770,000 57 40,000 148 15,500 2010 C B205 Canada Vancouver, BC 2,273,000 2015 2,135,000 444 4,800 1,150 2,000 2011 A A206 United States Baltimore, MD 2,263,000 2015 2,204,000 717 3,100 1,857 1,200 2010 A A207 Uzbekistan Tashkent 2,250,000 2015 2,250,000 205 11,000 531 4,200 2015 D B208 Ukraine Kiyev 2,241,000 2015 2,940,000 210 10,700 544 4,100 2050 D B209 India Thrissur, KL 2,236,000 2015 1,854,000 140 16,000 363 6,200 2011 A B210 China Hohhot, NM 2,219,000 2015 1,875,000 155 14,300 401 5,500 2010 C B211 Zimbabwe Harare 2,203,000 2015 2,150,000 320 6,900 829 2,700 2012 C B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 24

  • 212 India Patna, BR 2,200,000 2015 2,047,000 55 40,000 142 15,400 2011 A B212 Lebanon Beirut 2,200,000 2015 2,200,000 260 8,500 673 3,300 2015 D B214 United States Las Vegas, NV 2,191,000 2015 1,886,000 417 4,500 1,080 2,000 2010 A A215 Poland Katowice-Gliwice-Tychy 2,190,000 2015 2,225,000 260 8,400 673 3,300 2011 C B215 Zambia Lusaka 2,190,000 2015 2,190,000 69 31,700 179 12,300 2015 D B217 United States St. Louis, MO-IL 2,186,000 2015 2,151,000 924 2,300 2,393 900 2010 A A218 S i L k C l b 2 180 000 2015 2 000 000 86 25 300 223 9 800 2001 C B218 Sri Lanka Colombo 2,180,000 2015 2,000,000 86 25,300 223 9,800 2001 C B219 China Baotou, NM 2,159,000 2015 1,950,000 145 14,900 376 5,700 2010 C B220 US: Puerto Rico San Juan 2,139,000 2015 2,148,000 867 2,500 2,246 1,000 2010 A A221 Cuba Havana 2,130,000 2015 2,130,000 110 19,400 285 7,500 2015 D B222 Pakistan Gujranwala 2,120,000 2015 2,120,000 57 37,200 148 14,400 2015 D B222 Somalia Mogadishu 2,120,000 2015 2,120,000 35 60,600 91 23,400 2015 D B224 Brazil Goiania 2,117,000 2015 1,925,000 270 7,800 699 3,000 2010 C B224 Brazil Goiania 2,117,000 2015 1,925,000 270 7,800 699 3,000 2010 C B225 Bolivia Santa Cruz 2,110,000 2015 1,815,000 230 9,200 596 3,500 2011 C B226 India Malappuram, KL 2,108,000 2015 1,698,000 125 16,900 324 6,500 2011 A B227 Germany Cologne-Bonn 2,104,000 2015 1,960,000 360 5,800 932 2,300 2001 C B228 Belgium Brussels 2,089,000 2015 2,025,000 310 6,700 803 2,600 2011 C B229 Mexico Puebla 2,088,000 2015 1,925,000 170 12,300 440 4,700 2010 C B230 Germany Hamburg 2,087,000 2015 2,050,000 300 7,000 777 2,700 2011 C B231 India Bhopal, MP 2,075,000 2015 1,883,000 70 29,600 181 11,400 2011 A B232 India Kannur, KL 2,047,000 2015 1,643,000 35 58,500 91 22,600 2011 A B233 United States Orlando, FL 2,040,000 2015 1,825,000 756 2,400 1,958 1,000 2010 N N234 Venezuela Maracaibo 2,037,000 2015 1,920,000 157 13,000 407 5,000 2011 C B235 China Handan, HEB 2,000,000 2015 1,630,000 65 30,800 168 11,900 2010 C B235 Congo (Dem. Rep.) Lubumbashi 2,000,000 2015 2,000,000 60 33,300 155 12,900 2015 D B235 Congo (Dem Rep ) Mbuji Mayi 2 000 000 2015 2 000 000 47 42 600 122 16 400 2015 D B235 Congo (Dem. Rep.) Mbuji-Mayi 2,000,000 2015 2,000,000 47 42,600 122 16,400 2015 D B238 Australia Brisbane, QLD 1,999,000 2015 1,874,000 761 2,500 1,972 1,000 2011 A A239 Tunisia Tunis 1,990,000 2015 1,990,000 140 14,200 363 5,500 2015 D B240 China Haikou, HA 1,981,000 2015 1,600,000 120 16,500 311 6,400 2010 C B240 Germany Munich 1,981,000 2015 1,900,000 180 11,000 466 4,200 2011 C B242 Japan Kitakyushu 1,980,000 2010 2,000,000 190 10,400 492 4,000 2010 C B243 Brazil Belem 1,979,000 2015 1,850,000 100 19,800 259 7,600 2010 C B, , , , , ,244 United States Portland, OR-WA 1,976,000 2015 1,850,000 524 3,500 1,357 1,500 2010 A A244 United States San Antonio, TX 1,976,000 2015 1,758,000 597 2,900 1,546 1,300 2010 A A246 Mexico Tijuana 1,968,000 2015 1,760,000 180 10,900 466 4,200 2010 D B247 India Vadodara, GJ 1,963,000 2015 1,817,000 53 37,000 137 14,300 2011 A B248 Togo Lome 1,941,000 2015 1,670,000 80 24,300 207 9,400 2010 F B249 China Luoyang, HEN 1,939,000 2015 1,670,000 85 22,800 220 8,800 2010 C B250 India Agra, UP 1,938,000 2015 1,746,000 50 38,800 130 15,000 2011 A B251 Guinea Conakry 1,930,000 2015 1,930,000 62 31,100 161 12,000 2015 D B251 Uganda Kampala 1,930,000 2015 1,930,000 190 10,200 492 3,900 2015 D B253 India Thiruvananthapuram, KL 1,921,000 2015 1,687,000 55 34,900 142 13,500 2011 A B254 Germany Frankfurt 1,915,000 2015 1,850,000 250 7,700 648 3,000 2011 C B255 Belarus Minsk 1,910,000 2015 1,910,000 125 15,300 324 5,900 2015 D B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 25

  • 255 India Visakhapatnam, AP 1,910,000 2015 1,730,000 70 27,300 181 10,500 2011 A B257 Bolivia La Paz 1,907,000 2015 1,800,000 105 18,200 272 7,000 2011 C B258 Pakistan Multan 1,900,000 2015 1,900,000 80 23,800 207 9,200 2015 D B259 Brazil Manaus 1,893,000 2015 1,700,000 125 15,100 324 5,800 2010 C B259 United Kingdom Leeds-Bradford 1,893,000 2015 1,778,000 188 9,400 488 3,900 2011 A A261 United States Sacramento, CA 1,885,000 2015 1,724,000 471 3,700 1,220 1,500 2010 A A262 M i T l 1 878 000 2015 1 700 000 105 17 900 272 6 900 2010 D B262 Mexico Toluca 1,878,000 2015 1,700,000 105 17,900 272 6,900 2010 D B263 Iran Shiraz 1,873,000 2015 1,650,000 95 19,700 246 7,600 2011 C B264 Romania Bucharest 1,860,000 2015 1,860,000 110 16,900 285 6,500 2015 D B265 Congo Brazzaville 1,850,000 2015 1,850,000 70 26,400 181 10,200 2015 D B266 Morocco Rabat 1,845,000 2015 1,500,000 71 26,000 184 10,000 2004 C B267 Turkey Bursa 1,839,000 2015 1,650,000 80 23,000 207 8,900 2011 C B268 Indonesia Yogyakarta 1,831,000 2015 1,800,000 90 20,300 233 7,900 2010 C B268 Indonesia Yogyakarta 1,831,000 2015 1,800,000 90 20,300 233 7,900 2010 C B269 Turkey Adana 1,830,000 2015 1,830,000 62 29,500 161 11,400 2015 D B270 China Kunshan (Suzhou), JS 1,815,000 2015 1,475,000 215 8,400 557 3,300 2010 C B271 United States Cleveland, OH 1,783,000 2015 1,781,000 772 2,300 1,999 900 2010 A A272 Austria Vienna 1,763,000 2015 1,710,000 175 10,100 453 3,900 2010 C B272 China Huizhou, GD 1,763,000 2015 1,400,000 80 22,000 207 8,500 2010 C B274 Australia Perth, WA 1,751,000 2015 1,628,000 605 2,700 1,566 1,100 2011 A A275 India Nashik, MH 1,749,000 2015 1,563,000 43 40,700 111 15,700 2011 A B276 Colombia Barranquilla 1,748,000 2015 1,550,000 69 25,300 179 9,800 2005 C B277 Pakistan Peshawar 1,730,000 2015 1,730,000 45 38,400 117 14,800 2015 D B277 United States Pittsburgh, PA 1,730,000 2015 1,734,000 905 1,900 2,344 700 2010 A A279 Cambodia Phnom Penh 1,729,000 2015 1,510,000 85 20,300 220 7,900 2010 D B280 Ecuador Quito 1,720,000 2015 1,720,000 185 9,300 479 3,600 2015 D B280 Poland Warsaw 1 720 000 2015 1 720 000 210 8 200 544 3 200 2015 D B280 Poland Warsaw 1,720,000 2015 1,720,000 210 8,200 544 3,200 2015 D B282 India Vijayawada, AP 1,715,000 2015 1,491,000 22 78,000 57 30,100 2011 A B283 India Ludhiana, PB 1,714,000 2015 1,613,000 65 26,400 168 10,200 2011 A B284 Hungary Budapest 1,710,000 2015 1,710,000 345 5,000 894 1,900 2015 D B285 China Datong, SAX 1,709,000 2015 1,520,000 70 24,400 181 9,400 2010 C B286 China Yiwu (Jinhua), ZJ 1,704,000 2015 1,400,000 90 18,900 233 7,300 2010 C B287 Uruguay Montevideo 1,700,000 2015 1,700,000 100 17,000 259 6,600 2015 D Bg y , , , , , ,288 Iran Tabriz 1,693,000 2015 1,600,000 65 26,000 168 10,100 2011 C B289 Malaysia Johor Bahru 1,688,000 2015 1,500,000 275 6,100 712 2,400 2010 C B290 United States Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN 1,682,000 2015 1,625,000 788 2,100 2,041 800 2010 A A291 Iraq Mosul 1,675,000 2015 1,675,000 54 31,000 140 12,000 2015 D B292 Brazil Santos 1,653,000 2015 1,575,000 115 14,400 298 5,500 2010 C B293 Saudi Arabia Mecca 1,647,000 2015 1,480,000 150 11,000 389 4,200 2010 C B294 China Zibo, SD 1,646,000 2015 1,525,000 135 12,200 350 4,700 2010 C B295 Syria Hims 1,640,000 2015 1,640,000 32 51,300 83 19,800 2015 D B296 China Jilin, JL 1,633,000 2015 1,550,000 75 21,800 194 8,400 2010 C B297 Indonesia Semarang 1,630,000 2015 1,630,000 105 15,500 272 6,000 2015 D B297 Philippines Davao City 1,630,000 2015 1,630,000 50 32,600 130 12,600 2015 D B299 Netherlands Amsterdam 1,624,000 2015 1,600,000 195 8,300 505 3,200 2013 C B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 26

  • 300 United States Indianapolis, IN 1,617,000 2015 1,487,000 706 2,100 1,829 900 2010 A A301 United States Austin, TX 1,616,000 2015 1,362,000 523 2,600 1,355 1,200 2010 A A302 China Yinchuan, NX 1,614,000 2015 1,200,000 132 12,200 342 4,700 2010 C B303 South Korea Gwangju 1,601,000 2015 1,536,000 49 32,700 127 12,600 2010 D B304 China Weifang, SD 1,595,000 2015 1,350,000 95 16,800 246 6,500 2010 C B305 United States Kansas City, MO-KS 1,593,000 2015 1,519,000 678 2,200 1,756 900 2010 A A306 A ti C d b 1 585 000 2015 1 532 000 140 11 300 363 4 400 2010 C B306 Argentina Cordoba 1,585,000 2015 1,532,000 140 11,300 363 4,400 2010 C B306 China Taizhou, ZJ 1,585,000 2015 1,375,000 90 17,600 233 6,800 2010 C B308 France Lyon 1,583,000 2015 1,520,000 455 3,500 1,178 1,300 2010 C B309 India Madurai, TN 1,582,000 2015 1,462,000 29 54,600 75 21,100 2011 A B310 Philippines General Santos 1,579,000 2015 1,400,000 29 54,400 75 21,000 2010 C B311 China Liuzhou, GX 1,574,000 2015 1,375,000 80 19,700 207 7,600 2010 C B312 India Rajkot, GJ 1,568,000 2015 1,390,000 29 54,100 75 20,900 2011 A B312 India Rajkot, GJ 1,568,000 2015 1,390,000 29 54,100 75 20,900 2011 A B313 Qatar Doha 1,564,000 2015 1,300,000 225 7,000 583 2,700 2010 C B313 South Korea Daejon 1,564,000 2015 1,500,000 51 30,700 132 11,800 2010 C B315 China Yangzhou, JS 1,561,000 2015 1,400,000 90 17,300 233 6,700 2010 C B315 Spain Valencia 1,561,000 2015 1,525,000 105 14,900 272 5,700 2011 C B317 China Zhuhai, GD 1,547,000 2015 1,375,000 105 14,700 272 5,700 2010 C B318 India Meerut, UP 1,541,000 2015 1,425,000 40 38,500 104 14,900 2011 A B319 India Varanasi, UP 1,536,000 2015 1,435,000 39 39,400 101 15,200 2011 A B320 United States Charlotte, NC-SC 1,535,000 2015 1,249,000 741 1,700 1,919 800 2010 A A321 Italy Turin 1,521,000 2015 1,500,000 145 10,500 376 4,100 2010 C B322 China Yantai, SD 1,520,000 2015 1,300,000 101 15,000 262 5,800 2010 C B323 China Anshan, LN 1,516,000 2015 1,450,000 140 10,800 363 4,200 2010 C B324 Kazakhstan Almaty 1,500,000 2015 1,500,000 162 9,300 420 3,600 2015 D B325 Panama Panama City 1 498 000 2015 1 350 000 85 17 600 220 6 800 2010 C B325 Panama Panama City 1,498,000 2015 1,350,000 85 17,600 220 6,800 2010 C B326 China Cixi (Ningbo), ZJ 1,490,000 2015 1,225,000 160 9,300 414 3,600 2010 C B326 Nigeria Benin City 1,490,000 2015 1,490,000 88 16,900 228 6,500 2015 D B328 Russia Novosibirsk 1,486,000 2015 1,470,000 240 6,200 622 2,400 2010 C B329 Indonesia Makassar 1,484,000 2015 1,325,000 69 21,500 179 8,300 2010 C B329 Sweden Stockholm 1,484,000 2015 1,373,000 147 9,300 382 3,900 2010 A A331 United States Columbus, OH 1,481,000 2015 1,368,000 510 2,700 1,321 1,100 2010 A A, , , , , , ,332 Venezuela Valencia 1,477,000 2015 1,400,000 140 10,600 363 4,100 2011 C B333 Portugal Porto 1,474,000 2015 1,450,000 300 4,900 777 1,900 2011 C B334 Mexico Leon 1,469,000 2015 1,325,000 90 16,300 233 6,300 2010 C B335 China Putian, FJ 1,468,000 2015 1,150,000 175 8,400 453 3,200 2010 C B336 United States Virginia Beach-Norfolk, VA 1,463,000 2015 1,440,000 515 2,800 1,334 1,100 2010 A A337 China Wuhu, AH 1,456,000 2015 1,150,000 62 23,500 161 9,100 2010 C B338 India Jamshedpur, JH 1,443,000 2015 1,337,000 42 34,400 109 13,300 2011 A B339 Ukraine Kharkov 1,440,000 2015 1,440,000 180 8,000 466 3,100 2015 D B340 Indonesia Palembang 1,434,000 2015 1,400,000 85 16,900 220 6,500 2010 C B341 China Zhangzhou, FJ 1,410,000 2015 1,200,000 135 10,400 350 4,000 2010 C B342 India Srinagar, JK 1,409,000 2015 1,273,000 49 28,800 127 11,100 2011 A B343 United States Milwaukee, WI 1,408,000 2015 1,376,000 546 2,500 1,414 1,000 2010 A A

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 27

  • 344 China Anyang, HEN 1,401,000 2015 1,130,000 70 20,000 181 7,700 2010 C B345 China Jiangmen, GD 1,399,000 2015 1,300,000 135 10,400 350 4,000 2010 C B346 France Marseille 1,397,000 2015 1,350,000 175 8,000 453 3,100 2010 C B347 Turkey Gaziantep 1,394,000 2015 1,250,000 44 31,700 114 12,200 2011 C B348 Mexico Ciudad Juarez 1,391,000 2015 1,330,000 125 11,100 324 4,300 2010 D B349 Germany Stuttgart 1,379,000 2015 1,350,000 185 7,500 479 2,900 2011 C B350 J Hi hi 1 377 000 2015 1 325 000 110 12 500 285 4 800 2005 C B350 Japan Hiroshima 1,377,000 2015 1,325,000 110 12,500 285 4,800 2005 C B351 Russia Yekaterinburg 1,361,000 2015 1,340,000 200 6,800 518 2,600 2010 C B352 New Zealand Auckland 1,356,000 2015 1,250,000 210 6,500 544 2,500 2008 C B353 India Kollam, KL 1,351,000 2015 1,110,000 70 19,300 181 7,500 2011 A B354 China Xining, QH 1,345,000 2015 1,175,000 73 18,400 189 7,100 2010 C B355 China Changshu (Suzhou), JS 1,344,000 2015 1,075,000 124 10,800 321 4,200 2010 C B356 Bahrain Al-Manamah 1,340,000 2015 1,100,000 150 8,900 389 3,400 2011 C B356 Bahrain Al Manamah 1,340,000 2015 1,100,000 150 8,900 389 3,400 2011 C B357 India Jabalpur, MP 1,339,000 2015 1,268,000 35 38,300 91 14,800 2011 A B358 Argentina Rosario 1,338,000 2015 1,264,000 90 14,900 233 5,700 2010 C B359 Malaysia Penang 1,336,000 2010 1,150,000 115 11,600 298 4,500 2010 C B360 India Raipur, CH 1,329,000 2015 1,123,000 43 30,900 111 11,900 2011 A B361 Mexico Torreon 1,327,000 2015 1,220,000 65 20,400 168 7,900 2010 D B362 China Fushun, LN 1,324,000 2015 1,325,000 50 26,500 130 10,200 2010 C B362 India Aurangabad, MH 1,324,000 2015 1,189,000 28 47,300 73 18,300 2011 A B364 Indonesia Surakarta 1,318,000 2015 1,275,000 80 16,500 207 6,400 2010 C B365 India Asansol, WB 1,315,000 2015 1,243,000 25 52,600 65 20,300 2011 A B365 Iran Ahvaz 1,315,000 2015 1,200,000 90 14,600 233 5,600 2011 C B367 Czech Republic Prague 1,310,000 2015 1,310,000 110 11,900 285 4,600 2015 D B368 China Xuzhou, JS 1,301,000 2015 1,175,000 90 14,500 233 5,600 2010 C B369 China Baoding HEB 1 297 000 2015 1 210 000 85 15 300 220 5 900 2010 C B369 China Baoding, HEB 1,297,000 2015 1,210,000 85 15,300 220 5,900 2010 C B370 India Allahabad, UP 1,294,000 2015 1,217,000 48 27,000 124 10,400 2011 A B371 Guatemala Guatemala City 1,289,000 2015 1,130,000 115 11,200 298 4,300 2010 C B372 Japan Sendai 1,277,000 2015 1,330,000 125 10,200 324 3,900 2010 C B373 Armenia Yerevan 1,274,000 2015 1,300,000 125 10,200 324 3,900 2010 F B374 India Jodhpur, RJ 1,266,000 2015 1,138,000 32 39,600 83 15,300 2011 A B375 India Amritsar, PB 1,264,000 2015 1,185,000 38 33,300 98 12,800 2011 A B, , , , , , ,376 Angola Huambo 1,260,000 2015 1,260,000 50 25,200 130 9,700 2015 D B376 Chad N'Djamena 1,260,000 2015 1,260,000 64 19,700 166 7,600 2015 D B378 India Dhanbad, JH 1,258,000 2015 1,195,000 37 34,000 96 13,100 2011 A B379 China Wenling (Taizhou), ZJ 1,250,000 2015 1,075,000 45 27,800 117 10,700 2010 C B380 Mexico Queretaro 1,249,000 2015 1,100,000 58 21,500 150 8,300 2010 C B381 Denmark Copenhagen 1,248,000 2015 1,180,000 175 6,700 453 2,800 2010 A A382 India Ranchi, JH 1,246,000 2015 1,127,000 22 56,600 57 21,900 2011 A B383 China Qiqihaer, HL 1,241,000 2015 1,160,000 50 24,800 130 9,600 2010 C B384 Bolivia Cochabamba 1,238,000 2015 1,100,000 98 12,600 254 4,900 2011 C B385 Mongolia Ulaanbaatar 1,237,000 2015 1,050,000 90 13,700 233 5,300 2010 C B386 India Durg-Bhilainagar, CH 1,235,000 2015 1,164,000 44 28,100 114 10,800 2011 A B387 Saudi Arabia Medina 1,233,000 2015 1,100,000 135 9,100 350 3,500 2010 C B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 28

  • 388 China Chifeng, NM 1,230,000 2015 1,090,000 33 37,300 85 14,400 2010 C B388 Syria Hamah 1,230,000 2015 1,230,000 20 61,500 52 23,700 2015 D B390 United Kingdom Glasgow 1,220,000 2015 1,220,000 142 8,600 368 3,300 2015 D A391 China: Taiwan Tainan 1,216,000 2015 1,100,000 80 15,200 207 5,900 2004 C B392 South Africa Port Elizabeth 1,212,000 2015 1,150,000 150 8,100 389 3,100 2010 C B393 China Weihai, SD 1,208,000 2015 700,000 42 28,800 109 11,100 2000 C B393 Fi l d H l i ki 1 208 000 2015 1 176 000 247 4 800 641 1 900 2012 A A393 Finland Helsinki 1,208,000 2015 1,176,000 247 4,800 641 1,900 2012 A A393 India Gwalior, MP 1,208,000 2015 1,102,000 22 54,900 57 21,200 2011 A B396 China Dongying, SD 1,206,000 2015 1,060,000 85 14,200 220 5,500 2010 C B397 Russia Nizhniy Novgorod 1,201,000 2015 1,250,000 240 5,000 622 1,900 2010 C B397 United States Providence, RI-MA 1,201,000 2015 1,191,000 545 2,200 1,412 900 2010 A A399 Bulgaria Sofia 1,195,000 2015 1,175,000 80 14,900 207 5,800 2010 D B400 Morocco Fez 1,193,000 2015 950,000 32 37,300 83 14,400 2004 C B400 Morocco Fez 1,193,000 2015 950,000 32 37,300 83 14,400 2004 C B401 China Jiaxing, ZJ 1,192,000 2015 950,000 70 17,000 181 6,600 2010 C B402 Turkey Konya 1,190,000 2015 1,190,000 50 23,800 130 9,200 2015 D B403 Canada Calgary, AB 1,189,000 2015 1,095,000 272 4,000 704 1,700 2011 A A404 Japan Hamamatsu 1,187,000 2010 1,000,000 100 11,900 259 4,600 2010 C B405 China Nantong, JS 1,184,000 2015 975,000 102 11,600 264 4,500 2010 C B406 China Xiangyang, HUB 1,183,000 2015 1,100,000 52 22,800 135 8,800 2010 C B407 Nepal Kathmandu 1,180,000 2015 1,180,000 23 51,300 60 19,800 2015 D B407 Serbia Belgrade 1,180,000 2015 1,180,000 90 13,100 233 5,100 2015 D B409 India Vasai-Virar, MH 1,179,000 2011 1,100,000 35 33,700 91 13,000 2011 A B410 India Tiruppur, TN 1,177,000 2015 963,000 40 29,400 104 11,400 2011 A B411 Indonesia Denpasar 1,175,000 2015 875,000 69 17,000 179 6,600 2010 C B412 Morocco Marrakech 1,173,000 2015 850,000 31 37,800 80 14,600 2004 C B413 Brazil Vittoria 1 172 000 2015 1 100 000 130 9 000 337 3 500 2010 C B413 Brazil Vittoria 1,172,000 2015 1,100,000 130 9,000 337 3,500 2010 C B414 Brazil Sao Luis 1,171,000 2015 1,075,000 165 7,100 427 2,700 2010 C B415 Costa Rica San Jose 1,170,000 2015 1,170,000 130 9,000 337 3,500 2015 D B416 Russia Samara 1,162,000 2015 1,165,000 145 8,000 376 3,100 2010 D B417 Ireland Dublin 1,160,000 2015 1,160,000 175 6,600 453 2,600 2015 D B417 Myanmar Mandalay 1,160,000 2015 1,160,000 33 35,200 85 13,600 2015 D B417 Russia Kazan 1,160,000 2015 1,160,000 190 6,100 492 2,400 2015 D B, , , , , ,420 China Zhangjiakou, HEB 1,156,000 2015 1,080,000 50 23,100 130 8,900 2010 C B421 Russia Omsk 1,154,000 2015 1,150,000 190 6,100 492 2,300 2010 C B421 United States Jacksonville, FL 1,154,000 2015 1,065,000 530 2,000 1,373 800 2010 A A423 Congo (Dem. Rep.) Kananga 1,150,000 2015 1,150,000 21 54,800 54 21,100 2015 D B423 Iraq Irbil 1,150,000 2015 1,150,000 29 39,700 75 15,300 2015 D B423 Russia Chelyabinsk 1,150,000 2015 1,150,000 225 5,100 583 2,000 2015 D B426 Indonesia Cirebon 1,143,000 2015 1,075,000 41 27,900 106 10,800 2010 C B427 China Huainan, AH 1,142,000 2015 1,060,000 42 27,200 109 10,500 2010 C B427 Indonesia Batam 1,142,000 2015 800,000 80 14,300 207 5,500 2010 C B429 Australia Adelaide, SA 1,140,000 2015 1,104,000 329 3,400 852 1,300 2011 A A430 India Kota, RJ 1,138,000 2015 1,001,000 24 47,400 62 18,300 2011 A B431 Mexico San Luis Potos 1,137,000 2015 1,040,000 51 22,300 132 8,600 2010 D B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 29

  • 432 Venezuela Maracay 1,135,000 2015 1,060,000 85 13,400 220 5,200 2011 C B433 China Ruian (Wenzhou), ZJ 1,134,000 2015 965,000 51 22,200 132 8,600 2010 C B434 China Lianyungang, JS 1,128,000 2015 930,000 60 18,800 155 7,300 2010 C B435 Georgia Tbilisi 1,125,000 2015 1,120,000 75 15,000 194 5,800 2010 D B436 India Chandigarh, CH-HR-PB 1,124,000 2015 1,026,000 100 11,200 259 4,300 2011 A B437 Rwanda Kigali 1,121,000 2015 940,000 44 25,500 114 9,800 2010 C B438 H d T i l 1 120 000 2015 1 120 000 38 29 500 98 11 400 2015 D B438 Honduras Tegucigalpa 1,120,000 2015 1,120,000 38 29,500 98 11,400 2015 D B439 China Huaibei, AH 1,116,000 2015 975,000 35 31,900 91 12,300 2010 C B439 Kenya Mombasa 1,116,000 2015 940,000 33 33,800 85 13,100 2010 D B441 Indonesia Malang 1,114,000 2015 1,050,000 95 11,700 246 4,500 2010 D B442 Mexico Merida 1,111,000 2015 1,020,000 80 13,900 207 5,400 2010 D B443 Libya Tripoli 1,110,000 2015 1,110,000 75 14,800 194 5,700 2015 D B444 Spain Seville 1,107,000 2015 1,100,000 105 10,500 272 4,100 2011 C B444 Spain Seville 1,107,000 2015 1,100,000 105 10,500 272 4,100 2011 C B445 United States Memphis, TN-MS-AR 1,102,000 2015 1,060,000 497 2,100 1,287 900 2010 A A446 China Tengzhou (Zhaoahuang), SD 1,101,000 2015 910,000 44 25,000 114 9,700 2010 C B446 India Tiruchirappalli, TN 1,101,000 2015 1,022,000 33 33,400 85 12,900 2011 A B446 Iran Qom 1,101,000 2015 1,000,000 45 24,500 117 9,400 2011 C B449 El Salvador San Salvador 1,100,000 2015 1,100,000 60 18,300 155 7,100 2015 D B449 Indonesia Pekan Baru 1,100,000 2015 1,100,000 26 42,300 67 16,300 2015 D B449 Liberia Monrovia 1,100,000 2015 1,100,000 75 14,700 194 5,700 2015 D B449 Nigeria Onitsha 1,100,000 2015 1,100,000 57 19,300 148 7,500 2015 D B449 Pakistan Quetta 1,100,000 2015 1,100,000 48 22,900 124 8,800 2015 D B454 India Bareilly, UP 1,094,000 2015 980,000 32 34,200 83 13,200 2011 A B455 Israel Haifa 1,090,000 2015 1,090,000 88 12,400 228 4,800 2015 D B455 Niger Niamey 1,090,000 2015 1,090,000 50 21,800 130 8,400 2015 C B455 Russia Rostov 1 090 000 2015 1 090 000 160 6 800 414 2 600 2015 D B455 Russia Rostov 1,090,000 2015 1,090,000 160 6,800 414 2,600 2015 D B458 China Jiamusi, HL 1,089,000 2015 1,020,000 31 35,100 80 13,600 2010 C B459 United States Raleigh, NC 1,085,000 2015 885,000 518 1,700 1,342 800 2010 A A459 United States Salt Lake City, UT 1,085,000 2015 1,021,000 278 3,700 720 1,500 2010 A A461 United States Nashville, TN 1,081,000 2015 970,000 563 1,700 1,458 700 2010 A A462 India Mysore, KA 1,078,000 2015 988,000 35 30,800 91 11,900 2011 A B463 China Xinxiang, HEN 1,074,000 2015 990,000 40 26,900 104 10,400 2010 C Bg, , , , , ,464 Turkey Antalya 1,070,000 2015 1,070,000 70 15,300 181 5,900 2015 D B465 Brazil Natal 1,064,000 2015 975,000 95 11,200 246 4,300 2010 C B466 Brazil Joao Pessoa 1,052,000 2015 975,000 75 14,000 194 5,400 2010 C B466 China Fuzhou, JX 1,052,000 2015 690,000 26 40,500 67 15,600 2000 C B468 China Puning (Jieyang), GD 1,043,000 2015 910,000 69 15,100 179 5,800 2010 C B469 China Zhanjiang, GD 1,042,000 2015 940,000 32 32,600 83 12,600 2010 C B470 China Qinhuangdao, HEB 1,041,000 2015 910,000 60 17,400 155 6,700 2010 C B470 China Zhucheng (Weifang), SD 1,041,000 2015 860,000 56 18,600 145 7,200 2010 C B472 Canada Edmonton, AB 1,040,000 2015 960,000 330 2,900 855 1,200 2011 A A473 China Yichang, HUB 1,039,000 2015 870,000 25 41,600 65 16,000 2010 C B473 India Guwahati, AS 1,039,000 2015 969,000 27 38,500 70 14,900 2011 A B475 Myanmar Nay Pyi Taw 1,030,000 2015 1,030,000 90 11,400 233 4,400 2015 D H

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 30

  • 476 Colombia Bucaramanga 1,029,000 2015 850,000 23 44,700 60 17,300 2005 C B477 Nigeria Zaria 1,025,000 2015 960,000 34 30,100 88 11,600 2010 F B477 United States Louisville, KY-IN 1,025,000 2015 973,000 477 2,000 1,235 800 2010 A A479 Russia Ufa 1,024,000 2015 1,020,000 65 15,800 168 6,100 2010 C B480 China Huzhou, ZJ 1,021,000 2015 690,000 43 23,700 111 9,200 2000 C B481 India Aligarh, UP 1,020,000 2015 910,000 16 63,800 41 24,600 2011 A B481 M i A li t 1 020 000 2015 930 000 41 24 900 106 9 600 2010 D B481 Mexico Aguascalientes 1,020,000 2015 930,000 41 24,900 106 9,600 2010 D B481 Nigeria Kaduna 1,020,000 2015 1,020,000 59 17,300 153 6,700 2015 D B484 Saudi Arabia Ad-Dammam 1,019,000 2015 900,000 375 2,700 971 1,000 2010 C B485 France Lille 1,018,000 2015 1,000,000 108 9,400 280 3,600 2010 C B485 Mexico Mexicali 1,018,000 2015 930,000 78 13,100 202 5,000 2010 D B485 United States Richmond, VA 1,018,000 2015 954,000 492 1,900 1,274 800 2010 A A488 Ukraine Odessa 1,010,000 2015 1,010,000 80 12,600 207 4,900 2015 D B488 Ukraine Odessa 1,010,000 2015 1,010,000 80 12,600 207 4,900 2015 D B489 Belgium Antwerp 1,008,000 2015 990,000 245 4,100 635 1,600 2011 C B490 China Xiangtan, HUN 1,007,000 2015 900,000 50 20,100 130 7,800 2010 C B490 China Zhuzhou, HUN 1,007,000 2015 925,000 60 16,800 155 6,500 2010 C B490 Japan Naha 1,007,000 2015 970,000 110 9,200 285 3,500 2005 C B493 India Moradabad, UP 1,004,000 2015 890,000 20 50,200 52 19,400 2011 A B494 Bangladesh Khulna 1,000,000 2015 1,000,000 27 37,000 70 14,300 2015 D B494 Congo (Dem. Rep.) Kisangani 1,000,000 2015 1,000,000 22 45,500 57 17,600 2015 D B494 Iraq Basra 1,000,000 2015 1,000,000 61 16,400 158 6,300 2015 D B494 Iraq Sulaimaniya 1,000,000 2015 1,000,000 24 41,700 62 16,100 2015 D B494 Sierra Leone Freetown 1,000,000 2015 1,000,000 35 28,600 91 11,000 2015 D B499 Russia Volgograd 999,000 2015 1,000,000 260 3,800 673 1,500 2010 C B500 Russia Krasnoyarsk 998,000 2015 970,000 170 5,900 440 2,300 2010 C B501 Argentina Mendoza 997 000 2015 942 000 95 10 500 246 4 100 2010 C B501 Argentina Mendoza 997,000 2015 942,000 95 10,500 246 4,100 2010 C B501 China Pingdingshan, HEN 997,000 2015 870,000 34 29,300 88 11,300 2010 C B502 France Nice 978,000 2015 947,000 287 3,400 743 1,300 2010 C B503 India Salem, TN 996,000 2015 919,000 19 52,400 49 20,200 2011 A B504 Canada Ottawa, ON-QC 994,000 2015 934,000 194 4,800 502 2,000 2011 A A505 Colombia Cartagena 992,000 2015 800,000 36 27,600 93 10,600 2005 C B506 India Solapur, MH 991,000 2015 951,000 21 47,200 54 18,200 2011 A Bp , , , , ,507 Mexico Cuernavaca 990,000 2015 990,000 66 15,000 171 5,800 2015 D B507 South Korea Changwon 990,000 2015 1,000,000 40 24,800 104 9,600 2010 C B509 China Hengyang, HUN 987,000 2015 850,000 23 42,900 60 16,600 2010 C B510 India Bhubaneswar, OR 984,000 2015 882,000 28 35,100 73 13,600 2011 A B511 China Daqing, HL 983,000 2015 870,000 45 21,800 117 8,400 2010 C B511 Viet Nam Hai Phong 983,000 2015 700,000 25 39,300 65 15,200 2005 C B513 United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi 982,000 2015 800,000 340 2,900 881 1,100 2010 L B514 Nicaragua Managua 980,000 2015 940,000 60 16,300 155 6,300 2010 C B516 Brazil Maceio 977,000 2015 900,000 45 21,700 117 8,400 2010 C B517 Laos Vientiane 975,000 2015 975,000 50 19,500 130 7,500 2015 D B517 Norway Oslo 975,000 2015 926,000 112 8,300 290 3,400 2012 A A519 Russia Perm 974,000 2015 990,000 130 7,500 337 2,900 2010 D B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 31

  • 520 China Zhenjiang, JS 969,000 2015 875,000 94 10,300 243 4,000 2010 C B521 China Bengbu, AH 961,000 2015 900,000 65 14,800 168 5,700 2010 C B522 United States Hartford, CT 960,000 2015 925,000 516 1,800 1,336 700 2010 A A523 Brazil Teresina 950,000 2015 950,000 85 11,200 220 4,300 2015 D B523 Congo Pointe Noire 950,000 2015 950,000 39 24,400 101 9,400 2015 D B523 Mauritania Nouakchott 950,000 2015 950,000 33 28,800 85 11,100 2015 C B523 Uk i Dnipropetrovsk 950 000 2015 950 000 125 7 600 324 2 900 2015 D B523 Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk 950,000 2015 950,000 125 7,600 324 2,900 2015 D B523 Viet Nam Da Nang 950,000 2015 950,000 25 38,000 65 14,700 2015 D B528 China Guilin, GX 949,000 2015 875,000 41 23,100 106 8,900 2010 C B529 India Jalandhar, PB 948,000 2015 874,000 22 43,100 57 16,600 2011 A B530 China Tongxiang (Jiaxing), ZJ 946,000 2015 510,000 20 47,300 52 18,300 2000 C B531 China Fuxin, LN 944,000 2015 890,000 48 19,700 124 7,600 2010 C B532 Mexico Chihuahua 940,000 2015 940,000 64 14,700 166 5,700 2015 D B532 Mexico Chihuahua 940,000 2015 940,000 64 14,700 166 5,700 2015 D B532 Nigeria Aba 940,000 2015 940,000 35 26,900 91 10,400 2015 D B534 China Rizhao, SD 937,000 2015 800,000 57 16,400 148 6,300 2010 C B535 China Yancheng, JS 935,000 2015 750,000 80 11,700 207 4,500 2010 C B535 Mexico Culiacan 935,000 2015 840,000 41 22,800 106 8,800 2010 C B537 Morocco Tanger 934,000 2015 790,000 37 25,200 96 9,700 2010 D B538 China Baoji, SAA 933,000 2015 815,000 28 33,300 73 12,900 2010 D B539 Ukraine Donetsk 930,000 2015 930,000 174 5,300 451 2,100 2015 D B540 Nigeria Maiduguri 925,000 2015 851,000 60 15,400 155 6,000 2011 D B541 United States Buffalo, NY 923,000 2015 936,000 380 2,500 984 900 2010 A A541 Venezuela Barquisimeto 923,000 2015 900,000 75 12,300 194 4,800 2011 C B543 China Jinzhou, LN 922,000 2015 840,000 30 30,700 78 11,900 2010 C B543 France Toulouse 922,000 2015 865,000 313 2,900 811 1,100 2010 C B543 United States New Orleans LA 922 000 2015 900 000 251 3 600 650 1 400 2010 A A543 United States New Orleans, LA 922,000 2015 900,000 251 3,600 650 1,400 2010 A A546 China Mudanjiang, HL 920,000 2015 850,000 42 21,900 109 8,500 2010 C B546 Turkey Diyarbakir 920,000 2015 920,000 24 38,300 62 14,800 2015 D B548 Mexico Saltillo 917,000 2015 820,000 84 10,900 218 4,200 2010 D B548 United States Oklahoma City, OK 917,000 2015 862,000 411 2,100 1,064 900 2010 A A550 Brazil Florianopolis 915,000 2015 800,000 70 13,100 181 5,000 2010 C B551 Argentina Tucuman 910,000 2015 910,000 44 20,700 114 8,000 2015 D Bg , , , ,551 China Kashi, XJ 910,000 2010 750,000 50 18,200 130 7,000 2010 C B551 Pakistan Bahawalpur 910,000 2015 910,000 23 39,600 60 15,300 2015 D B554 Indonesia Bandar Lampung 909,000 2015 825,000 41 22,200 106 8,600 2010 C B555 Nigeria Enugu 906,000 2015 807,000 30 30,200 78 11,700 2011 D B556 United States Tucson, AZ 902,000 2015 843,000 353 2,400 914 1,000 2010 A A557 Malawi Lilongwe 900,000 2015 900,000 27 33,300 70 12,900 2015 D B557 South Korea Ulsan 900,000 2015 900,000 40 22,500 104 8,700 2015 D B557 Turkey Kayseri 900,000 2015 900,000 39 23,100 101 8,900 2015 D B560 Nigeria Ilorin 899,000 2015 814,000 32 28,100 83 10,800 2011 D B561 Russia Voronezh 897,000 2015 880,000 61 14,700 158 5,700 2010 C B562 Iran Kermanshah 890,000 2015 840,000 40 22,300 104 8,600 2011 C B563 China Benxi, LN 888,000 2015 825,000 45 19,700 117 7,600 2010 C B

    Demographia World Urban Areas: 11th Annual Edition: 2015.01 (Built-Up Urban Areas or World Agglomerations) 32

  • 563 China Fuqing (Fuzhou), FJ 888,000 2015 800,000 85 10,400 220 4,000 2010 C B565 Philippines Angeles City 883,000 2015 800,000 72 12,300 186 4,700 2010 C B565 United Kingdom Southampton-Portsmouth 883,000 2015 856,000 74 11,500 192 4,600 2011 A A567 Iraq Najaf 880,000 2015 880,000 34 25,900 88 10,000 2015 D B567 Yemen Aden 880,000 2015 880,000 19 46,300 49 17,900 2015 D B569 France Bordeaux 878,000 2015 830,000 453 1,900 1,173 700 2010 C B570 M i A l 875 000 2015 875 000 33 26 500 85 10 200 2015 D B570 Mexico Acapulco 875,000 2015 875,000 33 26,500 85 10,200 2015 D B570 United Kingdom Liverpool 875,000 2015 864,000 77 11,200 200 4,400 2011 A A572 Indonesia Padang 874,000 2015 800,000 39 22,400 101 8,700 2010 C B573 Chile Valparaso-Vina del Mar 872,000 2015 840,000 62 14,100 161 5,400 2010 C B573 China Tongliao, NM 872,000 2015 770,000 65 13,400 168 5,200 2010 C B575 Benin Cotonou 871,000 2015 840,000 80 10,900 207 4,200 2010 F B576 United States El Paso, TX-NM 865,000 2015 803,000 251 3,200 650 1,300 2010 A A576 United States El Paso, TX NM 865,000 2015 803,000 251 3,200 650 1,300 2010 A A577 Poland Gdansk 853,000 2015 850,000 125 6,800 324 2,600 2011 C B578 Nigeria Jos 851,000 2015 772,000 27 31,500 70 12,200 2011 D B579 Algeria Wahran 850,000 2015 850,000 36 23,600 93 9,100 2015 D B579 Honduras San Pedro Sula 850,000 2015 850,000 51 16,700 132 6,400 2015 D B579 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 850,000 2015 850,000 70 12,100 181 4,700 2015 D B579 Peru Arequipa 850,000 2015 850,000 75 11,300 194 4,400 2015 D B579 Turkey Mersin 850,000 2015 850,000 29 29,300 75 11,300 2015 D B584 India Warangal, AP 843,000 2015 760,000 34 24,800 88 9,600 2011 A B585 United States Honolulu, HI 842,000 2015 802,000 170 4,700 440 1,900 2010 A A 1586 Congo (Dem. Rep.) Bukavu 840,000 2015 800,000 17 49,400 44 19,100 2014 D B586 Israel Jerusalem 840,000 2015 840,000 90 9,300 233 3,600 2015 D B586 Italy Bergamo 840,000 2015 840,000 100 8,400 259 3,200 2015 D B586 Mexico Cancun 840 000 2015 840 000 39 21 500 101 8 300 2015 D B586 Mexico Cancun 840,000 2015 840,000 39 21,500 101 8,300 2015 D B586 Nigeria Uyo 840,000 2015 840,000 40 21,000 104 8,100 2015 D B591 Mexico Reynosa 839,000 2015 730,000 65 12,900 168 5,000 2010 D B592 United States McAllen, TX 838,000 2015 729,000 358 2,000 927 900 2010 A A593 Brazil Campo Grande 834,000 2015 775,000 81 10,300 210 4,000 2010 C B594 Japan Shizuoka 831,000 2015 700,000 50 16,600 130 6,400 2010 C B595 Italy Florence 830,000 2015 821,000 85 9,800 220 3,800 2010 C By , , , ,595 Tanzania Mwanza 830,000 2015 830,000 44 18,900 114 7,300 2015 D B597 Greece Thessaloniki 828,000 2015 840,000 75 11,000 194 4,300 2010 C B598 China Maanshan, AH 827,000 2015 710,000 75 11,000 194 4,300 2010 C B599 Congo (Dem. Rep.) Goma 826,000 2015 630,000 21 39,300 54 15,200 2010 F B600 Oman Muscat 825,000 2015 825,000 80 10,300 207 4,000 2015 D B601 China Cangnan (Wenzhou), ZJ 823,000 2010 700,000 25 32,900 65 12,700 2010 C B602 Tajikistan Dushanbe 820,000 2015 820,000 97 8,500 251 3,300 2015 D B603 China
