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Repeatability and phenotypic plasticity of fish swimming performance across a gradient of urbanization Jay A. Nelson & Fabrizio Atzori & Kirk R. Gastrich Received: 23 May 2014 /Accepted: 12 November 2014 # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014 Abstract How phenotypic plasticity of locomotor per- formance varies among populations in nature is poorly known. Swimming ability of blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus) from eight different watersheds had previously been shown to depend upon watershed impervious surface cover (ISC) and stream base-flow. Keeping these populations of stream fish under low flow conditions produced changes in locomotor capacity sug- gestive of phenotypic plasticity varying among the pop- ulations. The present experiments were conducted to better understand the plasticity of swimming perfor- mance in dace and how urbanization affects dace biol- ogy. Two experimental approaches were used: 1) labo- ratory training of dace populations at two levels of flow for 6 weeks; and, 2) exploring in situ training by cap- turing fish from relatively fast and slow reaches of three different streams and comparing their swimming abili- ties at three different scales. Individual sprint and endur- ance (modified U crit ) swimming were significantly re- peatable across a laboratory training regimen; sprint performance had previously been shown to not be repeatable when dace were held in static water. Both of our approaches suggested that sprint and endurance swimming ability significantly respond to changes in environmental flow. Although there was no evidence for a different magnitude of phenotypic plasticity among populations, urban populations that experience more stochastic flow regimes had more consistent plasticity. Phenotypic plasticity of locomotor performance in re- sponse to variable flow appears to be an important characteristic of blacknose dace biology, yet we did not uncover sufficient evidence to suggest that it is under selection in fish adjusting to urban stream habitats. Keywords Blacknose dace . Exercise training . Locomotor performance . Swimming performance Introduction One of the least appreciated impacts of humans on natural landscapes is how urbanization has altered the character and biota of urban streams. Although highly publicized point-source pollution problems have been minimized through environmental activism, massive hydrological and habitat changes wrought by water flowing over impervious surfaces of urban watersheds, coupled with unmodified stormwater runoff, remain the reality for many urban streams (Vitousek et al. 1997; Paul and Meyer 2001). Increased impervious surface cover (ISC) decreases the fraction of precipitation that enters groundwater. Thus surface run-off is much Environ Biol Fish DOI 10.1007/s10641-014-0369-x J. A. Nelson (*) Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University, Towson, MD 21252, USA e-mail: [email protected] F. Atzori Area Marina Protetta Capo Carbonara, via Aspromonte 14, 09049 Villasimius, Cagliari, Italy K. R. Gastrich Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, North Miami, FL 33181, USA
Page 1: Repeatability and phenotypic plasticity of fish swimming … · 2016-10-04 · Repeatability and phenotypic plasticity of fish swimming performance across a gradient of urbanization

Repeatability and phenotypic plasticity of fish swimmingperformance across a gradient of urbanization

Jay A. Nelson & Fabrizio Atzori & Kirk R. Gastrich

Received: 23 May 2014 /Accepted: 12 November 2014# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract How phenotypic plasticity of locomotor per-formance varies among populations in nature is poorlyknown. Swimming ability of blacknose dace(Rhinichthys atratulus) from eight different watershedshad previously been shown to depend upon watershedimpervious surface cover (ISC) and stream base-flow.Keeping these populations of stream fish under low flowconditions produced changes in locomotor capacity sug-gestive of phenotypic plasticity varying among the pop-ulations. The present experiments were conducted tobetter understand the plasticity of swimming perfor-mance in dace and how urbanization affects dace biol-ogy. Two experimental approaches were used: 1) labo-ratory training of dace populations at two levels of flowfor 6 weeks; and, 2) exploring in situ training by cap-turing fish from relatively fast and slow reaches of threedifferent streams and comparing their swimming abili-ties at three different scales. Individual sprint and endur-ance (modified Ucrit) swimming were significantly re-peatable across a laboratory training regimen; sprintperformance had previously been shown to not be

repeatable when dace were held in static water. Bothof our approaches suggested that sprint and enduranceswimming ability significantly respond to changes inenvironmental flow. Although there was no evidence fora different magnitude of phenotypic plasticity amongpopulations, urban populations that experience morestochastic flow regimes had more consistent plasticity.Phenotypic plasticity of locomotor performance in re-sponse to variable flow appears to be an importantcharacteristic of blacknose dace biology, yet we didnot uncover sufficient evidence to suggest that it isunder selection in fish adjusting to urban streamhabitats.

Keywords Blacknose dace . Exercise training .

Locomotor performance . Swimming performance


One of the least appreciated impacts of humans onnatural landscapes is how urbanization has altered thecharacter and biota of urban streams. Although highlypublicized point-source pollution problems have beenminimized through environmental activism, massivehydrological and habitat changes wrought by waterflowing over impervious surfaces of urban watersheds,coupled with unmodified stormwater runoff, remain thereality for many urban streams (Vitousek et al. 1997;Paul and Meyer 2001). Increased impervious surfacecover (ISC) decreases the fraction of precipitation thatenters groundwater. Thus surface run-off is much

Environ Biol FishDOI 10.1007/s10641-014-0369-x

J. A. Nelson (*)Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University,Towson, MD 21252, USAe-mail: [email protected]

F. AtzoriArea Marina Protetta Capo Carbonara, via Aspromonte 14,09049 Villasimius, Cagliari, Italy

K. R. GastrichDepartment of Biological Sciences, Florida InternationalUniversity, North Miami, FL 33181, USA

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greater in cities following rainfall or melting events andurban stream flow rises dramatically (Hirsch et al.1990). The loss of water entering the groundwater alsoproduces lower flows between periods of precipitationor melt in urban streams (Klein 1979). Thus, the % ISCof a watershed is a predictor of flow stochasticity andhydrologic degradation.

In these degraded waterways, fish diversity decreasesdrastically and fish assemblages become dominated bytolerant species (Schueler and Galli 1992). These toler-an t spec i e s a r e then po ten t i a l t a rge t s fo ranthropogenically-driven population diversification oreven evolution (Vitousek et al. 1997; Atwell et al.2012). The fragmentation of habitat in urban streamscan also reduce gene flow within populations of thesetolerant species (Sofia et al. 2006; Marcangeli 2013),possibly accelerating the rates of population diversifica-tion and evolution.

The blacknose dace (Rhinichthys atratulus) is one ofthose urbanization-tolerant species that exists in some ofthe most degraded streams around Baltimore, MD,USA, often to the point of being the only fish speciesleft in a stream. However, blacknose dace are alsoabdundant in nearby, rural stream communities with adiverse fauna and they are also found in streams of allintermediate levels of urbanization. This gradient ofurbanized streams at similar latitude, altitude and streamorder, sets up an intraspecific comparative experimentfrom which one can test hypotheses concerning howhuman activities influence the biology of a species thatis not extirpated from urban streams (Nelson et al.2008).

Nelson et al. (2003, 2008) had previously shownphenotypic plasticity of a modified Ucrit performancein blacknose dace. This performance was a significantfunction of stream baseflow in fish from rural andsuburban streams (Nelson et al. 2003); fish from streamregions with greater baseflow had better swimmingperformance than those from slower reaches.Interestingly, fish from the site with the most variablecurrent flow had the greatest variation in individual Ucrit

(Nelson et al. 2003). When urban fish were analyzed,the percentage of ISC was the most important environ-mental variable influencing Ucrit (Nelson et al. 2008).Regardless of whether a group of fish was from a fastreach of a rural stream or from a city stream, holdingthem in static water (de-training) for 6 months causedtheir exceptional swimming ability to become ordinary(Nelson et al. 2008). In contrast, individuals that

orginally had an average or below-average Ucrit hadsignificantly repeatable (unchanged) performance after6 months in static laboratory water. Collectively, theseresults implied that phenotypic plasticity of enduranceswimming ability might vary at the population level andmotivated the present experiments.

Sprinting performance may be a more relevant gaugeof a stream fish’s ability to survive mortality selection(Nelson et al. 2002) and has been shown to be signifi-cantly repeatable on a daily and weekly basis in adultblacknose dace (Nelson et al. 2008). Sprint performanceof individual blacknose dace correlates strongly with the%ISC of their watershed (Nelson et al. 2008). Urban fishare better sprinters than rural fish, suggesting that theincreased “flashiness” of the urban flow environment iseither sprint training fish (phenotypic plasticity), or di-rectional selection is leaving only the better sprintingfish in the streams to be collected by scientists. De-training of blacknose dace homogenized their sprintswimming performances (Nelson et al. 2008); fish thatwere top sprinters upon arriving from the field invari-ably lost ability by being held in static laboratory waterwhereas poor-sprinting fish tended to maintain or evengain ability in the laboratory. While the parsimoniousexplanation for these results was entirely speculative(Nelson et al. 2008), the changes in sprint performancein the laboratory were also suggestive of population-level differences in phenotypic plasticity.

Although research into the role of phenotypic plas-ticity and reaction norms in organic evolution and envi-ronmental adaptation has expanded exponentially inrecent years (Hutchings 2011), many of the details re-main controversial (Ghalambor et al. 2007). Whetherphenotypic plasticity retards rates of evolution, is ofitself a trait subject to natural selection or is even anevolutionary process are all under debate (De Jong2005; Ghalambor et al. 2007). These debates notwith-standing, results from diverse taxa suggest that animalsfrom more variable environments are more phenotypi-cally plastic in traits as far-ranging as life history char-acters (Seigel and Ford 2001; Baker and Foster 2002),morphology (Peres-Neto and Magnan 2004; Svanbäckand Schluter 2012), thermoregulation (Cooper et al.2012) and osmoregulation (Nelson et al. 1996). Thus,increases in phenotypic plasticity can be proposed as abiomarker of sorts for increased environmental variabil-ity and understanding plasticity has taken on some ur-gency as it may influence a species’ ability to cope withclimate change (Chevin et al. 2010).

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The purpose of this study was to investigate whetherthe anthropogenic alteration of stream flow over the past150 years has affected the phenotypic plasticity of loco-motor performance in blacknose dace and to determinewhether this plasticity varies at the population level as afunction flow stochasticity. Specifically, we testedwhether sprint and endurance swimming performancecould be trained in the laboratory by forcing fish fromdifferent populations to swim continuously against twolevels of flow. We also examined intrapopulation plas-ticity of three types of locomotor performance by testingfish from relatively fast and relatively slow reaches ofthe same stream. These populations were chosen acrossa gradient of urbanization so that, if population differ-ences in plasticity were detected, they could be related tothe changes in stream flow character brought on byurbanization.

Materials and methods

Field sites

Blacknose dace were collected in two separate yearsfrom five different watersheds. Table 1 summarizes thebase-flow current velocity and percentage of impervioussurface cover (%ISC) information for each of the fieldsites. Base flow velocity (m•s!1) information for thesesites was taken from Nelson et al. (2003) and Nelsonet al. (2008). Information on the variability of base flowfor some of the sites is presented in Nelson et al. (2003).Briefly, for every five meters of a 100 m reach, aperpendicular transect was sampled at five even inter-vals over the width of the stream using a Marsh-McBirney Model 2000 flowmeter placed at mid-depthof the stream while recording depth measurements ateach interval. The %ISC for a watershed was calculatedaccording to Nelson et al. (2008). Briefly, %ISC wasdetermined by interpreting watershed boundaries fromdigital line graphs of topographic contours. Then, the2001 impervious surface cover map of the NationalLand Cover database (U.S. Department of the Interiorand US Geological Survey, Multi-Resolution LandCharacteristics Consortium, http://www.mrlc.gov) wasused to calculate the percentage of each watershedcovered by impervious surfaces. These streams wereclassified as urban, suburban or rural based uponimpervious surface cover of >20, 10–20 and <2 %,respectively (Nelson et al. 2008).

Fish capture and handling

Two separate studies are reported on here: 1) laboratorytraining of individuals from one reach of each of fourseparate streams, two urban, one suburban and one ruraland, 2) assessment of intra-population natural trainingby collecting individuals from two separate reaches,differing in flow, from within each of three differentstreams varying in degree of urbanization. In addition,this second study included a few individuals that werefortuitously hatched in the laboratory and never exposedto any substantial flow.

Fish were collected using a Smith-Root Inc. back-pack Electro fisher from stream reaches of known base-flow and %ISC (Nelson et al. 2003, 2008). Becausepopulations were experimented on sequentially, streamsampling order and thus experimental order, was deter-mined randomly. In an attempt to minimize size effects,fish for each experiment were selected on site to be ofsimilar size (Table 2). No attempt was made to separatesexes because blacknose dace are not sexually dimor-phic except when breeding. Selected fish were placedinto an aerated 94 L cooler with water from their homestream and transferred back to Towson University wherethey were kept with the gradual addition of de-chlorinated Baltimore city tap water until the watertemperature reached 20 °C (laboratory training experi-ment) or15 °C (natural training experiment). The rate oftemperature change during this acclimation to the labo-ratory was kept below 2 °C per day.

Laboratory training experiment

Seven days after reaching the target temperature, fish(n=32 from each population; Table 2) were anesthetizedwith MS-222 [100 mg•L!1; buffered with Na+;HCO3

!],weighed (g), and uniquely marked with a sub-dermalinjection of fluorescent dye mixed with the antibioticMaracyn® [5 g•L!1]. This procedure has been shownnot to affect fish swimming performance (Sutphin et al.2007). Fish were then transferred to 20 L holdingaquaria without flow, surrounded by black plastic withfrosted covers to minimize visual disturbance and habit-uation to humans. Pre-training swim tests began onrandomly selected individuals after 1 week in theseholding tanks; the order of swimming was conservedthroughout the experimental period to allow for equalrecovery time between sprint and endurance tests andapproximately equal training periods. Each fish

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underwent, in order: 1) a series of sprint performancetests within a period of 1–2 h (see below), 2) followedby 5 days of recovery, 3) a modified Ucrit test (seebelow), before 4) being transferred without air exposureto one of the training aquaria (Fig. 1). Thus the first fishin a group started training 21 days after being capturedand the last at 27 days.

After completion of the two baseline swimmingperformance tests, fish were trained by randomlyplacing them into a lane of a “training tank” for 40–50 days at one of two randomly assigned currentvelocities. The order of populations, their designationand the chief month of training were: 1) Aspen Run,rural (August), 2) Herring Run, urban (September),3) Gwynn’s Falls, suburban (October) and 4) RedHouse Run, urban (November). Each of the fourtraining tanks was a modified 380 L aquarium whereflow was delivered via pumps and PVC piping toeach of four training compartments (60!13!6 cm;

16 total; Fig. 1). Two training tanks were designatedas high flow (average current velocity of 16 cm•s!1)and two tanks were designated as low flow (averagecurrent velocity of 7 cm•s!1). The average currentvelocities were determined empirically by averaging60 mid-depth measurements across the training sec-tions of each tank (240 total) using a Marsh-McBirney Model 2000 flow meter. The training com-partments within a tank were partitioned with blackplexiglass so that a fish could only see the other fishin its compartment and black plastic was placed onthe sides and the top was frosted plexiglass to mini-mize habituation to humans. Fish were fed to satia-tion once daily with commercial flake fish food(Aquarian® or Tetramin®; flow discontinued duringfeeding), and kept on a 15:9 light:dark cycle. Watertemperature was monitored daily whereas ammonia,nitrite, nitrate, pH, and DO2 were monitored bi-weekly and a 25 % water change made weekly.

Table 1 Summary of samplesites including designation, wa-tershed percentage impervioussurface cover (%ISC) and meanbaseflow (m s!1)

See Nelson et al. (2003; 2008) formore information on the sites

Site Designation %ISC Mean baseflow (m·s!1)

Aspen Run Rural 0.21 0.22

Beaver Run (slow) Rural 1.0 0.092

Beaver Run (fast) Rural 1.0 0.226

Gwynn’s Falls (slow) Suburban 15.2 0.065

Gwynn’s Falls (fast) Suburban 15.2 0.151

Herring Run (slow) Urban 23.3 0.07

Herring Run (fast) Urban 23.3 0.3

Red House run Urban 26.8 0.03

Table 2 Fish origin, sample size and fish size for both experimental approaches

Fish origin Experiment Number Mean total length ± SE (cm) Mean mass ± SE (g)

Aspen Run Laboratory training 32 6.6±1.3 2.76±0.15

Gwynn’s Falls Laboratory training 32 6.6±0.8 2.65±0.10

Herring Run Laboratory training 32 6.6±0.4 2.84±0.06

Red house Run Laboratory training 27 6.4±0.6 2.39±0.07

Herring Run-upstream Natural conditioning 12 4.5±0.3 0.83±0.12

Herring Run-downstream Natural conditioning 9 5.4±0.2 1.48±0.14

Herring Run-lab-reared Natural conditioning 3 4.6±0.2 0.66±0.13

Beaver Run upstream Natural conditioning 12 3.9±0.2 0.45±0.06

Beaver Run downstream Natural conditioning 11 4.1±0.1 0.62±0.06

Beaver Run lab-reared Natural conditioning 7 3.9±0.2 0.53±0.08

Gwynn’s Falls upstream Natural conditioning 11 5.1±0.1 1.57±0.05

Gwynn’s Falls downstream Natural conditioning 13 4.8±0.4 1.36±0.33

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Natural training

To examine intra-population phenotypic plasticity inswimming performance, fish were collected from rela-tively fast or slow reaches of three streams spanning arural to urban gradient: Herring Run (HR) urban,Gwynn’s Falls (GF) suburban and Beaver Run (BR)rural (Table 1). The intra-stream sites were separatedby an average of 9.7 km (range 6.4–15.3 km). The sizeand number of fish examined from each site are shownin Table 2. Sites were selected where base flow wasknown (Nelson et al. 2003, 2008) and so that fast/slowreach did not completely correlate with upstream/downstream (e.g., for the GF population, the slow sitewas downstream). Following the acclimation describedabove, fish were anesthetized, weighed and measured asabove and immediately transferred to one of eight indi-vidual compartments within 60 L aquaria inside atemperature-controlled room and acclimated for anotherweek before swimming commenced. Aquaria were cov-ered with black plastic to minimize visual disturbanceand habituation. Water temperature was monitored dailywhereas ammonia, nitrite and nitrate were monitored bi-weekly and a 25 % water change made weekly. Fishwere fed daily with flake fish food (Aquarian®orTetramin®).

Sprint and acceleration performance

Sprint performance was measured as described in Nel-son et al. (2002, 2008). Briefly, 30 min prior to theinitiation of a sprint trial, a fish was herded into a

submerged container and transferred to a sprint perfor-mance chamber (SPC) without air exposure. The dimen-sions of the chamber were 1.5 m (length) ! 15 cm(width) ! 15 cm (height). Light-emitting laser diodes(OnPoint Laser Inc. 6780 Vermar Terrace, Eden Prairie,MN 55346USA) of approximately 5mWpower output,645–670 nm wavelength, and 1.1 mm beam width wereplaced at 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 23, 31, and 39 cm from the pointat which a fish would begin its sprint. The lasers weremounted in front of clear glass windows on one side ofthe raceway. A 5 mm glass rod was attached transverse-ly to the front of the laser lens. This rod refracted thebeam to project a vertical plane or “curtain of light”across the raceway. The laser light was detected on theopposite side of the chamber by eight arrays of photoDarlington detectors (Honeywell® SDP, 18 sensors perarray; 144 sensors total) of detection wavelength 580–720 nm. Individual sensors in an array were positionedvertically 0.5 cm from the bottom and then every 0.5 cmapart to a height of 8.5 cm (0.5 cm below the “fill” line at9 cm). When activated by light, the photo Darlingtondetector arrays put out a 5 V signal to one of eight digitalinputs on an AD Instruments Powerlab® 4 s interfacedto an Apple Macintosh I-Mac® computer runningChart® software. Fish were motivated to sprint by anattempted prod with a plastic pipette, but usually the fishwould accelerate before contact with the pipette tip.Breakage of the first laser beam acted as a trigger andthe time of subsequent laser beam breakage was record-ed to 0.0001 s accuracy. Only intervals of 4 cm orgreater were used to calculate sprint speed (intervals3–7). A minimum of 5 min elapsed between the timeof last human contact with a fish and initiation of asubsequent sprint trial. Fish were sprinted a minimumof four times and until the investigator was satisfied thatthree quality trials (straight path, motivated fish) hadbeen obtained. All trials were run at the experimentaltemperature. Sprint speed was calculated by dividing thedistance between the intervals by the time correspond-ing to beam breakages:

V ! Δx.Δt

where V is sprint speed (m•s!1) t is the elapsed time(s) and x the distance (m) between detector arrays. Theanimal’s top speed recorded in an interval >4 cm and themean maximum speed from an animal’s top three trialswere both analyzed. False detections were usually ap-parent during data analysis; suspect recordings were not

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the training tank design. All trainingtanks were constructed identically, with each having four uni-directionally flowing training lanes with swimming areas measur-ing 60!13!6 cm. Different current velocities were created byusing different-sized pumps. Special nozzles spread the flow ofwater out at the entrance to the training lanes in order to help createa uniform water velocity profile across each lane

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used and were identified as velocities that were morethan 0.25 m•s!1 faster than any other recorded for thatfish.

Acceleration performance was determined in the nat-ural training experiment by taking the difference inspeed of a subsequent interval divided by the timeelapsed between intervals.

A ! Δv.Δt

where A is acceleration (m•s!2), t is the elapsed time(s) and v speed (m•s!1). Acceleration values were onlycalculated from velocities that were within 0.25m•s!1 ofa value from a separate trial for that animal. Likewise, anacceleration value was only considered valid if therewas another value from the same fish from a separatetrial within 50 % of that value. Because the velocity of afish is unknown as it breaks the first laser in the SPC, theinvestigator is faced with uncertainty in calculating ananimal’s maximal acceleration. Taking the fish’s initialvelocity as 0 will artificially inflate acceleration valuessince the fish had to be moving to break the 1st laserbeam. However, not using the first interval will fail toincorporate the animal’s initial “fast-start” and thus beunlikely to capture its maximal acceleration. Eventhough trials were only initiated when the fish wasoriented with the tip of its head pointed down thechamber, there is no assurance that the initial phases ofa “fast-start” are being captured with the SPC. In thispaper, we have opted for the more conservative ap-proach of not using the first 1 cm interval of the SPCin our maximal acceleration analysis (see Vandammet al. 2012 for a more thorough discussion of this issue).

Endurance performance

Swimming endurance was measured in a swim tunneldescribed by Nelson (1989) using a modification of theUcrit procedure (Brett 1967; Nelson et al. 2002). Theswim tunnels were calibrated before and after eachexperiment using a Marsh-Mc Birney 2000 flow metermeasured at 18 points in the swimming section of thetunnel region at each of 12 variable transformer settingsspanning the velocity range of the tunnel (216 totalmeasurements). The critical swimming speeds of thefish were calculated using an average of the before andafter calibrations. Each fish was transferred to the swimtunnel without air exposure, acclimated for 1 h at a watervelocity of 0.10 m•s!1 and then subjected to incremental

increases in water velocity of 0.5 m•s!1 (Uii) every 5min(Tii) until the fish exhausted (Nelson et al. 2002). Ex-haustion was defined as the point at which a fish im-pinged on the back screen of the swim tunnel no longerresponded to prodding with a blunt plastic probe. Mod-ified critical swimming speed was calculated as:

55Ucrit ! Ui " Ti=Tii # Uii


where Ui is the highest water velocity at which a fishcould swim for a full 5-min time interval and Ti is thetime it took to exhaust the fish in the final interval.

Statistical analyses

The laboratory training experiment was analyzed byrepeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) withthe main effects being flow regime, population, andtraining. The natural training experiment was analyzedby (ANCOVA)with size as the covariate and populationand reach as the independent variables. ATukey’s HSDmultiple comparison test was used along with interac-tion plots in order to analyze population differences inresponse to training. Least squares regression analysisand Pearson’s correlation analysis was used when pre-dictors and trends were tested. Repeatability of perfor-mance measures was tested with Spearman’s rank-ordercorrelation. A Shapiro-Wilks procedure was used to testthe assumption of normality and observation of thescatterplot of the residuals showed whether these datahave met the assumptions of linearity and homoscedas-ticity and were further tested with Levene’s test. Appro-priate transformations of the raw data were made if theseassumptions were not met or non-parametric procedureswere used (e.g., Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA). The fiduciallevel of significance was !=0.05 for all statistical tests.All statistical analyses were performed with either Sig-ma Plot™, Statsoft™; Statistica™ 5.0 or JMP™ version5.1.


Laboratory training experiment

Endurance swimming performance (modified Ucrit)

Blacknose dace populations differed significantly intheir initial Ucrit (F=7.47, df (3, 80), P<0.01; Fig. 2).

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Fish from rural Aspen Run and urban Red House Runhad significantly higher initial Ucrit before training thandid fish from suburban Gwynn’s Falls and urban Her-ring Run (Fig. 2; P<0.05). These initial differences inUcrit were lost after training.

Forty to fifty days of training produced significantincreases in Ucrit across all four populations ofblacknose dace (Fig. 2; F=10.2, df (1,80), P=0.002).Some fish died or escaped over the course of the trainingperiod causing the design to be unbalanced. AlthoughFig. 2 might suggest an interaction between populationand training, this term was not significant (P=0.227).The different levels of flow did not produce significantlydifferent Ucrit performances (P=0.075), although, hadthere been a significant difference, the 7 cm•s!1 wasactually the training velocity that produced better swim-ming (Fig. 2).

Sprint swimming performance

Swimming against flow for 40–50 days induced signif-icant increases in the sprint swimming ability across allpopulations (Fig. 3; F=24.3, df (3, 81), P<0.001).Sprinting ability was also dependent on population

(F=7.7, df (3, 81), P<0.001), but there was no signifi-cant interaction between population and training(P=0.089) despite the appearance of Fig. 3. The twodifferent flow levels did not induce differences in post-training sprinting ability (Fig. 3; P=0.330), and similarto endurance swimming, the 7 cm•s!1 treatment wouldhave been the better training velocity had there been adifference between training flow levels (Fig. 3). None ofthe other interaction terms were significant with regardsto sprinting ability.

Repeatability of swimming performances

Each surviving individual performed both swimmingtests before and after the training protocol, thus we couldtest for repeatability of rank order across the trainingregimen (i.e. did all fish train equally?). When all fishwere examined, both the rank order of mean sprintingperformance (R90=0.395; P<0.001) and the modifiedUcrit procedure (R72=0.353; P=0.002) were significant-ly repeatable. Interestingly, analyzing repeatability bypopulation found significant repeatability only in thetwo urban populations; Red House Run fish for sprint

Fig. 2 Effect of laboratory training at two velocities on a modifiedcritical swimming speed (Ucrit) performance of fish from fourpopulations. Fish were swum within 2–3 weeks of arriving at thelaboratory (solid bars) or after 40–50 days of continuous swim-ming at either 7 cm•s!1(stippled bars) or 16 cm•s!1(solid bars).Means and standard errors are reported. Initial sample sizes were

27 for urban Red House Run (RH) and 32 for the other threepopulations. Final sample sizes were n=26, 20, 22, and 20 for ruralAspen Run (AR), suburban Gwynn’s Falls (GF), urban HerringRun (HR), and urban Red House Run (RH) respectively. Barssharing a letter were not significantly different (Tukey’s HSD;P<0.05)

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performance (R20=0.498; P=0.026) and Herring Runfish for modified Ucrit (R14=0.700; P=0.005).

Size, growth and body condition

Training of blacknose dace for 40–50 days at 7and 16 cm•s!1 while feeding to satiation oncedai ly produced signi f icant gains in mass(F=14.992, df (1, 80), P<0.001), however, a sig-nificant interaction between population and train-ing (F=2.996, df (3, 80), P=0.036) indicated thatweight gain during training was dependent onpopulation. Rural Aspen Run and suburbanGwynn’s Falls fish gained ~0.2 g, whereas fishfrom the urban populations of Red House Runand Herring Run gained ~0.1 and ~0.0 g, respec-tively. No significant differences in mass werefound across blacknose dace populations eitherbefore or after training (P=0.11) and there wasno effect of the two different flow velocities onmass growth (P=0.398) over the 40–50 day train-ing period. All other interactions were also insig-nificant including those between population andf low leve l (P = 0.897) , t ra in ing and f low

(P=0.925) and training, population origin and flow(P=0.683).

Modified Ucrit was not related to total length(P=0.215) or mass (P=0.235) over the narrow sizerange of fish used in this experiment (Table 2). Sprintswimming performance was also not significantly relat-ed to either total length (P=0.362) or mass (P=0.275).Fulton’s condition factor, K, whereW is the whole bodywet weight (g) and L is

K ! W.L3

# $# 100

fish length (cm), was found to be significantly corre-lated between trained and untrained fish (i.e. a fish ofgood condition before training tended to be in goodcondition after training; r=0.360, df=86, P <0.001).Condition homogenized slightly over the 40–50 daytraining period, but did not change significantly(P=0.855). There was a slightly significant positiverelationship between trained body condition and trainedUcrit (r=0.215, df=86, P=0.044), but no other relation-ship between condition factor and performance wassignificant. Growth rate during the training period had

Fig. 3 Effect of laboratory training at two velocities on sprintspeed of fish from four populations. Fish were swum within 2–3 weeks of arriving at the laboratory (solid bars) or after 40–50 days of continuous swimming at either 7 cm•s!1(stippled bars)or 16 cm•s!1(solid bars). The average of an animal’s top sprintspeed from each of its top three sprint trials was analyzed;

population means and standard errors are shown. Initial samplesizes were 27 for Red House Run (RH) and 32 for the other threepopulations. Final sample sizes were n=26, 20, 22, and 20 forAspen Run (AR), Gwynn’s Falls (GF), Herring Run (HR), andRed House Run (RH) respectively. Bars sharing a letter were notsignificantly different (Tukey’s HSD; P<0.05)

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negligible effects on both post-training Ucrit (P=0.243)and sprint performance (P=0.685).

Natural training experiment

In this part of the study, we investigated whether threetypes of swimming performance were dependent uponthe base-flow characteristics of the stream reach fromwhich the fish were captured. Fish were swum within2 weeks of being captured from a relatively fast or arelatively slow reach from each of three streams differ-ing primarily in the amount of impervious surface intheir watershed (Tables 1 and 2).

Endurance swimming performance (modified Ucrit)

Modified Ucrit performance was determined by aninteraction between the population origin (stream)and the base-flow current speed of the site it wascaptured from (Fig. 4; ANCOVA; F=19.0, df (2,50), P<0.001). For the fish from the urban andsuburban populations, fish from the faster reacheshad greater Ucrit, significantly so for the urbanHerring Run population (Fig. 4; P<0.05). For the-se two populations, a 10 cm•s!1 increase in base-flow translated into an approximate 10 cm•s!1 in-crease in Ucrit. The rural Beaver Run populationactually exhibited the reverse phenomenon so thatthe animals from the high flow site had lowerendurance swimming abili ty (Fig. 4). Thelaboratory-reared dace (from Beaver Run and Her-ring Run parents) had an average Ucrit consistent

with coming from a low current stream (Fig. 4).There was no effect of size on Ucrit across theentire experiment (P=0.629; mass), yet becauseof differential size effects within populations, sizewas retained as a co-variate in the general model.

Sprint performance

Sprint swimming performance was determined by boththe population (stream) that the fish came from (Fig. 5;F=10.3, df (2, 49), P<0.001) and the base-flow currentof the reach they were captured from (F=7.3, df (2, 49),P<0.01) but there was no interaction between these twoindependent variables (P=0.48). For each stream, thesprint performance of the average fish from the fastreach was about 20 cm•s!1 greater than that of theaverage slow-reach fish, and across streams, sprintingperformance was linearly related to base-flow (Fig. 5).From the relationship seen in Fig. 5, fish that werereared in the laboratory, never having been exposed tosubstantial currents, had an appropriate mean sprintingperformance. There was a significant effect of size onsprint swimming performance across the entire experi-ment (F=19.6, df (1, 49), P<0.001; mass), with largerfish tending to sprint faster than smaller fish. Sprintperformance was not related to an individual’s Ucrit


Acceleration performance

Acceleration performance largely mirrored the sprintswimming performance results but with larger variances

Fig. 4 Modified criticalswimming speed (Ucrit)performance of fish from threepopulations collected from tworeaches of their stream thatdiffered substantially in base-flowas a function of base-flow. Fishwere swum within 2 weeks ofarriving at the laboratory. A groupof animals that were hatched andhad spent their entire life in labo-ratory tanks with negligible floware included for comparison.Means and standard errors areshown; sample sizes are reportedin Table 2

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in several of the groups. Acceleration performance wasdetermined independently by both the population(stream) that the fish came from (Fig. 6; F=17.9, df (2,49), P<0.001; Kruskal-Wallis: H (2, N=56) =20.22P<0.001) and somewhat by the base-flow current ofthe reach they were captured from (F=5.5, df (2, 49),P=0.023; Kruskal-Wallis: H ( 2, N=56) =3.68P=0.055) but there was no interaction between these

two independent variables (P=0.15). For each stream,the acceleration performance of the average fish fromthe fast reach was about twice that of the average slow-reach fish. Acceleration performance was approximate-ly linearly related to base-flow current speed with thelow-speed urban population (Herring Run) being theprimary exception to this relationship. Interestingly,from the relationship seen in Fig. 6, fish that were reared

Fig. 5 Sprint swimming speed offish from three populationscollected from two reaches oftheir stream that differedsubstantially in base-flow as afunction of base-flow. Fish wereswum within 2 weeks of arrivingat the laboratory. A group of ani-mals that were hatched and hadspent their entire life in laboratorytanks with negligible flow are in-cluded for comparison. Means oftheir top sprint performance andstandard errors are shown; samplesizes are reported in Table 2

Fig. 6 Acceleration performanceof fish from three populationscollected from two reaches oftheir stream that differedsubstantially in base-flow as afunction of base-flow. Fish wereswum within 2 weeks of arrivingat the laboratory. A group of ani-mals that were hatched and hadspent their entire life in laboratorytanks with negligible flow are in-cluded for comparison. Means oftheir top acceleration performanceand standard errors are shown;sample sizes are reported inTable 2

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in the laboratory had much higher acceleration perfor-mance than would be expected for fish from a no-flowenvironment (Fig. 6). There was no effect of size onacceleration performance across the entire experiment(P=0.869; mass).


Phenotypic plasticity of locomotor performance

The purpose of the present work was to further explorethe phenotypic plasticity of locomotor performance indace populations occupying streams of variant urbani-zation using both field and laboratory approaches. Bothsprint and Ucrit performance of blacknose dace wereplastic according to both empirical tests employed here.Endurance performance (modified Ucrit) significantlyimproved with laboratory training (Fig. 2; P=0.002)and was determined by a significant interaction betweenstream current velocity and population in dace collectedfrom stream reaches varying in base-flow current(Fig. 4; P<0.001); in the urban and suburban streams,fish captured from the faster stream reach had the ex-pected greater endurance performance, significantly sofor the urban fish (Fig. 4; P<0.05). Sprint swimmingperformance was also significantly improved by labora-tory training of blacknose dace (Fig. 3; P<0.001), andwas significantly greater in fish captured from the fasterof two reaches within a stream (Fig. 5; P<0.001). Inaddition, fish that were raised in the laboratory and thushad never experienced substantial flow, had very lowUcrit performance and the lowest sprinting performancemeasured (Figs. 4 and 5). Acceleration performance,although extremely variable when measured in a sprintperformance chamber, was also significantly better infish collected from the faster of two reaches within a

stream (Fig. 6; P<0.05). Together with the earlierdetraining study (Nelson et al. 2008), these results pro-vide evidence that locomotor performance of blacknosedace is plastic and is responding to in situ differences inthe flow they experience. Dividing the magnitude of allswimming performance difference between fish fromfast and slow current sites by the magnitude of thebaseflow difference between the sites suggested thatthe populations were similarly plastic (Table 3).

Interestingly, training fish at 16 cm•s!1 in the labora-tory did not produce significantly better swimming ineither performance test than did training at 7 cm•s!1.Since some of the fish came from stream reaches wherethe base-flow current velocity was at, or exceeded, thesetraining velocities, this result implies that the trainingeffect accrues from being forced to swim constantly,regardless of velocity, and that these fish are probablynot swimming constantly in nature, as field observationshave shown (Cunjack and Power 1986). This resultcontrasts with Young and Cech (1994) who showedendurance swimming capacity in striped bass (Moronesaxatilis) to be directly proportional to several differenttraining velocities.

Further support for the idea that swimming perfor-mance differences in blacknose dace result from flowdifferences in their home stream can be drawn fromcomparisons of the present data with Nelson et al.(2003) and Nelson et al. (2008) (Table 4). Fish for thepresent laboratory training study were collected in thelate summer and early fall when stream discharges aregenerally at their lowest annual level, particularly inurban streams where impervious surfaces preventgroundwater recharging. Indeed, when these fish werecollected, United States Geological Survey (USGS)gauging stations show approximately a ten-fold lowerdischarge volume in the urban Herring Run stream, atwo-fold lower discharge volume in the suburban

Table 3 Magnitude of natural, within stream training effect for Baltimore, Maryland area streams of three different levels of urbanization

Stream type

Performance test Rural (Beaver Run) Suburban (Gwynn’s Falls) Urban (Herring Run)

Critical swimming speed (Ucrit) !0.96 1.13 1.09

Sprint swimming speed 1.17 1.29 0.78

Acceleration (s!1) 28.9 22.8 27.0

The difference between the mean performance of fish collected from the faster current site minus the mean performance from that same testof fish collected from the slower current site divided by the difference in mean base-flow current speed between the two sites. This produceddimensionless numbers for the first two tests

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Gwynn’s Falls stream and about the same discharge inthe rural Beaver Run stream relative to the times of fishcollection for the earlier studies [Nelson et al. 2003,2008 (there are no USGS gauging stations on eitherAspen Run or Red House Run)]. Because the ruralAspen Run fish actually had a slightly higher Ucrit thanin previous studies (Table 4), we can discount system-atic investigator bias (different humans guaging fishexhaustion) and suggest that the substantially lowerUcrits of the urban fish in the present study were becausethese fish were being detrained in the sluggish flows oftheir home streams at this time of year (Table 4). Alter-natively, pathogen or parasite loads could be worse as aresult of the sluggish flows, producing average poorerpopulation swimming performance (e.g., Barker andCone 2000). A similar result was seen for the topsprinting performance of fish. Although all populationshad lower levels of this performance metric in the pres-ent study, the greatest deficits were seen for the urbanpopulations (Table 4).

Finding plasticity of locomotor performance is sup-ported by a multitude of laboratory studies on the train-ability of fish swimming performance, primarily endur-ance or Ucrit performance of salmonids (reviewed byDavison 1989, 1997). Generally, a period of exercisetraining of at least 1 month has been shown to causeimprovements in Ucrit values (e.g., Farrell et al. 1989).Cyprinids have been used infrequently in training stud-ies, but common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (He et al.2013), qingbo (Spinibarbus sinensis) (Zhao et al.2012), and zebra danio (Danio rerio) (McClellandet al. 2006) have all been shown to have significantlyimproved Ucrit performances after a period of exercisetraining. In addition, domesticated roach (Rutilusrutilus) held in a current, had biochemical responses toexercise more indicative of enhanced endurance capac-ity than conspecifics held in still water (Broughton et al.1978).

Few studies have specifically trained sprint swim-ming performance or even examined how conventionaltraining impacts sprint performance. Glycolytic enzymeactivities of white muscle, which might be indicative ofmetabolic support of sprinting, have been shown toincrease with conventional training in some cyprinids(Hinterleitner et al. 1992) but not in others (He et al.2013). Actual laboratory training of sprint performancehas been shown to somewhat improve acceleration andsprint performance in salmonids (Gamperl et al. 1991;McFarlane and McDonald 2002), and to improve met-abolic support of high muscle power output (Pearsonet al. 1990; McFarlane and McDonald 2002), but thereis insufficient information to draw general conclusionsabout how sprint training modifies fish physiology.However, coupling the limited fish data with resultsfrom other ectothermic vertebrates (e.g., Adolph andPickering 2008), would suggest that laboratory sprinttraining generally causes minimal gains in locomotorperformance.

Comparisons of fish that are raised with minimalswimming with wild conspecifics or comparison ofconspecifics that face variable swimming demands alsosupport the result of swimming performance capacitybeing a function of swimming history reported here. Insalmonids, populations with longer migrations tend tooutperform populations with less challenging migra-tions (Taylor and McPhail 1985; Taylor and Foote1991). Three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteusaculeatus) exist as sympatric anadromous and non-migratory forms in both North American and Europeanrivers. In both settings, the anadromous form has beenshown to have better swimming performance (Taylorand McPhail 1986; Tudorache et al. 2007). In Guppies(Poecilia reticulata), there is a positive correlation be-tween current strength and swimming performanceamong populations from four different rivers in Trinidad(Nicoletto and Kodric-Brown 1999), and guppies

Table 4 Comparison of population mean values for several sites with fish collected years earlier at the same site

Performance test Critical swimming speed (Ucrit) cm•s!1 Sprint swimming speed cm•s!1

Stream Previous studies Present study Previous studies Present study

Rural (Aspen Run) 40.0 late winter-early summer 44.3 late summer 106.2 late winter-early summer 93.2 late summer

Suburban (Gwynn’s Falls) 36.6 late winter -early summer 34.6 early fall 116.0 late winter -early summer 105.6 early fall

Urban (Herring Run) 47.9 late winter -early summer 30.3 early fall 140.6 late winter -early summer 96.9 early fall

Urban (Red House Run) 51.5 late winter -early summer 44.3 fall 112.4 late winter -early summer 97.2 fall

Data from the previous studies are from Nelson et al. (2003) and (2008)

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removed to the laboratory suffer diminished accelera-tion performance when compared with wild animalsfrom the same populations (Walker et al. 2005). Simi-larly, damselfish Acanthochromis polyacanthus collect-ed from a heavy surf zone had better swimming perfor-mance than conspecifics collected from calmer waters(Binning et al. 2013).

Numerous investigators report diminished swim-ming performance in cultured fish when compared withwild conspecifics. For example, Gibson and Johnston(1995) show a reduced escape response of farmed juve-nile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) when comparedwith wild juveniles, but only if the wild fish were freshlycaptured, suggestive of very rapid laboratory de-training(Nelson et al. 2008). However, Vincent (1960) foundthat swimming performance differences between wildand hatchery brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)remained after the wild strains were reared for onegeneration in the hatchery and Thomas and Donahoo(1977) found an inverse correlation between domestica-tion time and swimming endurance for three strains ofrainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss). These latter stud-ies attest not only to substantial phenotypic plasticity oflocomotor performance in fish in response to swimmingdemand, but also to a rapid response of locomotorperformance to selection.

Repeatability of swimming performance

Although scientists have been swimming fish for muchof the 20th century (Beamish 1978), and repeatability ofexperimental results is one of the earliest foundations ofthe scientific method (Boyle 1661), demonstrating therepeatability of fish locomotor performances before ex-trapolating upon their applicability first arose in the lasttwo decades of the 20th century (Reviewed by Kolok1999; Nelson et al. 2002; and Oufiero and Garland2009). In addition to being a foundation of the scientificmethod, establishing repeatability is important formechanistic physiological and evolutionary studies oflocomotion (reviewed by Oufiero and Garland 2009).The repeatability of the Ucrit procedure is now wellestablished over fairly long time spans and in anumber of species. Nelson et al. (1994) showed 3-month repeatability of Ucrit in Atlantic cod (Gadusmorhua), Claireaux et al. (2007) demonstrated 6-month repeatability of a modified Ucrit procedure inEuropean Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) inmesocosms and Oufiero and Garland (2009) determined

Ucrit to be repeatable in guppies (Poecilia reticulata)over 3–4 weeks, but not a year. We had previouslyshown the modified Ucrit procedure used here to berepeatable in blacknose dace for a period of 1 month(Nelson et al. 2002) and 6 months in some populations(Nelson et al. 2008). The present study adds to thisgrowing list by establishing significant individual re-peatability of a modified Ucrit procedure in blacknosedace across 40–50 days of a laboratory training regimen.

The short-term repeatability of laboratory measuresof sprint swimming performance or acceleration hasalso been reported for a number of fish species(Reviewed by Oufiero and Garland 2009; Marras et al.2011). However, demonstrating longer-term repeatabil-ity has remained elusive with just a few exceptions.Reidy et al. (2000) and Martinez et al. (2002) foundstable sprint performances of Atlantic cod (Gadusmorhua) over 1.5–3 months. Claireaux et al. (2007)found sprint swimming performance of European SeaBass to be repeatable over 4 weeks and across atemperature change, but not after 6 months ofmesocosm residence. Oufiero and Garland (2009) dis-covered that some components of the fast-start responsewere repeatable in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) over 3–4 weeks, but none were repeatable a year later. They did,however, find significant annual repeatability of a con-stant acceleration test (CAT; their Umax). Marras et al.(2011) found all seven components of a fast-start re-sponse to be significantly repeatable on a daily basis inEuropean Sea Bass, but after 4 weeks of laboratoryresidence, only five of the components were significant-ly repeatable. Experimenting with this same species,Vandamm et al. (2012) reported significant daily repeat-ability of acceleration measured with a sprint perfor-mance chamber, but not after 6 months of mesocosmresidence. Sprint performance of blacknose dace hadpreviously been shown to be repeatable over a periodof 7 days (Nelson et al. 2002), but not after 10 weeks ofkeeping this stream fish under static flow conditions(Nelson et al. 2008). The present study substantiallyadds to this literature by establishing the individualrepeatability of sprint performance in blacknose dacethat were forced to swim for 40–50 days. Nelson et al.(2008) proposed that the lack of 10-week repeatabilityin dace under static flow conditions was likely due todifferential swimming activity elicited by social interac-tions. The present result of significant rank-order repeat-ability across 6–7 weeks of forced swimming supportthat contention because swimming activity should have

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been more uniform under the latter conditions. It isperhaps not surprising, but nonetheless interesting anda new finding, that holding stream fish under static flowconditions resulted in loss of repeatable sprint swim-ming performance, whereas holding them in a currentmaintained individual differences in sprinting ability.

Population-level differences in phenotypic plasticity

A major impetus for the work described here wasto further investigate the variance in phenotypicplasticity at the population-level found in an earli-er detraining experiment (Nelson et al. 2008). Theresults provide a mixed assessment of whetherphenotypic plasticity of locomotor performancevaries among populations of blacknose dace. Therewere non-significant interaction terms for both lab-oratory training of Ucrit performance (Fig. 2;P = 0.227) and sprint performance (Fig. 3;P=0.089) and similar non-significant interactionsbetween population and reach current speed forsprint performance (Fig. 5; P=0.48) and accelera-tion (Fig. 6; P=0.15), yet the idea that thesepopulations vary in their degree of plasticityshould not be entirely dismissed. Endurance per-formance was determined by a significant interac-tion between population and current velocity in thenatural training experiment (Fig. 3; P<0.001); boththe suburban and the urban population showed theintuitive result of individuals from the fasterstream reach having better average endurance per-formance, whereas the fish from the rural popula-tion showed the reverse trend. Furthermore, thefact that the only two populations to show signif-icant repeatability of performance across 40–50 days of a laboratory training regimen, whenanalyzed in isolation, were the urban ones, impliesthat consistent plasticity of locomotor performancemay be part of the suite of characters that allowblacknose dace to persist in hostile urbanenvironments.

Size, growth and behavior

Although size was deliberately restricted in this study,lack of fish availability resulted in some size differencesbetween groups in the natural training experiment (Ta-ble 2), but size only significantly influenced sprintswimming performance, not Ucrit or acceleration. A

similar significant effect of size on sprint but not Ucrit

was reported previously (Nelson et al. 2008). All groupswere statistically homogenous for size in the laboratorytraining experiment.

Growth over the 40–50 day laboratory trainingperiod was determined by a significant interactionbetween population and training. The rural andsuburban populations both gained around 0.2 gon average whereas fish from one urban popula-tion gained around 0.1 g and the other gainednothing. This may be due to the different life-history trajectories of the urban populations(Fraker et al. 2002) wherein the urban fish investmore in growth during their first year and thereaf-ter invest more acquired energy into reproduction;the fish used in this portion of the study were ofsizes suggesting they were at least 1 year old(Table 2; Fraker et al. 2002). There was no con-sistent pattern between these differential growthrates and either absolute swimming performanceor the increment in swimming performanceachieved through training (Figs. 2 and 3). Thisresult conflicts with several studies. For instance,faster growing Atlantic silversides (Menidiamenidia) had lower endurance and sprint swim-ming performance when compared to slower grow-ing populations of conspecifics (Billerbeck et al.2001). Alvarez and Metcalfe (2007) also found adecrease in endurance swimming performance ofthreespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)during periods of increased growth. European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in mesocosms had aninverse relationship between growth rate and bothsprint swimming performance Handelsman et al.(2010) and acceleration Vandamm et al. (2012).In contrast, Royle et al. (2006) found no effectof treatment-induced differential growth on thefast-start performance of green swordtai ls(Xiphophorous helleri). Similarly, Alvarez andMetcalfe (2007) induced differential growth ratesin a number of three-spined stickleback popula-tions, and found no effect on fast-start swimmingvelocity in one entire segment of their populations(those from ponds). Finally, in probably the mostrelevant comparison to the present study, Oufieroet al. (2011) found that natural differences ingrowth rate induced by differences in communitycomposition had no effect on either sprint or en-durance performance capacity in a rivuline

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(Rivulus hartii). Thus, current best evidence sug-gests that environmentally-induced differences ingrowth rate do not necessarily incur a locomotorcapacity tradeoff in wild stream fishes.


A number of confounding factors should be consideredwhen interpreting the results presented here. We ana-lyzed mean values of populations from specific sites, yetindividual dace collected from any site can show dra-matically different flow selection behaviour in the labo-ratory (Williamson et al. 2012). The field sites wereselected by their differences in mean baseflow, but with-in any site there is a mosaic of current choices availableto a fish. There is no guarantee that the fish we collectedat a site were not over-representative of a relatively fastor slow region of flow within their reach. Likewise,although the average flow velocity was the same acrossthe various training lanes in the laboratory, the fish hadaccess to a range of flows within each lane, and sinceflow selection is a significantly repeatable behaviour indace (Williamson et al. 2012), there is no guarantee thatall fish in a given training treatment were being equallytrained.

Acknowledgments We would like to thank Joel Snodgrass andRich Seigel for their assistance with experimental and statisticaldesign along with editing. Aaron Basler, Julie Brownley, CharaBatchelder, Leigh Warsing, Kevin Gastrich, Genine Lipkey andAndrew Gschweng were valuable field assistants. StephanieMcCaslin and Ryan Schreider helped out in the laboratory. Veryspecial thanks are due to Bob Kuta for help with construction andJeff Klupt for electronics assistance. Stefano Marras providedassistance to FA at various times during this project. JAN wouldlike to thank Raymond Huey again, on the occasion of his retire-ment from the University ofWashington, for the inspiration for theoriginal sprint performance chamber. The research conformed toall standards of ethical animal treatment and was approved by theTowson University (U. of Maryland System) Institutional AnimalCare and Use Committee through Protocol #’s F0001RPR.3,SP0708RPR.03 and 102510 JN-12. Funded by TowsonUniversityand NSF IBN-0216974 to Joel W. Snodgrass, Gail E. Gasparichand JAN. FAwas supported by a fellowship from the governmentof Sardinia, Italy.


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