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Replantation Grand Rounds

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  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds



    Hey Doc, can you putmy finger back on ?

    Amy F Kells MD PhD

    Division of Plastic & Reconstructive


    Washington University, St Louis

    October 3, 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds


    Goals of

    Replantation Presentation

    History of Replantation

    Pre & Post Operative Management

    Surgical Technique and Relevant AnatomyResults of Digital Replantation

    Costs to Society

    Indications & ContraindicationsThumb Replantations: a special case

    Replantations: the Horizon

  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds


    Replantation History

    First replantation performed onMay 23, 1962 byDr Ronald Malt at MGH

    12 year boy who amputated hisarm in train accident

    The amputation level was thehumeral neck

    A steel rod was used for boney

    fixationBrachial artery and 2 veins andthe median, ulnar and radialnerves were repaired

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    Replantation History

    Dr Malt performed anotherreplant in 1964 andpublished his resultstogether with Dr McKhann in

    the September 7th1964issue of Journal of the

    American MedicalAssociation.

    Later, Dr Malt reported hisfirst patient had somerecovery of function afterwrist arthrodesis and tendontransfers.

  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds


    Replantation History: First Digital Replant

    The first successful digitalreplantation was performedon July 27, 1965 by

    Drs Komatsu and Tamai.Department ofOrthopedic SurgeryNara Medical CollegeNara, Japan

    Published 1968 in Plasticand ReconstructiveMicrosurgery, 42: 374-77

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    First Digital Replantation

    28 y/o male cut off leftthumb working w/ steelcutting machine

    Sent to hospital 30 minafter injury

    Severed thumb dropped

    on ground once in route

    Relatively clean cutthrough MCP joint w/minimal tissue damage

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    First Digital Replantation

    Brachial plexus block usedfor left arm

    Wounds washed and

    debridedVolar digital arterycannulated w/ 0.5mm diam.Canula and flushed w/heparin diluted in low

    molecular weight dextranCartilage of MCP removedand joint fused w/ 2 K-wiresin position of abduction

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    First Digital Replantation

    Using 10x-16x magnification,2 volar arteries and 2 dorsalveins were sutured end toend w/ 7-0 braided silk and8-0 monofilament nylon

    Nerve repair postponed toavoid trauma to newanastamosis

    Extensor tendon repaired

    Flexor tendon postponeddue to zone II injury level

    The thumb became pinkimmediately, and veins filled

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    First Digital Replantation

    Complete OR time: 41/2hrs

    Ischemic time: 3 hrs

    Sl edema developed POD

    #2, but resolved in 7 daysSympathetic block wasperformed daily for 18 days

    Heparin 200mg/dayintramuscularly and lowmolecular weight dextran

    500cc/day were given for 9days

    Pt d/cd POD # 40

    Returned to work after 4 mos

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    First Digital Replantation

    POD #200: slight atrophyand loss of sensation buthas pinch

    At 2 yrs and 5 mos s/preplantation pt has regainedsome ulnar sided sensation

    A moderate flexioncontracture is present inthe IP joint, but thisposition is very useful tohim.

    Little has changed in the technique from this first description of a digital replant

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    Digital Replantation: Indications

    Initial tendency to replant every severedfingerResults of studies published in 1980srevealed about 50% return of function in

    replanted digits, worse w/ zone II injuriesToday the emphasis is not how to replant adigit, but how to make it functionalSurgical success previously judged on

    viability alone, now focuses on functionaloutcomeThis has led to a refinement of indications fordigital replantation

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    Replantation: IndicationsGreens Operative Hand Surgery


    Multiple digits

    Single digit distalto FDS insertion

    Partial hand-palm

    Almost any part in

    childWrist or forearm

    Elbow & above w/sharp amputation

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    Replantation: ContraindicationsGreens Operative Hand Surgery

    Severely crushed or mangled


    Multiple level

    Single digits proximal to FDSinsertion-especiallyindex& little fingers

    Prolonged warm ischemia > 12 hrs

    Associated serious

    injuries/diseasesArteriosclerotic disease

    Mental instability

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    Initial ER Management

    Do not clamp or tie off any bleedingvessels

    Direct pressure with a bulky dressing

    will control any digital bleeding duringtransport

    Hydrate patient with IV Fluids, keep

    NPOTetanus, Antibiotic prophylaxis & ASA

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    Initial ER Management: Replant ????

    STEP 1: Assess medical status for lengthyreplantation procedure

    Other injuries

    Cardiac status

    Step 2: Examine amputated part

    Step 3: Have frank discussion with patient

    need for blood, possible anticoag, ICU stay

    commitment to rehab

    length of time out of work

    potential outcome.stiff, painful finger


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    Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2002;26:477-482

    Smoking detrimental via 2 pathways: Nicotine causes vasoconstriction

    Relative hypoxia of carboxy-hemoglobin causes increasedfibrinogen & RBC aggregationleads to increased bloodviscosity

    2 patients, 3 replanted digits, smoked POD#4..

    Both patients lost digits on POD #7 & #9

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    Initial ER Management :

    Preservation of Digit

    Management should begin with appropriate handling ofthe amputated digit

    Place in moistened gauze in plastic bag on ice

    Do not place directly on ice or directly into liquid

    X-ray the digit and hand

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Operative Sequence

    Locate and tag vessels and nerves


    Shorten and fix the bone

    Repair tendons

    Anastomose Arteries

    Repair NervesAnastomose Veins

    Obtain skin coverage

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Debridement & Tagging

    2 teams are optimal

    The first step is debridement andtagging of vessels and nerves with9-0 nylon

    Longitudinal midlateral incisionsprovide the best exposure to neuro-vascular bundles

    Assessment of status of digital

    arteries is made at this timeRibbon Sign-walldamageRed Line Sign-distal thrombosis

    Tag dorsal veins if you see Ribbon Sign Red Line Sign

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Bone Shortening & Fixation

    Bone shortening to avoid need forinterposition grafts

    5-10mm of bone shortening should beperformed on the amputated part (not on


    Multiple methods of bone fixation

    Most common method is double or single

    axial K-wires for middle or distal phalanx

    Crossed K-wires for proximal phalanx 1) Simple & Quick2) Less bone exposure

    3) Less skeletal mass

    4) Easy correction of rotational deformity

    Amputation thru joint will require fusion in functional position

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Tendon Repair

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Arterial Assessment

    Drop tourniquet andassess inflow

    Assess for need ofinterposition vein graftor vessel shift

    Freshen ends ofvessels back to pristineintima

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Arterial Anastomosis

    Use double micro vessel clip

    9-0 nylon sharp point

    Place sutures at 10:00 oclock, 12:00

    oclock & 2:00 oclock

    Flip vessel 1800

    Complete front wall

    5000u hep bolus prior to clamp release

    Remove clips: assess w/ milk test

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Arterial Anastomosis Assessment

    If flow seems sluggish.. confirm adequate Pt BP Pt volume status complete tourniquet deflation

    Allow at least 10 minutes forvasospasm to resolve Papaverine Lidocaine Warm irrigation

    Development of petechiae

    or measles sign orballooning of the inflowlimb of the anastomosis,the sausage sign, shouldbe red flag forthrombosis..

    revise anastomosis

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Nerve Repair

    Can be performed withtourniquet deflated

    Freshen ends so that fascicles

    are flush with epineurium

    Use epineurial repair

    Coapt nerves w/ 3 sutures

    Autograft can be used for defects

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Venous Anastomosis

    Pronate hand

    Look for back bleeding

    Very helpful to tag at start

    of procedure (rememberits hour 6+ under themicroscope!)

    Need 2 veins for 1 artery

    Use same anastomotictechnique as artery butneed less sutures.

    low pressure system

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    Digital Replantation Technique:

    Getting Out Of The OR

    Loose skin closure

    Double check vessel positioning to avoidkinking or compression

    Full thickness skin graftsVery loose dressing w/ strict elevation

    Pulse oximetry monitoring of replanted digit

    Dont forget basics!! Maintain blood pressure MAP>70, UOP >70


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    Digital Replantation:

    Postoperative Management

    Continuous plexus blockade.3 to 5 days

    Continuous pulse oximetry monitoring

    Adequate IV hydration.UOP > 50cc/hrWarming blanket

    Aspirin, Avoid caffeine, smoking for 5 weeks

    Heparin Use full dose drip after anastomotic revision

    Strongly consider in crush or avulsion injuries

  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds


    Digital Replantation: Results

    1983 to 1995 with 2 yrs or > F/U

    1018 digital replantations in 552 pts

    Successful outcome 92.9% of digits

    Type of injury was the most important predictor of outcome

    Regular Cigarette smoking resulted in poor immediate survival

    Prolonged ischemia ( >9hrs) led to increased poor functional outcome

    Injury in the proximal phalanx region resulted in poor ROM

    Repairing the FDP distal stump to the FDS proximal stump improved resultscompared to 2 tendon repair and FDP to FDP

    Replantation should be carried out even if only one digit is involved.

    Injury 2000;31:33-40

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    50% Failure Rate with Smokers

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    Digital Replantation: Costs to Society

    National sampling data basebased on 20% of USHospitals

    304 cases of fingerreplantation in U.S. in 1996

    Mean LOS 5.5 days

    Total charges $20,330

    Extrapolated data:

    1,153 replantations in US $ 24 million

    Journal of Hand Surgery 2000;25A:1038-42

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    Digital Replantation: Costs to Society

    30 pts w/ amputations of thumb or 2 or more digits proximal to PIPjoint

    24 pts successful replantation, 3 failed, 3 primary amputations

    Calculable cost greatest for sick leave (46%), operation (26%),ward cost (20%)

    Sick leave mean 8.8 mos (replant), 5.3 mos (failed), 4.8 mos (amp)

    Replant cost 1.6 times mean annual salary, amputation 0.8 times

    Subjective evaluation of 23 parameters of function, cosmesis andquality of life did not disclose any differences between groups

    The Question of whether replantation is economically feasible to society remains

    Journal of Hand Surgery (British) 1996;21B:576-80

  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds


    Thumb Replantation: A Special Case

    Thumb provides more than 40% of entire handfunction and replantation should be considered inmost cases

    Even avulsion injuries should be considered

    Injuries requiring MP fusion can yield good function

    Ulnar artery is dominant

    Use vein graft to radial artery in snuff boxGive priority in multi digit amputations: usetransposition technique and replant least damageddigit in place of thumb if it is non-replantable

  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds


    Hand Fellowship Thanksgiving Replant Feast

    4:00 pm Thursday: thumb replant tobe transferred to Bellevue..Patient

    arrives 8:00pmOut of OR 5:00 am Friday

    10:00 pm Saturday multidigit replantarrives ER.3:00 am out of

    OR.no finger suitable

    11: 00 pm SundayAhin the clear

    11:15 pm.pager goes off

    hey Amy, theres a guy who cut

    off his thumb and he really wants

    us to try to put it back on

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    12:00 am Monday Morning in OR

    What I thoughtwhat are you

    thinking Rob?What I said.. Hmm

    looks like a pretty badinjury, you sure about

    this Rob?OK then.Hope you have music ?

    54 y/o male drinking while using circular saw

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    Amputated Thumb

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  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds


    Venous Graft for Arterial Anastomosis

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    8:00 am Monday Morning

    th f ll

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    one month follow-up

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    My favorite Replant

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    My Favorite Replant

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    After the Hospital

    Chapel Wedding POD#4

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    Back to work Full Duty

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    Thumb Amputation Options: Toe Transfer

    16 pts s/p transfer vs 5 amputations

    at MCP levelMean f/u ( 3-13 yr )

    Functional testing showed minimaldifference compared to normal side

    No significant lower extremitymorbidity from donor site

    Transfer pts also showed improvedvitality and emotional domainscompared to amputation pts

    Journal of Hand Surgery 2000; 25A:651-8

  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds


    Digital Replantation: The Horizon

    24 hands have been transplanted onto 18 recipients

    Initial results have been promising

    Hand transplantation may be an important procedure forfunctional restoration of upper limbs

    However, the ethical aspects of chronic immunosuppression for a

    non-life threatening condition is an ongoing debateThe future of hand transplants lies in the development of lesstoxic immunosuppressive drugs and/or safer methods oftolerance induction

    Acta Orthopaedica 2005; 76(1): 14-27

  • 8/11/2019 Replantation Grand Rounds


    Digital Replantation: Bibliography

    Wilhelmi BJ, Lee WP, Pagensteert GI,May JW. Replantation in the mutilatedhand. Hand Clin. 2003;19(1):89-120

    Morrison WA and McCombe D. DigitalReplantation. Hand Clin. 2007;23(1):1-12

    Green DP, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC,

    Wolfe SW. Greens Operative HandSurgery 5thEdition.Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2005
