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REPORT Modesto Council Workshop 2013 · City!Council!Priority!Setting!Workshop!...

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February 2013 City of Modesto, California City Council Priority Setting Workshop
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February  2013  






City  of  Modesto,  California  City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  

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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Table  of  Contents     Management  Partners      


Table  of  Contents  Summary  of  Discussions  .........................................................................................................................  1  

Agenda  ...............................................................................................................................................  2  Workshop  Ground  Rules  .................................................................................................................  2  Workshop  Preparation  .....................................................................................................................  2  Public  Comments  ..............................................................................................................................  3  Accomplishments  .............................................................................................................................  3  Priorities  for  2013  ..............................................................................................................................  3  Wrap  Up  and  Next  Steps  .................................................................................................................  8  

Attachment  A  –  Consolidated  List  of  Council  Members’  Priorities  ................................................  9  Attachment  B  –  Executive  Team  Suggestions  about  Priorities  .......................................................  12  Attachment  C  –  Summary  of  Evaluation  Comments  ........................................................................  16  

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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Summary  of  Discussions     Management  Partners      


Summary  of  Discussions      

“If  you  don’t  know  where  you’re  going,  you’ll  end  up  someplace  else!”      

                                                                                       Yogi  Berra  


The  City  of  Modesto  City  Council,  City  Manager  and  staff  held  a  priority  setting  workshop  on  February  22,  2013.    The  purpose  of  the  workshop  was  to  set  the  City  Council’s  priorities,  which  will  serve  as  the  basis  for  the  City’s  strategic  plan.    These  priorities  will  set  the  direction  for  staff  in  preparing  its  business  plan  and  the  upcoming  budget.    The  meeting  was  held  from  8:30  a.m.  to  12:30  p.m.  at  the  King-­‐‑Kennedy  Memorial  Center,  located  at  601  South  Martin  Luther  King  Drive  in  Modesto.  

Participants  in  the  meeting  were:    

• Mayor  Garrad  Marsh  • Council  Member  John  Gunderson  (District  1)  • Council  Member  David  Geer  (District  2)  • Council  Member  Dave  Lopez  (absent)  (District  3)  • Council  Member  Joe  Muratore  (District  4)  • Council  Member  Stephanie  Burnside  (District  5)  • Council  Member  Dave  Cogdill  (District  6)  • City  Manager  Greg  Nyhoff  • City  Attorney  Susana  Wood  • City  Clerk  Stephanie  Lopez  • Deputy  City  Manager  Dee  Williams-­‐‑Ridley  • Galen  Carroll,  Chief  of  Police  • Brent  Sinclair,  Community  and  Economic  Development  Director  • Dennis  Turner,  Public  Works  Director  • Gary  Hinshaw,  Interim  Fire  Chief  • Bryan  Sastokas,  Chief  Information  Officer  

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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Summary  of  Discussions     Management  Partners      


• Gloriette  Genereux,  Finance  Director  • Joe  Lopez,  Human  Resources  Director  • Julie  Hannon,  Parks,  Recreation  and  Neighborhoods  Director  • Rich  Ulm,  Utility,  Planning  and  Projects  Director  

The  facilitators  for  the  workshop  were  Jan  Perkins  and  Linda  Barton  of  Management  Partners.  

Agenda  The  agenda  for  the  meeting  included  the  following  items:  

• Welcome  and  comments  by  the  Mayor  • Comments  by  the  City  Manager  • Public  comments  • Review  of  recent  accomplishments    • Discuss  priorities  for  2013  • Review  next  steps  

Workshop  Ground  Rules  Several  ground  rules  were  suggested  by  the  facilitators  as  ways  to  help  the  workshop  be  most  productive.  

• Listen  to  each  other  • Seek  to  understand  • Be  respectful  • Facilitators  will  keep  things  on  track    • Enjoy  the  day  

Workshop  Preparation  To  prepare  for  the  workshop,  the  facilitators  interviewed  the  Mayor  and  each  Council  Member  to  hear  their  comments  about  accomplishments,  challenges  and  priorities.    The  priorities  they  noted  were  consolidated  into  a  document,  by  categories  (Attachment  A).    Additionally,  the  City  Manager  and  department  heads  prepared  a  list  of  suggested  priorities  and  strategic  initiatives  for  the  Council’s  consideration  (Attachment  B).    


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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Summary  of  Discussions     Management  Partners      


Public  Comments  Several  members  of  the  public  offered  their  comments  at  the  start  of  the  workshop  about  priorities  they  have  for  Modesto,  as  follow:  

• Downtown  • Jobs  • Safety  (include  prevention,  alternative  solutions)  • Stronger  economic  conditions  • Extend  the  enterprise  zone  • Services  for  seniors  and  working  with  youth  • Encourage  entrepreneurship  • Transportation,  bike  paths  • Maximize  use  of  river  • Neighborhood  engagement  • Education  partnerships  

Accomplishments    Council  highlighted  several  important  accomplishments  that  had  occurred  during  the  year,  as  follow:  

• Beautifying  Downtown  (such  as  at  10th  and  J  Street)  • Fee  Task  Force  • Wastewater  treatment  plant  upgrades  • Synergy  with  staff  and  Council,  effective  in  working  together  • Fiscally  sound  City  • Modesto  Regional  Fire  Authority  • Extended  Virginia  Corridor  • Bicycle  Advocacy  Committee  • Low  income  housing  (9th  and  Carver)  • Soccer  fields  at  Grogan  Park  • Habitat  for  Humanity  project  • Facility  for  emancipated  foster  and  homeless  youth  • Neighborhood  Stabilization  Funds  project  finishing  up  • As  an  organization,  finding  ways  to  say  “yes”  –  customer  service  

Priorities  for  2013  The  items  listed  on  Attachment  A  were  the  basis  for  posters  which  were  created  by  the  City  and  then  placed  on  the  wall  to  serve  as  the  focal  point  of  discussions  at  the  workshop.  At  the  start  of  the  discussion  of  priorities,  each  member  of  the  Council  was  given  seven  dots  to  help  prioritize  what  would  be  discussed  out  of  the  49  items  listed.        

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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Summary  of  Discussions     Management  Partners      


The  items  receiving  3  dots  were  as  follow:  

• Annex  Salida,  resolve  the  problems  with  County  Islands  within  City  Limits;  create  Plan  B  for  economic  development  if  Salida  is  not  annexed  

• Create  development  incentives  to  attract  commercial  and  industrial  companies  to  Modesto    

• Explore  new  approaches  to  public  safety  such  as  using  private  security  

• Gang  intervention  and  prevention  • Increase  efforts  in  neighborhoods  for  private  security  and  

neighborhood  cleanup  activities  • Work  with  the  school  district  on  projects  and  services  • Engage  our  youth  by  providing  opportunities  for  work  experience  

The  items  receiving  2  dots  were  as  follow:  

• Add  staffing  for  marketing  and  other  economic  development  work  

• Sales  tax  increase  • Reduce  crime  

The  items  receiving  3  dots  were  discussed.    Many  of  the  other  items  with  2  or  fewer  dots  were  folded  into  discussions  of  the  ones  receiving  3  dots.  

The  result  of  the  discussion  was  that  five  key  priorities  were  identified  as  a  consensus  of  the  Council.    They  are  listed  below,  along  with  a  summary  of  the  comments  made  by  Council  and  staff.    

A.    Priority:    Annex  Salida,  resolve  the  problems  with  County  islands  within  City  limits;  create  a  Plan  B  for  economic  development  if  Salida  is  not  annexed.  


• Project  is  on  track  and  by  the  end  of  the  year  we  will  have  a  decision  about  whether  it  will  proceed  or  not  

• Will  help  us  meet  our  economic  development  objectives    • Would  provide  large  sites  for  business  • Would  provide  job  opportunities  for  local  people  • Salida  annexation  is  important  to  preserve  prime  farmland  • We  need  to  be  able  to  show  Salida  residents  how  it  will  be  

advantageous  to  them  (e.g.,  Stanislaus  County  has  major  financial  constraints  to  provide  services  to  Salida  neighborhoods)  

• County  islands  detract  from  city  but  take  revenue  (we  need  to  work  with  County  officials;  this  is  a  quality  of  life  issue)  

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• Study  is  complete  (fiscal  impact  analysis)  • Need  to  bring  partners  together  (County,  business  community)  

 Resources  needed:    Sufficient  resources  are  available  to  proceed  with  the  current  phase.  

B.    Priority:    Increase  our  proactive  economic  development  efforts  in  order  to  strengthen  our  business  and  economic  base  and  local  jobs.  


• A  key  approach  needed  is  to  create  development  incentives  to  attract  commercial  and  industrial  companies  to  Modesto    

o Incentive  for  bulk  petroleum  providers  (sales  tax  incentive)  was  very  successful  –  did  not  require  City  funds  

o Sales  tax  sharing  with  retail  is  possible  o Property  tax  incentives  would  not  be  enough  to  attract  

businesses  o Need  to  be  clear  about  what  types  of  businesses  should  be  

attracted  that  will  move  Modesto  forward  • Downtown  is  an  important  focus  of  our  economic  development  

efforts  • Marketing  study  could  be  helpful  in  tying  the  information  

together  for  prospective  companies  • We  need  to  bring  the  efforts  of  other  local  groups  working  on  

economic  development  together  • Market  the  results  of  the  Fee  Task  Force  • It  is  important  to  understand  the  real  estate  market  and  that  the  

City  has  something  to  offer  potential  companies  • City  gives  too  many  business  licenses  for  massage  parlors  

(avenues  of  prostitution)    Resources  needed:    New  resources  will  be  needed  to  carry  out  this  priority.    Resources  would  go  for  additional  City  staff  or  consultants/firms  to  market  Modesto,  conduct  market  studies,  institute  incentives,  and/or  other  specific  tasks  identified.    

C.    Priority:    Explore  new  approaches  to  public  safety  to  reduce  crime.  


• The  number  one  public  safety  issue  is  crime  and  we  need  to  find  ways  to  move  the  needle;  success  will  be  when  crime  is  reduced    

• Cost  of  public  safety  is  at  issue  • Consider  using  technology  to  stretch  our  resources  

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• Use  private  security,  as  more  cost  effective  than  police  officers;  but  this  will  increase  the  calls  for  service  and  with  insufficient  numbers  of  officers,  this  will  lead  to  frustration  

• Not  enough  police  officers  to  protect  all  schools;  schools  should  be  responsible  for  this  

• Schools  should  add  public  service  to  curriculum  –  could  add  resources  (kids)  to  help  with  community  issues  –  they  will  be  engaged  and  productive  –  will  reduce  crime  

• Crime  Analysts  are  valuable;  they  provide  crime  mapping  to  help  neighborhoods  help  themselves  but  capacity  has  been  reduced  

• Private  security  may  further  overload  Police  Department  • Need  to  explore  as  many  options  as  possible  • Neighborhood  groups  not  sustainable  

o Depends  on  volunteers  • Explore  use  of  retirees  –  eyes  on  their  neighborhood  –  call  in  

significant  issues  to  Police  Department  

Resources  needed:    Additional  police  officers  will  be  needed  to  address  the  public  safety  concerns  and  needs  of  the  community.  The  Chief’s  priority  is  patrol.    Some  vacancies  are  currently  being  filled.    Other  comments  included:  

• Need  new  financial  resources  for  police/public  safety  (e.g.,  half  cent  sales  tax  as  a  possible  source)  

• Technology  is  expensive;  may  be  able  to  get  grants  for  some  technology  

• Neighborhood  partnerships  with  policing  is  important  • Private  security  should  be  paid  for  by  neighborhoods  but  not  with  

public  dollars  

D.    Priority:    Increase  gang  intervention  and  prevention.  


• While  this  was  highlighted  as  important,  the  Police  Chief  noted  that  special  unit  officers  (including  gang  unit)  have  been  reassigned  to  patrol  because  that  is  the  fundamental  priority  of  the  Police  Department    

• Consider  instituting  penalties  to  households  harboring  gang  members  

• Need  to  keep  constant  pressure  on  gangs  • Prevention  through  afterschool  programs  • School  district  focusing  on  early  intervention  • Look  at  what  other  cities  that  have  had  success  are  doing  

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Resources  needed:    Due  to  low  staffing  levels,  adding  officers  for  this  is  not  currently  possible.  

E.    Priority:    Increase  collaborations  with  neighborhoods  and  the  schools  district  to  achieve  quality  of  life  improvements.  


• Increase  collaborations  with  neighborhoods  for  safety  and  neighborhood  improvement/cleanup  activities  

• Engage  volunteers  to  clean  their  own  neighborhoods,  with  the  City  providing  bags  and  dumpsters  on  clean  up  days  

• Collaborate  with  the  school  district  on  projects  and  services,  such  as  having  students  clean  up  parks  near  their  schools  

• Engage  our  youth  by  providing  opportunities  for  work  experience  • Mentoring,  afterschool  programs  are  worthwhile  in  enhancing  the  

success  of  our  youth;  City  has  afterschool  programs  in  about  a  dozen  schools  but  there  are  other  schools  that  could  use  these  programs  

• Need  to  turn  around  “wanna  be”  gang  culture  in  schools  • Involve  youth  in  improving  our  community  • Boys  &  Girls  Club  coming  to  the  community  which  will  be  a  great  

asset  for  our  youth    

Resources  needed:    Accomplishing  these  activities  will  require  expanding  our  support  to  neighborhoods,  for  which  additional  staff  and  funding  will  be  needed.  

After  the  discussions  about  priorities,  a  short  overview  of  three  additional  areas  was  provided  by  staff,  as  follow:  

• Parks/trees:    If  there  were  more  resources,  the  City  could  do  more  tree  trimming.  

• Streets/roads:    Currently,  insufficient  money  to  maintain  our  road  infrastructure  and  will  need  significantly  more  money  to  make  a  different;  only  allocating  $3  million  a  year  for  road  maintenance  now.  

• Fire:    Staffing  levels  are  at  1968  levels  while  calls  for  service  are  much  higher;  look  for  funding  sources  that  do  not  compete  with  general  fund  sources;  future  development  of  Salida  will  benefit  the  Fire  District.  


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Wrap  Up  and  Next  Steps  City  Manager  Greg  Nyhoff  made  some  wrap  up  comments.    He  noted  that  the  City  has  taken  many  steps  to  reduce  costs.  New  approaches  to  services  are  now  needed.    Staff  will  be  bringing  back  to  the  Council  a  number  of  non-­‐‑status  quo  recommendations,  approaches  that  are  different  from  the  past.    He  said  that  what  is  needed  now  is  to  build  the  foundation  to  be  different  in  the  future.  

The  Council  and  staff  all  indicated  they  felt  the  discussions  were  valuable.    Staff  will  return  to  the  Council  on  the  various  items  noted  in  this  report.  The  Mayor,  Council  Members  and  the  City  Manager  each  listed  one  “takeaway”  for  them  from  the  workshop.  The  comments  provided  are  as  follow:    

• Was  an  opportunity  to  get  together  to  talk  about  issues  and  plan  for  the  future  

• Good  to  meet  with  staff  and  understand  our  challenges  • We  set  priorities  • Public  understands  our  issues  • Useful  to  have  priorities  and  know  where  we  should  focus  • People  expressed  passion,  good  focus  of  discussions  • Format  was  good:    identify  priorities,  talk  about  them,  discuss  

resources  • Changed  my  mind  on  economic  development  and  public  safety  

after  hearing  from  staff  • Format  was  good  with  the  Council  and  staff  sharing  ideas  and  

information    An  evaluation  form  was  completed  on  the  workshop.    The  results  are  shown  in  Attachment  C.    Next  Steps  Staff  will  be  holding  a  community  forum  to  receive  input  on  the  Council’s  priorities  before  they  are  finalized.  Staff  will  be  returning  to  the  Council  with  a  business  plan  to  implement  the  agreed  upon  priorities.  



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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Attachment  A  –  Consolidated  List  of  Council  Members’  Priorities     Management  Partners      


Attachment  A  –  Consolidated  List  of  Council  Members’  Priorities  The  following  contains  the  list  of  priorities  identified  by  the  Mayor  and  Councilmembers  during  their  interviews  with  the  facilitators.    Additionally,  the  following  contains  the  top  priority  items  identified  by  the  community  through  the  Public  Safety  Forums.    They  are  listed  in  green  font.    These  were  combined  into  this  document  for  convenience  of  discussion  at  the  February  22,  2013  Council  workshop.      There  are  a  total  of  49  items  listed  below.  

(Note:     The   priorities   from   the   Public   Safety   Forums   are   placed   into   the   categories   identified   by   the  participants  in  those  forums.)  

Category:    Economic  Development    

Mayor/Councilmembers’  List:  

a. Annex  Salida,  resolve  the  problems  with  County  Islands  within  City  Limits  b. Create  Plan  B  for  economic  development  if  Salida  is  not  annexed  c. Establish  a  cohesive  economic  development  plan  without  jeopardizing  prime  farmlands  d. Add  staffing  for  marketing  and  other  economic  development  work    e. Create  development  incentives  to  attract  commercial  and  industrial  companies  to  Modesto    f. Coordinate  efforts  of  those  involved  in  business  promotions  

Public  Safety  Forum  List:  

1. Sales tax increase 2. Cost recovery for services 3. Seek reimbursement for medical services (EMS) 4. Benchmarking successful communities

Category:    Public  Safety  

Mayor/Councilmembers’  List:  

a. Restore  police  officer  positions    b. Reduce  crime  c. Continue  implementation  of  Modesto  Regional  Fire  Authority  d. Consider  a  half-­‐‑cent  sales  tax  to  increase  public  safety  staffing  e. Explore  new  approaches  to  public  safety  such  as  using  private  security  

Public  Safety  Forum  List:  

1. Increase staffing 2. Revamp first responder priorities 3. Gang intervention and prevention 4. Predictive policing technologies

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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Attachment  A  –  Consolidated  List  of  Council  Members’  Priorities     Management  Partners      


Category:    Transportation  and  Infrastructure  

Mayor/Councilmembers’  List:  

a. Pelandale  Exit  Project  b. North  County  Corridor  plan  c. City  beautification  (e.g.,  landscaping  public  spaces)  d. Carry  out  street  improvements  e. Obtain  funding  to  reconstruct  the  7th  St  bridge  

Category:    Quality  of  Life,  Community  Engagement  and  Partnerships  

Mayor/Councilmembers’  List:  

a. Increase  efforts  in  neighborhoods  for  private  security  and  neighborhood  cleanup  activities  b. Increase  volunteerism  c. Address  homeless  issues  d. Streamline  ways  for  enforcement  staff  to  deal  with  blighted  homes  e. Work  with  social  service  agencies  to  eliminate  overlap  and  increase  efficiency  for  those  that  

receive  City  funding  

Public  Safety  Forum  List:  

1. Invest in successful neighborhood models 2. Community education forums 3. Coordinate non-profits, government, faith-based, service organizations (unify, summit,

meeting) 4. Maximize community capacity building (i.e., “Love Our Neighborhoods”)

Category:    Effective  City  Government        

Mayor/Councilmembers’  List:  

a. Continue  to  improve  customer  service  b. Reduce  costs  of  retiree  medical  c. Strengthen  (rejuvenate)  culture  change  to  allow  for  new  ideas  that  can  help  carry  out  

important  goals  d. Identify  and  implement  actions  related  to  our  core  values  e. Increase  our  share  of  property  tax  revenue  from  the  state  to  reflect  a  fair  allocation    f. Maintain  our  focus  on  being  financially  stable  

Public  Safety  Forum  List  (for  the  category  “Regionalization,  Privatization,  Restructuring”):  

1. Increase regionalization of all departments 2. Consolidate emergency services 3. Improve City efficiency through privatization of non-core services


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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Attachment  A  –  Consolidated  List  of  Council  Members’  Priorities     Management  Partners      


Category:    Education  

Mayor/Councilmembers’  List:  

a. Resolve  the  conflict  with  the  school  district  b. Work  with  the  school  district  on  projects  and  services  c. Coordinate  with  school  district  for  mentoring  and  after  school  programs  d. Engage  our  youth  by  providing  opportunities  for  work  experience  

Public  Safety  Forum  List:  

1. Community engagement 2. Early intervention strategy 3. Educating the public  

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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Attachment  B  –  Executive  Team  Suggestions  About  Priorities     Management  Partners      


Attachment  B  –  Executive  Team  Suggestions  About  Priorities  In  preparation  for  Council’s  priority  setting  session,  the  Senior  Executive  Team  held  a  roundtable  discussion  on  January  23,  2013  to  focus  on  specific  initiatives  or  possible  priorities  for  the  Council  to  consider.    Below  is  a  list  that  includes  a  general  citywide  focus,  priorities  identified  by  the  City  Manager  and  a  departmental  list  of  suggested  initiatives.  

This  list  of  priorities/strategic  initiatives  is  provided  only  as  a  resource  for  Council  as  they  develop  the  overall  priorities  for  the  City’s  strategic  plan.  

General  Citywide  Focus  Areas  

• Economic  Development  • Revenue  Development  • Public  Safety  • Quality  of  Life  

City  Manager’s  Priorities  

1. Neighborhood  partnerships:    Strengthen  our  neighborhoods  associations  through  facilitating  investment  and  structuring  criteria  that  enhance  existing  neighborhood  groups  and  grow  new  groups.    Accomplish  this  with  neighborhood  watch,  crime  statistics  and  notifications,  our  churches,  and  numerous  other  criteria  that  will  insure  success.  

2. Crime  prevention  and  reduction:    Increase  the  number  of  Police  Officers  responding  to  citizen  calls  and  patrolling  our  community.  

3. Economic  development  4. Innovation  and  technology  driven  efficiency  to  be  placed  as  a  high  priority  for  the  

organization  and  the  community.  5. Continue  path  to  bringing  customer  service,  with  citizens  and  internally,  to  higher  

levels.    Grow  and  advance  the  EMBRACE  IT  culture.    "ʺEveryday  for  every  Customer!"ʺ  6. Enhance  our  organization  and  communities  image  through  greater  outreach  and  

communication.  7. Partner  with  education:    Our  youth  need  a  community  wide  effort  to  increase  there  

opportunities  for  success.    Mentoring.    After  School  Programs.  Connections  with  kids,  etc.  

Community  and  Economic  Development  

• Draft  General  Plan  Amendment  • Pelandale  overcrossing  under  construction  • Online  building  permits  implemented  • Downtown  form  base  code  revised  • RTIF  completed  • Court  site  approved  

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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Attachment  B  –  Executive  Team  Suggestions  About  Priorities     Management  Partners      


• ADA  compliance  plan  completed  • Salida  fiscal  impact  study  • PACE  program  implemented  • 10th  and  11th  street  closure/opening  plan  • Clean  energy  contract  issued  • Regional  transportation  plan  completed  • Downtown  infrastructure  plan  • AG  preservation  policy  • SR108  corridor  study  

Modesto  Regional  Fire  Authority  (MRFA)  

• Restore  staffing  to  engines/trucks/duty  battalion  to  stop  the  erosion  of  City  established  response  times  as  outlined  in  the  Strategic  Objectives  for  the  Fire  Department  (Single  company  response  within  6  minutes  90%  and  effective  work  force  on  structure  fires  within  10  minutes  90%)  

• Prepare  for  ISO  (Insurance  Service  Rating)  review  in  FY13/14.    Determine  impact  on  fire  insurance  rates.  

• SAFER  Grant  expires  in  Spring  of  2014,  grant  funding  supports  nine  firefighter  positions  • Opportunity  to  develop  public/private  partnerships  with  ambulance  providers  as  a  

condition  of  on-­‐‑going  negotiations  with  ambulance  provider  agreements  • Establish  funding  support  for  Hazardous  Materials  program.    Current  county-­‐‑wide  

contract  expired  last  year  • Establish  funding  support  to  Technical  Rescue/Confined  Space  program.    Both  of  these  

programs  received  significant  financial  support  through  the  expiring  Homeland  Security  Grant  Programs  

• Modesto  Fire  Station  #1  -­‐‑  structural  integrity  issues  • Transition  to  Fire  District  overlay  to  provide  stand-­‐‑alone  system  

Finance  • Remodel  customer  service  counter  • New  phone  system  for  customer  service  • Implement  GovNow  software  • Select  new  bank  provider  • Refinance  1998  MID  bonds  • 14/15  Strategic  Plan  into  budget  

IT  • Enhance  city  fiber  network  • Data  center  modernization  • Disaster  recovery  plan  for  IT    


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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Attachment  B  –  Executive  Team  Suggestions  About  Priorities     Management  Partners      


Police  Department  • Technology  updates  and  incorporation  of  new  technology  • Private  security  contracts  evaluation  • PD  organization/Staffing  

City  Attorney  • Staffing  levels  • Code  enforcement  • Revise  Administrative  hearing  process  

Clerk’s  office  • Elections  (council,  School  board,  measures)  • Public  Records  Request  handling  • Records  Management  guidelines  

Parks,  Recreation  and  Neighborhoods  (PRN)  • Mary  Grogan  Park  online  and  promoted  • Develop  Park  partnership  for  three  (3)  parks  • Online  facility  reservation  system  • Deferred  maintenance  recovery  plan  • Enhanced  mistletoe  abatement  program  • Swimming  open  at  Modesto  High  • Security  Patrols  for  parks  and  facilities  • Golf  program  evaluation  

Human  Resources  • Digitize  personnel  records  and  transactions  • Streamline  personnel  evaluations  • Standard  Supervisory  training  • MOU  cleanup  • Policy  (s)  cleanup  • New  disciplinary  manual  

Public  Works  

• Infrastructure  1. Deferred  Street  maintenance    2. Right  of  way  maintenance  program  3. Utility  Cut  impact  mitigation  4. Security  of  facilities  5. Infrastructure  Replacement/improvement    

• Service  1. Parking  program  study  2. After  hour  customer  services  3. Coordination  of  city  services  

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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Attachment  B  –  Executive  Team  Suggestions  About  Priorities     Management  Partners      


4. Air  service  development  • Regulatory  

1. Permits  and  Licenses  2. Environmental  compliance  3. ADA  Compliance  4. Airport  Safety  

a. TRRP/Trees  b. Fire  Service  c. Security  issues  

Utility  Projects  and  Planning  • Supporting  regional  collaboration  for  Water,  Wastewater  and  recycled  water  programs  • Ensuring  that  adequate  infrastructure  is  in  place  for  economic  development  • Update  Wastewater  master  plan  • Complete  integrated  Regional  water  management  plan  • Complete  Water  and  Storm  drain  master  plans  • Continue  to  pursue  the  Regional  surface  water  supply  project  (TID)  

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City  Council  Priority  Setting  Workshop  Attachment  C  –  Summary  of  Evaluation  Comments     Management  Partners      


Attachment  C  –  Summary  of  Evaluation  Comments  At  the  end  of  the  workshop,  an  evaluation  form  was  distributed,  inviting  comments  from  the  Council  and  staff.    Comments  offered  are  listed  below.  

The  best  thing  about  this  workshop  was...  • Open  dialogue  • Defining  priorities  to  move  forward  • Council  members  talking  to  each  other  and  working  toward  common  solutions  • Hearing  Council  input  in  an  informal  setting  • Council  members  attitudes;  really  appreciated  their  commitment  • Open  communication/setting  priorities  • The  approach;  identifying  priorities  with  stickers,  hearing  council  feedback  and  then  the  

discussion  references  • Good  time  management  • Ability  to  interact  with  Council  over  issues  of  importance  • A  chance  to  discuss  with  Council,  staff  and  public  the  problems  we  face  in  making  our  city  an  

attractive  place  to  live,  work  and  spend  leisure  time  • Letting  the  public  become  aware  of  how  this  Council  prioritizes  issues  • Hearing  Council  comments  and  thinking  on  what  is  important  • Ability  to  help  provide  direction  to  staff  • Interaction/discussion  between  council  (they  don’t  do  that  too  often)  • Liked  setting  Council’s  priorities  

Some  thing(s)  which  could  have  been  better...  • Being  able  to  speak  freely  without  public  • Need  to  have  follow-­‐‑up  session  with  more  interaction  with  staff  • Pass  out  hand  outs  • Configuration  of  tables  divided  group;  u-­‐‑shape  could  have  added  to  it  • Not  sure;  good  work  • More  public  participation,  more  publicity  about  the  importance  of  workshops  • Council  members  leaving  early;  missed  Council  member  Lopez  


Overall  usefulness  of  the  workshop        1  (0  responses)                            2  (0  responses)                3  (2  responses)                4  (6  responses)                        5  (3  responses)    Not  Useful   Very  Useful    Overall  quality  of  the  workshop      1  (0  responses)                            2  (0  responses)                3  (2  responses)                4  (6  responses)                        5  (3  responses)  Poor  Quality   High  Quality    Other  Comments  

• Council  was  able  to  speak  freely  for  real  debate  amongst  them  selves  • Good  work,  but  how  will  we  ensure  that  it  has  impact  
