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Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh

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  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    Internship Report


    Measuring Customer Satisfaction at

    HSBC, Bangladesh

    Submitted by



  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    This report has been prepared as a requirement of the internship program. The report

    has been titled as Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSC! angladesh". The

    reason behind choosing this topic is that! recentl# HSC angladesh has gi$en

    emphasis on better customer ser$ice and more customer satisfaction and thus the

    customer ser$ice officer wants to get an idea of the current le$el of customer

    satisfaction at HSC. The# ha$e also started M#ster# Shoppers% program to &now the

    emplo#ees ratings so that the# can enhance their efficienc# towards customers. The

    researcher had the opportunit# to collect the latest data and had e'perience to be more

    in$ol$ed with the customers through her internship in the customer ser$icesdepartment of the ban&. (nder the super$ision of Customer Ser$ice )epartment

    Manager Mr. Par$e* Hasan and all the Customer Ser$ices +fficer! an intern can get

    the idea wh# customers prefer or lea$e HSC.

    1.1 Objectives of the Study

    The research was conducted to find out the le$el of significance the customers of

    HSC put across $arious ser$ice le$el attributes and also to determine how wellHSC was satisf#ing the customers on those ser$ice grounds. The specific ob,ecti$es

    are gi$en below-

    To e'plain the meaning of customer satisfaction.

    To understand the need of customer satisfaction.

    To pro$ide information on HSC angladesh! determine most important

    attributes of ser$ice qualit#! identif# the most satisfied demographic

    segments! determine relation between complaint resolution and satisfaction


    To anal#*e the effecti$eness of HSC%s customer ser$ices and satisfaction.

    To find out the facilities pro$ided b# HSC to its consumer and how the

    facilities were percei$ed.

    To identif# the problem for finding out the reason of limit client.

    1.2 Scope of the Study


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    The area of operation that has been co$ered means the total possible co$erage is the

    scope. The report pro$ides a scope of gathering data from different sources. This

    report co$ers in general customer ser$ice and satisfaction of HSC in angladesh. t

    also includes the organi*ational structure and polic# of HSC angladesh and

    in$estigating the strategies applied b# HSC for customer satisfaction. The scope of

    this report is limited to the o$erall description of the compan#! personal asset-

    products! organi*ational setup! its ser$ices! and its position in the industr# and its

    mar&eting strategies.

    1.3 Hypothesis

    The ser$ices that customers place most importance in are well satisfied b# HSC!


    1.4 Methodology

    n this stud#! e'plorator# research was conducted to find out and understanding of the

    o$erall ban&ing industr# and also to determine some of the attributes of ser$ice

    qualit# in an&s. Sample was collected from the personal account holder and

    corporate clients of HSC. /or e'plorator# research! managers! e'ecuti$es! customers

    of HSC angladesh were inter$iewed. /or conclusi$e research indi$idual customers

    of HSC were targeted for the research.

    1.4.1 Sources of !t!

    Two Sources 0Primar# data and Secondar# data of data ha$e been collected for the

    research wor&. The# are described briefl# 2 "ri#!ry !t!

    Primar# data was collected b# $ariet# of wa#s! first of all b# inter$iewing emplo#ees

    and managers of HSC and directl# communicating with the customers. 4uandaries


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    chec& has been prepared to minimi*e the as&ing time. 4uestionnaire sur$e# of the

    customers minimi*ing interruptions in their ban&ing acti$ities has also been

    conducted. Primar# data were mostl# deri$ed from the discussion with the emplo#ees

    5 through sur$e#s on customers of the ban&. Primar# data is under consideration in

    the following manner6

    /ace to face con$ersation with the emplo#ees.

    # inter$iewing customers at HSC! Main +ffice

    Sending questionnaire to the customer b# sales officer. Second!ry !t!

    )ifferent t#pes of secondar# data in the research ha$e been elaborated. Sources of

    secondar# data can be defined as internal sources and e'ternal sources. The internal

    and e'ternal sources are gi$en below6

    Intern!l Sources

    nternal sources includes-

    Prior research report

    8roup usiness Principal manual

    8roup nstruction Manual 5 usiness nstruction Manual

    an&9s Annual :eport.

    An# information regarding the an&ing sector

    $%tern!l Sources

    ;'ternal sources includes-

    )ifferent boo&s and periodicals related to the ban&ing sector.

    nternet browsing.

  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    )ata collecting instruments consists of in-depth inter$iew and questionnaire sur$e#.

    /or in depth inter$iew managers and e'ecuti$es of different departments were

    approached and for the questionnaire sur$e# part one set of questionnaire was

    prepared for collecting crucial information and in the questionnaire data was sought

    from $arious users. In epth Intervie'n-depth inter$iews were carried out with managers! e'ecuti$es and officers of the

    department of CS)! P/S of HSC for the information. (uestionn!ire Survey

    +ne set of questionnaire was used to collect primar# information for the stud#. ;$er#

    attempt was made to ma&e the questionnaire all inclusi$e i.e. all possible answers

    were gi$en in the questionnaire. n the questionnaire data was sought from $arious

    users regarding their le$els of satisfaction on $arious issues! opinion regarding the

    positi$e and uncomfortable features of HSC etc.

    1.4.3 Method !nd Si)e

    /or the purpose of getting better result! simple random sampling technique during the

    sur$e# of this pro,ect was adopted where customers were gi$en copies of the

    questionnaire and were as&ed to fill them. Continuous support was gi$en to the

    customers for an# problems that the# faced while filling up questionnaire so that the

    $alidit# of the questionnaire increases. As the Simple :andom Sampling is easil#

    understood and results are pro,ect able it is best suited for the stud#.

    $%plor!tory Rese!rch$ )uring this phase of the research! a group of => people

    were selected. This group included ? managers! 1> emplo#ees and 1? customers

    of HSC.

    &onclusive Rese!rch* n this part of the research sur$e#ed a total of 1>>

    customers with the help of a structured questionnaire.

    1.+ ,i#it!tions of the Study


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    The research wor& was basicall# based on interpreting primar# data. Secondar# data

    also needed for anal#*ing future plans! but for the purpose of the betterment of the

    present position of customer ser$ice. Though it was tried hardl# to produce a

    comprehensi$e and well organi*ed report on the Measuring Customer Satisfaction at

    HSC" some limitations were #et present.

    The sur$e# was limited to the customers of Personal an&ing di$ision

    and does not co$er the organi*ational or corporate customers of HSC.

    Part on organi*ational culture was written from indi$idual%s perception

    and ma# $ar# from person to person.

    The information regarding the competitors is difficult to get

    @arge-scale research was not possible due to constraints and

    restrictions posed b# the organi*ation.

    n man# cases! up to date information is not published.

    8etting :ele$ant papers and documents were strictl# prohibited.

    Man# procedural matters were conducted directl# in the operations b#

    the top management le$el! which ma# also ha$e some sort of


    To protect the organi*ational loss in regard of maintaining

    confidentialit#! some parts of the report are not in depth.

    1.- St!tistic!l ools !nd echni/ues(sing the e'plorator# and conclusi$e research! the obtained data were anal#*ed and

    interpreted b# using statistical tools such as /requenc# )istribution! Percentage

    anal#sis! Means! Correlation and Cross tabulations. The data obtained from the sur$e#

    were grouped into two ma,or categories. The# are- importance 5 satisfaction. After

    that an o$erall $ariance between the customer e'pectations and perceptions are

    measured to determine the gap between ser$ice le$els. Then the data were presented

    through a numerical and graphical presentation using the abo$e statistical tools. asedon these figures and findings recommendations were made out to impro$e the o$erall


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    satisfaction of the ban&. Some tables and diagrams were used to e'press information

    in concise form.

    an&ing Sector in angladesh and HSC 2 The

    orld%s @ocal an&


    2.1 efinition of 0!n

    hoe$er! being an indi$idual firm! compan# or corporation generall# deal in the

    business of mone# and credit is called a ban&. n our countr#! an# institution whichaccepts for the purpose of lending or in$estment deposits of mone# from public!


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    repa#able on demand or otherwise! and with transferable b# chec&s draft order 5

    otherwise is called a ban&.

    The purpose of an&ing is to ensure transfer of mone# from surplus unit to deficit

    units. an&s in all countries wor& as the repositor# of mone#. The owners loo& for

    safet# and amount of interest for their deposits with an&s. ;ntrepreneurs tr# to

    obtain mone# from the ban&s as wor&ing capital and for long-term in$estment. These

    entrepreneurs welcome effecti$e and forward-loo&ing ad$ice for in$estment. an&ing

    sector thus owe a great deal to the deposit holders on the one hand and the

    entrepreneurs on the other. The# are e'pected to pla# the role of friend! philosopher!and guide for the deposit holders and the entrepreneurs.

    Since liberation! angladesh passed through fragile phases of de$elopment in the

    an&ing sector. The nationali*ation of an&s in the post liberation period was

    intended to safe the institutions and the interest of the depositors. Those handling the

    ban&ing sector ha$e borne the burden of putting ban&s on reliable footings. )espite all

    that was done! some elements of irregularities appeared. ith the assertion of the roleof the Central an&! the angladesh an& started adopting measures for putting

    ban&ing institutions on right trac&. Bet the preponderance of public sector

    management of ban&s left some negati$e effects in the mone# mar&et in particular and

    the econom# in general. The agilit# among the borrowers manipulates the ban&ing

    sector as a whole. n effect! a default culture! among other effects! appeared on the


    The opening of pri$ate and foreign participants to the ban&ing sector was intended to

    obtain desirable results from ban&ing. The authori*ation of pri$ate ban&s was

    designed to create competition among the ban&s and competition in the form of

    efficienc# within and the producti$it# in enterprises funded b# ban&s. (nfortunatel#!

    for the people! at large! ban&ing sector is #et to obtain the credit for efficienc#!

    credibilit#! and growth.


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    The cle$er! among the user of ban&ing ser$ices! ha$e influenced the management of

    ban&s! for obtaining short term and long-term loans. The# sometimes showed inflated

    equit# to get mone# for in$estment in businesses and industr#. /ew di$erted their loan

    mone# to purposes different from the loan proposals! and in$ested in non-profitable

    units ha$e failed to repa# their loans to the ban&s. /or this reason new entrepreneurs

    are not getting capital while defaulting entrepreneurs ha$e started obtaining either

    relief in the form of rescheduling of the repa#ment program or additional ine$itable

    mone# for di$ersified units.

    2.2 0!ning in 0!ngl!desh

    an&ing is the bac&bone of national econom#. All sorts of economic and financial

    acti$ities re$ol$e round the a'is of the ban&. As the industr# produces goods and

    commodities! so does the ban& creates and controls mone# mar&et and promotes

    formation of capital. /rom this point of $iew! ban&ing-a technical profession- can be

    termed as industr#. Ser$ices to its customers are the products of ban&ing industr#

    besides being a pi$otal factor in promoting capital formation in the countr#. As all

    economic and fiscal acti$ities re$ol$e round this important 9ndustr#9! the role ofban&ing can hardl# be o$er emphasi*ed.

    Circumstances being such! it becomes imperati$e to find out the role that now pla#ing

    in the countr# and anal#*e its operational aspects so as to ascertain the importance of

    this delicate financial sector and its o$er all impact on our national econom#. To

    ascertain the role of ban&s and to anal#*e its operational aspects and its o$erall impact

    on our national econom# a through stud# as to its distribution! e'pansion and

    contribution is essential to comprehend its past! present and future bearings for the

    growth and de$elopment of the ban&ing sector of the countr#. n the global conte't!

    the role of ban&s is far - reaching and more penetrating in the economic and fiscal

    discipline! trade! commerce! industr#! e'port and import- all carried through the ban&.

    an&s are the onl# media through which international trade and commerce emanate

    and entire credit transactions! both national and international.

    2.3 pprov!l of e' 0!ns


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    +pening of the recentl# permitted new ban&s! without implementation of the needed

    reforms! could lead to unethical competition and horse- trading in the countr#9s

    troubled ban&ing sector! according to the ban&ers.

    ;ntr# of new ban&s in the mar&et under the present situation will lead to unethical

    competition and horse-trading in the ban&ing sector. The problems li&e non-

    performing loans in the sector ma# also worsen. The si*e of the mar&et and the

    present state of economic acti$it# did not pro$ide adequate scope for business for a

    large number of ban&s with poor management and outdated operating s#stems. This

    would ob$iousl# lead to unethical practices in the sector. Adding the lac& of s&illedhands at the top and mid-le$el management of ban&s could also result in horse-


    Mr. @utfar :ahman Sar&ar! ;'-go$ernor angladesh an& echoed his $iews and said

    Allowing the new ban&s! without restoring discipline and resol$ing their numerous

    problems! will create unhealth# atmosphere and unethical ban&ing in the whole

    countr#. The ban&s would ob$iousl# resort to unethical means of capturing orretaining business! such as undercutting interest or bribing official to attract

    go$ernment deposits. These would $itiate the atmosphere of the ban&ing sector.

    A top official of another multinational ban& said appro$al of the new ban&s b# the

    go$ernment was against the global trend. hen the global trend is merger and

    acquisition of the small business entities! the go$ernment is permitting numerous new


    /oreign ban&s were all prepared to snatch the countr#9s limited mar&et! with potentials

    of new business opportunities. 8o$ernment step at this time should ha$e been to

    strengthen local ban&s through underta&ing needed reforms. nstead of doing that

    new ban&s were permitted further squee*ing the business opportunities.


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    Another senior pri$ate ban&er said! :unning a ban& is $er# difficult in a countr# li&e

    angladesh! with inadequate and ineffecti$e legal framewor&. Permitting new ban&s

    without addressing the problems was ob$iousl# wrong decision.

    The pri$ate ban&s had concentrated their acti$ities onl# in a few areas. The new ban&s

    would also tr# to share the most potential mar&et! forcing others to face tougher

    competition. This would also restrict other to e'pand fast to cater to the ban&ing needs

    of the people in other areas.

    The international Monetar# /und 0M/ and the orld an& earlier as&ed thego$ernment to reconsider its decision to permit new ban&s without restoring

    discipline in the sector! crippled b# huge amount of bad debts.

    2.4 HS0& roup

    Headquartered in @ondon! The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation @td.

    0HSC is one of the largest ban&ing and financial ser$ices organi*ations in the

    world. HSC9s international networ& comprises o$er E!?>> offices in FG countries and

    territories in ;urope! the Asia-Pacific region! the Americas! the Middle ;ast and


    ith listings on the @ondon! Hong&ong!

  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    The HSC 8roup has an international pedigree! which is unique. Man# of its

    principal companies opened for business o$er a centur# ago and the# ha$e a histor#!

    which is rich in $ariet# and achie$ement. The HSC 8roup is named after its

    founding member! The Hong&ong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation @imited! which

    was established in 1IG? to finance the growing trade between China and ;urope.

    2.4.1 HS0& 0r!nd 5 &orpor!te Identity

    The He'agon logo of HSC deri$es from HSC%s traditionall# flag! a white rectangle

    di$ided diagonall#. The design of the flag was based on the cross of ST. Andrew! The

    Patron Saint of Scotland.

    HSC brand 5 corporate identit# represents what HSC wants is its brand to mean to

    its customer. t is deri$ed from the group.

    2.4.2 &orpor!te &h!r!cter !nd 0!sic rives

    HSC is a prudent! cost conscious! ethicall# grounded! conser$ati$e! trustworth#

    nternational builder of long-term customer relationships.

    HSC%s basic dri$es are Higher Producti$it#! Team +rientation! and Creati$e

    +rgani*ation! 5 Customer +rientation.

    The essence of HSC brand is integrit#! trust! and e'cellent customer ser$ice. t gi$es

    confidence to customers! $alue to in$estors! 5 comfort to colleagues. Through the

    process of listening to indi$iduals needs and then acting in partnership to deli$er the

    right solutions! HSC is committed to help the clients ma&e the most of their

    financial assets.

    HSC operate on a global basis! but also wor& on a local le$el to ensure the cross-

    border differences are identified and an# related benefits e'ploited. HSC teams of

    specialists ensure that whether #ou need solutions across the world! regionall#! or

    locall#! and the# ha$e the s&ills! e'pertise! and resources to deli$er them. The#


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    automate as man# functions as possible! e$en as ensuring retains control. HSC

    claims that the# are the people to tal& to if an#one wants the following6 -

    8lobal cash flow co-ordination

    ;nhanced ris& management

    mpro$ed securit# and audit controls

    Minimi*ed costs and reduced operating e'penses

    Ma'imi*ed liquidit#! returns and interest benefits

    2.+ 6ound!tion !nd ro'th of HS0&

    The HSC 8roup is named after its founding member! The Hong Dong and Shanghai

    an&ing Corporation @imited 0HSC! which was established in 1IG? in Hong Dong

    and Shanghai to finance the growing trade between China and ;urope. The inspiration

    behind the founding of the ban& was Mr. Thomas Sutherland! a Scot who was then

    wor&ing as the Hong Dong Superintendent of the Peninsular and +riental Steam

  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    through offices established in the ban&s name until the mid 1E?>s when it began to

    create or acquire subsidiaries. This strateg# culminated in 1EE7 with one of the largest

    ban& acquisitions in histor# when HSC holdings acquired Midland an& plc! which

    was founded in (D in 1I=G.

    The following are some &e# de$elopments in the HSC group since 1E??6

    17++ he Hong 8ong !nd Sh!ngh!i 0!ning &orpor!tion of &!liforni! '!s


    17+7 The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation acquires The ritish

    an& of the Middle ;ast 0formerl# the mperial an& of Persia! now called

    HSC an& Middle ;ast and The Mercantile an& 0originall# the

    Chartered Mercantile an& of ndia! @ondon 5 China.

    17-9 a#foong /inance @imited! a Hong Dong hire purchase and personal

    finance subsidiar#! is established.

    17-+ The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation acquires a ma,orit#

    shareholding in Hang Seng an& @imited! now the second-largest ban&

    incorporated in Hong Dong.

    17-: Midland an& purchases a one-third share in the parent of @ondon

    Merchant ban& Samuel Montagu 5 Co. @imited 0soon to be renamed

    HSC :epublic an& 0(D @imited.

    17:1 The C#prus Popular an& @imited 0now @ai&i an& becomes an

    associated compan# of the 8roup.

    17:2 The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation forms merchant-

    ban&ing subsidiar#! ardle# @imited 0now called HSC n$estment an&

    Asia @imited. Midland an& acquires a shareholding in (A/ an&

    @imited 0now &nown as ritish Arab Commercial an& @imitd.

    17:4 Samuel Montagu becomes a wholl# owned subsidiar# of Midland.


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    17:; The Saudi ritish an& is established under local control to ta&e o$er The

    ritish an& of the Middle ;ast9s branches in Saudi Arabia.

    17;9 The Hong&ong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation acquires ?1K of

  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    17;7 A strategic alliance is entered into between The Hong Dong and Shanghai

    an&ing Corporation and California-based ells /argo an&. Midland

    an& @aunches /irst )irect! the (D9s first 73-hour telephone ban&ingser$ice.

    1771 HSC Holdings is established its shares are traded on the @ondon and

    Hong Dong stoc& e'changes.

    1772 HSC Holdings purchases the remaining equit# in Midland an&. HSC

    n$estment an& plc is formed.

    1773 The HSC 8roup9s Head +ffice mo$es to @ondon. /orward Trust 8roup

    @imited 0now HSC Asset /inance 0(D @imited! a Midland subsidiar#!

    acquires Swan

  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    1777 Shares in HSC Holdings begin trading on a third stoc& e'change!

  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    Strict e'pense discipline

    HSC +perates According to Certain(ey Business )alues$

    The highest personal standards of integrit# at all le$els

    Commitment to truth and fair dealing

    Hand-on management at all le$els

    +penl# esteemed commitment to qualit# and competence

    A minimum of bureaucrac#

    /ast decisions and implementation

    Putting the 8roup%s interests ahead of the indi$idual%sThe appropriate delegation of authorit# with accountabilit#

    /air and ob,ecti$e emplo#er

    A commitment to compl#ing with the spirit and letter of all laws and


    A merit approach to recruitment! selection! promotion

    Promotion of good en$ironmental practice and sustainable de$elopment and

    commitment to the welfare and de$elopment of each local communit#.

    HSC%s reputation is founded on adherence to these principles and $alues. All actions

    ta&en b# a member of HSC or staff member on behalf of a 8roup compan# should

    conform to them.

    2.: HS0& roup Mission !nd =ision

    To be the bonding compan# that guarantees in the mar&et to satisf# appropriatel# and

    professionall# the bonding needs of our obligors and the assurance of timel#

    fulfillment of our bond to our beneficiaries is &nown as HSC%s group mission.

    HSC%s group $ision is to

    become the world%s leading financial ser$ices compan#

    balance group earnings between the +;C) and the emerging mar&ets.

    2.; HS0& roup =!luesThe group $alues of HSC are gi$en below-


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    ustr!li! =70!h!#!s G0!hr!in I

    0!ngl!desh E0elgiu# 70er#ud! 1F0r!)il 1!F>10ritish =irgin Isl!nds 10runei !russ!l!# 17&!n!d! =7=&!y#!n Isl!nds ?&h!nnel Isl!nds =G&hile =&hin! ?=&oo Isl!nds 1

    &yprus 7&)ech Republic 1>$gypt 7?6r!nce I1Eer#!ny 17reece 7FHongong SR =?1Hung!ry 11

    Indi! G3

    Indonesi! 13

    Irel!nd 17

    Isle of M!n I

    Isr!el 3

    It!ly 3

    ?!p!n ?

    ?ord!n 7

    8!)!hst!n 1

    8ore!< Republic of 13

    8u'!it 1

    ,eb!non G

    ,iby! 1

    ,u%e#bourg 3

    M!c!u SR G

    M!l!ysi! 33M!ldives 1

    M!lt! G>

    M!uritius 17

    Me%ico 1!G73

    Mon!co 7

    etherl!nds 1

    e' @e!l!nd E

    O#!n G

    "!ist!n 3

    "!lestini!n utono#ous re! 1

    "!n!#! =="hilippines 7=


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    "ol!nd 17

    (!t!r ?

    Russi! 7

    S!udi r!bi! F3Sing!pore 77

    Slov!i! 7

    South fric! 3

    Sp!in 7

    Sri ,!n! 17

    S'eden 3

    S'it)erl!nd 17

    !i'!n 1I

    h!il!nd 1

    urey 1G=

    Anited r!b $#ir!tes 1G

    Anited 8ingdo# 1!GIE

    Anited St!tes of #eric! 1!E7F

    Arugu!y 3

    =ene)uel! 1

    =ietn!# =

    !ble 2* Intern!tion!l et'or< HS0&B Source* 'ebsite of HS0&

    2.12 0!ns under the HS0& roup

    Man# of the members ha$e changed their name into HSC! The Hong&ong and

    Shanghai an&ing Corporation @imited to introduce the whole group under one brand


    Midl!nd 0!n HS0& Holdings !c/uired Midl!nd 0!n one of the princip!l A8

    cle!ring b!ns in 1772. He!d/u!rtered in ,ondon< the b!n h!s !

    person!l custo#er b!se of five !nd ! h!lf #illion< business

    custo#ers of over h!lf ! #illion< !nd ! net'or of !l#ost 1

  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    H!ng Seng 0!n H!ng Seng 0!n< in 'hich Hongong 0!n h!s ! -2.1C e/uity

    interest< #!int!ins ! net'or of 14- br!nches in the Hongong

    SR< 'here it is the second l!rgest loc!lly incorpor!ted b!n

    !fter Hongong 0!n. H!ng Seng 0!n !lso h!s ! br!nch in

    Sing!pore !nd t'o br!nches !nd t'o represent!tive offices in


    M!rine Midl!nd


    M!rine Midl!nd 0!n he!d/u!rtered in 0uff!lo< e' Dor< h!s

    3;9 b!ning loc!tions st!te'ide. he b!n serves over t'o #illion

    person!l custo#ers !nd 129l!rgest b!n. Fith

    he!d/u!rters in =!ncouver< it h!s 11- br!nches !cross &!n!d!

    !nd t'o br!nches in the 'estern Anited St!tes.

    0!nco HS0&0!#erindus

    0!nco HS0& 0!#erindus '!s est!blished in 0r!)il in 177:. heb!n h!s net'or of so#e 1br!nches< the

    second l!rgest in 0r!)il.

    Hongong 0!n


    Hongong 0!n M!l!ysi! is the l!rgest foreign>o'ned b!n in

    M!l!ysi! !nd the countryEs fifth>l!rgest b!n< 'ith 3- br!nches.

    he 0ritish 0!n

    of the Middle $!st

    G0ritish 0!n

    he 0ritish 0!n of the Middle $!st G0ritish 0!n is the l!rgest

    !nd #ost 'idely represented intern!tion!l b!n in the Middle

    $!st< 'ith 31 br!nches throughout the Anited r!b $#ir!tes>K margin of #our fi'ed deposit.

    Internet 0!ning by HS0&net

    ith usiness an&ing Account! there is no longer a need for #ou to call the an&

    or go to an# of the branchesNATMs to enquire balancesNstatements and to ma&e

    pa#ments to other HSC accounts. ith HSCnet nternet an&ing at ser$ice!

    customers ma# chec& #our balances! download statements and ma&e pa#ments

    within HSC accounts from an# appropriate nternet enabled PC.

    r!de Solutions

    HSC offers global reach and local e'pertise in handling #our trade business!

    including the complete range of ser$ices that would facilitate customer in their

    import and e'port. These include6

    I#port Services*ssuance of @etter of Credits 0)ocumentar# Credits and

    other import ser$ices$%port Services*;lectronic )ocumentar# Credit Ad$ising 0;)CA and other

    e'port ser$ices.

    4.+.2 &orpor!te &redit

    hen customers choose a ban& to help support their business the# want to be sure

    that it can tailor solutions to meet their specific finance needs. At HSC! a full range


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  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    ith o$er E!?>> offices in FE countries and territories! customers can be rest

    assured that an HSC office is close to them! where$er the# are e'porting to.

    HSC is a$ailable to pro$ide customers with ad$ice on an# aspect of their trade

    document preparation and can also pro$ide them with wor&ing capital finance to

    source raw materials.

    I#port Services

    ith o$er 1=> #ears of e'perience supporting importers globall#! HSC is well

    positioned to fulfill the trading needs. A full range of import ser$ices handled b#

    e'perienced staff is a$ailable! ensuring that #our import documents are processed

    without dela#.

    4.+.4 r!de $%press

    Trade ;'press is an umbrella ser$ice! which combines traditional trade products!

    document deli$er# ser$ices! reinforced b# HSC9s proprietar# state of the art e-

    ban&ing 0He'agon and ;lectronic )C Ad$ising! designed to pro$ide tailored

    solutions for our priorit# customers from the con$enience of their own office remote

    ban&ing. ith this product customers can now e'ecute all their trade transactions

    faster! cheaper! and with more accurac# than e$er before.

    4.+.+ He%!gon

    The He'agon department deals with all aspects related to HSC%s unique ban&ing

    software product - He'agon. t is the global ;lectronic an&ing s#stem of HSC!

    which offers the customers more con$enient and efficient ban&ing than e$er before. t

    is an inno$ati$e des&top ban&ing s#stem de$eloped b# the HSC group! which

    operates $ia the group%s proprietar# worldwide communications networ&. t offers

    comprehensi$e cash management ser$ices in an eas#-to-use and highl# secures

    s#stem. This pro$ides #ou timel# and accurate account information and gi$es total

    control o$er #our finances. He'agon significantl# reduces the documentation and

    ph#sical deli$er# required for trade finance! resulting in both faster and more accurate

    processing and administration. t reduces data entr# and related errors and can store

    frequentl# used documentar# credit 0)C in templates and recall them as needed to

    speed in processing.


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    4.- M!reting ep!rt#ent

    The si'th ma,or department of HSC is the mar&eting department. The mar&eting

    department of HSC pla# a $ital role in fostering the continuous growth HSC in

    angladesh. A manager is assigned to this department who loo&s after the o$erall

    mar&eting operation of HSC in angladesh. This department is basicall# concerned

    about mar&eting the compan#%s products! ser$ices and building a strong corporate

    image. The mar&eting department of HSC has four subdi$isions6 )irect Sales!

    Promotion! Mar&eting Administration and public relation. This di$ision are discussed


    4.-.1 irect S!les GS

    asicall#! this )irect Sales is a $ital part of P/S as well as Mar&eting .This

    department is controlled b# P/S. An e'ecuti$e is assigned to this part of the

    mar&eting department. The )irect Sales di$ision coordinate 5 manages the sales

    acti$ities of all the Mobile sales officers 0MS+ of HSC angladesh. The MS+%s

    basicall# ma&es sales of the compan# $arious Personal an&ing products such as!

    sa$ings accounts! consumer loan! etc outside the ban&ing premises. There are a total

    of more than 7>> mobile sales officers 0MS+ emplo#ed in the cities of )ha&a and

    Chittagong and S#lhet. The MS+%s are assigned to specific branches for ma&ing sales

    acti$ities more smoothl#. The )S e'ecuti$e sets sales strategies 5 targets for the Sales

    officers and manages the whole team of MS+%s in angladesh. The direct sales

    department also decides upon the commission and remuneration of the mobile sales

    officers as their salar# structure is based on sales performances. Thus this part of themar&eting di$ision is $er# important for the o$erall growth of the Personal an&ing


    4.-.2 "ro#otion

    This part of the mar&eting department deals with all the promotional acti$ities of

    HSC angladesh. Prime responsibilities of this department are6 Maintaining strong

    public relations with $arious media intermediaries! Ad$ertising the companiesproducts and ser$ices! building a strong corporate image of HSC in angladesh.


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    4.-.3 "ublic Rel!tions

    The promotion department organi*es $arious en$ironmental and social acti$ities in

    order to build a strong corporate image of HSC in the minds of customers as well as

    in the media. Maintaining strong relationship with news media is another ma,or dut#

    of this department.

    4.-.4 dvertising

    The promotion also coordinates all the ad$ertising of HSC products within

    angladesh. Some of the ad$ertising tools that are frequentl# used b# the compan#

    are as follows6

    e'sp!pers dvertising*:egular ad$ertisements of $arious products and

    ser$ices of HSC are gi$en in some of the countries most renowned dail#


    0illbo!rds*Huge colourful billboards with HSC logo are found in $arious

    ma,or areas of )ha&a and Chittagong. These billboards emphasi*e on the

    needs of customers and shows HSC logo as solution to their needs.Ro!d Side Signposts* Medium si*ed multi colour signposts focusing on

    $arious products of HSC are found on the roadsides of $arious posh areas

    such as! 8ulshan! )hanmondi! aridhara! Moti,heel! anani! etc.

    M!ilers*$arious product updates and new product information are regularl#

    sent to e'isting customers of HSC.

    0rochures*Larious colourful brochures featuring specific products of HSC

    are being displa#ed and distributed to e'isting and potential customers $ia

    branch offices and Mobile sales officers.

    These are some of the promotional acti$ities managed and coordinated b# the

    promotion department.

    4.-.+ M!reting d#inistr!tion

    This department formulates 5 e'ecutes $arious mar&eting strategies of HSC

    angladesh. This department also administers $arious mar&eting research acti$ities on


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    the e'isting and potential customers of HSC. Some such research acti$ities are6

    m#ster# shopping! critical incident sur$e#s! customer suggestion sur$e#s! etc. The

    results of these sur$e#s are integrated while formulating $arious mar&eting strategies.

    This department also deals with the billing and in$oicing of $arious mar&eting 5

    ad$ertising costs of HSC angladesh.

    n these are the ma,or departments of HSC angladesh. ;'cept the branches all

    other departments are situated at HSC angladesh head offices located at Anchor

    Tower! Dawran a*ar. Most of HSC%s operation and acti$ities are operated centrall#

    from the head office. ut to deal with customers more completel#! the branches aregi$en considerable authorit# and the# operate in a more decentrali*ed manner but

    sub,ect to $erification of the respecti$e departments.

    4.: "roduct !nd Service

    HSC angladesh carries out all traditional functions! which a commercial an&

    performs such as Mobili*ation of deposit! disbursement of loan! in$estment of funds!

    financing e'port 5 import business! trade 5 commerce 5 so on. esides it also offers

    some speciali*ed ser$ices to its customers. Products 5 ser$ices offered b# HSC can

    be categori*ed according to the customers the# ser$e. Thus two ma,or groups can be

    identified. The# are 2 indi$idual customers or consumers 5 corporate customers or

    organi*ations. An in-depth anal#sis of HSC%s product and ser$ices in angladesh is

    presented in this section. /irst of all! the liabilit# products of the ban& are discussed.

    Then! the $arious products and ser$ices of personal ban&ing di$ision will be

    presented. The summar# of all the products and ser$ices of HSC angladesh isdispla#ed below with the help of a diagram.


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    6igure 7* "roducts !nd Services of HS0& 0!ngl!deshB Source* '''.hsbc.co#.bd

    4.:.1 ,i!bilities

    The financial products of HSC can be categori*ed into two groups 2 Asset products

    and liabilit# products. Asset products are the $arious t#pes of credit and loan schemesoffered to consumers whereas the liabilit# products consist of all the sa$ings and

    deposit schemes offered to customers.

    4.:.2 S!vings ccount

    This is a depositor# account basicall# designed for small-scale sa$ers. This is an

    interest bearing account and the features of this account are

    +pening balance T& ?>!>>>

    A$erage balance that should be maintained6 T& ?>!>>>




    Short Term )eposit

    /i'ed )eposit

    :/C Current

  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    nterest bearing 0from 3K - ?.7?K. +ne of the unique features of HSC

    sa$ings account is that interest is calculated on dail# outstanding balance and

    is credit to customers account e$er# si' months.


    Can be opened onl# b# angladesh and dual citi*ens in single or ,oint names.

    4.:.3 &urrent ccount

    This is a depositor# account basicall# designed for $arious customers. This is a non

    interest bearing account and the features of this account are

    +pening balance T& ?>!>>>

    A$erage balance that should be maintained6 T& ?>!>>>

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    These accounts are opened mostl# b# the organi*ations. +rgani*ations normall#

    maintain current accounts in the ban&s. The# need to transact bul& amount regularl#

    that%s wh#! current account fits with their requirements. As current accounts do not

    pro$ide an# interests and as the organi*ations cannot ha$e sa$ings account! the# are

    depri$ed of earning an# interest despite ha$ing huge deposit in their accounts. OShort-

    term deposit% accounts enable them to earn interests from their accounts. These &inds

    of accounts share some properties of both current and sa$ings accounts. The account

    pro$ides interests! which are li&e the sa$ings accounts! and the holder can withdraw

    an# amount an# time from his account! which is a propert# of the current account.

    ndi$iduals especiall#! businessmen maintain such accounts.

    4.:.+ 6i%ed eposit

    t is also &nown as term deposits. These deposits are made in the ban& for a fi'ed

    period of time. This period of time should be specified in ad$ance. The ban& needs

    not maintain cash reser$es against these deposits 5 therefore! it offers interest rates

    that are higher than the sa$ings accounts.

    4.:.- Residents 6oreign &urrency &urrent ccounts

    angladesh nationals residing abroad open this account. /oreign nationals residing

    abroad or in angladesh! /oreign firms registered abroad! angladeshis wor&ing in

    multinationals at angladesh and recei$ing salar# in /C can also open such account.

    The account is non-interest bearing and there are $arious &inds of restrictions for

    withdrawals and deposits. The account can be maintained in ;uro 0;(:! Pound

    Sterling 08P and (S )ollar 0(S).

    4.:.: on> Resident 6oreign &urrency &urrent !ccounts

    These are time deposit interest bearing accounts. All non-resident angladeshi

    nationals can open them! persons ha$ing dual citi*enship! shipping staffs! etc. the#

    can be maintained in ;(:! 8P 5 (S) currencies. These accounts are strictl#monitored b# the central ban& and restrictions e'ist for these accounts.


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    4.; Services

    ide ranges of ser$ices are offered to the customers who hold these accounts. Some

    such ser$ices are6

    /ree ATM Card! chec& boo& 5 phone ban&ing ser$ice

    ChequesNcash deposits

    Standing instruction

    4uarterl#Nmonthl# statement of account

    /oreign currenc# ;ndorsement against tra$el quota and sale of Tra$elers

    cheques 0Thomas Coo&.

    ssue of Sol$enc#Nan& certificate

    Pa#ment orders! demand drafts! Telegraphic transfers.

    nward and outward funds transfer and recei$ing.

    Some unique ser$ices are also pro$ided to customers using HSC accounts. These

    ser$ices are Phone an&ing! Self Ser$ice an&ing 5 Power $antage Scheme.

    4.7 "erson!l 0!ning "roducts

    The personal ban&ing di$ision of HSC has designed $arious assets products to meet

    the needs of indi$idual customers. These are $arious loans and consumer credit

    schemes that satisf# and fulfill some basic purchase purpose of the indi$idual

    customers. These products are described in the ne't sections.

    4.7.1 ,o!ns !nd &redit

    Personal Credit offered b# HSC are6

    Personal nstallment @oan

    Car @oan

    Home @oan


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    Personal Secured @oan

    Personal Secured Credit

    Credit card "erson!l Inst!ll#ent ,o!n

    Personal installment loan can be defined as an# purpose loan. There is no cash

    securit# for this loan.


    Minimum monthl# income )T 1?!>>>N-

    7 #ears ser$ice in a well reputed! stable compan#

    Minimum age 7? and Ma'imum ?G

    Lalid income proof documents must be furnished

    (nsecured loan 5 no personal guarantee required

    Minimum loan amount is )T ?>!>>>N-

    Ma'imum loan amount is )T 7>!>>!>>> or 3 times of salar#

    nterest rate will be 1IK per annum

    Ma'imum loan tenure is =G months. f loan amount it )T 3! >>!>>>N-

    or abo$e then ma'imum tenure is 3I months.

    @oan processing fee is 1K of the loan amount or )T 1!>>>N-

    whiche$er is higher Q stamps )T 1F>N-

    /or customers maintaining relationship less than = months 0e'cept

    confirmed C;PS ANC! processing fee will be 7.?K of appro$ed amount

    Auto Pa# customers will get discounted interest rate6 13.?K and loan

    amount6 G times of salar# or 7 million whiche$er is lower

    C;PS customers will get discounted interest rate6 13.?K and loan

    amount6 1> times of salar# or 7 million whiche$er is lower

    PLA customers will get discounted interest rate6 13.?K

    f C;PS and PLA together then the rate will be 1=.?K


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    Personal loans will be granted at discounted rates to emplo#ees of blue

    chip companies against assignment of terminal benefits as per

    agreement with emplo#er. @oan tenure will be up to ? #ears.

    /or salaried indi$iduals additional income including rent! will be

    considered! pro$ided these are substantiated with requisite

    documentation N e$idence.

    /or businessmen more emphasis on ban& statements will be gi$en!

    although the T< certificate will remain a mandator# document for

    income $erification.

    an& ma# as& for the ta' return paper on a case-to-case basis to assessthe customer%s profile.

    A current account needs to be opened b# the customer before appl#ing for Personal

    nstallment loan

    ;qui$alent deposit of at least one ;M needs to be held in customer%s account prior to

    loan disbursement for all non Auto Pa# N non C;PS customers.

    Personal nstallment @oan is an# purpose loan. t has been categori*ed into the


    Professional @oan

    @ifest#le @oan

    /urniture @oan

    edding @oan

    The following loans with different benefits are also a$ailable under Personal

    nstallment @oan6

    Tra$el @oan

    Motorbi&e @oan

    Student @oan


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh


    1 "rofession!l ,o!n J to #eet the profession!l needs


    !>>> to )T1!>>>!>>> or a ma'imum of

    four times of the monthl# income! whiche$er is lower.


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    f it is an AutoPa# customer! he can get si' times or if he is a C;PS customer

    he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of


    Competiti$e interest rates.

    @ow processing fees.

    +ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73! =G! 3I or G> months. The loan products are

    based on floating interest rates which are sub,ect to change at the an&9s

    discretion. The installment amounts ma# $ar# during the life of the loan.

    @oan against partial securit# is also a$ailable ,ifestyle ,o!n J to !dd co#fort to person!l life

    !>>> to )T 1!>>>!>>> or a ma'imum

    of four times of #our monthl# income! whiche$er is lower.

    f one is an AutoPa# customer! he can get si' times or if he is a C;PS

    customer he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of

    )T 7!>>>!>>>.

    Competiti$e interest rates.

    @ow processing fees.

    +ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73!

    =G! 3I or G> months. The loan

    products are based on floating

    interest rates which are sub,ect tochange at the an&9s discretion. The

    installment amounts ma# $ar#

    during the life of the loan.

    @oan against partial securit# is also

    a$ailable. 6urniture ,o!n J to decor!te ho#e'ith right furniture


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh




    !>>> to )T1!>>>!>>> or a ma'imum of

    four times of #our monthl# income! whiche$er is lower.

    f one is an AutoPa# customer! he get si' times or if one is a C;PS customer

    he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of )T


    Competiti$e interest rates.

    @ow processing fees.

    +ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73! =G! 3I or G>

    months. The loan products are based on floating

    interest rates which are sub,ect to change at the

    an&9s discretion. The installment amounts ma# $ar#

    during the life of the loan.

    @oan against partial securit# is also a$ailable. r!vel ,o!n

    )ocuments needed for the tra$el loan are gi$en below-

    Tra$el quotation

    Lalid income proof documents

    @ast si' months ban& statement



    to )T?>>!>>> or a ma'imum of four

    times of monthl# income! whiche$er is



  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    f one is an AutoPa# customer! he can get si' times or if one is a C;PS

    customer he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of

    )T ?>>!>>>.

    Competiti$e interest rates.

    @ow processing fees.

    +ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73! =G or 3I months. The loan products are

    based on floating interest rates which are sub,ect to change at the an&9s

    discretion. The installment amounts ma# $ar# during the life of the loan.

    @oan against partial securit# is also a$ailable.

    )ocumentation-tra$el quotation along with other documents. Student ,o!n


    !>>> to )TF?>!>>> or a

    ma'imum of four times of monthl#

    income! whiche$er is lower.

    f one is an AutoPa# customer! he can get si' times or if one is a C;PS

    customer he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of

    )T F?>!>>>.

    Competiti$e interest rates. @ow processing fees.+ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73! =G! 3I 5 G> months. The loan products are

    based on floating interest rates which are sub,ect to change at the an&9s

    discretion. The installment amounts ma# $ar# during the life of the loan.

    @oan against partial securit# is also a$ailable./acilit# for opening Student /ile is also a$ailable.)ocumentation-cop# of collegeNuni$ersit# admission paper and proof of

    formal acceptance b# student along with other documents. & &onversion ,o!n


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh




    Competiti$e interest rates

    Ma'imum loan tenure 7 #ears

    !>>> to

    )T ?>!>>> &!r ,o!n


    Minimum monthl# income )T 7>!>>>N-

    7 #ears ser$ice in a well reputed! stable compan#

    Minimum age 7? and Ma'imum ?G

    Lalid income proof documents must be

    furnished!>>>N-Ma'imum loan amount is 3!>>>!>>>N-/or both reconditioned car and new car

    loan amount will be ma'imum F>K of the

    car $alueThe loan will be paid to the Car )ealer b#

    Cashier +rder

    nterest rate will be 1=.>K per annumMa'imum loan tenure is G> months 0at the discretion of P/S Credit@oan processing fee is 1K of the loan amount or )T 1!>>>N- whiche$er is

    higher Q stamps )T 1F>N-Car will be registered in an&%s name 0no ,oint registrationComprehensi$e insurance in discounted rate from selected insurance

    compan# in an&%s name is mandator# and automaticall# debited from

    customers account e$er# #ear.All fees will be borne b# customer


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    C;PS salaried customers will get >.?K discount in loan processing fee! i.e.


    f a customer is C;PS and PLA then processing fee is >.?K of loan


    /or salaried indi$iduals additional income including rent! will be

    considered! pro$ided these are substantiated with requisite documentation N


    /or businessmen more emphasis on ban& statements will be gi$en!

    although the T< certificate will remain a mandator# document for income

    $erificationan& ma# as& for the ta' return paper on a case-to-case basis to assess the

    customers profile

    A current account needs to be opened b# the customer before appl#ing for

    Car @oan

    ;qui$alent deposit of at least one ;M and processing fee need to be held

    in customer%s account prior to loan disbursement for all non Auto Pa# N

    non C;PS customers.

    %ollo*ing "arameters are common for abo&e loans

    usiness persons can also appl# b# furnishing pro$en income source.

    Customers can choose the loan tenure 017! 73! =G! 3I or G> installments

    A current account needs to be opened b# customer before appl#ing for loan

    Prepa#ment is allowed and fee for prepa#ment is )T 1!>>>N-

    f paid in the first = months of the facilit# offered! the charge is 1K on the

    outstanding amount or )T 1!>>>N- whiche$er is higher.

    Partial prepa#ment 0at least =>K of outstanding loan is also allowed with

    a fee of )T 1!>>>N-

    )efault fee for each missed installments is R 73K on delinquent amount

    n the e$ent of three consecuti$e missed installments the account will be

    handed o$er to collections for full reco$er#. Ho#e ,o!n


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh




    Minimum monthl# income )T 3>!>>>N-7 #ears ser$ice in a well reputed! stable compan#. f the applicant has less

    than 7 #ears e'perience in his N her current ,ob! pre$ious emplo#ment record

    will be considered.

    Minimum age 7?. The loan must end before borrower%s age reaching ?F

    #ears or retirement date! which e$er is earlier.

    This loan is pro$ided for completed flats N apartments

    2 less than 7> #ears of age

    Lalid income proof documents must be furnished

    ncome of the spouse can be combined and sNhe can

    appl# as ,oint applicant


    Ma'imum loan amount is 1>>!>>!>>>N-

    Ma'imum loan tenure is 1? #ears! loan must be repaid prior to ?F #ears of


    A ma'imum loan amount of F>K of the total $alue of the apartment costing

    up to )T ?>!>>!>>>N- and G>K of the total $alue for the apartments o$er

    )T ?>!>>!>>>N-. The total loan $alue is inclusi$e of the registration cost.

    /inancing for the registration cost

    The loan will be paid to the )e$eloper N pre$ious owner b# Cashier +rder

    nterest rate is 1=K per annum

    nterest is calculated on a monthl# reducing balance as opposed to an annual

    reducing balance! gi$ing customer a lower monthl# installment amount

    @oan processing fee is 1.?K of the loan amount or )T 7>!>>>N- whiche$er

    is higher Q stamp charge

    Securit#6 :egistered mortgage and original title deed

    nsurance6 /ire! earthqua&e! flood! c#clone

    There is option of disbursing funds! up to ?>K of the loan amount prior to

    registration sub,ect to the propert# being complete! as e$idenced b# suitable


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    representation b# a reputable de$eloper of a qualified third part# sur$e#or. n

    such cases Tri-partite Agreement between the an&! )e$eloper! and

    orrower will be ta&en as securit# in the interim prior to registration.

    More emphasis on ban& statements for businessmen will be gi$en. Although

    submission of ta' papers remain mandator#.

    /or salaried indi$iduals additional income including rent! will be considered!

    pro$ided these are substantiated with requisite documentation N e$idence.

    ;'ception of accepting ;quitable Mortgage rather than @egal Mortgage for

    properties de$eloped b# the more reputable companies and as ad$ised b# our

    law#ers.Partial or full prepa#ment allowed

    C;PS salaried customers will get >.?K discount in interest rate! i.e. 1=.?K

    A current account needs to be opened b# the customer before appl#ing for

    Home @oan "erson!l Secured ,o!n

    Personal Secured @oan is a simple stand b# loan against the Time )eposit and !>>>N- and 17K for loan

    amount of )T ?!>>!>>>N- and abo$e

    nterest rate against @CB TM) is TM) rate 1=K

    Minimum loan amount )T E>!>>>N-

    Ma'imum loan amount E>K of @CB TM) amount or ;) and I>K of

    /CB TM) or (S)s.

    +ption of bullet repa#ment with quarterl# interest pa#ment is a$ailable.

    Partial prepa#ment is not allowed for this facilit#. ullet repa#ment facilit#


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    allows no monthl# repa#ment option. The quarterl# interest has to be paid b#

    the customer.

    1>.?K interest rate for bullet repa#ment PS@ facilit#

    Processing fee against certificate issued from HSC is )T 1!>>>N- Q stamps

    )T 1F>N-

    Processing fee against certificate issued from other ban&s is )T 1!?>>>N- Q

    stamps )T 1F>N-

    /le'ible tenure! ma'imum loan tenure is ? #ears! customers can choose the

    loan tenure 017! 73! =G! 3I! or G> installments

    )efault fee for each missed installment is R 73K on delinquent amountn the e$ent of three consecuti$e missed installments the securit# will be

    encashed 5 outstanding loan amount will be reali*ed

    Set off fee for liquidation of = consecuti$e delinquent amount is )T 1!>>>N-

    Partial prepa#ment fee is )T 1!>>>N-

    ;arl# settlement fee is )T 1!>>>N- 0if within = months 2 1K of the

    outstanding or )T 1!>>>N- whiche$er is higher.

    4.7.1.+ "erson!l Secured &redit

    Personal Secured Credit is a credit facilit# against Time )eposits and K of @CB TM) amount or ;) and I>K of

    /CB TM) or (S)s.

    Processing fee against ;) and (S)s issued from HSC is )T 1!>>>N-

    Q stamps )T 1F>N-

    Processing fee against ;) and (S)s issued from other ban&s is )T

    1!?>>N- Q stamps )T 1F>N-


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    nterest rate against @CB TM) is TM) rate Q =K and /CB TM) is 17.?K for

    loan amount below ?!>>!>>>N- and 17K for loan amount of )T ?!>>!>>>N-

    and abo$e

    nterest rate against >N- to 1! >>!>>>N-

    Master Card 8old !>>>N- to 1! >>!>>>N-Master Card LP6 )T 1! >>!>>>N- to 7! >>!>>>N-

    Higher credit limit will be granted on e'ceptional basis


    Minimum )T 7?!>>>N- gross income from regular sources. angladeshi Citi*en 71-

    G? #ears of age and has account with HSC

    /or Supplementar# card the person has to be at least 1I #ears of age

    Card @ife6 # default 7 #ears for all cards new and renewed

    illing C#cle6 Fthda# of the month

    :epa#ment Period6 7Gthda# of e$er# month. Ma'imum ?> da#s interest

    free period

    Minimum Pa#ment Calculation

    IK of the current balance shown on the statement or )T ?>>N- which

    e$er is higher. f current balance is less than )T ?>>N-! then full pa#ment/or o$er limit account6 IK of the credit limit plus e'ceeded amount


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    /or o$erdue account6 minimum of the pre$ious statement plus IK of the

    billed amount.

    /ees and Charges6 0LAT applicable

    Annual /ee )T 7!>>>N-

    /irst Supplementar# Annual /ee /ree

    7nd-EthSupplementar# Annual /ee )T 1!>>>N-

    Card :eplacement /ee )T ?>>N-

    @ate Pa#ment /ee )T =>>N-

    ;'cess @imit /ee )T ?>>N-

    Statement :etrie$al /ee )T ?>N- per statement

    Sales Slip :etrie$al /ee )T 7?>N-

    !ble 4* 6ees !nd ch!rges for &redit &!rd

    Supple#ent!ry &!rd*Total E cards can be a$ailed. There will be no annual fee

    for the first supplementar# card.Interest* 7.?Ks monthl#. nterest is calculated on dail# basis on card accounts

    from posting date. f pa#ment is paid within the pa#ment date in full! no interest ischarged. This present a cardholder the option to en,o# a ma'imum of ?> da#s free

    credit facilit#"en!lty for ,!te "!y#ent*The billed amount needs to be repaid or the minimum

    as shown on the Statement of Card Account within the Pa#ment )ue )ate to a$oid

    @ate Pa#ment /ee. f pa#ment recei$ed late for two months! the card account ma#

    be suspended."en!lty for $%cess ,i#it*Minimum as prescribed. An# e'cess limit must be paid

    immediatel# otherwise fees ma# be charged twice. nterest! ;'cess @imit /ee shallbe debited to Card Account on the Pa#ment )ue )ate. An# discrepanc# is the

    statement should be reported to Prime an& @imited! Card )i$ision within 1>

    da#s from the Statement )ate. ;lse the billed amount shall be considered correct.

    4.7.1.: S!vings "lus

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    angladesh are eligible to open this account with minimum opening balance of )T

    ?>>!>>> and interest pa#able is onl# if the balance is abo$e )T ?>>!>>>.

    4.7.1.; $!sy "!y

    t is a unique ser$ice from HSC. ;as# Pa# machines offer customers and non-

    customers an eas#! con$enient and quic& wa# to ma&e deposits! pa#ments and

    instructions. ith ;as# Pa# machines! customers can do the following6

    )eposit cash or cheque to #our own or an# other HSC account

    Pa# bills b# cashNcheque to an# of the following compan# accounts6







    8rameen Phone

    ASAPa# either HSC cheques or non-HSC cheques to a compan# account

    Ma&e #our HSC Credit Card bill pa#ments either b# cash or cheque

    Submit the following application forms or instructions through ;as# Pa#


    )emand )rafts

    Telegraphic Transfers

    Cashier +rders

    Address change instructions

    Cheque boo& requests

    An# other instructions related to #our account

    4.7.2 M &!rds

    ith HSC ATM cards! customers can access and carr# out most of #our personal

    ban&ing transactions 73-hours a da#! =G? da#s a #ear. (sing the ATM cards! a wide

    range of transactions can be done! such as6


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    Ma'imum withdrawal limit is )T ?>!>>> per da# per card. Minimum

    )T ?>> can be withdrawn.

    Transfer funds between customers% own account! e.g. from customer%s

    current account to hisNher sa$ings account or $ice-$ersa.

    alance on current or sa$ings account can be chec&ed.

    ATM pin can be changed.

    Customers can $iew last eight transactions.

    :equest for ban& statement and new cheque boo& can be processed.

    HSC offers ATM card against customers% foreign currenc# accounts.

    ith this card! customers can withdraw cash from #our accounts! atan# time of the da# or night in I>>!>>> ATMs worldwide.

    additional first supplementar# card for free! with a shared credit limit

    4.7.3 "hone>b!ning

    ith HSC%s phone ban&ing ser$ices! customer%s can sa# good b#es to long queues at

    the branch. ith Phone-ban&ing #ou can6

    Chec& balances on #our primar# and lin&ed accountsTransfer funds between #our accounts

    Hear the details of the last fi$e transactions

    +rder a statement

    +rder a chequeboo&

    Pa# bills to pre-designated third parties in local currenc#

    :eport a lost or stolen ATM card

    +pen or renew a time deposit

    ;nquire about foreign e'change rates

    4.7.4 0!ngl!desh Intern!tion!l

    Ser$ices for non-resident angladeshis are6

    6oreign currency current !ccount* A non-interest bearing transactional

    account to be opened with funds remitted from abroad. Bou can open this

    account in a choice of currencies - (S )ollars! Pound Sterling and ;uro.


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    6oreign currency ti#e deposit !ccount* An interest bearing time deposit

    account especiall# for non-resident angladeshis. Bou can choose tenors

    ranging from 1 to 17 months. e offer competiti$e interest rates and complete

    fle'ibilit# on this account.

    "riv!te non>resident t!! !ccount*This account can be opened with ta&as or

    funds remitted from abroad. This is a local currenc# account and can be

    opened as an interest pa#ing sa$ings account or non-interest bearing current


    F!ge $!rner evelop#ent 0ond GF$0 !nd AS oll!r 0ond GAS0*

    8o$ernment bonds issued b# the angladesh an&! speciall# for the =!nt!ge

    HSC recogni*es the numerous demands on customers% lifest#le and ha$e de$eloped

    a ban&ing pac&age that sa$es both time and energ#. ith Power-Lantage customers

    recei$e special and immediate assistance at the an& branches! while a host of

    ser$ices ensures that customers control their finances easil# and efficientl#. Power-


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    Lantage ma&es ban&ing effortless! allowing customers to get on with their bus# da#.

    The benefits of Power-Lantage are as follows6

    As a Power-Lantage customer! customer will recei$e accident insurance co$er

    for the amount of )T 1>>! >>>. The an& will co$er the Premium.

    Customers can endorse foreign currenc# in their passport against the tra$el

    quota absolutel# free of charge.

    Customers are entitled to special reduced rates on a Personal nstallment @oan

    and a discount on the processing fee for a Car @oan.

    To benefit from a higher rate of interest! customers can issue standing

    instructions to ha$e funds transferred between their current and sa$ingsaccounts and time deposits.

    Customers can set up standing instructions of an# fi'ed amount to be paid to

    selected parties9 accounts with HSC! free of charge.

    Customers% Power-Lantage ATM Card gi$es them a high cash withdrawal

    limit of up to )T ?>!>>> at an# of HSC9s ATMs across angladesh.

    A monthl# Power-Lantage statement helps customers &eep trac& of all #our

    accounts with HSC.

    To be eligible for a Power-Lantage account! customers need to maintain an a$erage

    deposit balance of )T 7>>!>>>. A ser$ice charge of )T ?>> will be le$ied if the

    a$erage deposit falls below the stipulated limit for a si'-month period. The annual fee

    to a$ail the ser$ice is onl# )T ?>>.

    4.7.- Monthly Interest 0e!ring i#e eposit

    A simple! safe and con$enient wa# to ma&e customers% mone# grow! pro$iding

    them with the benefits of attracti$e interest rates! securit#! con$enience and


    ;arning of interest on a monthl# basis with the securit# of a fi'ed deposit


    +ption of &eeping the Time )eposit for a ma'imum period of 7 #ears! which

    will be renewed automaticall# e$er# #ear.

    A minimum deposit balance of )T ?>>!>>> 0Ta&a fi$e lacs to open the



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    !he benefits are as follo*s$

    Monthl# interest earned can be transferred to another nominated account

    etter rates than normal sa$ings account

    Higher rate than 1- month time deposit account9s rate

    /ree ATM Card for new accounts

    4.7.: er# eposit

    f customers are loo&ing for a simple! safe and con$enient wa# to ma&e their mone#

    grow! term deposits from HSC pro$ide attracti$e rates! securit#! con$enience and

    fle'ibilit# with minimum deposit of )T 1>>!>>>. The benefits are as follows6

    Customers can place Term )eposits with HSC! for $ar#ing periods of time!

    1! =! G or 17 months.

    Customers can earn higher interest on their term deposits with attracti$e rates.

    nterest is calculated from the date of the deposit until maturit#! at the rate

    applicable when the deposit is first placed or renewed! and is paid when the

    deposit matures. @arger amounts attract e'tra interest! so the more the#deposit! the more the# earn

    +n maturit# of Term )eposit! the ban& automaticall# renews it with the

    interest earned. Alternati$el#! customers can transfer it to an# of their accounts

    with the ban&! or withdraw the Term )eposit and interest.

    4.7.; r!velerEs &he/ue

    Tra$eler%s Cheques are a$ailable in all ma,or currencies and eliminate the need tocarr# cash while tra$eling o$erseas. (nli&e cash! Tra$eler%s Cheques are safe and will

    be immediatel# replaced if lost or stolen. Tra$eler%s Cheques issued b# HSC are

    accepted worldwide. The benefits are as follows6

    Secure and con$enient! as the# can be en-cashed at ban&s and at most hotels

    and shops in an# countr# or cit#

    Hand# to carr#

    Accepted globall#



  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    deal to budget

    A$ailable in most ma,or currencies in denominations of ?> and 1>>.

    ndustrial Anal#sist is e'tremel# crucial to anal#*e competiti$e forces in the industr# en$ironment to

    identif# opportunities and threats. Michael ;. Porter%s well-&nown framewor&! &nown

    as the fi$e forces model helps with this sort of anal#sis. The model focuses on fi$e

    forces that shape competition within an industr#. The stronger the fi$e forces! the

    more limited is the abilit# of established companies to raise prices and earn greater

    profits. Therefore! we can conclude that a strong competiti$e force can be considered

    as a threat because it depresses profit! whereas! a wea& competiti$e force can be

    $iewed as an opportunit# as it facilitates the companies to earn higher profits. The

    situation of the industr# changes o$ertime. The influence of the fi$e forces in the

    carbonated soft drin&s industr# has been discussed below6

    ?.1 hre!t of "otenti!l $ntr!nts

    Potential competitors are companies that are not currentl# competing in an industr#

    but ha$e the capabilit# to get into the industr#. The ban&ing sector of angladesh

    seriousl# faces the threat of new entrants. Howe$er the threat comes from two

    directions. The first threat comes with the arri$al of the multinational ban&s and their

    branch e'pansion particularl# due to the booming energ# sector. Secondl#! the

    continuous entries of local ban&s with lower cost structure also possess a se$ere threat

    to this industr#.


  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh



    n the conte't of HSC the $arious new 5 upcoming an&s pose a significant threat!

    being late entrants in the ban&ing sector of angladesh. ut HSC is aware of these

    potential competitors. So it is tr#ing to e'pand countr#wide to ma&e the sector

    unattracti$e 5 to create entr# barrier.

    8o$ernment policies for ban&ing industr# are not so strong in this countr#. e don9t

    ha$e strong rules and regulation from angladesh an& for regulating the pri$ate

    ban&ing sectors. f go$ernment doesn9t regulate the ban&ing sector strongl# than lots

    of new ban&s will come and will ma&e the competition more intense.

    ?.7 Riv!lry #ong $st!blished &o#p!nies

    n the ban&ing sector! the mar&et si*e is measured in terms of total deposits and total

    ad$ances. an&ing industr# in angladesh is highl# fragmented with categories li&e6

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    e'portingNimporting ha$e no substitutes. n ban&ing industr# substitute products are

    $er# eas# to find. e need to consider all t#pes of substitute products for the ban&s.

    )ifferent pri$ate and nationali*ed ban&s are offering similar products! which are close

    substitutes. +n the other hand some non-ban& ban&s li&e insurance companies and

    leasing companies are also competing indirectl# with the commercial ban&s product.

    All the products of the commercial ban&s perform the similar functions. Ta&ing the

    mone# from the depositor and sanctioning loan to in$estors are the main functions.

    The# all do it in a same manner. HSC is not different from them. Since functional

    similarit# is high in ban&ing industr# so competition is also high because customer

    can switch at an# time the# want.

    Product offered in ban&ing industr# is $er# identical. All the ban&s offer $irtuall# the

    same products with same characteristics. +nl# few large multinational ban&s of our

    countr# are offering some differentiated products but the ratio is $er# low. HSC

    offers products that are highl# identical with other ban&s products. So! we can sa# that

    product identit# is high in ban&ing industr# which means competition is also high. /or

    e'ample! the launch of premier ban&ing b# SC poses a strong threat on HSC%spremium customer group and HSC is at a condition where it should launch an e$en

    better product. Moreo$er the $arious consumer credit schemes offered b# $arious

    local ban&s with lower interest rates and cost also poses a strong threat on the HSC

    personal ban&ing products. Again the lower ser$ice charges at national ban&s also

    discourage a wide group of customers to hold account in HSC. So these are some of

    the threats posed b# substitute products in the mar&et place.

    ?.3 0!rg!ining "o'er of 0uyers

    argaining power of the bu#er can be $iewed as a competiti$e threat when the# are in

    a position to demand lower prices from the compan# or when the# are in a position to

    demand better ser$ice that can increase operating costs. +n the other hand! when

    bu#ers are wea&! a compan# can raise its prices and earn greater profits. /or the

    ban&ing industr# bu#er means customers who ta&e loan from the ban&s.


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    Switching cost is $er# low in ban&ing industr#. ;$er# ban& is gi$ing the similar t#pes

    of loan at similar interest rate. So! an indi$idual who wants to ta&e loan from ban&s

    can switch easil# to other ban&s if he or she doesn9t li&e the terms and conditions.

    Customers of HSC @td are switching to other ban&s because of low interest rate and

    lots of other reasons. @ower switching cost ma&es the industr# more competiti$e.

    n ban&ing industr#! there is alwa#s a chance for threat of bac&ward integrations. ig

    multinational companies or corporations can gi$e threats to the commercial ban&s that

    the# will arrange their funds b# forming another ban& where the cost of fund is low

    compare to other ban&s. /or this reason! giant customers of this industr# alwa#s

    possess more power than their ban&s.

    Creditors are considered to be the bu#ers of the ban&s. There are thousands of

    creditors from all wal&s of life. Mainl# businessmen are the ma,or bu#er of ban&%s

    credit. ig amount creditors ha$e strong powers in determining interest rate of their

    credit amounts. an&s distinguish their prime customers from others b# setting a

    prime interest rate for them.

    +.+ 0!rg!ining "o'er of Suppliers

    argaining power of suppliers can be $iewed as a threat when the# are able to force

    up the price that a compan# must pa# for its inputs or reduce the qualit# of the inputs

    the# suppl#! thereb# depressing the compan#9s profitabilit#. +n the other hand! if

    suppliers are wea&! this gi$es the compan# the opportunit# to force down prices and

    demand higher input qualit#. /or the ban& the main supplier of fund is depositor. an&

    also gets its funds from the directors.

    HSC has one of the largest capitals among all other pri$ate ban&s. The ban& doesn9t

    want more mone# right this moment because there is a $er# few good opportunities

    for in$estment. So! it is offering lower interest rates on depositors for their funds.

    argaining power of the fund suppliers is low in ban&ing industr# because there are

    lots of indi$idual sa$ings in the econom# but ban&s don9t ha$e opportunities for



  • 8/12/2019 Report on Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSBC Bangladesh

