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Report on ngo in ahmedabad

Date post: 18-Jan-2017
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Report on NGO in Ahmedabad

Presented by :Siddhi SutharKhushbu JagadPooja Mishra Nikita JadejaJay SukhdiaSafdar KarimiReport on NGO in Ahmedabad

Manilal Gandhi Vanprstashram

Vision And MissionVision To support the senior citizens in living life with dignity and help them face social and family hurdles

Mission To provide nutritious food, healthcare facilities and mental peace to older person for upliftment of their life


Manilal Gandhi Vanprstashram was established in 1988.Manilal Gandhi was the founder and trustee of the old age home

. Manilal Gandhi was businessman settled in Mumbai he has shown his willingness to establish an old age home in his will to fulfil his dream Mr.Jayantilal Gandhi and Mr.Mangaldas and othe trustees has established Manilal Gandhi Vanprstashram .

The building is spread over in 1200 sq.ft land in GhodasarManinagararea.

SwamiSachidanandji has inaugurated the old age home.On 9th april 2000 they have celebrated their 10th anniversary.

There are 200 Vanprstashram in Gujarat. Manilal Gandhi Vanprstashram has created its own identity among all in Gujarat.

Structure of the NGO

The Old Age home is run by a trust. Right now there are 25 trustees in it.

The management of organization is in the hands of Ms.Geetaben Patel who is heading it from last 20 years. She has other four staff members to assist her. She works from 9 oclock in the morning till 9 oclock in the night.

The other dignitaries of the NGO are as follows:

ProcedureThe minimum age criterion for entry is 65 years.There is no maximum limit means after arriving they can reside for life long.Only Gujarati (specifically general category) old age people can get admission.The charge for general room is Rs 500 p.m per person, for special room (Individual room) the charges are Rs 1500 p.m per person.This charges includes accommodation charges and food charges. For extra work like laundry and other, they charge extra Rs 100 p.m.

FacilitiesAccommodationThey provide free bad, cupboard, blanket, vessel etc. Members have to come just with their cloths. All other facilities are provided by NGOTwo-time food. Tea and Breakfast in the morning and at night they give milk.They have collaborated with Sanjivani Hospital and every fortnight doctors come from the hospital for regular check-up of the older.If any emergency related to health occurs, they call doctors from nearby hospital (Shreeji hospital)

Cont..They also take, all members who are interested, to trips like Shrinathji, Nasik, etc. NGO also organizes some Bhajan-Kirtan and Satyanaray Katha.NGO also provides facility of dry-cleaning and give personal care takers to whom who are unable to do it at their own. (charges available)At night, one person is always available in NGO for any emergency.They are also allowed to go to home for any period if they want.

CultureRoutine Celebrations Tours and TripsCommunication

Source of FundThe major source of fund for the organization is through donation. The organization also gets funds through membership fees

ObservationWe observe that many of the older people are those who have no one to look after to them. Some of them is having only girl child, some of them are not married, some are not having any child. Only few are those who have children then also have to come here because of family problems. The another observation is apart from being sad that they do not have any one to look after, they feel very comfortable in this old age home and get used to this routine life. They all are happily living with one another.

ConclusionOverall, It is a well-managed and free cultured NGO where everyone have their own personal life and own interest based activities. There is no restriction in the NGO. It works for the providing support and better living to the senior citizen of the society.

Thank you
