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REPORT - Provincial Assembly of the Punjab · Ordinance 1962 · ext._e.nsively where applicable,...

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for the year 1977-78 · '" and Report of the Auditor-General of Pakistan thereon ... AD-HOC PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE OF THE REPORT ;/::.':-.··.:.··. '..· .. ·· ..... >::;i:: :f,·\)?:}:u.· ... pri,priation and Finance Accounts of the Government of the Punjab :\~,~:·.-?_:, ON THE

for the year 1977-78

· '" and Report of the Auditor-General of Pakistan thereon




;/::.':-.··.:.··. '..· .. ·· ..... >::;i:: :f,·\)?:}:u.· ... pri,priation and Finance Accounts of the Government of the Punjab :\~,~:·.-?_:,


for the year 1977-78 and Report of the Auditor General of Pakistan ther eon

Appropriation and Finance Accounts of the Government of tp.e Punjab

on the


R E P O R T_


of trie

117 Directives arid Instructions issued by the Public Accounts Committee

' .

96 Irrigation and Power

Housing and PhysicaJ_' Planning

· 57

87 Communications and Works

56 Services, General Administration & Information

Revenue (Board of Revenue)

54 Livestock and Dairy Development

52 Industries and Mineral Oevelopment

51 Home

45 Health

35 Forestry, Fisheries and Wild Life

19 Food

18 Excise .and Taxation·

3. Education

1 ,Agriculture

15. 14.

iv Preliminary




. 9.

a. 'l.

i Preface

6. 5. 4. 3.

.Page· N~me .of Depattm.erit


SL. No.

It had' been observed ·that on a number of occasions, losses of cash/st9ck .or stores in the·.custo,dy of Government officials, - had occurred aJ:td the persons concerned had absconded, <?r gone a'!ay without makinggood the loss. In order to safe-guard against such·· eventualities, the Comxp.itt~e suggeEJted that necessary· secµrity / · fidelity bonds w.~th an. Insurance Company· must invariably be obtained in such cases and the amount. should be commensurate with the 'value of the cash/,stock in the charge of 'the individual. '

- . I

.. •, .. ··:}'.·'.



.. ·, . l ' .·~· ' . : .' I • I . . . . ' . . Th~ C,o.mmittee. has been observing, aince the -examination of

the Accouni$ .. for the, yea.r 1971-72, that in a number of it~s of Appro·p:d~tt~n .Accounts., the1Administr~tive Departments did not ke'ep ,~(e:~~p,,.qdi~e:wit~in the budgetary gl'ants~ Funds surplus to

· their requir~ments were not offered for surrender before the close of the financial year. Likewise,. additional func;ls.,· where necessary., were .not oqtaµied to cover th~. excess expenditure. The Committee des4-ed t~at the Administrative :t>e·partrnents should maintain effective control ovi;jr the budgetary granta,

I '•

. ·,.-··;Th~ Com~it.tee conducted the Prel.hninary examination of the_ I • •· .• .t ~J . / i . ' I .

Appr,ePf*~iP.~/.Finance Accounts of the·<;t<>vernment of the punjab for the year 1911 -78 and Report of the Auditor General of Pakistan thereon in its meeting held on 19th October f981 and then proceeded with,1the detailed examination of the said Accounts from 16-1-.,i982 to 9-1-1983. In au/·3:3 meetings were held. ' . . . .

. ' i . .: 3.

··l) l..J .-.i. .· •. :. ~~· r--·Member )

Mian Abdul Ra.EJhip H,No. 38-A, PE(;.O. Road Towrishlp., Lahore; . .

. .~ 1.::t· . ·4. , Alhaj. Khawaja Habib~ur -Rahman ·

334/R, Peahawar- Road,!<\.· Rawalpindi ·r,.•·i'-'. z?:·

. )it .. ;11:' ~- ) 5. Ch Fateh Muhanint.i:i:cf ·

· 413 ..;.N:, Sa~an~bad .: Lahore


) . . ) . Chau-man .)

) .) . M1ember · ) '

) '

) M_~piber )

) ) Member

1. '',·:,./ ..

Mian M. Arshad Husain 18-0ld .FCC, Feroz'epy.r Road,. Lahore

2 •.. 'ivrr M .·2(h han .. J41-F., Model..Town,

Lahore .



. .. , ; • . .. : .. u · - • • .. ·..i -:.,;: ··r = . .. ..

. The A~,Jt~>J?ublic Accounts- Committee, consisting orthe ·· fQllowing Me~r~~rs, ·. was c~~~t_itut~d to_ examine. the Appropriation/ F~nce.AccQunt~. Qf the Go~fmP,w.~mt of th.~ Punjab' and Report· of ,;·, the A'1di!tor General of Pakista,n thereon.;-,· . . . ,• ...

~~ PR·~ .FACE



I .. ' '

2. The.Collectors,may be.·dir.'.ected to_s~nd quarterly state- -··· . . ·' •·med-ts_ to bel},Rrtments ·conc~:rned show.ing axn:ount's coll.ect,d · /

. . . and r-easons for ,n.on-cpllection of 'th~ _balance;

3. . '-k: cases where stay,orde~·s ':had been 'gr~nted by th~·C'oµrts.,. the recovery proceedings shou,ld start aft~r-the expiry .. ·: ....• of a period of 6 months a,s provided under the' 4th aii:len_prne~~ to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as · amended .by Or-dmance XXV of 19'1?.

1 •. _ T:he Coll~torsma)'i-be··reque~ted to gJve.-d,ue importance_ . : to :recovering Government dues as arrears of Jana . revenue;·

. ,, '.-. ,. . .· ., ' . . -. ... -

'. . '. ··· . •. . . - ', ,'..: . : .: '. ·. - . ' ·. . . : - -~- . - : I "

It ~a..<l 'been observeq thJlt In mo,t of the cases,· th, r,ecoveries as arrears··, of 'land· revenue hacf~ot been eff~cted _by the Revenue _ authorities from the defaulting parties within a reasonabl~.-t.ime •. Because the directives· on this issue given by the -Ad hoc Public Accounts Committee from time to -time to. the A~inistratlve Depart-· ments were not 'belng Implemented, it was suggested that' ;. . .


It ha:clbeen nbticed. that surplus stor-ea worth ~cs· _of ·. r'upees . c~~~ ~otbe dis,pos:ed _of for the last many years result~f).n heavy finah~Ja,l 'lgss·'to Government, lt was, therefore, .. propose,d' that the . C?~ip!tt,ee :··:-~ead( ·s·et up _by Go"V~nn:tent, for the ~isposal _of unse~vfc:..

. eable ,machin.ery, ,i;µay also examine the .cases foJi early dlsfoaal of surp1us stores, ' ,. ~ ' ,; ,- ' .. ' . . .

·• '· " 4 .•

·:, L·I: •

•. It.had '.p~en. cbservedvthat the cases ·~hding befor.e the. Court~ : .wer-e 'gen_eraily delayed because of,adjournments 'being squght'on .: ~:· .

· flimsy grounds by the other party·. and recoveries of.Government dues,· were .being delayed; The Committee des~ed; ~t the A~inistrat!ve · - Departments shoulfi. ask the ·Governmen~ Pleaders to r·equest·-~e, Courts .for the' gr-ant of:~ubstantial costs in those .. cases. wheJ-e the . ,· .: o'ther party deliber'ate.ly caused delay by obtaining adjournments oq ·, ,- \ . flinis'y grounds· artd--to use the Punjab Government i;>ues Re~.overy_. ·r< Ordinance 1962 · ext._e.nsively where applicable, The Solicitor 'to .. · · :: · ... · Government ·of· the Punjab has acco:rdingly instt-ucted all the District Attorney~ iri this· z-espect for cofupitanc~ •. -Tpe amenqmen~ in th~ Civil Procedure Code which .provided that-' stay orders issued by the Ce>urt~ :rem,ained op~r'atlve for a ,perlod of \six ~onths ,only. was also brougntto the notice of Adin1nistrative Secretaries. To. further improve

., the· position~-· the Law Department has issued' insttuctlons to 'all . Adm.inis·tr~tive SLecretaries for rem$.ining vigilant in $UCll: cases and deputing resporisible Officers -to attend the· Courts on~ each 'date of hearing. It is ho peer that the al::>ove actions "{ill help in ·quick disposal ,of cas~s invc.>lving recoveries of Government dues .by the Courts.

~ .· • ' t " : ' \ ·, .. • ~ I ' ' ' , • ' .




..; ··The Committee ·also examined 'tiie Finance Accounts .rif.the .:. ' . s~id year, · ·· ·. · ·· -': · . . ·· · . ..· . . .- :·, ,: · ...

The Commi~tee-wlsh~s :to·_·:placia :onre~ord'.1its a~Ji~c~#~n for the as;sistarice and··co~operation extende'd.to 'ii by the Administrative Departments,· the Accountant General, Punjab, the Pire~to~ Gen~al, Audit & Accounts '{Works)., the Ffua'nce De~rtment,. the.Secietary. Assenibly·and bis, staff entrusted.Vfl.th,t~e Publl9;Acc~un~s _Co~ittee W(?rk throughout !ts proceedings wi~ unfailing devotion, but for ~hose help it would not have been posaible for, the Co.qunit~~ _to complete examination of the'.Accounts~ tor the. year_' ~977~78, and _to·compile and print this Report .of the Com.tt1ittee· pert&:ining to .Ute e~~ti9n of . . ' . . . . ' . .. ', ,·,. , . . ,. . . ·' ..... ~e •a:::~; .r • · ••• • 'JM~~s~~~,

, Cha.trman. The. 15th_ May 1983 .l\.d hoc Public_ Accounts Committee

2~ .· The · Secretar !es· should · be . fqlly cortver~e,nt lVitb the .-W 6~kjng, . · Papers and should have d!sclissed · .them 'with 'tti"eir · 9ffic:ers , ·

. ~ t . .' '

befo~e attending t;he. meetlnga ·of the Public. Accounts .{?o,mnµttee. · Verification . of recoveries· and reco.nc.illation -of .. figures· with · '. Audit should also be. carried out prior to the me~tings •.

- . ·. · ... ·. ' ~. :. . . . . . . . ... ~ . ": ... ; . . \. . . . . ·, .. ,·· ·. ··: . : .... ~ . . ~ . ' . . 3,· . In·~ order to avoicl delay, bi re'qoverie.s, the quest!O.Q. ':of: S~ttu\lf

: ~p Special Courts may be· considere~~ M.Qi"eover ,, ·e~.<?~ Jije · ·:. , . ' competent authority had :pa!?"sed. orders . for etfe~~~ .. t@coy.~ry

· from the ·defaulting Officers/officiais~ appeaf agaµisf~18, .. ·. should only be made to, the, High Court. · · · · '': '·

The Committ_ee::recornmerided the. reguiarisation · o·(the expenditure incurred in excess over Grant~ /Appr<>priatlons in re~J>~Ct. ~f t~e;­ Grants .. a:s · detailed .. bi,". Para 4 at pag~s ' ·2 . & . 3 of . the·-~eport of. j:li~ .. : .. Auditor General on the Aec,ounts otthe Gover:nment of ·the .. Pimja., . for the·year' 197'1..;7S. . .'. · . ·. '. ·, .'. '· ·. : . ··, : .'. • . · .' ;

'.. ' '. -

..... , '; ·< :;, . -, .I: ... • • -.:.~· .·



Criminal" Suits should· be r.egistered against. :defaulters immediately on the irre"gularity_ coming to notid,.' ~i.mul"'. ...

,, taneously, disciplinary proceeding~' should" also b~ instltµ"ted : . against the irldivldual directly involved_.and ··ag~ins_t their ' .r. •

· supervisory otficers for-;fa:ilur~ ·of ·duty •. Jt ·allould be !3.li&W.-ed .. that s~ch proceeding_s "are firialised·~xpedltiou~ly ·~~ ,be!~re __

· the individual reti~·es. '

. . . . . .

· / .. · 'ii\ '6rder to· te~iew the activities ot the 'Adn'dnlstra'tiVe Depart- . . ::nJi1n;:tUt!:r~::1!!~t:!1':::~-0~~Y:d1~trn~tr;si~:~ts- ·. •_,, c ommitte~ ·-an:d the Administrative. Secretaries' en 2 3 -1 o.::i-es 2 a·nd . ' reviewed the· position of the, arrears o.f.A.udit and Accounts', . TliE( ... ·, problem:s faced by the I:'ubllc Accounts Committee were; also. d~cussed. Inter alia, the Chairman, Ad hoc Public Accounts Committee gave the. following poSitiv~ sugge~tions:- · · '· · · · ·



II .

·On·the· recomtnendatlons. made' by th~· Sub Cocimitte,e of the .. _ · . Ad hoc ·Pu~Uc Accounte' ·c,:oliltjlitt~e/· 1n·:1ts.bie~tirigs ~e-\d on 3-10-~981,

.. 4.10..:1981/ 6~10-198'1 · anc;l·.7-'lO~t.~af;. in cori~ulta~ion. wt"h' ~hl( . . . r,

· ·'Accountiint (fen~ral/ I>unj~b, ... the Qire~t'or.'G'ener..;.l, ~-q~it ·&,· Ac·co'unJs (Works); 'Lahor-e and the: Ffuanc~ Department., 'the Cp:nm.Utee dectded 'to ca.U; for full and complete' exp],aha.tiori" 6f the co;nc'. }r.ne~ .Departme~br fo~ TiJ' 1.ncurring the· ··~xce.ss expenditure 'over the .Gra :,.ts~·. (Ji) obtaining unnecessary/Excessive ·SupplemMtliI'Y. Grants /Appro1 ?"iations and . , .

. I .

Para 5 · - Unneceseary/Ex:cesslve Supplemen-. o.ry. Grarits / . Agpr~pr_iatio°.~!

1 . \ •.


3.- Para '"f- .Provtelons haying remalned.\irlutilized·, . . . . . -

·.: 1

., ·. Audit ReJ?<>rt for the. year 1977-7.J .. (."• ..

Para:, 4 - Excess 9V:¢r'· Grarite /Approp:tiatic·~: . . . ., . . ~ . . . . 1.

. The Committee conducted preliminary :examination. of the Appre>priation Accounts of the Government of the 'Punjab tor · the year 1977-78 and Report of the i Auditor General of Pa.klstan 'ther-eon, -The following decis~onE! w,re. taken;-

Secretarf to; the Comn\i~ee

9.- l\lI1;, _M~~o.d Mahhub Abba.~ti,; ~ ·- Secretary., Pr,;,vin~-~- AEI_E!~hibly· of

the Punjab ':, ·

On invitation· ·. ·

. . . . .

~-· . t\'Ir Na~iT. Ahmed .S~eilch,:· Deputy . Director,. Audit & Accounts (Works),

-Lahore ·, I

-. ,·:1 .

. .: ·--~-; ·0n:.~.invlt~~10~ · .:.


On invitation- . ',

6. ;..-~y~d Z.ulfiqar AU ~bah.,_ · Ad:ditfoneJ Financ'~ Secretary ·_·,

i' 7. ·Mr Abdul Jamil Mi.an~ . . A~.count~t .. Geµer~l,. Punjab ,


Member 4. Alhaj . Khawajil Habib·-ur-R~hman

5. Ch Fateh Muhammad

-. Member I . '

3. Mian .Abdui Rashid . . . l

!. I Member

•. .. ,, .

2. Mr M. z, Khan· . \ .· . .

. . . Chairman,

. :.,

The lollowing a~tencled:-

1. Mi.an M.Arshaci ·Husain

' -··, ••• • . .I


' .

"r •·: ··i .. , ' .:'._:·: r:. \. · ·· · .• · ·· .- .. ~ . . ' . ' . .. . .

·, The.~'d-hoc. Public Accounts ·C.ommittee conducted- preUmi.nary examination· of the Appr_ppriation. Ac<;?ounts, of .thti·· Gbvernment'~f"the·:,. P1,U1jab for the year ·19.77 ~7-8.,. and Report of the Auditor General of

. .\ ,· . .. . . . . Pa.ldst_$..O ~~:reon, pr~sent~d)o it .. in .Ita meeting. held on 19~10;.19a1 in the Library of .th~. 4sse~~ly ·B:Uil(ling, Lahore;''. ·,.~. ... . ... :,.. : ..

•. '.1 .·: i .


In a· Iargenumber · of cases .gi~en under this . topic -In the 4µdit Repor1 fQr· the··year 1977,~'18'.I even the first.r.eplyto the ,Inspe9tio.n.>Rep~~t~ ,issued during the preceding years are still awaited, inspite. Q:{.rep~at~d reJ;llinders. ,These Inspection· Reports, include 'fin~noial 1irregula;dties such 1;1.s mis.appropriations, over paymenta,'. embe_zzleme,nts- .. etc •.. , detected during ,the. ,c9.~rse!~f loc:ai Audit of -the Public; Works Jorma;tions·; · The Comµiitte~._:,toqlt a s~f Ious., view , ot·· this matter and de$iped' that, the .explanatjons. of the Of{l~~rs/official,s · responsible should be-cbtalnedand subm;ittech.to.the -. Committee, · . , .

. •, 'i · -_- · • . ·· -·- T •· •

Audit Inspection Reports issued to Public Works· Officers to which even first reply is awaited ' . · ...... ·.: : .: · .• ". i• ..•. , •. ": .....

. . . ·.·.


. ~J

A large number of documents /r:etur:ns are still required to be submrtted to the Audit by tnez-especttve Depai-tments as' :ls, .evtdent from the Audit ... Report for. the year 1977 -78. 'The Committee directed 'that these Departments should explain the causes' {Or d~l~y: It was· a.ls<> dlz-ected that: discip~iµ~ry action should be taken against the Officers/officials who ~E!re responsible for the accumulation· of ·arrear~.. ·· · ... ·l .,,:· ....

·- ,~--r

7.. . Awaited Documents/Returns,

. . -. . '·. . ....... Statement sho.wing the· particuJ,.ars of . cases re ported . .in the ·p.~e'.P.:orts

on which Directive$ issued ·by the Public Accounti; Go.trimittee ·are,·stlll awaiting· compliance. 1


The Committee directed that the Depart~ents conc.erned should expedite compliance in respect of the outstanding Hems.pertaining to the prevfous.

' years in respect of which the dJte'.cUves i~S\led '.by. the Public Ace bunts : Committee are a.till awaiting compliance as detafled under this Chitpter of ~e Au4it .Repor-t for. the yaar·1977.-78, . .

6. Expenditure; incurred on w~r~s 1r19:11ti~f pa.t~qh of tFchnical .· sandtions'

The De~artments con~erned should. take-immediate ste·~~ to Saricti~n' . . . I , . . , . .··· . . . . .

the estimates so as to regularise· the expenditure incurred in question on the works in anticipation of technical sancttcns as' detailed under this heading

'in the Audit'Report' for the year; 1977·i..78.. :1. , · : ·· r, . . I

5~ .: Ch~pt~r vu: - Other topics .of Interest . ! • . . . . ~ ' ••

. The Drati Para.~ mentioned. in this c'hapter . of the Audit,. }\epri~t Jor: the year· 19?7.-7& are· the Impor tantHnanctal, irregularities,':.; etc. notic!ed · during the teat audit of expenditure incurred by the. I,)epartmeritai' authori­ ties. The Committee .decfded that the Departments .. concerned should: explain the irregularities, Ioasee etc, The explanations should be compr-ehenatve , and complete . givin_g full details etc. - · · · · · ''

_·, .r 'l . '.• ' . Ch8:i>tez-: VI.-~ .~udit ·9bservat!ons on Ind~v:idual Departments

.. (Hi) provtstons 'having rema;inid tinutilis~d>tn re~·p~t of the items of the Appr,opr.iatiorl Accounts for Jhe :Year 1977.i.18 ~~ .det!iled in the .attached

. stateinents.~,. r1t~: cc:>n_~~rn,e.~ J?ef>~ftll;l~Ilt~ s.hc;>u:i~ .s._u~w~t .. ~omplet~ :~l?:d .... comprehe11~ive explanations ,:for_ t.h.e$e Itepi$/Grants~... · · · · · · · · ·

,. .. ; > -: ~. - ~. - '. . .· . : .· .• ! •. '; • • . - I ' . -~ . • . . I.' . ; : .. : ,t'

.. , As regar~d~' 'the :remfri.hlng· iteine;./grarits:· of\tie ... Appi•opriatiori ... .. ;. Accounts for the year 1977-78.,. 'the: Committe·e decided to. drop' th~ .satn:e~ by r-ecommending tlla.t Finance' Department should is,sue a blankei O:t'der\ regularising all e~1~esses/sav~gs ~s detafled in paras 4., :5. and 7 ·O~_pages

. 2 to 5 of.the Audlt·Report for the year: 1977-7tl.~ . . ', · ., .. < .. ' '·.· ... ·,\ \···.r . ..... . . . ;


,.·,·-. ·. . I \'

/. I. ' ' ..... ~ .

; :·-·,


! f .'


\ _:.


' .:

.. ~ .,. :\.


'·. '

' •.-,. -, . . ~- '>:

.. \. ', .... , .

.. . . . . ~ \ >; ,, .:

i. I.

9. {i)_Expenditure irtciurred ,ori .Deposit Works in excess of · deposited amount. ·. : ; .

(i~)_ Expenditure incurred Without any money deposited · by _L·ocal. ):Jodies ~·.etc:. '. ·. · · · ~ .•· .. ;, .

" < • . • i ' : ", .• . - ·.! <

e Accor.ding _to the. Ru1as, 1!0 Q~posit work sh~uld be I taken ~ ~an,d ' . . ' • . . I ' . . . . . - . . ~ . .. . . ' I . _. . • . •

\Ulless1 necessary funds tor i~s execution are·dep~aitecl· by the par.ty ·· concerned into a' Government T:reasury. Iri a large number· of cases, works, as detaJ+ed under the. above captions· in tbe Audit Repor.t .,fol"·: .

. the year 197.7-78 .were· taken up either in' Sl;lt'lcipation ''of the re'ceipt of funds. dr in excess .of the .deppsits received. The Committee

. . . . ~ , . . . •. - . . . ' • . . . ' . . .. : . . . . . . ·:. '. : ._ . I . ,•. . . _. • .

· directed, that the Departments concerned shou1d take immediate steps : .· .· . ;· --__ '. ._' . \ .' . \ . _.,, . . . . . .· :---·· .

to rec~v~r .the.amounts.~ro~ the qua,rters conc~:rrie~ and sllould also ·take action .against the Offi~ers/officials, responsible f9r. thi~

-, .c~ntravention of the ltules. , . , , .. 1 • • ', ' • ' ,· , _

I ~ . i • . . \ ' • '. . ' : ' : ·, . ' . . . ! .. _- ~: . . . ~ ' ·._. _-

10~ 1".he Committee directed that all the· Departments ~hould Pfep~re . theb- explanations in the _prescribed. fd,rm in accordance with: the r£bove decieioris and 30 copies thereof 'be ·r crwar-ded 'to this Secr~t~iat ·by ...

·so:,;1~-1esi: .1~corpor.ating _the;reJD ·the .Audit- Coll:iffleq~s ,t? ._t>e· }>btained from the· A'~coµntant Genet-al,· Punjab/Director. GeneraJr ~~dit & ....

I Accounts. (Works) .. Lahore/ .. . . . ... I J • - t ·~ • ' ' . r -. , . '

' " ·-:-•·,,· I,'

. ,. ..,, .. ·*i'.

'I .

i I \ ..

. , I !


. -- -~--~..c__ .....;....____.,, ..;....__....,,i

•• j '.,,

2_10 210 210 2,10

212 ... ,

. ' . 1 (l.eneral .Admin~stratio~· '· . . (l) Charged . . . . \ Hi) O~er than Charged ., .. ,

.. · ,:· ftesidenAe for Judg~s 1 ¥,e~!<3ieqce for · Minist.ers .: ; · Civil Works Government Buildings . . ·~ . ..-. ' ' . ·' . . . -. . . . ' . . . . .

Other 'the.n Charged

' -


. I . ' '

G~ant 25- - Civil' Works,

' . . . ' . . J., A{l)(c)(lli) Suspense, Debits , · 49

. ~{2)(cL. Suspense.D,~b;its ,·' .... · .. ' . ·. . ... ,,• .· 50 . _ . . B ~N-Ei'vigatfon: ;Embankment·.&·_ Drainage· Work~

~(1)fa)(1) Maµiteriance and ·Repairs- \ 'f>O. B(e.)(a)(l 11) SuspeI).Se Deb~ts . 50

Graµf f{) - . Other R!evenue 'Expenditure Fina.n(:.~d _ , f:ort.. Ordinary· Re;venuei

.. '


. -r. ., ...

·f- .-. '

.. l \ ; .

·, · .28 I 29

.. 29 ·. .

· 29 ·32·

· ai · 33·

34 ( •,

. ,,· 34 ... ·, 35·

... .. ~5 . ' ~-· 36

3.7' .. ·' 37 .. ' , 38 ... ~~ . . ;-:39


ij(a) l2) - 'Rangpur' .canal . S(a.) (6) 1tower Bari .Doab Canal B(a.) ('1) Lower Jhelwri. Canal :B(a) (8) lJ'ppet Jhelwn Canal . · l3(a)(~1) .· 1tS, Link · .

1. · B(a)(30) R: Q.Link- . : . . ·' . . ' . . , . . . .. I· . - ~ - - ·:- . •

B(a)(35) · Mwnwall Lift Irrigation Schem e B(~l(39°) . Rasµl Barrage . ~(b) (l). : R$.Sul Tubewells 1;'4(b) (4) Ca~pbelpur-Tubewells B{b) (5) ;9, M. F •. Sph¢me· No~ 1 . .. . .. . 1


B(1:>)(l6) ·tam~· Distrlbutory·Tubewe;ll'~cp.eine, -t

B(b)(lQ) 4:lL pdit!ar'. Tubewe]J .. Scheme· , . _' .. lJ,0>)(21) · .Tubewells In C~:B. D •. c.,

_, B{b)(23) Tub~w~lls in L~.B. S, C •. . ~(~)(26) . Tiibewells Workshop 1VIultan B('j)(29), Cbablet Kbas / B(bl(34) :SCARP i1 JMona,).. . ···

~l.,..:. Irr~gation WOrking :@JXI?en$eS . . . • . . . ·. t , .

\ .·

' ',• ~ ~ (

· 248

.: loptum , _4 $tamps . I ··• . .

l5SciEmtUTc Departments · - · . 2:3 ·lflduatriea . .

30· Relief. : , , . .~8 Capltal outlay ::on Provin¢ial Schemes .

. ·· . of State +radmg (Medi<::al :stores &-Coal)

)1 ;:, 17

,,l '17 · 20~-?05 .224

' '.

. W<h ·.&..Title bf th~ .Grant

·. -p~ge- of :Ap1?ft1p·: : riation ,t\'cc01;Ult$ ,· I '

.,:----,:, \:,

I ·•

' I : 1•/ I . ,



vii- , . . . .. I I .; / . . ... ·· . ' , . . ' ' -, i ; . ·.. - . ·. . r : • • \ . ,: •• !f r ,

'tteins o,f the Appt-ppr~ation,Accourl~ tor.· the year 1977.,;;10 _for which .· the Wb~k;llig Pa;p~i-~. are r,eqtiir~d .to be iubm.itt~d ·.tQ··P.ul;>Jic Accounts Committee for :1t's:··con~iderationt . . : ; :.r , .. ' . . · . . - · .

I ! ,·. .. . , .•,• •

.j;t ., .







'-:I 11

. - I . ·I

i ·.

j I


•: ,_.

340· ., . f.•.

·'841 ... l




..'. :.1 a22

A(lO) ·


.''j :,,,,I

377 377 Buildings Department - Oeb.its

'Pub).ic Health Engineering ... Debits


374 374 .

374·' .375 375. 375 376

B-General Admil}istration .. (i) Charged

(ii) Other than Gharged D -Admtnlatr-atfon or Justice (Other- than Charged).' · Education (Charged) Health Services (Charged), Public He.a.1th (Other than Charged) Civil Works ( Charged)

Grant 46 - .Civil Works


370 -- - E-Suepense

Debits Deduct R'&R on account of Suspense Credits


369 B(l) Developmental ) · B(2) Non-Devefopmental )

Tool.s and Plants

Grant 45 .,. Commun'.ication Works -Capital


., Recoveries Deduct R&R on, account of Suspense .Credits · · .

365 366

357 358

· 358 359

L. I. H. at Bahawalpur A,.D. S, for· L, I. H. at Kamalla A. D.S. for L. I. H, at. Bhakkar A. D, S. for- L. I. Fl. at Chistian A. D.S. for L. I. H. at Hazro,Dlstrict Campbeipur · Suspense Debitn

Grant 44 .. Town Development Schemes

343 343 Taunsa Barrage

Thal Project

Re~overies ix

G­ R .. I -­ N -


\ ' 21 - 26 - 27 - 31 - 62 -

(ii) (ili)

R-(1) R-(2)

B - Central Road Fund Schemes·

.. ' c· -.'; ·--:,. i'··· .. ':',, .

. . , • •. ,..... )! .·1,...; #. ,:If., ;r 1 '.' .:· ·' .,· i ~·. : . • ' . -' , . • • • •: • . A

. Efforts were r·epQrtedly being made ~ re~over. the amount and the _._ : ,- ·· fhabces of :·rec;oyery-were.-.br!ght •. Th~· ttem was. kept pending •..

I ·'

,, ',.··; ;_

A1s =: c£~se was ~ jp.dice,· tt\e item !a~ kept.~en,~g,:

~ii):·:~~·s,.~~2,f44·:· >· .. :~::-::;,_'. ': __ ;_:'.:~·:·: .-, .. . .• ,,·

r .. . ~ . ~: .. :.:..::. . .·. .r: t .~· • •

. '··· .. ·····:

Ji) '.-Rs. 13, 326{~. . .. . .. f. . . •

··- .::

·20-9~82 .:


• •• ' ,· • I- -• • • , :· ·~, • •• - - ' - - .. - ·. ,. , • .' _. • ' ·' •

·• . The- Committ~e: n~ted With '-c6iicerlJlla:t• :the .j~·ciu.try, :··a-$1 to: why the embezzle~~pt went Wl.Ghec~~~ ;by-,:the· S~p~ri~r Office~N~,.)W.~S ;Still not completed:{'"The" Adminis-trafi~(i' Departrh.&it ·w.a~ directEfd', to prodqC_fa the relevant' file to 1:he -S~creta.~y, _'Public 'AQcowits bo~mlttee··fo.r e'~am1na~. ·

. - - - . ..: I . .. . _ .. - , ' _-·- .. - ..... ·-_ - , :~. . ·: - - .: .. ·. ·. .·, ··_ . ·. . . : . .. . . .· -. . . .·· .· ~. . . ' tion by the Committee after which a Sub. Cominittee would be ~onstituted,. T~e 'p~ra,· -wa.i( kept pendirlg... · .. ., ·. \- , , . . ~ .. 7·: · -, ', ,

- - . - -- . . . - ' . ' .. . . . -

:.l ','

_ ... ·,r__ ·,/ . . ~ > ., :-: . ::- . ·.:

,. ) .. I ;2·0: -.·_0·.:..s2- . ' -i- .,· iJI . ·. ,. . . : • . . . . . ·• . ,

·.·.:·-·,}:' '. , •• •••• r , •• '..: r~. :·r·i:; ! ·:~-~ -r , :·· ". ! .:··:_ ·/· :~:~"··:-_ .' ·:·~J._,:· __ ·"·:.·1

.. . . As, the . ~.a8.~ was· sub:~it;t~?lte('. ~~ pttra w.~sJc~pt pe~~g·~: ~.~~~y,er, t~e. ~ Comµ1:itt,ee · cHr·ected · the-'_.Adrij:ini$t~afWe. P~l)flr~-ei:tt tp · enq'Uif_e.:,-,;~'..h,).. ~e ·' · meantime, · ;1~.i;h,_to Y.,h)T 'the em,p~zz~~xtient,\ij~t<?~}p~k'' .~~c~.P~~¢~r(:,··_: · .: April 1967 to December. 197S.,- ·went unchecketfb,yt·fhe.' :Su~rior ~-Qtf!cers until it wa~ point,~d. p~tin l\lla'rcb. l975 dµrirlg. ·spe~l a,id~t. 'J;"he res~t. of-. the. µiquiry shciulll l{e intimated in the next Worldng Paptar.. -v ,

. ; :.- , ... ~ . . \ . . . \

· . : 'l;t?:e. ease being sub· judice,, :th~. para :.was kept~pen~.µig •. · .. ' ' ; '\ _· : . • ~ ' ~ ' ' ·• . • • . . - • • . I •-.: . ..-, . ' ', ! • .. •_ . -'. : • • ~ • ' • • ' .:·. •

-.···i, .·,·_:'·' _;., --~-:-, !' :,:· - •:,. -~:··: .• ;_..;~): :~· \•1,1.l.::·.'. -~;'

f • ...~ . :.\: .


. ,· - '· ..

, · CH.APTER I -- •• ·' " • • . ' . . . • ... ·01 I~

··.·· • . : .. . '.A;jICu2~~~!f.f~~.f'i~,t ,, • • -- .: . Th~ Bhmiri1H~i.~;~;:~::ili~ ~c~-~~t;?.,;:~~--iti1~uit_~~:. p,~rt-

ment 'in its meetings held on 10-7~-l.2;: '20..!9~82 and-' 2-1;.s3/::,_ .,: ..... - :. . . . . ,. . . . ,.·, .


: I

r ~·

·/. i-~e-: ~.~~9:. ":~~1;kept P~~d~.g ias:.t~~ ,~isci~lln~rl -, _~_a~e was te~o~ted1y in final .stage of its c1~cision with the .Administrative Depar-tment, · :<


.... . . . '· . The Administrative Department explained that action. was. un-der

process •. The Co.rmbittee direct~d.ihe A<tmmiiitra.tive I)epartment ·to elepeuite rwilizaffon oi'thu ca~~; · The· 'i>ar~<"~• ker,t pena1ng~ . , ..

20~9-82 . , ,•

·ear: 19'12-7 3 - of medicines

Par~: 1 age. ,19 Loss of Rs~ 37

4. i

.·• .. ,· ·, .. . PBAFT PARA 1972--73

• ' •.• ··,··· l ••


'th~ m:~t~er_ beµ1g,':st1b·jti~~c'~;:-·th~-para1waii kept ;ending .. '.. . :. ......,.._ . . . . .::• ~

' .. ., ..

r', .. , I .'._,. 2-1-83

this. parf' ; .. ' . J !'

•• ?_.

-.··.;·.·t· .. ,.

/{3) Malik Ghulam Nabi .. . -,

, , F~~~Je:cov,~ry·~~a 1?.~~~i q1ade -~h~ verif;e{ by Ku-~1t. . ,,_ .. ·. : or th~. P~i:'a: w~E; . dr.(',PPE!d. , . .

· • I , • • . • f ' . - • • · -- , , , , I ·, , ~ ·

I I ·'

The casea being sub juoice, the. para was_ kept pendhig~ ,·-.:-- ': . . . . . '• -~

' ' ,.,} ·. '

(2) Mr lVI~ Khuda Bux - Rs. 1, 60., 67Q/~ . 1 .


,' : ;\ ' . ·:.-

•.. , ! ·,, .. ·.1 .

;~ . .i." .-. •

3, ;Serial No~ 3 page 50 of the··Audit R~port for 'the yea.~1977~78 re~q witl} . ' para l(xi.) pa e ,2 of the Audit Re ort for. the '· ~ar 1963-64 Y.ol_~u ·._ -- ··.·7

.. ··.01:it~tandin dues amounttn toas,·s,9.9 u39·· ... _

: ... . The recovery of Rs. 2, 400 l>. stood verified by Aqdi,.. ,:'pe re~airi_il;l.,, .

amount was being deducted in instahnents of fls_.lOOJ;.. p~ m; 'each; Subj¢ct' 'to recovery and .its. verifi~atio.µ· by:A.ud.it., th43 par.a .. was' ~~opped... . . ' ' . - . . . ···- . . . ' ·~ . . \·. :·,>

••• ;· •• ~ ~ .~ •• ·"41. 2-1 .. 83

. ,,; .; ·. '1 .•. ,., .... ,·.,

:· :,··· .· --. ; -~(i - ~ -., :_ ~ ·.:

• f ~ .• •• · ·~ .. - .• - •• ~ • • .

··.. 1 ;· .. , · •. >· '<··,r. r'.:-~<}. ,~<\/. ·. ~~::> ::-·. <,:,:i,i;··· -; :: \,.· ;'t_ .. , The '4dnHnistrative- D~p~i,-~enf'ieiplaine~f to.. the G<>.tnmitte~ · that :out 'of · ·

the totaljmtouiit of' Rs, 5., ~?:~1,~;,·lan··~·Jxiouni ot .. Rs. i~ 400/.;·~ad .. beeh::_rectl,ver~d from Mr 'Karam.at. Ali .Shah,, .ex~¢~A~ ,· .Sialkot~. · The' C~inmittee directe~ the

:A.dminis~rative D~p~r.tII1~t1-f.·;t9,;;g.~ttp~ ,~~unt ofJis-.12.,:~00jl,, v~r#ie'd froin the·· Audit. As: :tqe case is sub judlce~ 'the par~ was kept ·pendµig. . '· · .· . . ·- ---,, . . :'..-·

.::\1: -;-';{~+;i,{.:::::.xi;. <,· · /'. . . . . . . ',: :i r-. . ,\, :f J

3. Serial No. 2 page 'so of.,the Audit.·Report for the,iear -~977-78 read with with .para 4(il) paS'e 34 of the Audit Report fo:r the.year 1960 .. Outstanding recoveries C?,f .Rs~ 5_, .62~1-·. .. · _:· , ... · · · ·

• 1· .. ~- . •• . •• •• •. • -.- ·:. ,. . ...... v~ .. - ._ . .... .... :- -~ .. , ..


. '· ·. ~ . ,: . .,.,. ,· . :'~ .. ::-:

:.··· ~ .•. /.·:.:,-· ·. ':: •, . .

. -~ .• .. ; . ~. '. .- '18.i-l-82 ,,

. . .l . ·: . '··The exp~aUon of the-Adminietrativ.e. Departm.ent was'- i;Lcc.epted and

, the ·,a.ra: .'.W'as dro'pped subject to 'the·:; ~egularization by •the Financ.e Depart- .· _Jllent-,.·, ~1, ·verification by A.udit; . · .: . ·1 • • , • • •

,,_. ,; 2. P:~~{:1(2) pages 18-19 of::~~h~ A~ditU:f\eport for .. the year 1977 ~78. - ;:Irre · · rities· in. the .looal 11rchase of ·stbres worth Rs, 46~ '185 - .

}anrf Rs •. 6.5~ 000- ·- · ·.: • . .. ·,:, · :-: · ·. -';

t2·;..7 ... s2· .

'I· - !

. . ,._ ..

I• . . ,, . ·---·~ .. ·····

• 1.•. i _

.. ..;


:; ;,;'f.

.t.j. .~. ·-.} , f*_.··

r ,1·:.··· ·, . '

.. . 'l::.t(~ .

!-f.. ·. ~ . o:..:. •• ·,,, . . • .. · ' ' \ •

(1) Rs, 46, 785/- · 'J;'he Comm .. ~tte·e ~lre(?ted the AdmJnistrativ~ .Depar-t- - m~nt to 'e~~\te 'regulari:tati,op case with je ' I _

F~anc,.-._ij~~~tt~e~r~··report progr.es~ ·~· fts t.

-revl$.e~t.-:Wt?r-l{ing P~per:,, The. para. .~as ~ept pending. .. · ' ... , i 1 • ' : 1. . ..... .. • · . ~ . ' ' ·. . -

3!f ll . ...;.Ji.;._·~.?.-::-:· ·}i"_ ..... _:'-1 ,1 ' " .. ~ • :, ...... : •':::. _:.·:_ . ' • ~}~.' J.:·:~;~t·<····. ·<.'(:,·(~) '.Rs~,6~,·000:J:;- ; ·, The:.para .,vas.l~r~.P~d~· .having been.regul~ri_zed. ·,·~- • j ·C:~,. · ·(·- ,• , .·. ·, -: ;.·,.. . .. ·: : , ·,· · by the, .. f~ElJ?J?e,pepar~.ment. · . · . . · ·· ,

"·.t,···(-,.·:>·.t._if·; ~· ,';)-. :Y,.... • ..•. j_.·,·:_~'.'i\.~f...,·.·· , • • -tr

. ''..~! ' ?_ lJJ .. 4-82'_, ·-'-; ,.·-?: ~- ,/ ·1 . ' . '.

(i t • ·- . ,- ' . ~ ··' • . .· . • ·. ' J . ·- : . .' .i .: '. : .··. ' . . . ' .· .. ·. i . •

;..'.J.;2 ··.~ .: ·1~:} · <-:,! 'the\: Co.himittet;, .direcl.ed. '.the .. Ffua.iice Departiiient(to expedite the : .. ·, . . ~},i-t_~t:''.· :?: ·t~giµariz._at_i~n. Qf ,,~i· ~,ounts .· on acfoiint of 'local purchase ref erred to

;;i_/ ~:~_ , m. .the: para, . Tfi~,- pilr~wa~/ k:ept_ .pertding... , ., . . ~:.. 1 / i.2·~,1~82 · .· .r , i · .', cl;.).:. ,._ ).f)i;,i;~.:(it.~: ·.·: , , , . . .

'.',),;'-,::.'I::·'./,},_. .~i':''.: :(~:/~/-_.:.:: , .:1<,: ·: ·'. . ~<~(°'! ;:; , .. , -l _.' . ·• '. r: .. ··ft:•:..,,:. ..:.,: -: ,,Th.e· expla.Iiat,ipri'.:of the Adm~trative··tie~rJment was ac<l~pted_. ~-- , ..

. . ,,·'.-:,,{;;; .,:,:~ ·,ai.id the para was, dropped'. subi:ect to "the reg~Jization by the t;nanc~ . ' • $-, •',•\.-,-., '.. . ·: ., : .; ,·- ':' .. _. . .· ,', • . . • ',I

' Depart.me·~~! .:.afl~ ,verification :~1 Audft-. ·· ·; · 1 ·

.. . : ; . -

. .. ~ ~ . . ... $:: , .. ·': " . .. . . ,, .• ..:.;. . : .. · . . . . ' . • . . . ·., ,The_ Committee directed the Ao~inistrative Department to expedite

;1,;. •• ,· '-'r~g~r.iza.,tion case, with. tlJe ·Finance Department; and ·report progress ,;" i I ; . < r ;. '\A.ii: J.t~ revis~d w or~j.ni ·pa~per .· T~e para wa:_s· kept pen:g~g_. ' ..

. i.• r I ~ • ~;.; ;·.· :.[,;'• ", •. ·, • ·:;/ •• : ... •·. -: I. ,.1· - '•·.···~ \, ' .. •

f!'\~, .. '1, •· ·9·; ! ·2· -~ . ·.· .. .', t ~· •

· ... 1,--4-.*1.! · • .·,.·'-•;:; ... r, ·fJ:._·-~: ·Y , .• ~~·~",.·.1:..._, '

.; .. . }:; ...

,. ' .. · The._Ca~rn-it.~~~- d:irect~d th~ .. <flnance Department. to. expedite ·the'. regularizatibn of. Jhe;;amowits. on ·accoµnt;-::-of local p,urchafJe :re~erred t;o in th' para, The 'para was kept .pending, i_ ·: . · •

C-H,APTEB.:: · · II r- :/~ ·1 ., < ·. . : . ; . i. t •. :. •·

::.].~~t(~/_·::_;-.,- ·.~:~·\ .. •EDUCATtb; ri~:~A:a~ii~NT --·~·-·-,.,, .. :~:.:,_ . .... _ ... ·' ·r.l' I•~ ~· .. . . ~ ~" · ..

. .·· ~ •· ','f. .:" . ~:· .. , '. . ··: :·. ·.:.·.1 ;·?·,;~~~::_.~~~.:.. ·., : · .. · ·: . . I"-·.• .

' -T~e Com.m!tt~'e :~~mui~4 the· A~~QUUt'1f.Qf:the Edq~cL~~<?.Ji D~part,!'.Il~t . , . ·~. ..- :· ,· •• , :· • . • · :,:i,. '.· t ;' • , ._ _ ::-,. -'~ . ,_ .' '. · ;l: .... .l f • , • ' ., , ., . . 1 · ',

in its Ill~etings help on -l:8'.;1:-~.t 1.9.-4"'8?;'. · 12;.;7 ... $'i;i 19.~.9-.$2., · 3-1-~3. ,. . · and 8-1--83," · •• ' . <, :. /:·:_'._: ·::\;-'~,_ .. : · . . ~,,.: · ··:··'·. t:i . ·.· '. ·. · ·'

- . . , t :, t . I~ ; . • 10·~

- • •

'· .

. The Adµiinistr~~iv~ Department w:as· djrect~d i,o ~pu.rsue the:;~.a$e of .-reghlarization ·wlth the; Finance . Department and to re'.port ,progress. in· the sh.ap~ .. of a. revis.~d: >).\'or.k~g J?a~~I.' ·~_its ne,q .tneetitig~ ·.: T~e .para was k~.pt.pending. · . ': '. -: ... ·. · '.. · .. · ·:. ·.. ,, -. · · · · ', .: ..

-". .. _.

I ',· 18-1~82 : ... ·.

< . 'rhe . c'rimm~tte.e ~,eci~~1; tl;lat :.:,.e. lnquliy ::'~ould q' held :~tq; the case in order to pin dQWJl_ the :~e.s.ponsibility for deiay in 'processing the case.

· :'fh:e 4,c4ninisti:-ati~~' ,t)ep9:rt.aj:ent sh(?.~lt'J · a1$o isffue a gijner~ directive to . ' - the~ subordinate O#i'cers to·ohser've· strictly. ,F,ina.ncla:l Rules in the

~r¢hase . of stores, . Th~ par.~ was kept . ."penc!ing •.. . l·t)!' ~ .. .

5_. Pa:ra 1(5). a. e 21· of ,the Audit Report for the. ear 1977-78 - Irregularities in the:- l9cal pur-cha.se.Qf stores. worth. Rs,.17, '1? I: ·

• . • . 1-l' .... ... •

:..''. ,· ...

.. i ~· 8-1-83--, '. :

. . 1


• # • ; ·' • I_' - ' ' • : ~ ; _. • I· . ·;

,The Committee n'oted with concern. that" the A~.in$,$tratlve 'Department ' had not proceeded according tC? the. directive of the' Public: ,A_ccpunts Comm - ittee:dafed· 18.-1.;.1182 and' con~equently no progress·had been ~chteved in th~

.. s~ttlei:Q.ent _of 'tnis ,para~-. The 4:~~µi~sirativ~ Department \was cll:recte~ to .cQmpl~te. action .on the para in one monthts time· and submit report to the

:, ; 1 . .C9mmltte.e .µJ .the f'or.m:c:,f: a· reviae d Working Pape:r"Jor tt$ co~$iderati6n i.4· the :next 'series of meetings, The para would rema;in p'ending~ . . ,

• ' . • •. .,._..... 1' . -• .. ·., .. , •'

:: :'-~ ;i • ~·. ·J ..... L:).t~l·.

1$-9e8Z\ C i : .... ·. . . . • '. ': ' t:;:', i ' . . L' . . The Comm:ittee ·noted with regre-. thaf the\Administrative D~partnient .

>had not so far-::got the expenditur~ regularised· from'the ·competent authority. . ·. . .. . . - ,, I'.. .. .. ... . . . .• ·,:h~ Department was c;li.fect~d .. to··e.J.tpedite re~l~rization ·of the·Sf1.i~Lex11en- .d.itl.lrei· The pa'r,a' was. kept pending. . . . :, ' ·,. '

' ' '\ ·~ . .,... • "1 ., , i

'·" ·.

.. · 1·-. , ··/".

~(ilRs~2~00,81~/-' The item'was:kept. p~ndbig. till verificati~of ·· inventory by. 4udit11. . . . ..

'.·. • ' , •' - Ir •,•1 .. _. °J·. • I . #

. . _ .' _. . . .,/ .. ) ''.: -/'~-,;;· i0;'>. H ·· c:" .· . _!..,~ .: ·tr1::;;~; / ·:, .: •• :· ••

Jii) Rs. 2, Q65/- 'i . -, Thb(item ~a~ not been dealt with ~,ythe !\dminis~ - trativ~.' D.epatt~ent~ The :Committee· glrected the·

. Adminf~trativ~ J)epartment that ,a-ct!Pl>. on· thls para . should- be' coJlipleted and resubm.itted for consideration of the Committee in its next meeting. . '. : . .,.

. . . . . ~ ;•.·

i ;' /j~e :ejpJ.artati~n of the Admini~trS:~iv~:"Pe~artijfent was .acc~pted. and the ''pai-a'.waEf· dropped. · .·· ~/ : , ·::-, :- · · ·r ... >,fr 'q_,:. ; ·- , . -: · - .. ·.:, . , , :{~·ct>.. · > ~-. ·: ~ .·---- · . : ,· : .. ,. ·'t,;··,- ··, . . >· .... '. .-· 4. · _(P~1fa 1(;4), ij~f~ 20. °.f tl;le :~Aud,it Repo.rt for,;the .y;~~r·;i977.79 ·~ .: ·

· Ir.re ulariti~ -in°the.loca ' qrchase of store~ vv: rth Rs. 2 00; ~15 - · .. Ellld Rs. 2, OG5 - .

'-.. I• . .• l • .·" ~-

'·· _.·~: !. ,- r : · • · 1.. _ • ·18-1-82

a~ · Para 1(3) a e 20 of the Audit Re orJ for the 'ea'r 1977 -78: - reg~rities· in ·the local PUTclia$e. o,t stores worth .Rs, .. ?iQk,$23 /-

. I

... I 4

l_ ·-·---

. : ... The .AdmJ.nJ.str.ative t).,ep$rtm.ent:.~t~_ted: Uiat the. Report; :9f the .. . Inquiry· Offi~e:r. had ;b;e~,n, Jie~elye<i a.mi 1 was .und~;r c9ps.ideration l?,y the

·secr~tary, .. 'I'lil~ .i&e~r~-t.ary;E(lucati.9n 'shoaj.d .expedJt~: qecision,.on that. case and -the .. acUon:· finally takenjshould l;ie J.ndl.C,l\l~ed. .. JP. the Commfttee in the. next Working :Paper. 'l'be .pa~a was. kept 'pending, ·


. . ' ~~ ..

-The.Admin~ir;t1v~ D~p~tment, ~Jt~~e~'. ~~t :,the i'~-qujry ,~ .. the·.· case was .. still under process •.. J'hf;' Coµupittee .. gire~ted'. the A.dmin,.1$~ trative Department to get the inquiry fU,.aUsed e~peditiously. 'rhe para was .kept pending., ' . (:) .. ·-·· . · ...

·' ~ . ~ : '. •. r» ·, 19~9-82 .:

M '-:.... • ' • _:. :,. ... ·1·L· '';: - - ,·~: ·-1.' '.:'.\ ~~-- ':•,.:;.:·.·~--- =··::.:_; .. ·;· .: The Ad.crtinistr'ative Department expla;in~Q" .tba.t tbey:-jv~l'e\h.~ld~g

an inquiry into the casewhlch .was expected to be""completed'by the end of. August1· 1982. The pa:i:-a was kept pending. · · .. :.;. .,, . ~

12-7 -82 tt

._,·- t


The Administrative Depar-tm ent was directed to expedite the ,ipqllir:Y;.~nd ._report __ p;r;-,og:ress~ in; its ne~t W:orking :Paper •. The pa~a wal[J

\ ;~ept.pendin~, t·i ,, .. ;. ,.·~,c:- ·:c:·, :-:.:: ;,·, .. ' '·· ..•. .-·, ,:

. ·.• J ...

. . '·'·!

__ 1 The,}:~9q>:mittee <;>l>f:le~vep,'with _coI.1eeim that·_und.ue:idelay ,hap; been. _ ,:'"c~usecl .In, th~ .... _~tjQ?P!,~"4Hn <<?t~ ~e, d!s<rip~ary .,c::.as~ '-gaif1st- the defatil'"

·: .· tJ,.tig, ~~icial«ii,_.,_a~p dµ-ect~,~.rthe ,,b\qmjp!stra._tive; Pepartmentrt~ :~omplete actlon :,by. the ~,Jl.q. of '.¥ar.,~ ··1.982~. The. ,C.O~pllan.ce shQuld, .be repQtted

.. in tp,e .' sl,la.P.e . :of_ a i. r~vised:-·iWor_king Paper ,in, the . pi?xt s~ri~s-- Q(.. < .. 1

. ·m.~et.ingEJ •. Th_e para:would r ematn. pending; . ..

. : - · .. : 18-1-82

-Lu('"··, r ~ ~: •. i; ' . , -, t . ~ ... .· ·.:. . \" : .; I I .:.; •. .; • • ; ~- !. . .;:_ ', .: ' t·: ..

6,..;. ·J:>a:r;~, :2.(l) J?!ges,;21":'22-,.of.,;t~e Audit R~port-f<>r. the year ;1977 ... 118· • -Embezzlement of Rs.. _2Z, 412/~: ,_ · ·, "·;

,The ~xphma~\qn .of .~e. Ad.m:~tr~ tlve Depaz-tm ent' was accepted arid :'the para ·'!·as: d~oppeq:--'~ubjec~ :t9:;~~ r~gui,rizt;l.tio~. ~y the Fiilaµce Depa,:.~~Q..t,,, and, verific~tio~ by Auf.li.t, ;,"·: · . · : , ·,, · . · , · · . s

/l'he Cqmm~ttee;·,cUrected,the · ~iJlance·.DepaJ;"tlll,~nt. t_e>; expedite .the ,• r~g~l,'izatto~ of:_i~e am~~·;. "on .: ~qcount of -lo.cal ~r~ase, r~nfo~ed to ' in the para. The para was kept' pending. \ . . . ; . . .. : ,I • • .



. .

The Committee directed that such '; cases of regularization ... sp.aJ,lld not be; submitted in the Working Paper and only a list .of such. a·ase-s should .be appended ~t -th~ end to'~how._;t}l~t;;these were., pending· f9r want of regularization,' . ·.·. : , . . . · <

'· :"11 :·, ••• ·, •#

., . ,' '

GENERAL: . ~ ~/· · ..... ·· . . ,, .. <·. .,,. ·'


.. ,

. ·- wa~ kept pending; ·.:-: ~ __ ::

.'' •, ' , 'v , ·;.

(2) '.Administrative bepartrnent.~as directed .tri com.pl~te~ the inquiry . · against the acrcusecfofttcfal\tri one: monthts·Unie and r~port :t.o:the

Committee .. in. the . Sha pEf '.of':a:·' revis'e'd' W~rkirig Paper. 'Tli e .. para:-· W0.'S ke.p(p~{:taJ.ng'~>:.:t''., ·;.·,. ·.,;:·, .. ·,:I .. ··. . .. ,.··


(1) ·F,trsi 'pafi of the case, b~illg sup j-udice~

:-r ': .. 19-4-82 . · . · . - ' . ··_ . ' I

,. 'Th~ c~~e·befug.i.sub'.fudice,· thepara was kept pe,id.!ng. H&v.eve~, the Adminis~rative'.D_epartment was directed .to report· the' circumstances under' \vh.ich the ·.defaulting od\cial was prbm'.ote~ Insprte of gra\re . -charges of embezzlement. against him . :: ,. . :. . .,,..,

. ::·-·,\·,··. \·'":~-~·-~·_:,· · -.-,.~-·. ·- ,·· ·_ ..' ,._ .-r·1 -'"·: ':! .. _..

• ... ~. i . .:, •.' ·,; .. ,. 18-1-82 D_

'I •

8, . Para 2(3) pa e 23 of t.h~ Audit Report; for the: ":: ·· Embeizleil).ent of ,Rs', 10,: 172' - ..

. . . . ; . '." //

y · .· :The ·ciise 'Vl~S 'repdt-·tedly· under' consider~tion of the Administrative . O~partment which would outline _-the latest. position in the 'iiext Wor~ing

Paper', The para· was kept pending. ·· · · . ·'. . . '·· . ~ . - .


)i r- The Admlntst;itivei 'Dep~rtiria,it :explained~to the :Committ~; ·. th~t : i,Head l\lI;ister/ Mr Ba:eihir Huss~;1.'i~; . who remairied. poated in ·uui' G'ov'ern- .

'm'ertt \ Muslim M odef'School, Urdtt Bazar', Lahor-e, . during th~ period •· froh{ 1'1-'i,;..1974·tb 13-5-~976, had been held tesponsibie f~>r'" 1:ht/ .

. em'.bezde~ent of'. Rs. 1-3, 142 r.: A notiee had already been ·;issued. to him to depo~Jit -the r-equir ed amount of Rs.13/142/..: !ailing which· a 'Criminal ca~e . .-,9uld be .. 'regis.tered against him. 'I,'he . para was kept pending.!'

' ' ':, • I . , ,

. ·' ~-:·· \ / ... •\ • . \; <>, ·,,

19-9'~82- '

I , • ' _·, .• ' -

,\ . · ..... '·' I . ·.,: •• - .. . . . • . i·; ,. ; ~ .. •, _. . .. ·. ·. '· '. . '· I • ~ ., -~ '"'.. ' •• 1' •'. -

The Adminlstra,tive· Depa;rtµ1ent· stated tha.t·a1thOllgh' the inquiry ~ad peen comip~~ted: by.OSD :(~qu:1:rie~); ':~~rritc~s,·· 9_en;eraI-Adminis­ tration and JnfQr.ma.tfop Department b~t: J1e'had nqt'yet:supmitted the-.·

I. r,ep9,~,t, .The AdIIli,nistratiye: Department proin~ed 'tilat they· would. a'9proach 'ut{:{-Cbiet~Secr~tariy:for.:~btainirig ~e .. :1nqwry:.Report:at the

. . . 1. . . ... , ' . • . . . < e'a:rllest·, .. The pf;l,ra w,.s kept pending; . :" .:" ·. . \·.,: .. .

• • ,._ . I'.' ,. • :. i f. • . ' I ' I .. · • - - : . "', _: .'. •• . ,.. • ,• • ~ }

,. ··-r,he'··.Adm;ii\lsf:r~Hve'D~partnient·. was .dir·e~t,ed '. to ·;expedite .,the' .·: .. ' · #tquiry and· rep·o~t 'progresi -··fu-i'.ts .:next W cfrkiria: ·Pa~~p/ Tbe:···pat'a w~s

'kept pendirig. . . : '·: . ·i;-·. ,. ' ;'<'f_ '.L . . • •. . ' . .. . >. I,•'~ • . I :

. '. \ ·'


. '. Tlii(·par~·was kept peridi.ng"·tillthe 'mg~).ry.'.w~s-!com:'plet~d,i.wH1~11 should be expedited. · ·· · ,;/. ); ·:: · . · · ·<.' • ... ·· · · ; · :.r .. ·· ~ .

J I.; •.. • 1,-!-'1",-· :·!

, . - ,, .. ,

· :1a .. 1 :.a2 ·


7, · Para 2(2): pa e 22 of the Audit Repor~ for the ear 1977-7~-/~- .. -Embezzlement of Rs. 13, 142

The Committee d1irect~d'the Finance Department to expedite the regulariSation of the. amounts on account of local purchase, referred to in the par9:. The para was kept pending.·

19-4-82 r :

<1: '. Thipara· d·ea1tw.ith·,~fer.ent \epi)ezzlelJlent case~ .. Ttie_C_ommittee decided to defer-';t:llem: Jind,: . .direct.ed --tile Adtnihlstrative Departm.eht to take' further acttorr in th~$e cases' in. ttie ·:light ot·: tfie'· audit· cemrnenta against each para. When finaU-zed~ a· list of the~e csses . should be

· furnished to~the._Coxnµiittee a.longwith the Working Paper, ,' ; .! " ,' , . ·; ~ '. :!--··· - ·.··.- .·. ~· .. ''. • p -· ·.·-.·' ..... ·._ •. .:, __ • '• ·,: • '

.... _:,··

·..- .... ,· l8-l-82 " I

. . ' ' . ' . '. . ' . . ' " ' ' '. '•, , '. ' 1'he case was reportedly under c.onsideraUon.: of tlle Ad¢,-n.1strative

D~part,~,ent, The Department assured to fin~llse if.within-~2a .ttlrtiiight. .. . .. ';['lie · p:ff~i' ~~s 1tept -pending, · . . , .. :·: . ;;: . . . . .

•. - • ' .• :.~'/ ·l • • • ~ ,· ' ' ... , :~· .· ' . ' . . . • ~ ·- . - . ) . "; i ... . . . . ,. \ . l

.• .-. - . i. .• .' ,, .. - . . ~: t : .. ,._ ·. --~Z . 4 . . . ~"" "" . . . , ~_t- .• • • •

-· }O, ·" Par'a 2(5Lpage's ~4~·25 6r .the 1\t1cllt IJ,e:port. for th~ 1 :y~ar. 1~77-·'78 • Embezzlement 'of ,Rs .. 39, 026/:... ,, · ··· .. ,

. ; • ;. r c. •. ~;: , ' \ -~., ; ,. • ;- •

. ', :\, ; .•. ;,, '

19,:.4-82 , .-.,;..":..i.-~~-:: .... p,.:·{,i.:,:.· ,-.r:.,,···./:·'..':·•'?,-:!,,.,fi·,,_'.~-'·'.'!'.,,,,:_ , './,, ;".;1 ... :, .··' • ,,'·. ,.,,., .

~~; -: · '\: · T~f}\dtnin~tratiie~~epartment .~x~ined:· tliat· alf'ain;'<>uni'_.of · · . . . ~~ ~ ;-~4'3/5"0' ~had :beeni r-ecpvereti ,and . v~rifie~ .. 'by tne. ·Audit; ··:As· r·egifrd!l

-:);'~e· .·?alan~~-F~1-~p,nt .of :~/.5~-·50.6-/5~<- r~~~~µjA~;,·_-r9~)'th·~,sa~~~ .. ~~~~yet . ,,,~ !i'&tt1i,:~;a:;;;;=~=i::~1!/,~::o:1:;u;:.;.l..!f i:rtee immediat~ly t~.- ~ampl:ete· the saine .. wi~.in- tllr~e~ mpnPJ~' .t~~· /TI,1~

. ~r~ ~~~- kept pending~ ' . , . . ' •. ···i .•. :,;.::-:~ , '. ~ .. '. ;---~-· .,_·~i~: .. ~ ·:: ·:.·;· ~ ;};;- ·.ri_ < \ : ~. ·, -, " ·,

,, 1. 2 ... " ~s· 2-·· · .... · · · ·-""'·.,--.. -. · .. · · · ,--\~-- ··. 't t ----:· .. --· ., .... .-:- ·~--::

. 'i.'' _, ·"f .. •· • ,. • .. :

.. ... /: ._._.1'he;para :dealt 'wJth :ciiffer~nt :e~t,~7,zlenieqt cai(ea~. The :c~~rnittee dE(cided ';to daf e~ ihem.--.C and' 'dJ.r:ecteij, the. Adztiinistr.atlve' p~partroent ~lo . . ·.··:--i. ~ _,.... ~- \ · .. :'" -.~ ..... -. __ .· ..... _ .,, .... _.- ", ·-;_·~. !o,~ __ t,, •. - ••. • .... -,_ .,._.·

tak~ further act'to.ni~·theSe0·,c:$.Se~,j,n -tit¢, .. 'ligh~ .of'~~- a.qdit c~m-~ht~· against each para, When f ina.llzed, a list · o{ these ra~es· sh~uld be . turni~he4 to the Coxnmittee alongwith the Wol'.kinf.)>aper, -'· '.,;

·- . . . ;· . .. ..,.-: . -' .. l, ·.: , ... _ .-,":".'~.-:' ·' :. :'

~:. - ...... • I . . • ~. :·· • • . f .

9. Para 2(4) a es 23-24. of the Audit.Re ort for. the ear ·1977-78 ... . Embezzlement of Rs.10, 214 - and Rs~ 4, 936 ... -·=-··· ··

·~ . -. r- '_'i. ,··i .

The case being sub. ·judi~e·, thi: pa,ra.was· ~~p( pending.; . . . ~· .-:..:\ '-:• .• . . ' . .

' . .= . .-··:.·· ...... 12..;.7-.82, . 19 ... 9-82 and a~l..;.83


~.Ji,' • ,.

j •' r

·~ . i •. ·::'. i

•See p~ge i~.7 infra •.

.. ; ~ ! ' ,, fr:

: -·, ; j i rj . I hi ..

•\ • '! I :-. ·;-j_ ·· 1 f ~ \; i•;

,"Sine~ -the. ~:a~t~,1~,Law ',a~thq:rities ·are. ~e~z.~~ of t}le case. aP,.d ,their judginent.'is aw.aited, the.:par.1( 'was kept P,en.diqJ, · .. , . ., .. · ::', · . ' . . ., . .. .

> • , ... ,, .· ( I ... . . 8-1-83

~ . ,·_ . . .~- . . ' ... ~ . . ! ',. ·..:,. '· ·-~ '-; ·~ ,,::.'; ... ·_ .:-·: ... ', ..• _:·~t· --<·~ t

· The ~ cas.e being ~ Jµdice •. the para., was kei:>t _pe~ding, The · · . (?Ornmittee,. however-, d;it:,f}:ted. :t9-at the re.vi~e4 :W<?;t'.~JA-g .. : Pa~r,: ~~G)uld

Indtcate details of the· deVelapm:ents. of the case 1tt the AnU-C,-orrup- ._ i . . • ·• ' . • . • ·, .• , .: . . ~ • \•. • .·~ •. ··-. . ' ", • . ..... ,. • don Court, · · · -· ,. , · ·.. · · . .·· .


< ! .. " ••.•·• ; 1


.The case betng sub jµdice., the para \\'a,s kept pending,

.t .• /-. .-~ . . . . ~l . . ' . . -. . _·,: i~(.-. ~-!;_._/,'. ;_ ; , The para dealt with different embe~zle~ent cases. ·Tbe 'q:C,rp.pdttee

4eci<i_ed t<\ defer ,them an~t dw~cted ,the ,A~_!Qistr~a~v~ ·J:>,~l,)Srf,~Jflent · to · taike· ,.furthe.r! ~¢~1on. in these ... caaes 41 the Jigl)t of .thEl•.aupit co.~m,ents

'·.·. . .- · .. : .. :·. . . . ' •. .' . . \-.- . ... . . •. , . ~. . . ., ,, ., . . ' . ': .. · · .. : . -· .. _ ',. ' ·. ·.'"·. ·.. l ;· .. · .... ·,·. . l t, l •.

. against .each para,. When fin~lized., .a, list: of tl)eee C$Ses. s~ould .b.~f;, , rurnf.sh~~;toi ih~ ¢~m~itt~e ! ai~p~wit~.-th~:'.worklng, :-~~P,e;.r. , ·. · .. >: .' i

'l,j;.. :1 • • . I .•

'.!' .v ' : '.J,, ..• ' •J: :..,- : I ' '•;• t ! t • < •.f "t.'; "! I:•,

19 .. 4-82 and 12-7 .. a2

' .-. •• •. .·;· t."·:· ~ . . . ~· : . . .. : .. ,:.-} . r: 1s_-1:.:.a2 .


1 •

The::Admini~tta.tiv~ ... P,,p,a~tID:~~-t W~S,, .~dv~ed ~o.: :~!s~1:1ss th, case at ' .. a . per~Q~al leyeJ ~~th .~-e;.Fina~ce Depa.r,tm.ent. ,,'Wl~ .: a,. \i.ieW;,tP\ pursuade, th~in ~Q ~gr,ee ·to, w~i~,,- ~ff. /1',lie -J?epatta1~n~ m~YJt:)J;o '.;CO~fl;l~~ ~~ta~'ing

· fidelity bends fro.in -, Jij;- sych'. o(licials who handle cash ~d ... s~_are$.. .In "·this, conn¢c~io11/ tb~ir./~Mentio~ .. w,a~ dr~w'n .io :the.:«iir.e<:tive. l~s~~d .l),

the Ad1 hop :Pub~ic A~C-£.U1;it1;1:,.<Jp~rup.ittee, vide .,lettef·, '.N9.• f~P:l~~C.~isc/ 8~/3613~ dated .. 11-10-1982. Th.e para was kept:1J>~bc;l}.~~~::.., -l \. ' · .

': -' -~ l ·a>' -. . . .. ,·:· · .• .:' ., -.__ '.\ 01

11 .. , .Paea' 2(6) p~ e 26. ,Of the ,A.udit Report for . .the, ear 1911.7'.978 "-r Embezzlement' Qf Rs. , 65, 666 , < · .•• •••

r- ', ....... . ,, : ·~ ":• ·~-· . t 8·1-83


~n.~f\.dnl;in~trat1ve Pepa~tment e'~plaiiied :tha.t the ac~u$·ed.,Off!per Mr .Riaz Ahmedhad died in an ~ccident and IJaYa.i B~sh,····c.~owkidar

· J.rhaci,, r.~~tied · tr()J.Ib~~:r.~ic~i .Md; his .wper~~qoµti; weir,-~ ·'.not kn<>\Yp, ·As ,such .. tb,e·;4:d.\llinJ~tr'i\·t.iY~ J;?ep,-rtmen~ h~~ .aJ.r.eat\.y: 17eq'1eS~ed .the. ~,nee

... ~.ne~,ttp.~nt to. a¢.C,~t~ ,e~~ss~ry,. s~n~don ,.to\!VtJte 'r4,f \ th~, ips~,~- T.he Coiµmittee 4ir·~~eg,, t,o.: eJ.tpedite. the act ion ·~or WI'ite .off0 .. , .The , p:;tra .. was kept pen.tjing,,,;r~i).' . ,,._ ,,\ ... , ... , '' :/~ ·•. :-·:,/~\\

•. WO l .. i •I ·- (.1 \ ·.•• r ,S .'

· The case- of :write1• off.'1.\1'~$ tmder, action. with,, the Finance Depart- ment; The para was· kept pending. . . . . . . . .

·; ... -.• 12-7-82


. . 'i ... ,;:!::,. l-9,r!.4"!82.

. The para dealt with· di'fferent e.mbezzleme nt · cases, The· Committee decideq to defer them·, and.dir,ect:ec,., tll~:Aq.p1i.pistrat!v.e Department to t~ke further' action· in.the~e-'.:C.~$~S k ... th.e ligb't 'o(,lpe Elu.dit ,~-9:IDm~ll1S against each para.- When. finalized,. · a· list. ·of· the'se case_s ·sho1;ll.d be_ furnished to the Committee. alongwith the . Working Paper. _. :; .: /,: ·

'.'·.: '1'"'·· -.:,

. \ . '. t ' .. ; .'.; I.:. ·. I . ''. -.·

,; ~ ·::, .• ;; ~ ~.: •. ,l~·


The case was r~portedly under . inveE,itigatlon with the .!\.nti':",C:9rrup..; tion Establishment, Th~ Depar-tment should try to get ~e: mafter expedtted, _The par-a was kep~ .pending.;. . ... ,.,.

: . ·.) • ~ ' ' •' : l , : , • .. 1 I . ·, ; , : ·. ? ; .: '·.,'· ~ '

s·, · J3 •. P~ra._.-,2(8.) pa e ~7-; of.;tha A-q_dit I.le p~t f9r th.e ear 1977 .. ,78.: - · :,-_E111bezzl~i;nen.t -of Rs;:~3 .. 2~7 - - , .. : ., : .. •-" .' .. ).:.:;-,:. ,-

· .. ·.·. ··~ : . ·'. ...... . ' - . . . , .. - ... ·' ~" ';' . ; i . : -. ~; ......

', I •


. ;·· . . ·.: '·': ... , ... - .... - .. ~ . . ... . . "".· ... : ... ,. ... ,, ·,· . ·. s~1·-aa-

' ' <. ' •: :, . . ·" ·~ .. : . . . . i .• : .. ~. !.' • •• . • r . ; • .... ; • i : '. : .) .• ~·· . ·i, ! ~ 't .. : ·r ·: ~- t ·, :~i. u '. r '. : The Administrative Department explained to the Commdttee. that

a sum ,of Rs, 18, 060/30 had been deposited in the Treasury ... and, veri­ fied bf Audit. The 'inquiry ~elating 'to the. r'ema:fu~g amowif.--of: .. .

'~146;_~fJ:O/- ~as.,s'tiµ pr-oceedtng. in the A,nti.-·S,otr,µptio.q 9tq'1~t.,~The. Commfttee direcred the Administrative :OepartJP.e~t to- g~t--the -:c~s~, . expedited. The para was kept pending, I' ••. • •

- .. . ·. .. .. ..- ... : .. _{ : ;-1 • ; , : ,::. ' i , : ~ • , ·. - "J .~

• ~ .• , ".i - r

T:he ~~inist~ative l:>epa:rtment stated' that -the case was still . under iii;vest~ga.Uon. by.-,th~ A.nti-Corr'1ptiori ia,.tap]Jsihment. : , The· para , ~as ke~ . .pe~ding; : ; :~. , · J • , • · . - -, · , • i , i . , ·. - : • ; ... c '.) ... .- :

--:-~: .:. ! .: : -:j,: ' ~; i:: :-: . ! -· i" ..... ~.·: _.,.,-_--~~~ :_ '._ .. ·· •• :-;.'~_;.~2 ·.·~-: ,19·.-S-82., .• .. ., -, ,

·,,· . . . .. ·-.· -·


12 ... f .. 92

: ¥0

(U) .ffs. 610/30 and'·· The recoveries. havfu.g be~n verified by the .· . . ,Rs_.•17, 450f;...:f _Al-l<!lr,· the. -~tem. to thJs -e,xt~nt._-wa.s. dropped,

··- - . . .. •... ·- . ·"'·~-·:.. .... ·.- .. ~- -_,.<·:·,.,.l ... · .. ·.··········--:-.--.~----- ....... -- .... ·.·· ···· ...... _.· -~-. . I • , ,. .,_ • _ .. : . '. :.!.: :.: . -: .r.;.,:_. • •

,_ . ' .. - - - .. ,.,---- ·.-~ .-· .' ~: .

.. ,• ' ;• .. :,(

;'. - .. The · case being· under the investigation ·:i:>y the

_A,titi:-C,9rrupt;ion .~stabllsm:iumt, the· iteh1 was kept .. p~nd~g.···1 ·.· ·, .·~ · ~·. : .. ~~.-- ·i.·

(i) Rs. 46, q80/4~ . r , s , ,··,._.; ... "•.

. !,' 19-4-8·2

·'.'.! ! · ,~'.i;:: .. :-~ .. t'_; .: · .... -::\''. »:. .. ··:·.,·.-t· ·:··~ .. :-. \.. -~- . -~'..,:··.; ~--. ::.·_~. ': ·-·~::-~ ....... _::~ .. :~-. , .. ~ ·:,.!,;.:}. ·1:·:; '. . .The· pari dealt with. different ·emb~4~l€Qlent g~s.~_e;. Th~-. Comm Ittee decided to defer them and directed the Administrative Department to take. fur.t4er. action in . thes,e cases in the light of the audit: .c.~mmerits against. each . para, When finalized, . a list of these cases elioiild be

:.: furAish~ci to the ,.C~mmitt~e alo~gwith. the. Wo.rJdng_· f?ilper .: -,- . ; . · . ~ . . ~ \

~} .. ~ ~ '_·.: =. -.:·.~ ~ -.~- -- .. ~: ·:

·.~· .. · .. '. \ '_. . ~ ': . .. -: ; •· ; '~ . ~

. ' ' . .... · . - ··- •. . . .. 18 .... J-82

12,;· Pt;i:ta· 2(7) pa. e 2~ of the Audit Report for the ear 197'2 ~7.8 .­ Embezzlem,en,t. of Rs,. 64,741 -

. '• ;

-.1 •

,. '

. ii·' •' I\,- :l


,, Ii \ I: !i

I I ; t

~s--•~~a -. . ... ,.·'·· .. =>:. .. , ;'' ... ·· ~,- .. ' . -,. i ··,/:::,··f,;:: i;j.: ~(--;,. -: -.; ; . 0:~·.·. ·:. , ..... \',.·>,;.' '- .,· ::',,,)t.

. . · .. :.The' ll,la_tter'. b.~h.lg un~:e:r m.v.e:§iitatlori ·: by ft~te : Police, "thi:t para'.'..' : · "wa~.: k.~f!l.' pehd~g~ ~ . . .: :> ·;. :.i ·.···: . · . . ""

'.\ • (I" /,';"' :_.i .. ., ·f 'i\ .• -. • •

.· 12-7-82 1. - ;~: -~ ,:- . ~' i - ' ..

. · .•.. .' ... ,1_:._ --' I :__ . :'. . , . - ., .:' . ' ',» .:·. :· ~: J .'':_ ·. '· I -.-'>~·i:1\·;~.:.'.:·; ', ~ .. ': TheAdm.inlsir·a.tive.'.Pepa..r:tfuent 'sutted' that the .eaae W.as,sthr'·

' ~~~!-·· i~ve.Stige.tJ?~:b.1.:,.Ul.tff .,~¥~~ :·Sitn.~iin;~(:)~Y'- ~,: ,~;<U,h~tra'.t1ve ... . Pepa¢l#C:l~t .·.· :Ai( .~~cf h0;i,d~}~ _g¢partinenta.~,·, .. ~uicy1.:u:T~e ·:epn,mltttie. dk~~t'ed._.th~.- ~wt#!~;~faJ~Y.~. p.~~#ttil.~nt ,j;o,:ihi~alei.' ~~~p9if~s~ ·/bf the -~ase b;l ~s .qe~;:~e~JF'F( tfhe:•paI'~::w~s ~,~Pt:,.Pen~~~-·: . · ·


: ia)1Lj£ ., ,· _..-; · .·._-::: ·· :i:: , · \·:. . .. ;'i .r - 'i -. -, f~ i .: ·,. ·~. ·, ... ",·':--;.: i ..

. : : -' • ~ • ·. , :.: ,: - - ' • ' . • . - - . •. _.•,·•.I! - ' - - ' , ·_. ·: ' :· •. - ·, .. ' ' \_ < •• •

.The para dealt with· qifferent embezzlement cas:es,1 Tne Committee decided to de(er, .theJn · ~nd:.dir,~cted, .the' Adm.m1$tratlye. ·D~p~tµient tb . tak~ 'f~rt,her . .-a·~uo.n in '.·tne~:e: cases At:).he._ 'llgli'f. oft:tti~; .. ~~d!t coi,liments against.· each par:~,. When; jf~ali~:ed.,: ·:a:·lisf · of.~th~~ . case~ .sh~';13:d ~e. : furnished :to the Commfttee' alongwith 'the Working .Pa pet.. · • · ~ : , · '::

- . ~·. . . ,. _ _., . .· ~ ,· ,· .. ! . . ' . •

'I 10

· 12.;;'1~8~.-., ":, .

.. . . · .-f~e i\dmini~trative~: p~par~ent; 's.~~teo -that th~1/e ,w~~-~-:~rpgf~ss · in'the: ¢ase'to.~e)~xtent.'that.an · Inquiry _Officei:: had been. ~ppointeci •

. ". who-.h~d· been,'d~e,ted '.tQ·-.~~proif ~is:;repor.t.•by :ttie:en:q~of, July:1'982 •

. ·:;;;~: ~-8~;;7-7L1t~(:· . ··'.· '..· ·,;·<r~i}j~\"':•··. ~;,,;•.;::,· ·:··::;~, , -. . The Achninis~r'at'iv~ Depilrth?-ent warf. dire~te4. _t~. C?µ1p1e~e 'tlie : inqhlfy.· within· tbre~'1mQ~ths'. time,·· .. Th~ para :·w·.i~.kept '. pen~g/·\:

.,:· • • 1 :--· ' ... , .. ! : .' . . .'.·,· ', ; 'I . ~ • ' } ' ' . \ . ' . . . • . :-. ~~. ·;:_· .... ~ : . i ','

,,. : r -. • .·.;·. .:' ~,;.i~$3~:·,.< ' ,• ' " .. . . ·.· '<· . , ·. · .i • '. :f:.i\}j'·.[i\·\':.};.L-\.,·.~- .. ; c-' -r • ••.• .-:\:: ··: ;<: 'Tile Repbr't' t>t··:1t11e:~~fiui:ii:·;qtgi~e{ w,s.'t>endi$.g ueci,sion of the

Secreblry Education who hap .Prom~sed'tc(d~spotte .it Qf· e_a:r1y! , T~e

. P"r~ w_:1s k~pi ~~f;,< :;/ , ) .· , <it·>{ .•.•• '/,/[ •. · , _1 1'4~'. ·patar2f9f· J?!ie 2s_·of-tlVrcA:udit Report. for· the . .y~ar·-:1977 .. 79 ~ . · · ·Embezz~-ement.of Rs:1~~-4~6/· ·; .· · '.', :,.;\ .. ·· . ~: :._. :·, ·::<'. .... , :- .

. , ·.:· '··

'.. -. ·~:·:::

-·~ '. -.

'.;.··· ... :

. ,' '·

· The· AdroinistratJ~e Department explained to the Committee that the Chaflan fiad been,submitted.Jn the C9urt1 on :.,,1,4.:.7-1982. ·Tne next

• , \ • . . -· J I ,, , . ,· .• ·.-_•. '.. , ~ . ·,: ., • 0!·.' .v \• ' r

da1e, of hear Ing. ha~ not,ye~ been, fJx~<l by _the _Courl ofsSpecial 'J·udge, Anti Corruption, The para was ~~pt pendJng;.. . . .. .

. . ..... ~ t ·, r- ' . •. ' ·.- ." • ', • • Ii. '.

19-9-82 '..:.. (.•,._ .. -. -. ,"';._,,;_', !·" : -

(i) The Item was· dropped, : as the amount of" Rs. 269 /65' ·;11a·d.' ,_<: 'been r-ecovened '•an.a y~rif~ed by /\~dit~ . .: . . '

·'' ... - ,. .: .::' '.-,, .. ,, _; '. '. : ': . . ' ' . '.. • ' .. ·· . . . . . .." ·;:cl ,,., . • ...... .:' '· ...... ' ·. ·:-:_: ··:. , .... • . '·'" : . · ..

(10,·/·ThE, ,item.: wa.s,kept ,pending, '9:s·::~~)~~as'e"i'.ri tespect·:·or_,the ·· '·.,_;recovery of Rs. 4, 3.85 /75 was .under investigat'ion with Ute

· Police. · .. · , ,· ,·. .,·-_ ... · · · · ·., ,,

12-7-132 .. ,' -

. . '

19:;4-8:2 :-; : ' .. · .

Th~ Adinini~tr~t~v~· · D~·part ~ant _;·as :11$.Jed:io get:th~·r~C'o~~r~ of the· amount of ,Rs. 269 /75 verified by the Audit 1t the ·~arliest. The other items regarding the' balance amount were stated tQ be under. inve~tigation by the Police. 'The Acuninistrative .Pepart,men,t·:was .,' dit-"ected to ·get the casea finalised ~~peditiously, and/.;repori: pre>gress to -the ·Committee, in. its, next. meeting, _T-he para!\vol1}d\:rema.~ p~nding.

l . . '. ·' ••.• · ...

The·· para dealt with differ~nt '.embezzlement c.a:ses., The. C:Omm.ittee dectded to defer them and directed the. Administrative Depar1:irlent, to

. . ·. . . . ' '. . ., . . . . .... :_. ·,. . .). .... · .. ., ,' .... :· . . . · ..... · . -~ ' . ; .. - '.'. . . ·. •;. \

take ·rurther action in these cases in ,the ··light of the audit comments agains:t each para. Wh,en finalized, a H$t of #iese cases .Eihotrid bi · flp"ni~hed to the Committee alongwith the W'or~g Paper·.~ .· '--' .

. ·-"·: ·~ •. -. ~ ... ,., .· . ...,._._._ ..... · .. ·

18-1-82 .- ··; J. . . .. :... -_.::;. . ''!.:: .. .: ' r

. . ~ ;

- ~ -- ". z». ... :. •• -./.,.t;.:_ ;.::·~- '.• • .· '. ", . ...· . .

. The. Commrrtee.dir-ected ··the:.AqlJ1inist:r?,Hve :f)ep·iirtnielit .that .. the 1· ·

de~y-}Vhich had;taken.··pl~~e-~ 'th~··PoUce :Departµi"~nf iin .dealirig:"with·:· ~i,~_ c~~e _shoqld ... 9~- l.>~ought, ~~ the A9-nQ~:'-9t*f- ~p.#i~.~e,~\~~t\y~,- · ·: -: Photo copies of the r ecor-d . should be .ob.ta~e(il for the purpos:e of departmental inquiry, which should be' -purs'uaeea energetically~ ' The para was kept pendtng,. . · . · ..

16~ Para ·2ub ~- ~ 2e. or ~e :Audit :ne'-'or~· to~ fue ·:~ar ·t017~118 ,_ Embezzlement 9f Rs,:3,8l't _ .. : and.Rs.890: •.,., ._.- . , :··· ·

'. .

' '.',.

)!.,._."• :,, 8-1.-.83 · .: .' -; . .:.·. . ' .. -·· - ~--- ..

1~ ;'

19-9~82 <.:<:'.' · ... · ---~· .: . -'.f:. _·; . ~~!.., .. >,~·~' - . ·:·· ··:-:-: .·~··_ _., :~:·~· ·~·.--·-~-_~.-~.:·, .. -, _ -- ~~-~·-·~~

· The Administrativi~:IYt~p~l'rtnierit -: eip1a:lrie~- · (o,<th~ ~:::Gommlitee.' :iha t th'e Chailan had been. completed . and was under. examination in the Proseeurlorr Branch, It would he submitt~d to the Cb'urt ·shortlyt;: ·_' _:_:~ ;?:,, The Co~mittee dire~~~d '_ ~~t" t4e~~4'dn)~.;~tt:,avvr~ _pep,~t.~~r>:t shoul_d also initiate departmental proceedings against the Sdefaulter' : ; · .: simultaneously. ·

:, r ··:;.

- The para iwast! kept pendirig>as. a~t~on in, the .c~~·e was In. pr~oces's .• The Admiri.istrativ~- i)epartm.ent": should expedite· t11e matter. ·,,

. : . .JI , r'·

. 11 I!

l •=·I ::.-,"'• 8-1-83

. The Conunitte~ dir~cte~ th~t .. 'th~ f~nif~~er:w-~rth,. ~-. ;2a,;;.oo~/- · - $hould be ,got terifiw·by Audit.' In cas'Ef '.of fa:ilu(e".'to do· so,· the · ·

.en.tire .amount ,Of Rs. 45, 663/•· ~hOUld·be. r'ecovere<ffroni the.'~onct~ned Officer.' Th_e para] was kept pen~ing; · :· '· '. :'..· : : ··~ _.: · · · ·

' : ,.·:\


. •· .. '• ··1:,·

: ; - - .' .: I : - . :~. . . . . . , I - - 'J • '· ; .; .• t •. , , ·, . • ,

·,.· The-Ac:Jmbiistrative Depaftme~t ·explain~d, tlia.tithe -~~mmitte_e,. constituted for phjslcal ve:fification of the ayailable. ·f~.rniture, 'had

.found' that fU17~i.tu~~ w_o~th Rs. 2~, 00~/ ... ,as a,;ailable. - The. DiStfict Imniec~~s's .,of Schfi>ols.was · ~sked.to·complete, the $toc.~.registers.-an~ made · e,ntries :under · her signatures but ·she· ha.cl 'refus~a: t<:> do so ... She had now been .asked .to make good the loss· of' the entir:e amount of Rs .. 4~,663/-.· ;, · · · · · 1 · ·

• I. •• •,. ·.!·:·

:, . . . . . -: ... , '! I_ .\ ' .,." - 19 -9".;. 82 -··· .-,_,· ·

". ·. . .;,l'he ·pa;ra was .'.'.kept penc;ljpg> .... ' ... ,:: ·,; .:, ' l ,/ ' ~- ._ . ·- . . . ,· '· . . ::;:. J ;_;.·.:.·.: ·:,f ·.:~ri-~····., ;,:,·· .. ·· --. -, ... -; ~ J,•

·' ~$~4.:B.2:, ,·.;.--' ,r/\· .: ,: ·,: ;.:·' Ii·? . ,:: .. , >;:~, , ... . . -, : . ;_ . . ; :: .: . . . :~ . •. \: ,•, : ; . ' . . . ' ; . . ' . .. . . . . . -:'. :' ·. .: ..

· The yo~lt'tf#~' ,dir.~cted -th~t reco.very. -~tlls. 1 ~ •. 1.so / ~· _tµi_cf y:errt!­ catioi:l · ~ereof by 4udit ~houlq be pur-su'ed _energititally. Veritlc~tion of the 'entr'ies of the available stores $bOuld- be done· Within one: n:wnth 1S

tiple·,:i,The par~ WS.$ kept·'pending. . - - - -- · '11 - .· . . \ I . . ' . . ~- : ', , •

't : • -~'.··:~: .. ;~.-.·::," ··., I ·~,:,;' { :~··: •. :;.\.:•+}-~. -·.,,~: ... \~ • •,

12.-7'.-S.J. · ', , .' -~. -·· ,.; · · : .·::,:• ·. ", ', . ,··.ri:;:::,~>-· - . , . <·{., ·:i ·-,···: - .... ." ,- . , .•.. r ·'.· ·":./. ,- .,. , - : .

. ~he .Admin~strative J)epartmerit was directed tp · cotnpl~t, actcion rega:rdµig verificailo.n of the-~to'ck~ 'find rep.Ort 1progress •. The' p~ra

.,was kept. pending. 1• • . . • • . ' . : .. : . ' : .·' . 'I.'_:'.', • .·•

.> .. ·.

'.':i ·• ·,,-. • .i 1a..;1~a2 · -,

,, 1rl7'7 ::7a·,,,~

. : . ·. '·~ ·--~ ... ', ~: .

11 11 .••


. · i · -, . . . .' V . .12 . '. : · I··· · .i.'. , · .· . . Para 3(1}pa.g~ 30 of the ~udi~ ·R~pQ:d:.for :the !year;19?7~,78 ;; ... Shortage ~f t9rniture/boc;>ks worth Rs.

1'15, 90''1/-ji , _ . 1

,- . . -.• .• -.': .. : ~-.

, ·; .r : ·\.,. ·;·.:.;~·-:· :·)..! :~...;:l:.· ~:~( · _;_\f_i·I ~-·=·., ~~·~-.,..~··,. 'r , .. 1

This matter had been- under. consideration of a Sub Committee of the Ad hoc Public Accounts Committee, which had-rasked for the latest report froJD. the Administrative Department. As the R~port was still awalted, the para was k~pt pending. 1

8-1-83 .·*·•···.-··~ ·- •. -4. ;• ~ .; .. .:..

DRAF'E PARA 1967-68

The case be~g ~- jud!ce~ the para was kept pending.,

:.t·. ... ·.: ... ... · . ,r::::. ..

, .. \ ·~,:-~-: ; . .

. / .'.[ : • ! l! --,~ . 8-1-83

v. :" •. ~: .,l

~n~ i;r,,,a~~-~r __ b.e,1!1g;'. a9b.,j11P.it:!e, ,_tp~ _par-a,.w.~s,:~~-Pt.jpe.ndffi~, .. ,. ' . .. ' .. .. '•

' - ~-. • .'. ·r.' / .. ~~· ,)''>: · ,i :><,

(i) ~. 11~-~-~·~-/f ;_.':~--~·Th~ -~xp~~adon' :of:-·:~i·-,'.~~~iE?t~~ti~~:-~~~~rt~'.· . · ; · ··' ... ~·::-w.;eJit:. ~,a··~·c.ce~9 · and ::th;e -It.em· ~as ·dr9J?ped.

, •.• e, • ..... :·J 1• • ..,,. :.·1,.:· ': •. · \. .· .. i·~:·' .... ·::~~-.· 1. :::. •. • . ,. • ·':.~ • •

(ii) ·Rs. 20;, 674/-: This item v,as being dealt with- Jn·,.P;ra~,2-(it:-· ·:. , _ .fol" t?"~.,:~ar. 1.9.77:".7,~_. .... , ... ... ··:<~(. ?I

:· ... _,UU_, -~. asq~~:: ::i:: ;.~:T~~ ~~c~y~ryrof_-~-~ ~~~~\ll.l,i':~.~ing,:~:~~ri:~~~~Afj4d ---~· · .: · ·-. ·. ;·.~ ·:_.·_pf::~~u~#i,.;th,~)t~~- t--~111.;:.~<?#P~~~::.-:·:~:; .: ~~:,;_*··:.~:~ .: ;J

TJi~. Committee d~e~t~a: tbe.A)ux{lnisti-aUv~,:'pepartme~t th~t--~~~ ·, case slltj\lld be tee~t,xn.ltt~:-~~~--·a<r_ey.ise.p· ~,pJ.a.ri~~~1!f · ·' · · · · · ·

·, . • ' , .. ' j' .,.


.,. :· . ,:7 ·-:: -~.t. .·. ~-. . r 18!'!'1~82 ....

-. ./ j ; .: -. 1

20. Par.a., 5. mses 30":31. of:.'~1h.e.~~119~t R~P.9~{~o~ th.e 1~r,: J977_-78_ -. .·· .Sh00.rA _J;9alt1:J~tion : pt CoUeg~ ~~ies ~ount!ng to R.s,;,,32,0772 z- . : . :·

M .... 0 ........ -.,~ ,•• ••• ••• 0 0 .... 0 0 • 0 ,,, 0' 0,

· · Tiie exp1an~t±bn: ~/the ·Adiriinistrauve';tieparbhent ~~J- _acceptecf"· · and the para was dropped. . . .. · · . . .

. · ..

.. .. :· .... :.·< .:; ':· . .. ! ,~· ..

··1.•····-· . •·;-··· , . , I

19. .:. ,

.t -;· . '; _, __ ;~ . , ·'. . ~ ~.-1 " Para 4 page 30 of the Audtt Report tor ihe year 19'77-78 - Loss of .Rs, ,36., 43 .. 2/··.l~:N~~P.~~8:~"~'~f J''1te Ta~~·-

-~-,.-s·· - =: .. ': -~·.'. , ' . ·- --· .. -·····-···· _ •·-. ·:: .: ',,·

,· I




.. , . 1: 1-_~

I . > ' · l

·,. ·: Y · ,:i}~_.;·.·. '.,(~£.f .d/ i;,>.t· -~·.i.:~:_!·~iJ±>~-.i:T:!r/.:-~ ~:i! il._:;·-~.-?.- .• ~~·'t1JJ'·.t}f~{,.'': ·~1~{.~,~t~1r_:·}:~·?J. -(,-!_--~ - .: , • --~_r.(; ·~. ).'~/:_~-~··;- ,· ·: ~ . ,- .

.: ;'. : -. ~- .. at ~NN~URE to tfiis·.Chapter at pages 15~17 infra~.· -•:


·.:-.· •-. :: .. ' -~ I

; ... -'. -.';

- . : • •. (!

' ./

. ,. 1

\ '-· .. ''·.:! .... '·

. ' . .,.·, •.I ..

.... i .. . . l:{ . ,: . ''J .. _".,. . .'> .. ·I,.~.\;. ' .. '

\ .. '\.i ,·

,· /-j;.., ,• •; • o" ,\, '~I•, .._, ·,_: • ... ' - ' ~ ,•' .; '

a~tlbn '. \v~s:. liAder. 1pr9.c~s~;' 8-1-83.

,, .. ' , ··; -... .. ,\ . , . ::.(:' . . . :'' Th,e. pai-.a vris '~~ep't. pendµig .as the

i· ·:··. , .. ' ..' i . ·/ - ' . . "· .

~is·.. .dENER.Ar.;, .

. ,. .. , • .,J

.. · 'l'he· Amnjnistrative .D~~rt~ent. ~xphl.med that the findings· QI. the . . -~P~lc .sc.i~,.t~ L.a~Q.~_ato~yJi;~dnot t>'een.~e-~elved.•o ~f~r .• -::/J'.he (_:-:·, .

·com~lt,tee cu,r,e:te4· .~at· :1µ:~ :hi&;icte#:;1.;Si?,OW.d' be ·expediteO:. ,Tlie':para' . 'was iept pending/ · - .,

. . .. . .• • ,,- ,I

' ~ ', :. ~ . -~· .. i...J.. ....

. .. lta..' ,, to. Rs, 22', aasz- ..

19 ~9~-82 . - .:

24. ·Para ·32 .. F'raud.u.J:~t· :\Vi

' .·


6-:tj~.87';;~.:·.::,. 1.'i: 1?: __ ,··.-~··;~:( ~~, ~ ···.·· 1.~1·i :. ~ . .f.<·.".,··.~;~} .• ~~;~ ... ,· .. ' . · ..... (: .' .. :>.: ·.·::·_.__.;\I· ... : .. -.,,.,)::;:·S:_1.· .. · .... ····\.·,: .' : ··-,1,~ . . . ,~~i ~~in~t~tty,'r g~P9;~t.~.ent ;staied.Jhat \t wf:l.s a~ ~at~et <>~ ~ . _ .. _ .

lengtby~.Ptq~eEl~\tp .pr~~l'~>~~ ·@h.·~~g#,1-_af:' ~a~-4lfltr.~~tJ.~tfti.tµitio~f·· ; whicJ:i reqvlr~d:iS:<>-ffiit: t#Ji~;fQt:··fr.n]~l:ein.~p.JiU~;-- ·Trlte; C<1.mt,ni~*~ :·· :· ·.·. ::· · :· directef ~~ ~di#m~ffatfv:e~~"art~~nt-to' ~e¥.?~d}te. mer~~a~~e~tA·J;i~ 1

._pa,r_e.~:';r.~Jr~\~eff~r:· .. ;-;-ii?:.:::_,:>,,-.:··. ·· .. · -. ~·. ~·, .. :· .: .: ;( :.~:_::::>);--;/;f/?-~ ,\ : : ;J:The.·:n~ce.• .. s~,~1:·::~,~~Y?~tl.Rt ·1n . coµi.~ll$-c~,piviitb,~ ~e; 1:va~~U.-8: ·.· .. · - · ·

direct,i,ies .·of, iJ:i~j~~,tbbjf~b,li*1·,AC~OU11,:t'$:.~~~i~~\l_gi\(t>,i~·~r,tnjs:j-i ·ca:se.~av.e beeiLlSsw.ea ofth·e.Departnlent):, .. . ._,··1. :_ · 1

, . • . . • - . _· ' ,·-.. t ', ~ i ' ·. ,- ~ .. - j . .'. '," i ' .

·, t ··.::, ·'! ~BAJft P,AMS.rU~~2-7;-~:~ .u t:!:: . .:\ •:l: ·, .1:; ·rn· : • , • ... w .. •• 't. ~:~·!\::~r:~·:; ·-."~;:;,;iG'.1.- ;~:~- -- .. · · ;: ····. ~i~~"';·z;:'.r·: ~,n .: :.,·4·,~;~:-:~.~;·.;; ··~.

I>ara 2s pag¢ 2s·orth·e1ttiartt;lteporrfoi ··th""e~·:·yeaf·'t9'72' ~1-~·.;,;·- ·~ ·--~ . . _ ·Embezzlement·ofGoverrunen1t money to .the tune of Rs.10', 61£0.15,/~.,

'·~: •••.• s •• - .......... : .••




: -:: ···.· 1.

1· I"

. ("•Sd/A j '\_l::/ ,( . • .. \ -c: \- .: t ~ ...... }~:.. .: ·;'; -.1.-:·:. ~:-<··:: /·i ·,

. . (Muhammad•Rafiq. M~Jilc). . · !· Section Officer.:'(B,udget,.'& Accounts) ' ., .· ., , ' , I \, •

• ''·-.....:..1 ~~·1;--.~!::-!i.-,:~~;~··;:;·\.d:.:.,

•• 1'

, , . • . :·.,1·~- ,_._ T~e-Aud~Jor; G_en!ral. ~f ¥~.kis_t~.:~,as q~-~~ .!~~~e.~!~4-::J<?,._ get -~ sport paper, regarding r'ulea and 'r~gulations to, be Jollow~d by t~e nr,wing and Disbursing,: Officer's for. ~rop.er ~a~tenance. 'of,A·ccroun_ts:, prepared by the Director .(,Trg). pn receipt of'this paper further action - fOJ" arranging,. training courses of Assistant1 D1Stt.icti Edu~ation -· Offfcer.,s:; at ciistrfo~ lev~1.:w-ill be. taken. ...... . ..

·.) , .:-. •'~ ·•.: .. ·•~-. := .::,f!. _I

Subject:·, '

: REPORT! ·aF T~E::'StJB· .. COMMITT(EE.!OF 'rHE.AD.·_liOC ,, ··· · ,· '-! ' ;PUBLIC ACCQUN;TS COMl\lfITTEl~} · .ON . DRAF.T ;PARA:-: : :.

• I \ . · · · -' , . . . _ . I, , . . / . . , . . ·,.. .,. • , · · ~ <.c

- · · · NP.>aa :OF ··THE, ,~l1.Pl".f 'RE];)QRT- FOR· TH.E YJM,R. un2-73 ,,:. ,' ·, .·,,: PER:TAJNUU TO',EDtJCATlON.,D'E;PAR'.'l'MENT.(DISTRIC.T.

:_.,: ><~\ <. INSPE-CTRESS'. OF SCHOOLS,· ·MIANWALl)': . ·f: :;.,, •,:, ·.~":····:,,·.1 ,'·:., .. ·::.·\,.\.,;.: '· - .: . .- .' .: .: ;,.)'·····\,.· -, , · ..• _

R¢!eren¢e: · ._. _· Yotir 'letter· N,6. PAP/PAC/E,du<;.ation/7·2.•Jt3/°1l2/'10l:2,. ,._· .. ,"' < ,.;'·;,' 'da.t-ed ·2.1.:.ii-..:tsa2, dn' ~~ ·.al:>o'.'Ve' notedi;s.ubje,c:t~ '. ~-- .,

• .. •··· ··;:·-' ; ·;· ··;·:' :::" · .... -· ._- ·:;·_ .·. ·,···.; .=:._~-J~ ... :>\_.·:_., .,;..,__:~: ~--·-··:·-::·,.·._#:···.· f .. ::·~ •

. ·,3··· ,,_;·;. -~·-.· -, N-ecessary:.tnstruction,:,~_compl1$ce wi&,the.: variQ~ dir~ct:f.v~$, of the Ad·· hoc .Pu blie· Accouritt;;' Com~it:tee.:.: given 41 the · - above m(;intioned :_case have ·-aleea\£!y been)1?sued to All'. ~.~nc_e~ne<i yide .. D.- P~ J,'s (S£hoplsfand<Cbllege·a·, ,,~j,a.h Nf'emo·N,os~J /J?.,~!'7/3_3f,~Et:~43/B-2. daied:120~,10~1982 and N:·o~ 16/~·,8,2,LJ'467..2,/B:..'t,, dated,'.7:~l~-~:1982_ (9ppies .. .. enclosed'.for. :Peady reference);/ 'the>'que'stioii ofgettim;g.,n.e·~~sa.ry .. , provision."for Inspevtion of ac~ouritsi o'f Educational-Offices, made in '. the Pwi;tab;Education·,_c_ode hS:s__,a~_o -been' 'ta:itqii .. up;,: .-.:,-v:; 1.\ . t:

. .. . .'. ···; '·(· r ··;:'. :_ ::·J-.,.;~f,} .,_ Tl~':;, .· . .· . ·- . . ..... · ... ·' J:.· . ,, - .. ;' ·_. ..

: . For the purpose of fµcation o~ diE;lt~1cf-y,i~e and; Instttu- t~on·w~e Cadre .strength :or the 'bepar.tment·a ',S:ject'al,.-i-~arn1 has been .... deputed -by ·D,:I?;. l. {Schoola}; PunjaJ:,·tq ·collect; k},6cies-,sar,y.,d'ata f~Qm t~e

. con~erned-0tHcE1S /~stituttons. Thls' -,being' a gigaritie<~ :tasw the' "comple.;.' lion :.,of' -job will '·require 'conside:table ·tlnre.. ;Efforts' are; - liowever ,·'.b~ing made. to do the. }:iee_dful as early as pbss1ble. , .• ', . , . . . <

• . r, -· ',· i . ~ .'· ',

... ·.?:.->·;~-


.. r I No· .. ·EDU~BAO-V.-20/81 i,}? GOV;ERNMENTlOF:THE PUNJAB·

· E.'nuCA-ir1orF nJnPARTMENT , ..1 .·-~; ··t. ,.. , ... :,..-:·· :· ~ ~l; '.':~--~·.::r':---_·._ - · ~··,': ~'.r·\

T~{:,-/ ,' ,.; •·.·· .. •:}h~.• ~ec;i\a:y · /'· .• r\;}~t~i?5~f ~:f \;~.f ~'' ' ' •. : .· .. ~··.·,,:,·· . : ·:· :_~.

1 1. ··i'.i' Pr9i,fubial As~epably'.of\ the :I1Urijali/ ': '"\·t:.·,_ < ,.·"

··' '·.- ·. ·.· Lah.·:~ oi-e"!: ',. ·' ' . . . . .. ' .. ··.:: -:··· .... ··-~. ·:.,-- ... ·'. ~ .. : ._, ':



-~ .

J 1 : '··I ., . .... . ;

··1 '.

.,· r


'· . . . . . DEPUTY DIREdroR (P)', .. . · fo~ ,.b:qtE9TOR Pt$t.,IC. INST}:tUCTION (C),

. ,, · · PUN.:{AB; LAHORE.

' .........

1. 2.

. •· • • ·, ..._ • • 'f•, ,I, • • ' ·,,

Copy forwar~ed· for~·' information & neceasar-y=.actton to the:-

. ·Dep1,1ty Director, Ldbr-ar-Ies & . Phy Edu:. Punjab. . . Jr, Asstt: DJ.recto;r(Estt) of this office alongwith .a copy.

· sof the ,r:eport·of the:'~ub 'Commtttee of·fue .A.d hoc P.A. C, for taking furthef:action r~g: fixation of stre~gth as suggested therein.·.. . . .


•l' f .

; ~ ..

... -; ' . DEPUTY DIRECTOR (P), . ·: for-DIRECTOR P.UBLIC INSTRUCTiON (C), . - . . . . . . . . "' ..

PUN~AB, .LAHORE. , ; ., ~· 1

· .. ··: : , ' ' .... ~ .

Memo N.o,.l6/6-8?.h46.7tfB~2 , ''Dat.edi c7-12.:.19a24,: ~ ••• · ~., -~ · .. ·--.,i• .... t.>.:..·_,, >·.:.·,;:}z1:_·· ... ·;_ ,·.·,.·, ·.~- -,"

: . ' . • : . ': · ... : : . . ,• ·'.;. ·l ,:: ·.~··' I ' - ". :'' ~ : ,' • . • '·.?' .•. ' ,.. I . ' ' .


· · : ' ,. ·o_F::f·aE· J\UDIT .~ lNSPECTION. a:fipb~i·F:OR1THE. YEAR: .,··. ,;. -, :.1972-73 · \\: , - ;· ·. .: . '.. \·:·· .·;':';\.'.,). :,:·:·, ' .

. - ·.' , - . <-:-· , /: . ;:. ·:·_ . .. \ I

I : . : ·.· ·. The.following directives of·the Ad-h~c)'.)\~.C~ issued. on - - - ; . . ' . . { - . . ihe,-ab:ov, mentioned' 'c~~e m~y please be complfed w.itli ;ibi:mediately:- . -c:. · .. <: : · :-1);:::·;:<>", .·; ·: ';1:Lt,, .- . . . .. ·• : -i . · - . \ J .; :(ti,~,, . ,:.· '·::;ir\0:: ~·, ;' .c< Re~/ Iiia~ctl(jn/of c oliege,s: .·&. Bft1,c.e'~'··~iiou1a. be done by

. .... .. .. .. the concerned .. otflc.etsLand rerll.edi~l.i9easuh~s adopted by . .· all concerned' in'.tne light of Inspectio:n,R~ports. The m;:Lin-

...... :;, .\.··~,.:' .~ri~c~ of:~~~c~unts sho~d ,~e gi~ei:i ·partitu~r. attention, b~ ;;,j .· :·: .. · ·' ... the 'lilspecting··O:fficers~; The Director·.~! Education should ·

· > .: ·. . ·_ · 'irtiliie: thci servi~es of Junior .. A-$stt: {B&A} or: '·officers incha~ge' .of· Buqget 8t Accounts. attachad.w.:ith each Directorate

' · : ': · for the purpc;,$¢ of ¢heckiiig.··of a..ccount~fwhil~: I,ns,pecting __ .. their ~ubord!natEt.offices.. .. . . ' " ... ·, . ': .. · ,!~---

·' ·, • ... ' :" .', ' • • • . • \ . .. •• \ ~ , ' • • I - ~ .. "',. • .' . '• ~ < ;•_t

::.:2;: ..: ~ .. '· .. - The ,~eparation of bill~, drawal)~is-bursem,ent. of ~motin~$ : .. ' and m•bitenance of.their.a.c6oun'ts should notbe entrust~d:: .

· .. ,: . ·{ ' ·· ·'; .tp on~{:and pie aame offic~~l.. The c1erks s'i1i1u?-d not .be::~··:· .. <,., ' . . ': ., allowe.d to- contlnue-on the same seat ,for 'more .than'thre·e" .....

.. :/ .· .. ' . year":under hortn~ circwnstances'~--. \ . . • ·•.' :· •:. "( e . .• '. • • .' •' • -:· • .\ ' I ' . ' •. .• \ ..,..\

3 •. "',, · , Proper, record of .acqufttance rolls., after .payment hav.~ . ·· : · been made by the Drawing & .Drsbur-alng' Of(icers/ shoultt be"

~--.· ':-·' ·; ~a1nta1,n~d. 4 percentage check muatbe ~:xercxsed and ail'··. · '(• ·:.)/i'.· ,·; .. i>.~~es::.~.riter:ed in p9:y.bills ~~inst,the:sari~_~foneq stz;e,~~\th~.'. .;

~ . . ., ....... : ..... ~ ; ' -· .• ' l . - • ~ . '. . . . • ~: . . . i • .. ·.;

; :. • : .:: • v, ,t '·:

.. :· . 16 I .

• II'_.",'-• :.--:··~.•-'! '{;, '. •.· --·. ,, _

.To ! •


tor Director Public Ins~qotions (S.cµoo1s), . · · PWlj:ab, . t,ahorEi •. - ' ·' · ·


;- 1; 2,, 3.

--~~- .

' I .

C.Ql>Y·f~rwarded fqr information & n~~ese,ary..actiol) tor- 1. ) ;' ' ." :_. . .' ' . . ,· ; \ . ' . ( ·._ . . '. ·~

T~~ .Ilep~t.Y · pire~~o~·s, . speciahi~e<l. S~r~ic~_s.,in tqe Punjab •. The ~puty I>irector (Admn) of ·this Directora,te, · · The. Junior Assistant'Director· of .this Directorate. -·

'The. •ssls~ant Director (Gener~J.), - of :fui~. pµ-ecioTate, · He .'ts ._ reque~ted to take µecessar y ·act!on for gettfn.g' - nec~ssary action for getting_nece~sa;ry .Provis.ion for lnspectic:>n .of aeco,urita_of edµcation~l Offices made in the·

• < . ' • ·, I , . , 1· ,·

Punjab Educat,ion .. Code. · .1. . . I


.Endorsement NP.1/77-.77 /33144-49./)3--2, Dated .120~1or;1982 ,- .- . . .

J ..

QAZI S.SAGIUR,-UL-HAQ~ ·p1rec_tor l?ubllc Instr~ctlons (SchQol,$).;

' · J>Uli;tab~ · L~ho~e , . : .· -

... L ! .·'

··,{, .. -

1 .. I;

. Regular ,.,hlspection 9f: ~ho~ls ~~:t,Qffices>.snould:: b~ ·, .done by the coQcerned officer:s · and re.µledial me~sµrea

be. adopted by ·~n, concerned ·in ,the .light ot:Irispection Reports •.. The .inaifrt·e.-ianci :o.f;_a~coµpts .. sh91.llil. be. :gj;ven. pa:rticular. att~n.tlon by . .the Inspection.Officers. The

'(:r, · · .: .; , ,·Directors .of Education sh,ould utiliz.etth.e. ser.vices.·<>f : ·;;2:., ·, , . •. JU.llJ.t>r ~.A,.s~ist~t QI;ect~rs1 .(B&,A.),.-,C~~tJ,l.~h~d-with: .. each;

;,.:{'~·:.! ';! Dir·ect9rat~ for tbe.,p,rpcis~ :Of tjl;le,C~ffig/~f -accqUQ,t$ :,,;; r>. ,., .': .. <: ~A-Uelns,pecting,' .: tb~U-::fJ~Qrd.in1;it~:Pffi~11.,_-.:. ·:-,i ·i:·.::-1

.. ·. . . , •· ;''. .: • .1<-1}r, ·.~r;l'\; .· , . . .. The prepara,tiori. of. bills,. drawal/dis,b~sement of· amounts

.. at1d ·m~intenarice .. ,of in~lr: a,~co~t&:-$9uld··~o.(b~\,a1rusted to one and' the same official,., The clerks, sb.ould·not be-. · · · a~oW:ed to contµiue '~n;:t;h~ -~$:Q.m~ ~e~t.f{)I!. ?AO.~e ~nJhree

_.yea:ts wider, ilortntµ tirqums'tan,ce~., 1,

,, I , :'• • < , ", \ • ' . '

- i' .\ "; - I ,- .;, ' ,' '. ". I•!

P~oper record of. ~cg).littance. rolls ,rter · making· -,payl!jen.ts · by the Orawing & . Disb.urs_ing · Offic~rs should be malnlataed.

, -- ~- - . ' - . , . I . . . , - ' -- ' , . , . - - - . _, ·•

A:: P'rcttq~ge ch~ck: must_~ 'e:xereis~d ot the '11arn.~i1t; ~erE!d in l»Y bijls. ag~inst. th~ sanctioned. $t:r~~gtll ... At th~ts_a,:ne .time

:the·hiµne~ of institutions shQuld;,.aµso be verified tp see that· ' ... : they·have·been' duly sanctfoned ~y '(}ov~rninent and ~ijtually

, · exµ;t~,, · , - -~ _ , '> _' ; ~- · ·· _:' . · . , :: '

; . ' n: ,f// ,: 'i .( ., I

'. A.ll,tbe DiVisi9MlDirecwr.$. qf: E.d,:u~ticui~ . .-: . . :T , (Scho,ols) .-in.the.Pµnjab.;:::.,; ·., 'L:··· .::, ;aJ5·t~ -:;:

Memo_No~ 7'/77_-77 /331·36.:43/~;.2t:: J:>'ated 20-10 ... 1982 ' .' . / ·. . . . "'-·~ .

. ' I ' '


· , YEAR l 972-73 ,i .': ... · . 'i. ,.\. '. - ::.- .: .:i: ·,;: L.: .. i!' '; - : . .-- . • .,_ ~ ·-·· . . · · ~~ - .•. •.•-·· ·- -.:>.,-_... . -

"", ~ • ,' ·.. ', , . • . ·. :;, •. ~ •,, !,; .. ::. : .,.-·:.;" . '.· .,,: ... _-:.

, .. 'The· following direciiyes. ol"the Aµ·.--hoe ·p: 4_- C, .-,~--d ~ o~ the above mentioned 'ease may'.please be -complied wi#l ini:ai~di~t~ly:~

,, . '. . . . ~· .. ·, . ..:. - ....

I• . ..... ··--·- .. _--.~--- . .... · .. : ·.·.:·~·.r~ /:: .. ·····-·- - , ..

' . -··~··· :.... ;:;· :;:·: ·~. _:., . . . ~' .. . . ..... . .. . .. . , . To

-. ~OP~P,RIORITY '17


~ ... :.,:..- - · ... ' . ..:. ., 1··

-. !.ge Admintstrat1ve Departm ent\~as:< ,aak.~<t ;6:.·Eiubmi~ the rev~ea Working Paper 'afte~ exa~i.ni.Q,g· the f~ct s in' 4.~tti.il fega.r(liiig ~e godowns and their cla~si.(icatlon. 'Th"iir paras: we~e kept ·:pebclfiig~. '/ . · : .

·_.· . . '... i._· .. ~ ;( : :·: ·• ••. '.!._!··:-.·\ . '.,, ·~·· . ··~··· .... ~\ •. .. ' ·,. ·: f

..·, - .... -<..'

10-7-82 .

• -~. :: • :~~:~:. - ~ .: s '.."_\''.{ ., . :-, i· ', .:. /~ ~:

The Administrative Department r,~quir,ed- ·:more °i'im'.e,: ill or.der: to·. trace out and submit to the Committeel.~1h.'e.~.reley'ant $.a.IlCt1on\:in respect ._ '. •• . . ; ·• ~ .,.:_. . . ·, r .:: ., . ,'.,, . ·. ' • "l. ! I f . . •

~f handling charges for temporary .storage. The· ·cobsider_ation' of these paras were·deferred till the. next:meeting',.of"~.{PubH~ J\.~counts ¢0.min.1ttee.·· ··: .. " , . <.,, . . . .. ,

. ~ :· ,· ~. -', . 'i ;, :· \" ; .. i .. .: ,·

, • " • . :- ; ·.' ,. ~'. ' f :-· •

. 2 •. ;_. Para 7(1). pages -31-32 pf-the Aud.1t'Repoi:-t for'tl)e·}l;ear.1977-78 - .: Unauthorised paym~n.,t,:qf h~dling_·cha.rge's·amounting::to Rs •. 37, 487 /-

, , ,• .· '=·. . . .f,.i,__ ". ·' . . . . ...

3. Para·.7{2) page ·32.-0£,~eAuqifReport·tdt·theyear.19·'n.;,7a - / Unauthorised paymept _of·h~d.llng charges amounting,to·Rs. 7., 763/':'

.· \ . , '. : .~ .! . • : . I -~ , I . . .. /.. .. . '. . . ·. '· • ... • ...

4. J>~ra 7(3) page -32. of the-1+t'..4.it .. :·Report ior··th~- ye~. 1977-78 - Unauthor1'e4 payment of haiifil'iri"g char,ges amounting- to ·Rs. 3~, 515 / ..

• . I.. I . . ·_. ;I~:·.·.'.. ·_ . . - . . . •.· -. • ...::


. ··.'..:.·.. .. ,'· ,.. . , . . , , . . . . · .. ·~··· ·-;~~:-.-'/\;--·:.il!~_r ... -:~~\ ·'{: .. ''

: , From the<expJ.anatio.n ·. -of' the AdmJ..iiistrati~e fi~.pa·r,tm.-~t some: facts em.,erged whicb-' warranted .. a· detaJ.l~d -~·x~m'uiado~ ~::.TAt·,;991:n..¢.-ittee decided th~t, ~e case ''hcn.tldi,Qe .· exatili.t)ed in. di!tail~ ~Yl: Sutt.-C.oh\wlitee consisting of :Mr lVi._Z.Khan and Mian ~bdul. Rashid, 'l)ll'.is.-actlon i~1, however, . be kept pending . uiltiLthe Opinion of the Sollctior ··ts ~c:~,i.ved regarding · the possibility Qf lodging an appeal before a .Divisional/Ben¢h of the High Co~r:t. The par-awaa ·kept pending.~ ' · ... ··

r . ' ,'.• ,','I


The' matt~J:"· being s.µb judice, the para-wog~- .. te.r:naip. pe~d!,n~,:, However-, the Coinmit'iee directed 'the. Adrnin.ist'rative -Depattm:~nt' fo

. . . . . . ; _._·· '· . ··,;j .·. . . -:

ex,am~_;/whetber any criminal action .lies )16a'f.n~tr:;the J.DQ.i.vidual : coacerned' since. the c~se origina:te'ci as -Of enibezzl~ment~ ; '

• • . ! ' • . . •.


·. . . · ... ,-~·. . ·. 10-7-82

.., • J , -~·~.' • ;'' . • . ·l •· :\ .; \

1. Para 6 page 81 of the. A.:udit R~port for theyear:.191.1-78 \':•. · ~mbezzle~ent of sqgar valuing Rs. 2~ 2a,·a44/-' r ,.,,; ·(, • _

\ . "\ . . : ;. '. . - ' .·,,..('•. ; ~- •( .. ~· ' .. :

18-1-82·.· .>, . • ........ .-·.-.::.,-: ... ~-.:,; .. · •.. o '! "•"i ',.-,· •. I·· ...... :....... . .... . ·.-~·= .-·~.···· .. :~· ... ··.-. -;

; :· .. ··- . The case being sub judice~ ,. the' para was ·.~;pt:,;pencJ·irig~·--:·

DRAFT . PARAS , 197·7 ..;78 • .... • ..

. ····• •,·, .. "

·-~ : : . . . :· ... ·,

,,:,.- . .. ...... .. . .. : .. _:: ,i -~; ::' •.. .: ' ; . , _".1 .... ··' ,. . . -;~

. _: .' ·-..:: ; . .. . -.~' - .. .:..,.,_ " ·,. •. ' • • 'f h· ... ••

·. ·, .. ..:·· .. _,.;.;.·,:~!_ -a ·....... .:c· • ... -.-~(:r·.·.·:::,<_.:. .. ·, _.;·· The .··committee examined the Accountaoj; .. tbe~:E.ood..:::Oepartine.n,.t _ .. · . . ' . .. . . ...- ... -_·· ·_ .-. ·. ;, . . , .. ':·' -_ ·.

in its meetinga held on 18-1-82, l0;.7-82~ 20-9,;..-82,~·-~-10~$~, 3+;1'7:.aa · and8-l-83, · ; · · i}'..·' . ·.,.:/;·

. ·, .. ' .. , ; - ... ~' ,• . ;· ;. : .. ·' '..·- ,· ·:,.'·.'::" v:

, ,, • •.• _ . .,,.. ·,I,• ,i"


.. f :·. ': "'t.t•;t-..

. .19



*See·ANNEXUR.E to thi~, Chapter. at page 31-infra, . ' . . " .

Tbe- it~ms:·hai'irig·'been' ·s:e{tl~d were, droppedt. : · .: ' . ~ : .'.: 7 ·.... '.. ~ : " . - . : •· .' -•. ·- . • .· ; ' • · .•

-~ ... Mand! Sadiq owi('- -~~ 171 /3 7 . . . . I .

. _., ·.; (8)

'. (7) Chishtian - . Rs. 1~· 326[-

j __ . The Committee, decided. to drop these items: subj'ect'.-.to veriffoatlon · by Audit. · · '

. . ,,

. ·~.·.· _; ... ""

· Bahawalruigar .. Rs,.20, 000/- ... · ··· ' . :·


" ;, ~ ·' ...... , .... (3) Faqtrwa.11 .. Rs. 72/18

'(4t Ir, (Q) Donga Boonsa - Rs. 153 /05

1.t·· ···. t ' i , ..

, ':-.> •'

. The_.exict. pos1tion relat,ing to, the ._:recovery frdtn S~eildi , Noor Muhammad should-be ,cubmitted in a .revised WofJclng:. ~ ·, Pap~ir. The Admin:ist'~ative Departm~nt.'~a~ furthEU' directed:

to ensur-e-that the ofticial concerned wa·s. not allowed to draw . , pen$ion ·or gratu.ity without adjust1ng:_the amount of rec~very-

, .due (rom' him. The item Would remain pending, , . .

DU?"ing the; course of diacussfon, it .. was decided to · · · take ·u.J? th~ qµestipn of the price at' which recovery pa , r-espect. of sl),ortag~s had. to: be made, m·ord$r, .. to s.~egu:ard

· .. the public interest; the correct policy would be to effect r-ecover-y for_ ~~o~tages·at the r-eplacement val~e o_r tti'e <;>I"ig;u.ial :pric·e, .. whichevEfr w~s found higher, and not the 'pri~e C)f . its purchase, The , Secretary qf the Committee shp.uid draw* the ·attention of the Administrative· Depa~tment to thes_e· ,

.. ;;; , . observations of the Committee. . ·. ·-:·~:.~ ~-. · ~r:-, . :: r _ , :' . , __ , .;,.··. • .. , .. :'.T , ~. ·; ;:t~ a • • .'; ••

(. .. ~ ;

,· ' ' . ~

· .(2) · Minchanabad - Rs. 2, 87~/44

t • • 'p •• ~.

ll'he··.item was dropped subject to veri+'i~at)on by Au~ft~

'~ ... ·./

D. F ., c. (Babawa~agar,). .:

; , ,CU Donga B~onga~Rs. l:,~824/44

18 . ·1 82 \· ;·,· '· . ~ .. . '

·· The.recove~y hav-Sng _,eep 'm~de and ve~Iifod. .i,y A\J;dl\, th~·, .. <: ·para \va·a dropped. · .. ,,,:: ::':::''.,, · · .;- ~·. ::}t-o'·· .~ ·,. ':)·~·:-::) '.' ; .:::< .

. -~ .:.-..i t- ····:"··~_.'L :>.·· .. ·,' i ' \ • "j' ~- ~' ;::;'~~--.·; :,, . . : •' i ·.·: . ; ;. . ~, ' ..

6. ort for· the. ear 1977-78':.;. .. • .. Short to· Rs.-44,.,587 - ··· sr.:

. . - 6. Para 7(4) page 32 of the Audit Report for the· year i977-718 - .. -·. ,

Unau~orised payment of handling charges am punting to Rs,~' 69_4./ ~· • ' - . • • '; ',·,... ' .. ; ·.i ;-, ,·· .... • ,'. :; ·:. ' '. • . . ;< I·-~,·· . •./ '' •·' ~ ~ ~: ,• .. . , •

; , . . ~ . 10-l0;..82: · >··· \ <··. . ..

.. \ .

The Committee-decided that the paras Sbi>~ld be r~~ubrnitied after, the relevant -record had been checked and 'verified by A~dit with the cp~µients of the Audit theneon;: .,' . _ · · ·

10-10- 82


Thase ttemB ~ere'dropped bf the 'Public Accounts _Committee in Ita. .meeting held on ·18 ... 1-1982 but .no progi;-es.s had ·been made for obtaining the Vtrifieation certifiCS:tes from Audit.'

. .

112".'19-14 l\l!ds.,. ·es~ 1,·12.4/44 · - . as 29';"_00. lVIqs. Rs. 2, 8;72,/- . 3 30 .. 00 M_ds. Rs. .7'1./18

5-22-100 Meis.) Rs, . 1'53jo5 2-16-;00 Mds.) , , .

, 1054-37 ~15 M,os~,' · Rs.20;000/..: , 193-00-9Q Mds. Rs •. 3, 715/25

Donga Boonga Minchinabad :F~qlr\vaif · .. Donga Boonga

-do­ Babawalnagar' Bahawalnagar

• !

Fortabba:s - Rs. 734/40

The item was: dropped subject",l<>· -ver!ficti.ti~·:Of. recovery by Audit •

i :

Rs. 4~7-/98_ ) )

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (9)



T~ese items were kept pend~g.

(19) Mandi Sadiq Gunj ;.. Rs. 21444/40 ·

The item:Ji'aving .been settl~ wa~_.;d~OJ>Md·

(17) Mirichinabad (18) Dongif Boonga


The-Committee dµ-~~ted, tha.~ th~ Adminlstr.ative·'De~I'ti:'.ne~t ~hould endeavour to settle the matter' with. N, W.f., P. Gov:ermnent at the ~a!r-liest. In tije m.eantime, _tiie Depar-tment should ·ascertain• Whetper despatches were: ma~e in the . presence of the rep~f,el;,1J~~t~re,fll o~ the N. •W:• F ~ ~ .. Gov~:l°llf11ent. The progre·ss should -oe J-eported in the shape e>f · a revi1:1ed Wor),dng .Paper , in the. n~xt11e~ies Qf nieetipgs. ·

- .... ;


! .:.' .:, :.: • ' ) ) ) Rs. 2, 92-0/25 · and ~. 883}.56, ) j


The, exact position· relating to .the recovery fr9til Sh.~i~b::, i ; Nooi-·"Muhammad; Sh.?'1-ld be !fUbJnitted 1n a. ·rev"9e9_·.\Vor~~g Paper-, The Adinin3:6trJttlve· Dep,.rtment .wa~ :f~tb~r dir~~~~d to ensure· that the· official conceened: war;, not allowed tc, · _· draw pension or gratuity without adjusting<t.tie ·amount 6f'' :. : recoyery due from hil:q._. The it~m· would rcamain ~nd_ing.

' ... :· .r ; '. • l . ~ • '

,,,,,'·/ ·:~ t .

Chisht1Jµi Haroonabad · 'Bab.fWaln.agar · Haroonabad Haroonabad

(l2) (1$) (14) .. (15) (16)

! 'j. + - ~,:

. , .:(10)


(9) '· Bah~walnag~r ·· ~: Rs. '3, 715 /25 . . . ,;, • . . • . .l. _I ! - : . i ' • . ,. ,,.- f ~ - : . ...,

.. Supj~ct to. ·v~rification. by'Audit of. the amount recoyered/ written off1:.. the:_ttem was dror,ped. · · ·· · ·

. Minchinap.aq ~ Rs~ 308 /72' ·. · .. • • - - • : • • \ • ' _. .' ' • 4' , ' • .. \· . ..

'.· . r . . . _ _ -... . _• ,·_ .·· l .. ,· _ _ I The'· item having been settled· W$..S dropped. · · · · · . • - . . . . t- . , .

,. '

"· . - .


• ;.=·-'.:.. \,. :··; - .. 1".'. 11

. ' ·.·· ·.\

.· -':·'.::.:.\",,, .·.:- ·.': 0 ,- 1- I}

.. ~. ;_,_;_: •.·;

; ~ t . / ·.

·- i (3) .. . ~--~ ' .... ~ :·- . : • . .-_ \. . ;.: ' Faqi:rwall - .Rs, 72/18

\ .,_ . t -_ ; • :' ·.,~·~·? As the. recovery h9:d .~~~p·_y~µ,ied by Au~t, ~~. item [ .: :

.-was dropped. ' ,, · "· . .. . . A. : ' - .... ~. '··. . : - ~- ., . . ,; ··_\ . _.; : \ ... " ', --;.

(4) & (5) Doonga ~ognga,,: .. : ·.Rs~ l.-53/.05-,.,::,~~;~ -~- :,:J. . /-: .< :t~>- '--:"-.~:-t. /

The lt~ms were dro~ped~ ~-


,· .· :'·\ As the '~J~coveiy h~.d. b.een ;~~ft1ec1~'i,} iJclit, . ih~···1t~m .. ·' . ~as 'dropped. . . . .. . ·:'~, ... ·:.,

., . ." . . .,,. .: • I . .

(~). :.1'(incbin~ba<i.~ Rs •.. 2,'87~/44 .... . .- -. . ·' . • . ·, . . . ..o .

(1)'. _ D.o'oiip ~'.Bo~nga·~ 'Rsi_l,.~24/44 . : ...' ·I, I .'. ,

. _ - ''..: th~ Com.inhtee' deci(i.ed thait'. the ltein should b'e resubmitt~cl ,. ,. ·. I . .. • . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . • ,' . . . I I· .. . . . ~ . • . . · ·· . .W. .the Ugpt of ~e p;revi9us decis!op. of. th~ ~1m,llc Accounte

. - " ; 'C.C)i,z,imittee.' . \ . ',, . :·. ;

.. ,. 10-10~8~

I , : - , ,' .. · _ . ·. _ · . . 1_ - . _. ." • . . • ':·' ~ • • : • • , •• _ • ; .- ·-: • . • ' :· • • • • • . • ~- - :

The Committee felt . disgusted by· non.:.receipt of the verifi- .· ca~9~ certificate .S<> ·t~ -~~ · .. airected ~e: A<µninistra~1v~,,

.· J;:)epi:r;:-tm.entto,:expeqit~ lt •. The item 'Was k~pt~penQing. . . ··f ·., ' ' . ... . . ·.

·'• • } -r, . Rs~, • 734/40

. ·. :Fortabbaa. . ,,_ . , (,~O)

, (17} '- Minchinabad ':~5.\~i,i-o~ l\'i<is •. , ) , '·_Rs,:: 487/98: - (la)' .. -~ponga 13o<>4ga . ·~-~pi-qo _Md~ •. J.

. ... -: :.:r.~.r .::! ,-

. _ ., ·1,:, ·.T~ea~· itepis,·wer~ kept. , .. ~ndirJ.g .. as no !'r:~gr~ss:··h.,d·been. · , , shown. . - ·· ' ,. · : . . . " · · ·

.1 _; :,... !: .... ·-- .. ~.~-_i '.., -. ; _.,:·.-";:" ·. . .. -;-:. . ,'. ,;,

The Coriunittee direct~d that · this should. be -done as quickly as possil>l~. Th~ - items w~re kept:. pending;· ., i ·~ ·.

(11) 'Mbich'in~b~d. .~Q-7;~h8·700·:Md1;,· •. es.X,s~,73[~: .·- . ·•· ·.. ,· : : \ . •· ... · .: - I . ." · ... · I . . - .

It was explained tha(the full amo.unt.of Rs. 6,,.'l13..'f-;liS:d t;>~en .recfover~·9 from th~:. gratuity/perts ion 'of. '!heikh-N~or Muh_apimad.

, 'rbe · C<;>i;llm.:i,tte~·:<lir~ct;ed .the 'A4zninislrative 'J)epa'rtinent · : - . . ; .ilia t the . ~ve'rujc~tion- \df . the. recover'y 'sll ould l;>e ·. ·got 'made . 'by - ·:-the\Auclit •. :;;ubjeet' to its yerlfica~ion,. -~e:.#em ·:.w.a~ ~ dropped •

. '..:·.;:·-·,. ·· .: --· .... ·.: : -. -,/·., ···,<,.'·'>··.<··:.;·.:; ':-'·: ... - '··', J~~), '}~~ishtian .. :, ;'.1 ./f: ·:'~i?~:3_-30-~QO_·~d.s.,s t: ! ··~, 2_..g2772s ,U3J _ ;llaroonabad , . >2:42.~.21-14 ?ylds •. ·. t.:- · , •· ·.· ·](1) · ... ~Elha'Ya].ij.agar '.Ji9{22-00 1.'Ids. .• F '. ' (15)__ · Haroonab~d· . il5-~26-00'Mds,_:). Rs. 8~3/~a .. :· (i6) · . ~do... . .· :20--lQ~oo Mds, ,,..,, . .

. . . .. ; . • . . ' : ; ; ·. ' . . . \ . . l . ' . ,:' . \! '. ' '. . , ' ' ; ; '.. '' :,,' ' . '. . · .,'- The .Com.rnlttee waa. not satisfied by .the elltplanati<>n ·sub1µitted

, -by the Administrative Departm. erit. -. As such, ·the C<>mmltt;e~ 1

directe~::the Amp.~istrative' Departnltmt that. it ·sP,otil,d:: · · . · ... pi:epare .. '•a;· r-evi~~d· Workin,g Paper, showing ~$ p~ogress · ·

. ' · f1i\B:de tor· .. ~e );ett],ement, . of I this· ;CB:,Se,:. '• '. - .. . . ' . . '


·: .. ,·

The"ite~ was·_ dropped, , .. ·.

(20) . Fortabbas - Rs, '734/40 ' \ . ' i

:•.:• .. . , ·.· .. j'

· .. ( ,:· :,_.,- K .... . • • • ;~· • ~ ·:. :· t; !.r' . , ···~· The items were -· dropped.

Rs. 48'7 /98 M"inchinab~d · ) . , Doonga Boonga )

.··, .. (16)

(17) (18)

... '., ':,·.'·· :-.

Haro<mabad _ - .. ·20-t.O.·OQ Mds.

t .. . .. ", .. .:-' l ~ .. :: ; ·~.' -, '. . : i .. ' ·:.,. : .,. )• :'. T~e .t\dmin.~stratty~ Department clai.a1,eq-~at._Jt ".V'~s'. q_ot

· respt>nsible. for' the so-called shortage or' 25-26-00 Mds •. of .. wheat as they;d~Uve:re~ the ful,.l-quantity of wh,eat tothe · -

~·., - .r.•prer:; entatfve .c:>f . the N. -W • F. P. Govermnen\}il1.der his· · · - :: .- ·-.,'. · '.!., pr¢_per ac~owledgnieni on GP 13, Thf ~udit., ci9ntend~d that

. they had received information (roi:,i responsible.,,a.u~o:rity . viz. telegrani~ in which shortage of that quantity of wheat

'was reported; · The Committee observed th,at th.e resP9nsi~~ty - of' 'the Department, if 'any·, ~ould only be established ~fter examining the ins~r,u.ctions·and_-agreement which ,:wa• executed between the nepreaentative Governments' rega(dµig .. de.:,4very and receipt of stocks, The Committee· directed the Adminis - trative Department to ·produce. thes-e docum~ts _ to A\!c:JJt. · . _ - The . Item should- then be: resubmitted with Accountant' General's

. comments, .. '.: '''i" .'.' ,,·

Subject to the production. ·of·sanction of' write ·off and i~J~-; ~ .: r verification by Audit, the items ·were dropped~, .. , · .......

··· ·r-.·~.~.J..L -, · 1:-1 _ .• · . , : - · i , ,., ·.,'.· · \ .. . . •. ·• ,.-, . ' . . . ~ '

(14) _Bahavi~~gar - 129-22:..oa 14~ .. . : ·.~: . -·. :' .. :· -~ : j,-.1 :~~,.:.1 ... ~ ;' ,· r, ' . .• • . . •.

,.i i':fhe--'.\v~:ite . on:-'~ad. r~Jjort~<Uy, ::beeh ·aa.n.cti~~ed •. Subj-ect to the .'J)TOdµction of copy of B9'~Uon to the Acooµntant Ge~,tal,

·-;,,..~,;,q:,!J, .. ;:th.a Item w_~S- dropped, ·, ·. ''. . . ~. r : . : • . .• ·, : •

<.,: .. -.·~_··;~·~:; ·. · .. _.; ' . ·-.·. ..... • • '. ~ (: . ..', '.i

.U5)··. · Ha,r9PQa~ad .... 2s .. as_-PO Mm,.·.

. , ... ' .

;.·~·~.·· ,····.~:·.,.•:( ." :: .... ':..:::·i:'':_:··.~ .. ]·'J~:-:.·I :··, ..• :~ ·: .. ·1. '~ .• _:'·-:~: •. · :-.· ...... '>, ': :·/f· ..

The Committee· observed that _ the · recovery of· Rs~·.1., 8~7.f.~ij. ._ -, ·1

had been effected from Mr· A,.·A,.Basit and verified~ The remaining amount of Rs.'1~851/65 bad r•port.edly baen. . «.: - recovered from Mr M;, A. Gha.aall~ Subject to production·.-; ..

. of the. ver1fic~t1o~, c.ertifica,f~ to *1ie Acf::ow,.uint - General, , .: :.tlulltem wa~ droJ.wed.; i .: :; .:· · ... · _(:_ :-~, .. ·. ',:: · · · _ _

·. r'-Jr·,.<~J). Y Minchina.bad -- Bs.:a·;··'173l~· . : _ ... , . .:« - • - •

. .... • ~ . .. :. • !-. :_;._.:~~~=~$-!:,::. :-( . . . : ~"i~ ': ·. ,. . ; • ~ :,. . . . .

. . ; ·;i.'.:;/_::J\ecovery stood··;yoerified~- The ite~ was dropped, . · . , :, .~· ~··,.:.··~:·~·. ~ • (: •::/ ;:? • • . .. I '. ~: .\i·. ·,• . .-·.i· -. -~ ..


.>"i: -, .: ;'··~··.;.~·. < ', '0· ;,,:__

(12) &.(13)-ChishtiatF~. ) . "':a·:.'~id. 25 r , ·· t·,·::.: t'. · ~ - i ... ·}}}~-,:·:·

Haroonabad ·· l. - ~:'.·._/·:_·".·- .... ~·-"·.r·- ..• -'. --_--- .. · - .. -·. __ - :? c .• -:-.>: ·. :. - .. __ · .. ,,'_i:_:..-_-.,,;···_--'L.;,~.:·:: .: , , .. ,'• .. r::. ,. •, •

(9) '· .:- Bafia walnagar

· ...

(6) .. :.:·;}l3~~·awaln.a:gar - ~· 2Q~_OOO/~ · . _ ~~ : .. t t • · . .' ·-Y~ : . . . · .. ·

The ·c3·e~~s!tsJ\~y,~g'·ke~·}\'~t~t~d-:QY~_~h~l.f/::llie-iteiti '._; ·· was · dr-oppedj ':··· :-· · ... . ... :... · -· · .... .. =: · .. ,. .. .... -_· · ~-' • · · ··· ,

23 -

.: !

(v.) Rs, 9, 600/ ;,;

The bales having been accounted for by· the A;cunin.istrative l)e~rtn;ient, the item was dropped subject to lts v-eri,ficµltion by Audit.

The Committee dropped this it~m $Ubject t9 Ve);'.ification of the write o!f by: Audit. · - . ·· ·

.. :, ~ (iv) Rs.70, 254/-

The -item was deferred . pending final ,decision ·in the matter by _the Regional Office,· Bah;~walpur,_ The progre$S should .. · -

· be reported in the sha~· of a,. revised,Worldng Paper, • . :. - 1' • • . ·• . - • ._... : ~

r ·.,., (ill)·. Rs. 241277 / ~-

,, . ·. ,

The item was dropped subject; to ·verification,. of the write oft · • ..... ~ • ~ , ,.. } • s •

·byAudi~.-- ... ··:.,'): - - ·' •. · ' .

·"; ... _;., ·tu> Rs_~ ~5, 359/- ,

.·A~ regards the r-ecovery of-Rs. 6, 609/31, lt should be_' got ·-<verified by)Atµdit~ · -The b~ahce of Rs. 851/36 should al$o be

recover·ed · attd got v~rifie4 py Aq,dit. . The item wcn.ild rem.a.bi · pending,: . · ·


.:Th~ Com,:tiiittee.' obse:rved til~t the .~xplanatlo~ sub&ttte'.ci by ~ ·, Adm-mbitr:.athre;Departm::ent dip riot show· the e.xa6f··~ition 'regarding ;the recpvery. of. 629'~20:~1~2 Mds of ~hett · Th~ .

· Cominittee .direc~d. the Administrative. Departmjmt to .~ w)lether this. wa-s' recovery or replacement in kind or was ad}usted tlirough reconciliation etc. A rev1s,4 Wbrking ·Paper'

.. _ in this- respect 1t1houfd. -b~ submitted to·tbe Committee for its con~ideration in._(tts ri.ext series of meeting~ •.


·, The above remarks also apply in respect 'of the. c·o~t o~ 46 .. ~4'..{).6.M-ds.

valuing Rs~ 1; 098/~6. The para would r~main pending~ , . • - . 0 o' ,." I ,, • ' - . -·

• •• ' ' • • .\ \ > 'i.: r ,. The_ Ccmunlttee ,directed .that alnce ·the· offtcial co:nce"1ed had

expired, the balance amount of Rs. 909 /05 ma{ be got writte1{ off, .. , '

. ·,.' .. ·. ·, . t ..


10-10-82 - .

. .- , . Th·e para. was dr,opp~~ · subject _to· th:e · veriflcaUo~ of- the recovery _

_ by Audit." · . .. . . . 1• · -

. . ' . '

7 .. Para 8(2) page 33. ,of the Audit,RepQl':'.f,for the year 1977-78 ... Shortage 9f food i{rains etc~' valudirig Rs. 11, 595 /- .:. · , .



' ., ,· . .' I ' ,' ~ '•\

. . ~ . . . 't: .. ,, '

• .. I ' ·, '.·~, :, .... ' I~ , 1.··

• -1 .' •• ' • .' ·, ·-.~: '~ ••.

• • t -~ . : •

, .I . \ . •,,_·,. : ...

., • ' I' f ~ \ • ', - • • • I • • ,l • i ' • t '

· The· para was settled . arid dropped. : · - • . I •

r • ..,.t'

· I .10-10-82

....... ,.-, .,._ ·,

. j : Iii ;Jew Of :th~ fi~f th~t: the. , ~~CtiO~ to:: W~!t~ I Q~f- :ih~ .~hor~ge had been ·aecQrded by the Financ~>, J)epartm~nt, the ·.1t.erii _w.as droppe,d subject to i~s vetificaµon .by AµdH~ ' . , -, : . . . .

. ~ . . . 18-1-82 . ~- .... ::.

, ' The item .was 'settled ar,id dropped. ~· .·. I f • • •

: ' • . . • '·.' _., • ' :" .. : . . } . -- .-- . - .,.J ·, ' - -. . ,' .r·.. '. .. '

Q .•. -; . Para 8(4) . e 35· of the Audit Re ·ort for the ear ··197? . ..:78 - ,.;''sh~r.ta'e of,}ood ains etc;. va.luiq.;fts;·.·75,·536 _;.· .. ·

... , I

1 ' •• ':

\, '

. i. cs> fts, 9,.aoo:1- ·.

\ . . '. . - - .. '. -. , .: ' . '., :t '.,, : .• .. · ~ : . ·. ..' ., ·! .. ..:::t .;" ~ -". ~-· .1' !

The wr~t~ off 9r the.sh~i:~e of \V~eat ~~z.,.73. 9~9, ~,/tons ., ... ·ha~g b~en .ve~lfi~_.bl Au.dit,.;c·.~~ .: it~~ was: ~r<>pped.

'. ,• ' ~ (4) . ., · is. 70, 2~4/-.

The A.~inis~ative; Q,epa,rtm~~t:' f:ntirnated: .W.0.F~ . .: 1 Mr ·Muh~a~. A~t\m! iavaid .. :,w~uld_m,~~e.,g~o,~,.~be. (?P8t of 24. 6~Q )/! /Tcms in ·~r.ee ~tajmen~. ·;11e·J1af~f'4le4J~ .. ·pay the .

· · .f~st ~s'talm~nt· on 1 ~g::}t982)md· was·. ari_ {lb.S.9.!'ti~~r. -.T.h~:~committee · suggested ttiat In addition to the ef(or~ bejng··tnBtg~ .t~~effect recovery,. ~· :ctiqlina.l· .c~s~tsh9~lg ~e iqst1tid~d .a.ga1'lst_him: for .ini,sappropriat~t;l of Qover.~Euit proper~y.·. )'.J;le 1,te~· Jvou>.d. rema~_pe~d~g. ; . ..· >>·~:_ :~?~'..::://!., . -~. ,_:\: .. : . ,,,,:,.

(3) . . ,,' ..•.

. (a) Th~ s~~rtage~ stood ~.r~tten . off and v,erified by· Audit i. ~

-: (b) The Committee decided; that , the · b~lance\:~ec6Jer·~, :~om · . Mr.Haq Nawaz should be made·'ari<;l the'iteJn rre~nibmitted •.

·, . . , : . ,. . ·, . . . . I·. . I ', ., ', . ·. '

As regards Mr Salim Raz.a, whos,~ servicetjl··haµ. be~p. termfnated,'. enquiries .. should 1.l.~· ~ade· tfoni-'cohector .. +: ..

Vehari about tlie efforts made. by: hJ.ril i<> effect re~overy' . ~f I.ls, 9, 851/59 _a~ arr~ar~·. of lanci:·re*en~.' .. P'~f~orilll · : · .: - .. efforts in ti}.is-:beruil(show.d . also l.e: nia~~ by. Dlsttic~ :trooq

, .. , Controller, Yebari. ·~atest'·;po.sition· may b~ e.xplained bi .. ·the revl~et:fWorkliig Paper .•. · · · · , · :·· .,":: ., ..

. ' -- ' •. • i •. • / .

- •• ! , Rs. 15, 359 [~ . . . I

- I. . ~ . . . : : .. ·. { '. ,,


Recovery havhlg b~en·"°erif.ted·by.A;udit, the lt~rn wa;s·. ·. . . ~ . . . . ... . . .• ' . dropped. r, . ·.,. . ' . _:'(:: •• -.·: •., •' • ,' I :•

-. ... ,,. i , •.

' ~." · (1) . Rs~ 3.0, 710 t~ .... ·. ...... \·

.'······· ~ ·. i- . ~

. ·, . .;.~ '_, ... . .' : ~r· 10-10-82, .


.i . I



The amollllt'hiid re'pQI'tedly been wtltten.-()ff •. Subject to · verification: by Audit, -th~. it~m was stoQd sett);ed,. 1

(3) · Rs, 14, 930/31 The amount had been recovered and verified by Audit .•. The item relating to this para was dropped;'


. ., -· ... _

(2) Rs. ~2, 015/53

. -, .. : ; ..

Recovex:y had been VfJrified 'and the 'item ii:i respect of'' ',J,"

that amount was dropped. ; "' I • ., I rv,

' ' . ,·· t --. ; 1 ", ' \{1)' Rs. ·23, 712./38 '·

\ ···~ ...

. I

'' ' 10-10-82'

' '

12. Para 8(9)' rege 3'8 9f the Audit-:'"Report· for: the .·jear l:9'1'7-78 - Shortages ·of-foo9 grains etc. valuing ijs. 83, 574/- : . · ,·;::

. . . . . . : . .

The shortages wer~ being investigat~d by the Admin.f.EJtratlve . ' Department' and a f\lll Report w:ould 'be. submitted later on. 'rhe items were k~pt'~riding,: , , I , ' •, , , , .

- '-. . . -·. . . . ---~.:... ·.';.,; .·'.,;

. ';. .. • , ' - ' :· ,.. . . . ' • .. ''I

This ca1:1e was reportedly under consideration with the Finance. ''Pe~ar~ent •. -Th~.itemswere kept~endfug.' .

'. l - . . ' ' ' . . ·. - .. . '

(c) Rs. 96; 940 /- and {d) Rs,· ~6,.9·5~./-

r, ·, '

; ' ,· . : ; \ •.. ! , , • • , ' I ·•

0T,he short~ge of o_9'1 Maunds stood r-educed to recoverable . quantity_ot7J~38-02.~ds.' The bal.&l)~ had been· wr~t$en -off .

· · and · verified ~y A~~it~ Eff ort13 '!{ere reptrtedly _.being: made _to . reco\Ter the cost .of 71 .. 38 .. 02'. Mds. fr;om Muba~~d D.8as as.. . arr~s Of: Iand revenue, The item ·-~as kept )>~ding •. ,'•.. . .

~1~ .. ~:.i.a a(~Fpagesi&-3.7--~f the Audit Report for th~ ye~r 1_977-18 - · ~ .. ~ · ·- .Shorta e of food··· rains _etc •. v.aluin Rs. 39, '1'1, 979 ~· · -

· :.: · ' .. (a) Rs. 11., 36j 042 -, (b) 26, 98 .038· .. (.c) Rs. 96~940 "'." and <4>Rs~ 46, 95. z.;

a'~f:s~ · (a) as.·ii·,-36, 042/- ~d {b)lli. 26, 98. paa/ ..

, .. .,I . .. , '· - . . . .

r". ,· Item (b) - 697-0~0 1\llds. ,' : · I r. - • '," I•;

. . ,._::: -.i;

The write off Was 'reportedly I under; proce~s ' and would be .: got , verified by Audit._ .. The item, was kept ~nd4ri.g. - .

/' .

........ '

1 ,,'· '.\. .. '\ -: I \' .~

'• -;-. i"~·;. .. '8-1-8;3

. . . -

. Since tli~re. _ was little chance . of 1;he. RaUw~y acced.lpg : to the reque~t of the ·Amninlstratiye . Dep~rup;,ent,_ 'there ~a.& no Qthei option except to· have .this amount written 'oft Subjeef:to tbtl·.sanction to the write· off _and its'verification ·by Audit,. the ~!l:"a: WCJ& ,dropped.· ·

·, ,.. . . . ·,_ -'



10. ~ar~· 8 (5) pp.ge 35 of the AudltRef?rt·-tor. tQe year 1977-78 -- Shortage of food ·grains. etc, valuing. Rs. 5, 463/f and Rs. ll, 853/-. .,

p ;,. - . '_,.,. . . .. --;_~ '.. . . \

. -~>· : :

. . . .

.SandJon to ~rite. 'off'· may be g6t verifieJd,: by Audit. '· Subject to these rem.arks, the items were; .,dro.pped~: . .: '. .

(12)&(13) Haroonabad ·PR Centre 1967~68/1968-69.·· - Storage 'Shortage 295-07 .. 03 Mds ' ..

"Storage $hortage 191.7 .;30""10 Mds · · ::, , .....

.. ~· . _ . .,.. . .

(10) Doonga Boonga PR Centr·e 1968--69 · .:. · Storage Shortage 410~38-03. Mds. , J

I . .

·c The .;tem was kept pendµig and the Administrative· D.e~art- ment was asked to resubmit this iteni sh:owing correct position. '

(8) Fortabbas PR Centre lf69-70 Storage Shortag·e 112·;;.39.oa Mds -, ·

Subject to verification of SaQ,ctfon: to write off by Autfit, · the, item was dropped.· .: .. · . '· ··

Sad1iqgunj PR Centre 1968-69 - ·. S~orage Shortage of 6a59-29~12 Mds.

I • .• ! ~ . . .. '· . ::·· ,· . . ·. ·. ' ... ' ,· ... - ~ · ..

T~e. Committee· were' doubtful whether _e.ny: rec/averf i could, , now been made from Mr Kab!J" Ahm~d; ~~~FOi,· H4'.'wever, ·

the Administrative Department should continue:-1ts efforts to effect, r~covery •.. The. Coaµnittee .were surprie,.,ed to; know that the Oiflc.er wa~. allowed to draw his gratuity and;'· · · penston insp~te of the •tact ~at a large . amount, was" to be

, - ' . • . . I . , .. · . . . . r-ecover-ed from him. 'The Administrative -·Department .:was as1'ed to held an investigation .and take action against.the persons responsible fol" issuing the :l?io o,ma.nd .CertUicate' in respect of :his pension/gra,ulty. The item was kept , pending, : ·

(4) ··i.:·

Minchinabad PR Centre t'i&f.:.ea ... Storage Shortages 2793~04-0. Mde,

. As· the. Adm~istrli.tiv~ DE?partm.~~t·. \vas not. ready with full details, the Committee directed the Department to resubml~ the para ·with up-to-date facto/deta.ils.- . . . .

. ,. . . ~ . . . . .


' c .,· 10-10 ... a2.

' ; : (· .' ;! : : ~. -

14, Para 34 page 29 of the Audit .Report for the year 1972·7~ .• Godown. $hortage of wheat wo~th ,Rs. 3_:, 07, 733 /.. ·

'. ' I

D.RAE!J' PA.MS .f972:..73

~ubject to verification, of· 1he w:rite 'off Qf the -~~i:tage:·(Jf 43~-97-fQ Mds, of wheat, the pa.rii was_ dropped. · · · · · · ....

13~ . Par~ *3(10) pag~ 3.9 .of the -Audit Report for th!f year '1977--78 .":' Shorta.ge of food grairis e~c.:.valuing Rs. 37:, ~7 /:. . .' . .(: · . :

. I a .. 1 ... as

2'1 .




· .~he Administrative .. Department re.ported ·that )t was purflµlng the' case fpr the · recQ-very of Rs. 87, 245/~·5, from ' .

'·Mf''SHahid Rasoql~ Food-Inspector as arrears of ~d· revenue. · The 'rtem. wa's,:'kept:pendirlg~_ !' , . ', ' . I

• ,,· ... ,. •• ' ·.· 1 • ' '.

. ;,i·,. •'

, I ~ ': .... ,•,··~· . -- (il) (b}Rs~ 81, 245/35,_ ,

. Verif!,ed arid dropped. ~· \.·

:;(ii)(a) -Rsi9, 290/-. ''l .,. "

Verified and dropped,

.4771.1i~oa Mds.-: .

, I. . .

The Committee dlr_ected th_~ Administrative Department to . produce the recor.d t~ Accounta~t General io.i:,ireconcUJ.aticm. ~n agreed statement would be ,roduced 1.n'[~tieinext Working Paper, The .. item was kept '·pending,,"· ·-- · ·

,, ,' ·.··, • !I . . • ' t•

· Item No. l(i) 7642-01 .. 02 Mds, . /

a .. 1..a3 -

-15 .. -

(c) to get the case ~fMr Madad Huss_ain ·(who had already been convicted by .a Summary M~lita_~y Count] _ examined :o.y:_the Legal :Adviser in the · Ught· of the

.. lateat Martial Law, ()rder. issued regS,fdir,lg appeals against the decisiop.s of the Military Courts, ~he item · was. kept pending, · ·

., ' . . . ,\ . .;f •.'"·

P~ra 35 · page 29 of the Audit Report !or ·ta~ year 19?.2'..:73 - Q()down shortage of wheat valuing Rs, 8, 78, '$02/: ·

l ~: '

(a) •

. :;_ .- ·.:· .... •, .... :.- ,' ' _ '.. · : ·- ,: _ ;._ •• .: ~- ·-· .: ... ' , .... :. , ~ : )~ ; 1:1, ::- . -, ': ': ·. .

to work.out ~e ·:amouQt of pension· a,~a :gr~tuity due to Mr-'Jamii Hussain Naqvi and .alao k.eep ~ note that .

. 'No Demand Certificate' wasnot ... issued·in_ ease.be. appll~'ti r~\~#~i1on. · ·· .. .. -· ··

. '.:, /\ ;•t; !;' :'

(b) to aifoert~,in the l!ltes~ po~itiori' in ·f~pe-ct of a civil suit file~ by_ Jamil Hussain. Naqvi at Vehari and to Indfcate · ·the poilition in the. shape of a revised Workln,g Paper. -, .. ·

The Committee directed· that the item. sholtld be 'resubmitted with correct · exp4nation stipported with docwp.~ts, The item would remain- pending, - ',' ,· ; :, : ·,;::: Har-oonabad PR Centre 1968.;;·59 ... s , •

., ,~ . ·: _ ,,:,. ...

Stori.•e shortage of 4236-03-08 M~ds. · . . .-, , . . . . rhe. item was kept:pending •. The Cominittee · ~ir;ected the Ack:ninistr;ative J?~~~tment to takti° ,follow4lg, acttonsi- .: .

.' (1p:)

,·, ;-

• I

(14) Har.oonabad · PR .. bentr~ 196'1.-68 ... Storage Short!Be 399-27-16 .Mda •.

28 ,

17. General: 20-9--82·

Food Department' could not' submit its Worldng Paper d~y . commented by Audit. The Administrative Department was asked to explain the reasons for its non-submission. Th~ Administrative Department explained that. they-received the intimat!o11i ,of' the m,eeting on 13-9-1982 and due to lack of time at their: dis;,osai for ·-obtalru.ng the latest positionf~om the4' region~.· and the a.udit comments '- thereon, the Working ~aper could not be submitted. , The . Committe.e observed that the Adm~ist.ratlve. D~pa.rtment' should notJ:iaye w~~ted for the'. intimation and should have - submitted the 'Working P.aper to .tbe Committee's Secretariat, even jn parts, as and when~ ready, The Committee directed that in future the Working Paper should be

16. General Remarks: 10-7·82

The Committee observed that in all the cases where paras had been dropped by the Public Accounts _Com~itt~e. subject to verifica:.. tion by Audit, .. and the verification had not so !a.r. peen effected,, · the Administrative Department should c: oaplete the actfon within two· months' time and resubmit the same in the shape of a revised Working Paper for consideration by the · Com~lttee · in . Its next series of

'meetings. In view of these remarks, the consideration of the reinainJng items on the Working Paper was, deferred. ' ·

,. The amount had been wr.itten off and verJtied. The item was dropped.

I. • ... ·.·,._ Item, No. 11 - 5672.-32-01 Mds:, ,

(ii) ~ Rs.' 33, 868 /64

The amount of 85. 3·3., 868 /64 wa·s due from .Al;>iul. R~shid,. ex-FGI and effort.a were being made to recover tbe amount as arr.~ars of land r evenue, The it~ was kept ~nd.ing.

Rs.. 940/· had been recovered and "erifled, The item was dropped,

Iteai" No. 9(1) -: Rs. 2, 885 /16 I

:' ,

As re.garde . the amount' of Rs.'. 30., 237 /- tecoverable from one Mr Wall Muhammad, Assistant Food -Controller, efforts were, afoot to. effect re~overy,·: The. iterit ~as kept pending subject to verification of recovery,

The Aqmfnistrative Depa:rtblent stated that aii amo~t· ~f . ~. . . • . - ,· '' . ,. ' . • , ••. I ·"" . ' • • ·; J

Rs. 2, ·a1., 507 /44 had been r~commen'.ded for' write' of.( by.' tbe Director Food. This ~ount s~ould be g~, ver~fied by Auclit •

The matter was: sub judice and the Achnitiis~t-ative Depart-: ·me.nt . was taking actioii"'io obtain a quick decision. The item was kept pending. . . . . . . .. ,, . . . . "'

. .- . Item, ·Nors .;..·l 15705:..23 .. 14 Mds: I ~c. ·,f .'

• . .[·,., • •. •1 #. : :(iii):,:. ·:Rs~ 96, 535/35

~ ~ ~ /i ::·:.- · . .:: ~

.', - •·. - .....


.1 . \


•• t» ;1':;.

;, ' :

:_:·., .. ; ., '

: ._,·,.



,;l \r -,

\, '

,, ,, .-, ' .··:··

. ) '

·1 ··.'

The consideration of the Accounts in res~ct of Food Department was deferred to 8-1"".1983-at ll a.m., due to inadequate repres~ntation of the Department. The Cornriiittee desired ~rs.onal attendahce of Admin1strative Secret~y on tt)e above date. ' I I

. . { . ·,. '. I~-,~--'

· : General: 3-1-13 18, . .,,,._, -.

submitted region-w:ise, The Admµiistra.tive Department assured .that the Working Paper 'would be _submitted region-w'fse shortly for consi­ deratiQn by the Committee in its next m eetfng;

. ··,;· - . .


; I


' ' .Encl: As above

2. The Accountant General~ Pu,njab., Lahore.

Tl>,e Secretary to Qovernmept,'. Punjal,', . Finance Department, Lahore, -


No. & date even

A copy is fq~it.~ded for infor~aUon to:-. ~ : ' ·.· t"

. MUHAMMAD MAHBUB'ABBASI .•. - · . ·. S~cret~ry . . - .· "

Encl: As· above ·

-:) ... '. . -~·; . • \. .. Your obedient serv.an t , . . . .: .. ~ ., ..

, ' :·. ,., ~. • ·. I

. -· ·~ .. Sir i .: _.,-· ' r: ··

,,1···(~;· . '• ,1,;:/;;lr:l;';::.·'.\'· <: L~·. · __ .:

l ha;ve:the 'honour- -to say .that .duting the -~ottr.se .of .e~~ina~Jon:'.-I ot Draft .p.ara>-S(i) ~ the Aµd~t-Reportfor ·the·:ye$1' l9171,;,,18 r•tuij ··: to Food D~par~ent, the Committ~e in:_..i,ts meeting .held O(l ·18~\,,-.l-9.82.

·direc~ed that ·in-\order· to safe.;.;guard· tf\e ,~Uc intere_st,;..-·the. oo.-re.et:-: pcsltcj· l"egarding ·:re~overy of ~hottages,' :'."'e>,µid· b~ to >effect t'e.cover.y: .t : fo~· .~:Pr.tages of food gi-ains at the re.1lace'fl~t_.v,µue,·0J"1~ or~tl - ·~ price{~ ~hichever is· found higher I a,nd not the price.- of its purchase. '.

7 --- ~~ ;:,·~·: • •. ~~ '·: /"': ·'.:-- ·tn~i ··_ • ·v:

'. /:lt is req~~·st&d·,that tbe'se ·;observatlo~s of the ,Couunittee -may I • • -

ldndlf :be cons14.ered anti_ final decisio~. in tbtt matte~~ communfcated ... to·lhe;-Coinrq.1ttje at;~41;,early'date •. A c_opy of the'-.M~UTES. of th~ , ,. meeting· of the Ad tioc\~ffllb,lic··Aecounts Committee held on,:1.8-1~1&,B.2,.,:· 1$ als·o enclosed. for ready reference~. · · ,: ,:: .


. ·~ :. ··-:

'- . .

Pated LA~QRE~ ·the 23rd jaqWLr.y'. 1982· ., / 'i' ·.·.. . ... . :·,.~, ,·,, .. : }t,f. ·.,_ <- SVORTAGE OF F.OOD GRAlNS. ETC •. - _ S~ject:

: _·_:. ,.\

- :- . ~. . -'. .' ~ · The Secretary to G6ver$ent~ , Pwi}ab i . .; · · " ·Food Department· :_. .. .1 • • • • - •

Lahore : ·\,. : _ _.._,<_:-. -··. ··,· --i

~ .. '

Mr Muhammad Mahbub Abbasl . . Secr:etary . .. Provincial Assembly of the Punjab

• , ! -- .; . : ~. . .', . -: .:-· __. .... ·. ' • ::... '


.·. .-1 .. -:, . .·,-: ,~ '\': : PROVlNCIAL'ASSEMB:LYo:r.THE PUNji\s'<.,.·:.

No: PAP/PAC/Food/7'7~l'f9/82]219 · .; : ! . · ' . . ' .... .. . t . - :- ' .. . .

• ,· ,1 .•

-· ·I._


• I


r .

; I

,·,;. ': .·\

,.~.·· ~ ;_: i

. ...; - ... ' .' , r '• • ~ •


0 .. -

> e: ' t ~ ,! :.,

·• .i .t,;. _; ... ~- I ·,

.. 'f.:y

"I,.·. ;. ....

,. :,(. ~. . ... ... '!

.. · .,

. .

Your o~edient servant -:.' ': ...

Sir, ,, , -, I ,· •,'

' ' . ' I ~ - '

. . I am ~lre.cted to invite a .ref~e~ce· to your:-lette~· ~o. P.f'.P /PA:,C/ . FofX)/17-_79/82/2l9~ dated 2·~ .. -l ~1962 ·and to state that tpe ~inane• ·-: ·;-: . l?~~~i•- is- in/agre~ent with the .observaUo-.,_s o~ th' Ad1~oc J>ub:Uc ~ts- Committee that the- correc!- policy _r~arding· t~very ,q(.\ ., .-/ ehorta,es, would be to effect _reco,ery.. fQr sh~rtageai ~t~f ~epla~~-:. ;: men~ ~qe' O'r the,· origin~/~-i~e,, _'l(hichev&r was fOWld~~et· ~~-!.\';>,t.i; the· Jr!C&,' ·~f _its' pur_~Q~s~. ;' .. , -, · · ··. _ ..... -· /, .· .. _-: : / _ .•. 0. , -: _, , ::. : ,.::'<·h . . '. . . . •. ·,.. . :· •. : .:-· I'-- · ,': ' _'. _... • , ... -.· , 1 -s: .,. i r I E, ·..: l •""

2 •. 'c,L: In -~ conneetion it is aJ.s·o stated that the Food J?.epir.tment,.'_ .. ~· bas:aJready·d~fd~d in' respect' 'of sugar shortages 'that the.\'r~~O\t~~j -•:··,_ shall' bt(made''at_ the. repla.cement value .ot: the. orig.tnal.,~tp".w~chever ' ·~s hlgber/ The p~e~10'18 ~lie' Accotmtfl Commit te~ wnA,J~,~-~1'~g . the-Audit Report for ·tbe year 19'10-?l"alse> decided thit ~e ;r~covf).ty · .

• w j> ' I ' . . .,. . ' ' ' ·. . • . . . ' -.- . ; • . " ' •. '. J. J . • . • .• ' • •· • • ~

of bookvalue of stor'~s lost ormisappr<>priated by GovEtl"~~t:swvants was not an adequate p:unishment'·and the_-Adminfstrative Q,p.artm-en;~·-. · were dJ.reeted to · ~ke >into considera t1on not only the -bdo1'F vaiue or·

.. the stores but a1s~ the current market value ther~of/ if higher than· ·. the book -value. an~ impose the· penalty accordingly. · · ·· · ·•

' •' . . . ' . . ~.

.'.,- .' .


' '. ·' ,··.,

Th' Se~etary,, <: . . . : ._ .; ... · , .. Pl-ovincial Ass~~bly of the Punjr,ib;_/:: .' ·. ·i1 ,, ·. v Lahore-.:,. < ... i; .,. ,·:.: · · ;/'(,ii,:·:·, ·,_.

· -saoarrAoE'_oF· roon oRAms·Etc.'.. -· .. , ,·· . Sub~·· .FV"", ..

'. . . . -, . I

' ' :; ·;_·-.· . -~ To

• '• !' .•. '.;·,-:_.-·,·.; .. •··• 1 N~. FD./Acctts/_(PAC)V-2/8.1/46&

.Govetnmen:t ·of the ;Punjab ··,-.\~I.F"~a,n~~. ':J.)epi:rtment · .

. ·;: --,y :fM-ontit<?r#.lg Wing) .

. · .: : ::, <. · · _:tjaied: ~at(~~~-t .~e. 9th. Febr~az:Y,' ;'1982

. ~'


:\ 32 ' ' f '

delays by number of Admlnlstrative Authorities intiating action

against the employees found responsible for loss of Government

The Committee also· viewed with concern the inordinate 3.

into consideration not only the book value· of stores but also the

replacement market value thereof, whichever is found higher and

impose the, penalty ac~.ordingly.

'~ !..

punishment for the negligence or misappropriation on the part of the

e~ployees concerned., The ~omm.}.ttee, .~erefore, directed that w~ile

imposing penalties ~der the Plllljab 9,i;il Ser~ap.ts (Efficiency. and

Disc.iplin~),Rules 1975., the Administrative Department should take . - . . . . . . . . . .

or misappropria.f?;~ by _the G9vernm.ent servants was not an adequate

_rec~verillg,the loss from. the .concerned Government serva'1t~- on··~e

basis of the book value _of the stores)ost or misappropriate_d.',--The

Committee constdeced that recovery ot book valµe ot: the .sto:res +Q$t. . . ' . .

. ·, ., . . . . \ .. . .- ' -\ -- ·.

serva.p.ts., the f'.dministrative Authorities had imposed pepalty of.,. '.. . . . . . ' . . . ·'-

stor~s d~e _to, the negligence or ltiisappropriation bytheiGoveriµnent, .. . ' . . .,,_ - . ., ,. . . .. . ' - .. , (

the _Publl~ Accoun~s Co~~ittee observed in lts m~eting hel~ Oil 1s-1-1es2, that in a n~ber or c~ses 1nvo1v1ng 1oss -~i a~ve;~;itt

:: • l

the .Audit· Report for the ·year 19'77 .. 73 relathlg to. the Food Dep~tme.nt, . ':: ....

. : .·, I Kj.ndly refer to the subject as rioted above.

Durin.g. the .eour-se of .~xaminatiop . o(Oraft Para.. 8(1) ·of·. 2.



. . .

2. ,A,µ -~~ ,pistr.ict Food Contr~llers/ • 11\ation'ing c'ontollers, in the ' . PUNJAB·

- ' -1~ . J. ·.: ~·: !tc,.,·· r~ t! _;. . _ All the Deputy Directors., i-ood

. ~. ~t~~ ,Eu~jag.


_pated Lahor-e , the 23rd.February 1982 f .• ,•, I

DIRECTORATE OF FOOD PUNJAB . . . (Accounts Wing) .

·.. I ~ • . . • .

t} ':· • • ••· • •,:~ > I




,. ~-- \ . , I

' ,;··:

·< ..-·

. ' ... ~ :.\.-

.. , >r.

..,.- I

. ! -·,. .: ·~:~ '. ;'•: . . •• .. •. ' ' ,I .- •.

. . ... - . :: . -.' . :_ • ',. '.·,i· ~. ::/.> __ .t .· ·,:;_~; .. ; - . ' . .: . J.';,.t;; .... ;·· ... -!. ·.; 't·

. ,,;, .,

.l _-, - ~ .. \_ .. -

.... ,· ... ·:


, ·· Sd/~

. , DnlECTOR .... J'()()D~ -c-,

... .', . PUNJI\J~. '. '

.. i .

t : - .,' / :


The' Under Sect-etarr~- Food;I~ Qc;,-ve~~ent ''bf ;the Punjab, · Food Department, :Lahore. -. ··

• • ·,·. :. • -~ i ~ _· ., • ' ., -· .··:· --·· • . -.:_·· • ~

3 •..

a.··· .. / .. ·

. . , ': . I . . .. •. ': . ·. •.J • , . . { • .. '

·A.· copy ls fcSrw~ded !or· information top .. ,· . I

>· ,· ;_.:,-,1 __ . ··. _;_ _'1 ;'·' I -, > • :· I

·· ·Tbe ,Se~tetary,, P~ovincf.al'Asse1;n1:>ly~ Punjab with · referen.ce to hi~ l~~~r·.No. PAP/.PA_C/f'ood/?7-_'19/82/i~~,. dated ,23 ... 1 "'.'1982, .. ·;·:.-. _:·:·· · · · · · .. · · · ·.. :. · . _ .. , .. .. , ,

.\ '. , f I .' ' ", \ .f, . ,,.. ·; . '\ \- r ' J ._ •-

The Officer on·SpEt9iaf;J)~ty '[Accoqntsf ·beplity S~c~eta:ry' (Monitoring),. ~ove.rnmentof thE;l }:>unjab,. Finance' . I, .• ,

Depar:un~n:,t~ :Labore'.~. ' . · ;_. ·, i . . . . . . · . . ' .. · : •

~. : ". /'

,·No/. &;·date'even I . .

,• .... ''.


. \_

·. DIRECTOR: FOOiii, .. . ·<P'Ol'lJ.·;~B . ~ 1 · ; '·

· .. _(: :,:,,..

.. . · ·.· !,...copyle f.ot-ward~d-for·!nforniati~n !lli~~strict cbmp:liance hf, all~such, :c~sei!J to ~ll :Srarich.OOj.cers -in·:tb~/-F;ood Dir~torate, ;,

:-· ·.:'Sd/~:

-~ \' ... '

/ .. •

. I,··- \· -' .. , .. ,· \ ·.· ; .: : .. .. '

N·o~-&- .date 'even·'·

·• ; ... 1,· ,· . \

s-: .. -\·, ..

, ., S'd/· , ,'t>IRECTOR roon.. .

. .. .PUNJAB·· -

·:: i ,-:

. "

• ·; . 1 ·

-l~sses lmp(?SSible.:'4u~ to the'.·,r~Ur~ment 01"·, ·deilth of ~e. concerned. ; . • - . '.';:. '"q,,. · ... ·; ': ·' .1:_:~. · .. -··-:. _; .. - / :· .. ' · .. J. '. ~ - ... _1(. ~\. ::· .. ·_·: . ~ .. ·.;·/ ::'.:;·.·.··. '· _/ . . .

offic1,als •. 1be C~ainilttee .• c;lii-~c)~i .tfutt.· iil fut~e.i;;pro~pi a~ii~if. should . ,; .. ~· ··.· .. :c·;. .; ··. :y,· .··· · ...•. ..' ,· .· i.,>·.;.· ,.:i, .. '·.'. -,.'.·' .··: .. : ,. -.

·be\taken ··~st.,~ ot~ic~~r-~q~tioe.r,~d ... _a~_ .. s~~4 .. ~~· ~dss/~is~p~~~i>t .. , ~ia~~~n/~~~~f i~'.·~~ n~tl~~-··Q(~e :f>e~r~~ntal. ~uU:d1:1t1~ ·.JJ}:~.··c

• f • . •• ;..:.. • \ • • . . ' • . . '

·c•~ee-rwii,;,/'t1is' ~lre~tiop. '.1~: not followed1, · 8$Ve~e l\CUon ·sho~:·;,/·=:. • I.·~-- ·., ',t . :· ·'\ - ·, I - ,', ,-. . ... \ •. • ' . . ' ~: -,-., '.v_;_

,,, : : :.·.:_;·: ( - \_\ .. ', .·. . . ·. . . ·. : . · .. ·

··take1tag~t those>~espons~ie for delay. · .·, ':

4. \ : .. Y~ ~.C f!t~r~~~~!' r~IJli~~d, to 'not~ the ,..i,.;_,. dir~~te . ... ' ·' ' ~ . '

._. " ,f . . . • / .. !: . ~ ... _ . ' ' . . of -~~ Public Accounts C<>nu,nittee f~ .l.ltJ#t com,plftlnce. .

.: ,.. ,I:..' ' --· ,·. ·:: I '. •. · I· :- " t:. I'- . • ) , '- ' . .' -:

r. v' -i"

~,.t~~s~ .. Thes_~ ~~-~y,. h.a.y~.,· ~; ~~~tain cases,' .. ma.de the recovery of . .. . . . . ·,,

.: ,_-;_·.

i ,,; Ii .34'' · .. . \

~--'-------~ ... -

' I

.. ,, '

(1) Shortage in Kotll Range • fis. 7 7, 160 / •. · · -~ ,

The Committee noted with concern that the Administrative Department had neglected to talce action on ·this. dr,_aft para ·.for more than 10 ye~rs. However, the Committee accepted the assut-ance :of :the Administrative· Dep9:rtment that no further time 'Will0b-e. lost In, finalizing the inq.~ir .. )u1.gair'u:1t .the officer· concerned and taking reme,dial aetdon, · The 9ommittee d!recte4 · the Admin-istratlve Departm:ent to complete action by 1st July ..

. . 1982 and resubmit a revised Work~g Paper in· it~' next meeting. The item w·Ould remain pending. · ·; '·

(b) Shortage of misc-~llaneous items consisting resin, timber, etc, .. Bs.1, 93., 835 /'- .

(a) Sboi-t.ap of resin .. Rs, 32, 4'16 I· After prolonged discussion the Co~mittee desired tha1- a re~~:ohable .

: ·,:.. lllnit. of· shortage show.~· be prescribed ~eep.fng in view the data for · at leas-tone financial year. ·The A.dmµiistrative-Departm·ent. may·

.. ~ti.ate . a case on the basis of the 'data and seCllre concurrence of ,the· competent .. authority. Thereafter, tbi~ woul.d,b~coin.e the yard­ ·stick to be applied hi caaes of-these shcr'tagea;: The shortages · outlined by Audit in thif;I para should be'got.written off by the · . . . . . ·_ . . I competent auttiority, Subject to .the write off and its veriflcatic;>n by·Audit., ·the ·para was dropped,

.. -r •.'

"':_· .

., (b) :Rs, 1, 93., 835 t= · (d) Rs~ 1, 52, 073/-

' (a) Rs. . .s2; 4'1;6 /- . ' (c) Rs. 1, 19/144/-


. ~ . / . . Para 10(1) pages 40-41, of the Audit Report for the year 1977-78 • ShQl'tage of forest· produce worth - · , - : · • · . · ~ ·, ·



. ~. ·1 •

The Committee discussed this.,.para -In detail. The Administrative Secretary was satisfied that the .aanatlon accorded by the Conservator of Forests. was 1ri ·order and the Commfttee. accepted the explanation of the Administrative Depar'tmen.t and dropped. the. para,


DRAFT PARAS 1977· .. 79

e·'.'-'39 of the Audit. Rep6rt f6r the ear 1977-'18 - n<U.ture of Rs. 27 ~ 938 ..;_






. The Couiri>.!tteJ' ~-examined the Accounts i;i' the For.estr)', ' Fisheries and WUd Lite Department in its ~ee~ings held c,n 17-1-82,

17-4-82, · 20~9-82 and ~-1,-83, ' . ·. : . . .: . -

t '


I .

k •

. ·\:


(i) The item .1.n respect of recovery of Rs. 32, S'15 /... was. kept pen~in'.g~ :.' , • I ' ' ' . ·, .; ·• : i • ' : • , . , .


·L , .The item~ .in r.especi 9f.'shorttig~~Wortf'Jis. 1, 36, '126/80 and , Rs. 65, 975/-.··vie_r~ drop~d· .. s~~ject to. their, verUication by' ~uclit,

. ~ •- », '• !." -.' I -.., • ·' :, ~'.- : • v- ' .. .\

(d) ~ l, 52, 073l ~.

fc) Rs, i; l9/144/- · , · Ttie, ·A&n~le1tr~ti\Te Department ,ex?,lained tti'"t _the 'shortage cf

rosin except. w~r~ .as. 50/- had .be~n rec,incil~.~ .. with Audit. Subject to verltJcation, of recov,:ry of Rs~ 50/- liy Au.dlt1 :til~ ttem was .qropped.

. •. - . . ' . . . 't' '. . . . ·. . .• ..:

,17;..4~s2 ,< • • .• . • • ' • : . ,.· . • • ;· /\; • \;

The AQministrative · Depa1rtment explain~d th:at although ·tli~. Public Aceounts, ·c;~mm:lt~~e1 hi'it:f l~st meeting h~d directed the. Adm~is .. tratlvt? D~partm4:!nt to sub~it . ~ revj.sed Working Paper after complelillg action. by l~'Z-198i·, but they: had submitted tlie ~terim Working Paper in re'ga.J'd to ~s it~m to show the rrogr~s~ achieved ·1n; the matt,er, The Committee noted the . ,i>r<>gress, made 's'.o far and1 directed that the verification process should ~e ·continued. The itein would be examined when its revised Working Paper is ·aubmitled ~er July 1~82~.

- • ~ ~ I . , • ,,· .· • f· ' ,· •,, : .._ . ' . • • -

The C6mmittee .directed the Acbnlnistrative Depa~tnlfaU!t ijia:i° . recovery from ~.~ official res;,<mEJ-i~'le 'for the' shQrtage .. should be effect~d. and' iot ve:rified,by,.Auclit.': Tlie i~ern· would.· .. rem~lll; pending~ . . , . r •• 'f . I ,

. '

~). Short~ge of 230:Mds.' firewo~ Vtlltd.ng as:· 9i20/ ..

' ' , ·/ .· .. ~ ' ·. . . : . ·, . : - '. ,. ·, \ ( :i. .. The C<>m,rriitt~e ob~,rveC, that the ~ecovery .as well as the

· ·i • ·. reconciµatfoJJi ·· m~de in . this r.es,ect may. be . got · v~r1:,fied . by. Audit. Tnt1 ite~: was kept pending.. . . . . .

~. : ..... , . . , . ! ,. . ' . I . ': ::

(~). 2301 Mds. of firewood. vaiuing Rs, 9, 204/~. i

. ' . . ' .

, ......

(iv) Resin 105 Md's:·, ~a;lµ!ng Rs. 5, 250/- . I . . ~ - ~- '.. ~- ·;_ ~ ·,; .

/. . . ': ".' ' ,7· • . ,.· . .' • • ' ". _:. ~ ; ••. :,. . -; '".": <, . L>·.- . :--" \ '.. -. • .' ·: ., ·._ .' • . . 't<

· -. ··;, • 'l'he;Conim~ttee.dir~cted .theAdmin!strative .. ·o~t:ment to: . : · get the' r~~()ri~iliati~n/rec.ove~lesi ~erXtlJi:t.: ijf. the\1\~~t and.

· resubmit its Wc,,rking·Paper in the .ne~ meeting. Tlie· lte.µi would r~.a:udn \PE:nding•·:· .· . . . · ·::~: · · . .

·r ' . . _. .. . .--.,,. . . t, -

· (y.l ·Sborte.ge 1n RawalJ?indi Range, Rs. 36t 236'/ .. ',

. . . . : . ,,;·, \

(111) :·Firewood·. 3~ QQO.Gft~ v:alulilg·· Rs •. 3,.550 /"'..

- ~ . . · .. _ ;-; : ·:' . -; '•: ' . . . J ·; ""'. ' • •. '. ~-- .• .

The Admin1str.atlve\ Department ~:,Cpla~ed tli~t· .tt had moved a case for the write. off, .. The Committee d irec ted v- tbat · it should -, b·e· eltpedit~~· a,rid.' ,progres;s r,epo.it.ed.)n,, th.~· shape of : a rev.lsed w;orking Paper lb1:he. ne~ nieeting., Th~ .il~~ would ... emaln pe nding' · . .-.'. .: · .. - :·

•.,. . . . . • • v-' •. .:,· ', ··; \ • ·.1 •• ··( ..... , .. ·. .". ·\ ..

(li). Shortase in .Letltt-ar Range. - ~s. 9, 640{- ..

(iv)#_'(v) it (vi) - Rs, 245(·, Rs, 820/- and Rs .. 2, 370l- .

The iterns having Jx!en settled with Audit, were dropped.

. ' :-: ...

During the discu~s!on, it,transpired that Au~t had ·~·e1sed the _prt·ce:r,revailµlg at the time .o~ a~dit and not the ''p~ic,:f a.t' the time of occurr~nce _ot. la.'l.i; Had that riot been done, the amount would sta~d '

. reduced to Rs. 1, 272 /-. The Adm~stre.tive D~;tart­ rnent stand appeared responsibl~ andthe :audit .. agreed th~tth~ amount of Rs~ 1, 272/- w.bieh .had been

' recovered and verified be treated as correc.t pric~' of the lo$S/ The item was ar<>?'ped;. . . . .

(iU)Rs. 2,-.110/ ...

(,ll) Rs, 8 30/ ...

Tbe .Ad~ inlstrative Department exp~d that 'the .. a,otufi\1. shortage of 318 Cft. was· reduced· to i 66 Cft. after .reconciliation. Its cost amounting to Bs.166/ .. ha'd.,~een r,ecovered· and, verified by Audit. The ttE3qi t was dropped/, ' .

The am~unt' of Rs, 839/ • hEJving b.ee~ recovered and : . verified, this item was also dropped. . ,·

; . .f.

(i) Rs. 1, 660 /-

,. ..... ~

(bU:1) Rs. 1, 93, assJ- . , . I

The CQ.mmittee directed the Adrii~istrati;, De~~~entto _get the write off case expedited ~y the Finance Depa.rtinent. Tlie . .i• was kept pending. · · · · ., ·, . ,.., ....

..-. ' 20.9;..~2 (a) Rs. 32, 476 (-

. J . t • i. ' -

(x) 'The explanation of the Administrative Department regarding · the ,shortage of articles wort~ Rs. 300 /- was accepted and · ·

' the item was dropped .. ' ' ' ' ,·' ·.-::· ' ·., : ' ' :: ,::' ;,i

. ~. '•' l.".t;f,.f '..

tvW.&ix) Rs, 301- and Rs. 21,J -

These amounts .have 's_Jnee 'been rei:ov~ ~ ,adju.st~cl. in acceunts and ver;l.fied_:byAudit, The item~ werEi dropped,

. . . . !

·1·, '. , .••• ;:, . _ •. 1.. ' .·:• .>· .. - ··7 ' .. "' ,. _ ; \1 •. '\, ;,;_ ,

The1·Committee dir~cted the Adtninistrative DepartJ:;nent that the amo\lDt of Rs, 1, 087 /50 may be ~ecovered f~om th~ 1, offic~l responsible.for ~.e los~.· The item was lfept pen,dJAI •


(ii) The item in i:~spectr pf shortage worth. Rs.ilO, ;158 /23 was . dr,pi,ed subject to U$ ver:ification by A1,1dit~

(W) The item. was dropped subje~t to the sanction pf the write ofl and its verification by_Audit, . . .

(iv). ;I,'he Administrative Department was directed to make effort~ for the recovery of ·the amount of Rs. 5,086/25,., The item .was ltept·pendirig, · · ·

· (Y&vi) The sho~t ages in respect 6f niaterial worth ·Rs. a, 556 /- and Rs, 627/50 have been reconciled and verified by Au~t. The items were thus dropped. c ' ,,


------- ,_,J

' . ·, The amount having been rec()Vered. and verified by Audit, the item was dropped. .

·~ t

(b) (5) (i)

The: ~~unts' ;having been. recovered. and ver.UJ.ed by Aud'1t, . the items were dropped_. I',.. ' . .

: • . .-. ,.: i

Rs. '4, °174 . Rs.·t, 867 20 The st9ra~~ 'havirig been written off and verified

by Aud-it, 1 :th~ item was dropped. . . ' .

Rs. 1~ 448:/ ~ and Rs. 8'581.- · . . . \•'. '' ' • -· j ' .

(b) . (4) U)


(d) '


,· Rs. 26, 1()0/- The amount ofRs, 26, 100/- was reduced to. .

· Rs. 11, 830/- out of which an amount'of Rs. 7 ,-508/­ had' been recovered and verified DY Audit. The balance amount-of Rs.4, 322/~ waif also.being recovered .in fustalr:p.ents of Rs, 140/- p. m, Tbe Committee· directed the Admildstrat1ve. Depart~ . ment that the same 'be· recovered and got verified

-'bby AAuddiit.t Sllbjtttct to verlfic-tion of the' recov.e~y - y u , the -1 em was dropped. · . . The ainount _having_ been recovered and verified by Audit, the Item was,dropped. . ·


/ e ·\ C1 ' .,_ . ' .'' _?

··-. T_he amounts having b&en "recovered and'. verified by ·'.· Audit,· 'the item··was dropped, . .. 1


; . "" ·: ;tl ....... Ow (~} '·as. 3'.6, 2a6/-1 . • .• •.. . •

(a) & (b) ·- Rs, 9, 204/ • and Rs, 920/- . ,-· . , t . . __ - _ .1 ·

'I . .- I•

The amount was reduced fr~ Rs. 5, 250/ .. to Rs. 2, 625/-as recoverable. This ampun~ had been -recovered and verified by Apdit, the. item

, was dropped. . . . -- . . . '

;.~ ~t~· · :: 9'!!~· __ r ·The amounts· having been writt,n off a.rid' verified < ·by:Audit_, the item was dropped •

. .u.: (ill · Rs, 3; S&q/- .· The A~in~trative Department explained that · · · the necessari recon~lliatlofl: of the am~~~h.a_d

.- been carried oU:t and ,got. v-erified by Audit . - - . The item wa~ dropped.

':• :.:· . · ..

.. · ...... . . . . ~

· The amounts hiving been recov·e;e·a and verified by Audit, the !fems were dropped, .

(xij Rs. 65, 825 / ~ '·C)ut of the toal quantity ·<Sf 1'316 Mds, -~d 20 Srs. of-r'esln1 ·only:~ ,s~a:µ ~ua.ritlty.of -288 Mds)and . 20 Sr·s. :remained to be aceounted for, The A.dal.i?:11$trative Department assured the QQmmittee

· th~t that wouldbe done µi the. nea,r future~, The ... ' 'para :was kep~· pending. \.;

(vli) - Rs. 1, 030/- T~,e Item was drop,~ed.. .,- , , . ,

(viii), _'(ix) &·(x) - Rs.J-~630/·,· Rs~·490/- apq Rs.15~0'./;.' . " . .. . . . ' ...



i;\ '·

•· : ] ~ . ' . I ,.' •·'

,.. ·.- j ·.::1 -

... ·•

,{ii)_Rs.10,158/23., ,(SJ~)·Rs.~i,337/60, (iv) ,Rs.5..086)- &:. (v) Rs, 1, Oa"i/50 · As,the necess~y VE!,rificatton had been

made ·by Audit, these items wer-e · drop~d. '.c.,

. . .. \.. . : • - ·r ·-·· . .: '.'· ..

(c) Rs~ 32, 375 f. .. (i) . The' Co.inmittee directed the Admliilstra­ tive Department to take effective steps to recover this. amount from ·the· Officer · con~~:rned_-:·n'l'b.f it~m wo\µ.d r-emain. pendin~,. · · ' · . . ·

.· Necessary.verification had been made by Audit., .. the jt~ins were dropped, , ::...:.. !_::' '. ., ";._. . . .

lO(l)(c) . Rs. 1, 1 ~. 7 44 / -

. ::,(vi) Rs, 5,815/50

(v) Rs. 34, 550/~ . Tbe. Administrative. Oepartrpent explained tb~f,~ut o~ a total q~antity of 691 Mds ot res'in, ihe cost of 598-33 Mds .. had been recoveeed and' verified· by Aud~t and only · -c

ea.~fMds. remalned to be acco.unted_for. .. . ·_- .•.. . . . ~ .!. ::. . . . \ ·• • •

The Committee directed the·:A-dmin!straUve ~,pa;tmep~, .to .~X.pedite the pr.o,~ess of rf:c,eP,c~llation~, 'I'he item was lfept pending;

Th~ A,dr;ninistrative De.,artment explained that an'aiµo1µ1t.:or Rs~·~, 321/25,llad been recovered and;yeril.,ied by Audit. ;f!.s , rep~ds. f#e b~~~ of Rs. 1" 29.3/25, ,the Administrative Department exp~in.ed that ~~-,~atter was under proces,.~ 'l)~-:'Cg.tp~.· itte~ directed· that ·further pr:Pgt.~ss slrb~ be intimated to th~:'com~Ute-a·. The item was kept pending.

The amount. of Hs. 50 / - had been recovered arid v:e~~ied by_A1:1d1t «, _.The.item was . ·

. dropped.

1oct)Cd) Rs. 1 s2, 013 - now reduced to Rs. 1 47 437 98 (a)

1&_ (~) Rs, 25 418_ '15 & Rs, 65, 975 -


(ii) fts, 22; 418 / ~

~9 Out of 7,424 Md~ and 22 Srs •. firewood 3967 ···

.. ¥ds:vaip~g ~. 3~ 967 /~~ad: ~;e~~, writ.ten off . and .veriti~d by Audit. As ·rege.¥ds'·balanbe : of34571Vids aµd 2'.2 .Srs., the Admini.tl'ati~e Departrllent'expiained that sho'W ca~~~ rt~tibe nad ,been i~sued to Mr Muh~tnlld Akbar, Fore.~t it~ge~~· Tn.e C<>t11,~,#te#/<1lf,~te~ .the Achrilrtisttativ~ Pelartrnenf fo'· ~x~tlite the inquiry case, 'r~(:) lteni Wai kept· pertding.

W) and iv) · The amoW1;ts having been recovered and • , ' • .• • ~,4 '.. '

Rs. 90'1 ~ Rs. 150 - verified by .Au~it, the items w,re dropped, . ·.- .... ' .

. \

-The Committee =airected the AdmhiistraUve Depar~nt to make streneous efforts to recover the· amoWlt as arrears. of land revenue. The para would remain pending.

The item was -dropped as the amount of Rs.15 7 l : had been. recover~.9 and "verified by Audit. .· ..


(b) Rs. 157/-:

' (a) · Rs. 8., l}7 /26: . Th~ item was kept pending.


19-77-78 - ' 4. \- , . ·,

As the necessary verifications had been .znade by Audit• the J)IJ.,r_a .was. dropped. - . - . . . .

. ;; 20-9~82

Subject to verificatlon. by Audit o.f the·· sanction to ,write. off .the amounts· 'of Rs. 4, 771/- a.nd'Rs. 3., 441/.:./ the para was dropped, .

.rz .. 4.;.92 ·

a;,, Para 10(21 '•• es 40-41 of'the Audit. Re rt for the ear 1977-78 - ..'. ·' Shorts: e of 'forest roduce·worth- a Bs,' 4 771 ;.. & (b) Rs. 3, 441 •

d Recover . of'i . Th~ item was;k'ept pending. as tbe.Admlnis- . Rs. 32~ 375 . .trative pe~artmen't assured that action

' ' -pend~g·against the defaulting Officer would­ ~e completed ii1 two months' time.

Aa·· the re¢overy had been verified by Audit_. the item. w~s ctroppe_d.

R~covery havihg bee"n verified by Audit, the item was ·dropped. '

, 'only the b'alance amol,lllt of Rs;4·,4"/7 {55 remained to be verified· by Audit, 'fhe Committee -d.irected the AdzpinistTative

inepartment to expedite its verification. _!he item wa,·;ke,e(pending. ·

. : ;.,:,;,;l"!r.;-·· }· . . • .

. The items were dropped on the assurance of tlieAdministra:ttve Department that:they .

·l(. . . . . . . .. . . ·. 1woul.d make the requlred r~coveries and would get them verified from Audit.

Th~ matter. was.,fe~ortedly un~f;)~ correspon- · dence with the Finance Department and the

. item 'wa~ kept pending. ' . I . ' ,. . ... -

:.- -


·'-. r.· -. ,

Iten1, ··(b)6(vi) - .. Rs. 5, 815/-

Item (b)5(ii) - · -Rs. 22, 418/- ·

(aJ Rs. 32, 4'16 J, ... \ 2 ... 1~83

I - ~I --------------~

· The. Adri>Jni~tra,tive··· Departrn~nt .·infornied · th~ Comi;ilttee·-·that the case· for writing off the l~ss amounting. to Rs_. 25.,-260/7'2. ~as s.~ UllP,er process· .In the Finance Departm.ent. The Comrµittee direet~d the, .. A~~istrative_ ~epar~e~~ tc ge~. the, ~~c.t!~ri .. ~~d;ite~d •. Tlle. para_ w~~ ~ept .pending •.. :,• -. .' r .• __ • ~· , , / .• _ . , • • •• . • • • • - •

•'j .. -.: .:··.\·:-····.

-~ . . .. ~ ·,.. .'

.. _.,.,.. ,, . . . . , r '. ~ -.

.... •, io;..e;a2' '. ·

I ' '

The Committee .. directed· the Administrative Depar-tment to•··obtain sanction to,thewrite off of.the,balanc~ amount of ~i25f260/72,and get .it verified by-Audit.·. The ~ra would retp.ain pendirig •


Serial N'o~ 11 page 52'--of the Audit Report for ·t11e,-- y~ar 19'17 ~ .. 7_8 ' ' read with para 13(2) pag~ 42 of the Audit Report for the year 1.961 .;.:~ Shortage of firew9od amount.tpg ~o Rs. 3~. 303./-1 · . . . ' .• . . . ·: . ' ' .. \ ·. ,_. : . ' '•'

• - ._· 1 '\ .... ·' ' ., ; .. / >: . . .


The amount of Rs,;l, •879/50 having been written off and v~~if.led·,. by Audit. the para was dr-opped, ·

( I,' .• , • " ·, • ' - • ' .--.-1··: I ; .r I

The Committee d:ire~ted that the amount .wr.Jttep., otr·: should be got- verified·by' Audit~ The' progr'ess in'~''.reSpect"of .. items (b) and (c) should be r-epor ted to tbe Committee in _Jh~ fp~m of 'a r-evtsed. Working 'Papez-, . · -... . ... · - · · · ·

:',·/ .. ,.,,,,_ ,,. ·, . ·:···.:· .. ,· I '

The amount h~ving be.en recov~red and ·v~rified'··by AJ,ldit, . the ;t~m -to this . .,extent W~~ dropped~ , .· -: . ·• . --·' .

(b). Saznli Mandi - ~· i; 2'90/50 : .. The .Cdmm1tt~e dfr:e.ct~~i 1th~· A~inistraii~e -De·~.tm.ent .. to

· ·. 'get ·:the~ a.m:9w.1t writt~~ · -d,f{ ~d _.verified by Au~it~ · _. > ' . • I ,. ,.. ··. ' "'°'::;:"':

' ';. ,• -·· '

. '

(a) ~in Mandi - Rs, _l, 200/- ..



. . :Iii' its 1meetih~'hei<i:' on 20.9:.i 982; the Committ~e:' had directed the Administrative ;b~par1m ent to make streneous efforts. to recover the alllQ'!lllt as ar.rears of Iandr evenue, As the case was .under' corres­ PQ~~~n~~ w#t( th'~ ~ev~ue authorities, 'the C<m:i.QiJ~t~~.·Jur~er .. dir~~teq the: .Administr.a'tive D~~r'.~ent · to e~amine the 89.~~Jtlll!!y; o,f either effecting recovery Qf the ia.ni(?i;Jpt'_'of Rs. 8, 1_3·7 /'· or y.,rlt,ing .. otf the· loss. The para was 'k~pt pen.ding. . .. - . . , . ;



,., ~ ... t{ _;\:··~.~\ '\.·-:·

i' .,,.·;, , ". •/.':,:.."-.

' .. ':,.\ f ,t .. f ...

- ", :~·i, . '",l;. ·.~

-· ~ ·~- -,

' '. 11.' SeriafNo.16· e 54 of the ·Audit Re:''ort for the., e~ )..977-7'8

read with para ,134(111 page 7'3 of the Audit -8~Eort for th~ year 1967-68 ~ Jnfrqctuous exediture i>f Rs; 14. 094/-. ····., ·

. . . . . . ._: .t . . '·.. . . . ' t . . ' .. \~~-~ .. . .;· I .·

· l '1-4-82» 20..:9~a2 and 2-f-83 ·': . · . \,. ·:;;\. ·. .,,. ..... -, J " 1,~ .' \

\ ,, ;, . ·. ' - ·. ·Th.e case b,eing sub j,udice, _ the par-a was;'ke~- pendjll~, ">·

'.· • ', . ·, '·. ·:· I •. , , .... · ·,.··:·, .·· , .. .'.• : '. .. , .,' ,' \·. , .'I,\:,'.: , ·" .·.

1~~·~· Serial No .. 17'.page 5~r·or tqe. Aµdit Report (or. 1Pe yEUlT'.';1977-:~8 '·~ .t'$adS:with,para:·21py$i~.3 ·qf the~udit Report'fl.rr 'thE! -tear ·"'

··. '196:a' ... 59· -~ i:Afe· r··· • ment of Bpuse Bu1ldin . Advance · .. amountin .. b Rs, 70, 560 ·~ ,? .• ~.

\' . .;~ ~~-~- ...

..; . ;· .-~~ .. ,~ ,., . . - ~ Haying: already. been ,~itl~<:t/· th.~- ~r,]was <h-~pped.. ... ..

,:;.,._, .l·

17-4-82 ;:·:< ;_,; ',· '·>.=>::'.'

• ,: J


• . • ... 1 '. ' \ . . ' • .

.-. ·-· The para:·having. already been settled, was dropped, : . . . ' . .

-:;,· ,. ·~ .··-/~ .. ·--;; .. · ·.t~; .. ·.

. ~,--._. ·-~- .... -e-» ,

i' ,, 1 '1-4-82

:· .. . . :::s;·.

. I •

8. Serial No·. 13 page 54 of the Au~Ut Report for·. th~ year ~19,iz•t-?8 .. read witli f:!ra .11:x:il) J?a~e. 1 °.( the ·~Udit Ref?°'-'t for 'tbe. :ear

r • ;,:- 1963-64 (Val, II} - aptstanding GoverruJ1e11t .~ues. amounting to .. , ·1,J · . . . . I . . , .'~ ': Rs: 5, 28, .17 r - . , · : · . , ·, ·:•.: 1 ·:;S·· - 1 r.·· ': ... ·;_:··:\{ ·./:.:t.1:

'1''7 '!'4 ·8 2·, . . ''; . :' / ' :., :- · · . ~ • \.:: • • , '··1 • !' . . . ··-: \ . .

: _. . _: /'·>: ,.' ,.'·.' ~· , -!'(. ':,- 1

• (, '· ' ; i~ • 7-. • :,.. ~- • '. ·- ' • : • _ ;·· , . . _

The total amount h'av~::f?ee!)-:.<recoveredr,a.ad -verified 'by·Audit, · · .tb,e,-,para.- was ~~-oppe:d. ·:, .. . 1

I ~\ \,; •, • ..

,:",• . . J\~-~ ,~ •. ··.:,'

. ) ·,, ~; .. ' -

.. . . I ·,. . . ,.. . . ,. : .. ·,,·' :.

l·:.' ':rtie,'ma~.e! ~~.mg. ·~ubj~oice~· ~e .par.a was 'ke~tpendlng.~; ·.

;t .• . ·; -~,\'\ ~;-·· 17-4-82, ·20~9~82 .and 2 .. J·-8,3.

J• ,_ -, ~· ' 'I ··-_.. i / . . ' ,; -- ' I • • I •

7. Serial No. 12:·ege.54 of .the 1A.ticllt):teport fot- the year 197,'.~78· ·:,

.ream with para. a.a pa.ge. 1.8 of the Audit :Se port for the year · 1963 .;. .. :, :, : Overpaeen~ -ands~~ recoveries of Rs. 2i 82, 862/- , . · .

',,, .

f\s.:t~e-matt~ had "been .. ~·eferr~d_,to the .. Fin~nee: '..De~rtment for '·their, e'Oncurt~DC~ to. w:rite.· of{,. ·.the':Pflra Wa~. kept: pendµig., i. '



'\' .....

· Both 'the cases being sub judice~ :the ·para ~as kept ··pendin.g. . . \


(i) Mr Muh~ad Siddiq~e ~- Rs. 825 I .. . : . ·,.;·

(ii) ·· Mr BarkatAli - Rs.10,149/·

The i:dmmistrati~e--])epartment e~plained th~ p~sltion before the ·. Committee about· the judlcia~· proceedings •. A!i the .eases wer_e still pending in-the .Court of Settior.-Civil Judge> Sahiw~t· 'the Co.mmittee desired· that its. seritlme.n.ts may be· co.qveyet(toth~ }Iigh\Court· through Secretary to Government, Punjab, ·Law Depa.Ttinent for speeqy disposal of the cases.. , - · . · . · · · · · · ·· · ·· · ' : ··. · · ,

Both the cases being sub judice, the Itema ~~re k~pt ,I' 1. .. · '. pending.

(b)(i) Mr Muhammad. Siddique '". Rs. 825 - . (ii) Mr Barkat Ali - Rs. 10, 149 -

~ '.. . . ··-,

t'he amount of Rs. i2i/43 .h~c;i b~~~ written' ;ffi~~ v'erified ·. •, ..... ·• : . . .. ··-_ . \

by Audit. The item was dropped. ·. ..'. · . :· '. · ,

-Mr, Rehm.at Elahi .... Rs. 421/43· ,- ..

· .. , ' .... - ! ,·, _,

. 14,. Para 39 a e. 30 of th~ AutHt Re ort for th~: earf:·197i-'1s - ··= Outstandin 'revenue of Rs.-59 ·362 ., ' _,..: . _ : .

'l;'lut~~ommittee. directed the Administrative:.Depar.tment ·to get, the r~c-o\te~y of Rs. 2; ()80 l : verified from Audit and to make strenuous

,e!fort.s t~t effe:ct recover,y ,o~ th-e ~alan_ce am_ount,_ of Rs~·.a, 5~~ /),q,. The pars/was kept 'pendlng, · .. · . .: · .. \· ", '> .. · , ·:.. 'i

. . ' '. . ~ . . \ ' ' : .

. ··T~~4>~, ,Q,f, the para was dropped as the.·.'amo~t.of ~~-1;125/~ 11.ga~,:tMr Iriayat. U:llah had been written off and veri,fied __ by. Audit.

' ) _;,,;·: ; -~·f: ; . . . ' -'·

2-1-83 ·

;' ·,' ,



· 20-~..;82, , .

The Admhl.i.~!rative ,Departm.ent expla!ned ·tllat th~i ,re.co,ve~y was being effected~ti-·om Mr 'Ndzir MWiammad in monthly instalments of Rs .. 160/ .. from his salary regularly. Th.eJJoip.m!Jtee d!rected lhe'. Administr,at.ive Depar-tment to complete reco':ery of Rs. 5, 666/25 and get it verified· from Audit.' The para ·.was dropped sy.bject · to it$' recovery .and verification by Audit"~ 1:, ...

13. Para. . af~se 3 0 of .the Audit Report for,' the · :e~r . 1912;.. 7 3 - Sh-o,rta(!··of forest'produce valuing 'Rs. 10, ·5s; 547 /- ·

• ·.··, .. ,;·· r : ' '

••• : ·• •'. i,·

i. 43

DRAFT PARAS 1972-73 ··l ',• .·, ,. ,:

r. : I

Both the above P.t:!t!on.t:J c:;:J iould be completed in two months' ~e. The para was ~eI t pending,

-- (3) Latest position r-egar dine; disci.r,linary action against Dr M. Jamil should r .lso be communicated to the Committee.

The Administrative Detiartment was asked to al!lc~rtain the lates't1 posi~ion fror~ the police. in writing, if possible., and co~ug.icate it te the Colllinittee, . •' ·. '




Th~ .Antl-Corr~ption. De)artment should be reminded at personal level to expedfced the case. .

.. . i ,. ,.(i . . . .. ·,

The Committee noted \V!th ~egret that the dep~rtmental action aga.fnst· the. ace used dis pens er had not' so far been initiated. The explanati on of de~y was not very convincing and the Commfttee dirfcted the Administrative ·Department . to complete _the depar-tm entaf action within. two months t

-~~ ,'

Cb) Mayo Hospltal, Lahore

(a.) Lady WW.ingdc;;n Hospital.,. Lahore

18-4-82 ' I \


-~ - . • . - . ' ·• . • . . •.'_ ~ . .- I' : ·.:. . '•:' {

The ~mmittee was not satisfied with the information prov:ld,ed. •. ' . ' . , .. . - . ··-· .•. ' . ,·., !

. in the Department's W<>:rk.fng, Po.per. The Committee ciire~t,td----:. the A~J.nistrative Department-to resubmit th~ Wq~king P~per in respect .of this para ~.tating the late~t position, anl.~i,o -. '

.1nd~c.~1ng th~ .person,, who.have been held responsible aftttr a. pi-tip,z; inq~j.ry has been he ld, which should be· done without

. further ~elay. The item w.ou?d rem.a~ pending. ·

. I

~ . ; . (b). M•yo HoApital.,. Lahore

, . ; . ~. ' • ' . ·.;. ~ . · .. • - : . . : ·,. , . -. ·l ' .

The Com.mitte, direcred the Administrative. Depar-tment tc). expedite action against. the defaulters and report progress ' to the _Committee in its next meeting in the shape of a_, ;r:evisea W_orklng Paper-, ~h:e i,~m \Vas kept ~nding, .. . · .· '' ·, ·

(a)' Lady Willlngdon Hospital., Lahore

·-. 2 . . • '·.. ' • .


DRAFT PARAS 1977--78

es 41-42' ~f the ·Audit Report.for the ear 1977-78 - .m.e4 c.m.ea /instriµnents etc, worth .Rf. 5,10, 47 l ..




n·· C~mitte~- exfimined .the 'Accounts of the He•ith Depari;lnent . . . . ti.,., ; . ·: .. • 1'_.' . • ,. ,- • . ,, ; ,' ' . . - . -· · F. -· •- ·'·

1n its mee~lnge. lield ·~n 17-~ -82, is ... 4-~2, 11 .. ~ -82, 19·9-82 ~d- . i-1-83. . ·

, . . • '·! CHAPTER VI


L _

·. ··':i

Cll) ~s regar.~,s.the: ;disc.\ollnary 1case, ,~e Administr.ativ~

D~partm.en_t. requested the C,omml~~~e for ~o · months' time to finalise. the case •. The Conunitte~, 11.cce~ed to this request. The item. was . kept "nding~ . ·


-,, .. I -·

(l) The Administrative Department was directed to pursue the matter with the Inspector General, P<l.ice to expedite finalisation of tb.is cas~. , ·- i ;:

·, :,· · (b} . M.·a10 Hospital,: Lahore

. Tile Ad.'llin.!•3trative Department e~plained that the Director, -, Al}tl-Corrupticn had already been reminded to com.plete the

case as .early as l)OSsJble,, .As soon as th~ action· was co:tnpleted, the Committee would be intimated a'ccord.ingly, The Committee directed that the case sµ.ould be purs,ued vigorously.

· As regards the disciplinary action agaj.nst th.~ accused dispenser, ,~he. Administrative Department. expla,lned that it had given 15 days' notice to the accused to gJve his explana­ tion. The Committee directed the AdministraUve Department to make vigorous. efforts to. finalise the action withJa.two

- · mc:mths~ . The Item was . k~pt pending. ·

(a): -Lady Wlllingdon Hospi.tal, Lahore

,::·"" I '· 19-9-82

::· . ''l . ' . . ·'.. . . ·, . The Committee observed that the di111clpllnary -actioq was being unduly delayed ·and that it.shot¥~:be ex~dited.

I \ . • •_· 'i. t,. . • :' ./

The- .para was kept pending.


.: (1) T~e Administrative Department was asked to contact: ·1. a:. _Police at a· pers.onal-level'and request him .to expedite . action 1n· · this case, ' · - .

.. • !·· •

,.· ,'. ,•,

._-.;. .. ,....._._ ......... f ~

(b) Maro Hospita'.l, La.gore.

· (2) l'he A~inls t~a.tiv~ Department .,bowed its. ~ability to - take depart.rnet1tal action againstthe accused dispenser

· \ 1W4er. Efficiency and Dlscipllne ~µles, as the. r~qrd .w~ef !W pog.~e; ·pu~tody. Th~ Co~f#itte, dJ.re~~~{~~~· · A901inistrative Department to obtain photo copies of the record in order to. initiate disciplirla:.r y action.

T~e Administrative Department explained that the .. proc­ eedings before the 'Anti-Corrupti~n .tstablis~·~nfhad ... progressed .and the case had now been submitted '.t9 ~e relev~nt Commfttee, ·


' (a) Lady Wlll.ingdon Hospital, Lahore




.,· I

, The·:Aqm.Jnistra'ti;~ Departm~nt· e~plain~ i~· .the ·C.ommit~ee that an ~out1ti of 'Rs,'.·].!~ so,·'940/:..had.··be~I) l'ec~er.ed· and _verified,)b.g' Audit.

' E(fo,r~!:'to rec9~er.tli.e:~·~l~~ce !µllOW,lt.ot l'l_s~-,~.5~4~0(-.~i)r~ ~~~~' . m~de.. ·The,·Com~!t!ee'..o~ety,d_·_tha~· the r·ec~vei;-r:?f the· afQr~m-~id ·. t>~c:,e · amount _or _Rs .. :85, 4·20/-. shotµd,als(?· J:>.e recov.e.redsexP~clitiou~!Y: p.nd gpt verified by Aud~t .• · ·'fhe para was· kept pend!.Qg. : ·

.. / .. ,·. . •,: ~ ·,

·i. .·,.>, . . . .

-. 'Ari amount ~f·Rs.l~ os: 94b/-'·~hao b~en" recoYer~d and ver.if.ied by Audit, · Another amount of R$. '70., oo·Oj .. , hEl.d b~en rec:over:ed,, :wlii~b 'sl;louid •be .got :ved.fied.qy ~µd,it. The balanc~ amount of Rs._6.j}..,-420/~

,. should lie recover,ed fromthe0:-Sl..ll'eties .01.•· the. defaul~er$•·.inim~~tely, 'The para. would remain' pending. - . ·j ' . ,·. .. . .

' • - ::: I ·. • . I : ~ ·, ,t .· ', '.·· .· y ·.

•1,. ·-. 11-'1-82''

I . . ;1 \

. ;. The AdmirliS~ativ'e Depattr.llent. explained tllat out ~f°.t,n(i .: tot&J •. ~O\Ult offts. 2, 16,. 360./--;. Jjl_ SUll,l. of fts.1, 5~~~50/ • ,'h$:fbeen. recoyer~d leaV:ing a balance of Rs;.aa·;.~10/.;;~,t' ;'.. ·'> . '. ·. ,' , · · · ::,· . ··. ·•

~ ~' . ~ • - ·. • ... I -· • ,. ." _., ,, r. ·. • . •! \· ·- ·l • 1 • ,• .'' • ; 1 ' _ ". • -': . ! ' ' _

1~· ·: • • • "' ', l., . :'. ,';., ' ,'

.. .. rhe Com1n~tfoe. directed the.t the a.moµnt'of R.s.1, 58, S.5of:..: ~o far·. recQ"V,red shoulo>be'. got,v~~lfted by .Audtt~ As 'regards.> the balan~e ~ount of Rs~ 8,8, ;OlO/-,. _i'tb,~ 1Sti;ret!esJ.n· res.peetive: C~S~S ·: should be tra~~d, , recoveries made from 'them and then . got. verified by Aµdit. The· para would 'remain pend~ •. ·· · . . · ·., · · · · ·

:...-... r' I,

· •• oif • ; • J


\ . . \

,.. : . ; '.~he: tecoyery:\~Jhe·t~e oi~;:9~~ 4tioi- sh~u1d:b~ .gdt_: :.,e;Jr~d: · ·by •. ud+t• . ". , . . · , · _. · . · · ,.:-.· ··~ . . .: · · · .·. . -t-

: • 1-- - • ••• ' '

. : .: · As. ~t1g~ds· ~th~. ·bafuice. ~rrio,~t·; tt1e:/c~se· should be, ~expe9ite.d and p:iogi·ess repor~e9 in the shape of a revised ·W,or.k!rig Pape:i-.' The para would> .:reinah:i'°'·pend~g~ · ,. - ·' ' \ ... : - .,·

··; .. ,t

"\. ! .

,. -~- ......

P~ra 1~ pa es 42:._43·· of the ,f\.udlt .Re ort :for the

,. .... :, ;,

-. :.i· :·

·2~1-83 --.--- . ;'. .:; .:}~ .. : . .l·

.'! . ::.r~·:;·:·:· .. ··~1 _f-\._.·:·! ._,:___ ~---~:·.:. :'._:·:·~ ·.·. ,.;~J·.::. t ... ; \::·t·- . .-~ 1•

l_·• '

.. ;; (~t::~.:l,aq.y W~Uirlgdbn Ho~pital~<J ... ~qr~. •-:; . t t ,-ri· . ,\ - : ,··/·~ ... 1 ' ... . . . ... .. r:

.\ ;,.-. \ ( ·~ i .. _ ::' --..:.." ; . .: . .. . - . .... . . . ' . . :" ,;,:: ·-·· ., .. :. . : : . ···-::.. .. . ;~ :. ' ' . . ,.. ~ ., . T-he matter b~ing ·-$:uh ,judice ,' .th~~ item1':w.as ·. kept. pendi!;ig, ·

,· -:·,- ·'\."·-~··-- -. ,·. -;-~. ·, ........ ,. ,) ~_\_ ·_-,:-,_ ... -: -:-'· - ,·

'(b);' _M;ayo -B~sp~ta.-liLi;itiior~ . . ·.~· f '\ •.

,,,,·);:·->:>:·.···. ~> ': . tr;;~ ·•;;·· '· .. t.. . : . • ~: •. . :~ ;'' "'\<; I . . . ·- : ·, :~ , . . -.·r , • ·-·~(it ··A:~·thEf;-'l,Tase again~t J\;bdul·Ohatoot,''Dlspenser waa-

. · ·. 1;1ub · jqdi¢e; i:be item wa·s kept. p~nding.~· · · , . .: ..... , ' - - ; < ;~; .(! ~{. '• '·-, "1 .'. .: - • -:' -; ~ : r .~ , ·.'"" •\,'.'' i;·_:- '.·· .': "' .. l . .. '•·.' . ' '"

. (ii). Sj,nce Dr Mliham.mad .. JamU Ahi:tl~d hB:s,. been· .exo.nera:tec;I ,.·· .· '• ., .• 1,1 ·-' .: ., '. ':,~ ..... ~·': .: -. •• .:·:·'···\ .• ., 1'· -. •···• -~·· .. ::·:··~(.' .J_::r.'·-1·., .1_1:;. •·: ·.~ . -·1. .. · ': :. :~I th.i: ·,~~~rg,.s.,:····~O f11rt~;~:.,ct1on ·.1t~"· ·:r.e~nlir~1t :'.' .·

.,~ Ii· ' ,,r

. ,


'; 18-4-&2

The .Commfttee 'd'ire'cted. tb;~t the.- amount a].r~ady re,cover.ed should be. got verified .by A_µdit. As· r:ega~ds the bal~c,e ;anl~upt,,

-_,recovery from the .salar-Ies of the concerned offfoiais/Officers in minittl~ possible instalments should continue to be made, The·. Committee further directed that the balance .amount outstanding agalnst Dr Abdul Majid, Medical Officer1 should\be inlimated as p. demand recoverable from his pay and allowances tt? the . District . I

Accounts" Officer I Rahim Yar Khan under- Intlmation . to the Acecuntsnt General, Punjab .. (Deputy Accountant General, 0, A. D) •. The para . would remain pending. .

• J -•

, .: The. ~~·unt of- rec~very of. Rs. 541 /25 should _be got-verified' by Audit ... As regardf!! the balance amount of 'Rs. 6;,·772/75, progress of it., reqovery should be _intimated to -the Committee in the next meeting .. The para was kept pending/ , · ..


'5;. Para '15 pag,~· 44 Q( 'th,e 1Au~Ut Rebrt for th~ year 197 7 ~7 8 · · -· . · :- . , · · . Non ..:Caccountf;l.l ·or purchase fee Rs. :7:, 314/- .: .: · · '. ' · . : - ·

:; I \ ': :, ; . ·-~· ~~ ... . '


Depar.tmen;t- ~as · aiJfjpted .• J . . ,: •

. '. ' • • ~ '.) -~.- • ( . '. ,, I .

· -: ·; Th-e explanation· of the ,A:dmtnistr!it~ve and 'the para was ·d~opped. :._· ·, - ..

. . . ' . •' . . ' . ,•

_.;, ' ., . 17 ... 1.,.,a2

·. -~ ' :-;, : ·~~) . ' .\ . ' ~ ,:

4. P~ra ~-~3 oftheAuditReport-fot.the ear-1977'-78 -· Mlsa roprialion./of Rs. 35, 540 .!". ·

·.:;_· .. : · Keeping in view the explanation of the ·Administrative Department, the ·para was. dr-opped, :;

. ).' :·'

•" . t :_ I . .,· •··, .

'fhe expl:an~t!pp<Q.f'i' the Administrative Depar_t~-~tthat ~e .dtet charges '1Vere,)1ot'r:ec;overeq as these r,eferred to th'e indigent patients, was· accepted by t~e Commfttee, The AdministraHv~}~~partn,1:~nt sh~uld · communicate--this,:decision to the Finance Pepartrq.enf ap..d .;>b4tin its concurrence to the write off. Thepara was drop~d subjeet to verifi- catlon·by A~dH. · . . ... ·:?;·. , . .

11·· .. ·f-82 -'.-, .

··.· r.: • ....... :• . .. ··, _....., ..

.,, -, . .'~. ~: ... / .: ' .

-f;; '),\ '. ·. 18-4-8.2

' . " . . ... Recovery .of Rs. 43, 900./ ... and. Rs. 2,-000 l: should be: got verified·

by ;.Audit.· As· rcgards.·balan~e amount ·ot Rs~-~·9,·5i:Q/:., -the_ sani~-~ts _yet to be recovered, The .para In )·es.pect of 'th~fam_c;,~t wa,~ ~ept pending; , • - ,; . .· - / I .. '; .

. ', .• :( . r'• . ,· •

' • i .. - • . ; :~:: • . . ., : :. . . • ~ ' ' l . .. ·':. . -; ;, " - '. 3. .Para 1~, ~' e: 43 of ~he'~u<:lit:Re qrt to~ ~~- ea~'.-J~712'7~f ~ . :

Loss, of Rs1 'H::;740/- du:·e Jto' n,on"i:ea· .. · a1lori.~o •· ct"te.t :;·charges . 11-i·-a2:. ,·.!;: .. !i;·:,_·_.,::.- ..... -.;~ <·< .. # ... ,i·.;~ s·;/i.

:) • 'j• .':_.;, (· ·., '·i'-" '.=:i~~:, ·'· ., ·.· '. 'i . - ):: .. ~, ;r.~~ .. : .. :_., :\/:;·; -. \ . :' . ' . '.

. Tpe aµiount which~ ~o-uld.i.not; .l>e. r-.ecoyer;.e~ -; sh.ould. be got written off• Subject to:'..the. write .. off lm~ J.ts v'erifi~ation· by '·Audit, the .par-a was dropped, ·- . !, . " ; '' i .. ;• . ' . . . • .

-: ·. J., 2-1-83

48 ' .

. ' ]' .t :. --·-· . ,.

,'. V ·.· I' : r- ,'.·r .. •: \ : .. _';:,

:' •· /··_,·'.,,,,· .. - .. , f.

' ,. ~· ' ·., ', • •. .!f i': : , ·, ~ ,.: : I,. ,: -, I

... ·. - .. . , .. ' . "; _.,. .. :'·_, c

,J •• · .. ;/,· •· .

• ~ .e- ' . - •l,!·'.r

. I'. ... ·.;,. '····,·; . , .. · . ' ...:. .• ,. • . ."Ii,:-:. I ,. ... . ',''

•,. ·1.:: I I - -·· •. I ,-_. ~ :• ",:_

i/ / •. ·I" - .· I

, I j ,

1.- '._ '··'-

a •

-· 1. · ParS:. a page 19 9fthe, .Audit Report f9r Jhe y~~r 19'7 3 ;-.f.t ,~ . , : · : Misappropriat!Qn of 'Rs. 13~ 933 /- -.. · · , · : ·

! . . ,' - . : . I

.. ·. ·. .· . 'i' . . . l

DRAFT PAMS 1913 .. 74,- '· . ·... '

,.,_ ·-- .........

The Commfttee directed tb~ 'Adm1nlstrativ~ bepartm,eiit :tc>°:.:'._ approacb..the _Mm,istry. of .Fo~eign Affairs ~or ta:~ing up· 1;hJ$ ma~r at .

. ·. the levei of the· Head 9f the. Mission, Th'e. D~part.ment ~as t'µrtb~r · direq.ted to enquir'e Wbe\hEir the Officer concerned had got any . · . · prop~rty -~ Pa1dstan·fro,n. Wp.i~h_'.~e aitte>Wlt. du~;.(!O~d Qe,. ~ec:overed. as ,~rears of land ~even.ue~- ·the requisite• lnfqrriiatJ:o~ yJheth~r' f\dle . a:_cquµ-ed any property could '-1,so'be. ascertaiJ:led from' ·her··oeclaratlon

, of Assets. T~e par~·wa~. kep! pencil.rt¥· . . . I . , ' ,



'J.1 ., . . _1.. ' , -~ ~ ' .· . _' , ~-{ -~;:·-:: r-.·" - .·· · .. , .·· • . y 1 '.) . , . --~- ." r :, •. .•. -i~- ', _:~' :·

The Commtttee obserYed that· in it$ previous .m,eting, 1t. had dµ-e_~ieci · the Adininlstrativ;e Department to make a referen~e to 'tiie . 1•


Ministry of F,oretgn Affair~, Goverru:nent of 'Mistan for \!:t:Uµig to . the·Head ,pf theMissioq ina.te~d of writing to the Chancery 'to·'expedite

' . . .' . \ I . . . . . .. . .· ' ·.. .•. - . ·, - · .. ·

~eply.- The Adm.1nist,ratlv~ 1Depa?'.~~ilt, expla!n,ed. ,th~t Jf)1~d ,-~eady · ,r~quested the Min¥1trY of Foteign Affairs to ;~rit~:·.to. i:Qe H~~~:,,~fc the Mission in 'Libya and the/reply w~s still awaited.-· The para was lee -- .--. · · · · · · 1 • •• · • pt p· ending, ,· . : . · · · . . '.' -- · .-.. , - . - ·· , . ·:: · .: ..

• • .• . 1". " -: ,.. ' ,• ·' - ' -~.-" l •

. !, •.• ', ', ., \ . '·~: ,,,. . ..: ... _ ..

·'19.-9~82·,,, ·

,.· - .. ,. .' . r .

(b) F, orgety . _.! . '.

. , : ..

:i) ·._ ~i}


Rs. 4~ 16, 009/~. ·, . IJs. 2, 53, 063/1" I

.h .. <57,,'>19/~:··-~-

(a) Einbe~zle~E}nt I .

,\_;_ ·:-; ·:.t.:./ :' ; :-.,.}. i __ .. ,. .. ~; r: ·f""Jp_-:. RA·:··::·[:· 1'.' ·-~~-P.:~.iit~:RA. .·.i :1 • .••. • • -. -.. .. ·,; \:-·: .... ~ : __ ;;:.. ..- ·: r; ,·~~ · . . · __ F . - .;t). . · 19'72"1'73;. ' · .\,,: -i>,{_:

, ~ ~·. ,• f .•· • ': .,, .• ; • > J,·· ' ·_ I

~. Para .40 page 30 of the Audit Report for the year· 1912~7.3 ·, ~' l'. ' .. j

..... 49


'' :--::--




... \.· ... /'

-c ..

. ! c

v . .,f

. ' I,·


; ; · ..... ) ·• ~ ~ :

.... ·,:..

.• -

·' v .

., ,,

above cases were aub judice, the .. paras _woµld rem.a~ . . ,· -""\· . .

Since the pending~

.. \

·.~ ~ . . .,... '!,\ .

. ·t·· I'

' . . ... ~

a e 21 of ~-e udit Re ort tor the ear 1975-76 ..; of-Government money aggregating Rs. 1, 07~ 211/-

9, ". .DI\AFT PARA 1975:-7(>


\ t.


.- \ .

..... f-,

. ~ ,. . ( ~ .. . .

· :--;J,h ... recovery /deP,OS~t of Rs. 2, 6_79 / 7 havin~ been verified' by'.l\udit., · tbe:·para was dropped. · · . ·. . · .,;..

-.. .... • L' .~- '.·~.j t,,,. ,··· .' ··"; ·. ~"::·: •,_,;;,·


. I.. . •

Rs, 3,126/83: The para was dropped subject to verification ~.,~ .. ~udjt, 'If' :. , ... '• ·. I ; . . ..... , .. ·:·'-' ·.,

; ) 'l '< ., .. · :.. • ' ' . . . . .

<;.-·'.,Rs.-6, soaJi2: The·recovery of 1rs.'6., 606/12.pad been:-oeftected and verUied by Audit. This,,,portion of the para wa1:1 .

'dropped, · · . . · ! •.

19-9-82 ,· , I

.. •. . . ., ... _..; . . I' .

. . · The recovery of .. the amounts of Rs.::~,)aOO/i.: ~d · Rs. 6, 89/l/ - ha~ been:~eri,t:i~d by Audit andjhe i>aira was, theref'bre,· · dr.opped.

··-··.· . '; :·,C . • ,· '\t ·,·.::. '\' .. '' , L ;.... ·, ..• ~·; I '

1 3 •. S,erial No. 19 g~ge>:56 of the Audit Report for ·the· year· 1Q77--'18 · read·,with para· 77 a e .54 of the Audit Re .. rt;for ··the tar 1962 ..

Outstandin ues amountin to Rs. 8, .'1 '.693 .... :

. ;, rt, ,-~- '


The 'Commlttee felt that the amcunts.jncurr-ed above th~ presc­ ribed limits were in all probability generally necessitated )n the discharge of o~f'icial duties· and as such ' the appropriate action for the

. Department would. be to take it up with the· Finance Department to get 'these amounte written . off. Subject to write,· off and its verif,cation by Audit·~ the para was dropped. · -> · · · · .

.. Th·e Committee, however.,· felt that .in-so-far ae the ageJJcies· of the Yaw ··ant1 order :;w~re,~oncerned, re._examination. of the whole

. .. :·;.· .-~- .. .- -. .. . ~ .... , ., . . . . -_ .: .. _,,.. . ' . . . . . .- . .

question of fixing limits·· .. should' be under:,:taken .. s-o.·tnat: .a~i objections of this.,,natU,?;e; e.ltb~;r. 5;1,id not arfae or were kept tb·,.thtf']nlnimuin. -,

·., .. ; ·. .. '. ' ·. ..,_:··. : : .. ·.:.-· .. ; .. i],·'.. ·- .... · - . .,., . l • - ..... - . . ':: .. .i ........ ;,/' -;

2. Para 18 e 45 of the Audit Re ort for the .eP.,r 197'1-78· - .. · , -, Loss of Bs. :39, 430 ... b irre ar loantn of timber . r- , ·: , ___ _... ....... ....___--'----......:.--~- ........ -----""!~""!''· • ..

, .

. 1· •. '•. ,·

• ' - . . . .. ,I, - .• •. -. . •

Para 17 pages ·44_45 of the' ,Audit.Report for· the year~ 1'.977-78 - · ,· O~tstandibg reeover~es of lls. 91., '668 /-. · · · · ·


. . \ . · DRAFT PARAS 1977-78

. v

The ··~omtnittee' e:tamined the, Acrlpuhts·oi the Hom~ D~partment in fttl' meetings held on 16-1~82~ 19-9-82 ~d 2.:.r .. 83;


. . I Cij:A P'J:ER VU .


..... ·. -; \ ~- ":-,.! ._. •.. I ;'


. I

·. '1. ·' -v ., ,. ·:·. , . -. r

• \":,' . • .. '1 . . ' . :, ·:,. • . ,', ,/ . ·\\ . . 1' ,' :I • \, • I.' -, ' . '; · .• ·• . ' . \ . ·'

· · ,.The explanation of .theAdm·in1$tra~ve Departril.~µt w~ foµi:id . satisfactory ancLthe pa:ra. warf dr<>p~d. . .. · , . . ·. .. >.. .

,•,. ' I '

'" ~-. ' '• ··-~

..... :-- ~ ia ... i. .. s2 - .... _.,·. \

·.,.. 1

~--.....,i:.'"""!!"!~---~~-.-=--:--""'"'='--=~~.,-------~-- •, .... . :·::\·. ·. - .

3 .•

' ..... ,


~ - .,_ , . ., ·.:~·~ '. . .,._-- . ., \ ~ ... ~ I • • ~ ,,, • • • ,• • l-t.. • :. '• ·•' ·i • '-- • ,' • .._ l

,,.·1 . .. .

. ' ··-' . !- •• .'.: l . }_ .. · ~--. ' -: -·· · ..... ·~·- ' f.. - -- . . ... _./ ·.. . . . ' '-;'. . . . . . . . ··:-, .. :_:: ') ;, .,. .. __ :~_ . . . ( ·. . , ...

The_explanatJ.o~.-~f·~e,Admhustradve·Department was·=accepted .. - aqd tbeJt~ wa'l· dr~pped~ _.., '. , -, · ~ · ·

. ·.. \ ·:.··· . ,,,,,, ,·.' .. ·: ./ . ., ·,. _·!,_ .i-1-.; :.~. ~-.,. __ ' ., ·. ,. /.· ~; ·,./•' • ""'·.

•, - . ~ ':" .'f. • i , , I t . :, .. · _. -~,_:. ·: .,· I. ' ' ., . . ~ · DRAFT.PARAS l~'Z'l-18 .

••• " .• ; .-. - ~. - .• f

,>>.· ··_;;.:.1«r;1~a2

.. ·' t

• •••• 'f -. -- D -Coal Ccmtrc,fi,Organi~atlon • . .' .. . J ·- ·, t>~l -Grpss' Cha)-geB.· .;. ". ' - - - . . . :

": :D .. ~(~):-1?.urcha~f9£_.Coa1;an4 .other:_e~fi.~d.1.~e,-i~:-. : . ···.· .: . , ·~~ih:g Rs~-,2/29~,.4~; 915/-c. . , , , · . ; · · , ',

·, ·,,• ..

··. ·,;.

'{ .,

the·,C~~~Ht~i .a~~~pt&d' ~~- explEUiatl<>~ -pf:. ~~'A:dtniJlis~ra. Uv~. - Dep:1.rF1ent 8:Jld dr<>pped th~ ltepr. 1 _' ·; • /.1 • - ;, · • .

. . ' . -· - ' I - ' ' • • ' : ,: : . , ,. : . ' t . : .' \. \, <; • \ ' ' i-. ,, ·:' \ • ;. v.

2. : . · Page 248 ,ot th~ i\p.p19.9pt:f:ati~1;1 Ac~ouqt~ for _the,year_: _1:97'1~1,8, - - '.,. Grant Nq. 38 ~ Cai,ital :01.ltl~ · .on Pro inc~ :-S~emes. of~Sta:te · ..

"Trading edica. · ·o~es and ·coal)·~ · . \

i I ,, . 1,.1

!: is~.i·-82 ; '; I i ". '·' -s- • ; t. ,' .1, _-:• , , '•. ' .. " •

. ..: .: ;~· ... ,--,-< -~ <::r.'.·::. _'f·. -.,,_,.: .... ''I._.:···.' ·- ··- ... ., ;_ ~:~--.:~·.'. ·_"'\ _.1 ·~: . ' / ::· _,···/i·i~ ·.> ·l.,:.·.., · 'l'he co~ider.ati?n, Qf )his item was deferred ,t9-tbe ~extl ~eE!#~g

. w1'en·the Administrative'··Qf;lpartment would s·ubmit'a revised Wprk~ Pa~r • : · , ,.~ . :· . · _ .. 1 - '· • - , • • • .. • - _

·. ',·'.I ! i' ,. ,,, ,, . ' '

... I I

·-·~.a_·,v~:Rs,'l«f, i2;'678/ ... '.:, . :5'),. . ,,.. . . ,'· .·

I ,

s., .• ·~ . ' . ·,, I . /1.:,_'.·, '

,1 ..• ; q~ . \. . ' ~ _--: .. ·.·

. '·:,' : ')\?M~~:VJ~ ,' -, ·· .. ·.. . < . ' JI'll:)t1$T,:tms':,. 14·nfE¥i·.·:otVE,LQPl\'!EN:T;.0$1;-lARTM.ENT

,· .}·> ~!~·-: -1/.,,."·:'.' ':,:I:-,~."': .. '. ... ~:Jf\~~··.:-)'S~t~:... --.-~~--~- ... __ .: ' \., S.>;. '._· ,_T. i . /. : ..... '.·· ·:.·.i ·. ~-,,·.. . ..

. · ·· The· Corn~lttee ~xamjijecl!°th,tAo~buhts of ~th~, Industties ~ - Mineral p~velppm~nt. o·~p~r~~n±.' ~:; ~ts ·meet·~gs h~ld on._ 16 .. t.:.&2~

- 11-,.a-2 ·i.21 .. _s ... i,2. and a.;.1 .. a·s •.. · · ""'· _: · · ' ' . I .. · ·. I · .. '·~''.:-._··,\· 'L,_':'' .: '1,." . '{>. . \. : ·. . e .·• .

::,'. '• ~: I '';, . ·,, :! •: - 't /;-I ", I


I. i . i ·>:· APPROrit.~~I?N ACCOUN~~'·i~~1~78 .: .: . - .. , . : :,/1 .: '·:Y (: ... ·+·<''..}!t .. -. .. , .( .. '.'.<, ·.~s-·} ,.>'.: )-'(. \'.'''.\:// ,

- r, ... Pag~ 2~5. of the ApgropriaUon Ac~0Wi~-s::~or the,:eai: .19:~? .. ,s - ; . . .._· . ,·- ; .. ,_ ·-· . .- \

. - . i

·: · 'GrantNo', 23 -:Jndust:r1es ': - · - · .. -·. B·Gr~nts.-in ... Ai4'-: . \

\ /

·. I

I 1.

. '\


{ ' . '. ,'

. ·.i

:/:: .·

. ! _!,

\ . . \ . ~ )', .... ·.·; ~ ., ... ·

_.,.·, I.

" .. _ \ . . ~·

.,. i

'i"". :; . ', ·• .. ~ •. \"1' .. , .. .: -s ; -·

:· The Adininist~ative Departme~t.exp~iried to· th~- CQ!l\mi~e~,.·tliat-.'. the case for, the write off was under- 'proces~.- ~'Th.e. c·oJnqi:lttee ' directed .tbe,1~Admini~trativ_e_ Q.fpartmen t _to. · purs~ij-~U).~ ::~i#~P of_ wri~- .oft mo.r~ v;igourou~ly,. ~pfj .pat'a'was' kept-. ·pea~µ,.g.,.~ ',/·

. ' - ., ··-.." ·~ -. ~ 21-9-83 · · ' ..

. '

'7., ~-Para_ 9·pa.ge 22 of the l}.udit'.Jt~(port't~r ~e~:zea~:ia.1~~76 .. .­ - ,Lo~s-p(Rs. 3.0, 68,.070/-. dqeJo· supply':of infe.ripr guailty _.; ··of stores. , ··~·,, r · •

·" · .. ? .. ,~ :

. j

. . ~- ~-,: '. ' ~

ease b,eing sub Judice,·. the. ~ac ~a~:~~~. pe~d~f·-'.:·.. . . . :· ,/ : .::· . .i' . ' \' .: : \ : l··· ,., ",: .~,/··<. ,' :.} . .

,·:'(). ''\ . ;i , ,':{,DRAFT PAttA'. 1915~76 ; ',,

The . \

·- .. : .:.,, \ .. ~ ... , .~·~'·:; -: ::'.

·~ .. ···'.' I;'"'' •" -:• v


,,. ... ~·:·.' : . . -; · .. ' ~: ~· ·1·· ...

·/'.• . ... :,

. ' I

e;lr 19'14-75 .. ·--~ 6 . . \'

/ . I ' -

:: .DRAt)r PARA }974~75

l 1 . . I

. _ The ~~a \Vas kept· pendillg ~~·_·ttie· ~!18~,·~~~, ~fit':pen~ing_:: in. ·*b_~ -, '. · Civil __ g1o~t. ;, . ~e Comm 1 ttee directed th, ,Adpi~~tra;tiv:~ P~partr~.i'ent. to.~e-'ser-ious endeavpur.s for·,arrangirig -early ·hea_;rmg ··of.t,he: ',

. 1."- \. • I J ·.,. "' . : . ;. . . . • . '' •. . ' ... ~ ." . j, . cae·e·'ln the Civil Court · · · ' - •'. ·_,, : ·· -:'r ·: · . 1, · . ,. . . .. . .· . . . . .. · - \· ··~. • I -. '. -.;' ". ,~ ;; I I

.. : ; • ·_ .. ;, !· ~ ~

' . x 21-9-82 ·

.:. - I :

Piii.~a 79 . e·41 of. the Audit"R.~ ort for· the

I •.

. '

. DRAf'r P~RA 1972 .. 73. ,·


~ '·. '· I

. ,,

', .: ·1 . I

. •( .......... . ~..,

. - .. , '

. 1



\. \'


..... •,

'I . - .. 1

\. 1 ·,

.;> ·,: / ,,_

: l . ·. ... ' '. • . . . . . .. ·: • . ~ ·. . ·.. :-

't~e · e~~atJol!: of~eAdministrative Dfpartmeiit-.tf!.at the blrds ,had; died on account' of the outbreak of .· lnfectious discease;_ wa~ accepted by ,th~ Coiru11ittee~:

.. and· the'-item "at:Ldropped. · · · ··


I , . ~

' .. _(a) ·, A.~ ,thet~·,wa~~c·o.nstder~l;,l~. weighf ill the· :~planation giva'n

by the J\.~inls~a:tive\Department that ·thEf a:n,imals Wtlre· in. poor condfton .. 'on 'account of sbo:ttagE? of. fodder and they

·. had to, be, 'ciispofed ~f(as 9uicitly as·poss~ie to· ayoid. > · casualties. ··tne· e~lanatiqn wa.s accepted and the item . w-.s ·di;opped'.'::: The Ce>m.mittee., bowever/'.'tlas ~f'· tlu~:-.,' ·

,opini.on;.that the· e.ntire,·'project was m~planned :as .. flie· : . pedigr~ '.stock- qeteriorat,ed, ~ue to: fodder shortaife;· T~e·.

· Admlnistra-tive Department· assured ·the · Comm'ittee that - . . . l ' ' , . . . .. • , ·: . . . . . . - . ~ . , , .· . ' I . :" •: , . • . . . .

.1:q1s aspe~t of;':the. m,a:tter had beeu rectified aqd the s'tate of ,affairs qad:slnce improved, . ' ,- ' : \ ...

. :r'

•, I 17-4-82

e: 47 o{t6· Audit,Re or.t for the, -~~ -19'11-78_' - .iation _of far~ stocka-woeth Rs. 34, ~-82 __ ·,

\ I , • . · / I .· ,,., .,,

' 'the Comm.lttee c:U.rected the A~inistrative· Department to : ac!Q~re __ to Jts schedule ·· 4i ,.~e_, s ubi;n issio~ o:~ .· its: .w o;r:ldpg _ P,~r .: and _. directed .that.the. :WorJc!Q.j' PQ.per .co,¢plete hf all-tespect·_ should_· b.e submitte~ Jo .. tqe :.GQrru,nit~ee ·: fqr. .~ts con,si_deration 1n i~ next serlf:t' of meetings---- ... _;::. '. ,'. \ ·· ... ,·. . . . -· ,, :. . . .. . ·e • . . .. ·,:· .": -. .. ,-~ . - · ... . .. :,_,.· .. : . ·_.: .... :·.·. •\ ...

•; I ,·~

)-. DR.AFT PARA 1977·_79 : ,,.-<'._,.;-- - .. I, .. , .... ,·· ..

With regard)o. the.Working Paper pertaining ·to.the LiVefttOCk''. and' Dairy· Development .Department, the ;rep:reseniative of tlie'·:· ·.- .·.: .

. De.par~enJ exp~med: the WF.Jit~on. (or nop~sublb:is~ion. qf -~e )Vo:,;-king .,.)?aperJo·. the '.Gom,.mi#e:~~ ." Tb.e Apco~·tari~ :qeneral ~p1a~~4 '.tb~t. ,the . Draf(W(?r~)?ap~r.h~d l?e'~n~reeeived_'!Q h{~.-~~cf~ .. oz,µy>a ~Y. . ,·.

before the 'meetings fof bis comments. '· -' 'j ..... . . . . ., .. ,, . •. .,_ . , . 1 ~ . . \ ! ··, .. ;_ - • :,: . ' . ~-:,' • • ': \.··:

, .. \;· ,' ,.'· ', , .•.. - .... _ ... ,.

·"· , ..

' ••.· -v -·-· ' . ~'

-· ,I

I .. ' )

1. ··~~ra.1:· \· '· ; ; .: • J .

17 .. 1 .. 82 ·: .

.-'r·. ; .. ··n .. ;c ...... ••• J ·1

. . .;1 ·~ -.

,. . CftAPTE.R: IX :.'.~' .. ,;::'.< ": ·,. ':-'..';.. ,:'i,,,.':. ,: ,,_;,·.· · .. ' '.· .. '\.•;.' .. · ..: .. ·

LlV·EST()Cl(,,~:, DJ\lR:Y \QE.:Vifi:~OPMENT. :·P,E:PAR:tMENT :: ·: ". . : ...... ~. - ... -_ . . . . . . ... •. , . . . i,: •. . . .,,.__,··,,. ' ~: ;·,:, \: ,. ::. ... •• .. . .

. ... . . . .. . . ... ' ·,, ._ ,•.).' ·:,_.: \ ,_ .: ·. . : . . . . ". ' :-· . ,•, .,' ·, ..: : , ·., ... . ' Tb~ Comm1~t~e4r . ex~~ed: ~e. 4ccoun,ts of the: LiV,°eSt?Clf: and Dairy •D,ev~lopnient 'Departm~t )n· Us .meetin~s )tel~ 9~ '1,,f~tr .. ~'?Y.: and-17 .. 4-82.,, >.·: · · <:»



; ; ' ~ -~ -, I; \ .


. \· '/,

I .


' \ . . _·;·.·


..... -·. '; . r .···,

:,: . • , I

. i'he ;expki1t1~n bf the-~dm~ist~litive' J)e~.r.tiilent ·.~as· 'accepted and .the iteDl . w~s ~b:op~d, ~. , , ' · _. . , .· .· ,. · . - . ·- ·: -, . . - · • · .

·-· i . . ~- · .. } . i

:. °'··· \. ' . [ .' .. 19-'9,~82'.

1,"i. .'the it~in. was kept pending. ' ·.



2. ·. Pa e 22i:or 1the. A pro--riation . .Acc.owits.for· the·'. :e~f li7't-18 -"' ... Grant No, 30-Rellef - 'Savin its. 27" 99' 480

. -~. The item was dropped)fabj~ct tb;: reguhu-i~aUo~,, ~f -~x~ess ··. - expe11d1tur.e._

.. · .-...-~. ' . ' / 10.;.17 .... 92

',·.:. ,_

The· consider~tion of the Working· P~per wafl 'ef~rred a:s ;tbe:,'.,: 1 .. .: <, ~rune,'. was ~ot · .: received·. In th:ne.

· · · · · The Comm1tfee directed ~e· AdministI"atlve . Depar1:Qlent to · · ,: • resubmit· the· revised·W9r~g ·Paper aft~r reconciliation ·of the ·: ·

, . 'flpres with . the Audit. )The item, ·would ·reiria.in . pending •. :·

.,,··,.. ,.,, ;_ ·.· .... . ·. -. ..... _ -~.

- .J;., .v -

. .. ~- .. · '.-- .· : ;~ .\. --~~-. ~ "1-·.·:: • • • ; ·•• .. ,l . ,~- ·'. ' • ··.,. 17.f.:.a2·:.

.. 11.

Pae 17of,theA r priationAccounts for the· .··ar.19'17""78 • ·Grant ·No.,4 <~ iµunps ..; ~xc;ess·-as, 4.0~ 12· .p4•r ~-

-- .

, ··The ·C~111i.ttee \examined the Acco~ts: qf the ,R;~enu, o,par• nt '(.Boar.d·· .. ot -Revenue) in its nieetfugs)leicl on l?.·-l•.82., -l'1~4,~82, .. · . :· .·

lO..;'l-82 ·ancl 19-9-82.. · · ' ,·, · · • . ··: · -· · '>. •••

,. : · ". ~.-.:t

.CHAPTER·~·)C .· .. : ., \· ~- .. \ ·.

/ .


. I

\ -""' - ,•·' · ...

.j •

·.-. ~ ... ~-: .'. r .. · . ·. ,: .. -

I •

·: ' The ·explanation' of ·the Administrative Department was accepted and 'th'e' item was· thus settled and dropped.

17 .. 4..;a2

The consideration of this·.iteJD. was deferred so that the Adminis­ trative Department ~ay reconcile the exact figures with Audit. The

: · Committee directed the Administrative Depar-tment to resubmit the . 'revU1ed ·working· Paper for consideration of the Committee iri'ite neltf:me'etinJ. . . .. I _' ' ' • • . '

--- ~ : ' .~

l ' ~ .

16-1-82 ·. · ' ... . / .

177 of the Ap ro riation Accounts for the ear 1977-"/8 - No. is ·'-· Scientific Departments - Excess Rs. l; 39., 993 , ...

. . (lnforma.tion. · Cultur.e & Tour.ism1 WinJl

: . ··~>·:. 7, ·.. . . ·:. ' ... ' .·. ' . .. . ' :' .\. · .. :'.', - . J_. ~ • . . . ~ '\

·- ':APPR'OPRIA'.]:'ION ACCOUN'l'S '197?~18




· ' . '·ThEr CornmJttee_ examined the Accounts of the Stlrvic:es, Oeneral Adminis~r·ation and Jnformatioli ·.Department in its meetltl·gs b•ld on · 16--1-82 an'd l '7-4~82;-: ·· ·· · : .· --

't(·;qc,·1b ,i \,_·

* See. -page 139 infra.

'Thematter being sub.judice, the para was kept ·pending;.

. \.

"The Committee observed that since it was not possible to recover the amount either from the Officer concerned. or the contractor, u.botb h~d died, the Administrative Department should take up the case for the write off with 'ttie 'Fina.nee Department •. The 'para was ltept pending • . ' ' -; ,.: • ... C, : .. . • - . ' I

.• ·. . . . . . ·. . 'I .. 3. 'Serial No. 3 pa e· 58 of th~ Audit Report for the· ~ar 1977-78

read with ra G-39-10 i) a e 113 of the Audit Report for ·the · year 19EU-62 .:..Los·s to'Government of Rs. ll, 348/-

of them

' '. 22-9-82

. . • ; . - . • .· . • > I , .. . ..

Serial No. 2 page 58 of the Audit Report for the year 1977-78 read with para G-39-lO(ii), a e 113· of the Audit Report for the ear: 1961-62 - Loss .of Rs. 27, 142 - to Government


. ··. . . ·. . . . '.. ·.· .. ...: \ · .. ' ·. . The. Committee dir~.cted the. Administrative Department.. to _s11pmlt a . riav~s:~{.Wo.rldng· faper ~ut~ing. the _up:to~~flte -. po~ifoi,pn~· -Wbe:r_e. •. -~

·recoveries. had· been made, they should be got verifiedJrotn. ~udit. Where the recoveries· bad not been effected or th'ey we~e in pro'c~ss, the. cases should be finali~ed and got verifie~ ._from Audit. -_., , .': /Ji.

. . . ...... ~

_ ..' . So fa.r a$ the r-ecemmendatione of the Pub.Ile ~Acc<>unts--CQtnmittee da;~d :17:..3.j992 were. concerned, _·the $(:}cre,tary-·. of~the ,C:~mm~tte~. should ascertain* the position from the Finance Depar'tm ent whether the -matter was brought to the notice of the_ Governor or not, as the ~eri _'A<;l, hoc Pul:>lic, Accounts .Commtttee was. at tbllt~- time functioning

. under the Filiance Depar-tment.. The 'parawas · kept pending. · . . .

1.;·,,~rial.No~ 1 eage 58' <;>f ;t:n~_Audit Report:.for th~·y~a!' 19;7~18 ::~~·r'ead with:Ann:2 pa 'e .~;.cijf:lhe'Auditlte · rt for the ear .. 1958-59 -

" <.:.:_'. .. ~-,:.'.Loss of Hs •. a, 29 1po ;.. <hie to excessive su pl of.slack c9al- · . ·.· . . /-

• '

. · (Buildinjs Depart.merit) ~

DRAFT PARAS 1977-.78


CQ:MlVI QNI~A.TIONS 'atJ,v·6B.~ DEPAltTMENT • .. I • ·: ;_ °:"'·~~>:;\' .·,.,.••.. ·~

. . ~ c'. ,_:;:;:_, .•. . • ... . . . : . . : -']: ,: .· ·-l · . · .The Comsnittee exainm'$d-the-.Accotirits of the. Communh:!etlons·

and· Wo.r~.DepaJ'.'tni-ent in ~ts ~~etirlgs,hlid on 21~J.-~.2,··· !~-4-a~~- ·.· 20-4~82, '13-7-82, 15-7-82, 22-9 .. 82, 1'1-10-82, _. 1·2-10-82, ~~~1.0-8.1,. 5.1:93 and 6-1-83. · · · . ·,.



. iThe Coinmitt~edirected the Admlnistratlve Deparwiept to g1v~ eff~e.t-to its earlier decision' dated 31-12-1980, The para was again nz:opped. ' . ' ...

. ' · ..

22..:·9 .. 92 · .• ; '\. ·c -,':: j.,

. ' .. • ·1 .' I .

· ·The· G<>m~Htee dit'ected the Administrative'-Oepartrnent that the vrrite ·off -of the an;,.ouni o~ ~s. 27·, 407/-, re•om:mended· by. Depar-tmenta'l

, · Accounts .Committee, sho.ulc:l be expedited, , As regards the amount of . Rs, 9; ~56 /78,, the · Coi:n1;1.1ittee ~directed tha~ c9,;ppl.ete record, as required by·'Auditl·,shoul~' b~ . .P~~duce~ befere th,eill,_.~Th'1!' para was kept pending,

! . , •• • '. ,' .-: • • • • ~ •

i'· •• \ < • - ~

8, Serial Np.~9 pase 60 of the Audit Report for the-.year · 197'1-78. read with ara 10 a e · 31 of the Audit Re ort for,-. the ,.· e_a.r . · . 1971-7-2 - Loss of Rs. 19. 987 - due.to non-recover of rent of bld s:

. ·~ . ; ~ . . . ' . :' . ··- ..... ' . .. . ·- .. --. . .. - . ' ;'· .

Serial No,.8 _pase 60 of ·the Audit Repgrt for the year 1,977; ... 79 read .with ra 9 a e 31- of the Aµdit Repor-t for -the. ear ·

· 19'.71 ... 72 ·"'! Shorta e of ·sto:r.es wor.th Rs. 47, 24!4. -

' . 'l, .,

. . The Committee obaez-ved that .sµice it was not possible to recover the balance 'amount of Rs. 7., 863 /-, the- Administrative n~·part­ ment should · move ·the competent author-ity for · its write ·off. The· par~ was.-kept' pe~~ln,g; : ,· · · · ·

? -_·

.• ,·:' I I •


. ,Th~ CQm·Q>.itte.e observed that, since the write off had a]r~ady been ~greed to,-· the· Adrninlstrative De!)artnr~t should get ft expedited and .verified by A~dit. The JJa?'a wa, kept.pending, ···

. . \ . .. '. . ,·.. . . . . . -. :·,:-:/¥-if.·· : .

6,·; Serial. No. 7 page· 58 of the Audit Report>for the~-year 1977-78 .... read with para 4 pages 29-30' of'the Audit Reru,tJ ~or the year· , , 197'J ;..72 ·- Non-recovery <:>f rent-of shQps amQunttnq to~ .. 37, 324/-

' 22 .. 9~a2 - -- ..


J • • , I .' r- >:. •·.··· . " '. ,_I• >.

· . The Committee_ du-ecte.d the Administrative Department to 'resubmit the· para after-tha:'ppsi{t.on had. 'been reconciled witlt Audit • . ;

.. ~· - '

' ·'' .,

\ .12-10-82 . . \

' • ' I , '~

·. Tbe.,·case. being, sub judJce, the pa.r·a was kept pending, The Commrttee;. ~-o.w.ev~r / direct~ fh~ Admin~s{ra.tiye D,el$'.tment - to

i resubmit :thi~ para in the light of the changed ch-cumstances because · of· the ·d-emise of the contractor. · · . i

I , .f . .. . •' ';. . . . ." I

,;~4.- ,_, :seiial-:N-9~4 a e ~58 of tile Audit Report io:r;:the ,, ·~ar l97'7-78 · read with· ra G-3_9-7(1 'pa e 111 of the ·AµdifRe ort for the ear

1971-7'3 -~-Shor~ e of .stores worth Rs •. 68~ 66'1 ..: ;'

> .


:, , 58

The Committee directed the Admtntatr-attve Department that the amount of Rs. 12,.90., 877 )- should be got verified/accounted for by

. , ' . 12-10-82

· : T.he- Committee .dlr ected the AdminJ.strative Department ·that the item of Rs, 3., 282/- should be adjust~d and got verified firom Audit. · That part of the para was, therefore, dropped.· . . ·

The Admiriistra tive Depar-tment should .a,1$0 · obtain the aanctton · · for write off. of the amount, of Rs. 4., 030/3·9 ·from Finance Department. at an ·early date and. get :t!le .. $~'. yeri#ed· by :Audtt~ Th~ para to that extent was kept pending, . . · ·

11. Serial No. 12 p~ge 60 of the A-udit Report for th~-year 1977-78 ' read w.ith para 13 pa e 32 of the Audit Report for the year 19'?1-72 - ' Blockade of Government ca ital worth Rs. 25, 35., 748 ...


. Out .()f the balance. amount Of, Rs, 7 I 313 /09, Rs. 3., 283/• 1had ,been I ,

written off by-the conipetentauthority, which should be got verified. by Audit.. The rem~Jnlng amount of ,Rs. 4, 030/09 sh9uld be g~ written off as the official responsible for. tb,is Iosa had 'been ~~!'µ-ed.~ -The para .was dropped subject to sanction ot the w:ri~~ off ttnd its v,rifi:cat,oµ by Audit.

. . . \ ·' ·. ){~

,7, .


., • .. '

10, Serial No. 11 page· 60 of the Audit Report for the year. 1977-78 read with para 12 pa e 32 of the Audit Re rt for the e~r· l97V-72 - · Loss due-tostores rendered unserviceable worth Rs, 13, 919 -


The A~-~~trative Depa.rt:tnent r-eported that an amoun~·o.f · i·

Rs. 3~~;~~~/J~, IIa.~_1.H~~:,.Y~rified QY Audit. The adjustment of.Rs'. 7l2/­ had yet to be got vlfrif:ied from :Au~Ut. · The ·write off· for :Rs.·4, 334/76 w'as under ·COQ.Sideration 1{,jf·th&, Fift~ricfi!, Department. , The case - . .: against Mr .Manzoor- Ahm;c1; '. .Sub Engineer relathtg "to .recovery!'of. Rs. 8~ 910/- was sub judice. The Committee directed that strenuous . efforts should be made to finaliz~ the case -early. 'Th~ para _was_ kept . pend.Jpg. - -- ; .. . ~.· 5. ·

~. . . 12r10-82 ·

. .

I The ma.~tef regarding 8.IDOWlt. of Rs, 8~_910/.;. was .sub judfoe;; therefore,. tll,e; para was kept pe-1d~g,:' - . '. ~ ' ·.· .

. . ~ . ~ ..

15-7-82 .... • Ouf of. ~-·tot9:l_ ·amount of·~. 50, .25:~J:.;~ 014y two amounts. of Rs, 4, 33'!t/76 &., Rs •. ~: ·9~I? /:·. rem,ained .tQ:t>tt~cc:ount~dJor -. The a.m:o_unt of , Rs. 4, ~~4/?6 h!3-q ~-~en re~.O.r;tlt·µlelilded by,;the :Pu~l:J.~,, A~~9.wits· Comr;n:ittee _for:,:w.tite·Joff~ut· was still pending. The Committee·· directed the ·· .

:::'t&eei'etary:f,co~mu.."lications & W9:rks to examine .whether this· aµiount could.be written .off under his own powers, if·so, it should be expedited,· .

i ~ I



. .

9, · SerialN .. o.1o·pa 'e 80 of.the Ajip).t Re brt for the 'ear 1977~78 read with pa:ra 11 · page 3 2 ~of 1the Au it Report for the- year· 1971-7 2. -

· Loss due to store's- rendered unserviceable worth Rs·. 50, 251'/-· ·


. - .' _.-_

I ' The case being I~' judi~e: th~ -·~ra was:. k~pt· peri:ding •. •'-II'_> ,,_i .:·,

,,·•· •'•I

I ,, ., '

. I . .

.15, ; Para 12 page of t~e Audit Report for the year 1959.:.60 .- Shortage of · stores worth Rs. 25•,' 205 / -

. '

DRAFT PARA 1959.-60 · ,\ '·

.' 'I I .

In view of the· above, fu,e Committee directed "'that, there was . no option 'but to accept the contentfon of the Administrative· Depo.r~tment

'and -dfrecteo that the "amowit_:sbould be got. written:off and v"erifie(l by :Audi~ The para wa$ kept 'pe.llding. · · ·

\. ~ -· .. . ,'

.. The Administrative i:>~p~rtm.ent explatned that theyi had. not·been, able to get hold:of· the old record which could throw light on that' case. . '

\ . ', . \' .·.: ; ' . " l

14~' ; .. .'Para· 16(a)3(iv) page l~'f, the·Audit ~eport for the year .1'955-5.6. '.'" .· _ · Exe.es~ paYtpent of Rs,; 13r584{- · · : · · .·'

'11i~f 6.1i'2' "! .~· ,'.: ' ': '·,· ,• •. ' ' ' ' ,, •

', . ·-·-:·

t- . ·::,

,• P~FT PARA 1955-5·6

. . : ... • I.·.

' \ . , - . ·., · The para had already - be\t3ri :settled.

;" : ' . ,i ' . . . l . ' .·• . . r. \, 13. · Serial'· No.14 ,page 60 ·or· the Audit Report for the year 197,7 ~78 _

.: .· _:·_, read with para, 19- page 34 qf the· Au~it Report• for the y~ar 1971-72 9'.· · ·· J~Iisappr.o'pr!ation of stock

1worth ·Rs. 1, 09 t 023 / - ·. · ~-- : · · · ·

·19.:.4 ... ·a2 . · .• · -

i . . ' '


! .. 12-10 .. a2·: . ~·:A:.'...: I •,-•. :"';:,·~. . I . . ; ' ' -~/ -· '. . ' •

The Commdttee observed\that an 'amount of,Rs. 61, 565/75 re~ted .to ·the Highway Departn).e~t. It sho'":4 ther-efor-a, be transferred to that Department for submitting explanatfon and. fpr taking only· n_ece.ssary action. ·O\J.t ,Of the balance ;~~t Of. fts. 19, 647 /25, . a surn Of ffsL299 /;_,

. had been -verified by .Audit;· <!'he Adr.ninistraUve D~p'!-:rtment °s'h6iµd . expedite the accountal of the. r~maining amount. The para, w._as.,kept ridin'', ,, . ' ' pe ,, . ·, g._ '"·. . ' . .

.: .· ... ·' . '

~I :~ : •

Serial No. 1,3 page 60 of the Audit Report fqr the year 1977.~7a read with para 16 pa1e:-~.3 :of the Audit Rep'ort for the year 1971-72 - Misappropriation of m,~pti~l\vortp Rs. so., 291 / ..;_ · '·· . ,

. , ) :.~ · .' ~ I::. "'1: ; i .;·. . ·~ , , I . ,, ...


. •I \ ·'

~udit, As .. regards the balance amowit pf Rs,]:2)44;~ ~71 /-~ the stores, . . worth that amount which w·er~, unservtceabfe and had to be auctioned,

'. .. action :in thi.s· resp.ec.t slto\lld, be completed within the next 2./3.nionths. The para was k~pt pending.: .·. _: . - ' - ·_ · .: _ ·., ·. ,._.


The case being sub judice, the para was kept pending.



. -20/'. :.:Para o,~s9~7{iv-) a. e: 111 of the A~dit R~ or{for the ear 1961-62 - 'Shorta e of bricks worth Rs~ 59., 852

1, .

·: \ . .: ~-, ··,.?· .' ' ,, . . . ~. ' .. ' As regards the arbitt-ation 'ease of Rs .. 1, 051 /-, the A~inistra­

tly.e, De.l)al'iment stated that ~e award ~ad been. given a.pd they would. ,soon. get the . copy . of' the awar-d, The ·. para was kept pending . in that reg~.d only, · ' · . -

·.~·· .. .: ' ' . . ., {· .. · .. ~-.--t_': . . _... . -'.·~·-· ... ~ . _ .. ·· ..

The Administrative::·.oepartment stated that. the·. recovery of-· Rs! 2.,,235/14 had been verified~ Th~t part .of :tt,ie pira .was dropped,

- It was further stated that Rs.5.,395/-_stood adj9ste~ and .w~s to.be . verifled by Audit.: Subject to· ve:dfication., this part of the. para. wa~

ale o dropp~.4;,i -

--· 1

:l_l-10 ... 82

19, Para l?(a)24(3f pa e 21 of the AupitR ort 'tor the .-ear .1960·-61 - U~due financial aid .fcf tbe contractor: pf Rs. 8, 681 -

.... ,

. The Cominittee directed ·the Administrativ~ Departra'ent to·. examine the.Audit's suggestion of effecting recovery from the Officers re$p<>nSib,le Jor the. excess pajment. The para ·}Y&.S· kept. pepdi(lg~" · : .

. -- . ,•

. 22~9-82

· 18. ParEl 17 ~;)2'3(3·) pa ·e 20 o,t the AucUt Re ort for· :the ear 1960-61 - Outsta.ndin · recoveries of Rs.· 46 245 - · ·· ·

,.: !

The amounts of Rs. 2, 50'fj/- 'and Rs. 1: 00'0/- had been reC'?Ver~d from the contractor concerned and he had promised that the balance of Rs.- 2, 645 /-. would also be pai~: by: him. h,). th.e. near fu~e. Th:e, . - apiourits already. r·ecovered and yet. to be re·~overed shotµd .be got verified ·by Audit, Subject to ·th~t. verification, the ··p,ra was .dropped.

. . ", '·.,.. _,

i ·.

·, ·, . ,., . I

11-10-82 ,. . . .

' .· .. The Conun'itte~ ,dlrect~d the Admin~strattve:Depa~tm~t;·to get )f; '.the adjusta,.ent of Rs.}~ ~qi/09 ver~ie4 by Audit. ,and .. als·o to obtain tb~

· .. aanetten f~~-"write. off ,:-en(aining··of Rs. 4, 601 l : &ll)d :·get the. same Yfilrified from Audit. The'' para>wa:ei" kept pending. . r : . . .

1.7. Para 17(a)23.(2): pa e 20 of the Auciit Report for th~ ea?' 1960-61 - . N.on .. recover of Rs. 6, 145

.• · v-, . ~. . : •.·· ' .·

6-1..;83 .


16, Para 17(a)21(7)(5) a e ·.of the Audit Re ort .for the . ear 1960-61 .. . Unsecured advance of Rs. 6 490 94 to a contractor" ,'

/' ···.·· .. ·'

.. DRAFT PARAS. 1960-Sf


Th& CoJ/pmittee· directed the A<:lmini.strative Department that the recovery of Rs. 1, 035-/87 should be ·go~ verli,ied by Au<Ut •. It 'further' directed that the case. to ,vrite off the amount' of Rs. 6,·427/12 should be expedite_d.aqlgot verified by Audit •. Subj~ct to the above· repia:rk~., • the para was dropped. : ': ., : . ~: i· . .


_ 'fhe. Commfttee ·directed the -Admlnistrative Departlilent to get th-e case of W:fi!'f ~ft~xp~pited, The. para W~S ke.pt.pendfng.

2.6; ·· Para 21(viii) page· 11 of the.Au<:lit Report for. the year l96,3"i"'64 - 1

Shortage or'stores worth Rs, 7, 71'3/-· · · i :· '



25 •. 'Para 2i{iU)--pa-ge 11 -of ttie Audit· Report f.or. the ie~t ·19'63-64 - Shortage ,of stores ·worth Rs.6~ 169/- - r ·- - · · · - , :

.. Th · 1; .·


. Tb.e_ COJ:Xi~Jttee dtr-ected th'e ,,AdipJnistrative DeRB,fµD ent to prepare :_an ~prto-date_ stim,m,ary ;0.f' this case and send it tQAuditJor 1;h.eir

COIJil~~nt~~ On, receipt of ;the.u:. ~o~ents I the para show.cf 'f:)e r-esub­ r,nltted '·in the shape. <;>f ~ revised Working Paper for constderatton by the Comm_ittee ~ihi'fne~: meeting, .The par~.w~s ~ept pending •

. . ·1,r - '•')(;· '_.., .'.:'., . . I

13~10-82 .

24. Par~ l'r'a)6.3 pa e(?,,.:23-?4 9;.!. :the Audit Report.'for the ear 1961-62 .. M·isa o riation of Government stores wo~th'Rs; 1&,:'19, 454 · -

(-1: I - · ... 'ftie para, having' be~n settled, was diopped. , · .. ,'·•.->-.

_., )_;.. \ · 1s .... 1o~a2.

The par.a was kept pending.

a e 22 _ o'f the Audit Report for the ear 1961-62 - ,of Government-dues. ·of. , 9, 480'

. I


, - The Committee directetj the Adm.f,nJ.st,rative De.partment to submit

.th~ p~r.~ .. aft~r·::obtalnirig the a$sis~anpe otth~ PirE}ctor .<t~ini~al,; .Audit · '· and·Acc<>un,s .(Works) Jn the preparatton C?f~~ Working. :r~p'~r.

' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -,· .. ~ .. ·- :; .~:·\_·. . __ i -··

:,, • .' .' - - I • - , - 1 .•. : .. , ·-_:Jt: ·. r ' _: .;

·22~·. ~~t:a.4nn: 5{i) pag-e 115 ~f,the·Audit aeportfo,r th~\year. '196l. -62 - - . Misaepropriation of Government material and riloney)cif Rs;-45,000/-

•• , . . • · ... 1'-~-·· ·, . . . • . , . "

13-10-82 8

ear· 1'961-62 - 21.


,l .: ..

The Committee 'directed :the Adm~i~trative De~tm~t to .. : expedite· the write 'off of the.loss. The para· w'a.s kept' pending.:· ...

. . . -·' . ·. : '··. ~ . .

22-9 ... 82·1 · -,

. . ,,

31. Para 36 1) e,,62 of the Aut;lit Re ort for· the ~oss of materi~ worth ~. 54, 809 - , 1,, •


The Committee. observed that an amount of )s. 7, ()08/0"/ shown . ·against Nusrat Hussain Lal Din. was ~. judiee and. the whereabe>1ftS of Mes~:rs Mubammad Iqbllll Qaisar and Hajl Muhammad Sul.em~ and M/s Reliable. Traders w.ere not known. Re~over-iEts . In.those .. cases had to. be made from th~ qffic1als· re~pons~ble., .. The, :p~ra: was :..ic~pt ~ending,

. i· .. • .. ':' . • . . '

.. 1a;;;10-s2

ear 196j-6S: - 30. Para 33 i) Non ;.recovery from. contractors



.. ;,·. .. . ' ~ - ,,:

. p·.,:ct~a~, ~eported by the AdnJiri1~tratlve Departrhe~~.· #la't.th~ .. , rer,i~rd'' having-been .: recon~r·uQted Jly it_ wQuld : be ··produced tt>_'the "·, ... · ·. Director Gen~ral, Audi,_t & 4cco-lmts (Workstfor .e,,am~ati4n·.~4.·_ .. his recommendations. ;t'he para was kept pending.. · .. ·. . ·.· . ' . . . ' . . ' :•···· . _.( -, .'

; -..

• 13-10-82 .

,. ', . f . ' . . I . . ' .. . - . . . . . ' ·.. ·. . :- -~ I ·-~ .. _;, '. . i . · . ' . . ' .. · .. ,•

After . det~Ued ··cfts c~esion,;.,the,. C ommitteEf· d·eeideo ·that' a. Sub~ Committee, consisting of Alba{ Khawaja Habib-ur~Rafunan .. 'anc:i Ch Fateh ;Muhammad would investigate the question of avaQat>.ilJ.ty .Pi recQrd pertaining to the arrears of rent and make recommimdations· for. furtbeJ'.' eouese of ~ction; · Pending R~por,t of .the Sub ,Com'mittee~ the para was kept pending. · - · ' ·· : · ' ·· · . .

· .. 29. Par·~ 3.:r page.is ·of the,Audit a·e·port for, th~· ,~air'·~tf)63:~64 .. /· Non-maintenance of. Rent' Register

13-10-82· ·;,,.


Para 25 iii) a e 16 of the Audit Re ort for. the ·'ear 196;3·6• - Loss to Government to Rs. 10, 99, 359 -


The Administrative Department explained Uiat it wa.s a ver'y old ,.case relat~g.to, ipe:tss~e·9f. cement bags in .195~' and at· this 'belated

.. ~tage it was 1:1ot p'bs~_ible· .t~l,'p,ro;duce the .r.ecord ·ro~ .. vJtrifi~atiop •. · T.he Directc;>r ;·Qenepal,: .~udlt ,~. Acoq~t~ (Works.)'.agr~ed with. ,the. conten­ tlon of .. ~e .Adff;l.inis,~~a~ive Depar.1:lnent and the para was dropp~c;l. . .,

:· . . ,· ' ,,. . . . - . :: ' ..

'21.~ . Para .25(1) pa.ge, ,17:'.0f.th~ Ay.dit Report for 'the year.· 1963-64. - · t·:·'·. ··"··-·· 'f· ·a;;.· "40 .. a2·5f·· -·· .... ···-~... ..... . . . . . ' . . . ... .. . . .·•· . .. . - : . 10SS O ~"··· ;, .. ··L~:· ··'.··· .. ·:i. :. <i ;./:: ·: , . .-·.·.: /:·:.' -i,.-"· -, ~;c .

. ---·-··· ·- .·.•. ··- · .. '··-- -··· .. . .. • · .. -···---~ ·., •· ·._ .. •\ .· ··.·- ~ . . , , . . ." •,. 't ·:· .


. 63

The Adminis'trS:tiv& Department report~d that as -~gainst the . ~o~t (!f Rs. 2,. 87:f,/p.i,.;·;tf-_ s~ of Rs;l~. 2~0/07~ was recoverab,le • The

'. . same. had been r-ecover'ed fro~ .Mr Fida' Hussain and .got verified from Audit~ The amounts of Rs. 297 /18, and Rs. 142/44 shown against · • Mr Jaffar··Hassany~cand· Abdul Haq l(hokhar should l:>e .written· off.·' Recovery from Muhapiinad As~ Qa'dlr 'should c.onUnu·e to .be- made from his salary and;' on retirement, from his penston .and gratuity, and. got Vel_'ified .from f\udit.' .Subject to the above ~emarks, the J)ara . was ~rOPPE?4•. ·, . -, . .

·-. ·': i ' : . .~·' :- • 12~10:-82

. (:

36. ~- Para 39(ix) page 93 of the Audit Report: for the yeEir._.1965-66 - . : Shortye·of :rools & Plants Articles .worth ffs,,5,a', 71~L-.-,/ · ,.:'.

. " . . \ . . . . ' . ' . ';, .

The case being: sub ju(ii-ce,. the para :w.a~ kep~ · ~ending. · -.


·=· 'f '

(' . .. ' '

.. -· ~- '

. . . . The c1ase''b~lng !!!!?J~d~ce_~ ,the- ~ara·W,~as kept p~dhi~.·: <4 • :.; •• •

a e 83 of the Audit Re ort for th~ e r .·1965-66 - en.t: of Rs. 24 782 "'to contractors ·_ . :

.• ·•.. '. .~


.! 22-9-82

, .·· ,:,, I .. ,

33.. Para 38. :l[} pa.' e s'2·ofthe Audit Report for: the. ear 1965'...6~ ,.· . ..: .: Loss of; Rs. 1 O 7 36· - to Government

.,. - , " ..

.. ,!.',,i,

. ; " ·a:o.·

J)RAF't.PARAS ·i96·5..:66' · ... .. , ... ·-


:- .--- :The A9minjstra~l~:e De~rtm~nf informed_' the CommJt1e~. ttiat.

1t·has.:i1ow referred the case of wr.ite off to the .Finance Departine,nt~ Th~· C_ommittee . directed the Adm.i,nistrative Departm~t to get. the write. ~-off .. ~x~dlted. Th~ para was kept pending. _

••• '~·. ' • • .• '1 • ;J .. ! ,- .I • ; ·.~' ,,, ·. ', '

"<: ,/ .' . .. ·. ' 35. Para 38(x:xx): :pa 'e 84 of the .Audit Re <>rt for the ear 1965.;66 -

Excess a ent of Rs. 19, 124- .~·.· .. · ... ' , ..

1:: ., v ' . : • .. • -:. . ~ ~ . • . . . . : .. ,• . . .·: ; : . ·. . • • .··: ~ '. .. ":,.' . :~~ . : :. -~ • ' .'. ' ' .··

.. , .: .: 'l'h~ ·coml.llittee 'c!'Jrected the Admlnistratiye D~partrnent that the. Re.p,ort· 9ftbe Inqtii.T-Y dfficer, '.Lt Col (Retd) M~aminad' Yousaf ·Should be.· f~rwardel t_C> iAiiC,1~ ·;~-~equest~.d· by the~ earll,er ··and the . par-a · .• · should ,be· resu'b~lttec} togather' with Audit Coinmen-t$, 'The .Pf).ra was

. kept -~pend,ing." ·. . . . . . . .'

32 •.. Para 3_~(1). page 62 of the Audit Report for the yea~ 1964-6~ .. - . Loss tQ-Government (iue. to'.nort-~c9ount{il'.of·stotes iss.ued to

contractors worth ,Rs. 29,, 818 /- .. : · , ,


. /

. . . .......... · 12 .. 10 .. s2

The Committee observed that the statement-· of the Admlnis~ trative Department, regarding the loss of Rs. 28, ?85/- as given in the

•; '.,; ·.•.; ·,, •,. >' 0 , • ,i' _. .- • , • ,I, ,,.:. · ., •, ·' , . · '·

The Administrati,ve p~pa:rtm~~t r~po,:ttec;l.;tpat,; _th~, if.".ecov~rY .: ¢.: · Rs. 8~ 776/10 'had stnce been recovered from Mr Taaaadaque H'2ssain.

1'hts sho~¥! .. be go.:t. verifie~ QY ~ud.it, · -; . i· ;· . •. . •. : • , ?. i ;/ ;. - :,. ·

. . . .. ' ._1-·;: ..... _-·,: ..... \ .. ·-·-·_" . . .. ~ . ····. ) ... ~:·~:-.:.;···-~· .• ;#·:~·:·~{:· -~ -.!

. 89 _far the recovery fro.rh 'Mr Jaffar Hassatiy- was-. ·concfo·rne(l~ , . the same reinarks !would a'pply as given in Para No. 42(1U.) ~f \;;,~ ·, '.. . 1965-66. Subject to these remarks, the para w~s. dropped. · . · .

,, i : .. •: • . • • '; I •, .··, : . '. • -· . • : • ., ,. • "• •, . ~ :··._ I • .! •

42. Pa~a 40(xiv a e 101 of the Audit Report for the ear- 1965:t~U ·.~'· . Loss of Rs. 28, 785 - to Government


11-10-82. . . .

. ~ ...: . •.

.. · .. ._'t.h~.ca~~ :l;>_ein~ sub,jµdice, .,the _para, wa5..'l\Cept ~ . .nd.ing~·: . ; ...... ·· .~ ... _ _ -, ·: ·-.~·:·.~_-:-,.··,,~~- ·---~-. :_ .·-· .... ~<.::!·:·. ·:· :r .. _ > :: __ ~. :?_7·-~·:~· . :' - ·.,;· _._.--,~- .... ; .':·~,::-,~~·;: :~~ .. .' ,-.~- s :--- ~ · ~-:~--~ .. ~-~--

41 / ParaAO(xii) pa·ge 101 · of the Audit RepPrt for :th~ ·year ·1965-66 - . Loss of ·Rs, 79, 213/- ·

• ... ;:_ .! .- . \.


l 2-10-8.2

.-:·,,' ' ..

-·:_, "ear·: 1965-,66.~-

_,. ·. .. .: ... '(" ·, ' •• ~ .•.•• ~ •• ~~:-'. • ._ .... ~-·-.-~- < •........

• .... · .• :. ·.•· c : \1:'. -~·~: '(t}J -; \~-; ::.. ~: \ _ .... :.~;-t(-~

. The cases of Mu\lammad Aslam1 Sub Ett#lfteei.:-amoiliitffig to . Rs. 21, '164/90 and Haider 'Hussain .Shah, Sub Engfneer·runountmg!"19-1·t

Rs. 27; 164/90 wer-e eiuh jUdice; An amoupt of_ Rs, 8·78 / - bad been shown a.~~ipst Mr.A.p.w~r.,4~a.d:&~~ifl. ·.sub.E.ng.µ,ieer ~ho: had,s~c~:: ~xpired. The same should be got writ~ftR ,off.: ~ltn,!l~r)y'.'.an: amount. of. Bs./479.:/-; ; show~ against Mr Naslm Ahmad, Sub Engin~~r (Retdh should also be got. writt~n 9ff., r as-)11~ wh~?S:boqts W'.~te ~~t ;J.(Jl_QW.n •.

' ' . ·.' I' ., \ •. '· ::, ',''

• .• / ._ ••. i " .: ?<:;;·_~:,,-,:~ ::· ·'· -. ·.'.j·-·~·-,:·., : -i-1_;·.:; ... : .f~~-~· _-: '. , (fl.~_;.;," •·. · '. ... \ .-.-,· ·· .... .. .. ~_-> -1 •

· Recovery of Rs. 1~ 4'.77 /82 shown aga1.iisl~Mr Shama'suddin, Sub­ , .. ~ngineerr -no;w .~QO ... .In fylµJ~.·P.eyelQpmenf~uthotity. -s~ou4:}.be ·; '.·,

',:'~···~-~:ti: '.!'lie P~r~ _'Va~ kept .pen~lpg, · ··.· . .'. "'' . , ... · .." ... ;. · .· , . . ·' .... . .. . . . .

7., ";·-

12:,JQ-82 '· ,1:·'. v r. ~-- ·-· ·A~ .• ·' '' ;. ,. s: M~- • ..,...,,. ; .

;; ',' ·,·~-·;,."l.', r.·-·; . ··.t'. ·.,. •.' ~·-:·

. ..\ .. ,. 'I.'l\t} Co.qimi~te.~ d,irectf!~.· fu.e•Aclmµi~str.ative .P~par1:menl ~'1,t-the r~~or.<i, S~AA~{be ·P1:P~UC~d.,to-Jljl~ Audit)o:r, ;_;Vell"ification' and, the ,patJ I

may "'p-~}"~r:Jubm:i*~4.·,iqthe- lig~t-pf. the~,,.cpmme~t~. , : . r: .. t.._., :1·;(: . , . . . ' I •' . . . . ··.::f,i;; j'.~';¢_ I.·> • :

39. . Para 39(xvii) page 95 of the Audit Report for the year. 1-965.-66 - 5b;or:tfg,e:Pf·.~t.ore13 wor.tll Rs.~ p5., '1~6/r- :•u·,: .1i!d;1~d

q ••••.•••••. •. •

.13-10-82 : ;·,. ... r ': .. ,. ~


-~ t The case being sub judice, the para was kept pending.

,: ... : .·, · 1·' . .: .. · :·i:-~· · :. -1;; ;i <-•:,u ..• ,.. · ... · . :. :_: · .: .. :·:··. :;: ·. · ,.~ _..: /.::::.:. . .. 38, ~rp· ·r~ •. aeJxvn:;1:,~-:~: .9;tFof:Jpe~Auaffl{)f.ciil-£or-;tti:e ··~ea:r:;r9a5·.;.·ss -

·_-:.:--sfiorfa·"e--or-stor·e1rwc:fflh"Rs~ .. so~--07g· -.:-·· ·- - ··· · ... · · ·

: ,·- '; ..... 2-2 .... ~-82-· .. : . ·. ·.:1 __ ;.J


.. , , ~7. ·,:,: fava · 3:9Cx)1Pa«~·;11~r9f :tli~ .A,v.dJt.;ij~_por.tfqr tbe ye.al,", J965,.""fi6·::•. ,;. • ... · ~b.ortag~ of J;nat.et,ial- w,optj'l~-R$o.·91;l3l/~, · · · .... ;. ' ·; - · ~.;._ ·

i ·:· ..

The para was dropped subject to verification of ~he adj\i.'stments by .the Audit. · · ' '

. . I .

I 22-9-s·~

.. . • .... 46. Par.a' 42(xi) pa e 112 of the AudU·R~ ort for, the ye(:l.r 1965-6,6 :;;,•,

Loss ·of Rs. 26;;320 .:. .to Government · /

. T°he Comqiittee dir-ected the Administrative Department to expedite 1;he write off from _the competent authority and got' it veri- fied by Audit. The para was kept pen,dlng., - ·'

12.:.10·~82 . ~. -",

. . . 45. ~ Para 42(vii) page 111 of',the Audit Report for the year 1965-66 -

· · Lc:>s$ of .Rs. 81, 885 /- due to unservi~eable material ·. I

. · · · :._, .. ·The .·recoveries -~f Rs •. 31710/- and ~. 824/50 h.a.d been· verjfied . 1, by-.~udit ·and .these ·item,. were dropped, ,;. · ' · . ,. ): .

·., f / ; ; ·:~ . ~.: t ! . -: . i , ~ ; '.- :'/' ' • .

. · The. case,.g( recove.ry (r·o~ Mr Abdul 111aq Khokha~: .. amountµig· to.~· 26, ~24/; was sub judice; which should. be pursuecl'. · > ;: :' ·

.; ' ' ,·•- • • :. ') ;" ·: ! ! I ' ·,, : ' ; • ., : : ,, ~ I "'. .• ( ;, : '

As· r-egard$ ,the: r:eco:ver:y.:,of· .. Rs~ lB,-686 /50 lfQm. Mr J~far. H~ssany., the 'Adminis.trative Depar-tmentwas.' asked to take.steps ·to withhold .the payment o(pension and gratuity' to this Officer '.'pendiilg"settl~ent of the case. ·The Atlministrat'ive; Department was also dire'cted to: examiri·e the" Jriquiry Report anct '1(t11e shortages had been· c;Iue to misa·ppropria·- . . . . . . . . ~- . ' . . . . . . ,_ -_ . .... . . . tton, a criminal.case against him should be instltutecL The para was kept pending,._· .- : · , · ' ·:. ,


. . ,·, i, ,: ·: .' -· .•.. . '\· ,·

. /


12~10-82 1·.---:

·. f·'-t. ,' ,·'I I •

,,'.:.: .. . ,_., .. : !r ·: . • ' • \-. . : ' :, .,. '- :: ,, • ~ •' -·: ' ·• .1'

. :.:_> Th~ .AdministrEt.t;ve. Depra.r~ent stated, that·a~. per. decJsiort of the: C~~mittee;datec:I ··!1·-8·.,.lfl76.of Rs.10.,791/07 had been r~·c.~v~red from M=r M'8.ll~o~ A-hrhed{ Sub ,Engineer·aqd !plac.edt'4°1:deposit till': .final de,ci•ion .. of the Cou~t· case.'.'filed by Mr·MuhQ.IXUn.ad YaqoQb,, contract.or.: '· . . ' . . . . . ' ('. . ... i .

~ ! I :--. ..- ·,.,:.,

, T~e c~e b~~ ~ub j~~fo~;. the p~ra.-was··~ept pen·dp)g. ;' { ' \ ''. , ..' ': ~~· .; .' . I . : -. , . I ' . - ... /

444: Para ~42(iii) ··a e llO of the Au4it Re ort for· the.· ear ,1965-66 - '.. · · · ·. Urise~vlceabi~ · s.tores.··wprth Rs. 4fl :7 45

Working· Pa.i,er was. not e¥pl~citt The Col!lmlttee. dir~¢ted the _Adm.inis.­ tra'tlve · Oepartinent 'fi,.produc:,e the r.elevant ;recor,d with. a sµmmary of

• . . ~ --t- •• · •• •· '. ._ -. •.• • ,,. • •·• l I . . .- .' .. H ,? .• ' • I .• •

the case to Khawaja Habib-ur·Rabman, ¥ember. Public Accounte · Committee for preliminary examination . Qf,·.the1 case. The pa~a -was . kept pend~g. ,. ,. ::,~<(''·,. :• . , ·-·

' .·. . . -· -~ . . ! . '. \ : - .. _; ' t ' • ·._ . . \ - ~ . . . ;' . . .- ..... . . "

43', .. -:Para 4l(xvfii) a e ·1J>93>f the AJ1dit Re" ·art for\the,., earl 965-6,6. - j. ·Noh-t-ecover .... c>f GO$:~t~ment dues-~.mQ'1nt t(;) .Rs 15 09:f~ .: .:

, I


···-·-···-·- -··----------------------

1. The Adm!nistrative,DJp~~triieri.i ~hbuld re'ribve:r ·~ ·am6wit: .. - i of Rs. 10, 000 / - from' M.r ·· Y. A. Siddiqi~ Super intending Engineer (Retd) fI'.om his pension and gratuity as and when , he filed his pension papers •. · · '

- ,. . '


·., 1.·. 5\, i .. l?ara 52(i) age. l29.of.th.e .. ~udtt .~e o.r.t·for the. ear 1~65-6(; -

· Undue·firtanc'ial·aidto ·contracto~s: of'-Rs~·57·:,5·21-·-.;;_ ·'':,;·. --:· ?. ;, ... .,. · .. .;;_. ,• ; ' - •·;,,· :., ~.:.\ ··•· :. -,,:.,;·

':('he pa~~- being set~ed. was ~opp.ed. . ;, . ,. ,-.' • ,·, . ,! ... I '>i ' ·, 1:• ''

.,. ,d

:~ •• \ • •, \l .. r;i, ";, ~: ,~,


, ' ' : •· -~ 1 I \ . a • l • • , ' _. · · , . -". ,' :: • :·' '. 1. • .: r, "•' • r- ... /''' , The Committee directed the-Administrative ·Depart~ent tp"expedite

condof\ation.,of the i:rregularity from tt:i,e Finan~e Departriiellt. 'Th~ ·para , was kept periding; · i.':-'·:';f, . _ · ./~·;.: _.'._· . ·,. _'-~.:-,· :.:;'':. ·':.:>:',' >tt .. ·'·:

. . : .·.·. . . ~ .. ·.. .. .. . ..., . . . ~ .··. :... .... . . , ... ~ .. •, . . .


·.;· .. . ,. ', ~- _, . ' • ·: ·, , :· '. ~ , j, , 1 1" t ,, ·.:~ ; , ~ ; . ' ~·

22-9-82 ---··· .;:_1.,.·.. ",.··i <:'·:i.,

50, Para 49(iii) pa e l:27 of ·the Audit Re ort for· the ear 1965-66 ~- .,- Irre la'.r' local purchase of stores worth Rs. 55, 311 - ,-'. :· > .. :· ::.:':

' 3'·! •. • ~. :. : ·j

. ' ; .. • --~ J t. j ·. j :'·'.: . . .. •' ? ,1-1, . -:-'. .. i ' ': .. ; 2.2~s~a2- .. .-~.- ·.· .. ·

. . . . '1 • . ~ .• . ; :.:( { ·: .,· #I' f .. ' : :: .• ._\,J ;._!:.! !':. ~·,._. ;: ... ~·- .. , ;i· :_::·.'.- • .-, . r· .. - .: ', ... r , '··._· -~ •· .-'. .'. •· .. :'.,;:': .. · ..... » r • ··!, ··,.,· .. ·: .;'.:,,

-: , _ The case was, :r.,eP~~rte~y.s~pjudice. The. ~qi;riij;iittee- d~~~t!e_i;l· ··.· · the Administra.tive Departinen:t· toJfurnish .a copy· of·the .Arbitration· . a~ard; t(? ,4,ud~t ).~., ?r<;l~r __ ~Q _ ver~y'. the recoyer:·y, Tlle -p~ra. wa~. ~~pt pending, ~ · · ·· ., .: · ·-·· .. : · · ·· · · ..: . ·. . ', _:·:· .. : ·. : · .. ·., - :.-.<- - •;· ··

'•· r :,·· ·.,,· c ·..:.,· 1,-·.,..


:.:··· .. ;:'


The Aclmir,listrative Department reported . that. the· un-accounted number of bags :had been reduced, to.8.9'()! now,...:-valuing to Rs.1, 78.0/-,

' •• ,•. ' • J •. ').. i . \ . ·! '. . . .

, ~nd that the : contractor: resp()nsible was -not traceable, A~ the items rel~ted ,~~ the year 19~Q. anc;L#i~ ... eff9rts to · pursue .~e -~~s,~_.w:ere not :,.c, likely ·to be'ar· fruit, the':comlriittee opse.rv:ecf, thafth;er•· ·~as- .. ·~'.it1fcas~f· for rec~mmending write off. 'Th~·;·para\v·as kept pencilng~- ·.' ... ,!

. ,:~ ~- ~-·(., '. _:/··.' .• ·! \ .....

i: 't'-f~~q

!-·' j ·• • l · .. : I ~ -. ,

I '· •

.: 4?· ,:·. P~r~;J.ilvi) eage:·118 pf th~ 1)-ttdit R.eport f?r._they~ar.}Q65-6~ -. , · Was~~g Ef.W:~y.otmat~i;i~l WQ~t~··ff$.;_44, 566,l- . , , , ·

• • ! - v , ··:, i :)~~~ ; >··~ ; .. :,,. ·. ,. . .- • 11-10,-:82 ·.:·.\· ._ .. ;· '·,.·.•, •·.'.' . 1 . ·,

... : ", ' • ~ 'e '

'f,:,_l,.·"· .. ;·:·. ' .. :·:'.(!.;;-.1:;>;· 1~,· f~ • : • ::~,-· .. ... ~.: .,,;_,. ,, •: I· - .', '· .. ~ 't.·~--·.,,. '"t·•'.•_1 •. • ·, .

Th~ A~inistratfve, ,J?..eP,artµ;i.ent1 e~laine.d that. lo~~- .of ~aterial an~, machin~ry worth .Rs. a~-~·~63/ ~ .had,·,l?·e~n. writte?- off)>y ~e· Finance . Qe~rµ:t1~n~ •. 1'".l;'h~. ~nlll~ti~p_· {~r the w.ri~ off sho~d. be _·. g9t verif~ed by·

-A_l14#~: ·T~~_cas~:.regar9~g. ~e >w~Ue 9l(,of''th~ work_done Qrt the 'boundar-y pµJars worth Rs. 9~.203/- should be expedited; ifne para was·-.~ept_ . pendm.g, · ', .

'· I


',. '

.:'' .. ;:'., . ··,


·: •. :.·; i ; : ~ ; '•

•, ~ I '( ;


The Conimit\ee· dh'tbted 1th~ Admini:strati~¢ 'D-epaxrtni.enf ·1Q·

expe<:iite ·the· 'Yrite off of the emo'¥1ts involved ,from the>F.in~'.~e.,, Department, .The par~ ~as 'kept pending, ' ·

. ,· ; . /' '. ,· ·.· ;:_ '. :..· .· ' . , --~· : '; , f : ·, ".'• -··-, : • .· .· : .•. :.· .,- .I .·,, ·, ·• . ~· . •. ·• '•I.' . •, 1,.'t.,". ·,.:·:.

~:: ~~- : . : l •• ~-

55 .•

:tll • : 22-9-82

The para wa~. dr-opped subject ·to verification' b-y tbe,,Aud}~ •. . . •' • ··(: ~• ., •.; > a: : • ·:,·~. I' • ; • ·~ ri ' ' . • 'o • ' ' ' • ·, • I• ,:• . . l . i>~a ·ss ,,,., .. ·s·:,3.:1.4'.~US.·qf~th~:'. 1Udit; Rep'.or·t·!pi,-, the '~r lij66-67. -··

Loss of stor.es.:w.or.:thJls. ·4#-.217 ~.:::·c ·. · - .. . !' ,·;,, ,


.' .. ·--~- .·· :' ~--. ·. ·.·.·.·,·.·· · .. · . . ··-· ... .,. .. ' .'. ...... - . ; . . . ..·. The· Committee directed the Administrative Departrii'ent "to ...

, I / l •

exp_edite the write off of the amounts involved from the Finance D~p~?ent~ -. Th~ pa~~ was ~e~(pending. .. · ·

.. ', -, '. '' :·,:: . '/:. _ _.',. .: "··:".:;{' \1·'-'-' .. : .• ··:; . . . ,·, .. , 54. Para 48 a .. e.46 of'the· Audit Re· rt for.the, ear 1966 ... 61:1-

Recover of Rs~ 12 605 - due .·from a contractor .. ,,

•· ... -·,,_..:

···i:' .. -: ·. 22-9-82·

. . " .· . ,~. f: . ! '. ..;:,

I I •..'i r, ·1, I•. ', ,t.',

· ··· ·-- .: .. _ ::> .: .. P!!\FT·-t>ARA~:-~::~ss.:s,- :~~/, .. ~... . ~ ' . :::l:

' .. :-~·. ; ·:· i' ·' :.~ ··.·_·.···· .• ·:'.·!· .. ''" :·-, ·:''." .. ··· .- "i,~···,J,i:--{·-._,_· .. ~·,. ·:·,:;:.:i~:-:"} t,·-.··~-' ... ?"< 62 •. ,;:· J'ara. 18(vi)?:t#.se.J4'·ol·the AitditReporf'fpr the yeai-.1.966-67; -/.-',;

Shortage ·or··s1~r~:~:wotth :·~· ~-7, a~~l~: ·, ·::' · · <. · r . ·._:, ,~ ··;. ·/'; ··:,

22·9~82. . :::' : --- .. -. .,; ..•. ' .. t , __ 1 •• :·: ·,\: :'/)) :~:'· ·,. _:'.,y:::,: .. ' . : .·'

. The Comm'ittee. du:1'~te~-~-th~A~i.ti,tr~tiYt 'i)~pi~tr;lent':::tnilt the amount of- Rs. 3, 600/-.havµig been rec9ver~d'-'tro.dl ·M·r Munammad Aslam, :Sub Eng~e$r, .should be got ·yeriffed._by Audit. The Com~Ut~.~ fur~t 'pir~ct~d -~e. Aclminis.trative ·oepartm~nt to expedlte the cost -- ·· of wr~te ~fr.o.t Rs. 8/19 3/~~~ : ;The.,;'.'P_~r .• ·-wa~ kept pending~'.. . - :. .

.. ·- •/1 t·.· .:< ·.r.· ····:1:-·1·): \t'_ .. {~i:'!.: .··~, '. ~~-:: .,•: .« ,: .'·-: .. ~ ... ·· .\ / :··<~: .. ·-:.~··:'\ ·~:· .:~· ' &3. Para 40 . es·. f14if15 of=th'e AuditRe rt'for\the: eir.·1966 ... 6'1: -~:..-

Loss of sto~es worth Rs, 32., 772 - .·.'; .-

. . I ,.':.:.

..• ; 1_, °' .-· \. -: !_.' . ; •.. _' \ .\ ; '.·· , . . . 'r ' .• _:, ... · .

· ·A.:c.~.~r4ing .to Aµ<li!t:.,co,nµ-11:ctor.~s .cla~ ran. illt9 a minus figure_., of· as.:i.,.::a~;,·s.a1+:,!111.e~~asi-i;Jti}+.dn.iiri.1.~~ative _tie'pii,:-'tm~t:.had' .ola:hne~ that the Adm._mi,~~rativ~/D.epi:t~m.t~oweg;.h?,lli __ a~ .Q.M_o;tm.~_Pf;Hs~.l$,:~11 l : •. The position·:fn:this :r~gard_:9liq.uld be~~ecQnciled1 with'Audit; The - . para ·· w,s · kept . pen~~-g~ · ' ' 'r:;

68 .· · • i '/.' J ". ( j

. I . I 1 ~ i I

2~ , Sin~~·.Miari:,Muha:mi#.·iJl-\.;saF!lfµ./:·st#).:and~~·· G~~m Shabbir,. SDO .had .beeh· .eleo.tie.;iPr,J~;:_h~~iddoi(was,, .. call~<LfQr.~ :~ .: .

i \ ' , _ ,· 7 . ~. · · .

3~ Recovery of an am~unt of·~&: .s;\,a.01~:.6~t bt es~ ~·,,oo~/- h~dj~;.· · : · ... ::e:~:~::~:: i~~~!bW!~Gh~am /l~~-~:bl. The bal~ee, slioul(l .

.. . . ·' _:1.\;', j .- .. , .·.·> --:·•;, ': .. ,: ,,. : ,; : .; ... :> ~\5 . ,. : ·, · ... ·.. . : ,:·;:.: ;,,:· .. ''),:;, ... -: : .. ·4·/;'·\~/~···MuhEU#iitaia··R~zafr'abd ,M·~~~iad Siddique hadi:repor'~- . . -: '' ''< , .. : ,.]tM1y'·nieW«pp~aa: against the -~bSiti~ri".of' r~cqverfagalh~:t''.

I .• :·-UHtm) -:: i,,,,(. ,,_·:- .. ·,, ._<. '· -s-: :·:,.-~···: .··: • ". ·:. ·>·":\'>\

. l

. -~ ·, ~ . . ~;# ,i \. -. .~: '.I/ .. ::~; ·r:


' ,,


I .'• ...........

13 10 8 1), . . .• • ":::.t~:0.- ·.~,,-; '. :•)~~~lf;:h~.~[~.: ·-· - ". ,...1~. .., ·--·"'\""'->·· : .. ~ . .. .\

. . ',. ·.,• j • j-"t)·.:'~: r : q i-f•t .. -,:n,;.: ... ·. ·~ ~ ., • I " • ..,. \ •. i_ .. • ._. -, ~., •.'

.. ·'..~ Tff~;;·;i~ci~~ry-1~?~.)~a/-,' m~d~-- ffoin?t~f ~~iti-~ctor, had- ~eEm Ve:tfif~ed by Audit. As •for the balan_ce of. "5. 2'.S, 31P/·,· the Committee directed the Administrative Department as under~- -: '

. .. • -, • • : . ' ·.I: .. ·.·.:! I' :-_.f ~'; • .~ ... ~:, .""l• .. ' .: .. ,~.;, '. • ,.:..i:~·, ., ,''. i.,:.; •'.,, ~· _':'r ~· • ~: I , ' '.

. . . -1_. __ ... _ Bagh, M·uhammaa;· ·0ver,eer -~~~-Rs. 3-/150 I- . . . · · . . ·.J..~-- -·~·.,..:.~ _r1-.· ~ ·:· . ' •• r4''::;:. ,I_,.,-_.::;-~,~:/· :~·::·;::.·._._.h:··-~.-< .. \ . . . > ... ~·t~·· ~.... -· ~·-·.·.-! :

• :: ·:

1 'the Wr1h~ :c:iff'.,w.as'under-.J)J".OCe',s.· lt{sbould?;be, puts,ue,d. ,,· I • . • • .· - •, , ~ ~ ·•· ·~ • .: ,

~.2.· --~~loam· ~~t, ~&rseet ~ ~'208/;- -· _ _.,,.:·,_, ·. __ ,; _ : ·. 3~- -~ M_r.Manzoor.Anrired ~ff'.'.:OVerseer - 'Rs,·J~64')/..;.,~.- · ··

_-• __ :,:·-~:#:ie-:A(titi1n~~tr~t1Y.er,e~~~~nt·~~•-,1ss:ufn~,_.,h~~e·~a~s~::. , -: - . n:bi~e~· ~o· tli'f~or '~on~q~JS~<t~-,-~~f.cthe~ o~ders.~·::rhe. ·; . ' · :acttori jhQUld bEf expedited; \. · , ~ ... :, ..,,-:;- ., , . · . - .· . . ..

,I· I ' ' ; ·, . " • ~i . -, ·.,, ·. ";' ~ ,' J· ·, .

. · . . ; .. "-:' 'i.···:. . .. ., . . t ._' - '.··.~. . ... ' .... _;, . . ·. ·: ..... -- . . . . . . . ' .·. " ' \ ..... t, ... :; ... ••

· <. .. · -~~- : Mr M uham~·ad lshag.ut=(C¥,iihty ~- $, ,f 1

1'50 [-. _ .. · · · · · •;:)·J, ,. .. .: ·' .. ' ' \f:[i;j~:'.,;'r .: > ' \ 'x >· r • Cl•• ,: ·. I ' , ' ,' ,,

".· - '' \ ' ... 1.?be :~9.i.fn~ -~hbhld' be got\writtell off ~s he had left the ~ervice . · --'/-).: ·and/was.. in':Sa'iidi Arabia,,;··: . '../;;((> ,.·,_.,.. .

·· .: j' ' _<1 .:., ':: i:(.:· i'·_'.'_ .· : ... ; . ',<i<· ·-,j_\L::;(.:ii, I >'-_; ,~.;-·, . ·.: :;;. . 5. _ · ¥r A.iidul Azi~ - Rs, 5, 884/- · · i _; · _; \_ ••. ,~, • , .

~ .\'. ·.·. '\ , '. ., ; ', • • ' f ,. : \ i ~. ·. '. ', / .- ·' ~ . • • . . . ' . -· . . . . ·. ·'.. ~ '

, . · · ~h<>:W caµ,;a~ no.tipe, 1-\\fS.$· _l>ew1f$!.fµ,''Ve9 on ,him. Action should ··

( · .. ,;iLte ~::8.1t\~;{: .· d/:/ .. i ·.,--~-~~~/.-·: ~-: ~-~--7:·:;;:r,_ -: · -:.'>:{·, ,: . ,,, .· :, -•-· ·, · , :: . 6't( ,,;., !HN!:m.tit-Ad S ,' 'd •"'.' ~·~- '380 /' •:·~, .::,-, .: ..• ,.;. .: _;,~,~ ""' .. · '

•· ·: · .. r ~. ,·_: -,- ,' : --- ~~~- . ·: :·.\ ":~ .. ::·:: ,-~:~:.!: ''.-:.(-!~:'.;:>~~2X· ·: 1· .. ::·;.:.:::;:,c,, ... Ash~ W9.fil not .' trac.eaple,: .. 1;he ~oun.t shoWD agaizlst him should .;.~ gotwri~ten off.·.:. __ :.- .•. ' }/:; i' ,; ·.: .:.: '' j '.-" i f_

. '1'. ' ' :;, '.' lVJt ~·~"~:~ •• Bs: &ji~~?< .·:)_ . c.,~ ,, . '.' • ..... '<': .. ·. ··~·· :. · T~e-~o~t:s4~i1~~ b~-g~t·writ~!~~ff ·¢•·~-hf;t,-~d.retired and

...•. ::f: ·a:··-.·· - ~f:~i!i~~~:~'.il:J2::r~~::'.,.: ·:\:.(;:i:r-·· _· ... ·-·-· ....•... : . :, ,:. ,)!sJ~e hap\~,ql~:e<i;-~~~~ ~o~t.:~hc,ulcf P!,:;_g9t -.vr~~te.n 01-r,,·y~, ·. ·:~ ,(' / {?··:)'.~\:~:-~ _-": .. :?!~· :~'t-~r.:::;;~·- :',. ' '' ·\ . iJ,:\:'. ' ' ' '

~.-:··;·~· '_;i->~._:: _ _:;:·,_:··.·. 4.fl·.·. ' ,t. ' .. :· '. :t l_~·;,_· __ i'~' : .·

. / '

,· ,, <,

r:Tiie·.:ca1:Je b~in~':$1\'.i~ j1ifilc~, '. ~~: -~~a: w~s}~rept. :~Jldirig, .. ; . . .. ~:h.!;:,lli;f.' :.!(/ '• .. /· . . '

~.- ... _ ... -..;. . ••* ·- .. .:.~

i· ''

.\ .

I . ":- - .. · ~ .' I . ." •· I :... ' • • . • \ .•

Para· 82 ' · e 65 pf .the Audit::Re~rt~for'. the · -!ta~, 19.66~_67 '"' LosS'··of store ·_ worth Rs/43~:044, -··

69. -


.. J\

'.The Administrativ~ ;o'ep,art.ment reported that the articles to the tune of Rs. 37, 502/~, which became unserviceable., were part of the stores worth Rs. 6 ]J;c lying with the Department. and that these should

:1! . . .

Ii JI-


60. Para 31 e:ge 50 of the ··Audit R,epori:'for the Year 1968-69 - Loss of_:Jts, 37./502/ .. 1due-.·to .. s.tQres· be<:oming· unservic1e(lble

; .The ,Adm.i.nistr.atlve. Uepa:r.tment was · directed to. get the amount already .recovered .\rerifi~d by Audit., ln;v:iew i:,f the fa~.t that. there WS.$ a fairly substantial S\Uil Of rent yet 0tQ be recovered from. Officer.sf officials of·Polic~ ·Departm_~.t~·. the A:clministra.tive Depart­ ment w~s: directed ,to .,:-esubm-Jt tha7fpara exp1a:1n1ng thpJ:"eln the action taken .. ·in that. behalf~ 'f:lle ,pa,:-a .,w,~; kept. pending. · ~ ' . . . - \ ·- . . '


. , ') ::j;.,··, -:! . ': J ,, ' i ". t ~ . .- : : . ·~·

;, . "': .... ., ... _. __ .... 11~10-82 :

/ :

1.,. • .••.

:·· ..... ·. ),.· . DRAFT PARA$ 1968~6:9',.


. . . . ' ~ ~ .. ,' :j _; -:.- ;:-; . . : -~ ' : . ~ . ' _. ... '.""·, ·.,

;-~. .. ·:; ... '• .: ' ,,. I • • j·'; .. r~·. ... '.I.:·-· ,,. , ' . ·. . ~, . ' .=, ... ,t~·: ,;·_i -.:;

Tll.~. Admmi~tra.ti~e' Se~rE;tary.,:e'.'plaine4'~at. this J)S.i'a would be consider~d. in -the ~~et{gg wqich he. would ,b~ .h~ldlng with '.f lnance Secretary in tbe near f~~\it.e'i ..• and further actj.ofl, would be taJ(en µi the3 ligp.t ot' the decision 'iai~rr tb:ere·in, ~The· para·. was. kept pending. .·.

,.:._. . ·.·

. ' : -~ ,: -. i • ; .. t . . ~- : '·· '

\ . . .1.1-.10-82_. , . , ,

. ,,:; . ,_;.-·

.. . ' '·

": ... · ·12, . - .

, lVIr<Sas~Ji:-.:Abnie.d,>\SDO ,~~~dl, ~11Rs. 21t92l- , . . . . . . .. ' ..

i ' , -· I e- • :.. ' 1:, ,' '4 . I • .. t ''!_-) , '. ,• ... \..,..:·. . . . ,.: ~~ j 1 \,

lf. no sut<::eSij, ws.s· :achieved i,q, r:eee-veriJlg;itbe. a,mo.Ul)t ·EIS. arrears. of .la~d .. re,venue/ tnen the amount should be got.

· .~r~tten :of(.·:; : .: . . -,.'. \ . .. . .... '·~ ;.. ~ ···· .. :.·:.t· .... · ","

r .

. -i::;;:::

. . ··, 9.,;,, Mr Av:ya,~ AJ:tm:ed,·iir(,Rs~:,1 J.40/- .. , . ..

............. :c z~- ... __ •. ;:;;;::; .: .J .. L~_#_:'Cca.1• ~~ ·:.t. -.-. - ;·,';:·:.' .• ...• 1 ·~.

. . ; ' ~ .' . ·-;- --~ ,; -·· -. . -.-.1 ·.,, ' ... ~ ._, ·,.: ,:· .. . ' - '

He was being served ~ith a_.shciw'.rc.au•e·:notjce. 'Action · shoulcJ be expeqited{ ·iii/, 'i. • . ' ~: :,.; ·, :i:.

• • o •, 'J • ~ I :,S, \ ; ' ••• .J, ........ , • • •

. ~ ._ • \ . • ;, l,. : :

. ; io .. ·(_:C.hd\.~uhantfttatl',':,(u~~ ·flSt 1, 2°6.0L., __ .. ,,, .

. ,. . • . • ;:,:,;, .. ' • . ZS ,:J. ,,;:: -:· '/ .• !

, . . · . Sm,ce he 'ha~. ~l'.Cp~ed, the amount s~_O\Y,t •ga~st _ M,in should ·' .: 'L:e· got w· ·r·itte··n·-- .. ,:o·· ·H:1'i., :._. •· -,.·.·.,. r . ..... - ... _ · ....... ·• • ,.. -

~ .- ~,.. • .. :~';'. ~ ~- .,. • .:. '. ' : <

'' :r~~b:; ~f ·~iTtt~~~;~ .- . &.' \JJN j;;~'.'-,;',· ; '. L1~l),;,'l .. . · . --·,· .' " ' -it ·no ··~tici'cess·'\~,as ·•cli!eve&1ii recov~erfug:·.·u;,r;a.motint as

arrears of land'.revenue, then the amount should be got written off•' , · - . _' · ' · . . . - . , . ; ; ; . : .

. "lO

·,, .,_\ -

~ .~:? .. :· ' "' .

Recovery of Rs; 563 /82 having been verified, this part of the . para was· 'proppe.d~ · ' · · - ', ·. · ". : ' ' .. .. .··:. ·.

, '' i. ::_· ;' - . .. \. . . : ~. ~ _ · ·-. . •.. . . .. :.. .. · - '.·

·. '· The Com~ittee directed that' thewr Ite off of Rs. ·4;ta.-~/5-t> _.~hould be expedited. Efforts should also be made to recover Rs. 757 /36 ~rom . the Prirlcipal., Nlshtar Medical College and M. S., Civil H.osP~te.!:;: \··/:::_ Multan, It was further directed that the arrears of Rs~ lO, 425 /64. ~hou~d be recovered fr1om Otha-' ~tflcials. concrerned ihrou.gh'. the 'A,dcouhtant . . .. GenerEll,· Punjab or the D.is'trlct :AccbUhts. Qffi6et'j3:: as, *~:.c~se·~ay,b:e~:,,., The para was kept pe1ndinJ• · · . _ _ . · =,' '..

1.: : ' • ,, · , ' ·• '. \

i ... :_.·.,_ ....

1 -~ • . ... ' : •• :· • 13.;.10.-8·2

63. . Para 9 page 20 of the Audit Report for the .year. 1970-71 :­ Non-recover of rent of Government Buildin s amolllltin · t<> .. :: ··. ··. · Rs.37,281 -

..i" . ' • ~ . '

. ,· .... ..• . ! ... _1.._:

.. ··\ ; ·"" · D:RAFT PARAS 1970:-7(

',M·• .'. ·.'

. . ' . . . . . . ,. ' ·,

.: .. ··:The case ·related ··t6 the year 195,o~ Th~ Administra,_dve be·part~ ment.-explained· that In actual fact no loss had been ~curred by the Govermnentas Ithad to pay.the cost·ortraiisportation 'rif <lement· .. J-:·

anyhow fi"oin th~ 'station to the:· storeei .: 'tn f~ct the action- of. the· official cdncern~d', had -~a\red ',~om:e ,'niprt~y !but;fue·; tact 'reniam,e~ :that th~ SD,Os

·concer~ed · cow.d have ·obtatnecf1the ap~roVa.1 _of the .. nex,t .1:~1ghet· '_au~J>rtty to his · action which he did'' not do, Since no 1oss was involved/ thEt para ~Eis_ dropp~d. 'However, the Department 'mig~i like te w~rn '1:Jl'' 'dtfi~~l conc~rned to follow ;the :regular procedure hl'obtain.ihg'>the'.s,a~ctioij' to the next ~igher authority in future 1n 'simila~'circum~tanc_~sl'·. ·-:-; .'

·:. ··.-., -:·,.·

62, Para .61 pa e 6'0 of the Audit Re ort for1the e,r 1968-6.9 - ,.:·Excess e:nt'·'of Rs.5 534· - •;;. ··,·. · .· ,.,._, · ·

•. , ~ . • r·: ;. , ." • , ,·. ( f , :: ~· ·. : ·: .· ': i· • .,_.£ ', ', < , '. : ,. ·,·, , ·, ·i . . .... 13-10-82

22-9-82 ·

i_._:_ · i,::. ', ;~~ -1~;~trative· :Dep_artnien/:e~plain.ed·· th~.t: -th~:·: ~~tion for recovery. was underway. ·•The.' ·committee dir-ected'::·ihe/A?C:h.ninistrative Department to· expedite the same, The para was kept pending.

·. 61. ;;·.Para · 42' ; · e 54' of 'the Audit Re ort f~r the ear 196:af;.59·1:~'

:··r·-· Fictitious a ment= 'of Rs, 25·, 546

be got w.t.i.tteri : otf'/: . B:ef Qr~/: ,,how.eye.r; : 'the ·. G;ommittee" agr~~q wJ th 'the Department's proposaf, it desir~d' to 'lmo\V. a~ .;~o: ~whaJ 1;h.ij._ Depar tment was going to do with the .total stores worth Rs. 6 lac lying with. tµ~m~ · · It directed that the Department's report should be · furnished te_·-~~~ t .:.· Public Accounts Committee within· three months. TQe para was kept·. pending/:·,.,::;:-,. ....... ·,;· = · · .. , .... ,... • .. , ·., ·.,,·i_:_, .... · ·'

~ : . .•. J ···•. 1


'1'. e .

·, .

.. ,.- ~ ' , , 1-~~ Coinroitt~e 9P-~~rv.ed th~t as. the r.aa~te?twas .• under action,

.: _wlth the 4\-wnt,n}s.tra,tiv_e: Depar-tm ent, i~ ~~p~lc;tb.E!~ ~-~ped#ed~ -~:tie, para ·.,·!a~ -~ept J)el)ding~ . . •,.:'· ; .. ,· .. '·.:·

- .-..-, :,'·i -:•.

• "' -~.1 .

The Commrttee directed that- its I previous decfsdon df -23;;,1-1.982 was still valid and the Administrative Depar-tm ent -. should go ahaad.

· accordtngly-to finalise the c~se expeditiously, -

67. Pa~a ~19' page 22 ·o'r tbe'-Audit Rep6rtfor. the yea,f; l970-71 - Loss due to deposit of Government mone in a ptivate Bank Rs~ 7, 17. '?8{).

--·· ,· , _ . ,'., '.';' \ •• c •

•.. ...... - j ,.;- 22-9-82,, ,., . , . ~ - -; . . ..

- ;• :1

. ~4. , : Para 10 page 20 o_f_the Audit Report for: tne:year 19"70".:71 - .· . ~Loss .of ,eto;res wprth' Rs ... 21~. 714/'-., .. >; : : - . ;"( ·.· ···. : •

• •;--;.: { / • • ... I•' - • ~ • " -~~: I' • ,• ·.;

$ .. 1 .. sa . . r. ~ • ( ; ; , ,. : : • , •. • • I - . ·' \ . . _J:, • ~

- • .' • I I : II .... II •• 1 • , ~ ;. .. ~ . . . -;, . . -; :;:·. ·.:: >:\ . . _ .. '.l'he Con:imittee directed the Acitninist~ativ:e Department, to· get

tlie,J;e,c'py;e_r.Y: ,o!"outstand!ng amounts verifiep fr,Qµi/~~dit. .. ~11dfor those whicll''_l)~~:l ·tp;:b~ _w:,r,itt~n i<>~!', ·.s~n.ction,,shoul_d ·lle 9bt~~~.i ~rozx:{.ilie:: coPJ,pet~t auffiority · and .g~t · v~·rffied. from Auq}t: .. 1'rh~_-"ij~~~-"W:as ,k_ apt: pen~mg. - · · · ·- · .. .. · · · -- ~ · · ,,_ · · ·

_-·: ' • · .. .. <, .·.-;· :_. . • '· ' :'.>.' / ., .· .. ·. ;,.;. 65~: . Par:a 12 · a ~ 20 of'th-e--Audit Re ort for ·tbe.' - ·ar· 1970--7.1 ·;,;-· · . ,' Los'.S o{Rs, 215:9;466.·,;i~tte to aeterioration.~of) :q.rpl:us -s1;ores·and

~·:,,:: ... _, .Rec\U'c~ing annue.1Joss of Rs, 24:,·_000{~ , ;,,, / I -_,. .. • ·, • /) • r ~ ;;"'1 ' .. ·' ,

, ~:1-113, ' '. I '·. '?ii/, ,1! .·''. ,·. .·, , -. \. , . I, ,,

. The", PubUc Accounts . c;omm.ittee n'ot¢d.. the-'e,xplahatl<>t.r·;,pf" the. Admintstrative Department witn concern, as···the heavy stofes"''could not 'be dispose~ of inspite, of Iapae o(. ver_y. .long per.iod, There was~,•._:~ ' however ,->c'onsiderabie force in the stater:Q.ent or the ·Adm)t1is't:fativ·a--,· .

. . Departtnent. tha~ ,J:here wer:e pr oceduraf. bottle ~nec~s- whdeh had come . - in the.; wa:Y. Qi ,~tiexpeditiou~: disp~sal pf :t9~ 1=1tqrei~ · The ·~~mmltt~e,~

. would };>ring thi~ :fac.t _to the .nottce of ,Qq::r~?nment of. the Punja}) I. ~~i

; woW:d .su,gge~t thAl:,tl;le Com~tt.t¢e .a)r~9idy· 1:coµetit:uted. to, def;tl ~Jth, , .,.un$er;vfo~abl,e .. ,w.\c~inery .n:ta,¥,-.~l~·o:b~com,e s_e~z,e~ pf' the p~9.~~~m-~ 9.f

, , tbe}~isposa1' of. s.UJ"p~us stor(;}s .• , c The Secretary of the P1;2p-hc Accounts ;:. <;:;o~mitt~e would bring thlE$_r.~_1rommendat.iOl],; to the nottce 9f_the -, ; * :

· .Cba:ir!llan, Pla~µig .and pe:ve~opni~Ilt,Boar~ In "l;he . sep~.r~~~ ,,1ett~:, ._ . while .);hese .comments shc:,~lq ~ls~.forr~1. pE?-;r,t of .the pr-oc ~ec\iq.g~ .}~! :',th~

~µbile. Ar;cou;ii~ Cpmlll.ttte~•-: The p~ra would ', reIP;ain }endipg. , , >,· u5 '.! ' . ,· I '. I . I,' I' i' '. .


66. Pa~a 17 pages 21-2·2 9f the Audit Report for the year 1970.1.71 . Omisslon to recoi:r,er. ~e cost or stor~s :59'.sued tp1 contractors

. worth Rs., 37; 18~ l- --" - I '

72 .


,: .. ~ .. ; \ . ~. 'i :=::- · .. ·' t·: . ; . ·• .. ,.. ,_ -· ··· . . ····-~ ~ .. f': • • ,J ;. : • •'. ,:,:r;:-1 ~:::: ',: . I - , ·:.1,

. ····-··· '· •• 1.· ·:; .. ,:~.""f~· .~· -;,·:·~-;--_7·>. .'.

'The Committee noted with concern that the recoveries \~filch.had be.en made against the outstanding amount of Rs, 14,,,85~ 416 /- w~:r,,e,i ..ip co~parative ·terms, not tlpto the mark •. The· Committee also rio'tea'·· .. the: diffioultj.es·:,ointec,houtby ·the AdmJnistria:tive P,~pa.r_tm~t).n their explanatjon. · .The. Com~itte.e. :f e-1t, that .. {Q.Uow),1lg·j ~4! ._f:':epb,rt,.)~f-,,µi~f1 .Sul;>I":' Cornmitte·e ,·:in·· pursuance Q.f. :the -di!'.~.~tiV~: 4~\ed ~~~'~;-.f9~8},. .Y;l~.--~Vf>-:-::~ <:ommittee, comprising p(!Alh'1j :Kb~w.aj~ ~~b~b,,u~;.;~~,~~P.d.r,;:v.-·: Ch Fateh Muhammad should further conduct an ·exa,nination into_ the problems of outstanding dues. and non-recovery of rents. It should suggest and bring about the best methods of redu~ing the amounts of outstanding recoveries. The Services, General Administration and Information Department would submit a W.orking Paper outling·''the

72. · Para 14 page 32 of the.AuditReport for the year 1971-72 - Non-recovery of rent&£ residential b.uildin s amountin . to Rs. i4., 85~ 416 - . · ~-

71. - Para 3 pag_e 29 of the Audit Report for the year 1971 ~72·:._ Si···· : .. d .Non-recQvery of rent of reside.qtial buildings amoqntin to .. ,. · -~-- ···· Rs.12, 16;840 - .1, •• •. ,,. •_;· ... ,;.:_ "· :· ··: ,·1::c: · ·,;.f

· .. .. ';: .· .. '.:L ·~. . ... 't:-::i __ , '~~··:.:.' : . ,: .. :'.:.::. L-: ... :~.',} ~:',·: j)/i~.t.· >\. ,.•. I

DRAFT·PAR.¢\$:197,t ... ,7,2;;,::·1.··· , .. ··'':;i')···t .: ' . ~ , .. , . --., .. . .. . ..

. . . . . - .. :.· ... -.·_,'

\ I ,•

·. ·:;)L;,.~r; tf:'ha'Publie·-:A•,ccourrts :Co~ittee:dir.ected ;the,Adm!nis:tra.tive: .. ·Departnfent · t<>l restibm·ft ·the · pa.:r~, showing the·· 1ates:t; poaiU&n~. 'Dlila~.,ira;,; was kept pending. : · . '._.:!d.htVi(l

•"/t~~ J'~·d ----~ ............ 6-1-83 •

. P~~~ 13·3· ~-ge;. 2,5· ,of ·:tfie'Am.f~~l! ~p.ort lioz<;:the: l7.!1~H-~-~:1)-:~~~ ;.. .' ~· ·. L,oes of stores worth~. 90, 000/~.::·: .•.;;, _.;: ·;.·) i..,,.,,.J::;·1:,;-r.,_,!·.,~·r .' ·

j I . ··,-:-~··-. :- . ··-·,~·' .. ":.,-·._,- ... --.~:--·· ., .. ·~·-••."'•'--·"". . ··,,--'

70 • .. .

· . ..-.: ·,. :, .. ; . .. :·,;,~ . <··.·: . :· ': '-:-,, ;····.•.:x,: ,,,1; ,::·: ;_:_;_-,-.:;;~~- ,_::· ...... ··, ·:. '-~~-··:Committe~'•d·foe9ted tqe>A:.dminlstra.tive·nepartm.:.ent. t~·; -,,: :·,,

expedite the write .. :off·.of 'the' loss>-Th~. para·.'Y~SJ/kept;pend·ing:.l',·,::: ,.,,__,,i:i ,- ·.{ ..

. ,·.' ,.· ~: -'· ,: ·.• . .. :··.· . . . i. ' .. . . . . ~ :- .,

.--, t ->: ··:· ,! .: ~ '. .:~; . .: -·; .". ':.... .. '

69. ··,·Pa:ra ·26 pa'ge .'2;3:of the Aud:ft Repor.t f-or .. :lthe -year·. 19·70 ... 71,:·':'l r • i:.: f.:.,· ·:,;Loss of,&~·S-4.,-l:16 / ... : idue 'ta: .theft. of, sto:eea· -; r- :: ;:,~ ,.': ~ /.;, N ·,. .r : ·· ,,

. ; c. z.t,J1.,J·-l.i: \. zi·

• .:; .! "f. ) .. ~.:: -. ,:_' l -,

• ·.-;!~i.!~. .. Cf '_:f·:· · ,;<·... ·.; -~,-: ,~. ~--:·:;_.t i_·;T :.'(f~}_';i>:~, // ~.:<,· JJ.~~·.tJ.(! .... .t'.fl1·!i~t~

.. · The Commfttee observed that the Administrative Department had alr~~y·-~-~.£9.~t~d,for the:-sbprtage,of $;t0re1;1 .am~ing;:to.:1:;. · J: Rs. 31.,. 805 / ~, which lia.ci".been ... ~~~~e~e~:-~~~:·~~ ~i~l~~.:.~-;~~-~J§.#~~~~Hon of the case had resulted· Ina further shortage of Rs. 44, 82fff-96~·.'..which had again ·been accounted for by the Depar-tment, except for sior:es: - d

worth Rs. 9, ~~4/50. Out of that, . recovery o! Rs. 39 /- had been. niide·~· ;·· The .-bitla~~e was stilf'.-td.· be accounted -f~t~:-The .amount o(:Bst'fl~;/­ E1galnst'Mr · Mtiha.nima:d Asla.f:ll ~ ·-d~sm.issed -SllbJ:Engid·e.~n .1 .lll/l'f :liedJOtu:

·· written :-off as -the -chancea .of·1:recovery .were.ioleak,,r/The.,par,a;iWa$·,f;';: 'k"". t . "' din• . : . . .. ' ( . . -- - . .. . .. ,;.p ·.t"en . g. . -.: ;._ .. , -. · ... ·r.: ·- ':: ,, ; . ,r . .-::·, ~- ,_ :'.;,·; .u , ,::,=:,: .. :. ,:;

68. P:,.ra 22_ page 23.,,of.;the Audit ·Report .. for.d:h,eyear:il97'.i),71r;•,:J-.qu :J:von-a.ccountal of stooe.s worth Rs. 3l~i8.05{~ .,.;/; ,;!~_;.:;·(; ·:c,,1'. r;.:1rd11

:~ t;i.~>-. ······t: •· r-·. :=: .,~i_: .. : -~.:j '. . , •. ·_~,,;,·:·;~~ -~r;:·tq:;_~ 1.:: . .:J :>J"·1,_.·;,:~·J!:;-:t8Tti·~!.rj· 13·~10-82t· .. ;" ·/·.i, f1:,~J :t'·,_::~-"q]' ··. -; ·-; '• .~· )--i.1~ .'.~·-!1i'~;·7_;·~h. ~; r; i·Jn·.:i;) :;,k.~J:)'f-~/,~c.,(-::

l' • 73

.. I ...

r ., ·? : } ; : • ··:

·._,_·.-: !• t:: __ • I -

• ! • ·, .~ t • . • .• • : \ -. ~ :

I . : :.~ ··:·: ,;1 ,

The: Committee. obaer-ved that the prpgre~s in that ca._s~( h:9-d :i;. been blocked· by absence Qf ·relevant record. The Adm.in~tratiye ::.rpf. . Depar-tment agreed to make another· serious effprt to trace out the(.-. relevant r-ecord," The -para was kept pending,

- ... ,,1 6-1_ ... 83 . ' ·.:. .

for the year 1972;..'73 · - r'eaultfn · .in a loss 9f

76. · Pa~a ·1('.·page 22 of the Audit Report .. Irre ar expenditure of Rs. 8, ·4l, 130

Rs. 5., 58, 130 -

. .

... . J ;. ~-·

The"·pa:ra stood s'ettled .aiid. dropped •

6--1-83 , > · - : .

! ' . -, :··... . : ;~ i

Para "'? (ikpa e ,.30 of the Ailidit\ Re or-t. for Shorta e·,J>f st9res wot;th:Rs.·7 ,997

- 75.

_,.,, . ·, : . ~ -~ -l.: , ." ·• ' - . ' . ::. ', . . ' '; I , ' : : '• : ' • '1 • •

, /r~~- :cqief :Engirie~r, pom,ted out that in fact the lqsi;_: .w_hich 'was incrurr.5;1d ;py,.~up~l;yp:ig,,Sui:G,as af f~~.t ,-r.ate~ to Gpver1une~t qUE(rier;~ .. was '.-.mµcil)~.ore than. Indicated, In fact tµi~ is.. ~ .p~oblem which is. pa.u~ing a Iosa o(a very l~rge proportions, .AftEp.<a detaiie~ dicsusston ... ft was .. pointed out that there were two methods to-resolve 'those lw·o problems. One ·was_.tq:,move :th.e Ministry of Natural Resour-ces ·tq ta:I<e up the .: '" matter. wiflrthe Sui-Gas·.· Company, which might be persuad:ec(~o ins'tal.. individual meters ;:tt various residences~ _·s·ecopdly, iJ the ;above method did not succeed, the Department ltl'iglit::1nert~l,its-,ow~;~~~t;~rs, /fAe s •.•

Administrative Department ass:4Ve(f.tha.t they w.ould takeiup :the .metter with 'the Ministry.ofNatur~l:J;t.esources.· th.r9ugh<the Phte~··Seqr~.tary, Governtjient ;of _the.· Punja.bi:i'Fhe para was: ke.pt p~nd~g. ·· · ·· · · · .." i r:.- .

~ :::.'•\·i·; . : 1.·

. ·.;;!r:·; !S ·:-1 'I. ' ~ : ~; > '· ' -! j·,, . . :. .- ·.'i._:·; __ .. ,

:. :.;.· .• ·:1 .• . . . ·- . ~·

":. • , ' / \ t • ~ • ' : :·:~; : i.- 1 ~'-;! . , ' . ,- • • I • I I I..:~. 73~;:· Para·5pa e 3Q9fJhe.:Au~iit.Report forthe·year l9~l;.72.-

. .: '. , Loss Qf !ls. 16, 6·3D. . -. to Governtn ent. · · ·

up-to-datepoaitton ,of..r.ecpyeries and outatanding dues _wit~ any proposal which the;y- tnighf likEf'tltJW~.k.e. ~~.·th~ Rent Branch ~~-~i sill~e-~:~~n . transferred to: that Dep::trtrrrent~ The·'Buildings Department would help Services, General Administration and lnf.,or.ij!ation Department 41. _tqe. preparation of Work'iiig Papers. The pa:ra W.13,'$ kepf pengir_ig. . . .. . .

' . . ' .


. . . ~ • i , ~ •

. ;,, .. · .... ·: . .... ·.· .. , , . . . '· .~ -, ;·. ' : .r:. : .. •. . ,·. • .

The Committee dlr-ected the A~b1istratfve· Depar.tment0.'J6·:.·t.~S:~J>mit the para· showing the up-to-date po~itjon~_ The:a.mount~ which had been recovered and v,rified should be, deleted, ~imilarly the amounts for which. sanction for. write off..:&ad -been obta.fueO And the w'ri.te off had been verified by ·Audit, should ais-o-· be d~leted." . . -.. . . . . .

' i· ~' ~\· .. • I -'.}!•~'i,:!',.' < .~ •• ,

.: : ". · · ~ ~.:~ -~!_:.::. ,; .. :.. : .. · .. '. ", .. __ ,,., .. ···>·· -.~ ~:.~. ~--i : ~··· _ ~ . As_ rega~4.~: .. ttl~-J~a~tic~ - still'.t9_be···~¢1jµs}~ij/'j-_e_'<;<>ve~efl.,. ~:tbt

A_chninistrative Department should give explanation in the revised. Working Paper. The para ,would_ remain pending. . ,· .. . .J. _ ! • '· •. : .

. ,•·.··· .·,. . '. r: ... , : ;, '·1'1;..10-82 ;. : (';, ',,.· .:

· . . · · I .. - - :_, ~:•_;?-;·.:· .. :_ ., ::·, :: ''.' ; : i.'. · . . - · . : ! . -; 'J'..,_e .Administrative Depar-tment su~gest~d. tl:>.~J s~~e the re9pr:~.­

was_ -w:itb: :th~·1J?~~µ~_ :~~P.lt~~ginee:rJ11g_ D~par.:tm.e~.t/; tH$ .... pijta:~ight::-~~. ,· _ be.transferred to them, sp~ci?.-!lY.tt~_:tlisfw.orit_.w.as ~$.Q.:'~»'.eJ.;ng ~~~cut~~-· by them, This suggestion was .accepted by'.the Cqmll}ittef) and the para

I stood transferred to Public. Health .. ~rigineeringiDe~rtment. < '. .·' ..• : -. ! ·:··f, I tt: :1. ;'. • ·::· ¥ ···\· •.

1 1

' 1

' • ,

80, ·Para 28(2) page--.,;25'.'0ti''-t:he·Audiflt~pdrt·'forthe year 1972:..7.3 - _ .: Sh~rtage of store$.~WOrth Rs;·4o, 9'25/-·;· .. ' ·.' · .. -·1 '. , . •. •• ·

• !_! ··l.~~;,J, ;··.-.;·:. ':·,, ! . l ·, .. 1.' ···'. -'.~-·;" :···· •.


• ' I

The Committee directed that action. to' write off the said amount · ·should ·be iexpedited,.-and the:r{.got•verif-ied··t>y Audit.· Subje~t 'to<these ..

obS.ervatiorl$/,.the para was -dt-6p~e_d. '. · · - . - ' ,: ' ·,,. . ' · :L' ~-; ·,.: :\iJ1t; Jf_li':f"t·)-:/ .; ~. i • ., • . ..ir·,J.r::/·~· /• ,_-;j ,·'t".. ;·~···': ···' • .. '. :·::;,:,:._:·J ·:,,(·:

· 7;9i( ·: '. Para 19; page 24· of the:iAudit Report: for the yeiir:19-72 .• 1-s· ··:··-1:-·,:·· Non-recovery of the cost of ~aterialw-orth·]ls; 55, 719{~·'•":,, -, ··

I .

::. ·.::~ - ' . - :; : :

•'.·.·The Adminis.trative · D~pa:i:'tinertt- ··e~pla.m.e,d that ln=~the,rdbsent*f'.:' :' Of re~ord, it was not pos~ible to pin ... point the default on the part· of::·•··· tl.i~ ·S!Jb · E;11gineep Jo.r · no] r~:~Qr..dmg_. t~,i;::' .. ~ea~~r,zjJ~~.t\~t (jib~·· r~~~vant :: time. Action to get the ·anio~t·of.Rs'! ·a.,.~~~i-.:w;rJtt.~i+ _Qff h~d-.b~¢n · initiated. · ·

· .. , ·: .'..' .. ! .,· ;,;

· ·: ~ '~. · rt :J: _r.1: • ''. ''. :· • ·: ·'"r • r:.

,··., ·i :>·: ;,:.: :."'.l~ ·. :;:~':': . :i•.::"r.,.·~··. ··;~·>., ·: .-;.,/ .. :.·::' :_ .. ,.:'. l,' .'. •• ' 1 ·-' . . 2~10-82 · •.. · .. ,._ .. , •,t 1

-, I.

Para 17 pages 23-24· of the Audit Report for the year 1972~73':~_.::· ::_ II;regular pamient of Rs. 6,589/i. I I· ·'.. , ; · : . . ' .f .... , . , • ) j ; • .. . 0

• .• ,·~~~ -: ~· • I


The 1 'Committee·. ti:Jrected: the A din irtist:ra:tive: -:I)~partm en t that . the finalization;. =Qt (he:-~ itiquiry against' the· Depariinental Officers.- shottl9 1'.be' expedited and the s'uttement of allegations against the Divi.Sional Accol,Ul­ tant . sii.~-µld~Q~ )··e_s ~bm,ltt~d.:...t9'. Jh~ .P'ir.~ eto.r .. ·G:eti.erair:A.udt t .. &.:A_cc:ounts (Works). The para was k:~pt· :-p~,ri!=}µig~i:·'._ ..... : ', _,, .. _ .. ! .. ·• .. ~- .': ... : .. <>.:·.-,'.:


770 :~ _ _i'P,ra; 12 pag~· ~2 ·9t th~ ·A:udi{-:E~.~pQrt..(o.:r.:1.:tb~--~-,i§!!~-.'fl~'.La;..1.13 .. Overpayment of Rs. 6, 502/-..· .. :.· .. : ~ · .. ·:,. ·:...::'.:::~~;~~ --~---~--~:~ .:··:..L._ ... ·


L;.._ ....;_ ....... _..;. __ ___._ --

The 1Adminlstr~tive Department reported that' the matter; was ~der action with the Audit. The para was kept pend~-

... ' . 11-1-0-82-

85. . j

. . . • .\: • ! . . • : ._., -, ' : . ;:. •

'DRAFT ·pAR.A 1976-77 - :_; ·:·····,;r--- .,_ . ·: . . . );: '•-.>

Para i eige1 ~7 of the Audit Rep~~t for tll~~yeS:r 1976-77 -. -·.-- -. Non-recovery of cost of missing material.,worth Rs., 47, 476/-

l ..

The Commfttee ~oJed that the disciP,lJ.nary action agam,s.t Offi~erS;, - concerned had bee.n:dn.~;llsed. However , · the matter was sub j:udice in· · the cq\lr't 'of Special Judge Anti-Corruption; _;Rawa.lpln.di~. Jt--wa$.i 'however; pointed out that one of the Sub Engineers, Mr._Shamsul Haq had sfnce di~d. No action agalnst him could; therefore, b~ taken .• · -The case being· -~.

: .. sub j~di~e; the par-~- • was ~ept pending. . . • . : ' •• : : ·. ·-; ·-. . ! . ~ • . ' ' • '


- ,: ::, . 1i-10.:.a2

84,.,. · Par~ sci) pa e~ -19 ... 20 of the Audit Reportfo'r the· ~r 1975:..75_ ... -Shorta e of stores wortb Rs. 501 000

'\ ·' ·DRAFT PARA 1975-76

. :,


~)le .. Committee direc:t~d-the Admiriistr~tive .Depar~·ent.·to ,,El~quire into the reasons :of 'delay lll' the -pr9ductiQn Of :record- and d~sired·th~t the relevant record should be made available to audit without any_ ,;·. further -undue.-delay~ _- The·con~ideration. of the para was .deferred subject to the· above obsetvlltions.- . . • ·>

• I

: l.. t .,, . ., • ; a~;._ Pa~a 41(7) pa es 31· .. 32 of the Au(iit Re ·ort'for:tlie ear·197a-73 -~ · · Shorts. · e ·of stores · worth Rs. 'l4, 149 ~ i,

,. I

. ' . '· ,,· ·'·

22-9.-82. , , , , - . .. , · · i' : · ,, .. : _ . _ n, t .

The: .Committee obser-ved that so far as the' ambunft~°i,~ recov­ ered _from lVIr Gb:ulam Muhammad Malik was .,oncernec:t-; the Ac:1µi:41Js- trat ive Department _should 'alsoIodge a crim,ina1 case: of misappf:Opriatipn against. him. In y~ew: of tti'fs obaervatlons, the para was kept pe1;1ding,

... ; • > .. ,' • • • .• • . • • ~

The C9mmitt~e qirecte4 the ~~iqi.strati~e :D~p~rtm·ent to: fiX?'edite., th.e ·wr_ite. off_ ·of the loss.· -The ,par~·,was . kept :pending~ ' . _ •. .. -: - ,.· ~,-···. - ,'. ·- • ':!•,'. ,_··... .· :·' . · ... ,- •!? ,. _.:: .. -,·.~ .. · ... (, __ ~-:-.~~--~·;···;.ti;.·~ · ...

· +~2'> . I?a~ie.,. 4itaf:'·:r e }a 1--~f- th·e A~dii Re . ort.-t:or · \h~, {~~ :1s7~~i~:)>:i- t'. ; · Short.a. e · 'of stbrei -wot-tb its. 1 54, 5.28 - 1 • , - ; -- - ·

- ; - ;.. 22-9-82

. ' • l . . 81. · Para_ 23(4) - _fi e 25 <>f th,~ A~dit Report for the_ ~ar -19.72-73 ~ __ .; Shortage· of stores .wQtth Rs.-23, 426 ;.; · - -- .... :'·· :

.I 76

.. :)::t··,_ ... '

. ' . ::., . ~ . .: :.1 ~: j ·, .

·· ·:rr · ,,1 •;·,..

····•, ~ . ..... ·, .. '·., ; ,j ,..,·..,.....;,__ci,,t;'w

,• ' .... -u-:»: .. ·;._ .•.

(.:• .:

J, .:,!::--· ·1.::} .. '. . .' .. ~;Ji1.s'Jf!C. ~j .., '"·...,,. ' ... -·r. ·i1• .: 'r.r: ! •

: : ~,." ·~_.:..

., .. ' ..

*Se·e page 12 9 infra.

. .. ·,··'+ • (..) 1 .~ 'i ;_ .: . . i.(' t• .

. ··/ ... : .o . ) • .s :

·,i· .. ' v.. ·~··

. : .. )'

...... ' .. -.-}: ,:'}• { •. ~-; :"3' ,>;'.t'..: w ..

·-t: .. · .. -.-. ) ..... F :1-:;·1 t:) ,· .... w· '""',w,.,., •. -::"". T"'-· ., , ... , ... • --• : .. ·:· "

;;.1-:J·.' .: ... - ,i ~- •· '"' ·~ ""l; i . '.

'· •• ·.··.--.· .• -.-:..~1; •• ~

The Committee- noted with.-;ooneern· thEfslow, progress of the cases which were pending before th·e- courts. The· cieclsions 'In those

-easesiwere.:t>eia,g, delayed-b.ecause'::ofadj9.~r,~ent~r'Yl!l(:_h~avEl_:p~n./ ai-e· ·granfed· bfj;1i1(.cburtsvon: the)reques! off ·1ltle .~ther]>arty, · ,The:·· Committee des1red 'that the .. Adni.inistraUve Department. could instruct their lawyers to request the. courts .for the grant of cost in those·::.·:.\.:;. cases where the other party deliberately delayed the cases by obtai.nlng·,acijour.nmients on. flimsy grounds. The .Committee' direct'ed ~e Secretary of the Committee to bl'ing it 1to1he\notice.~· of ·an:.th.e~ .,;r ~cb,:ninistratJve .Departin~nts for their gufdance, . · , , .

'.· l~.:· .. ~ .... :-.~~ .. ~1: .. ·~-: .. .·~l.:::~.~ :~ .... ;.'.:.:·~:·~ ... :·.' .<: ~.·; .l -v i. ~·· :.\ .: ·,·· f•q•::· .. :· ,.,-_.,f ,...: ... · ..... :~:-~;:.·~__....::J:..: .. :·:·r-::, I • ~· :;:· .. !]'.'-:-.;~ ·i·.;l'(.S:, ·::,~).'."\:i .-1 .,» ·.;::i.,) .. , 1.>· ., : ... - :~·:-: .. _~-::.:}_· .. :'~ -·-· ... · .. ·-+.. .. . .. ': _' . . : .. \;\_1'.~·:\i .. .t:, ~:'!~~)~~~ .~::'. · ... ·l~\···x ··,:

.. :~ . General: 11-10 -82 ( · · · ;_., . ,:,:;,_ :, :::, 86,


The Administrative. Department explained that the accountal of the material worth Rs. 36, 706/67 had been verified by Audit. Out of the outstanding balance of Rs. 24, 858 /-, some amount is likely .to ~ .

. be recovered. . .. -t


. I

5~ . SerialNo.13 page 80 of the Audit Report for.the xear 1977-78 read with:.pa.ra 16 .page 33 of the Audit Report'for the_year . 1971-72.; Misappropriation of inateria~worth Rs.-so,291/-

Th~.s p~ra·related_ ~o the drawaJ of Rs, 18,A50/- fraudulently by someone.' The Administrative Department stated that there was no official of the Department involved -in this case even remotely. The Public Accounts Committee agreed , with the views of the Administrative Department and asked them to have this amount written off. by the compet~.nt authority. Subject .to verification of the writ.e off by the Audit~· the para was dropped. ·

.r•' :,• \ ···.:

20-4-82 ,., .\ ..

4. Para 16 a e 44 .of the Audit Re ort for. the ear 1977-78 - Fraudulent drawal of Rs. 18 450 -


The explanatton of the Administrative Department was accepted and the Item was dropped. · ··


Saving _Rs~ 2 0, 8 00 l : ( Charged) . Saving Rs. 6, 68, 47, 617/- (Voted) .

'· \ . 3. 'Pages 3()9~g70 of the Appropriation Accounts for the year 1977-78 -

Grant No. 4?-Communications and W.orks -

The Committee accepted the. explanation of tlie Administrative. Department regarding the excese and saving and th~ item was dr opped,

20-4-82 ·

' ' ' ~· . ; .. -:1···~.> -r . ·. _:\··,:;· •.. • \/··:: ••· '::·:~: ~ ~_'·i'.,:'•.,·.; . =:': .... .- _r_} ... ~·.! ... ·. ,:~.1.·. f ~,._._;_

1. · ',·:fa es:218~,ar,9',of)he Ap' ·ro riition.Accountif:(or- "•~;.·ear l~,77·:,.7ir~ 'Grant'No;· 7-CqmmtJnfofltiQnE! :-· Saving ·Rs. Sa,, 81141/- '>·;:

., ·.· ... 'j (: .. ·, ; ',, ,:.' , , , "lt ; "': ·,,~"· "'I '. ' ·• •' - •1 • - .' ••· ~- • _. ~ \ • (\. : . - ,

13 '7. ·92 ,.c '.,' j ·.,•:, ''/)';,': .. J .. : ,I - 'i.il9. •l'i;, ', ;' .. ·.,,· I \

,,' ·<,1 ' : ,:, , ,",': ;'. ' . ' .··, '/: : .· I,' ._, ' ' \ . o . - ,' ,., , '. .·. '. . : ; , ' : r · '. 'I

. ',Thei ~xplruiation.: of 'the· ·Admlhistl'itlye Depar~ent . was acce.pied _i: · :.· •.• • .• -: '· .• ' ,' ,·. • .; ·. 1=. . •• .,. < .... ' •••

and th~ i~eii;l_wa~.4~q_pped.1,, ._: ·, • •.. .'·· :· .r •

2:. ·:;~age 3~3 ·~r\~·e A~p~'.oi,r~~ti~~ Account~::f6r th~1ie~t 19f~S~~:··:·}.::'. Grant No, 40-Develo ment-T.-(12)-Communlcations - Savin Rs.25,00,000 -


. .:. "..

(Highways. Departme~

,. '


. ~ .. ·. ·.·,~. . . . •, ·- .. ...,.., ~...,. .. _... ·--- "-· .. .:: .. ·.~· .·: ..... :. -- . · ... .:. -'- ..... .;.:.· ..... 4-· .... -:.--,.:...:··.·-;, ..... , ........ "!" ~- -~. • •• : • --. ',- - ·:.

20~.4-~.2-. ~ _., :.,_ . )~~ :. :· .1~---~!-,:;:·~cf.l-1•• • x·.i...,~";t J!. :- · ·._ . .'; \ .:.. :._ : ... :·~: ·.. . .. · :, ; · .. ~ . : ., .. :. L~ ··: ·~ · .. ·/, ·:·: ! :. :· · · -~~--~>t',._ ·\. ,., i-.;,,::::~-:~rr-·· .. -, · > ·,< _ · !;;,;.,:,,: ;:1 ·.d!\ r;.:;'.t-.. ( , ...... ·. ,·,: ,: ·• . , . ,:··; .. ·; .: ·- :. ·;t_,.;.: "P= >:.;,,.,..

The para having beer. re~ommencled for ;,settl.e:m.e,t: b~:::A.:u<iit,. ,. ·, : · .i/:f· . was ' .dropped~·. . . :. . . . ' '


The ·para was dr.opped ·:subject .. to ·,adjustfuents. being··'.effected~· : · i ..-- - .- - ....... - - -- .,.~ . ·:: ~ :: <, ·, : --~/: ~. · :. ··::~: : :.· _ . -': .. :T ··tj·,'.:·:·: :_·<"':T-3-Ef . 111 .• · Serial No1 23 page 62 of the Audit Report for the year 19?7-78 .

read w~th para 45 pages 42-43·of the AuditReport for the yeEi_f::;~:L'·:·:~·( 197.1"!''12 .~ .Loss due:t-o mlssin .>or rts arid stores _·of curshihg

'.· .,,.u!::"' . . . jecr~.riln ·t· lants~· of:·Rs~:-t,fl·,940, · ·" . <r;, t~. <'-.: :~,-;;:,

·~·.f. · .. -~·):·~~;.- -·

,20-4·82 , ,..

1~; ~e:i:-.i~ No,• a2 ;pa.:ge 62:of ~e >-,AuditRepo~t for the .year·1977·-.78 r.ead with para 40 page·· 41 · ;;>f the Audit- ··J;1ep:ort1for' 'th~ .yea,iji>.' .

· 1971~'72 -· Loas due to non-accoi.Jnting of stores worth, As. 7, 310/.- , . -· . .\,. _.

' ' The para was already settled anddropped, -:


. i <"'·: :. ;._: .. :.:: ; ~ " .. ~~: ... 20.-4~.sa·, · -· ·. : · ,., . i : -. • : . ' . ~ :· .: "=·· .. : • . '

Ser,ial No~··19r,page··6·2;-0f;the Au'dtt·R~pQrt. 'for=~t11e·,yht'~l19~?? ~'1:~F , .. r.ead with pa'l'-a Annex-~3'(.iv)" a :e· 26 of·the Aud:i't Re t:ji-t fcir:',th:e· ,J.t, ·'\.

.«, ear- J.9'.61:;..:62 : ... :~E~cessive fssue of material'worthi Rs~,a9;-5 9& _l.-tl,;,;.m r').i ,_;.f~;i"'i~; /.~ ,• :r,,''···;.'L; :::·~ : .. ;· ... !·: '}~ .. , '._.-··,·::.: :: ::·: .. · ... ·,~:·?·~: .:,··,~<_.; : -, ·. ··'L.t:- )):.~_r: f°!':·.")],:"l._'.'•·r<rrj.t~-;i

~0-4~a2·~~)_:~/;_. .. ;~ -. 1:,·J.t'.:", .. t ~ :;·.,:~·~:.:_~::·.·.::·.~-~ ') .· .. ·.i' i,:,·:J·.' .: :"j_:.;·_:~-··?·::·; .. :.t·: f~ :~;~ ...... ·~JJ:; \'") .... ~;. .. :{_:{ ~.t·).Jr~~\: ..

.!::;~·~.u ~· .. •· :·: {'f..!·);~· :·i·~·;: .,.r'.,.·'.··,·.···i;. -~.:-.:- i~.'Ji.'· :• .. !::.~.= .. >(· <f,,°'i· ;j;._;· .. !:f t;~/: . .,1//!}'->~i.;

Reciov.ery',tbaving,b~~n.verified. by,Jt.udit/ 'the par;a. ·wais dro·ppedr:·:.: . • . . • ·-.;.. • : i ~ ... :::f,·,·,:·:·:·.· '1(\·J~:;_i}'?'/' /} .l~ 1 ,..~~'·

9. Serial No, 21 page 62 of the Audit Report ·for the year·l977·~78 · . . r.,._d with . ra 20 a e ·34 of the,Audit R~ ort for the ear ;~:?~0·: .. ~ •.

:l.'9'11'!"72 - Outstandin' recoveries of rts. o, 11, 586


I '

As already settled,, the para was dr-opped •.. .. ·- . . : . . . '

. ... ·,· .-:·.:

, ..... .: . ·'.·~· -', . . ~ ....... -. ·-,:· · ..... ,.. .. ·:;_.,:..: .. :·,.,·!::lt .• ~.,;'. '(~':: . ' .. · :.·:·~. /;•,:

............. \ .. ! t-:2.;> :..· .. j ··.,.,;; •. -~ .• ·

7, . Serial Nd. 18 pa e s'2 of the Audit Report.for the ear 1977-78 read with ara Goi!39.J5:(i'}: ··. e. -1,0.df~;ij:~;Audit RepQrt for the ear 1961 :-62 .. un .. ad·usted ',items of .Rs. 1, 34, 186 -

. °'T]i)i\\~:f~:~;/;}::\ .

;i_··-·~ ': · . ·.i. ; '. : .:_:rt~·: i;· tt . ; ·.< -:;:· ,: ,·· .. ~' .\.,: .'. ,. . • .. . .· . . : .. .' .· ··:·. . . •. . • . 1, · • .·: ... , ••... , .·r,,,,,_ :.' i·

. As alrea,dy seHledj} the .para was. d:ropped •.. - .. , ,:: , ,; ;· \i, r·· ·, : ..

: .. : 'l'.I'lle\ C o.mn:i,_itt~e ·dlree.te~; t,o: ~n!!l:!~!~-~~~g.· ef.f,<?"~~s.:~Jor, .,ib.e, recoverri.' ~!..:~e~·:~.~iii~~i~i~~<i.tii~t.!!.~it~!.~t.t .:,e; -~,~~t~f.2~.d. ;:<'." ~; ~recoverable shoul-d,:..:.!->!~·.(?t .. :· w_ri~~~-~:} e>~ :l?9> !he -~~9~·P.~1,11t ~u~l:i~ri.ty, Subject to the verification of recoyery /write -o!f bJ the Audit, Ot.~-e· para was. dropped, : . . . ·. . . . . >·<~~:~)/)~:;_

-;~'!.:•,:: ~~ · :•, ... S~rj.~l·No.~1.·'.'i;. page .so.,of .theAudit:Jteport·for!the •yearr, 197~7'~;79 ;~; {\::i.,;: ~r.ead. w,ith; para ·Q .. :39,;;5(.fi).page 'llO' .of ·the ·Audit. Report for··the~. ;_· .: ·· ·

':;, .: :iy~at-:'.i:96,l:~.:62 ·- ,.l}on!.;ir,e:cQverw·,ott.Ca:$h'.Of ,Bs.·3.1, 89J;-f.: ·: 1 -: · · • ;: • ·• .. • ,;. ' • '• .' ~- -· •· ·,; ¢ " • 'I ' • ' • • ' • • ,.:;. , •.:..• • • .,_ .. ,• \ • • ·, • o : .... ~ ·' ',• ·,·,l, '··.,'·','.•,,,,,,,;,.,,",·,,··':.'.,':• . :·'.;'_~·.;, ·:.::'·t~:(•'.(· ):;:.,' .,·:.~; ..... ,·1 j./\"·;1·":,i, ·:--:··./1: ,•''/ -- ... ~·1 ··.:l•.· .. ·.·. 1. ·_,1. 1 .... ,::·. ' :

20 4 '82 •. ,' 1 ••·,, , • ' j • •" ,'., '· ,., .. / ' "'., I • 0,' ,·.·,·,:,.,,:,,,··:!', .• ~~;.:,.: .• ,',·,•,' . - - . ·.... ·' [,}i.i·h, ·.:.· .i):.1.=·.-, : .. '·· ·: '·' .: .• · , .' .. ·•'·.· .: .. ,,;:.,_; .. , , -»:

*See Report at .Annexure to this Chapter. at page. 8·6 infra . . '

: \ .

. - ' ~-

• .... ' .... , ~ •• '<.·": :,, .'..lo 1) . \ ' . : ' • ; i. • ' ~ ·... • " . .: • •. .: :, .. ,:;/·'· " · .... , - ... ·. ' e , • .. . .:::.. •••••••

22 9-SZ: ,:_, ". : I ( .'; ';.,. _ _::~:- - . .I :~ :,'· : r ·.: . ,

- .. •: '.·~:<_ ~ ... ; :,, . :.:('·?,\:,. .\./ >\_: ·' :'-~~-.-· .· . ·;- _·. ·'i-~-:·~· it.··\ '.:) ii : i. .. . ·,,' •,:·· ... ' .

The. Comm ittee directed theAdtn.htistrative·:.ine~rtm.ent_ :to. :l)rodupe the relevant record 'in support of the recovery of 'Rs. 6, 138/37 to · Audit for. verificati9n. ,The Committee fu;rther dire.cted that the. w.r\!e< off sanc;~ion. In r.espect 9(~eloss pf Rs, .5, 472/60 should also be expedited.

• J ~.,. * ,. ... •. ~' ' ; ., l ·. . · " t ) ~ • \ c : · ,· · . ' · · ·The para':wa·,·.·kept'-pending. .; L.:- :,,.- : ,·· ' . ' ··, ,,l: .. :'. ·.:;. \. ' •


14. .. ·Pa~~ 34 p~·i· s1;·:bt the:'Audit<a~· ~~'t:fo?" the. ear .. 1968.-69 - Unserviceable"stores worth Rs, 1, 01.,113 ... ,

' .. ,·

DAAFT·PARi;}:S. 196_a~6.9

. .t ,· ·;~ .. ''-: ~· -...; - :· ; _:'. ' I . .., . •..• ;.,.. .-·~...... ,.'.,- '".' .• ~ ·-.. , 1, ••. • .;, ,i r ._ .. f,. , . "

The para .would come up for consideration before the .~_uh .. Committee of Ute· ,4\d hoc Public Accounts Coqimittee' on 27.;.l-f9_8~/(;!S: The,cpara· ~a~ ¥e.Pt pending, ~ = . ., •. ;,-·.,,~·· ... )l ... r~~

. ,(Tb;Ri~,r ot<.:t:~~:~!~ :)G9~·l1~;~··~f, ;the/iJ··h;:~. ·~:~;J: .. i;c~un~ , .. Commi-ttee wa& ippp'ove,f by the~ Com::tnittee .in ltS" m.eet1ng~ 1'· . helti'·on 2.:4.::1sa3). )' ·-~ '.·i' . t. ,. · .. · : •. - _. ' . .

· -. - ·· -·· · - '; · :: ·,~ ., r.: r. "'~·:·:; -~-·-· ' ·· · ':.,.,.-. ; ·-r: . } .~. • •. -~. • . •. • . ... ; •

.: .. •/"'" ' • ·~ '· t ~ : ' :',.__.

' 1 5-1~83


', 1'he'~boril.~Ute~{observe~Pihat ;.~t was ::;a . case ini.:whid{ioni;. a · J: j·o~: ~aµdnation' of)h'e<.r~cord.'.b'Otild~bring. ab<:>uf a 'settl(mlent,<The Comm.ftiee.:·;dire~t~d-·tliat ano~er ·me~ting '.·betw·e'en the ·Aqmirustrative Depar-f;nEu1t~d )he' Audit shotij.d be hald; In, this meeting, . the S~P-: .· Committee of. the Ad hoc· Public· Accounts Committee, conaistiqg ;tit.:->' .. -' Alll_al ·khe.waja H~bib.;,ur".'Ralµn~ ~¢ ,G~ Fateh: M.uhammad;· would·· ass,liit-'ithem in re~olving th~,!m~tte'l":' ~_nd''submit~iilg a· Report .. , The_

.para,,W~ kept 'PE!n~il+g. _, . . , . ( ·. , ' ' ' I . , :· ( , ' • s ·{' .:-·.r.··:·J:

:e =, •, I ..:·- ,_ , I ~ • 0

-:··."'· :- • .. · . . :· .. 22-9=-&2

. .. ·(· .


. . .. T~e!J\,ifi;ij~~;;~.~ll'U'~;ent exp,jafued ~ti\ a~ ;;t,~,1: ·~~5 / 4b laad been re\rov~:ed' an~ :~.~.t?l~cl;by .. A ucUt,-:The. ;:ha~nce ;iun;qtin,(,bf.~~)·, 842/73.

• "' ' ' •" •.• 1. '-'\ . '. \ ' ~1 , j .. -,• ,t •. •" • •• • • -· • ' ' ,· • ' ' .. '·., ' • • • .,f' <' • •" I

was also:expecte~f'.':tb{be.'.'..Jf~9~~'X'Ei~rfr(?tn: ·the: ot~i¢Ji!.l r'l~.s'~oh..slb¥1;'.<Tha- -: Committee dir~cted the. Administrative Department to continue it~.. · . eft'orts to effe'ct. the recovery .and get it verified bY Audit.: ·'fhe .pafa:,._\\ ' should.be. su~mitted to the,'. c;~m.r;a_ittee: aftt:i}he_ ~.q1~9~~.h~~,-~~~p,· . ,CO~P.,lEtted,· ' ' .. . ., '' ·. - . .-.', , . , · · ., _ .;: ··· '"• •. ; ~ :·' : t_.; . ·:.

.-<!?<·'.' ,. t: j,~ '. }"';.(•,~ ,' ,; .' ·•,> '. I~· :.:::1 _-: ::·~.t.'•~·~ ·' '

·~! ~ ... J.,.~.)<··~.~ 21-1-82

12 •.


. '.~; .. • i{".


See page 139 "infra. ·

.. ·(- '''Tne,;,:Cohunitt~e) dire'cted tlie,Admlli1strative Department .t6' ·tnvtte' the ·attentio-nbt'Dir·e.ct6r,, Anti .. Corruption Establishment·'.: , to the expedit1ous settlement of the 'ca.se, The SectE!tary of the, · Committee,w<>,uld be· collecting :iliform~Mon* from·:an the · Depa.rtn:lents about the cases pending investigation witµ the Anti1.Corrupti,op,Est~J;ilishm.ent for more than tlli:~-e year$,;, When-'-th~ reqiiisite in'.formiitton is-Complete, the' Committee wouJ.d c~nsid~r cir11wing attf'ntion to the G~ief Secretary to this matter. The para was kept pending.

·;,;· ,, " •, J \ .:. 'I ._Jt'

.: ,-,1 ,· 5-1 .. 83

··;·· ·;·;,.: ··.:····1-~<.-i. >1-~ ..

. ' \ 1A~>the case was s:tf1f.pehdfu1{:with -th~ Anti..;Co~ru-ption . Eittlb:fisfu\re~t,, ·the: '·p'ai-a·. ,,v1as'-.: kap~ p>endlng. ' : . • ; / ... .' _·;, . · .

.. ·:,. ···r· ._.// ~...... ~,.:.·-';,·:- .,_ •• 4 • ., ... '' '


16. ,.

Item (xl . ...: ~::. .\ '.

Items {viii)&(ix) · · .:Thel ~tnotints· having been verified; the. item:s .. • -. · : •.• f1,t· .. · ·., , .. _ :; .'(• ;·were: dropped;;,;· .; .... '. . -~- ,·if.\:_.. • '

'1 ·,:.'.'. , ..:··; .:- ff';.~): 1 -: • - - - ', : :~ ~ ,I , p -.'. ' r- • • , \ _.,-::;.: :'The.Write off...Wa..s under process. -,Th,:e,iten,1 .was,,:

therefore, k~Pt.-peJ::ldmg! · r, ·:,' ., .

. -:.t ~,.--n~.1~ \:,,:, .··:1- ;1-:~ .. S·:-·:· .... ~ .. 1 ",'!'_·:•·I,_~.~-.~,.,'...•.<."'(;~~ ,.-.:· ... ~; ~--·--·.·~ .-· ·.'.:\!'·:_. ........ ,.'",_.::,~,. •-_' '-,.:,., ·~, .. f•. "." r: a e 62 of-the Audit R,e, o:r·t-t f~r ,the , ear --1968 ':'~-9-' - . -- .. ;:'.

ropriation of bitumen ba ·r1 worth ·es~· s, 11,54 .:.- . - ------

' ·.i . .,

. . ~ .

The write off was under process.- The. item-was _ kept pending;

\ ;(,,

' ' Item (vii)

. I ten;). tV\), ', ; Dw~Jca,.,tion has. been· .. ver,if!ed) bThis'. ite.pi sho.uld. :be · <f~J~~~ r,~9.in, ~~t.~:-~n.d.:)t_r; ~r~1yrg1: ;,W,lµJ~f Jot '. · ·

sanctioned by the l3uild.irigs Depar-tment , agaui-~t - their ;oY!n draft para.

· Th(:} ,I'.~c:overy o.f- ,Rs. ·349 /50 having b~en v'er,itiEid, r " tlit(item was ®copped,~ · · ' · i 1 • • • ', , • .:. • • ;- • -·

': - ·,

' .

. './'

Item (ii) t,

' '

Ghulam Mustafa and S~fdar Ali: 'I'he ease being sub judft!e, the Itemwas kept

... : ,. p~ndingL ·,:I,~:=._. :· -~: _'.;~ ·r ; ·;, . :.: t . •• ·:. i ·- '. , . • ··i r • i{ ', _ ~: .I :' ! "; . ·· · • · · ~ . , ... ·.i-~·:; <_<~,;~·:·:~--···f_,;·, =. --,·,\·\. : _, :··.-..~ .• ~ '.

· Tne·,anfo'2llts.:.·l,lav·ing)Wen.-v.erd!ied/-the:1tems/ . . . w,ai~ dropped~ d.dtlf '. . t: -. ;. ''. . ·1,,) :, .:


>'.'§,h,lll~l!l·'M;u~,t~f~:: .~ :,' '<<. ·' . :C' · _ 1 .i. ... ··::... .. _· / , ~ ( :' The case was- subi1+9,i~:~_;:' Whe- it~hi· wa13_,~ep_t:peildi.ng. ~ ... , _._ ... _ ... ·., .. _,,_.

· Item ·{it_ '. : ·


. . . . Para 64(vii) pa e 61 of. the Aud:l:t:Report for the.,yp~r·l9.68-..·69 ·.'.; Shorta e of. stores, worth Rs. 47; 665 -


.. ,·-·-·, :.. . :' .. ..._ ' " .. i·· .... :\~~- .: . ·" ··: .. _

''• _;_.:·., i·· ~ , . --- . .. .:, ,,. . .. ' '.", ' , _ - •• _ ···-·~ ••• ¥ -~ ·; •• _ • • _ • _,·: __ r: ·,·.··:'•:,; .. _~ ~ r, ·~ .·;·_:~t-i -;· '. -; ef-- ~ ..

The Committee ·c!lire'eted the Adminfsttative•.·J:)epartmE!nt to protiuce, the:lfi~levhlitcirebo~d of rec~ve'r·j/acciountal)9 Aµdit '£0~};::. ::~.;:~. verification;I1,Tlie 'W1>lt~, df.f·· sanction of. the 1()&$. of 'U-1e items '.w'orth . -­ Rs, ·5,·472/60?froMYffl~!Finandef'.De.partmen,t 1n:at'~ls~. ll~~~sued/ ...

· ·Th~para;. was kept pending.· · · -,,._. ,\.. .,,,cm - · · · , ., .i ,,. - rU .;;,


. '···:

L _

'· " ' r: .

. - The para· Was l<,ep1f pehdini .as .~e position· re~a~ed th~ sazri~~ ~ I • ! ,. . , ' k ~ .' . t , : ,: l '· i · ; .• • '. .. <. '·...;;._. ·': i _; . ' '.

,: 1 .• ·:

. _ ,..f


1The Commit1tee directed that the case' should be pur-sued.at the apprdpriate1e.v'el :fOt eai;-lv _:E(~titeE+ent of the :para~· The para' was !(e~t pending: ' · · · · ' . , ~ ' '···· · .. -. ·· ; · • · · · · · · - · · :. · · · ' · · · •

•• • • • . '• • •· f ,, '"~..l • "~ c, . • '.· • ' • ... ' __ -· .. ; ....

The Administrative Depar-tmerit expla ined that the' case/(or ·tb~ recovery of Governm.ent dues _of ~. 1~, 772/22 out pf the pension/'· gratuity of ·'Sb.'J;'afzMuhamma~.,· Sub Engirteer.ffte,td) was'still pe~9.m.,g with the Accountant General, Punjab, ''Yhc, was >last reminded on···,.~ 31-8-1982.

'. "\i, J .•.

: ~ ... ~·-·. . . ~- ... ~ ..... '-~.r 'l ,, .\

; ,,. ' ' . . _- . ·~ ' . ,. . . . :. · r :~- r . : .

l • • . . . . . ·. · 1 . . . ' . . .. Para 43(ii) a e 28 of the itudit Report. for the_ ear 1970~71 - Shorta e of store~ worth·Rs.14, 012 -


..I".·'-! '"i

' -~ 5-i'~a~ .' . . i, ·,· ,;?~·''·.iJY.:h~·.;L/;: ... · .~ .. ~

' .loo• ... ~· • ~ •• ,! . ~

Th.e .Conimi,t~~~ :direct1d the: .Adw0inistrative Departm~~t .to , . ... satisfy~ the'Audit re~krdirtg' the aecountal, of,.;1} tons of pig iro~~ -~Th-e· para was kept pending with the direction to subm.if a r-evtsed W.or~ing I>aper ~ho\Ving the l~'testJ~ositio~ _of~he case,

•. ,' ,. . .. •,, . \ . ·, .. •.


l~•·,;: .Pa~ ,,30.p~se 24 of the Audit Reporf{~r :.the year 19'70·7;1. ,- ': .:·1 . , ~ .·: ~:u~_~cl~~·sarx 1bl,qck4lg of Go,vet~rp ~I?,f · ~':l:Ri~a1 . worth· Rs. 3., 41 ,- 405 / •

.; ;<·_.~_ -.../ · 1 ·r; -~ ~: · ' · · 22~9'~'8~/': I , •. ; ·~·;,:

1 ·~ <-'

f, ;·j 'il,. ,·,· ,,··.·:-. ,.· . ;,;:)•

. : TJie Administrative Oijpa~~elttJ1it~· d~e,citH to produce']h't. ·.,. rel~v~nt, ··r~ord to'"A~dif1.f'ot\~'efVi.~~tion' !o{lJctJJf position. The- 'par~ was kept pending, .: " ·, '~ ··

....... u ....... '. . ..,. . i ,·, I 0f •._., _· ': -, _, . , .- . '' ; i / .•

Th~· Adminj.strative Department· explain,e,q that the formal sanction of condonation was under; isaue ;'by the F;inance Depar-tm ent, The Commiitee d,ire~ted ·th~ Admipistratiye D~_partme nt · to get ''ij;le. Jt.a,ip;~ . :rreritied '.'·.by.. I --~~dit, .. Su}?Ject' {?, ,w!1\e~~)~e p~r~. ·was droppe~t~::,,~ .: .:

I I .# •.• -< <. •

• . ... ' . .'.i.'.·;J j 22-9-82

. ~ ~; f ,; . .~


22-9-82'',i .. ·.- .. --·;: .·.i: ;·;::·.:: ··' r: .;",-· .. , ': --- ...... r; t;~•i).;<, ·:11···; •·l··. '_I.•~> ::, 'd;'' ·J/

;;i·• Th; Coriiillitt~e }f~ect~d 'the'-Admmist~ative, t>epartmerit .. that ·tbe recov~rf ir'b& : tlie . pension. ot the' rifficial concerned .: should . be i watihed

' . . . _· ·. . ' • \ \ ;- . . ' . ., ' . ~ ,. ,·. . . ' ."· ' . . . ... . ' . • . •t

and.'.tlle Audit kept informed .. about it. Subject to this'dire,ction, the ~r.~c~ff:drj9i~1>.e4{ ' . . ' ):> .... 1/:

;>,-·_.,,-,-·-·-.,.., .. ,.- .... {, ... _ .. ·,,\,.' . '., . .._ .. , ·, :·,


Plilra J~ pa, ~Jtf bt the A.udit R~poit, for the .· ear 1968-·69 •. ' . ~ :. -~ ' . .

N'on.;accol.ih ot Bajri worth Rs~ 2.1' 321 ···-·- -·····

. ).t:~i;~.,·:.,:"~ t ·'·

Dl\AFT PA.RAS 1970-11,, 1 •

. ,·.· · .. '

! . • .;,·. • ·':, ',.~ : • ~ ~· ..!'- · .. : . ·-- ..... ~-.-·-· ....... -· .• ... , .

,·· ( ... ·:

, .. :· r ·, . .. • !• f., .

........ ··-·,·

··- . • ,";' 1 .J .... ~·.

· .. --· .- •,,,..,. . ·, : ... .. , , ..... . • ~< . ... ..

;r ••

. . ' ·.. _',, ... : ii, .. ,. . ·. The Committee dire_cted :the ~dnlmistrative .P~~rt{neh~ to

pursue tlle ,natter. wlth th'.e Pqlice .:at a higtu~r·leve1 se> 'that the offender could ·be brought 9efore the court at .4n -ea,rly date~ The ~fil was kept ~nding.

- . ..; ... ,. ' .. ,. - '~·· .J. 22-_9..;s2 ; .·:·:; .' '. - . .. '~

r1 ... ' . . ·-~ ': . ,;·

: .·.i'.he cue·t;,etng $~ .judt~e, -:the para w~-,~~R_t,~:Qding. · ·_ • • ~ '.'.' • • > - '·, , ,• .\ ' ~' • > .';, • ,•/ -, '· ' : ... :. ·-: t • I .:-: '• •."'


-~7. ··-

~ •• i



, ~1 ;.ea:,-,-·"'·· ..... ·':,.:· .. ::_:··_',· .. -, . L._~;JS-~·-i· .. ·~~ :~~. '·~-' ;-,.~_,., ,·;x, '.°:';: r::,:~i ·,. , . ·-.,:,,. · .<_ ,-.· , .. ·· 'r~e Committee' dir~·c.le.Q. th.e: A~·ini1$tr..~tl~~, Q.ep~tftn..tqi tba,t $Q ,

cases. w.pere · power1:1 .. had been exceedecl ~y. 'tb,_E?: .. Dep*r~~-~~ .. t>,lf.1~~rs6 the 4'regula;rity._ @hould l)_e gg.t·.c.Qti.dorie4' f.T..Q.fll. .. the co.mpe.t'~.,,.t,autbor~tY,.

' ·• ·~ : ·. 1. · · · ._ , · • .•. ·J.•-,-<J·:. 1. .,.,/_ · :.: : •. Yi .. ::.:~<:, '.. . .. . - .. As regards the dfsposal of. tbe balance .of _mat.r.1~1 .. worth ..

Rs. 1~_;. §8, 1J 41/74, .. tb,f~l,l~J.nj._$_tr:~:ve Dep~rtmen t•.:waa .~'3ked '~c,, . take_ effectJve 'steps tO~$rdEI i.t~ q($p¢sal. Tn.e- pa,f,''~ ·w,:sJc~pt; p~nding •. .. ·;,. 'i . ,·1 '..... . · .... · .... '.• ._··· .·,.' . •· . '" .·· .. ·:, • ·" .. 'iL ...

~ ' . '

.' '.. Since .the Admi,nlstratlve Pepar~ent had 1,U1dei-:fakel! ~d 'satisfy ~ the A udJt afttr: 'ptQ~:h.ictlQ.,i :Pr. :t:eteY~.rit.:J-ec.ord, .. the . pe.ra wa~,)kept · · . -.ndiog~ .... .. · : ,_. · .. i: :< · ~ · ., · ·· · ;·1 .: .-,:_ ··· · · •. __ ,. r~ - . . r. ~ ... : •• • ... -··

, .·. " . .. ... ·· .. ·· ... _'.'_·, .... .;· .. · !.LJ· ti' •• :. •• •' I••. •' ', .. ; ' -~ •• .::...~~--··:.

. I

-- ... , :··~ <. :.: }J ~(""1 . .!t.i :·.:·: < ·' ' 22~9-82

·• +·- . 22.

. .· .... j -'j . ,.•_.,,. ..

· .• :-·· v. -e, -.·;·: :'\ :· ... .. ,.·;_ ..... :


5 .. 1:..~3 .. ·,·1, ,\1 ;'11 •. ·: .. ·.:: ~;.."."·.:. /_,)/1;}J :·.- ... ;·~ ,,:·~ ·.· J· '. ,: } ~ ·':.,;.':_(

/ : 'fbe -wrlt'e :·oft has been . s.a11cti~ned by 'the F·inarice Pifp$.t~ent. Su}>.jerit tt,·~erification _by-Audit, ~e ~ra\( w~s droppedr · '. .. _:. - ·: . /.J. •• , .!.:. · .. : tr'.'. ;.-~~{~1;· ·.~· .. ;·:· .: ·-. ·1 ·-'.'. _:F_::· _t:J .''."',/.!. , : .. ~\

. The Audit: have now . est!il~lls·hed. that aii:,_amo~t, of :Rs, 1~:, 9_21 /62 was paid in excess •. · Tpe C9m,m'itte'e, as per,"its deCl$10n. taken in t~e

_meeting held _on 1_3-7-1982, directed-the, A<bninistrtl.t!ve D,epar~ent · to. __ ~x~~~e. J~e-~tlt~ }~ff.':~ Of{_thiS' •' am,2.~t.· . It· w:atfCfui,-ther, p~g;eryed.~1b~t the s.ub judice case sh_oµl~ ~o be Put.~ued.: by 'the A~ihis'trative : Department;. ·The para .was kept pending_. ·. · ' . · . · ·

• ·. . ' • \, I

21. Para 5Lpage 3Q otthe,.A.µditReport for the i~at it97U-Vl:~ .,. . Exce,;s payment 9f,·R$~-44;;0.68,{4:·': ·,:~ -·.-· · : < ,.:7·;_ ·· :. : . · · · : . ·

i : . ·~ . ~ . - ' . . . . ' • ': .•./ -:;. ~~~;: :=i .. · .. ' . . ' ' • . , ~ ..

22-9-82 l

. .. : :· ,·. \ ·•

~·: ,:" .: ; \ . ·:::: ·~.. ·..:; i .

,' .......

. :i-:·'

. i I 1....-..___;_ .-i:.. _ _..... --- ----

. . , ,;,: . ;• . ':

. ··-· L.; . • ......

. ·, ··' ~ . ;

1 ;·- • ,·' ·:> >:·: J( ... , . ' ....... - .. .i ... : . -; ..... : .


:-: ~-. -: i . ;

\ • . . . " .. c _ . The case be1ng sub-Judice, the para was kept pending,

. ~--·_,

,. ~- ..

19 of the· Audit Re ort for 'the. ear 19"/3.,.,4, :'\ ._ to the coii:"tractor ~-· · ·· · ·· ·

32. , . __ ,; .. ·- ··-·· ·. ~-::r .

. .,

·, ... I

:.- '·l':::.' ··., :.- ... ~·'1f,:'..; ··>···•.:· _;. <: · ,· ... DB.AF.T: -PARA·-: 1;9'1·3~74

Tqe cases being.sµb jµdice, #1e para.~ W:rare kept pending. . .:)~;_-·:'-.;·. ~'- - ' .:~-~ .. :.~ : · .. , .

19'1-2-7 3 -~ 31~ - ·. Par-a ... -., .: - · __ Sh_- ... or,...-,.l,li,,_ ...... _....,...._..,_..,........+__......,~--

. / ~, ' ·:· -·"'t:.:~ -t: ' . . , .. ' . ·-.,· , ... ,•.. . ··. . ,-

22-·9-82 'and·s~1-as" ·; 1 ./· ·w ·· ·

')o~' • .. 'I.;

}(\.:·) ::,

29·.· , Para 66 page 3.9 of_ th~ Audit ;·RepoJ:"t for the y•r 1972-'1,3_~_.:. . . ·: -: Misappropriation pf ·stores worth Rs. 1, 08, 654/- . · -- · ·

. ''f .. :. ; ; '., .. {.: .; ';~·. -. :;~ ,· ~... . ·.. : . . . .; ·,. - · · .. ' :- ··1,·~· ·~- ; • f - -

~· 39··<:>fffie.:Aµdi(Re p:r;-t forth.e,, .. ~ar t,972~73; .;;_ ria.ti.qn 9f stt)r,es ·worth Rsdl 641 '.""':. , :<

ear, i'$7 2,~7 ~ . ·-: J; \ .,~ ..

/ f. . .::.· \ <:

27 ..


... • >

- •• n :.:1,· :•,u,-; 4~ .. '...··.. •·, ,, ..

. . . ·i - . .--. . . ,: ... :\':

• · -- The· pa-ra was dropped sub'ject···1:o· verif1cati6n1 qf-write off by· the Audit· · 1-

• • · • •. , • • ( •• C • ~_. I (. • '. J •.f • ' ~·J '':: \.! • ·~ . r:, d .' • j ,£ ! ;"",. ,:·\ . J - .I;' ·.'.; : .:; ;.: ' •· • :'· •

~ ' ,~ • ~ .~ .I ' · • ~ c -. •I;> ,,... , ' ~ . ; • ' .,. . ,' '} ' i\ . ~ -. ·. '•: ' : l . ';('I I

25. Para 56 · '··i ·35··ot.i!le· Audit Report' for - the ear 1972-73' - , Non-accountal of'.bitw:p.e1J w~rtQ Rs, 3> '11., 290 - and. misa · o· riation of Rs, l·. 2, 00- -.


The Administrative Department explained that· the recd~ery '.Of ~.19i 179/-r ·and Rs. 2~ 624/40:has since· beert-verlfied by Audit,_ As .. '.

'.'.'· r~.,a~.d~>,.~,~a;J.an9,:. an,.Qtj~t.of,,Rs~l~,.~182/.()~l'.the. .. AdJn~i~tr~t~"~i-·_ ·· , : Depa:r;-ta,,:~n~: e~~ress~c;l i~~ :~,bfl.it>'- to re?:~V:~r.~,th~s. .axnounJ ~'.C?~l(':th,. __

- · :Na,tion&,1·.~~S~ffl~~JtB!'~?t•~~9n, The.,;;C~~ln'.Ht~e. direct~d. ~!.i·~fhn:inis .. . .: )tl"a~v~ .. ~;;~~:f:~,~~t,, tQ ~P.Pr:~~.h' the ~.o?l pet~~~; ._aµ~orJiy f~Ef/.~ _ ,;i; · ·:-<-··writ~ _off~', .'fq;.:: P';~, ~~~ _, ~~ptJ~!nd!ng. · · · __ · · ,, : . ''.''.)i( :· -, , :

; :"·-·

-.. . .. ~ ... ! · .. • •. __ 1 -- • :r. ~-.

r~- .r:~·{i· ., '. ;· .

s-, •·


24i rara 41() e ·31 of the AUdlt R~·-.ort ·1~f the :ear 19'U~7a $hotta e-:: .. of' stores, worth: Rs. . .• ·2.1, 445 .... · · ·

--- -- -----------------------------

. \

,· ~I

The .Com,mittee directed .the.Adnlinistrative Department to make streneous efforts to recover the outstanding am~unt of. ~. 1., 046 /- •. The para·. was· kept pendi,ng. 1 .

t ,, 5-1-83

The Committee directed· the .Administrative· Departtnenf to get · the recove~y of· Rs. 4;. 332/- verified from Audit. :Efforts should also .

· be made ·to recover the outstanding balarlce amount ·of ·Rs, 10, 340/~· 'l'he para· wa~ kept .pen.d~g ....

:,·· .... _;_, ... · 22-9-82

• p .~

'-~ ..

:.r.; ~ . :~· . ~- ., ;.,-, ..... :r.,:_·. ,·.1:·,:\_

•' !i .-· - ,. .. ·-.r, ·.,,; .; ~, ~-- ··.'.··

·· .· Dl\AF-Tr PARA 1 197-i ... 7 7 !

,0. •• 1: ' I \ ,;.-·· , • ·,, t •

35, ; .Pa~a 12( 4) ege. f7 ~f ,the,"A:udit,:Rem>rt-f()r': th~, i~ar l97.6 ~'l'l;: ... ,· .: .. : ·:: .l\(fs'appropriatio~ of Tools,&,:l;>lan~~ ai-t~?l~~'.~?-r.th Bt::23'; a29 l*c·;·::~·::;

·.-; • ' .. ·• l • : i.:; ~. • \0} i -, '·-~.: :_.. . . .· '. .-- ·> ··,-:, -~. '~-- \ ~ - '· ' t .,;. • ·,

22...-9-'~2 .. ::·;, <·: · , , i;/, ': · ;"-' =>.: >'. , -:· :_ .,: , ... , .· _; ... _.... . . ·,··:·.· ·.' .. '·,_, .. . , . .>._ .-.,!.{; <._i .· \ .t·:,· ..

The Committee directed;the. Administrative· Depar1iaient ··tllat'·.tae de~ision of the Committee made on 13 ·7 -1982· should be implemented,, Th.&"pa.ra>\\'as~J[epfpendirig;, " ., . - ·.. '.'.". I::' .~ · .. ,.. ·.~ ·\ .• ..

.: - ·.·~ ..... _ -· ·-··, ·1 .t.· ··.i~; · ~ · --- ' · · · ., ..... · ." · ; -. '/r : ~ : .. -·'.,...~~-- .... ,. ., \, ·~ ,.- ! :·.:,. ,- r- r.

lt-1~'&3· .. : ·i· > ',; :·~ ._,'. ·./ '., ·-'··'.~(.:-':r·· .. -.. . .,.· , .: .. ,'.i'..:t:, ·;· . .. <i>. .. ·_i •.:_· ••.•. '·'.t· .. · .. ,: . · .... ·•.;:, . ;"((,''(,, .i., :_.(~ .• -/';',::.·

· \ .• ,:'.T~he: Committee .dire¢:ted. the;.Apministr.~ti:ve·>n.e~titlli~t' ttf ~t~#fY Audit tbr~ugh phyE;1icaJ verific.a,ti~n regarding 'the EtxiJ\i~n.e~:tif.''fools t:'

and Plants articles,·· Subject to ·th~1:1e_ re~arks., the pa:r• was qroppai. • .. . ' ':. : ~ .... ·-. ! !.~, », . ::-..,_ ,;:' -- . •. ,- . ., r, ;- . -,


,,,·;•_,. :~:". :;The' Committee.· :.rlfu~cted:the. .AdJnini$trativ~·11Jepartment that the . .• . . .I "1 • . ~~ ' • ' ·. . : . • . .. . ·. . • --,· , .

.... dec.ision of1~e.,cottt~ltte~··~.E.l~e ,_on .13-7,.;.1982· should be- implemented; ~ ': The: ~a . waJJ kept'.:c'pe,nd-~g'.,:.. ·· · . . .... \.: ·-. · r. • ,;: = '· · .


, ••· ... : . , . ·\. ~/,-. . - ·-~ .:..1.:.: ••. > ·.· . ., I,, • • '•. ,.,... ~·, ·.:,,• H ,• J , •"

5 .. 1.-83 : ·:· ;_{ '{, : ·'. :.\.:' -·~ •:,. . .. ' . . . .·,. . ; .. ' ',· ·, ,;· (, :·'. : .. ,:;'.:;•·::?\\'.;\ ·. ··:. i \.": ' ,·-:.- .t:: ::I · .: ,/ : .. · ,'' .:: .

,\.The. CominJ.tte~ ~~irec.ied. the' Admm.istratl~ -l>e~r.inu~nt. tQ. sati$t'y Audit ·~ougl?, phy,s'i¢al"'V.~r4'ication:-regarding ,th·e.-exiEJtetipe cif .tire·:··,<·.·:· .·

· ~~ttcles -·of1.: Tools .ano;.P~ts:reterre9 to-, . .' Subj~et to.-.ithese re:~arks~ the='·para,W:as drop'•ped;·;· _ '. · -:,· '. . . . . ).. • . :. :'._ fr ·. . . . . . .,·/.:

:·. i ···:·-'·::· ·.· < ·' .. · ....... ; ·:·:ii,'.. ··-::".;1. . · ·. '. · .. .: .: ... ':'.'' .;'.)_" .·.. r , .: ..

. 34~, ... '.. P~ra ij(3)., pa e ~.~ ,Qf"tb(;t A,·_udt( Pbf or·t: fQJ",;.th~- (;t$.J."~ .. J9'75-,7,6 - . ··. ,:, Shor ta e: ·"Of· stores. worth Rs. 1, .28 1 S'i 2 - : -: ; · ·

- . ;

DRAFT PAAAS 19'15-76 . -~- .... :



....._ __;,...;._ - ---


.. I .-. /

''. :,r:

~ .. . ; •. . . . ,_·.· .. ; ·~ I. : : .,

As regards the balanceamount' of Bs •. 16, 799/34, the Depart­ men1a.l represeritativ·e stated that a r~vised Survey Report. had been prepared and was under" cor-reapondence' wlth'. true Chief Ehg_ineer. lt had been kept pending for. want of ~-- ·aecisi~ni_on the, main item of unserv.iceable 'coaf • ."The .case r egardfng writ~ off may be puraued." vigorously_ arip-the·, red~ced amount got written· off 'by, ·the.competent authority ata very" early date •. ', , '

' I

,I I


. . R:m):~ORT . O;F -_ '.rtm. suaiOMM IT TEE ·.-oF THE .. A.D. HOC PUBLIC .. ACCOUNTS COMMITT:7. ON PA.RA..-3:Siii)-.:PitGE·:62,0F THE .

AUD.IT REPORT FOR.1;'HE YEAR 1964·..:(>5 ..: LOSS 'l'O GOVERN­ MENT S.TORE:S WOR'I'H Rs. 61, 304/-·

_. ,_< The par,~~. wpi~h r~;uit~s .to the liigb~ays -Depa~tm~mt, w.a~·:,r~ferf ed ~y.#1~ Adloc: Ru}jl~c'~~cqu,n~_-Commit_tee. fo 'its S,up Committee ~<>~s.istfug of- ~lha~·.roia_waja·,·aa~i~ ~ll:r~Rahman and Ch F:ateh·M,uhaminad ori' 2~:99.~l.~82 •.

. TheiSub CQ.mtnitte~ consfder ed.the above para in ·its mee.ting held -, Ohi- .. · 27 .. 1 ~1983. The Administrative Department's representative sta~ed>that -

,payinenihad not. been made by them for supply of coal; They shqwed the r~glster.: of, _pur~hases to ;suppp~t· that ar-gum enti. The ,~udit _representative, however I • contended that payme:nt might have been made' by :th:e Audit ·>'. Officer; ·Irid~tries·Sµpply:·and Fo9dJp-the.·PIDC agalnsta running co11t~act placed by the :Punjab Bu~~ings and Roads. Departr:n.,ent for $upply of coal . to th'.at Depar tment, In view of the fact that the matter ,is over twenty- - five years old anda number of,ofMces are involved and the record rriay .-: possibly not be· traceabie it would be very qifficult to-aseer.tain ·whether the. p~yment had actually been made, Accordhl,gly., the Comm.ittee:_.tnay agree with the contention of the Department thatno payment 'fS,S,made ·· in respect of .. this sµpply. Under the circumstances; the queatton of- J .

writ~ off ot the ·c.ost of coe.l does not ar_ise~ . · . · · · . - ', " .t I .. • . . : ! •'. '. . .' • .:.: :· ~ '.'.: • \ ._· ;'1.

It was seen fro~ M.B.N-o. 71.-B that ~ntry of Augustl957_ ·sho~ed that pay~ent of Rs,'4,.609/- was made for.· transportatipn of 419 tons of.C,Qal. Out of.this, 41,85 toils ·was UtiliEed le$Vin-g a ·balance c:,f-- -. ,, 377~ .ie _ tons qf :wiserv:icea~le c~al for which the transporta:tio:n charges· w~re;calculated to be Rs.1i, 148/65, As ·this was infructuous, "it may· be got written·off •. : · · ., .. · . -

ANNEXURE ..... · .

·. ii

-- -· ----------------------

".,,i:·' .-,::.>~;} ::: .. f .. '

·, :,·.

• ! t:..:.~,~ • '-' . I ,, •


·I I

'.I. '

; ,.:_.·the Cdmmthe'~ d~sired toexamfne tllls case in d.etail1 and,,qir,ected tha'·}\1ilininistrative 'oepartme1it• to, submit-a swnmar.{of' the case for. ·. consider.atiori' of the Sub Com.mitt~~.- consisting of M:,;- M. Z, Khan and

· Mian.AbdulRashid·and Ch Fateh.M.'lih~mad. The para was k~pt pending. · ·

J ·;:: • .-.r:. 21-9-82 . ·

.. , ., ; \:'. 1: •,.~: ~~: ·:: . , • ·_' . .' :1 .s , -, • .•

. . . . The matter ha'\l.ing .. b·e~rtilfUed at the Departnientai Accounta, . ·.;· ·:· C~mmittee meeting;. ~pi{ Coifunittee qropped th.ls· para. Howeye:1:,

, . t-··J,'· . . !\ 1 ' ,., .;· ••• _ . . ..•

' ,th~. ·committee took, a':serio\lS note of the .·fa(lt· that Dep~rtm·ental • _.:" ;:, ~ .•_~ • ·. ··., . : ' '~ \ . . ···~~ • ~ J·~·~ . ' . ' : . I . ; . · . .", • ,· .· •' .,, -."·,• ',:, :· ': .'. ' .• . •

Accountr;i:. Coxnmttte_e;,is tne~ting took one ye,r to be held, w~ich was: . not v : sa:µ~factp:ry. . .. ·· ;• ,.

3 •. , .Serial-Nq~ 37 ·ege;_:66 of the Audit Repcu:·(f~r:the.'.year 197.7.;.78 :·,:··i .• re~~ witp Prra ~8 page 5'5 of the·Au<lit.Report for.·thff·year'

: .19:'U-72 .. Oiiierpayment of Rs~ 27~ 3i7 7- due to excess·ive rates . I_. ..,C

/ 19-1-82

·. \}

: ., -: \·· ,--·)'Y:- ·: ~ . . . ;~ ·::· t

19-l_,~!·:.· .. ·,. , . :·;-;?.')':\ _ .· . . '·. , __ : Tq~ :·~a,tf~· of recovery o( •/ 3~-,.tf(>'3/~ .waa a,gairist the· contra'.ctor •

._ .: SherJ.'4\ili~mad: (neceased),.· the suc~t!~sors ha~ gone';liFap~aJ· in ~/ c9µrf ~,,r· law. . ·How ¢ver, . .,the· Cotilmitt~e-· tlire.cted: · the' ~c:1n~}.1#~i1W;a.!iie" ~ ,:- . n.~artitjent t.o· ~-~~~,}1i~{the. :re~i~ed·:·~·arking: Paper'. ou~~~g···tt~ ;~A?~. 0;:---­ ofa the ri1ater1al·.pU;r~h,ased frQ,rn Utwf con.tractor wlthout'. --authori.J~tl9n, ._, , "it~:- qli:t~tity arid its" :~urrerit evaidit:1oJit~·· th;~ ~valuailon· at th~''i~~-·: ': • • , • ·,•. •;, • •. . , _· •-., ~ : ~ • ' >-• • I . . .• . . '. , ·, • .-_, . • ,-., .. f• -

' of : it~. ?t.tsage_/~or 'tb:e inf orm'atio~ . o(.i t:1;ie· -~;~~91itt~e ~-.~· Th~ . C0.'11?:q~,t{ie\".' · further d~~te(i .the Adtninistx:a.'t1ve Pepartment to coJ.Dp,le.te disctpll- .. ,, ~ary a(!ti<>h";"agaf:n~t'.-··the.offic'iials '.,;esponsJble':'for :the, irregµlarities.·

... T-he. para· ,wouici. ~~i~:ia::J)~nq~g(' ". . . . . . , . ,· . . . • .. .. ; .· . ' .'· ... ,·.,;<•.:.,. ·.··. •:, :: ' \ .. . . . :·' .. , ':· .

2, S~rial No. 35 a e .t{4::~f'-the Audit i\eport;for· the. ear 1977-"/8· ·. read wi'th_·· )tra .74(i)·p~ e.153 Qf the.Aud! .... eport for ·the ··_ear

-19'11'-72 ~ Shortage 0£ $tpr.es-wortb' Rs~ S1 76/-_ _ I • i • •\ .

. ~ . i ::

• -:, j,, .. <, '•.

,-:·+· ' ··:·· '.. . . s ' : .. ~- . ~ . - ~ ·. . . . -: ' .; .. ; . ,·-. ' _; -~. .,. -.

Serial Nq .. ·'~4 pa~-:s·~~ol.th~·~u.?it Re~ortfor the :.eaf ~,~77-7$. _ _.·•C} . read_w_Jth ar,a_•7_Q.i a -~~J .. qf·:~ Audit Re o.r.t:·f.9~~ij),:~ ear 1'9-71-72 -

· Purchase o. ··matt!!'~$.l'.W.:1:·:.:0ut.'requfrem.ent.worU1 ·ff.st38/663'· / ..


. _,

, ._,-.'._.,'>r: ·i;-. .:::.--::: . ;Ilt? r. . . . ... . , · :· · . . . . . . CHA.P'I'ER xru . ; · ... • . : ...

·: •t.·, ., ~~~~;d & • ryi!$i¢~1,'.~~~GD~~~f,~+ ·. ··· · • "rhe?C6min.Htee .· examtaed the AccoW1tS; of'. th~.' Ho~$.ilfg· and

Physica,l P~in,~:J)epartrn:tllnt ;in J.ts meetings· held'o1:1-· 19-1-82,i::. ... 18-4'-~.2..L·~~:".'7 .. ·82·l, 2,1 ... 9~~2 ,a.np;·.9;.1-83, • !. · • .• • · .•·

: c ;~·J '. _; =. /,. I " ' ,, 1

·.C. \. >::-':: ..... :/~. :::..,;(:, ~:. .. . • ::."'. • . . . . . J. .. ,_. :_ -~· ::/ :\.(:· ---:T ;' · .. ~ . ···-:,· _.•.: 1~ .....


l '


\ I ~:

·' *See :Report at A~exu~e te thls Chapter at pages ·94_ 95 infra,

2, Mr Mµbammad .ldrees Rao·. S.D. O~

The Adininis_'trative D~partixient . explained. to the Committee· tliat the

, ~ r I ...

, · case against-Mr Muhammad Idr-ees Rao was :coupled With the case agairlst Mr Inaya t EJ,alli Mali.l(, Diyisionaf .. Accountant. . ·

-·3,. Mr Abdul Majid Bhatti:··.•· The Committee· directed-that ~ince I,;' .1 ·:·· · ... • .• :;, ,M·r-,AbduI',.Majid Bhat~i h~d retited,

'··· 'j, the: .amqunt-.of: Rs.' 1,·s•o/-. sh~~db~ rec~vered fr~>rn hi~ pension an4

- gratu!tr·

• ·~ •· •• • t • ' •. -f '

i .. ,Mr ,Ja.l.U Ahmed Siddiqui: The Adm.inl$trative: Oepartmenf informed · · · ·· · · the Committee that a warmng h~d been

administered. to Mr Jalil Ahmed· Siddiqui. ···~ ·~ . ' . _,

}1 r,

I . ~ . :

The· Committee dir,ected the_Adniini'stratiVi~ Department that.,-~e, . inquiry against Mr Inayat Ullah. should be finalised as aoon as p<>ssible. The ~Ji~ "Was kept ·pep<iµig. ·

' .

14 ... 7 .. az _ . . _ •• . . ' ! . . )'' ! '· ··.. ' • ~ ," ' I• .• ~ ... I '; .: ' ' r r ' '·. .,t - , -· . I ., .' ':: '.' '..,· ~~ J '• ·,. : •

.· · ·· _:r;rti~ A~~is~adve o,~~rtpi~n,~,~xplam,,~: ~atJp_.conipJJ.,~ce; v w~t.p , the Publi'cii\ccounts.·commit:tee•s decision, the est.ima~e of .los1:1es 9f_ ._,.

l -1 \ .) , ,·. • .... _ .• : • • • ,· _' ~ • , , • .·,, _ · 'I • '.· · . , 1 . , • I ·;. , ., . ·, . . t. • f , · •

~Qy,r.aaient:am;':?.~t~g-: t9, Rs/J_~;,6,~6/r !l~d }?e~IkSent .to .th~ Fi11ai>.(::~,-·: · .. J?,e~~;~~~ for _wri~ _off who,_ a:c;Iv~s~d to (ind Qut the ~e:rrp~e.!1t,_~(J.clr;-e,s q!;~~ c~pr,il ~Jtd effect the recove~y •. _, . . . . _ .' . ,1: ·:i . , . ,; .. , .. ·. ', : J

.·, .. ;Th-e.:committee observed.that the pa,ra had· a.'.lready'been' (lfopp-Jd .- I by ii: inHts meeting held .on 10,..6~1980. H:o~~ver; the .N_diriini~~r.~'tlye1 · I Department was lat liberty to:·;satisfy the Finanoe DepaT'.tment.'·· i., ·• ·1 iii l . . ._:· , -.. . .·.. . . • ~- . I ,· - " •• \: •• • r -·~; ·:'"' - . ; \---~ . '::: . I 6, Ser1ial No. 40 page 66 of tµeAupit Repo~t for the year 1977-~8

r~aq w.ith·para 90 .· , e 3.8 of tbeA~ditRe ort-:fo;r th eat.:~971-72 - ~etpaymei:It . e t_~·exc.~ssive'rat~$. ofRs.:·5~j:~6?l~ - f .

. 18 ... 4 ... ·a·2 '1 • .···:·.: · ;.,, ··. · ..... ,, ··, ']:"° ·' ••.••


. \· The para stood already ref err-ed t() _the ~ub- C(IIJl~ittee of the

. ' : . " -:·· '·'. . •.. • .• . .·., . ( .. _. -_-.. . . ... ,: . .--· ' ... . ; . . . ·,. :: t . ;~·.

Ad. hoc Pu:t,lic AcicountS. C.ob:imittee- for-its fur.th~r -conslderatipp •. The . the para wae kept pending.. . '-

·-.(TheReport* ~f1thaSJb Committ~e of theAd,h.Q~:Ptibli~ Accounts .·:·~ . .. - .. . ' . ' •. ·. t:_;~ .· . . ~- . .· '. . -·· "' .. -· ,:, . ·, . .' __ f.. . : ·. _:··. .,__ ., ;' . :_: ... ~ '

I Com~;t~t, was appriov~~:PJ}th,e .. C,~~mitte,;ln its m:~~~ghelcJpn. ·. · 2ndApfU 1983), · ... ,,;\, .. · .. ,(,Lr··,·\'.-:·.··--

.• ~ :1 • .. ·_,• .~<-,·~.; ....... _\::_{_\,::,: .. ~t"' ~- . .: ~-,~· .. \'_ ':'·>··· , .. ····. . _1 ·•

4. Serial No. 38~ p~g~_; 66.:ot::):he Audit R,.eport for th~,y~ar.· 1;977-:78 .. read With . ta 8l"pa e'.se. of the Audit Report!or,;tl)e · .. ear 1971-72 - Loss of stores wor~· Rs~ ll~ 98Q -

t ~-



' '·

. I

·.. -~



'.; ' .... ~-

' . I·~;' ,

' -~

' . . , . . ' '• . ':' ·i ·,·/· ·: >;,_ : . .. :. ·, . : ~ ' '. ' : ·"' - ·Tlie''case is sub j'udit:>e. The,-Comtriitt~ei·'h .. wever,- directeq'the

. -- ... . --- .. :• . ,, t. ,. ····'. . . . .

Adminis tTitive Depa:rt.m,ep.t, that the hearing ·befpr:e · the -Aqd~tJon:~l: .. ois~·ict' Judg~ may be.erie~g~tipally 'pursued.'· Tlte'¢ompi'itt~~-- . : ~~~t~~:·d~:~ct~d:thatthe A;clrµ~iSJf"#"~ ··l)epa,..,tin:~t .s~·?:¥1d -~~~·q _ ~i1~;; a:·~r~-hial-:'~,~se· agajri~;t ~~-~::. ,~;~f~ult~r/. ~~~ ~~~ . .- ~~s ~ept! ~-!;. ·.

''-~~~~;=·y·:_5'_·_ ...... :_':_~::;, : '<. "" . .. . ·< 1 ·:;.,-'·-'f:?}f!.:-';?\}\ /_;,.,,,::::, ;,, ' . ' ,- - · ,o-•t .. ·•• 'J ,·, •. •I•·~- : ~. ' _;? •) •

.• ,,i .;. ', tf.\:it:.



····:·· _. : .. :·.) ·.

·,1 '. -~

'·{ ... . ~·· ,

,··.·' The para. was settled ·and dropped.

. . ' . . . . . . '. • . . . . . . • . . . ·~- .. 1 .• . • ; • . ' .•

. . _· The Adfn.~_istrati\T.e .Depart;I_n,ept ·sJ~ted ~at/the case of th~ ::,vr~te Q!' ~f· Rs/9,-651/- :was·. under pro~~ss~ }l'h~ Co¢ini~te~ ~ected·.1m.1-t),::

· th~ ,.cfa;s~ ~hould·be ex;p~di~ed •. The. para':.was-11:ep, p~ndlng._ , ,· :· . , . ·. .. . ,, . . ~! . . .

r •• ': ,• :. ~ • ' ·· • , • .l .

9-1-83 • . ·,, ., .

· .• ·, . ·:... , .. ~ . ' { . ~- ··-- .

.:,,1 s· .. a')· · ·,·. · · ~- ,:- -~ .fl_ ."'i _' .. '~ ·,-;,:~.! -------- .. _, ·•

... 'v1 ·..:.·-\ .. _._:·,: . ·; . : . .-:


: ' : . ..:...~ .. -:.-,'. > . - .. , - ~-· ---~ _:- · __ ·.- _ ·r -.." . _· __ _ . } ,-:, . ~ .;", · - ... -· __ ··-: -, -.\-, :_·: :.r;···· · The ConJ.n,ilt~ee d;rectetl ·the -Adni_in.istr~tiy~ J'..>.epar-tment\1:Qat .

.r. afte,r' recover:·{had been; eff:ectf!,d from. the pfffoial.cohce,;Jie_a> , I. the,t>alance .should have been.recov~.r~a· tropi J.\11( ¥'4lawm:,~)' • ' . Aslife;f,1Govern:mept Contractor: but"·\:&1s w1:iereap9µts/wettif.:):/'

·•: ·, -not.-·k:nown{ The···cpmmittee 'direeted .. that'if th.e,- ~·ount, c<ittld \,'.! ·not be ~ecovered,' theri.1t, she>url<tbe:,iot wi-ltt~h off~ ''l'lle pa·i~r . . .· . . ~ .... - . .: ,·. . . . . ·:·,, __ · .. - -:-.. .. _,. ~ ,- __ ·.-.' .... ,:._~ r-~· ... ·. t ·_~:--;'.:-:

The p~ra was· kept pending. . .: "-r.)' <· · · ·. :· ->,

.,.,fr>' J i: \ • ·.. . . ~ .- ~--: ,·: .: '·, I ·. • .:._: .:' : • •.' ' :·. ~· ,

7. · s+~~l No·. 41 ·page 6~. ofthe Audit Rep9r.t for the year 19?7-78 _ . , .. r~l(]i\wi~ .pa,r~ 94 page 6·8 of the Auf:llt•Report fO:t\ t9~'year l~7~t'1~- - 'OverP!YJti'enit due to e~.ees~~v-e- rates; <>f)ls.-9,. 651[~:~·: -. · .. · · , ·. ,- , :i,

· • .,·.,.. ,~I\ "", :. , · . · t- • I • ' .. ·"'·::' ·. \ .. : . .. . 1~ ,. • . ·. ·--··~ --~~ · ..... ?•: ". ' .. :

-e-, • . ' : ;.._ ::·~, .... c • ' : "} ~ ... :· -, 1·- •. , • _.. -t, " .: i:J ;,

•.· .. •· l J t'

". ... . - - . . .,. . ./ I ,.: ... :..· · . .' "~-. '·' ,. . ·. ·,. • ., .' ~· )·j-_i,::_~-,' \,· .::

. -The_ CZommittee. ebaerved .W~th-;re~f3t,that . t1'e w.rne .. off r'ecopun­ end~d;·b~,it in;·;ts.m_eetil)g_held.oh ~~J0':\~8.1- .: ha~·-not:~-,~~ l2¢e~ .. > ·,· obtained from _the:,c-bmpetent .authority. \The ~_dininfs:ti'aj;ive pepp;r.ti

·. •.. ' _ • I ! ·, ... ' · - .. · ,-~ ' •. - • ·I' .• -. '· 1: \ - • \ ·_ - ' .·.· ':.·, I · ·

.ment was -directed'. to implement the Publfo~·Account,s . .' Co .. nmitte~-'S,· · dect,hon j.tnm~~tat~ly. The -par-a ~ould- renia]n .'pendfug_~- ·c .. · . . . .. ·,

f . , , • • • • • I . '-. ·.:. ,, . . \,.':·'--: , .? ,· •,-, , •'~' •• : ',

. , ..

.. .. _··~

··: -, ·. ·- . ·-· . '._..'.,t

:: . ;;,7,~;;r:;;:;]t;::f ,,, ··: .,~~/ \ :i ... :i, : ;,~i.:,~.1\/!r:- urii·z~t ;Elahi M~ik:, :· , ·:

. '·:,~t l ~ . ~ '..<'.,. : .. • \ -:,,-1>, :_.';- ' .. ! .:..-. ·, .. '. · >, . / , • ·. . ··. :.· · .. .,, ! • ' /.

, . ·T~, -A~inls:~ra tlv_e.:Oepartm,_~nt. i.tjforrrie.d t~e C.omhiitt~e ,thiJ. t . 'a~~:lli~~iry 0ffic~;r';tn't~i$ 'cas~_.had ~lre.~dy .. lie;en; ;,ppoi.~,l~d::}.

. The Committee 4it~cted that th,~1Adr:nin·uftr~tiv_e: Oeparfrnent ... \~?~~~ ex~~dii;. in,q°iify. i · ;· .. _.:; ·:.: :· \. -; :i.: ... _

,Y° "• ;'.:. ~- . ; I"! .. •'1' ' ' . ' t • • ,.•', \ ·. _ . . . .. . _... _ . __ . _ :· _ \ . · ; r .... ,, . ·;·. - .. _: : . ·"-:.'- ... ~. _ . , -": . - ·:.~;_ · . ~:· . .-: :. ·. 5. Mr Muhammad Ashi;-~f, Qovernin~t Conti~~tori: .



J . , I I •

The· Committee .direct;ed the,Adml.nistrative1 Department to pursue the matter'of r-ecoveryfrom the contnactor a.s.~irears'ofland revenue •. As it was a C8SE1 of mfsappr-cpr-Iatfon of Government property, a crirn~al -•111,t should also be f~led against him without delay. The para wa,. kept pending.-

....... ~i- I' . 9-1-83 · /

11. Para,'135(ii . e 196 of the Audit.Re or~ for the ear 196ij..;~_t-:-· ·. Non-recover of Government dues of Rs. 7,; 373 -

. The para was ~ef~rred -pe.rtding:.geci~!on .by the. o.irtibtor Gen.era!;-, Audit & Accounts (Works), bn 'the- case :or the :Divlslon.al Accountant.


,· 21-9..,82 .

10. Para l33(ili) a e 194 ofytJ:ie:Audit Report for the ear 1965:~66 - Loss of Rs. 26 '416 · - to G<>vernment

The Committee .. observetl:that ·since' th~ Administrative Depart~ ment had succeeded .In the 'eaaebefor-e the Civil Court, it should

• . . . . . . I ,

obtain decree for, the 'balanca of the amount which was due, Simultan~ eously t~e. case, whi~h was re~iste~ed with the. Police, should. be energetically· pursued. The para was kept pending, · · .

'·' ' ,'•. . . .

·t • , The Committee -.,bserved .· that :tihfqrturiat'ely thete had been cons'iderable delay IQ·; th.e·; proces'sing of this 'Case. on the: pa.ft of'ithe· Administrative Depar-tment," 'l'he Department 1sh.ould, take steps to . .:" '· see ·that/the points· raised in ·the Audit Objectfons vii/ (i} the lo.,. · of. etorefli was not i-eport~d to Audit and (H)· the -amount had also· not been placed in the •Suspense Bead' to watch. reco:very - are not repeated in ft.iruture and· the Codal Rules were ~trictly, · adhered to.:

' . . . ,.

9;.1-83' .

,:-,-,_ .,· ~: - ~· ... .. .

fh .· Pare. 131:(i) ·. a e· 19f:o{tijEl .,A.u~ii ltepqrt for· :t 'e · :eai.-·'196.5-~66 - Shorta e -of stores worth Rs, 4~., 773 ..:, , . ': ·r-

. . .

, __ , · 1• DRAFT PARAS 1965-66


.· ,.,, .: ,

The Committee observed that . unf~~ately the~e. had b~eb' . considerable delay Inthe processing:.of this.c~se on·~ -~rt of _ttie' ~ l:>e.,arttnentl The Adtrt~is~r'ative Deea.r:i:piep.t shoul<i "take s~eps' to: _see>.,t '?, ·t that. the points rais~d in the. Audit ·Qbject!oiis1viz. Ul the :los.s of stores ·., ·,J·

. wa·snot· reported io A_udit. and' (ii) the· amouht .had' also nqi: been·~pla_ced · i't': in '.tQ.e: •Sµspense. H.e~d' to watch recovery· - are not .repeated·.iri:··.,>: ·,-:, f/_.··./~;

. fii:ture··and ~t tl:ie_·Codat~µ·les :w:er~ strictl:y a,,dliere.~ to.: .. T,he.',c,omm- ·:i .< J.f: Ittee noted th~t ~e action had been taken against. the Sub .~ngln,eer .:- con.~erried·: aridthe! :r~cov·ery -bf Rs, .2, 784/--out of Rs~ ;(7-~ ·;425/ .. ·· made

.frorn. hi.mi ·The Co~mittee. observed tha:~ _sin~~, the ·nepa-rtinent- had suc,t:eecl:ed iri )he · case before ·the: Civil Court}.' it should obtain decree fol' the·baiance of the amount- which waa due. Simultahet>usly the case, which was registered with the Police·,· should. ·be energetically- pursued. The pa~a: . was kept 'pending~ 1 · 1 ' • • • • . r "- ,, ' I. ~ ~·



.\ -.


. ' .. ·· ·'·

r : '

The.· Comm Ittee d5!ected the ,Adininist~ativi DeP:8-rtment t~: produce· the Stock ~egis.ter relatin'g to 2~ ·purp_ping: s~ts to ,Audit · for veT.ifica-tion,. andthe.resuit- of- the ive~ificatioij .b,e· repor~ed. : .:

: Jfi tQe· ne;t- '\V6rk'1ig:. ~ap;erj -!f~~··Pl;lra~Eli·l.c~pt pending. .. . . .... : .. -·'. : . .. . . . - ·. . . ~. . , . . . . . . . . ,. . ..

,._ - •· • -I •• ; - '\,. ). . ":,'

. ~-, .• •. i

...... ,.· . ' 9--1-83

I ·J

, . ' • - p I • l • • • ' • ~ -. ' ~·, f ~ .. - •, ' \\ • .. • • ·, •,

In its previous meeting, tp.e <;ommittee ·had .. cij.r,.ected_· the'. '. ' Administrative Departmeirt to .intimate the,iat~st· 'position. of the-· c~se~

'.The Committee foµnd' t}ui.t,.'attet.· the lapse ofJiveJJ!iQn~, th~:. <· ; , !~!i:!:~~::::~t~~~:::u:~::~;:J~~;~~~~c~k:i\\~Z~' .

'after detailed .dtscuesfens decrded that the Administrative Departµi~nt 'alongwith 'the representative of.the AudH, .. Department ;shoul~F.eikinlne· the re<;9rd jointly (or. ear;iy :disposal' ot't~e ca•e~ 'r,he c·~mttt~e .. allowed ope monthts !ho~~ .tiin~- for .. this<purposei·: Th~:·_Rara'· w~~ '. kept pending. ' ' ' ' ; .. ' . . , . ',' ·:' ' .

. . . .- . -·. ...~ /·.· .

. ::· : ~ ,. i - .. 1 " ·.: ; •• i :/ .. ·~ ~ . ~., .. ' '.

. ' .. ~ ., ::-;,,· ··.( 21,.~-82.

.. ) ' " ; _.- !


I · 1

.. 1


. :: .. . . .. . ,.· . ' ,- -~. : . . .' . . . -l: . ... \ _, ' ~ · ... ; . : ;· . . . ••

Para 124(4) page 55. ·of· the Au.dit RepoJ;"t fot the ·ear 1970- lt . .;., ·sh?ttag~_oCstQ.'r~13w9;r,t -~·,3, 8T59Ph· ·:. ..,, -.~," : ': ·,

14 • . !

.., : ... ;. .·.. . ... - . ·, ,.. '•' ' ... i•: / ·-·,.· .. ; .- ..• ··:.!

' ... .,.-,. -··. t.· .: ·. ' ;~, '.' ,; ;i.

'. ,_._,. ·.·:- : _.:_ ·'.· bRA.FT. ~4a.A J'.'970:~¥1.···.·.· .. -,

·1 ·, • ' ' . • • <·-: ... ' ' '. 1.· ' : . ' i'' . ', ... . . The r emar-ks as against' 'Pana :70(il) page 3~ of the :Audit Report fC>.r · the year 1963-'64 would apply 'except. that >the :ato~k· registet(~. v : . re~ti,ng to :stores.wor.th''Jls. 9, 136/83. was u#~~trthe11tic. a~d-,,~~~·~nsurn-. ptj,on Qf store$ ,should be: got verifled ·by·AijdltOi'rom the·:·m.easqr,~lllent ,

I book~- .and 4tqents. 'Th1e ·p.rogr,~~~ of tb:e ·'~s~:·''_s·lioulcf p~_/iJep9ttecfto ' ·.· . the .Pom.m.~ttee :1n the shape of a: r,evi~ed Working ,Paper f9r-:"'it$\c.onsi- .'.

( . I • • ; • ~~ .. • . • . . ' " . . ' ' • -·· . ' ' I • '· ' . •i •' • .. • - • ' J •

deration. in -the 'p,e.xt m,eet~g~ 'rh~ para_ w.as. kept. pen<iing. :· · . ' ~ -. I • • '

.......... •. -\ 9-1-83'

........ i.'·

'\ .· ··:· .:·

.... •. ',•. ,.. '..,.

,. ', n:aA1"t:. PARA . J e~a·~t;, ~ ... ' I• ' • '~; • .. -;_, •

. . ..... ' • . . ! . . . . . :.~·. .. .•• : .. '. l·. . } .. !,, ',_

fa, . Par'1 125(ii)- page '18 of the Audit Re. ort for--th:e. ear,, ·shorta e of stores worth Rs. 20:,.6.32 ·

I. •> ~ ,-:· . '' .. i

\ . ·~. :·-~

; ... ,., .. .. · The.Committee 'direqted,ttie'~Adrri)n'i~trati~in·~~r.tment;·to:';. :

furnfsh the. requisite infQrn1atio1:1':io the ·F-~ait:~e ·t)(:)par~~nt·: ,.: : .. .,_ ·. concerning the .case of write off in· order to-'faciUta.fe ._de'cision -, by,,: Finantce Department .• ~: .Thf par~·

0W'.3:S ke_~(_p;~nairig/ . .-: .. : . ,.. . . : ··_·:·. , ~- . ., ' .- • ! • ; \ • . • ' •

... t-. ... •( ' 21.;.;.9!'"82 ·

' .

' \ '·:~ '· .

• .. , ,· I , I ' ' i '·.• .' • • ' ·, \ L • ' t. • "' ., ' : . ' ~· _.·, - : ....... ,- -i-

' 1.2,. :···Para l57(i) a 'e 1pa·ot.tJie·.f~J,idit Re· or(for the 'ear J9f>f>-67.-"". . .rshorta· e .of. materia.l W<>rth Jls. ? 1, ~-21 .:. _.: ...

. I


'- •• - I .1. _i,; :.

r: . I· 1,

• r .',. <.

--~--------·-- '· --·-·-

I. I,' ·: ,>~:

·. '. ;°The C.omm~tt.ee ob~e;t"Ved that the maj·~~ }t~tn 'reU3,t~d to the Gen,eraiing. ~et El,il)ountirig JA Rs~ 60~ 0()0 l-,, '.\f~1ch Q,~d· be·en verlfi~d

• . ,-· •I~ • . . , ~

·~ \ '!i

1975..:75 -. I

. 'DRAiT PARAS :.1975~16 . I·

-. - .·, : ' I '.. -- . ·._._ . .: ' .. ; - .: ". - . - ,':'" . - :· •

Para 19(].j .. ;.. :g,e : 28 I of the Audit Re . orf'f or 'the Shorta _ stores worth Rs, 8 O, 5 98 -

.. 19.

.. I '"":'•

.. ,:,_- ' '".:;-

t :~ •• _)

. ·.:,. • • • • .. , • . "1~:. • •

Thi:para h$v~g been'settled; ·.fas d~'.opped.·· .. , I

\. 1

;~ . • • • _. ' \': I ·''i . /·-_: \ \.,." ; .1 ' . t . ~· .- "· • ·'

. . . ·Tbe;·e~p~:atiori .: o(._the.A~iµis;trative· De:l'Qrli'heritwas -accepted '!ti view 'of the '.fa¢t' tll.~l'the c;a~e was q'u~t~ ,~ld and the eo_mpi~~--·· "· ·. - ree9rd pe~ain!ng to ·.tha't ~:ra was · n,ot avaiiab~e. ~he. wt-ac~~untabie

- ./. aaio~f ot 'Rs.~, 3',8/5.0,.·ou(of the tot~tot Rs,.l,.~:Q"079/'- was rtegli~ . . m,ble~ - The para .\vas..qropped,. · ·

• ' • • • • > ":' • ••. .I-~· . . ··-?'t ·-. '· •. ·' ~-,. ,( ' . - ,

·is~>'.. Parti ··1t3,-~~ge: si.bf'/the ~udit R'ep<;>i,t:fo;,··ttie yea.t i~72,~7·3 ~.: · · · 'Loss of Rs~ 9:., 496/~ .'· ·: .,. ' ·· · · 11

· - • · · '· ' - ,'. -. • • ", ,/ : ( ; '., I: • . . :, I·:·~!.'. ' -. .-·,~. : .; ·.: f



9-) ~8 :3' .. : . ,- . . . . ' · .. ' -, ' ·~ .' :, . . .. ' . : :/ . ::- -_ > ·) ' .. ' .. . . ; ' < '.: !, . < • • • ; •• ; • , ; •

'·,· The· Conimlttee :,observed that the' case ~as sub judice#. The -._ .. ' '·'· .. ·· .. • , .... ·· ... ,· .. ··.· ... ·:·.·. . .• ~1 ·. -:-. ,' ·._'. -

, Departµ>.~t was .. advise~:to take 'up.the r~.gistrat10,n .. of.the criminal , case'~ Witi.1 ~e. PoJic(\' au~~r~~ies at a .tilg~er)e.vel fu c0onsul.!tttion:, .. with·· ·th~ 'D: !strict Attorney. · ';['he par-a' was ·. kept periqing. __

\ . • . ' . • ' ' ' 1 . i: . I · .. •, ' \ ·, .· ' • I , . ·~ . . . :-. •. . ', . •

:: . I /·1.•

· .° .': .... 'rile case .being su~ jµ,lke, ,·the par~·-was;k~pt'·pending,-,,;· :::.1'• • 0 I• ' ..-....... ', ,.' · • ,,\ .: 1 ,· • '.:~ -. ·.1 :

,; ' ..

. .\ . "; · ..

I 2i-~'..82 / ' . ,r .: I •· ~ • •: \ ,;

- ' -.f I. 92: ·.'.· DRAFT :eARA ·1972'""73


I '

°" I

! I


. I ···.\

I -


.' ·. -'··:·:;,·:··;~ (· _·_; :· ~ ;- ......

··. :~ ' • ~I.• ~; ' I ,•, ' "4 '.-:•,.

!-r.l' .· ...... _ ,·. .. . ;:·. ·. '. ,/ ;_. .' \ ;/ ·. \ : .. ·:··~ , i - . -. • ::· ·.·: ·•. . :· t ·. . . !'!'. . ' ,. . .• - ' .. . ·.:./,. _.,.· .. · ... ,--.,:. ·:,,.·::· .....


,. ' . ~ . "·.,.

.'The. ·co~mittee di rect~d the' :A.~!riistratlve Depa;~~,t to !furtJUe . th~\ Clise vig_<>~<rusly ~d. the': IJ!litter: a·~~ttld be: ta¥~n- up . ~i~ the :., > '. . .

, Peputy· Commis~ioner, Mw.tan · r or·· e*peditlous re¢o:ver;y; _T~e ,ara , was' kepf pendu{ • . .. , ... ·. 7

• ' ' . - \ ' .- .·· . ·' . g

',?< .. . ·-:..·· ',:., .'

I . -.I I .

·I I

• -~2.·, :i?~ra H .e 2'1. of th:e· AudifRe o;:~•'f~r.:th~.,:··e~~i.1975.7~>.,: .. ·.: \ 'N"Qn-r.ecQver' 'Of Rs:To. ass - '.on .iccountot cost ·of\ em .

.. ~:: cement. bags .. - ... '. ,. . ., . ·' ,.'· . •. . -, \ .. ·:.

'···"'· \ .

\. ~.

. . \. ... ' ·«, :-· . •, ·. . .... - ... ·

· ·_ DRAFT PARA .1976~'7'7 ... - -.

Tbe para was dropped· with the di;e,ction that _the Admln,istt-~\ive · · Department shoiµd: w4tch the recovery WQlch :w~s! to be- effe'cted from

. . . Ul. S'ttlary'\:of '~on'cer~ed <>fticfiif ~nd. the D~ector Gene.r~l, rf ~g((i &: .: .. <Ac~Qµnjs · (W·orks)''should - al$l? be 'ltept ~f<.lrril~d/ : If -t'he f~qdvery ,

. to .,, :mad~. tiom. the salary: w~, inadequa~e, then,· ~,-:r~~ov~rt . !lh<>uld be effected f;rom ~!s: p;:;nsion lri due course. . . .:

. ; . . ,.·; . p·

', .·- • •' '-...,.. • ~ . I ' ,' ' : ·,. ~ ~- :.

. •, ... ~

'21. ./ . \'

i •

, •• - > (-... .,. ., .

9-~1-8:3. ·, - .~·":, \._. · .•• ·;. l . . , •.. .; .•. • • .- .. ·.;:r ·J,-.:. .·· .

. .. · : . th~ (;·om'.¢1it~~ drew Jhe att~nt!qn_ gf;tbe · AdmJ4J~tt,tt;e.· ~~~~~tart to ifhe-fact'· t~at tlt~' detision/o.rf this· para had·· J~eady be~n,jakeh ·by ·

.the ~d· hoc Public A~counts: ·c-~Illrilitt.ee·J.1(Jts· ~eetJ.rlg'-h.eld Qn· ., · <·· . l~·~1-19·s2;,:- Whibh ;liad n'either 'been lmpiemerited: ·i>y-'the' Depa:r.tnient ..

• . • ·. ' ' .. · ·• . . . I,. ' . ,. ~ ·. I ; . . . . . ... .• ... . . . . ·• ' ' .• '::... nor'tb~y ·could give __ ~ny.plausibJe:· rea.son_.for' the-'delay. , '.l'h'e ~ ·, ·:' · Committee- directed 'that' tiie matter should. be e~pedlted. :~·- Tti~· pa~a

,'.· w~s kept p·e,ndirig. · · · · ·r · _, .: , ~ · ': .. ·;, · · · .. · '· '.·.- · · -, c l J..., I ·-:. ·, ". '·,

' ·· . . !· ~ •.

to be eXisting,' E(;1ipn1erit w~rth 'RsO:H(.040/50, w~s also a:vailable. The Adminfstritiv~. Pepar.ttn ent i;ll(juld; ,.g~t th~ TO.;~ ,,.P .:R!eg!ster ·

.. ;~.;~~:01f ~!f.1!\.;::~.;t:::,i':::~,~t.nfillf .,t:t::.tA~f .by , :whom the. equipment was hired, The DepartineIJ.t sbou~d tnake strenu;ou• ·

. efforts to 'effect· recovery; The para was kept pend:in:g •. ··: · ..: · - · . • ',. ,· • ': . • : .. :':_: ···:i... ··..- • ··" .·_',: ·' • ,·'. .···I•,.•,~--· .•... ~·,',>,.•,' .. ;.:-.·._'> ··:'_·-.,.:·_·J'.'t.· ..

· 20 .• · Para 19.(2) ·'.'t)age 28 ofthEfAudit Report: tor the .. ·ear t9·75'.:;16 ~-• ... ' ,Shorta e of ·t1t()tes wortb·Rs,.26., 279· - i·,- · •. ; '.· ·

... .. -~·--. , ...... ' t .~. ··~ : . . ' - . ' .

' /' ' . } . ·,

_,.: . 93 . :. I

· \

' ,:,· . ·.:

4 1


'.-, I, Ii~ r Ii i .


But the more serious allegatton was· that the conditon was aliow::ed to be··lnserted by th~:XEN after the opening of tender'a, .' In this connection the representative of the .

· Audi~. placed reliance on the. faet that: in thetender--aheet of the, firm the, initials of the XEN on the circles ar-ound the r-ates and. around the . condltlon. are in different inks. . The Sub Commfttee found. th~t this -was also the position , in. filling of the columns in the tender ragieters which bor-e the seun~ date, --This.,lends. sµpport to the theory that at the r-elevant .time, :1:ere· were .. two, pens or inks)

' '

(ii) ~ .

1 . \ :· • • • • ,t • ·: ~ ~

(1), . The first point raised by the· representative· of the Audit was that the XEN 'allowed the in.sertion of the additional cfafm ref.erred to above alth9l(gh the NIT required

.. furnishing ~f tenders for the complete woi:-k .•. Leavtng . aside the tJU~stion whether- the condition· '.\V~S Inser-ted

' ' be!o~e or after ·the -opening .of .the ·t~nde.rs, this ob'j'ectlon -. is not ·contained as such .In th~ Draft Para~ . Tlie' Sub .

Committee, n~te4 t_hat the objactfon' ls. :not thaLthe tender, of M/s Muhammad Hanif &, Son's should have beenout right rejected by .tbe X:E~ and the· work awanded :.t¢ the n~~t ;higher"giqdezi!':. or the whole tenders. shotild have been r~:invJt~d. , AG~u~µy by adopttng eithet qf the_s~ ~9.llJ'Ses,

. · the X.EN xpighfb,~:ye 'caus ed loss toGovernment and then ·. exposed hiJ:ns·elf·-to another audit objectton,

. . \ .. , ~ :

. .:;....·.,;

. . . •. The Sub Committee· examined ali the . rele"lant. record. a~d,heard .. I . . ·... . ·, , . : . . . , . . . . . . i . • . .·. , .,~ . • • - . ., ..

the . .represent'1tiv~s of ~e J;)epartm.e~t and the Audit .at' Iength •.. As , alr~ady stated :ther~,.w:~r,e - four, a.Ilegatfons again~t. Mr· Zaidi. Their ~ .: ri9,~t~~n 1~ -~~::1mder.: ... , . :: ·· ·· · ·

.,· . -, .


, R!fbrtf~f"Uie 1Sub CAin·~ittee, of tlieAlhoc· ~.j} •. c. · -.

·on·· O_raft. Par~ 78 fbr\the· y~ar 1 ~ .. 71 ~-'7.2 .. Ov'er a .r:p. ent, ··• 2 .',' 47 ~ du~. to e¥cep$N.e 'r-atea 1

~ ": .,~··, •.; .. •: -:·~ ,. ~·, __ .·;-.· I •,I.~.~'. •" ', ~, -~ _·. _ .. :., :' _,.-,:·::····:··.: ,. .,.·~·"'

•· 1.·.'

•• ,,· :'. Dtaft ~~:r~~N(?.1B·f?+ the_year·1:971· .. 72; relatingJ<> :H;<>uslng & ·P~sic~:l- PlanhJ.rig Department waa. referred by: th~tA<;l .hec PublJ;e:.',, .. . ~ ··· ..... '. . : . '. . . . ; -. . . ' . ·-. . . . -, ' -'· .. - .,(, .,. ', ,. ,··. ;

A~(i_~~~ ,Co~fittee to 1it~. Sµb ~om!Q.ittee inJts ¢:eet~~ held_?~ ·: ' · 21-9•1982.· It relates .to a fender" Invited 9ri 15.-:-8~197.()_for ili,e ,work _"t:Jr:b~ Wat~r ~upply Scheme/:Wazirabad11' for pr'bviding.;. ftxiriland t:esting of AC .Pipes -of various stzesi Ac9.ording fo the 'NIT;:it~e . _

•• • -- • •I ' ' . .. 1 ·, • '.: •' • :., 'o- . _ ~ _· \ • • • _ ~

'tenders: were . .to be given . for the complete wor.k. . Sb( t~nd~,r.~ were ,,. ~eceived an.d t- opened :()~14 .. 9-l970'b,Y'Mr..Shauka\Ui.iss:ain Zaldi6 -the

' .. :_ ·th~n. XE;N,- Gujr~wala •. It .Is alleged ·t.4a:tone 6f the' ccnteactcea, -. _, · M/s Muh~mmacfHan# and Sons', ins_erted i1 !00.t.-n.ot~- in ,his/ hid, .

1 aft~r tt;ie .opening of .the' )~,n.ders, which cl:aim,ed ~.1acldit~on of Rs, 3/75 .· per foot tor.welc:Ung/fixihg·. of the pipes •. The oontr-act .wa,r awarded

to 'this firm a.net the :t>raft-F>ara: states that thi_s caused a·loss of· . ,Rs. ·27 ,· 3~5 l : 'to Government. . . . , . '· -·

. . . :. . . '. .· ·, . . ' ' ' _j, ,·

,,·' Mt Zal~:1.W~S givep.. a Char:ge ~.~eei by_.the:Admlpifitr~vve : . : · 'Se:cre·tal'·Y ;C<>ntaining four allegation~\ He._furniehed a ·deta!le'~ reply tc, each of these·: allegati~ns. The Aclministrative· ·s~cretary accepted

'the explapation .of the accused Officer- anp' exonerated him . or all the _charges.



.~:· , .. M ..... \

i' , .. '. ' ' '

, ,,,. .;/' :·· 't , __ : •,_ -• \ .•

\ 1• 0 ~M ... 0 •

.. . . , : .

. :,,·~ \ ' . ••··. ··i:.

.·,• ., '

\ .···. : ,· :..: ' ! ,:, ·.

' \ . .. ;•;Ar.• .~ • I . ,


·\ . . . •• I ' • f·

1·:·' J.· ... ·............_.-;

•. ·~· ·; > • • .. , . I

·•. ; ..... '

>···.··· .. ·;.r;.

•. ' . . \ \ . !

(iji) .The ~~d allegatio,n :~onta·in,~.' ~: th~D~.tft. Para.wae tha~ . · , the Head Clerk and.rthe: .DJv$iQnai A.cco.uhtant wer-e · J)I,"esent

···'.;. · :. ;.:-~ ... ::.'!~~~:~e ~ert9efs )v.,eret.p_p~pe4~.0·.as-.Jhf·ve;:ri9us d9c~ents ·. of ~--relevantd~te wer:enot ·~tgned-'·J>)(~em:.~ It ,,ye.~,

··. 'fl~II,\i,te(i. tga.i. 't9~. ptes~pc:e.···ot tll4;iie 't\\iq· f®.~~iQn~ft.~,:,ui n,o~ ,•mendatory ;a~cQr~i;pg tP' cod~};rule'a,., J Wblh:'iepresentatives o! the Audit atated. :tllat t.h~re: we~e some.,instr:gct1oris on

,' ~-~_subject:whlch ,were~, l}ow.e;;,,fr, ne>t produced •.. ; On. the . . otber·hand ilie-s~atemen~ o.f.the aead. Cl~rk~ .duririg tf}.e

.. inq'1iry prpceedings j was. that .bqth · he and. the . Qivisiona1 . 1 Accc>11QUL~t. ~ere present): . Th~, latter., ~.eing.· dead ~9~1.d'-;ft:Ot

· - ·· be examined. · The . Committee. ,toWid.~o TeasQrt, to· dis ;believe .. ·.· ·. , ' ! , . . , . . . . .. ,, .· ~ the statement· of··the 'H Enid Gler.k(· It was-not denied that.

· · · l;,Q~ ,the. H~d Cler~: and Ate '!DivlsiqpalAccoun~n( d~~· . . · >.>·:. · '·witli the case ~d,·ra~~-no qbjection ,to\pie ~cceptailc~·.:

.,,:··.-.,: · .. _i:or:-:ttir_.~_~ .. -·:.·:~_. __ -~)t~': .·::.:.,,.·:..·. · · . ,;:,:. :.,.:::; /.,: ., 1.:. -_- .. \: ;,...,< ~i •• ·,., .• • ·• • "':~ ;. } .. ,.\-:" : :· - 't \ ' : •. ·~ I . :: . tf·i_r_: j ',~, . _.:!) • ·.~ : . ~ / - • •

· :_. ' -,- e : ; (iv)·.· . .And' :the. li:il.it'·otijec;tio1i" :w:a;s tha(,th~ dlff~.itenc~· betrr",~en· :the · . · ..... "- bi~ 1of ,M'ls-Mllha.mmad H,anif ,~~· Sons:w~tbout- inse~tioh, of

· th.~ adqi#~rt' and the nex_t bighEir bitt·we.s · larg, ,enough't'o1-

, ·: a~tt ,~t ~~,:·additio~:ot:~,'t;,claizq..tn'fl11es.Uop;witlio~t !:. ·, disturbing the .relatiy,e postton o( the . two, ~C>West h1~s.. · .

'. fhe.·r~l-'auggestioh 1_coqtained_ in: this ·obje~tion Ia.nomor-e th~. a mere; c9njuctur.e., -, Qf course the tender i'tt:t:4e. Jµ-m remained, the lbwes t with .or- .. wlth.out the .inserti,.ori," , , ~ .....

"' ._ . . .. . . . . . , .... , . ,· " • - . , ' ~ ."°' .· ' I .": ': ; .,· : . • : .' i._ .. ·,' .

. - ·' I . .• - /· . . ·., •. . . . • - . ' -- ' , :~ . • . . · In ·. view- . ot 1 ~e P?~ lt.iqn d~tailed abQY(j!,: th:e S~b. Gom~itt~f! - : · fo~d \no cog,e.nt reason for··n'<>t: accepting th~ findings, ot:··tµe Adminis_- trative Secretary-Ulat no forgery ,or irr.egularity' "1:a~:~om.m.ltted 'bY .. tbe XEN and·that there wa~·:_np:loss ~s .alleged." · , ··


· on. the -,tfl~~~~~ :~-~~14:e~,_,J( ,a' fOf~fr>';:;,~. ~~-? _be COflllli~~~d .- · it- would 'be·; reas:9nahle .t.o ;.creo!t the: cop.tractoJ;'. and the

··; ·: • ..• 1; ,le~N:w1~ :,the,.u1Jelligip:c~· 6'! :µsing ,the> S~·Et'. ~e;r(i,h'twQ ·, i , : • '. ,. , • :wtiihlgs. ,., 'the'$ub'·Cb'm.r.nit,tee, ··'therefore,,,feel fil,la.t the .

. •. i. ; . . • u~·e of tn~-/ ap,dJ pens. ~y itselfs,0.is'"p;ot,' a cioi}¢~ustvi'~.t?.roo'i of . '.' _the -all,agation~ contafned 1n··1he :i;>raft: v P,ra in· t~ie·jierticular

, circumstances d( this case, . ·., ' ; . ·,~{.


.• .\i

.-~ j. -~· .· ;·•I •· .,··-,J..1

-~· /

1 .

,. .

.,:i .. 1· ··;;.:.,--:i . . ;·

) ·'; ·; .,

-, .· ',

. 1/·· I<

I . I ... _. I : : ~ '. '·~ '

.·:,,:., ·. :i"· ., ·_. · -~'"" ·· • .. ·/ , ,,-, - ;·, .... , . I

, , ,. I(. . ,. •·. · .. · __ · t

- :. 1T-ne Committee was·satisfied witb th~~e~a.t!on of>.tbEtA.chninis ...

, tra:tivc; Department ~d,-. ~he item-s, ~ere dre,ped~ :,-· · ·;_- ' ': - , '. / ,._ - · ·,: '.•

, ,,.·- ..


-B·-(b)(23} ~---Tubewells in'_LBDC.-: • sav-~g: Rs~ 3·~ '18; 40,0/--

-I \· ._l '. . -~· ' . . . . • ~ . . '

· B·-(bH26) .'7 ,Tube\_Vells--W~fkshop, __ Multan_..,'--.. ·,,. . __ -. ,. Saying ~. l, O-i-,'.5QOt-· _, . ·

· · The ,Committ-~e.,was sa't_isfied .w-ith 'the explanation ,of·the ·A&ninis- . trative Departtnent and the'. iteni was; dr-opped~, I .

, ' : . . .~\_ ',, ., , • , , / . \_ 4 •


.\ . ,. \

.)3 ~(b) (2 i > . , Tube~~lls 'in 'CBDC .: '. -, · : ~:xcess -~$. 5, 5 4,_ l65/ ~ - ·


," ;,.·.•

; .

. , ,The e~planation ~f ,the Administr~tive D;eparlment."was· -~ccepted· by th~ Committee arid the ·1tero was drop~d~ ·, . ,' - · __ .· , .

• l • ' • ' • .. ~

' .· ,,_ .· '' I'. r . ·. 16-9-.82

i .

I, .

•\ .

· .. _,· .. : ·.e-.:_:;;:. - > :·. ·. '.:· :.::·.:,<,· ·::/~,; .'' ·,.i, .. ·. ', '-.· .: .. ; ,,·,>, . · .. ' ·: ; ·1{.-, ·~ ~--~ :28-~8: 9f, thef;P.Pr6pr\lii!ibn · Ac~o~~s .. J9_i-· :Uu~_~¥2~r l97 7-.7 a -

.r• , . ·: GrA,ne;-No; 9 .. Irrig~tion·Wprking-Expene:-es ·- - ,., , .. , . t , ·.·_:.: .: .: •• >. - ·, '::-. - >-:.,.~,,:-.: - :, L r > .: - '.. ~- ·: .t' -::.

·J ·• •.. , ·" : -. B .... (b")(16) -~·Lama ':Q!stt.it,:>utor1-Tub~we]lf Scheine ~· • · ·· · , ·, · ·_··_ ~--- · -Ex6ess\Rs £1- fi3 /- - ··.. . _ · : , -: -

. r. - ... ~ -.-. -~ .. :· '\_ ... -'.·_1· '. _._ .. ·• >~ ". ·~ ...... --.-· . :-···-- ::·~· ' .. t'· • •)t; ,- ':

1a'is~aa· · - .: · -; __ : ,! ~- · ·•. <.,-;:., - -_,_ ··.·. •.- '. .... ~_,_·f_,}'_ · '~_:_: .,. • , • .•• '• \- ~ • • ~-. ' -~ .. ', \ I -~ ' • ,:'

. . . ,. ~-~~ ·.. . ' • I .,. • t •,: • I; . ··. '' ' ' '· ·,' .: • ' , - .·'

, ·\ _. .,-~: The 1Coin.mitt~~- -w~s~not. sS:tisf'i~d - ;1~ -~fl., expl~ation of the' ·

·. ·. ' Adni:lnistrat1vif Oe1tartm~nt and. ded:ded ,tha(tfie· m·after should ·'be \ di.cuased'.in.more detail;" l.i'b'e,' Committee ·dkected ·.the Admin!Strati:ve Depai-tme~t''.i.'tQ prepar¢'i a·tev,isecl.W<>rking ·Papet, ::~hQWfng all the ... · . stages in', which additi6n&:t:fon.ds- ha:d:b~en :deintindeij· fr·om the. Finance. .

;·Deptlrtai ent. :. -The C-0m~Hte~ ftiPther~·dlrectett ~(the ·~ele~t· · ;r.ecord . . -1n:. this 'connectfon_Sh()uld ·be.made-' avaliable-to· __ th~ .· Sub. 'comniit'tee ~of - the. $'ubli,c, A~counts: · 9•~piitt~~ - whlc~ ·w!)l.;,~~n~_~r _ ~i hen{ on '.th~ . date to· be fixed.by tli.e·.$ecr:etary of the c-onim1ttee~ 1, -, .-. -._ : ·-~ . ~ ... . . :{. •. .. '.·,_· .·:::,1~ :-·\ ·,::· '.;•.. ..: : ;:' '· • .

.. ~-. _,; ... 'i .

~-- · ·. -: \- -, · ) B'~(b)(.·l~}..:~: ~.\1;J,;~tiar ·TubtiW~~s Scheme,.;:·· . -.:. ·: ·• :, -: · · . ·. , · · ·-:: : Exc!~si Rs,.:6-~, 4~-Et/-:-

, . • , I , _' '. ~ , • • ~ ' ·. •--·_

. i

' :~ : • ·,I - ~ '

.: .: ... lRRIGA>TION·;&\POW.ERI>EPART~·F.:N~--·- \ -· \ .. • . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . -- . ''. -~. ' . . . . . .• ... ,

\ . .:._·' ,··-~

' .. >. .. > .. . . ' ( . ,1

·- CHi\PTEJ;t XIV •:, -. /

J ••• - - ,- 96 ·

I• .

.•, . f. ·'

I -

. . • ' : 'i . • 1.", , , t• ~ : . • , ,: i . . . < •. r . I ~

The Admtpl,tr~#v~ Departm~nLexplained that reappropr.»1tion could' no.ti·be-d<>tie be~aq·$ie ih'e second list' 6f exc'esses and surrenders

.· )Va&:. re~eive'd iate i>;i'th~ Chief ;Engineer . con.cerne4~-~ Toh~_ Comrnitt~e .dtr:ected the Depart.m~t that-the.·item ~hould be resubmitted aft~r .... ascertaining ~~'~full facts about,~elayJn receipt of 2nd statfjlD,ent .. of

· E'xce~&~s ~d ~~r.J:"e~def°s/ !he ·it,~ w~r(kepf pen~IQ~ •. · · ·· · · • • •• : • '. ~.... '· •.• • • ,. ·' • •• • • • .- • - • f : ~ • ,!· '

. ,1 -~--, ,,

:,.,I· .. h ..

. . I . .: · ~-Irrigation ~d-Pow.er Department (b) Tubew.e:µ& .:.' _:, ..

::;;\_ J:U~ff1);? ~ 'R~aulT'~}i~ij~ili . / _:' '~ ~Savin~ es'1i&·ai 453/-· ' . ' . f . . I ,'. . " ; .... ' .· .. ~,· ;/ ,; ; . .' , /~·: ·• ·, . .' -~ • .t; :. I. .. • '

18 .. 9-82

' .'.. I •

The explanation of the J\dmin'istrativ~ Depa.r:ttnent' was aeeepted ,. and the item was dropped. , '. · . · ' · ·' · · ...


· .. :: . B(a)(~7), .. :a •. 5_,J,,ink

.'I'. I

.. . . -~; ·, .

Ex~es:s )is." 2 .. 3Q·, Q.94/;. . '_\{'.~i~. ;l_ :-, ·~ • •. ·: --~.:,: :r·· .· _-.· .. ·., ·I -·

,_ ... • ... - ': .· ~ -- .,

•, .•· :.,

- The,· Commit.tee accepted .the explanation of the -A~iniSt~at!v~··. pepartm~n.t and the items· )¥ere dropped •.



- . (. ~-- Rasul Bar~age . . '_ ; ' . ' . - . . :, ..

·;,, I .• _: ~, . '. ·.

. J ·• : .. B(a)(39) ..: ·


- Excess Rs. 9. ·43; 3'90/- • . . ' ', • ' I

. ~- > savlilg, ·.its/21; 35 ,·:500 l- .' . . ! .. : .. ·. ::· .. ·. . . . . ·:' ' . .- .,: ;_.

B(a)(35)_ ·- Mianwali Lift ;lrrig~tion i Bcheme

r .» ·R.Q. Link ·-B(a)(30) -

. · The Committe~ wait satisfied• with the expla_nation of the Ad,lp,inisti-ative :p~!~t1Ri1~t ~iid.· the' item :~as>d,roppe~'· . . ' . - . '.;.. ', 1! ' / . ''. . .

. .· .' ) t; : : '· ' ... ,. . . . ', ' .. '. . . . i/~. 1,' : . :,:_t;t · · B{a)(7) - Lower Jhelum , Qanal - · ., ·Ex:ces~--Rs~·26i~ 1'9,''16.6/--

· ... ··,. ,, _· : ,·,_1·· : r ~ ··,). .. •, .· ..'. :::· - '

18. ·-·s·.--s2 .... · e 1"':'· • ,. ..- · · .: .. -. • • ' . - .. _ ·/ '. ,. ~- ':·.··- .: ' .. ~·· ·.:.:·. -.~

' ~· .· .... '. ,'_.. ,i'. i:-' ·:\.' ' ~ ' , , • . .'.' ' ": ,, .,' I ' ' • • , , ' •

I',·/ I· . d . , ·, . , ~e- exi:,;t,a.natiQn of the Adriiinistr~tive .Department w~s. acceptea by the ,Conunitie~ and the.Item was dropped. .. ._. ·· ·:_>;\ ··. . . ~.

~: - 1 ·' . . ' • .. : I '. " •- •·:~ .J ·I "-. , . · . . . ' ·. ., l'' : ,-

'B(a) (8) - · Upper Jhelum Canal . ·. "" Excess':Rs •. 1.8t3;11'3~8/- . ·j ' ·, :: .• _,., ' ' '. \•r- ..... .'

· ··: : .. · ··~ -:,~vihg '.,_' ~~--:.-~s>;a, ooo/ .. . . . . . ,( i. tf}·. . . . . ' '. . . . ;

:,;, :· .. ····_~;':,.·.~_:f : . . . '. ·, . .- ... ', . -- . ' , ,.

\ .

·\ / ' .... _ ,· ,;

.,. ,· - f '.·.I ~ :. ·,

, B(a)(6) - Exces~ . .Rs.·16/63, 218 /- · ... bower-Bari Doab CQ.nal . . . .· ..

" .. '


.th~, explanatton of. the Admiriistrativ~ De)ai-tnieht was accepted 1:>y the Committee and the .Item was dr opped; ·

. . . ·.~·

. . . ~ . ---.,B(a)(2)."'.' ·., a,·a:ng·pur_.:.Cana1 , · ... · ~ Exc,~ss Rs;~,54,894/~

' 1_ .- • • • ': ~ - • •• . 'I \~ • • ' ·-. - "! • . ' ', 'i • • .. : '~ • • • • • '

. (B) -

- ·. ~ ··, . ·/ • ~ I ', ..

r :-,l. ... Pr-oduetfve.». . .•. , ,,:1 ' ,,;.•. .

.- \•' . 9'1

". '



,. ' Ii

··11 I! _1

:. ,•

......... I '·

A~6 .... LBDC - Ex,cess Rs • .4,.29; 113/~ ; A-6, ·· - .. : Lowet/Jl\eluin ,C,;Ln~l "\ .Sav!Qg · ~/5·~· 2t~' 203/­

... A_·.·i , ,- . . Upp~r'J.~~~um· Canal ~ E~cess Rs. l:, '79,_659}- ' I • ' ~' • • ~ ~ '•

· •.. , ,. .._.,f •.• _'·L·r· .' ;·.· ;.:.~:· '.1:·: . _.-,_,

18-9~~'~'·1' ·. :' '.'. , .. " ... f '_ ••. ' .•. 0.,, .. •' ·, ... ·:, ,; ~- '.· . •• ·.· .: The exp~,ion' :o{ :the.·,.A,da>.iriistra,tive Departmenl was'. ·accepted

· by the \ Committee · and. th~ )itezp:s'.. were dfopped. ': .. .. . . .. ·.. . , . ' • . . • .. - ' ' ,~ .. .i: .,

.The Committee dir:~ct~d the 4,dmini~t:rativfi Department . that the item should, be .re·suQmitted after· the figm-es ,' are r.econt:Ue:d' with .

· the .. Audit/ ·,The ··1fem · was. kept pendihg-~.: • , · · ~ . - . , . . \ \ . . . I


. . i: Upper Chenab Canal .. Savlng·r~s~i3~,:oa, 65~/:-.

.. A-4~--. "v • ,',

' I I .

· ,:'he. ·e;xplanatiop. 'of .the Administrative De~rtment w.as ac.~epted . 1. and - the itemiwas 'dropped, · · · ·

I .. · ; .> • I ~ _: ~ ·. .

., the :e~p1a.n;ti&h. ~ the Administi-ati~e_ Departme~t was accepted · 'f ,. l . ·' ... .. . '· I I.•

by .. th~:. :C.o~::x:u;nitte~ anti the. item was dr9pp~d/., . ', , . . · ;·:,· . ··' . ··.. . •' .. -· . . ·.· . . · .

. . ' ·a~(13) ~ Fo_rdwaia Can~l - ·' , .Savtng. Rs •. 2,.so-;,000 /·-: . ;·• .. ,,

··;·_· ·.;.,:·-.c ; i 16~9-82 · · .·

. . ~~- ." .'


A-Works - .

·,. ·Bl(l:2) ~ :E~st.ern Sadiqa c~~i - 1.: : · .Savi11g Rs, 10, &O, 000/ ...

). '\ .

\ / ·. -~(1LP:r.od.uctiv.~ .. -·.

_;.,:·~· '. ·"··· ::,\ .. :._ · .. '.-'· · . ~. '"'·" • :::.·!:']• __ .--: .. -.I .. } "i._/ . .:.··_, __ . , 2-, Pases 332 "".343. of .the ApprQpriation Accounts for:Ui~ yea;r 197 7-78 ..

,Grant No. 41-Irr!gation - ... -«, • • ... • · .. : ·, · _::· ~-.:>/·;J ,., '

' . 1 , . ._ ;_.\.?I,."·,·· • ' I• .f'',·; •. •·. ' . • ·-~ . • · .. -·.'_),',• , . .,):(·, .. • ·~}). ~,' ... · .. .;,"' _- ,;· • ,·,

• ; I The explanatiQn bf the' .Adminis~rauve:.l>ep,~r;ttrien:t was a~cept~'d. .. "and the item was dr-opped; ' ) ' ', . . . . .. . . \

•· /.1 • •

, I -. . · ... .- .

I lB,; .. 9-82 ~. ·,:

- Saving Rs~ · 79, 492/-'

', I '· , I ···'1

,. · ,·~0,)(29:) -Chablat Khas

. - ' .. • ;·;_ ·,-. ': . ~' .. - ~ ' -

l . i; I ,,' .r"' \ •••. ! ··~ - .

. .·•- '.' ~ .. : .. ,. -,,: .· ,> .• ,.-- : '. - .·.... - ··\·,· .· .. ·'.

_., •· ·· · · The. item· wae · dropp~c:l., -.

, ·: · . .,-'.B~):(5) - ,,'.G.M.F·,,S,cheme No.I 0 •

J ~ ., . \. J. I I·.

. flle explanation pf theA,~iniat1;:~tive1D&pa1'.'t¢ent was accepted by th~ C9nunftt~e··ahd the iterp wa~ 'dr·qpped/:: ... ; , ·, .. , :.·. , . .

,, .

Exc~&s 8$~· ·1/ei)/097 l : ,-

' B(b)(4) .. Canipbellpui'Tubewells .> .

-,. : 9.8


'), '·

18~9.~82' . :;,, .... '; . ' -· . ': . ··The Comm1tteJ observed that,proper '.r~~ricillation wa~ notdone by th~ Administrative Depaztment in time. The Committee ditec:ted. the : Department to be.more ~a~e{ul tµ.future; With.thl~':observation,. the 'item. .w~s dropp_ed; ' · ·· , .: · · ·

I .•


- . -: · E:x~,si:vRs~. 11, 21; 11-3 /-

Tbe expla.tiation ·or tbe:Adniinisti'ative:Oepartment was accepte~ ai1d. the item was dr,opped. . . . . .

•/. - . - • -. 1,1 ,: • -:-, • '·

. '


. ' Excet;·s·Rs~ 1, 13;.225/i-

. ,1 I ·- ' ... A-26 ~ Quarries· , ;' ! ~ . . ~ • I · - : I } • ' ' •

. !: .... , .,. - .,

' • . . t . . . . .. - , •. , . - . · The Committee dlr-ected the 'Achn,mistrative Departin~t>that tbe

item,-~hould 1Se resubmitted after reco.aciling Ule .position with the. ·- Au~i~,. - The- item_ w·as kept pending~ . .- · . . . · - · _ .. - . .


' . . . '· I .- t. _... .. , -

, Th~ Cbriunftt'e~'obierved: that the position,il.rose. due to:,a write· back~ If.this bad_ been ·effe~t~d· ea~lier ·the pasitiort::w:ould .: Qot-~ave '.

·a~is,e~. Wi~ ·the,·e- observa~ions, th,. itemc was dro~~ed. - :' .· . ~ . . . .. . .. .; .

. ~ J22 ;,. Rangpur ?,Eihil Sav4lg IJs. ~,· ~2, ;i8~;/--. . . ·- \" .

18' ... ,9':!2 ... · .. ' _:. . 1.' · . • ··' .· '1 . ,

'-· .-- .. ' t: ·.-. 1.:

• \~'I .558/~. ' · gxc~lfS .. Rs, . . .. . . .\ ...

. ·A ~20 -.: Balloki~Sulemankf Link ;... . I

-,. .. 18-9-82 .

- 's. •

. •\ •! .- , . : ..... ~ \ ,.·

. - .. . . . I . . .. - . . , . ,;1 •• The Conunitte~ accepted the -e~planation of 'the ;Admin~trMive ··.

·. ::~'.~- :·'/;1_,:1 ... · -.·.-, .·, 1: ,--.·:: ,. '.·'._ '. :-,i, __ '>''· .. ·_ · .. ~ ·'. -_ -._ · .: · r -. ' ..._:;,:·:"· .•,,:·_,\ - •\. ···0:· ~ "', •

Depa~~eilt and th~_·lteµi,"was; dropped. · · ..... ; ; · '. · · ·· · . ~/1.

. I .. ·'. __ - .... -; _.·. l~-9-82

' . ·,_ I - • : ... _,i -_ ., ·. - ·• -'._ . . . ' ! . . _-· ' i _·· . - .· ,;,:-,.

.· . The Co.thmitte·e ~1t·Efo t'ed the Administra,tive Oepa;rtment ,1;hat the item- 'should be r·esubin.1tte(i after the, figl,U'eS ·are' r.ec9n-C:ile~ With the i\.u~it.· The iteiri was ·kept. pending, . . o.r . ··. . .

, -. .. ·.. · .. , : ·- .·. :. , . .. . I . i . -· ' ' .. ,' . ;

.A-11 - H'.aveli Canal C~c1e. ·"' -- Saving· Rs, A, 50; 87'Q/""' -··


· .. \. ' -··· .. R. 18-9-82 ·

' . . . .

A.;8 ... · Depalpui- Canal Exce~ef~~ .•1, ~f4; 14i11/~ • . I

' ' .1 . ,99

/ _·.',

../ ' • ,,<:.' •

18•9•82' ., .. · .: _.' .·r . ' . . . .. ·.. . ..

· 1:'h~ 'C6111~:'it~e :icc:pte~f th~ -~kp~~ation t>f ~e· Admild~·ttati'7~ peJ>rr~ent an:9 'tbeJtem was ~qpped, .1 ··ti', ' . ..• .

. ...... , · (., ;,.~ ... .:: .. i-- r·~ ( :!._:·-'· ··:.'· ... ~-···-: ;

A -i 7 , ... Trimmu ·Slphpai- ,._ .. 11 ..

. · ·:. Mails! Link' .. · .> ""' Say·ing.''·Rs,·_ 5,.45,,20/:.

ii \.;

i ~ ·• ·.··: .· --~ ' •r.·

'1 .• • ••


i" ··v ;i

· . 1Tpe Com~~!t~e:. a~9,I?t~c;l}he_.'. e~p~atio~: :q{-~_e,\~~IXl~ei~;'.fi~: .. ' Departixnint and 5. :the .-i~ern wS:·1( 'dropped~ : •. · . : · ;_ . -· · · • . ' . .· . · ·.: · .

. ,:;.' · .: ·• ..•.. · .. :·, :..·/· .. ,·~ .. ·- J .;,.: .··.(·: ,.-··,r-,:\, ·;.:···'. . \ .. _:·· · '.-·· ~- ~··'-~ .. · .. ··_:::--.

I·,. . ., ·.· i '

··.' .l • =·~ .· .... . ... -

: _; ·-/~ ;" I . ..... ·. ...... '\ ..

18-~-82'-' ' .: ' .. · •. '! ' '- •. : ij ~--. ' ~\ . ' . . ' "l

. , . The explanation ofthe.,A.dministratlve.Depa.rtm.entw~s acce~te~ \ by the C<>mmitt~~;9rnd the' ite'.m.·Wj:lS d:rc.,~ped,. ' . ;:; .r·: .. : '.

\ . . :--· ·_- . :· . .. .. . ·. \ · . · ,:1- . . . . , . , ... . -~, .'.; . - ., - : ~- __ :, ':·; .. c · . .,;- StJ:rV'ei anoJ'.nvestigation;~''. :·:. :. :,. ~1 ·: ,;_, . , _: i

C ·4 ·,La·o·· ~c · ·· ·· ·· · · ' s ..... , · ...... · · 10···000/ · ·~ .'. ... :·· .. _-.-~ '. • .1 ;..-' >- ·, .. a.v.11.g :~~'- .... : __ ,;! . - ,...,.~.-:

; / ..... :. . i •.. '

18-~-82 : , ,,\ ·_/~ :: .· .. , ; '·'. . . t

' The Comm'ittee dlr-ected t~e Admiµistratife:De,partm.ent that ~~· item shouid be resubmitte.d ·after reco11cillat1on witQ' the Audlt/ ~pj; .: item_was .kept pending.' ' ' .. ·.' . . ' . ' .. ' . c

• ::·'. .• ! -: _,..:· J·:··''·!·'1·' ·. :,·,·-::;_~'.·t~ ... .,:;·:· ;:_·:

' ' B(29) ,._;,M:~·Lf':r.· Schenie.; ·. ··E:kc·~s ·Bsc.2/08; 774/ .:.-r ;,._ .','. I,·)-•·.,,'('/'·' . - .[.''

. ) : 1:: 1.

Tl!~ explanatt~n :,<~f tile.Administrati~e :D~partment ·..,as ac~~>t13d! _by the Committ~e· and the; it~i:nis,were.dropped, · · . · · .. · ··

... : '.Y;~~? .. :· ',!·: ---:: ·-~ • ... ·.~.:~_·\;~.f:-·: .. ~ . .:~·_ .. -' -, _ .' · .~ ',l ,;··:·,: .·, ~-i~ :·~: ~·-· .... :_,.)_"L . =>>; Bl11) ~''l\S,M;··S'i'Lfnk, ::,.,;. ·'&iliig Rs.·26;·0.f,,&8·8/~;\;:·.

'!,;•!•:';'; • ,-:, ~ :/.\l~ •1'. ,''· ·• ·. :;.:. ~~· ·~·, 1'

• ,. r1·!,: • I ./~l:~_::/tf~,~

t , ; ... ::., 1a-9 .. :..a2 · ,.

··; { _. , • : . r .. I .. .-. _.,: .· ·( ~ _ . . : ... , .. _., .. ; . , _ . . ,

Th·e Commit te~ d,ireotedi the A'dmlni$tf~tiv~ P epa;tm~.ti{ ~a(Uiey should be mor e p,tonu:,t irt obtafu.ing additionar funds in cases tlf flood daµi~ge-._ With.f.b .. is.dbserv~~ori., the it.a~ w~s-;drop~<fr · - . ··

(• · .

. B6('1) -Upper Jhelwn Cana.l... Excess.Rs, ~7-26,671/:~.:· .. 2.":i~;~ B (9) - Pakpattan Canal · ~ SavJ,ng.1 Rsi,:;,2,.37, 729/. .. "· . .

·" B:(26):1;·R.-Q.Link n :: '.'·· -'·,,: Sav-ttjg:,'fts~·1a;oo;ooo/· .... ,, B.;2, - SCA,RP II .. ,/ · t · .:· ,'.E.Xbe.S-$'Rs~" 1, ''1'3; 191/t..:: ,-: ,:: · B"'.'29 - Mianwali'L#'t: . , .... ;_. . .. "' ·

·. ·., .: ..:' . Irrigation Scheme ..;:- : .. Ex~es~-Bs~ 2, 08/114/;.. , . - ....

1·~f} •. ·5· ;:_ Low~ Jhelwn.Capal- Sa~·in~ Rs~ .-.:,·-~8,~60/·: .. C- 6 ~ ,Sm~ll- D~s - · Saving Rs, ·49, 5-05 /~- . , . ·

· ;:K · · ~ Works' .. '\ · · · , ·.:: · ;:~ :.1i • ·1····

. l(. 2 - Rasu.l Tub~weils Pro_.J·ec.t ... · , . Savin~··Rs: · 'a: OQ -ooh/·~· i . •\ . : .. · 5· . t , ,, .. .. . .•

18-9;..:82 ·

-~ , The Committe'e· dire<ited the A~ministratiye ·Oepartl_ll~nt tt t·~ubmit the .revi•.ecl w,' orktn;g Paper ·after th-e ~econclliat1on offi~esi , 'l'h~-ltem \VaS lcep(pefi(lillg. s ' , • : , • ·,. : :.- :; . :p\ · . .' • ,: ' . . . . • , I

' \~>- ·_/:;:>..'._:· -~:ij J,. ;

: ")'Pi- .' E~~~r,n::&.ry R~pla<l~f ~f ?> c r;; . ' . i" . . ..

. • .. . B(5);·,:- ·:· 1:BDC- ' .. '. Exc~ScS,Rs(_~;·a$. ~27 /·):: ;_:- ;\.· 1a·~9· .. -a2 ·- ''. , -· · · , ·:: . ·<-·: . . . , )} :·,_~. '

. Exe.ess :'6. ,t.5, 54 •. (>36/_- • ... '. .·.· ·h

A-28 .. : SOAR P IV ; ' . ;·, .-. { '



:.I \

---------.----i;---~:;-;:-:----~-·-, -



.\ ·I v . .\

' ., - ... _·.:·

- I • . , ' . . .

The p&.l'a ·having heen 'settled;,; w,is ~froppeQ~ , 1, ·' • • '1 :-; ·'·,. -, ' L '\ ' • :-- .,' I

, s.. Para_ 2.0 · ·. Over a


PR.AFT 'PARAS 19'17-78

, ' . The Comznittee ' directed th'e Adm~istrat,ive Departin en't to . . .. suJ)a1ff a revls~d WP:rking ·J?apet'.giving:a :cP.QAolidftt~d (s~atefi\~nt. :

of re,eeipts ·_an~ ~~p~hd,i.tur..es: unde~·.this Head./'µi~'-1Jem .. wa,·:,~~pt .. . . pen.~~·· , ·. -- c: .... ·" .,. \'' :: 1;: ·, r": ,,

·- ·; peb!t · 'fts~ · · 11~80~'.119/- ,. · .. ·;, .. ' .· •. ; ·\·' ,. ·, <.

·--_I J

. ' T ... Suspense -

· '· ;. Th~ ~oject , ',.-··.;

·- Th~ J.tem. was dropped.

... '·. \'-;''s: Ji'

l. , .. ,,i.., · ••..• _

. ' I

' . .. ,, : '

. . .- T.he. itfml wa~· dr0;ppecfrt ,: . .:, ·- -~ '-'. • • • '' ' ·, • - . ,:. .- • ···_,, l • ,- • ,.,

• 1

. R ... $urv.ey and Invf:lli)tigation .. . , .. Thal ~oject, , , ' .. . Saving :'5 •

;' .,

,,, . I!·:; • t ;· ,.-::·· ··{ l \j. .'·: __ .' .. ··,·.: .. .: _ ... -: j',\ ...:-.:"} .:

!-~: • • I I •,: ~• ' '

~ ... }' ,-,.·-::

. . 6 79_'617/1- / , .. , . •.,

-; ;,,, Exc~s11 ~·

.s; · .. i,. .. ·;w~rks - 'I'ha.1 . ~oje~t ' ... ',:-,.'\ ..

-- '. )' I c : . ·. . _1, :·. :' ,·,, ,° _ , , : _ 1

• .' _:· I • ·. ,:·, ,'\ ··-, ·• ' .. • _ •

. . ', The Com.Ul~it~ '<l!rectei.i· 'tll~!;t\dminie.ttliiji[.e. ~'iif;rtip.ept to . '· .." eubmita revise(;\ Worlililgi Pap·er givlng·,Jl'.e~tjil<llidpted_'~.ta.~ent of r~celpts. and . experiqitl.i.r.eti °'rider • :the'lie-d ,{r;..Eh.l$.p~nse •. -.The1• ftem ~·a1i kept pendin~. · · : · ·· · · · · · · . , .

\ --,·· ... ·,. ;1 .,_'

'·.·'\ ... ..: .'-. ... •,. .- . .' · .. :. I . \ #\, •


. ,. . . ' . ' - .~ . ·. -'; ... I . ' . . . ' . . c .

,, . ..r~e1 Gommitte~· .directed·th, J\dminiEltr~~i.v~ tlet,i-~~{1,~t-, resut>init. _Q,_ ,tev.i,~d .Working .. :ee.per · after J:'aeon.cUI,tion · ·wttp. the Aut;Iit~· .The .. 1tepi \vis."J.~.e.pt1;li~~lz:ig;. :. ·, .. · · ·· :;· .. .. · · -''. ~; ·

,. -.,· -•· . !,,:; . ..:,~ -._:-. : .: ··~;f '):~\'. ,.·\ ; I ::·). ·,·::f(, '""-• ' . . ·-.- ..... .: :-, ·,_-·, _!.~-"··

0 - Sus.pen~ e .. , · , Taunsi Barrage Oebit_- , .

·, .•. ··'; ... '•'

·' ·-. • J.. ••

/: . , ..

: -·1

. ··:., -:·· ..

·~ ,,., .. ' _, ~ l .

... , •• · -; ·1

• T ·\

. The,. Com~ttee accepted the explanation or the Adlninistr-ative ,· i;>~partment a,n.fl the item .w~•. ~rppPeA:~ · . , . ·. " · . .· -; ~?: \ ..

- t, ,--·, ..,. •

. ·~ . ';, - :.1 ~ . a.·, ~I •.' .

.1.··. - . ' ,; . ·~ ·/ 1s .. 9.;.s2 .. _' .. ·· ..

54, 8_i8/- ., .

- ·Excess Rs. '. .c ; 7 .. Bahawal Canal


... .

' i. ,

:1 L--·- -- -- -- --· ···--·------~---- --

1" .•

I'· • • I



The 1)8,J'a W~#l · dropped,. as it had already been ·settl~d by. .· :.1\udit~ "· .. (:: ·;;; -: ·, ·· · ·.·.· · · r ... • · .~ t. · ' .. ·

'" - ... -i :

. 21-4-82



. IJ;'he para had ~Jready been dropped by the Committee in Its ~·eeting held. on t2-7-19l9 •.. Tne· Committee. observed that the Aqminis­ trative. Department had not y~t-·iinpl~mented its _.directive and directed itto ,: do'. th~ n~1edtu.L .Th~ par~ would remain pending. . •. . ..

8. · · Serkl No. ~.2; p~ge. 64:_pf ·tqe.;Audit 1-Re~e>rt for the ,.year 1977 ,..78 . · <· read,:with para .63 pa e 5.0. qf ·the Aµc;Ut Re 9:rt fo:i,. the .ear

. 1971'~72. - lrre .local urchase of Rs.'-95., 384 • -, , , .. ~

·- .. ' . ~·,; . .. . - ., ~ . · . ·As the .case :Vl-~8 sub ju<;tice, its consideration wae deferred. the·

. Committee'directed that wnen this para i~ resubmitted; the,:admmis­ : trativ~ Department should: 1rtdicate whether the antiua1 verificatioP. · of the relevant stores' had ln· fact taken place,\ a:rid if not, why not, and _irhether_'a,hy action against the ~DO. r.espon~ible ·for this lapse. had been ·taken. , · .... ' · · ·

7, , Serial 'No. 30 page 64 of the Audit Report for the.year 1.977'~78 rea,d with para ·5,5(7). page 47 · of the Aud!t. Report for the .year 1971-?2 - Shortage of storeif·worth Rs.16,425)- ·. . ··· ~

.: 1'8.~9 ~8'2 ·.: · .'

/ .. \ 21-4-82 ._ .. ,. ·.' !

I • Ii.·. ' ... ', ·, ,. . . -: •. ' . ·. . .,. . :.. .I ,. • . I ... , s.· ·_· Serial NQ. 29.pag~ 64 -of th~ .Audit Report for the year 1977·7a _read with ara 55(~) -~ e 46 ~of the Aud.it Re 1ort for' the ear

. 19"11 72 - Sho:rl~ e.oCstores worth Rs. 2, 33 569 . -

·The p~ra Ji:~ytng ~en settled, was_.dropped,.'



. . ' .... - ·. ' . . '·. . .. \' . . .. . . .. ·The Admini$trative Department. stated ·thatas ~--·re~ult ofan. ·

. .... . ··. : •. . ,: . " - ' . . . ·. . ' . . ! ' ,' ' . . ... . . . . - . . . ' . ;·. . . . ·' . ' ~· .•

inquiry .under Effi~iency -& biscipime. '.R4lee,. fA~. c·oi:np~tent ·allUiority had ilnP,'?~e~-~.: rec<?VefY'?f R~~ 6,00/-_ on the ~onc.erp~.d ~fficial/.The Aclµlinistrat~ve Depar.tqient was asked to satie-fy the '.A,udit ~b,o~;t;, th~ . adjustment_ of .Rs; s /:~.~pp.~ ."The para waa deterz,e_a tru.· the . vefu!g.atlon of r~co:rd was, ;o6J:ftpleject l>Y>the ·Au~it;:·, . i . ,. ", . : : . . .: ' '

. ··.·. <.: .·_.,;. ·}J:, ,;,. ·,.;. .; ·' . . . /~:.·.,:' ... -··:.' '··' :.· ,_ .. ' 5 •. ·::$~ri~{N6~e&,@.se;,.,,:4·_ot ~he Auclit-~ep6rt.fot- the:year 197.'7 .. :za :

read w~th para 55(4) page 47 _ot:the Alldit ReJ?E?rt for the ye~r --•~. , 1971-72 - Shortage of stores worth Rs, 5, 2J7 lz: . . . . • . • I .

,' .. •, .. r: ·. , ~ I •,

: .: I .li ·: "• • • • .~ • .• L • • •


- 4> Para, 21 pages 46;-47;·of the Audit Repor(for the year 1977"'178 ... Fictitious :issue of. stores worth Rs •. 5 ,~880/ - . '. . · .


102 - ... ·, .. :· : ·,:·: ·. ;_., ~:

The Administrative Department explained to the Committee th,:?.t 1t was intimated by the authority concerned that recovery of Rs. 5, 387 /24 had been made but when they we;e asked to produce the .record for. verification by Audit, they stated that the .record was not traceable. Consequently a reference had been made to the Finance Depar-tm ent for its write oft. The Department was· directed to expedite - the write off and its verification by Audit," The para was kept pending.

r .18-9-82

~~.. . ,, . . ·, : .

Para 16(a)17(1) page 17 of the AuditRepQrt for '.the year 1955-56 .. Shor-ta e of stoi,k and T&P artfoJ:es ·.amouiltin to Rs. 49 899' ..; and Rs. 2, 523 - .

~· .. ,;. ' .. -

, . :. : 'J;'he Adrninistr~tivEf Depar-tment was . dir-ected by,' the Committee to expedite the pro~ess of write off,·. The ''para was kept· pending. · ;tf

.. . ' ·~- . . . ';. ~. . .

' . '...-- . . . ' .. .· '. -; . . - . ~~ ~1. Para 16(a)15(lii)(a) page 16 of the Audit·~~p6.rt-for the year .1955.r56 -: :~. .·,

Excess payment of Rs, 16, 62~/- · · "' ... · , , :~: .. ~ · j~ -: ".:~· •,. :1 15-9-82 ·?_i:!.~.~:{_)f:· :. i.··,.-, :"f \~· ·. z ... ,,., •• ~,- .

..... ,; ..$'"• ..........

:'II.~~ • .,;_ ·- . ::' .. ·:.> ' ·: " _- ·_ ·. o\ .-

. 'rhe Administrative Department further:''explaiH~d to,,,:~f · :). ?;-W\ ·) \:'. Committee that an amount of Rs.1,100/~ .J?~~.,~!!~1:-~-~~':et~,Jf<?fu_ , _ Mr Abdul Haq, Overseer, Tlle Con.un,:ittee ·QirectEfd.:·th& :Adiriiriistrative ·-. Depar~ent th~t ~-;1r~B~r)f'shotilcf be got verified by A~dit. .

I. .. . . .

'.·.I• .. '- . -. ' . . . . . ._.'.- ... - .\. .• j.• .. '" i . .' ·.~i __ ·, _;_ • :' .... ,_.:'.. ... :. .. ,_, ' ·,_- -'.;~ .,f~·:j·0,:_.;_'.' ·: /_'

c·,·· .. 'The Committee directed the Achn~iatrative Pe~tmenttbat th~-~-. :~-\? t ':c·

~~ma,ining amount, pertaining ,to thr~e· 05q~!f,ls}'wlrfJ~4_'::,~~4r•"''. ,f\c, ~-h should be got written off by, the e'ompet~if1t. a.uthoz:ity/ SubJ,ect w~_the , verification by ·the Audit·otthe wr.ite·i:off/and the r-ecovenIea; .. th.~' . para . WijS ~opped •. '· ' -: ~ '.r . . ,,. . . '


.-•:: •,

\ ·, '. . . ~ : . ; . I ' \ • ' - '\: • ' ~ i, l I ~ • ' -., \ I ~., '. •

10, Para 17(5}{L) pa~ of 9!eAudifRe.port for the year.1950.,15·1 . .:.. · 'Overpayment of Rs. 25, 949/60 .. · -· .: · ·1. ·,. .... ·' ' ·

\ i·· .. f '{i: ~~:it-.{. . .. ~- . :~':. ... ~~- ·~: -~·-· 16-9-82 /::· ~ \c .; '..,. .: 'j"• ·,, ;·,,.:: -'·,= ': ~.;,~::.

. . ·: ) . ': ... /-:.'. . ~- :' ·/ . : ' .· ; . ' . _·. : ·. _· \.· -__ .. . . . ..' ,. . . . .... .: __ :.

,_ · The Administrative Departinenf,:explainea to the.C:ommitte~· the{: . ·.>'.;:/'";) .. an amount of Rs. 2, '691 /79, ouf'of the reqiain~ bal~nce Qf Rs;tQ~ 16-'1f'94 had been adjusted in the .monthly §.:¢cow1/t'f.or February 1955. The · Committee directed tbi{ .Administrative Department to get it verified by tbe,,Aupit. · .:·· · ·. ·

. ' ,.~ ,· ! ~ '• • . : •

ii ...

., . .... _. . ::' \

. i·< )l.:'.'.~L-!:.:\:~'J.::.!!.9.~;f<~- · ·~,,i; ~_::.

9,.. '' ,~erja.l Nc:>.~ia~ page $4 of &e Au~~t ,R,i:e~ort:t'or th.et,te~r. 1977-78 l

- read"withpa:ra66 page 51.of:"i;he"Aud-it.:Report::£(>~ tb.- :1ea:r ~ ' 1971-72 ~ Payment on bogus' Mµster Rolls of Rs: 1§, 473/-·

! • - . (

: 'i: .........


~ ' \ f. • 1 ':, I .. -.

. ' . ·,· ~I ,I ~ '·' .. ,·-. ': r . .-,· :, .. ·; .- ... · ... , .. • .: ... '··"' · ...

,· '.· .':.

! ;'..· -. ,;·_, .. 1.·,·_ I" 1): S' I

·,,,. :, ... ·Jt •t•

't_: ...... , •

i .... · ·',

Th.e para ~aving.'been_ s.ettl~d:, was dropped~.-· ' . • . • I ' - . .

v-, ·, ,, •. · ' 1" I. ' ' fl• • ·', I f• ·..... ···,,.

. i; . : I. I· ,• I . :· r-: . . '- •. :·~,. '" :1.:_ ·. . i:: ..• l6..:.9-8Z . ·,·(. - -·

\ . . ~". ~- .- • .. .• :~ ; ·- ·,.

16. Para· 3.9~7(11) .· :····e·9~ of the ~udit Repori'to'.~··th~ ,: ear 1>e'.ss-.60·~ . :,F.rau<{ulent.wlthdrawal of Rs.l3 .• 90i0· .....

DRAFT. P.i\RA ;1959-60, .:'

' . : .. :The r , .f\.~inistrative Department explaih~ to- :~e Comridt:teE{tbat eff6rt,i wer-e ~-~i,ng made to recover t~e ani'o~t-;'ofRs.; ~., 249 /34E As reg~rds. the recovery of balanee amount of Rs/ 3~ 505/06:, ~ere. was no hope of ~ffectirig this recovery:.,·• The; Committ;ee directeq that steps . should be'take~ toget it. _w:19itte~ off by.the, ·com.P.~t~~f-~u~o2;i.~y. . .• . TIJ . . . . . k t . d' ;.., ' . - . . ' ; ' . . . . . l ' I ' •• l.1 . • ! ' • 1 \, ... · . · ",.e, para was ep pen .ulg .: · · . · - · ., · .:.:.-'.·,---- .... -·· ·--···- ·---

.. - . - ! , - ·- • ·:, ~~ f . ' " ; • • . :, \ •. - ' •. ._. : I --. "..:, I.· :.~ • - ,,.

·~: :. '. ~ •• r . __ ,., . ..... , ...

•·., I • : ~.;

' ' '··,.•· ·,..... v 'l. _ . ; I '" . • .. . '"' .• '-· ·' •

0 _ _ . , .. '.· ",. __ i , ', _, ~·, _-\ . '-~"'-.~· I

P~ra 1'7(a)20(v) pa ~ _ of the A1,1dit;Ive ort f~- the ear: 1958-59 - on·~recover ·of, ; ~fr '175 ~-. , · · : · ·

• 1\\• ·' . \ ~- .' • .i »! ! . • • .

15~ ..

; ... '

. . ',_·

-~_·. ' .. : ..

Dru\F1t PARA 1958~69 .. ' . '" •• ·, i

' .. ::.:

' ':fhe para w~s kept pending being subJud~ce in the ·court of ·Session$ Judge, Bahawalpur. · ·

' ' , . . - ~ .·. ' , . ' . ·,

r-; ~' :;,_ -- ,: . . ~ . ·_.:·.,.

··;., ;: l ,· ""?",

·' 15 ~9-8'2 ,, .• ·, . · · . '

.' .. ;:· . . I . •:1.-. ,,·,"';.

. ..... •, "'.':.. .I' ..,,

- .,»; .. ;_;j' •


: ': .. ~ .:, ' ~ \" • • • ,.,- .. ·~, ' . I ' •_ . .. v. r· > I ' I _. • • ..... '··-··,~ ...... '

1'4, -, \Para l 7(a)26(i) · a e 29 of_ the Audit R~ i;t f~r ,~e- ear 1,951-·5i8 - · ··N ort.,irecovery :of lease ·th one . 'for 'Rs. ·a1 ,, .,00 .- :: · · .·. :r. :: .

.PRAFT' P~RA 1957~58

.: ~~) ~ ... } ; __ -._ .

. ·. .. The Administrat~ve .• Pe.P~t~~nt ex·plained,to.: the Com-l?lit;;; :U)at '' the· 'balance., iunou'ilt;. 'requliirig:adj'ustment~ ;' -brid:;:ti~:en :r,ea~:~e\t,~; ':i :~,

Rs. 11, ~5~ /42, -which_ amounf'wow.d _be; r·J'eqye~~'.!troii{tlll}pijtis'i-bn' :~· . and gratuity' of Mr Maqbo,ol-ur ~Rahman} ,a•etlt.~ Sµb Engih~1\ . .- .

• . . - , , ~ . •. . \ - . i . f\ . . . • • r~ . . _.. . '. : - : . -r. :- .. . ' . , Action · w~ being taken. an9 ~p.,e . mat_tet2 -w~~ -un,4.~r· 1 pr,9gttf$s\/'fh~ _ · C.om¢tttee directed thaJ th.<:, l.Eitest · poS;itioh ·&h.ould.·be,~qicat:ed :in a\: . re~ise.~ ,w-o~king ,~~p~',,.,',:i'h.~._pa~~ wou~d',re~~~.:P~~~iP,«~-;-::: '.,.;;·: .. :·. t

". \ . -". '.· .• , ·:;-,: ):..:> ' .. :?::~j/;. l, - . · - - / ··.:U(''->X- '/;::,·:'. ·:/:~,/:~~/\',~· !t~·,;' .. ... ··' ., - ·~ -· . -

. . .. ~ ..... ·- _, ··.: :~:'-:. "'i ·.;~ .(. 15-9"."82'

.- ..... · ..

L ,.,.. : '. • • . ,' ' . •• : • • • • ~ '. ·-· • • I.~: '. tj' . ~ - . ) • . ... . '

13.-_) Ptt;r$. l~(a)17(U)'·· · '.t~fl"l . .of'th_e.Aud.it-Re oit.forttle·:ea:r'·1955.:.56 - SnQ.-:t.~ · ~ :of;:s.t.oife:a:.·w~'Uf.Rs;~45;.04"f -:..;::: __ >

. ~- .:... • • . ;~1

104 ·,.;,.

' 1: ,,l

! ·1 : ..

c- -· ~ '

The Administr;;,.tive Departm.ent explained to the •Cotrfniittee. that the remaining amount, requiring adjustment, had been reduced to 8$. 3, ~35 /-~ which amount .would' be.· recovered. from. the pen~iQif and

_gratui.ty_of Mr Maqb~ol-~r"'.'R.~an., .. Retlr-ed Sub. Engin~e:r;, Action w:as _ _being taken 'and' the· m.'~tiei--w.a:~f ·under ·pro~~$s, . The Committee directed that :·the:·. J,ate.stp~siti-eri'/:shhuld be indi~ate'd· -in .. -th'e revised working Paper. The i)ara would :remain ·pending, . . .. I' i ,

. ' 15~9-82

D~FT 'PARAS 19.61-62

Zl't . Para· G-35 ::..f{v) page0 i.03 ·of th~{ Audit Repp~t i~r the ear 19_ijl-62 - . 'Stiortag~,.of st~r~s .wor;th Rs.,. 4,. 1. o /.:.. <. • .

. '; ..

16~9-82 ·

_. .: The C-Ornmittee···d~~h-ed that "the Admh'lietra.tt~e Depar~:~t shot1ld' .. carry out · the dir_ective gtyen in: 1ts mti~tirig~ beld" on. ;9th and

,10th .. 'April .1980 .. --~S~ject to,th~~e:reµi:a.:r~, the ·.~a .was. dropp.ed~·- · · .... · .. ' .. ·, ... ~:' .. ~-!··.i. .. ~· .. :~~··.,:~:.~·:..'·:· .. ·:..:.::~ t:·,·:.,;: '. ... e, ·•.

, _ "· . : •.. ·. _ . . . _ . : . . , • _t· ~1 . · ...... . · . . ·_ :' . ; . - · . · '... .. · :20,.: .:' .-. ~ra 1'7(a18·9(Ut· age'.'63 Qfth~. Audit Re ort. for the· ea·r l960.:a·1 -

· ·- Loss of stoi-es worth Rs.271 94.., 524· -- .. : . - :, -

", ;_; ~ \.-; t : . . ·r· ·,

' -~ · - • . , : f· I :, ! ~ • .!· .· , . - , , : . . .. : •-:. , · ' ·. . ~ • · '" ) . . . . •. . _ ·

. i.-,· !lie (?~mmHte_e ~1rec~~d-~e,:,A~fuistr~t~ye Del)artIJ!~n~ t? c~~~y out 'its directive glven 1in its·· meeting held on.1-4~1981 and the para . shqulc;l nQt be included1~ ~he next _Work~g.· Paper-, . '·' . · . .

.' -: :._... • •• -~.~~ .- ••.•• ~ • ~· ..-f. >~,·~--· . : ... ~:· ... ·~ ;. .. :·. . . . . ... .,'. . ... ·. .. . •

· r9, Para l 7(a)43(i) pa e ; '.' 'cifihe Audit Re . rt •.for the ear 1~60-61 ~ Loss of Rs. 3, 307· - to Government

I ' I :,

. ·.,·· • ,LJ • 16-9-82''· .. ·

18. Para l 7{a)41{5) pa e 33 of th~ Audit R'e ~rt for th~· ea~ 1960'.;_61' ·­ Theft of cash and stores' of Rs, 13; 997 ..

_Cqnsequent' upon the __ verification of recoveries by the Audit# , t ~ ' 1, \~I f ~~ ' • I j' ' • '\.o \ • v • • ~ ~ ' • .,.

th~· par.El. ·w~s'' dropped. . · ,_ ·. . .· · · . ---. -'- ~ - . . . ·~ · · · · ·.· :" ' '~ I ' : ,. ', . ._.' . ,• • ,., .s-

:· ... · . .' I • ·- -: : , .' ~:· -~:_ ~ " ' . 1 : •..

. .. ·.. --·' c: -. 10~

. . .,· •• ,.1_j.: •.•. ·.:.. .. ~.-~ .rt.·_~A:.:.:A:' .... t: ~ ,! f. ': \ ':, -i.- r " '~-·':.,;;... ...... , ••.• ..._.;..·,._..,.~_--;: •.• ;'°.;- •• . "·"7··-:··n:ai:1ff.;~AJ:tA:~· ·i:~j-~ai:=· :" ·; : ... ''·

l 'l, Para 70(a 40(1) pa e of the Audit Re. ort for the ear 1960-:si· - ~.oss. of Rs~ 3# 3.80 • to G<?vernm~mt ,\ ·· ·

.~r!'!~I "'!',, ,.;,~, .. ,,-1· · ,:.· 4 T~ '··":

'01.' 1 •

.The para having been settled, was dropped.

The para having been aettled, was dr opped,


:...·.", ... :~ ' .. : ··.· ... _ ..... :::. .. ·

· _ ... . ·: ,· - __ ·.:· _ . ·1. • '. • -, • • · • r . ::-~ _ ·: · · · . · .· ·.·. ..· ~.-- -: _ ; ... : . ·; ·· .. ·.· .. \. : · ... :.::- ·'Fh~·Adrri:in'.fstf~tive~ !Department ~:xplained to the:,co,:n#ili.tee that the official con.cerned had retired. ~d ho recovery'w'as 'antici- .

. pated. The. Committee directed the AdministJ:~ati.ve Department;to: .. ~-,7.

· write , off the- 'balance amount, of ,R$. 99_0 / - and get it verified by ·Audit.·'· Supject,. _to.. th~-~~- th~~· ·para .w~s,:-Ql:opped. i-; · , , -

• . ·.• ;·,: . · ..... ·._. ;~ '·,:- ··"-;'·, 16-9-82 :

ear i 96.1-62 - . r :

. ..... . .I :_ ; ' .-: • ·.-.;_,-.:'t.,..\• .~:;:,.'.·,! -. . '.' , . ·~··.;,.I ;·.$.~.t ;~~.:-::.~;'-> J - ,.• ' • 1. ·. · {,

-, J!t1tP~fi:\.,~~fin,}>,~~P!Sf3}P.eq> .. wa~ d~op~d!> . '.' \ ..-~·, .. ;-,_· · ·:. ·. · .... ··~~·;·:.~:..<:·,,1· .·· _.,.· .. _: .: l"':f .. ·. . ··.· ' : .· . .· .. ;_;._ :::':·

26, '"Para 'J. 7(a)181 pa' e 47 of the Audit ke rt for the lVIisap rorriation ot material worth Rs, 2, 460 - ·


·"· ·::·;·~.;~, l~ t,,:,C;,~·tnaA}"T.·fws·.;19.63~6:4:·:.· '• .. ·:·;.: '..

..; .;, •• . • • ) . . . • .. . ~- •. :..· ,l .:_ ... ·~1:.i ,·· • \ --. ·. - .. · ·~ ~ '.· ~ ·:~... '· .·.·.· . . ./ ~ . '.' -. ~ .... ,_,.~ :r : .·:. .. ·. -~ .. .,, - : . . .. 27.·.-~'1··Pa.r~'5$(jp[U.iJ e 29),f the:Au9!.t.Re~ortJqr. tQ.e .eat' l963·-Q4,. .. ; ..

Snorta e of stores. .ans! /f.~P-4.r.ti i~ij :W-Qrtp.;_~ •. 1, ;l ~ ;'/: · -

. The para was drQPP~P. ,f?.u'bj~,c~ _ to yerifi_c;JLU9p. o~·-rec~veries by Audit •

.. ,:. ,·:---- ...... ~. ·. ·· ..... r ;_, .:' ·:._. ·}:. ·-.~- · .. ·:_/·~.- <1~--.·~/"'.'" ·.:-,.: · i '/... :-~.:·.-

·25;. · P&ra·~17(a)i'f73:·page 4? .. of-the',Aud'it~R:~~c;i~tlo~.":~~-i~~~·:c19._a1-s2. - Shortage of stores wo,th Rs. 9, 061 /- . · ·

·,1" t ,·.,' ...... ·, .. ·

! .;,. .... ,·

·.--··./·. ,.·:·!··~ ,:.':/ '. . . . •. . . • ·.. f . . . . . ~ . · .... - •.• ;.. ... ~~ ...

· The Committee obser:v:ed that this para. had already been: · - · d~~ppep -'sµbj~c~- _t.9. v~ifi°'cati~~: by, Audit. T.h"e .Committee dir-ect'ed . · the Adminisiratty~_;:Qepar~e,nt that, the Au~Jt verifj;cation. · should. .be.» expedited· ~d this para.ine~d n,ot appeJ1r again ,_hi tll~ .Working.Pape~ •. .':

24.··,.· l?ara,1~.(~)169 pag~ _';LS.of the Audit·Rep9rt!or~the.;lea:r 1961-62.-..: '.:::~·::_ahorta.ge ·or· stor·es worth Rs~ 18, 306 {.:. . · · r • -~~~:·:~: • .-.>_. :· ' ~-, ·

' ·:· ' .. -- · ~ -;:·":"·.·


The A.dm1nistrat1ve D~pa,rtme~.t e.xpl_ained that sanction· {.<?!:". -tbe l wr'i,te off_ had been obtained; The par.a wa~· dropped,~·~ubJe~t. to2U~:~· .. .,,::-··· verifl.c.ation by A.uditt , ... '. .. . ;.:._,.,; .: · ,< ;.. ,(;., f ,. : ·-';':.:,\' ,_.;

'·• :·'.l ·<<I: i •· .. ; .: >· . • .r: •· . ' . I i , • •. I :, '<,~ ;' • ·.. .: / iJ,:;; ·''.;_t.£:: . 23. ' P.ara 17 (a) 166 p~ e 44 of the Audit Re. ort for' ·the .. ear· \f9~1-&a ,;,

·. · ·. Shor~ e o( s_tqre:~ .. W9J'~.Rs._30., 7 .. 45 ~·;. ; ·. -~.-::::--·. ·:,c:':; ::;;- ,\_,. -~:/1-

--~----- f: ~ .-! ........ ~~- : .. ·-~: ... ~ -._·:·:~:-· '". ", •• ·-'>~: .. ...: ·,. ;·_:< • · .. :. .. ~<-·· .. :· .·· . •, -~-- .. . . ~. , .. .r- ·--.. . .• ' -·· . ;· .• ..... ' .. ;, . ' ,· :;: .. ) ~ ~ .. ... .... -~ .· .. : .... • . • • .;. ·-· -~-·~_, ,,· . r- • • .; .. "'; ....

;;i1'}"_ .:· ·-· .• 1..- ..

ti.·· .... ;';', . ··1·a.: :; n ".l'fi o,: ."• --a.-e4:r·---~·

the ear 22,

' . . ·. ': -'; 106

.. } ... : ··~ ..,r-: . • .. 16-9-82

. .. :) ..

. . .

.. : ... '. 1'h~}!X1?laR:e.-t1qn;·o(th, Administrative Depar'tment was accepted .. ,_ I

' .. ·d· ·th . ··,•· ... -'---\•'d'' . •.· '"d' ,.',,;.:._.:-,: ' ' . ;. . .. ·', ' ''. .f:t· an e para was.- .·F·t;>.PPe ·., .... ·: . · , . . .. · · · ; · · ., . ,. ,.-~ " ···-·1 . ·: .. -.: ..

"':' ··~; ··:··.

l4. Para 112(xix) pa - e of th~ .Audit Re prt for the .. Overpa ertt of. Rs, 62, 78'4 - to the Contractor 15-9~82

. . . . ~' . . . ~ .. "' .: .'. . ,. . . ,. ·-:. ',. :· ': ·. . .· ; ,· . :

The para:.-w,~s d;-:oJ?pe~,- as ·_th:<i.recovery ~ac:i be~ verified.h:y Aqdit.

' I 15-9-82

.,· ' .

Para 11 l(xxxviii) pa e 156· of the Audit R~port for the ear 19'6.6_-66 - ShQrta e of stock ~oµnttn· to Rs. 5> 94_6 ...

.... ,:,'

· .. ... . 1h~ para was dropped stibject to _the balance -~Qtmt of Rs. 5'14/- , . being written ·off by the 6oin:peientautho:rd;ty}at1l:-1ts-verific1at1on ;by · ·.· the Audit. · '' ·, ,

15-9 .. 82

• • . • • . ''I""

32. Para lll(~xxivY page 155 'of the Audit Re ort for the 'ear 1965-6'6 - Shorta e of., stoc:k and T&P articles worth Rs, 7, 303 - · .. 1

• ·;

·. >. C~nsequent · upon the .re,covery O! ;the tot.al amount and its -~r,ifi.:- cattcn by Audit~. the para was dropped, ' · '. -, . · ,· ., ~~-:... i.

..... . .. 1 ·.~:-

: ... ' ·~· ., ··. "" I:· ,·

; ::- ••• ·f.


31, , Para lll(xx.i:,) page . ofthe Audit Report.fpr .th~; year 1965-66 - ,,. . Shortage of T&P articles worth {ls. 14, 636/-· .1 .· ·. . '

,-~ ! ~~:

The para having already been settled> wae dropped, I .. • . • '· ,

-, ., : . : . ~ \ t: I , ; . . ·- -~·. ;. - . ...:... ..

I' . . . '., . . ' '. . ~ t

... ; : -s ; .• ~_I . ·, •

· · The Committee dir-ected the Admlnistrative Department to' submit a. revised Working Paper af'.tet the reconciliation 9f 'figures with the .. .Aii4'tt. :·:~e ;par~. w<>uid -~em~in 'p'endiri·g. \ ·_. · -·._. ', · · · -, •· . ·

' '• ' ' ~ :·- • .. ; • _;_ • • .. ,· '··, .• I '. : • 'I •,· •., :· • !

so, ,. Par~'i11c~rt) 'pa'getis3.,r -the Audit :a.'e -~rtfor the ear 1965-s& ·-;. · ·,shorta ·e of stores· worth ~ 51', 555 .:; · ... , · · .. ;. · · •· ... -·~


. . ·'i . . r·. _·, , ~·· ,. . -· , - ; . . .- . ~ .. - .. -:~.f. ::_. _. :· · Para lll(xxiv) pa e'.153 of the_Aucfit'Re 'ort f.or the . ear l:~65-6~: • Shorta e of ·stbck' and T&P articles worth 8$ •. 51, 966



The Adminlst:rativ~ •Qepa.~1*tent explalli_~d th~t the: .write off of ·:: the baiance amount of,Rs.:638/-had bean obt~ed· and got verif'J.ed by Audit. The para . was dropped •. '.

',· !"' .... t .. : . . - . \ Para 56(X)fxvU) pag.~ . Q/:,the.Audit B:~port.fo.r tli~ y_ea,r 19~3-64 -

.Shortage olstore~ worth Jls\ 5, 747728 -. -: .: .. · -~- . - ·,. , ·. ·


•,·· . '.··· 1 ; .· '.

; -v , ·•

l ---~

.:; ' . '.· .- ·.• . -;· .. . . :~· . • .• . .. , 1 • -

' Para.149(11) pa· e 94 of the Audit Re art.for tl1e· · ear 1966.-67 - . ShQr.ta e 'of dist~~e m.~rk~ -~Os.tin Rs. 1 l,"300 .... , ;: -:• •,,c, .. ,.

• • • • . . ·~ . • • . \ . : . • ,! ,\ : .... ::.- ....... -~ : •• .. : .•· . ::'\-.!,f.t·. · . ...... _·~ . . . .:..· .. :· ·' ... ", ::< :· :,, .,_.#

15-9-82 · - · :.~?t ._ i -:-,_, - '-~·. :· .: _ ... /Yt:,,.~'~'. _:~./ : . . i

Tb~ ~xplanation • <>f,the A;diµJ.~istrat{v~-Dep~itmen:t .~as accepted and the para was dropped. . . ~-- ,·:· . .,,-.-.;,. . ... · ·., . . . . .. . . . . - ...

, ·v 0 ·

The Committee was $atis#ed with the explanatton · o.f".thi~ . ·A~inis~ative Departtnent and the par-a was dropp~d •. · · · .. i· ., ... : . ·., .. · 41.

•,; ,..:..-:<· :JI,'

·-- .. I·':·~.~-, . .. · .. _ .. -·

. · .. ·:-:: .. ··• 15--9 ... 82

40. rt for the Non-recover

.. .. ·The para havlng been eettled, waa, dro:,pe_d •

. • I. ~· . · -, ·. L . . - ~ •• l , , .- • ,

15-9~aa ... •·-:·· .... ·.


- . ·,

..: . The pa:a. was c:irop.ped si:16}:J{:::;~~'verification of the write ~~/."i:, of-' ·as·;.760/- by. the Audit~- .... , , -,


~ •

38 •.. ,.,P.a~a: i:aa(xix) pa e ·a2 of .:the.Audit Re ort for the ear 1966-.67 - ... ''·'.·Shorts. e· of stores worth:Rs. 7-, 3'72· "". _ ..... ·,. · ·· · · · . · ·

15-9-82 · · • :'.·. _-1:'"1.~-Y-~!\.1:\':/;r/~:~\· .... 'r"_,, ''. · .· ~~<<._-: , · . (.· · The -r-ecovery having been effected and. ~erifi~ -b,Y A;it4it;- the

para _was dropped, . . , · · · - .. _··:- .• --"'. ,.._ •• (d .--·· _;ijf;i;ir:~·r?;{!:Zt\}'/(>~~.t:·. .. <:+,.

~-:·:. 1?.MFT-:PARAS 196~,~~67 .' ' .

-··-·- -~ - '·· .

. ... 1~e.,1\ptn!Qist~a,~ive'. D~.~ft~~~t exp~~ined ,t,heJ the . recovefy_ ·Jtom th~. ,.c~p.trac:t9rs had beep,.J1~-~d.' up· a~'.they ~i<f JQlle Jti-_appe;.l' -~>t!.i~ .. : . 1g~h· p9ur't. 'I'h~ .. Sub ltnglneer'~<>ncei·ned hat} .. als~_,f_µe4.~\s~\t .. ~~-~~i­

C~yn cCo\1.rt. _The "par~. being sub judice, was, kQpt pendin~._:_;' .. \: "'.' · · .", i: ·.·;. . . ·,.. · .. - ' :.-.· .. i,_ ~--.· :,>' ..: ,,•.

36.;' :. Para: l14;(iii)· a ·e· l 73 of ~e.. .. :4':udi.t Re· ort for· the ·,. 'JLoss_:'of Rs>B,113 -_to Government· .,



~5 -.. ', Pa,ra · j12(xx#v) page o:( the Audit Report. for the year 1965 '..as . - · ·Overpayment o£'·Rs. S·, 417'.f~· : , .· · •·· · - · · - .

I .ZP . r '

.. -·. ·· ... }

' .,,,.--, -, ... ,·· .. ·

· .. .r ..

· The para having .' b~~1,1 settl~9# was dr-opped, : .· ' ·~ ::~. ~~\. .. -, ,·

~7~,, j -_P~a. J11(11). ~atk·;i,¥iji-°liti?ifili:1:i'~itaeport_fo~ the.·y~ar'~i°965.~~6 '• . ·;.·.;. Losa ·of Rs.18,·982/-. tq Government; v . . ' . . .

. - . . l: . - ' ' ': ,: _: . • •. -r: ..


- .... - The recover.fh~ving been ef!e~ted .and verifie·d by Audit, the

. para was dropped •

15~9 ... 82 - · .. · ·




I \ '

. . ._ . . \ ~ .. .. ~ .: ~. regard.a the machinery ~d the quantity of gp~ds ~ansferred

· to MPC);; a list~ with its .evaluation ahould be drawn and furnishe~ .to .the Finance Department with· the request th~t as and when this matter ~s · settled With the Provincial Government and the Central:G,overrunerit ~gen·~y' necessary adjusiment on. account of this list should be made, In the meanttme; the Depar1ment ma.y.:be pertnitted to tr.e.a.t th.is · .· · particular. item a.s' transferred, AJter carfyirig -out' .tl;le~·~ directiqns,· . the latest position ·shQuld be giveri 1n the revi~ed Wor.king· Paper. The para' was - kept pendtng, .

45. Para 157(xiv) a e, ofthe Audit Re ort for.- the ~ar 1967 -68. - Shorta e of st.o~k am<>un~.ip, ,to Rs. 6, 326 ·:- ...

. _ The· Committee· dir~c~~d · the Administra~ive Departm~nt _tha t the various 8.p:101,UltS which had teen recovered, - should be -got V~r.ified from the #\udit. The amounts, :which coufd not be r-ecover ed shoul.Q be_ got ·Writt~n. off and verified by .Audit, ,

., . i.·

, Par~ 157(1) e 79 of the A..udit Re ort for the . ear 1967-68. - Shortage of stores woJ.'.'th'l3.. 30, 125· 1''

·.· .' ., .

44, .... T:.

A~ Jar; .. as the recovery of "5. 2, 6Q9/i-,frP~ Mjr· Ihsanul Haq was concerned, - ari amount 'of Rs. ,600/- had airea<ly been rec·overed '.-and the balance amount was to be re•overed in instalments \vhich shquld be . pur-sued, The pa/a Was kept pending, · . ·· · ..

: ...

The Committee observed that the .monthly recovery from : Mr Mohammad Aslam, Sub Eng~e~r,, w.~.Et . not effected for. a period of six months because:.ffie L. P,C,:·issued at .. the time of his transfer., did. n~t .show :!he amount of_ recov.erY.t<> be etfe~ted .monthly. tr9ni htm,

·Thei.C.tunriiittcie · :directecLth:~. A<:lip.inlstr.a tive n:e.partment· to -~nquire as. to how an· incorrect L·. P. C, 'carne:to: be Issued arid .inti'.tn.ate 'the result of the inqu~y to the Commdttee,


.···•· .. \ •.;. 1 . : j

'15-9-82 '.· r: ·; :

. The. para was dr~pped subject. to the write .. off: of the amount .of Rs. 5 i 29.2/?:S:·i.and' :~ts:.V.~:dflcatic;,4. by A'.u<;lit~ . . ..

43, Para 150(ii) age 98. of the- Audit Report for. the .ear 1966.,:-67 · - Infrectuous expenditure of Rs. 2, O, 783 - .

\ 15-9-82

42. _Para 149(v:il). ege 95 of the Audit Repgrt for the year 19.66 .. 67 - Non-recovery of Rs. 8" 841 /- · · . · .~ . ·


.. . ;,·, PRAF'f PARAS 1'967..;68' : t,,..·

', .';

'. ',. ;_j•

. . i ·. . ,. ·'

- . ·.: _ ,· Th.e Cori:imittee obs:erve·d-that tile Civil S~it by Barkat'M~sih, · ex -Stor-e Keeper ;' .. had iriordiiiately. been delllyEHi. The 'A.da11rlistrative

Departril.~nt 'sbQuld,- . therefore, examine the possibility of instituting .. '.---· J : ' -,_ .. · .. ,• ' . . . ,· : . • .-· . . ,. :

a c:riminal 'case · of misappropriation agaµist him. - '. · · · · ·

~ .. 1

I. ,

50, ' : ' \ :·J

· Para 103(:ix) page ,·7 f qf the Audit Rep6r~ for the y~ar 1968 '-'39 - ·.· Shortage qf stores worth Rs. 63, 56'\l./- • · · -;,,

( "· . : . - ..


.. I , ':. , ..

Out-of the ·amount' of Rs, ·3~·593/-;. ,shown-against ·~r· Abdul Satu,.r, ,S~b ~ngineer; an amount of Rs, 1, 781/ .. had been recovered, The'rernaining .. _ 'amount of Rs."1, 812/"." was yet to be recoveredJrom·h~ for which ac'b!.on . was being-taken. Thi~''CooiJ:Jlitte'e tiire~ted that rec9very proceedings,,,·:. should be;_expedit~d;'and therecovery·a1readj,;ma9e:shouldbe·g'ot· - veri(ied byAud~t •. Tb~ ~ra.was.kept pending;

•• 0 •· ••

. ,,

.,. . . - ~,l ~

The.Adminjstrative.Depaptment explain'ed to the Committee .. ,thaftlle aµioun.~ .of Hs.},~73/-. of~is. para, was re~uced to Rs. 4, 629/.-:+. Out <>f .this .amount, an amount ;of Rs, 1, 036/- ·was. shown 'against . ; Mr ',4luii,ed Alt $:ub Engirleez:, who went to the Court and-obtained· a de6ision fti his fa'vour. t:ons-equently, this amount was to be 'got -

.written off by the.competentauthor-Ity, , . . ' - .

:·:::-··. ·. prufF-r'· PARAS'1968-691

\ I

Para 103{iiH:: a e 70 of the Audit Re· <>rt for the ear 1968-69 .. . ;' Shor,ta e of stores worth !ls. 7, 673-· ....


, .. ~.-- . ·. -: .... ·.

. . . . · The''e~_plan~tio~ of 'the,Adm,irii~tr~tive- Depar-tment was' accepteq and the par-a': was dropped, ' -

' .. ' , ;. -. •. .-·· ·'. - .

' i ,, .

,· ,., . '•' :

48, Para 17i pae . otl'he AuclitRe ort:for: the' ~ar 1967-.68 :;.. · ,, . . . ;.Los_$ of stoc.k wor.th'·Rs. 96, .385 , •. ,:

.-·; • : , •, ).i. ,'' _: , · .. ; . . . ' ' I ';· , :

,The para having been settled, was · dropped., ' - I ,


·, "'i

The para wa~ dropped. subject)o. th~·1ci.ss b;1ng;written off. by the co.m.petent'autbority: inci: its· ve:rificatic:m. by Atid1t. . . ,. · ·

• • • j . . . • .•

:f · ·':·','.1-;,·

47, '. . Para 170 pa e ~4 ~fthe Atidit·R~' -o~t for the ~ar 196'1.-,68··.; . , _,. -.~- 1_. • '

LOS_si Qf Rs.:1·~.7- ~.700 ·-·

' . . . '~ 15-9-82


46, · · Pa.ra l57(xvi) pa e 8U of the A11dit Reportf6r tb.e ear-1967 -68 i ..

Shorta. ·~ of stores w'orth Rs, 31; 8l4 c .. :: ., . - -. <:.. .. · ., · .; ·

-;,(··: 'I

- ........;_ _.

. .. . The High C ou_rt had exonerated the D~ffapa;r-, M or-eover , . he had already :retired .and anyIunthef action was QPt JJ.iely to be p~oductiv~. In view of th!$, the Committee .'Jirected.that the-fun.ount· otRs.J, o:oor.:·

-:should be got wr-Itten off by the · competent authoi-lt.; Siibject'to "'·rite· ,off and its verification by Audit, the para wa~ dropped, · ·· · ·

.: . $3:. ·. Para 107 pa e 52 of· the Audit Report for ijle ear 19~8-69 -

. X,..oss of .cash Rs. 7~ OOQ. :.. . . .• :_-.,; · • ". ·;.

.. J.5~9-82

-~.2. .Para 103(xiv) age 71 of the.,Audit Re ·ort fo~ the· ear· 1968-69 ~ ... ·: Shorta es· of st'ores w.ofth Rs. 19, 78:6'. ~ ·; _·. ·

r The Committee . dir.~ct~-i t~e. Admlriistrati~;e. tl~partmen{tc; t:i.ppr6~ch

the- Finance .Depar'tment once again for ·obtaining ~e· sanction · to wi:-ite pff Uie' .amount Involved •. The parA was. kept pendiilg, '

• .. .~.-.. • '· •• _; j :-


51, · Para 103(xiii) page oi the Audit Report for the· .year 1968-69 -: . Shortage of stock and T&P articles worth Rs. 3., 54, 966/- . ··· ,

. l ••

The para was kepf:pen,ding. ·. ~ . . .· · ·• . , : · i, .. - .~ . , . ·, • . I ' i . . . . . . I

•• . . ,, 1'

As regards the amount of Rs. ·;3, 076/7f rec'9verabl~/rom ehei~ Muhammad Akram, Sub:}J:ngineer, action is beingtaken agtinst.him. under the Efficiency ·& Discipline Rules.' The Committee .directect. that the action should be 'dompleted expedit_iously,' .. ' . , .

•· :!.; :;


The amount of Rs, 149/- against Mr Habib Ahmed Sheikh, .Head Clerk, which had been .recovered from him., should be got veri!ie~ by Audit.

. .

. The amounts of Rs. 227 / .. and -.Rs. 562/-, _ which h:~d,rb,en recovered from S_her N'adir Khan,· ·s·hauid.be_: gotverifi~d :by' Audit,: _ ..... ·. · . :

4 - • .., . '.i-· . • - ·. . . •. ; .. , • . •. . :._.'. . ·.• •• -: •

•. • ~he Admini~trative Depaz-tm ent explain~d,,~at the write off had been sanction.ed lly 9<>ve:rro:nept: In: respect'9f,Rs.·l) ·484/~, shown against.

' Rana Muhammad_ Iqba.l, 'S.ub.:·Engine~r. Th~ .Commfttee dfr ected tha:t . this should be.got vJrifie9-by.·A_udit. · ' · · · · · · ,.:

· .The amount to.be r~c~~ered from ::Sher Nadi~_.Khan was Rs.;3i883/-, but he had proceeded on LPR; · The Com.z.nittee :dfrect,cl' that the · recovery should be effe~te,:l from his· gratuity-and pen~ioi:i and.got , ...

· verified by Audit~ · · · , .. .. · · - · · '-4, ..


. , . The Commfttee dlr~~ted ith$.~ . the· 8.1,riounts of Rs,-~, 385 l : and Rs, 2, 'i39f-, .shown against Mr.Faizuddlit" Dtibbas,· Sub.-Engfueer, should be got written off by the-competent author-Ity.and verified by Audit •

1 ·· 15-9-82

~ ". : ' . .

: . t

. . 1 • ' ' • ,.

. The. Committee .. '.Q.irected the .Administrative Department to submit a.r-evtsed Working .. Pa'per'-.satis'fying·the· audit commenta, The para was . kept pending, · ·

!·, ..


.. : . . ,•. . .. Para IJ°9" ... e.43 of the A.1.1dit Report ''icir.·, the ear 1970-71 ... Blockin · of Government capital amountin to Rs,. 3, oo, o·oo. -

58 •.

. . DRAFT PARAS, 1970-'11



, , 1'he Committee ·abs:e~~q thai; 41stance z:p,a~;s_ . .' ~~uld be easily damaged withoutany_fau1t on the, 'part.of.the officials concerned. The para was, therefore,, droP,ped. c .. . ••. _, •


'·5'1., ;···,'Para 1•2Q(iv) a -~ :75·o.f_:the Audit Report ror the. ,ea·r 1968.:,69 - .• ·.\ ·.,Shorta e of. dlstaJ1c.e marlts wor1h. Rs. 21:- .750 - ·;·.i ··

. ,···-· ·:: ; :. I r .. ,··• .....

. , ';t'he P,=1ra having been settled, was dropped •.

,·r I• 1 ; t ... i ,. ''.-'· ···.•. ...


-·~ .. . ._ .•. ~ ..... ;-: . , . ·,

• ·, . -' . ·.!

, . '

Para 120(iil) pa e 75' of'tn~Audtt.Re or.tlor the· ear.·1963.:.69 - , Shorta e of distance ·marks oostin Rs. 21, 120 -


. . ·, ( ~ • ' . - ,,1

The Administrative Depar'tm ent explained to the Committee that ·\O~lJ an amount ,of ,fts. 300/~ remained to. ~e recover'ede=.from. the person eencerned-wbo.aad deeeaaed, The' Cp.fll:.m.ittee directed -that : .. i ,

the ameunt.In queation should be got1writteh·Of.t The pana, was dropped subject to ver.ificatio.t::\ of the. write. off by the Audit. , .'-;!

15.;.9-.82.: l' · , , .

•• ,· • c • • ; ! ; . ~.,·~ t}

'Para J15. a e.74 oLtheAudit<Report for the~: ear 1968),69,:.. Non-recover of dues amounting to Rs. 8, 784

··. \ . , ..


·. :~_;. ,• .' ._'.','_i.(-:. /.: __ ~..:'.:.~,· "': . .··· :" . .

::., .:· T.he, Adm1nistrati:ve ',Depar,;iJ,nent was dir.ected to malte".-e..fforts ... ,. to trace .the Chief iti1=giifeer, ':Irrigation!>., ~.ahawalpurl.lJ. let~~t· N' o,.;:l'? 6~; d~t~d 12 .... 2-1951,. l\f.o.:9194, dated 18.-a ... 19.51,· No. ·l368, · dated 1a;.12~1sso and.No.1343, dat~d:)i'.'-7-1951 as fadicated.in'the PropertyiYield ·aeg_is.t.er thr-eugh ~-:WlSignednote on::pages1,9'l, :-9~·a.n.d 101 •. In ~dditiort to'thaV . the Acinxkiistrative ;p'e.pa;rtment was -dei;.fre.d.to collect '.evidenc'e.from< · .. ··

.: . ·_ . . - . I, .. .--) ' , ,·, .· .. • - ' - . - . , .. '' ··,.··,·, .

any member. of the_, staff,them!· #1.position~: -and now ·availal:>le~ in · · · · .. -: ... ~upp9rt or othefwise'Jof the.i.d~pa.rtmental· stand; The' p&i1.a.:\\rot:ild , ; '\ ~ remain pending~.. . . . .

15-9-82 . '. ,;. ,-, .. : . · .. ~-~ i ' . .1?' .' , I', ·• -~ ' • C ··::' I

54. Para 114 p~ge '74,i~~~the.A.udit Repo·r-t,:for th.e year 1968-69· - . Non;,.recpyery;of .Governm,eQ,t d1,1es amounting to ~."1,. 06j 050./~, . 1 . . I . . . . - .

.!,·,' 112


.. 1:

'i. ' '.: .• .. 't (; • '

· .. ' ; . : -. ~.


The Administrativ~ Department explained to the Committ~e-tntit'.: only_ an amount of~' 2, 750-J-"' r~fuit"ined outstanc;U.ng~ .'I.'he r.epov~r.y of the sai~ amount''was. inqprOgress. S~bjec~ "to r~e·ov~i"Y_'.:iot'tbls_ a~~U!l~ and its verification by':thtf'. :Audit~ 'the ·para was dro~peff;1·:- ' ';; ,-.;.s1l .. ' ..

I ' ' • ' . ;, .!,.~ ·:;: .• ·., .,. ' : !_!.'~!

I ' . ' '. '. . '. . .• - . . . . . ~ . . ; . . . ' ·,_: • . • : .. ·- !

Para. 65 pag.e · 50·: ef the <Audit Report~·lof tb.c{tear :lll?l ..:.72· - Shortage of stores worth Rs. 15,. 4"40/- .1• , •• · •• '. _ • • -· , •• ; •

•• - ~. o, _' ••. : .:.:~ ~---/· ·:: ••. .'~:'.!.' .· ·, -_.. '. _· ,. .~.: .. )~:. ., - i-~-- .: • •· .:': -.~- t. ~- .· ~~ -~\. t ;;--~ ~--. ,. .. t • ·.1 ••

. .. / -.' '. . \, ; .• i .· •. ....... ~ , .. . ..... .. . ··er--.,,_


DRAFT PARA 1971-72

;.;/n,,: '-A-S; .was des~r'EM! 'by 'th~. Co#i~ittee, tneiAchnuHstt'ativ~ pepart-' ·Jtient submitteC, · a revised Wbtkfug· Paper in 're•~-~fof.·bf tbis. piira~ The Co~1nittee deferred the conslderatJ.on or1i61ts'lpa:~ifon· the requlie{t c;f' !

the ~l.,lditso that it coul<;l have t~~ to verify ~e: recor~;: Th~r-para · · was ·kept..'.,ilending, t'.·.' ... /'' __ (/'..'.':' .. ::. .' '.} .: , =: :·: : .. -i'.L·,-·:.1 _ .:' ,::,. ·: ·.- ,:/ •.

-·~·; ·~ - ·.·_.··:: ... ~-:.: .... ;.,:•

,,i ( .-,r• J., •, •. t •I• />,·

). 16-9-82

-Tbe consideration of thlS. _pa{a. w~s -deferred till· 16-9 .. 82.

· The Administrative Depart,Jnent further ~xplain~ ~t th~ r~inaµi~g · #ra: ·.fe1ated *<f+the' :t~~o\rer Y.::9fa,..~- 4-, ~~~lAA~: J.r®l, iirr·. Gul Muhammad, ex-Sub. Engineer, and ·Rs. 502/15 · fr'.dm -'.A-bdus :Sattar· -and Niaz Hussain, Sub Engineers, the. amounts were being z-ecovered .. from their pensions. .. . - ' ' . .:.:. : .: -~-: '

I '

. _ . ~; Subje·ct ·to' i:he .. 1ciotnintihts ci Audit ari~ v~rific~tion of. rebbvei-ies~ tlie:pa:ra waskeptpenc:U.llg •. r,,- .··. ·' .· · ... ,.: -;···· 1'"': ". •1:·:i·:1·_:· J.~:.)1':>;.:: .- . ., .... \ .~ !'.;;.'·:· ! \,;:·:.,';·:,! :~ .. , • ,····. ··, '.). _ _l: .(i :; ! .. : .. ·, :· _;::; ,: '."_,1 •• i!. ';:. t

, '" . , , . ' . , . 'I '•_ ' ~ I f • . • : . • • ',,l :. ·, I • • •.· ,' ; .• f .-· • 1 • i :_- f •, •

~60}\ 'i'.Para· 108(4 1• .• ' e· 49 <>f tJi~·Audit Re .. oi!f'f~r' the .ea.i'.1970'."'71..·-:: ' ·

·shor~ e of-stock worth Rs. 27 024 - · · ··'''·i'··· -:- ,·' ,·_.,.,,.

The Administrative Department .explained that: so ·far ,.as _th~ .: · . question of loss. of tiles' was. concerned, this was a. duplica~ion ':.of:the _:_ stock which wa~:.c<?:vered und,er,. para 103. of 19.68-69~ .. Thts.'..--ta~i should. be veriflet( by":A'udii ~rid th~/ #l~tt,r was 'kept p~pdhig sµb3~t'.to :~~ir cornm~nts~1 .-~ . '/':,-•·:T·-·, .. ·.,' .·.,.\ ·'·· .. · ·',. ''., ;:'). :. r .. :1·i>···· \ .

. ! }· J ••• ' : ; ~ ;.1 .

, .. \. \ .. r: '>·

' • ~ ' . : 1 • ; ' • !· .. · ..... ·,··,1·,.······-·

. . '• .-, ' .. 0 • o, •, ooA <>,, ' -~.~ •'~"' •••

;J.· ~ • (. 1 • ~._.· :'. i : • ! '. '• ~·-: ' ~ i . .... ,, 15 a· ··0"" , .·- .. :

1 '-;' . ' - ~II.Ari ...• k .••• :,~ ...• _.... '

59. · Para 98 e 46 of th? Aµdlt._Re ort toT. .the. ear. 1970-71 - Loss.es of a.tock worthJis~. r2-7.6l- . · . : ... · · .::' · .

113 ,

The Committee directe.q. 1:q,e Administrative 'Depar-tment to submit a revised Working· Paper', showing the· latest position in respect. of this para. The . para. was kept pending,


. . ; ., . .' t' . . ... ,: . :., . 1 . • ... · -, '. ' ; ·:-' ': : , ': ,·. ·. :'

. The Committee directed tJ;i~.A~inistrative·· l)epar:t.menct: to . expedite the case q~ write off (r.om. the competent authority, , -Tb~.::'. .,0• ··,

para was kept p.endihg.· -- . ''. . ' .

67. Para 96(7) page 49 .!of .the ·Audit Report for··the year 1972-73 - · Shortage of stores w:orth;,Rs •. 10, 00.4/-

. 1 . 15~~9-82 ·

':·i}. ;_ .· . '.:··-

. The'.:P,B.ra b;eing a;tre~_4y,_1,:1,~ttled.;·.,:was ~r~pped •... ~.i ,:····:'.· •, .: ·~··· ."; ·, • ':-:•· ,w.~.~ . ,' • ~'·,,' ;• '•••' \: ;. ' : ' ·-• 1 • ~- ·• .. :;.,~·.;•·~~(;,~·-1:• ,:. :~:1;

66.' Para- 88 pa e· 46 of the' Audit·Re· ort.for the'. ... ear '1972-'73 · Loss of revenue a.mountin to Rs. 17, 160 -

65, Para 84h5) · a e 45 of the Audit Report for the ear .l.Q72,~73 - Shorta e· of stores :worth-Rs. 37, 254

. = .. · . ~· '". f •

.. \


... : I ,:• ,; -. ·* , .. ·.· :- ... :- .. f.

16-9-821 •

The Committee 'directed..,,the Administrative· Depaetment t~ . .. , ' produc~ ,,the_ ;relevant:, ;r,.ecor,d, to A.ud;t . for .veri.fJ~ati9n of t.he a:.-countal of. the ma~_er!al and sqb~it _a rev~ed -.~orking Paper in .tpe. light thereof. The para would , r ematn pending.· ·-· ;; ,, . · · ~ . ' . .; .. •\. . . . . .

·._ T,h,.e,. Commit,tee-: Obf.~rved -th,t the AQIIl.~~trative Depirwi~nt · should consider: the desirability 'of writ lhg .. oif'th~. amount a~ alr.dftt much time~ amount and labour. to settle th~s issue, had .been spent . and ther-e.wae Ao· likelihood c>t,a. ije~i,sic:,n in_ 'the -~e8-,r.futm:-e •.. i_;The Al~ was kept·:pendfrig/·. · ;_ 1

, · ·· · _,. • '::i,:c · "'\\(,.i' ·· ,:< · · \: .. t\;~;T?~.f'\ \ . 64. Para 8-4(14) page 45 of the Audit ·Report for the year .1972~_73, •.':

Shortage of stores worth Rs. 31, 940/.;. ·, . · '· ·

. ' . i~

... ··.:. ')·

; .:- J:· ) :·~· . ";· . .. ...

-: '. .i. , :

, .. <-J 16-9.;.82 .

. , . - "'--~<.--~"'."; ·.'·/:>nRAFT, PAi-A~·iifl'1i-1s:) :· -. ... : : ": ·---~·; -::-~ ·

• .. • • • - - .... -~· ••• • •• - .... ~ •• ,. .{· ,.I,, ... ~.; ;r .. t. ::> . . ::: ... ; ~ ,..~, ...... _ - , .: :'; · :·

62. . Para 84(3) page 4.3 of th~ Audit-~Reportfor the year 19'12-:,..3 (~., ··.' · Shortaie of. stores worth Rs. 16,.437/~· . · .. ·· · ··· , _;":i_- .. ,t_::

;I .' I · ;·.,·r~: -~ I "r' • ·... • , "::' : •.: .-·- .,,_ ~\-: 't ,;~ • ~ ., . ' ,, : : .'• .~

16-ij.:,82 • ··. ·, • i-:',.:1'..'~·, ,' ,• ;, I• •• •• :":' :· '· ; : :>/i•';;'t,,';· · · .' ·,\· .. ,·:,.:;·.<.''. '. .. .. , ., , . . _i '· .•: ,. <, •. , .. -, -:·' .. ,' .: , .: ;--:>·: :._I

. ·. T~e .Go¢:mittee-'. ~r~~ted. th,~ J.\.~irdstrat~ye. ne~tU11ent,:,t9'.1,.-i-,. ... : proceed.with:, .the finaµzatfon of the inquiry: expeditiously,· ,rrii:j\R•r~ ",

• . • - '. ~i" ' . ,., ' • - • "' was - kept pending. · · · .: · . ' ' . . · . · ·. , ' : : • ; ; ·. . . . , ' ; . . ', . -: . : I .. ' • • . c•, .. : -: . ;, .: : . _. >·. ~-: ; . • :,

63.):: ~~a; ·'84(QV. ag~· !4 •.. of, the Audtt. 'R,epor.-t f<>f,., e; . ~ar:;,,~ 972,,+l'/.a .... ,:_i : Shorta e . o.f. etores.:-· worth :Rs. 7, 02!; ·. .. .: , . '


.. - . The Committee directed the Adminis~rative Department to sµblllit a revisecl World.ng Paper explaining the latest development of the- . cases. . The ·-para was kept pending:

.: : r'

,..; __

ort for the ear 1975-:76 .. I ... I

i\fter a··detaii discussion, it_was decided by the committee that the Adm.inis~ative Department s~ould_ submit a report to ·the Audit aµowing the accountal of material r-epor ted to be short. Regarding tbe ·future of the track, the Committee directed that if it was not reqt1ired, the Administrative Department should take .eteps fQr, itEJ early disposal. Since the wooden part of the track had already been d~aged, further deterioration should be avoided, The para· was kept_.- pending, - ·-- , - - - -

15-9-82 ~ . ';

·1975 ... 76 - 71. Para l1(3l a e 23 of the Audit _Report for the Shorta e of stores worth Rs~ 2 06 8"15 .;,;

DRAFT PARAS 1975-76 ._. -~-


The Committee -- dir.ected · the Administrative Depar~ent to . furnish all the relevant details of the recoverable iamount'.from, the Railway to the Finance Department, so that it ceuld take up the matter at the appropriate level for adjustinent of the amount. The para would remain - pending. . '

15 .. 91!"'82

70. Para 104

· .... ~: . . -~- ..

e 51 of the Audit Re brt for the ear 19'12-73::.,..,_· ,.;, --~~,. 4,.2~,:48~ - .on aceoune -of :sale ofkwater ;' h·

- ~ ' .


; . - l' ...


. ,• I •,If,

. !' ear -1972-73 - 68, Para 9'7 pa e 49 of the Audit· Repo_rt for the , . Shor,ta e - of store.a. worth, lls~0.81977, ...... ; · ·

v • •J . • .. ,- • . • ~. . •.

1s:.e~aa:.'.i' ~- ",'..'.!.. - •,t,, --- . ·'\.· .. , ---.- ••• 1. ·~.--"I,,'·.-~.:·_: .• ~::;.~ ~--~·.11_¥.:.;.? t,t.,_.,

'• •• ·.:; .• •' • • ' ' • ':. e !) ·-·: :-- + ~ ~. . f: ( ; !:, :, ' The para being, already settled., - was 'dropped.

e 50 of the ·Audit Report for: the., ear 1972·13 - ent of Rs. 25 ,a10 _. to Wi\;:Pi ii}.

~. ... •. ~ . . ..: .... ~ '

. .., ,.,,.:._r

·'!' .

., ·.

.... ,-.,

i• .• 'I ,., .. : . .: ; '... . ~) : .

...: .'," '.»: . - - ... .,' ... ! \ ~ .: ,.· -, • ! ' .... .' ...

•,.! t? .· ,i: i ~; ~' '!. ~·...; : ; · _, . ..... - . ~--'

, .... '1 -.: ·1, .. : .,-. ',i. • '

~- ( ,·. ·''. • c.

:.'..i.··i ! .. -~1 ....

,_, ·=.: • .,;. .... ... <>·~-- ··-: •• ~

·, ~··~ ·· '. .· .. • •• .z. ~:-:·iJr~·,._., ~~1 . '

I_• ... :·_.. :' .•. •• .... } .. ~. ·. • •• "",i~ '. . l,1 • •·

. · .... '.


.: ......... ~ ....... ,..·. 15-9-82

.;,,, .. ··,.:'

>, 74~ · Para 14 pa e .21 _of· the:Audit-Re ort'fop the ear 1976-.77 ·-:~ ·, Loss· of·Rs,.15; ooo· _ .. :aue:_.to'. theft of. st'<?re ', ::;. -;_~ ·· .,.___ .. t:-~

.. ' I 1 ' ,·i DRAFT P.ARA f976-77 · : : :

- .•,,

Tb,e ·/idministrative-,·,Dep~;~ent ex.plain.ed .to.;--.the:C~.mmittee ,,}that \: ... ;·· . ._ -, ... . .. .- . . .. ,- • . -': ~ '- . :: . , . _-. .--- ·'.-=-·· .,.. .7. • .,....,. .,- ..• __ • ,' .: .• ·' -.,·,, .- ;~.' .- '

as a resul(o(:inqui,ry,, the. facts stated in the paragra.p?.i wer.~~j;eq~i~red., to be. T~V:~ed •. ·, The: Committeeiidir.~cted · the Adlnu,.iE1trat~ye n·~p~i.!,t,ro;e11.t:,. to submit::a tr~s1f:Wfi1c1ng;·Paper.Jh~~e ·ugnt: tber~pf~-- .t~:e.·j,ar.~;·~W~_s> v -·:

kept ·pending.- · · · ,- .. - .. ,_.. ' ·._- .· .... ·,' ·· -..,-; ·:: '<:: ); ,·

'; .' ·:: .-.,~ : .. • 15-9-82

-· '13~ Pa-ra 11(20·) a e 25. of the..A.l_ldU ·:Re ort for th~ ear: 1975-7.6. -

Shorta of stores worth·.Rs.:2~~1,:11:· -~ /· ,~.:: . ;~-- .


.... ~·.· --

,, •::. I•

., ·.·,!.,,·

: ' .. . I '~.:. :. >

The Committee also considered the. closure of the consideration of the Accounts for the year 1977 -78 •. 'The. Cqmmitt~e decided . that'- t the Accountant General, ,Punj~b and the Director . Ge~e:r.al, Audit and Accounts (Works) would :1.~H the ""eommlttee ·, know lf th~re are any piragraphs pertaining to this period which have not· come- up for consideration. so far •. It thij:re i!:I. no such ~.ragi-a,ph, the_p.- the ~cco~ts for t,he_,; ;Y,~a.~-'~:9·.'(7ff8 -~'rit:~~-t~lpfJ~~·-~~~om~i.~~~~:'ft::"Secr~~i;~~t" .. . · shotild.,prepare.:-the-.Report. of -~.:Ad.hoc .. J?ubllc.Accounts. Committee on· the Accounts for the year· 1977 .79 for presentation to the :Provin7 . cial Government. · · · : ': :

:: t ." The ·colrimltt~·e -~1so\[ppr'~ciated;~th•(assistance'· rendered to it :"by. 'the· Secretary.LAssemltl1,:.1(aa:-c$ecretary :to. the· C.omJJ;itttee) l and': his, ~t,,fi. .. en!J9:µst~d, :w!~ rc~:!}~q~Mf .: A_,tq_op.ptf. pom~~t_t~~--::W·~~~'· •. ,tll~.o~~h?~~ 1 . its proceedings with unfailing de\Totlon., which enabled tlie Committee td''c·otnplete exa'.lilinatic;ti. irif ttte; \Accounbf.'.of· the-O®"et-rim·ent of. ·th:.e ·:_, Punjab Jor -ttl13~:Y~r,:l9:7fi.,.7:7; .. ~d:_S¥bmit1,d -#l.~,·:R.~pQft .tbe!~_qQ.t ·~-?:::-.-,·~ ~e Gove,no.r 9f the P1,10jab •. The Ad hoc. Public A~coun~ .Commfttee, iii its m.'eetiri{hei,Paifao-1~1sa·a., 'redomm&nded·.tfiaP·a 'sW:,s'tantial :~; amount of honorarium may.,be·awarded·to each of:; the .·Offic_er-.s/officials for completion of the said Report as this w~rk was occaslonal. in cha-.r'acter and b~ondr;their.:,n.oi,mal~duties. !_· The · Committee .further . .: des~~d tP,._a~ it., ~fl~~l~ .. fle_, ~.,J;>e~~rp.~1.\t f,eat~, anf ~e c~n~~r,r,i~d .. , . · ·r members of the staff · entrt1sted ·wtth the Public A•counts Committee work:' siiow.d·.'&-!wia:9s.':•l)'.Ej em-~~aged<in· 'the-,shaptt .of -honorarium' on: :th.$ co01-pJ.etion: 9-f ~a,c.p. 9:~ -'.,~e.J>Af;t,~ .. :.. · : 1 -r • , : : ,.< , , . , ; , . , :., . . . . r .• -r , ;'·.

GENE~&~: JQ-1-83 . _._ .... __ :l · .... '··~ .. : . ..: ,.}! . .t... ,.···:; .• ,··".,:r,;~-..'.J.1; .. : <:'. .' ~.-.:·

117 ,;,.;~ c

.·'·,• _!;..'

HASHMAT ALI Deputy ~ecretary (Mon~toring)

Your· obedient serve.Qt

·2. ..' .. ' . :_ A~. the· de.clsi~n j~·obtai.n explan~ti~~ ~v.e~i fot:.~~~~s.s,\ .•. · . ,,r ,· ,,. .: , . . _. ,·, - • - .. __ ,1 , ••• - ··-· -·• •

. ..ff.. leS$ thari -qne •~r .cent 1iS ·•t :v.ar~c~- With ,the:ipolfcy. pre~ntlf . ': . ·being follow·ed· by the ·A'd·~~hoc Public· ,A:ec&Uhts Co~~.it*ee,, a. W~rkitlg

• . . . •• ·- • . ' - ' ·. . . . • • c • ~. . : •. •• , : '• : • • ' ' .. ·dt . . • ,7'' . ; ; .. ~ . • . -

Pa:pe-r for consideration .by the Conimittee _is 'sent· witll· · the r~q~.e~t that it Dlay kindly be p1'~~d.. before the Ad hoe .. Public Accounts·

. . . . :··· ' . . ., .. 1·····-,''

. Committee in its next meeting.

'I am. dire~ted~_.to jnvi-t~ a. reference to y~ur. letter Mo~ PAP/ ' ' . 5 ·1 . . • .' • . ' - • . . ' • • . ..• , . • • • :-· : •. :!' . .• • ~- ~ ; ••

P.,AC/ll,iJ.,sc'JSi/210, d~teq 20-1-1982 oii ·the.' abo:ve,subjeqt and t.~ .. st~ite .'. .. ·:tr·, ·. : 1': -.. . - - --r. , .> . -J • - • . ; \,. ,I • • ,i. · .. ~: :: - ; . _. _ ,, ~ ·.' • '. - - 1 ·, _ _ : • '. ' • ·!,'"' "i' ",,,,,,'.',·,

~~~~ the_ Auditor _'<;;ell\era;J; ·of'.Pakl~t$n, _. aft~f .'Qbt~in~g ,:}le .. cp~c~reft'C.e

of . ~e. :A(~~e.·~~~i~ Aecoun$:-C~~itte~ \~ ~~ :~'.~~~n ,or;,iff~~:~· · pririctples, b~$ ad~res,sed tliis D~par~ent to.·comnuinioate- tpe ,,$.1~¢:e

•. ·.; ·:_;,.....'.;_. ,, .. ·:·,· - •·. _:·•; :_,; ·, _··,~ ·.~-- ' ••... _, _' 1:i-t ~;~- .. •:_-~ -, .. · -_.L···i ..... i9. .. ~e:· Adntilllstrative ·De.J)Ql!yne~ts etc., . fo?'.',!ollowing th~ :whil.~ . ·:-.

·~ ... ,~_,_/J:- .. ~.--~(\'.'•,'_:-._~- -~--j. • ·,• .~ •. •- ... ~-,-,,·, • ' ... _'\ .·>;·_,·--.--_,.\' .i : •·· ·.,:(~: I

sending r.~Pl.i~i1- t.9 ~.ec:Appr~priation· Account$. , · ., , , ·_:,_ · ... . ·> ,- . . ' . . . ·• . . .· .. '-·· •,,,

Sir '

... ,·· -· .•. Th~. ·se.c~etary-; :. . , , · _ ., . . . :·, , , - ... '.Pr~vin«?,i,al.-As~epitily.,qf)he 'J.>unj~,1:> ::,. ·_ ! Lah . . ~- .. . . . · . - -.· . , _,- ... ore. ,,:\ .: · ,.. .;_ / ·.·::.=, .,·,--.·' ..

. ., ; ._.;·\ :; ~r-; }.'.. r.~~ ·-~~ _ i i1~1 .-, ('.' .;._~~r ~·. ·, _ _ . ~- if _ .:_ t ~-i; '. .', '. ~ '. ,., ~ ... :.

Sj.\bject:; '-,' l;'RlNCI:PtES'FOR '.mXl?LAlNING,· SAVINGS AND ., ·: •.. . ,EXCESSESIN .. PROVINCIAL AP~RO.PlUATlON·· Af;3.C.QUN.TS


. No.FO(~onitoring)I-2/82/877 'Gov.~'frnn;ent, of .the Punjab

Jf,ina:m'~Et Departm~nt· . :~\J,opitc,r~« ·w•,,. ,•.:;.:.,.··· •. , I. . c, '1

, 'Dated Labor~~.· tq-e ·26;tbc,J~it:il9~'i::}(:·.:\ 1 ·,; '. t, . :"_- .}~ ~::. • ,_:.~,:i~ ,c, , r

-~ ... , ..... :j :!;·· +--·.--· ·, _, ...


-- ------- ------------'-------------------

~- ·~i:?·· ,. ,,' .,;..~ • .... ·· .,.. i '~· -~. ·~1'

c~~ltie~: f~; r~co~sJ.d~rat~~\~~ ~:_,:: ·: ' }I•·' '

...,.. : 1 ... ~. '

~·,fj,_.~~ .. ~v __ •- · :· ,· , ', : . i; · ·.· ; ' .. ·.,, ·.,- ': ::,_ / ..• ~-.·· ~: ;1,:.·,-· '. · _· · . . , ball:' ·ror ~~p:lanations ~- re.pect''~e>f: ~rge ·.,ar~~,o~e.:,11ly; ... :.

• ' > ,! • .·. · .. - ;'· • ·• •<' L :, '. \ • • I •. • ; ."~ •, .: : -


' -~ \:··.'·· v, ~: : ...... . '. -; .. ·'

T~e d~cislon ·at (&) above 1t ai va;~~ce: ·with the· pbllcy,: ;_ "'. \ • '! . '· : •. •• ~ 'I ' . I . .. ·, . . ' ,, .. ; , ! '• • '•, •' ,. ,

ad~pted_ b'y-~e-.A:d' h~c{Pub~c. .t\,~CC)W\UI Co~mJttee,..ln. r,~s~ec:t qf~~:.;~ A~co~t~ t9~ ·.~•f year, ·:i97v • .-~a it.~<l ,i&.18 .. 79 a1{~C>f1l~ij~f:-.t:~d~ ·.;~d~., .·~ . : . . . . . ,: '. . . : .· < ·. . . . . '; -", : . ' . ,,I' : - . ,,-·... ' < :.: -·

Seeretary,. Jlrovlnclal A••e~l).ly ·1ei~~. N-~~ PA,·]pAt:J'17-'18 & -78-19 / ,. ' '; ~ ~ ·: '. ; ,.: ·,· , • • ' ' ~ . • • ' ,. • ,1· l ~~ ~' "I;,· l ' •

&l/4030, . dated 2s-10-1se11 CAnn-e rs•) 'W._e~~·'it''w•s ·decid~d .to

·. }. After, obt.,ahi!ng ~. Commttt~~•s:~ot1t.uz:re,t~e the Auditor . '· ~- :; .· ._·:- .· .. ':·,.· .(," ··:: .... ·:, ·, ; .··.· ·;:.:··,·· .. ·. · .. ·. ~ '· ..•.

General of .P~.ldstan br,.s wrltten· to. the Finance''~epart:m~t for - ' ' I • '. ' • . ' ' • ' •, ~

I .

/ . . .·. : ,· ' ... . ,. ' .. ·· .. b) · Explana~otl will t;,e :r,quµ-ed in ·cases of1 all exoe~ses:··

under ~ gr~t/*ppropriatlo~~ ., · . : . ·..:· ,:·i .. \:_.'

a) No exp1-riatl~~ will be re~,1.r~ ~ ,.~ case. R' ' savings ·11ptd. 5f11 {n both c:l,ttv~lQpm·ent and ndn.,develop-

. ' ,•,. -. .... . ·,, . .§,. •.' . : ' ; , ·:. meat' expendl~r•, . \ _,,, · · · · . ·, ' .· ... ,· ·_. :1 ' .

t. . •. . ... ·, ·.' , ;;_ .,· . :.· ) -,· . : ·-. . ·, • . l .

The Ad hoc Public· Accounts Com.mittee,···on a reference . .. ~-•}I,. ·:! .· .·)· ':_ , ~-.'~} ... ;'" :'. - A'"; • ", .• :_;. .

' - ·.- . , . . . . ' . . l - - . ·: .:I ' .·I·, . : . - ~

from· the· Audito,r Gene{"al of Paldstap (Annexur_e · lA 1),l1as given its

~- . ,.._ f . . ··'·•

~::·_'.: .. ).-v.,_,;, _'.;'~·: -~~~Q'PAPE:R . :(<.> :,1 }'.'.,_t;_,:· ): ~::+·:'·;.:-., Subject: ,. PRJNCIPLES· 'FOR EXPLA:JNlNG SA V'i:NGS & EXCESSES


-'-:· ._·.' : 'r . ! • •j ·~: ::·

,,,:·.:.·FJNAN:CE D.~AliTMENT

.,, . -~~.

.ii ..


(b) ·- f L

Jtxpu,ma tion. w!.l:l · be reqµired in cases of all excesses under ·a grant/Appropria~ion. ··

1. The above principles·, shall apply to the savings /excesses in each minor f(lll'ctio_nal _code (prev.iously sub-head) under a grant/Appropr¥itiori. · · · ·

2. Although. ~xplan11tion for savin~i to the e.~ent indicated above ~ill rt,ot be required to be: submitted in 'the written depar-tmental. replies, the clepart.Qi~nts, would 'be;expect.etl to r-emaln equipped to f~nish them.' if the P,A. c .. m.ay · so. require •. ·


·~":/! ... /:· 1

No explanat~p~'.will be .requir~d in. the case oi -sav!hgs · upto- 5% ·bl· ~·pth, development' and'. nbn.:.'develi'.>prilent·:". .

'. .' expendltur-e, . · ·


Subject: .Prhiciples for·expJajning savings. and ,ex.,.esses _in · .. · · · · ·'' · Provincial App~opri,-tiori Accounts · ·.·.:.~'·

,. ' . . .•.' .. I,' I·' . ·'. . . -· . . ,. ;: \'+.' '. "". . The principles for. explaining savings · and excesses in . expen ...

diture shown under'''glossary11._.in the. ProviµcialApprqpriation Accounts a:re the :same a~ were being followed In the F~dera1,:oovernment, .. A,few· year$ ago, the Federal . .A.d hoc Publdc Accouare .Commtttee, while examining· accounts .for 1970-:'71 expr.essed the_v~ew:that t¥se principles needed a· r.eview as . in view of the .incretuted developmental

. activities and .the worldwide: inflationary trends in. c;osts the ex!$tlng. _ percentages had ~ec,ome,tip~r.ealistic. a.nd suggeste4. that.1;t.le Finan~e

pivisi<>n and the Auditor G~neral might .recpnsider and:advise more pilrpf?se-orieQted principles; 'Accordingly, th'e' ~µbject w~s ,~xamined in, ~ ... depth . an<i for a purposeful sprutiny: . of .. Accounta,' 'the following . . prin9iples, were ~1~id dow~:: ... ". · ' . .. . ., ...

·-' \

'The Secretary_ Ad hoc Pub).ic Aiccou.nts Cqm.rnitt~e · · Baluchistan ,Provincial' Assembly ~uUdin,g Quetta, . J •


_:c.,-., ••• . ,. . ·The Se~retary· . . . Ad hoc Public.Ac¢-oun,ts. Committee N. -W. F~ P.· 'Proviricial Assem);)ly Building Peshaw~r-·

. (iU)

. . .

.(ij) '. 'f:'t~~ ij~~r~~~ry:.:· ; \: .: :. · ... ,·r>.;. ...,, i \ :,: '\·;. ·· Ad hoc ,Pub~ic Account~ Commfttee : ·

Sind· Provinc.ial AS:s~.mbly BuUding . Karachi · .- ,.. ·.· · · · · ·


1 ..,, J

. ,,"!,·

OFFIC,E ~~;:r;TH_E ::~·U.Dxi~R: ;GEN.ERAt.1 OF. PAKISTAN GENT,R~L-\qQYT: OfFIC~S-~BtJ~DINQ~:-GULBERQ III }t' ., .. -;. ··\?· , .. . LA~~~. : : .. · .·

1 •

No~ •. ·a~,1·-~I.22-7.~ y~;~P} '· .: · .. .-, _ :. }, ·~t~~~~{:. ~rcr·;iune 1ea2.::. •. \-'. ' .: j. • • . .··. '\i.J?- '. . ·. . . . . ' ,~<·, .

· T() ·: • '. : '(iJ. The - Secretary · · · , ·, · .. ,· .. I ' ' . 'Ad hoc :Fublia AccoQ.nts Cominittee '?.'

) .·" . ·. ,· •" . . . . . ' . . ,· . . ' . ::· ·· Punjab :'Provincial Assembly :auildiJig

"" Lah,ore. '. / ·.. .. ~- · ,, · :-

120 . '·;~

' . ,-:} _ •. v

,. :·.~·· .J '

: f if \J•.:,:i' ?\:.·:1\.·:_:::'::::,,:,:,.:_i::,:·_· .. _?·_,·:·;·,,.::.·,:·.,:_J.;l,::._'..·:,~_\:'.:';,f:._.·,:·l·: .. :·; .• -.:.~~:· .. l.~_:_::1 .. ;·.-.,:·,·.~·.·._._'. .. :!;:: __ ::1:111,:: __ ;_;;_,,_.:'.:,i·l·:·:·: .. _.1:_·.·_·,:_.,:-<,·:·_.~:.~.i-··.:_'..·i._ ..• ,·:,:.'.:;··.:.· :'..?:_;_'.·'_:' .. ::._·_.:_-_-::,··~··,:_·.:;._\:.::.:_;_:.:,i_~·:·:'~.--:.;:_. ·: ??:\?; : \:·:. i '. i;}r .. ; :.3 / .. . ,:,,;,,,,..,'"' :.,\~.~ ¥ :. ·~; ~, \i.:.,: . :.~,; .; ,·. ·f' • ·,.;, L, , ·;. : : :, <:. "·

:: ,; ;·:?)?:~.:\_:_.;_:~'1.-::~_--._-_:.·' . {'' :/,~:\.. )i~~~Ii~~:~~~iri.es :~;~.:.,,~i,'.·G~l'iig ::J~-~-~p~ ·'th~--- ;: 1• <·; ~; {.': 1

11· ·\:· ,,::. y "'~- federi9+ .s~de. , Sipcftl\e.·.~ppt1_iit'~,--,~'Pl~~-~-J1.~&~s~f~~~-.th!1 )·~~lo~-,~(~:;,::,/,.,'·· -:~_i_:::_·~ .. : .. -ft.•_;, __ (.~:~:: ·~·· :~· .~X.l~~t· pitpt<liPl~j:··o~ .. tl\~ .. r~etS:l_J.l~idjta-~;~~lit·'~~~~l'~~~C.la!;,·'.·:.'..·1.·:··,_,·:'.

· .•. ,~ ... ·:.: i:;,, fllde~,: lt' 1is'propoaecr .. taa1 liase.\pnneii,les-~y,,: l;H'·:p'l:,serv.ed ·.1n·: .th),-.\.;:'~. i«

:i. ,, ,.:,·~ . 1,,

··.: ~ ':~' ."':· :::/J-/ .. >.,, . , ... , ~-·; .. ;~ ~i: ,, . kl .

,\. ' .<."~. ":: .:.; ~-: "·c::j'_i•. .

.,. : . ,·,·: -,. -\~>_, ~

Dt{f ;,i.: · . -· ;, .. ::,/" .

-/~/\ .. /\"t'?_~} \ ,·~':·:~, .... :· _._,,; ... ,, .~,.:·.~.:~JI;·:-~' ~ :·_~_.···.·_. ~ '

0 ,,' 1,;·}·(~~.~·:~~ .. ::-" , ',::r . ~. ?t~

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1~~Hj / !, 1,.."f.r• -, ~· .,,' J.., •;~: .......... , \: -,.J,;,~.'L./·""'":f.i. 1f ...... 1: ,.."'°'• ""'.. ~t~, •\,' f ~-~,.,, ,\:., ,. ~ •\ \}, ~J.' '•,. 1-'j,-..' / ··i.l~· ,~1 :..,, ~f ...

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1t:......-- ' - , • • '-", ,,/- """'"''•, ,,f,.,,' r. ):> l-.i f( r"- ~ ~ • ... t _ ... , , f ~,. \ • > •• \ ."?\. ' t ,:c 1 .. 1 \ f'' ,l "' i\

.'\( ·.···i

Encl: As above

1Jh~ Acc~untant Gene.- .. 1, .Punjab; Lahor-e, _ The Director Gener,-1, Atidit & 'Account's (Works-), Lahore.

• ; i\ ''i. " '. ' ' ' ,.,.

' ' / SAEDAR ALl SHAH , -o:: ' ,: : · · . _Oepu.: ty 'Se".'re.tary.- · . -:

. ·. j:,~:·.·,>·1 .. l. ~

for Sectetti;ry, Provincial As~embly of th~ Punjab

,, \\ ' t

t. 2.

, 1·,·.

Encl :As· above No,. & data eve·p . . .· , , ; 1. ·.· . . •

' . A. c~py, with five copies, of the, MINUTES 'is for~arded: for. • . ·. - . • ' , I " - information tor- · . , . , . · : .··· . · ' . . ·- •• ' •• - .. 1 • • ·,

. . : . . . .·. ;,t· . . Del)uty Secretary for ·s~oretary, Pro~ino~ Ai;s~bly of the Puqjab


No. · & date even · ·A copy.,; with five0·oopies of the MINUTES/ of' the m·eeting. -of.

the Aq h9c :Pµt)lic Accounta .qQm.mittee held on 19 ... 10-1981,- alohgwith the statements' showing' the: iteµis/grantF;J of the' Appropriation Accounts ,. for .the years 19'17..;78 and }9,78.-79 in respect .~t, ·Whl9.h thie -, De·pariffi.ents will submit the e~planaHcfo,s,. is.forwarded to ~ll the Adininlstrative Secretaries to Government of the Punjab for mform~tion and with .the request that the Working Papere :ln: ~espect o( their. Depa~tm\ents may kµidly be prepared a.nd .after obt~i,nlng the Audl( Comm~nts thereon, · 30 copies. be /0,r\\f~rqecl to tl?,i{~ecreta~ia_t by.th~f date specified by the·

• ' . . . ~ • ' p . . ..,_ , '

Committee for this purpose: (30~11-1981). ' ' . ·.·,

Encl: As above

,} .. 'SAFDAR :ALI SHAH . .. ..... .. ' . : .:, . . ~ . - . . .

, , . .·. . ; · ., , ·; .. , . Oepqty Se.cretary ·· . fo~ Secre~ry:, Provin~ial Ass'embly. of ti,te Pun~ab

t . .': :.·: -. I' f •·, . ·

1·: ... ,·. . Your: obedient setva.rit

'. - • _··. • 'l ." • . ,' . ' ..... ~

I have the honour 1:6 forward ,herev,ith, for your information, a cofy of the· MINUTtS of the meeting of the i\d b;oc· Publlc Accounts Comm'ittee\ -, held on Monday; · the 19th i0cto'f:)er'198{/ · · · ·

. : •• i : ~ .:' .

! ' .•'' -:.- .. ~~ ••• ~"~- . . .. :.-r. Sir

. ·.c·; · . .1

Pielim1nary '~amination of' the ,Appropriation Accounts of . the G~ve1"brnent · of the· Pun1.6:b_ ~br · ~e ye~rs · 19"(.7 -7,8 and! una-79!: an(i Reports of: the· :A'1d1to:t General ·of

· Pakistan thereon ·

. Subj:ect:: .

122, ' 11 ' i


.• .. '·

. .. , On ~e, ;recom~end~tions.made by the Sub Commdttee of the. Ad hoc ·Publi,:, A~,qo\llltei. ,Comm.ittee, iri its meetipgs held on · · · ·; ,, 3-10 .. 1982, 4-10-198.1, a.:.10-1981 and 7-10-1981, in consui,tat~on: ·.· .. ·· witb the Accountant General, Punjab, the Direetor., Audit & Accounts (Wo;rks):and the .: F.in~no~.·Depa.rtm~nt, , the qoxµn1itt~ '.qec~ded · . , to call tor. ful.l and complete .'.~ipla)?-a'.'fion of\Ui~ c'onc;m-fre.4:~.Dcat'art- . !

ments for (i) incurring the excess expehditure oyer the gr~ts, (ii) obtaining uru:ec~i;;sary /E.xce~sive Supplementary Gr~ts/ A1propriations and UU) prpvi.EJions. having r'emained ·:unutilised. ; in respect of the Item s of the Appropriations Acccuats for the

.. "' ' , ~ I • ·, ( ,.~ ' /

3. .Para 7 .... Provis,ions. h~ying re.r_nained unutWsed

; :

1.. P~a 4 - Excess ov~r Grants/Appropriations

2. Para 5 - Unnecessar Excessive Supplemental'. Grants App~Q rtaUo~s

. ,, ,., . . ::; :

The Committee .conducted preliminary e~amin~tlon. 9t the . ··. ,·' . ·. . . ' ... ·.. ' ..


• J .:· ', .. :/<:.:• ···.' .'. • (' ' ,·~ I •

Se<?~~.tar.r. .to : ·. the Comniltt~~·

. ,.. . . .." ;- .: .. '..--:. . · .. . . \. . ·,,_. . ';f. ': f r" ••. t ,

9,,: . 1'(.[f Mµhammad·MallbUQ Abbasi., .. Secretary;· ,,,,.·.. P~oyJncia+ A'1Jsembly. ~f.t~e Punjab .

. On invitation ! .• .•.·

'1 .·•. r 8.. ;:, J,\'lr N;~sir Ahmed Sheikh, De.puty Director ..

, .. , ,{\A:i!d:l:f ~( ~·c~<?un~s '. <w Prks ), . Punjab ~ . . .., . . _., . .

'· J. , ..

PJi .. lnvlta ti<>.Q "

Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah, Additional Secretary, F~Jmce Dep~tmm t On , invitation

7, ivtr 4,_bd.ul J~lllviian, .. · '. Accountant . Gener~1r· P1.U1jab . :

-· •••. t •• • • :., ,; • • • •.

Alhaj Kha.w'aja H~bib-ur-R~man

. C.h .F.at~~.~iv.r~~mm;a4: ·.

••· "'I

. .. !· ..• : ;', .i' Mei:nber.·

· Mem~~r


:Mian Abdul Rashid ··.)· ·'•

. . Cha~m.an

1·,., ..

:. · ..... *.~ .r.. ;"~. Member _ .....


Mia.n M,Arshaa' Husain·

MrlVI.'z. Kha~:.:_::·'_,,.


··, ..

.... " ;1· ,,.

'·-· ,,j. ·. ··.·:··


I I i I 1 ..

,1' I

, .. =

2. 3. 4, ·:.



Ai,propriatlon Accounts ofthe Gevernment of.,:the P~ja,.b ..fo~. '~e . .

,year:$: ts.:n-:78 and ~976..:.7~. and Reports of the Audit<:>~ .Q~ner~l of. : . •·, ·.·. . • , .. 1,' ·.· .• • .. : • , • .... - sl '

Pakis~-~he~eon •. ,The,foJJ.owing·,.deci,1;1ionswere takenr-. ...•.. ; · .. ,,:::- . . • . ' ' . • . ·. . . • ,• . . '. • I '

: ' : ( ·' .

-~ .:,·.'..·· - . . ·~·· ·~ . ·,.• . ~ :<."·:~.. , •. :· .. ., ~ .

r • •. ·· •.. · i;JVI~UTE~ .OF 7.;I'IJ$ ... EXTRA.ORJ.)INARY MEETlNG OF Tl:lE AD HOC Ptiin:.;~c···AccoUNrrs·coMivifi:·TE°E. HELD. ON MONDAY,· THE t9Tfi · OCTOBER 198'1 IN THE LIBRAR.Y OF· THE ASSEMBLY BUILDING, ~q~~.,~,. . ,,· · .. ,. ', .

... ,.,..-··-· ·- .. -_u •. -.. ~.·~.- ,· .~ •.,

I_ - -· ·-. . . ''

Inaa 'large number' or:··ca'i'~s given under th.is to'pic in each ·of the Audit Reports fc:h-'the' yea~s:i19'77-78.''and 197·8-'79~· everi the::'firJ\,

. . . .... ' ! .... t l '.' r, .. ·, /', j './ . . ' '. ~ ··: • ' -. '.

... : .i•' •• .. : :., . : .. ~- . ,. . . ·-··.-·:

,. Awaiting Documents /Returns

- .,· ,I. 1 • '·.

.. ,; . ;'· I . . ,_, ·· .. ·

A_ large number of documents /returns. are still reRuired to.be submitted to the Audit by the respective Depar1ments as is evident fr.om the Audit Reports for. the. years .197;7 ... 78 .and 1978--79. The . Committee _directed that these Departments· should explain 'tile causes for delay. 'It was also· directed 'that d_isciplinary-·a6tion. shouldbe taken against the Officers/olficials - who were t-e'Sponsible.',for the

.•• , ·j.·.1 •· . ·•. p .: • ' ' • • accumulation of arrears, · · , \ · · •· r. 1_-l'~?t ... 1'!. . .-.•_::·r,r· ,~ _.···t.:..: •• '·· ···) ,. •· •• i:

8. Audit Insp~ction .-R'.epor~ is~·ued to Publfc:Wo~ks I Officers· .. to which· even··first reply Hf awaited ' .. , .. '·.

: .,. • '·~ ~·;. • j ~ •• -

''" \,

. : ~ .·, .' .... ·. . . . _· . " .. ·. . ~ :· .. ~- .. . Tfie· Departments concerned should take ·immediate steps to- .. ·.

sanction the estimates so as to r-egular-Ise the expenditur.e lrtcurreif;. in question on the works in anticipation of techntcal sanctions as detailed under thfsheadfng' in ·ea.ch o(the A~dit' Reports. for the: years 1977 ·78 and 1978-79, ·

Expenditur~ ib.c~rtea oil''works 'in. anticipation of ,.Tedhnic'al Sanctions · ·' . , - , . ,;/~; . . . • .


'. ' · - ' .; '.. . · . I •. - ' . . .· ~ ; .. . - ... · : • 1 ':

Statem~nt showing tlle particulars of bases repprted fn .the Reports 'brt which Dir.ectivas issued by'the Public Accounts Committee are · still"~walting · compli~ce,. . . . -: ...

'th~ Cottifurttee directed tha{ the .Departments concerned' should expedite compliance in respect of the outstanding items· pertaining to ' the previpus. years: in nespect' '6'.f which. the d~rective's

0i&sued hf· tile .... r.,

Public '-A~~ounts Commfttee ·.are. ~till awaiting. compliance· as detailed under this :Char,te:ri of each of the Audit Reports for the, years ...

. . ' I ' -··· '

1977-78 .. and 1978-79. 'I - . , \ .

' .'~ • f' f .; ,.,.

' . . . .. .. ' . • :··. • .. ' '. -+. '·' .. ,. I. :·_ ( ~ ' . .' , I

Chapter vn .. Other topics of Interest. · · . I

The Draft Paras mentioned in this. Chapter of .. each of the Audit Reports for' the year-s ':1977 ,-78 and 1978,-79 ;are th~ iinport~t financial irregularities etc,' noticed duI"ing. the test. audl(of expen­ diture incurred . by the Departmenfal/ au.t.horitre'a.. The:· C6.mmiitee '1·

decided that 'the Departments .concerned .should ·explajµ the irr~gulari ... ties; losses' etc .. The explanations should be compfehens1\,e, an'a - · complete giving full detals etc, ' · · .'


4 •. ,

As regards the remaining itezris /gr~nts of the Approprlation' .. -' A.ccounts 'for the years 19717-78 .· and.197-8-79, ·the·. Commtttee . decided to drop the. same, by recommending that Fina.dee ·pepartme~Lshould issue a blanket -order re:g,ularising all excesi~es,/savlii.gi{ ~'.d.~t~Ued :

• in paras ~,, 5 apd' 7:, on pi,rge~ .2 'to o and ·2 to. 4 of the· Atidit. R~por~s for the years 1_977 ~7:8. an:dJ 978.--79, respectiv~ly •. _ , "'· , ,-: '>. -.

:: · .. ~_.. 1:.-?·i! .. ··: ' ... \ ' f, .. , \ .. : . ·. . :;.j. l

Chapter. VI --,A-udi~-'o~~e;vations' on Individu~l Departinen~~

years ~977 .. 7s and 1978 ~79 a~.· qe~aile.~ ,ljl: the attaql).ed: ~t~tem.~nts. The coricern:ed. ~e~at~~n;~s sp;~w,-~. s~b~it CQ.cnpl,ete' ·aAa bom~l'.~h~qsive ex~naUohs for' thes·e · Ite'ms/Grarits,· ..

: '"tJ.\·• ! :·~ i !. r •.• : }•· I· . : -. ,.·,"1· ". · ". :° • ... -": • "l : . '• .


--·· ·- -- -- -------------------------

,I ',


., . ~ ·'·.. : ·'

: ".,; ~ :" . . . ' ,_f.·: .;.~-,~·:

, I

r , ,,•, .u «;

-·\" ..

. .. , Secretary, _ Provincial A~sembly' ot the 'Punjal>

. . ' -, .· .. ·_- ··~ . : .. .; • • . ~ ,• • I

' .. , ··,. • <,». _1'"11 ,,,.-·, '. \',Y1i~·?·l:.,.:, ..... <. ,"·):< ... ~ ·\_:~!1_ _ _·( \•.<-:'. .. .:,.-..·.-.l,._-.-,f<\··,.. . .:

reply to -the '-tnspe:ht1-011:.Rep'or.ts,<J~~u~4,:.clur-J;Jig):ttie¢o,i>.fe,c~ding years are still awaited inspite ot'r'epeii:ted'.-~emiriders:: . Th'e·,~·.1nspection Reports include financia~, :~r,,i~fflrJ.,t~~s l}~~: ~~,-~.1,,,.,Foprla.t;i·~-~'r ;: overpaym_e~ts, embezzle~.~ts ,etc .. , · detected ~W{~.S: .. ~pe .cour-.se of local ·audit of the PlJl?~\p,W_cr.~~ .. fo,r~;att.pns. 'l'b'.tf, ~o.m.r;n.ittee·to,0~ a serilc;,~s .view of tt:ii~ 1nalter: an'd''·<i~s''ired that :t11E? ,xjianations of . th~ .Officers/rifficials1 re~-~q~.;~ie. sh.oq].9. be _:oµ~_il)e~.,~qd submitte~: to tbe Committee. ·.,. .· · ' · . . .. · · · .. _'· , . . . .

.. • . • . .14, • ' , •. --~. ~ • . ,. ;. ··: j \.- .... s ·1 .

·' ••• -1.' :. ,.,, . : '• ·,, •' ... _ ;,. >·: .. ·:·. '· ·/ 9. . (i) Expenditure inc~rred on. Depos~f Work,' in'. excess

of beeesited . .Amount ¥ . , v.", , • 1

I, ,· -. . •-

,I,, : , ',·. '··,'.~:;·;'"; ,,,-:tJ ,,, .. ' ..«. '.:\',, :., "'' ~i, • ,,: , >,'. ::. ,I,

. (ii) Exp(;)nditure irtcur:red without any mon~Y ·: ,',· ;_~ ·.,.depQ$~t~C, bt.:Loc~l)3od1es,e.tc .• :~ :··; ,;~1.,·,-,. ::: -: ~,,:_.!.;J>' < . ",. .: ·;.'-:·.~"~·:·,~':';i ·.\ ·'/ ,!·_,i<·_(;: ·:-,, ':~<·· ',: .: ..... ' i,( /i~,. -~::·~·':; ::,:·:. / '' .

Accot-din( ·to the, Rules·, no ·cleposi·t work·· should be taken fn. , hand unless necessary funds· for its execqtlon are .deposited by t!3e., -· party concerned intq a. Gpvernmei:it Tr,eas:ury, In a ~rge number' of · cases.,:.,e.~ks,, ~~ qe~ll~~':·.~~,r1:tbe'.;abov~ c~ptio~~. :~ Fic~.,of th, . Au~it Reports f~J"'-Ithe _Yfl~rs _li~l7 r ;781' .·anq . ~~?8,~.1:e, '.': ,~r~ :1:,J.c~~~ ~It eith~r. ir?, a11tJcipa-tioil. of ~~- ~.e~e_ipt ofJund.s ~r \~ ,.~.,c~.~'3 :9tthe:,; ,,,., : depo~,its ·:re~~iv~d -. +he eRm~+.tt~e 4~ected th~fpt~ .. ~De_pat~,~,,\ .;· concerned should . ta~~ Jnu;Q;ep.~1~--~~eps to reQQ.Ve,'1"~ t.h~ ~9\tlltip: r,om the: quart~r~i(:oncernecl .a.r,td stioul:d''also take 'acd~'qaga;.ln$'.t ~e' ~-·. ' Of!1<!,~,s)~~¢~s. _lje,tJ'p<>q:aible: tor: ~is ;C.ont_l_"ay~~ -t9t:~t6Ef.··~~~s,

. \:." -_.· ·~··,- . s~l·,:. "· :,·~-.'..... . .. -: ... ,.- 4?.·. t1.··~ ··.~:- f;':

, lP~--·,;(·~;Fh~fCol?mJtt~e -. · dtr~~~ed·~at ·al:f ~-~ tj~AAl'~~n~ ~~~~:jr.,pJ,re W~'1"·:~JP~Pfti<>~s. b.i: :~~;' p~)e·•:~t.~~ed: £or~ ir;>.:!c<::o..r~&4~e:·~ltlf,~fl-.;,, - aboy~ .. Jlt,olsio'1S Elnq .• 3(): :P.ppJ~~' ~e.~eof;:~~. t Ql'\V~~"~' *P~ '#1,¥1 ~~r,~ria t

.}?Y· 3Qfll-198l ~corpgre1:Ung:::~~rein.·~e.Aud~t .~9~~~~n~- ,to_:_JJe r , : • ., ,

obtaii).ed from the AccoW).tant .Ge~eral; Punjab/D~ecto,r; Aµd~t and Acco,unts {Wo.rkl!l, ·.~j~l> •. , :, .. ··,,. ;-.' .. .· .

' • ,' :, 1•• • • •· ·~. . , • , . ' ._ . ;/ '. :• •, f • ·, I • • ' •

'.' r, ,: ·,,,:,, '·', -t·· ' ' '" ;,.- . .": ':,. r '. : ·~




i j I

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,SAFDARALl;SHAH· - \• .. 1'. i :.· •. . -~ . • : : ' •• ~ ... J,

.·· ·.·_.,·:· }:.:.

t ...

t· ,,:}it;t·., .. 'f, . ,,\i?LI\ t··.'>·YY·I'

ni_~i.~,:, 126 •,: .. ,11 .. : . ,. ·.• .... _· ... , _ • . _· I ,

..... ~ . PROV.INC 1;'.I,,,;A,SSJDM'.. '.~·OF_,· ':!J.$:.;ltfJNi ,4\B:" :.·, I , , . ~ .. N P.'"P P. . c·, .,,.,. ·s2 ·2,o5· '. ' .,.. · . ... ~ o •. ~ .. ,; .. ii·. ·:: ..... ··:~c - .. ··-_.:.".·.~,: - :~; .: .:.- ... _~)i:1_.·\ ~:--,:..t -. .. -. ... _. '\ · ... · /\, .... '° .. · \: •..• ·:, .: ••


°}'. ;: {1:·~):;:. ;'., ·,·ji:.:i,',;_:i";\.: 1::~;, :~_;·\ /·t,'.r,, ,•,:' " From' .. ·: . Mr Muhamm.a4.Mahbub-Abbasl; }('._.: •'·"·:·: . /",.·.\\ ',.- •'£ ··,,:':-' .. ,,:,···· ·:·s~~fr btt:y· ·,: ·:''·.·:·/~·.··,., c' ·.··~,·,,,,_ ·.:: .·-:·' . : ., . : )i,:, ,·_:. '

~ '., , ' ' ·, C· , 'f ·;1·· ''. •"· } .'d {-' .. ' ' ' ,. ' • • t ',, • . .. 1 ·J. . ' ' ·. · .. ·provJhcial J\sae.tt1,;bly. of 'th~ P\uij:a:b1 ·:'." .'~ ,,\ ,· ,· h:f~ _,.:, ... ·. -; .: · ·;. '; • , ' • :· ·: "-/J,f!f,,-::~;,,. • ',: • ·:f• 'J,.'_. .._;, ' ·.' I /· '.;t/ ~--"·,;,;.,;'<·)·>r\); '.: .. : • \•• \.<, To. ~ .. ; .. T~~,·q~pu'~,'SeQre~ry. (Monltot.ing'f '.::.-:/.·.;/_.: ';. ·;, ··.. .. · . ,'

. Gov,erbm'~nlj>fJ:.n:ei_·PHnJab,· · ' ,

. ,;L!'r:f~t~~t· i ))::is;P-t; ,, .. · .... Dated t..A.:HO.J;tlP:,< the 10th A'1gijs.t. l~J.a,}<"' ;,,, -.",'· . . '!." o:\ ···.· . . ·~ ~ ·-~} r· .- .. ·\:.·.·\~!>:·~ :.·:\,f ~ ._,~ ~ . -·.---:~:~· ·\... . . .'.-: _- ~~:·/·:.:·~~-.\. ·.'. .,,. ~~ ·-~-- :./ , -, ~--

Subject: PRIN.CIPL~S °Ft>1t~E>X:PtiAIN!fN(i~siv'ios\\ND ~XCESSES . -· ·.' .. '. IN :PR~OYiNf JAt,'.5 PPROPR~.'rlQN :ftCCOUN:T~: :' .. :';:_.:, " -. · •.

~. F ,:_".:~~ . 0 ) .x ~ .. ·:·.': :;:··.''. . <<.· ,: ?_:' ; ~~. ' >:.;.' . ,'.:: '~ .' .. ·:,' f.<:.\:.:: ; Sir··· . ·. . : < . , .. ;•·· .. '.~ -~:·· ... -.'.,f'_·.,.· ': :.~--~t·'·;;':·~ ,· .-·~ ".:··f.,/i~.:-··.:..::"··,~ . ..:··. , .. -- ,,,,,· .. '.-. .; -.,·,.,_ ;:~ . ':'"

. · -_ . ,__ . - • : ·:, •• _, t .··=~ .... : ... ; _., , __ .... - .. ,.~,; · .. __ . . . ,, ·.1 • .. · ·· ... ··-~.\ .. ~:,)r-· _ ; <:.': :, WJ~ :r~_feren~~-to'.iiP~!,J~ttti~\N<?, F~<W.<>nitoting)l~'.~/821:,?,7_., ..... ,,;/,, .

· dateil· 26-J-~.9~2,. on_~~ ,beryl, ·sU~J~~~(. ~ ,h,~ye,d:)}e;~~no.w., :to s,y :fAat: . the W~r~g'.,~~per:~~nt '*i:lth ,:\~_·11~tte,r, .\tfi.d~~,\r:ef~ree.~e }Vas -pl,c_e,~·- . • . ..


b~!<:>reJh~\Ad, ho9 ~Rb!iC?. ~~,~~!s _<;~o~~J~t4j}E: · ~:}~~ , ... e~~JLordiriary·: .. '-. ·. · .· meeting ~,1d ,~~" ~--~},19.~z:.,~~~~~:~~s1~r~~Y;;· · <,::-: .. ;·· .: .. ·:-J·_:!· -: i :_:_·. ~-. _:: ~-·, .• _ ·

. ···Th~' C6ntriilft~df(ih t~m~lpl~}re·Q~,;Je~- . its ~·rue~' dec}si~~ . . to. ac:l9pt·~e·pt-o~ose4pr:1nc(p~~s;Jo.r.,.eiP~ln!ng,Jayhigs/;exc~s.~s. µi· .•. , ·.:r : the P~~":~cilll_ ::A~Pr_()P,r~ 'ib9 Ac~~-~~-lf~ii~s ~~°,~J¢.1..ed,ii,i ·_~i~ ~,~~~tat~ t · • .

. ~e,t~r:tr~-.f,AP/PAC/~i,s~.-/i~~f~lJ)r -~_tep ,zo~~~::-),8,~.,:~~- _j.,s,)1,0:wey~;-~'. ,': ·. -fe'lt'that·depend1ng.upon ttie·.tt1·erl\~-of.4idividu~l'c.as'e.s, .. a .c;levi,tion ).·, ·. frotn;~e~~·prµic-ip~es.~.,~~~;~~~'.~~.~~,~es~ltat.ecl~ :/·:_·:~·::,.::'\;_·/:'.·~(>,/::.,/_}·~::':'i_·.·

··· .. As rega·tds)~~;Pl~Yi<>us poltcY.:f9J:"·g~µ{Qg fo~ ~P~~tion$· . , in res~c~ :of;,~r~·~a~iatl6~sioet1.t·_tlie.~·,qomm.~~·~ ~a~··?f t11i.yJe~/,,1.: ' tha~ itw,~·~ :~ayQidp.ble .1f:?'tq~t:.;~o ~!,.~.Yf<the· h~,,~~r~~·~'_;_.s,~ce- (\r:; . 19'1445 'and-to· ax~ine the chtren1:.1tcc'ourits '':~/: >fr: ... ~·~ ... ' · ,,'.. ,, •' . . . '. ·.,. , \/i ·. t· .. ··.. ··,r. : .. ; . t )" _,_,,,._t?c{'~- -~".:f'·'. ,_ .'.f{,

.'; {.. • < ?.=i '."'. .' ,:":- . . . . ,.., . . ,.. . . . ·. .: ,-;, • . Your obedl,int servant;

,) . -: ·~

- - ~- - -· - ~- ~~------------,....,.;~----..;.;..--~ •'.,'1

.. '·.r.·.'_\ . '.~ \

I ,} , ' , .. , .... ·.,· '•,

. ' .,...

.. ·. ~ .. 1 ••• ,

... ' \ -~ _! • '.

t ..


.J · •. · .\ ·:·( ·~ i, _,· • ,.i · •.

. . .. . . '·: '1 · ' , ' .. . D~puty Secretary . , ·. ,'., , ·for Secretary}.' Pr-ovfueial Assea1~ly of .the Punjab

:;•>;, ·· .j_: ·: SA.Fi:>AR ·At;I SHAH·. ' .'

\.,I' .. ·.- . ~I. ,.· ., ·._ -. .... . . : . . ~ t: ~--~,: : \ ·,

,.; ; '.-\

; ; \

-. _ .. : .·. '..· ·~: --- ·. . ' .. ·) . :· .. : .. _.· : A copy·· is' for:wir~ed _ fq all 'ttu~; $eeretar~-~- tq. .

Goveriun~nt>of tl>:~?,:Punja)>.,.: :Laltor·e. · ''.=•/.·1;·:, : • •• • .,: '· :: •

•"·~.-.• _.,-~ -··: .. \ .:·.··.:t'._,·l·\·~: ~... :;·; ·:··.·' > ·~ ' './ -.:.,..:_ ',• I.;,'

.·, ~ . ·· ... ..:. .-·

: '·~~

. . . ·~ .. . .


•, .3:'he $:d_l)()'c Pu~llc--Ac~ounts Committee -feel)J':that itJ$,·..::, '~ .. : necessafy ,~t S~ciur:ity/Flqel.lty .Bonds Ql~st inva:ri~bly: be o,b··~9~ . · > iii •uch ca~es. T.hie. wow.'d filife-guarc;l'Gover.rµnen~ · in~~rest .and. w-oi\!d also be in keeping -with. the,. Rule$~· -. -' ··..,··>, · · · , · 't , , • •· ·

1 • •. ·1 •

-r.' ., ' ,.,... ~ :·' . ~·· •• -~ -- ~·-·:. ··~1''

·,.:, . .. . , .. · .. · '· SAFDAR ~L, SHAJ.i· ,, :i\ '. , ... · . , l ' ".:.' ·, . ,• i. ~'· :·. • \ • ·. ·,, _ - ' . : . ' . • . · ·' . • r ~- , • • · ~ •'' '. .

· ··•· t:,· · ·•. · ·,\ .: ,:,_ •. ., ·",·. · , ". ·:. · .P~PUt;· Se9ret$iy,,· :-· ·' '_ ·' ,,·.,, , -.'.• : · /·,!:for,:Secretaryt·Pr~inciiµ,~sserribly,of the·:P.wljab'

·.· .;-.:;.)


• . t . . . ,. . ... -:."' .. ,... . . /,. • •. .. . 't. 'J._!.·._ .' ::·,

: . Dated LA.HOR.~, tbe· 1-tth October. 1982 :, . ·· ~ .. _-··_,.·> ;:,.- ,.,_,.--:_·,.:: -c -:';, • .: ·:-•.-.-.·-.-:.:··. -., • - ••• ;r ·'.,_ S~bJ~t'·;·: ::·~:~-LOS~':-'£0,:·GOVER'NM.ENT," ::, .: ·. "<>, :·· .. _._ ... , •. ·;:

. .. •. ~-·.:·::.:_-.·~~!~ .. -·. ~ ... '; z: .. :-:~·: .. ~"'·~.!~ .. ; ...... ,.:;..: .. .. --'.- ... ~-'·i- .• . ..... ·~.····~. - •. : ... : ~ ..... ::· __ -~· .:· ···.::.

·-;t-~--~~-:-;_-.~:r-:~4~~~.-~;:·~~-~ .: ~;.: --:·.· _1\ ..• ·:"·~.--.:· ~ .- ... ;~:·~-- •... :.. , ~:.:,. ., ... ': .:

. It has come tQ; the,. no·t1ce of. the,Ad .hee Public ,Ac*ounts Committee tha(oit a nuinber _of. r- Qe~sions '1osaes .of Cash/Stock .. or Stores 1n .the·' .

· custo4y '.of Governinent · offlcifJ.ls have occurred ~ha the· ~ts,otis _· c~'iicerned J.µly~. ~l>scofid(!d' or : gone·· away: without me.Jdt)g · g®4~ th~' loss,

.µi• _ ordeit: to_. se;fe-~r·ct ,aga·~~( su~b con*1g~ncii11 tpe . rule~. ,.9royide.·· ; .,, tl,le.t\se~urity. sho,W:f· btr iob.~~~d1·fton,i ~e .~r~ons Qoncer~~:d:/ 'l'bij,_. · .: nie:y· be, J.nd:J1e f~r~ ,of,, c'ash .. or .fldellty })onds: .with the. _1n,u~~ce ;:. ·: ·• · , C-om~nies~ .Jn-:th'Ehle.tter· ;' c~fl~, the, 1m.101U,1t shc:,~d be. comm:en9i~i-aie. .. · i. ' •

With _'~e·::v.at~e of: the: ~asb/$tocl:c..·• ,.' ,., . . · \~ ;:_ · y: · ' .· · · · ':. > .- ... '. · ,


. ..:..-:.._ To

13? · - . ,, \,

• • • ' • •• ' •• '. • •• ..' .. ( r- .. • ••

PROVINCrAt..~·,,ASSEMBLY'. ;OF ~:ruJP· ~IAB . · .. '.: · · -, -No. PAP/P~C/MiscJ&2/3513. -··. -· - · · ·... ,. ·_.

Mr Muhatnmad M~~iib·~b~asi::· '. ~ · ·:· . , . ·:.._. :. f

-Secretary . . . . . I .

·Provind.al·As-.-~bly ofthe :Punjab· ; · ...... , ' : . .

', \ ,.\" . .

~he ·s~c-i-e~~f--t~ dovet~~~i, :.-Pun,~b.·t. · rood .De~_rtment · ... ,, · .. ' · ~ s .


! -

I· .•.

- ---- ··- . . . ,,

, .I

..'\ ''!::


. a.

A copy is for~ar.ded f9r information tor- . . ,:: \ ' : .

The Chairman and ~eznbers of the Ad hoc P:,A~c •. The Accounte.rit Gen~r~l~ · .Punjab, Lahore. The Director General~ :·Audit . & Acco00:ts (Works)~. Lahore •

. . . . (:'l .;' ' . '. ii· .:'. MUHAMMAD MAHBUB ABBASI' i! . ' r:: , ,· Secretary

.i ... 2.

" \ ..

. Secretary Provincial Assembly of -the Punjab

, ·No, & date even


Your obedient servant ..

Sir ' · , ., . .. · · '·~ . . ;_; . • , , I ' .-:· '_'°·" .. · :, .. , i/:'r: .: .. :: .\';.- • . , :-~ '. • •: ·., ··.: ·; •

. ,. With··_r·eforence.to.,:let~e.r-No,FD(Fli}-V,4S-/7~j d11ted 11-4 ... -19'19 ·· \ _fro~. t_l\e ciifef Se~re~r.y!,t9· ;G~vertl$erit ~t )tie··Pµnjab, to ~ll the< . .

: A,wx;iinist~aUYe Secn~~r.!efll.~ _;<>n: ttie·.subj~ct· no_ted above, I hfl.it~· ·t.Jle·' :· · . honour· to .llbite' ···that. deru>.tt~ .sp~cUic. insttltctl:ons .to the effect that,·'· -. ·the A;dniinietra t'ive, Secreta.ri~S ·· should ·attend . the- m iaetings -of .. the ·.· · : .. :; Ad hoc-.Public Accouij.ts,.O~nimittee.·pefsoniliy.,, instances haye. C_O~E{'·:· to the nonce of:the Committee wpere''Efome of thern did not attend

.• the meetings personally d,u~: to some other- pres$~g engagem~nts-., I • • ' • •. • .>, •,":':.: ,;-- .·: i (,I .. ' ' ' I• • ·" • ', -: . : '· . ;·. ·, ·, • •' •, • ,.

. The ·€omniitte~ ha~ .qbsE=n"v-ed th~t nol".mally the p;ogr~me pf: . . its ,meetings· viere.1 cir.culat+d: to.-all concerned ~uch · befcw.;~ timlf _so that: it!be l\.dministr.ative Secretaries could, adju,t' ·their' engagements

' accordingly,· Appar~ntly. due .importance was 'not being attached to · the PubffcAccounts Commt~tee•s meeting. In. the opinion of ~he Commfttee, it was in the iritei-eat of the Administrative Secret~ries

1>, themselve$ to appaae be.fo..:re..-tlje Committee SO· ,th~t they' could .. knoir ··tlie state of affairs preyai~g in their· Departm.enis. If, however,. at, any stage· befone the· mei!3ting, the Secretary of a Depar,tment h&;9-: ., •.

,. some. compelling reasons· to be absent from the nieeting,. he should r

. in. that event inform- .. th~ ~blic, Accounts Committe'r9s Secr~wriat : · i:weU in time so that the. desirability ._of ·either ~ance1:].lng ihe meeting. of ~s Department or recasting. the programme ·could -be 'eonstder-ed,

The above obe'~rvations of the Public Acc~unts' Comm'ittee are . . brought to yqur 1cinlnoti~e:for compliance in future.. ·

·\ ':.' I I , ~

!! i ...



., Dated ;LAHORE} tbe 30th October 198 2 . . .. . . ' ·,· .. ',i' •.' : . -· .



. ,r .. , .

!\ l I

:.·· ;' •.

. Secretary ... Provin"lal AEJaem,,bly of the'' PunjJ1.b

MPH4MMAD I\ILAH~UB Al3BASl • : • ' ';• I \!' . ' ;, ·, , .


I . -~- \

Your obedient servant \. I

. -. I itheir guidan.ce"' .".

. ' : - . ,\ .. ' ·. .

1bos~. ~~,~- w~~re the other ·par,tj de'lib~ratly cause~ delay by obtain!,ng . ,· • • . . J -, : • '. ~-,. . ' .,,, . . • .- ' .' \ ; • . • '

' . . . f . . .· .

apjournme.rits on flimsy grounds:· The pbserva-tj.e>ri Qf the. P1:1bllc Acco~ts ' . _·. , . . , .·( , - ;1-


, '. ' ·.1:_'.. . ·.~ •. , .: f• '. ,. , 1' ,·.:. • • :, ", ''1, ·:· :- ". / , '' .• .:

Com.ml~e.~ay kin~Uy be bpought".to tllc/notlc~ of ·a]lcGnc*'r~ed/ fo.r . ' . . • I ! . ' ; I" . .

' ''t. •

r . a·, Tb~ Director Gen'eraf,, Audit BL ·~ccoµpts (W<>r}($)J L~ore.

-: .. bate.c1 LA~oa·il ·ih~-~3rd oct~bex-)9~;~:: .. . . ..... · ., .. ·· ~ .. , ·i1.-~> ·,. • ; •. '. ,• • ', • .:' '.• ,• •. • .: .. ·_: ! • "":: • .: • ··:. . • I• ".": _i -: -: • ·-:·:: .·--. ·. ·• •, .~I._ .. : ·1:_,: :<:._·i\··": .. •J '',

Sutije~.t:_' ., DELAY·:iN Plsi?OSAL ()F\CAS~S ~EN.DlNG~B:EFbR$·:[email protected] .. • ... . .~ I. I I ~ ·~; . I . ..

.. ' ~ . Sir

,- . ;. . .:' i . t. ·'· .:·· -' ... \ .... f ·· ... : ·,··:: .. · ... \ .v .. ·.'.· ... -.': ... • .,., .• { ....... :. :-,~ •.• ··:i . ...-·/ .. '.1. · .. ·-f,-,,·:~,(··.:.. '. :·., . .r·:J:·, ..

: .. ,. · .. · .1 am -~~e~ed to s,ta~ :,th~t ·the Ad h.<>.c; Pub~c·::.Accoµnts,;C~,nmitte.,

· · bas· n,o~·wi~ ~One~~~·~.~ ~~;~~gr,s~. ~r-J~f t~i~~Jr,i~~~!i~;,/: i)eclslon before 'the Cotirts. : fbe~:t: · c·ases 'are be~g delayed b'~caus~ ~of ...

• ·. ' ' I··, • . •' • • •


. · PROitN.ciA.·~ ASSEM2L¥ pi\ THE PUNJAB . ~o.:PA,P/PAC/Miscfa*/~·59.3• '

• ' ' ••.. Jo ·- :• • . - ,. ·.~ ; .

'.F:~~~ ,, ' : Mr t4'1li:~m:ad .1\/jahbql) Abbasi SeQre.tary · -~. · · .: . , -,;_ . .· , Pr.:ovJnc,tal A~semblY of th~ ~jab· .

1. AL~·;'.;~~ ADM~ISTRA~Wi}i SECRET.A~~-~.·: . GOVERNMENT OF THE . PUNJAB . . .

·' ,:, • •; ! -:./ .: < ... : ... ' .: ; -.' '. ·r: . ;,\ .:· '· .. :; . . ·.· - , . a;·~ The i\ccou.nt~nt'. Ge11iTal, <Pwijab;:·Lahi>re·~ . ·· .· - . . ~ .· - . .. . .. . . " . . . ; -

. ··TQ.

:; ... ~-.~- P,AC ··BVSINESS :URGENT .

. 129

, .. _ .... - ".

11.!~ -­ ~- - . ,,· .,

. :: ·'°', ,. ··.· I

:. )'. . f. ', ,_/ ."'*\ . '•·· ·-· ~ . ·;

;•; ;~-


\· - ..

.... ·- _,.., . r., ,1:.

1·.: :.i.-t .. ) '.~!I ~,.

:-;: ..

". 1 : . ~~-· ., CH HASHMA T ALI .

· ,,. ;r.:" ;.,,,·J'·.:,fft·.'.> , :'r. •

Y,our. obedient servant t_;_ -.'.' ;J: ···.t_!:' -: :·.:.:. ·_ ... ·.: -~_-';_:: --~ -r., ~-·· .. . : ,·; :~ ~. r '_., . r .. •

·' ,.:

It may, however, be added f cir the information of the Ad hoc Public·.A~~o.un~~ ,C,om1n:Htee ~at. c,~ns~cipe~~ ,u~on the .s.~gJ.e~J~.on: made · by:the::Chairmarl~ A'ti hoc. Public Accounts Committee 'fh'tlie"meetitlg held under the Cha~manship of the ~]nance M,inister, neceasary. instructions: have alreadf~een lsauea by° the' S~~ic:ftc:Sr· .t6!.(foyEitrunent.' '· i;iI Punjab vide,his No, '798-824/82, dated 9-1-1983 (copy,~nclosed).

' · ' I · . .. · ' .. I ' ' ' • , .· .~ .. 1-1 't ~. 7\.· ·:.· , .•. t;." ·. '·.; _ ... .'· ·" _;, J.·.. • • : ·,.::' '··". • ..:-• , •.•• l·-.· '/~;: : ..' ~: . ~


I am directed t~ refe~ fo {our l,ett~r:No._PA~/P~~./.M.isc/83/234, datep 12-1-1'983, on the subject noted above and to request that a copy of.

ou~~tter No. PAP/P~9./M~sc/82/35~3, dated 23-10-J98~ may please be ... suppliec.t~•:Jhe·sainfha.s qotbee.ri·r.eeeived·-,in this .Depaitment. ':Y>:·.,:,~; •. ;==~ . . . ~

,' ..... "". • ..1 ''1·' . ,• .... Sir.

. DELAY IN DISPOSAL OF CJ\SES.P.ENPlfiG ;BEFORE COURTS '. I, ."• 1 ' : :. . :L : . . :,- .... ~ I


. .: i .. ~ ~. -r:• .:' :.' .

~ r <J· \· t·\t:'. {.: . J ..... ·'

•,· t 1 .; . I. . 'rhe Se.cretary Provij1~.~l it\~~ ell3 ~lY.: of .th.~; . _. : . . . , Punjab,:,- l ·· ':':;:'.·" · · 'it·· ,·:; ~/ \· = ,-·,

. , .; .. ,.. •r.1-, . ,, .. •,.

l. • . i· • -~ .'. : \,• ··.··· .. To·

Dated Lahore, ~e .. 21_st Feb: 1983 i·l-P · ..... - -:.:~{. ~ , i·;·.,1':··;. ·i" ... :·.},./~·· _.

17 ·:( ••


·--- -- -- ---------------------------- Solicitor to Go·vernment Punjab, Lahore


. · AUSAF A~I KHAN .. . . Solich~~ to Govermri~nt Punjab. 'Labore •..

No. 825 /83. Dated: 9-1-1983 . Copy forwarded tp .~e :Secretary to Government, of the Punjab,

Law Departn;lent for information with1reference to his memo No.Gen: 5-23-82/63, dated 2·1·1,982. · .:._ · ,.,· · . . .. . ' ... . ... . .. ,, .... ' .

·· ·•· · ..... · -~ > .. : . A USAF ALI KHAN,- Solicitor to Government. Punjab. Lahore ·

.No, 826/83 Dated: 9-1-1983 ' Copy forwarqed to Section Officer (M-1) Government of the P\lllj&b,

Finance Department, for information with refere~ce to his1No. FD(M. ... 1) 1-28/82, dated 27-12-1982.

. \}:~:-·,._ . " : · .. :: . "[ ·.. .· I • ,/OFFICE OF ·Tf!:E 'soL·tCITOR.TC:f GOV;ERNMENT~ PUNJAB : .

, . ';., . ... ' . . . . .• - -·: ;'. -. .' . ..: : ... ' . '"f ;' . No.''198-824~8-~ ·;;:;,, ·, , . ·i-~ , , : l)~·tedt 9·;.;1-1198~' '; ,·

Copy forwarded to all the Distri'ct Attorneys In t.n~ ,f;qn_j$.b., f.<>r compliance. They are further,directed to.get 'these UU:l'tt~qctio~s noted from the Aesistant DistrictAttorrieys working in tneir respective districts an~ also :Inform the Policy of ~e Government ta the Spec,\a.l Gover~ent Plep;der.s ~ · · ·· · · , . .

. . . ' . ""

•'If• I {; ...... ~:" ,f :f •• ·.:• ::~:· i,"!,:-.,, :;·•,, .: -; . ... . ' ... '\{' .,, . .' ,, .',',. . .

, PARA 16: The Chairman then .. cited a.case of fraudulent d~;&.wal Of lllODeY. and.r~,rJc~·,:that.the.Gov~~ntn.ent])epartment let the.J.miita• tion period ·r1.µl out>f6r- appeal' in the Sup~~ Court. In sub ijudice cases; adjournments were soiight .by the opposite parties, :on frivoldus groundlJ Which delayed the decisions. 6rcases· of none t>epartlne1J,tS were dragg,~g: Oll fO\U; ,years without. any: peogr-ess, lt\~ti~· ~ls~· ·sugge~ .. ~q, . di that ttt,·aove.rnni~nt shou~d .<;ons;ider<the:questlqh.'of ·ask'mg' fo~· ~up~~~

' tlal C01~t' if adjournments ::YV~re s-ougbt by the cbntestlng par#es. )\.nO'ther suggestioii_made for consideration was .that the Government sho_uld consider i,nstituting .cr4u1Pal actfonIn cases where Government servants were gullJ.y of misappropriation or fraud along with Depar-tmental inquiries,:or clvU pro~~e~.U.ng~i Some Secretaries pointed out tJiat the Fees of Government counsel were:.rixed at low r-ates and they did not take adequate interest in, State Cases •. :The Chief.~~c;r.e~y rernarked·that in Important.cases· sanc1tiori· c'oltld t,e ··obtained. trorp. Finance· Departm·en·f for eng1:1glng leading lawyers and that ~structions on the subject have . already been issu'ed, :: . · . · •· · . :~ ..

' • l w,,,-, . 0. • ~ ': , ,


./ . ' . . ; .: .. i':;· .. <._\' ·:_: .. ,·· s, , ....... ! • '. .· ···:,: .... l ·:·· . : ·_ :: 'l/ Subject·i Meeting with .Ad-Hoc 'Public Accounts Committee held under

the' Chairman~~~P _of f~.c~.Minister:Punjab at 9-30 AM on 23rd October/ 1982 in theL'Committee Room of Planning and Devel9p~ent Department.: , · :.·. · . ,. · ·

.... ··_•'. ···.' t.','''.. ' ,· Reference min:utes of the meeting with Ad-hoc .Pub~c Committee held ,under ~e,.9hairmanship of the Finance Miil.'ister~ Punjab, on 23rcf0ctober~ 1982 (copy, enclosed). .

I ':'. ·,.. I .

2.. Th~ ·sugges~ions in para 16 ·Of the' minu·t~s, amo~gst others, relate·to "Pray1:ing. the' Cour~s.fqr •uJ;,stanti4lcosts. in fase Gf adjourn- .. me~ts". You ·are·-'r~quested''to please issue -~ecessary instructions to .. • I

the lawyers appearing for Governmen.(acQOrdingly ·un~er intimation to this Department~ · _ ' · · , · ·

· Copy of letter No. Gen:5-23/83,/f;,3 .dated the, 2n4 J~uary, 1983 from Secreta.z:l.' to,~<>~jt~etj~.;¢·::t,h_~'. Punjab,,; ~8:W J)ep~rtment, Lahore to 'the Solicitor to Gove:rruneht of .· the· Punjab'~ Lahore. .


. I


... -


)~ 1

·:· • ~ : ;·, ••. • ,1, .. i1'.;.-:·,:' •.

tr ;j~l!'~;ti I -

,, I••', . , ... .:: .. ;~.-

t ,· -, ;

. "I ' .

. _ _., : _ _ Assistant Secretary _ .for S~re~ty, . Provincial Assembly ,·of the,. P\mjab . . ' . . ·, ' .

abOVEt • '

Encl; A$

· ... ,}, .. \.

::->;1 .' . f .. . "MIAN ABDUL HA YE

'The Acc~~tant Gen~r.;l, Punj~b, Lahore. : . . . . . - : -- ,: ~. ,·. ..~. . . . . '. : . . . . .. . ..... .s.

'I ,

2. : . '·Th~ Dire'ct~r. <len~r~ •, Audi~ . & A~co~ts 0(Works),.:

: Lahor.e .:

.•. ,<;"

- 1.·. ·,.; AU-tbe. Admiiiistrati~e-.Secretaties to - - . Government .Qf:'the: ~jab./· IA.bore~

I .--,_ - - ."' . ·. - ' . - . '; ..... - . . , ., '

__ . A:.copy,. a}<>p~~thJiv~ c.<>pies _qr ~e M~UTES 9f: th_e·utr~~ ordbifl,ry·meetlng1of)the'Ad0hoc; P.'A. c. · held 'on 20-10-1982, 1s· forwarded for· lnfor.tnatlon ~nd·necessary action tor-. .

· r

. i,. ~·.:

No. ·& date . even

: __ . _. .. , . . . .. ,, ~. . _ Assis~t S~c~e,ry . . _ ~ _ ... , . · , for Secr~tary~: Provincial Assembly .of the Punjab· ·· ,., En~l: As above .. , , : ... , .... -- ·- . ·.. .. ,

. ' ·'·· •. '· •.• !

Your obedie~t servant· . ' .. I - ,- .,.'•. 1·

-·; MIAN·: ABDUL'liAYE· .

. .. -: '


Subj~ct: .: ·.·Meeting ·91 the:A!dhoc P.A.c •. ·- MINUTES .of'lbe'.:~> .: .. . • ·-:·:: ., \~~. , •.. -. •• :'' __ , ', •• · •• ; ,· -~ • ,. .. ~-~ •. ·.-_ .-· . ' • • ••• • .·.: :· .". ·.. . -_._-. . ','.· .s-: . /j' '\· 1;.:

S_J.r:i ',_--(: I I . • ,: ;,.'·

;-! ( .: - /~ f •. ; ) iJ! < , _· .· . I ~ . .: . '.,- - \°:" ~ , ,

. . I havtt.' the· honour tcf etlcl~se ~ . fdr your in£.9rma.tJon, a1 copy of.. , ·,the- ~JNtrri::s;·or ·t.b~::,airaordinary meeting of .-the- Ad hoc Public· . >·AccountsCommitteebeld: on 2oi:.1o"Tt982. · '. -- '. '.· -. ·._ , -i

. •' :·, . ·. i . . . ' . . . ., • . . .-.:· . . - . . . ·.. /·.. • .... .. \ ·, ,.

·nated LAHORE/ tbJ23rd October.1982 '-: ,:,. ~ ,, '

'. · . M,$.nber • - ,.'.··· - .. ' .. ·,

-, Me.qiber.

' ' '*~ Alhal. tgi111Wai~.11at>Jb ~ur-aahmatt . - ·,.·;_. , .. - ... ' • ... -.>. ~. . .:. . ·:. ·. {.: ·. _: .. .. :. . . . ..

·5: ChFaten· Muti.:mtnact

'.'.• : . ·•. . .. ~ : ·Member

. : ; \

r- • \ ~~ r

. a. Mia.rt '.Atidul .R~$h'id, I . ': .. ·. ·~ ' . . '·· .;,· . ·,. . .. ,'. . . .. . . ,,\

\ .

\ I .,',

. .· I.~ (' ; . ,1_ ,' • •"; . t , I Member~·,·.""'·.-: .. ~:_.4· •. -·'·::· ~- :, '. ' . . .. '· .

, .. , • ~· ·1 . \ : : . '· ., .• ·/ •••• ._., -: t.

; \ From , Mr Muhamm.a;d Mahputi ··'Abbasi . . ", . : . . , :1 I ".". : l . l,. J, • '. ". • •

· Secr'~?,.r,y. . · . :: : ; .. : .. : , . ·,. : , . . . . . , . · , ·_ .Pt'ov'frieiai .Asferilbly of'.-th~(~Pun 'ilb- . . . ~ \.;' . . ..., . '·.,:. ; ., ''· ,:" ; =: v' - , ,, . -~ l.<

•. Ttj \ -: -1. Miarf M.:Arshad Rri~ain' '·f 0:J-.;-~-, :~-· •:j(./Y'. ·· .2.• M·r·M-~£J.Kli~n' \. ' , ~. .

: ,,: -: . _,.,.' .,:.·

I !'1 ·'

I ,

- I

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• I

' -

· . Deputy Secr,tary . . . ~ Proviilct~·As,rembly of~~ Pwij•ll

• ·! ·:'" .-,- ·• I .. _.- • ' ,-._, . :· .. ·: ,·"- ·• - ,:~ • . , ·_,_ .,

> · . SA:F.DAR ALI $BAB; . 1 ° I . i ,·' ·- i . ·.-.-, . i· ,;\· t ': • '. •_' • '


The 20th Oc:tobel" 1982

..., .. ,, -, ,• • -'!'~

d~slred that all the AdministrativeSecretari.lls·-~.y· ta:~e.-•~t!rih ~·the ' I ' . . . - ; ., ' ; . . '•- •

. _,' ' ·' ... · .'.~- i· - _-_,- ·. I - - ._ - - _-;- , ,·- _,,_--., .' _I ... •.

light;·thereof for subm!Ssion oi '\yorldng Papers ln fu~,e/ ? ' \: ' ', •, .· • . •·.'I' .· .. ': ' ,- ' , , / ··, , ' . • , ''.'\, ....... ,<, '

··Tlle ~~port J orriis AJUitXUJ.tJ~f to these>MINQTks.. < ,.c. •

.. -, ~-·.\. ,· ."

.. . Com~ittee !'~gaJ,"ding \\Jtucatiorf <>f )Vork!ng .'Papers ,in·tc .Oompli8'.lce!

. Repor~ ~d · ~lift ·Par~sL;~:; pr'esentecf t~ the- d~zrimitt~e. fo~ 'tis.· ~;n,1· .. · . · , ' '. I '. .,· .•. ,.·. ··.· ·:'· • ..._ .;. · .• •. • ; , • , • .: •.. <:': •:, ·'·i~ '.

det~Jion ()~ 2.0t·l0'.'"!982. Th~·Committee approved1th'e Report and: ... . . ,•,_ . ' I ~ .- . . ' ·, . . - ~- \ ~ •,: . -, , , - .,.. / , --' _- '·. , ,

_,... 'M - \ ' • ; ,

"' b,.; ;:-·· \ ;

'•Y. -, ., • \",:~.)·;

:: . . ' . . .· . ' \;; '_ . . -,,.. . . . ' .. . ; . '· . . ~· . . . . . . M:r- Safciar Ali Shah; Deput,f·S~cr,~tary, ·.<· :Acting Se~retary t~ , ..

. ProvincialAesen:1.blY: of, tbe P.unje.p , ) . the Comrp.ittee 1. • • • \', .•

. l ~- ••

. ' ~ .. Member Ch Fateh .Muha:r.ninad · , . 5.

Membel" 4. · Alh~j ·KhaWaja Habib·~·-Rahman


~~be .. r, .. · ! ,,..-- • ' " i'

2. ·· , . Mr·~. z. Khan

a. ' M~.Abd~l Rashid

Chatrm~ .. \ . . ' . ·, •, ~ '

\ . , ·- ~-''' • I

M1an M~.A.rshad B~ain. ·. '


... - .. _,

.. .The following· attended:;;. I ,

I ,' . -

\ '. ', ' • !,

. · .133


' • ~ t •

,·._ r. ~· ,.1 ~-:r .1/

·~ ·· · · ·:The Repo~t of the, Su~ ,Comm;lftee of the Ad nee ~ut.tlic Accounts ~ ·

l. ·,. .. , I

A proforma 1n which the Comp.J.ia.ncf Report should be prepared by the.'Departnient~~ is ~ttacbed. ::This _may be issued to them. with a circu~ letter 9:sking ~em to furnish the Compliance Reports ;for the next q~rter by. 31st December -1982 ln·'this P:r6fOJ'ma .and also : making sur~ tha:t all ate~ ha:ve been taken in order to implement

' I the'. decisions of the Committee. . ' 1''


It ls accordingly r,ec,:omqie11ded · that" this,.-procedure be adopted especially as ·it has::J)l"OVed, S1fCCessfulwith·r~"td to the, Federal . Government. The meetings to' consider the Impl~mentation Reports "I

: should :btt held every quarter-an~ a- .rev1ew me~ting ·may be :held · . I after ·two rounds of such meetings in .order·t> see how· far the proposed system~-ha~li.,been succe5:sful or ;what otl}er measures. 'can be adopted in . order to have. matter,& expedited. ~ .

- \ ' i . . . ,

",(' . . ... ·;1.

. . . . ., . . i . ' . ' - . . . !

The matt,r wa.s discussed at length and it was· con1:Jidered advisable that the pr<iposal made by :the Director General, Audit & Accounts (Works) should be accepted, in.. that lt would result in 'focussing the attention of the Committee ·on· tti'e compliance of. ·PAC"s directives -.nd

'would help to clear old .outstanding objections expeditiously, In addition~ the Committee woul~ be in~ positiop. to ccncentrate on the current Draft Paras. · · · · · ,

.Accounts Committee.

; . . 1

order to co11sld~r .the question of bifurcation- of Draft.Paras whlcb ~re / . .

.. yet to be conside~ed by 'Ule Committee and ImpletnenULtion Reports on • . . 1 . • • I ..

the Draft Paras. on .which directives have been issued by 'the Ptibllc ,- . . . . ,• . ' ·- . '

'"i .•.•• ·., .• ' ' • ~ '_ 1 r. ·: r -,. :


A meeting of the ~ub C6~Iriittee was .held in the Library 9f the ,

As·s~~l:>ly Building1 .at 11 .a. m. -on' Sund~y. th~ '}:?th' bctober:1982 in . ' 1 , , • . •

1, ~ "·\ ., ., ...

'\34 I I

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. ' . . 't''·.·, ',

,·· ,, ·,

,•,. ',''I \ . .-

Sec;re~'ry -Provinclal_Asseml;>_iy of.the Pun~al>

~' ·;, · •.. -, {r'. I

.i - '-·

. : ·.

• > I • •,"· .. ,!

:,. ... •. · .. , • f •- •• ;, • -,~ • ., ~ ·. ' ~ - I. . . • •

v ' \ ~ ' ~ ~

·_· ; .. i-~ directed to sti~e 'tha:1;_ a number of cases,have .. come up before the - ~ - ' . _', ' ' . . . · .. ;-··L ''-'. . . . . . .·. · .. - . ~ .: .... -, . . . --:.- .. · . . . .. . .... · , . -· ·. . ,. ..

. . . Ad ~~c· J~ublic)\9.c;oµntij. >Cd,ni~i~~·- ·1µ·_.th~ shape _of• Draft. ParJtS .. "1heresome . - . ' ..... ::~i,·:·: ... /;,,\ .. • .-.~, - ', .. ',, _;._ ~ ...... :.· ... ,,.._·, ·· .. ·.·\- ,, .. · ..". . : •' ~ · .. ". . ' . ": .. ~; .. · .

, -~· cases :~ref pen4irig irivesi,.g!:lt~o~ 'with the Anti-c'orr~pUon Establls~ent.for , .. " ., .·· . ·. . . . . . ,·. . ,

. . . . ; ; · ... ~ ': :,_ . :

more:iha.~ 'a y~ars. ·.'rhe inordln~te· delay 1n· 1nvest.tgation by tiie .t\_qti-C.orrup- . . ·:;:L> : .:_,.. . . .. < , ._: .. ·: .-\ ~ - . . . . . .· . . .... , ··.·.. - .. · . .· tion.E$:tablishtn~nt has -, been vieweC, $eriously a.nd the A~ J19c Public Ace,ounts .

• • :· ~. 1 •• ~ : • ' • ' • ;, • ~ :' ,.c -'.; ' '. . • ; . . -~ ' ' ::. ·, . • '_ :

Committee have desired to.'have· com'plete details of such cases so that the ~ ' ~··' " • • . .:· / i '· '' ·\ . ~ ' ', ', __ 'i.~ j ~--·.... _;· -~·- - ,.· _·' .. :---- , .,: .. :- ; '·:.\' '·. ._ .. ;/_ \- ,' . '., .· • • ~ '. • ,' · .. I.,

matte:t' is -takei,i up with ·the: AritJ~Cior):-uption .Es·tablishment for early finallsa- ,, ...• •• •·· •. :::'.: r. '/: •. _,: .-.: ;. /.~>-.>~:-. -. .. • .. ··, ..... \· I.' I ;

.tioil~of,inv~stigaUon'\J'.aml:~(),;,r.Et~U~Sfyou kind~y_tcisend us lists 1of such cases - · .. ·· .. : .. :,:-._'· .. ••. :· .. 1·. ,. :'. _,:-.];·. ', ) . . . . i_· ..•.. :::r::;~d:!:v:~:s: t~' r'eaehr A$semb~y Secr,etarla~ by ~e 1561

. . ' . . .. ;'. ·t . :, ;_(·.,.. .:- .. ,.. .,1 .. ;, : ,, Your obedient ser~nt

--~ !



Sir ,,.

' i. ,. "~ • ' , \ •. ' ' '


;· ,. . . . . ~: ~ ' l J


. . . . ~- .: .. : .\·'. ,_ .·.:.. ·.; ... i\~~- ~ . . . . ,· .. ' .Dated +d\lf OR.:E~ Jh.e l2th January .1983

''\- , . ' •- . - .,. ..•. · j ..... ''.

v, -~

I•"·.· I ·.

. . ..:·. ';_ >_:;-.' . '\'.'

TOP PRIQRI't-¥. : ' . 't ·.·.. ,· ·-; ' .: ' ; ,, . · .. _:-,: .; . I.· ..•

PROVINClAL,ASSEMBLY OF THE'lroNJAB No·, PAP:lP]fa.s;4,(Jeti /.77 -79/83-/233 ~ '· '': .. .

..._ ,'., .,'- '." ·'., _: . s . . .. ;",.°' .: ·, • .~r , • . ' '· :,\ " , , :· . .'· , ,

' . . -, < ': ': .·· ;: ··t. ,, ., 1· . . •. ·. .

.· From ·Mr M-uh.a.thinaci'M'ahb'.ub Abbasi . ,· · _: . Secr.etary ,) ·>· 1 : .. ~- .: . . ': · ...

· · .r Provµi¢~l 4ss~bly c,l the .Pgnj~b • ' -', !-- ~ I • '. -' ' .. ·. ' • . ' •

.. : ' .. ;;., . : .> .. :· ... '': '· ~ " . . . '; ; To ALL 1'ItE;:ADM1INISTRATIVE SECRETARIES 'TO ' t·· • ,·' ••· ..... ·.·_· • ·. . ... '.: I,· .• , .... ·, • . ·. . .

GOVlCRNM·ENT; OF 'l'1HE PUNJAB,. .. . . . _ '.LAHO:R~< . . . . .


· .. ,; 1 I

-. ( .·

'' - .·,·

'\ .;·

• I

Se~retary: Provincial Assembly df the ~j~b .: , ..

I ,_ ,. . .)

M.lJflA;l\'11\llAD MA,HB UB ~BBAS·I • .. ·•· . ! ••• I~ • \ : ·._ -: 1 •

\ .• , , \"' ·, 'I


.. ; . .. • .. ·_ . . t .. . ·.... > . . ,£-

The ,Secretary to ·µQvernment; Pµnjab/. , . Filul.nce D.epartlhe.rlt (Monitoring Cell);, .J,.,ahore. . .· . . .·' " . ,. . ), . .


Copy !orwarded to: - · 1 ·, . . .. . L. .

1 •. · . The Chairman · and. Members of the . . . Ad b<>c Public ,A¢c.<>un'ts Coininitte.e. '~ '. ' 1.

_:: . ·~ ...

. ! - .i ,No. · &· date even

Encl: As above • \• c .·• • - •.• ;. '

1\ . . "'.. . ~, .

MUHAMMAD 'MAHBUB. Al3BJ\Sl .. · ;· ' \ , . .. / ;

. . · Secretary . Pr:ovinctal.Ass.einbly/•of the''Punjab ·: .. ·

. ' . ' . . .. . • ' . : ~J ; ' ·,~ ' ..•

' .\·

.,(".,. .·· • /'; I·.

, ....... '.


. ,. -I

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I ··• . • ' ,.:. ; I'

( ·. • ,.· .• ,·.. /., .:.. . • . •. .• . . •. '.1 ... \ • .:.·

, rR.OVi~CIAL ~ASSElVIBl.iY OF. THE PUNJA:B . . .. . . ...... , .. ,H ••• "N:P~.ItM!_/PJ!C/)k~sc/8~/.2'fi4>·' ·· '·-<. r-, • 1 '.•.,:.:·' ·-. ·. .. __

·--)··,' !' .. ··:;,.-~<;;~:.<; ;.'. :,;/:\· .. -r, :- ·-- \·: :;·':· - • - __ <.«>. ·. •. :_y . .' · From "lVfr Muhamm·a4 Mahbuo··Abbasi . - 1--

• 1 Sec~etary"-.. ,. . Provincial Asse,:zj.bly _of the PupjaQ .

' . . . .· . .~ \.i,).:•. ·,. ~- . • ·:.:_;:.,,_~-.· .. ···: ' :1:; :~~}:i ·,:.:.:.(-.:.~:,'it;'~·.·•.,;:_~(;-~·:.:·,:·~~·.:,·.·., ... ~·. '·.--: .. · .. ·:.~ .. ·~~:-: \:

To · .:. .-.,. ·.- ·, -T-h~Chairm·ait'; · . ·~ ·.. ., .<·.. ·. · .: , -.41 ::n' t-=-.fi:}·t, rl;',.f'·:. ~i ., ... •1 ..-~ ~ ~ ... "'. i..- -. . ••• .,.::. ~,-.~,:r. - · ... .::. · :: · --Planning'. an<}, ®velopm'ent ,;e9ard

9ov.errunent~ot; ··tlte Ptinjab '<; , ' ' ·~ ., .

. ,;~ i;}~ah.fl~~· .. ; .. >,'.;~,;:::.; ( ,"" ·. -: i ,·· .. ·'.. . ,';• ~·;:.~ .J,:'. '· : ; . ',.· .,:· ·i':·· ·. ·, .• •. ,i' • ' '· ' ' .• ·. ,,,.-.:.:; .. • .. · .. · ' . ,·· . \' ,''. ·,, -,' ,.

· .:1.(.,, .Date_,d.~HOR~, ·tti~.--~~thJanllar.y.' 1,983 · .·. :,,;·'.· ·~ •· :;·

01':'. ' ~• • ~ 1 • , • • • • .,..'_~·-.(·~'~:. ,.•/• • I ' • ··~:.,. {• '.i,. ,.'•.· .. :• '·I.,· .. '·.\

·Subje(?t:··· '. :.t)ISP.QSAL OF.Sl)R?t,US S1'.0RES·ifJY·-SPECJAt;··; · · •1·.- .;.,·. ~ \· < 1.liisPQSA.L GOM:~IT·1;EE. , .' .. ·.:_ ~ : .· ·.

1: • ··:~.· ,

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"s1· . ''.i•:. r- • : ,,,· ·.:;.:;.:·.;< . r: · ... , .. ,.· .. . ·\· .,:_.~: .. ··•· ·•··. • ,\ ... , .• :·,~·;.. •·• •.•.• _~1:'· -·· '..· -. : •... ' :·.·:'.·.:··.. . c- _· .. i_. •• ,.'.·. ··.:"'~ .·-::."· .• ·r·.··:-.'

·•:·: ·•· i. ";I-~~-dp-ect_e.4 ·tRi~~~os!·a cqpyJ~!.1.~\·':~n1;tryis· ·o.t _tllf1~e~t1ng . · pf tll~ Ad ,hoc1 Pµbilc AcpQ\Ults Committee· he'ld ~~·. 6-1:""1~8.3 ~d·t!ip·

I stat~,: th..at :\\'llile ~d~cus~mg: Para'. 12··-tor' the·y~li:r:'.19'l9~TU:, ~,r:e)a,t4tg to It~~gs .·.Dep~rtnienti )it,.wa~ n~ted- wi~. c~n~·e~ned:, that .,lff;pllJ'- stores; w·c,rtll, X.¢s of ·t1J.1>&el1· coUld .. nol b~- '~is~~seti;pf f~r · the -~~~t :flt:>· · ~:anY ·.· .

. l'~~~:r.e,\H~~g)n hea"'.'y f~c18:lloii,s t'"o ~ov.e~nm~nt. ]t ·wa- ~obrt,~d' , qut by 'the. Departm.ep~. tll~t a,.Co~1nlttee -stood a~~ady . cgnstituted ' ·· fo~ ;thEt. <iiSROS~l. of machinery~ Th~ ~bUc A:ccounts C~mmitte~·'·t~lt

·· t&af the same ·99IDmittee' znay tdso examine the c,ases for, e~tly . · dis·posal . of. surplus att>res;. l am t() requ,st" ·you .. kindly . to 111ee yo~ .·

· w~y ·tcf I bring ''ihe surpl~.,- st<>tes unde:r the ¢view' of :the Comin1ttee ·. con,atituted for' the .d1$pQS,al of :unf:1¢rvice.able m.a,chinery,. Necess~ry_ advice ·may' kindly Qe·is$Ue<i in 'this· behalf• under' !nt~at1911···to···:tbis · .. Secretariat.· ' . · · . ,.. · ·: . · ·

.. '\\

. ,137

l. t,

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I .

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,.· I .

. -· ·, . '

_I?~/As ~ov~

_ " Secietf!rY.\ . . . •· Provincial Assembly of the Punjab · ·. ·

'_ .... ,· .·.-:. ., .....

MlJRA.MMAD MAHBUB AB-j3A'SI .. ~ .. • . . . , c . • ~- •• . . • '

Your obedient i;1ervari.t: , . ',_: ' 'I

' . .. . i-.c · 9.fted LA}iOR~~ ~~ }3th J·anu~t;Y.'1983 ·~. : ', .:' _ . ..._ · :(: '' ' . • - \,;, ,. .. •. I l • :·, ,: . ..+-.,.,. :":_,---',.,,,-. ;, ', '\,...: ... • '·', • .. • • :. ·,'

- Sub;i~1ct, ·; . , ·•· ' REPOM.MENPA'l'lONS .:oir .. :AP · H()Q·,,p·f@tle; ~po'.dUNTS ~ · ··:; _.,'.:'_ ... : .. ·.· .COM?4!£TEE,DAJ'Eill'1-3-19,2 . . : ', . , ... ·... . . . •j''

.n,.~~--· ·~ i ··._ .. :.4!" _;~ .. ~·:_~·-.;}_::-::-·;· .. , - - ··:t.:~,-,;t ·"~,~.: ':;,: ... ~,,~ · .:": r~:"j·\. ~ ·.JJ~·· s1r;, . . .. . ,:·, . . . ... . . . , .: r, ,t ; ·.:6~::~ 1 :··::· ::-,;,(,::/: ·,'\/."·::'/: :.·-.,:_ .... ,:.~)::~;(/ ' _I ' . ,. . c ·' : ·-<

·: 1-am t~ .dir6cted, to· eµclose 'a ;iC<>_py: «;>f -~ ~~ra~it · of M.JNQT~S : , · . .,, . ._.. }_ . , ·.· • : -~- . ·:·. -\''• ,· ... : ·.,. , - r... ..; •. · . . ·,.:'-:' ., ' .' '. ·... - ' ,:,; ·. I:_ •. : .·...:.... . e : ~ ·_._ .. •·. • !'f"_ -- ; ,·. •.

Of tbe•meetfilg.~f the>J\d ~O~·P.ubli~·~~~()~~ :clo~itte~-dateq · l:7~-3~19-72 . and\a ·~<>~Y·.~, l\f iNU't~ ~f '.Ad hp'~ .. Plililic 'A;¢(:O~~-- t:~nilij~itef)·''dated/ .' --~::\.t~

, ~ , · ., _, • I • • .,. I • ' - • •

6e.lr~fl83_.ap.d to stat~· th,atW.hJl~.d-~CUJUJing Anilx .. j2 fc,r the ye,ar .. f998~59. · • - • • ' ~ ' - • ., • ' ·1

. ' ~e,lating to B~diitg-, o:epartirient, :.the" Cba.Jrman; ·Qf the·A:c:i ~-()C Pubi;c:, . .., , I .;·::.- -.j:,:,::·:A'.:''_·> .•·,\., _--_._: ··_:· · .. •- ·-.·~·~\/=.:~_1"'.t·_.><>:\,.':.t~· .. ·:':·· ~ ... -··' /.,_.,_ .. ·-·_. __ .. ,-/·_· _ ... ·,"_,.J:,.~---~··~-·?: .. ·'_'.-~-i:;.._·-~1·:- ':··i:" · .4ccowit•·c'ommitte~,. ~esir~d t.o kriow:w~~~er ~~e:comQiendaUon\of-· . '.

. 'P.ubll'e :Accpun~s:Qommf~eerd~ied'17~3~l972 we~elir'ougbt tQ'·the:·~otice . . . '· .· : . - ·: I . ~ - - , . . . -.- . ,' - ,_ -. . - . . . . • ' . - .. : . :· ' ·,· . • I

·· or Gover~or ·:run.jab .or qof llll~,. if so, . witµ "'hat r,esu!_t •. $in5e_ ~~ _Ad. lloc . Public Ac~o~ts Com~!tte~ -~a~. th~n w~rking: in. Fhl~n·c:e Depa;:~erit.:

. . • . .. . .. ·.· ·; .· . I .· ... · . , , . . ' ... . " .. ·.· ,ft\~.<>µl.~ be•·~· a better·· position fo ihr'ow light ·~ thi> '-observatiotl$ (~~ - ... · .,_~_.- ;' I, - _.- - • ,I,_ ' . . -~· _;: ·/·· .. · ·.,.·.: ' \:.· ~ -. I :-- ... '>: ;· .... , ,-

:, ~e Chairman J>,JU>llc Accounts Committee. 1 • , · . ,\ • f' ' : ,_;--~,: -,,,_ ' I' ·,,·'. ·~ ·~.

1 ·An early reply til .req1,1ested~ ·· · . . .( .... ·. .. .. . . . .

l'o .. • 1 ~ •

: ?'.-'. ,,~:. .·:;;Jt~i_.:;.:.'. \I:'::/:·':,':/·.'• ·:t,3'9. ! : .. : •. ( .· ,,< , . <t .. ~'' ~ t,:':~· ..


' ···:.·.:_Np, "', PPi:P.{F~~PlMA~.ct,~3/263· · . · ·· '· · .. ·i , . . ; Frori{i ·,-. ···Mr.MuhJmrnalMilibub~A'bbasi: • " .. "/' i.

s_~er~tarY.:-'.';_~ .: ~ ',· '( '. :,: ~:/: ; ,'.? >· .. . : /. . ' . ; . ·, . . . . . . . : - ' c;i,. :;

Prov~c,ia.l A$sernply of the· Punjab ., . . . ~ . . . .

'a~ ·•,., >: fr.·~ : ~ ·:~ f • ~ .' ':. • .: ' .- • ' : ;;', .

• I ' The: Secr~tary}_o, GQVjernm~nt,., . Punja.~- ... -: '.~. <>~,· .. ~: · :F-Jn.a,.nce D~P!~)~nt:::··· ··· .. ,~·., il":.i. _;~ ···, · · · . · . . .

.• ~- . : ·- . .. . . - . -· . . '



. I




I · 1

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', .. 'I -- 'I

~J .!. •• : ' i..

•' ~ ' defer:red.



.· Th~ Committee,,,therefore~-: d~siredthat bis·-caee. ohould.be1 refer~ed·

·.\o the G~ve~rior of Punjab ~~d the int~ntiona1 delay.oh the parfo{ .. . ·,. . .... . ·. ~ ~ . ; . . ~ . ·., ,.

.. ··'.· . the D.e19~r,~;ment, should be brought ~:irect -to his notice, .rhe1 ~x:~ ,w~s.

it reflected no great ·credit ~n 'the efficiency or'·the adiriipistration ·as 1, - . . .,· .. , . ' . ' .

. · I . ·. \- . .. .. , . . .. ,_ ~~~- : . ,j ·.··: - ' . ", ~ .. '~_; '·, .,_. ~'""' : , ...... ·.~·. -i' .~- t';. ·-· . ·.·

no clear ~vidence of callou$ness towards · publi~ money· was' required. ; .: ; \ ,. - . :'· . . ·'.'_, ·· .. :

1958,-59 and although the present' Corb:mittee_ had.been. ~~e~t~g all_'-. ; . t ~ ! •

. . '·. ·-~··:-., ·;,:·. ;, . ··~··· _' ',. ; ··./~,' ·.:·1. <:· ·;.,.. . . ! • ~ • . : • I -~·_._ ! '

pre(;IEJUI'e during the last two -aod a half y,ears to ', get the ai~-tter ·: ; • . ~ ·' • -~ • - .\( ' ' ' '•;. ' '., I -, ··r·' • " .J; \ •' .

firia~,~d, th~ - pepai±u.p~~t bad .been ·~~ntinu~~slf.:.n~gllg~nt~ '.Ob~io~s}~. . ,. . . " " ,.. ·.· '. J . ..__· r


.· i, ,, l f










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. ..· -'· ' . - ··.· ~· ·. \ . .. '. -~ -· . .. . . . . . . - .. .: MINUTES'OF·THE MEET.JNG:OF '.l'I:tE AD·HOC PUl3LICACCOUNTS

coMMiTTtE HELD iN THE .co1YI'MrrT:EE -R6o,n·-aF· TaE-~PUNJAB ~~ ' • ' . • ,I ,/j -'' ,, ." _\ • I --'. "\ • ,-_- \ :- ' •, .,• ' '·i

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: . ·-.~~. \- . ; '.- · __ ; :_..,:_~~·.-re~a~~jh ~mn~{:~f,e :~; '~//~f.· ~e A~µ_Jt· Re.port Jpr _,th,fyear;: 1 J~ .. -,·9 .. :~c -.:· ~: ·- (' ',. ,_.-~_:· _:. ~q,ss,_ ofs Rs,·_3,·_39{·1~01-~--··;a~-,~.,.-~ce's_s.tv,(·,~ee1,1ot ·~-ek',.'i:o~,,' ':"'_ .. ;._ - ·_.. e :

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:.'·,.:. -~ ;--.: ... :\.;~· .ffit:·~.~:~~~~s ·~~J,ee1~tll)~d~;::;,:~~y· ~i-roptd, b~ ... :got. ~r-~;ed.· ft:~~. ,ucUt~ · ,\·.~,.:; : .. ' ... 'r· .;,-, ,\;;:Wfie:re~·.'fl'le iecovetie&:_"ha'd· noLl:h.ieil: :el'fect'ed"or'-"J~ey ·:we-i-e:m;~~cees/ · ;, · .. _,,· , ... . ,·\' ." ;, .. ' .-., .:~""'e'' ··~a:a.~<lr·"'~~- i,;;1'14,;,k ' ~..:..;.:"'1;,:.::i;.:;.r.i:1'2~;·.:~;- if! ,,. '.zi-1·'a'· /;i,·.~-. -j\~d··,:.+'·f.' ;";,l"..-:·: . ::: - ' : ,'· '·-.- "', '-; ':'.- ·.- ·,, .. ::- ,' .. · ~·.r,,a· .':r' -~,:;p'tp-A~~:_y-eH.L,u.,.i;U;l".e..vv ~'5;0 .... ,:ver ... '& e ,,tl"UJ:UI ~M ....... · .. ·: .. -,\. \, ·, . 1 ··>/·~ ~:'.: '., ~:. ·_.t;:\·:,~·'f.:.:\ ,}·2:\~~?f,·.\~:~i~~>{r;:::::~if-,~/:)\ .. ,'({/ .. ;.~.,~i-·.it::~:.'.·.-.i.:J.:-'·:: ·\>-::(<\,·-:··'.1-,i •. ~ :·.~i r·~ . ..,,,.':-.'. ;-.,

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'~;::;~;~;~fiiltlliifi11fl&18~{;i~~;:~: ,;(}'., ,.\ :::,:~dJlde~/itif1if~t{$;i'ti~ittfl1tnt\}rii~·~l':~a-~ie-pf'~Jiffi.tig-1~ ',':._':}?;}: ''\7< <:~· .. ·',.;,

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,• , . : \ I

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.z-~.,. ¥"l. ( MIJJIUIIIU1 SIJ)l>IQ~) ·

.• . • I .

1>1.rec~r oeneral. 1A1.MU..t and Aooounts Wor1t1, secretary, • .~,,: . t • • '

F•o• Dep~erit and secret&l"7, fro·~oial Ass•bly, f.oJ", tbtil' contribut,ion, :~elp and &$1siatauce in prep~in.g

. tbe report. .

3. l may take t'~.l• opPort~ty to . assure you

t!lat ti-a. P:row.».eW;Gov-erameat. aball ~·~ .act1on·on .. ··. -; ".: -, _.·- . ·' ',' ' .. , . .

tu report . Pit .pt~n.t:, . basis.

-~"" 141:~,,

.. . .

Pun~al,,,. tor preparin.11 tbe r~port.·. I h,&ve also ;,o request . tou· 'to please convtl.V GOV'el'llOr 's tbt.i.nka ·to ~· Member& . '

f)t ·t.be Committee., the Acoountan, General.1 Pun3ab.,

2. T.h• GOVem9r Plm3ab hd' ••• tu · repon. I am VJ'iting to t~ )"OU On bebalt Of the GoYerDC)r

:-·i . . .. , ..

.: • ~ • ' ~ !"

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:~· .. : ; \ 1 ••• ' ' •• L •

:p.o.xo:, s •. o.cL>. CI&e>-20/83. ' •I . ·". """'

... ,..... .. ... . . .... ...... .. - -· . -

__ , .;_.;__......, __ ......, ......


.. "~

f. ,

,· . \

. . . P. T. O • . ,

f v •

. . ., . . . Deputy Secretar.y · · .. for Secretary J Provincial· As11embly o~ ,e Pulljab

' .. ,.

. s.AFDAR ALI SHAH . ·, ._.,· . !

. I

I ·• I Your obedient servant I I'·

. \. ' .

'If is, the.refore; requested that a reference. to the

· Draft Para should inva~iably be given in ,respect ·of. each case •

.. 1

Public Accounts. Committee.

· In t<>ntinU:ation o{this Secretariat le,tter·No, PAP/PAC/Gen/ \ I' •, .• ,•

I ~ ,· .; ·~?1• I~.~···.::;: .. /_.'_: ' -- ... = >. .•

·. 77 ... 79/83/233; dated 12.::1 ... 1983, on the subject rioted above, l have

,., th~ i;,011omr to -~~Y)h$t n~~es0s_ar.y. ~9rm.a.t1on. 41.r.espect ot only those ,) .: ,,,~,..t:~ •/ ''-,.,' :· I <:'','f .... ('!.'"; .- I:~,·-.,< ·"c_,.l :.-: ~·,:·. :_'.,~ ~-··.::·.C·'~' • • . , -. ,.' · .. ·a, .

easea pending investigation W~'f:h the Anti-C<>rru~tlon Esta.blishme~t.

. . . ,for more than 3 years 111 · required which ~re co~e~ted with any

Draft Fara of the Audit .Report, unde~ c.onsideratlon. w.ith the Ad hoc . . . . . ~ ' ' ' .

• i. From~,..:; , ,., .. , :J1t ~1*,m.m~q,~a~l:>.1:l~i .i,).]:)~-~-.s,i, . . , · ~·"~··-h ·· Secretary . , . ··. ··. ,., · ·· ·. ; r •

. ·· , · ;···F.:~t,~~¢~1;:A~~~·~ly,~(.~'~\P~jab_' .. ) .

PROVJN IAL;ASSEMBLY OF THE PUNJ)\.:;1:3· . .; ... ~~:_: . .-::\··.· No. PAP C. Gen 77 ... 79, .8.3 87.8

' .-.·:. !: .. : . .-,· '.' ... · .•. ",' . .•. •

143' · 1'


. I

. I

-, ·. . ·: .· .. '\

.. ·· ...... ~

. . ·

. :·, De.puty Secr-etar-y' ' for Secr~tary, Provincia~·Assembly of, th.e Punjilb

, .•j'/ ·.· 'f( ·-5., : .

SAFDAR · ALI SHAH- .,.· .. ,. ,.:..- .

.• :~<I ... /·: _ ..... ••• • . ~ > '-;,

. ·'


.... -·" .... i ._. ·. ', ',

· A copy is · forwarded to: - \. __ ·,. ';_:·_.:/ •.. ,_·. I·.··· - y . ., .r·· ·· .. ~ .

.,. . . :.-~. '-: :.:~ ·r-·:.,;_. :" ~ . • -: -.

The Sectton Offlc~r (Genera~),, Governtitept,a.(., .. the Punjab, · Agriculture De~rtmept, with· refer.en~~ ·Uf,1iis Ietter No. B&A(Agri)9-3.9 /78, dated 15-2-19,83"._-,: .. ,, 1)·· •• ,

• . . . ···. • .. ::·. ;.;. · ::,_ - ·i . \Y.' . ~ · ··: 2 •• '.2i .. lhe S~ctic>.;~ ... Offfoe~::'::(f"9:·9!"~.h _Gover~~9!i~~/~~ .Punjab,

-~ ·-:.·t ''S' _· S~. &/~I De~~",it;\fiihJ~,tf.ereric.e ~t~st~ttt~t . No. 'SO(Coord)4--7]8'3,· . d:a.te"d,. 2l.-2-l98a"~/:'· ;;·:,.,::. t:"-· i : .

' •. • .; • ~; ! • _;·;.· •. ~-··, .. :"1(~,-... . .. ·,, ... ~_ .. >.,.·.:· ·.~-. ···: ;.. _' -' ' ..

' ...... i'be inform.atlori ;ece~~.;d,f:~~in:. ~e~{il_~il~~~~;b?~~ the. number· · · of Draft PEir&is con.negied ;with ~aclttcase·-~nd·as such ido .not

--:-: :,:·, ·'\serve th~·'pur.pose. T)ief :are,-freq'ije~.~,~ tha:t the,, ~uJsite . information may kindiy(be. suppl!;~ -sbowing:J;µe_ number of Dratt ;Paras /Yefir. of Audit R~po_:rt,:;t \. \~~J'.- ';: · <. . . •. ,

• ",,J.'t'·;· . . -. }~. ':. \

.~ \ . '. J : __ ,._;_,.: .. :: ,_. No. · & date even ..

. . .. ···-·...: ..... :·



.. , I

.~ .. ':,

' e

·' .. I . ,. . ,: ~ l ''\. '..~ ... }i·· . ~.

··' .. , ... :;1;am:dkecfeddq'·for:wa~~·~'·qopr.'ofyie·mlnljJ¢S· ,{>f ·th~:mi)_et~g,. , , . . he~J>t.:the Finane~t·Min~,t~t. with: the,A~ ... ho¢,·~·.V~lic Ac.oo~ts; C.PP1-m.ittee

. :'°;d' AdminiStratiye Se~e~f~ :f~J;"· i,lfolim~\io.n, amf n~eS$9.ry:_Jii,C~~l, ; ' .· . . • .,_. 'l •\'lf, .•·· .. , .. , !... '' .. ~":'!·•1 ;· ;,~-~~ r. ·:· . -~: ( ·' ,. .. !. . ·,···: ... ,ii -~-:· ,•; •· ••

. . . · . :. > y · ·,. _,·- ·: .... ,- · ·;, ; .i, • Y'?~.~?_edi.e~t.s~i:v~~1:.··.:-·: :

' .·· ·) . '\,' ' ':':, " : < :"; qj,A~l:)ti~,¥:~~'\' ;i~' ;.) . · ... ·. · . ~,·. · .. ',, ·· .,.:;_~ •. c4.ffdit~pi\~l .. f.lnfi,iae;~.§.ee;reta:~Y:. _--; ·, .t ..

' • ... ),.I !. .,,, • .(Mgi;tit:9rln~). . ... '·,,/. ;>' '

·~· ·. : ...... :- .••... ; ·~ .. .. \_ . ,_ ... ,, .. ' .'·. ~. . ! ~ ... · - Sir ,,

.... , .. ::. . v..... ,.' ... ~.,, .. ' · . ·:·\····,. r.

a· '·•,,:, -• ·';_: • •

'SUPject: Minutes of the .tI?,eeting wl~ the Ad:~hoc Publia'."Accoun.ts . I .· . ·, .• CQ.a,.mittee/ held 'J.uider th~: Cbairnia~sbip. of .'the F'U>.allfle i< t1 '

· .. · _.:.: ;M.~ister_, P~;jbfb at:9-~.01J\.M~.:pti 23r:d'0ct9ber ;sa2 in· · :·~ '.:, ,. .. .· the Committe,i'Room\ of the Planning··& Development·Deptt: -

.~. · . .-:,· '.1 .. ·, ., .· · · 1 ::··..., .'' · •. • '! ' !..;' 1

·, ·; _': _-;·:.t~' ... ! ··:

:v .

· .. ),'••·,.I '.,.·I·

:.,1, ;, ......... . , ..

··.··... . .... ( ··~ ,.,:, ·.:. •.


·\. ......

( '· l , l

:• 1;

' , .. ·,'

. ,.

{ I :.',·1

• : • • l_ > . . .. \ ·.'· .. . :·· .. --. . . . . , . . .... ·.,.. . ·.. ·: .' -,,. :::-=;\.-:~: ..,: . < .:. ;; . ,;'.tP~tec;l 1Lahor.e;.,:t,tle 4tb, Nov.ember. 1982 .

.... · ; --···-· .. :· .. __ .·,; __ .'.:,. J , .. /::t,.;~ >'- .· ,_,;.·:·.: .. :::\,.-:,, ri·':1 :~·\·):.-' ··; ·:.--J·. . ·F;i-~rn : · .. ~~ .SecJ;"e~ry .to, . ·• · : . ; . , · _ · .. · · · · . .... , '" .. ~· ;-' ..

, · '.'', . .-,\ ':: ·.· ·: · . . ·Coyer.~·eflf t,f · ~,,. ,~~j·a.~·j •: .: :\.'- . ·. . : ~.{ ... :: : .. ;:;. :' \- , ,_ - · ,, . ' .. , .. · · :_Financ·e.::i.;>ep11rtme.q.t· ·: '.... · ., .. , -

• . . ' ·-; ·, .· ' .·-:.,_ ·,>-·. ···:··.· .. ' .... ' . ·, .... ,·;, •... - • \'i'' _·-,, ; ·, ·~ .• !_. -~ '. ,-· ~: ••. :!- - • • • , • • • '

. ""0 .• )·.·:=~~~~tr~~11~.~¢~i>~i~,c.~~r~~~,;'.:{ .: ,~·-_; ' . , I • \C•, • . , . \ \ . • ··2 . · '. · .. ~ · -, - '.(_ ,,........ fi- · ,, .. ·:1-.',>' .. ·• ·, ,,. _.~.r' •· ,.,r.-·: __ , · , , Mr M Z Khan .',,::'·"· ·,. ··· .. .:-:·· , · , ,. ·· c..{,c.:, .... ·• ··· · ' • - • ,· >.: .. ·, . . . . . . ", •.· .!: .~·., -.' . ;··. ' ( · •.. .-:·. ' ' . . .• . '··· .

, : MeJDiber, Ad~hric'·))ubl1cf·:A:ccoU11ts· Cijmmitt~e., · .. :_·;_. ,··",· ' ·, .; . Si .¥-iar1:i.b~!Jte.sJ11id/;··:.-_ .. , ,\;_;< '/'·,' .: ,·_·::. ... . ... · .. : ..

.. Mernber; ·Ad\-hoc'Public ... Acc:ounts' Con:Hnitte.tf· ;'. •' . ·.,, ' . : . . . , •. -' • ~·-· . ~.. . ; __ _. . ,. .. . . . . .- .- - . .•-.: . i.' :; ' . '! .. ,1 -!"· . • '· . .. .

4~ Alhaj Khawaj~ ffabJb-ur~Reluna.ti,,:. · ': : _·· ·:_,., ·,' · ·:··Member.,· Ad-hoc Pitblic. Accounts Comrnfttee-

I ~ - . • .. ,, - • - . . ,:.:..,. ; - • :. ! . . . ,. - > ... · J '.· '·-< .. -· .... · ... 5 •. ·CnFatehlVIuhanunad, · .·. .· ... ". ' ... · ··· ..

1. • : · ·.·. '.i ·>.'Me~b.er;· Ad.,hoc Pub]J..c Accowits Co,inmittt,e · « , • .:

·, -: :,_,~- Chi~f/Secr-etru:y11. · · ... - .. ·. , - ··. ':.· : __ :,'. ·: ,·. ·, , . ,"' .-;_ : . . ·._ ;: · · ., : :·· ::: ; t , :1,GC?V&:rlltJle.tit ,of th~- Punjab , '. : ... , , ·· · · · , -"~-: ,: ~

{ ~einbers, ~oattil ~f R~~~nu·(:)~ Ptirtj~b' \ · . ,~ .Ad.ditlonaj' Chief..:Seereta;ry~ : '. •: .

~./: _::-, Pla.ruiing & .. ·Ilevelopll),~nt:De~rtnt,ent: ,· '.:.:· . . . r ... : .... ·. . . . - - - .\ .

9~ :Additfonal Gn!~(Seer.etaryi. ·• · · ·\·. · . , SGA&J· Departmen.t - .

. : · .• .c,,:. · .... _, ·.--:. ; . ':; :' __ :-, . :· .' .; ·,' ,· :.~- ': .',":· .·. -.\· ... \( : .. "' .· . .·-- ., .... · 10 •. All Admiri.istrative Secretari~s ,to_

. ._'.;Gover,nment;of the .l?unj11~ t»y.nan,ie), ,:,. 11. Secr~t~yi· f~~vhl~ialAs~ezrib'ly of ine;J)tihjali 12,~~ J\ccp~tant. ·~~e~e.1#' Pu;j~,: ·~ore, .. '. '· : ::

·. · . ·:.. . ·, i~~" Direct.or ;Qener,1/ A1.1dlf & .A.ccourtts,: Vfqr J.c$.,. . Punja.b ~. 'Lah,:o_r.e_.,,. ',. ,/ .




.·\ ;.':t,J£I~::::.··_:f_,:~.;+(~f at,J~;1;t·. , . . s'.. • .. lf (ivfonitorfug,Wlngi, - . .

~.~.f_ -, ({!: _;_: ~. . ·i .. r.!. ·· ·,. ~ _:.:: ·_: ... ,_:.:; .. ?.:: ... ··;·.-.-·:? ·~!~ ... :,..:.:.' ·r.

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·.,,·,( . ..__ ~ _......_ -- ---·

• • ' . • l • ' - • !· -. ·1 ; '.·. ':. -, i . . ·. ·. ; . : . . \ _· ·, - t .. _. ~ .. ·: .•

6, - i . ·. The'Chairmap s~te<f that the figla'"es ~flosses, e¢bess:lenient,,r 'et~~'.: given. in paragr~_pb$. :3 : ~ 4 of the working :papef 'vf.er~· a'~fm1ng:~ .. Th'ese f:~g\ires were based ;on.one month

1auciit'"dµri:rig a, year. 'the, .. ·. , . magnitu~e of. the lo~se.s~, eµibe~zlement~ etc. ~ould _be much' more alarming of lOOo/o audit w~re.'to be conducted;' As stated .in para 5 of · the working ,paper 'ttiese losses and irregularities could not be allowed to remain '~'.'"in'Vestj.~_teq/~n~{in~_~zep indeftiu~ely.: It v,as imperative that the Adminlstratl.ve S~pretlrie~ should' give: speciaVattention to· the_ settlement of tl1ese i;r-re~rit!es after exa!Dinfiltion_hY: P4C.

·. , .:·· . . . . - ,·

: '·· :

(iil.). Delay in the finalise. tfon of disciplinary cases ~gairl~t the . . Government se:rvadts· responsible for firianci,al irregularities."

. 'rher-e were inh.erent drawbacks of proc·edures and adminis- - trative difficulties~- ·. . . . • , .' : ••• ·• -, \ •• '1 .' ..• ,, .:· ·,..· :_. /.'·.. : __ ... ~ _; ' •• ··, :·,f

5. ' ·.·T~e/Pub~6 A .. cc~un.~:··c6mmittee had held 1~9 rri,ee_tj_qgs since it was con:stitdted l11'July :t9_7-~;'.:Tbe average nuni:Jjer'·of meetings comes

. -.- . l . -, . . • . .·· ~ '·,. . . . • . . f. ' .~ ' ,... . . . . . :· . . '' . to ai2 per month. He r·em~tlted that the holding' of meetings was dependent on- the submfssfon. of workiilg paper s to the Committee, If the.flow of working papers was/greater{ the. Committee would hold more meetings and disposal of work 'would be';~ocel~rated,· . . ~ 1:>

(ii) Lack of care 1n''the'. p;epa~ation of the ·~orking papers • . The :papirs we~e pr-~pared:at 1<:>wer levels •. · .

,· .

(il Non-compliah~eof thedfr-ectfves of theCommtttee.

3. The ·'Chalrmari.,' 1:\<l-ho{Public A,ccpunt~ Com~jttee, stated that it h_ad'been. decid~<:(in the;'.last. meeting, whicb:was ·,presid~d over by the ·oovernor of the Punjab that review meetjng would, be.helg·afte~· - six mqnths bu.t' due 'to p?fEf~Occupatioris' of'the')~o.vetnor 'th'fmeeting . could hot be ·held ·earlier. H·e. further stated· thit" ~s · a ,fesult of the

'·last. ·meeting tJ.lef~ h~d b~~n irnpl'OVeme~t, in. a.n:uriJ.ber,·of)~:reas. '.. . ' - ' ·- • . ' ' • ~ I

". • ' . . . . . . ."' . • 'i'. . ,· ·. ·.--· :1. .. : - ·~ . ' . ,·: .. '· . \, . . · .. : ,,·... ~- ;··'·: . ~ .. 4~· · Thtl Chairman, hcwever , ·felt :ttiat 1:1tlll ther-e ~et,~. aome ,

. De~rtmeiits in whose· ca~les following>deficiencies: .in. tne·. submis.~ion of papers .to -the Ad'-hoc<Put>lic'.Accouh.ts Committee cdntµiu~d:..; ·

• . ' ' ' ' \ • ,, I • ' ' • ,· • ' •

· 2. In-itiating· the . proc~,a4_i..n.gfJ the F,inance .M.i.nis te~. wefoo~ ed the · Chairman and the members of the .Ad-hoe 'Pqblic_Accounts Committee "'to make his pr-esenta ti-On. , ,.... .~ . . . . . - . .•

.\· ' ~ ~ . . . ·.. . . . ' . . ~ . - .

----: .1, .' ~~ I'" ............ !· \ • ,

The ~~et~g·.wa~ :·att~~d~d, b~~ides-·the,Ffu~~ce·Nf.Aiister by: th;e Chairman andMeµibe;rs'of the· Ad-hoc Publlc.~9~,0\tllts· Committee.· the Ch~f Secretary:, Addltj.onal Chief se·creta.ry,. Pl~,\ng,,.&.· Develop­ ment 'oepartm'ent; ~01r~cior~$enetal, Audit & AccO:unt_s:.W.9r.kS, P~njab, Additional Accountarit-Ge,peral, Pwijab and all Administrativ~ Secreta- .

. ·.. . - . ·.: _.. .·,; .J _.·, ·, - . - . , . . ·- . , I

ries. of the Government'of thePunjab, e~cep~t H.:e~~th,. tE:9~c~tion., · ... i

Forestry and Social We:lt'ate. ·• Zakat in w~ich_case~ «, it.~wa.s attended , by t~e Additio_nal iSecreta:rle!!''JChief .Con·servato:t of Forests/Deputy ~e~ret.ary:. ';('h~ Secretary.;: :LG&RD Department ~o,uld not. attend as he was _busy v/ith the Local.,GoV'.'.ernment CommissiQti'/·· .. ·

( . . .

MINUTES_OF' Tli'.EMEET:ING:HE~P UNDER THE CHAll\MANSHIP OJ;i' FINA~¢E'tvl'Il\JISTEJ:t1 Pirn."J;4B AT 9-3.0·A.IVI •. ON THFl".23RD OF OCTOBER. 19a"2 )N:.tlJ.E,C.OMIW:lf'f~;E R.001\/i O]f THE PLANNlNG :~DEVELOPMENT·. DEPA'.R.TMENT ·. ·LAU OR~,.): . . · '; . ..

- '. . . · ... ' •.' .. . . ,· :: ..



i.',, : \1 ,·

' . \ . '. 'I . ~ • • ' . •.. . ' ' ·>

10. , The· Chairman observed that in the matter of reconciliation of Ac:counts, there was abnorm~l de~y rendering the exercise no~-­ pr eductfve, The Departmental Accounts Committee did QOt meet . regularly, though there has been improvement in thJs. nespect in the recent past'· in respect of some Departments, The Depar-tm entaf .. , Acc't>un~ Committees · shoiild' meet r-egular' ly, The.· wo·r~ load of the Public Accounts CortimHtee would. consequentlybe ·r~dhced. The Addltionaf Accountarft~General,; Punjab pointed outthat these meettngs should be· taken by tlie Administrative Secretaries. The Secretaries Agriculture andlrrig1;1,tion .& Power Depar-tmenta' 'st~ted that it was not possible : for 'S~foretaries to hold all these. meetings under their Chairman:sh)p., 1Mos't of ih~'-irregular'ities Pointe~ hut and the audrt observations made re1a'ted to the· r1eld "offices,. Tire 'holding' of the . ":meetings in -th~ field was authorized arid advtsahle, Such me.etings in the field cannot be 'attended by the Secr-etar-Iea 'themselves due to their '"pt-e..;opcupatfons. at the Headquarter, They., therefore, deputed their senior officers to ,h.oid such me_etin'gs and these: wer-e functioning well~ with . satisfactb:ry' 'output, . .: ..

. . . . . ., .:._· '~·: .. .. . • • .: • . •, ·:f· • ~ •> • , .,.. ; : (, I •, ! '

11. Another ~eguf-8.rity pointed. out by the Chafrman of the Public . Accounts c·om·rnittee was the execution of 'works without .

. ·.techntcal sanctions·~ ··a·~ appreciated ·that in SC)In.e exc~ptional' cases (e~e~gencies antl'_d.irectlves··from higher author-Itea] worke could be started. ~it.hout technical aanctfon, Never-thedeas technfca l sanction ..

. 8, TJ:i_e "(:!hairma.Q, Public· Accounts Committee., pointed out that, · there was no progre;~s :in ~e matt~~ ·,of Implementation of direc~!ves .. of the Public .Ac'cowitii'.-coriimhtee :.and. these still remained' un-uii·,1e­ mented, He stated that the AdministraUve Secretarte..J; usually complain •f lack of staff and the Chairzrian: s'bllcited the kdulgence of the · Finance Department to conatder such cases sy~path~Ucally. The Finance s·ec:retary ~p~ervei:l tha;t staff was ·san~tioned,. specially for: the Engi.rieeririg D~partrnehts, , on a scale formulated .on .the basis of work load, In this connection he m'entfcned the. recent. creation of two posts of Chief Engineers in the Communications and Works Depart­ ment,- In the.caae .o~ p-rigatipn and Power Depar,tment he observed that app~renUy they were riot short of s~aff and -~ fa~t Gover-nor ta Inspection Team had observed that 2 /3rd ofJhe Chief Engfoeers. or _ that Departmient were redundant. He, :futther inform,ed the meeting ~t the staffirlg matters were under examination j.n, the tfi.n$.nce Depantment,

. . . ' . , I ,• ·'. ) • : ~ 1 • -. . • ' • ' ~ ~ • •

The Finance Secretary· assured t}lat. wherever full just;if,iC!~tiori was given for creation of poets, he .would sanction the additional 'staff.

9. The Chatrman, Public .Accounts· Comm Ittee I>Qinted _out' that , the Dep~rtlriental _otf~cers, specially in some--~~ _the _'f.echni~al D~p,r.t­ ments like' Education., had not under-gone any training .in Ac~ount~ . metter-s and thus faced _difficulti~~.1· He suggested that special cour-sea may be run for the·pqrp~'se·.; In cases where the Officers had recetved_ training In these 'matters earlier,· ref~esher courses may be started;

' .. l\ . . ' . .

'1, 1he Chairman stated. t~~t. m~r9:o~al ,atterida~ce:. of .: ~he Adminis- trative 'Secr-etar-Ies .had show.µ satisfactory in?-prov~Jiie.nt · and that . _.·. efforts ehould pe made to att~p.d each. arid e11etyµi,'.eetfug, The Chief Secretary" obsefv.ed .that the .Atixninistrative. Se_cretai'.fos a.tte~cl theae . : · meetinglpers9nallY:'unl~ss lli~l' .had some :o.tlier .. ·ni,eetings .at Ialamabad qr elsejyhere ih whibh d1se·s w~ttte~ permiss,ion frbm ·: him is obt~inet:1 befo:re 'hand and ·:next 's eniof _ iri ost ·orficef is deputed. to a. t.tend the meeting/ ' · · ' ·: : · · ·


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i~~- ,·, ...... ~ff/_ -- l·~st r ·1 ~:1::,

l'.16:t ' .. - : .. · \f~I - -il· 14a· . I ~11~ 1, .r \ ! •

(~t ~I ,·1 I 'i ' . . " . \I, i1' · '. ,i. , . · ·

\ . ' I I ' • I,· I • L • ' • I • , '

was an essential req~e*1~nt 'nd vshould be' _obtained eye~ in the~e e~ception~1 c~ses ~"m"e~~~e~r: 1. at;ter .the s~rt· or -,~or,k; . : · ·;. ;" ..

.1.2::'.: _:: '.Th'e' Chnirm~'sJiJ~-,,~it. oul' of . s~::bo~. _audU':bbjecUpn(1 _- ·-':: .. · ·: ·

· : 3t~,09}l :~,v~r~-_'~till-_ou~~~~~i~ f~e stated ~a~. ~e:· .~_<>xn,~ittefJY'rJ.~.:,' . hap~Y!-~to - ~ow th~t, a Mo,ij~J~r~g:C~ll h~d:bee~ ·~~~~.h~~ --~/~~: .. '.\

1 ,1n~.n,~.e ~D'eP,ar°;'I1ent to ~aj,ch_ ~~· prc;,greEJs ari~ held--i:,ed1u~d_.· ~,·y.·-': w-or-~'-~~d by persistent f o~OW'- up, ., ; ,_ ; . . , ··. · , ~-- ..

· .;-a/~\/ Thl C~akrAJ ~tsJt~~:i~t the wor~in;J -~t(p~t~·::tJ~tiiJiii~ :tJ·t:~. · ·,_ - ; the :;PtibliG A,ceoµn~s ;com~~tt~~' ~hould ·separ,e.~~ay ;iridi~~te "J~ ·',i : {· ' : >.

,:_:/'I; ,··: 1 i. ~ - - .. ~\ ,::'\1:''''.J: ' ., ··,·.;.: ·• ;··.: .. ~, '.<,:·' ' . '1 ,

(a) replies to au~it: -~b·jecti:ons' arid ;: \ . ,. '' •,· ! l , ~ --: ;_:'.( <:.·: :, ~-:>,. : , • ·,:" ". ; ' 1 . ', I : -I ,• ! 4 •

,,, . '(b} ;'r,eplies to thel)~i:~~!ti\TeSJ>f ~AC( rh,f1PAC baye: pre.par~id : ·' a draft f~rin jitf whicll the .. w~rklii~ p~pers should be · . '·

,, :: prepared/in".f":~e Eip.d this w:ill·be circulated .to~ all" ,·- ' concerned . :.- ~- ... ,::, , '> • • ' ,• . • - . :// ' ·'.. f 'y, :::: ,' " ' ' ' / • • . ' • r '

14, ·. · -T~e Chairman. Ei~a:t~p- 1.,,~t. it 'bad ·come_ to_.~-~ ~otice of ~-~ , _ Committee that large: __ sfot~is 'W1et-.~ lying._unuilllz_ed. · A Special:-DiSpos..al Cap. bad .·beet\ created .. byl-.:r.hi :ppvernment f~r·'the· d~sposa.l Of these storew but all -the stores h~ld by the Departments did not fall_wi~in: ~ its jtu-iadfo,t~on,' He obsetved.)pat if the disposal of all' the stores . wa:~- ~rt~ust~4 ;to_ th~-Ce~,!_-~h~ch- could'.be ~~la~ged;· th~- ppsit!Ol) would hnprove~ · ·· · [:\ t -. ' /~>-: r i. .. r ' -.' (

e : ". _'; . .' ·' .~. < . 1, t' ' • '. '· ,, t., • ,,>( e :~ 1, ·( .. I• I • , • ,.. .. • :, .. . '..· .... ; .... - • - I ,

11:5; · ;'. : The. Chairman thep tef~rred to the specific issues of Sui Gas c11~rge~ w~{ich were t!eco,feted ·: tron1· a:i.:fott~eJ; .- oi · ('iover?Ulle~t _qu~r.ters

'{tt._·10~~1'- 'flat rates but p~ytj'ienfwas in~de_'·by 6:ov~rniri~t ~oi b-cµk . .-suppiy at higher .rates due'!to·:~creaee .in .. th~ ·rates,.of _Sui Gas· •.•.. - - ._ 'R~covery of rent from thi,:.pcc~pa_11t$/all9tte~s-of Gov~i-rime11t:fes~<ien.-· , tlaf buildings about which!: t&e. · Qomm1tte'e had made .'suggestions' 1or · ,· .

' ·. . ... ·,; .. ·,··, . . j I \ I'.• . . ..

s~reaml_inin~ 't:he ,procedur~ ~~o needed urge1t atten~ion_ to avoid lo~~ . '"' to Government, · : - 1.;~-· , . , · · _ .. " ,

. . ... - ; v~t.\, 'f . .·. , ' ~ ' I. , i ·, -~ ' ~ _;· ' . ' < • i

16~ ·:.The Cha~man/:·theJ;'ritte~:a case· rif fraudu;L~nt draw~l o{_:m,~pEt,Y . and reni~rked that the·- co,6~~rp.ed ):>epar'tmenf,_ ~et lli.e ~itatiop pefio'd

··run· out 'for. appeal in the: $u~r.ezite Court. ,In-· sub;f~dice cases; adjo_\irn- , , 1 .' ·.. . • , _,' ', • f ',·,\ \ '·•.' _ .. , •\ ', I , • . •"•, , •, -' . • :, _ ·.•I·, ·., • \\

. ments were s·ought-by· the iot,posite pa.;rties on;_ ~tivolou.~ g~ounds .~h~ch .. _4e3t1-yed' the cieclslon·s, ~7 I ca.s,eE( o{ ~ine. Del»)..r'tments were _ d!agg_ing on_Jor years. without any tt-pgt¢.s~-~ It.was. su,g'gested -~at>.the L~"!, ·_ . Department may consider itbie :appointment of· separate. jUJiges _ fc,m .,. ~ecover~es. of. G~ver~~ntf~~~Si~-; Law· be am~n~~~ tp ··pr?v!~e _f.o_r ,only one App~al. Ano~~r; -~.ugg~#;~lO~}l;>,a~e ·;was ~atth:~_A.,~lll?-Stratlv~. ·,· Secretaries should be· giv·e,n_i\POf:,rs. to deal witlt_tl'le·cases of ~ec~_~ry· through coritra<rt ag~eem·~Jt~::•_'l'he ~x¢rcise-of,'.'thl's po_wet by -the A_~inis;.. . trative Secre,,~ries w6;uid.:~~Wl~e-~e work ?f_ 9ourts aap th·e·.co~~ttee. - 11;: wa;s also sugg~sted; that:tij~ qpverIUDeµt should consic;l~r the. gue~tion of'asking for, s'utistantial'.cb~t~:,.Jf;'adjo_µrnments weri so:ught'by' the_ '' : contesting partiee.·· Anoflu~t'~ugg;~stion ·m~uif for.,' consider~ti9n ·,was jhat the,Government should: co~1fer .·~sti.tuting. criminal actie.n Jn cases ·

,, where_ ~o- v __ er_nm_. e_ nt_ se ry, an_.- t~ .,_._-_r_ ._Ji~r_•_ ' __ ~- ._. __ . ,~il-ty_- of - m,-~- _ .. , -_. __ ap_• ,pr_opria_·_ t--~- on_ of- . fr.a_ Ud alongw1th- Departm:e.Qtal en~u~ieEi,, or civil proc~edings·. , The_ fhi~f _ Secr_etary r'emar,~dtlfat :~~t~fa.~torf and co~p~eh~ns'fve ,proce,dur~-----,­ a:,Xeady ?Xisted in 'the Jnuttt,ef. '.r~e~,C~m'mittees· ~t pis.~i~~;, ,· ~iv~i<>~al and _Provihcia.l levels decidle as '.!'to ·wh~clf cases; ~H·ould be dealt wi~ departmentally and ·which j i .ci~'1Y• The Chierse~retary also p~~ted

~ \I if . ! - , ,

l,;~,:l, 1

, 1 \ ' '

'f '. I --

20, Regarding delay in th~ settlement of audit. obser~~tions.,. the SeQre1arY In4ustries observecl that the. -~pse .of a long time in ·ihe conununication of audit observations. was also a factor in the. delayed settlem.ent qf · audif observati.Qns, .The Dit'~c,tor-Gener.al, .· Audit and Accounts Works stated that after the dis_m,emberment ·Of One .Unit

. '. · 18. · .Secretary Industr-Ies state<(that. the nature of audit obs.ervat1<>11s was sometimes _·as, Impor-tant, as their number and should be carefully e~amin~d. He mentioned. th,t somettmes the audit objections .w.ere not fully justified. H.e enquired as to why was it riec~ssary to ·accept '1:ij.e · loweat tender -even if the. q~tµity offered w,as p.or? , Sec~~tary Agriculture sta.teci that the acceptance o! Iowest tender s, in/ a number -or cases, . did •mo~e harm to Government thangood, The Chief Secretary, observed ·1

, the.t there w~.r.e_ instructi.ons· regar1ding pr'e_ -qualliicati. o.n .... of th. e.· con .. tractori:;/ suppliers. ·tt that was done :carefully, ther e sh•uld be no question .of · more harm. than, good in accepting the_ lowest tender,

19, . The Chair~an then i-efer,;-ed. to another- important ma tter relating to the Food Department in which subatantia), amounts were recoverable on_ ac1count of shortages. He mentioned that the working of the ·Food Qepartinent was such that it. was not ppssible to pin down shortage before .. the passage of iong time after the incident had tak.en place •.. 'the PAC _proposed the introduction_ of fidelity bonds by· the. officials handling cash and stocks. 'l;'his might be useful in. th' enforcement of r~covery. ~he Finance Seore~ry' stated 1hat the suggest~o,n will'be e_xa.mined by ·the-F-inance D~pari.nent. . . . ~

,. \

. ' ,; . ' . : -.

1_7, ·. ·. :, Rega:('ding" d$;!pirtm~~I '.)i~g~iries. reli1tµig to finJm!lial ir;egula~ rlUe$, 'tb!e ;Chairman iem•rked that much 'time was taken ·-in. thelr: ·, · - c~it>:pletfo~. '.By, th.e tiril,e the ehquiry , was conipletetl.,; the ·concerl).ed . · .... off~er/\oftlcie.lhad either.: ~iea ";()r re~ired • and the pui-pose of I.' enquiry·. ' w~ defe~ted, . Tbe posttio~ V1as pa.:r~1cuµtr~Y". 1.U,iliappy in' cases where . record had been . taken b_y ~ Anti-c<irrupti"Qn Establishment, Some . ;

, reQ>.edy 'ija_d 'to b~· t o,um:l out/ ··.nie Chief. Secretary. rem.ar1:te4' tllji t . tjme Jl#iit fo'i!- : dis pus al of eq.quiry "carfes 'was already.-·' f~e~. ·. TQe : otficer.s, .. are. gaj.d~9 frtlin time .to tfui.e·t,y 1S$U0 Qf guide-books :ap.d;circ$.:tr ..... ' ins,tru~tions.:: The aate.st, s.tep'taken tor edpeditfous· ·dtspq~~ 'dfca.ses.:_; · .. · ana .. creation Of'· f:lalutary impact was to, transfer. ca'$eJJ· of otfit!f~Js 1,1pio NPS--16~; from· Anti-corrt.tption1Courts to norme,l Civi,lCourts, thµs, . a~ordirlg time ito special co-urts 'to decide cases o'r offipe-rs spe·edily •. He ~urth~r, informed the meeting that- a Committee undbr the C.1:1,a.!rman­ s~iP .: '.~f ,1).d~1,ti~n;~ Chief" ~c~etary. had. been s~t · .~P to ~uggesft; f~ther, re organization of . An;ti:-co!'rupti<>n Es~b~iunent. _Its ·re-com01end~ tio~s are pending de'clsi.on. ··: . · · · · · ·

'oilt'~at''the_ d~la1 in\*~ f_µializ,,ati~n o( .d~~r4nental pr~ceedings- and·.·. judicial cases. w.as due', to. shqrtage .·of staff alr-ound, No recruitment·. to . rx.-J:">9s :\vas ;mad~ fp~ sey~n .~e~s •. Punjab ~-~verihmeni, di~ not: ,, . . get even a single APUG.,,officer._at .ba~e leve~ ·:ta:s.tyear~ Howevei;-,-,/'.·.···:·• the Chief,Sec:?etary·. directed all A,;,dmmls:trl:ltive :secr·etaries .to. ,expedi.te

. the;·g1s·pc,sal o~ such c.a$es.:'. Sop:,ie S~cretaries pofnted out11:hat thf:?,.. ,:c

. Fee_s'., o~' :~bver~.e,nt_¢0.u~se~>}'V~~~.l~ed ~) l()~ · r,at~~ -;~,cl ,they:~!Jl'.· -, QPt. take adeqµate interest. in S.tate Cases; The Chief Secreta~y rema,rk~d .. · that in ifiiportant cases. sanction could be ·pbtalned· ·r:rom·-Finance .Depart­ ment for·. engagin:g leading lawyer1t,a.nd t.J;iat itl$truc,t1ons oh the subject hay~ already been issued. The Finance Secretary stated thi.f the -ccnteact

. tor-m. of the P.W,D~ is being revised and Law Department will be · · . ~onsulted. · · · · · '

~. ·.: •t •


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' . ! . • ,, ' ·••··.· •• Ji' ,,\ Jrtf:c?f ·~51 ... · ..... l'r ·, ..•. -: ' . < .. .• 1· th~r.Q/W¥·i de1!3,y .t,n_, tij.Ei:: ~lislrjg; :~( 'l'-C.~~unts . ,a~icll'J'.~~s-'ji4w, ·J,e~h. ~b\t~-ted ... an~ ,.thf. ~-~¥~~J~a#f~\ ~t)~:u,ai!tg~~~r,vatt<m~! i~t>~U.;'.iri_ ~\l~t·~ ·<~~t bf. ·. ': .• d~lay.~(~· r~~ \~frff\O~:~a.~.~~r,1::ii11~o ·~emar~~g'~~/:.,'!)J?,p,r*entli,. - ···~ . 1.

~9\c; un~µsµ~lly.lf~~ -:~~;e1_·,'.t~.}~~~tl~:,~e. aud!t19~~rv~tl.P~t.; Af, !n·· .,- . · . }~s~ile~. ~~,_-c,~te~ft!l~-:~,,s'eii<>f:E.~.~gri~tia paytn~rits.' 'fh,~·.fmanc~,. :'._;' i ": ,,,·

. -~e~~rt-,$~t,ct'~~~itl~~.Y:i¥i d:e~icH;ng ·.~~· ~~s~ ot·-~~-g,~~ij{il~'*~J~iii,r . ;wa$ :'d.¥- to' '.(fte · .. faijt.:~tha~ ·Jh:e.te\\VtlS ..• ~·c:,re 1tba,n,i Qlle.· opil\iOtf ;it,i,:)h.ttt:.cas'e/. l

.:, .: r: ·~ii;,f'. .~e#X:~tafYc, .~~t#ie?iJne·: x.n·e~U,g:tl)a.,t, ffi~ ~,~~1ttt ~~d/~}!·Y}?·f.~#;. :· ·.·· • _ref~,~~~. ':10,: ,~: 1d~i,~~~a~,P~1:~f Secr,t~rr, .1 p~~~,·~~}f.~7,:~~fP~,.~:. :..-;.~

; .·. . De~rtment fdr =. eiainln~tiO.Dr' and decision. · . .';: .; · · , ·,. ': ·:, •t: ;/ J>; <·:. . · . ... J· ., ·;··'.<(r;:r_.,··:·-·_- _1. \··; ... ·. ,.-""~- . .-,.1})';··--~--;:-- .. -". ·,_.·-.>· ~- . .:>'·.:._r.::· ,~----.-·.·-~:.>··~·-:_~::· }\'·-:.~ .. -··· .. =.

; Zl.· The .Finance: Mini~t~r· ;e~atked ·., that''1;e 'was' .glag 't.o' fµtd .. ~a:r··: the Secretaries t()<>J( personal,:interest inthe/-aUd.it and''accounts/' ,.··

.. ~~tt~i-s, . H~ bGped jna'.t· ii?.Y: \V;!U con Hnue' to /d9 :s~. ,A,s<tol'.\Us,cir>~ary aett<>n.,. ·~e. Ffu.e.nb~: Min·i~t~~ ob$erved ·t.hat.~·:Secre~~ies, ~)iould.:~ .. .• see :that the d~faulters were W~·en. ~ to ·task .&.µd\~Elt theAJenior .~£leers, ..

. di~ riot, Pf9,Vid~·a~y ~liel~~t{? tnew~· ::Jie th~n ~~~e~- th~• Sect.etar~,,·.}>( .... E1.111n,er.ing De~~ents '.:-,:o· ;e~~la.i,ri, 1:b,.e- pos~tion Q.f>.~eir. t)epar:tr~fe~t,s., ·, If.iWa~_·.nc;;ted thai,·these:D~Partm.~nts. :.were maku.ig ~ftorts·. to·cJ.e.a:r -the·

; •'_backlQf..'.Jlegaf~1tig}?e·l~~fit~ritl~ ce1:1,~.:~.e,;~~ist~r·.·.·h()ped~a~::1f·: .: :- .. ~·· wo.uld .h~npefor.th,W..atch .tl)e p~pgress. re.~rding1. aubt:nlssloii. of_\Vol".k1ng p!l~r.~ito, the. Pij~Uc~:,:."c,~unts 9'<>µl:inittee> .'a.et~men(:qf::.audit ,_,,., .•.• __ />: · .

. obs~rfaU,o~ aµd ~e- .. '.~e~tir1Jl$ ... ~f, -th~·~·D~partt,nent~1.Aqcopn~ ·cC?P1.ajttee,.·: .'.1:~~,~~c~;S~~~.-~r.Y., ~t~·~~t·fha,t:.~.e}i'.llia.n~e/.~;epa;r~~q~ .h~~.e.~ea_dy; pl'escribed schequ+e. for. tb:e·.µionth}Y.:•mee,tlng1;1 ·pf·tlieseComniitte~s.··> and -~U.l do ft,f best t.c> ac~elerate fhe pa;ce of'4isposaf:of thes;e> . . ca.· .. se·s. •.· .. ·:· ,.· . .' ·,., ·: '_· .. · · .. ;. ,, . · . i. ·· • -. ·· · ; . .- .·. . . • •

. - . ,.i-: i'/:-~_-. o# ~----'· ·_.\">:J_.~,~··· '~,.-.·. .l .. ·-.--- .' • l ·, . \ . ~

• ,_., ' ' '. ',. \ .. ~; : .. - l .. • " ": • I • - ~. , ..,, : ··•, • • ' . 1 •• : ' '' ) I , , • • \ r. • \ f ' I ~ ~ I \ I

_ ~-:~2,._ .... ,· .1h,_ m_file:fi.rig ended .:W~th .a. -~O.I,'d_-of tq.~~s .~rOIXl. the F~nc_e, · .· ·~ , Mirii~~tr :ai;n<f the.· Ch~i~man, · A:,d .. ho~ . ~ubllc Accoun.t~ .·.co~~lttee~ · .· ..

·' .• '\'·· ~::· · :.., , !.- \·... I ·;·:.• ~·.f·> .. :·. _._;·:·: .. ~ -,.,., ~·\'' ;··. ,·'{>.

'..,·: ... ··'

! .i



I ·1

. . . 2, Tlie Solicitor. to Government <>f th~ Pui,.jab ha~ ;~sued necessary .instructions to .the District Attorneys fQr complying wUp tge -, _sµg~~sU~~J~·\.U> Etb(?ve~, : · ; .. ·.· _ ., i ,

' .,. .. ·,)' ,•,:.:· _' ' .:·.';,_ r . :,., ·:,~·· _.:" ..... ·'· - i ·. •'.r- • •. ·,<· ~· • • ···. \ • :--.·._.,., - ~ ·.'' .•' , • I

3 •. "' .T~e,.issu_e,of am~n~en{,of :Law "f'Pl a.view to pr.ovid!ng._ ., : . 9nly ·oQe appeai w~s ·consld~:,;e~ -µi .. detai:l)>n: 30tJ:l, J_a~uary, f9~3; in .. · •. ·

_ a :DJ:!~$.i ~P~~ :the . Cb~ir~ans.blp ~f J.'.ddi_1f_ona,l, Sh_ief ;,~;ecr~tary' · , . SGA&ID w:bich. w.~s atten,d~d :PY flre. Flnanc~ S.e.~re~ry and, :t:hE3 . .. . re,@'~1J~µ.taijy~~ of Law a_nd ·H.ome Uepartme~t~~r· ~t. w:a$· cpns14ered tbat_,µxi~mkne11t -~; ~~- G1vp. .. ~roc~d1,1r'e :qod~1was not; desiraf:>le as _t!Jfs .:'1ll~ndm~nt 1Viµ-not. qrily AI?.PlY. t~ .:c~s.~~ of .~verturient '.: ·: j


-: ' ' . ; : .(U,.) t.~w. maY·b~.'. ~-e~:4~d-·to 'pr-ovid~]:or.· oitly .. · .. •r:. . I one 'appeal, -· ,, . . . . . • . . . . : .·.· .

. , • ' • " _:. -. .· :., • •. : ; :•• ." I \•I . ia.•

• ·'. _.:: . ''... -.. - .~: ·. . • -' . ·-·. ·-.·. '. ~. .;. • ... • . . ' t ' . : · .

. (»). A,ppo-'=111:m,ent .of, separate Judges for recovery. of .. , Gove:rnme~t :dues ~~y b_~ conside1:~, ···,., . . .· , .

\ .- . - •. . ·.· ; ·. . .

. !.. . '· •• •• : ~ ,:• .... ,. .Ji_ -- ~-. J.~~ ,·;. •. ''-!!''.,°'( .. i-;' .,· ,,

Sir' ., ' ' . I .. ,· . '· .. •

-, . •' ' : . . • ", · ~- • .. , ·; : i' .! • · ~· , ' :-. ' ~' ' .. ' - • I ' · -. • . ' ., ; . 1,

' · ~ .,: . ,• l'°I • ~ 'f

/ _'., .. '..]"~ <ll,rected t~.·~iit, -~i~~iere.n~;e _ t~ ~.a.fa. '!6\' <>!j~e\ miqµt~ii'.} of the p,i.eetin~}~~i~ · ~~- ., 2:fr,tL9ct~~-~r:,, 1p,a2 .~de~.~·e. ~abt~a~~.h~R '. /· .

. of F~ance Minis.ter-, Punjab.;_.. •~1.<!h;,:w~s ,att,md.ed 1:hY th~ C~airman:. · _· and Me¢.bers ,of. the Adboc Public Act:ounts Con:unittee a~4 by_. · · _._. . . Administrr;Lti:ve .. Secretar~es,·_ and to. ~tate 'that following .Jugges.iio~s .. :·, m.a~e .. by tile, Chairinan.'have been ~;x~.\rJ:ed -~Y- the ·-a~rvefnm,enl:.~ .: , ... :

··.·• •. · .-: . ·' -'.. . , . ., ·'. I.. . --:•: · .... .,.·.. . ·r,•,_ .. i • .••

• • ' •• -.. v • _.: • ;;. • • ..... • • :.-·· ,f ··:,~. •• • : •• . ·.; • ;. -t·. :- • -·~_.:•. (i) ·The Government should consider the questioit of · ·

asking for substkntial cost, if adjournments were' sougJ:?,t by ··the: eonteatdng. par-ties, ·


; __ .; _. : .. ·, .. ·\ ,· !.~!,·. ·,<J.._~-·:_. :~ . ·.: :;· , ....

. - .. ·.,. ·'

···· .. The Se~r~t~ry : .. ... . . . . . •' ' I . . • .

, .t.o Govfar~e#i. o,f th_~·-~,~b;.. ,·}:, . . .: ,,·t. · F.inance De~:rtm:e4t •; : .... ,.; ... : .... · ....

. '• ,· • • ' • ,•. • ' ~- --~, -. ,~. \ • I . • ' • • • J • . . ,. : '"• i • •: ' t ' •

• ,· "_1 -: ••• ., .. · ..... . . _;.\ ,• ,, .

·:· •_,;

.. i- ' . ·: ·.-.' .. • , ' :.. < ~ . ;_; , I • . . -;· .', ·' ... ;··

. . , i ·, ',.· : '.: .<:, .. :· 'l ' .. :··. . ', -. ·,• . ' . . ", ·~ . .. . \ : ,· ". ~~q=·1 · ~· . -~ .. ~: ;.• _;._-: ..' :: . . .,."'·._: ::.·::·,:'· ':·\"

J;>a.ted Lahone, )he·. _16:tlj. ,A.p~il.198.3 . . ·; - . . . ... . . . I

' , .... ;, :.' ·~ r- ,... .·.

: ,,::::· :.:i ..., . I t r.' ·. . ~ .: .,

... ' . . . •·.· -~ .. -., .• .·.,,.. , .

151 · \, /'

.·., ,:· ... ', . \ -,

I .(',•. ·:-- ~ ... -, .·


- 't


1 (


. 6, 'As ;egar4~ appoµitol,ent\<>f aepar-ate Judges; ·th~se cases · ·: · are already beard by CivP,_,-l_udges. of the First .Cla,ss. There is

a tleast one such j~dge .in .. ea.ch ! :bis trfct, In vi~w , of .·this ~hd .: the fact · tba t number 'of ·slich . case~ :Qt J;'~CQV0J;' tes of. O~erhm ent dues is not large, it will; hot b~' jii$;tif.i;~d _to a?p6mt, separ'ate judge: exclusively

· for these cases. *1owever, 1't}ie\L~w Department is separately . requesting. ~e C~efiJ ~silc~. })f:. Labore High Court to issue circular instructions ·to a:U the Pres'Jdtrig Officers ,or: the· Cour,s to ·dispose of cases inv.olving' rec.~Vet-t,s\ ·o~'-Oovern.menf du~S expeditiOU$ly.,.

![ .. ~I . ' .

;i :.· 1;· r"

P. .f:[

5. '. However.,' insb;~,eti<;># Jre being issued by° pie Law Depar-t­ ment to all the .AdmJ.rii1:1trativ~1 :Sec_retar.ies fot- uslng ·the Punjab Government Due. R~co~ery~' 9I''flinance,, 191~2 ext~nsively ·wher:e applicable. The ~endm~nt·.~the, Civ.il P~ocequre Code ·.wh~~~ .. provides that stay orders, 'is.sued by the. C<>utts can r ematn operative .

· · for a period,.'of siix . ~ontlls 9xiJ.y is also being brought to. the, notice' . I of the Admiids.trative Secretaries. , . . ' .

\"·· . -:· .. :· -. ·.·• ..

' ·.I} :;~

4. , 'fhe.:t,,a.w,:Secrepi~y .s~ted that Article 185 ·of. the Constitution provides f~r the.: l"lght .for ~·~ciortd appeal to aµ_ the citizens of Pakistan. There mustf ·the,;-efore>} be'·.~\t'bng grounds .to ·take, away this 'r lgnt, ·· The merits of this .. d~$~:wefe/( th·eref'ore, .examfned, 'The data: ' .. ·'·· · eollected from dre £ 6Ut1 'i;6ij.ort pepartm~nts dealing: :with , th.e cases of ~e_coverieJ .. of Gqve~tiµl~rt!: du~ . revealed tiiat. 3~ -c,~~s inv;olving ·ari · ,

·amDunt. of Rs. ,3, 8.6 c~or~ wer,e: filed· by Government 'a.nc;I · 196 case~ jnvolving an· amoimt of Rsl 94~ 6{ Iao were filed against the Government~· Out of the •89 cases ' decid~d:/dqring the last five years, . 69 were . · . · agairist the Goveirnni~llt anp ?~. against ether ~t'ties-. · J?uring • this , peribd_ the Govefnment.h,.d -t~·!il~· 42 .appeale against __ c:H:h~.r. _parties whe~eas ·6nly ·'25 ~ppeals :~.~l'e,:~ile'd b, the private par'tfe;3 ,against•_:). the· Gover~ent.!, ·Sfu.}µat)..y, s:e~pnd appeals were filed ·111 10 cis·eir"': ·. by th,e Gavermn•nt wher·eti~ ·: tinly' thr ee second ·appeals \V(fre'ffllijcl ' .

, by tne·other ;,a~µes~·a~ains.t·'the,Government. 'lt'.is, ·~erefore~ not . advisable. to am~nd/e;n,c(1Spe~?i11 Law to .provideJor ·bru.y:· one' appeal and ·to el;iminate: secon~ appeafas this will go against the interests

. of Government. . . ..... ; : :· :,,! . . I .. . ., ; I

: i .. ·,

I ' ~.· ._ '.~ ·r.,r - ~· ,.

:· . I r·: ·,' ; , . . dues but,also to;1·aU·othe:r·:::cb.s'\'S of civil nature •. H_owever, it was­ considered that!~ Spec·ial'Lllw could be made for such cases,·Jf the

.\ . . . . · . '. ... \. . .. · .. :·' .,: · !/.'·:.·:: , .. :.. ; ·. \.' ·.:·-_ :' '· - .,• f . \'·. / ·J• number of C$Se$., amounts ~volved etc. justj:fied, such vn $Ction. . . More . particulat;ly it· must fit~t'~be' ei~miri'ed "7hether .the ~l#niiuit1on

otrigJit, of secopd .a:PP~al:j1µ.Jbe .in.· the '.intereEif. o(Go,~,r_n,m~nt_ or the otHer :part!e@;' It·wa$·:,',\the,efore., decided .tg -~o)1ec.t.uuormatio~. f.lbout the. caaesdecfded by the;Courts ·durlnfth~f lat;{five 'yea;rs 'in; .

. which <lovernrnent):1,ag;iffLed/:suits, appea1s .a·n.d .s.ecorid ~ppe;als $long_.· :with am<>upi;s inyolved a~~:.~Jmi.ber of .cases tn ,!{nitll eu.its/aepe~ls;·· ; vrer@ filed againJ;t the Gov.ernment and their ~esults;iThis inform.a-

.. I . ,;· . . . ., ·'.. . . , .'• : .. : :·· .'. .' . . . -,! - - . . • . • ,! ~ '· '. '\ ;-. ·; .· . t; , '·. \ ..

tion_·was collected In re,spe:Qt of. C&W I l H~PP, Fb.od and Forestry. Departments and consld~~~d fh a·fueetipg, held hri 13tlf March., 1983. under ·the Chair'11anship»oi' A~~;i.tional Chief Secr'etary;, SGA&IO which

.was. afterid~d_bypte·}~w:~_ecr;~tary, FiJ:lan~e Sec~etary and· a :repre .. sentative C?f. Home Department.· ·

~ . ' . '. . - ,, . ·: ; : I 1' • ·.: 'f.',i ',


Typed by *Sarwar*

The 15th May 1983

\(10~~ (Muhammad Mahbub Abbasi)

Secretary' Ad hoc Public Accounts Committee

and Secretary

Provincial Assembly of the Punjab


Additional Finance Secretary (M oni tor ing)


Your obedient servant

7. It is hoped that the above actions will help in improving the quick disposal of cases involving recoveries of Government dues. This position may please be brought to the notice of the Chairman, Adhoc Public Accounts Committee.

The Law Department is also issuing instructions to all the Adminis­ trative Secretaries for remaining vigilant in such cases and deputing responsible officers to attend the courts on each date of hearing and requesting for substantial costs in case other parties request for postponement of hearing.

