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REPORT RE: BUILDINGPERMIT FEES REPORT NO: 1 … · conditional permit, changeofuse permit,...

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MurrayLeppard ChiefBuilding Official The Corporation of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula P.O. Box 310, 315 George Street Wiarton, On NOH 2TO Telephone: (519) 534-1400 ext. 141 Fax: (519) 534-4862 e-mail: [email protected] REPORT RE: REPORT NO: BUILDING PERMIT FEES 1-0CTOBER-2007 SUBJECT: BuildingPermit Fees BACKGROUND: As per your request at the September 10, 2007 Council meeting, please find attached the Building Permit Fee Review Final Report provided by Tunnock Consulting Ltd. With respect to the Ontario Building Code requirements including the number of inspections and the necessity of two building inspectors, the Ontario Building Code/Act indicates the following: . the time period for the purposes of issuing or refusing a building permit shall be no longer than 10 days for houses and further sets out time periods for other classes of buildings. . an inspector shall not later than two days after receipt of a notice undertake a site inspection of the building to which the notice relates. The required inspections include the following: (a) readiness to construct footings, (b) substantial completion of footings andfoundations prior to commencement of backf1lling, (c) substantial completion of structural framing and ductworKand piping for heating and alr-conaitioning systems, if the building is within the scope of Part 9 of Division B, (d) substantial completion of structural framing and roughing-in of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and air-contaminant extraction equipment, if the building is not a building to which Clause (c) applies, (e) substantial completion of insulation, vapour barriers and air barriers, (f) substantial completion of all required fire separations and closures and all fire protection systems including standpipe, sprinkler, fire alarm and emergency lighting systems, (g) substantial completion of fire access routes, (h) readiness for inspection and testing of: (i) building sewers and buildingdrains, (ii) water service pipes, (iii) fire service mains, (iv) drainage systems and venting systems, (v) the water distribution system, and (vi) plumbing fixtures and plumbing appliances, (i) readiness for inspection of suction and gravity outlets, covers and suction piping serving outlets of an outdoor pool described in Clause 1.3.1. 1.(1)(j) of Division A, a public pool or a public spa, (j) substantial completion of the circulation / recirculation system of an outdoor pool described in Clause of DivisionA, a publicpool or publicspa and substantialcompletionof the poolbeforeit is first fIlledwithwater, .


ChiefBuilding Official

The Corporation of the Town of South Bruce PeninsulaP.O. Box 310, 315 George StreetWiarton, OnNOH 2TO

Telephone: (519) 534-1400 ext. 141Fax: (519) 534-4862

e-mail: [email protected]




SUBJECT:BuildingPermit Fees


As per your request at the September 10, 2007 Council meeting, please find attached the Building Permit FeeReview Final Report provided by Tunnock Consulting Ltd.With respect to the Ontario Building Code requirements including the number of inspections and the necessityof two building inspectors, the Ontario Building Code/Act indicates the following:

.the time period for the purposes of issuing or refusing a building permit shall be no longer than 10 daysfor houses and further sets out time periods for other classes of buildings.

.an inspector shall not later than two days after receipt of a notice undertake a site inspection of thebuilding to which the notice relates.

The required inspections include the following:

(a) readiness to construct footings,(b) substantial completion of footings andfoundations prior to commencement of backf1lling,(c) substantial completion of structural framing and ductworKand piping for heating and alr-conaitioning systems, if the

building is within the scope of Part 9 of Division B,(d) substantial completion of structural framing and roughing-in of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and

air-contaminant extraction equipment, if the building is not a building to which Clause (c) applies,(e) substantial completion of insulation, vapour barriers and air barriers,(f) substantial completion of all required fire separations and closures and all fire protection systems including

standpipe, sprinkler, fire alarm and emergency lighting systems,(g) substantial completion of fire access routes,(h) readiness for inspection and testing of:

(i) buildingsewersand buildingdrains,(ii) water service pipes,(iii) fire service mains,(iv) drainage systems and venting systems,(v) the water distribution system, and(vi) plumbing fixtures and plumbing appliances,

(i) readiness for inspection of suction and gravity outlets, covers and suction piping serving outlets of an outdoor pooldescribed in Clause 1.3.1. 1.(1)(j) of Division A, a public pool or a public spa,

(j) substantial completion of the circulation / recirculation system of an outdoorpool described in Clause DivisionA, a publicpool or publicspa and substantialcompletionof the poolbefore it is first fIlledwithwater,


(k) readiness to construct the sewage system,(1) substantial completion of the installation of the sewage system before the commencement of backf1.lling,(m) substantial completion of installation of plumbing not located in a structure, before the commencement of

backfilling, and(n) completion of construction and installation of components required to permit the issue of an occupancy permit under

Sentence or to permit occupancy under Sentence 1), if the building or part of the building to beoccupied is not fully completed.


Receiveand file.

RespectfullySubmitted, Approved by,



'alcolrn McIntosh, CAOMPA, MCIP, RPP

Date: ~.A:d-. til &~ 7,

rCorporation of the

Town of South Bruce Peninsula

Building Permit Fee ReviewFinal Report

Tunnock Consulting Ltd.2 Wilson Street West, Suite 2Perth, Ontario, K7H 2M5tel. 613326-0040Fax. 613 326-0030E-mail: gtunnock@tunnockconsultio£!.cawww.tunnockcoosulting.caFile P-1485

January 31,2006





1. Introduction 1

2. BuildingCodeAct ...................................... 1

3. Methodolog)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

4. Building Department Services and Other Support Services 3

5. Building Permit Activity 6

6. Indirect Costs 6

7. Direct Costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

8. Total RevenueGeneration for Direct and Indirect.Costs 9

9. B1:IiIdingPermit Fee Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

10. Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

11. Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Appendix 1 -Public Meeting Notice

Appendix 2 -Annual Report -Building Permit Fees


File P-1485 January 31, 2006



1. Introduction

The Town of South Bruce Peninsula (population 8,0901)has undertaken to review itsresponsibilities under Bill 124, the Amendment to the Building Code Act. This reportaddresses the issue of Building Permit Fees based on the requirements of the BuildingCode Act Amendment.

2. Building Code Act

Section 7 of the Building Code Act permits a council of a municipality to pass a by-law,"prescribing classes of permits...requiring the payment of fees on applications for andissuance of permits and prescribing the amounts thereof; (and) providing for refunds offees under such circumstances as are prescribed".

Bill ]24, "An Act to improve public safety and to increase efficiency in building codeenforcement" makes significant changes to the Building Code Act, not the least of whichis to establish greater accountability for the fees levied for building permits. Section 7 hasbeen amended by setting out new requirements with respect to calculating fees andinforming the public of changes to fees or the introduction of new fees.

Section 7(2) states that the "The total amount of the fees authorized under clause (1) (c)must not exceed the anticipated reasonable costs of the principal authority to administerand enforce this Act in its area of jurisdiction". The new legislation imposes a high leveltest or "anticipated reasonable cost" without explicitly setting out the scope of those costsor what is reasonable. It does not indicate that the cost must be determined for each class

or type of penn it issued. Effective July 1,2005; however, any changes to fees or theintroduction of new fees wi11require any municipality to meet the requirements of theAct. Municipalities will be expected to calculate both the direct and indirect costs ofadministration and enforcement of the Act.

Section 7(4) sets out the reporting requirements. An Annual Report on Fees and costs isrequired. Specifically, "Every 12months, each principal authority shall prepare a reportthat contains such infonnation as may be prescribed about any fees authorized underclause (I) (c) and costs of the principal authority to administer and enforce this Act in itsarea of jurisdiction". Section 7(5) states that the report must be available to the public.The report does not have to be sent to the Province. The first report must be issued in the]stquarter of 2007. .I Statistics Canada, 200 I Census

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Town of South Bruce Peninsula BuildiOl~Pennit Fee Review

Where there is a change in fees, Section 7(6) requires that Public Notice be given and ameeting held. However, notice of the meeting only has to be given to those who requestednotice by writing to the Clerk of the municipality. The municipality must maintain aregistry of those who submitted written requests to be notified and has provided anaddress for the notice. This includes any person and organization who filed a requestwithin the previous five years. Notice of the meeting must be sent by regular mail at least2 I days prior to the proposed meeting. The notice does not have to be advertized in thenewspaper, unless the municipality has its own protocol for doing so.

Finally, as a component of the accountability, the municipality must identify how surplusrevenues or a reserve fund are used where, for example, the fees collected in any givenyear exceed the cost of the service provided and the surplus is carried over to the nextfiscal year. The Cost Stabilization Reserve Fund may be used to offset costs foroperational or capital expenditures in years where fee revenues are less than projectedcosts. These funds may also be used for anticipated future expenditures such as newsalaries, replacement of computer equipment or a municipal vehicle in the BuildingDepartment. Reserve funds may be used to offset operational or capital costs in otherdepartments, only where there is a dire.ctlinkage to supporting the Building Department.For example, the Treasurer may require a new computer. Since the computer is used forrecording financial information on building permit fees or the building department'sbudget, a pro-rated portion could be taken from the Reserve Fund.

3. Methodology

The steps in determining a proposed building permit fee structure were as follows:

A. Building permit activity was collected for the period 2001-2004 in order todetermine the median level of activity in the municipality.

B. Information was collected from the 2005 municipal budget in order to calculatedirect and indirect costs related to building permit fees.

C. Time allocation information was collected for municipal personnel who performsupport services to the building service (indirect costs). This included Council, theCAO, staff in the Clerk's Department, Finance Department. IT/Systems, By-lawEnforcement, Fire Department and Public Works Department. This allocationfocussed on the time spent over the course of a year on building-related duties as apercentage of the total work year. This in turn was multiplied by the salary,benefits and overhead to determine the actual indirect costs for administration. .

D. Indirect costs for enforcement were calculated for legal costs.

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E. Time allocation information was also collected on the average time spent by theChief Building Official and staff in the processing of various types of buildingpermits including receiving the application, reviewing building plans, conductingfield inspections, carrying out records management and enforcement. This wasused to determine the direct costs for enforcement.

F. The direct costs for administration were calculated as the overhead costs forbuilding services multiplied by the percentage of the CBO's time and otherdepartmental staff spent on building-related duties.

G. Suggested building permit fees were then calculated on the basis of various permittypes by summing the total indirect and direct costs and dividing by the number ofpermits. An adjustment was made to the fee structure for minor permits such as aconditional permit, change of use permit, demolition permit, renewal permit andminor renovation permits i.e. cross-subsidy.

H. The Building Permit Fee schedule was determined on the basis of the suggestedfees adjusted to a value per square foot for residential or other types onconstruction based on an average size of a residentiai"or non-residential building.Other fees were calculated on the basis of a flat fee charge.

4. BuildingDepartmentServicesandOtherSupportServices

Building officials provide a very important service to the public by ensuring thatbuildings meet the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. Safe construction isparamount and due diligence exercised in enforcing the Code avoids municipal exposureto liability. Building officials are often the first contact the public has with theirmunicipality.

In the Town of South Bruce Peninsula, this function is carried out by staff in the BuildingDepartment. This consists of a Chief Building Official and an AdministrativeAssistant/Building Inspector (full-time employees). Murray Leppard, the eBO wasappointed by By-law No. 36-99 on March 23, 1999. Kelly Koeslag was appointed as anAdministrative Assistant/Building Inspector by Council Resolution #R-124-2005 onApril 25, 2005. The CBO spends approximately 95% of his time on Building Coderelated administration and enforcement. Other responsibilities include a minor role in by-law enforcement, drainage, building maintenance and commenting on planningapplications (i.e. minor variances). Murray is also a Property Standards Officer, althoughthis function has been delegated to another staff member. Kelly Koeslag, theAdministrative Assistant/Building Inspector spends an estimated 97% of staff time onBuilding Code Act matters. The CBO is qualified/certified for most of the plan review


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Town of South Bruce Peninsula Buildine: Penn it Fee Review

and inspection services and hopes to achieve full provincial certification in the nearfuture. Kelly is certified for small buildings, plumbing and legal. Building Departmentstaff are paid on the basis of a 37 Y2hour week.

Kelly Koeslag is usually the initial contact person for applicants applying for a permit orseeking information and will provide assistance in the completion of the (provincial)application form and in advising the applicant on procedures and the requirements forexternal approvals, where they apply. This may include information on approvals forzoning, conservation authority permits, MDS calculations etc. The applicant isresponsible for obtaining external approvals. Applications for minor variances or zoningamendments are dealt with internally and/or with the help of the County Planner. She alsoreviews the application for zoning compliance.

Upon receipt of an application (2 sets of plans required, a site plan and a sewage disposalplan), the plans arc datc receipted. The CBO will advise the applicant of any additionalinformation required but otherwise will then conduct a full plan review and will providenotations or will red line both sets of plans where changes or corrections are required..Ifchanges arc major, the plans will be returned to the applicant for re-submission.

The CBO stamps the plans upon completion of the review. A paper file is created. Themunicipality is also using Land Manager software to electronically record building permitinformation and to produce the permit. Kelly provides a coordinating role in preparing thepermit and recording file information. Either building official may calculate theapplicable fees (building, plumbing). The permit is generated electronically and signed bythe CBO after which Kelly informs the applicant that the pennit may be picked up.Seasonal residents are usually mailed their pennits. Kelly will collect and receipt fees andthen issue the permit. The protocols for inspections are detailed on the permit and areexplained to the applicant.

The turnaround period for the review and issuance of a building permit for a singledctached dwelling is typically 3-5 business days if everything is in order.

The process is more protracted for non-residential permits given the increasedcomplexity. The CBO does rely on the submission of reports from an architect/engineerwhcre reauired bv the Building Code Act.

Forty-eight hours notice is required for inspections, although they are often conducted thesame day or the next day. The inspection schedule is organized by the CBO and isundertaken on a geographic basis i.e., north part of the municipality in the morning andsouth half in the afternoon.


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Inspections are conducted on a 'first-come', 'first-served' basis. The inspection regimefor a new single detached dwelling typically includes 7-8 inspections. These include:footings prior to pouring, foundation/pre-backfill and drainage, underground plumbing,framing, rough-in for plumbing, insulation and vapour barrier, fmal plumbing withinterior and exterior finish and HVAC. One to two call back inspections are conducted ifsomething requires a correction, the stage of construction is not complete (Le. framing orinsulation) or if something is missing.

The CBO prepares a separate inspection report for each inspection. A sticker system isalso used to leave a record on-site as to the results. Inspection reports are then recordedelectronically. Once the construction is completed, the inspection card is retired to theproperty file.

Orders to Comply or a Stop Work Order under the BCA are issued by the CBO, althoughthis is a rare occurrence. Orders may be issued where construction is occurring without abuilding pennit.

For complex buildings, the number of inspections is dependent on the size andcomplexity of the building.

Support services or related services to the Building Department are provided by Council,the CAO, staff in the Clerk's Department, Finance Department, IT/Systems, By-lawEnforcement, Fire Department and Public Works Department. Council is responsible forestablishing policies, adopting by-laws and receives monthly building reports. The CAOoversees the management of staff and policy formulation process. The Treasurer isresponsible for the posting of fees, ledger, budget and audit functions. The Clerk preparesby-laws and Council agendas and is the custodian of municipal records.

Other services include IT/systems support, Public Works for drainage

New functions under Bill 124 have yet to be fully implemented. For example, it isassumed that the Clerk will maintain the Registry for those requesting notice of feechanges and become custodian of the code of conduct for building officials.

Finally, a solicitor is on retainer to provide legal counsel to municipal staff on, in thiscase, building-related matters. This service is seldom used for building matters given thewell-established working relationship Building Department staff have with the buildingindustry in South Bruce Peninsula. .

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5. BuildingPermit Activity

Table 1 sets out the building permit activity for the period 2001-2004. The number ofresidential permits averaged 59.5 per year of which 100%were single detacheddwellings. The average floor area for a single detached dwelling was 1,400 ft.2(based ondata from 2005 residential permits). Major alterations and accessory buildings accountedfor 12.25permits/year on average. Major permits for non-residential activity, includingmajor alterations/additions (over $25,000 construction value) averaged 7 permits per year(ICI) and 4.75 for fann buildings.

In the category of minor permits, minor alterations of residential buildings, decks andgarages, fences etc. averaged 139permits per year over the period 2001-2004.

Minor permits for non-residential uses averaged 11. Other permits (Le. conditionalchange of use, permit renewal, occupancy) averaged 37.7/year.

The total average number of permits issued annually over the four year period was 264.9.Of this 77.2 permits are classified as major permits and 187.7are nlinor permits. Thisfigure was transferred to Table ,4.

6. Indirect Costs

Table 2 sets out the Indirect Costs, or the costs that are provided by other functions,departments or services in the municipality to the Building Department. These includeIndirect Costs -Administration which consist of the costs of Council, the CAO, staffin the Clerk's Department, Finance Department, IT/Systems, By-law Enforcement, FireDepartment and Public Works Department.

The total costs for Council include salaries and benefits of$5,414.75 ($1,064.03 +$4,350.72 - Colwnn F) and associated overhead costs of$2,559.83 (357.83 + $2,202.00-Colwnn H) for a total of 7,974.58 ($5,414 + $2,559.83 - Colwnn I). Overhead coststypically include office supplies, computer equipment, telephone, fax, printing,subscriptions, utility and other costs which are considered to be part of normal 'cost ofdoing business' at Town Hall.

From Table 2, the Receptionist/Cashier, as an example of staffing costs, spendsapproximately 6.15% of staff time and as such, building-related salary and benefits costsare calculated as 6.15% of staff time (240 hours per year) multiplied by a salary andbenefits cost of$23.88/hour or a total of$5,730.88 (Colwnn F). The benefits includetypical payroll burden ofCPP, EI, WSIB, OMERS and health care benefits. Similarcalculations were undertaken for Council, the CAO, Clerk, Treasurer etc. These are


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shown in Colwnn E in Table 2.

Departmental overhead costs were added to the salary and benefits costs for alldepartments and Council. These costs include overhead and utilities costs. Using thesame example of the Receptionist Cashier, the calculation was computed as thepercentage of time spent by the staff member (6.15%) multiplied by the overhead costs, inthis case of $13,752.50or $$846.92 (Column H).

The total staff salary and benefits costs were computed as $26,194.43. The total Overheadcosts were computed as $5,204.70.

Therefore, the total Indirect Costs -Administration (salaries, benefits and overhead) forthe above departments amount to $31,399.13, rounded to $31,399.

Indirect Costs - Enforcement do not include legal costs as these are integrated into thebuilding department costs.

The total Indirect Costs for Administration ($31,399) and Enforcement ($0.00) are$31,399. These costs have been transferred to Table 4.

7. Direct Costs

Direct Costs are the costs associated with the front line delivery of the buildingdepartment function such as receiving building permit applications, plan review, fieldinspection, enforcement and administration. These costs are initially set out in Table 3for 2004 and 2005. The figures from the 2005 budgethave beenusedfor the purposesofcalculating Direct Costs. These include salaries and benefits of$132, 800.00 andadministration or overhead costs of $76,771 (Total = $209,571.00). This includes legalcosts of$27,000.

Administration costs are typical costs essential to the operation of the BuildingDepartment such as uniforms, office supplies, mileage and association fees. A portion($6,000 in 2005) is for training and certification of building officials as mandated by Bill124.This is expectedto be an ongoingcost.

The grand total Direct Costs for Administration and Enforcement is $209,571.00. Thisassumes that departmental staff spend 100% of their time on building-related duties.Since responsibilities include non-Building Code Act related duties, only a proportion ofthe costs is eligible. For the purposes of this study, the proportion allocated is 96%. Thisrepresents the average of the time allocation of the CBO of95% on Building Code Actresponsibilities (see Table 5) and the Administrative Assistant/Building Inspector of 97%


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(95% + 97% + 2 =96%).As such the net totalDirect Costs for Administration andEnforcement that is recoverable under Bill 124 is 96% x $209,571 = $201,188.16(rounded to $201,188.).

The Administration component of the Direct Costs of$73,700 (96% x $76,771 =$73,700 hasbeentransferredto Table 4.



Table 4 provides the Direct Costs for enforcement as well as a summary of bothIndirect Costs and Direct Costs on a per permit basis.

To determine the enforcement costs, a time allocation assessment was done for each ofthe building permit categories. For example, the total (combined) time allocated by a staffmember to carry out their responsibilities for the permits issued in a Group 'c' residentialbuilding, i.e. a single detached dwelling is 17.5 hours (Column B, Row 7 of Table 4).The salary and benefit costs for this time allocation are calculated as the staff membe~'shourly rate multiplied by the percentage of the benefits costs. These totals are CBO:$44.79, Administrative Assistant/Building Inspector: $26.41. An example of thecalculation to determine the staff member's cost is: CBO - 11.50hrs for Inspectionsx$44.79 = $515.09 (Table 4, Column C, Row 3). The total Direct Costs for all staffworking on a single detached dwelling is $737.88 (Table 4, Column C, Row 8).

Added to this total is the cost per permit for the building department's Administrationor overhead of$954.66 per (major) permit, and the Indirect Costs per permit for

Admi~istratioll~n!~rcement respectively of $406.72 and $0.00 respectively. Thetotal i~099.26 permit (spe Table 4, Column C, Row 12). It should be noted that theDirect andlndfrect Administration Costs are divided across the major permit typesonly. This cross-subsidyreduces the costs of a minor pennit for a deck, pool etc. byapproximately $1,361.38. This is intended to make the minor permits more affordable toconsumers. The cross subsidy amounts to approximately $105,098.53 i.e. 77.2 (minorpermits) x $1,361.38 = $105,098.53.

The total average number of permits per year from Table 1 was 264.9/year (2001-2004).This was used to divide the costs for the Indirect Costs - Enforcement.A figureof77.2which is net of the minor permits (187.7) was used to divide the Direct and IndirectCosts -Administration among the major permits.


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Town of South Bruce Peninsula Buildinl! Pennit Fee Review

8. Total RevenueGeneration for Direct and Indirect Costs

Row 13 'Grand Total' in Table 4 sums up all of the Indirect Costs and Direct Costs foreach permit category. For example, the costs for a single detached dwelling (Group CResidential) is $2,099.26 while the cost for a minor permit for a deck is $355.15.

Total Revenues are shown for each class ofpennit Le. Farm Buildings is calculated as 12permits (from Table 1) multiplied by $2,106.44 = $25,277:25.Thetotal for all permittypes (Gross Revenue) is $323,983.93 (Table 4, Colwnn AA, Row 15). This amounts toapproximately 139% of the eligible costs (under BilI 124) cited above of $232,587. Theexcess in revenues over costs is~:3~

9. BuildingPermit Fee Schedule

By-law 74-2004 of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula was adopted under Section 391.1of the Municipal Act and sets out, amongst other matters, the Schedule of fees for variouscategories or types of building permits. Table 6 sets out a comparison of fees based onthe findings of this study with the Municipality's Fees By-law. The fees levied under By-law 74-2004 are based on a combination of fixed fees and variable rate fees, the latter ofwhich are charged out on a value of construction basis. The proposed fees in this report

__ arebasedon a combinationof feesbasedon squarefootageand flat fees.The fees inTable 7 are based on 100% cost recovery and also add the option of fees which wouldgenerate a Cost Stabilization Reserve Fund. -This study should not be interpreted to limit the municipality from adjusting the 'fixed'fee to a variable rate where the 'level of effort' required to review plans and conductinspections is greater than the 'average' level of effort. For example, a single detacheddwelling of3,000 ft.2in floor area will require more time in the review of building plansand inspections than the average floor area of 1,400 ft.2for a single detached dwelling. Asa consequence it is reasonable to adjust the fees for larger projects based on aconventional cost per square foot basis. These adjustments are shown in Table 7 for eachClass of Building Permit.

The decision on the level of fees to be levied should also be based on consideration of the

degree of cost recovery the municipality wishes to achieve. Consequently, Council maywish to adjust the fee schedule and/or create a Cost Stabilization Reserve Fund. Tables 7and 8 set out the potential permit fees @ 125% cost recovery. This would generate asurplus of$56,450.00 (based on the 4 year average level of building permit activity). TheReserve Fund could be used to offset declines in fee revenues from a reduced level ofpermit activity and/or could be used for anticipated (new) operational or capital costs i.e.replacement of computers etc. (Note: Reserve funds could be used to offset


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Town of South Bruce Peninsula Building Penn it Fee Review

operational and capital costs for other departments (Indirect Costs) where the costsare building related. For example, the Finance Department may have to replacecomputers. Since those computers are used in part for recording building permit feerevenues or budget preparation, a proportion of the cost of their replacement couldbe taken from the Reserve Fund).

Tables 7 and 8 adjust the fees in Table 4 to generate the revenues required to cover themunicipality's anticipated reasonable costs of delivering the building service. Based onthis adjustment the fee schedule suggested would generate building permit fee revenuesof$235,400 or slightly in excess of 100%cost recovery. The fees shown in Tables 7 and8 have been adjusted with several criteria in mind. First, off, the adjustments allow forconsistency in the fees charged within certain occupancies i.e. new residential is levied at$1,550/dwelling unit and for new non-residential construction at $3,100 (up to 2,500 ft.2).Fees are rounded off for administrative convenience to the nearest $100.00. Flat fees arerecommended, again for convenience. The number of fee categories has increased toreflect the variety of construction activities and includes provision for unique classes suchas the constructioRof a communications tower, silo or wind turbine.

The fee schedule in Tables 7 and 8 would see a substantial increase in the current fees

for residential dwellings and most other categories, if Council is to achieve full costrecovery. The one class which would see a decline is the non-residential sector (lBI).Thefee schedule suggests a flat fee for all residential development with a floor area of up to1,400 ft.2and a variable rate above this bench mark. The variable rate is based on theprinciple that larger buildings will require a greater level of effort i.e. in plan review andinspections. This same principle has been applied to other types of construction.

For minor permits (Le. under $25,000 construction value), it is conceded that fees aretypically insufficient for cost recovery. This is attributed to the fact, that the constructionvalues may be minor and that the fees can act as a deterrent to obtaining a buildingpermit. Based on this study the base cost for providing the building service would be inthe order of $I ,361.38 (i.e. where the direct and indirect costs of administration andindirect costs of enforcement are added to the base line fee) for all minor permits. Sincethis fee would be unreasonable for a building permit for a garage or minor alterations, it issuggested that the municipality establish a base line fee or minimum fee of $200 for mosttypes of minor permits (minor alterations, garages, decks) plus a graduated fee for a floorarea of 300 square feet i.e. $200 + $0.66/square foot. For the balance of minor permits i.e.change of use, permit renewal, signs, moving, conditional, etc., a $250.00 flat fee issuggested. If fees are levied to create a Reserve Fund this base fee would increase to$250.00 + $0.83/ft.2 for buildings or structures with a floor area over 300 ft.2. .Table 8 provides a summary of the revenue projections based on both 100% cost

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recovery and to create a Cost Stabilization Reserve Fund. This report recommends thelatter. Based on the average number of fees for various categories for the period 2001-2004, the fee generation would be $235,400. This assumes 100% cost recovery. It isfeasible that the actual fee revenues could be higher if the average building floor areaexceeds the bench mark of 1,400 ft.2for a residential dwelling or 2,500 ft.2for an ICIbuilding. At 125% the revenue generation would be $291,850.00 based on currentbuilding permit activity levels.


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, "-

Table 6 -Comparison of Fees"-

Category or Type By-law 74- Building Permit Fee at 100% cost Fee at 125% costof Fee 2004 Fee Study recovery recovery

(From Table 4)

Group 'c' - Single $1,002.50 $2,099.26 $1,550.00 $1,9000.00DetachedDwelling (1,400ft.2)I

Group' A, B, D, $4,150.00 $3,071.43 $3,100.00 $3,600.00E' - Commercial

(2,500 ft.2i

Group 'F' $3,875.00 $1,949.67 $3,100.00 $3,600.00Industrial (2,500ft.2)3

Deck (300 ft.2)4 $175.00 $355.15 $200.00 $250.00

Garage (20' x 30')s $325.00 $355.15 $200.00 $200.00

Farm Building $1,150.00 $2,106.44 $1,400.00 $1,750.00(2,500 ft.2)6

Town of South Bruce Peninsula Buildinl! Pennit Fee Review

Table 6 -Comparison of Fees

Notes: I. Pennit fee is calculated as $125/ft.2 construction value x 1,400 ft? (average floorarea) = $175,000. ($175,000 + $1,000) x $5.50 + $40.00 = $1,002.50. Average dwelling sizeof 1,400 f1.2derived from municipal record.2. Pennit fee is calculated as $150/ft.2construction value x 2,500 ft.2($375,000 + $1,000) x$11.00 + $25.00 = $4,150.00.3. Pennit fee is calculated as $140/ft.2construction value x 2,500 ft.2($350,000 + $1,000) x$11.00 + $25.00"" $3,875.00.

4. Penn it fee is calculated as 50c/square foot + $25.00. 300 ft.2x $0.50 + $25.00 =$175.00.5. Pennit fee is calculated as 50c/square foot + $25.00.600 ft.2x $0.50 + $25.00 =$325.00.6. Pennit fee is calculated as $75/ft.2 construction value x 2,500 ft.2 = $187,500. ($187,500 +$1,000) x $6.00 + $25.00 = $1,150.00.

Table 7 - Suggested Building Permit Fee Structure- Town of South BrucePeninsula -100% and 125°;'0Cost Recovery . " '

Category orType of Fee

Base Line Fee @100% costrecover

Group 'c' -LowDensityResidential

$1,550/dwellingunit up to 1,400ft.2

Group'c' -MultipleResidential

$1,550/dwellingunit up to 1,400ft.2

Adjusted Fee @ 100%cost Recovery

$1.10/ft.2for buildingswith a floor area over1,400 ft.2.Minimum fee$1,550.00

$1.10/ft.2for buildingswith a floor area over1,400 ft.2.Minimum fee$1,550.00

Fee at 125%

$1,900/dwelling unit upto 1,400 ft.2. $1.35/ft.2for buildings with a floorarea over 1,400 ft.2.Minimum fee $1,900.00

$1,900/dwelling unit upto 1,400 ft.2.$1.35/ft.2for buildings with a floorarea over 1,400 ft.2.Minimum fee $1,900.00

FileP-1485 January 31,200612

--- --

, . .,

Town of South Bruce Peninsula Buildine. Penn it Fee Review


File P-1485 13 January 31, 2006


Table 7 - SuggestedBuildingPermit Fee Structure- Town of South BrucePeninsula-100% and 125° Cost Recovery

Group 'c' - $1,500/dwelling $1.07/ft.2for buildings $1,900/dwellingunitupResidential - unit up to 1,400 with a floor area over to 1,400 ft? $1.35/ft.2Major alterations, ft.2 1,400 ft.2.Minimum fee for buildings with a flooradditions, $1,500.00 area over 1,400 ft.2.demolitions Minimwn fee $1,900.00($25,000constructionvalue)

Group 'c' - $200.00 up to $0.66/ft.2for buildings or $250.00 up to 300 ft.2orgarage, carport, 300 ft.2or structures with a floor $250/pennit flat fee for .accessory $200/permit flat area over 300 ft.2. other types of permits.building, deck, fee for other types Minimum Fee $200.00 $0.83/ft.2 for buildings orminor alterations, of permits. structures with a flooradditions, area over 300 ft.2.

retrofits, pool, Minimum Fee $250.00temporarybuildings andother permits i.e.change of use,conditional

Wood Stoves and $100.00 flat fee $100.00 flat fee $100.00 flat feeSolid FuelAppliances ,

Stand alone $150.00 flat fee $150.00 flat fee $150.00 flat feeplumbing

School Portables $150.00 flat fee $150.00 flat fee $150.00 flat fee

Group 'A', 'B', $3,100 up to $1.24/ft.2for buildings $3,600 up to 2,500 ft.2.'D','E' 'F'- new 2,500 ft.2 with a floor area over $1.44/ft.2 for buildingsconstruction 2,500 ft.2.Minimum fee with a floor area over

$3,100.00 2,500 ft.2.Minimum fee$3,600.00

Town of South Bruce Peninsula Buildin2 Pennit Fee Review

10. Recommendations

This building permit fee study has determined the Indirect Costs and Direct Costs forAdministration and Enforcement based on the criteria set out in Section 7 of the

Building Code Act..

File P-1485 14 January 31, 2006

Table 7 - Suggested Building Permit Fee Structure - Town of South BrucePeninsula -100% and 1250/0 Cost Recovery

Group 'A', 'B', $2,000 up to $0.80/ft.2for buildings $2,600/dwelling unit up'D' ,'E' 'F' - 2,500 ft.2 with a floor area over to 2,500 ft.2.$1.04/ft.2major additions 2,500 ft.2.Minimum fee for buildings with a flooror alterations $2,000.00 area over 2,500 ft.2.($25,000 Minimum fee $2,600.00construction


Farm Buildings - $1,400 up to $0.211ft.2for buildings $1,750/dwelling unit upnew construction, 6,450 ft.2 with a floor area over t06,450 ft.2.$0.27/ft.2additions, 6,450 ft.2.Minimum fee for buildings with a flooralterations, $1,400.00 area over 2,500 ft.2.accessory Minimum fee $1,750 00buildings, hobbyfarms

Group A', 'B', $700 up to 2,500 $0.28/ft.2for buildings $1,000 up to 2,500 ft.2.'D','E' 'F' - ft.2 with a floor area over $OAO/ft.2for buildingsminor additions, 2,500 ft.2.Minimum fee with a floor area overalterations, $700.00 2,500 ft.2.Minimum feeretrofit, interior $1,000.00finishes,mechanical standalone

Communication $200.00 flat fee $200.00 flat fee $250.00 flat feeTower/facility,silo, wind turbine

Non-Residential $200.00 flat fee $200.00 flat fee $250.00 flat feedemolitions


Town of South Bruce Peninsula BuildiDl~Pennit Fee Review

) . It is recommended that the Municipality establish a corporate policy on feerecovery. The suggested fees would generate revenues that would recover 100%of the eligible costs (assuming an average level of construction and the base linefees for each permit category). It is recommended that the Municipality establish afee regime to permit the establishment of a Reserve Fund of25%.

2. It is recommended that the fees outlined in the last column of Table 7 be adoptedas the new fees for The Town of South Bruce Peninsula for the various classes ofpermits described.

Appendix 1 includes a sample Public Meeting Notice for a .meetingconvened underSection 7 of the Building Code Act to consider a change in fees or to introduce new fees.Appendix 2 sets out the format for the Annual Report on Building Permit Fees requiredby the Building Code Act.

11. Tables


15 January 31,2006File P-1485



Excluding motels, hotels, residential care facilities

21ncludespermanent and seasonal dwellings


Table 1 - Building Permit Fee Activity -Town of South Bruce PeninsulaMajor:Permits> $25.000.00 Minor:Permit<=$25,000.00

Numberof Permits

MAJOR PERMITSA B C D E Average 2000-

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004

Residential Permits (Group C)1Singles' 42 55 73 68 59.50Towns/RowAdditions 8 15 19 10 13.00Major Alterations/Repairs 9 9 3 9 7.50Maior Accessorv Structures 3 4 4 8 4.75

Non-Residential PermitsBUildings (Ind., Com & Inst.) 9 4 5 10 7,00Farm Buik:lings 10 2 5 2 4.75

Total 0 81 89 109 107 77.20. ."t :",..:>.t: .' ,7. .. .;: f ;:';:':.:(N:).r-:.;.... :-_',.:..i -;:.;;'<;.:;:jft:: }"?:;,:',':,:-;';:,:;;\l-:tl...?i:'::iljfc..z.'r:' ;::i!'.:.' '.:{ ."":386

MINOR PERMITSA B C D E Average 2000-

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004

Residential PermitsAdditions 25 41 34 47 36.75Minor Alterations/Reoairs 78 48 49 38 53.25Minor Accessory Structures 53 53 51 39 49.00

Non-Residential Permits

Buildings (Ind., Com & Inst.) 8 7 0 3 4.50Farm Buik:lings 4 8 9 5 6.50

Other Permits. .

Pool 0 3 2 1 1.50Plumbing 1 1 1.00Change of Use 1 0 2 1 1.00OccuDancvWood Buming Systems 7 2 1 1 2.75Renewal 4 8 12 6 7.50Moving 2 2 1 1.67Other 2 3 1 2.00Demolition 12 20 24 25 20.25

Total 0 193 195 189 168 187.67; .... ',"',,-;:;1 -,"-'. ! ""'T.;_i'H .<.'."".'. \J. -'i1"!t:.'.Wl?lif.!(-t.;;"i.TotaIMaJ6r::ttl.;;";7 45

I I I I I I IITOTALOFMAJOR+ MINOR 274 284 298 275 1131

," 01:.


Table 2 -Other Municipal Services and Departments -Time Allocation -Salarv Costs -Town of South Bruce Peninsula

% of Total Time Spent No. Hours worked Hourly Rate"of on Plan Review, No. Hours

Salary Includingor Total Indirect Costs

Total Owerhead Indirect CostsTotal Indirect

Council or Staff Position Employees Inspection, Permit worked per year on Salary and . Salary and Costs .Building Related Benefits Costs Overheadin Position Processing, and/or per year Services

Benefits Ben.fits AdmlnltratlonAdministration, etc Costs SI

A B=DIC C 0 E F"'DXE G H=8XG 1= G. HS.".IfIs:A\1tr 0123%

Council Members IMayor 1 520% 230 12 51 064.03 568&1.25 5357.83 $1 ..21.86Councillors 8 4.00% 1840 73.6 $4 350.72 $55 050.00 $2 202.00 $6.552.72

CAO 1 4.00% 1950 78 . $4 582.72 568&1.25 5275.25 $4.857.97

Clerk's DeDartmentClerk 1 2.67% 1950 52 $2310.21 56881.25 5183.50 52,"93.71Decutv Clerk 1 1.03% 1950 20 5619.71 568&1.25 570.58 5690.29

Finance DeDartmentManaaer of FinancialServices 1 0.51% 1950 10 5515.1" 568&1.25 $35.29 5550...3ReceDtionisVCeshier 2 8.15% 3900 240 55 730.58 513762.50 5846.92 56577.51Tax Clerk 1 026% 1950 5 5124.18 568&1.25 517.84 $1"1.81Utilities CIeri< 1 026% 1950 5 512".16 566&1.25 517.84 $1"1.81Accounts ReclPay & IT 1 0.49% 1950 9.5 5344.94 56881.25 $33.52 $378"'6

Fire DeDartmentDeDulyFire Chiaf 1 2.67% 1950 52 $1 947.79 56881.25 5183.50 52131.29AdministrativeAssistart 1 0.72% 1950 14 5369.67 566&1.25 $49"'0 "'19.08

By-Law Enforcement (contractBv-LawEnforcement Officer 2 6.15% 2340 144 53 240.00 513762.50 5846.92 5" 088.92

Public Works DeDartmentManaaer of Public Worts 1 0.51% 1950 10 5515.14 56 8&1.25 535.29 5550.43AdministrativeAssistart 1 0.72% 1950 14 5355."5 56881.25 ,..9...0 5..o.c.85

24Total Indirect Costs -Admlnlstrallon 526 194.43 55 204.70Other DeDlirtments ILeaal (aUInBui1dlnaBudaeI) ITotal Indirect Costs- EnforcementAdiusted to include benefits IGrand Total Indirect Costa I 531399.13

'-.Table 3 -Building Costs -Town of South Bruce Peninsula





$118,857.26 $132,800.00










$2,000.00$22.664.00 .

$23,988.99 $48,105.00









Enforcement Costs. . . .

. . ..

Legal Fees". $5,250.00 $27,000.00


ENFORCEMENT COSTS $150,460.25 $209,571.00

·Benefits Include: Employer CPP, Employer EI, WSIB, OMERS, Health and Insurance BenefitsU Vehicles: Vehicleslfleet replacement costs (i.e. capital cost amortized over life of vehicle)... Legal Fees: Retainer


A 8 C D E F I G H I I J I K I L I 104 N I D' I p 0 R 5 T U X Y Z AA 88 CC DO EI

Table 4 -Time AIGcaliGn b TYDe Gf rermit -Town Gf SGuth Bruce Peninsula

SlafT Position Group 'C' eo.. Group 'C' eo.. G..up 'C', Colt Group 'C' Cost Groups'A. Colt GroopT eo.. Groups 'A. Cost Non- C.., Groups 'A. Cost Fonn Coo, Other Colt School Cos' Plumbina Cost Wood Cos'

Av. . tan. tpcnI Rcoidco'w IlcsidcntialR Mljor Othor. B,D,E' IncU1rioI 8,D,EIt residential B,D,EIt tMildinp. Penniu: Paubles 51.... It

perfunction ........ 2. ow. TO'MU. allcrations Guq', Commotew (houn) rMajor dcrrolitNxu r Minor miilions. O>ona. 0/ (houn) SoIMlh.1

(hours) wait. Ap8r1mmls acUitions.. pool, deck. retail. motels" ahentiON (hooon) .hcntions ata'ations UI<. AppI......

mobile (hours) de.-.olition m'..... Ntltutiona1. additiON additNM\s (boun) Rmow houn)

homes, (boun) alteration$, ............. (houn) (boun) pcmrit,- (boun) (boun) Sip.) 104.....


caD 19.5 2.5< 111.91 2.0' 1t.5 1.1< 67.1 6.01 261.7 2.01 19.1 6.OC 261.7 1.01 ..U 3.0( 134.3 3.1< 116.7 i:o ..... 0'.5< 22." 0'.5< 22.... fUi

I.PI8nReview 2.01g..

3 2. lnJpoetions II. 51S.D! 21.0 940.5 ILl< 511.0' ".OC 179.1 21.OC 940.5 I.OC 351.1 II.OC 671.1 I.OC ..... 9.0( 403.11 Ig.OC ....7.9< fOi ..... I. 67.1 I. 67.1 I .....

3.A ..... 3.0 \301.3 f.oc "U 1.0( ..... I.OC 351.3 2.0( 19.1 ".OC 179.1 0'.5< 22." O( 19.51 OC 19.5 g.s< 22.... 0'.2' 112' 0'.2: 11.21 11.:11


4. EnfCRCIDcnt 0.5< 22. I.OC ..... g.Se 22." g. II.X 2.OC 19.5 G. 11.]( 0'.5< 22." g. II. g. 11.:11 0'.2: II G. 22." g.oc 0'.0( g.OC 0'.01 0'.01

Admio. 66.0' 20 UI 2.01 51.1 2.01 5U OI 5U I.S< 39.' fii 5iS: ..OC 2....1 I.S< 39.6 1.5< 39.6 0'.2 6.61 I.OC 26.41 I.OC 16.". 26."1

AsslJ814 loop.


T...U H.... 17. 29. 17.1" 1.1 39. 13.7 27.'" 3.7 1S.1 17. 3. 3.2: 3.

ToI8I. Di=tc..u.

741.'" 93."'P.nI'ORtIDCntS'a 737.1 121..., 72'.6 355.. 1710'.0' 5U." 1194,9 ."'.5' 677.1 140.9 127.1 127.1

ToI8IDiAdc..u.Administr&tim-S73.700f71.2 -

954." 95'." 954." 9S4.$954.66 954.61 .. 954.61 954.61ToI8I.-""c..u.AdministntiOft-S31,399nl.2- I

,I S406.72 _.7 _.r. _.7

,_.7 _.1 _.7 406.7


0''' 0'.01II SO.OO 0'.01 0'.01 0.0( g.'" 0'.01 g." g.'" 0.01 0'.01 g.'" g." G."

12 Gnnd ToI8I$'. 2099.26 2645.93 20160'1 355.1S 307....3 1949.67 2556.31 ''''.51 677.87 2106.... 140.97 121.19 127.19 93.60

13 AvriPaftlu 60.00 0'.00 4600 139.00 7.00 0'.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 12.00 1100 0.00 0'.00 0'.00

ToI8IRewstucI $'. 125955.3 0'.0( 959st.3 "9366.:11 21500.0'1 0'.01 0'.01 O.OC 3319.3 25277.2: 2537.51 0.01 G.'"

Gnnd ToI8I$323913.9

I RevenueSs


Table 5 -Time Allocation and Salary Rates -Town of South Bruce PeninsulaA B e 0 E F

% of Total Time Spent

# of Employeeson Plan Review, No. Hours

Staff Position in Position Inspection, Pennit worked per Hourly Rate · Salary ·Processing, year


BuildinQ Department

eBO 1 95 1950 $44.79

AdministrativeAssistant 1 97 1950 $26.41

-Adjustedto includebenefits:23%I .I ,


Table 8 -Revenue Generation - Town of South Bruce PeninsulaProposed

Average # Permit Fees @ Revenue based Proposed Permit Revenue basedPermits 2000. 100% cost on Fees @ 100% Fees @ 125% on Fees @ 125%

Permit Category 2004 recovery cost recovery cost recovery cost recoveryGroup 'C' -New Residential 60 $1,550.00 $93,000.00 $1,900.00 $114,000.00Group 'C' - MultipleResidential 0 $1,550.00 $0.00 $1,900.00 $0.00Group 'C' -MajorAlterations 46 $1,500.00 $69,000.00 $1,900.00 $87,400.00Group 'C' - MinorResidential Permits 139 $200.00 $27,800.00 $250.00 $34,750.00Group 'A, B, D, E' - New Non-Residential 7 $3,100.00 $21,700.00 $3,600.00 $25,200.00Group 'F' - New Industrial 0 $3,100.00 $0.00 $3,600.00 $0.00Group 'A, B, D, E &F' - MaiorAlterations 0 $2,000.00 -$0.00 $2,600.00 $0.00Non-residentialDemolitions 0 $200.00 $0.00 $250.00 $0.00Group 'A- F' - MinorAlterations 5 $700.00 $3,500.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00Farm Buildings 12 $1,400.00 $16,800.00 $1,750.00 $21,000.00Other Permits 18 $200.00 $3,600.00 $250.00 $4,500.00Total Revenue $235,400.00 $291,850.00








Corporation of tbe Town of Soutb Bruce Peninsula

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula willhold a public meeting on the _ day of .2006, at p.m., in theCouncil chambers (315 George Street, Wiarton) in order to consider a proposed Building PermitFee By-law under Section 7 of the Building Code Act.

PURPOSE AND EFFECT -The Town of South Bruce Peninsula is proposing to adopt (amend)a Building Permit Fee By-law following a review of the building permit fees under Section 7(b)of the Building Code Act. The effect will be to increase (decrease) the existing fee structure (andadd introduce a new fee). Information will be provided at the meeting on the estimated costs ofenforcing and administering the Building Code Act, the amount of the proposed fee(s) and therationale for changing (and/or imposing) fees.

ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representationeither in support of o~in opposition to the proposed fees.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION related to the proposed fees is available during regular officehours at the municipal offices.

Dated at the Town of Soutb Bruce Peninsula tbis _ day of , 2006.

ClerkTown of South Bruce PeninsulaP. O. Box 310, 315 George StreetWIARTON ON NOH2TO

Tel. 519 534-1400Fax. 519 534-4862

(Note: to be advertized a minimum of 21 days prior to the public meeting. Notice has onlyto be given to every person and organization that has within the last 5 years before the dateof the public meeting, requested to be notified and has given the municipality an address.)








Corporation of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula

Annual Report -Building Permi~ Fees

Total Fees (Revenues) collected for the period January 1, 200_ to December 31, 200_ underBylaw No. -' of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula $

Costs of Delivering Services:

Indirect Costs:

Indirect Costs are deemed to include the costs for support and overhead services to the BuildingDepartment of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula as follows:

Total Administration Costs $

Total Enforcement Costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $

Sub-Total - Indirect Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S..

Direct Costs:

Direct Costs are deemed to include the costs of the Building Department of the Town of SouthBruce Peninsula for the processing of building permit applications, the review of building plansconducting inspections and building-related enforcement duties.

Total Administration Costs $

Total Enforcement Costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $

Sub-Total - Direct Costs S

Grand Total Indirect and Direct Costs $

Revenues over costs as of December 31, 200_ $

Statement of Reserves:

Building Department Reserve Fund (to December 31,200J $

