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Report Seminar networking

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    Bachelor of Technology


    Electronics and Communication Engineering


    Sachin behl


    Under the esteemed guidance of

    Dr. Arvind Kumar

    (Associate Professor)

    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

    National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra

    January 2016

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    I would like to take express sincere gratitude to our seminar supervisor

    Dr. Arvind Kumar, for mentoring my seminar and guiding me

    meticulously at every step. I honed our technical, presentation and

    writing skills from his professional knowledge. I indeed, feel fortunate

    and grateful given this opportunity to have study and complete the

    seminar successfully under his guidance. The knowledge obtained from

    this study will further be realized in future studies.

    Sachin behl


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    ABSTRACT: This report demonstrate immense power of VirtualReality in various applications. It basically describes how this new

    technology has largely affected the human society. In todays

    generation everything has become centered around computer. Same is

    the case with the virtual reality.

    Virtual reality is a technology that has specialized input and outputs that

    helps user to interact with the virtual world as if it is a real world .In

    virtual reality you can do a task as simple as running and a complex task

    as doing space exploration with just a hand gesture and simple physical

    movements. The most important part is that here you are not actually

    present in this scenario but experiencing the same without being actually

    present there.


    Virtual reality is generally a Computer Genreated environment. This

    Computer generated environment varies from different application of

    virtual reality. This environment is stored in the data base of the

    computer. The database is stored in memory of the computer. This

    database contains various points in space , polygons and images togenerate a computer generated environment. Various platforms are

    present in the market that helps to create this environment.

    These enviroments have been classified broadly into 2 categories namely


    In this prototype of Virtual Reality Unity platform was used for creating

    the virtual world. Unity is a flexible and powerful development platformfor creating multiplatform 3D and 2D games and interactive


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    2. Componenets of VR system

    This VR system mainly consists of two parts mainly transmitter section

    and receiver section . The transmitter section contains input devices

    mainly an accelerometer mounted on the head mounted display.The

    head mounted display used here is Google cardboard . The

    accelerometer records the movement of the head and voltage of the three

    axis varies accordingly.

    Figure 1.1 Google Cardboard

    Figure 1.2 Sensor orientation

    The Oculus sensor includes a gyroscope, accelerometer, and

    magnetometer. When the data from these devices is fused, we can

    determine the orientation of the players head in the real world and

    synchronize the players virtual perspective in real-time. The Rifts

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    orientation is reported as a set of rotations in a right-handed coordinate

    system, as shown in Fig 1.2

    The hand movemts and gestures are determined from the on/off switches

    present on a glove.The process of combining the sensor data from allthree devices into something useful is called sensor fusion.

    In the transmitter section we have a microcontroller and RF module to

    transmit the sensor data wirelessly to the receiver section where data is

    further processed. At the receiver section the data is manipulated and

    then given to the Virtual World running on the computer through

    UART. The virtual world here is then transmitted to the smartphone

    present on the Google Cardboard through WiFi.

    3. Working of VR system

    The transmitter section basically takes input from two input devices.The

    data taken from these sensors is analog and hence need to be converted

    to digital format before we process it. To do this conversion we use

    ADC module of microcontroller. An embedded system uses the ADC to

    collect information about the external world (data acquisition system.)The input signal is usually an analog voltage, and the output is a binary

    number. The ADC precision is the number of distinguishable ADC

    inputs (e.g., 4096 alternatives, 12 bits). The ADC range is the maximum

    and minimum ADC input (e.g., 0 to +3.3V). The ADC resolution is the

    smallest distinguishable change in input (e.g., 3.3V/4096, which is about

    0.81 mV). The resolution is the change in input that causes the digital

    output to change by 1.

    This bit stream is transmitted to the receiver section using RF module

    which operates at 433.92 MHz frequency . The bits are first encoded at

    transmitter side and then decode at receiver with the same encoding.

    This is done using HT12Eand HT12D.

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    This is done because this is a noisy band and it is very difficult to do

    wireless transmission without encoding the data.The block diagram for

    same is shown in Figure 2.

    The bits received are then manipulated by the microcontroller present atthe receiver section . The ways these bits are manipulated is such that we

    can press the keys of keyboard using a windows.h file running on the

    computer system . The keys are pressed so that natural movemts of a

    person can be tracked on the virtual world .For example the head

    movemt up and down can be tracked using up and down arrow keys

    .Similarily the hand gestures can be used to other functions on the virtual

    world and keys are pressed accordingly.

    Serial data

    Wireless data

    serial data

    Figure 2 RF Transmission

    Encoder ormicrocontroller

    RF Transmitter

    RF Receiver

    Encoder or


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    Generation of Bit

    Stream fromTM4C123 which

    is send throughtransmitter


    movements hasnow been emulated

    into the virtual


    Computer programemulates the physical

    movements which aredefined by received bits

    pattern into the virtual



    Decoded bits are

    send to MSP430which transmitsthem to computer

    through UART .


    Receiver:Receivesthe transmitted bitwhich is furtherdecoded.

    ADC Values of

    accelerometer whichare generated because

    of physical movementsin the real world

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    4.1GamesThere are many applicatons of virtual reality in this area and it has seen

    a dratic improvemet over these years. First ever game that was

    developed using virtual reality as a concept was Battle Tech in which

    players could coomunicate with each other using microphones. The user

    was moving a roboter in the game.This roboter was controlled over

    footpedals. In his cabin, the player had many speakers who gave him not

    only the sounds of the machines but also the haptical feedback, which

    means that the seat shook due to the subwoover when he got hit.

    Since then there have been several advancemets making the experience

    more real. For example, the Oculus Rift head-mounted display. It is

    small in size and less costly. Sensors are present on the HMD tracking

    the head movemts. The graphics are getting better .

    4.2 MedicineThe virtual reality devices can also be used in medical are to treat

    phobias ,anxienty disorders and panic disorders. They can be exposed to

    their fears using virtual environments. The best part of this system is that

    these environments are in controlled manner contrary to that of the real

    situtaions that cannot be controlled.

    For example Virtual reality is used as in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    (PTSD) for people affected in military.

    4.3 Tour and TravelBecause of its completely immersive virtual presence technology many

    tour company have started hosting virtual tours of famous archaeological

    sites. A 3D model of Tuscanny is available on Unity3D for Rift demo.

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    4.4 ArchitectureThe virtual world used by Oculus rift are so easy to create many

    architects and designers are using the system to create a virtual 3D

    design of their creations this enables them to see their creation without

    utilizing much time or capital.

    4.5MillitaryMilitaries and sports team may also use this system to test out strategies

    and practice formation without the risk or capital.

    Training programs by simulating the environment of air planes is also

    beimg used widely.

    5. Future Developments

    5.1Virtuix Omni Omni integrates with the rift and makes the virtual presence

    experience more prominent. Omni is basically a frictionless surface which can senses our

    transversal movement and can give allow us to really run and

    walk in the virtual world . This gives the user 6 degrees of freedom

    Figure 4 Virtuix Omni

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    5.2 Nimble Sense

    Nimble Sense is a depth detecting camera which allows the systemto detect our hands and body into the virtual world.

    Giving us new ways to interact in the virtual world .

    5.3 ARAIG

    One major flaw of virtual world is the lack of physical touch iethat even though we interact in the virtual world we dont feel


    ARAIG utilizes pressurized air to mimic the sense of touch andpressure felt during an impact our virtual self in the real world

    Figure 5 Ariag

    5.4 MYO

    MYO is an electronic armband which utilises Electromyography totrack our arm movement exactly .

    The key feature of this device is that it need no addition device or


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    Figure 6 MYO

    6.Flaws and Shortcomings

    Its quite bulky system and still in its infancy. The system has been

    known to cause motion sickness and has been deemed unhealthy by

    many experts . Majority of the masses still feel that VR is a

    technology for gaming and nothing more . Some people are even

    afraid of this technology that it might take away their real physical

    world .

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    Still need for development in this field .Quite an amazing device and

    closest to virtual world we have ever been.Need to be researched in

    the right direction before commercial launch. Closer still not yet therefor replacing the real world.

    People are used to have a good quality when watching films or

    gaming. The DevKid2 of Oculus Rift now has also a resolution of

    960 x 1080 per eye, while the first one had ony a resultion of 640 x

    800 pixels per eye .This means that when using the Oculus, one can

    see each pixel with the eye, which distracts people. The main problem

    with these technologies are that they are mostly still in theirdeveloping phase or in the first one published, as we can see in the

    example above. For the Oculus Rifts this means that they have yet

    just published the Development Kids. The Virtualizer has just selled

    his Kickstarter pre-orders and the Virtuix Omni is still expensive and

    so new that people need to hear about it first. The second problem

    also is that people just do not know about the technology or just too

    afraid to pay a lot of money for new things that have not been

    accepted by the majority.

    8. References

    1. Kalawsky, RS(1991) Reality of virtual reality. InIEE Colloquium on

    "Real World Visualisation - Virtual World - Virtual Reality,.



    3. Virtual Reality Presented by Alexandra Seger to The Marshall Plan

    Scholarship and University of Applied Science Sankt Plten



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