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Reporting ROI to the C-Suite

Date post: 20-Aug-2015
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Reporting ROI to the C-Suite Nichole Kelly President SME Digital

Reporting ROI to the


Nichole KellyPresident

SME Digital

Agenda• Why is Measurement So Hard?• What Managers Want / What Executives Want• How to Translate Social Media To Executives• Understanding Social Media Goals• What You Need in Your Toolkit• Equalizing the Data• Analyzing / Presenting the Data• Case Study

Nichole Kelly• President, SME Digital• Author, How to Measure Social

Media: A Step-by-Step Guide to

Developing and Assessing Social

Media ROI

About Me

Today You Will Learn• Show your CEO and CMO that you understand what

really matters in business and where social media fits• Connect social media impact to core business objectives

like sales volume, revenue and costs• Get the right framework in place to get bottom line

metrics• Understand whether or not your social media publishing

process is preventing accurate measurement results• Get the ammo you need jump start your career by

learning how to translate social media into their language

Poll # 1• Polls are 120 characters or less. Answers are less than

30 characters.

• Can you measure revenue generated from social media?– Yes– No– Kind of

Why is Measurement So Hard?

• Social Media Measurement Tools• Social Media Monitoring Tools• Web Analytics• CRM

Everyone claims to measure “ROI”.

You can’t measure social media ROI without a connection to CRM.

There is a lot of confusion

Why is Measurement So Hard?

• Trying to redefine ROI• Creating new metrics based

on social media language• Expecting executives to “get”

social• Lack of understanding for

how new social metrics relate to core business objectives


WE are Making Measurement Hard

Why is Measurement So Hard?

• Social channel• Website• CRM

It’s time to connect the dots…the right dots

Why is Measurement So Hard?

• What is our web analytics package?• What is our CRM package?• Can we pass campaign data into the CRM from the

website?• How are we doing that now?• How can we integrate traffic from the social channel into

that process?

Sounds easy…but it isn’t

Ask yourself:

What Managers Want

• To understand what is and isn’t working• To show the value in their efforts• To optimize their results


What Executives Want

• Sales Volume• Revenue• Cost

The Bottom Line


How to Translate Social Media to Executives• Leverage existing metrics with history and benchmarks

for acceptable results, stop waiting for new ones• Align social media to core business goals• Understand that social is one channel in the marketing

mix• Show social media results in context with other

marketing channels


The minute an executive asks,

“what is Twitter”, you’ve LOST!

How to Translate Social Media to Executives• Executives understand one thing…The Bottom Line• They live, eat, and breathe the sales funnel• Show how social media fits into the sales funnel


How to Translate Social Media to Executives

• Social media extends our sales funnel• Social media helps us get to new customers before our

competition• Social media helps us foster relationships with existing

customers• Social media helps us generate brand awareness


What Executives Need to Know

Understanding Social Media Goals

Understanding where Social Fits

Understanding where Social Fits

Understanding where Social Fits

Understanding where Social Fits

What You Need in Your Toolkit

• HootSuite, Raven Tools and Argyle Social integrate with Google Analytics

• Google Analytics integrates with e-commerce or marketing automation software such as Paradot

• E-commerce or marketing automation software integrates with CRM such as Salesforce


If you can’t get to CRM today…you can still provide metrics that matter to executives

What You Need in Your Toolkit

• Type your status update• Put in your link• Click on the gear to the left of

the shrink button• Select Google Analytics under

“Add customer URL parameters”

HootSuite’s Golden Egg: Add Campaign Tracking to Shortened URLS

What You Need in Your Toolkit

Google URL BuilderAdd Campaign Tracking to Shortened URLS

What You Need in Your Toolkit

Create a System for Campaign Parameters• Source = Social Media Channel, i.e. Twitter, Facebook• Medium = Social Media Account (if the client has multiple accounts) or

Content Type i.e. status update, photo, video etc.• Campaign = the campaign name

You can add numbers in the campaign field so you can track back to an individual tweet

What You Need in Your Toolkit

What You Need in Your Toolkit

Google Analytics Social Reporting

• Social Media Assists• Conversion by Social Channel• Path to Conversion• Social Plug-in Analytics

Requires Code to Be Installed

Equalizing the Data

• Online Advertising• Offline Advertising• Public Relations• SEO• Customer Service

You can’t measure social media in a silo, but it isn’t about saying

other channels are BAD.

Compare Social Media Metrics to:


Equalizing the Data• Online Advertising

Metrics• Cost per

Impression• Cost per Click• Cost per


• Offline Advertising Metrics• Reach –

Impressions – Viewers = Cost per Impression

• Cost per Conversion

• Public Relations Metrics• Reach = Cost per

Impression• Mentions = Cost

Per Placement

• SEO Metrics• Cost Per Inbound

Link• Cost Per Site Visit

• Customer Service Metrics• Average Time to

Service• Cost to Service• Resolution Rate

These can ALL be

measured in social too!

Analyzing the Data - Managers

Create a dashboard to compare against other channels

Presenting the Data - ExecutivesCreate a dashboard to compare against other channels

Case Study Challenge:• Product Trials are

Key to Purchase Decisions

• 3X Use = 2X More Likely to Buy

• Wanted to Drive Product Loyalty by Integrating Social Behaviors

Case Study Solution:• Integrated gaming

elements into free trials

• Created missions for users to complete to drive training during trials

• Users received points, badges and could share experiences on social channels

Case Study

Results:• 40% increase in

trial usage

Case Study – Level UP

Cost per trial user

Cost per engagement

Cost per community

sign up

Cost per customer acquired

Upgrade rate for users

Average revenue per


Average licenses per


Suite license conversions

Community members generated

24/36 month customer

lifetime value

1) Start talking in executive language

2) Align social metrics with business objectives

3) Stop presenting “social” data, present “business” data

4) Create a reporting framework to increase efficency

5) Use campaign parameters for better reporting

6) Compare across marketing channels

Key Takeaways


Thank YouHow To Measure Social Media

The key to building measurable strategies and delivering metrics that matter• Step by step instructions• Hands-on exercises• Worksheets
