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Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas...

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IEE BiogasHeat Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe April 2012- March 2015 Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" 13th February 2015 D.5.7 B. Kulišić & J. Maras Abramović Energy institute Hrvoje Požar Savska 163, Zagreb Croatia 16th February 2015
Page 1: Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" ... Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje

IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for

Biogas Plants in Europe

April 2012- March 2015

Reports on trainings for biogas operators

"Heat from biogas - a lost profit?"

13th February 2015


B. Kulišić & J. Maras Abramović

Energy institute Hrvoje Požar

Savska 163, Zagreb


16th February 2015

Page 2: Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" ... Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje

IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:


Summary in English ................................................................................................................................. 3

Cilj radionice ............................................................................................................................................ 5

Ciljane skupine polaznika: ....................................................................................................................... 5

Upućivanje poziva ciljanim skupinama .................................................................................................... 5

Sudionici .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Prezentacije ............................................................................................................................................. 7

Diskusija i B2B ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Dodatak ................................................................................................................................................. 12

Pozivnica ............................................................................................................................................... 13

Program ................................................................................................................................................. 14

The BiogasHeat project (Development of sustainable heat markets for biogas plants in Europe) is supported by the European Commission in the Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The BiogasHeat project duration is April 2012 to April 2015 (Contract Number: IEE/11/025).

Page 3: Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" ... Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje

IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:

Summary in English

Parallel to the activities at the institutional level, EIHP has organised one day training workshop targeting

existing biogas plant operators and future biogas plant planners/ operators on heat use from biogas

cogenerations, the most common, if not the only, form of utilizing biogas in Croatia.

Invitations were sent through several channels, with the support of relevant institutions included in

Capacity building under Task 5.2: Ministry of Economy – Department for Energy, Sector for RES:

forwarded invitation to all biogas (pending) plant operators listed in Register of RES and cogeneration;

Croatian Chamber of Economy – Department for Industry, RES Group and NGO DOOR forwarded

invitation to all their members; Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA) and Croatian Energy Market

Operator (HROTE) forwarded invitation to their clients – biogas plant operators within the permitting

system plus EIHP has used its mailing list gathered though many activities in biogas. Apart of biogas

plant operators, operative level staff of institutions involved in policy making, permitting and market

regulation were invited to join and share their experiences when dealing with heat use from biogas


EIHP wanted to bring theory and practice closer at this training. In that sense, the first part of the training

was related to heat use and presentation of the material generated through BiogasHeat project (WP3

and WP4) plus special presentation on the new regulation regarding heat use in buildings that gives

special attention to heat use from biomass. The second part was dedicated to practice with

presentations from 5 heat equipment suppliers/producers and the third part was organised as both

discussion how to improve the biogas heat use and for B2B between biogas operators and heat use

equipment suppliers. Heat use equipment suppliers were contacted directly and invited to present at the

workshop. The criteria was to have a spectrum of heat use that would be most plausible to be

implemented in biogas plants in Croatia: drying facilities and ORC.

Page 4: Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" ... Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje

IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:

The discussion let to conclusion that, in Croatian conditions, the best way of utilising heat from biogas

cogeneration plants is for own purposes. In that way, a position of poor negotiation power for placing

heat on the market is avoided. However, the options for heat use for own purposes are limited: most

households are heated on fuelwood which is so cheap that upgrading the heat system to on-farm micro-

heat-grid is not feasible; using heat for drying assumes entering a whole new market of dried goods that

assumes specific skills, knowledge and network. In addition, heat use for own purposes is additional

investment. There is an additional burden specific for Croatia which is oversized biogas plants (1 MW)

that rely mostly on maize silage as input, in general, which supplies an abundance of heat that needs

to be utilised.

At B2B meeting, at least two business connections went to an advanced level with the company

presenting the heat use in ORC. EIHP has been invited to present the deliverables of BiogasHeat project

to the Croatian Advisory Service in Agriculture in the near future which was accepted.

Although 15 participants were expected by the project, 34 participants applied (see Google sheets

annex) and 23 participants (see Participation list annex) benefited from BiogasHeat training. The training

was also used to announce final conference scheduled for March 2015.

The compiled training material is available on the project web-site and was sent to the relevant

associations and chamber of commerce for future similar trainings: Ministry of Economy, Croatian

Chamber of Economy, Croatian Advisory Service in Agriculture, HROTE, HERA, and Centre for


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IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:

Cilj radionice

Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar je organizirao trening namijenjen postojećim i budućim operaterima

bioplinskih postrojenja kako bi se ukazalo na mogućnosti korištenja toplinske energije iz kogeneracije

na bioplin. Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje toplinske energije iz bioplina, ali i ponuditi konkretne kontakte

s proizvođačima opreme gdje bi se ta toplina iskoristila.

Radionica je imala za cilj i ukazati na mogućnosti poboljšanja postojećeg regulatornog i zakonodavnog

okvira, a te bi ideje trebale pomoći investitorima postojećih i planiranih bioplinskih postrojenja u

ostvarenju minimalne ukupne učinkovitosti kogeneracije na bioplin od 50%.

Ciljane skupine polaznika:

1. Postojeći i budući operateri bioplinskih postrojenja

2. Operativna razina mjerodavnih institucija uključenih u proces izdavanja dozvola ili kreiranja

zakonodavnog i strateškog okvira za korištenje toplinske energije iz kogeneracija na bioplin

3. Proizvođači opreme kojom se može koristiti toplinska energija: sušare za drvo, voće i povrće,

žitarice, ORC…

Upućivanje poziva ciljanim skupinama

Poziv je upućen preko mjerodavnih institucija: Ministarstvo gospodarstva, Odjel za energetiku, Služba

za obnovljive izvore energije, energetsku učinkovitost i nove tehnologije – investitori u bioplinska

postrojenja upisani u Registar OIEiK, HGK – Grupacija za OIE – članice Grupe za bioplin; NVO DOOR

– članovi; HERA i HROTE – klijentima koji su u nekoj fazi stjecanja prava povlaštenog proizvođača te

preko mailing liste EIHP-a.

Proizvođači opreme su kontaktirali telefonom pojedinačno, a kontakti su nađeni preko Googla.

Operativna razina mjerodavnih institucija (HROTE; HERA; MINGO; Savjetodavna) je pozvana tijekom

niza formalnih i neformalnih aktivnostima na BiogasHeat projektu i šire.


Ukupno je zaprimljeno 31 prijava preko Goggle Forms (sheets) aplikacije i 3 prijavnice putem faksa. Na

samom treningu je sudjelovalo 23 korisnika.

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IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:

Page 7: Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" ... Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje

IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:


Ukupno je predstavljeno 11 prezentacija gdje su 4 prezentacije održali članovi EIHP BiogasHeat tima,

a s 2 prezentacije su se pridružile kolege iz EIHP-a radi ostvarivanja ciljeva treninga. Uz to, 4

prezentacija su održali proizvođači opreme.

Slika 1 Riječ dobrodošlice - Branka Jelavić

Slika 2 IEE BiogasHeat projekt: pregled aktivnosti i glavni rezultati - Željka Fištrek

Slika 3 Prikaz mogućnosti korištenja toplinske energije za postizanje minimalne učinkovitosti od

50% kogeneracije na bioplin - Igor Novko

Slika 4 Provjere izvodljivosti korištenja toplinske energije - Željko Plantić

Page 8: Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" ... Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje

IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:

Slika 5 Obaveza korištenja obnovljive energije u sustavima za grijanje u novom Tehničkom propisu o

racionalnoj upotrebi energije i toplinskoj zaštiti u zgradama - Margareta Zidar

Primjena iskustava iz razvijenih tržišta na Hrvatsku: EEG i pozitivna lista

Biljana Kulišić

Slika 6 Plasiranje toplinske energije u centralni toplinski sustav & Ocjena

projekata bioplina - Danica Maljković, EIHP

Slika 7 ORC moduli za korištenje toplinske energije iz kogeneracije na bioplin - Dejan

Vugrinec, B: Power HR d.o.o.

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IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:

Slika 8 Sušare za voće i povrće - Miroslav Žakula, EUCLID d.o.o.

Slika 9 Sušare za poljoprivredu, drvnu industriju i primarnu obradu drva - Josip Jurišić, SETING-INZENJERING d.o.o.

Slika 10 Sušare na toplu vodu - Zoran Dragičević, Tehnotrade d.o.o.

Sve prezentacije su dostupne na www.BiogasHeat.org.

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IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:

Slika 11 Ručak

Tijekom treninga, poslužena je kava i napici te ručak za sudionike koji su došli iz cijele Hrvatske. Trening

je završio u 16.00.

Diskusija i B2B

Diskusija je dovela do zaključka da je, za hrvatske uvjete, najbolje koristiti toplinsku energiju iz

kogeneracija na bioplin za vlastite potrebe. Tako se izbjegava nepovoljan pregovarački položaj pri

plasiranju topline na tržište. No, mogućnosti za korištenje topline za vlastite potrebe su prilično

ograničavajuće jer se većina ruralnih domaćinstava grije na drva što prelazak na bilo koji drugi način

grijanja ne opravdava ekonomsku opravdanost. Zatim korištenje toplinske energije za sušenje (voća,

povrća, bilja, žitarica, drva…) pretpostavlja ulazak na novo tržište sušenih dobara za što su potrebne

nove vještine, znanja i povezanost koje operateri rijetko posjeduju. Naravno, investiranje u korištenje

toplinske energije predstavlja dodatno opterećenje investiciji u kogeneraciju na bioplin. Dodatna

specifičnost hrvatskog tržišta bioplina je predimenzioniranost postrojenja na 1 MW gdje je uglavnom

glavna sirovina kukuruzna silaža, a čime se generira obilje toplinske energije koja se treba iskoristiti.

Page 11: Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" ... Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje

IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:

Slika 12Diskusija se nastavila i tijekom stanki za kavu i ručak

Na B2B dijelu, sklopljene su barem dvije

poslovne veze koje će preći na višu

razinu i to između operatera bioplinskog

postrojenja u planu i tvrtke koje je

prezentirala korištenje toplinske energije

u ORC-u.

Slika 13 B2B sastanci na završnom dijelu radionice

Rodila se ideja da bi bilo zanimljivo da Savjetodavna služba pogleda materijale nastale unutar

BiogasHeat-a što je EIHP prihvatio.

Page 12: Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" ... Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje

IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:


Page 13: Reports on trainings for biogas operators Heat from biogas ... · Reports on trainings for biogas operators "Heat from biogas - a lost profit?" ... Cilj je bio dati ideje za korištenje

IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:


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IEE BiogasHeat – Development of Sustainable Heat Markets for Biogas Plants in Europe

This project (Contract no. IEE/11/025) is supporterd by:

