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46 Eapen Jacob, 2013. Studies on the captive breeding and reproductive biology of two indigenous ornamental fishes of the Western Ghats. Ph. D Thesis, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India CHAPTER 3 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF PUNTIUS POOKODENSIS 3.1 INTRODUCTION Reproductive biology of many commercially important fishes has been studied, because of their importance in fish culture and fishery management programmes. However a review of literature showed that such studies have been selective and the numerous smaller fishes have been neglected extensively. Smaller fishes are important in fishery management programmes, because they are prey for larger fish or compete with them for food (Geevarghese and John, 1983) and they are the unavoidable parts of many aquatic biotic communities. As far as P. pookodensis is concerned, this is the pioneering work and other biological aspects are still in dark. Considering its importance, attempt has been made to study the different aspects of reproductive biology of this specie.


Eapen Jacob, 2013. Studies on the captive breeding and

reproductive biology of two indigenous ornamental

fishes of the Western Ghats. Ph. D Thesis, Mahatma

Gandhi University, Kottayam, India





Reproductive biology of many commercially important fishes has been studied,

because of their importance in fish culture and fishery management programmes.

However a review of literature showed that such studies have been selective and the

numerous smaller fishes have been neglected extensively. Smaller fishes are important

in fishery management programmes, because they are prey for larger fish or compete

with them for food (Geevarghese and John, 1983) and they are the unavoidable parts of

many aquatic biotic communities. As far as P. pookodensis is concerned, this is the

pioneering work and other biological aspects are still in dark. Considering its

importance, attempt has been made to study the different aspects of reproductive

biology of this specie.


Development of a successful captive propagation technique for freshwater fishes

depends on the raising of a domesticated broodstock (Scott, 1962). In order to begin the

domestication process it is necessary to gain control over all phases of its life cycle,

especially reproduction. The development of a potential broodstock turns to be the

major cost for the producer due to the expense of operating and maintaining facilities as

well as feeding fish for extended periods of growth, sexual maturation and successive

reproductive cycles. Although males are equally important in reproduction, the

availability of eggs in right maturity stage, most often, becomes the limiting factor. In

many species, egg production by females is a year long process but viable milt can be

produced by males in a matter of a few weeks (Bromage et al.,1992).

Knowledge on the reproductive biology of any fish is very important for

productive aquaculture and scientific based fishery management of any of the water

bodies. Manipulation of a fish’s reproductive system under culture or captive conditions

requires an understanding of natural spawning patterns and other influential factors.

Reproductive biology i.e. fecundity, spawning, sex ratio etc. are among the important

aspects of the biology of fishes, which must be understood to explain the variations in

the level of populations as well as to make efforts to increase the amount of harvest

(Azadi and Mamun, 2004). Puntius pookodensis is considered as an important

indigenous ornamental fish of the Western Ghats of India and breeding this fish under

captive conditions will help to produce it commercially. A thorough knowledge on the

reproductive biology of a particular species is very important for the proper management

as well as understanding and predicting the annual changes that occur in the population.

The different reproductive parameters like Gonado Somatic Index (GSI), absolute


fecundity, relative fecundity, oocyte diameter frequency analysis, sexual dimorphism

and sex ratio, and size (length / weight) at the time of initial maturity of Puntius

pookodensis have been investigated.


3.2.1 Fecundity

The absolute fecundity is described as the number of, usually mature eggs, filled

with yolk or all vitellogenic oocytes found in the ovary immediately before the

reproduction process (Bagenal, 1973). Fecundity among egg-laying animals is the

number of eggs being readied for the next spawning by a female (Royce, 1972).

Knowledge of fecundity is important for understanding the life history and for modeling

population dynamics of a species (Bruch et al., 2006) and is important in the estimation

of abundance and reproductive potential (Gupta, 1967). Fecundity appears to bear some

broad relationships to the care or nurture accorded to the eggs (Lagler et al., 1967).

Fecundity studies have been considered useful in tracing the different stocks or

populations of the same species of fish in different areas (Gupta, 1967). Knowledge

about fecundity of a fish is essential for evaluating the commercial potentialities of its

stock, life history, practical culture and actual management of the fishery (Lagler, 1956;

Doha and Hye, 1970). Fecundity varies from one species to another, depending on the

environmental conditions, length, age etc. Many researchers have worked on the

fecundity of different fish, such as, Bhuiyan et al. (1993), Kuddus et al. (1996), Alam et

al. (1994), Bhuiyan and Parveen (1998), Kiran and Puttaiah (2003) and Bhuiyan et al.

(2000) and Dobriyal et al. (2000).


Though it is easy procedure for estimation of the reproductive potential of any

given fish species, it does not give an accurate picture of the egg release as the fishes

tend to be multiple spawners or even batch spawners. Hence a precise estimation of

fecundity is almost impossible. Absolute fecundity is defined as the number of ripe

eggs found in the female prior to spawning (Bagenal and Braun, 1968). On the other

hand fertility may be defined as the actual number of young ones produced rather than

the number of eggs (Bagenal and Braun, 1968). Both endogenous and exogenous

factors have a profound effect on the fecundity. The variation in fecundity is dependent

on season, climatic condition, environmental habitat, nutritional status and genetic

potential (Bromage et al., 1992).

Estimation of the absolute fecundity of multiple spawners is difficult.

Usually all the yolked ripe or ripening eggs are counted based on the classic work of

Hickling and Rutenberg (1936) for multiple spawners. The estimation of fecundity in

open substrate spawners is also difficult owing to the extremely high fecundities and

protracted spawning periods. On the other hand fecundity estimation of the brood hiders

and nest spawners and all the fishes showing parental care is easy due to low fecundity.

Here, eggs are larger with high survival rate. In case of mouth brooders the fecundity

depends more on the brooding capacity of the parent than on the fertility. The fecundity

is the least in live bearers where the newly born are stronger than those that hatch out of

an egg. The fecundity is inversely related to egg size, yolk content and incubation time.


3.2.2 Ova diameter frequency studies

The frequency of reproduction forms the index of the predictability of the

environment and can be elucidated by the ova diameter studies. It has been

demonstrated that by studying the intraovarian egg dimensions of fishes in the ripe

condition or penultimate stage of maturity, it is possible to elucidate the duration of

spawning periods and individual spawning frequency (Clark, 1934; Hickling and

Rutenberg, 1936; De Jong, 1939; June, 1953; Prabhu, 1956; Quasim and Qayyum, 1961;

Grimes and Huntsman, 1980).

Based on oocyte size distribution, Wallace ad Selman (1981) and Dietrich and

Krieger (2008) classified ovaries into three basic types:

(i) ‘Synchronous ovaries’ in which all oocytes develop and ovulate in unison and

there is no replenishment from the earlier stages. Such ovaries are found in species that

spawn once and then die. The oocyte size distribution consists of a single mode

(semelparous fishes.)

(ii) ‘Group synchronous ovaries’, in which at least two size groups of oocytes are

present at the same time; the larger group or clutch usually being more homogenous

than the smaller.

(iii) ‘Asynchronous ovaries’, in which oocytes at all stages of development are

present at the same time. The oocyte size frequency distribution is continuous except in

the ripe stage where, there may be a clear separation of the yolked oocytes.

However, a protracted breeding season in itself does not imply multiple

spawning for each female, as it might simply reflect a lack of population synchrony in


gonad development showing asynchronous breeding populations (De Jong, 1939; De

Vlaming, 1983). Also the type of oocyte development is not species specific.

‘Isochronal’ or ‘total’ spawners is the other name given to the group

synchronous spawners while it is ‘partial’, ‘heterochronal’, ‘multiple’ or ‘serial’

spawners for the asynchronous spawners. According to Holden and Raitt (1974) the

oocytes will be shed within a short period - a week or so in the group synchronous

spawners and only a compliment of the yolked oocytes is spawned in case of the

asynchronous spawners. De Vlaming (1983) suggested that the multiple spawning

generally refers to more than one spawning in a season, and ‘fractional spawning’ is

used for species that spawn part of an ovulated clutch.

Based on spawning frequency (Prabhu, 1956; Karekar and Bal, 1960), the fishes

are categorized into four groups. This classification is based upon the works of Hickling

and Rutenbnerg (1936).

(i) Category A: Spawning takes place once in a season during a short duration, the

individual spawning once. Ovary contains a ripe stock distinctly and clearly separated

from immature stock.

(ii) Category B: Spawning takes place once in a season but with longer duration.

Range in size of the ripe ova nearly one half of the total range of intra-ovarian eggs.

(iii) Category C: Spawning more than once during a protracted spawning season.

Ovary with a batch of ripe stock, an immature stock and an intermediate ripening stock

in between the ripe and immature ones.


(iv) Category D: Spawning extended over a very long period or almost round the

year but intermittently, the individual spawns many times in the spawning season.

Batches of eggs in the ovary are not well differentiated from one another, usually shown

by fishes in tropical structured communities.

3.2.3 Gonadosomatic index

The Gonado Somatic Index (GSI), is one of the most important measures in the

estimation of the reproductive period and maturity condition of a fish. Some others

included maturation dynamics of the ovaries assessed by a maturity stage cycle,

condition factor and visual estimations. The gradually increasing values of GSI gives the

picture about the dynamics of gradual gonadal maturation and the maximum GSI means

the point of maximum reproductive maturity and beyond that a steep fall because of

spawning, the shedding of eggs. Sexually mature fish had high GSI values and in

females these were as much as six times greater than in males (Chellappa et al., 2003).

3.2.4 Size at first maturity or studies on initial sexual maturity

It is the length at which 50% of the fish population is regarded to have attained

gonadal maturity (Kagwade, 1968). This varies not only from species to species but

also within the species, which are subjected to varied internal and external stimuli.

These variations in the length at first maturity may be related to the ecological factors,

food supply and assimilation (Keshava et al., 1988). Usually in fishes, it is the males,

which mature earlier and so remain smaller than the females as greater part of their

energy reserves are diverted towards gonadal growth and development. However, in


species exhibiting territoriality and parental care it is the males, which are larger as they

are involved with the care of the eggs and young ones (Nickolsky, 1963). The females

usually mature later so that they can somatically grow larger and produce more number

of viable eggs.

Besides the above factors, population density and quantity and quality of food

available also have a significant role to play in determining the size at first maturity of

the given species. In expanding populations the females tend to mature at an earlier age.

Their maturing earlier owes to the fact that expanding population is usually found in

favourable environment and so attained larger size at a younger age. On the other hand

where the environment is favourable for growth and adult survival, fishes tend to delay

reproduction (Bagenal, 1957). The advantage in such cases is the increase in fecundity,

which is proportionate to the somatic growth of the fish. The size at first reproduction

has an important role in understanding the life history of a species during its evolution

and gives a rough estimation of the ultimate size of the species. A thorough knowledge

on initial sexual maturity has extreme importance in developing techniques for captive


3.2.5 Sexual Dimorphism and Sex ratio

Differentiating sex is the primary step in developing a captive breeding

programme for a fish species. Sexual dimorphism depicts the morphological features

with which we can successfully segregate them sexwise. Differences in the selective

pressures experienced by the sexes can ultimately result in the evolution of sexual

dimorphism of morphological traits (Andersson, 1994). Fish exhibits wide variations in


the possession of sexual dimorphic characters. In some species, there exists highly

remarkable differences between male and female as they should have been mistaken to

be a different species, while some others are found to be extremely identical in

morphological features.

Determining the sex ratio of a population is tremendously valuable when we go

through the conservation aspects of a threatened species. The existence of a population

in its natural habitats is linked with its reproductive strategies. It includes the timing of

spawning, other breeding behaviour aspects and the number and proportion of male and

female individuals took part in the actual nuptial acts.

3.2.6 Reproductive Strategies

A complete knowledge of the reproductive system and the reproductive biology

of fishes are essential to understand the reproductive strategy of any given species. The

reproductive cycle of different species have developed in response to the fishes’ natural

range and habitat. In order to close the reproductive cycle for a given species it is

necessary to mimic some elements of the natural environment for providing the

appropriate stimuli for the reproductive cycle. The timing of spawning in annual

spawning fish has developed as a response to “ultimate” factors that will maximize the

survival of the eggs and fry. These ultimate factors include the water supply and water

quality, availability of suitable food supply and a reduced number of predators. In order

for the fish to be ready to spawn when the ultimate factors are present, the fish needs to

respond to "proximate" factors or cues to adjust the reproductive cycle to match the

changing environment (Sumpter, 1990). The main objective of a reproductive strategy is


to maximise reproductively active offspring in relation to available energy and parental

life expectancy (Wootton, 1984; Roff, 1992; Pianka, 2000). In order to achieve this, fish

follows different strategies and tactics (Balon, 1984). The reproductive strategy of a

species is the overall pattern of reproduction common to individuals of a species,

whereas reproductive tactics are those variations in response to fluctuations in the

environment (Wootton, 1984; Roff, 1996). Fishes exhibit great diversity in reproductive

strategies and associated traits such as breeding system, number of partners, gender role,

spawning habitat, spawning season, fecundity and others (Helfman et al., 1997).

Descriptions of reproductive strategies and the assessment of fecundity are

fundamental topics in the study of biology and population dynamics of fish species

(Hunter et al., 1992). Studies on reproduction, including the assessment of size at first

maturity, fecundity, duration of reproductive season, daily spawning behaviour and

spawning fraction, permit quantification of the reproductive capacity of individual fish.

This increases our knowledge about the state of stock and improves standard assessment

of many commercially valuable fish species thereby define their reproductive strategies.

Moreover, establishment of extensive databases on reproductive parameters with

corresponding data on abiotic factors enables the study of causal relationship between

reproductive potential and environmental variation. This leads to a better understanding

of observed fluctuations in reproductive output and enhances our ability to estimate

recruitment (Kraus et al.,2002).

There are three basic strategies for the production of eggs and their subsequent

spawning (Balon, 1984).


• Synchronous spawning : One crop of eggs and sperm are produced and

spawned at one time after which the fish dies.

• Group synchronous spawning : Groups of eggs are produced and

spawned at one time but several cycles of development and spawning can


• Asynchronous spawning: There is continuous development and spawning

of oocytes.

Different reproductive strategies are in existence and are explained based on different

components of breeding systems, such as number of breeding opportunities, type of

spawning, mating system, gender system, secondary sexual characteristics, spawning

site preparation, place of fertilization, embryonic development and parental care (Murua

and Saborido-Rey, 2003).


3.3.1 Fecundity

Fecundity was estimated from samples collected from the wild as well as

hatchery raised specimens. A total number of 214 specimens (128 females and 86

males) were used for the study of different aspects of reproductive biology. The total

length and weight were recorded for each individual to the nearest centimeter (cm) and

gram (g) respectively. The specimens were then dissected out, the ovaries were removed

and the length and weight of the ovaries were recorded to the nearest millimeter (mm)

and milligrams (mg) respectively. The ripe ovaries were preserved in 5% formalin.

These were later weighed after removal of the excess water and also their length and


weight were taken. The oocytes were separated by introducing samples of completely

mature ovaries into Gilson’s solution, as modified by Simpson (1951). The ovaries,

being small, were kept whole in Gilson’s fluid with appropriate labels showing standard

length, body weight, ovary weight, etc. Then it was shook vigorously and left to stand

for about 24 hours. The Gilson’s fluid hardened the ova liberated easily as the ovarian

tissue breaks down. The ovary can also be preserved in Gilson’s fluid without any


Composition of the Gilson’s fluid:

60% alcohol -100 ml; 80% alcohol - 15 ml; Saturated formalin - 20 ml; Water

- 880 ml; Glacial acetic acid - 18 ml.

For calculating the fecundity, gravimetric method (Burd and Howlett, 1974 ; Hunter et.

al., 1985) was adopted where a portion of the ovary accurately weighed and the

subsamples were counted and the same was multiplied by the total weight of the ovaries

using the formula,

Weight of the ovary X Average number of eggs per sub sample

Fecundity =

Average weight of the sub sample

The final figures of fecundity were arrived based on the three subsamples of each ovary.

The fecundity (F) thus computed was correlated to variables such as total length (TL) in

‘cm’ and body weight (W) in ‘g’. Regression analysis (Joshi and Khanna, 1980) was

employed to find out the correlation between fecundity and various parameters such as

total body length, body weight, and ovary weight (Murua et al., 2003)


Relative fecundity was expressed in terms of number of eggs per unit

length and unit weight of the fish and unit weight of the ovary. The linear relationship

between absolute fecundity and (i) Total length, (ii) Body weight and (iii) Weight of

ovary were computed by regression analysis after log10 transformation of the respective

X and Y values

Log Y = log a + b log X

This is calculated using the least square method and corresponds to an

exponential function of the type : Y = a.Xb. The linear equation was fitted by the method

of least squares, allowing the use of standard statistical procedures for subsequent

analysis. Scatter diagrams of fecundity against total length, fecundity against body

weight and fecundity against ovary weight were drawn. A regression line was fitted on

each scatter diagram by the least squares method (Draper and Smith, 1966).

Absolute fecundity


Total length (cm) or total weight (gm) or ovary weight (mg)

Estimation of mathematical equations that represent the relation between

absolute fecundity on one side and total length (cm) or body weight (gm) or ovary

weight (mg) on the other side was done.

Oocyte size-frequency distributions studies could be made use for fecundity

studies also. It is helpful to find out whether a fish shows determinate fecundity or

indeterminate fecundity. In fishes with determinate fecundity, the standing stock of

yolked oocytes (total fecundity) prior to the onset of spawning is considered to be

Relative fecundity (Fr)


equivalent to the potential annual fecundity; while, indeterminate fecundity refers to a

species where potential annual fecundity is not fixed before the onset of spawning and

unyolked oocytes continue to be matured and spawned during the spawning season

(Hunter et al., 1992).

3.3.2 Ova-diameter studies

Ova were counted following the direct method with a binocular compound

microscope. The ova diameter measurements were done on a monocular microscope

with 4×10 magnification, after calibrating the ocular micrometer using a stage

micrometer. The ovaries were kept in Gilson’s solution (Simpson, 1951), in order to

disperse the oocytes; then, they were transferred to 70 % alcohol. The distribution of ova

in the ovary was studied by the method of Clark (1934) and Prabhu (1956). A ripe ovary

was arbitrarily divided into three segments along its length, the anterior, middle and

posterior. From each segment a batch of 800-1000 ova was isolated and the diameter of

each ovum was measured. These diameters were grouped in 64 µm intervals and the

percentage distribution of the groups of ova in each region was calculated. This

percentage occurrence in the mature ovary was used for studying the spawning


Different methods have been adopted to classify the maturity stages of gonads in

fishes. In the present study the ovary was grouped into five maturity stages following

the scheme of Qayyum and Qasim (1964) and Bhatt (1968, 1970, 1971). The characters

used for the classification of the ovary were appearance, colour, size, state of distension,

relative space occupied in the body cavity, the size of the ova and their yolk content.


3.3.3 Gonadosomatic Index

Using the total and ovarian weights, a standard gonadosomatic index (GSI) was

calculated to determine the time of spawning and the general reproductive status of

females. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) of the female fishes of the collected samples was

determined separately following the equation cited by Parameswaran et al. (1974).

Weight of the gonad

GSI= ------------------------------ X 100

Weight of the fish

The studies were conducted under captive conditions on specimens which were

raised in hatchery. Because of the extremely limited distribution of the species most of

the methods adapted for biological studies were non-lethal. Only minimum samples

were formalin preserved in the case of unavoidable circumstances. The fishes which are

found to be the representative of same maturity by visual estimation of different

macroscopic characters were selected, preserved and dissected. The fish were raised at a

temperature range of 26 to 28 0C, which was the room temperature available in the


3.3.4 Size at first maturity

The length at which 50% of the fishes are mature can be considered as the

minimum length at first maturity (Kagwade, 1968). Size at first maturity or size at 50 %

maturity was computed with a total of 112 fishes of which 77 were females (ranging

from 25 mm to 60 mm TL) and 35 fishes were males (ranging from 20 mm to 55 mm


TL). The length at first maturity is the size at which 50 % of the population is mature.

The total lengths of all the fishes collected for the study were grouped according to

different length groups. The percentage occurrences of mature fishes (early ripening,

late ripening, ripe and partially spent) for the females and males have been taken. By

plotting the percentage occurrence of mature fish (males and females) against respective

length classes (5mm), the length at which 50% of the fishes were mature was


3.3.5 Sexual Dimorphism and Sex Ratio

Different macroscopic and visual features were made use of for determining the

sex of the individual. They include

1. Overall body coloration (sexual dichromatism)

2. Bulginess of the stomach

3. Behaviour in captive conditions

A total of 95 nos of specimens were made use of for sex determining studies and

they included wild caught individuals right from their natural habitats, and F1 and F2

generations of the wild caught ones. Different nuptial and breeding behavioural gestures

like chasing, following, nubbing etc also could be used for distinguishing the sexes. The

percentage occurrence of each sex in the population was calculated.

The sexes were also determined after dissection based on different macroscopic

characteristics such as vascular irrigation, size, colour and proportion of oocytes per

developmental stages, and rate of abdominal cavity occupied by ovaries.


Table 3.1 Macroscopic description of various stages of gonadal maturity in

Puntius pookodensis

Stage Males Females

Juvenile Testes threadlike

translucent strap

Ovaries not distinguishable from

testes. Also appears as a translucent




recovering and

spent fish)

Testes thick straight

and translucent

Ovaries straight, ova white in colour

and visible through the capsule.

Late maturing

Testes enlarged,

begin to form lobes

and turn white.

Ovaries increase in size, form lobes, is

the largest organ in the abdominal

cavity and is covered by mesenteric

fat. Ova whitish in colour.


Testes white

convoluted and is the

largest organ in the

abdominal cavity.

Ovaries are fully distended and fill the

abdominal cavity. Oocytes are

yellowish and easily shed on

application of slight pressure on the



Testes appeared as

straight, thin, largely

translucent strap on

either side of the

swim bladder ventral

to the kidney.

Ovaries flaccid and often

hoemorrhagic if spawning was

successful. Few oocytes visible, giving

the ovary a speckled appearance.


3.3.6 Reproductive strategy

The different reproductive strategies of a fish species can be explained based on

the studies on different reproductive biological aspects like fecundity, ova diameter

frequency studies. Study on captive breeding and breeding behavioural patterns also

give picture of different reproductive strategies of a species.


3.4.1 Fecundity

Absolute fecundity (Fa)

In this study the absolute fecundity of Puntius pookodensis ranged from 375-

823. The highest absolute fecundity was observed as 858 for a specimen weighing 1.8

g. The average absolute fecundity was found to be 722.33

Relative fecundity (Fr)

The relative fecundity values ranged from 121.71-164.6 per centimeter (cm)

body length and from 349.36-767.57 per gram (g) body weight of fish. Fecundity

showed wide variations as far as the body weight is concerned. The species at a body

weight of 0.555 g showed the maximum relative fecundity, calculated as 720.5 per gram

body weight and a least was observed with specimens of 2.267 g with a count of 349.36

per gram body weight. The ovary weight ranged from 70-310 mg. The relative fecundity

values ranged from 2.55 - 7.05 per milligram (mg) ovary weight.


The fecundity of Puntius pookodensis is related with different body parameters

as total length (TL), total body weight (BW) and ovary weight (OW), which could give

relevant find outs helpful in understanding the life history traits of the fish. The

relationship between absolute fecundity and i) total length, ii) body weight and iii)

weight of ovary are given in Plate 3.1 Fig. 1-3. Fecundity increases with increase in the

length and weight parameters. All the linear relationships are significant at 1% level.

Table 3.2 Relationship between fecundity and length, weight of fish and

Ovary weight.


No. Variant (x)


Log Y=Log a+b Log X


coefficient ®

1 Total length


Log F = 2.106 + 1.073 Log TL 0.909*

2 Body

weight (g)

Log F = 2.795 + 0.343 Log BW 0.796*

3 Ovary

weight (mg)

Log F = 2.101 + 0.294 Log OW 0.975*

* Significant at 1% level

Ova diameter frequency distributions measured were also used to classify

the species’ annual fecundity as determinate or indeterminate. Primary growth and

cortical alveoli oocytes were continuously yolked, matured, and spawned throughout the

spawning cycle, which could be evidenced by

1) lack of hiatus or breakage between advanced yolked oocytes and less mature

oocytes, and

2) abundance of yolked oocytes (size range 0.30–0.55 mm) not decreasing over

the spawning season (Fig. 1-6, Plate 3.2).


This type of development defines Puntius pookodensis as having indeterminate

fecundity. In the present study, it has been found that the number of eggs increases

linearly with the increase of body weight, body length, standard length and gonadal


3.4.2 Distribution of ova in the ovary

The frequency distribution of egg diameter of Puntius pookodensis was studied

in connection with the fecundity studies. The frequency distribution of eggs diameter in

the ripe ovary is divided into three batches. The first batch included the eggs diameters

ranged from 32 µ to 224µ. This batch represented the stock of immature eggs which

were very small and transparent with polygonal shape. This batch is considered as the

oocyte stock and it was represented throughout the whole year period. The second batch,

the ripening stock, included the vitelline eggs with a considerable amount of

cytoplasmic growth and yolk formation. Their diameters ranged from 225 µ to 640 µ.

The third batch included the more advanced ova, which are yolky and ripe transparent.

The diameters of ova of this batch ranged from 641 µ to 896 µ.

The distribution of oocyte-diameter frequency showed the presence of a reserve

stock of eggs of all stages of maturity throughout, which suggested that the fish is a

continuous spawner. For the percentage strength of the different size groups of ova,

there is a little difference between anterior, middle and posterior segments of each lobe

with two size groups of 50 -100 µm and 250-300 µm diameter dominant. The mean

percentage size frequency distribution of the ova showed that the two size groups of ova

of diameter 50 -100 µm and 250-300 µm are dominant. The actual percentage values of


the different diameter ranges of the ova showed that the size group of 100-250 µm

decline from the anterior to the posterior end of the ovary. In the smaller ova of the size

group 50-100 µm, the pattern was the reverse with an increase in their percentage

strength from the anterior to the posterior; in the other size groups the increase and

decrease was variable in the three regions.

During first month of its reproductive cycle the majority of the eggs were within

the first and second batches. At the end of the first month, two new batches of larger

eggs started to appear with a relatively small percent, 3 % and the mean GSI value

increased to 9.56. During the second month, the ovary represented multiple size batches

of oocytes. During the third, ovary reached its maximum growth and the GSI values

touched the highest point of 15.7. The egg diameters of these samples ranged from 32 µ

to 896 µ. The discharge process at this month was accompanied by a decrease in the GSI

value during late third month, which reached the value of 8.

The frequency distribution of egg diameter for P.pookodensis through six

months indicated that the fish discharged its ripe ova in batches during the spawning

period and withdrew from the egg stock to undergo a continuous maturation process

successfully. Moreover, the presence of more than two modes of egg size, indicated

fractional spawning character and a long spawning season. Two patterns of oocyte

development were common among multiple spawning fishes, viz., group synchronous

and asynchronous oocyte development. In P. pookodensis, oocyte size-frequency

distributions showed no distinct gaps in development, or modes of oocytes, except for


hydrated oocytes (ripe stock) (640 µ to 896 µ), a finding that indicated asynchronous

oocyte development and the species was found to exhibit a multiple spawning pattern.

Ova diameter frequency showed that the immature and ripe stocks have

single batch of ova, but the ripening stock showed many batches which were not well

differentiated from each other. There was a large stock of immature ova constituting to

about 67.25% of the total ova count and ranged over a diameter of 32-224 µm with

maximum value at 32-96 µm range. The ripe stock was about 17.34 % with ova size

going up from 640 µm and with a mode at 704-768 µm diameter class. The maximum

size of ova diameter recorded was 896 µm. There was always the presence of large

percentage of immature stock in any developmental stage of the ovary and a

distinguishable stock of ripe ova in the ripe ovary.

The ripening stock contributed to the remaining 15.42 % ranging from 224 - 640

µm. This stock consisted of many batches with different stages of maturity. This

indicated that the spawning may be extended over a very long period of almost round

the year with the individual spawning intermittently.

In P. pookodensis three peaks are very well evident without complete separation

between the groups in the case of a ripe ovary, one peak lies in continuation to the other.

It also means in a ripe ovary eggs of all stages are present at any time of a year. It

clearly showed that the fish is strictly a continuous spawner rather than an annual or

seasonal spawner.


3.4.3 Classification of the Maturity stages

The ovaries were classified into the following maturity stages.

(i) Stage I, Immature : The ovary was slender, thread-like, white and

semitransparent, occupying less than one quarter of the body cavity. Sex was difficult to

be determined by naked eye in this stage. The ova were transparent and spherical

without yolk and with a large nucleus in the centre. The mode of ova was in the range

94-124 µm with the largest measuring 214 µm in diameter.

(ii) Stage II, Maturing virgins or recovered spent: The ovaries were large and

broader, occupying one half of the body cavity, colour was light yellow. Ova with two

modes (Plate 3.2 Fig 6), in the range of 125-154 µm and 185-214 µm with largest ovum

measuring 244 µm. The older ova were opaque and light yellow due to the

commencement of yolk formation and the younger ova were colourless and transparent.

(iii) Stage III, Maturing : Ovaries were larger and occupy about three - quarters of

the body cavity; colour, distinct yellow. The entire ovary was flaccid with the outer

membrane slightly distended and thinner than in the previous stage. The older ova are

yolky and opaque, their mode is 275-304 µm (Plate 3.2 Fig 6) and the largest ovum

measures 364 µm.

(iv) Stage IV, Ripe : The ovaries were further enlarged and occupied almost the

entire body cavity, they are bright yellowish, with a brownish tinge invaded with blood

vessels. The outer membrane was further distended and thinner so that the ova were

visible externally. The ovary was turgid and a slight pressure could break the outer

membrane. The ova were fully yolked and spherical in shape. At this stage the ovary


contained two batches of ova, one ripe and the other maturing, the latter have started

accumulating yolk. The larger ova are in the range of 335-364 µm (Plate 3.2 Fig 4) and

the largest ovum measures 424 µm.

(v) Stage V, Spent : The ovaries are shrunken, retracted and flesh coloured and

occupying one – third of the body cavity. Ova with a mode of 155-184 µm in diameter

(Plate 3.2 Fig 3), probably representing the second batch of the earlier stage which have

accumulated more yolk. They were opaque and slightly yellow. The larger eggs are 304-

394 µm diameter in size and represent the unspawned ripe eggs. This stage resembled

Stage II, but can be distinguished by the wrinkled and collapsed nature of the outer

membrane and by the presence of a few ripe ova.

3.4.4 Gonadosomatic index

Gonadosomatic index indicated gonadal development and maturity of fish. It

increased with the maturation of fish and declined abruptly thereafter (Parameswarn et

al., 1974). Due to the special conservational status of Puntius pookodensis all the GSI

studies were limited to captive environments available in the hatchery. The maximum

GSI indicated that the fish is mature enough to spawn in captivity, which was 15.7 in the

case of P. pookodensis. The minimum GSI showed that the fish is spent or immature.

The time taken by the fish to attain maximum GSI indicated the time needed by the

species to attain maturity under captivity, which could be of enormous value in raising

the fish in hatcheries. In the case of P. pookodensis, the time difference between the

least and maximum GSI values were found to be at the range of 75 to 90 days for

female. Here the ‘minimum’ indicated the spent stage rather than immature. This could


be interpreted as the fish is able to spawn at every 75 to 90 days, if all the conditions are

favourable, and also it is not an annual or seasonal spawner, but it is a continuous


3.4.5 Size at first maturity and studies on initial sexual maturity

The length (total length) at first maturity was determined by analyzing the data

relevant to all mature fishes (stage III and above examined). The percentage occurrence

of mature fishes (early ripening, late ripening, ripe and partially spent) was plotted

against different length classes of 5 mm for both the female and male fishes.

While the first mature male fishes appeared in the 25-30 mm (TL) group (16.66

%), the first mature females appeared only in the group of 30-35 mm (13.33 %). All

male fishes were mature on reaching a total length of 40 mm and all female fishes on

reaching a length of 45 mm total length. The size at first maturity for males was 33.5

mm TL (30-35 mm) and 39.5 mm TL for females (35-40 mm). (Plate 3.1 Fig. 4 and 5 )

The smallest mature male is within 25-30 mm length. If the length at

which 50% of the fishes are mature can be considered as the minimum length at first

maturity (Kagwade, 1968), the specimens below 32.5 mm TL for males and 38.5 mm

TL for females were not mature. The present study showed that the smallest mature

male is smaller than that of the mature female in P. pookodensis.

3.4.6 Sexual dimorphism and Sex ratio

Puntius pookodensis did not possess any organ or specialised structures with

which the sexes are distinguishable as some other cyprinids like gold fish, Carassius


auratus which has nuptial tubercles and Indian major carps which have characteristic

serrated pectoral fin rays. The sexes of P. pookodensis were distinguishable by making

use of some other methods, as follows.

The male and female fish showed clear differences in body colorations which

could be termed as sexual dichromatism. The colour differences become prominent by

the onset of sexual maturity. The immature fish appeared in a dull greyish silvery. A

sexually mature male develops a pinkish red tinge all over the body. Deeper colour

shades were noticed towards the caudal peduncular region. The colour showed abrupt

changes as the fish became sexually active. The depth of the colour reached in its

maximum during the courtship activities. But a sexually mature female did not develop

any colour change by the onset of sexual maturity. It remained in the same colour

pattern as that of a juvenile.

Another distinguishing character was the bulginess of the stomach. A sexually

mature female exhibited a more swollen and deeper stomach than that of the males.

Other criteria found useful in distinguishing the sexes were the reproductive

behavioural patterns it exhibited during the onset of maturity.

In the present study out of 214 fishes, 128 were males and 86 were females. The

total male and female ratio was 1: 1.48. The percentage occurrence of the males was

found to be 40.1 while the same of the female was 59.8.


3.4.7 Reproductive strategy

Studies on different aspects of reproductive biology such as fecundity, ova

diameter analysis and gonadosomatic index revealed that the candidate fish species P.

pookdensis is an asynchronous spawner i.e., a continuous development and release of

gametes in the gonads are evident. The fish showed affinity towards aquatic plants or

the presence of plants stimulated the fish to start the spawning activities. So the fish

could be included in the group of phytophils.

In general, the reproductive strategies of P. pookodensis showed that it is an

iteroparous species, i.e., they spawn more than once during their lives and gonochoristic,

that is their sexes were separate and exhibited external fertilization without parental

care. A summary of reproductive strategies shown by P. Pookodensis is shown in table

3.3. The fish possessed an asynchronous type ovary i.e., oocytes of all stages of

development are present without dominant populations.

The species could be categorized as a batch spawner i.e., eggs are recruited and

ovulated from the population of yolked oocytes in several batches over a protracted

period during each spawning season.


Table 3.3 Summery of different reproductive strategies based on different

components of breeding systems in P. pookodensis



Component of breeding

system Reproductive strategy

1 Number of breeding

opportunities Iteroparous (Multiple breeding season)

2 Type of spawning Batch spawner

3 Mating system Promiscuous (both sexes with multiple

partners during breeding season)

4 Gender system Gonochoristic

5 Secondary sexual

characteristics Sexually dichromatic

6 Spawning site preparation No preparation

7 Place of fertilization External

8 Embryonic development Oviparity

9 Parental care No parental care

10 Ecological group Phytophil

Reproductive guild (Balon


Ecological classification: Non-Guarders

Ethological classification: Open

substratum spawners

Morphotype : Phytophils.



3.5.1 Fecundity

The studies on fecundity have great importance, especially for a species in

conservation point of view. It is certainly unavoidable in the case of a species which is

facing threat of extinction or a species which extremely limited in distribution in its

natural habitat. It is difficult to determine the fecundity in females which spawn in

batches and in which oocytes develop asynchronously, i.e. such as the species of fish

under study. The absolute fecundity is described as the number of, usually mature eggs,

filled with yolk or all vitellogenic oocytes found in the ovary immediately before the

reproduction process, which can be laid at spawning sites during the season under study.

The individual or absolute fecundity refers to the number of eggs produced per female

per year (Wootton, 1979), and can also be defined as the number of mature oocytes

present in the ovary immediately before spawning (Bagenal, 1973). In species that has

multiple spawning, it is the number of oocytes destined for spawning i.e., the one that

will mature during the current reproductive cycle, which are usually taken into account

(Aboussouan and Lahaye, 1979). Therefore only oocytes with a diameter greater than

those with the cortical alveoli stage were taken into account, since only these are

considered to have been released in this reproductive cycle. Thus absolute fecundity

tends to increase according to the size and age of the fish. Therefore, in order to

facilitate the comparison, relative fecundity, i.e. the number of eggs per unit weight

(Bagenal, 1978) was also calculated.


Although fecundity is described as the number of eggs produced by a female,

there exist a variety of terms describing the different facets of fecundity. Potential

annual fecundity is defined as the total number of advanced yolked oocytes matured per

year, uncorrected for atretic losses (Huter et al., 1992). Annual realised fecundity,

however, is the actual (or real) number of eggs finally released, so it is equal to or lower

than the potential fecundity, since some of the eggs can be reabsorbed through atresia

during spawning, or simply that some of the eggs are not able to be liberated, remaining

in the ovary and being reabsorbed later. Total fecundity is defined as the standing stock

of advanced yolked oocyted at any time (Huter et al., 1992). Batch fecundity is the

number of eggs spawned in each batch, and consequently, the sum of batch fecundities

is the realised annual fecundity. Finally, annual population fecundity is the number of

eggs that all the females in a population spawn in a breeding season (Bagenal, 1978).

The gravimetric method was used in computing the absolute fecundity and

according to May (1967), it is useful in minimizing the error due to sampling. Studies of

fecundity provide information on various aspects of fishery biology such as population

dynamics (Scott, 1962; McFadden et al., 1965; Stauffer, 1976), racial characteristics

(Bagenal, 1966), environmental conditions like rain fall and salinity (Joshi and Khanna,

1980) and stock assessment. Nowadays fish fecundity attains an important role in

aquaculture. In earlier days, fecundity was estimated in mouth brooding cichlid fishes by

the number of young ones produced. Fecundity is very much closer to the body

parameters such as body length, body weight, and ovary length and ovary weight. Many

authors reported that fecundity of fishes increased in relation to body length (Sarkar et

al., 2004). Simpson (1951) established that the fecundity related to cube of its length


and it was directly proportional to body weight. Many authors supported Simpson’s

concept (Bagenal, 1957; Sarojini, 1957; Varghese, 1977 and Kurup, 1994).

The exponential value of regression analysis plays a vital role. The values ranged

from 2.3 to 5.3 and frequently exceeded 3. Cotton (1970) reported exponent values

between 3.25 to 3.75 in marine fishes, invariably higher values were recorded in marine

fishes than the freshwater fishes.

In the present study, fecundity showed a linear relationship to body weight. The

fecundity is most significantly correlated with gonadal weight. The correlation

coefficient of fecundity with total length is almost similar to that of fecundity with body

weight. Similar findings were found in six Barbus species studied in SriLanka (De

Silva et al., 1985). Linear relationship has also reported in Opichthus rufs (Casadevall et

al., 2001), Labeo calbasu (Rao and Rao, 1972), Labeo fimbriatus (Rao, 1974 and Khan

and Jhingran, 1975), Labeo desoi (Raina and Bali, 1982 Cirrhinus mrigala and Labeo

rohita (Tripathi, 1989),; Sarojini, 1957 and Gupta, 1967). In general, the correlations are

highly significant, but with much variation, which is far from being fully explained by

the factors total length, body weight and gonad weight. It is likely that other factors

such as age and environmental factors contribute considerably to the variation in

fecundity, independently from body weight and gonad weight (De Silva et al., 1985).

Ovary weight is the most important factor to settle fecundity in fishes. In the

present study a significant relation between fecundity and ovary weight was noticed.

Similar finding was supported in M. cavasius (Sharma, 1989), Channa gachwa (Misra,

1991), Tilapia nilotica (Babikar and Ibrahim, 1979), Lepidocephalus thermalis


(Maxwell Samuel, 2002), Sauriendo squamis (Allishman, 2003). L. gonius (Joshi and

Khanna, 1980), Schizothorax richardsonii (Quadri et al., 1983) and Sunder (1986) in S.

longipinnis. The r-value calculated between ovary weight, body weight, ovary length

and body weight exhibited a fair relationship, but ovary weight and body weight were

much more related than the other parameters. Similar trends were reported by Kurup

(1994) in L. dussumieri. The present observation on fecundity revealed that P.

pookodensis has higher fecundity. It is possible to suggest that highest number of eggs

produced were compensated for heavy mortality during early development. Moreover,

higher fecundity is inevitable to supply adequate amount of seeds during breeding


Studies show that repeat spawners have larger fecundity than recruit spawners.

The number of eggs released increased with age and size ranging from 426 for 35 mm

fish to 823 for a fish of size 50 mm. Similar studies have been done on Danio

malabaricus and in Puntius melanostigma (Anna Mercy et al., 2005c).

3.5.2 Ova-diameter studies

The knowledge on the frequency distribution of ova and their diameter is helpful

in predicting the breeding habit and reproductive strategies of a fish species. In the case

of P. pookodensis distribution of oocyte-diameter frequency showed a reserve stock of

eggs of all stages of maturity which suggested that the fish is a continuous spawner.

The quantification of maturity stages is based on the distribution of oocyte stocks in the

different maturity stages. In the present study, it can be seen that the ovaries of Puntius

pookodensis show asynchronous development. ‘Asynchronous ovaries’ show sufficient


number of oocytes at various stages of development within the ovary (De Vlaming,

1983). The oocyte size frequency distribution was continuous; however in a ripe ovary

a clear cut mode for the ripe stock was obtained. The results showed that P. pookodensis

has never got a distinct breeding season. The ova diameter distribution studies showed

that it has a continuous maturation process. The availability of quality food may be the

most important criteria in the growth and development of ovary. The occurrence of ova

of different size gradations between immature and ripe ovaries is considered as an

evidence of prolonged spawning period (Sathyanesan 1962).

The ova diameter investigation in the present study indicated that the maximum

size of ripe ova was 896 µm in diameter, which was observed from the third month of

developmental cycle of ovary and it was noticed that at the end of the third month of

ovarian development the fish attained its highest GSI. The egg size was probably related

to the amount of food that the females can metabolize, assimilate and store in each egg

(Neophitou, 1988). Ware (1975) pointed out that egg size was remarkably constant for a

given marine fish species in a given geographical area and this theory could be applied

in the case of P. pookodensis also.

The use of size frequency analysis of oocytes revealed three oocyte groups in the

ovary of P. pookodensis. This indicated that the mature fish discharged its ova in

batches during prolonged spawning period i.e. they are fractional spawners. The

fractional and prolonged spawning season are characteristic features of the tropical and

subtropical fish species (Nikolsky, 1963).


Zaki et al., (1995) stated that the analysis of ova diameter for Oblada melanura

revealed that there were nine diameter groups of ova in different samples. Allam (1996)

pointed out that ripe ovaries of Trachinotus ovatus contained three modes of oocytes

(primary, intermediate and most advanced oocytes). Oocytes of both intermediate and

most advanced oocytes were spawned during one spawning season. Massut and Nin

(1997) pointed out that size distribution of oocytes with at least two groups of oocytes in

the ovaries suggested that Coryphaena hippurus is a multiple spawner with an extended

spawning season in the study area. According to Mustafa (1991), the Indian cyprinid

Puntius sophore might spawn twice a year.

3.5.3 Gonadosomatic index

The gonado somatic index was observed to increase with the maturation of fish,

being the maximum during the period of peak maturity and declining abruptly

thereafter, when the fish become spent. The monthly changes in the GSI reflect the

ovarian activity of a fish. The dynamics of gonad maturation is a good tool to indicate

the time in which females are capable of reproducing. P. pookensis showed

comparatively high GSI values. The maximum value of 15.7 was reported in the present

study. This is certainly an indication of huge ripe ovaries at the maximum gonadal

maturity and the body depth of the fully mature female will be considerably great as it

facilitates the visual estimation of ripe fishes in a population. Months with great number

of females with mature oocytes, followed by months with females with empty gonads

were clues to the oocyte laying period, mainly if the macroscopic condition of this ovary

may be confirmed by microscopic analysis (Dias et al., 1998). The maturity stages of


females were recorded, according to Vazzoler (1996), counting out the immature gonads

in stage A, since their sex could not be identified macroscopically.

3.5.4 Size at first maturity

In Puntius pookodensis, the size at first maturity was found to be 39.5 mm TL

(40-45 mm) for females and 33.5 mm (30-34 mm) for males. The largest female

obtained during the present study was 57 mm TL while the largest male is 50 mm TL. It

was the female that was larger or at least achieved a larger size. This is a kind of

reproductive strategy to enhance the existence of the race by increasing the fecundity,

directly related to the size of the female fish (Keenleyside, 1991). The females spent

more energy first for somatic growth and from there on, gonadal growth and maturation.

However, the early maturation of the males diverted all the energy reserves towards the

gonadal development and its maturation at a relatively younger age. In Puntius

pookodensis the males attained sexual maturity at a smaller length than females. Similar

observations had been reported in many freshwater fishes like Labeo boggut (Selvaraj et

al., 1972), Barbus sarana (Murthy, 1975), Nemacheilus triangularis (Ritakumari and

Nair, 1979), Puntius denisonii, P. filamentosus, Nemacheilus triangularis and N.

semiarmatus (Anna Mercy et al., 2005 b), Pristolepis marginata (Nisha Raj, 2005) and

Chela fasciata (Divipala, 2008).

Anna Mercy et al. (2005a) reported the size at first maturity of Puntius

melanostigma as 50 mm for males and 55 mm for females. In the case of the African

minnow, Barbus paludinosus sexual maturity was reached within a year at 50.0 mm TL

(Cambray and Burton, 1985). In the case of European minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus the

short lived populations of river Frome in England contained two spawning age groups


and the largest fish caught was only 78.0 mm long. The size at first maturity ranged

from 50-55 mm as two year olds (Mills, 1987). Six Barbus species studied in Sri Lanka

had maximum total length of between 42.0 and 101.0 mm and a short life span (De Silva

et al., 1985). In the freshwaters of South Africa out of the 52 Barbus species studied 43

attained maximum fork lengths of less than 150.0 mm (Cambray and Burton, 1985).

The information on initial sexual maturity gives the ornamental fish producers the idea

on the age at which the fish starts to be mature, thus they could prepare the reproduction

and an appropriate nourishment environment for the fish to spawn and obtain the

maximum number of fry, depending on how many female fish are required for this

purpose. In general, heavier fish have heavier gonads, which produce more ova per fish


3.5.5 Sexual dimorphism and sex ratio

Sexual dimorphism is widespread across the animal kingdom. Males and females

usually differ not only in reproductive organs, but also in external structures that are not

directly related to reproduction Information about sexual dimorphism is required for

understanding the ecology, behavior, and life history of a species. In

addition, knowledge of sexual dimorphism and its appearance during ontogeny is

indispensable when making morphological comparisons between populations.

Although sexual differences in a variety of external structures have been noted in many

Populations, studies on the sexual difference in fresh water fishes of India are less. A

comprehensive study is by Inasu (2008) in which sexual dimorphism of 26 species of


Indian fishes is compiled. Anna Mercy et al. (2005) has described the sexual

dimorphism of 13 species of fresh water fishes of the Western Ghats of India.

Puntius pookodensis exhibited sexual dichromatism rather than sexual

dimorphism. Breeding adults of male Puntius pookodensis had marked sexual

dichromtism. Males had a broad, reddish lateral band just behind the mid line

extending from below the origin of the dorsal fin to the caudal peduncle. Coloration

before the dorsal fin was normally a dusky-grey. The ventro-lateral surfaces were also

reddish. The posterior part of the body became intense red at the time of courtship.

Sexually inactive, adult males retained the lateral band, but the body coloration

was a more uniform light grey. The coloration in the fins was also not as pronounced.

Reproductive females did not have this red colour. The colour change in the body only

became significant after the fish started breeding. This suggests that sexual

dichromatism in the body is a secondary sexual character that may be regulated by

reproductive hormones. Although sex in Puntius pookodensis is genetically determined

it is currently unknown what genes or hormones might regulate secondary sexual

dichromatism of body in this fish. Further analysis of the genetic and developmental

mechanisms that underlie sexual dimorphism in P. pookodensis will be possible by

using the recently established genomic tools (Peichel et al., 2001; Peichel, 2005) and

will provide a complement to ecological studies to discern the functional significance of

sexual dichromtism in P. pookodensis. Similar type of secondary sexual characters were

also observed in P. melnostigma (Mercy et al., 2005).

As previously stated, in the present study the sex ratio of Puntius pookodensis

was found to be 59 % female and 41 % male. This is contrary to that of many other


cyprinid species where male populations dominated (Tejavej, 2012). The rearing

temperature ranged from 25 to 27 0C. As the background information on the

requirements for sex determination of Puntius pookodensis was limited, the mechanisms

involved in sex determination have yet to be elucidated. Further studies should,

therefore, be carried out to determine whether Puntius pookodensis has a species-

specific sex determination mechanism or possesses a major gene determining sex and/or

sex chromosomes.

The magnitude and direction of sexual dimorphism of both external and internal

characters can be predicted by examining the reproductive roles of the sexes within a

species and the differences in the reproductive roles occupied by the sexes should

influence patterns of selection and thus should ultimately lead to sex differences in

morphology. (Casselman and Schulte-Hostedde, 2004).

3.5.6 Reproductive strategy

A complete knowledge of the reproductive system and the reproductive biology

of fishes were essential to understand the reproductive strategy of any given species. As

far the natural habitat of P. pookodensis was concerned, the different reproductive

strategies adapted by the species were well suited to thrive on the particular

environment. The wide spectrum of reproductive strategies supports a diversity of

adaptive processes by which species have adapted and populated in the environment. In

addition to aiding in assessing fecundity, understanding these mechanisms of

reproduction could also lead to greater comprehension of the underlying mechanisms of

variable fish recruitment (Murua and Saborido-Rey, 2003). Reproductive potential is a


measure of the capacity of a population to produce viable eggs and larvae, and can be

considered as the main outcome of a reproductive strategy (Murua and Saborido-Rey,

2003) and the reproductive strategies of fishes have long been a central issue in fisheries

biology, ecology, and management (Beverton 1963, 1992; Balon 1975).

P. pookodensis was found to possess an asynchronous type of ovary, because

oocytes of all stages of development are present without dominant populations. The

ovary appeared to be a random mixture of oocytes, at every conceivable stage. Such

ovaries may be found in iteroparous species, with protracted seasons and yolk

accumulation, and hence oocyte development relies mostly on the food available in the

environment at that moment (Hunter and Leong, 1981). Because the fish recruited and

ovulated the yolked oocytes in several batches over a protracted period during each

spawning season, it can be classified as a batch spawner. Batch spawning can be seen as

a strategy to release eggs over a long period of time increasing the survival probability

of offspring (Lambert and Ware, 1984).
