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Republic of thu Philippines CEBU PORT AUTIfORITY · Republic of thu Philippines CEBU PORT...

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. ~ ~ -- ~~ . Republic of thu Philippines CEBU PORT AUTIfORITY CIP Complex, Serging Osmena Boulevard, North Reclamation Area, Cebu City E-mail: [email protected] Telephone : 232-1461 to 63 . 231-6856 to 57 Fax No. : 231-6848 29 October 2004 CPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 03 -~O()! Series of 2004 TO : ALLTERMINAL MANAGERS, PORT OWNERS, PORT USERS AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : AMENDMENTS TO CPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02-2003 ,...... Whereas CPAAdmin Order No 02-2003 dated 18 August 2003 provides the" RO-RO POUCY FOR THE PORT OF CEBU, PRESCRIBING RO-RO WHARFAGE FEES AND GUIDEUNES". Whereas pursuant to the instruction of Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on her visit to Cebu on 29 September 2004 thru the directive of Sec. Conrado A. Limcaoco, Cabinet Officer for Provincial Events, dated 08 October 2004, this Administrative Order is hereby promulgated as follows: Section 1. Amendment of Section 5 of A. O. 02-2003. Section5 of A. O. 02-2003 is hereby amended as follows: ---- "Section 5. RO-ROWHARFAGE FEES- The followingshall be the maximum fees that may be charged by any port under the territorial jurisdiction of the Authority, to wit: VEHICLETYPE (no. of wheels) GROSS WEIGHT (in tons) 1,100 to 2,300 2,400 andabove 4,800 to 7,500 7,600 to 15,000 20,000 to 25,000 26,000 and above Php660.00 Pho 880.00

. ~~



Republic of thu Philippines

CEBU PORT AUTIfORITYCIP Complex, Serging Osmena Boulevard, North Reclamation Area, Cebu CityE-mail: [email protected] : 232-1461 to 63 .231-6856 to 57Fax No. : 231-6848

29 October 2004

CPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 03 -~O()!Series of 2004




Whereas CPAAdmin Order No 02-2003 dated 18 August 2003 provides the"RO-RO POUCY FOR THE PORT OF CEBU, PRESCRIBING RO-RO WHARFAGEFEES AND GUIDEUNES".

Whereas pursuant to the instruction of Her Excellency President GloriaMacapagal Arroyo on her visit to Cebu on 29 September 2004 thru thedirective of Sec. Conrado A. Limcaoco, Cabinet Officer for Provincial Events,dated 08 October 2004, this Administrative Order is hereby promulgated asfollows:

Section 1. Amendment of Section 5 of A. O. 02-2003. Section5 of A.O.02-2003 is hereby amended as follows:

----"Section 5. RO-ROWHARFAGEFEES- The followingshall be the

maximum fees that may be charged by any port under the territorialjurisdiction of the Authority, to wit:

VEHICLETYPE(no. of wheels)


(in tons)

1,100 to 2,3002,400andabove4,800 to 7,5007,600 to 15,00020,000 to 25,000

26,000 and above Php660.00

Pho 880.00


/ The above RO-ROwharfagefees are inclusiveof wharfage for cargoes loadedonboard the Self-Drivenand Self-PropelledVehicle. The above RO-ROwharfage fees shall apply only when the vehicle is to be loaded onto the RO-RO vessel without the aid of a cargo handling service provider (CHSP).Should the services of a CHSP be engaged, the regular cargo handling ratesshould instead apply."

The amendment is to attain uniformityin the collectionof RO-ROwharfageat the port of originonly.

The shipping lines should stamp "RO-RO"on their Billsof Lading in order todistinguish RO-ROcargoes at the gate.

r-- ,Section2. Repealing Clause - Allorders, memoranda and other issuancesadopted/issued by the Authorityinconsistentwith the provisionsof this orderare hereby repealedor amended accordingly.

Section 3. Effectivity - This Administrative Order shall take effectimmediatelyafter publicationina newspaperof general circulation.


Per CPA Board Res. No. 18-2004r--

Published in The Frepman on 12 & 17 November 2004

Philippines ("I

J PORT AUTHORITY;/ex, Serging Osmena Boulevard, North Reclamation Area, Cebu City

: [email protected]: 232-1461 to 63 .231-6856 to 57

,No. : 231-6848

17 November 2004

TO: All Department Managers, Division ManagersCargo Handling Service Providers, ShippingLines/Agents, Port Users and Others Concerned

SUBJECT: Amended Policy and Guidelines onRO-RO Wharfage and Tariff Collection

r\Pursuant to the directive of Her Excellency the President, Gloria Macapagal - Arroyo, thatthere shall only be a one-time payment of fees for those traveling from port to port whereRO-RO operations are carried out, CPA Admin. Order No. 02-2003 therefore has beenduly amended by CPA Admin. Order No. 03-2004.

In this connection, the Authority has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)with the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) regarding the collection of applicable fees andthe corresponding procedures to ensure the convenience of the traveling public.

Each Port Management Office shall be responsible for the collection of the revised RO-ROWharfage Fees for all outgoing self-driven, self-propelled vehicles only, in their respectiveareas of responsibilities and ensure the surrender and collection of the gate copies of thePPA RO-RO Terminal Fee (RTF) cash tickets from all Ro-RO vehicles originating fromPP A ports.

r--- Collected copies of the PPA RTF cash tickets shall be forwarded to the Port ManagementDepartment at the Main Office who shall then be responsible for the return of the same tothe PPA as contained in the MOA.

In view of the foregoing, all Port Division Managers are hereby directed to inform andcoordinate with all parties concerned in their respective areas of responsibility to ensurethe effective implementation of the order.

Lastly, attached are copies of the CPA AO No. 03-2004, CPA-PPA Memorandum ofAgreement (MOA) and PPA Memo Circular No. 25-2004 for your reference.

This memorandumshall take effect on 1 December 2004.

For guidance and strict compliance.

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This MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT, entered into by and between:

The PHILIPPINE PORTS AUTHORITY (PPA), a government-ownedcorporation created under P.D. 857, as amended, with principal office address atMarsman Building, 22 Muelle de San Francisco St., South Harbor, Port Area, Manila,represented herein by its General Manager, ATTY. OSCAR M. SEVILLA, hereinreferred to as the "AUTHORITY";



The CEBU PORT AUTHORITY (CPA), a government-owned corporationcreated under R.A 7621, with principal office address at CIF Complex, SergioOsmefiaBlvd., North Reclamation Area, Cebu City, represented herein by its GeneralManager, MARIANO C. J. MARTINEZ;


WHEREAS, PGMA's Strong Republic Nautical Highway (SRNH), the backbone ofthe RRTS, is a flagship project meant to encourage inter-island commerce and trade anddomestic tourism;

WHEREAS, PPA has issued the applicable RO-RO Tariff Rates (Terminal Fees)under PPA Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 17-2003 dated July 16,2003 for use at all portscomprisingthe SRNH Phases I and n and has since expanded the use of this tariff to all otherports where RO-RO operations are carried out;

WHEREAS, certain SRNH ports are under the CPA, thus, the need to define theaccrual of revenues and align tariffs if warranted;

NOW, THEREFORE, for and inconsideration of the foregoing premises, the Partieshereto agree that this ME~ DUM OF AGREEMENT covers the assessment andpayment of the applic~k(']:«rminal Fees governing RO-RO operations at the SRNH ports,specifically,betwe~y orts under the PPA Port System and the ports under the CPA, towit:

.ere the port of loading originates from the ports under the PPA PortSystem, the assessment and one-time payment of the applicable TerminalFeesshall be done at the ports under the PPA. As such, the Terminal Fee shallaccrue to the PPA;

2. Where the port of loading originates from the ports under the CPA, theassessment and one-time payment of the applicable Terminal Fees shall bedone at the ports under the CPA. As such, the TerminalFee shall accrue to theCPA;


3. That there shallbe no other assessment and payment to be done at the port ofdestination;

,. 4. That CPA shall honor the RO-RO Terminal Fee (RTF) Cash Ticket issuedunder PPA MC No. 25 2004 dated August 26, 2004 and shall forward the gatecopy of the RTF to the origin PPA port;

5. That PPA shall honor any CPA official receipt or any document similar to theRTF Cash Ticket and undertake similar arrangement for the return copy, ifany.

This Memorandum of Agreement shall take effect immediately upon the signinghereof by the Parties concerned and shall remain in full force and effect unlessamended/revoked by mutual consent of both Parties in writing.

/" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto signed this Memorandum ofAgreement on day of October, 2004.




General Manager


Signed in the presence of:

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. ?I'I'A 1\1E1\10RAN1>1I1\1CIHClILAHNo. 25-2004

T 0 : All 1'01'1I>istdd I\lallal!,l'I's(>oli I\]anagcl'sShipping LinesCargo II:\IIdlillg Operators\'chicle OwnersAllt! Olhel's COllccJ'Jled


S U llJ: I'rescdbillg Guidelillcs on thc USl' of the ItO-ItO TCl'llIillll1Fcc Cash Ticllct al the Strollg Hcpul.llic NrmticalllighwH)'(SRNII) FelTY Porls

As parI of continuing moves to improve pori services, ill general, and in order tofacilitate the assessmentand payment of the applicableTerminal Fees stipulaledunder PI>A fvlel11orandul11Circular No. 17-20U3,the following gcneral guidelines

governing RO-RO operalions at Ihc SRNII porls cUlUthe issuance, use cUle!liquidationof the RO-RO Terminal Fee (RTF) cash tickels are hereby prescribed for the guidanceof and compliance by all concerned:

I. Provision of Facilities & Proccdurcs

As a rule, the PorI Mallager having control over the RO-RO ferry ports, includedunder Phases I and II of lhe Strong Republic Nautical Highway (SRNII) and otherports which ilia)' subsequenlly be added or llIade part thereof, shall be responsiblein cnsuring that the following standard measures, among others, arc 1'111in IIIaceinUl1ediately:

A Provision of exclusive entry I<mefor RO-RO vehicles at the POit'S gate;

B. Provision of a single Tolll3oolh for the colleclion ofTerlllinal Fee andFrcighl, where possible;

C. Provision of Lmle Meter reference points at both the entry mId exil gates 1'01'RO-RO vehicles that are color-coded \0 correspond wilh the different RTFcash ticket color; mId .

D. Provision of single or multiple lane queuing/parking area.. f

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PJ'A J\1E1\10RANDlIl\l CIHClILAI{No. 25 - 201M

T 0 : All 1'01'1District !\1:IIIagl'l'sPOli 1\]:lIIagcrsShipping Lil1l.'sCargo 1I:\IIdlill~ OperatorsVehicle 0\\111.'1'5Ami Oll1cl's COllcCI'I1l'd

r--- ,

s U U.J: Prescribing Guidclillcs 011the USl' of Ihe RO-nO TC"'IIillnlfee Cash Ticllct at the Stl'Ollg Republic NauticalllighwlIJ(SRNII) FelTV Ports

As parI of continuing moves 10 improve porI services, in general, and in order tofacilitate the assessment and payment of the applicable TerminaJ Fees stipulaledunder PI'A fvlemorandul11Circular No, 17-20U3, the following gcneral guidelinesgoverning RO-RO operalions at Ihe SRNII porls ~U1dthe issuance, use ruld liquidalionof the RO-RO Terminal Fee(RTF) cash tickets are hereby prescribed for the guidanceof ruldcompliance by all concemcd:

I. Provision of Facilities & Procedures


I\s a rule, Ihe PorI Mrumger having conlrol over the RO-RO ferry ports, includedunderPhasesI andII of theStrongRepublicNauticalHighway(SRNII) and otherports which ilia)' subsequenllybeaddedor Illude part thereof,shallbe responsiblein ensuring thaI the following siandard measures, among others, are pul in IJlaceinullediately:

A. Provision of exclusive enlry lrule for RO-RO vehicles allhe poll"S gale;

B, ProvisiQn of a single Toll Booth for the collection of Terminal Fee andFrcighl, where possible;

C. Provision of Lane MeIer referencepointsat bolh the enlry and exil gates lorRO-ROvehicles that are color-coded to correspondwilh the different RTFcash ticket color; ~Uld '

D. Provision of single or multiple lane queuing/parking area.~

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II. The nO-RO Tl~I'lIIillnl'it~!~XiK.!.~Cr .;-,,:~v:,~.~::::t~~i~~tltsApplic:llJililJ::i0:~%\l>'" .g ~~~~l\~\;.:::'

For purposesor lhisMriii):d'iijW1{(»:,:_.. .._1<~~~1l\H~(1{O-RO TCl'llIill:ll Fcr (RTF)

cash ticket shall be illcl~~i~'~'~f"'thc\/;{~~:XalirlaYax (VAT) and shall be pI illtcdand isslIcd in four (4) color-cuded dcnominations cOlTcspOlidingto each vehicletype listed ulilicr PI'A MC 17-2003, as lollows:

The use of thc RTF shall not apply to those ports whcre the existing rates fur theTerminal Fee arc lower than those prescribed in PI'A MC 17-20U3. However, thePort Manager having control over such pOlts shall instilutc similar opcratiunal andaudit procedures provided hercunder.

IU. General I)rocedurcs 011the Issuance & Usc of the RTF

A At the Port of Loading (Origin)

1. RO-RO v.ehicleenters main or secondary gate, as applicable.

2. The ServiceProvider (Sf') imlicatesthe vehicletype on piece or paper.

.> 3. The SP-issued classilication is given tu PI'A Cullccting Of1icer.

4. PPA Collecting OlTIcercollects the amounts due. and indicates on theRTF (Customer and Gate Copies), the date issued (using Dater machine)and the RO-RO vehicle's Plate Numberbefore handingit to the Oliver.

S. RO-RO Vehicle Driver proceeds tu thc Parking or Qucuc area tu awaitvesselarrivaland the start uf luadingoperations.

6. RO-RO VehicleDriverpays the freightto the shippingline.

7.' Upon vessel arrivaland start of loadingoperations, RO-RO VehicleDriverproceeds to the RO-RO ramp and awaits signal from.ship's crcw to driveonto the shipto its dir~ctedpositionon deck.

8. The RO-RO vesseldeparts for the port ofdeslinatiol1.

(Note: Steps 2 & 3 above are expected to be removed once appropriate lane-meter markers have been properly installedat the designated specialently lanefor RO-RO vehiclesas specifiedin SectionsA & C, Article1helcin.)

Vehiclc'I)pc Lallc Mctcr UCllomimtlioll Color

Type I 1-3 f' 55.00 BlueType 2 >3 - 5 t 10.00 YellowType 3 >S -7 220.00 PinkTypc 4 >7 - Up 440.00 . (it een








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At thc Port of Oischai;g~tD~6Stim{lioWr~~:":;;"s;,:;~::~::,:

I. Once the vessel is propcrly bcrthed at the destinatiun purt and the vessel'sralllp has been lowered, the RO-RO vehicle driver drives off the vessel andprucceds to the purt's exit gate.

2. Thc RO-RU vehicle uliver slIlIcnuers the RTF Gate Cop)' to the PPA or51>Security Guard, asthe case lIIayue.

3. The 1'1'1\ or SP Security Guard, as the case may be, shall vcrify the platenUlIlbcr of the exiting ltO-RO vehiclc with that indicated un the RTF GateCopy presented or surrcndered.

If the information tally or ate thc same, the PP1\ or SP Secmity Guardallows exit of subject vehicle. If not, apprehendsthe RO-RO VehicleDriver for further questioninganu verification hy PI'A authoritics.

Where lane-meter reference markcl s have been placed or installed, thePI' A or SP Security Guard may verify the correctness of the issued RTF ona random basis. Nuted disparities shall be duly-noted and reported,through channel, to the PMO of the urigin port so that pruper measurcs canbe taken to avoid such incidcnts from recurring. In nu case shall the RU-RO vehicle and its drivcr be uetaineu as this will negate facilitatiunobjcctives.

4. The PI'A or SP SecurityGuard shall transmit all collected RTF GatcCopics to the Terminal Supervisor/PSD Manager theleat who shall beresponsiblefor its transmittal to the PMO of the PUIt of urigin (Loading).

5. The PMO RMD Manager at the port of origin shall reconcile the RTFGate Copies and Stub Copies tu properly liquidate the same.

C. Other Conditions on the Useoflhc RO-RO Terminalfce

1. No incoming RO-RO vehicle shall be allowed to exit flOm the Pott of. Discharge(Destination)without the UTIi'Gate Copy beingsurrendereu.

2. It shall be illegal to tamper with the information indicated on the Custumer& Gate Copiesoflhe RTF.











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3. Lost Ticket (either the RTF Custumcr CUI')' or the RTF Gatc CUI')' orboth) shall rcquire another paymcnt lor a secoml RTF by the RO-ROVchicle Driver to be able to exit the port's picmiscs.

4. This position is being lakcn to deter the rccycling ami illegal use of theHTF by unscrupulous cnlitics that dcprive the Govcnllllcnt of its revenues.

IV. Authority to Prollluigate Specific Guidelilll~s

Should any aspect of the proceuurcs sLipulatedunder Sections A & 13,Article JI(herein, be not applicable to a particular port or terminal due Loits layout or forwhatever valid reason, the PMO may rccolllmcndchanges spednc to a particular

."port or tcrmilml,undcr its supervision, to the AGM for Operations. Allcr reviewand approval by the AGM-Opcrations, the PMO shallissllc their local rcgulationto implclllcntsuch changes in the procedures.

v. Penall)' Clause

Any violaLionof this Memorandum Circular shall subject thc person involved tothe penaltiesprovided under Scction 43 of I'D No. 857, the RcvisedCharter oflllePhilippinePorts Authority, as amcnded.

VI. Effectivity

This Memorandum Circular shall take elfect lilleen (15) days aller publicationinat least two (2) newspapers of gcneral circulation and shall rcmain in full forceand eOectunless revoked or modifiedby competent authority.


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RAUl/!'. SANTOSActinl GeneralM:mager

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published in the following neHspapers:Cr l"~II!.i:':ii';:,;~,: ;:;.,

1. Philippine Star) S t I . L 20042. Nanila Standard) ep (,1II)(!1: ,

Effectivity I~te - Septenber 16, 2004
