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Repulsion New

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  • 8/3/2019 Repulsion New


    >>12 SERIESISSUE #01

    JAN 12

    >>12 SERIESISSUE #01

    JAN 12

  • 8/3/2019 Repulsion New





  • 8/3/2019 Repulsion New



    p.1 Plot

    p.3 The Cast

    p.5 Trivia

    p.9 The Eye Boundary by Didier Truffot

    -- Issue one

  • 8/3/2019 Repulsion New


    Repulsion is a 1965 British psychologicalthriller lm directed by Rman Planki,based on a scenario by Grard Brachand Rman Planki. It wa Plankirt Enlih lanae lm, and wa ht

    in Britain, a ch bein hi ecnd lmmade tide hi natie Pland. The catinclde Catherine Denee, Ian Hendry,

    John Fraser and Yvonne Furneaux.Planki himelf make a came a apn player in a tri f treet bker.

    Carole Ledoux (Catherine Deneuve) isa yn Belian manicrit wh liein Kenintn, Lndn, with her iterHelen (Ynne Frnea). Carl eemhy and interact with men awkwardly.When Helen leae n a hliday t Italywith her married byfriend, Michael (IanHendry), Carl appear ditracted at wrk,refe t leae her apartment, leae araw, kinned rabbit t t rt, and eehallcinatin, rt f the wall crackin,then reachin t with hand t rab andattack her, and nally f a man breakinin and raping her.



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    When Clin (Jhn Fraer), a wld-be itr whm he ha rejected, break intthe at, he blden him t death with a candletick and dmp the bdy intthe erwin bath. Later, the landlrd (Patrick Wymark) arrie fr the late rent.Carl pay him and at rt jt it n the fa, tarin int pace, a he remark nthe tate f the apartment and ie her water t drink. Bt when he trie t frcehimelf n her, he lahe him t death with a traiht razr.

    When Helen retrn, he dicer the dead men bdie and nd Carl hiddennder her bed. Carl appear catatnic. A neihbr arrie and call fr help, thecamera lwly pan t a family phtraph n the mantel, zmin in n Carlface a a child. Her eye are rieted t the man net t her, and he appear t beafraid f him.p.


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    p. 3

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    p. 4

    The Cast

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    p. 5

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    p. 6

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  • 8/3/2019 Repulsion New


    sa reemblanceest-elle doncquelquechose qui estindfectiblementenferm en

    li-mme? Cemnde, ceta flie, ereemble linni; cet nhorreur


  • 8/3/2019 Repulsion New


    sene f cinema

    The Eye Boundary:Repulsion

    Didier Truffot


  • 8/3/2019 Repulsion New


    Cnnement tand a a recrrin theme in Planki Replin. Beynd peratin a a meanf ditribtin pace, it can be aid t act a an aethetic and narratie trctre, feedinthe lm a a whle. If ch a principle already appear in the hi-cl called Knife in theWater (1962), the directr rt fll-lenth lm, it i in Replin that it act a a ratiemanifet. Carl (Catherine Denee), a yn, litary, cled-ff wman ffer frm thepalpable ymptm f chizphrenia. she radally ht herelf p in her at and her trble

    deelp mre and mre ntil they indce her t cmmit a mrder. A in The Tenant (1976),Replin try fce n a character wh ffer frm mental prblem, enablin the lmt create an etreme fc n the repreentatin f cnnement. The lm frm and it ialtyle try t impe thi prblematic n the try material, creatin an inner eplratin fthe character and her qetinable relatin t the wrld. A crde ratin f cnnementand litde i ineitable in rder t ie a cinematic frm t the pyche. s, what de theprinciple f cnnement allw the directr t d and what are it cneqence and aetheticmanifetatin?

    Cnnement, which pread frm the character t the lm, play a reat part in inertin thefantatic int thi nearly clinical cae tdy f chizphrenia. Th, if Replin refer t thehrrr enre, thrh it cnfrntatin between what i real and what i pernatral, it i mre

    cncerned with a prce f analyi than a et f cae. Planki link hrrr t hi herineincreain lneline in rder t create a bjectie framewrk which miht ie a hape ta fear een and heard, nt frm an eternal cae bt frm an internal ne. Cneqently,cnnement beet inanity and i aciated with bein, a dal relatin bth t the imaeand bein. In Replin, thi theme i encaplated by the penin imae f the eye. An eye,inherited frm the Hitchcckian niere f verti (1958) and Pych (1960), i centred andappears in a very large close-up.

    The title, Replin, cme t f the eye iri. The editin etablihe a rt aciatin: whattand t aaint the eye already mean repnance. The credit are rnnin: the mltiplicityf wrd dirderly circlatin i pped t the near ity and nene f the iri circle.

    The eyeball, adptin thi lic f cnfin, tter aaint the eye-cket which are tillimpaie. Thi internal mement eem t be deid f lic and mtiatin. Indeed, thezm end n Carl epreinle, abent face, a he litlely hld a ctmer hand tmanicre it. Her nditrbed, lifele face, i th clely related t thi cld eye. Thi cle-prepreent Carl enirnment which i ially ditrted. The lm i th nt rnded innarratie bjectiity bt in an aethetic f bjectiity, made f diprprtin and limit. Carlniere anihe int the natre f thi cle-p which ranie the lm accrdin t threeprinciples.

    The principle f nicity: the ap f cnnementMichael (Ian Hendry), wh i in le with Carl, can nly appear in the frame accrdint a lic f cmpartmentaliatin. Fr eample, he i hwn callin t her frm behind awindwpane r within a phne b. The partitin f pace at the centre f their relatinhipnly infer a pible meetin in cmpartmentalied pace. Th, later in the lm, Carl will

    perpetate the cnditin f thi dinin by immerin Michael crpe int the bathtb afterkillin him. Carl bdy i an area r eld that dent allw intrin. Thi area can neitherbe reached, ndertd, nr een frm tide, and inerely the he encnter are nablet perceie her prblem. In Replin, there i a tendency t emphaie the prblem f Carlinner-elf which i endanered by eteririty. Her bdy pride the main repreentatin f thi.Carl attractin t withdrawin frm the wrld i cntrated t her facinatin fr peninnt it. The eqence in which Michael nd her ittin n a bench while btinately tarinat the cracked macadam, eche Carl reqet, which may eem triial at rt, t repairthe re in the kitchen. In the ame way, the air ent in her at pzzle her a he linerer it eeral time. Thee theme and mtif are the bndarie f a cled niere andilltrate the cncentrated anih caed by her attempt at withdrawal. Detail ain traneimprtance, markin an bein. The re can be aciated with the leical eld f le

    and i pzzlin ince it refer t the aniety f eality. Michael threaten t mah the dr inif Carl dent pen it: he reard thi etre a eqialent t hi attempt t le her becaerape, accrdin t Carl inclie ytem, can indifferently cnit f either a ilatin f herbdy r the pace he ccpie. Fr eample, the rt tae f her nihtmare abt rape takeplace in a wardrbe, thrh which a crack f liht lter and which wa, then, ditrbed byher arer min f a piece f frnitre. After killin Michael, Carl nail a bard t the


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    bttm f the frnt dr. Thi i nt mch an act t hide her mrder a it i t heal the ctwhich ha been made t her pace. The areie ccpatin f pace dent ar rape, itmltiplie it.

    The principle of exteriorisation: the eye boundarygradally the lm cncentrate n Carl and ie p the implicatin cntained in the penincle-p in term f the limited aethetic framewrk it ffer cncernin nd and iin. Atthi pint, the lm pace i cnned t three place: the beaty parlr where Carl wrk,the treet he take t there, and the at. Bt thi nity i nly mmentary, indlin inpace int which Carl nally anihe. The atmatic repetitin f thee pace, aciatedwith Carl abent lk, create a clatrphbic ytem, in which the difference betweeninide and tide becme cnfed. Each f them i characteried by a clin-ff f pace.

    The cbic rm at wrk dnt pen nt the tide wrld and the trackin ht cntained inthe eqence hwin her jrney t and frm wrk, bnd her t the limit f what we een the creen. The tide wrld nly eit thrh the bjectie tat f the place hwn;aethetically peakin, the lm priritie thi clin-ff. Th, the arden, een frm Carlat, i adjined t a cliter. The tide wrld create, arnd Carl, an area that i mrepaci than the ne f her at, bt the effect f her phbia are etended a a kind f mie

    en abyme. otide ilence becme a mean f lckin pace. Therefre, hallcinatin nlyadd t the ene f cled-ff pace ecreted in the real wrld. Fr eample, in the eqence inwhich Carl e t the drawin-rm, the wide-anle ht ie the feelin that the ceilin ilwered, repreentin, accrdin t thi epreinit mde, the prei clin dwn f pace.

    The principle f manifyin: the face defaced by cnnementThe cled pace created by the hallcinatin frm, thrh cneity and ditrtin, aperpectie which i de-realiin. Epreinit lihtin chane the cmpitin f pace inrder t re-intrdce the partiality f the cle-p. spatial ynchrniatin i imprtant thatit eclde ff-camera perpectie, freqently interatin Carl int her wn bjectie ht.Carl lk at her reectin in a kettle, and then the rm pen t arnd her face whichha becme a rteqe featre in the frernd. Thi merin with pace pre the yn

    wman mental aberratin. The patial ercrwdin, the diprprtin f bject and thechanin bndarie f the frame, bild p a pace which i all the mre enrm ince thebdy i bmitted t it. Cle-p let perceie, in the depth f the eye, a hapele reectin,a cne pace nt referrin t the reere-ht bt t a mental prce f iin. An inner,impenetrable bjectiity anihe int the eye netrality. A an impenetrable macla f theppil, thi pint repreent the mark f an immene pace. The freeen reere-ht denteit r ccr, the camera cle in n the eternal area f the eyeball and i in deep cntactwith the eye in rder t eat Carl p, frm the inide. If Carl chizphrenia i aciatedwith a ntin f immbility created thrh cnnement, it al indce an internal mementcaed by the metamrphi f bdie. Thi prre tward ilatin and cmpleteretreat qetin, in the lat rert, death and it phyical cneqence; that-i-t-ay, thedecmpitin f the bdy.

    Thee ari tae are diided p in the credit title f Replin. The zm t cme t anend n a fll ht f Carl face, which, nder the peritent inence f the cle-p, leaethe eye, which wa nt centred befre, in the dark. The ther eye, which i th cled in bydarkne, ie an ill-lkin tint t the perfect face, etablihe a ap and di a hle intthe repreentatin. The ht chane the cmplein f Carl face and reeal her madne.

    Thi ditrtin indced in pace, pread t the face a a frm f diie. Later, Carl i alnein her at. she i traely made-p, a wide-anle cle-p lenthenin her milin facein rder t chane it int a rimace. under the credit, pecic lihtin techniqe create adblin effect that i eched later in the lm by anther face, belnin t a ctmer, ceredby a cracked clay mak. Lyin and nmin, her eye hidden by aleli, her kll cered bya cap and her bdy wrapped in a piece f white clth, the lm retrn t the mmmied iaef a dead bdy. The tw face, which are cpled thrh editin, reemble each ther thrh

    bth their abence and the chane they nder, nderlinin, th, an eltin, whichthrh plittin int tw, i aid t be epreed by the l f the face. Een if it i diided bythe platicity f the ht r ien an ech thrh editin, the face e beynd the frame andle itelf in the pan f repreentatin.

    p. 11

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    In Replin, frm the credit nward, the face i pilt r ditrted by it cnnement inidethe frame. Carl chizphrenia i in keepin with a cnnectin t pace in which realitychane fr the benet f ditrtin, f rt. Th, the fd he allw t mldy i a platicrepreentatin f thi lw deteriratin. Thi prce, which cnit in redcin the bdyt nthin, i cneyed by the nal zm int and cle-p n the pht. Endin n the eyef Carl when he wa jt a child, it ltimately allw t ee nthin bt the rain fthe pictre. The reemblance captred here accmplihe it lat tae f defacement andptrefactin ntil the bdy itelf diappear. A in the beinnin, the eye cney nthin; itmean death in life. The zm int the family prtrait, which draw Carl near ntil it ilateher eye, trie t deeply int the myterie f her inner-elf. Here, hweer, the eye dent let ee the imae f the pat and the ht keep it ecret. Thee tw mement hw nly aacm and the lack f a pychanalytical eplanatin f thi bein. The family prtrait dentplace Carl within a try, it ilate her; it int the eence and eplanatin f her prblemand i nly ed in rder t cle her enima. It de nt inal the retrn f an idealiedpat becae the child i already lkin at her wn elewhere, and nthin imprtant markthe ditinctin between her childhd tate and her adlt ne. It pre Carl lneline aa ptlate, a methin which ha alway eited. A it draw nearer t her eye, the frame

    play a reat part in ilatin and driin her behind the wall f her inanity, f her ditrbedmentality. Thi prtrait lcate her in an eltinary abence, cnrmin the circlar trctref the lm which tart and end with the cle-p f an eye. The recrrence f the rt htwall Carl in, ht her in darkne and abtractin. It may be the rean why Replin iften cnidered a an bjectie repreentatin f a cae f chizphrenia: there i n pibleempathy tward Carl, n identicatin and n recnitin in her inanity; he remain deidf emtin becae f her er-cnnement. Therefre, the aethetic f the lm dent aim ateplainin the material manifetatin f cnnement bt at checkin their ity.

    Planki carrie cnnement t aethetic and mental parym in rder t aciate it t anneaine f bein. The character lneline and anih t lie, becme itatin f hrrr,cmbinin the aethetic f the fantatic with a prely pychanalytical applicatin. A a relt,

    Replin make cnnement it tpic a t etract the ablte acm. If the ntin fhrrr i brn in cnnement, thi thematic chice me it tward the nn-factal, twardabence and the mental tate. The al i t let ee thi mental tate, t cnider it in it cleand impenetrable apect, that-i-t-ay, frm an eternal pint-f-iew. Here, cnnement ietracted frm an aethetic f enatin and diprprtin, plnin the lm int the depth flitde and reemblance.


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  • 8/3/2019 Repulsion New


    12 seriesIssue one

