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Reputation Digital Vaccine: Reinventing Internet Blacklists

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SOURCE Seattle 2011 - Marc Eisenbarth
Abstract With increasing inventiveness and agility, cutting edge Internet attack techniques such as “fast fluxing” and advanced persistent threats challenge the effectiveness of traditional blacklists. The challenge undertaken by HP TippingPoint is to rapidly counteract attacks such as these by classifying as much of the Internet as possible along a continuum between reputable and disreputable. Our solution implements a number of novel methods to identify and track Internet hosts, which in turn provides intelligence to the Reputation Digital Vaccine (Reputation DV) Service. Reputation DV provides IPv4, IPv6 and Domain Name System (DNS) security intelligence feeds from a global reputation database that enables customers to actively enforce and manage reputation security policies using the HP TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Platform. Bio Marc Eisenbarth recently noticed the word "Architect" has been appended to his business cards, and while not entirely sure what that means, he has continued to just do what he has been doing for the last five years, namely improving the HP TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) as a member of DVLabs' Advanced Security Intelligence team. Prior to this, he managed "cyber liability" at a US defense contractor for five years and completed a graduate program at Columbia University in Computer Science. Off the clock, he is a "hardware guy" who enjoys releasing various do-it-yourself projects to the general public. 16 June 2011 HP Confidential 1
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With increasing inventiveness and agility, cutting edge Internet attack techniques such as “fast fluxing” and advanced persistent threats challenge the effectiveness of traditional blacklists. The challenge undertaken by HP TippingPoint is to rapidly counteract attacks such as these by classifying as much of the Internet as possible along a continuum between reputable and disreputable. Our solution implements a number of novel methods to identify and track Internet hosts, which in turn provides intelligence to the Reputation Digital Vaccine (Reputation DV) Service. Reputation DV provides IPv4, IPv6 and Domain Name System (DNS) security intelligence feeds from a global reputation database that enables customers to actively enforce and manage reputation security policies using the HP TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Platform.


Marc Eisenbarth recently noticed the word "Architect" has been appended to his business cards, and while not entirely sure what that means, he has continued to just do what he has been doing for the last five years, namely improving the HP TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) as a member of DVLabs' Advanced Security Intelligence team. Prior to this, he managed "cyber liability" at a US defense contractor for five years and completed a graduate program at Columbia University in Computer Science. Off the clock, he is a "hardware guy" who enjoys releasing various do-it-yourself projects to the general public.

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Problem Statement

A blacklist is simply a list of Internet hosts which all traffic should be discarded

indiscriminately. Challenges with traditional blacklists exist in both the development and

implementation of the blacklist.

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Problem Statement

The greatest technical challenge to blacklists is how to keep abreast of a rapidly changing

threat landscape. Attack techniques such as “fast fluxing” [1] and advanced persistent

threats [2] are particularly difficult to identify and protect against because they represent

two extremes of the time scale. In the former, a single Internet host constantly varies its IP

address and DNS name in order to avoid detection. In the later, a single stealthy attack is

carried out over a long period of time, using specific domain knowledge of the target.

Other complications include DNS entries with inordinately large number of A or NS

records, and similar mechanisms to resist take down and complicate traditional mitigation

strategies. Detection of these techniques requires storage, evaluation and comparison

against historical state information.

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Problem Statement

The major shortfall of existing blacklists is the fact that they do not classify or discriminate

via a relative or absolute reputation score, or offer a confidence metric. Furthermore,

traditional blacklists assess reputation simplistically, using a binary classifier rather than a

continuum of risk and reputation.

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Problem Statement

The source and quality of the data used to compile a blacklist is often suspect, originating

from email server logs, firewall logs, and DNS responses; all of which provide meaningful

information but fall far short of profiling a modern attacker for inclusion in a truly reliable

and trusted blacklist. To complicate the problem, people looking to purchase this data

rather than stand up internal systems to compile and maintain blacklist entries run into poor

quality data sold by blacklist vendors, typically due to an increasing pressure to deliver

larger and larger number of entries, as well as vendors who balk at the questions of

whether or not their lists are of a suitable quality to be used in blocking scenarios in large

enterprise networks.

Even among highly specialized, trusted feeds we see disagreement. For example,

zeustracker.abuse.ch and malwaredomainlist.com produce disjoint blacklists for Zeus

botnets, which admittedly is one of the more difficult and challenging botnets to track and

determine attribution. We assume that this is due to the inherent, limited visibility of both

monitoring approaches.

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Problem Statement

Maintaining a reliable, timely, and actionable blacklist that can then be enforced in

today's enterprise networks is challenging. The problem that needs resolution is to better

scrutinize host systems before adding them to a blacklist so as to minimize false positives

and to reassure skeptical customers who want greater transparency into the implications of

implementing the blacklist. To achieve this level of improvement, blacklist research must

perform additional intelligence gathering out-of-band and must analyze attacks that occur

across multiple, disparate network flows which can occur over an arbitrary amount of time.

Finally, active interaction with a suspected malicious host is often needed to confirm its

disreputable intent. These reasons highlight why we chose not to do this analysis inline

using the existing IPS engine and instead invented the HP TippingPoint Reputation Digital

Vaccine (Reputation DV) service, which automates the identification and blocking of known

bad traffic before it reaches the IPS deep packet inspection engine, thus relieving the load

on the IPS and deterring traffic from disreputable host systems.

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This sophisticated use of the DNS system by modern attackers is very much in response to

the simplistic attempts at DNS blacklists that began more than 10 years ago. Attackers are

generally lazy and innovation is necessity driven. At this point in time, technology is

responding. It seems to be responding favorably, evidenced by customers who are

blocking millions of reputation sourced events per day.

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The next logical step is considering to replace your IDS with a reputation based system.

However, if you really mean intrusion detection system, I’d argue that this does not really

make sense. This is due to the historical nature of IDS and the interest in answering

questions such as “what happened, and why did it happen? [emphasis on past tense]”.

Now, if you want to talk about IPS, with a focus on the timely enforcement component that

IPS brings to the table, then the conversation gets interesting.

IPS in the context of reputation focuses on the source of a threat, not the vulnerability or

payload of the attack. As such, it’s not a replacement for an IPS, but another tool to

provide preemptive threat protection. In some senses, reputation provides a cloudy crystal

ball which has the ability to forecast to some extent what attackers will do and how to

catch them, by being vulnerability agnostic. Again, this allows reputation-based

approaches to outpace attackers by focusing on their infrastructure rather than their wares.

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The first step in generating the Reputation DV package is continual acquisition of potential

malicious hosts from various external intelligence feeds (Figure 1). These feeds fall into three

broad categories: commercial, open-source, and automated customer submissions. Without

exception, these first two feed types suffer from the pitfalls and limitations outlined in the

previous section. The third category is split between customers who have elected to share

security event data and entities that have allowed collocation of an HP TippingPoint

controlled IPS as part of our Lighthouse program. The data received from these sources is

unique as it is not simply low level event data, but a set of context rich security events

associated with particular HP TippingPoint Digital Vaccine (DV) filters. This allows high level

correlation between attacks and attackers, despite their efforts to evade detection by

manipulating the fluid assignment scheme of IP addresses and DNS host names.

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The process of placing a host on a blacklist uses a series of modules, each of which

generates data we use to classify the host. The first module is responsible for tracking

content on these hosts and retrieving a copy of malicious documents, scripts, executables,

and tracking changes to these files. This data is used compute a similarity metric which is

then used to cluster hosts which are hosting related malware and exploits. The last is a

series of modules collectively called “meta” which is a collection of active and passive

intelligence gathering techniques.

These techniques are used to define more data points for each entry which are ultimately

used to mine additional interrelationships between entries. The passive intelligence

techniques that we employ include search engine results, DNS and whois information, and

the like. The active intelligence techniques are not limited to port scanning, banner

grabbing, content spidering, operating system fingerprinting, uptime tracking, and even

high interaction honeypots. This monitoring results in a rich collection of out-of-band

intelligence that can be warehoused and then at a later point, used to compare to current


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Approach (continued)

Inline monitoring is expensive and difficult to scale for global coverage. Our goal is to monitor an arbitrary system by detecting outwardly visible changes, wherever possible. The motivation for this module lies in the desire to increase the number of Internet systems under surveillance. Unlike many organizations, we do in fact have a large network of sensors that are monitoring the Internet both in an inline capacity as well as through network span ports. While this is useful in its own right and currently scaled out to the degree which allows the results to be considered statistically viable, the chief limitation of this approach is that only traffic which crosses this sphere of inspection can be considered for analysis. Born out of this realization was the concept of an active monitoring system which could reach out and query an arbitrary host and could scale to the point that it could track the Internet as a whole.

Currently our systems track around four billion annual events which are distilled into a set of approximately two million IP addresses and a half of million DNS entries which are distributed to the end user and comprise the Reputation DV. To support this massive effort, we developed the extensible architecture outlined above, which is responsible for constructing, maintaining and distributing this blacklist of irreputable Internet hosts.

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Once module-based classification work is complete, there is an enormous amount of

information associated with each entry that now can be consumed by the “rule engine”

module, which exists to further classify and score each entry. At the heart of the rule engine

is the support-vector machines (SVM) algorithm [3]. SVMs are a set of related supervised

learning methods that analyze data and recognize patterns. The advantage that SVMs

offer is a soft margin classifier which is able to reduce a single multiclass problem into

multiple binary classifications. In other words, it is possible to operate on arbitrary data

types and reduce the chance for overfitting the data by accounting for mislabeled


Additional algorithms are used to assign various scores to the blacklist entries. These scores

represent our assessment of the host’s potential to generate malicious behavior along with

our confidence that it is not a false positive. We also distribute tags comprised of the

above mined metadata, which serve to classify each entry and provide useful data, such as

country of origin, attack family and reason for inclusion.

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Administrators can leverage the tags and scores to build custom filters used to tailor the

blacklist to their company’s business and risk management requirements. An example filter

would read, ”block all botnets but not spam originating from Azakstan with a score greater

than 80”. The flexibility that these filters offer gives a level of transparency and control to

administrators that traditional blacklists cannot provide. Bad traffic is dropped before the

IPS deep packet inspection engine resulting in efficient, scalable policy enforcement.

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It became clear very early on that a whitelist mechanism was needed to train and validate

our algorithms. Alexa, which offers a ranking of the top million domains, serves as a good

place to start, along with search engine results. However, looking at the top 250,000

domains, we note that a notable percentage would show up in our blacklist algorithms

from time to time. It’s important to note that this list contains popular file sharing, porn-

related, and unethical advertising websites which often deserve disreputable scores. In

further investigating some of these domains, we note that often they are hosted in networks

that contain proven malicious domains and are thus there is some validity to a certain

amount of “guilty by association”. This idea of the reputation of a ISP is something that we

are looking to explore further, and something that has already made the news on a few

blogs out there and elicited response from a known German ISP, which appeared near the

top of this list. All this to say, due to the lack of granularity of reputation based blocking,

for cases where a site such as Google is delivering malicious content, the IPS signature

engine is much more adept at handling these cases and for the last obvious cases,

compared to Google anyways, a mixture of reputation and filter technologies proves

promising, as we shall explore later.

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Observations (continued)

A corollary to this is perhaps that vendors can artificially inflate their reputation lists by

including large numbers of addresses that have a low probability of causing business

interruption, but are not necessarily malicious. However, we believe this approach to be

specious at best, citing the example where an online retailer may be deploying a blacklist

and blocking these hosts results in loss of revenue. In fact, in this case it’s conceivable that

the retailer in this scenario wouldn’t require a squeaky clean bill of reputation health in

order to do business with certain potential customers and this use case helps underscore

the flexibility of our approach.

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After an initial period of time to learn new entries, we see that the rate of new DNS entries is relatively flat. In fact, it doesn’t take long to discover that a relatively small percentage of the Internet is actively queried. Given a large ISP to sample from, we see that this list converges fairly rapidly. Furthermore, we would expect this convergence in smaller networks given additional time. Anomalous deviation from this trend is malicious.

A notable example is content distribution networks, such as Akamai. It’s interesting to note that these behave very similar to fast-flux networks. The number of unique IP addresses stays constant with the number of new, unique domains. Furthermore, each new DNS entry is a new IP and a new child domain. The reason for this is in fact very similar to why fast-flux networks behave in this fashion, namely geo-based, high availability. In the malicious case, the new entries are compromised hosts, which again have a new IP address in a different topological location in the network and this host is given a new domain name for tracking purposes.

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Observations (continued)

On the opposite side of the spectrum, we note that popular sites tend to use a relatively

small number of IP addresses and have a large number of associated domain names.

Obvious reasons for this include schemes such as virtual hosting and less obvious reasons

point to the fact that more sites are encoding information into the domain name itself.

Finally, Dynamic DNS and publically routed DHCP networks form a very interesting study

in and of themselves. Yet the observations that the IP address is often encoded into the

DNS entry itself, as well as the one to one relationship between dynamic DNS names and

IP addresses, make identification and tracking much more tractable than it seems at first.

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In the case where attackers do not reuse domain names and address space, always

procuring new resources, reputation becomes difficult. This becomes much more

problematic as the shift towards IPv6 occurs.

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Work In Progress

Combining reputation information with filters into a hybrid policy model allows increased

performance and accuracy of the overall security solution. For example, imagine being

able to push a policy that simply states: “Block all compound document types originating

from China” or instruct a filter to block that might not be “recommended on” in the default

configuration only if the host has a reputation score below a given threshold. This

additional information allows customers to justify a more aggressive, and thus effective,

security policy.

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Work In Progress

We believe that we can not only offer protection for the subscribers and consumers of

cloud computing and large data center deployments, but have the unique capability to

protect the reputation of the services themselves by vetting outbound traffic and thereby

bringing to market a significant differentiator in this rapidly emerging space.

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Work In Progress

Dynamically decide reputation of never-seen-before hosts by moving from historical and

statistical evaluation to predictive, dynamic methods.

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[1] Jamie Riden, 2008, “The Honeynet Project: How Fast-Flux Service Networks Work”,


[2] Michael K. Daly, 2009, “Advanced Persistent Threat (or Informationized Force

Operations)”, http://www.usenix.org/event/lisa09/tech/slides/daly.pdf

[3] Corinna Cortes and V. Vapnik, 1995, “Support-Vector Machines”,


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Evaluation accounts are available that you can use to check out the system, punch in your

own address range, etc. as well as a couple publically available whitepapers.

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