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Requirement Engineering

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SEI Interactive, 03/99 page 1 http://www.sei.cmu.edu/interactive/Features/1999/March/Background/Background.mar99.htm Requirements Engineering Merlin Dorfman Editor’s Note: The following article is reprinted from the book Software Requirements Engineering, Second Edition, and is provided for readers who want to read a brief tutorial on requirements engineering. The views expressed in this article are the author’s only and do not represent directly or imply any official position or view of the Software Engineering Institute or Carnegie Mellon University. This article is copyright © 1997 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Reprinted, with permission, from Software Requirements Engineering, Second Edition, Richard H. Thayer and Merlin Dorfman, eds., pp. 7-22. Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1977. Requirements engineering is presented and discussed as a part of systems engineering and software systems engineering. The need for good requirements engineering, and the consequences of a lack of it, are most apparent in systems that are all or mostly software. Requirements Engineering approaches are closely tied to the life cycle or process model used. A distinction is made between requirements engineering at the system level and at lower levels, such as software elements. The fundamentals of requirements engineering are defined and presented: elicitation; decomposition and abstraction; allocation, flowdown, and traceability; interfaces; validation and verification. Requirements development approaches, tools, and methods, and their capabilities and limitations, are briefly discussed. Introduction When the “Software Crisis” 1 was discovered and named in the 1960s, much effort was directed at finding the causes of the now-familiar syndrome of problems. The investigations determined that requirements deficiencies are among the most important contributors to the problem: “In nearly every software project which fails to meet performance and cost goals, requirements inadequacies play a major and expensive role in project failure.” 2 Development of the requirements specification “in many cases seems trivial, but it is probably the part of the process which leads to more failures than any other.” 3 It was determined that the benefits of good requirements include: Agreement among developers, customers, and users on the job to be done and the acceptance criteria for the delivered system
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Requirements EngineeringMerlin Dorfman

Editor’s Note: The following article is reprinted from the book Software Requirements

Engineering, Second Edition, and is provided for readers who want to read a brief tutorial on

requirements engineering. The views expressed in this article are the author’s only and do not

represent directly or imply any official position or view of the Software Engineering Institute or

Carnegie Mellon University.

This article is copyright © 1997 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Reprinted, with permission, from Software Requirements Engineering, Second Edition, Richard

H. Thayer and Merlin Dorfman, eds., pp. 7-22. Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Society

Press, 1977.

Requirements engineering is presented and discussed as a part of systemsengineering and software systems engineering. The need for good requirementsengineering, and the consequences of a lack of it, are most apparent in systemsthat are all or mostly software. Requirements Engineering approaches areclosely tied to the life cycle or process model used. A distinction is madebetween requirements engineering at the system level and at lower levels, suchas software elements. The fundamentals of requirements engineering aredefined and presented: elicitation; decomposition and abstraction; allocation,flowdown, and traceability; interfaces; validation and verification. Requirementsdevelopment approaches, tools, and methods, and their capabilities andlimitations, are briefly discussed.


When the “Software Crisis”1 was discovered and named in the 1960s, much effort wasdirected at finding the causes of the now-familiar syndrome of problems. Theinvestigations determined that requirements deficiencies are among the most importantcontributors to the problem: “In nearly every software project which fails to meetperformance and cost goals, requirements inadequacies play a major and expensive rolein project failure.” 2 Development of the requirements specification “in many cases seemstrivial, but it is probably the part of the process which leads to more failures than anyother.” 3

It was determined that the benefits of good requirements include:

• Agreement among developers, customers, and users on the job to be done and theacceptance criteria for the delivered system

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• A sound basis for resource estimation (cost, personnel quantity and skills, equipment,and time)

• Improved system usability, maintainability, and other quality attributes

• The achievement of goals with minimum resources (less rework, fewer omissions andmisunderstandings)

It was also observed that the value of good requirements, and the criticality of doing themwell, increased dramatically with the size and complexity of the system being developed.Additionally, software-intensive systems seemed to have more inherent complexity, thatis, were more difficult to understand, than systems that did not contain a great deal ofsoftware; thus these systems were more sensitive to the quality of their requirements.

The products of a good requirements analysis include not only definition, but properdocumentation, of the functions, performance, internal and external interfaces, andquality attributes of the system under development, as well as any valid constraints on thesystem design or the development process.

As the value of good requirements became clear, the focus of investigation shifted to therequirements themselves: how should they be developed? How can developers knowwhen a set of requirements is good? What standards, tools, and methods can help; do theyexist, or must they be developed? These investigations are by no means complete: notonly are new tools and methods appearing almost daily, but overall approaches torequirements, and how they fit into the system life cycle, are evolving rapidly. As aresult, requirements engineering has been well established as a part of systemsengineering. Requirements engineers perform requirements analysis and definition onspecific projects as well as investigate in the abstract how requirements should bedeveloped.

Requirements engineering and the development life cycle

Many models exist for the system and/or software life cycle, the series of steps that asystem goes through from first realization of need through construction, operation, andretirement.4 (Boehm5 provides a good overview of many existing models, and presentsas well a risk-driven approach that includes many other models as subsets; Davis et al.6

describe conditions under which various models might be used.) Almost all modelsinclude one or more phases with a name like “requirements analysis” or “user needsdevelopment.” Many models require generation of a document called, or serving thefunction of, a requirements specification. Even those that do not call for such a document,

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for example Jackson System Development, have a product such as a diagram or diagramsthat incorporate or express the user’s needs and the development objectives.7

A few of the better-known life cycle models are briefly discussed in the followingsections, and the way requirements engineering fits into them are presented.

Baseline management

Among the most extensively used models are baseline management and the waterfall, onwhich baseline management is based.8 (baseline management differs from the waterfall inthat it specifically requires each life cycle phase to generate defined products, which mustpass a review and be placed under configuration control before the next phase begins.) Inthese models, as shown in Figure 1, determination of requirements should be complete, ornearly so, before any implementation begins. baseline management provides a highdegree of management visibility and control, has been found suitable for developments ofvery large size in which less complex methods often fail, and is required under manymilitary standards and commercial contracts. This model, however, has been somewhatdiscredited, because when large complex systems are developed in practice it is usuallyimpossible to develop an accurate set of requirements that will remain stable throughoutthe months or years of development that follow completion of the requirements. Thisessential and almost unavoidable difficulty of the waterfall and baseline managementmodels had been noted for many years9, 10 but was brought to the attention of the U.S.defense software community by a Defense Science Board report authored by F. Brooks.11

Brooks pointed out that the user often did not know what the requirements actually were,and even if they could be determined at some point in time they were almost certain tochange. To resolve this problem Brooks recommended an evolutionary model, as isdiscussed below. The approach advocated by Brooks provides the following advantages:

• The user is given some form of operational system to review (a prototype or earlyevolution), which provides better definition of the true needs than can be achieved byreading a draft specification. This approach avoids what Brooks identified as theunacceptable risk of building a system to the a priori requirements.

• Delivery of some operational capabilities early in the development process—asopposed to the delivery of everything after many months or years—permitsincorporation of new requirements and of capabilities that did not exist or were notfeasible at the start of development.

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Figure 1: The baseline management and waterfall models


The prototyping life cycle (Figure 2) is one approach to the use of an operational systemto help determine requirements.12 In this model, some system capability is built withminimum formality and control to be run for or by the user, so that requirements can bedetermined accurately. Several successive prototypes will usually be built. The amount ofrequirements analysis that precedes prototyping depends on the specifics of the problem.It is normally recommended that the prototype should be used only to help generate avalid set of requirements; after the requirements are available, they should bedocumented, and development should proceed as in the baseline management model. Ifthis recommendation is followed, the prototyping portion of the life cycle may beconsidered as a tool or method supporting requirements analysis within the baselinemanagement model.

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Figure 2: The Prototyping life cycle model

Many tools and methods are available to help support prototyping. The term rapidprototyping is associated with some of them, to distinguish them from other forms, suchas development of high-risk hardware and software components, which is a slow,expensive process. Much of rapid prototyping is concentrated in two application areas:user interfaces and heavily transaction-oriented functions such as database operations. Inthese areas, a distinction can be made between prototyping tools and approaches thatprovide only “mockups” (simulate the system’s response to user actions) and those thatactually perform the operations requested by the user. In the latter category are the so-called fourth generation languages (4GLs),13, 14 which provide methods of generatingcode for user operations included within the 4GL’s capability. Such tools provide theoption of retaining the prototype as (part of) the final system; considerations of executiontime and efficiency of memory usage are weighed against the time and cost of building asystem using the baseline management model and requirements determined from therapid prototyping effort.

Incremental development

The incremental development life cycle model calls for a unitary requirements analysisand specification effort, with requirements and capabilities allocated to a series ofincrements that are distinct but may overlap each other (Figure 3). In its originalconception the requirements are assumed to be stable, as in the baseline managementmodel, but in practice the requirements for later increments may be changed throughtechnology advancement or experience with the early deliveries; hence this model may ineffect be not very different from the evolutionary development model described next.

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Figure 3: The incremental development model

Evolutionary development

The evolutionary development life cycle calls for a series of development efforts, each ofwhich leads to a delivered product to be used in the operational environment over anextended period of time (Figure 4). In contrast with the prototyping model, in which thepurpose of each early product is only to help determine requirements, each delivery orevolution provides some needed operational capability. However, there is feedback fromusers of the operational systems that may affect requirements for later deliveries.

Figure 4: The evolutionary development model

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Each delivery in this model represents a full development cycle, including requirementsanalysis. The deliveries may overlap, as shown in Figure 4, or one delivery may becompleted before the next is begun. The product of each requirements analysis phase isan addition or improvement to the product(s) of the requirements analysis phase of theprevious delivery. Similarly, the implementation portions of each delivery may add to, orupgrade, products of earlier deliveries. With this understanding, each delivery may belooked at as a small example of a baseline management life cycle, with a developmentprocess and time span small enough to minimize the problems discussed above.

The spiral model

Boehm 5 describes the spiral model, an innovation that permits combinations of theconventional (baseline management), prototyping, and incremental models to be used forvarious portions of a development. It shifts the management emphasis fromdevelopmental products to risk, and explicitly calls for evaluations as to whether a projectshould be terminated. Figure 5 summarizes the spiral model.

The radial coordinate in Figure 5 represents total costs incurred to date. Each loop of thespiral, from the (–x) axis clockwise through 360 degrees, represents one phase of thedevelopment. A phase may be specification oriented, prototyping oriented, anevolutionary development step, or one of a number of other variants; the decision onwhich form to use (or whether to discontinue the project) is made at each crossing of the(–x) axis by evaluating objectives, constraints, alternatives, and status (particularly risk).

The spiral model thus makes explicit the idea that the form of a development cannot beprecisely determined in advance of the development: the re-evaluation at the completionof each spiral allows for changes in user perceptions, results of prototypes or earlyversions, technology advances, risk determinations, and financial or other factors to affectthe development from that point on.

Boehm has referred to the spiral model as a "process model generator”: given a set ofconditions, the spiral produces a more detailed development model.15 For example, in thesituation where requirements can be determined in advance and risk is low, the spiral willresult in a baseline management approach. If requirements are less certain, other modelssuch as the incremental or prototyping can be derived from the spiral. And, as mentionedabove, re-evaluation after each spiral allows for changes in what had been (tentatively)concluded earlier in the development.

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Figure 5: The spiral model

System and software requirements

System and software requirements are often treated together because the tools andmethods used to derive them, and the techniques of documenting them, are very similar.(It may be remarked that most of the tools and methods originated with softwaredevelopers and were then found to be appropriate for system use as well.) However, someimportant differences between system and software requirements should be pointed out.

System requirements describe the behavior of the system as seen from the outside, forexample, by the user. Although requirements documents and specifications cannot easilybe read by users,16 the system requirements serve at least as a partial communicationsvehicle to the more technically inclined users, or to a purchasing organization, as well asto analysts and designers who are concerned with the development of system elements orcomponents.

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Requirements for elements below the system level, whether they are for elements that areall hardware, all software, or composite (both hardware and software), are normally ofminimal interest to users. These requirements serve to communicate with the developers,who need to know what is expected of the elements for which they are responsible, andwho also need information about those elements with which they must interface.

This distinction is important for several reasons. First, like any communications vehicle,a requirements document should be written with its intended audience in mind. Thedegree to which nontechnical users must read and understand a requirements document isa factor in how it is written. Second, and perhaps most important, the skills andexperience of the requirements developers must be considered. All too frequently,systems engineers with limited software knowledge are responsible for software-intensive systems. They not only write system-level requirements, which demandsknowledge of what functions and performance a software-intensive system can beexpected to meet; they also allocate functions and requirements to hardware andsoftware. Thus the software developers are asked to develop designs to meetrequirements that may be highly unrealistic or unfeasible. Software developers seem tobe reluctant to get involved in systems engineering; one of the results is that thedevelopment of software elements often starts with poor requirements.

The U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center has recognized the importance ofsystems engineering to a software development by including in its software developmentcapability evaluation (SDCE)17 material about systems engineering capability and itsinterface with software engineering. The SDCE is an instrument used to help acquisitionorganizations determine whether bidders who have submitted proposals for a softwarecontract are likely to be able to perform acceptably.

Section IV carries further the distinction between system and software requirements asthe approach to generating requirements for all system elements is outlined.

Fundamentals of requirements engineering

This section presents the overall framework within which requirements engineering takesplace. Information about tools and methods is not presented here; at this point concern isfocused on the sequence of events.

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Several taxonomies have been proposed for requirements engineering. Prof. Alan Davishas proposed the following: 18

• Elicitation

• Solution determination

• Specification

• Maintenance

Another is that requirements engineering consists of elicitation, analysis, specification,validation/verification, and management. The comparison with Davis’s isstraightforward—validation/verification is included in maintenance, and management isimplicit in all four of Davis’s activities.

A system of any but the smallest size will be decomposed into a hierarchy of elements.Starting with the lowest levels, the elements are integrated into larger-size elements athigher levels, back up to the full system (Figure 6). Several approaches are available fordevelopment of the hierarchy, but all produce definitions of elements at all levels of thehierarchy. In the functional approach (implied by the element names used in Figure 6),the elements represent the parts of the system that will meet particular systemrequirements or carry out particular system capabilities. In a physical decomposition, theelements will represent physical components of the system. In a data-driven approach, thecomponents will contain different parts of the key data needed by the system, and mostlikely also the operations carried out on that data. In an object-oriented approach, thecomponents will consist of objects that include not only physical components of thesystem but also the data and functions (operations) needed by those physical components.

After the lowest-level elements (units in Figure 6) are defined, they are separatelydeveloped and then integrated to form the next larger elements (programs in Figure 6).These elements are then integrated into larger-size elements at the next level, and so onuntil the entire system has been developed, integrated, and tested. Thus the life cyclemodels presented earlier can be seen to be oversimplified in that they do not account forthe development and integration of the various elements that compose the system. Thisaspect can be considered to be outside the responsibility of the requirements engineer,but, as discussed below, it affects cost, feasibility, and other factors that bring the realitiesof implementation to the development of requirements, in contrast to the strict separationof “what” and “how” often postulated for system development.

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The requirements engineer needs to be concerned with all the requirements work thattakes place. As described above, this includes requirements for the entire system, forcomposite (hardware and software) elements at lower levels, and for all-hardware and all-software elements. It should be noted at this point that references to the “requirementsspecification” are meaningless for any but the smallest systems; there will be several ormany requirements specifications.

Figure 6: Example system hierarchy

System requirements

Next is described the mechanics of filling out the system hierarchy withrequirements.19, 20 It should be pointed out that, although the hierarchy used as anexample is functional, the process, and the traceability aspects that accompany it, arevalid whether the decomposition is functional, physical, data driven, or object oriented.

Early in the development process, the system-level requirements are generated. Aprimary tool used in generating the system requirements is the Concept of Operations orConOps document,16 a document that is narrative in form and describes the environmentand operation of the system to be built. An important part of the development of both theConOps and the system requirements is the process of requirements elicitation, which isdefined as working with the eventual users of the system under development to determinetheir needs.21 Elicitation involves an understanding of psychological and sociologicalmethods as well as system development and the application domain of the system to bebuilt.

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While the system requirements are being developed, requirements engineers and othersbegin to consider what elements should be defined in the hierarchy. By the time thesystem requirements are complete in draft form, a tentative definition of at least one andpossibly two levels should be available. This definition will include names and generalfunctions of the elements. Definition of the system hierarchy is often referred to aspartitioning.


The next step is usually called allocation. Each system-level requirement is allocated toone or more elements at the next level; that is, it is determined which elements willparticipate in meeting the requirement. In performing the allocation, it will becomeapparent that (1) the system requirements need to be changed (additions, deletions, andcorrections), and (2) the definitions of the elements are not correct. The allocationprocess therefore is iterative, leading eventually to a complete allocation of the systemrequirements, as shown in Figure 7. The table in Figure 7 shows which element orelements will meet each system requirement; all requirements must be allocated to atleast one element at the next level. In this example, we have called the level belowsystem the Subsystem level; in practice, the names are arbitrary, depending on thenumber of levels in the entire hierarchy and the conventions in use by the systemsengineering organization. Figure 7 shows that the system-level requirement denoted asSYS001 is allocated to subsystems A and B, SYS002 is allocated to A and C, and soforth.

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SYS 001 X X

SYS 002 X X

SYS 003 X

SYS 004 X X X

SYS 005 X

SYS 006 X X

SYS 007

Figure 7: Example of allocation of system requirements


The next step is referred to as flowdown. (The reader should be aware that thisnomenclature is not universal.) Flowdown consists of writing requirements for the lower-level elements in response to the allocation. When a system requirement is allocated to asubsystem, the subsystem must have at least one requirement that responds to thatallocation. Usually more than one requirement will be written. The lower-levelrequirement(s) may closely resemble the higher-level one, or may be very different if thesystem engineers recognize a capability that the lower-level element must have in orderto meet the higher-level requirement. In the latter case, the lower-level requirements areoften referred to as derived.

The level of detail increases as we move down in the hierarchy. That is, system-levelrequirements are general in nature, while requirements at low levels in the hierarchy arevery specific. A key part of the systems engineering approach to system development isdecomposition and abstraction: the system is partitioned (decomposed) into finer andfiner elements, while the requirements start at a highly abstract (general) level andbecome more specific for the lower-level elements. Large software-intensive systems are

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among the most logically complex of human artifacts, and decomposition and abstractionare essential to the successful management of this complexity.

When flowdown is done, errors may be found in the allocation, the hierarchy definition,and the system requirements; thus the flowdown process is also iterative and may causeparts of previous processes to be repeated. Figure 8 shows the results of the first level ofthe flowdown process: a complete set of requirements for each of the subsystems.System-level requirement SYS001 was allocated to subsystems A and B; subsystemrequirements (in this example, SSA001, SSA002, and SSB001) are written in response tothe allocation. Similarly SYS002 was allocated to A and C, and subsystem requirementsSSA003, SSA004, SSA005, SSC001, and SSC002 are the flowdown of SYS002 tosubsystem levels. The result is a complete set of requirements for each of thesubsystems. After completion of this level of flowdown, allocation of the subsystemrequirements is carried out to the next level, followed by flowdown to that level. Againthe processes are iterative and changes may be needed in the higher-level definition,allocation, or flowdown.

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SYS 001 SSA 001

SSA 002

SSB 001 —

SYS 002 SSA 003

SSA 004

SSA 005

— —

SYS 003 — SSB 002

SSB 003

SYS 004 SSA 006

SSA 007

SSB 004

SSB 005

SSB 006

SSC 003

SYS 005 — — SSC 004

SSC 005

SYS 006 — SSB 007

SSB 008

SYS 007 SSA 008

SSA 009

SSB 009 —

Figure 8: Example of flowdown of system requirements

The process of partitioning, allocation, and flowdown is then repeated to as low a level asneeded for this particular system; for software elements this is often to the module level.Figure 9 emphasizes the iterative nature of this process at each level in the many levels ofpartitioning, allocation, and flowdown.

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Figure 9: Iteration in partitioning, allocation, and flowdown


The number of requirements proliferates rapidly during the allocation and flowdownprocess. If we assume that there are four levels in the hierarchy, that each elementpartitions to four at the next level, that each requirement is allocated to two of the four,and that each flowdown results in three requirements per allocated element (allreasonable assumptions), there will be more than 250 requirements in the hierarchy foreach system-level requirement. Keeping track of all these requirements is essential, tomake sure that all requirements are properly flowed down to all levels, with norequirements lost and no “extras” thrown in. Reading and understanding the requirementsto answer these questions is difficult enough; without a way to keep track of theflowdown path in a hierarchy of thousands of requirements, it becomes impossible.Traceability is the concept that implements the necessary bookkeeping.19, 20

Establishment of traceability as allocation and flowdown are done helps ensure thevalidity of the process. Then, if changes are needed (such as a system-level requirementdue to user input, or a lower-level requirement due to a problem with allocation,

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flowdown, or feasibility), traceability enables the engineer to locate the relatedrequirements, at higher and lower levels, that must be reviewed to see if they need to bechanged.

Figure 10 shows the traceability path corresponding to the allocation and flowdown inFigures 7 and 8. System requirement SYS001 traces downward to SSA001, which in turntraces downward to PGA001, PGA002, and PGB001. SYS001 also traces to SSA002,which further traces to PGA003, PGC001, and PGC002. Upward traceability also exists,for example, PGB001 to SSA001 to SYS001. A similar hierarchy exists throughSYS001’s allocation and flowdown to subsystem B. Other formats such as trees andindented tables can be used to illustrate traceability, as in Dorfman and Flynn.19

Note that, while allocation and flowdown are technical tasks, traceability is not strictly anengineering function: it is a part of requirements management and is really only“bookkeeping.” A case can be made that more of the requirements problems observed insystem development are due to failures in requirements management than to technicalfunctions. In the Software Engineering Institute’s Capability Maturity Model forSoftware,22 these nontechnical aspects of requirements management are importantenough that they are one of the six key process areas that a software developmentorganization must satisfy to move beyond the first ad hoc or chaotic level of maturity.






SSA 001 PGA 001PGA 002

PGB 001 —SYS 001

SSA 002 PGA 003 — PGC 001PGC 002

SSA 003 — PGB 002PGB 003

SSA 004 PGA 004 PCB 004 PGC 003

SYS 002

SSA 005 PGA 005 PCB 005PCB 006

PGC 004PGC 005

Figure 10: The requirements traceability path

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An additional step is interface definition. Before development of system requirements canbegin, the system’s external interfaces (the interfaces between the system and the outsideworld) must be known. As each level of partitioning, allocation, and flowdown takesplace, the interfaces of each element to the rest of the system must be specified. Thisdefinition has two parts. First, interfaces defined at higher levels are made more specific;that is, the external interfaces to the entire system are identified as to which subsystem(s)actually perform the interface. Second, internal interfaces at that level are defined, that is,the subsystem-to-subsystem interfaces needed to enable each subsystem to meet therequirements allocated to it.

Figure 11 illustrates this concept. In the top diagram, A represents an external interface ofthe system, for example, an output produced by the system. When subsystems 1, 2, 3, and4 are defined, as shown in the lower diagram, A is identified to subsystem 1, that is, theoutput originates in subsystem A, and internal interfaces, such as B between 3 and 4, arefound to be necessary. This process continues throughout development of the hierarchy.

It is also possible that errors in partitioning, allocation, and flowdown will be discoveredwhen interface definition is taking place, leading to iteration in those earlier steps.

Figure 11: Increasing detail of interface definition

The refined life cycle model

Next, let’s examine the implications of the above processes for the life cycle modelsdiscussed earlier. It should now be apparent that the single “requirements analysis” phase,even if extended to “system requirements analysis” and “software requirements analysis,”is inadequate. The life cycle model should account for the multiplicity of levels in thehierarchy, and furthermore should recognize that the various subsystems and other

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elements at any level do not need to be synchronized. That is, if we are willing to acceptthe risk that flowdown to the last subsystem will surface some errors in partitioning orallocation, we can phase the subsystems, and of course the lower-level elements as well.

Figure 12 is the more realistic, and more complicated, life cycle chart that results fromthe above considerations. Although it builds on a baseline management approach, thenesting and phasing shown will apply to any of the models discussed earlier, or tocombinations. The key features of Figure 12 are as follows:

1. For all but the lowest level of the hierarchy, the implementation phase of its life cyclebecomes the entire development cycle for the next lower elements. Thus thesubsystems have their development cycle shown as a phase of the system life cycle.

2. Elements at any level may be phased. Thus the subsystems are shown as starting andfinishing their development cycles at different times. This approach has at least twoadvantages:

• Staff can be employed more efficiently, since the schedules for each element canbe phased to avoid excessive demand for any technical specialty at any time.

• Integration can be carried out in a logical fashion, by adding one element at atime, rather than by the “big bang” approach of integrating all or many elementsat the same time.

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Figure 12: Multilevel life cycle chart

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Validation and verification

A final point in the framework of fundamentals relates to another requirementsmanagement task, the review of the requirements.23 Validation and verification of thepartitioning, allocation, flowdown, and interfaces are equally as important as theirgeneration. It has been shown repeatedly that requirements errors not found until later inthe development cycle are many times more expensive to fix than if they were foundbefore the requirements phase was completed.24 The baseline management modelrequires that all the requirements at all levels be fully and properly reviewed beforedesign and implementation begin. The life cycle models wherein the requirements are notall determined and “frozen” before design begins specify review of requirements as theyare considered ready to be the basis for some design and further development.

The attributes of a good requirements specification are addressed by Boehm.23 Amongthe most important attributes are the following:

• Clear/unambiguous

• Complete

• Correct

• Understandable

• Consistent (internally and externally)

• Concise

• Feasible

It should be apparent that the evaluation of a requirements specification with respect tothese attributes may be highly subjective and qualitative. Davis et al.25 demonstrate theextreme difficulty of attempting to quantify the degree to which a specification exhibitsthese qualities. Nevertheless, these attributes are so important that the verification andvalidation of requirements against these criteria must be carried out, to the degreepossible and as quantitatively as possible. Boehm 23 and Davis et al. 25 address approachesto validation and verification of requirements.

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Requirements engineering and architectural design

In the previous section, an overview is given of the process of partitioning, allocation,and flowdown. The result of this process (a definition of the hierarchy down to somelevel, generation of the requirements for all elements, and determination of the interfacesbetween them) is known as the architectural design or top-level design of the system.Although it is called a design, requirements engineering is involved throughout theprocess. What, then, is the distinction between requirements analysis and design in thisprocess?

Requirements analysis is often defined as the “what” of a problem: implementation free;containing objectives, not methods. Design, then, is the “how”: the implementation thatwill meet the requirements. The two are supposed to be kept distinct, although of coursethe feasibility of meeting a requirement always needs to be considered. However, if youlook closely at the process of generating the architectural design, you will see that bothrequirements analysis and design are involved.26

The generation of system-level requirements is, to the extent possible, a pure “what,”addressing the desired characteristics of the complete system. The next steps, determiningthe next level of the hierarchy and allocating system requirements to the elements, are infact a “how”: they do not address objectives beyond the system requirements, but theydefine a subsystem structure that enables the requirements to be met. Flowdown is againa “what,” determining what each element should do (functions, performance, and so on).

Development of the architectural design is, then, a process in which the steps ofrequirements analysis and design alternate, with more detail being brought out at eachcycle. The output of requirements analysis is input to the next stage of design, and theoutput of design is input to the next stage of requirements analysis.27 If different peopleperform the two functions, one person’s requirement is the next person’s design, and oneperson’s design is the next person’s requirements.28

Pure requirements analysis, like pure design, can only go so far. Both disciplines areneeded to achieve the desired result, a system that meets its user’s needs. Note that thecharacter of requirements analysis, like that of design, changes as we move down in thehierarchy: requirements analysis for a low-level element is much more detailed, andinvolves knowledge of previous design decisions. The tools and methods used for“analysis” do in fact support all aspects of architectural design development: partitioning,allocation, and flowdown. They therefore are useful in both the requirements analysis anddesign stages of the process.

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Requirements engineering practices

The principles of requirements engineering described above are valid and important, butfor practical application additional specifics are needed. These specifics are provided bymethods and tools. A method, sometimes referred to as a methodology, describes ageneral approach; a tool, usually but not always automated, provides a detailed, step-by-step approach to carrying out a method.


Requirements analysis methods may be roughly divided into four categories, as shown inFigure 13. The categorizations should not be regarded as absolute: most methods havesome of the characteristics of all the categories, but usually one viewpoint is primary.

Figure 13: Categories of requirements analysis methods

Process-oriented methods take the primary viewpoint of the way the system transformsinputs into outputs, with less emphasis on the data itself and control aspects. Classicalstructured analysis (SA)29 fits into this category, as do structured analysis and designtechnique (SADT),30 and formal methods such as VDM31 and Z.32

Data-oriented methods emphasize the system state as a data structure. While SA andSADT have secondary aspects of the data viewpoint, entity-relationship modeling33 andJSD 7 are primarily data oriented.

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Control-oriented methods emphasize synchronization, deadlock, exclusion, concurrence,and process activation and deactivation. SADT and the real-time extensions to SA34, 35

are secondarily control oriented. Flowcharting is primarily process oriented.

Finally, object-oriented methods base requirements analysis on classes of objects of thesystem and their interactions with each other. Bailin36 surveys the fundamentals ofobject-oriented analysis and describes the variations among the several different methodsin use.


The number of tools that support requirements engineering is growing rapidly, and eventhe most cursory survey is beyond the scope of this paper. Nevertheless, some discussionof the characteristics of requirements engineering tools, and trends in thesecharacteristics, is in order.

Davis 18 has classified requirements tools as follows:

• Graphical editing

• Traceability

• Behavior modeling

• Databases and word processing—not designed for requirements engineering, but usedin requirements applications

• Hybrid (combinations of the above)

Early requirements tools, such as SREM37 and PSL/PSA,38 were stand-alone, that is, werenot integrated with any other tools, and supported the requirements analysis function byproviding automation, either for a specific method or a group of methods. These toolsconsisted of hundreds of thousands of lines of code and ran on large mainframecomputers. PSL/PSA used only very limited graphics in its early versions but laterversions had improved graphics capabilities. SREM made heavy and effective use ofgraphics from the beginning. Both included some form of behavior modeling. In thissame time frame, stand-alone traceability tools began to be developed. 19

By the mid-1980s, integrated software development environments began to becomeavailable that, while they were more complex software products than the earlier tools, ranon powerful (usually UNIX-based) workstations that were smaller in size and lower in

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cost than mainframes. Examples include Software through Pictures,39 CADRETeamwork, and similar products. These environments included requirements analysistools, which generally supported one of the standard graphical analysis methods, andmight also include traceability tools that enabled the requirements to be traced throughdesign, implementation, and test. Some of the integrated environments provided a choiceof analysis tools, such as tools that supported different methods. As computers continuedto become smaller, more powerful, and lower in cost, full software developmentenvironments (known as computer-aided software engineering [CASE] or softwareengineering environments [SEE]) became available on desktop computers, andeconomics permitted providing such a computer to each member of the developmentteam and networking them together.

CASE environments seemed full of promise during the late 1980s but somehow thatpromise has not been translated into pervasive use in the embedded systems and scientificsoftware markets40; perhaps there was a perception that the environments supported awaterfall or baseline management model of end-to-end software development better thanthe prototyping, evolutionary, or incremental models that became increasingly popular.The requirements tools that are part of these integrated environments are, of course,limited to the market penetration of the environments themselves. In the application areaof transaction-oriented systems such as financial and database, tools implementing anentity-relationship model such as Texas Instruments’s Information Engineering Facilityhave revolutionized the way software is developed, but in the scientific and embeddedapplication areas stand-alone tools, if any, are used. Perhaps the current trend towardobject-oriented technologies will revitalize the market for tools and for integrated toolenvironments.

The role of tools and methods

In conclusion, a few words are in order about the role of tools and methods inrequirements engineering, and indeed across the full scope of software and systemsengineering. Proper use of tools and methods is an important part of process maturity asadvocated by the Software Engineering Institute, 22 and process maturity has been shownto lead to improvements in a software development organization’s productivity andquality.41 It has equally been shown that developers cannot adopt or purchase methodsand tools and just throw them at the problem. Selection of tools and methods requiresstudy of their applicability and compatibility with the organization’s practices. A processmust be identified that meets the organization’s needs; methods must be selected thatsupport the process, with tool availability one of the factors to be considered; then andonly then should tools be purchased. Commitment, training, and the time to make thetransition are essential. Tools and methods are not a panacea: if selected and used

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correctly they can provide great benefits; if regarded as magic solutions or otherwisemisused, they will prove an expensive failure.


[1] Naur, P., and B. Randell, eds., Software Engineering: Report on a ConferenceSponsored by the NATO Science Commission, Garmisch, Germany, 7–11October 1968. Scientific Affairs Division, NATO, Brussels, January 1969.

[2] Alford, M. W., and J. T. Lawson, “Software Requirements EngineeringMethodology (Development).” RADC-TR-79-168, U.S. Air Force Rome AirDevelopment Center, Griffiss AFB, NY, June 1979 (DDC-AD-A073132).

[3] Schwartz, J.I., “Construction of Software, Problems and Practicalities,” inPractical Strategies for Developing Large Software Systems, E. Horowitz, ed.,Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1975.

[4] IEEE Standard 610.12-1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software EngineeringTerminology, IEEE, NY, 1990.

[5] Boehm, Barry W., “A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement,”Computer, Vol. 21, No. 5, May 1988, pp. 61-72.

[6] Davis, Alan M., Edward H. Bersoff, and Edward R. Comer, “A Strategy forComparing Alternative Software Development Life Cycle Models,” IEEETransactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 10, October 1988, pp. 1453-1461.

[7] Cameron, John R., “An Overview of JSD,” IEEE Transactions on SoftwareEngineering, Vol. 12, No. 2, February 1986, pp. 222-240.

[8] Royce, Winston W., “Managing the Development of Large Software Systems,”Proceedings, IEEE Wescon, August 1970. Reprinted in Proceedings, 9thInternational Conference on Software Engineering (Monterey, CA, March 30-April 2, 1987), IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, 1987, pp. 328-338.

[9] McCracken, Daniel D., and Michael A. Jackson, “Life Cycle Concept ConsideredHarmful,” ACM Software Engineering Notes, Vol. SE-7, No. 2, 1982, pp. 29–32.

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[10] Gladden, G. R., “Stop the Life Cycle, I Want to Get Off,” ACM SoftwareEngineering Notes, Vol. SE-7, No. 2, April 1982, pp. 35–39.

[11] Brooks, Frederick P., Jr., Chairman, Report of the Defense Science Board TaskForce on Military Software, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense forAcquisition, U.S. Department of Defense, Washington, DC, September 1987.

[12] Gomaa, Hassan, and D.B.H. Scott, “Prototyping as a Tool in the Specification ofUser Requirements,” Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on SoftwareEngineering (San Diego, CA, March 9-12, 1981), IEEE Computer Society Press,Washington, DC, 1981, pp. 333-342.

[13] Verner, June, and Graham Tate, “Third-Generation versus Fourth-GenerationSoftware Development,” IEEE Software, Vol. 5, No. 4, July 1988, pp. 8-14.

[14] Cobb, R. H., “In Praise of 4GLs,” Datamation, July 15, 1985, pp. 36–46.

[15] Boehm, Barry W., ed., Software Risk Management, IEEE Computer SocietyPress, Los Alamitos, CA, 1989, p. 434.

[16] Fairley, Richard E., and Richard H. Thayer, “The Concept of Operations: TheBridge from Operational Requirements to Technical Specifications,” in SoftwareEngineering, M. Dorfman and R.H. Thayer, eds., IEEE Computer Society Press,Los Alamitos, CA, 1997.

[17] Acquisition Software Development Capability Evaluation (2 volumes), AFMCPamphlet 63-103, Department of the Air Force, HQ Air Force MaterielCommand, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, June 15, 1994.

[18] Davis, Alan M., private communication, 1996.

[19] Dorfman, Merlin, and Richard F. Flynn, “ARTS—an Automated RequirementsTraceability System,” Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1984, pp.63-74.

[20] Palmer, James D., “Traceability,” in Software Engineering, M. Dorfman and R.H.Thayer, eds., IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1997, pp. 266-276.

[21] Goguen, Joseph A., and Charlotte Linde, “Techniques for RequirementsElicitation,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on RequirementsEngineering (Colorado Springs, CO, April 18-22) IEEE Computer Society Press,Los Alamitos, CA, 1993.

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[22] Paulk, Mark C., et al., Capability Maturity Model for Software, Version 1.1,CMU/SEI-93-TR-24, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie MellonUniversity, Pittsburgh, PA, February 1993. See also Paulk, Mark C., et al., KeyPractices of the Capability Maturity Model for Software, Version 1.1,CMU/SEI-93-TR-25, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, February1993. Available athttp://www.sei.cmu.edu/publications/documents/93.reports/93.tr.024.html andhttp://www.sei.cmu.edu/publications/documents/93.reports/93.tr.025.html

[23] Boehm, Barry W., “Verifying and Validating Software Requirements and DesignSpecifications,” IEEE Software, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1984, pp. 75-88.

[24] Boehm, Barry W., Software Engineering Economics, Prentice-Hall, EnglewoodCliffs, NJ, 1981.

[25] Davis, Alan, et al., “Identifying and Measuring Quality in a SoftwareRequirements Specification,” Proceedings of the First International SoftwareMetrics Symposium (Baltimore, MD, May 21-22) IEEE Computer Society Press,Los Alamitos, CA, 1993.

[26] Swartout, W., and R. Balzer, “On the Inevitable Intertwining of Specification andDesign,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 27, No. 7, July 1982, pp. 438-440.

[27] Hatley, Derek J., and Imtiaz A. Pirbhai, Strategies for Real-Time SystemSpecification, Dorset House, NY, 1987.

[28] Davis, Alan M., Software Requirements: Objects, Functions, and States, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993.

[29] Svoboda, Cyril P., “Tutorial on Structured Analysis,” in System and SoftwareRequirements Engineering, R.H. Thayer and M. Dorfman, eds., IEEE ComputerSociety Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1990.

[30] Ross, Douglas T., “Structured Analysis (SA): A Language for CommunicatingIdeas,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1977,16-33.

[31] Bjoerner, Dines, “On the Use of Formal Methods in Software Development,”Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Software Engineering (Monterey,CA, March 30-April 2, 1987), IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC,1987, pp. 17-29.

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[32] Norris, M., “Z (A Formal Specification Method). A Debrief Report,” STARTS,National Computing Centre, Ltd., 1986. Reprinted in System and SoftwareRequirements Engineering, R.H. Thayer and M. Dorfman, eds., IEEE ComputerSociety Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1990.

[33] Reilly, John R., “Entity-Relationship Approach to Data Modeling,” in SoftwareRequirements Engineering, 2nd ed., R.H. Thayer and M. Dorfman, eds., IEEEComputer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1997.

[34] Ward, Paul T., and Stephen J. Mellor, Structured Development Techniques forReal-Time Systems (3 vols.). Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1985.

[35] Hatley, Derek J., “The Use of Structured Methods in the Development of LargeSoftware-Based Avionics Systems,” AIAA Paper 84-2592, Sixth Digital AvionicsSystems Conference (Baltimore, MD, December 3-6), AIAA, NY, 1984.

[36] Bailin, C.A., “Object Oriented Requirements Analysis,” in Encyclopedia ofSoftware Engineering, John J. Marciniak, ed., John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1994.

[37] Alford, Mack W., “SREM at the Age of Eight: The Distributed ComputingDesign System,” Computer, Vol. 18, No. 4, April 1985, 36-46.

[38] Sayani, Hassan, “PSL/PSA at the Age of Fifteen: Tools for Real-Time and Non-Real-Time Analysis,” in System and Software Requirements Engineering, R.H.Thayer and M. Dorfman, eds., IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA,1990, 403-417.

[39] Wasserman, Anthony I., and P. A. Pircher, “A Graphic, Extensible IntegratedEnvironment for Software Development,” ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 12, No.1, January 1987, pp. 131-142.

[40] Lewis, Ted, “The Big Software Chill,” Computer, Vol. 29, No. 3, March 1996,pp. 12-14.

[41] Herbsleb, James, et al., Benefits of CMM-Based Software Process Improvement:Initial Results, CMU/SEI-94-TR-13, Software Engineering Institute, CarnegieMellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, August 1994. Available athttp://www.sei.cmu.edu/publications/documents/94.reports/94.tr.013.html

About the author

Merlin Dorfman is a technical consultant in the Space Systems Product Center, LockheedMartin Missiles and Space Company, Sunnyvale, Calif. He specializes in systems

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engineering for software-intensive systems, software process improvement, andalgorithm development for data processing systems. Merlin Dorfman has no affiliationwith the Software Engineering Institute.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s only and do not represent directly orimply any official position or view of the Software Engineering Institute or CarnegieMellon University. This article is intended to stimulate further discussion about this topic.

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and developmentcenter sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense and operated by Carnegie MellonUniversity.

SM IDEAL, Interim Profile, Personal Software Process, PSP, SCE, Team SoftwareProcess, and TSP are service marks of Carnegie Mellon University.

® Capability Maturity Model, Capability Maturity Modeling, CERT CoordinationCenter, CERT, and CMM are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
