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R R e e q q u u i i r r e e m m e e n n t t o o f f E E Q Q U U I I P P M M E E N N T T A A N N D D M M A A T T E E R R I I A A L L F F O O R R D D E E V V E E L L O O P P M M E E N N T T O O F F P P O O W W E E R R S S E E C C T T O O R R Generation and Transmission Projects of 11 th And 12 th Plan Government of India Ministry of Power Central Electricity Authority Planning Wing New Delhi November 2006
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Government of India Ministry of Power

Central Electricity Authority Planning Wing

New Delhi November 2006

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PPrroojjeeccttss ooff

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector



Preface i

Foreword ii

Executive Summary ES-1 – ES-3


1.1 Background

1.2 Growth in Power Sector

1.3 Regulatory & Structural Reforms

1.4 National Electricity Policy and Plan




2.1 Eleventh Plan (2007-12)

2.2 Twelfth plan(2012-2017)



3.1 Requirement of Electrical Equipments for Generation Plants

3.1.1 Thermal Power Plants

3.1.2 Hydro Power Plants

3.2 Requirement of Electrical Equipments for Power System

3.2.1 Estimated Requirement of electrical equipments for voltage

level 765 kV & 400 kV

3.2.2 Estimated Requirement of electrical equipments for voltage

level 220 kV & 132 kV

3.2.3 Summary of Requirement of electrical equipment for all

voltage levels( 765 kV, 400 kV, 220 kV, 132Kv)



4.1 Steel Requirement for Generation

4.1.1 Hydro Power Plants

4.1.2 Thermal Power Plants

4.1.3 Nuclear Power Plants

4.2 Requirement of Steel for Power System

4.2.1 Requirement of Steel for tower

4.2.2 Steel Requirement & Aluminium for Conductor & Earth


4.2.3 Requirement in respect of special steel – CRGO & Copper

for power transformers

4.2.4 Estimated Structural Steel Requirement for Sub-stations

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector






1. Typical Steel quantity for 2x500 MW unit as

given by BHEL


2. Estimated Quantity of Steel for 11th and 12


Plan coal based projects


3. Estimated Quantity of Steel for 11th and 12


Plan Gas based projects


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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

i Preface


The size of the XI and XII Plans of the Power sector are likely to be

considerably bigger than X Plan. Consequently, the requirement of

electrical equipment and raw materials like steel would be much higher

than in previous Plans. The Sub-Group on Generation Planning of

Working Group on Power for XI Plan has recommended a capacity

addition of around 66,500 MW in XI Plan whereas for XII Plan, the

requirement has been assessed at 86,500 MW.

Such massive addition in power generation capacity would be

possible only if the power/electrical industry also suitably enhances its

manufacturing capabilities to meet this challenge. Other industries like

cement, steel and aluminum also have to augment their production

lines to meet the requirements of the power sector.

With a view to give an idea of the requirement of the power sector

during XI and XII Plan, this booklet giving details of the major electrical

equipment and steel is being brought out by the Central Electricity


I am sure this booklet will be found useful by the industry sector in

planning their production capacities in the years to come.



New Delhi

Dated 23rd November, 2006

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

ii Forward


This booklet is an effort to provide a broad overview of the electrical

equipment and steel requirement during the coming years commensurate

with the power generation and transmission capacity expansion Plans. For

the successful implementation of the power expansion Plan evolved

based on the detailed studies carried out by CEA, it is essential that all the

key inputs required are made available as per the schedule of the

requirement of individual power project. The timely supply of key-inputs is

important not only in the timely completion of the project but also in

avoiding implications of cost over-runs in case the project is delayed. This

assessment would also give appropriate inputs to the manufacturers to

plan and formulate their production targets. Advance action to create

additional production capacity is also important to keep the prices of

manufactured material and equipment in check. This would ensure that

increase in demand does not lead to increase in prices due to mismatch

of demand and supply, as the power sector is highly price sensitive and

concerted efforts from all quarters need to be jointly made to ensure that

prices remain reasonable. This would be instrumental in realizing the

Government's mission of providing power to consumers at a reasonable


Requirement of Electrical equipment is one of the most important

inputs for the development of the Power Sector. In this booklet, an

attempt has been made to assess the requirement of major electrical

equipment for hydro & thermal power stations during the 11th and 12th

Plans. Requirement of equipment has been assessed for different units of

coal and gas based plants i.e. coal handling unit, Ash handling unit,

cooling system etc. In case of a hydro power station, tentative steel

requirement for various Electro-Mechanical equipments/systems and for

civil works has been estimated. In addition, requirement of various

categories of steel for these plants has also been worked out.

Commensurate with the generation capacity addition, the transmission

system requirement has also been worked out and sub-station equipment

and material required has also been covered in this booklet

This book has been prepared by the officers and staff of Planning

wing, CEA with inputs from Thermal, Hydro and Power System Wings. The

various equipment manufacturers such as BHEL, have been duly consulted

for specific equipment based details and requirement of pipes, tubes,

structural steel etc. and others.

It is hoped that the book would serve as a good guide for those

who would plan for future manufacture of equipment for the Power


New Delhi ( V S Verma)

Dated: 23 November 2006 Member ( Planning)

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

ES-1 Executive Summary



Electricity is a vital input for economic and social development of our society.

Adequate and quality power is essential to fuel this growth and all efforts need to be

made to ensure that all bottlenecks are removed in the path of timely implementation of

power projects and transmission network. The Government’s Mission is to provide

quality and reliable power to all by 2012.

The Installed Generating Capacity in the country which was only 1,358 MW at

the time of Independence has reached a level of 1,27,673 MW, comprising 83,982 MW

thermal, 33,600 MW hydro, 3,900 MW nuclear and 6191 MW from wind and other

renewable energy sources. There has been corresponding growth in transmission and

distribution network too. The target set for capacity addition during the 10th

Plan was

41,110 MW. However it is expected that about 30,641 MW would come up in the 10th

Plan out of which about 17,743 MW has already been commissioned till date. As per the

tentative 11th Plan capacity addition programme about 66,463 MW capacity addition is

required during 11th

Plan and about 86,500 MW during 12th

Plan. Requirement of

electrical and mechanical equipment and other materials needs to be tied up and made

available for timely implementation of these projects.

The Electricity Act 2003 envisages a strong push to the structural reforms, de-

licensing, thrust on rural electrification, incentives to reforming States and importantly

mandatory metering with stronger provisions for punishment for theft of electricity. The

publication of the National Electricity Policy in February 2005 is an important milestone

as it lays the guidelines and provides direction to the evolution of the Power Sector

within the ambit of the Electricity Act.

The Policy and the Act stipulate that CEA shall prepare the National Electricity

Plan for a short-term timeframe of five year while giving a 15-year perspective and the

various aspects to be covered shall include demand forecast for different regions,

suggested areas/ locations for capacity addition, integration of such possible locations

with transmission system and development of national grid. The National Electricity Plan

has been prepared by CEA and submitted to the Govt. for approval. It is expected that

the Plan will be notified shortly. The Plan covers 10th Plan (2002-07) in detail whereas

perspective planning has been carried out for the 11th & 12th Plans.

For the successful implementation of the power expansion plan, it is essential that

all the key inputs required are made available as per the schedule of their requirement for

each individual power project. Since these are some of the major key inputs, an

assessment of the approximate requirement for the 11th

and 12th

Plan power projects will

be useful input for the manufacturers and suppliers. In this booklet a broad overview has

been provided about the requirement of electrical equipments and steel during the 11TH


Plan for generation projects and for power system.

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

ES-2 Executive Summary


During the 11th Plan, a tentative capacity addition of 66,643 MW is planned

comprising of 17,189 MW of hydro, 46,114 MW of thermal (44,000 MW coal/lignite,

2,114 MW gas/LNG) and 3,200 MW of nuclear capacity. During the 12th Plan, a

tentative capacity addition of 86,500 MW is planned comprising of 30,000 MW of hydro,

44,500 MW of thermal and 12,000 MW of nuclear capacity.

For the purpose of assessing the requirement of equipments, thermal plants have

been categorized into five categories i.e. four categories for coal/lignite plants based on

the unit size of 660/800 MW, 500 MW, 300/250/210 MW and 125 MW, and one

category for Gas based plants. For each of the above category, norms have been drawn up

for the requirement of equipment. However in case of hydro plants no such categorization

is possible as the equipment requirement is site specific and not dependant on the

capacity of the plant. Therefore equipment has been assessed in totality for hydro

capacity of 17,189 MW during 11th Plan and 30,000 MW during 12th Plan. Requirement

of equipment for nuclear plants has not been included in the Report but the steel

requirement for Nuclear power projects coming up in 11th

and 12th

Plans has been

estimated in this report. It is expected that the Nuclear Power Corporation of India would

separately ensure development of production capability of equipment commensurate with

their requirement during 11th and 12th Plans. However, the nuclear capacity expected in

the 11th and 12th Plans is 3,200 MW and 12,000 MW respectively which is a small

fraction of the total tentative capacity addition during these Plan periods.

During the 11th and 12th Plan, electrical equipment for thermal capacity addition

of 88,300MW is expected to be required. This comprises of coal-based units of about 52

nos. 660/800 MW units, 65 nos. 500 MW units, 59 nos. 300/250/ 210 MW units, 7 nos.

125 MW units and 9 modules of gas turbine stations. Requirement of various electrical

and mechanical components of hydro plants for a capacity addition of about 47,200

during 11th and 12th plan have been assessed. For timely implementation of projects, it is

essential to enhance production capacity to match the requirement.


In this Chapter, requirement of electrical equipments for hydro and thermal power

projects, along with the corresponding switchyard equipments for different voltage levels,

coming up during the 11th & 12th Plan have been assessed based on certain norms.

Requirement of various types of transformers like GT, ST, UT, ICT etc in the thermal

power plants of different unit sizes have been estimated along with their ratings. Also the

requirement of various types of switchgears, motors, cables etc. required in a thermal

plant have been considered estimated

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

ES-3 Executive Summary

The substation equipments have also been estimated as per the transmission

expansion plan for 11th and 12th Plan.


An assessment has been made of the requirement of material specifically different

types of steel for hydro & thermal power plants and power system network planned for

11th and 12th Plan. A detailed exercise has been carried out to assess the requirement of

both type of steel i.e. imported & indigenous. An assessment has also been made of the

requirement of copper and aluminium required for transmission lines.

In case of the steel requirement for 11th & 12th Plan, it has been assessed that

approximately 6 million MT for hydro power projects, 12 million MT for thermal power

projects and 2 MT for Nuclear power projects will be required during 11th & 12th Plan

period. Steel requirement for different constituents of power system like towers,

conductors, earth wires, sub-stations, power transformers has also been assessed. Some

other materials like aluminium for conductors and earth wires, and copper for power

transformers have also been considered. Approximately 5.2 million MT of steel will be

required for completing the transmission expansion planned for 11th & 12th Plan. This

includes about 0.2 million MT of Special Steel- CRGO for power transformers and about

0.67 million MT of structural steel for substations.

Therefore the total requirement of steel has been estimated to be about 25 million

MT for the 11th & 12th Plan.

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector





Electricity is a vital input for economic and social development of our society.

Besides its importance in the growth of the country’s economy, it plays a major role in

the life of a common man and has a direct impact on the quality of life. Our economy is

growing at a rapid rate with the expected GDP growth rate likely to be over 8% in the

coming years. Adequate and quality power is essential to fuel this growth and all efforts

need to be made to ensure that all bottlenecks are removed in the path of timely

implementation of power projects and transmission network. The Government’s Mission

is to provide quality and reliable power to all by 2012.


The Installed Generating Capacity in the country which was only 1,358 MW at the

time of Independence has reached a level of 1,2,423 MW, comprising 83,982 MW

thermal, 33,350 MW hydro, 3,900 MW nuclear and 6191 MW from wind and other

renewable energy sources(As on 31.10.06). There has been corresponding growth in

transmission and distribution network too. In spite of this impressive addition in

generation, transmission and distribution capacity, growth in demand for power has

always exceeded the generation capacity augmentation. As of now the country is facing

energy shortage of 8 % and peak deficit of 12.2%.

The 16th

Electric Power Survey has forecast a demand of 1,15,705 MW for the

terminal year of 10th

Plan viz., 2006-07. A need-based capacity addition of about 57,000

MW during 10th

Plan was required to meet this projected demand in full. However

depending on resources available and status of various projects, the target set for capacity

addition during the 10th

Plan was 41,110 MW. Rigorous monitoring of projects was

undertaken by MoP and CEA and the likely capacity addition during 10th

Plan is now

expected be about 30,641 MW out of which about 17,493 MW has been commissioned

till date. The 11th Plan capacity addition programme is based on this capacity

materializing during the 10th

Plan. However since equipment corresponding to this further

slippage is expected to already have been tied up, this reduction in 10th

plan capacity

addition has not been considered while working out the 11th

Plan requirement.

The peak demand in the country by the end of 11th

Plan (2011-12) is expected to

be 1,51,648 MW whereas the demand by the end of 12th

Plan (2016-17) is expected to be

2,05,333 MW as estimated by the 16th

Electric Power Survey(with diversity). Studies

carried out by CEA indicate that about 72,000 MW capacity addition is required during


Plan taking into account 10th

Plan capacity addition of 30,641 MW. However,

depending upon the preparedness of various projects only about 66,000 MW capacity

addition is feasible during 11th

Plan in conventional plants by the various utilities and

IPPs. Besides, about 13,500 MW has been programmed from renewable resources as per

the information from Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Resources. In addition to this,

Captive capacity of 12,000 MW is also expected to be commissioned during the 11th


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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector


Requirement of equipment and material for Renewable resources and Captive Generation

has not been included in this report. The long term perspective studies for the year 2012-

17 carried out by CEA have indicated an installed capacity requirement of about

2,72,200 MW to meet the 16th

EPS demand forecasts with 3.6% inter-regional diversity.

As a result, the additional capacity requirement during 12th

Plan works out to be about

86,500 MW. Requirement of electrical and mechanical equipment and other materials

needs to be tied up and made available for timely implementation of these projects.


Government of India has been making constant efforts to move away from the

regime of ‘Business As Usual’ to a more pro-active, market oriented approach.

Significant changes have been the entry of private sector in power generation, unbundling

of the vertically integrated business of generation, transmission & distribution and

opening up of transmission & distribution sector for private participation, thus setting a

stage for the quantum jump to realize the capacity addition programme and also making

electricity available to all including rural households.

The Electricity Act 2003 envisages a strong push to the structural reforms, de-

licensing, thrust on rural electrification, incentives to reforming States and importantly

mandatory metering with stronger provisions for punishment for theft of electricity. The

salient features of the Electricity Act, 2003 are

1. The Central Government to prepare a National Electricity Policy and Tariff Policy

in consultation with CEA and State Governments.

2. Thrust to complete the rural electrification and provide for management of rural

distribution by Panchayats, Cooperative Societies, non-Government organizations,

franchisees etc.

3. Provision for licence free generation and distribution in the rural areas.

4. Generation is being delicensed and captive generation is being freely permitted.

Hydro projects would, however, need clearance from Central Electricity


5. Transmission Utility at the Central as well as State level, to be a Government

company - with responsibility for planned and coordinated development of

transmission network.

6. Provision for private licensees in transmission and entry in distribution through an

independent network.

7. Open access in transmission from the outset.

8. Open access in distribution to be introduced in phases with surcharge for current

level of cross subsidy to be gradually phased out along with cross subsidies and

obligation to supply. SERCs to frame regulations within one year regarding

phasing of open access.

9. Distribution licensees would be free to undertake generation and generating

companies would be free to take up distribution businesses.

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector


10. The formation of State Electricity Regulatory Commissions is a mandatory


11. Provision for payment of subsidy through budget.

12. Trading, a distinct activity is being recognized with the safeguard of the

Regulatory Commissions being authorised to fix ceilings on trading margins, if


13. Provision for reorganization or continuance of SEBs.

14. Metering of all electricity supplied made mandatory.

15. An Appellate Tribunal to hear appeals against the decision of the CERC and


16. Provisions relating to theft of electricity made more stringent.


The Electricity Act 2003 mandates that the Central Government shall prepare the

National Electricity Policy and Tariff Policy in consultation with the State Governments

and CEA for development of the Power System based on optimal utilization of resources.

The publication of the National Electricity Policy in February 2005 is an important

milestone as it lays the guidelines and provides direction to the evolution of the Power

Sector within the ambit of the Electricity Act.

The main objective of the National Electricity Policy is to make electricity

accessible to all households in next five years(2010) and to facilitate demand to be fully

met by 2012. International standards in reliability and quality of Power are to be achieved

by this timeframe. At present the per capita consumption of the country is about 631

units. Even though simultaneous efforts are being made to achieve high levels of energy

efficiency through energy conservation measures, it is endeavoured to increase the per

capita consumption, which is synonymous with progress and development, to 1000 units

by 2012.

The Policy also stipulates that CEA shall prepare the National Electricity Plan for

a short-term timeframe of five year while giving a 15-year perspective and the various

aspects to be covered shall include demand forecast for different regions, suggested areas/

locations for capacity addition, integration of such possible locations with transmission

system and development of national grid.

The National Electricity Plan has been prepared by CEA and submitted to the

Govt. for approval. It is expected that the Plan will be notified shortly. The Plan covers


Plan (2002-07) in detail whereas perspective planning has been carried out for the


& 12th


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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector




The Electricity Act 2003 and the National Electricity Policy announced by the

Government in February 2005 stipulates that CEA is to prepare the National Electricity

Plan. This Plan shall provide the blueprint for the development of the power sector.

Accordingly, CEA has prepared the Plan which, after approval of the Government, shall

be notified for reference of all Stakeholders.

The National Electricity Plan has been prepared based on detailed studies carried

out by CEA. The 10th

Plan has been covered in detail furnishing project wise details of

target as well as the likely capacity addition along with status of each project. Perspective

planning has been carried out for the 11th

and 12th

Plans. As per the latest review of the

status of 10th

Plan projects the likely capacity addition is about 30,641 MW, this further

slippage shall not change the 11th

plan requirement as the equipment and material for

these projects is expected to already have been tied up.

In the National Electricity Plan a number of generation capacity expansion plans

have been worked out. These are - Desirable Scenario i.e. Scenario with no limitation on

hydro and gas based capacity, Low hydro Scenario, Limited gas Scenario, Most feasible

Scenario i.e. low hydro and limited gas scenario, 7%, 8% and 9% Energy Growth Rate

Scenarios. However in this booklet, the requirement of equipment and steel has been

worked out corresponding to the Most feasible Scenario and demand as per the 16th



In this Chapter, details of tentative capacity addition during 11th

& 12th

Plan have

been furnished. For the purpose of assessing the requirement of equipments, thermal

plants have been categorized into five categories i.e. four categories for coal/lignite plants

based on the unit size of 660/800 MW, 500 MW, 300/250/210 MW and 125 MW, and

one category for Gas based plants. For each of the above category, norms have been

drawn up for the requirement of equipment. However in case of hydro plants no such

categorization is possible as the equipment requirement is site specific and not dependant

on the capacity of the plant. Therefore equipment has been assessed in total for hydro

capacity of 17,189 MW during 11th Plan and 30,000 MW during 12th Plan. Requirement

of equipment for nuclear plants has not been included in the Report as their requirement,

which includes special type of material, is difficult to estimate. Also it is expected that the

Nuclear Power Corporation of India would separately ensure development of production

capability for material and equipment commensurate with their requirement during 11th

and 12th

Plans. However the nuclear capacity expected in the 11th

and 12th

Plans is 3160

MW and 12000 MW respectively which is approx. 12 % of the total tentative capacity


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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector


2.1 ELEVENTH PLAN (2007-12)

During the 11th

plan, a tentative capacity addition of 66,463 MW is planned

comprising of 17,189 MW of hydro, 46,114 MW of thermal and 3,160 MW of nuclear

capacity in the most feasible scenario i.e. low hydro limited gas availability scenario.

Fuel-wise break-up of the total capacity addition of 66,463 MW is given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

Tentative Capacity Addition Plan during 11th


(Figures in MW)

Details of number of units and projects in each category, corresponding to total thermal*

capacity addition during 11th

plan is as given in Table 2.2 below:

Table 2.2

Project wise/ Unit wise break up of total thermal capacity addition during 11th


Coal/Lignite-44,000 MW

Unit size No. of Units MW No. of projects

a. 800/660 MW 12(2+10) 8,200 6(2+4)

b. 500 MW 47 23,460 30

c. 300/250/210 MW 45 11,465 27


d. 125 MW 7 875 4

Gas/LNG - 2114 MW

No. of gas modules No. of projects


9 7

3. Total Thermal Capacity Addition -46,114 MW

* No such categorisation for Hydro Plants

Sector/Fuel Total

Hydro 17,189



Coal/Lignite 44,000

Gas/LNG 2,114



Total 66,463

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector


2.2 TWELFTH PLAN (2012-2017)

During the 12

th Plan, a tentative capacity addition of 86,500 MW is planned

comprising of 30,000 MW of hydro, 44,500 MW of thermal and 12,000 of nuclear

capacity. Fuel-wise break-up of the total capacity addition of 86,500 MW is given in

Table 2.3.

Table 2.3

Tentative Capacity Addition during 12th


(Figures in MW)

Details of number of units and projects in each category, corresponding to total thermal

capacity addition during 12th

plan, are as given in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4

Project wise/ Unit wise break up of total thermal capacity addition during 12th


Coal/Lignite- 44000 MW

Unit size No. of Units MW

No. of


a. 800/660 MW 40(39+1) 31860 10

b. 500 MW 18 9000 10

c. 310/250/210 MW 14 3640 4

* No such categorisation for Hydro Plants

Sector/Fuel Total

Hydro 30000

Thermal 44,500

Coal/Lignite 44,500


Nuclear 12000

Total 86500

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector



In this Chapter, details of tentative capacity addition planned for the 11th

and 12th


have been furnished. Further, to facilitate assessment of requirement of equipment and

material corresponding to this capacity addition, categorization of thermal capacity has

been done. In case of thermal capacity, the details of categories and the number of units/

modules in each category tentatively planned for the 11th

and 12th

Plans have been

furnished in his Chapter. However, hydro plants have not been categorised and

assessment has been made for the total number of hydro projects. Requirement of nuclear

capacity has not been included. Corresponding to the tentative capacity addition during


and 12th

Plan and the number of units/ modules in each category, the requirement of

equipment and material has been worked out in Chapters 3 and 4.

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector




In this Chapter, the requirement of electrical and mechanical equipments has been

assessed for power generation stations, both hydro and thermal plants, as well as for

power substations. This requirement has been worked out corresponding to the tentative

capacity addition during the 11th

and 12th


Equipment for nuclear stations has not been considered as the same is separately

expected to be done by Nuclear Power Corporation. Also the requirement of equipments

and materials for nuclear plants is difficult to estimate which in any case is expected to be

3200 MW and 8800 MW in the 11th

and 12th

Plans respectively and therefore a small

fraction of the total tentative capacity addition.



The estimated requirement of electrical equipments for generation plants coming up

during the 11th

Plan and 12th

Plans has been worked out considering tentative capacity

addition identified for these Plans, details of which have been furnished in Chapter 2.

Thermal projects for commissioning during the 11th

and 12th

Plan have been categorized

in five major groups on the basis of their unit sizes. In case of thermal plants, requirement

of major electrical equipment has been worked out for one unit of each of these categories

and subsequently depending on the number of units in the respective categories, the total

requirement has been assessed for 11th

and 12th

Plans. In case of hydro units such

categorisation is not tenable since each project is site specific and therefore the total

requirement of major equipments has been worked out for the 11th

and 12th


Switchyard equipment at the generating stations has also been included. Details of the

above assessment are given below.

3.1.1 Thermal Power Plants (Including Switchyard Equipment)

The thermal plants have been categorized into five categories based on the unit size

i.e. 660/800 MW, 500 MW, 300/250/210 MW class and 125 MW for coal/lignite plants,

and gas/LNG modules. In case of Gas/LNG based power projects, numbers of

modules( comprising of 2GTs and 1 ST) corresponding to each project have been

assessed for 11th

& 12th

plans separately and as per the norms of equipment required for a

typical 360 MW gas module, the total requirement of electrical equipment has been

assessed. The requirement of electrical equipments for switchyards at the generating

station has also been indicated.

i) Item wise requirement of equipment for 660/800 MW category of thermal

plants during 11th

and 12th

Plans is given in Table 3.1.

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Requirement of Equipments for 660/800 Mw Coal/Lignite Based Units of 11th

Plan and 12th

Plan Capacity Addition Programme


Plan 12th

Plan Total




One unit of

660 MW

12 Units

(6 Projects)

40 Units

(10 Projects)

52 Units

(16 Projects)

GT* 260MVA Gen V/420/√3kV

Three phase bank


42 130 172

ST 90/45/45 MVA 132/11.5/11.5 kV 1 12 40 52

UT 35MVA Gen V/11.5kV 2 24 80 104

ICT 200MVA 400/132kV - 6 10 16

Misc. Service Transformer - 6 10 16

20 MVA 132/34.5kV

Aux. Transformer 11/3.45kV 4 48 160 208

33kV Switchgear 8 96 320 416

11 kV Switchgear 68 816 2720 3536

3.3 kV Switchgear 84 1008 3360 4368

HT Motors 146 1752 5840 7592

LT Motors 1404 16848 56160 73008

LT Transformers 32 384 1280 1664

LT MCC Panels 350 4200 14000 18200

415 V Switchgear Panel 100 1200 4000 5200

DC Battery 5 60 200 260

Battery Charger 7 84 280 364

33 kV Single Core Cable (km) 3 36 120 156

11kV Single Core Cable (km) 21 252 840 1092

11kV Multi Core Cable (km) 24 288 960 1248

3.3 kV Single Core Cable (km) 8 96 320 416

3.3 kV Multi Core Cable (km) 12 144 480 624

1.1 kV Power Cable (km) 233 2796 9320 12116

1.1 kV Control Cable(km) 367 4404 14680 19084

Emergency DG Set 1500KVA* 1 18 50 68

* 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG is considered for each project

ii) Item wise requirement of electrical equipments for 500 MW category of thermal plants

during 11th

and 12th

Plans is given in Table 3.2.

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Requirement of Equipment for 500 MW Coal/Lignite Based Units of 11th

Plan and 12th

Plan Capacity Addition Programme


Plan 12th

Plan Total




One unit of

500 MW

47 Units

(30 Projects)

18 Units

(10 Projects)

65 Units

(40 Projects)

GT* 200MVA Gen V/420/√3kV

Three Phase Bank 3 171 64 235

ST 80/40/40MVA

132/11.5/11.5 kV 1 47 18 65

UT 50 MVA Gen V/11.5kV 1 47 18 65

ICT 125 MVA 400/132kV - 30 10 40

Aux. Transformer 5 235 90 325

11 kV Switchgear 63 2961 1134 4095

3.3 kV Switchgear 66 3102 1188 4290

HT Motors 118 5546 2124 7670

LT Motors 1135 53345 20430 73775

LT Transformers 30 1410 540 1950

LT MCC Panels 287 13489 5166 18655

415 V Switchgear Panel 75 3525 1350 4875

DC Battery 4 188 72 260

Battery Charger 6 282 108 390

11 V Single Core Cable(km) 13 611 234 845

11 kV Multi Core Cable( km) 18 846 324 1170

3.3 kV Single Core Cable

( km) 12 564 216 780

3.3 kV Multi Core Cable (km) 8 376 144 520

1.1 kV Power Cable( km) 200 9400 3600 13000

1.1 kV Control Cable (km) 375 17625 6750 24375

Emergency DG Set

1500KVA* 1 77 28 105

* 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector


iii) Item wise requirement of equipment for 300/250/ 210 MW category of thermal plants

during 11th

and 12th

Plans is given in Table 3.3.


Requirement of Equipment for 300/250/210 MW Class Coal/Lignite Based

Units of 11th

Plan and 12th

Plan Capacity Addition Programme


Plan 12th

Plan Total


Requirement for

One unit of

300/250/210 MW 45 Units

(27 Projects)

14 Units

(12 Projects)

59 Units

(31 Projects)

GT* 315MVA Gen V/237kV

Three Phase 1 72 18 90

ST 55/27.5/27.5 MVA

220/6.9/6.9 kV 1 45 14 59

UT 20 MVA Gen V/6.9 kV 2 90 28 118

Misc Service Trans 10MVA

6.6/11.5 1 45 14 59

11 kV Switchgear 15 675 210 885

6.6 kV Switchgear 96 4320 1344 5664

HT Motors 93 4185 1302 5487

LT Motors 1041 46845 14574 61419

LT Transformers 26 1170 364 1534

LT MCC Panels 225 10125 3150 13275

415 V Switchgear Panel 75 3375 1050 4425

DC Battery 6 270 84 354

Battery Charger 6 270 84 354

11kV Single Core Cable( km) 2 90 28 118

11kV Multi Core Cable( km) 2 90 28 118

6.6kV Single Core Cable(km) 16 720 224 944

6.6kV Multi Core Cable( km) 16 720 224 944

1.1kV Power Cable (km) 200 9000 2800 11800

1.1 kV Control Cable(km) 400 18000 5600 23600

Emergency DG Set

1500KVA* 1 72 18 90

• 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project

iv) Item wise requirement of equipment for 125 MW categories of thermal plants during


is given in Table3.4. Requirement of 125 MW sets is nil during the 12th


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Requirement of Equipment for 125 MW Coal/Lignite Based Units Of 11th


Capacity Addition Programme




Requirement for

One unit of 125

MW 7 Unit

( 4 Projects)

GT* 160MVA Three Phase 1 11

ST 55/27.5/27.5 MVA 1 7

UT 20MVA 2 14

Misc Service Trans 20 MVA 1 7

11 kV Switchgear 15 105

6.6 kV Switchgear 96 672

HT Motors 45 315

LT Motors 324 2268

LT Transformers 25 175

LT MCC Panels 17 119

415 V Switchgear Panel 75 525

DC Battery 6 42

Battery Charger 6 42

11kV Single Core Cable (km) 2 14

11kV Multi Core Cable (km) 2 14

6.6 kV Single Core Cable (km) 16 112

6.6 kV Multi Core Cable (km) 16 112

1.1kV Power Cable(km) 200 1400

1.1 kV Control Cable(km) 400 2800

Emergency DG Set 1500KVA* 1 11

* 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project

v) Item wise requirement of equipment for gas based thermal plants during


and 12th

Plans is given in Table3.5.

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Requirement of Equipment for Gas/LNG Based Units

of 11th

Plan and 12th

Plan Capacity Addition Programme





for One module

(360 MW) 9 modules

(7 projects)

Gen. Transformer

(2 nos. 114 MVA & 1 nos.146

MVA) 3 34

Unit Aux Transformer 20 MVA 2 18

HT Motors 13 117

LT Motors 36 324

LT Transformers 10 90

415 V Switchgear Panel 17 153

DC Battery 7 63

Battery Charger 11 99

Emergency DG Set 1 16

Gen. Circuit Breaker 6 54

6.6 kV Switchgear 31 279

HT Power Cable (km) 200 1800

LT Power & Control Cable (km) 500 4500

ϖι) 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project

vi) Total requirement of equipment (Item wise) for thermal plants during 11and


Plans is given in Table 3.6.

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Total Requirement of Equipment for Thermal I.E. Coal, Lignite, Gas/LNG

Based Units of 11th

Plan and 12th

Plan Capacity Addition Programme


Total Requirement

for Coal/ Lignite

Based Plants





Based Plants Total

GT 508 34 542

ST 183 183

UT 301 18 319

ICT 56 56

Misc Service Trans 20MVA 82 82

Aux. Transformer 533 533

33kV Switchgear 416 416

11 kVSwitchgear 8621 8621

6.6 kV Switchgear 6336 279 6615

3.3 kV Breaker 8658 8658

HT Motors 21064 117 21181

LT Motors 210470 324 210794

LT Transformers 5323 90 5413

LT MCC Panels 50249 50249

415 V Switchgear Panel 15025 153 15178

DC Battery 916 63 979

Battery Charger 1150 99 1249

33kV Single Core Cable (km) 156 156

11kV Single Core Cable (km) 2069 2069

11kV Multi Core Cable (km) 2550 2550

6.6kV Single Core Cable (km) 1056 1056

6.6kv Multi Core CablE (km) 1056 1056

3.3kV Single Core Cable (km) 1196 1196

3.3kV Multi Core Cable (km) 1144 1144

HT Power Cable 1800 1800

LT Power&Control Cable (km) 4500 4500

Gen. Circuit Breaker 54 54

1.1kV Power Cable (km) 38316 38316

1.1kV Control Cable (km) 69859 69859

Emergency DG Set 1500KVA 274 16 290

• 1 no. spare GT and 1 no. spare DG have been considered for each project

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vii) Requirement of Switchyard equipments for different voltage levels corresponding to

the unit size of each generation project have been assessed. For projects having unit size

of 800 MW, switchyard equipments at voltage levels 765 kV and 132 kV have been

considered. Similarly, for projects having unit size of 660 MW and 500 MW, switchyard

equipments at voltage levels 400kV and 132 kV have been considered. For projects

having unit size of 300/250/210 MW & Gas modules having unit size of 360 MW,

switchyard equipments at voltage levels 220 kV have been considered. For projects

having unit size of 125 MW requirement of switchyard equipment has not been

considered since it would normally be at a voltage level of lesser than 132 kV.

For assessment of electrical equipments for switchyard of generating stations, 6

bays have been considered for each coal/Lignite based project, and 8 bays for each

module of gas project.

The layout of the substations has been considered according to the prevailing

practice for respective voltage levels. A Breaker and a half scheme has been assumed at

765 kV & 400 kV levels. For 220 kV level, Double main and transfer bus scheme has

been assumed. Main and transfer bus scheme has been assumed at 132 kV.

Requirement of electrical equipment (Item wise) for switchyard associated with

thermal plants during 11th

and 12th

Plans is given in Table3.7


Requirement of Electrical Equipments for Switchyards associated with

Thermal Stations

A. 765 kV Switchyard Equipment-Breaker and a half scheme (For projects having unit size of 800 MW)


Requirement for one Bay

11th Plan (2 Projects) (12 Bays )

12th Plan (9 Projects) (54 Bays )

Total (11Projects) (66 Bays )

a. Circuit beaker 3 nos. per 2 bays 18 81 99

b. Isolators 4 isolators per bay 48 216 264

c. Current Transformer

2 sets per bay 24 108 132

d. CVT/PT 1 set per line bay & 1 set per bus bar 16 72 88

e. Lightning arrestor 1 set per bay 12 54 66

f. Wave Trap 2 nos. per bay 24 108 132

B. 400 kV Switchyard Equipments- Breaker and a half scheme (For projects having unit size of 660 MW & 500 MW)

Item Requirement for one Bay

11th Plan (34 Projects) (204 Bays )

12th Plan (11

Projects) (96 Bays )

Total (53 Projects)

(318 Bays )

a. Circuit beaker 3 nos. per 2 bays 306 99 405

b. Isolators 4 isolators per bay 816 264 1080

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c. Current Transformer

2 sets per bay 408 132 540

d. CVT/PT 1 set per line bay & 1 set per bus bar 272 88 360

e. Gapless lightning arrestor

1 set per bay 204 66 270

f. Wave Trap 2 nos. per bay 408 132 540

C. 132 KV Equipments- Main and transfer Scheme (For projects having unit size of 800 MW, 660 MW & 500 MW)


Requirement for one Bay

11th Plan (36 Projects) (216 Bays )

12th Plan (20Projects) (120 Bays )

Total (66 Projects)

(336 Bays)

a. Circuit beaker 1 no. per bay 216 120 336

b. Isolators 3 isolators per bay 648 360 1008

c. Current Transformer

1 sets per bay 216 120 336

d. CVT/PT 1 set per line bay & 1 set per bus bar 324 180 504

e. Gapless lightning arrestor

1 set per bay 216 120 336

f. Wave Trap 2 nos. per bay 432 240 672

D. 220 kV Switchyard equipment-Double main and transfer (For projects having unit size of 300/250 MW & Gas modules having unit size of 360 MW) )

Item Requirement for one Bay

11th Plan (34 Projects) (218 Bays)

12th Plan (4 Projects) (24 Bays)

Total (46

Projects) (290 Bays)

a. Circuit beaker 1 nos. per bays 218 24 242

b. Isolators 3 isolators per bay 654 72 726

c. Current Transformer

1 sets per bay 218 24 242

d. CVT/PT 1 set per line bay & 1 set per bus bar 320 36 356

e. Gapless lightning arrestor

1 set per bay 218 24 242

f. Wave Trap 2 nos. per bay 436 48 484

Note: 1 set = 3 single phase units

3.1.2 Hydro Power Plants( including switchyard equipment)

For hydro plants, requirement of equipment has been assessed corresponding to a

capacity addition of 17,189 MW during 11th

Plan and a capacity addition of about 30,000

MW during 12th

Plan. Since each hydro -plant is site specific; there is no set rule or

norms for estimation.

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The broad basis followed in the estimation of the other components of hydro

projects for 11th

& 12th

Plan is as under.

i) Gates & Hoists: The number of radial gates roughly varies between 3 & 14

numbers depending on type of hydro scheme. Number of Gates depends on

length of dam and type of scheme i.e. storage scheme or Run-of-River schemes.

The number of spillway radial gates is more for storage scheme compared with

ROR Scheme.

ii) Vertical Lift Gates: Vertical gift gates are normally installed for overflow

spillway, intake structures, desilting chamber outlets, surge shaft outlets, draft

tube, tail race outfall etc. Depending on type of scheme it may vary between 5 &

20. For ROR scheme with HRT, the number of vertical lift gates is more

compared with storage scheme.

iii) Hydro Turbine and Auxiliaries (Motors plus Control Centres): One set of

Turbine and auxiliaries have been considered for each unit. The MW output

rating of turbine shall match unit rating.

iv) Main Inlet Valve (MIV): Generally, One MIVS in each unit is provided in

penstock except for low head HE schemes/Dam Toe HE Schemes.

v) Digital Governor: One set of Digital Governor with accessories is provided for

each Generating Unit.

vi) Synchronous Generator and Associated Auxiliaries: The MVA capacity of

synchronous generator has been estimated considering power factor of 0.9.

vii) Static Excitation System: One set of Excitation Equipment with accessories is

considered for each Generating Unit.

viii) Dynamic Braking Equipment: Dynamic braking equipment is generally

provided with large hydro generating units with high speed machines. The

number has been estimated accordingly.

ix) Unit Control Board (UCB): One set of UCB is considered with each generating


x) Isolated Phase Bus Duct and terminal / tap-off of equipments: The length of

IPBD depends on layout of power house and varies from scheme to scheme. The

estimation is based on experience.

xi) 11kV/13.8kV/24kV CT’s: Number of CT’s depends on protection and metering

scheme of particular plant, however, for estimation purposes 10 to 19 CT'’ per

phase per unit has been considered depending on unit size.

xii) Neutral Grounding Cubicle: One set of Neutral grounding cubicle is considered

for each generating unit.

xiii) 132kV/220kV/400kV Generator Transformers: The MVA Generator

transformer rating is normally taken as 110% of generator rating, the same has

been considered in estimation.

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xiv) Unit and Line Protection Panels: One set of protection panels are considered

each for Generating Units, Bus-bar, outgoing feeder, EHV cable / bus-duct,

Reactors etc.

xv) Computerized Control System (CCS): One set of CCS equipment has been

considered for each hydro station.

xvi) Air Insulated Switchgear and Gas Insulated Switchgear: GIS has been

considered for under-ground 220kV / 400kV switchyard, while conventional

outdoor switchyard for surface / semi underground schemes.

xvii) EOT Cranes: The total installed tonnage capacity of EOT cranes is based on

broad estimation of stator and rotor weights, though these weights may vary

drastically even for machines of similar rating.

xviii) EHV, XLPE cables, EHV Bus Duct: The cable requirement depends on layout

of power house and varies from scheme to scheme. The estimation is based on


xix) Unit Auxiliary and Station Service Transformers: The total capacity of unit

and station auxiliary transformers has been considered as 1.2% of installed


xx) 11kV Switchgear Board: The 11kV switchgear boards vary from station to

station depending on 11kV scheme. However for estimation purposes two LT

boards per unit has been considered.

xxi) Power and Control Cables: There is no set rule for estimating power and

control cable lengths as it depends on layout and control philosophy. The

estimation is based on experience.

xxii) 110V/220V DC System (Batteries, Charger and DCDB): The battery capacity

varies between 400AH to 1800AH, and battery chargers from 2 to 4 numbers

depending on number of units and total installed capacity.

xxiii) Grounding System: The total tonnage of grounding material vary from station to

station depending on layout of power plant, fault level, soil resistivity etc.

xxiv) DG Sets: The MVA capacity on DG sets for HE plants vary between 500KVA to

2000KVA depending on requirements worked out during detailed engineering.

xxv) Illumination System, Fire Protection System, Service Water System, Oil

Handling and Purification System, Ventilation System, Air Conditioning

System, Lifts, Communication System and Miscellaneous items like Video

Camera, Silt Monitoring System, GPS System, Special Cables like OPGW

etc.: These systems are provided in power plant as per requirement.

Details of the various equipments are as follows:

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Total Requirement of Equipment for Hydro Projects

of 11th Plan and 12th Plan Capacity Addition Programme

No. Equipment 11th

Plan (17,189 MW)


Plan (30,000 MW)



Gates & Hoist (sets)

(i) Radial spillway Gates 276 482 757


(ii) Vertical Lift Gates 403 704 1107

2 Butterfly Valve (Sets) 31 54 85

3 Main Inlet Valve (Sets) 115 200 315


4 Turbine (MW) 17189 30000 47,189

5 Turbine (No.) 199 350 549

6 Digital Governors (Nos.) 199 350 549

7 Syn. Generator (MVA) 18908 32999 51,907

8 Syn. Generator(No.) 199 350 549

9 Unit Control Board (sets) 199 350 549

10 Motor & Motor Control Centres

(Units) 1366 2384 3,750

11 Transformers (UAT & SST) (MVA) 228 398 627

12 Static Excitation System (Sets) 199 350 549

13 Dynamic Braking Isolators (Sets) 60 105 165

14 NG cubicle incl.

Transformer (Set) 199 350 549

15 11/13.8 kV/24kV Isolated Phase

Bus Ducts (IPBD) (metres) 38367 66962 105,328

16 11/13.8/24 kV CTs

( 1-Phase Units) 9208 16072 25,280

17 SAVT Cubicle (Sets) 199 350 549

18 132kV/220kV/400 kV Generator

Transformer (MVA) 21026 36697 57,723

19 11kV Switchgear Boards (Units) 207 361 568

132kV/220kV/400 kV Outdoor switchgear (Units)

Circuit breaker

476 831 1307

Capacitor voltage

transformer(CVT) 323 565 888

EHV Voltage Transformers

161 281 443

Lighting Arresters(LA)

967 1687 2654


497 868 1365


EHV Current Transformers 1128 1968 3096

21 415 V Switchgear Board Units 555 968 1523 22 220/400 kV GIS (Bays)

134 234 368

23 EHV XLPE Cable (Km)

42 73 115

24 EHV Bus Duct (Km) 18 32 51

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The requirement of electrical requirement for power system has been estimated

based on the transmission expansion plans corresponding to tentative capacity addition

during the 11th

Plan. In case of 12th

Plan, the transmission expansion has been assumed to

be same as for the 11th


The transmission expansion plans include the circuit length of transmission lines

at respective voltage levels and details of substation requirement for the entire

transmission system. Based on the number of substations and the voltage levels at each

substation, the total number of bays at each voltage level has been estimated as shown

below in the table 3.9.

Table 3.9

Total Number of Bays at each Voltage Level

No. of Bays S.N



Level 11th

Plan 12th

Plan Total

1. 765 kV 62 62 124

2. 400kV 774 774 1548

3. 220kV 3060 3060 6120

4. 132kV 7280 7280 14560

The layout of the substations has been considered according to the prevailing

practice for respective voltage levels. Breaker and half scheme has been assumed at 765

kV & 400 kV level. For 220 kV level, Double main and transfer bus scheme has been

assumed. Main and transfer bus scheme has been assumed at 132 kV

Based on the substation layout schemes for each voltage level as detailed above, the

normative requirement of substation equipment for each bay corresponding to each

voltage level have been evolved. The total requirement of substation equipment has been

assessed based on these norms. Details of the same are as furnished in the following


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3.2.1 Estimated Requirement of Electrical Equipment for Voltage Level 765 kV &

400 kV

The estimated requirement of electrical equipments for the transmission expansion

planned for voltage levels 765 kV & 400 kV for 11th

and 12th

Plan is given below in the

Table 3.10.


Estimated Requirement of Electrical Equipment for Voltage Level 765 kV & 400


765 kV 400 kV


















Total Nos.


Total Nos.

Total No. of

Bays 62 62 774 774

Circuit Breaker 3 nos. per 2

bays 93 93

3 nos. per 2

bays 1161 1161

Isolator 4 isolators

per bay 248 248

4 isolators

per bay 3096 3096

CT 2 sets per/

bay 124 124

2 sets per

bay 1548 1548


1 set per line

bay & 1 set

per bus bar

71 71

1 set per line

bay & 1 set

per bus bar

890 890



Arrestor 1 set per bay 62 62 1 set per bay 774 774

Wave Trap 2 nos. per

bay 124 124

2 nos. per

bay 1548 1548

Note: 1 set = 3 single phase units

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3.2.2 Estimated Requirement of Electrical Equipment for Voltage Level 220 kV &

132 kV

The estimated requirement of electrical equipments for the transmission expansion

planned for voltage levels 220 kV & 132 kV for 11th

and 12th

Plan is given below in the

following table 3.11 .


Estimated Requirement of Electrical Equipment for Voltage Level 220 kV & 132 kV

for 11th

and 12th


Note: 1 set = 3 single phase units

3.2.3 Summary of Requirement of Electrical Equipment for all Voltage Levels

(765 kV, 400 kV, 220 Kv & 132 kV)

The total requirement of various substation equipments like circuit breaker,

isolators etc. as per the transmission expansion plan during 11th

& 12th

Plan is

summarized in Table 3.12.

220 kV 132 kV

11th Plan



12th Plan



11th Plan








Total Nos.


Total Nos.

Total No. of Bays 3060 3060 7280 7280

CB 1no. per bay 3060 3060 1no. per bay 7280 7280

Isolator 4 isolators

per bay

12240 12240 3 isolators per


21840 21840

CT 1 set per bay 3060 3060

1 set per bay 7280 7280

PT/CVT 1 set per line

bay & 1 set

per bus bar

3060 3060

1 set per line

bay & 1 set

per bus bar

7280 7280

LA 1 set per bay 3060 3060

1 set per bay 7280 7280



2 nos. per


6120 6120

2 nos. per bay 14560 14560

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Table 3.12

Total Electrical Equipment for Power System

S.No. Item


Plan 12th

Plan Total

1. Circuit

Breaker 11594 11594 23188

2. Isolator 37424 37424 74848

3. CT 12012 12012 24024

4. PT/CVT 11301 11301 22602

5. Lightening

Arrestor 11176 11176 22352

6. Wave Trap 22352 22352 44704

While assessing the above requirement, Breaker and Half scheme has been

considered for 765 kV & 400 kV level. For 220 kV level, Double Main and Transfer bus

scheme has been considered and for 132 kV, Main and Transfer Bus scheme has been



In this Chapter, requirement of electrical equipments for hydro and thermal power

projects, along with the corresponding switchyard equipments for different voltage levels,

coming up during the 11th

& 12th

Plan have been assessed based on certain norms. The

substation equipments have also been estimated as per the transmission expansion plan

for 11th

and 12th


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In this Chapter, an assessment has been made of the requirement of material

specifically different types of steel for hydro & thermal power plants and power system

network planned for 11th

and 12th

Plan. A detailed exercise has been carried out to assess

the requirement of both type of steel i.e. imported & indigenous. An assessment has also

been made of the requirement of copper and aluminium required for transmission lines.

These details shall provide valuable inputs for equipment and material manufacturers and

guide them to plan their production capacities accordingly.

In case of thermal power stations, steel requirement for different units of

generation plants i.e. boiler, coal handling unit, ash handling unit, condenser, pulveriser

etc has been estimated.

For a hydro power plant, estimation has been done for steel requirement in civil

works as well as electro mechanical equipments/systems in the power house.

Transmission system requirement corresponding to the planned generation

capacity addition has also been worked out. Material requirement for this transmission

system, including generation switchyard, substation and transmission lines, including

towers, line conductors & earth wires have also been assessed in this Chapter.


4.1.1 Hydro Power Plants

In case of hydro plants, norms for requirement of steel i.e. Tonnes/MW have been

formulated based on details furnished by NHPC and BHEL of actual project setup. These

norms include steel requirement for Electrical & Mechanical package (Turbine &

Generator) as well as for civil works. Norms are as given below:

Table 4.1


Steel Norms

Structural Steel 34

Reinforcement Steel 93

Based on the above average requirement per MW, the steel requirement for the 11th


Hydro projects works out to be given as under:

Table 4.2

Lakhs Tonnes

Steel 11th

Plan (17189 MW) 12th

Plan (30000 MW) Total

Structural Steel 5.8 10.2 16.0

Reinforcement Steel 16.0 27.9 43.9

Total 21.8 38.1 59.9

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4.1.2 Thermal Power Plants

Requirement of steel (Imported & Indigenous ) for thermal power projects coming

up in 11th

Plan is calculated on the basis of detailed steel requirement for typical 2x500

MW coal based unit , provided by BHEL (Given in Appendix 1).

For Coal/Lignite based projects, steel requirement per MW has been worked out

and based on this per MW norm, the requirement of steel for the total coal based thermal

capacity has been assessed. For gas based projects, norms for steel requirement per MW

have been assumed to be 50% of coal based project for the applicable items as has been

noted in case of past installations. Also in case of gas based plants items such as furnace,

coal handling plant, Electrostatic precipitators etc. are not required and hence have not

been considered.

During 11th

Plan, total thermal capacity addition planned is 46,114 MW

comprising of about 44,000 MW of coal/lignite based plants and 2114 MW of gas based

plants. Similarly for 12th

Plan, thermal capacity addition planned is 44,500 MW.

Details of steel requirement for different equipments/ systems for the 11th

and 12th

Plan coal based thermal projects are furnished in Table 4.3.

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Table 4.3

Estimated Quantity of Steel for 11th

and 12th

Plan coal/ lignite Based Projects

Sl.No. Equipment/



Plan coal based – 44,000 MW



Plan coal based –44500 MW


Type of steel used Imported Indigenous Total Imported Indigenous Total

1 Boiler

1.1 Drum 20108 1320 21428 20337 1335 21672

1.2 Structures/Non-Pressure

parts 54912 1312916 1367828 55536 1327836 1383372

1.3 Pressure Parts 182160 196196 378356 184230 198426 382656

Total (Boiler) 257180 1510432 1767612 260103 1527596 1787699

2 Low Pressure Piping 0 236060 236060 0 238743 238743

3 High Pressure/PC piping 93192 0 93192 94251 0 94251

4 Electrostatic Precipitator 320760 377960 698720 324405 382255 706660

5 Main and Aux.Buildings 0 1961520 1961520 0 1983810 1983810

6 PowerTransformers

(CRGO) 58432 0 58432 59096 0 59096

7 Motors 13200 18700 31900 13350 18913 32263

8 Switchyard 0 68200 68200 0 68975 68975

9 Coal Handling Plant 0 616000 616000 0 623000 623000

10 Turbine/Gen./Condenser

10.1 Plates 72336 79464 151800 73158 80367 153525

10.2 Rounds 1760 14256 16016 1780 14418 16198

10.3 Structural Steel, IS 2062 1760 4400 6160 1780 4450 6230

10.4 Bloom,Class2 & Class 3 0 5280 5280 0 5340 5340

Total(Turbine/generator/condenser 75856 103400 179256 76718 104575 181293

11 Pumps/Heat Exchangers/Drive-Turbines and Pulverisers

11.1 LP and HP Heaters 6160 3960 10120 6230 4005 10235

11.2 Deaerators 3784 396 4180 3827 401 4228

11.3 Pulverisers 616 14608 15224 623 14774 15397

11.4 Drive Turbines 88 528 616 89 534 623

11.5 Structurals 0 616 616 0 623 623

11.6 Bar Stock 1100 1056 2156 1113 1068 2181

11.7 Pipes 968 1672 2640 979 1691 2670

Sub Total(Pumps etc.) 12716 22836 35552 12861 23096 35956

GRAND TOTAL (MT) 831,336 4,915,108 5,746,444 840783 4970962 5811745

The detailed steel requirement for 11th

and 12th

plan coal based projects is given in

Appendix 2.

Details of steel requirement for different equipments/ systems for the 11th

and 12th

Plan Gas based thermal projects are furnished in Table 4.4

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Table 4.4

Estimated Quantity of Steel for 11th

Plan Gas Based Projects






Plan Gas- 2114 MW (MT)

Type of steel used

Imported Indigenous Total

1. Boiler

1.1 Drum: 483 32 515

1.2 Structures/Non-

Pressure parts 1319 31540 32859

1.3 Sub-total for Pressure

Parts 4376 4713 9089

Total(Boiler) 6178 36285 42463

2. LP Piping 0 5671 5671

3. HP/PC Piping 2239 0 2239

4. Main and

Aux.Buildings 0 47121 47121

5. Power Transformers

(CRGO) 2807 0 2807

6. Motors 317 449 766

7. Switchyard 0 3277 3277

8. Turbine/Gen./Condenser

8.1 Plates 1738 1909 3647

8.2 Rounds 42 342 385

8.3 Structural Steel, IS

2062 42 106 148

8.4 Bloom,Class2 &

Class 3 0 127 127


ondenser) 1822 2484 4306

9 Pumps/Heat Exchangers/Drive-Turbines and Pulverisers

9.1 LP and HP Heaters 148 95 243

9.2 Deaerators 91 10 100

9.3 Drive Turbines 2 13 15

9.4 Structurals 0 15 15

9.5 Bar Stock 26 25 51

9.6 Pipes 23 40 63

Sub Total(Pumps) 291 198 488

Grand Total (MT) 13654 95484 109138

The detailed steel requirement for 11th

plan Gas based projects is given in

Appendix 3.

A Summary of the total steel requirement for thermal projects coming up in 11

th &


Plan is furnished in Table 4.5 below:

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Table- 4.5

Summary of Total Steel Requirement for 11th


Plan Thermal Power Projects









Coal Based Power

Projects 57,46,444 58,11,745


Gas Based Power

Projects 1,09,138 - 1,09,138

Total 58,55,582 58,11,745 1,16,67,327

As evident from above, for 11

th Plan, approximately 58,55,582 Mt of steel is expected to

be required for the planned thermal projects. Similarly, approximately 58,11,745 MT of

steel is expected to be required for the thermal projects coming up in 12th


4.1.3 Nuclear Power Projects

Assessment of steel for Nuclear Power Plants is based on requirement of steel for coal

based plants. In case of nuclear plants, need for steel for coal handling system, boiler,

ESP etc is eliminated whereas amount of steel for turbine etc. is increased. Assuming the

effect of these two factors approximately equal, the norms for the steel requirement for

nuclear power plants is taken to be same as that of coal based plants.

Considering the above, the steel requirement for Nuclear Projects is as under:

Table 4.6

(Lakh Tonnes)


As per the transmission expansion plan, transmission lines and substation of 765

kV, 400 kV, 220kV and 132kVand below are to be added to the existing power grid during

the 11th

and 12th

Plans. Steel requirement for Towers, conductors, earth wires, power

transformers and sub-stations is calculated as per the design norms for different

transmission voltage levels.

Imported Steel Indigenous Steel Total Steel



(3160 MW)

0.6 3.5 4.1



(12000 MW)

2.3 13.4 15.7

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4.2.1 Requirement of Steel for Tower for 11th

And 12th


As per the Transmission plans, the number of circuit kMs of transmission lines at

various voltage levels has been estimated. Based on Statistics, norms for steel

requirement for transmission towers at 765kV, 500kV, 400kV, and 220kV and 132kV

voltage levels have been evolved in terms of MT per circuit kM at each of these voltage

levels. The requirement of steel is then assessed based on the total circuit kms expected in

each Plan. Details of norms for steel requirement as well as total requirement during 11th

and 12th

Plans for each voltage level along with the type of steels used i.e. MS & HTS.are

furnished in Table 4.6.


Requirement of Steel for Towers

Total All India



Total All India


Plan) Type of Steel used





Norms for

weight of

steel for






Weight of

steel for






Weight of

steel for





HTS (40%

of Total



1 765 65 3200 208000 3200 208000 249600 166400

2 500

HVDC 38.3 5400 206820 5400 206820

248184 165456

3 400 23.5 44440 1044340 44440 1044340 1253208 835472

4 220 10.1 23000 232300 23000 232300 464600

5 132 9.1 20000 182000 20000 182000 364000

TOTAL 1873460 1873460 2579592 1167328

NOTE: Structural steel angle section manufactured according to the latest IS: 808-

1976(Part V & VI) and tested according to the latest edition of IS: 2062-1992 or any other

equivalent or superior International Standards will be used in the fabrication of the towers

having its yield strength not less than 250 N/sq.mm and stress value of high tensile steel

(Fe-490 High Tensile and Fe -540 High Tensile) grade according to

IS: 8500 -1992.

4.2.2 Requirement of Aluminium and Steel for Conductor and Earth

Wire for 11th

and 12th


A. Requirement of Aluminium and Steel for Conductor and Earth Wire for 11th


The requirement of Aluminium and Steel for conductor and earth wires has been

assessed based on norms in terms of MT per ckt kM at each voltage level and the total

number of ckt kMs planned during the 11th

and 12th

Plans. Tables 4.8 and 4.9 furnish the

requirement of aluminium & steel for the conductor and earth wire for the 11th

and 12th

Plans respectively.

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Requirement of Aluminium and Steel for Conductor and Earth Wire for 11th



No. Voltage (kV)

Norms for Weight of

Material for

Transmission Lines

(MT/ckt kM)



Total All India Weight

(MT/ckt kM)

Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel

1 765 23.14 4.64 3200 74048 14848

2 500 (HVDC) 15.43 3.50 5400 83322 18900

3 400 8.87 4.53 44440 394183 201313

4 220 3.60 1.79 23000 82800 41170

5 132 1.78 1.64 20000 35600 32800

6 Total 669953 309031

B. Requirement of Aluminium and Steel for Conductor and Earth Wire for 12th


Table 4.9 shows the requirement of aluminium & steel for the conductor and earth wire

for the 11th



Requirement of Aluminium and Steel for Conductor and Earth Wire for 12th


S. No. Voltage (kV)

Norms for Weight of

Material for

Transmission Lines

(MT/ckt kM)



Total All India Weight

(MT/ckt kM)

Aluminum Steel Aluminum Steel

1 765 23.14 4.64 3200 74048 14848

2 500 (HVDC) 15.43 3.50 5400 83322 18900

3 400 8.87 4.53 44440 394183 201313

4 220 3.60 1.79 23000 82800 41170

5 132 1.78 1.64 20000 35600 32800

6 Total 669953 309031

Note: The Conductor & Earth wire shall comply in all respect with the IS: 398(Part-II)-

1996, IS: 398 (Part-V) -1992 & IS: 398(Part-II)-1996, IS:2141-1996 latest amendments

respectively or any other International standards which ensure equal or higher quality of


4.2.3 Requirement of Special Steel -CRGO and Copper for Power Transformers

during 11th

And 12th


An assessment of the requirement of special steel and copper for power

transformers is made based on Norms evolved based on Statistics. As per these norms, the

requirement in terms of MT per MVA is specified as furnished in Table 4.10 below:

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Table- 4.10

Norms for requirement of Special Steel and Copper for power transformers

765 kV 400 kV 220kV 132kV

CRGO Requirement


0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8

Copper Requirement


0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5

The total requirement of Special Steel and Copper is worked out based on the

Norms and the power transformer capacity at each voltage level planned during the 11th



Plans and is furnished in Table 4.11 below Plan.


Requirement of Special Steel and Copper for Power Transformers

11th Plan


12th Plan




Rating Total






Copper WT







(in Tons)

Copper WT

(in Tons)

765 kV 12500 5000 2500 12500 5000 2500

400 kV 44310 17724 8862 44310 17724 8862

220 kV 73700 36850 22110 73700 36850 22110

132 kV 52000 41600 26000 52000 41600 26000

Total required CRGO weight (in Tons) for 11th Plan 101174

Total required CRGO weight (in Tons) for 12th Plan 101174

Total required Copper weight (in Tons) for 11th Plan 59472

Total required Copper weight (in Tons) for 12th Plan 59472

4.2.4 Estimated Structural Steel Requirement for Substations for 11th

and 12th


The requirement of Structural Steel for substations has been assessed based on norms in

terms of MT per bay at each voltage level and the total number of bays planned during

the 11th

and 12th

Plans at each voltage level. The total requirement during the 11th

and 12th

Plan at each voltage level is furnished in Table 4.12:

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Requirement of Special Steel for Substation

A Summary of Steel Requirement for major components of power system i.e. towers,

conductors, earth wires, power transformers & sub-stations is furnished in Table 4.13.


Summary of Requirement of Steel for Power System









Steel for Tower 1873460 1873460 3746920

Steel for conductor & Earth Wire 309031 309031 618062

Special Steel -CRGO for Power

Transformer 1,01,174 1,01,174 202348

Structural Steel for Sub-Stations 3,32,450 3,32,450 664900

Total 2616115 2616115 5232230


In this Chapter, an assessment of the requirement of Steel for hydro and thermal

Power stations has been made in accordance with the capacities planned during these

plans. For hydro stations, requirement has been assessed separately for structural steel and

reinforcement steel. For thermal stations assessment has been made separately for coal/

lignite and gas based stations. For generating stations a total requirement of 8.4 Million

Tonnes during 11th and 11.2 Million Tons during 12th plan has been assessed. For major

components of Power system including substations, towers and transmission lines a total

requirement of 2.6 Million tonnes for 11th

and 12th Plan each, has been assessed.

Steel requirement for 11th

& 12th

Plan projects is summarised below-

In Lakh Tonnes






Hydro Projects 21.8 38.1 59.9

Thermal Projects 58.5 58.1 116.6

Nuclear 4.1 15.7 19.8

Power System 26.2 26.2 52.4

Total 110.6 138.1 248.7


Plan 12th




Norms for

Special steel


for substation


Total No.

of Bays




No. of






of Special steel

for substation


765 kV 75 62 4650 62 4650 9300

400 kV 50 774 38700 774 38700 77400

220kV 35 3060 107100 3060 107100 214200

132 kV 25 7280 182000 7280 182000 364000

Total 332450 332450 664900

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

1.1 Appendix 1


Typical Steel quantity for 2x500 MW Thermal unit as given by


S. No. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total

1 Boiler

1.1 Drum :

Pipe : (OD 88.9 to 863mm, thickness 11.13 to 130mm)

Carbon Steel Pipe 7 0 7

Plate : (Thickness 1.6 to 190mm)

Boiler Quality Plates 421 0 421

Stru Plates 0 2 2

JPC Plates and Sheets 0 28 28

Bar Stock : (Dia 6mm to 250mm)

Round 29 0 29

Sub-total for Drum 457 30 487

1.2 Structures/Non Pressure parts

Pipe : (OD 88.9 to 863mm, thickness 11.13 to 130mm)

Alloy Steel Pipes 34 0 34

Carbon Steel Pipes 413 100 513

ERW Pipes 200 1,701 1,901

Plate : (Thickness 1.6 to 190mm)

Alloy Steel Plates 255 0 255

Boiler Quality Plates 17 0 17

Stru Plates 245 245 490

JPC Plates and sheets 0 17,135 17,135

Stainless Steel Pipes 0 115 115

Bar Stock : (Dia 6mm to 250mm)

Round 0 214 214

STRU : (Various Sizes)

Angles, Beams and Channels 0 9,844 9,844

Tubes : (OD 14.2 to 76.1mm, thickness 2 to 12.5 mm)

Alloy Steel Tubes 18 0 18

Carbon Steel Tubes 66 67 133

ERW Tubes 0 415 415

Stainless Steel Tubes 0 3 3

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1.2 Appendix 1

S. No. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total

Sub- total for Structures / Non- Pressure parts :

1,248 29,839 31,087

1.3 Pressure Parts :

Pipe : (OD 88.9 to 863mm, thickness 11.13 to 130mm)

Alloy Steel Pipes 228 0 228

Carbon Steel Pipes 500 146 646

Plate : (Thickness 1.6 to 190mm)

Alloy Steel Plates 462 0 462

Boiler Quality Plates 434 0 434

JPC Plates and Sheets 0 982 982

Stainless Steel Plates 0 117 117

Bar Stock : (Dia 6mm to 250mm)

Round 0 300 300

STRU : (Various Sizes)

FLAT 134 0 134

Angles, Beams and Channels 0 532 532

Tubes : (OD 14.2 to 76.1mm, thickness 2 to 12.5 mm)

Alloy Steel Tubes 951 951 1,902

Carbon Steel Tubes 1,330 1,330 2,660

Stainless Steel Tubes 101 101 202

Sub-total for Pressure Parts 4,140 4,459 8,599

Total Qty. for Boiler (1.1+1.2+1.3) 5,845 34,328 40,173

2 LP piping

IS 3589 0 4,194 4,194

IS 1239 0 655 655

IS 1239 (GAL) 0 263 263

SS 0 253 253

Total for LP Piping 0 5,365 5,365

3 HP critical/PC piping

SA335P91 372 0 372

SA335P22 1,046 0 1,046

SA106GRC 700 0 700

Total for HP/PC Piping 2,118 0 2,118

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1.3 Appendix 1

S. No. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total

4 Electrostatic Precipitator

Plates 5/6 mm 0 4,530 4,530

CR Coil 1.5/1.25 mm 2,340 1,000 3,340

Columns(HEA/HEB), Beams(ISMB 300/400)

2,500 500 3,000


0 2,560 2,560

Hollows (150 to 300) 2,450 0 2,450

Total for EP 7,290 8,590 15,880

5 Main and Aux. Buildings

Plates 0 21,460 21,460

Angles 0 3,938 3,938

Channels 0 4,296 4,296

Joists 0 5,370 5,370

Misc. Chequered Plates/Handrails etc. 0 716 716

Reinforce Steel 0 8,800 8,800

Total for Main & Aux. Bldgs. 0 44,580 44,580

6 Power Transformers (CRGO)

Grade-ZDKH85 0.23 thk 1,120 0 1,120

Grade-ZDKH90 0.27 thk 208 0 208

Total for Power Transformers 1,328 0 1,328

7 Motors

CRNGO, M530-65A, 800-1250width 300 0 300

Shaft forging (Low Alloy Steel) 0 125 125

IS2062 Steel Plates 0 300 300

Total for Motors 300 425 725

8 Switchyard

Lattice structure 0 725 725

Pipes 0 125 125

Earthing Rods/Strips 0 700 700

Total for Switchyard 0 1,550 1,550

9 Coal Handling Plant

Angles, Beams and Channels 0 8,000 8,000

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1.4 Appendix 1

S. No. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total

Reinforce Steel 0 6,000 6,000

Total for CHP 0 14,000 14,000

10 Turbine/Gen./Condenser

10.1 Plates :

MS Plates, 5mm to 90mm, IS20062 GR-A &GR-B

530 1480 2,010

B Q Plates, 6mm to 250 mm, IS2002 GR-2

1,020 260 1,280

CS Plates, 12mm to 160mm, SA516 GR-70

20 30 50

AS Plates, 10mm to 125mm, 17MO4 & 12MX

10 0 10

SS Plates/Sheets, 0.5mm to 80mm, AA10739, AA10740, HW10782 and HW 10788

64 36 100

Sub- total for Plates 1,644 1,806 3,450

10.2 Rounds :

CS Rounds, AA10109 and AA 10218 4 166 170

AS/SS Rounds, 36 158 194

sub- total for Rounds 40 324 364

10.3 Structural Steel, IS 2062 40 100 140

10.4 Bloom, Class 2 and Class 3 0 120 120

Total for Turbine/Gen/Condensers (10.1+10.2+10.3+10.4)

1,724 2,350 4,074

11 Pumps/Heat Exchangers/ Drive- Turbines and Pulverisers

11.1 LP and HP Heaters :

Plates :

Boiler Quality Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

140 48 188

STRU Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

0 42 42

Sub- total for plates-HP/LP Heaters 140 90 230

11.2 Deaerators :

Plates :

Boiler Quality Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

86 0 86

STRU Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

0 9 9

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1.5 Appendix 1

S. No. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total

Sub- total for plates for deaerators 86 9 95

11.3 Pulverisers :

Plates :

Alloy Steel Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

4 0 4

Boiler Quality Plates :

CS / SS Sheets, 1mm to 4mm 10 10 20

Structural Steel 0 322 322

Sub-total of BQ plates for Pulveriser 10 332 342

11.4 Drive turbines :

Plates :

Alloy Steel Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

2 0 2

Stainless Steel Plates 0 12 12

Sub- total of plates for drive turbines 2 12 14

11.5 Structurals :


Flat, Various Sizes 0 2 2

Angles, Beams and Channels, Various Sizes

0 12 12

Sub- total for structurals 0 14 14

11.6 Bar Stock :

CS Round, 6mm to 400mm 20 18 38

AS Round, 6mm to 400mm 5 2 7

SS Round, 6mm to 400mm 0 4 4

Sub- total of Bar-stock 25 24 49

11.7 Pipes :

Alloy Steel Pipes, OD 16mm to 610mm, 1 to 28mm thick

2 0 2

Carbon Steel Pipes, OD 16mm to 610mm, 1 to 28mm thick

20 18 38

Stainless Steel Pipes, OD 16mm to 610mm, 1 to 28mm thick

0 20 20

Sub- total of pipes 22 38 60

Total for Pumps/Heat Exchangers/ Drive Turbines and Pulverisers (11.1+11.2+11.3+11.4+11.5+11.6+11.7)

289 519 808

Grand Total (MT) 18,894 111,707 130,601

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

2.1 Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Estimated Quantity of Steel for 11th

and 12th

Plan coal based projects

s.no. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIth Plan coal based projects 44,000 MW

(In MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIIth Plan coal based projects 44,500 MW

(In MT)

1 Boiler Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total Imported Indigenous Total Imported Indigenous Total

1.1 Drum : Pipe : (OD 88.9 to 863mm, ckness 11.13 to 130mm)

Carbon Steel Pipe 7 0 7 308 0 308 312 0 312 Plate : (Thickness 1.6 to 190mm) Boiler Quality Plates 421 0 421 18,524 0 18,524 18,735 0 18,735

Stru Plates 0 2 2 0 88 88 0 89 89 JPC Plates and Sheets 0 28 28 0 1,232 1,232 0 1,246 1,246

Bar Stock : (Dia 6mm to 250mm) Round 29 0 29 1,276 0 1,276 1,291 0 1,291

Sub-total for Drum 457 30 487 20,108 1,320 21,428 20,337 1,335 21,672 1.2 Structures/Non Pressure parts Pipe : (OD 88.9 to 863mm, thickness 11.13 to 130mm) Alloy Steel Pipes 34 0 34 1,496 0 1,496 1,513 0 1,513

Carbon Steel Pipes 413 100 513 18,172 4,400 22,572 18,379 4,450 22,829

ERW Pipes 200 1,701 1,901 8,800 74,844 83,644 8,900 75,695 84,595 Plate : (Thickness 1.6 to 190mm)

Alloy Steel Plates 255 0 255 11,220 0 11,220 11,348 0 11,348

Boiler Quality Plates 17 0 17 748 0 748 757 0 757 Stru Plates 245 245 490 10,780 10,780 21,560 10,903 10,903 21,805

JPC Plates and sheets 0 17,135 17,135 0 753,940 753,940 0 762,508 762,508 Stainless Steel Pipes 0 115 115 0 5,060 5,060 0 5,118 5,118 Bar Stock : (Dia 6mm to 250mm)

Round 0 214 214 0 9,416 9,416 0 9,523 9,523

STRU : (Various Sizes)

Angles, Beams and Channels

0 9,844 9,844 0 433,136 433,136 0 438,058 438,058

Tubes : (OD 14.2 to 76.1mm, thickness 2 to 12.5 mm)

Alloy Steel Tubes 18 0 18 792 0 792 801 0 801

Carbon Steel Tubes 66 67 133 2,904 2,948 5,852 2,937 2,982 5,919 ERW Tubes 0 415 415 0 18,260 18,260 0 18,468 18,468

Stainless Steel Tubes 0 3 3 0 132 132 0 134 134 Sub- total for Structures /

Non- Pressure parts : 1,248 29,839 31,087 54,912 1,312,916 1,367,828 55,536 1,327,836 1,383,372

1.3 Pressure Parts : Pipe : (OD 88.9 to 863mm, thickness 11.13 to 130mm) Alloy Steel Pipes 228 0 228 10,032 0 10,032 10,146 0 10,146

Carbon Steel Pipes 500 146 646 22,000 6,424 28,424 22,250 6,497 28,747

Plate : (Thickness 1.6 to 190mm)

Alloy Steel Plates 462 0 462 20,328 0 20,328 20,559 0 20,559

Boiler Quality Plates 434 0 434 19,096 0 19,096 19,313 0 19,313

JPC Plates and Sheets 0 982 982 0 43,208 43,208 0 43,699 43,699

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

2.2 Appendix 2

s.no. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIth Plan coal based projects 44,000 MW

(In MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIIth Plan coal based projects 44,500 MW

(In MT)

Stainless Steel Plates 0 117 117 0 5,148 5,148 0 5,207 5,207 Bar Stock : (Dia 6mm to 250mm)

Round 0 300 300 0 13,200 13,200 0 13,350 13,350

STRU : (Various Sizes) FLAT 134 0 134 5,896 0 5,896 5,963 0 5,963

Angles, Beams and Channels

0 532 532 0 23,408 23,408 0 23,674 23,674

Tubes : (OD 14.2 to 76.1mm, thickness 2 to 12.5 mm)

Alloy Steel Tubes 951 951 1,902 41,844 41,844 83,688 42,320 42,320 84,639

Carbon Steel Tubes 1,330 1,330 2,660 58,520 58,520 117,040 59,185 59,185 118,370 Stainless Steel Tubes 101 101 202 4,444 4,444 8,888 4,495 4,495 8,989

Sub-total for Pressure Parts

4,140 4,459 8,599 182,160 196,196 378,356 184,230 198,426 382,656

Total Qty. for Boiler (1.1+1.2+1.3)

5,845 34,328 40,173 257,180 1,510,432 1,767,612 260,103 1,527,596 1,787,699

2 LP piping

IS 3589 0 4,194 4,194 0 184,536 184,536 0 186,633 186,633

IS 1239 0 655 655 0 28,820 28,820 0 29,148 29,148 IS 1239 (GAL) 0 263 263 0 11,572 11,572 0 11,704 11,704

SS 0 253 253 0 11,132 11,132 0 11,259 11,259

Total for LP Piping 0 5,365 5,365 0 236,060 236,060 0 238,743 238,743 3 HP critical/PC piping

SA335P91 372 0 372 16,368 0 16,368 16,554 0 16,554

SA335P22 1,046 0 1,046 46,024 0 46,024 46,547 0 46,547

SA106GRC 700 0 700 30,800 0 30,800 31,150 0 31,150 Total for HP/PC Piping 2,118 0 2,118 93,192 0 93,192 94,251 0 94,251

4 Electrostatic Precipitator

Plates 5/6 mm 0 4,530 4,530 0 199,320 199,320 0 201,585 201,585 CR Coil 1.5/1.25 mm 2,340 1,000 3,340 102,960 44,000 146,960 104,130 44,500 148,630

Columns(HEA/HEB), Beams(ISMB 300/400)

2,500 500 3,000 110,000 22,000 132,000 111,250 22,250 133,500


0 2,560 2,560 0 112,640 112,640 0 113,920 113,920

Hollows (150 to 300) 2,450 0 2,450 107,800 0 107,800 109,025 0 109,025 Total for EP 7,290 8,590 15,880 320,760 377,960 698,720 324,405 382,255 706,660

5 Main and Aux. Buildings

Plates 0 21,460 21,460 0 944,240 944,240 0 954,970 954,970

Angles 0 3,938 3,938 0 173,272 173,272 0 175,241 175,241 Channels 0 4,296 4,296 0 189,024 189,024 0 191,172 191,172

Joists 0 5,370 5,370 0 236,280 236,280 0 238,965 238,965

Misc. Chequered Plates/Handrails etc.

0 716 716 0 31,504 31,504 0 31,862 31,862

Reinforce Steel 0 8,800 8,800 0 387,200 387,200 0 391,600 391,600

Total for Main & Aux. Bldgs.

0 44,580 44,580 0 1,961,520 1,961,520 0 1,983,810 1,983,810

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

2.3 Appendix 2

s.no. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIth Plan coal based projects 44,000 MW

(In MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIIth Plan coal based projects 44,500 MW

(In MT)

6 Power Transformers (CRGO)

Grade-ZDKH85 0.23 thk 1,120 0 1,120 49,280 0 49,280 49,840 0 49,840 Grade-ZDKH90 0.27 thk 208 0 208 9,152 0 9,152 9,256 0 9,256

Total for Power Transformers

1,328 0 1,328 58,432 0 58,432 59,096 0 59,096

7 Motors

CRNGO, M530-65A, 800-1250width

300 0 300 13,200 0 13,200 13,350 0 13,350

Shaft forging (Low Alloy Steel)

0 125 125 0 5,500 5,500 0 5,563 5,563

IS2062 Steel Plates 0 300 300 0 13,200 13,200 0 13,350 13,350 Total for Motors 300 425 725 13,200 18,700 31,900 13,350 18,913 32,263

8 Switchyard

Lattice structure 0 725 725 0 31,900 31,900 0 32,263 32,263

Pipes 0 125 125 0 5,500 5,500 0 5,563 5,563

Earthing Rods/Strips 0 700 700 0 30,800 30,800 0 31,150 31,150 Total for Switchyard 0 1,550 1,550 0 68,200 68,200 0 68,975 68,975

9 Coal Handling Plant

Angles, Beams and Channels

0 8,000 8,000 0 352,000 352,000 0 356,000 356,000

Reinforce Steel 0 6,000 6,000 0 264,000 264,000 0 267,000 267,000 Total for CHP 0 14,000 14,000 0 616,000 616,000 0 623,000 623,000

10 Turbine/Gen./Condenser

10.1 Plates :

MS Plates, 5mm to 90mm, IS20062 GR-A &GR-B

530 1480 2,010 23,320 65,120 88,440 23,585 65,860 89,445

B Q Plates, 6mm to 250 mm, IS2002 GR-2

1,020 260 1,280 44,880 11,440 56,320 45,390 11,570 56,960

CS Plates, 12mm to 160mm, SA516 GR-70

20 30 50 880 1,320 2,200 890 1,335 2,225

AS Plates, 10mm to 125mm, 17MO4 & 12MX

10 0 10 440 0 440 445 0 445

SS Plates/Sheets, 0.5mm to 80mm, AA10739, AA10740, HW10782 and HW 10788

64 36 100 2,816 1,584 4,400 2,848 1,602 4,450

Sub- total for Plates 1,644 1,806 3,450 72,336 79,464 151,800 73,158 80,367 153,525

10.2 Rounds : 0 0 0 0

CS Rounds, AA10109 and AA 10218

4 166 170 176 7,304 7,480 178 7,387 7,565

AS/SS Rounds, 36 158 194 1,584 6,952 8,536 1,602 7,031 8,633 sub- total for Rounds 40 324 364 1,760 14,256 16,016 1,780 14,418 16,198

10.3 Structural Steel, IS 2062 40 100 140 1,760 4,400 6,160 1,780 4,450 6,230 10.4 Bloom, Class 2 and Class

3 0 120 120 0 5,280 5,280 0 5,340 5,340

Total for Turbine/Gen/Condensers (10.1+10.2+10.3+10.4)

1,724 2,350 4,074 75,856 103,400 179,256 76,718 104,575 181,293

11 Pumps/Heat Exchangers/ Drive- Turbines and Pulverisers

11.1 LP and HP Heaters :

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

2.4 Appendix 2

s.no. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIth Plan coal based projects 44,000 MW

(In MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIIth Plan coal based projects 44,500 MW

(In MT)

Plates :

Boiler Quality Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

140 48 188 6,160 2,112 8,272 6,230 2,136 8,366

STRU Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

0 42 42 0 1,848 1,848 0 1,869 1,869

Sub- total for plates-HP/LP Heaters

140 90 230 6,160 3,960 10,120 6,230 4,005 10,235

11.2 Deaerators :

Plates :

Boiler Quality Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

86 0 86 3,784 0 3,784 3,827 0 3,827

STRU Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

0 9 9 0 396 396 0 401 401

Sub- total for plates for deaerators

86 9 95 3,784 396 4,180 3,827 401 4,228

11.3 Pulverisers :

Plates :

Alloy Steel Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

4 0 4 176 0 176 178 0 178

Boiler Quality Plates :

CS / SS Sheets, 1mm to 4mm

10 10 20 440 440 880 445 445 890

Structural Steel 0 322 322 0 14,168 14,168 0 14,329 14,329

Sub-total for plates for Pulveriser

14 332 346 616 14,608 15,224 623 14,774 15,397

11.4 Drive turbines :

Plates :

Alloy Steel Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

2 0 2 88 0 88 89 0 89

Stainless Steel Plates 0 12 12 0 528 528 0 534 534

Sub- total of plates for drive turbines

2 12 14 88 528 616 89 534 623

11.5 Structurals :


Flat, Various Sizes 0 2 2 0 88 88 0 89 89 Angles, Beams and

Channels, Various Sizes 0 12 12 0 528 528 0 534 534

Sub- total for structurals 0 14 14 0 616 616 0 616 616 11.6 Bar Stock :

CS Round, 6mm to 400mm 20 18 38 880 792 1,672 890 801 1,691

AS Round, 6mm to 400mm 5 2 7 220 88 308 223 89 312 SS Round, 6mm to 400mm 0 4 4 0 176 176 0 178 178

Sub- total of Bar-stock 25 24 49 1,100 1,056 2,156 1,113 1,068 2,181

11.7 Pipes :

Alloy Steel Pipes, OD 16mm to 610mm, 1 to 28mm thick

2 0 2 88 0 88 89 0 89

Carbon Steel Pipes, OD 16mm to 610mm, 1 to 28mm thick

20 18 38 880 792 1,672 890 801 1,691

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

2.5 Appendix 2

s.no. Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW units as given by BHEL (MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIth Plan coal based projects 44,000 MW

(In MT)

Estimated Qty. for XIIth Plan coal based projects 44,500 MW

(In MT)

Stainless Steel Pipes, OD 16mm to 610mm, 1 to 28mm thick

0 20 20 0 880 880 0 890 890

Sub- total of pipes 22 38 60 968 1,672 2,640 979 1,691 2,670

Total for Pumps/Heat Exchangers/ Drive Turbines and Pulverisers (11.1+11.2+11.3+11.4+11.5+11.6+11.7)

289 519 808 12,716 22,836 35,552 12,861 23,096 35,552

Grand Total (MT) 18,894 111,707 130,601 831,336 4,915,108 5,746,444 840,783 4,970,962 5,811,745

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

3.1 Appendix 3


Estimated Quantity of Steel for 11th

and 12th

Plan Gas based projects

s. no.

Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW Gas Plant as given by BHEL


Estimated Qty. for XIth Plan Gas based projects 2114

MW (In MT)

Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total Imported Indigenous Total

1 Boiler

1.1 Drum :

Pipe : (OD 88.9 to 863mm, thickness 11.13 to 130mm)

Carbon Steel Pipe 3.5 0.0 3.5 7 0 7

Plate : (Thickness 1.6 to 190mm)

Boiler Quality Plates 210.5 0.0 210.5 445 0 445

Stru Plates 0.0 1.0 1.0 0 2 2

JPC Plates and Sheets 0.0 14.0 14.0 0 30 30

Bar Stock : (Dia 6mm to 250mm)

Round 14.5 0.0 14.5 31 0 31

Sub-total for Drum 228.5 15.0 243.5 483 32 515

1.2 Structures/Non Pressure parts

Pipe : (OD 88.9 to 863mm, thickness 11.13 to 130mm)

Alloy Steel Pipes 17.0 0.0 17.0 36 0 36

Carbon Steel Pipes 206.5 50.0 256.5 437 106 542

ERW Pipes 100.0 850.5 950.5 211 1,798 2,009

Plate : (Thickness 1.6 to 190mm)

Alloy Steel Plates 127.5 0.0 127.5 270 0 270

Boiler Quality Plates 8.5 0.0 8.5 18 0 18

Stru Plates 122.5 122.5 245.0 259 259 518

JPC Plates and sheets 0.0 8,567.5 8,567.5 0 18,112 18,112

Stainless Steel Pipes 0.0 57.5 57.5 0 122 122

Bar Stock : (Dia 6mm to 250mm)

Round 0.0 107.0 107.0 0 226 226

STRU : (Various Sizes)

Angles, Beams and Channels

0.0 4,922.0 4,922.0 0 10,405 10,405

Tubes : (OD 14.2 to 76.1mm, thickness 2 to 12.5 mm)

Alloy Steel Tubes 9.0 0.0 9.0 19 0 19

Carbon Steel Tubes 33.0 33.5 66.5 70 71 141

ERW Tubes 0.0 207.5 207.5 0 439 439

Stainless Steel Tubes 0.0 1.5 1.5 0 3 3

Sub- total for Structures / Non- Pressure parts :

624.0 14,919.5 15,543.5 1,319 31,540 32,859

1.3 Pressure Parts :

Pipe : (OD 88.9 to 863mm, thickness 11.13 to 130mm)

Alloy Steel Pipes 114.0 0.0 114.0 241 0 241

Carbon Steel Pipes 250.0 73.0 323.0 529 154 683

Plate : (Thickness 1.6 to 190mm)

Alloy Steel Plates 231.0 0.0 231.0 488 0 488

Boiler Quality Plates 217.0 0.0 217.0 459 0 459

JPC Plates and Sheets 0.0 491.0 491.0 0 1,038 1,038

Stainless Steel Plates 0.0 58.5 58.5 0 124 124

Bar Stock : (Dia 6mm to 250mm)

Round 0.0 150.0 150.0 0 317 317

STRU : (Various Sizes)

FLAT 67.0 0.0 67.0 142 0 142

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

3.2 Appendix 3

s. no.

Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW Gas Plant as given by BHEL


Estimated Qty. for XIth Plan Gas based projects 2114

MW (In MT)

Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total Imported Indigenous Total

Angles, Beams and Channels

0.0 266.0 266.0 0 562 562

Tubes : (OD 14.2 to 76.1mm, thickness 2 to 12.5 mm)

Alloy Steel Tubes 475.5 475.5 951.0 1,005 1,005 2,010

Carbon Steel Tubes 665.0 665.0 1,330.0 1,406 1,406 2,812

Stainless Steel Tubes 50.5 50.5 101.0 107 107 214

Sub-total for Pressure Parts

2,070.0 2,229.5 4,299.5 4,376 4,713 9,089

Total Qty. for Boiler (1.1+1.2+1.3)

2,922.5 17,164.0 20,086.5 6,178 36,285 42,463

2 LP piping

IS 3589 0.0 2,097.0 2,097.0 0 4,433 4,433

IS 1239 0.0 327.5 327.5 0 692 692

IS 1239 (GAL) 0.0 131.5 131.5 0 278 278

SS 0.0 126.5 126.5 0 267 267

Total for LP Piping 0.0 2,682.5 2,682.5 0 5,671 5,671

3 HP critical/PC piping

SA335P91 186.0 0.0 186.0 393 0 393

SA335P22 523.0 0.0 523.0 1,106 0 1,106

SA106GRC 350.0 0.0 350.0 740 0 740

Total for HP/PC Piping 1,059.0 0.0 1,059.0 2,239 0 2,239

4 Main and Aux. Buildings

Plates 0.0 10,730.0 10,730.0 0 22,683 22,683

Angles 0.0 1,969.0 1,969.0 0 4,162 4,162

Channels 0.0 2,148.0 2,148.0 0 4,541 4,541

Joists 0.0 2,685.0 2,685.0 0 5,676 5,676

Misc. Chequered Plates/Handrails etc.

0.0 358.0 358.0 0 757 757

Reinforce Steel 0.0 4,400.0 4,400.0 0 9,302 9,302

Total for Main & Aux. Bldgs.

0.0 22,290.0 22,290.0 0 47,121 47,121

5 Power Transformers (CRGO)

Grade-ZDKH85 0.23 thk 560.0 0.0 560.0 2,368 0 2,368

Grade-ZDKH90 0.27 thk 104.0 0.0 104.0 440 0 440

Total for Power Transformers

664.0 0.0 664.0 2,807 0 2,807

6 Motors

CRNGO, M530-65A, 800-1250width

150.0 0.0 150.0 317 0 317

Shaft forging (Low Alloy Steel)

0.0 62.5 62.5 0 132 132

IS2062 Steel Plates 0.0 150.0 150.0 0 317 317

Total for Motors 150.0 212.5 362.5 317 449 766

7 Switchyard

Lattice structure 0.0 725.0 725.0 0 1,533 1,533

Pipes 0.0 125.0 125.0 0 264 264

Earthing Rods/Strips 0.0 700.0 700.0 0 1,480 1,480

Total for Switchyard 0.0 1,550.0 1,550.0 0 3,277 3,277

8 Turbine/Gen./Condenser

8.1 Plates :

MS Plates, 5mm to 90mm, IS20062 GR-A &GR-B

265.0 740.0 1,005.0 560 1,564 2,125

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

3.3 Appendix 3

s. no.

Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW Gas Plant as given by BHEL


Estimated Qty. for XIth Plan Gas based projects 2114

MW (In MT)

Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total Imported Indigenous Total

B Q Plates, 6mm to 250 mm, IS2002 GR-2

510.0 130.0 640.0 1,078 275 1,353

CS Plates, 12mm to 160mm, SA516 GR-70

10.0 15.0 25.0 21 32 53

AS Plates, 10mm to 125mm, 17MO4 & 12MX

5.0 0.0 5.0 11 0 11

SS Plates/Sheets, 0.5mm to 80mm, AA10739, AA10740, HW10782 and HW 10788

32.0 18.0 50.0 68 38 106

Sub- total for Plates 822.0 903.0 1,725.0 1,738 1,909 3,647

8.2 Rounds :

CS Rounds, AA10109 and AA 10218

2.0 83.0 85.0 4 175 180

AS/SS Rounds, 18.0 79.0 97.0 38 167 205

sub- total for Rounds 20.0 162.0 182.0 42 342 385

8.3 Structural Steel, IS 2062 20.0 50.0 70.0 42 106 148

8.4 Bloom, Class 2 and Class 3

0.0 60.0 60.0 0 127 127

Total for Turbine/Gen/Condensers (8.1+8.2+8.3+8.4)

862.0 1,175.0 2,037.0 1,822 2,484 4,306

9 Pumps/Heat Exchangers/ Drive- Turbines and Pulverisers

9.1 LP and HP Heaters :

Plates :

Boiler Quality Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

70.0 24.0 94.0 148 51 199

STRU Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

0.0 21.0 21.0 0 44 44

Sub- total for plates-HP/LP Heaters

70.0 45.0 115.0 148 95 243

9.2 Deaerators :

Plates :

Boiler Quality Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

43.0 0.0 43.0 91 0 91

STRU Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

0.0 4.5 4.5 0 10 10

Sub- total for plates for deaerators

43.0 4.5 47.5 91 10 100

9.3 Drive turbines :

Plates :

Alloy Steel Plates, Various sizes from 5mm to 200mm

1.0 0.0 1.0 2 0 2

Stainless Steel Plates 0.0 6.0 6.0 0 13 13

Sub- total of plates for drive turbines

1.0 6.0 7.0 2 13 15

9.4 Structurals : 0.0 0.0 0 0

STRU : 0.0 0.0 0 0

Flat, Various Sizes 0.0 1.0 1.0 0 2 2

Angles, Beams and Channels, Various Sizes

0.0 6.0 6.0 0 13 13

Sub- total for structurals 0.0 7.0 7.0 0 15 15

9.5 Bar Stock : 0.0 0.0 0 0

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Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector

3.4 Appendix 3

s. no.

Equipment /System Typical Qty. for 2 x 500 MW Gas Plant as given by BHEL


Estimated Qty. for XIth Plan Gas based projects 2114

MW (In MT)

Type of steel used : Imported Indigenous Total Imported Indigenous Total

CS Round, 6mm to 400mm 10.0 9.0 19.0 21 19 40

AS Round, 6mm to 400mm 2.5 1.0 3.5 5 2 7

SS Round, 6mm to 400mm 0.0 2.0 2.0 0 4 4

Sub- total of Bar-stock 12.5 12.0 24.5 26 25 52

9.6 Pipes :

Alloy Steel Pipes, OD 16mm to 610mm, 1 to 28mm thick

1.0 0.0 1.0 2 0 2

Carbon Steel Pipes, OD 16mm to 610mm, 1 to 28mm thick

10.0 9.0 19.0 21 19 40

Stainless Steel Pipes, OD 16mm to 610mm, 1 to 28mm thick

0.0 10.0 10.0 0 21 21

Sub- total of pipes 11.0 19.0 30.0 23 40 63

Total for Pumps/Heat Exchangers/ Drive Turbines and Pulverisers (9.1+9.2+9.3+9.4+9.5+9.6+9.7)

137.5 93.5 231.0 291 198 488

Grand Total (MT) 5,795.0 45,167.5 50,962.5 13,654

95,484 109,138

Page 57: Requirement of EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FOR DEVELOPMENT …cea.nic.in/.../irp/req_equip_material_devlopment_powersector.pdf · Requirement of EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FOR DEVELOPMENT

Central Electricity Authority Requirement of Equipment & Material for Development of Power Sector



MS Mild Steel

HTS High Tensile Steel

CRGO Cold Rolled Grain Oriented

ISMB Indian Standard Medium Beams

ISMC Indian Standard Medium Channels

ASTM American Standard Testing Materials

UCB Unit Control Board

GT Generator Transformer

ST Station Transformer

UT Unit Transformer

ICT Interconnecting Transformer

XLPE CABLE Cross Linked Poly Ethylene Cable

SAVT Surge Arrester Voltage Transformer

EOT Crane Electric Overhead Travelling Crane
