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Army Regulation 725–50 Requisition and Issue of Supplies and Equipment Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 15 November 1995 Unclassified
  • Army Regulation 72550

    Requisition and Issue of Supplies andEquipment

    Requisitioning,Receipt, andIssue System

    HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC15 November 1995


  • SUMMARY of CHANGEAR 72550Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System

    This revision--

    o Adds DICs DLS, DLT, DLU, DLV, DLW, and DLX to provide specific management datato the GIM on logistic reassignments (paras 5-66, E-267.1 thru E-267.6;tables E-285. 1 thru E-285.14; app G).

    o Adds manual procedures to match exception data for part numbered requisitionsto an existing NSN and to assure requisitions are not cancelled if advice code2A is present (para 4-16.1).

    o Changes the dollar value criteria for reporting GSA stocked items for returnand clarifies policy so items can only be reported if no current or futureagency requirements are anticipated (para 7-29).

    o Adds requirement for the Army network stations to furnish the Army CentralService Point an alternate POC (para 9-7).

    o Adds DIC AP8 so DAAS can automatically respond to the source of supply on MOVsfor units that are unable to do so themselves (paras 3-89.1, 4-26.1 and E-28.1; table E-30.1).

    o Updates projects codes (tables C-26 and C-27).

    o Adds DIC BMB so FMS customers can transmit publication data to USASAC and addsrequirement for DAAS to pass DIC BMB data to USASAC when a B resides in rp 30(para 14-16, E-158.1;tables C-3 and E-153.1).

    o Updates policy on logistic reassignments (para 5-64.1).

    o Adds advice codes 3C thru 3J and policy in the requisitioning of DPSC-medicalmateriel when the newest materiel is required (table C-29).

    o Modifies the materiel returns program (paras 7-13,7-15, 7-18, 7-23, and 7-23.1).

    o Adds requirement for unclassified parcel post/small parcel delivery servicepackages to be either insured, certified, or registered without a NOA and forall FMS shipments to be traceable to a specific shipment regardless ofshipment size, weight, or value(para 11-39).

  • o Expands TCN field in materiel release confirmations, shipment statusdocuments, and materiel returns program document to 17 positions (tables E-35and E-316).

    o Changes blocks N and R of the DD Form 1348-1 from optional entries to mandatoryentries to force the entry of the controlled inventory item code in block N andthe shelf life code in block R (para B-3; table B-1).

    o Establishes purpose code N to hold excess Defense assets for potential FMS(table C-60).

    o Establishes transportation bill codes for use by Defense Financial andAccounting Service in billing FMS customers for below-the-linetransportation costs (para C-43.1;table C-67.1).

    o Adds new condition code of W and establishes the requirement to reclassifyassets to condition code W when the discrepant materiel is reparable andunder warranty (paras 5-31, 5-44, 5-45, 7-3).

    o Provides for inclusion of a three-digit code in MILSTRIP documents forsubsistence items, permitting Inventory Control Point direction of issues bydate packed/expiration date within supply condition code (para C-18.1; tableC-34.1).

    o Clarifies the entries required on shipment status and materiel releaseconfirmation transactions when the shipment is made with a small packagecarrier (para 3-75).

    o Adds procedures for expedited transportation signal designation 777 (para2-4, 2-10, 2-11,3-48.1, 4-8, 4-9, 4-38; tables 2-1,2-2, 4-1).

    o Provides for differentiating between a Foreign Military Sales Order (FMSO) Irequisition and a FMSO II requisition and adds six new CLSSA codes (A-F) andthree new status codes (CT, DC, and DD) (paras 11-35, C-18; tables C-31, and C-34).

    o Deletes DIC BBZ, BCB, BED, BPD, and BZA (table C-3).

    o Improves controls for moving materiel to the Defense Reutilization andMarketing Offices (paras 8-4, 8-5,8-6, 8-7, 8-8, 8-12, 8-13, 8-14,8-15, and8-15.1).

    o Modifies procedures for requesting FMP weapon system project codes (para 1-18f).

    o Adds procedures for submitting follow-ups to obtain the DODAAC of the initialtransportation shipping activity for tracing shipments under MILSTAMP (paras4-50, 4-55, 4-60,4-63, E-19, E-33, tables E-20, E-35).

  • HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC15 November 1995

    Requisition and Issue of Supplies and Equipment

    Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System

    *Army Regulation 72550

    Effective 15 December 1995

    History. This UPDATE printing publishes ar e v i s i o n o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n . B e c a u s e t h epublication has been extensively revised, thechanged portions have not been highlighted.Summary. This regulation prescribes uni-form procedures, codes, formats, forms, andtime standards for the interchange of logisticsinformation in the Army supply system. Theprocedures govern the interchange of infor-mation between the supported activities andsupply control distribution systems of the De-partment of Defense(DOD) and other partici-p a t i n g a g e n c i e s . T h i s r e g u l a t i o n i s t h eArmys implementation of six DOD militarys t a n d a r d s y s t e m s : M i l i t a r y S t a n d a r d R e q u -isitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP),Military Standard Transaction Reporting andAccounting Procedures (MILSTRAP), Mili-t a r y S u p p l y a n d T r a n s p o r t a t i o n E v a l u a t i o nProcedures (MILSTEP), Defense AutomaticAddressing System (DAAS), Uniform Mate-r i e l M o v e m e n t a n d I s s u e P r i o r i t y S y s t e m(UMMIPS), the DOD Activity Address Di-rectory (DODAAD); one DODD: Control ofA c c e s s t o D O D M a t e r i e l I n v e n t o r i e s R e -quired by Defense Contracts (GFM); and ex-tracts from the Military Assistance ProgramAddress Directory(MAPAD). MILSTRIP isimplemented in chapters 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12,and 16; MILSTRAP in chapters 5, 10, and15; MILSTEP in chapter 13; DAAS in chap-ter 14; UMMIPS in chapter 2; DODAAD inchapter 9; GFM in chapter 16; and MAPADin chapter 11. This regulation affects the lo-gistics operations of all Army activities fromthe direct support level through the wholesalel e v e l . T h i s r e g u l a t i o n i s u p d a t e d s e m i a n -nually by two formal changes on 1 May and

    1 Nov, to simultaneously coincide with theformal changes made to the DOD militarystandard system regulations and directives. Inaddition, future change letters are preparedand distributed to major commands and im-p l e m e n t i n g A r m y a c t i v i t i e s t o p r o v i d e a d -v a n c e p r o g r a m m i n g g u i d a n c e f o r s y s t e md e s i g n a c t i v i t y d e v e l o p m e n t o f a u t o m a t e dsystems changes to implement the changes tothis regulation.

    Applicability.a. This regulation applies to(1) All Department of the Army (DA) activi-ties that requisition, issue, and receive sup-p l i e s a n d e q u i p m e n t d o w n t h r o u g h d i r e c tsupport unit and installation property in con-tinental United States (CONUS) and over-seas.(2) Interservice supply support (ISS).(3) International Logistics (IL).( 4 ) G r a n t a i d ( G A ) , f o r e i g n m i l i t a r y s a l e s( F M S ) , a n d s u p p l y s u p p o r t a r r a n g e m e n t s(SSA).(5) Contractors authorized under contracts tor e q u i s i t i o n G o v e r n m e n t f u r n i s h e d m a t e r i a l(GFM) from Services and agencies.( 6 ) U . S . P r o p e r t y a n d F i s c a l O f f i c e r s(USPFO) for the Army National Guard.(7) Reserve Office Training Corps (ROTC)w h e n r e q u i s i t i o n i n g o n t h e D O D l o g i s t i c sdistribution system and General Services Ad-ministration (GSA).(8) U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC)commodity commands and Army activitiesauthorized to submit Asset Support Requests(ASR)(table 151).b. These procedures do not apply to(1) Bulk petroleum.(2) Commercial subscription items for all li-braries (e.g., books, periodicals, audio andvideo material, software, and other nonbookm a t e r i e l s ) , l e g a l b o o k s , s o n g f o l i o s , t e x t -b o o k s , a n d t r a i n i n g a i d s f o r d e p e n d e n tschools, and ROTC reference books.(3) Inter and intradepartmental purchasingo p e r a t i o n s . T h i s d o e s n o t e x c l u d e t h e u s eof(a) Military Interdepartmental Purchase Re-quest (MIPR)(DD Form 448 series).(b) DD Form 1348 (DOD Single Line ItemRequisition System Document (Manual)).(c) DD Form 1348M (DOD Single Line Item

    Requisition System Document (Mechanical))when initiating procurement.(4) Blank forms and administrative publica-tions. DA publications and blank forms willbe requisitioned through normal publications u p p l y c h a n n e l s . R e q u i r e m e n t s f o r t h e s eitems placed on GSA and Navy will be sub-mitted in the prescribed MILSTRIP requisi-tion formats.( 5 ) N a t i o n a l S e c u r i t y A g e n c y ( N S A ) d e -s i g n e d a n d c o n t r o l l e d s i g n a l i n t e l l i g e n c e( S I G I N T ) c o l l e c t i o n a n d p r o c e s s i n g e q u i -p m e n t ; c l a s s i f i e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s s e c u r i t y( C O M S E C ) e q u i p m e n t ; C O M S E C a i d s ( k e -ying material); and classified CRYPTO spareand repair parts which are obtained throughCOMSEC channels.(6) Coal and coke.(7) Small Arms Serial Number Registrationand Reporting System (DODSASP). See AR7103.c. Requisitions for subsistence items requisi-tioned and supplied through the Defense Per-s o n n e l S u p p o r t C e n t e r ( D P S C ) r e g i o n a lheadquarters and brand name resale subsist-ence items will be submitted in accordancewith AR 3018 and AR 3019.MILSTRIPformats and codes will be used as required.P r o p o n e n t a n d e x c e p t i o n a u t h o r i t y .The Proponent of this regulation is the Dep-uty Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG).The DCSLOG has the authority to approveexceptions to this regulation that are consis-tent with controlling law and regulation. Pro-ponents may delegate this approval authority,in writing, to a division chief under theirsupervision within the proponent agency inthe grade of Colonel or the civilian equiva-lent.A r m y m a n a g e m e n t c o n t r o l p r o c e s s .This regulation contains management controlp r o v i s i o n s a n d i d e n t i f i e s k e y m a n a g e m e n tcontrols that must be evaluated.Supplementation. Supplementation of thisregulation and establishment of forms otherthan DA Forms are prohibited without priorapproval from the Office of the Deputy Chiefof Staff for Logistics, HQDA(DALOSMP),WASH DC 203100546.Interim changes. Interim changes to thisregulation are not official unless they are au-thenticated by the Administrative Assistant tothe Secretary of the Army. Users will destroy

    *This regulation supersedes AR 72550, 26 January 1993.

    AR 72550 15 November 1995 i


  • interim changes on their expiration dates un-less sooner superseded or rescinded.Suggested Improvements. Users are in-vited to send comments and suggested im-p r o v e m e n t s o n D A F o r m 2 0 2 8(Recommended Changes to Publications andBlank Forms) directly to Director, USAMC

    Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA), ATTN:A M X L S R S S , R e d s t o n e A r s e n a l , A L358987466.Distribution. Distribution of this publica-tion is made in accordance with the require-ments on DA Form 1209E, block number2309, intended for command levels A, B, C,

    D, and E for Active Army, Army NationalGuard, and U.S. Army Reserve.

    Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

    Chapter 1General, page 1

    Section IGeneral Instructions, page 1Purpose 11, page 1References 12, page 1Explanation of abbreviations and terms 13, page 1Forms used in requisitioning, receipt, and issue system 14,

    page 1System maintenance 15, page 1Basic requisitioning policies 16, page 2Constraint of requisitions 17, page 2

    Section IIResponsibilities, page 3General 18, page 3Unique regulatory responsibilities 19, page 3Directorate for Supply and Maintenance, Office of the Deputy

    Chief of Staff for Logistics (ODCSLOG) 110, page 3Directorate for Transportation, Energy, and Troop Support,

    ODCSLOG 111, page 3U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command(TRADOC), U.S.

    Forces Command (FORSCOM), and U.S. Army Health ServicesCommand (HSC) 112, page 3

    U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC) 113, page 3USAMC Logistics Support Activity 114, page 3AMC major subordinate commands 115, page 4AMC commodity commands 116, page 4USAMC Logistic Control Activity (LCA)(Rescinded) 117,

    page 4U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) 118,

    page 4U.S. Army Military District of Washington and the National Guard

    Bureau 119, page 4Major oversea commands 120, page 4Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) 121, page 4FMS country representative (CR) 122, page 4U.S. Army Security Affairs Command(USASAC) 123, page 4Inventory Control Points (ICPs) 124, page 4Army Central Service Point 125, page 5Central procurement functions 126, page 5DODAAF Army network stations 127, page 5Requisitioning activities 128, page 5

    Section IIIProject Code Assignment, page 5DA project codes 129, page 5JCS project codes 130, page 6

    Section IVApproved and Proposed Military Standard Systems (MILSYSTEMS)

    Changes, page 7MILSYSTEMS change DA focal point 131, page 7MILSYSTEMS change processing timeframes 132, page 7

    MILSYSTEMS change DA functional and implementing elements 133, page 7

    Chapter 2Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System

    (UMMIPS), page 8Uses of UMMIPS 21, page 8Policies 22, page 8Responsibilities 23, page 9UMMIPS standards 24, page 9Request for deviation 25, page 9The issue priority system 26, page 9Force/activity designator (FAD) 27, page 10Urgency of need designators 28, page 10Priority designators (PDs) 29, page 10Control of priority designator use 210, page 10Standard delivery date (SDD) 211, page 11Required delivery date (RDD), required availability date (RAD),

    and required delivery period (RDP) 212, page 11Performance standards 213, page 12Combination of time segments 214, page 12Performance evaluation 215, page 12Judicious application of priority designators 216, page 12Communications 217, page 13Requisition date 218, page 13Priority of processing demands 219, page 13Transportation 220, page 13Retrograde materiel movements 221, page 13Contractor use 222, page 13

    Chapter 3The Requisitioner, page 17

    Section IPreparation of Requisitions, page 17General 31, page 17Use of DD Form 1348 32, page 17SF 344 (Multiuse Standard Requisitioning/Issue System Document)

    33, page 17Use of DD Form 13486 34, page 17Use of DD Form 13481 35, page 18Elements of data 36, page 18Narrative message requisitions 37, page 18Formatted teletype message 38, page 18Telephone requisitions 39, page 18Entries on requisition documents 310, page 18Modification of requisitions 311, page 18Limitation on submission of exception data requisitions 312,

    page 19

    Section IIConstruction of Department of the Army Document Numbers and

    Supplementary Addresses, page 19Document number 313, page 19Supplementary address 314, page 20Signal code 315, page 20Examples and use of requisitioner, supplementary address, signal

    code, and project code 316, page 20

    ii AR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Section IIIFund Codes, page 20General 317, page 20Nonreimbursable fund codes 318, page 20Items issued free 319, page 20International Logistics Program (ILP) fund codes 320, page 20Fund codes for procurement 321, page 20Interservice use of fund codes 322, page 20Returns 323, page 20

    Section IVSpecial Requisitioning Instructions, page 20General 324, page 20Responsibility of wholesale supplier 325, page 21Contractor warranty support 326, page 21Commercial part number repair parts 327, page 21Requester or using activities 328, page 21Supply support activities (SSAs) 329, page 22Guidelines for determining sources of supply 330, page 22Local purchase items 331, page 23The Defense Automatic Addressing System(DAAS) 332,

    page 23National Inventory Control Points (NICPs)and Service Item

    Control Centers (SICCs) 333, page 23Security classification 334, page 23Preparation for oversea movement (POM)requisitions 335,

    page 24Project requisitions 336, page 24Requisitions for modification work order(MWO) and modification

    kits 337, page 24Tool and shop sets, kits, and components 338, page 24Programmed overhaul requisitions 339, page 24Requisitions for unauthorized items, items in excess of authorized

    allowances, and expendable and nonstandard items 340,page 24

    Class V items 341, page 24Support of nonappropriated fund activities(NAF) 342, page 24Requisitions for providing new equipment 343, page 24Requisitions for major, controlled, and regulated items 344,

    page 24Requisitions for nonconsumable item materiel support code

    (NIMSC) 5 Items 345, page 25Requisitions for printing equipment 346, page 25Requisitions for wood products 347, page 25Not mission capable supply (NMCS) and anticipated not mission

    capable supply (ANMCS) requisitions 348, page 25Expedited transportation in requisitioning 777 designator 348.

    1, page 25Requisitioning DOD excess personal property from disposal

    349, page 25Requisitioning conventional small arms from disposal 350,

    page 26Source of supply for Armed Forces Radio and Television Service

    supplies (AFRTS) 351, page 26Sources of supply for air and rail transportationtype supplies

    352, page 26Preparation of Preposition War Reserve Materiel Stock (PWRMS)

    requisitions 353, page 26Preparation of requisitions by units subject to deployment 354,

    page 27Preparation of Governmentfurnished materiel (GFM) requisitions

    355, page 27Submitting Aviation Intensive Management Item (AIMI)

    requisitions 356, page 27Preparation of requisitions for Issue of Serviceowned, single

    manager for conventional ammunition(SMCA) managed itemsbelow established stock reservation levels 357, page 27

    Simulated exercise requisitions 358, page 27

    Special GSA procedures on nonavailable items 359, page 27Total package fielding (TPF) requisitions 360, page 27Preparation of subsistence requisitions 361, page 27

    Section VMethods of Submission, page 27General 362, page 27Media and transmission of requisitions 363, page 27

    Section VIStatus, page 28General 364, page 28Exception status 365, page 28One hundred percent supply status 366, page 28Rejection status 367, page 28Supply source, direct delivery notice 368, page 28Shipment status 369, page 28Media and transmission of status 370, page 28Use of supply status 371, page 28

    Section VIIFollowups on Requisitions, page 28General (Rescinded) 372, page 28Request for supply assistance 373, page 29Followup instructions 374, page 29Shipment tracing 375, page 29Media and transmission of follow-up 376, page 30Preparation of follow-up documents 377, page 30Processing follow-up replies 378, page 30

    Section VIIICancellation of Requisitions, page 30General 379, page 30Requests for cancellation 380, page 30Receipt of notice of delayed items 381, page 31Preparation of cancellation documents 382, page 31Processing replies to cancellation requests 383, page 31

    Section IXValidation of RequisitionsMateriel Obligation Validation (MOV)

    Procedure, page 31General 384, page 31Special validations 385, page 31Validation requests to GSA 386, page 31Scheduled back order validation request action 387, page 31MOV reconciliation and validation 388, page 32Responses to MOV requests 389, page 32DAAS response to MOV requests 389.1, page 32The MOV reinstatement request 390, page 32

    Section XReturning Materiel, page 33Materiel returns program (MRP) 391, page 33Return of materiel to the supply distribution system 392,

    page 33Turnin or shipments to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing

    Office (DRMO) 393, page 33

    Chapter 4The Supplier, page 37

    Section IProcessing RequisitionsSource of Supply, page 37Types of supply documents 41, page 37Processing supply documents 42, page 37Supply source processing of RDP requisitions (conventional

    ammunition only) 43, page 38Processing requisition modifier documents 44, page 38Routing edit 45, page 39

    iiiAR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Justification or authorization edit 46, page 39Accuracy edit 47, page 39Availability edit 48, page 39Type and distribution of output from editing 49, page 40

    Section IISpecial Processing Instructions, page 42Preparation for oversea movement (POM)requisitions 410,

    page 42Contingency plans 411, page 42Loans, unauthorized items, nonstandard items, and temporary

    issues 412, page 42Materiel with missing parts and/or components 413, page 42Provisioning 414, page 42Modification work order (MWO) requisitions 415, page 42Supply source processing of requisitions with advice code 2D, 27,

    or 29 416, page 42Processing part number requisitions 416.1, page 42Processing of PWRMS requisitions 417, page 42Processing of Governmentfurnished materiel (GFM) requisitions

    418, page 43Total package fielding (TPF) requisitions 419, page 43Nonconsumable item materiel support code(NIMSC) 5 Requisitions

    420, page 43Processing requisitions for nonconsumable items from a

    nonregistered user 420.1, page 43Processing requisitions for aviation intensive management items

    (AIMI) 421, page 43Supply source processing of subsistence requisitions 422,

    page 43Tool and shop sets, kits, and components 423, page 43Scheduled materiel obligation validation(MOV) requests for U.S.

    Forces requisitions 424, page 44Scheduled MOV requests for International Logistics Program

    requisitions 425, page 45Processing acknowledgment of cycle validation request 426,

    page 45DAA acknowledgment of MOV requests 426.1, page 45Followup on unacknowledged cyclic validation requests 427,

    page 45Processing validation response documents 428, page 45Supply source cancellation of back orders 429, page 45Processing requests for MOV reinstatements 430, page 46Special MOV validation requests 431, page 46Mandatory validation 432, page 46Report of validation of materiel obligations 433, page 46Receipts 434, page 46Rejecting requisitions back to customer for lack of information

    435, page 46Demand data from DEPRA 436, page 46

    Section IIIStorage and Shipping Activity Processing, page 46Documentation 437, page 46Planning the shipment 438, page 47Selection of stock 439, page 47Materiel release confirmation 440, page 47Storage activity denial or rejection of materiel releases 441,

    page 48Replies to materiel release order follow-ups 442, page 48Preparation of shipment status 443, page 48Preparing and distributing DD Form 13481, DD Form 13481

    Automated, and the Automated Packing List (APL) 444,page 48

    Preparation of transportation documents 445, page 49Shipment markings 446, page 49

    Storage activity processing of single line cancellation/diversionrequests 447, page 49

    Section IVIssue History Files, page 50Document control file (DCF) 448, page 50Materiel release order history and status file 449, page 50

    Section VSupply Status, page 50General 450, page 50Exception status 451, page 50One hundred percent supply status 452, page 50Rejection status 453, page 50Direct delivery notice 454, page 50Shipment status 455, page 51Acknowledgement status 456, page 51Consolidated shipment status (DIC BBC) 457, page 51Materiel release order follow-ups 458, page 51Media and status (M&S) code 459, page 51Instructions for furnishing status 460, page 51Time standards for distribution of status and reply to follow-up

    461, page 52Status codes 462, page 53

    Section VIFollowup and Cancellation Processing, page 53Followup processing 463, page 53Shipment tracing 464, page 54Processing single line item cancellation requests 465, page 54Supply source processing of single line cancellation requests

    466, page 54Supply source submission of single line cancellation or diversion

    requests, DIC ACP, to procurement 467, page 55Procurement activity processing of single line cancellation and

    diversion requests 468, page 56Supply source submission of single line cancellation or diversion

    requests to storage activities 469, page 56Direct vendor delivery on MILSTRIP requisitions. 470,

    page 56Cancellation of requisitions upon deletion of DODAAC 471,

    page 56Mass or universal cancellation of requisitions 472, page 56Processing mass or universal cancellation requests 473, page 58Disposition of suspended shipments of materiel 474, page 58Cancellation credit allowances 475, page 59

    Section VIIProcurement Request Instructions, page 59Requests for depot replenishment procurement 476, page 59Request for direct deliveries from vendors 477, page 59Request for procurement of shelf life Items 478, page 59Prepositioned materiel receipts 479, page 60

    Section VIIISpecial Supplier Instructions, page 60Reconsignments 480, page 60Suspended cargo 481, page 60Shipment of creditable or noncreditable returns and transfers

    482, page 60Return of discrepant FMS materiel 483, page 60Storage activity (SA) response decision tables 484, page 60

    Chapter 5Receipt, Adjustment, and Accounting Procedures, page 69

    Section IGeneral Instructions, page 69Objective 51, page 69

    iv AR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Applicability of MILSTRAP procedures 52, page 69Communications 53, page 69

    Section IIInventory Accounting, page 70General 54, page 70Inventory segmentation codes 55, page 70Ownership and purpose codes 56, page 70Changes between ownership and purpose codes 57, page 70Ownership and purpose code gains and losses 58, page 70Condition codes 59, page 70Location codes 510, page 71Inventory transaction Coding 511, page 71Ancillary codes 512, page 71

    Section IIIProcessing Receipt and DueIn Transactions, page 71General 513, page 71Materiel receipt processing time standards 514, page 71Control of receipts 515, page 72Document Identification, formats, and codes 516, page 72Transmittal of documentation 517, page 72Consignment documentation 518, page 72Categories of materiel receipts 519, page 72Establishing receipt duein records 520, page 73Prepositioned materiel receipts 521, page 73Materiel receipts 522, page 73Materiel receipt follow-ups 523, page 74Reply to materiel receipt follow-ups 524, page 74Receipt transaction reject 525, page 74Materiel receipt acknowledgement document(MRAD) (DIC D6S)

    526, page 74Special instructions 527, page 74Product quality deficiency report (QDR) 528, page 75Submitting reports of discrepant/deficient receipts 529, page 76General provisions for processing discrepant/deficient materiel

    receipts to the ICP 530, page 76Receipt reporting for discrepant shipments from procurement

    Instrument sources 531, page 77Receipt reporting for discrepant shipments from other than

    procurement Instrument sources 532, page 78Resolution of reported receipt discrepancies 533, page 79Loan transactions 534, page 79

    Section IVIssue, Back Order, Demand Data, and SMCA Freeze Unfreeze

    Transactions, page 79General 535, page 79Document formats 536, page 79Issue transactions 537, page 79Issue transactions, single manager for conventional ammunition

    538, page 79Single managed conventional ammunition(SMCA) freeze/unfreeze

    actions 539, page 79Demand transactions 540, page 80Back order transactions 541, page 80

    Section VMateriel Adjustment Transactions, page 80General 542, page 80Materiel adjustment 543, page 80Changes In condition of materiel 544, page 80Condition changes for items under repair 545, page 81Condition changes for items being turned in to property disposal

    activities 546, page 81Reidentification of stock, stock number changes, and unit of issue

    changes 547, page 82Purpose transfers 548, page 82

    Physical inventory adjustment processing 549, page 82Processing quantitative accounting error adjustments 550,

    page 82Offsetting adjustments 551, page 83Processing project or distribution code changes 552, page 83Materiel consumed during sampling tests 553, page 83Adjustment transaction reject 554, page 83Other inventory losses 555, page 83Miscellaneous adjustment actions 556, page 83Accountability for materiel being cannibalized 557, page 83

    Section VIProcessing Financial Adjustment Transactions, page 84General 558, page 84Documentation 559, page 84Processing financial adjustments 560, page 84

    Section VIILogistical Reassignments, page 84General 561, page 84Periods of LR 562, page 84Transfer of data 563, page 84Documentation 564, page 85Policy on LRs 564.1, page 85LR requirements 565, page 85PreETD actions 566, page 85ETD actions 567, page 86GIM postETD actions 568, page 87LIM postETD actions 569, page 87Receipt processing after ETD 570, page 87Discrepant receipts 571, page 88Followup for asset data 572, page 88Reply to follow-up for asset data 573, page 88Followup for duein data 574, page 88Reply to follow-up for duein data 575, page 88Service/Agency duein reconciliation 576, page 89

    Section VIIIPhysical Inventory Transactions, page 89General 577, page 89Special Inventories 578, page 89Requesting and reporting recounts 579, page 90Adjustments 580, page 90Location record audit 581, page 90Storage Item data changes 582, page 90

    Section IXStock Status Reporting, page 90General 583, page 90Transaction detail status reporting 584, page 90Asset balance status reporting 585, page 91

    Section XTransfer of Reparable Items From Storage to Maintenance

    Activities for Repair and Return, page 91General 586, page 91Transfers from storage to maintenance activity 587, page 91Transfers from maintenance to storage activity 588, page 91Serial numbers 589, page 91Adjustment of accountable and inventory control records 590,

    page 91Transfer of reparable Items to other repair activities 591,

    page 91

    Section XIProcessing Shipments to and From a Contractor Repair Facility,

    page 91General 592, page 91Accountability 593, page 91

    vAR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Shipments from a storage activity 594, page 91Shipments from a user installation 595, page 92Direct delivery to user from contractor repair facility 596,

    page 92

    Section XIIAssembly and Disassembly Operations, page 92General 597, page 92Document Identification, formats, and codes 598, page 92Accountability for assembly components and assemblages 599,

    page 92Assembly, disassembly, or component change schedules 5100,

    page 93Release of assembly or component change orders 5101,

    page 93Entries for assembly, disassembly, or component change order

    document 5102, page 93Assembly order control numbers (AOCN) 5103, page 94Identifying assemblages by AOCN In storage 5104, page 94Initial input and output documentation 5105, page 94Document content of assembly, disassembly, or component change

    orders 5106, page 95Transmission of orders 5107, page 95Preliminary control of orders by assembly depot 5108, page 95Processing assembly, disassembly, or component change order

    documents by assembly depots 5109, page 95Exchange of components 5110, page 95Identifying shortage reports from assembly or disassembly

    operations 5111, page 96Deteriorating component Items 5112, page 96Canceling orders 5113, page 96Selected Item Management SystemExpanded (SIMSX) 5114,

    page 96

    Chapter 6Logistic Support Activity/ Logistic Intelligence File (LIF)/

    Central Demand Data Base (CDDB), page 97

    Section IGeneral, page 97Factors affecting logistics operations 61, page 97Purpose of LIF 62, page 98Central Demand Data Base (CDDB) 63, page 98Purpose of CDDB 64, page 98Documentation 65, page 98Responsibilities 66, page 98

    Section IISupply and Transportation Action Status, page 99Scope 67, page 99Requisition status 68, page 99Customer Inquiry system 69, page 99Movement status Information 610, page 99Preparation and transmission of shipment and lift LOGSA

    Information 611, page 99

    Section IIISpecial Capabilities, page 99Reconstitution of requisitions for materiel lost or damaged 612,

    page 99Diversions 613, page 100Frustrated cargo 614, page 100Tracers 615, page 100Control cases 616, page 100Special analysis 617, page 100

    Chapter 7Materiel Returns Program (MRP), page 100

    Section IGeneral, page 100General 71, page 100Use of excess materiel 72, page 100Reporting criteria 73, page 100AIMI Items 74, page 101Reporting of noncataloged and nonstandard commercial items

    75, page 101Reporting of excess automatic data processing equipment (ADPE)

    76, page 102Reporting of partnumbered items to DAAS (DIC FTG) 77,

    page 102Exception data 78, page 102Materiel return credit 79, page 102Shipment of excess materiel 710, page 102Transfer of property to DRMO 711, page 102

    Section IIPreparation and Processing of Excess Documents, page 102Preparation of excess reports (DIC FTE/FTF/FTG) 712,

    page 102Processing excess reports (DIC FTR) 713, page 103ATCOM processing of DLA/GSA DIC FTR documents. 714,

    page 104Reply to excess report (DIC FTR) 715, page 104Automatic Return Notification (DIC FTA) 716, page 104Delay Status (DIC FTD) 717, page 105Shipment status (DIC FTM) 718, page 105Materiel returns supply status (DIC FTL) 719, page 105Followup by the reporting or holding activity (DIC FTF) 720,

    page 105Followup for ICP materiel receipt status(DIC FTT) 721,

    page 105Followup for credit (DIC FTP) 722, page 105Followup by the ICP (DIC FT6) 723, page 106Materiel receipt follow-up (ICP to receiving activity) 723.1,

    page 106Cancellation of excess reports (DIC FTC and FTZ) 724,

    page 106Materiel receipt status (DIC FTZ) 725, page 106Defense Integrated Data System (DIDS) and Defense Automatic

    Addressing System (DAAS) source of supply file changes 726, page 107

    Section IIIDefense Automatic Addressing System(DAAS) and Financial

    Processing, page 107Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS) 727, page 107Finances 728, page 107

    Section IVGSA Stocked Items, page 107Criteria for reporting 729, page 107Allowable credit 730, page 108Serviceable materiel 731, page 108Unserviceable or incomplete materiel 732, page 108Offers of materiel to GSA 733, page 108Notice to reporting activity 734, page 108

    Section VReporting and Return of Excess Materiel to the DLA Distribution

    System, page 108Reporting criteria 735, page 108Shipment 736, page 108Customer reporting of materiel other than new and unused 737,

    page 108

    vi AR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Customer reporting of shelf life items 738, page 108Report of customer excess materiel cancellation 739, page 108Planned returns 740, page 108Alert or emergency requirements 741, page 108Limitations on returns 742, page 108Credit allowance on returns 743, page 108Special Instructions on the return of Defense Personnel Support

    Center (DPSC) clothing and textiles materiel 744, page 109Special instructions on the return of Defense General Supply

    Center (DGSC) materiel, photographic supplies, FSC 6750 745, page 109

    Special instruction on return of DGSC materiel, packagedpetroleum products and chemicals in FSGs 6800 and 9100, andempty compressed gas cylinders in FSC 8120 746, page 109

    Chapter 8Disposal Transactions, page 110

    Section IProcessing Materiel to Disposal, page 110Responsibilities for disposal 81, page 110Demilitarization 82, page 110Classified materiel 83, page 110Processing materiel to disposal 84, page 110Directing materiel to disposal.(DIC A5J) 85, page 110The disposal release confirmation (DRC)(DIC ARJ, ARK, ARL)

    86, page 111The disposal release follow-up document(DIC AFJ) 87,

    page 111Shipment status (DIC AS3) to the Defense Reutilization and

    Marketing Service (DRMS) 88, page 111Disposal release denials (DRD)(DIC A6J) 89, page 111Disposal release cancellations (DIC ACJ) 810, page 111Disposal release cancellation follow-up document (DIC AKJ)

    811, page 111

    Section IIIntransit Control of Shipments to Disposal Activities, page 111General 812, page 111Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office 813, page 112Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service 814, page 112Disposal shipment/receipt confirmation follow-up (DIC AFX or

    AFZ) procedures are as follows: 815, page 113Quarterly Intransit to DRMO Report (RCS DDP&L(Q) 1787)

    815.1, page 113

    Section IIIDRMS/DRMO Processing of Requisitions For DOD Excess

    Personal Property From Disposal, page 114Army screening for DRMS assets 816, page 114DRMS processing of requisitions received for DOD excess

    personal property 817, page 114DRMO processing of requisitions/materiel release orders received

    for DOD excess personal property 818, page 114

    Chapter 9DOD Activity Address Directory (DODAAD) and DOD

    Activity Address Code to Unit Identification Code(DODAAC/UIC)Procedures, page 116

    Section IGeneral, page 116Scope 91, page 116General 92, page 116Policy 93, page 117

    Section IIResponsibilities, page 118

    Major commands and separate reporting activities 94, page 118Headquarters, Army Materiel Command (AMC) 95, page 118Army Central Service Point (ACSP) 96, page 118Army Network Station (ANS) 97, page 118Defense Automatic Addressing System Office(DAASO) 98,

    page 119Logistics Programs Support Activity (LPSA) 99, page 119U.S. Army Command, Control, and Support Agency (USACCSA)

    910, page 119DODAAC coordinator 911, page 119

    Section IIIDODAAC Additions, Changes, and Deletions, page 119Assignment of DODAACs for Army units/activities 912,

    page 119DODAAC changes and deletions 913, page 120

    Section IVSpecial Procedures, page 120DODAACs for foreign governments and foreign commercial

    activities 914, page 120Contractor DODAACs 915, page 120Mobilization DODAAC procedures 916, page 120COHORT DODAAC/UIC transaction processing 917, page 121DODAACs for deployment exercises (DEPEX) 918, page 121DODAAC transactions for deployment 919, page 121DSS/ALOC coding 920, page 121Military Assistance Program Address Directory (MAPAD)/Military

    Assistance Program Address Code (MAPAC) 921, page 121

    Section VArmy Network Stations (ANSs), page 121Designated ANSs 922, page 121

    Chapter 10Installation Closure Procedures, page 125General 101, page 125Exclusions 102, page 125Installation closing procedures 103, page 125ICP/IMM procedures 104, page 126

    Chapter 11Security Assistance Instructions, page 126

    Section IGeneral, page 126Security assistance requisitions 111, page 126Billing 112, page 126Redistributable MAP property 113, page 126Shipment of classified and sensitive materiel 114, page 126Special markings for security assistance shipments 115,

    page 126Concurrent (initial) spare parts 116, page 126Delivery notification of electronic equipment 117, page 126CONUS Army supply source processing of security assistance

    requirements 118, page 126

    Section IIU.S. Army Security Affairs Command(USASAC), page 126General responsibilities of USASAC 119, page 126Required availability date (RAD) 1110, page 127Supply or shipment status procedures 1111, page 127Status upon requisition Initiation or submission 1112, page 127Cancellation and rejection status 1113, page 127Followup and status responses 1114, page 127Modification of country FMS offer/release option code or freight

    forwarder code 1115, page 128Basic Issue Item (BII) shortages 1116, page 128Tool and shop sets and kits shortages 1117, page 128

    viiAR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Diversion of security assistance shipments 1118, page 128Movement control responsibilities 1119, page 128Transportation documents 1120, page 128

    Section IIIValidation of Materiel Obligations, page 128General 1121, page 128Materiel obligations 1122, page 129Validation schedule 1123, page 129Supply source materiel obligation validation (MOV) requests

    1124, page 129Acknowledgement of validation requests 1125, page 129Materiel obligation validation by USASAC 1126, page 129MAAG and mission acknowledgement of the validation request

    1127, page 129MAAG or mission requirements validation 1128, page 129USASAC response to supply source MOV requests 1129,

    page 129USASAC cancellation of materiel obligations 1130, page 129

    Section IVGrant Aid, page 130Special MAP Grant Aid procedures 1131, page 130Military Assistance Program (MAP) Grant Aid documents using

    DD Form 13481 1132, page 130Military Assistance Program (MAP) Grant Aid documents using

    DD Form 13481Automated 1133, page 130

    Section VForeign Military Sales (FMS), page 130FMS requisitions 1134, page 130Cooperative logistics supply support arrangement (CLSSA)

    agreements 1135, page 130Offer and release procedures 1136, page 131Country FMS offer or release option codes 1137, page 131Shipment release criteria 1138, page 131Release of FMS shipments 1139, page 132Notice of availability (NOA) 1140, page 132Consolidation and marking of FMS and MAP Grant Aid shipments

    1141, page 133Designation of shipment addresses for FMS 1142, page 133FMS shipment of classified items 1143, page 134FMS shipments of hazardous, sensitive, perishable, and overweight

    cargo 1144, page 134FMS documents using DD Form 13481 and DD Form

    13481Automated (IRRD) 1145, page 134FMS documents using the DD Form 13481Automated (IRRD)

    1146, page 134Return of discrepant FMS materiel using DD Form 13481

    1147, page 134Return of discrepant FMS materiel using DD Form

    13481Automated (IRRD) 1148, page 134

    Section VIIL Requisition Cancellation and Suspension Procedures, page 135Requisition cancellations 1149, page 135Mass and universal cancellations 1150, page 135Suspensions of International Logistics Program (ILP) Shipments

    1151, page 135

    Section VIIMilitary Assistance Program Address Directory (DOD 4000.

    258M (MAPAD)), page 135General 1152, page 135Use of the MAPAD 1153, page 135MAPAD additions, deletions, and changes 1154, page 135Format, distribution, and use of security assistance address file

    1155, page 136

    Maintenance of the security assistance address file 1156,page 136

    Security assistance address file distribution list 1157, page 136

    Chapter 12Prepositioned Requisitions In Support of Operations

    Plans and Mobilization Station/Training Base InstallationRequirements, page 139

    Section IGeneral, page 139General 121, page 139

    Section IIPrepositioned Requisitions for Operations Plans (OPLANS),

    page 139Policy 122, page 139Responsibilities for management of prepositioned requisitions

    123, page 140Prepositioned requisition preparation 124, page 140Army NICP/SICC validation and maintenance of prepositioned

    requisitions 125, page 140Logistical transfer of prepositioned requisitions 126, page 140Army NICP/SICC release processing of prepositioned requisitions

    127, page 141Prepositioned requisition procedures for ammunition basic load

    (AOL) 128, page 141DIC BE9 procedures. 129, page 141

    Section IIIPrepositioned Requisitions for Mobilization Station/ Training Base

    Installation Requirements, page 141General 1210, page 141Policy 1211, page 141Responsibilities 1212, page 141Prepositioned requisition requirements 1213, page 142Prepositioned requisition preparation and submission instructions

    1214, page 142SIMA prepositioned requisition processing 1215, page 142Army NICP/SICC prepositioned requisition maintenance and

    validation 1216, page 142Army NICP/SICC release of prepositioned requisitions 1217,

    page 142MOB station/training base Installation establishment of

    prepositioned requisition duein 1218, page 142

    Chapter 13Supply and Transportation Evaluation, page 143

    Section IGeneral, page 143Concept 131, page 143MILSTEP procedures 132, page 143Source documents 133, page 143Intransit data collection system 134, page 143Responsibilities for MILSTEP 135, page 143Data quality control 136, page 145Frequency of reports preparation 137, page 145

    Section IIDocumentation and Reporting Instructions Military Supply and

    Transportation Evaluation Procedures (MILSTEP), page 145Required reports 138, page 145Schedule of MILSTEP report and submission 139, page 145Pipeline performance analysis reports, formats 1A and 1B 1310,

    page 145Format 1ARequisition submission and ICP and depot processing

    time by percent of lines shipped 1311, page 146

    viii AR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Format 1B (CONUS)Transportation and total pipeline time bypercent of line items delivered 1312, page 146

    Format 1B(overseas)Transportation and total pipeline time bypercent of line Items delivered 1313, page 146

    Supply availability and workload analysis reportformat 2 1314,page 146

    Response rate analysis reports, formats 3 and 3A 1315,page 147

    Format 4Point to point carrier/mode analysis report 1316,page 147

    WIMM Item report 1317, page 147MAC analysis report 1318, page 148MILSTEPID error report 1319, page 148

    Chapter 14Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS), page 186

    Section IGeneral, page 186General 141, page 186Concept 142, page 186Policy on DAAS use 143, page 186

    Section IIResponsibilities, page 187Defense Communications Agency 144, page 187Defense Logistics Agency 145, page 187Defense Automatic Addressing System Center(DAASC) 146,

    page 187Headquarters, Department of the Army 147, page 187CG, U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC) 148, page 187Commanders of Army activities 149, page 187

    Section IIISubscriber Procedures, page 187General 1410, page 187Batching documents 1411, page 187Preparing messages 1412, page 187Rejected documents 1413, page 188Tracing messages 1414, page 188

    Section IVDAAS Procedures, page 189Actions prior to processing 1415, page 189Processing of documents 1416, page 189DAAS response to MOV requests 14161, page 191DAAS processing of requisitions for DOD excess personal

    property from disposal 1417, page 191DAAS processing of GFM transactions 1418, page 191NSN validation and source edit of excess reject (DIC FTR)

    documents 1419, page 191Conversion of PN requisitions to NSN requisitions 1420,

    page 192DAAS processing of logistics asset support estimate (LASE)

    transactions (DIC DTA and DTD) 1421, page 192

    Section VOther Services, page 192General 1422, page 192MILSTRIP routing identifier code (RIC)File 1423, page 193MILSTRIP shipment status correlation file 1424, page 193Processing of MRAs by DAAS 1425, page 193Military Assistance Program Addresses File (MAPAF) 1426,

    page 193Item source of supply interrogations 1427, page 193Activity address interrogations 1428, page 193

    Processing of mass and universal cancellation documents 1429,page 193

    Chapter 15Logistics Asset Support Estimate, page 196

    Section IGeneral, page 196General 151, page 196Objectives of the program 152, page 196

    Section IISubmitting ASRs, page 197Logistics data 153, page 197Sending ASRs 154, page 197Identification of replies 155, page 197ASR follow-up 156, page 197DAAS processing 157, page 197ASR that cannot be processed 158, page 197

    Section IIIReplying to ASRs, page 197Time frame and contents of ASR replies 159, page 197Receipt and transmission of ASRs 1510, page 197Records of ASRs and replies 1511, page 197Return of ASRs 1512, page 198AMC MRCs processing of DIC DTD follow-ups 1513,

    page 198

    Chapter 16Control of Access to DOD Materiel Inventories Required by

    Defense Contracts, page 199General 161, page 199Applicability 162, page 199Policy 163, page 199Establishment of a management control activity (MCA) 164,

    page 199Preparation of GFM requisitions and related transactions 165,

    page 200Submission of GFM requisitions and related transactions 166,

    page 200MCA processing of GFM requisitions and related transactions

    167, page 200Supply source processing of GFM requisitions and related

    transactions 168, page 201DAAS processing of Army GFM transactions 169, page 202MCA files and reports 1610, page 202


    A. References, page 205

    B. Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System Forms, page 208

    C. Codes, page 238

    D. Supply Correspondence Formats, page 321

    E. MILSTRIP and MILSTRAP Document Entries, page 333

    F. Use of Decision Tables, page 526

    G. Form/Code/Transaction Cross Reference, page 527

    Table List

    Table 25: PDs for Use Under Special Circumstances, page 10Table 26: Determination of SDD for each PD, page 11Table 28: Communication of Precedence Assignments for All

    Issue Documents Citing PDs, page 13

    ixAR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Table 21: Maximum Oversee Order and Shipping TimeAllowances for Troop Support and ILP Requisitions (note 1),page 14

    Table 22: Maximum Order and Shipping Time DomesticRequisitions (including Canada) and Oversea Intratheater Fill(note 1), page 15

    Table 23: Priority Designator Table (Relating UNDs to FADs),page 15

    Table 24: Urgency of Need Designators (UNDs), page 16Table 27: DSS/ALOC Order Ship Time Objectives, page 16Table 32: Identification Codes/Reference Data for Partnumbered

    Request Items, page 21Table 31: DD Form 1348M Requisition Data Block Entries,

    page 33Table 41: Requisition and Related Transaction Validity Edit

    Table, page 61Table 42: MOV Cyclic Schedule U.S.ForcesInternational

    Logistics, page 62Table 43: Report of Validation of Materiel Obligations, page 63Table 44: Storage Activity Distribution of DD Form 13481 for

    Materiel Release Orders, page 63Table 45: Storage Activity Distribution of DD Form

    13451Automated (IRRD) and Automated Packing List (APL)for Materiel Release Orders, page 64

    Table 46: Storage Activity Distribution of DD Form 13481 orDD Form 13481 Automated for Loans to United Kingdom,Canada, and Australia, page 64

    Table 47: Document Control File (DCF) Data, page 64Table 48: Materiel Release Order History and Status File Data,

    page 65Table 49: Supply and Shipment Status Distribution, page 65Table 410: Mass Cancellation Focal Points, page 66Table 411: Storage Activity Response to Supply Source Materiel

    Release Order (DIC A5), page 67Table 412: Storage Activity Response to Supply Source Follow-

    up (DIC AF6 and AFJ), page 67Table 413: Storage Activity Response to Supply Source Request

    for Cancellation (DIC AC6) and Followup on Request forCancellation (DIC AK6), page 68

    Table 414: Storage Activity Response to Supply SourceDocument Modifier (DIC AM_), page 68

    Table 51: Time Frames for Processing Receipts from TailgateOffloading, page 72

    Table 52: Quality Deficiency Report Control Points, page 76Table 53: Alpha Characters In RP 54 for Assembly/Disassembly/

    Change Order Document Counts, page 94Table 54: Receipt Reporting from Assembly/Disassembly/

    Component Changes, page 95Table 81: DRMS Suspense File, page 114Table 82: DRMS Actions Resulting from IDMS Receipt from

    DRMO, page 115Table 83: Distribution of DD Form 13481 or DD Form

    13481Automated (IRRD) for Shipments to DRMOs, page 115Table 91: Display of Address for Requesting DODAAC

    Assignment, page 119Table 114: Country FMS Offer or Release Option Code,

    page 131Table 115: Distribution of DD Form 13485 (NOA), page 132Table 111: Security Assistance Requisitions, page 137Table 112: Distribution of DD Form 13481 for MAP Grant Aid

    Shipments, page 138Table 113: Distribution of DD Form 13481Automated (IRRD)

    and Automated Packing List (APL) for MAP/Grant AidShipments, page 139

    Table 116: Distribution of DD Form 13481 for FMS Shipments,page 139

    Table 117: Distribution of DD Form 13481Automated (IRRD)and Automated Packing List (APL) for FMS Shipments,page 139

    Table 121: Annual Submission Timeframes for MOB Station/Training Base Installation PrePositioned Requisitions, page 143

    Table 131: Schedule of Reports (Prepared by CPPs), page 148Table 132: Pipeline Performance Analysis, Format 1A, page 149Table 133: Format 1BCONUS Pipeline Performance Analysis,

    page 150Table 134: Pipeline Performance Analysis, Format 1BCONUS

    Hold Code D HIPRI Diverted Shipments Supplemental,page 151

    Table 135: Format 1BNarrative Reports for High PriorityShipments Successfully Challenged By Shipper, page 151

    Table 136: Pipeline Performance Report, Format 1B(Overseas),page 151

    Table 137: Format 2Narrative Supply Availability and WorkloadAnalysis Reports for WIMM Items, page 153

    Table 138: Supply Availability and Workload Analysis, Format 2,page 154

    Table 139: Major Budget Segment Codes*, page 155Table 143: Format for ATCOM (RIC A35) Submission of SOS

    Changes to DAAS for Selected GSA/DLA Items, page 190Table 141: General Routing and Passing Rules, page 194Table 142: DD Form 1392 (Data Messageform) Entries, page 195Table 144: DAAS Tape and Document Formats for Item SOS

    Interrogations, page 195Table 151: Activities Authorized to Submit Asset Support

    Requests, page 198Table 152: Request Codes (Asset Support Requests), page 199Table 161: Management Control Activity (MCA)Validation

    Process of GFM Transactions, page 202Table 162: Preparation of Government Furnished Materiel (GFM)

    Status Report RCS DDM(SA) 1575, DD Form 2543(fig. 161),page 203

    Table B11: AMC AODs Use of Colored DD Form 13481A,page 210

    Table B1: DD Form 13481 for Issues from Supply SystemsStock/Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office(DRMO)/Requisitions for Local Issue from DRMO, page 211

    Table B2: DD Form 13481 for Returns to Stock and Transfers(Excluding Transfers to Disposal), page 212

    Table B3: DD Form 13481 for Transfers to DefenseRoutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO), page 213

    Table B4: DD Form 13461 for Return of Discrepant FMSMateriel, page 215

    Table B5: DD Form 13481 Automated for Issues from SupplySystems Stocks/Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office(DRMO)/Requisitions for Local Issue from DRMO, page 216

    Table B6: DD Form 13481Automated for Returns to Stock andTransfers (Excluding Transfers to Disposal), page 218

    Table B7: DD Form 13481 Automated for Transfers to DefenseReutilization and Marketing Office (DRMOs), page 218

    Table B8: DD Form 1348l Automated for Return of DiscrepantFMS Materiel, page 220

    Table B9: DD Form 13484 Automated Data Elements,Configuration, and Locations, page 221

    Table B10: Automated Packing List (APL), page 222Table B12: DD Form 13486 Requisition(ManualLong Form),

    page 223Table C1: Code Blocks Reserved In MILS Systems for

    Mobilization Exercise Purposes, page 239Table C6: MSeries DICs Associated with MAPAD, page 240Table C7: TSeries DICs Associated with DODAAD, page 240Table C8: TSeries DIC Associated with MILSTAMP, page 240Table C13: M&S Code Conversion, page 241Table C16: FEDSTRIP Civil Agency Codes, page 242Table C18: Assignment of Suffix Codes by Blocks, page 244

    x AR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Table C22: Coordinators for Service/Agency Assignment ofDistribution Codes, page 245

    Table C331: Competitive Characteristics Code, page 248Table C34: CLPS Codes Entered by USASAG, page 249Table C341: Date Packed/Expiration Date Indicator Code,

    page 249Table C35: Disposal Authority Code (CC64), page 250Table C37: Error Classification Codes (First Position), page 250Table C50: IRIS Type of Requirement Codes, page 251Table C58: MILSTAMP Mode/Method of Shipment Codes,

    page 252Table C61: Precious Metals Indicator Codes, page 253Table C611: Review Period Indicator Codes, page 254Table C62: Shelf Life Codes, page 254Table C63: Application of Condition Code Changes to Shelf Life

    Items, page 254Table C64: Application of Condition Codes to PotencyDated

    Medical Materiel, page 254Table C65: Shipment Hold Codes, page 254Table C66: Subsistence Type of Pack Codes, page 255Table C67: Reject Advice Codes (MILSTRAP), page 255Table C672: Type of Contractor Codes, page 255Table C673: Type DueIn Indicator, page 256Table C674: Type Inspection Codes, page 256Table C68: Type of Media Codes Entered In RP 60 of DIC DZJ

    Transactions, page 256Table C69: Type Of Physical Inventory/Transaction History

    codes, page 256Table C2: Aseries Document Identifier Codes, page 256Table C3: Bseries Document Identifier Codes, page 260Table C4: Dseries Document Identifier Codes, page 267Table C5: FTseries Document Identifier Codes, page 274Table C9: Xseries Document Identifier Codes, page 274Table C10: Media and Status (M&S) Codes, page 284Table C11: Status Codes Stratified by Type of Status, page 285Table C12: Status Codes Stratified by Preferred Media of

    Transmission, page 286Table C14: Document Serial Number (rp 40) Codes, page 286Table C15: Service Codes

    NUMBER OF CHARACTERS: OneTYPE OF CODE: AlphaEXPLANATION: Accommodate service identityRECORD POSITIONS 4,30,31,45,46,67, and/or 74, page 286

    Table C17: Demand Codes, page 287Table C19: A Series Documents Signal Code Assignment,

    page 288Table C20: Materiel Returns Program (DIC FT Series

    Documents) Signal Code Assignment, page 288Table C21: Nonreimbursable Fund Codes, page 288Table C23: Type Requirement Codes (TRC), page 289Table C24: Project Code Announcement Information, page 290Table C25: Service/Agency MILSTRIP Project Code Contact

    Points, page 290Table C26: OSD and JCS Project Codes, page 291Table C27: Interservice and Agency Project Codes, page 291Table C27: Interservice and Agency Project CodesContinued,

    page 292Table C28: Category Assignments of Advice Codes, page 293Table C29: Advice Codes, page 294Table C30: Category Assignments of Status Codes, page 296Table C31: Status Codes, page 296Table C32: Asset Status and Transaction Report Codes, page 302Table C33: ADPE Identification Codes, page 302Table C36: Error Classification Codes (second position),

    page 303Table C38: Supply Condition Codes, page 304Table C39: Disposal Condition Codes, page 305Table C40: FMS Delivery Term Codes, page 305

    Table C41: FMS Offer Release Option Codes, page 306Table C42: ILP Type of Assistance Codes, page 307Table C43: Integrated Retrieval Information System(IRIS)

    Correlation of Materiel Screening Codes and Integrated DisposalManagement System (IDMS) Status Codes, page 307

    Table C44: IRIS IDMS Asset Location Codes, page 308Table C45: IRIS IDMS Interrogation Return Codes, page 308Table C46: IRIS IDMS Status Sequence Codes, page 308Table C47: IRIS Interrogation Output Mode/Media Codes,

    page 309Table C48: IRIS Reimbursement Codes, page 309Table C49: IRIS Special Handling Codes, page 309Table C51: Item Data Correction and Change Codes, page 309Table C52: Management Codes for Issue Related Transactions,

    page 310Table C53: Management Codes for Receipt Related Transactions,

    page 313Table C54: Management Codes for Gain/Loss Related

    Transactions, page 314Table C55: Management Codes for Physical Inventory Request/

    Count Transactions, page 315Table C56: Management Codes for Informative Transactions,

    page 316Table C57: Management Codes for Supply Management

    Document (DIC BKZ), page 316Table C59: Ownership Codes, page 317Table C60: Purpose Codes, page 318Table C671: Transportation Bill Code, page 319Table C70: DOD Activity Address File Edit Error Codes,

    page 320Table E1: DIC AO_, Requisition, page 349Table E2: DIC AO_, PrePositioned Requisition for OPLAN, or

    Mobilization Station/Training Base Installation Requirements,page 351

    Table E3: DIC A02/A0B, Part Number and NonNSN Requisition(Mechanical), page 353

    Table E4: DIC A2_, Redistribution Order, page 353Table E5: DIC A3_, Passing order, page 355Table E6: DIC A4_, Referral Order, page 355Table E7: DIC A5_, Materiel Release Order (MRO)/DIC AF6,

    Follow-up, page 357Table E8: DIC A5J, Disposal Release Order/DIC AFJ, Follow-up/

    DIC ACJ, Cancellation/DIC AKJ, Follow-up on Cancellation/DIC AGJ, Reply to Disposal Release Cancellation, page 358

    Table E9: DIC A6_, Materiel Release Order Denial, page 359Table E10: DIC A6J, Disposal Release Order Denial, page 360Table E11: DIC AB, Direct Delivery Notice, page 360Table E12: DIC AC1 /AC2/AC3, Requisitioner Single Line

    Cancellation, page 360Table E13: DIC AC6/AC7/AG6, Supply Source Cancellation

    (issues From Stock)/Reply to Cancellation Request, page 361Table E14: DIC ACM/ACP, ICP Cancellation (ICP to

    Procurement), page 361Table E15: DIC AD1/AD3/ADR, FMS Notice of Availability

    (NOA) Key Document, page 362Table E16: DIC AD2/AD4, FMS Notice of Availability(NOA)

    Detail Document, page 362Table E17: DIC AD5, FMS Notice of Availability (NOA)Reply,

    page 363Table E18: DIC AE_, Supply Status, page 363Table E19: DIC AF_/AT_, Follow-up (No Supply Status),

    page 364Table E20: DIC AF_/AT_, Follow-up (Supply Status), page 364Table E21: DIC AFT, Request for Shipment Tracing on

    Registered, Insured, and Certified Parcel Post, page 365Table E22: DIC AFX/AFZ, Disposal Shipment Confirmation

    Follow-up (Shipment Status Received), page 365Table E23: DIC AFX/AFZ, Disposal Shipment Confirmation

    Follow-up (No Shipment Status Received), page 365

    xiAR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Table E24: DIC AK1/AK2/AK3, Follow-up on Single LineCancellation Requests, page 366

    Table E25: DIC AK6, Supply Source Follow-up on Single LineCancellation Requests, page 366

    Table E26: DIC AM_, Requisition Modifier, page 367Table E27: DIC AMF/AMP, Document Modifier (ICP to

    Procurement), page 367Table E28: DIC AN_, Materiel Obligation Validation Request,

    page 368Table E29: DIC AN9/ANZ, Materiel Obligation Validation

    Request Control Transaction, page 368Table E30: DIC AP_, Materiel Obligation Validation Response,

    page 369Table E30.1: DIC AP8, DAAS MOV Response, page 369Table E31: DIC AP9/APX, Receipt Confirmation for Back Order

    Validation Request, page 369Table E32: DIC APR, Materiel Obligation Validation(MOV)

    Reinstatement Request, page 369Table E33: DIC AR0, ARA, ARB, Materiel Release Confirmation

    and DIC AU0, AUA, AUB, Reply to CancellationRequestMateriel Release Confirmation, page 370

    Table E34: DIC ARJ, ARK, ARL, Disposal Release Confirmation(DRC)/DIC AEJ, Supply Status, page 371

    Table E35: DIC AS15, or ASY AS8, Shipment Status and DICAU15, AU7, or AU8, Reply to Cancellation RequestShipmentStatus, page 371

    Table E36: DIC ASZ, Disposal Shipment Confirmation, page 372Table E37: DIC AX1, NICP GFM Validation Request, page 373Table E38: DIC AX2, MCA GFM Validation Response,

    page 373Table E39: DIC B05, DIC A05 Image

    DIC B0E, DIC A0E Image, page 374Table E40: DIC B61 & B6A, Duplicate Materiel Release Denial

    (With Stock Number)DIC B62 & B6B, Duplicate Materiel Release Denial (With PartNumber)DIC B64 & B6D, Duplicate Materiel Release Denial (WithOther)DIC B65 & B6E,Duplicate Materiel Release Denial (WithException data)DIC B67, Duplicate Materiel Release Denial (With OverseasDependent School System Requirement), page 374

    Table E41: DIC B6Z, Materiel Receipt Image (Other ThanProcurement Instrument Source), page 375

    Table E42: DIC B8S, Materiel Receipt Acknowledgement of TPFProgram, page 375

    Table E43: DIC B99, Duplicate Materiel Release Order(MRO)Shipment Status, page 376

    Table E44: DIC B9A, Intransit Receipt Confirmation(AMC orDLA Depots)DIC B9B, Intransit Receipt Confirmation (Other Than AMC,DLA, or GSA Depots), page 376

    Table E45: DIC BA1, TASNA Shipment Status, page 376Table E46: DIC BA2, TASNA Shipment Status Follow-up,

    page 377Table E47: DIC BA3, TASNA Receipt, page 377Table E48: DIC BA4, TASNA Receipt Follow-up, page 378Table E49: DIC BA5, TASNA Nonreceipt, page 378Table E50: DIC BAC, DODAAC Inquiry Response, page 379Table E51: DIC BAD, Document Number Inquiry Response,

    page 379Table E52: DIC BAE, Document Number Inquiry Response,

    page 380Table E53: DIC BAF, Document Number Inquiry, page 380Table E54: DIC BAH, Demand Report Transaction, page 380Table E541: DIC BAI, Retrograde Surface Intransit Data,

    page 381

    Table E55: DIC BAK, Document Number Inquiry Response,page 381

    Table E56: DIC BAL, Document Number InquiryResponse(Shipment status), page 381

    Table E57: DIC BAL, Document Number Inquiry Response(Noton LIF), page 382

    Table E58: DIC BAL, Document Number Inquiry Response(OnLIFNo Status), page 382

    Table E59: DIC BAM, Document Number InquiryResponse(MRO Date Only), page 382

    Table E60: DIC BAO, Shipment Status Inquiry to LCA fromSARSS1, page 382

    Table E61: DIC BAP, RICC 02 Requisition Supply Status,page 383

    Table E62: DIC BAQ, RICC 02 Requisition Shipment Status,page 383

    Table E63: DIC BAS, TCN Inquiry Response, page 383Table E64: DIC BAT, TCN Inquiry, page 384Table E65: DIC BAU, Customer Request for DODAAC Pull,

    page 384Table E66: DIC BAX, Objective Supply System (OSS)

    Consolidation, page 384Table E67: DIC BAY, Unit Materiel Fielding Point(UMFP)

    Receipt Document, page 384Table E68: DIC BAZ, Unit Materiel Fielding Point(UMFP)

    Shipment Document, page 385Table E69: DIC BB4, Header for Report of Strategic and Critical

    Materiel, page 385Table E70: DIC BB5, First Input Record for Report of Strategic

    and Critical Materiel, page 386Table E71: DIC BB6, Second Input Record for Report of

    Strategic and Critical Materiel, page 386Table E72: DIC BB9, Mobilization DODAAC/UIC File Data,

    page 387Table E73: DIC BBC, Consolidated Shipment Status, page 387Table E74: DIC BBD, Depot Challenge to Packaging Data,

    page 387Table E75: DIC BBE, Reply to Depot Challenge to Packaging

    Data, page 388Table E751: DIC BBG, Materiel Release Order Receipt

    AcknowledgementTest, page 388Table E76: DIC BBJ, Maintenance Stabilized Rates Program

    Financial Planning Data Format A (Maintenance Rates),page 389

    Table E77: DIC B8J, Maintenance Stabilized Rates ProgramFinancial Planning Data Format B (Maintenance General Data),page 389

    Table E78: DIC BBJ, Maintenance Stabilized Rates ProgramFinancial Planning Data Format C (Maintenance Cost Data),page 389

    Table E79: DIC BBJ, Maintenance Stabilized Rates ProgramFinancial Planning Data Format D (Maintenance DetailManhour Data), page 390

    Table E80: DIC BBJ, Maintenance Stabilized Rates ProgramFinancial Planning Data Format E (Maintenance Narrative),page 390

    Table E81: DIC BBK, Supply Stabilized Rates Program FinancialPlanning Data Format A (Supply Rates), page 390

    Table E82: Supply Stabilized Rates Program Financial PlanningData Format B (Supply Narrative) (DIC BBK), page 390

    Table E83: DIC BBK, Supply Stabilized Rates Program FinancialPlanning Data Format C (Supply Cost Date), page 391

    Table E84: DIC BBK, Supply Stabilized Rates Program FinancialPlanning Data Format D (Supply Detail Manhour Data),page 391

    Table E85: DIC BBT, Preplanned Supply Movement RequirementData (NICP), page 391

    Table E86: DIC BBU, Preplanned Supply Requirements andCapability Data, page 392

    xii AR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Table E87: DIC BBV, Automatic Supply Requirement(TheaterWar Reserve Level), page 393

    Table E88: DIC BBW, Depot Supply Requirement Data,page 393

    Table E89: DIC BBX, Interchange Requirement Data, End Itemor Article, page 393

    Table E90: DIC BBY, Secondary Item Interchange Data,page 394

    Table E91: DIC BCA, Procurement Price Variance List,page 394

    Table E92: DIC BDA, Serial Number Control Transaction forDetector Chemical Cell, page 394

    Table E93: DIC BDB, Serial Number Tracking of ControlledCryptographic Items, page 395

    Table E94: DIC BDD, Shipment Detail Lift Notice, page 396Table E95: DIC BDE, CCISP Multifield Correction Format,

    page 396Table E96: DIC BDF, CCISP Reconciliation or Cyclic Reject

    Transaction Format, page 396Table E97: DIC BE3, CA Supply Status, page 397Table E98: DIC BE9, Image of an Activated PrePositioned

    Requisition, page 397Table E99: DIC BEA, Ammunition Shipment Carrier Code,

    page 397Table E100: DIC BEE, Retrograde Processing Point(RPP) TCN

    Cross Reference Notice, page 398Table E101: DIC BEF, Retrograde Break Bulk Point(RBBP)

    Receipt/Shipment Notice, page 398Table E102: DIC BEH, Ammunition Shipment TCN, page 398Table E102.1: DIC BEI, Retrograde Depot Receipt, page 399Table E103: DIC BEK, MRC Part Number Status, page 399Table E104: DIC BEN, SAILS Reconciliation DODAAC

    Transaction, page 399Table E105: DIC: BEP, InTheater Repair/Stock, page 399Table E106: DIC BEQ, Response to SARSS1 Shipment Status

    Inquiry from LIF to SARSS2B, page 400Table E107: DIC BER, ERF Demand Data, page 400Table E108: DIC BES, USASAC Air Lift Header/Trailer,

    page 401Table E109: DIC BET, Part Number Demand, page 401Table E110: DIC BEV, Ammunition Shipment Lift Data,

    page 401Table E111: DIC BEW, SAILS ABX Reconciliation Control

    Transaction, page 402Table E112: DIC BEX, Consolidation Notification Status

    Correction Transaction, page 402Table E113: DIC BF1, MACOM Wartime Consumption,

    page 402Table E114: DIC BF2, MACOM IntraTheater Loss, page 403Table E115: DIC BF3, MACOM Gains From Repair, page 403Table E116: DIC BF4, MACOM Authorized and Financed

    Quantities, page 403Table E117: DIC BF5, MACOM Demand Not Retail Quantities,

    page 403Table E118: DIC BF6, MACOM End Item Data, page 404Table E118.1: DIC BF7, Approved Input Record for War

    Reserve, page 404Table E119: DIC BFA, ABF Assets and Requirements

    Transaction, page 404Table E120: DIC BFW, ABF Input from CDA, page 405Table E121: DIC BH1, Intransit Follow-up (From AMC By

    SAILS to Supported Customers) DIC BH2, Intransit Follow-up(From SOS Other Than AMC), page 405

    Table E122: DIC BHA, Customer Reply to Intransit Follow-up(DIC BH1) DIC BHB, Customer Reply to Intransit Follow-up(DIC BH2), page 405

    Table E123: DIC BJ1, SACAM Root Data Input Transaction,page 406

    Table E124: DIC BJ2, SACM Letter of Request InputTransaction, page 407

    Table E125: DIC BJ3, SACM Letter of Request InformationInput Transaction, page 407

    Table E126: DIC BJ4, SACM Letter of Request Text InputTransaction, page 407

    Table E127: DIC BJ5, SACM Case Manager Remarks Data InputTransaction, page 408

    Table E128: DIC BJ6, SACM Remarks Text Input Transaction,page 408

    Table E129: DIC BJ7, Current Record Input Transaction,page 408

    Table E130: DIC BJ8, SACM Current AMD Extension RecordInput Transaction, page 409

    Table E131: DIC BJ9, SACM MSA Purpose Record InputTransaction, page 410

    Table E132: DIC BJA, SACM MSA Section Record InputTransaction, page 410

    Table E133: DIC BJB, SACM Case Line Item Record InputTransaction, page 410

    Table E134: DIC BJC, SACM Manager Line Item Remarks DataInput Transaction, page 412

    Table E135: DIC BJD, SACM Case Subline Item Data InputTransaction, page 412

    Table E136: DIC BJE, SACM Subline Remarks Record InputTransaction, page 413

    Table E137: DIC BJF, SACM Annex Line Item Record InputTransaction, page 413

    Table E138: DIC BJG, SACM Annex Line Remarks Record InputTransaction, page 414

    Table E139: DIC BJH, SACM Case Data Extension Record InputTransaction, page 414

    Table E140: DIC BJI, SACM Acceptance/Acknowledgement DateRecord Input Transaction 1, page 415

    Table E141: DIC BJJ, SACM Acceptance/Acknowledgment DataRecord Input Transaction 2, page 415

    Table E142: DIC BJK, SACM Annex B Financial Record InputTransaction, page 415

    Table E143: DIC BJL, SACM Payment Occurrence Record InputTransaction, page 416

    Table E144: DIC BJM, SACM Estimate Cost Terms Record InputTransaction, page 416

    Table E145: DIC BJN, SACM Case Notes Record InputTransaction, page 416

    Table E146: DIC BJP, SACM Case Notes Text Record InputTransaction, page 417

    Table E147: DIC BJW, SACM Amendment/Modification Level 1Record Input Transaction, page 417

    Table E148: DIC BJX, SACM Amendment/Modification ReasonInput Transaction, page 418

    Table E149: DIC BJY, SACM Amendment/Modification Level 2Record Input Transaction 1, page 418

    Table E150: DIC BJZ, SACM Amendment/Modification Level 2Record Input Transaction 2, page 419

    Table E150.1: DIC BKA, SNT/Asset Visibility Receipt,page 419

    Table E150.2: DIC BKB, SNT/Asset Visibility Adjustment(Gain), page 419

    Table E150.3: DIC BKC, SNT/Asset Visibility Issue, page 420Table E150.4: DIC BKD, SNT/Asset Visibility Adjustment

    (Loss), page 420Table E150.5: DIC BKE, SNT/Asset Visibility Shipment or

    TurnIn, page 420Table E150.6: DIC BKF, SNT/Asset Visibility Reconciliation

    (inventory Conducted), page 421Table E150.7: DIC BKG, SNT/Asset Visibility Shipment Follow-

    up, page 421Table E150.8: DIC BKH, SNT/Asset Visibility Receipt

    Followup, page 421

    xiiiAR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Table E150.9: DIC BKI, SNT/Asset Visibility ReconciliationFollowup, page 422

    Table E150.10: DIC BKJ, SNT/Asset Visibility MultifieldCorrection (Single NSN Change), page 422

    Table E150.11: DIC BKJ, SNT/Asset Visibility MultifieldCorrection (Mass NSN Change), page 422

    Table E150.12: DIC BKJ, SHT/Asset Visibility MultifieldCorrection (Mass DODAAC/UIC Change), page 423

    Table E150.13: DIC: BKJ, SNT/Asset Visibility MultifieldCorrection (Change In Ownership DODAAC/UIC), page 423

    Table E151: DIC BKZ, Supply Management Transaction,page 423

    Table E152: DIC BM1, Storage Item Data Stock Number Change(Retail Activity) DIC BM3, Storage Item Data MiscellaneousChange Only (Retail Activity), page 424

    Table E153: DIC BMA, Suspension/Restriction Notice, page 425Table E1531: DIC BMB, Foreign Military Sales Publication

    Requisition, page 426Table E154: DIC BP1, SACM Amendment/Modification Level 3

    Record input Transaction, page 426Table E155: DIC BP2, SACM Amendment/Modification Level 4

    Record Input Transaction, page 426Table E156: DIC BP3, SACM Amendment/Modification Level 5

    Record Input Transaction, page 427Table E157: DIC BP4, SACM Amendment/Modification Level 5

    Record Input Transaction 2, page 427Table E158: DIC BP5, SACM Annex Service Text Record Input

    Transaction 1, page 427Table E159: DIC BP6, SACM Annex Service Text Record input

    Transaction 2, page 427Table E160: DIC BP7, SACM TOS RollUp Record Input

    Transaction, page 428Table E161: DIC BP8, SACM Letter of Request Paragraph

    Number Record Input Transaction, page 428Table E162: DIC BPY, SA3 FFMIP Level B SCM Billing,

    page 428Table E162: DIC BPY, SA3 FFMIP Level B SCM Billing

    Continued, page 429Table E163: DIC BPZ, SA3 FFMIP Level A Billing/

    Confirmation/Reject, page 429Table E164: DIC BT3, Autodin DMPRL, page 430Table E165: DIC BT4, Depot Maintenance Consumption Data

    (Reparable Item Record), page 431Table E166: DIC BT4, Depot Maintenance Consumption Data

    (Repair Part), page 431Table E167: DIC BT5, Command Requirements, page 432Table E168: DIC BT6, Depot Factor Response/Change Record,

    page 432Table E169: DIC BT8, Depot Factor Request Record, page 432Table E170: DIC BT9, NICP/Depot Reconciliation Record,

    page 433Table E171: DIC BTA, Maintenance Workload Basic Transaction,

    page 433Table E172: DIC BTB, Maintenance Workload Item Name

    Transaction, page 434Table E173: DIC BTC, Accounting Classification Transaction,

    page 434Table E174: DIC BTD, Maintenance Work Matrix Transaction,

    page 434Table E175: DIC BTE, Maintenance Conversion Transaction,

    page 434Table E176: DIC BTF, International Logistics Control

    Transaction, page 435Table E177: DIC BTG, Maintenance Workload Narrative

    Transaction, page 435Table E178: DIC BTH, Contract Financial Data, page 435Table E179: DIC BTI, Maintenance CodeF Asset Reporting,

    page 436

    Table E180: DIC BTK, Maintenance Workload PriorityTransaction, page 436

    Table E181: DIC BTM, Maintenance Error IdentificationTransaction, page 436

    Table E182: DIC BTN, Maintenance MWO/ConversionTransaction, page 436

    Table E183: DIC BTP, Maintenance OnHand Asset Transaction,page 437

    Table E184: DIC BTQ, Number Quantities, page 437Table E185: DIC BTR, Depot Source of Repair, page 437Table E186: DIC BTS, Technical Data, page 438Table E187: DIC BTT, Matrix Accumulative Data (Report

    Month), page 438Table E188: DIC BTU,DESCOM/Depot Reconciliation

    Transaction, page 438Table E189: DIC BTV, Interservice Data, page 439Table E190: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, Transaction (level 000),

    page 439Table E191: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, PRON Part 1 (level

    051), page 439Table E192: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, PRON Part 2 (level

    052), page 440Table E193: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, Basic Hdwr Part 1(level

    061), page 440Table E194: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, Basic Hdwr Part 2(level

    062), page 441Table E195: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, Execution Part 1(level

    071), page 441Table E196: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, Execution Part 2(level

    072), page 442Table E197: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, Execution Part 3(level

    073), page 442Table E198: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, Execution Part 4(level

    074), page 442Table E199: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC, Execution Part 5(level

    075), page 443Table E200: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC Execution Part 6(Level

    076), page 443Table E201: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC Prog Schedules Part

    1(Level 081), page 444Table E202: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC Asset Reporting

    Part1(Level 091), page 444Table E203: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC PRON Narr Part

    2(Level 092), page 445Table E204: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC Conv, DESCOM

    Format(Level 100), page 445Table E205: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC MWO Conv Part

    1(Level 101), page 445Table E206: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC UIC Part 2 (Level 102),

    page 446Table E207: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC IIDocNumber, Part 1

    (level 103), page 446Table E208: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC PWDPRON, DESCOM

    Data (level 110), page 446Table E209: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC PWDPRON, Part 1

    (level 111), page 447Table E210: DIC BTW, MDMS/MAGIC PWDPRON Part

    2(level 112), page 447Table E211: DIC BTY, Inactive End Item Codes, page 448Table E212: DIC BTZ, Maintenance Manhours, page 448Table E213: DIC BUA, Reactive Reporting System, page 448Table E214: DIC BWO, Final Bill Code Deletion, page 449Table E215: DIC BW1, Program Status Report Transaction,

    page 449Table E216: DIC BW2, Program Status Report Narrative

    Transaction, page 449Table E217: DIC BW3, RCS 305 Narrative Transaction,

    page 449

    xiv AR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Table E218: DIC BW4, Standards File Input Transaction,page 450

    Table E219: DIC BW5, MAP PC&H Transaction 1, page 450Table E220: DIC BW5, MAP PC&H Transaction 2, page 450Table E221: DIC BW6, Cost and Performance Adjustment

    Transaction, page 451Table E222: DIC BW7, Reconciliation Supply, BASOPS and

    Miscellaneous Programs, page 451Table E223: DIC BW8, Depot Local PRON, page 451Table E224: DIC BW9, Account Classification Change Record,

    page 452Table E225: DIC BWA, Workload Basic Transaction, page 452Table E226: DIC BWB, Workload Financial Transaction,

    page 452Table E227: DIC BWC, Workload Matrix Transaction 1,

    page 453Table E228: DIC BWC, Workload Matrix Transaction 2,

    page 453Table E229: DIC BWC, Workload Matrix Transaction 3,

    page 453Table E230: DIC BWC, Workload Matrix Transaction 4,

    page 454Table E231: DIC BWD, Workload Narrative Transaction,

    page 454Table E232: DIC BWE, Workload Basic/Supplemental

    Transaction, page 454Table E233: DIC BWF, Workload Quantity, page 455Table E234: DIC BWG, Workload Date Transaction, page 455Table E235: DIC BWH, Functional/AMS Cross Reference

    Transaction, page 455Table E236: DIC BWM, Standards File Input, page 456Table E237: DIC BWN, Total Package Fielding (TPF)Workload

    Data, page 456Table E238: DIC BWP, Challenge of Materiel Sent to DRMO,

    page 457Table E239: DIC BWQ, First Followup to Challenge of Materiel

    Sent to DRMO, page 457Table E240: DIC BWR, Second Followup to Challenge of

    Materiel Sent to DRMO, page 458Table E241: DIC BWS, Reply to Challenge of Materiel Sent to

    DRMO, page 458Table E242: DIC BWZ, Depot Operations Cost and Performance

    Report, page 459Table E243: DIC BXA, Proponent ILS Office Header Data,

    page 459Table E244: DIC BXB, Manager/File Established Header Data,

    page 460Table E245: DIC BXC, Project Leader Header Data Record,

    page 460Table E246: DIC BXD, Contract/Model Header Data, page 460Table E247: DIC BXE, Contract Header Data, page 461Table E248: DIC BXF, Replaces System/Equipment Header Data,

    page 461Table E249: DIC BXG, Subsystem Header Data, page 461Table E250: DIC BXH, Proponent Project Manager Header Data,

    page 461Table E251: DIC BXJ, Project Header Data, page 462Table E252: DIC BXK, Used on Identification Header Data,

    page 462Table E253: DIC BXL, Milestone Event Record Data, page 462Table E254: DIC BXM, Narrative Record Data, page 462Table E255: DIC BXN, Associated Systems/Support Equipment

    Data, page 463Table E256: DIC BXP, Associated Contract DataTransaction 1,

    page 463

    Table E257: DIC BXQ, Acquisition Management MilestoneSystem Other Header Data for File Number/TRADOC Proponent(PPNT)School/New Equipment Training Plan Number (NETPN),page 463

    Table E258: DIC BXR, AMMS Other Header Data for SystemIntegrator Code (SIC)/Program Executive Office (PEO),page 464

    Table E259: DIC BXS, AMMS Other Header Data for CommonReference Code (CRC)/Mission Area/Combat Developer,page 464

    Table E260: DIC BZ5, Daily Transactional Updates to MajorItem Requisition Validation (MIRV) Files, page 464

    Table E261: DIC BZB, Zero Balance Flasher, page 465Table E262: DIC BZD, Notification of Shipment, page 465Table E263: DIC BZE, Consumption Report (Government

    Furnished Materiel), page 466Table E2631: BZF, Materiel Returns Data Base (MRDB)Inquiry

    Request, page 466Table E2632: BZG, Materiel Returns Data Base (MRDB)Inquiry

    Response, page 467Table E264: DIC D4_, Materiel ReceiptProcurement Instrument

    Source, page 467Table E265: DIC D6_, Materiel ReceiptOther Than Procurement

    Instrument Source, page 468Table E266: DIC D6S, Materiel Receipt Acknowledgment

    Document (MRAD), page 470Table E267: DIC D7_/DG_/DHA, Issue, Back Order, and

    Demand Data, page 470Table E268: DIC D8_/D9_, Inventory AdjustmentIncrease or

    Decrease, page 471Table E269: DIC D8E/D9E/DEE/DEF/D8F/D9F, Logistical

    Reassignment Adjustment, page 472Table E270: DIC D8S/D9S, Inventory Adjustment Transaction

    (Single AdjustmentOwnership/Purpose Gain/Loss)(ConventionalAmmunition Only), page 474

    Table E271: DIC DA1/DA2, SMCA Freeze/Unfreeze Action,page 474

    Table E272: DIC DAC/DAD, Inventory AdjustmentDual(Condition/Purpose Transfer), page 475

    Table E273: DIC DAS, Inventory Adjustment Transaction(DualAdjustmentOwnership/Purpose Gain/Loss) (ConventionalAmmunition Only), page 476

    Table E274: DIC DB__/DC__, Financial Adjustment Transaction,page 477

    Table E275: DIC DD__, DueInProcurement InstrumentSource, page 478

    Table E276: DIC DF__, DueInOther Than ProcurementInstrument Source, page 479

    Table E277: DIC DJA, Physical Inventory Request, page 480Table E278: DIC DJB, Physical Inventory Notification, page 480Table E279: DIC DKA, Physical Inventory Count, page 481Table E280: DIC DLA, Logistical Transfer/Decapitalization

    Follow-up, page 483Table E281: DIC DLB, Reply to Logistical Transfer/

    Decapitalization Follow-up, page 483Table E282: DIC DLC, Logistics Reassignment Delinquent

    Duein Follow-up, page 483Table E283: DIC DLD, Logistics Reassignment Delinquent

    DueIn Response, page 484Table E284: DIC DLE, Logistics Reassignment DueIn

    Reconciliation Request, page 484Table E285: DIC DLF, Logistics Reassignment Duein

    Reconciliation Response, page 485Table E2851: DIC DLS, Logistics Reassignment General

    Management Data, page 485Table E2852: DIC DLT, Logistics Reassignment Backorder and

    Demand Data, Record 1, page 486Table E2853: DIC DLT, Logistics Reassignment Backorder and

    Demand Data, Record 2, page 486

    xvAR 72550 15 November 1995

  • ContentsContinued

    Table E2854: DIC DLT, Logistics Reassignment Backorder andDemand Data, Record 3, page 487

    Table E2855: DIC DLU, Logistics Reassignment OnHandAsset Data, Record 11 5, page 487

    Table E2856: DIC DLU, Logistics Reassignment OnHandAsset Data, Record 2, page 488

    Table E2857: DIC DLV, Logistics Reassignment Duein AssetData, Record 11, page 488

    Table E2858: DIC DLV, Logistics Reassignment Duein AssetData, Record 2 1, page 489

    Table E2859: DIC DLW, Logistics Reassignment ContractHistory Data, Record 11, page 489

    Table E28510: DIC DLW, Logistics Reassignment ContractHistory Data, Record 2, page 490

    Table E28511: DIC DLW, Logistics Reassignment ContractHistory Data, Record 3, page 490

    Table E28512: DIC DLW, Logistics Reassignment ContractHistory Data, Record 4, page 490

    Table E28513: DIC DLX, Logistics Reassignment Technical andQuality Data, Record 1, page 491

    Table E28514: DIC DLX, Logistics Reassignment Technical andQuality Data, Record 2, page 492

    Table E286: DIC DM__, War Materiel Requirements, page 492Table E287: DIC DTA, Asset Support Request (ASR), page 493Table E288: DIC DTB, Asset Support Reply (ASR) (Asset Data),

    page 493Table E289: DIC DTC, Asset Support Reply (Back Order Data),

    page 494Table E290: DIC DTD, Asset Support Request Follow-up,

    page 494Table E291: DIC DU__, PrePositioned Materiel Receipt

    (Procurement Instrument Source), page 495Table E292: DIC DW__, PrePositioned Materiel Receipt (Other

    Than Procurement Instrument Source), page 496Table E293: DIC DXA, Materiel Receipt Follow-up(Procurement

    Instrument Source), page 497Table E294: DIC DXB, Materiel Receipt Follow-up(Other Than

    Procurement Instrument Source), page 497Table E295: DIC DXC, Reply to Materiel Receipt Follow-up

    (Procurement Instrument Source), page 498Table E296: DIC DXD, Reply to Materiel Receipt Follow-up

    (Other Than Procurement Instrument Source), page 499Table E297: DIC DZ9, Status Notification, page 499Table E298: DIC DZA, Asset Status SIMSX Automated,

    page 500Table E299: DIC DZA, MILSTRAP Asset Status, page 500Table E300: DIC DZB, Storage Item Data Correction/Change,

    page 501Table E301: DIC DZC, Logistical Reassignment Storage

    Information, page 502Table E302: DIC DZD, Logistical Reassignment Storage

    Information Reply, page 503Table E303: DIC DZE, Asset Status/Transaction Reporting

    Request, page 503Table E304: DIC DZF, MILSTRAP Asset Status Reporting(Base,

    Post, Camp, and Station Level Use), page 504Table E305: DIC DZG, MILSTRAP Transaction Reject,

    page 505Table E306: DIC DZH, Location Reconciliation Request,

    page 505Table E307: DIC DZJ, Transaction History/Custodial Balance

    Request, page 506Table E308: DIC DZK, Transaction History Transmittal,

    page 506Table E309: DIC FT6, ICP/IMM Follow-up (Materiel Returns

    Program), page 507Table E310: DIC FTA, Automatic Return Notification(Materiel

    Returns Program), page 507

    Table E311: DIC FTC, Cancellation of Customer Excess Report(Materiel Returns Program), page 507

    Table E312: DIC FTD, Disposition Instructions Delay Status(Materiel Returns Program), page 508

    Table E313: DIC FTE, Customer Excess Report/DIC FTG,Customer Excess Report, Part Number Item (Materiel ReturnsProgram), page 508

    Table E314: DIC FTF, Follow-up for ICP/IMM Reply toCustomer Excess Report (Materiel Returns Program), page 509

    Table E315: DIC FTL, Supply Status (Materiel Returns Program),page 509

    Table E316: DIC FTM, Shipment Status (Materiel Return
