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Research and designs for my mag

Date post: 30-Jul-2015
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1. Research and designs 2. For my masthead I want to Masthead incorporate the style that NME has. I like that it has simple fontand it is very bold and standsout. The name is also verycatchy so mine will be too. As young girls mainly buy this type of magazine I will include Main Imagean image of either a young male or female artist as this is whatwould appeal to the audiencemore. I will also have the picturebehind the masthead so the masthead stands out as well as For my main cover line IMain Cover linewill have the artists namethe image.going across the picture ofthe artist like on the cover For my cover line I will have it of NME. I will do this as Idown the side of the cover. Thethink it looks appealing and title of the article will be in the more professional. I willsame font style and colour asalso use the same font style the masthead and the main and colour as mycover line as it links the masthead.magazine together.On my cover I will also include abanner. It will allow informationCover line to stand out more. I couldinclude other things that are going to be in my mag, for example poster like top of the pops. I will also have the barcode at the bottom right hand-side of the page as its not the most imortant part andshouldnt take up much room. Banner 3. I want my masthead to be at the Masthead top of the left hand side like Qmagazine. This will then have the same format as my frontcover. The colours will also be the same as my front cover.I will also have the pageArticle I will also include a note numbers and articles down the name from the editor because left hand side of the page. This this is what you would is where the audience would Page find in most if not every numbe expect to see it as its here in magazine. It will let the r many pop magazines. I alsothink that it looks professional.reader know a bit more about the mag and Article Picture relating I also want there to be a main could interest the readermore. nameto the main picture relating to the main Page article and the cover. The mainarticle is a big part of theI will also keep the coloursnumberarticle magazine and we need to make the same throughout myArticlethe audience aware of what theyfront cover, contents page name Information and double page spread.can expect to see in that article.The colours will mostly be about theI will interoperate tis from Qaimed at young girls asPagemagazine as it has the picturenumber articlethey are the ones that and then introduces the article.normally buy this type of Articlemagazine. name I like the way we love pop usesdifferent font colours for the page Pagenumbers and that the article with the numberpicture also has a different font Note fromcolour as the articles at the bottom. I will try and incorporate this into mythe editor magazine by using different colourwhich also link in with the rest of the magazine. 4. I also want my article to be on In the NME pages I like thatthe right hand side page as I there is a quote from the article think it looks professional andover the picture and that thethe format of it goes well with main words are in a different the picture. The font stands out colour. I will try and incorporate and I like the way different this into my magazine as I think colours are used.it looks interesting andprofessional.I like the way that the picture of the In we love pop page I like theartist takes up the whole of one sideway the coverline stands out and of the page in the we love pop contrasts well with the red. This magazine. The reader will straight is the second thing the reader away know that the article is aboutI also like that there is awill look at after the picture and that artist. The background colour picture within the article if they like the coverline they willalso makes the picture stand out and that different coloursread the article.more and the red and white go really have been used. The font well together. is bold and simple and will engage the reader.Headlinearticle Main picture of the artist for the article ArticlArticlepicture e
