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Research libraries in a European e-science infrastructure Wouter Schallier Executive Director LIBER...

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Research libraries in a European e-science infrastructure Wouter Schallier Executive Director LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) e-mail: [email protected]

Research libraries in a European e-science infrastructure

Wouter Schallier

Executive Director LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries)

e-mail: [email protected]


About LIBER Strategic areas 2009-2012 Digital Preservation New strategies for libraries Conclusions

“Making the case for European research libraries”

The largest network of European research/academic libraries: 420 institutions, from over 40 countries

Mission: to represent and promote the interests of European research/academic libraries, and of their users: students and researchers

What we do

Formulate a European strategy for research libraries Offer a forum for knowledge sharing and dissemination

Conferences, workshops, documentation, LIBER Quarterly

Foster partnerships EU projects

Advocate and lobby with the EU Infosoc, Market, Research

Strategic areas 2009-2012

Scholarly Communications Digitisation and Resource Discovery Heritage Collections and Preservation Organisation and Human Resources Services

Scholarly Communication 1

Open Access SPARCEurope Awareness raising Tools for the implementation of OA:

– Digital repositories– OA publishing

No OA without Digital Preservation

Digital repositories

Trustworthy and with a long term preservation strategy With substantial content Embedded in the research workflow Interoperable: part of a consistent European e-science

infrastructure New content: primary research data, multimedia

Scholarly Communication 2

E-science Large amounts of research data need to be captured, made

available and preserved Results of publicly funded research should be available in public

domain Sharing data stimulates excellence in research and should be


The paradox of e-science

“My data is mine and now your data is mine” Reluctancy to share data Lack of rewards for sharing data/collaborative efforts Current copyright/IPR/publication models are a hindrance for e-


vs. E-(nhancing) science


Digitisation and Resource Discovery

Digitisation “What is not digitally available does not exist” Europeana Travel: travel and tourism: over a million items from

national and university libraries made available via Europeana.eu General lack of funding

Digitisation and Resource Discovery 2

Resource discovery: Europeana Libraries: makes over 5 million objects available

through Europeana Europeana Scholar? Europeana does have strategies on metadata improvement,

enriching metadata, semantic search engine, digitisation, user generated content, …

BUT: no digital curation strategy (responsibility of the individual instititions)

Heritage Collections and Preservation

Heritage collections Preservation

Analog and digital materials Skilled curators Preservation not for its own sake but as a way to valorise

knowledge (use and re-use)

Digital Preservation

Awareness raising Shared European vision/framework and tools for its

implementation Blue Ribbon Task Force: sustainable DP and access LIFE: costs of DP APARSEN: NoE of DP APA

Digital Preservation 2 Ubiquitous, trusted and easy access to research data

Integrity of data Version management Visualisation Semantics Provenance and ownership of data Selection Use and re-use IPR, licensing Technology and sustainable infrastructure Data managers “Data repositories may become the new special collections for research

libraries” (Borgman)

Organisation and human resources

Break walls between libraries, datacentres and researchers: information and its curation matters to all of us (we are all information and curation amateurs) : We need librarians with a good understanding of modern research,

with an ability to bring the library’s services into the researcher’s environment and integrate data sharing and curation in the researcher’s workflow.

We need researchers with good understanding of information and curation matters.

New strategies for libraries

Into the research and education workflows/environment: Major shift: libraries used to come only at the end of the R&E

workflow! Recruitment of content Digital curation starts with data creation Requires new skills: communication, training …


A forum for discussion with other stakeholders (researchers, publishers, data managers, funding) in digital preservation

Communication and awareness raising Shared European vision/framework Tools for its implementation E-science infrastructure: identify new roles and

responsibilities, new business models


A huge network of research libraries: Linked through a common strategy where e-science and DP are

crucial Some of them with a lot…others with less expertise in

e-science/digital preservation Keen to take up their roles in a European e-science infrastructure

(and many are actually already doing so)

LIBER events

40th LIBER Annual Conference, 29 June-2 July 2011 – Barcelona: “Getting Europe ready for 2020: the library’s role in research, education and society” http://bibliotecnica.upc.edu/LIBER2011/

Digital Preservation workshop 2011

Thank you!

[email protected]

Skype: wouter.schallier
