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research on Psychology

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Psychology research
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Table Of Contents. Contents Pages Introduction...................................................................................... 1-3 Literature Review........................................................................... 4-6 Methodology.................................................................................... 7- 8 Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 9- 13 Graph Charts........................................................................................
  • 1. Table Of Contents. Contents Pages Introduction...................................................................................... 1-3 Literature Review........................................................................... 4-6 Methodology.................................................................................... 7-8 Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 9-13 Graph Charts........................................................................................

2. Introduction The process of assisting students and providing accurate informations and asistants which is helpful to guiding students throught the right path is, making use of the right language for effective communicationwith the students which can be done through effective communication skills which can better help the students to get the right answer to their questions which can be very much helpful to students and to their irrational doubts about different issues which they are being faced in their daily life.Understanding communication and information behaviors of human being in this comupter age is a process to help every organization in designing effective and efficient information systems and services has been an important research topic sincethe 1960s (There are few influential writings on scientific communication: Dervin & Nilan,1986; Garvey, 1971; Ingwersen, 2001; Tenopir & King, 2004). There are also different in the information seeking age of different generation as shown in the background below. Information Seeking Behavior and the Generations 3. Importants of Effective Communication. Generation Traditionals (Silents, Veterans) Boomers X-ers Millenials (Nexters) Approximate dates of birth 1922-1943 (Pre- WWII) 1943-1960 1961-1980 1981-1999 Characteristics that influence information seeking Accustomed to top-down flow of information Formal Learning environment that is stable Formal feedback Interactive and non- authoritarian Highly independent Entrepreneur Comfortable with change Raised with instant access Want frequent, immediate feedback Self-directed Sample and learn by doing Not attracted to classroom Globally concerned Diverse Cyberliterate Media savvy Collaborative Multitaskers Teamwork Technology Multi-media 4. Effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation and enables us to resolve differences, build trust and respect, and create environments where creative ideas, problem solving, affection, and caring can flourish. As simple as communication seems, much of what we try to communicate to othersand what others try to communicate to usgets misunderstood, which can cause conflict and frustration in personal and professional relationships. In the information age, we have to send, receive, and process huge numbers of messages every day. But effective communication is about more than just exchanging information; it's also about understanding the emotion behind the information. Effective communication can improve relationships at work, and in social situations by deepening your connections to others and improving how we seek information and decision-making, and problem solving. It enables us to communicate even negative or difficult messages without creating conflict or destroying trust. Effective communication combines a set of skills including nonverbal communication, attentive listening, the ability to provide accurate information that is needed in our everyday life both at work and our social life.and the capacity to recognize and understand your own emotions and those of the person youre communicating with. Effective communication can be used to provide the right information to anyone. We need effective communication for us to make convience people of what we are actually talking about.or the information we are trying to pass to people. RQ(1): What kind of Student Affair Environment do the students feel they need most? 5. RQ(2): How do Local and International students seek, gather, and evaluate information? Literature Review 6. (1) Literature focus on how to provide students with important information-and assistance that is helpful to students throughout their study on campus (e.g., Lin, 1994; Griggs and Dunn, 1996; Grant, 1999; Liestman, 2000; Wang and Frank, 2002). Much of the information is found in the Student Affair Office. The majority of this article will focus on the barriers of communication between students and their challenges when using Student Affair Office (see Kumar and Suresh, 2000; Chattoo, 2000; Wang and Frank, 2002). Trends in the literature focus on how to provide students with important information- and assistance that is helpful to students throughout their study on campus. Another major trend in the literature focuses on the different perceptions of information that is provided at the Student Affair office and available information services between the students from none English speaking countries. Researchers (e.g., Griggs and Dunn, 1996; Grant, 1999; Liestman, 2000; Wang and Frank, 2002) believe most of the students may not be fully aware of the readily available Information at the Student Affair Office; therefore, they usually underutilize the assistance. (2) Underutilization of Student Affair Office. Due to lack of Communication barrier; Data from a series of focus groups indicate that students may not be fully aware of the readily available assistance and information that can be provided to them at the Students Affair Office As a result of this, a lot of the students tend to under use available information at the Student Affair Office Several factors may contribute to this underutilization. A focus group research by Wang and Frank (2002) identify that a lot of students tend to be unfamiliar with the organization and mission of Student Affair Office. And some of the students will be too shy to confront any one with their challenges on campus because of their culture. 7. International students; may not be as skilled with the various information technologies that are understood and used routinely by others. Some feel intimidated by these technologies, but do not ask for professional assistance. Other students are not familiar with some information that is widely available. Even if they have used the Student Affair Office at their home countries, they used different language versions (Griggs and Dunn, 1996; Grant, 1999). (3) Culture Differences Cultures are complex and diverse. There are individual, organizational, and national cultures. Edgar H. Schein (2001) defines culture as the pattern of basic assumptions that a given group has invented, discovered, or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, and that have worked well enough to be considered valid, and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems (125). Cultures are also characterized by shared values, including the basic assumptions that influence these values. Additionally, cultures are defined by collective characteristics with both 5 tangible and intangible attributes. Individuals in the culture or group will occasionally differ or vary on the cultural continuum, but the overall group tends to be harmonious as a collective entity (Lenartowicz and Roth, 2002). Basically, a culture or community shares a set of common experiences and values that shape perceptions of other cultures or communities, including academic Affairs Simply stated, culture is central to what we see, how we make sense of what we see, and how we express ourselves (Dupraw and Axner, 2002). An individuals culture affects his or her attitudes, behaviors, practices, and values. Ones sense of what is ethical, unethical, good, bad, appropriate, or inappropriate is influenced dramatically by one's culture. Attitudes toward life, work, or family will 8. vary from one culture to another. Specific cultures determine or influence physical proximity in conversations with others, the ability to make direct eye contact in conversations, how they express feelings of happiness or frustration, and other basic behaviors (Liu and Redfern, 1999; Lu, 2001). Communication Styles Verbal language is not the only mode of communication. Approximately 70 percent of communication is conveyed via non-verbal techniques (Wang and Frank, 2002). They claim that facial expressions, physical gestures, posture, eye contact, and voice pitch or volume constitute 6 important elements of nonverbal communication. Because cultures view or use nonverbal signals differently, the chances for cultural miscommunication are great (211). Many researchers have studied the aspect of body language as it applied to behavior during reference interview (see Brundin, 1989; Axtell, 199l; Lopaz, 1994). Communication in the reference interview is heavily influenced by the physical distance maintained between the School Managements and the patron, by their posture, head nods, facial expressions, and gestures and whether or not they look at each other, as well as the volumes of their voices, accents and reflection patterns (Brundin, 1989). Different cultures have different concepts of personal space, including the sensations of spaciousness, crowdedness, privacy, and appropriate distances, which can be a major issue during a reference interview. Lopaz (1994) states that people from different cultures use space differently and experience it differently. Culture can determine perception. The amount of physical space required for social distance is 9. much less in Asian societies, While for International Students, they might require a closer distance to feel safe and to be able to express their feelings. According my observation which i observe from the internation students during this survey of this research, I was made to understand from the international student point of view that they will prefer to do take care of their own problem by themselves instead of contacting the school. But should the situation get out of hand its only then that they will involve the school to help them find solution , But anything apart from that, they will be willing to deal with their own problems and challenges themselves. Most of them said because they have heard to deal with problems and chellenges themselve and few of them said they will not be comfortable to talk to strangers because they are scared of being judged. Methodology. For this research report, In-depth Survey Questionnaire which close and open ended questions was given to 15 local students and 15 SInternational students. To conduct investigation On what is important to them on campus as a student at the Department of Student Affairs, SEGi College Subang Jaya. This Survey Questionnaires are 10. conducted to what is really important to the students and how to make those things available within the campus.Quantitative data will is used . Quantitative data are datas which are represented by numbers that can be analyzed with widely available describtive and interferential statistical instruments.The survey questions was given to student and it was returned within the duration of (7) working days which gave the students enough time to look through the questions before providing answers.There was no issue of condifentiality because the students are not required to fill their names or age in the questionaires. Matherials. The materials used in conducting this research are in the form of questionaire. The questionaires are divided into (4 )parts. Are in form of all the (3) types of scale from Likrt scale, to Bogardus Social Distance Scale and Semantic Differential Scale. The (1st) part of the questionaire contains total of (5) questions which is to Identify different age and nationalities and to check about the service that was recieved during their visit to the office.The (2nd) part of the questionaire contains (6) questionaires which 2 of the qestionaires are open ended questionaires and the rest of the 4 questionaires are closed ended questionaires. The (3rd) part of the questionaires consist of 6 questionairs which the first (2) of the questionaires are open ended questionaires and the other (4) part of the questionaires are closed ended questionaires. The (4th) part of the questionaires consist of (3) questionaires which first (2) parts of the questionaires is in form of closed ended questionares and the last questionaire is a open ended questionaire. The questionaires are distributed to (30) students; on campus which (15) of the student; are International students and the other (15) are Local students. The answers from the questionaires will be represented in a form of graphs. 11. Participants The participants for this research consist of 30 students from SEGi College Subang Jaya. The questionaire are given to the students of all ages,gender, local students and International students. It took approximately a week to collect back all the questionaires. The questions were very clear and direct so all the participants can answer the question without holding back any informations since this survey is will help us focus more on how to improve service and provide important asistants for the benefit of all the students. Sampling Method The sampling method used in conducting this research is availability Sampling, Availability sampling is a method of choosing subjects who are available or easy to find. This method is also sometimes referred to as haphazard, accidental, or convenience sampling. The primary advantage of the method is that it is very easy to carry out, relative to other methods. A researcher can merely stand out on his/her favorite street corner or in his/her favorite tavern and hand out surveys. One place this used to show up often is in university courses. Years ago, researchers often would conduct surveys of students in their large lecture courses. For example, all students taking introductory sociology courses would have been given a survey and compelled to fill it out. There are some advantages to this design - it is easy to do, particularly with a captive audience, and in some schools you can attain a large number of interviews through this method. ( Powell, Ronald R. 1997). This sampling method is simple and easier for research to search for their paticipants since all the participants 12. are all students from the college. Which makes it more easier for me to explain what the survey is all about before giving them the survey questionaires. Table 1 Table 1 show the result obtained from the survey Student/Characteristics Malaysian Students International Students N % N % 1.Gender: Male Female 3 12 20% 80% 12 3 80% 20% 2. Age: 2 13 - - 13.3% 87% 0 0 - 6 9 - 0 40% 60% 0 13. 3. Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Other 15 - - - 100% 0 0 0 14 1 - - 93% 6.7% 0 0 4. What services have you received from the Student Affairs Department? Excellent Good Average Below Average 2 4 8 1 13.3% 27% 53% 6.7% 1 5 8 1 6.7% 33% 53% 6.7% 5. Please suggest the best way for us to provide conducive environment for all students of SCSJ? Excellent (4) 11 - - 73% 0 0 10 1 2 67% 6.7% 13% 14. Good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1) 4 27% 2 13% Student/Characteristics Malaysian Students International Students N % N % 6. How can we make International students feel at home while their stay in Malaysia? Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1) 12 - - 3 80% 0 0 20% 13 - 2 - 87% 0 13% 0 7. In times of emergency, who do you seek for assistance? 15. Student Affairs Faculty International Office Marketing Counter 3 12 - - 20% 80% 0 0 2 3 10 - 13% 20% 67% 0 8. How was your experience when seeking for assistance at the department/office you have identified above? Excellent Good Average Below Average 1 6 6 2 6.7% 40% 40% 13% - 9 4 2 0 60% 27% 13% 9. Did you attend the orientation program? Yes No 15 - 100% 0 8 7 53% 47% 16. Student/Characteristics Malaysian Students International Students N % N % 10. How would you rate the orientation program? Excellent Good Average Below Average N/A 3 5 7 - - 20% 33% 47% 0 0 1 6 3 2 3 6.7% 40% 20% 13% 20% 11. What would you suggest for the improvements of the Orientation program? Excellent (4) Good (3) Average 11 - - 2 73% 0 0 13% 5 3 - 1 33% 20% 0 6.7% 17. (2) Below Average (1) N/A - 0 6 40% 12. Are you currently involved in campus life? If so, please describe the organizations and/or clubs in which you are involved Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1) 9 - - 6 60% 0 0 40% 6 - - 9 40% 0 0 60% 13. Types of events you would like to participate/organize Shopping Mall Trips Local Entertainment Sporting 3 4 6 2 20% 27% 40% 13% 1 1 7 6 6.7% 6.7% 47% 40% 18. Events Field Trips Student/Characteristics Malaysian Students International Students N % N % 14. Would you be willing to help in the planning and execution of any of these events? Yes No 6 9 40% 60% 11 5 73% 33% 15. What types of talks would you like to attend in SEGi? Drugs/Alcohol/Substance Abuse Inspirational Stories and Lives Life after College 1 4 1 7 6.7% 27% 6.7% 47% 1 4 3 7 6.7% 27% 20% 47% 19. Career Talk 16. How much are you willing to pay to join the following activities? SEGi Annual Ball Charity/Community event Local Trips Sporting Events 8 >50-->5 10 >50-->0 9 >50-->6 8 >50-->0 53% 33% 67% 0 60% 40% 53% 0 1 >50-->2 4 >50-->1 5 >50-->3 4 >50-->0 6.7% 13% 27% 6.7% 33% 20% 27% 20% 17. Are you aware of the Career Services Unit under the Student Affairs Department? Yes 5 10 33% 67% 6 9 40% 60% 20. No Student/Characteristics Malaysian Students International Students N % N % 18. What kind of services would you like to perceive from Career Service Unit? Advising/Counseling Career Development Programs Others 7 5 - 47% 33% 0 5 10 33% 67% 19. As a result of your experience with us, what service- related improvements would you recommend Excellent (4) 9 - 60% 0 9 3 60% 20% 21. Good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1) 2 4 13% 27% 2 1 13% 6.7% 20. Other feedback and suggestions for improvements Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1) 7 - 2 6 47% 0 13% 40% 6 1 - 8 40% 6.7% 0 53% Diagram 1 22. Diagram 2 Gender Number of Malaysian Students Male Female Gender Number of International Students Male Female 23. Diagram 3 Diagram 4 Age Number of Malaysian Students Age Number of International Students 24. Diagram 5 Diagram 6 Marital Status Number of Malaysian Students Single Married Divorced Others Marital Status Number of International Students Single Married Divorced Others 25. Diagram 7 Nationality Number of Students Malaysian International 26. In times of emergency, who do you seek for assistance? Diagram 8 Diagram 9 Number of Malaysian Students Student Affairs Faculty International Office Marketing Counter 27. Types of events you would like to participate/organize? Diagram 10 Diagram 11 Number of International Students Student Affairs Faculty International Office Marketing Counter Number of Malaysian Students Shopping mall trips Local entertainment Sporting events Field trips 28. What types of talks would you like to attend in SEGi? Diagram 12 Diagram 13 Number of International Students Shopping mall trips Local entertainment Sporting events Field Trips Number of Malaysian Students Drugs/Alcohol?Substance Abuse Inspirational stories and lives Life after college Career talk 29. What kind of services would you like to perceive from Career Service Unit? Diagram 14 Number of International Students Drugs/Alcohol/Substance Abuse Inspirational stories and lives Life after college Career talk Number of Malaysian Students Advising/Counseling Career Development Programs 30. Diagram 15 These diagrams shows the analysis obtained for questions 5, 9 & 11 Number of International Students Advising/Counseling Career Developmet Programs 31. Diagram 16: Diagram 17 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Excellent Good Average Below Average NumberofMalaysianStudents What services have you received from the Student Affairs Departments? How was your experience when seeking for assistance at the department/office you have identified above? How would you rate the orientation program? 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Excellent Good Average Below Average N/A NumberofInternationalStudents What services have you received from the Student Affairs Department? How was your experience when seeking for assistance at the department/office you have identified above? How would you rate the orientation program? 32. These diagrams shows the analysis obtained for questions 10, 15 and 18 Diagram 18: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No Are you aware of the Career Services Unit under the Student Affairs Department? 47.00% 53.00% Would you be willing to help in the planning and execution of any of these events? 40.00% 60.00% Did you attend the orientation program? 100.00% 0.00% NumberofMalaysianStudents 33. Diagram 19 34. Diagrams 20 & 21 shows the analysis obtained for questions 6, 7, 12, 13 & 20 Diagram 20: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Yes No Did you attend the orientation program? 53.00% 47.00% Would you be willing to help in the planning and execution of any of these events? 73.00% 33.00% Are you aware of the Career Services Unit under the Student Affairs Department? 40.00% 60.00% NumberofInternationalStudents 35. Diagram 21: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Excellent(4) Good(3) Average(2) Below Average (1) NumberofMalaysianStudents Other feedback and suggestions for improvements As a result of your experience with us, what service-related improvements would you recommend? Are you currently involved in campus life on campus? If so, please describe the organizations and/or clubs in which you are involved? What would you suggest for the improvements of the Orientation program? How can we make international students feel at home while their stay in Malaysia? Please suggest the best way for us to provide conducive environment for all studens of SCSJ? 36. These diagrams shows the analysis obtained for question 17 Diagram 22 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Below Average (1) N/A NumberofInternationalStudents Other feedback and suggestions for improvements As a result of your experience with us, what service-related improvements would you recommend? Are you currently involved in campus life on campus? If so, please describe the organizations and/or clubs in which you are involved? What would you suggest for the improvements of the Orientation program? How can me make international students feel at home while their stay in Malaysia? Please suggest the best way for us to provide conducive environment for all students of SCSJ? 37. Diagram 23 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 NumberofMalaysianStudents How much are you willing to pay to join the following activities? SEGi Annual Ball [RM50] Charity/Community event [RM50] Local Trips [RM50] Sporting events [RM50] 38. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% NumberofInternationalStudents How much are you willing to pay to join the following activities? SEGi Annual Ball [RM50] Charity/Community event [RM50] Local Trips [RM50] Sporting events [RM50] 39. Discussion The aim of this research paper is to identify the information seeking behavior of internation student and Local students and the preferred solution to make the all students feels important on campus. From the finding, it can be seen that a lot of the students both Local students and International students go through some kind of challeneges on campus which is kept to themselves. In reference to the research conducted by Canadian Academic Libraries to Investigate the Information-Seeking Behaviors of International Students, A focus group research by Wang and Frank (2002) identify that International students tend to be unfamiliar with the organization and mission of academic offices in the United States. Because in their countries, things are organized differently, with missions and strategic goals that are occasionally dramatically different. Services are not necessarily available for all students.Access other forms of information may be limited. Databases may or may not be available and accessible. information centers. These are significant differences (208) As Sarkodie-Mensah (2002) points out in In the words of a Foreigner, sometimes it is not easy for foreign student to realize the readily available services of North American academic libraries, which they have seldom used in their home countries. In addition, they may not be aware that the services are readily available for their usage. Based on this result, Based on this result, it can be seen that most of the international students would like to help in some sorts of way to plan some sort of event but because they are too shy to come forward with their plans, They seems to hold everything to themselves. and instead wait for the school or do something about it. They will also prefer to plan the events and within their own country people rather 40. than let the whole college benefit from it which as a result of this will be that the international students still believe in the way things are either done in their country or within their culture. According to Edgar H. Schein (2001) There are individual, organizational, and national cultures. He also defines culture as the pattern of basic assumptions that a given group has invented, discovered, or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, and that have worked well enough to be considered valid, and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems (125). Cultures are also characterized by shared values, including the basic assumptions that influence these values. Additionally, cultures are defined by collective characteristics with both tangible and intangible attributes. Individuals in the culture or group will occasionally differ or vary on the cultural continuum, but the overall group tends to be harmonious as a collective entity (Lenartowicz and Roth, 2002). Like any other research paper, there are several limitations that can be seen in this research paper. The first limitation is the number of participants; the total number of participants that too part in this research paper is 29. The number of participants is insufficents to draw an hypothesis since it does not represent the whole population of the students in SEGi College Subang Jaya. Another limitation that can be found in this research paper is that mst of the the students that took part in this research are from similar faculties, but we it was not from all the faculties. In general, the result might also be different from this if the sample size were to increase or if it were conducted in different settings. (Different College). 41. Conclusion Every individual person from a culture or background has different ways of asking question and different ways of seeking information which can be due to the fact that some individual cultures tend to deal with issues on their own without asking for any help or assistance. Which sometimes can affect individual in many ways for example an international student that cannot afford the monthly house rent due to shortage of money, Instead of talking to the college authority about finding a solution, some of the students will end up pilling debt due to the fact that they are too shy to talk to anyone around the school about their problem. From this research it can be seen that some of the International students are faced with a lot of challenges and they will just want to keep things to themselves because they think they can find solution to their own problem instead of talking to the colleges authority about their challenges. In conclusion, base on the finding from this research and in reference to the research questions, the most important concern to the students is that, they want more talk on career discussion on how to help them secure their dream job after college, due to the fact that a lot of students are afraid of not getting a suitable job after college so they are seeking for an early solution to the problem which will help them prepare for the future and that is the reason why most of the students wants the college to host more about career activities which will help them secure a good place to work after college.
