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RESEARCH SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING (RSE) CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Meeting No.1/2017 of the RSE Curriculum Development Committee will be held on Tuesday 14 February 2017 at 12pm in Room R212, Ian Ross Building (31). Apologies and enquiries should be sent to: [email protected] Agenda Summary Part 1 – Procedural matters 1. Announcements and Apologies For information 2 2. Minutes Recommendation: That the Committee confirm the minutes of the meeting 5/2016. Attachment: Appendix 2A – Minutes of RSE CDC Meeting 5/2016 For decision 2 3 3. Matters Arising from Minutes and Action Items For information 2 4. Confidential Items For information 2 Part 2 – Reports 5. Report from the Chair For information 9 6. Report from Program Convenors For information 9 Part 3 – Curriculum Proposals 7. Curriculum Proposals Recommendation: That the Committee endorse the proposals for submission to the College Education Committee. Attachment: Appendix 7A – RSE Curriculum Proposals For decision 10 11 Part 4 – Education Policy and Related Issues 8. Interim Teaching Space Strategies Recommendation: That the Committee provide feedback on the Union Court Redevelopment Interim Teaching Spaces paper. Attachment: Appendix 8A –Union Court Redevelopment Interim Teaching Space Strategies For discussion 29 30 Part 5 – Items of other business 9. Meeting Dates For information 34 10. Other business and question time For discussion 34 RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 1


Meeting No.1/2017 of the RSE Curriculum Development Committee will be held on

Tuesday 14 February 2017 at 12pm

in Room R212, Ian Ross Building (31).

Apologies and enquiries should be sent to: [email protected]

Agenda Summary

Part 1 – Procedural matters

1. Announcements and Apologies

For information 2

2. Minutes Recommendation: That the Committee confirm the minutes of the meeting 5/2016. Attachment: Appendix 2A – Minutes of RSE CDC Meeting 5/2016

For decision 2


3. Matters Arising from Minutes and Action Items

For information 2

4. Confidential Items

For information 2

Part 2 – Reports

5. Report from the Chair

For information 9

6. Report from Program Convenors

For information 9

Part 3 – Curriculum Proposals

7. Curriculum Proposals Recommendation: That the Committee endorse the proposals for submission to the College Education Committee. Attachment: Appendix 7A – RSE Curriculum Proposals

For decision 10


Part 4 – Education Policy and Related Issues

8. Interim Teaching Space Strategies Recommendation: That the Committee provide feedback on the Union Court Redevelopment Interim Teaching Spaces paper. Attachment: Appendix 8A –Union Court Redevelopment Interim Teaching Space Strategies

For discussion 29


Part 5 – Items of other business

9. Meeting Dates

For information 34

10. Other business and question time

For discussion 34

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 1

Part 1 – Procedural Matters Item 1 Announcements and Apologies 1.1 Apologies

To be received

1.2 Announcements Item 2 Minutes Purpose To confirm the minutes of the RSE CDC Committee Meeting 5/2016, held on 6 September 2016. Recommendation That the Committee confirm the minutes of the meeting 5/2016. ACTION REQUIRED For discussion ☐ For decision For information ☐ For response ☐ Appendices Appendix 2A – Unconfirmed Minutes RSECDC 5/2016 Item 3 Matters Arising from the Minutes For the Committee to raise and note any matters arising from the Minutes. Item 4 Confidential Items Consistent with the policy and practice of Council, all matters in the agenda of the University Education Committee relating to individual persons, including appointments, enrolment, candidacy for degrees, personal details, performance and conduct are declared to be confidential. If any member wishes to raise a confidential matter in relation to any other item, he or she should do so under this Item. After consideration of the confidential items, observers will be admitted to the meeting.

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 2

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Minutes 5/2016 1


CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE Meeting No. 5/2016 of the Research School of Engineering Curriculum Development Committee was held on Tuesday 6 September 2016 at 12pm in Room B123, Brian Anderson Building (115). Present: Andres Cuevas, Salman Durrani, Robert Mahony, Paul Melloy, David Nisbet, Klaus Weber, Thomas White, Uwe Zimmer. In Attendance: Mrs Elizabeth Nunrom.

Absent: Jong Chow, Paul Compston, Matt James, Shankar Kalyanasundaram, Dan MacDonald, Ramesh Sankaranarayana, Jochen Trumpf.



1.1 Welcomes and Apologies Apologies were received from Jong Chow, Shankar Kalyanasundaram, Daniel MacDonald and Jochen Trumpf.

1.2 Announcements 1.2.1 Workload Spreadsheet

• This spreadsheet contains workload statements for all RSE courses, some current but also updated where convenors have sent updates through

• Some courses do not have any workload statement currently. 2016 convenors of these courses will be contacted to provide an update.

Action: Student Services to follow up directly with 2016 convenors of courses with no workload statements.

ITEM 2 MINUTES The Committee resolved to confirm the minutes of meeting 4/2016 of the RSE Curriculum Development Committee held on 5 July 2016.

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 3

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Minutes 5/2016 2


The Chair gave and received updates on the current action item list. The updated list is below. Meeting Item Action Responsibility Due Status Notes 1/2016 5 That David Nesbit would work

with Steve Lee and Klaus Weber on addressing the Biomedical major requirement and that he would give an update on this at the CDC meeting 2/2016.

David Nisbet, Steve Lee and Klaus Weber

15 March


1/2016 7.4 Strategies to increase student numbers, including an international articulation agreement, flexible double degrees and vertical double degrees.

Jong Chow and Robert Mahony

22 June


1/2016 7.4 Mechanisms to allow individual research projects whilst also satisfying the requirement for group/ team experience, and maintaining no 'Advanced' degree.

Jong Chow and Robert Mahony

Not set


1/2016 9 The Curriculum Development Committee resolved to further explore the possibility of creating Teaching Assistant Scholarship for PhD students.

Klaus Weber 4 April Ongoing Klaus to discuss with Thushara before the next meeting.

1/2016 10 The Curriculum Development Committee resolved that Discipline Chairs would closely monitor any course which had received an OSR below 50% within the last two semesters.

Discipline Chairs

Not set

Ongoing To be discussed at the next Discipline Chairs meeting.


There were no confidential items



There was no report.

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 4

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Minutes 5/2016 3

ITEM 6 REPORT FROM THE DISCIPLINE CHAIRS 6.1 Andres Cuevas – Renewable Energy

• Written report provided in the agenda

6.2 Rob Mahony – Mechatronics • Courses all progressing satisfactorily • Mechatronics Discipline meeting will be held later in semester

6.3 Salman Durrani – Electronics and Communications

• Worked with Klaus to finalise the 2017 teaching allocation • Worked with Tom to make changes in preparation for Masters accreditation • Klaus has been informed of some issues with Power Electronics and steps taken to address

them 6.4 David Nesbit – Biomedical

• Courses seem to be progressing satisfactorily • Changes for 2017 have been included in this agenda

6.5 Tom White – Masters Programs

• Masters courses seem to be progressing satisfactorily • Have not yet received an update on ENGN8170 from convenor or Tsinghua.

Resolution: The Curriculum Development Committee resolved to note the reports and associated actions


ITEM 7 RSE CURRICULUM PROPOSALS The following curriculum proposals were endorsed without amendment:

Subplan Amendment Code Title BMSY-MAJ Biomedical Systems BMSY-MIN Biomedical Systems

New Course Course Code Title ENGN 3013 Engineering for a Humanitarian Context

Note: An updated workload statement for this course was tabled and endorsed

Course Amendments Course Code Title ENGN 1218 Introduction to Electronics ENGN 2218 Electronic Systems and Design ENGN 2228 Signal Processing ENGN 3213 Digital Systems and Microprocessors

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 5

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Minutes 5/2016 4

The following curriculum proposals were endorsed subject to the stated amendments:

ENGN 4525 Solar Thermal Technologies ENGN 4536 Wireless Communications ENGN 4537 Discrete Time Signal Processing ENGN 4625 Power Electronics ENGN 4810 Nanotechnology and Application ENGN 6213 Digital Systems and Microprocessors ENGN 6513 Fibre optic communication systems ENGN 6536 Wireless Communications ENGN 6537 Discrete Time Signal Processing ENGN 6625 Power Electronics ENGN 8100 Introduction to Systems Engineering ENGN 8538 Probability and Stochastic Processes in Engineering ENGN 8602 Research Project ENGN 8637 Advanced Topics in Communications and Signal Processing ENGN 8830 Photovoltaic Power Plants ENGN 8832 Urban Energy and Energy Efficiency

Course Amendments Course Code Title Amendment ENGN 2222 Engineering

Thermodynamics • Reduce the workload • Clarify the workload statement

ENGN 3224 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

• Reduce the workload • Clarify the workload statement

ENGN 3334 Semiconductors • Update the initial learning outcome statement to be ' Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to:'

ENGN 3820 Biomedical Imaging • Update the initial learning outcome statement to be ' Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to:'

• Update learning outcome 1 to remove the phrase 'such as...imaging'.

ENGN 4820 Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and BioNEMS)

• Update the initial learning outcome statement to be ' Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to:'

• Change learning outcome 1 to state 'and apply' • Change learning outcome 3 to state 'Demonstrate'

ENGN 6224 Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

• Consider whether learning outcome 10 is appropriate for a graduate course

• Differentiate the learning outcomes of the postgraduate course from the co-taught undergraduate course

• Differentiate the indicative assessment and/or assessment rationale of the postgraduate course from the co-taught undergraduate course

ENGN 6334 Semiconductors • Differentiate the indicative assessment and/or assessment rationale of the postgraduate course from the co-taught undergraduate course

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 6

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Minutes 5/2016 5

The following curriculum proposals were to be resubmitted and considered out-of-session:

Resolution: The Curriculum Development Committee resolved:

1. that learning outcomes for courses will be amended to include the following standard initial statement 'Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the knowledge and skills to:' only where extensive changes to the learning outcomes will not be necessary.

2. to endorse for transmission to the College Education Committee those proposals endorsed without amendment

3. that all proposals endorsed subject to amendment be updated and sent to [email protected] by close of business Monday 12 September

4. that further consultation be undertaken regarding the proposal for ENGN4027 and the overlap with ENGN4810 before being resubmitted

5. that the correct version of ENGN3810 be submitted for out-of-session consideration


ITEM 8 ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA ACCREDITATION Dr White spoke to this item, briefing the Committee on the actions taken to prepare the Masters program for accreditation by Engineers Australia (EA). This included reviewing all courses and mapping learning outcomes to EA competencies. As a result, the Renewable Energy and Electronics and Communications plans were ready to be reviewed by EA for accreditation. The Mechatronics plan was not yet ready, and Professor Mahony noted that this would happen later in 2017 after some larger changes had been considered. Dr White noted that, as accreditation would be provisional in 2017, it may mean that Mechatronics would be able to be fully accredited at the same time, although this was perhaps unlikely if there were changes made which would take effect in 2018. He also noted

ENGN 6525 Solar Thermal Technologies

• Differentiate the learning outcomes of the postgraduate course from the co-taught undergraduate course

• Differentiate the indicative assessment and/or assessment rationale of the postgraduate course from the co-taught undergraduate course

ENGN 8534 Information Theory • Add statement 'Incompatible with COMP2610 and COMP6261'. Similar incompatibility statements for these COMP courses will be considered at the next RSCS CDC meeting.

New Course Course Code Title ENGN 4027 Advanced Nanomaterials

Course Amendments Course Code Title ENGN 3810 Bio Micro and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (BioMEMS and


RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 7

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Minutes 5/2016 6

that he would have a meeting with an EA representative later this month to discuss the next steps to be taken to request a formal EA review. It was noted that the Photonics plan was not being considered for accreditation at this time, and that this was known by the Photonics Discipline Chair. It was also noted that careful messaging to students regarding the accreditation of the Renewable Energy and Electronics and Communications plans, but not the Mechatronics or Photonics plans, would be needed. Action: Tom White to check the Admission requirement and cognate disciplines for the Renewable Energy plan, with a view to signalling changes in the upcoming UEC meeting should this be necessary.

Resolution: The Curriculum Development Committee resolved to endorse further action to accredit the Renewable Energy and Electronics and Communications plans in the Master of Engineering with Engineers Australia.

ITEM 9 ACCREDITATION POLICY FRAMEWORK The Chair spoke to this item, noting that any comments, questions or feedback could be sent to Elizabeth Nunrom. The Committee noted that stand-alone majors would not be able to include 4000-level course, but that the majority of CECS students wouldn't be affected as they were in embedded honours plans.

Resolution: The Curriculum Development Committee resolved to provide feedback to [email protected] by no later than 16 September 2016 on the proposed accreditation policy and suite of procedures (Appendix F).



Resolution: The Curriculum Development Committee resolved to note the dates of the Curriculum Development Committee and College Education Committee meetings ITEM 11 OTHER BUSINESS AND QUESTION TIME There was no other business

The meeting closed at 2.27pm EJN 06/09/2016

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 8

Part 2 - Reports Item 5 Report from the Chair Purpose To receive a report on the current issues in the Education portfolio Recommendation That the Committee note the report. ACTION REQUIRED For discussion ☐ For decision For information ☐ For response ☐ Item 6 Report from Program Convenors Purpose To receive a report on the current issues in each Program Recommendation That the Committee note the report. ACTION REQUIRED For discussion ☐ For decision For information ☐ For response ☐

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 9

Part 3 – Curriculum Proposals

Item 7 Research School of Engineering

Purpose To review curriculum proposals from the Research School of Engineering submitted to the Committee for their endorsement. Recommendation That the Committee review the below proposals and endorse them for submission to the Academic Standards and Quality Office for action or transmission to the University Education Committee. ACTION REQUIRED For discussion ☐ For decision For information ☐ For response ☐ Background

Sponsor Associate Director (Education) Research School of Engineering Appendices Appendix 7A – RSE Curriculum Proposal forms

Course Amendments Page Course Code Title and brief description of proposed amendments 11 ENGN 8100 Introduction to Systems Engineering

- Update requisite statement to add of Master of Project Management

Course Disestablishments Page Course Code Title 14 ENGN 8150 Professional Communications I 17 ENGN 8160 Professional Communications II 20 ENGN 8524 Fundamentals of Solar Cells 23 ENGN 8526 Photovoltaic Module Manufacturing 26 ENGN 8528 Optics for Solar Energy

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 10

Request Type Course Amendment Course Status Not Approved

Date Approved

Academic Course FormCEC Document Number

Catalogue Number 8100Subject Area ENGN

Amendment Type Minor Amendment - Change of Pre-requisite

Print FormSend by Email

Amendment Description Change of requisite statement to add Master of Project Management


Proposer Name

Proposed Date

Long Course Title Introduction to Systems Engineering (100 characters)

(30 characters)Short Course Title Intro to System Engineering


To Take Effect From 01/07/2017 Course Minimum Unit Value 6 Course Maximum Unit Value 6

Do you want this course to be offered as a variable unit course? No

Does this course have an UG / PG Equivalent ? No

Primary Convenor's Email

Primary Convenor's Name

Course Description

Course Structure and Content

Learning Outcomes


Prescribed Texts (Reading to Support the Course)

Preliminary Reading

Indicative Reading List

Assumed Knowledge, Required Skills and Recommended Courses (not prerequisites)

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 11

Requisite Statement for Course (includes Corequisite/Prerequisite and Incompatibility) (For more information please refer Requisite Design Guide)

To enrol in this course you must be studying Master of Engineering or Master of Project Management.

Indicative Assessment

Assessment Rationale

Additional Assessment | Learning Outcomes

Mode of Delivery

Quality Assurance Arrangements

Transitional Arrangements (if applicable)

Relevant ANU internal and external consultation

Intended Market and work undertaken to evaluate the market

Estimated Enrolment Numbers and rationale

Areas of Interest Please select Areas of Interest

Is this required on a Sub-Plan? Please specify Major / Minor / Spec


Responsible College ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science

Send Notifications To [email protected]

Associate Dean / Dean/ College Dean Associate Professor Jochen Trumpf

Is Consent Required to Enrol? No

If yes, reason

Eligibility for Graduate Studies (Graduate Coursework Only) No

Graduate Studies Classification 1 Graduate Studies Classification 2

List of course topics (Topics are descriptors on course names) (30 character limit each topic)

Academic Organistion (Offered by) 07346 – Research School of Engineering

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 12

Academic Group ENGIT (ANU College of Eng & Comp Sci)

Academic Career

How many times may this course be repeated after successful completion? (Please enter number only) 0

Course Grading Basis Course Component

Is this a work experience or course internship? No(Work Experience course are where student learning and performance

is not directed by the university)

If yes, to a work experience course, will the learning and assessment be directed by the ANU?

Proposed Scheduling (for the next three years)


Does this course have more than one owner? No

Split Ownership Academic Organisation Percentage EFTSL

Year Per Unit ISF Per Unit DTF

Fee rate is same as existing course Department ID CE100


Field of Education Code

Submit by Email to Course Registry

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 13

Request Type Course Amendment Course Status Not Approved

Date Approved

Academic Course FormCEC Document Number

Catalogue Number 8150Subject Area ENGN

Amendment Type Major Amendment - Inactivate a Course

Print FormSend by Email

Amendment Description Inactivation of course

Rationale This course has been replaced by a new course ENGN6250 Professional Practice 1

Proposer Name Thomas White

Proposed Date 1

Long Course Title Professional Communications I (100 characters)

(30 characters)Short Course Title Prof Comm I


To Take Effect From 01/07/2017 Course Minimum Unit Value 6 Course Maximum Unit Value 6

Do you want this course to be offered as a variable unit course? No

Does this course have an UG / PG Equivalent ? No

Primary Convenor's Email

Primary Convenor's Name

Course Description

Course Structure and Content

Learning Outcomes


Prescribed Texts (Reading to Support the Course)

Preliminary Reading

Indicative Reading List

Assumed Knowledge, Required Skills and Recommended Courses (not prerequisites)

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 14

Requisite Statement for Course (includes Corequisite/Prerequisite and Incompatibility) (For more information please refer Requisite Design Guide)

Indicative Assessment

Assessment Rationale

Additional Assessment | Learning Outcomes

Mode of Delivery

Quality Assurance Arrangements

Transitional Arrangements (if applicable) Not required: this course has been replaced with an equivalent course and students have been notified.

Relevant ANU internal and external consultation RSE Curriculum Development Committee

Intended Market and work undertaken to evaluate the market

Estimated Enrolment Numbers and rationale

Areas of Interest Please select Areas of Interest

Is this required on a Sub-Plan? Please specify Major / Minor / Spec


Responsible College ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science

Send Notifications To [email protected]

Associate Dean / Dean/ College Dean Associate Professor Jochen Trumpf

Is Consent Required to Enrol? No

If yes, reason

Eligibility for Graduate Studies (Graduate Coursework Only) No

Graduate Studies Classification 1 Graduate Studies Classification 2

List of course topics (Topics are descriptors on course names) (30 character limit each topic)

Academic Organistion (Offered by) 07346 – Research School of Engineering

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 15

Academic Group ENGIT (ANU College of Eng & Comp Sci)

Academic Career

How many times may this course be repeated after successful completion? (Please enter number only) 0

Course Grading Basis Course Component

Is this a work experience or course internship? No(Work Experience course are where student learning and performance

is not directed by the university)

If yes, to a work experience course, will the learning and assessment be directed by the ANU?

Proposed Scheduling (for the next three years)


Does this course have more than one owner? No

Split Ownership Academic Organisation Percentage EFTSL

Year Per Unit ISF Per Unit DTF

Fee rate is same as existing course Department ID CE100


Field of Education Code

Submit by Email to Course Registry

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 16

Request Type Course Amendment Course Status Not Approved

Date Approved

Academic Course FormCEC Document Number

Catalogue Number 8160Subject Area ENGN

Amendment Type Major Amendment - Inactivate a Course

Print FormSend by Email

Amendment Description Inactivation of course

Rationale This course has been replaced by a new course ENGN8260 Professional Practice 2

Proposer Name Thomas White

Proposed Date 1

Long Course Title Professional Communications II (100 characters)

(30 characters)Short Course Title Prof Comm II


To Take Effect From 01/07/2017 Course Minimum Unit Value 6 Course Maximum Unit Value 6

Do you want this course to be offered as a variable unit course? No

Does this course have an UG / PG Equivalent ? No

Primary Convenor's Email

Primary Convenor's Name

Course Description

Course Structure and Content

Learning Outcomes


Prescribed Texts (Reading to Support the Course)

Preliminary Reading

Indicative Reading List

Assumed Knowledge, Required Skills and Recommended Courses (not prerequisites)

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 17

Requisite Statement for Course (includes Corequisite/Prerequisite and Incompatibility) (For more information please refer Requisite Design Guide)

Indicative Assessment

Assessment Rationale

Additional Assessment | Learning Outcomes

Mode of Delivery

Quality Assurance Arrangements

Transitional Arrangements (if applicable) Not required: this course has been replaced with an equivalent course and students have been notified.

Relevant ANU internal and external consultation RSE Curriculum Development Committee

Intended Market and work undertaken to evaluate the market

Estimated Enrolment Numbers and rationale

Areas of Interest Please select Areas of Interest

Is this required on a Sub-Plan? Please specify Major / Minor / Spec


Responsible College ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science

Send Notifications To [email protected]

Associate Dean / Dean/ College Dean Associate Professor Jochen Trumpf

Is Consent Required to Enrol? No

If yes, reason

Eligibility for Graduate Studies (Graduate Coursework Only) No

Graduate Studies Classification 1 Graduate Studies Classification 2

List of course topics (Topics are descriptors on course names) (30 character limit each topic)

Academic Organistion (Offered by) 07346 – Research School of Engineering

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 18

Academic Group ENGIT (ANU College of Eng & Comp Sci)

Academic Career

How many times may this course be repeated after successful completion? (Please enter number only) 0

Course Grading Basis Course Component

Is this a work experience or course internship? No(Work Experience course are where student learning and performance

is not directed by the university)

If yes, to a work experience course, will the learning and assessment be directed by the ANU?

Proposed Scheduling (for the next three years)


Does this course have more than one owner? No

Split Ownership Academic Organisation Percentage EFTSL

Year Per Unit ISF Per Unit DTF

Fee rate is same as existing course Department ID CE100


Field of Education Code

Submit by Email to Course Registry

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 19

Request Type Course Amendment Course Status Not Approved

Date Approved

Academic Course FormCEC Document Number

Catalogue Number 8524Subject Area ENGN

Amendment Type Major Amendment - Inactivate a Course

Print FormSend by Email

Amendment Description Inactivation of course

Rationale This course was created for the superceded Master of Engineering in Solar Energy Technologies (NSETE) which has been replaced by the Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy (NENRE). It is not required for NENRE.

Proposer Name Thomas White

Proposed Date 1

Long Course Title Fundamentals of Solar Cells (100 characters)

(30 characters)Short Course Title Fundamentals of Solar Cells


To Take Effect From 01/07/2017 Course Minimum Unit Value 6 Course Maximum Unit Value 6

Do you want this course to be offered as a variable unit course? No

Does this course have an UG / PG Equivalent ? No

Primary Convenor's Email

Primary Convenor's Name

Course Description

Course Structure and Content

Learning Outcomes


Prescribed Texts (Reading to Support the Course)

Preliminary Reading

Indicative Reading List

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 20

Assumed Knowledge, Required Skills and Recommended Courses (not prerequisites)

Requisite Statement for Course (includes Corequisite/Prerequisite and Incompatibility) (For more information please refer Requisite Design Guide)

Indicative Assessment

Assessment Rationale

Additional Assessment | Learning Outcomes

Mode of Delivery

Quality Assurance Arrangements

Transitional Arrangements (if applicable) Students currently enrolled in the NSETE have been offered transfer to the NENRE program and have been advised of substitute courses as per NSETE transition plan.

Relevant ANU internal and external consultation RSE Curriculum Development Committee

Intended Market and work undertaken to evaluate the market

Estimated Enrolment Numbers and rationale

Areas of Interest Please select Areas of Interest

Is this required on a Sub-Plan? Please specify Major / Minor / Spec


Responsible College ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science

Send Notifications To [email protected]

Associate Dean / Dean/ College Dean Associate Professor Jochen Trumpf

Is Consent Required to Enrol? No

If yes, reason

Eligibility for Graduate Studies (Graduate Coursework Only) No

Graduate Studies Classification 1 Graduate Studies Classification 2

List of course topics (Topics are descriptors on course names) (30

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 21

character limit each topic)

Academic Organistion (Offered by) 07346 – Research School of Engineering

Academic Group ENGIT (ANU College of Eng & Comp Sci)

Academic Career

How many times may this course be repeated after successful completion? (Please enter number only) 0

Course Grading Basis Course Component

Is this a work experience or course internship? No(Work Experience course are where student learning and performance

is not directed by the university)

If yes, to a work experience course, will the learning and assessment be directed by the ANU?

Proposed Scheduling (for the next three years)


Does this course have more than one owner? No

Split Ownership Academic Organisation Percentage EFTSL

Year Per Unit ISF Per Unit DTF

Fee rate is same as existing course Department ID CE100


Field of Education Code

Submit by Email to Course Registry

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 22

Request Type Course Amendment Course Status Not Approved

Date Approved

Academic Course FormCEC Document Number

Catalogue Number 8526Subject Area ENGN

Amendment Type Major Amendment - Inactivate a Course

Print FormSend by Email

Amendment Description Inactivation of course

Rationale This course was created for the superceded Master of Engineering in Solar Energy Technologies (NSETE) which has been replaced by the Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy (NENRE). It is not required for NENRE.

Proposer Name Thomas White

Proposed Date 1

Long Course Title Photovoltaic Module Manufacturing (100 characters)

(30 characters)Short Course Title PV Module Manufacturing


To Take Effect From 01/07/2017 Course Minimum Unit Value 6 Course Maximum Unit Value 6

Do you want this course to be offered as a variable unit course? No

Does this course have an UG / PG Equivalent ? No

Primary Convenor's Email

Primary Convenor's Name

Course Description

Course Structure and Content

Learning Outcomes


Prescribed Texts (Reading to Support the Course)

Preliminary Reading

Indicative Reading List

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 23

Assumed Knowledge, Required Skills and Recommended Courses (not prerequisites)

Requisite Statement for Course (includes Corequisite/Prerequisite and Incompatibility) (For more information please refer Requisite Design Guide)

Indicative Assessment

Assessment Rationale

Additional Assessment | Learning Outcomes

Mode of Delivery

Quality Assurance Arrangements

Transitional Arrangements (if applicable) Students currently enrolled in the NSETE have been offered transfer to the NENRE program and have been advised of substitute courses as per NSETE transition plan.

Relevant ANU internal and external consultation RSE Curriculum Development Committee

Intended Market and work undertaken to evaluate the market

Estimated Enrolment Numbers and rationale

Areas of Interest Please select Areas of Interest

Is this required on a Sub-Plan? Please specify Major / Minor / Spec


Responsible College ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science

Send Notifications To [email protected]

Associate Dean / Dean/ College Dean Associate Professor Jochen Trumpf

Is Consent Required to Enrol? No

If yes, reason

Eligibility for Graduate Studies (Graduate Coursework Only) No

Graduate Studies Classification 1 Graduate Studies Classification 2

List of course topics (Topics are descriptors on course names) (30

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 24

character limit each topic)

Academic Organistion (Offered by) 07346 – Research School of Engineering

Academic Group ENGIT (ANU College of Eng & Comp Sci)

Academic Career

How many times may this course be repeated after successful completion? (Please enter number only) 0

Course Grading Basis Course Component

Is this a work experience or course internship? No(Work Experience course are where student learning and performance

is not directed by the university)

If yes, to a work experience course, will the learning and assessment be directed by the ANU?

Proposed Scheduling (for the next three years)


Does this course have more than one owner? No

Split Ownership Academic Organisation Percentage EFTSL

Year Per Unit ISF Per Unit DTF

Fee rate is same as existing course Department ID CE100


Field of Education Code

Submit by Email to Course Registry

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 25

Request Type Course Amendment Course Status Not Approved

Date Approved

Academic Course FormCEC Document Number

Catalogue Number 8528Subject Area ENGN

Amendment Type Major Amendment - Inactivate a Course

Print FormSend by Email

Amendment Description Inactivation of course

Rationale This course was created for the superceded Master of Engineering in Solar Energy Technologies (NSETE) which has been replaced by the Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy (NENRE). It is not required for NENRE.

Proposer Name Thomas White

Proposed Date 1

Long Course Title Optics for Solar Energy (100 characters)

(30 characters)Short Course Title Optics for Solar Energy


To Take Effect From 01/07/2017 Course Minimum Unit Value 6 Course Maximum Unit Value 6

Do you want this course to be offered as a variable unit course? No

Does this course have an UG / PG Equivalent ? No

Primary Convenor's Email

Primary Convenor's Name

Course Description

Course Structure and Content

Learning Outcomes


Prescribed Texts (Reading to Support the Course)

Preliminary Reading

Indicative Reading List

RSE Curriculum Development Committee Agenda 1701 Page 26

Assumed Knowledge, Required Skills and Recommended Courses (not prerequisites)

Requisite Statement for Course (includes Corequisite/Prerequisite and Incompatibility) (For more information please refer Requisite Design Guide)

Indicative Assessment

Assessment Rationale

Additional Assessment | Learning Outcomes

Mode of Delivery

Quality Assurance Arrangements

Transitional Arrangements (if applicable) Students currently enrolled in the NSETE have been offered transfer to the NENRE program and have been advised of substitute courses as per NSETE transition plan.

Relevant ANU internal and external consultation RSE Curriculum Development Committee

Intended Market and work undertaken to evaluate the market

Estimated Enrolment Numbers and rationale

Areas of Interest Please select Areas of Interest

Is this required on a Sub-Plan? Please specify Major / Minor / Spec


Responsible College ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science

Send Notifications To [email protected]

Associate Dean / Dean/ College Dean Associate Professor Jochen Trumpf

Is Consent Required to Enrol? No

If yes, reason

Eligibility for Graduate Studies (Graduate Coursework Only) No

Graduate Studies Classification 1 Graduate Studies Classification 2

List of course topics (Topics are descriptors on course names) (30

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character limit each topic)

Academic Organistion (Offered by) 07346 – Research School of Engineering

Academic Group ENGIT (ANU College of Eng & Comp Sci)

Academic Career

How many times may this course be repeated after successful completion? (Please enter number only) 0

Course Grading Basis Course Component

Is this a work experience or course internship? No(Work Experience course are where student learning and performance

is not directed by the university)

If yes, to a work experience course, will the learning and assessment be directed by the ANU?

Proposed Scheduling (for the next three years)


Does this course have more than one owner? No

Split Ownership Academic Organisation Percentage EFTSL

Year Per Unit ISF Per Unit DTF

Fee rate is same as existing course Department ID CE100


Field of Education Code

Submit by Email to Course Registry

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Part 4 – University Education Policy and Related Issues Item 8 Interim Teaching Space Strategies Purpose To provide feedback on the Union Court Redevelopment Interim Teaching Spaces briefing paper. Recommendation That the Committee provide feedback on the Union Court Redevelopment Interim Teaching Spaces paper. ACTION REQUIRED For discussion ☑ For decision For information ☐ For response ☑ Sponsor Associate Director (Education) Research School of Engineering Appendices Appendix 8A – Union Court Redevelopment Interim Teaching Spaces

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Senior Executive/Senior Management Group/Super Conveners Group Item: Union Court Redevelopment Interim Teaching Spaces Purpose To provide information on the interim solution for Teaching Spaces during the redevelopment of Union Court and University Avenue. Recommendations That the Group:

1. Note the arrangements that have been proposed for timetabling and student evaluation management and the promotion and support of teaching innovation for the period January 2017–January 2019, with the option of extension also offered with future approval by SMG.

ACTION REQUIRED For discussion For decision For information College response

Background In June 2017, building works will commence for the Union Court development. The first phase will include the demolition of a number of buildings to address issues with the ground plane. The most significant demolition proposed for staff with teaching responsibilities will be the Manning Clark Centre. 1405 seats will be removed, replaced in January 2019 by just over 2000 seats across two buildings, including retractable tier lecture theatres. Presentations will follow on the schematics for those two buildings. This paper addresses the interim arrangements that have been put in place, under four headings. 1. Timetabling Staffing Four additional staff have been hired or advertised for the timetabling team to help support the colleges in managing the transition period:

• ‘Trauma timetabler’—Mosaic Space—hired by the University to examine how teaching activities might be accommodated with the least disruption possible;

• Timetable Project Manager: hired to provide expanded capacity in the timetabling team, to manage timetabling parameters and to improve data entry standards for timetabling in the University;

• Timetabling communication and change managers (x2): to provide updates on Union Court construction and disruptions, interim arrangements and to work with colleges to provide solutions to issues that may arise in the interim period.

Interim Timetable Parameters At a minimum, the following parameters will be realised if an interim timetable is to be implemented with the least disruption: • Suspension of the common lunch hour, June 2017–June 2019; • Extending teaching hours; 8am to 9pm for large activities of more than 100, and 8am to 7pm for activities of

100 or less; • Restricted public lectures and other events in teaching spaces prior to 9pm; • Central management of all teaching stock for timetable scheduling, even in cases where that stock will not be

used centrally; • Restriction of intensive teaching to designated spaces that are not currently identified by the timetabling model,

or to run in the 28 weeks of the year that semesters do not; • Use of TEFMA booking frequency benchmarks (75%), and higher for large lecture theatres; • Provision of comparable AV equipment in all large lecture theatres; • Use of transport options—bus hire, bike hire, or scooter hire—to move students between teaching locations

that are located more than 10 minutes walk apart; • Use of lecture recording to substitute for:

o Comprehensive clash management of the timetable; and o Make up lectures arising from lectures falling on public holidays

Additional Space As part of developing an interim solution, a number of alternative venues have been explored (National Film and Sound Archive (114 seats), Pilgrim House Auditorium (200 seats), Shine Dome Ian Wark Theatre (184 seats), Palace Cinemas (multiple spaces under 150 seats)). These will continue to be explored, noting that the modelling

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for the interim solution indicates the greatest impact of additional space is for additional spaces of 300 or more seats. Interim Timetable With the help of Mosaic Space, the University has developed two scenarios for the interim timetable. Both of these accommodate known and projected growth in student numbers, particularly international students. For the sake of simplicity, and in order to minimise the burden on academic and professional staff, model one is preferred. The models are contained in Appendix A. 2. Examinations Academic Board has given in principle support for examinations to be held offsite at the Australian Institute of Sport. Transport to and from the examination venue to the Acton campus will be provided for students residing in the Acton vicinity. UEC support for the operational details involved will be sought. 3. Student Evaluations Given the disruption to teaching activities generated by the demolition of the Manning Clark Centre it is proposed that:

• SELS for courses with an enrolment over 200 be quarantined over the period June 2017–June 2019, with staff able to use those evaluations to support promotion and PDR discussions should they so wish; and

• Associate Deans Education be able to request the further quarantining of SELS per semester or year for any course in which there is demonstrated impact of construction. Again, staff will be able to use those evaluations to support promotion and PDR discussions should they so wish.

4. Support for Teaching Innovation A first round of Teaching Enhancement Grants has been awarded for conveners of large courses to test new, modified or renewed approaches to teaching, with the use of the full budget of $32,790:

• Tilting teaching to enhance student learning in very large classes in the ANU Colleges of Science. (JCS) • Exploring Tech-enhanced Course Development and Learning (ANUCoL) • Gamification of Early-Year Engineering Core and Jigsaw Classrooms (CECS) • Optimisation of Resources and Space Across the University (CBE) • The Open Studio: Supporting Student Learning in Visual Art Settings with Digital Demonstrations (CASS)

A Learning and Teaching Innovation support plan is in the early stages of development. The goal of the plan is to identify and implement the infrastructure required to enable learning and teaching innovation, including support staff, technology and staff development. Models Appendix A indicates key highlight models for the University to manage the removal of Manning Clark. Note that more than 30 models have been built for review, and further can be built on requests to vary parameters. In considering the models the 2016 timetable has been used as the benchmark with Semester 1 having 23 repeats per week of 24 hours duration, and Semester 2 having 13 repeats per week repeats of 17 hours duration. Semester 1, 2018 will represent peak demand on teaching facilities. Based on prior year data, Semester 2, 2018 room demand will drop off slightly from the semester 1 peak. As a result, models have been built around demonstrating the immediate impact in Semester 2, 2017, and the peak of Semester 1, 2018. Where stock is not able to be utilised for teaching as outlined in the models and within the prescribed parameters, the requirement for repeats will increase accordingly. Should further information on viable models from Mosaic Space become available prior to the meeting, this will be circulated to members as an update. Sponsor Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Authors Registrar (A/g), Division of Student Administration Deputy Registrar (A/g), Division of Student Administration Development Manager, Union Court and University Avenue Appendices Appendix A: Prioritised Potential Models

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Appendix A: Prioritised Potential Models Model 1 Model 1 involves drawing on university stock that is not currently used heavily (if at all) for teaching. This involves a substitution type approach for the larger theatres from Manning Clark – allowing for growth – and absorbing teaching from smaller theatres into current teaching space as actual and virtual teaching spaces. Lecture Theatre

Capacity Replacement Strategy

Interim Capacity Notes/Requirements

MCC 1 496 Llewellyn Hall 1300 seats Beonics, AV and Echo360 to be installed and ‘stable tables’ to be purchased.

MCC 2 333 SRW / Molongo 154 / 200 (linked via live feed)

Beonics, AV and Echo360 to be installed

MCC 3 336 Huxley / Finkel / China in the World

240 / 100 / 200 (linked via live feed)

Beonics, AV and Echo360 to be installed

MCC 4 81 Across Campus Absorbed via current stock MCC 5 83 Across Campus Absorbed via current stock MCC 6 76 Across Campus Absorbed via current stock

This approach does not require new teaching spaces to be constructed and works the University’s stock harder in order to achieve our teaching goals. It provides the following outcomes for the timetable in Semester 2, 2017 and Semester 1, 2018: Semester 2, 2017 Semester 1, 2018 2016 Benchmark 13 repeats per week

17 hours of repeats per week 23 repeats per week 24 hours of repeats per week

Model 1 Outcome No repeats

No repeats

This strategy does rely on the release of all university stock (be it college or centrally controlled) including Llewellyn Hall from 8am to 9pm, Monday to Friday, and for that space to be centrally managed for each of the 12-week semesters in the construction period (Sem 2, 2017, Sem 1 2018, Sem 2 2018) along with commencement of provisioning for beonics, Echo360 and live feed capabilities. Costs associated with this strategy are yet to be finalised but are containable due to the limited impact of this strategy. Cost are primarily for AV equipment, opportunity cost of used spaces, and employment of facilitators for livestreaming activities.

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Model 2 Model 2 takes the approach that Llewellyn Hall, China in the World and Finkel will be available for hours more restrictive than 8am to 9pm. It presumes the use of Llewellyn Hall 8am to 4pm 5 days per week, and the sectioning off of China in the World and Finkel for events, non-semester-based intensive teaching, seminars and conferences. In this circumstance, the construction of a large, 500 seat temporary space (such as a large circus tent) is proposed to absorb teaching that cannot be managed through other means. Lecture Theatre

Capacity Replacement Strategy

Interim Capacity


MCC 1 496 Llewellyn Hall 8am – 4pm

1300 seats Beonics, AV and Echo360 to be installed and ‘stable tables’ to be purchased.

MCC 2 333 Across Campus Absorbed via current stock MCC 3 336 Circus Tent 500 Beonics, AV and Echo360 to be installed MCC 4 81 Across Campus Absorbed via current stock MCC 5 83 Across Campus Absorbed via current stock MCC 6 76 Across Campus Absorbed via current stock

This approach requires interim teaching space to be constructed and involves working the University’s stock significantly harder to achieve our teaching goals. It provides the following outcomes for the timetable in Semester 2, 2017 and Semester 1, 2018: Semester 2, 2017 Semester 1, 2018 2016 Benchmark 13 repeats per week

17 hours of repeats per week 23 repeats per week 24 hours of repeats per week

Model 2 Outcome 33 repeats per week 42.5 hours of repeats per week

44 repeats per week 62 hours of repeats per week

This strategy does rely on the release of all university stock (be it college or centrally controlled) as a matter of urgency, the circus tent to be exclusively used for teaching activities, and for university stock to be centrally managed for each of the 12-week semesters in the construction period (Sem 2, 2017, Sem 1 2018, Sem 2 2018), along with commencement of provisioning for beonics and Echo360 feed capabilities. Costs associated with the strategy are expected to be greater than model 1 due to the construction of an additional, temporary teaching space on University grounds. The utilisation of livestreaming could be drawn on to further improve the model, and in practice this model may be closer to what is able to be realised.

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Part 5 – Items of other business Item 9 Meeting Dates 2017 Purpose To note the remaining meeting dates for 2017 Recommendation That the Committee note the dates of the remaining 2017 meetings. ACTION REQUIRED For discussion ☐ For decision ☐ For information For response ☐

Item 10 Other business and question time Purpose For Committee members to ask questions and raise items of other business Recommendation That the Committee note the matters raised and the responses. ACTION REQUIRED For discussion ☐ For decision ☐ For information For response ☐ Sponsor Associate Director (Education) Research School of Engineering


Agenda Deadline

RSE CDC Meeting 12-2pm

R212, Bld31 Notes and Deadlines

14 March 28 March

4 April 18 April Deadline for award amendments, new graduate coursework awards and disestablishments of graduate coursework awards for 2018.

20 June 4 July

15 August 29 August

Deadline for amendments to courses scheduled in Semester 1, 2018. Deadline for creation and disestablishment of undergraduate awards for 2019.

17 October 31 October

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