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Resep Jualan

Date post: 02-Feb-2016
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Page 2: Resep Jualan


1 pkg. (16.5 oz.) NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Refrigerated Chocolate Chip Cookie Bar Dough 2 pkgs. (8 oz. each) cream cheese, room temperature 1 can (14 oz.) NESTLÉ® CARNATION® Sweetened Condensed Milk 2 large eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 can (21 oz.) cherry pie filling





PREHEAT oven to 325° F. Paper-line 24 muffin cups. Place one piece of cookie dough in each muffin cup.

BAKE for 10 to 12 minutes or until cookie has spread to edge of cup.

BEAT cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk, eggs and vanilla extract in medium bowl until smooth. Pour about 3 tablespoons cream cheese mixture over each cookie in cup.

BAKE for additional 15 to 18 minutes or until set. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Top each with level tablespoon of pie filling. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

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For the crust: 125 grams (4.5 ounces) Digestive biscuits ( you can also use graham crackers) 50 grams (1.75 ounces) butter, melted For the filling: 230 grams (1 cup) vanilla greek yogurt 0% fat 120 grams (1/2 cup) whipping cream 50 grams (1/4 cup) cream cheese, room temperature (I used fat-free Philadelphia cheese) 25 grams (2½ tablespoons) powdered sugar For the topping: fresh berries


1. Put the biscuits in a food processor and pulse until they are finely ground.2. Mix the cookie crumbs and melted butter until moist crumbs form.

3.4. Spoon some crumbs into each glass and press firmly with the back of a spoon or

fingertips.5. Make sure it is spread out evenly.

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6.7. Put the glasses in the refrigerator while the rest of the cheesecake is prepared.8. Meanwhile, whip the cream.9. Mix the yogurt, cream cheese, powdered sugar and add it to the whipped cream, folding

it in carefully.

10.11. Pour this mixture on the cookie crust, level it and put the glasses in the fridge to set for

at least 1 hour.12. Top it with berries before serving. Enjoy!

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1 sachet susu bubuk dancow

1 gelas belimbing air

100 gr keju Cheddar parut

2 sdm gula pasir

secukupnya Meses seres untuk taburan

Bahan isiian:

1 bungkus oreo

25 gr keju parut

1 sdm margarine/butter


1. Masak susu bubuk, air, keju dan gula pasir hingga mendidih dan mengental+

2. Lelehkan margarine, lalu tuang ke Oreo Yang telah di haluskan dan krim nya tidak dipakai. Tambahkan keju parut. Aduk rata+

3. Susun di dalam cup dimulai dari Oreo> adonan keju>Oreo>adonan keju>meses seres+

4. Lakukan berulang hingga adonan habis. Simpan di kulkas sebelum di santap. Dingin lebih nikmat

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nobake cheesecake

Resep ini resep paling simple n gampang...Karena anak2 saya doyan nyemil jadi "memaksa" bundanya untuk belajar bikin kue...Bahan-bahan

200 gram creamcheese

1 kaleng susu kental manis

100 gram biscuit

1 pack butter unsalted

1 buah lemon



1. Hancurkan biscuit sampai halus2. Campur biskuit dengan butter yg sudah dicairkan...sisihkan3. Kocok creamcheese sampe lembut lalu campur dengan susu kental manis hingga tercampur,lalu

tambahkan air perasan lemon4. Tata adonan biskuit di dasar gelas atau cup...beri 1sdm,lalu masukkan adonan creamcheese diatasnya.5. Simpan dalam kulkas 1 jam

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Bahan-bahan250 ml whipped cream/fresh cream100 gr chese cream3 sdm gula halus2 sdm mentega cair1/2 sdm vanila ekstrak3 kotak oreo (sy pake yg kecil imut)seckpnya whippe cream siap pake utk topingsckpnya astor


Kocok whippe cream hingga kaku,simpan dlm kulkas.tumbuk kasar oreo dan sisakan beberapa utk garnis

Kocok chese cream,gula hls,vanila ekstrak hingga lembut dan tambahkan whippe cream....mix hingga tercampur rata.masukkan 1/2 oreo,aduk rata

Campur dan aduk rata sisa oreo dgn mentega cair

Siapkan cup/gelas dan susun disetiap gelas dgn.... 1.cream sebagai alas 2.campuran oreo mentega

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3.cream lg hingga 3/4 gelas 4.toping whippe cream pake plastik segi tiga dgn spuit bintang besar 5.garnis dgn oreo dan astor sesuai selera+ Simpan dlm kulkas min.1 jam supaya teksturnya jd padat.anddd....chesecakes siap di nikmati
