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Residual Income | Best MLM Marketing System

Date post: 19-Feb-2017
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It is a fact that for many people, the income they earn is based on the work they do ona day to day basis. In other words, if they do not work, their income ceases.

The growth of the internet and online marketing has enabled more people to developresidual income business which is the type of income that can be earned passivelyand continue to increase. In this article we will look at ways that you can create thistype of income online.

The first area we will look at is affiliate marketing as this is a way that you can create anincome by recommending products and being paid a commission by doing so. Thereare ways to leverage affiliate marketing so that once you have a system set up, you canstart to receive income on autopilot.

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For instance, you can set up a lead capture page to attract opt ins and once someonesigns up you can automatically send them to an offer. This type of funnel will over timeproduce sales without much further work from yourself.

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The type of affiliate offers you promote can also start to create passive income asthere are many products available that require a monthly subscription. These canoften be marketing tools or services such as hosting.

As people sign up to these offers, as recommended by you, the monthly commissionswill continue to be paid for you as long as their subscriptions remain active. In manycases these tools and services are essential for the customer, so they will continue tomake the subscriptions.

There are many definitions for residual income. This income can be that which is leftover after paying off debts, or it can be that which you’re receiving month after monthin addition to your regular pay. This type of income is part of a multiple stream ofincome and is becoming more popular every day.

In today’s modern economy, a lot of people are ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’. For thisreason, many are turning to other resources to earn an income. There are a variety ofways to do this. Here we will focus on the variety of ways to do this and how it canhelp you to earn a living.

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After paying the bills each pay period, many of us are left with too much month andnot enough money. This is partly due to inflation and the economy and partly due toour desire to have more. Both can be serious issues.

For an income to qualify as residual, it must be an income that is earned even whenyou’re not working at it. This could be from a variety of sources including some of thefollowing:

Rental UnitsRoyalties Earned From WritingRoyalties Earned From MarketingAd RevenueInterest On InvestmentsProfit Sharing

and other types of income. This form of income is also referred to as recurringincome. Here’s how it works.

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In the beginning of the program, you’re going to have to put your time and effort intothe program. You may even have to put some money into the program to get it up andrunning.

You’ll build this up over the course of time and put a lot of effort into it and likely a lotof time. It won’t be paying you much if anything in the beginning.

As you build this business up you’ll begin to see a residual return on it. As you add inmultiple streams of other incomes, this return will increase.

Many people have started shoestring businesses like this and after several years beenable to quit their day job and rely soley upon their recurring income. It’s important tonote that this will take them a lot of time and effort and they will be ever increasingthis income by making choices that can increase it on a daily basis.

This simply isn’t something that is going to happen overnight, in fact, it takes years ofeffort to design and create such a thriving income.

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Think of it like this, to get your regular pay check, you put in about 40 hours per week.You do what the boss needs done and you get paid for your efforts.

In recurring income, you’re going to be putting in a lot of time as well. You’ll be paid indirect relation to your efforts. If you put in an hour or so a day you may have 7 to 14hours per week of income coming.

When you increase this 7 to 14 hours per week you will see increased income indirect relation to your efforts.

By following this method and working in your spare time you’re creating a viableresidual income for you and your family.

Network marketing companies have always provided the opportunity for people tocreate a business with residual income formula. As online marketing has enabledindividuals and companies to reach more people, this has resulted in both traditionaland new network marketing companies leveraging the internet to grow theirbusinesses.

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This has made it easier for individuals to both sell products and recruit newdistributors online and so produce increasing levels of residual income opportunity.In fact, many new network marketing opportunities have a pre launch period wherebyyou can recruit potential distributors before the product is actually available.

It is also possible to create your own digital products online to sell and once you havetaken the steps to do this, you can start to see income being generated not just byyourself but by affiliates driving traffic to your offers.

As with affiliate marketing, you can produce a product that requires a monthlysubscription that will then result in recurring income for yourself. If you do not feelyou can produce a product yourself, you can purchase products created by otherswith private label rights. This means that you can sell the product as your own.

The recurring income method can be taken a stage further by creating membershipsites. As further members join, so your income increases and you are thereforecreating more and more income automatically as the membership continues to grow.

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The idea of making money whilst you sleep is possible to create online by using theright systems and automation. As your income grows you can opt to outsource manyof your tasks and then you can really start to enjoy the benefits of passive income andthe time freedom it can create.

Any content you produce to sell or promote products online can be repurposed inmany ways with the growth of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and bythe use of different types of media such as video and podcasting. These can all resultin your marketing message being seen and heard in many different places and lead tomore sales and leads. The aim is to be in a position that whether you are working oron holiday, income continues to be generated on an increasing basis.

As you can see the possibilities for creating cash flow online are greater than ever forany individual. If you can find the right business model for yourself and focus onputting systems in place to automate as much of the work as possible, you to can startto enjoy the benefits of passive income and the lifestyle this can provide.


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From Visually.

Residual Income Can Help to Build up Your Assets andSavings

The income that a person has left over, after meeting all personal expenses and otherdebt repayment, like mortgage and others, is called residual income. It is a veryimportant figure for loaning institutions to help them assess whether a person askingfor a loan has the capacity to meet any additional commitments.

From Investments

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Any asset that is not producing income is dormant, and can at times turn out to be aliability. Assets that are accrued over time can be used to generate residual income,while the primary source of income from salaries, business profits etc., is used tocover routine expenses and other debt repayment.

This is not a difficult thing to do, once you set the process into motion. The residualincome so created generates a continuous source of income that does not requireany effort. The assets can be converted into stocks, bonds and even incomeproducing properties.

Trading in stocks does need some form of knowledge about equities, and an ability tojudge stock movements so that advantage can be gained from them. If this is donediligently, the returns on the investments can add to quite decent sums of residualincome.

Investing in bonds does not require any such knowledge, except for the initial one ofknowing the right ones to put your money into. The returns from such investment inbonds, is more or less constant and requires almost no follow up. Investing in real

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estate does assume some sort of risk, only when property prices decline.

Otherwise they are a relatively good place to park funds. Income can be generated byleasing and renting out properties, which will be steady. This may require some sort ofproperty management, but fortunately such services can always be outsourced.

An additional benefit of investing in properties is that with good economic conditions,the values of the property will rise, and this can allow you to create additional fundsfor residual income investment, when you sell the property at a profit. Costs ofmanaging and maintaining property, need to be factored into any propertyinvestment.

From Intellectual Property

People with talent for writing, music or other art forms can create a source ofadditional residual income from the royalties that they will receive or from sales oftheir recorded talent. Scientists with patents can also have a source for residualincome from the leasing out of their processes.

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Authors can not only sell their books, but receive royalties for use of any of theirmaterial that is used by others for commercial purposes. Musicians, while receivinglump sums for the songs that they record, can also get royalties in perpetuity forfuture sales, when their music is publicly aired and performed.

Keeping on top of all of these royalties is quite often a task beyond most creativepeople. Agencies have come into existence which will help the artist to keep track ofevents and sales and happenings all over the world, which will enable the artist tocontinue to get royalties. It is only natural that such agencies charge commissions, butit does leave the artist free to pursue his or her artistic instincts, while the moneykeeps rolling in to add to the residual income.

From Online Sources

Becoming an online affiliate of a company has been known to add substantially toincomes of people who use the internet. The great advantage of online programs isthat they can be activated to work for 24 hours in a day, through automated processesthat continue the marketing effort with virtually no attention. It is very easy to earn this

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residual income when you become part of a good and reputed company, which hasall the marketing structure in place.

You then become part of a team and automatically start earning a monthly incomefrom the compensation plan that the company will have in place. On your part, youmay have to spend some time, responding to e-mails and posting of ads that bring inthe business. A lot of software has been developed that takes the drudgery out ofthese actions, with automatic posting of responses and passing on the information tothe parent company.

Content writing is another form of earning income from the internet. This doesrequire some time and effort and may not be everyone’s cup of tea. It is also possibleto earn income over the internet by responding to e-mails, viewing ads, and putting upblogs on which advertisements are displayed.

This does require some effort to attract traffic to the blogs. The wide use of socialnetworking sites like YouTube, Face Book and Twitter has greatly helped people to setup networking that helps them to create residual income.

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Keep Your Residual Income Separate from Your PrimaryIncome

The creation of a source of residual income gives a lot of security to individuals andhelps boost primary incomes. It is very important to ensure that all your expenses aremet from your primary income and the residual income used only for luxuries or tocreate savings.

This discipline will be helpful in the long run, as a number of sources for residualincome do depend on market conditions and can fluctuate wildly and be anunreliable source. The effects of these fluctuations can be reduced, if assets areplaced in safe avenues, which give guaranteed income, even though the return onsuch investments may not be of the best.

Use budgets to plan your monthly and yearly expenditures to ensure that yourprimary income is able to meet all your expenses. This way, you will ensure that anysource of residual income that you develop remains free for your discretionary use,without in any way affecting the way you live and the lifestyle that you are used to.

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Residual incomes are a good way to build up savings for your future and old age.Taxes may need to be paid on them, but doing so and not concealing it from theauthorities will allow you to use the capital in future, without having to worry about anyqueries from the IRS.

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