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RESIGNED.—Col. J. W. Dininny arrived at his home in this...

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For the Reporter. PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTIONS, Adopted at a meeting of the Union League of Alfred, Allegany County, N. Y. Aug. 8, 1863. PREAMBLE. Whereas, There seems to be a secret combination of the sympathizers with the Slaveholders' Treason, to resist the con- scription act and to thwart the Govern- ment in its action to execute that law: and Whereas, The case of Geo. W. Chad- wick of this town, in representing himself as the only son of an aged and infirm pa- rent, dependent on his daily labor for sup- port, within the meaning of the statute, is a most flagrant case of the action of such combination to avoid the execution of the law and nullify its effects, to defraud the Government, and to do injustice to loyal citizens liable to the draft; therefore Resolved, That it is the duty of the Board of Enrollment, and of all loyal citi- zens, to use all honorable means in their power, to bring the guilty parties to jus- tice. Resolved, That the action of the Board in summoning those whom they ascertain to have been exempted from the draft by fraudulent representations, to appear be- fore them for a rehearing, gives fair prom- ise of dealing out justice. Resolved, That the practice of lobbying for pay, to secure the exemption of such as have no just and valid excuse, is an imposition on the Board, renders the law unpopular with the masses, savors strong- ly of disloyalty to the Government, and, when successfully practiced to any con- siderable extent, leads to suspicion of complicity on the part of the Board, and should, therefore, be at once discontinued by all. Resolved, That the practice of giving private examinations by the Surgeon of the Board, for a valuable consideration, is creating much dissatisfaction, subjecting the Board to censure, and should be imme- diately discontinued. Resolved, That we sympathize with the Board in the difficult and arduous duties devolving upon them, and that we will, as every loyal citizen should, use our best efforts to sustain them in the upright and faithful discharge of those duties. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing Resolutions be furnished to each of the following papers, viz: Angelica Reporter, Genesee Valley Free Press, and Elmira Advertiser, and their publication solicited. IRA SAYLES, Cor. Sec'y pro tem. PERSONAL—Captain Andrew J. McNett for- merly of this city, who has served two years in the war, has been authorized by Gov. Seymour to raise a regiment in Alleghany county. The appointment is an excellent one.
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Adopted at a meeting of the Union League of Alfred, Allegany County, N. Y. Aug. 8, 1863.


Whereas, There seems to be a secret combination of the sympathizers with the Slaveholders' Treason, to resist the con­scription ac t and to thwar t the Govern­ment in its action to execute that law: and

Whereas , The case of Geo. W. Chad-wick of this town, in representing himself as the only son of an aged and infirm pa­rent, dependent on his daily labor for sup­port, within the meaning of the statute, is a most flagrant case of the action of such combination to avoid the execution of the law and nullify its effects, to defraud the Government, and to do injustice to loyal citizens liable to the draft; therefore

Resolved, That it is the duty of the

Board of Enrollment, and of all loyal citi­

zens, to use all honorable means in their

power, to bring the guilty parties to jus-


Resolved, That the action of the Board in summoning those whom they ascertain to have been exempted from the draft by fraudulent representations, to appear be-fore them for a rehearing, gives fair prom­ise of dealing out just ice.

Resolved, That the practice of lobbying for pay, to secure the exemption of such as have no jus t and valid excuse, is an imposition on the Board, renders the law unpopular with the masses, savors strong­ly of disloyalty to the Government, and, when successfully practiced to any con­siderable extent, leads to suspicion of complicity on the par t of the Board, and should, therefore, be a t once discontinued by all.

Resolved, That the practice of giving private examinations by the Surgeon of the Board, for a valuable consideration, is creating much dissatisfaction, subjecting the Board to censure, and should be imme­diately discontinued.

Resolved, That we sympathize with the Board in the difficult and arduous duties devolving upon them, and tha t we will, as every loyal citizen should, use our best efforts to sustain them in the upright and faithful discharge of those duties.

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing Resolutions be furnished to each of the following papers, viz: Angelica Reporter, Genesee Valley Free Press , and Elmira Advertiser, and their publication solicited.


Cor. Sec'y pro tem.

PERSONAL—Captain Andrew J. McNett for-merly of this city, who has served two years in the war, has been authorized by Gov. Seymour to raise a regiment in Alleghany county. The appointment is an excellent one.

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RESIGNED.—Col. J. W. Dininny arrived at his home in this village on Sunday last, having been compelled to resign his command on ac­count of the failing of his eyesight.—Addison Adv.

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The following is a list of the names of those drafted in this county, under the late call of the President for three hundred thousand men:

ANGELICA—Linus Wilcox Jr , J ames Ir­ving, Silas Smith, Frank Campbell, W W Brundage, C P Arnold, Wal ter C Hooker, G D Miller, J Busbee, Joshua Davis, H Phillips, John Cashore, W Penroy, Lewis Hooker, Daniel Wier, John Barnetson, John Roth, John Trotter, Rev J B Knott, John Carl, M Hogan, Nathaniel Wier, G Royce, A W Chamberlain, O Sculley, Wil­son Wier, Harrison Philips, Edwin Bar­­etson, Peter Moss, Thomas Coots, John Dudley, Beuj Burns. Geo Peirson.

AMITY—Isaac S Lewis, John L Lewis, Lyman A Stillman, John Thomson, John P Merril. Hugh Doner, Mark's Leilons, I ra Outhouse, Wil lard Hogland, James Slater, Leman R Lewis, Anions F Curry, Thad. Remington, Henry G Adams, G L Jadwin, James Carney, Dan' Sortore, Rob' t E Mid-daugh, Jason Hall, John Simons, Chauncy Doty, Bascom A Gault, John E Crandall, Isaac M Brown, Rich'd Fitzgerald, Pat . Mehan, Cha's Fortner, Jno . A Simons, Geo S Williams, Rob. H Corbin, Jacob S Ames, Wm. C Bingham, Wm S Webster , Alvisa Hall, Dan'l M Burdick, Andrew Langdon, George Spaulding, Harvy Spaulding, H B W h i t c o m , W m Basher, F r e m a n J Davis, Oscar Beebe, L M Masden, Geo W Putnam, Cha's J Davis, F rank D Rathbun, Augustus Miller, Timothy Dunavin, C Ainton, Wm A Simons, Geo D Boyd, J a s H Fairbanks, Morillus W Sortore, Cha's H Wil l iams, H W Mossman, Rob' t L White.

ANDOVER—Orlando Derpy, Wm C Lever, H T Stephens, Spencer Scribner, Milton Williams, C L Van Sickle, Litus Baker, William Hardy, Richard Perkins, Wm A Clark, Moses Kemp, Austin Kemp,

A Brown, Joseph Parshall, P Pardon, Ed Eve-rett, Chas Diffin, Pat O'Donnell, Peter Gilden, Ben Cole, Jacob Hand, Marion Boyham, Stephen Cole, James Pardon, John Lombert, Henry Harpse, Lo-renzo Hunt, Lorenzo Scribner, Belos Baker, Loren Pingery, B F Brown, John Kemp.

Alma—Luke G Crandall, Luman Elliot, Joseph P West, Ittear J Elliot, Luke Warren, Enoch

Farnham, Wm T Johnson, Van Buren Barren, David Clair, Lewis C Burdick, Henry Elliot. John R McDonald, Isaac W Pendleton, Francis M Fox, Martin M Crandall, Thomas Morrison, Chas M Elster, William H Lyon, Simeon B Smith, Geo W

Hall. ALFRED.—P Thomas, J O'Harra, O D

Sherwood, W R Maxon, A J Allen, G G Green, A B Sherman, J W Potter, J M Lewis, S Whitford, J S Kenyon, W E Cal­low, H A Lewis, C C Burdick, O C Green, S S Hamilton, A H Spencer, O D Burdick, T A Burdick, S C Burdick, A C Potter, S Sisson, H C Pett ibone, A Stillman, A E Cotrice, J P Lamber t , G Cornelius 2d, E E Doty, L W Collins, C H Baker, D S Allen, J D Green, J N Kemp, E N Green, W L Witter, K Niler, L Cart-wright, D K Davis, G W Chadwick.

ALLEN.—W Sanborn, E Davis, W M Hart, E W Taft, E Stockwell, T T Baldwin, E Bacon, J D wright, M R Benjamin, E Man­ning, G St John, W S Vincent, J M Davis, J Classer , C H Harris, E Bennett, H Atherton, A N Marion, M G Cline, O L white.

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ALMOND.—A J Allen, L S Anderson, John Stewart, W Major, E O Phinney, S P Catrel, H Gavins, A Berry, G Prior, L W Bowman, B McLease, W Wentworth , C M Lease, B Miles, R Johnson, P B Per-kins, S Fairchild, E P Stillman, S R Karr, J N Farnsworth, J W Karr, A Larkin, E Whitney, H Wilson, P G Parsons, W W Hathaway, J H Straight, J Butter, J L Corey, Geo Youngs, W Weaver, C M Prior, A R Wright, W Fisher, A C Burdick, I ra

Whittaker, D S Fitch, W Hosley, J Norton, C R Brink, F Sanford, W Goff, J C Vincent, Joseph Vincent, J Burdick, W Burdick, C Whi te , C C Wilcox, W T Lindsay, R Lind­say, O J Gardner, G W Fitch.

BOLIVAR—Wm. B Davidson, Peter Cornwell, La­grange R Andrews, Chas G Knight, Emery J Wil-lard, Lucius Hover, Alanson Scott, Henry Buck­ley, Willis E Fay, John Frazer, Melvin A Burdick, Alvin Hughs, Martin V Comstock, Wm H Strat-niel, David Roberts, John Hughes, Geo H Hoyt, David Barnes, Albert S. Hanchet, David H Gard­ner, John W Covey, Riley Fairchilds, Uriah W Stratton, Geo B Woodard, Chas B Davie, Hiram W Eaton, Darius A Newton.

Burns—John N Kennedy, Ambrose Ba­con, Charles W Hartman, Zenas L Gilbert, Henry Wheeler, Henry S Karnes , Loren­zo Robins, Allen R Bull, John Greenfield, Warren B Wentworth, Wil lard T Bailey, Daniel Babcock, Robert R Roup, Charles Smith, Geo T Carpenter, P a t Callighan, Simon Hall, Edward Taylor, Wil l iam Wirt, John Thomas, Albert Leonard, Elijah B Leonard, Frederick Bacon, Lewis Stewart , Nicholas V Mundy, Zenas Bullock, W W Whitney, Martin Brown, A B Cruttenden, A B Hawes, S B Corey, J a s Boylan, John Prat t , David H Miller, Vespasian Whipple.

BIRDSALL.—W H Benjamin, A Phiney, J Russell, J B Lippencott, Ira Loundsbury, D Lippencott, J Newton,W Young, M Mc-Niel, P Duffey, S Davidson, C Stockwell, G Starkweather, R Scholes, W B Selwer, P C Doveel, P Featherson.

BELFAST.—A P Hanks, M D Shuart , G Mulford, Wm McAllister, E Eastwood, S A Mapes, E Seely, W W Byrns, D Clapp, A Royce, J H Sandert, J B Ford, _ Louns-bery, B willis, E Buckley, J Adams, T O'Keefe, G M Wright, A G Angel, M Dum-fred, N Sumner, A Brainard, J W Shippy, C Lounsbury, J Marion, T Castelo, C M Gleason, S Gilford.

CANEADEA.—C Eaton, T McCorrah, M Conner, D Breece, E Breece, E Stephens, C L Petterson, A J Parker, J R McDonald,

M Murry, J A Jackson, S Davis, Jr . , Ensign, C Peckham, C Clark, B C Bacon, A W Johnson, G VanBuren, J Armstrong, J Q Mills, A L Franklin, J O Lyle, A J Cross, J Copeland, Wm Vandresser, Wm H way, J Franklin, M Marona, A W Johnson, Geo Stephens, H D VanCampen, E Ballard A O Benjamin, H Leet, E K Sweatland, J Q Madison, H Palmer, R E Church, J O Hutchens, J A Griffin, P Hogan, J B Cur­tis, A Anderson, M Mc Namara, H H Par­ker, T Lansing.

CENTERVILLE—J Roberts , J W Weaver, D Vezy, P Hanks, C H Ayres, D M Howes, S Simons, R D Damon, J Fish, W A Daine, J Ellis, W H Jones, J Stacy, W Gibby, A Allen,

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M Cad well, J B Pelton, G G Crowell, H H Haskins, T Brown, M McKenon, E Butter-field, Q Clark, A G Morse, J Gaits, G Foot, Z Burlingame, W Edwards , O Hatch, L Weaver, A M Crowell, H P Hopkins.

CLARKSVILLE.—Amos S Bent, Elm Sprin­ger, Chauncy R Elwood, Josiah Ferr ing-ton, Bobert C Wright , Geo P Keeler, I r a A Champlin, Joshua T Butts, Joseph Mc-Dugal, Henry E Prindle, Geo Lafevre, Horace Foster, Addison Southworth, Sam­uel Lafevre, Wm D Dye, Geo Peckham, Daniel H Taylor, Avery Peckham, Nor­man LaBar, W m H Sefton.

CUBA—Henry Allen, Sampson Friendley, Wm H Bartholomew, Alonzo Bradley, Geo W Hoyt, Ly­man Saulsbury, Chas Dekay, Solmon Abbot Jr, Conley S Campbell, James Davidson Jr, Solomon J Bradley, James Orinseles, Benjamin Ashley, Em­mons S Pierce, Albert S Gregory, John Moses, Rodolphus Talcott, John Curtis, Henry Smith, Franklin Ingles, Frank G Stebbins, Robert E Wil­cox, Geo Farr, Samuel Ingles, Asa Byron, John-Pennard, Theodore Friendley, Atchison Dayton, Welcome Cole Jr, Geo W Bemis, Lorenzo D Sis-son, Richard D Charles, Alonzo C Bartholomew, Henry Haynes, John Moran, Robert Hermance, David Graves, Hiram E Hauley, Francis M Grove, Samuel Beecher, G H Ebenoy, Russell T Thurston.

FRIENDSHIP.—Seymour Story, Chas R Evans, Oscar M Coats, James Vergason, Marquis S Mills, Joseph Mix, Josiah M Utter , Calvin C Hyde, Derausiel Potter , Stephen F Gardner, James R Renwick, Jona than T Wickson, Paul B Clark, Gas-per Fibush, Geo l Worden, Elisha H Crane, Henry Hickox, Hubbard Cotton, Francis McLaughlin, Jr. , Zenas Wise, Noadiah Adams, Elisha L Browning, James H Gro-ham, John W Lambert , Dana Mathews, Chester Scott 2d, Thomas Burt, Dana S Clark, Robert Broaden, James McClure, Edwin J Strong, James B Hyde, F rank l in Morton, Lyman Green, Chas Kinney, Ru-fus S Farr , Wm A Dayton, Sidney P Morse, Ansel Camron.

GENESEE—Albert K Crandall, John H Coon, Wesley Hathaway, Joseph Dunbar, Eugene K Burdick, Danforth A Fairbanks, John P Kenyon, Palmer Hewitt, James M Keller, Andrew Brad­ford, Phineas V Maxson, Chas H Wales, Russell Prindle, Warren W Jaynes, Benjamin W Blossom, Horace Walton, John Holley, John N Booth.

GROVE—O Brewer, G Whealright, E Mabel, M Pit ts , H F Campbell, H E Marsh, G W R Fay, F M Parker, W Havens, F Bardwell, G Lavender, C J Steat , H Ailer, _ H Anthony, C G Lowell, S W Gray, J C

Thomas, Geo Whi te . GRANGER.—S G Kingsbury, E Winchell,

H Isaman, C Jennings , G H Cole, J W Lockwood, C G Anderson, B Lee, G Mack, W C Bates, J Smith, H Smith, O Hickley, W Walbridge, J W Bullock, W P Brooks, J Bently, J Strickland, G Allen, M Scott, G Bennett, S G Brundage, F Randall ,

G C Smith, E Snyder, W Moses, HUME—F Butterfield, A A Hamar, J B e n ­

ton, A Burr, D Clark, G E Doud, M M Mills, G H Bristol, D C Alby, J D Shoats, W N Whitbeck, H Ayres, H Green, J O Clark, A F Whitney, W W Wells, H F Dane, H W Rice, W H Russell, W Wood, J M Rice, C w Cole­man, L Peck, O Crocker, L Van Aken, E Sherf, T Peck, P McKail, A Dewey, H Streeter, R Skiff, G W Colburn, S D Thurs-

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ton, D D Nye, F Lafoy, E Mack, N Myers, H C Ladd, P Quinn, J Stockwell, D Bar­rows, B Curtis, J Lafor, A Lapp, T M Ham­mond, C Miner, R Sweet, C H Flanagan, L Palmer, C Clark.

INDEPENDENCE—E R Hazeltine, Charles S Lee, Benj F Langeon, Talbert Wildeman, James Wil­cox, Albert L Neal, Calvin B James, Henry For­syth, Geo A Green, Theodore Cobb, Norman W Lewis, Murray Richmond, Henry H Cobb, John F Teater, Geo A Forsyth, F M Reynolds, Peter Per­ry, Geo B Langdon, Joseph E Calkins, George W Rose, David B Watson, Reuben Fish, Elias Ketch-um, Ranson L Briggs, George L Blackman, Lan-drena P Lewis, Simeon H Spencer, George Cul­ver.

NEW HUDSON.—Hiram Clayson, J a s W Miner, Jesse Slocum, Isaac L Gee, Wm M Lane, John Bliven, Chester F Perry, Mel-vin Crabb, J a ' s H Bullard, Moses Gee, Cha's M Bell, Edward Clark, C W Swift, Chauncy F. Williams, Tho Simons, Rufus Marsh, John A O'Conner, Frank Burlin-game, Franklin Ingles, Edward Comfort, John W Mason, Levi Rogers, Willard Carpenter, Nelson P Marsh, Joseph Fox, Philo B Taylor, Robert B Dolph, W Rose, Otis Allen, George Gage, J a s Vanfleet, James M Gere.

Scio—Franklin Thomas, Alfred Cooley, Moses W Rood, Simeon Rogers, James S Benedict, William Brady, Harland Thom­as, Wm Duke, John Sullivan, Lewis Elli­ott, Richard Ready, Andrew J Applebee, Elijah Swift, Devillo, Elliott, Hezekiah Woodard, Hiram Peterson, Thos S Wood-ard, Joseph Shonham, J a s Wilber , Web­ster D Peltys, George R Potter, Edward C Elwell, Leroy Hermance, Archibald Wade , Josepn Drake, Geo Smith, Rufus V Gillett, John H Black, Ebenezer J Norton, Benj Johnson, Giles Browning, Thomas Emerson, Barton T Earley, Wm Voss, Lewis D Browning, Jona than A Elsworth, Lorin D Brewster, Olin D Browning, Chas A England, John Clear, J a spe r Whi te , Lorenzo M Neff, George Brooks, Edward C Elwell, George Apsey, John Meek, Hen­ry Mangin, John Clark.

WELLSVILLE—Levi Zimmer, Wm H Mil­ler, John Cuytler, Tho F Russell, Chr Frederick, J ames O'Leary, W m J Crane, Joshua S Clark, Merritt Mackin, Plin_ Parker, Chauncy Farrand, John Gallman, Lewis Mackin. John Frey, W H Coats 2d, Romanzo Wells , I ra M Mosher, Edward Indo, John Porter , Har ry Gilbert, Hiram J Torry, W H Fuller, Wal te r J Simpson, Edward Mackin, Geo Roosa, Wal t e r J Wrigh t , John Arnold, J ames Roach, J a s Swift, Peter Shaffer, Rufus Young, Chas Hone, Uriah Goodnough, W m Lee, Moses Stern, George Hale, Bar t J Coats, Chr Renike, John Reme, Chauncey C Isabell, Henry Hallett , Chas M Wilder , Harrison S Woolsey, J a s B Bray, Andrew Millard, John McGurk, Willoughby Sewell, Eugene McCarty, Samuel Carpenter , Henry Allen, Morris Welch, Wm B Hone, Robt H Ma-son, Chas A Eng land , Frank T Fisher, Henry Gray, Edward Griffin, Wilson Gray, Pat r ick Higgins, Geo Rowland, Arthur H Moulton, Reuben C Morgan, Je re Mallory, Henry Ray , Henry Mathias, Edward Pom-eroy, Daniel H Orvis.

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WIRT—Geo E Ferris, Henry J Morris, Daniel E Cornell, Ira Pu tnam, David B Merriman, Addison Evans, Stephen Mayhee, Bemis Buckley, Dennis Vars, Clark M Kenyon, Henry J W i g h t m a n , Geo

M Merriman, Freeman Davis, Nathaniel W Lester, Wm H Parmer, J a s J Ostran-der, Benjamin F Stanton, W m M Case, Aaron B Hotchkiss, Orlando Burdick, Da­rius Ketcham, Sedwick Wools t rum, De-W i t t C Willard, Clark Leonard, Orrin C Rogers, Tho J Applebee, J a s M Applebee, W m C Applebee, John T Ballard, Chauncy O Parmer, John Bessey, David Dodson, Lewis L Tracy, Luman J Cleveland J r .

WILLING—Franc i s A Kenson, David E Hoard, Geo W Burlingame, Wm Edwards , Herman Elliott, J a s Cunningham, Dugal C White , Edwin D Perkins , Ja red G Ca-ple, Nathan W Stephens, Bryan McGen-nis, Asa Champlain J r , Lorenzo Wi t t e r , Eli Gardner, Lyman K Fulton, Wil loughby M Philips.

W A R D — C a r l y Wil l iams, I N Easton, J McGoverne, H P Easmand, S E Hurd, S Black, P Baker, B Black, E P Burdick, G Bliven, J Lockby, J H Black, B Bennett, I Whi te , J Austin, J Lusk, N W H Dooner, O Reynolds, P Doregon, E Sprague , G P Worden, W m G Tucker.

WEST ALMOND.—R WARNER, H DUNNING, V Arnold, N Lord, M Rose, D Vernoy, E C Hawks , W Weaver, J Blin. _ Adams, J McElroy, 1st, G West, A J Arnold, W Knight , O A Fuller, D White, M Martin, M Coot, P Hamilton, C Farnum, J Hadsal.

This completes the draft for this county,

except for the town of Rushford, which

has, for some reason, been postponed for a few days.

OLD ABE'S MILITIA.—The drafted men from the town of Independence, Allegany Co. reported at head-quarters yesterday. The result of the examintion is worthy of mention. There were twenty-eight men drafted. Of these, one is in jail, and did not show himself. The lucky fellow will escape. Of the remaining twenty-seven, no less than thirteen were exempted on account of physical disability, one for having parents depend­ant upon him for support, one furnished a substi­tute, ten concluded to pay the $300 required for commutation, and two thought perhaps they would go, but are holding the matter open for further consideration. They do not propose to act rashly in the premises.

These figures are suggestive. Nearly every other man is exempted for physical disability, and those who are not, almost universally commute. Precise­ly one-fourteenth report for service, unless the two men should conclude not to go into camp.

How long will it take to procure an army at this rate? By the way, who has the contract for sup­plying drafted men with "fodder?" It is evident that provision should be made on a magnificent scale. Let ample supplies be laid in.

Great chances for substitutes. Who will take the $300, advance pay, Government bounty, &c.— Now is your time.

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colored man was drafted from the town of Scio, Allegany county. Mr. Johnston report­ed at the Provost-Marshal's office in this vil­lage, on Friday last, and offered an able-bod­ied white man as a substitute. He was ex­amined and accepted, has been sworn into service, and is now in the barracks as the sub­stitute for Mr. JOHNSTON.

It seems to us that if a black man may hire a white man for a substitute, a white man ought to be allowed to hire a black man for a substitute. It is a poor rule that won't work both ways. The present arrangement gives the "nigger" an advantage over the whites, since he may hire from any color or race. We present this case for the consideration and indignation of our copperhead friends. It is another evidence of the "rank inequalities" of the Conscript Law, and perfectly conclusive on the point, which has heretofore been doubt­ed by some, that this is a "war for the nigger." —Elmira Advertiser.

A colored man from Alleghany Co.

who was drafted has hired a white substi­

tute who was accepted by the Enrolling

Board at Elmira. The Advertiser thus

facetiously comments on this incident:

" I t seems to us that if a black man may hire a white man for a substitute, a while man ought to be allowed to hire a black man for a substitute. It is a poor rule that won't work both ways. The present arrangement gives the "nigger" an advantage over the whites, since, he may hire from any color or race. We present this case for the consideration and indignation of our copperhead friends. It is another evidence of the "rank ine­qualities" of the Conscript Law, and per­fectly conclusive on the point, which has heretofore been doubted by some, that this is a "war for the nigger."

In obedience to the call, Allegany Co. reported at the Provost Marshal's office yesterday, a lurge number of her drafted sons.

Twenty-nine drafted men passed their surgical examination yesterday, from the town of Independence, Allegany co. To-morrow three or four towns will be disposed of, now that the work has been fairly inaugurated. The names of the ex­­mpted yerterday, will be found in another place.

Wm. T. Post, Esq., having resign­

ed the office of Commissioner of the Board of Enrollment, Capt. James H. Miles, of

Addison has been appointed to fill his place. Capt. Miles went out with the

107th Regiment, but was compelled to re-sign on account of ill heal th .—Elmira


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List of Drafted men in Allegany Coun­

ty exempted from service for physical disability, upon examination by the Board

of Enrollment of the 27th Congressional District of New York.


John O'Hara, al ienage; Geo G Green, father of motherless children; Jerome M Potter, only son of infirm parents ; Isaac M Lewis, contracted chest; Ja rv i s S Ken­yan, epileptic fits; Wm S Callow, asthma; Sylvester S Hamilton, distortion of r ight wrist; Albert H Spencer, two members of family in service; Hanson C Potter, father of motherless children; Sihar Sisson, idio-

cy; Albert E Cottrell, only son of widow; John P Lambert, diseased lungs; Gabriel Cornelius 2d, idiocy; Elisha E Doty, he­moptysis; Loren W Collins, scrofulous ul­ceration of the skin; Silas O Burdick, loss of teeth; James N Kemp, idiocy; Edward N Green, loss of teeth; Robert Miles, tu­berculosis; Geo W Chadwick, only son of

aged parents .

ALMA. I . J . Elliott, fracture of coracoid; L. C.

Burdick, parylysis of left g rea t toe from a wound of the ankle; H. Elliott, fracture of coracoid process of r ight shoulder; T. Mor­rison, varicose veins; W m . H. Lyon, atro­phy of the bowels.

List of drafted men in Allegany Co. exempted from service for physical disability, u-on examination by the Board of Enrollment of the 27th Congressional District of New York, up to July 27, 1863.

ALMOND. Andrew J. Allen, tuberculous. John B. Stewart, loose cartitage knee joint. Elia Phinney, general debility. S. P. Cathell, fracture elbow. Paul B. Perkins, general debility. Samuel Karr, asthma. Albert Larkin, loss of teeth. Edwin Whitney, asthma. Francis Parsons, general debility. W. H. Hathaway, loss of teeth. Joseph Straight, stiff toe. Joseph L. Corey, general debility, George Youngs, fractured ribs. Wm. Fishbee, general dibility. A. C. Burdick, deformed under jaw and lame

hip. W. Hazley, loss of three toes. Wm. D. Goff, general debility. John C. Vincent do Wm. T. Lindsay, contracted chest. Geo. W. Fitch, deformed chest.

Leroy S Anderson, only son of widowed mother. Alvin Berry, chronic bronchitis. Cha's McLease, ulcerated rectum. Russell Johnson, Insanity, Samuel Fairchild, temporary insanity. David S. Fitch, election of parents. Richard Lindsay, alien. Owen J Gardiner, two members family in service.

WARD. John McGovern, fractured Femir. Solomon Black, contraction of toe. John Lockaby, loss of index finger right hand. Jeremiah Austin, loss of sight of right eye. Nelson W. Collins, two members of family in ser­


Page 10: RESIGNED.—Col. J. W. Dininny arrived at his home in this ...dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/counties/allegany/Allegany_CWN... · RESIGNED.—Col. J. W. Dininny arrived at his

Obrien Reynolds, unsuitable age. Ezra Sprague, loss of sight of right eye. Geo. P. Worden, two members of family in serv. William T. Tucker, Tuberculosis.

S. M. HARMON, Capt'n. and Provost Marshal, and

President Board of Enrollment.

10-2 AMITY.

Mark Silvius, deafness; Chas J Davis, ingenial hernia; James Slater, do; Joseph

Fairbanks, do; Wm A Simmons, deaf­ness and general debility caused by dis-ease of kidneys; Morillia W Sortore, in-genial hernia; Amos F Curry, unsuitable-ness of age ; Wm Hoagland, non-resident; John Thompson, loss of teeth; Thad Rem­ington, atrophy of liver; George L Lad-win, curvature of spine; Robt E Middaugh, unsuitableness of age ; Chauncey Doty, general debili ty; I saac M Brown, father of motherless children; Robt H Corbin, three

ANDOVER. Wm. C. Lever, organic disease heart ;

H. T. Stephens, loss of left g rea t toe ; Spencer Scribner, chronic disease of kid­ney; M. Will iams, broken arm; T. Baker, general debili ty; P. Gilden, aged and in­firm parents ; M. Baphom, general debility; John Lambert , diseased lungs ; John Harpse, chronic disease of kidney; L. D. Hunt, aged and infirm parent ; L. Pingary, loss of teeth; B. F. Brown, dislocation of right clavicle; J . H. Kemp, deformed foot.

ANGELICA. Wilson Wier, general debil i ty; John

Busby, do; Nathaniel Wier, do; Silas T Smith, scrofulous ulceration of neck; Geo B Pierson, general debili ty; Lewis S Hook­er, hemorrhage of the lungs ; John Cashore, two members of family now in service; John Barnetson, father of motherless children; John B Knott , a l ienage; Peter Moss, do; Charles P Arnold, general debil-i ty; Harrison Philips, election of mother; Fred S Campbell, unsuitableness of age ; Pohn Roth, only son of indigent parents ;

Benjamin Burns, do; John L Dudley, de-formed r ight knee; Owen Sculley, curva-ture of spine; Joshua Davis, loss of teeth; Wal ter E Hooker, atrophy of right leg.

BOLIVAR. G. H. Hoyt, general debili ty; Emery J .

Millard, catarshal phtis is ; Alanson Scott, grea t toe crossing the other toe with great pressure ; W. H. Stratton, organic disease of the hear t ; A. S Hanchett , loss of teeth; G. B. Woodard, left hip joint diseased; R. Farchild, fracture of l igh t femer; H. W. Eaton, diseased left lung ; C. G. Knight, total loss of r ight eye; D. Barnes, organic

disease of stomach.

members of family in service; William S Webster , general debility; Alvinza Hall, contracted chest; Danl M Burdick, general debility; Wm Bosher, father of motherless children; Sumner M Warden, eruption on body; Geo W Putnam, unsui table age ; Francis D Rathbun, irreducible dislocation of left elbow; Augus tus Miller, father of motherless children; Charles H Wil l iams, unsuitable age ; Henry W Moseman, par-

alysis of toe on left foot.
