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Resistance and Propulsion of Shipsbveitch/courses/r-p/Assignments/blade-element.pdf · Resistance...

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1 Introduction to R & P Resistance and Propulsion of Ships Blade element theory Introduction to R & P Blade sections - elements Resistance and Propulsion of Ships In blade element theory, the prop is treated in more detail than in momentum theory (where it was treated as an actuator disk of area A o ). In blade element theory, we consider the blade to be made up of a series of annular elements of width dr . R Blade element at r of width dr r dr Introduction to R & P Blade elements Resistance and Propulsion of Ships Recall geometry – we can look at each of the blade elements in turn and consider the fluid velocity over each. Pitch 2πr Suction side pressure side Pitch datum line φ Introduction to R & P Blade elements Resistance and Propulsion of Ships Simple section velocity – the section is advancing at V A and has a tangential velocity of 2πnr . 2πnr Pitch datum line φ V A Resultant velocity Introduction to R & P Blade elements Resistance and Propulsion of Ships Fluid velocity relative to the blade element. 2πnr Pitch datum line φ V A Resultant velocity β α G geometric incidence angle (angle of attack) β advance angle α G Introduction to R & P Blade elements Resistance and Propulsion of Ships We can include the induced velocity components. These are the velocities induced by the propeller action. 2πnr Pitch datum line φ V A Resultant velocity α G β α E β i u A u T α E effective angle of attack, or effective incidence angle β i hydrodynamic pitch, or advance angle


Introduction to R & P

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Blade element theory

Introduction to R & P

!   Blade sections - elements

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

In blade element theory, the prop is treated in more detail than in momentum theory (where it was treated as an actuator disk of area Ao).

In blade element theory, we consider the blade to be made up of a series of annular elements of width dr .


Blade element at r of width dr



Introduction to R & P

!   Blade elements

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Recall geometry – we can look at each of the blade elements in turn and consider the fluid velocity over each.


2πr Suctio

n side

pressure s


Pitch datu

m line


Introduction to R & P

!   Blade elements

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Simple section velocity – the section is advancing at VA and has a tangential velocity of 2πnr.


Pitch datu

m line

φ VA

Resultant velocity

Introduction to R & P

!   Blade elements

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Fluid velocity relative to the blade element.


Pitch datu

m line

φ VA

Resultant velocity


α G geometric incidence angle (angle of attack)

β advance angle


Introduction to R & P

!   Blade elements

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

We can include the induced velocity components. These are the velocities induced by the propeller action.


Pitch datu

m line

φ VA

Resultant velocity







α E effective angle of attack, or effective incidence angle

βi hydrodynamic pitch, or advance angle


Introduction to R & P

!   Blade elements

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

The induced velocity component uT (tangential component) will have opposite sense to 2πnr . The induced velocity component uA (axial component) will have same sense as VA .


Pitch datu

m line

φ VA







α E effective angle of attack, or effective incidence angle

βi hydrodynamic pitch, or advance angle



Introduction to R & P

!   Blade elements

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Once we know the velocities at each section, and the lift and drag characteristics of the sections, then we can evaluate the elemental forces.

2πnr - uT

Pitch datu

m line

VA + uA

Resultant velocity



Introduction to R & P

!   Blade elements

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

2πnr - uT

Pitch datu

m line

VA + uA

Resultant velocity


Hydrodynamic LIFT acts perpendicular to the resultant velocity.

Hydrodynamic DRAG acts parallel to the resultant velocity.

Elemental Lift dL

Elemental Drag dD

Elemental resultant force

Introduction to R & P

!   Blade elements

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

2πnr - uT

Pitch datu

m line

VA + uA

Resultant velocity


Elemental Lift dL

Elemental Drag dD

Elemental resultant force

Elemental Thrust dT

Elemental Torque dF x r

Introduction to R & P

!   Equations

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

How do we get the lift and drag characteristics of the blade sections?


Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

How do we get the lift and drag characteristics of the blade sections?

If we use “standard” sections, then we can use existing lift and drag coefficients that have been determined from tests (typically in a wind tunnel).

Lift & drag coefficients are determined for uniform flow conditions using 2-D blade sections (rather than sections having some thin width dr).

In practice, this typically means that a wing of some span and constant cross section is tested. The span will typically correspond to the width of the (wind tunnel’s) test section.

A good source of data for foil section lift & drag data is the NACA sections evaluated by Abbott & von Doernhoff (Theory of Wing Sections).

Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

How do we get the lift and drag characteristics of the blade sections?

We can do experiments in a wind or water tunnel, or even in a tow tank

Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

How do we get the lift and drag characteristics of the blade sections?

Test section ~ instrumented part of facility.

This is where the “wing” would be positioned.

Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

How do we get the lift and drag characteristics of the blade sections?

Lift and drag forces on the wing are measured in steady flow conditions at incrementally varied angles of attack. The results are non-dimensionalized and plotted.

Test section with “wing” of uniform section across the span



Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

How do we get the lift and drag characteristics of the blade sections?

CL is an approximately linear function of α for small angles of attack.

CL goes to zero at an angle α<0. This is the zero lift angle, denoted α0 .


b CL




α α0 0

Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Consider the effect of α0 on the the velocity diagram and lift and drag.

Note that non-zero zero lift angles are due to camber. (So a symmetric section would have α0 =0).

Pitch datu

m line

αE Resultant velocity Zer

o lift l



If we have an incidence velocity along the zero lift line, we will get no lift. We include the effect of zero lift angle in the hydrodynamic angle of attack in order to use the lift and drag data.

αi = αE - α0


Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

How do we get the lift and drag characteristics of the blade sections?

Drag (and CD) is fairly insensitive to angle of attack for small angles, but increases rapidly at higher angles of attack.

We have to recognize that L and D occur together, so the ratio of L/D is an important section characteristic and we are interested in operating where L/D is maximum. This occurs at relatively low α.




α α0 0


Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

There is a difference between 2D blade section data and the lift & drag characteristics of real wings and blades of finite span.


Infinite wing span

Infinite wing span

Lift an

d drag are


nt over t


span of the in


wing (blad

e) For a f

inite blad

e span,

some o

f the lo

ad “spills”

or “lea

ks” off

the ends.

Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Finite wing span ~ tip vortices

Winglet at tip ~ reduces tip vortices

Introduction to R & P

!   Lift and drag characteristics

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Finite wing span ~ tip vortices

Winglet at tip ~ reduces tip vortices

Introduction to R & P

!   Pressure distribution

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

So we can use experimentally derived 2D blade section lift and drag data.

Let’s look at the pressure distribution over a typical blade section, starting with the suction side. The change in pressure on the suction side is negative (decreases).

Pitch datum line

Resultant velocity

Suction side

increase in pressure

decrease in pressure

Introduction to R & P

!   Pressure distribution

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Pitch datum line

Resultant velocity

decrease in pressure

increase in pressure

Pressure side

Consider the pressure distribution over the pressure side. The change in pressure is positive (increases).

Stagnation pressure


Introduction to R & P

!   Pressure distribution

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

The total lift is due to the contributions from the suction on the back and high pressure on the face. The suction is generally the greater component.

Where would you expect cavitation to occur on this blade section?

Pitch datum line

Resultant velocity

Suction side

increase in pressure

decrease in pressure

Pressure side

Introduction to R & P

!   Pressure distribution

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

Cavitation would be most likely to occur where the pressure is lowest: on the suction side near the leading edge.

Pitch datum line

Resultant velocity

Suction side

increase in pressure

decrease in pressure

Pressure side

Introduction to R & P

!   Pressure distribution

Resistance and Propulsion of Ships

SPP are designed to generate lift from only the pressure side. The back side is meant to be ventilated (so remains dry) and does not generate suction. The sections of SPPs are typically wedges with a very sharp leading edge.

The ventilation can only be sustained if the props work at the surface of the water, which is where SPPs are positioned.

When an SPP blade penetrates the water surface, it creates an air cavity (which is where the back side of the blade is). When it re-emerges at the surface, it carries some water out with it, resulting in the characteristic “rooster tail”.

Face ~ wetted

Back ~ ventilated

Surface piercing propellers
