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Resonant Agency Portfolio

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Page 2: Resonant Agency Portfolio

Impossible to ignore.

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Your eyes fall on a word...try not reading it. Try not reacting to a com-pelling image. It is quite literally impossible. In a time when mass media has given way to the media of the masses, content is ubiquitous. With so many voices competing for attention, content is not king; the abil-ity to get attention is, and the power behind the throne is the skillful execution of strategic creativity. The best brand messages are at once bold and subtle, so that they effectively capture human attention and then hold it.

Resonant Agency specializes in brand development and highly-strate-gic, brilliantly-creative multimedia advertising campaigns. Our unique approach integrates the timeless wisdom of creative industry Greats—like David Ogilvy, William Bernbach, Luke Sullivan and John Caples—with the best tools and techniques of the 21st-Century media context.

Resonant has created stellar branding and advertising campaigns spanning the past decade-and-a-half in just about every conceivable medium, from traditional to social and digital. Our work doesn’t just win awards; it wins brand converts, new customers and repeat business for national, international and local companies, non-profits and celebrities. Enjoy this small sampling from our diverse portfolio.

A Story of Belonging .............................................. 04

Fine Art ........................................................................ 06

The Power of Custom Photography................. 08

Meaningful Connections ......................................... 10

Humor That Resonates ........................................... 12

Simplicity ....................................................................... 14

Outrageous Product Development ................... 16

Great Copy .................................................................... 18

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One of the nation’s top Re-altors came to us needing better branding and creative campaigns that would dem-onstrate her values, skill and heart to the community. We combined Karen’s knowledge of Central Oregon history with our own knowledge of local flora and fauna to pro-duce a new brand identity depicting an osprey in an in-digenous petroglyph style. The idea was that the Native Americans belong here and have been a part of nature—and we can integrate into the natural environment as well, if we learn to live in harmony within it.

Along with a series of ads depicting the osprey and the elegant new logo, Creative Director Kelly J. Walker au-thored a series called, “Sto-ries of Belonging,” which had a long run in the Bend Cham-ber of Commerce Bulletin and website; each was a bi-ography of a local animal, its habitat and how we can live in harmony with our furred, finned and feathered neigh-bors. The brand development and subsequent advertising campaigns were wildly suc-cessful; the client reported a dramatic increase in brand awareness and new clients.


Project: Karen Malanga, Nest Bend

“Kelly’s extraordinary creativity

came to life in a way that made

our brand the talk of the town.

His team executed a brilliant new

brand identity and then unfolded

beautiful, effective ad campaigns.”

- Karen Malanga

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We applied a timeless Ogilvy principle to an elegantly nostalgic creative campaign for Karen through the application of fine art to advertising. Where other agents almost unanimously utilized the headshots and brag-gadocio so typical of their field, we chose a very different approach for Karen. We created a series of ads evoking the warm feelings of the classic children’s book, Goodnight Moon, utilizing the oil painting talent of local artist, Travis Knight, and the poetic writing skills of our own Creative Director, Kelly J. Walker.

In a milieu of cookie-cutter, digitally-rendered graphics, our Goodnight Bend ads gained widespread attention and inspired a number of fond comments. The reaction to the ads was positive to say the least, and played a part in measurable growth of Karen’s busi-ness. The client and her staff gave us this en-thusiastic feedback after we presented the concept: “I showed a couple co-workers the artwork and poems—they absolutely loved it and thought it was pure genius!”


Project: Karen Malanga, Nest Bend

Study the methods of your competitors and do the exact opposite. -David Ogilvy

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Duke Warner Realty, a cornerstone Central Oregon business for nearly 50 years, hired Reso-nant Agency and gave us the mandate to help them appear less stodgy while preserving their refined and authoritative brand.

Our process began by interviewing Kitty Warner, a pillar in the Central Oregon community and a real estate pioneer since 1958; we then wrote a biography that was published in regional media.

We created a new campaign centered around the tagline, We’re not just Realtors; We’re Cen-tral Oregon, then directed a high-level photoshoot of local athletes with Timothy Park Pho-tography. We used the photos to create print and television ads coupled with a long-running social media campaign. A themed radio campaign complemented the visuals.

Duke Warner continues to utilize the campaign, and it has revolutionized their brand image.

Project: Duke Warner Realty


Goodbye stodgy, hello relevant.

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Gathering data on consumer habits and preferences, combining this with creative concepts, and responding to audience feedback all contributed to the phenomenal success of our brand development and multimedia ad cam-paigns for Cascade Alchemy.

This remarkably successful project, centered around the tagline Your taste. Your spirit., was expanded to social media, taxi advertising, clothing, print and video. The campaign ties the Central Oregon lifestyle to the flavors and quali-ties of these locally-produced spirits, making the drinks part of the culture instead of just another product gathering dust on a shelf.

Project: Cascade Alchemy Distillers


Because Resonant translated the

preferences and tastes of our client’s

audience into a powerful creative

campaign, sales of product increased

350% over the previous year.

- Tyler Fradet, Owner

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A newly-launched personal training studio needed an advertising campaign that would emphasize the ben-efits of their model over fitness clubs and gyms.

We decided on a very fun and creative campaign lam-pooning some of the more challenging personalities one encounters in a large gym setting. We highlighted The Grunter: the muscular, steroid-sucking muscle-head on parade; The Princess: Flipping her hair, giving out phone numbers and posing in her pink spandex; The Squatter: Endlessly socializing on the one piece of equipment you need.

To get the effect of specimens in a collection, we pinned photos of each “species” to foam core for a realistic, 3D look. The ads generated buzz, and brought in new cli-ents through true-to-life humor.

Project: NEOS Personal Training


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This established financial in-sourcing company came to Reso-nant Agency needing a sophisticated, elegant ad campaign. We studied, not only their direct competition, but every other company’s ad they would be competing with for attention in their chosen media environments. To make ProCFO’s ads re-ally stand out, we utilized their brand color scheme in simple, uncluttered layouts. We created attention-getting headlines and compelling copy to accompany images of recognizable landscapes, activities and wildlife in their area of business. The client expressed great satisfaction and media reps com-plimented us on the campaign.

Project: ProCFO


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As a powdered fertilizer and hydroponics supply company, Dakine 420 knew they needed an extraordinary brand that would jump off the shelves and get their new company com-peting in an already crowded market. Resonant contacted a Bend, Oregon artist we had been watching on Instagram and teamed him with our Creative Director and our best graphic designer; this dream team created a phenomenal logo, cus-tom website, product package designs, shelf talkers, posters, digital ads, and much more. We designed their custom web-site, wrote their site content, blogs and print copy. Dakine 420 has since reported that they regularly get comments on how extraordinary and effective this branding is.

Project: Dakine 420


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Advertising & Brand Development 541.419.9976 | resonantagency.com


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Today’s brand communications must be densely packed with meaning and capable of produc-ing immediate emotional impact. “A brand or advertising proposition is the densest possible articulation of an idea,” wrote marketer and author Faris Yakob, “the work of a planner who has compressed everything necessary down to the smallest possible space.” He also rightly wrote that, “Advertising agencies are not [just] in the business of making cool stuff, they are in the business of making money for clients, using creativity.”

Brilliant creativity must not only get attention; it must be mindfully planned to produce tan-gible returns. We believe strong copy is the crux of truly creative brand development and advertising: compelling headlines, strategically witty ad content, website copy that captures and holds attention; scripts and voiceovers for video, podcast and radio. Paired with strategic creativity, execution of professional design and experienced media placement, great copy is the foundation of exceptional brand communications.


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BEND, OR 97702 541.419.9976


