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Oracle HumanResources Cloud:

Using Payroll Flows


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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

20APart Number F24400-01Copyright © 2011, 2019, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.

Author: Susan Saha

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows


Preface i

1 Introduction 1Overview of Payroll Flows ............................................................................................................................................................ 1

2 Payroll Flow Paerns 3Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Create Flow Paerns .................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Flow Paern Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

Sequencing Rules for Flows and Locked Tasks ..................................................................................................................... 9

Flow Security and Flow Owners ................................................................................................................................................ 11

Value Sets in Payroll Flows ....................................................................................................................................................... 16

Multiple Instance of a Flow ....................................................................................................................................................... 19

FAQs ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

3 Copy and Edit Flow Paerns 27How Flow Paerns are Edited .................................................................................................................................................. 27

Examples of Editing Flow Paerns ......................................................................................................................................... 28

Edit a Flow Paern ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30

Updating Delivered Flow Paerns ........................................................................................................................................... 31

Add a BI Publisher Report to a Flow ...................................................................................................................................... 33

Add an Individual Flow Task within a Checklist ................................................................................................................... 33

FAQs .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 34

4 Schedule Flows 35Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................. 35

Flow Task Start Dates and Due Dates .................................................................................................................................... 37

Flow Schedule Formula Type ................................................................................................................................................... 37

FAQs .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 39

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

5 Submit and Monitor Flows 41Submit Flows ................................................................................................................................................................................ 41

Connect Flows .............................................................................................................................................................................. 41

Monitor and Manage Flows ..................................................................................................................................................... 46

FAQs ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 61

6 QuickPay Flows 63QuickPay Processing .................................................................................................................................................................. 63

Working with QuickPay Flows ................................................................................................................................................. 66

Create a User-Dened QuickPay Flow Paern .................................................................................................................... 67

Submit a QuickPay Flow to Correct a Payroll Calculation Error ....................................................................................... 68

FAQ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 70

7 Reports and Extracts 71Payroll Reports and Analytics ................................................................................................................................................... 71

Flow Paerns for Extracts and Reports .................................................................................................................................. 71

Payroll Calculation Reports ....................................................................................................................................................... 71

Payment Distribution Reports .................................................................................................................................................. 73

FAQ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 74

8 Delivered Flows 77Single Process or Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 77

Composite Flows ......................................................................................................................................................................... 81

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows



PrefaceThis preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.

Using Oracle Applications

HelpUse help icons to access help in the application. If you don't see any help icons on your page, click your user imageor name in the global header and select Show Help Icons. Not all pages have help icons. You can also access the OracleHelp Center to nd guides and videos.

Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to nd and use help. 

You can also read about it instead.

Additional Resources

• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partnercommunity, and other users.

• Training: Take courses on Oracle Cloud from Oracle University.

ConventionsThe following table explains the text conventions used in this guide.

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates user interface elements, navigation paths, or values you enter or select.

monospace Monospace type indicates le, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.

> Greater than symbol separates elements in a navigation path.

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows



Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website.

Videos included in this guide are provided as a media alternative for text-based help topics also available in this guide.

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Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. Forinformation, visit My Oracle Support or visit Accessible Oracle Support if you are hearing impaired.

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

Chapter 1Introduction


1 Introduction

Overview of Payroll FlowsMonitor and manage all payroll tasks within your company using the ow feature.Predened ow paerns are automatically available for you to submit all types of payroll processes and reports. A owpaern can consist of a single task such as Calculate Payroll, or multiple tasks such as the Payroll Cycle which lists alltasks for a payroll period in a best practice ow.

You can also dene your own ow paern. Copy a predened ow paern and edit it to meet your businessrequirements such as add, delete, or move a task in the ow paern. Use the ow paern to dene these rules for yourow:

• Sequence of tasks within your ow.

• Parameters to submit and complete tasks within your ow.

• Rules to automate the submission of process and reports based on the completion of previous tasks.

• Inclusion of manual tasks to ensure all steps of the payroll cycle are fully validated. For example, using payrollows your Financial Director can verify the payroll costing results before the payroll costs are transferred to thegeneral ledger.

After you have created the ow paern, use the Submit a Flow page to submit the ow. Navigate to Submit a Flow taskfrom Quick Actions or under My Client Group > Payroll.

Select a ow paern such as Payroll Cycle and enter a unique name such as 'Weekly Payroll 10/09/2019'. This instanceof a ow paern is referred to as a ow.

A Checklist is generated for each submied ow. The Checklist provides a central point to monitor and manage all taskswithin the ow. Use the Checklist to easily identify areas that require aention, such as any payroll tasks within the owwith error messages.

Perform actions on the checklist such as roll back a task or mark a manual task as complete. To view further informationfor a specic task, select the task and navigate to the Process Results Details page.

Use the Process Results Details page to view more detailed information for a ow task such as errors and warningmessages, report output, and log les.

Use the Errors and Warnings page to view messages pertaining to persons or processes. You can also access this pagefrom the Process Results Summary.

Once you resolve all issues, easily navigate back to the Checklist to continue processing any remaining tasks within yourow.

Use the View Flows page to get an overall status of all submied ows. Use the various lter options on the page toidentify ows that require aention such as a ow that includes tasks with error messages. Drill down on a ow to theChecklist to get more detailed information for the tasks within the ow.

Navigate to View Flows task from Quick Actions or under My Client Group > Payroll.

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

Chapter 1Introduction


This diagram illustrates the navigation path from the pages that provide high-level information on your payroll owssuch as the View Flow page, to the pages that provide detailed employee-level information such as the Checklist andProcess Results Details page.

Payroll Process Results

Errors and Warnings

Submit Flow

SOEBalances ReportCosting ReportRun Results

Flow DetailsNoYes

Resubmit Flow

Person Search

End Process

Review Warnings and Correct Errors


View Flows

Process Results


Person Process Results

Process Results Details

Select Person

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


2 Payroll Flow Paerns

IntroductionThe ow paern contains all the rules for a ow. A ow paern can consist of a single task such as the Calculate Payrollow paern, or multiple tasks grouped together in a predened order such as the Payroll Cycle ow paern.

Use the predened ow paerns or create your own. When creating your own ow paern you have the option to copya predened ow and edit it to meet your company's business requirements.

Here's what you can do with a ow paern.

• Determine the tasks included in the ow. The tasks can be automatic tasks such as a payroll process, or manualtasks such as a task to verify a report.

• Determine the sequence of tasks to be executed.

• Dene parameter binding rules so that you can enter parameters that are common across multiple tasks, suchas dates, only once on submission. When you submit the ow paern, the parameter value is constant acrossall tasks within the generated ow.

When you submit a ow paern, provide a unique name for the ow that will be created such as 'Semi-MonthlyPayroll_15-Sept-2019'. Use the Checklist to monitor the status of all tasks within the ow.

Predened Flow PaernsHere are some examples of predened payroll ow paerns that contain a single task:

• Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Payroll

• Calculate Payroll

• Run Gross-to-Net-Report

• Run Payroll Activity Report

• Generate Check Payments

• Calculate Prepayments

Use this type of ow paern to create a standalone ow for each process you submit such as the Payroll Calculation orPrepayments process.

Here are some examples of predened payroll ow paerns that contain multiple tasks:

• Expedited Payroll Flow

• Payroll Cycle

• QuickPay

• QuickPay and View SOE

• QuickPay Simplied

• Simplied Payroll Cycle

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


For example, use the Expedited Payroll Flow paern to identify, calculate, and make expedited payments. TheExpedited Payroll Flow paern includes these tasks:

1. Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes2. Calculate Payroll3. Calculate Prepayments4. Archive Periodic Payroll Results5. Generate Check Payments6. Make EFT Payments7. Generate Payslips

Predened TasksA ow paern consists of one or more tasks. All predened payroll processes and reports have a correspondingpredened ow task which you can include in a ow paern. Predened tasks are also delivered to support manualsteps within your ow such as the verication of a report.

The predened tasks can be renamed when you include it in a ow paern. This name will appear on the Checklist. Forexample, when you're creating a ow paern for the tasks within your weekly payroll cycle you may choose to renamethe Calculate Payroll tasks as Weekly Payroll. You may also choose to rename the manual task Verify a Calculate Task toVerify Gross-to-Net Report.

Here are some examples of predened payroll tasks:

• Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Payroll

• Calculate Payroll

• Run Gross-to-Net-Report

• Run Payroll Activity Report

• Generate Check Payments

• Calculate Prepayments

Create Flow PaernsUse ow paerns to create ows that group tasks to complete your extract reports, processes, or payroll tasks. Buildow paerns from the delivered tasks, such as processes, reports, or task ows.

For example, use the delivered Expedited Payroll ow paern to identify, calculate, and make expedited payments.

Build a Flow PaernLet's look at the steps to create a ow paern.

1. Select the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task or the Rene Extracts ow.2. Create a new ow paern or search for and select an existing ow paern to copy.3. Select a legislative data group (LDG).4. Make these selections on the Basic information page.

a. Select one of these LDG Required options.

i. Flow paern available to all LDGs

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


ii. Flow paern restricted by LDGb. Select a Flow Status option.

5. Select the activities and tasks to include in the ow paern.

The activity you select for the task determines the work area where you can submit the ow.6. On the Tasks page, complete this information.

◦ If necessary, rename the task and description, and change the activity or task group.

For example, place all your reports in the Statutory activity and rename each verication task to includethe report name.

◦ Select a task owner.

◦ Skip the step to specify the duration dates. The duration dates determine when to send the notication toalert the ow owner or task owner to start a task or to alert them that the task is overdue. Return to thisstep after you complete ow parameters on the Parameters page.

◦ Select the type of notications that you want the ow or task owner to receive.

7. On the Task Sequence page, review the task sequence and reorder, add or delete tasks, as required.

All ow paerns begin with a Start task and conclude with an End task. Tasks are sequential but you can startprocessing more than one task concurrently. For example you can run reports concurrently along with theprocess.

8. On the Edit Task Details: Owner and Checklist page, specify a sequence value and decide the order in which thetasks display in the checklist.

9. On the Parameters page, select the parameters to submit and complete the tasks in the ow paern.Alternately, use the parameters as a basis for deriving values to submit the remaining tasks in the ow paern.

10. On the Task Parameters page, review and if necessary, update the parameters.

For example, specify a constant if the value is the same for all tasks, such as the Process Conguration Groupparameter.

11. Specify the duration dates on the Tasks page of the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page. Optionally, oset thedate by specifying a plus or minus value depending on whether the date falls before or after the duration date.

12. Use the Manage Payroll Flow Security Prole task In the Setup and Maintenance work area, to dene a securityprole for the ow paern.

The HCM data role security controls who can submit the ow paern or view the resulting ow from the PayrollDashboard or payroll work areas.

13. Review the resulting checklist.14. Click Save and Close, or click Submit.

Flow Paern ParametersEach task in a ow paern supports task actions, such as submit, roll back, mark for retry, retry, and view. Task actionparameters control how the application processes a task and how the task relates to other tasks in the ow paern.

Flow parameters are a subset of task action parameters. They supply the information required to successfully completethe tasks in the ow paern.

• When you create a ow paern, review and edit the task parameters for the Submit and Initialize task actions.

• Before you submit a ow, review and edit the task action parameters and the ow parameters for each taskwithin the ow. Task action parameters control task interactions.

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Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


• After you submit the ow paern, edit the parameters for the remaining task actions, such as Mark for Retry,Retry, and Roll Back, as required.

This gure illustrates the relationship of the tasks, task action parameters, and ow parameters in a ow paern.

Flow Pattern

Task Action Parameters

Task Action


Task Action Parameters

Task Action


Task Action Parameters

Task Action


Use as Flow Parameters?

Flow Parameters

Here are the parameter details you can edit:

• Display and display format

• Lookups and value sets

• Usage

• Sequence

• Parameter Basis and Basis Value

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


Display and Display FormatsDisplay parameters control the format and availability of the ow parameter, as shown in this table.

Parameters Purpose


Determines whether the parameter displays on the page when you submit the ow. 

Display Format 

Identies the type of data displayed, such as a date or text, or choice list 

Display parameters work with other parameters, such as Parameter Basis and Basis Value. For example, most taskaction parameters don't display the Request parameter because the application obtains the value for this parameterfrom the context.

Lookups and Value SetsUse lookups and value sets for descriptive exelds to control and validate the data used in the payroll ow paern.

This table lists the methods by which the lookup values are derived and the corresponding parameter basis you can use.

Lookup Value Parameter Basis

Entered when submiing a ow 

Bind to Flow 

The application derives the valueduring ow submission and presentsit. The value is derived from existingtables, such as the value for thepayroll statutory unit. During owsubmission, you can either use thevalue presented to you or override it. 

SQL Bind or Bind to Flow Task or Context Binding 

The application derives the valuefrom a Post SQL process 

Post SQL Bind 

UsageA parameter can receive information or generate information that subsequent tasks can use. For example, for theCalculate Payroll task, the Payroll Process parameter for the Submit task action generates an output value for the payrollaction ID. The Retry task action can use this payroll action ID.

Here's the typical seings for a parameter whose usage is output. For output usage parameters the parameter isn'tdisplayed and its value is derived using the parameter basis.

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Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


Parameter Option Seing



Parameter Basis 

• Bind to Flow, the application derives the value from the ow parameter and thenupdates the ow parameters table with the output value

• If you select no value, the output value results from the task's output

SequenceSequence numbers control the order in which the application processes and displays the parameters by specifying thesequence. For example, if you have two lookups and the values of the second lookup depends on the rst lookup. Youmust set the rst lookup to a lower sequence number than the second one.

Parameter Basis and Basis ValueThe parameter basis controls how the application derives the value for the parameter. The basis value further speciesthe value the application uses for the parameter.

Here's the list of values to select parameter basis and basis values when you dene payroll ows. The table providesexamples when you can select them and describes how the values are assigned.

Parameter Basis Description Basis Value Available Example

Use Specied Value 

Assigns a specic value to theparameter. 

Enter the text as a constant orvalue, when you submit theow. 

Specify a constant if the valueis the same for all tasks, suchas the payroll statutory unit. 

Bind to Context 

Derives the value from thecontext of the current owinstance or the task instanceof the ow paern. 

Select ow, task, or theRequest. The applicationautomatically generates theparameter value. 

If the task includes a Requestparameter, bind it to the owcontext. Tasks in the owreference this task using theRequest ID generated by theapplication. Bind the legislative data groupparameter to a task parameterthat supplies the legislativedata group. For example, the legislativedata group for prepaymentsuses the payroll as context,because it's already associatedwith the legislative data group. 

Bind to Flow Parameter 

Derives the value from one ofthe ow parameter values. 

Application automaticallyderives the parameter value. 

Bind a parameter to the owthat several tasks share toavoid multiple occurrences ofthe same parameter. 

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Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


Parameter Basis Description Basis Value Available Example

Bind to Flow Task Parameter 

Binds the value to the outputof the previous task. 

Select a value from theprevious task's parameters. 

Bind a parameter to a task,such as Retry correctiveaction. When the ow ownerresubmits the task to retryit, the application uses theoutput of the Submit taskparameter. 

Bind to Task Parameter 

Resolves the value for the taskparameter. 

Select a value from the currenttask's parameters. 

Bind a parameter to thetask if several tasks share aparameter, such as a startdate, but one task requires adierent date. 

No value specied 

Stops the application fromgenerating a parameter valuewhen the task executes. 

Application generates a blankvalue. 

Not applicable 

Post SQL Bind 

Calculates the parameter butdoesn't display it on the userinterface. 

SQL statement calculates theparameter value. 

Bind a parameter using thePost SQL bind to generatedata. For example, use a post SQLprocess to use the payrollperiod and payroll parametersand generate the process date. 

SQL Bind 

Calculates and displays valueon the user interface, prior tosubmission. 

SQL statement calculates theparameter value and displayit on the user interface, beforesubmission. 

Bind a parameter using SQL For example use SQL Bind tocalculate the payment typeparameter for the GenerateCheck Payment task. Theapplication obtains thepayment type ID for the checkpayment record. Use SQL Bind to prompt thetask owner to enter a reasonfor a corrective action, such asa QuickPay. 

Sequencing Rules for Flows and Locked TasksThe tasks in a ow use and build upon the results of previous tasks. To maintain data integrity and prevent deletions,the application determines whether a task should lock the results of previous payroll relationship actions. Locking theresults of payroll relationship actions prevent processing corrective actions, such as retrying a process. You must rollback or mark for retry the process that locks the results.

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Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


For example, the Calculate Prepayment process locks the results of the payroll relationship actions calculated in thepayroll run. Before you can retry the payroll calculation process, you must roll back or mark for retry the prepaymentprocess.

Rules for Sequenced and Non-sequenced FlowsLocking rules identify tasks as sequenced or non-sequenced. This identication determines the conditions for insertingand processing a task in a ow.

Here's the locking rules associated with sequenced and non-sequenced tasks.

Task Rule

Sequenced  No locks created


• Calculate Retroactive Costing• Reverse Payroll Calculation


Locks created 

Here's the list of sequenced tasks in the order they're usually processed. All other tasks are non-sequenced and lock theresults of previous processes.

Sequenced Tasks Locks Other Tasks

Load Initial Balances 


Recalculate Payroll for RetroactiveChanges 


Calculate Retroactive Costing 


Calculate Payroll 


Calculate Gross Earnings 


Calculate QuickPay 


Reverse Payroll Calculation 


Adjust Individual Balances 


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Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


Note: If several ows share the same process date, the sequence number in the database determines theorder for processing the tasks.

Reports that Create LocksTypically, reports temporarily lock results of previous calculations while they run. Some reports do lock results. Forexample, the payslip report locks archived payment results. You might also create reports for a particular legislativedata group that lock the results of periodic and year-end archive tasks.

To correct data for reports that lock results:

1. Roll back the report.2. Roll back the archive task.3. Correct the data.4. Resubmit the report.

Common Locking ScenariosYou receive alerts when you submit a task and can't process payroll relationship records because another processhas locked the records. For example, suppose you submit the weekly payroll run, and then submit a ow to calculateQuickPay. The submission is for a payroll relationship for the same payroll and payroll period as the regular payroll run.You receive an alert that the payroll relationship record is locked. You can't start the task to calculate QuickPay until thetasks in the weekly payroll run that use the locked results of the calculations for the payroll run complete.

Flow Security and Flow Owners

Flow Security and Flow OwnersYour HCM data role security determines which ows you can submit or view. This topic explains how the HCM dataroles and ow security work together. Use the Manage Payroll Flow Security Prole task in the Setup and Maintenancework area to dene security for payroll ow paerns.

Payroll Flow Security and HCM Data RolesHCM data roles secure the access to ows through data privileges and to the tasks on a checklist through functionalprivileges.

• When you submit a ow paern, it generates a checklist of the included tasks.

• You become the owner of the ow and its tasks. If a ow paern designates tasks to dierent owners, youremain the ow owner.

• Either you or the owner of a task can reassign the task to someone else. For example, to cover situations wherethe task is overdue and the task owner is on leave.

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


This gure illustrates how the payroll manager and payroll administrator can submit a process or report and can viewthe results of the monthly payroll ow.

Security ProfileMonthly Payroll Flow


Secured ObjectPayroll Flow


Data PrivilegeView Payroll Flow


Job RolePayroll Manager or

Payroll Administrator

Function PrivilegeSubmit a Payroll

Process or Report

HCM Data RolePayroll Process and Report

• The payroll manager or the payroll administrator can submit the ow and perform its tasks or have the tasksreassigned to them.

• The payroll manager and the payroll administrator can perform the same tasks because both of them have thesame functional privileges.

• They can both submit and view the payroll ow data.

This gure illustrates how only the payroll manager can calculate the payroll. The payroll manager can't reassign thistask to a payroll administrator, because the administrator doesn't have the necessary functional privileges to submit themonthly payroll ow action.

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Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


Security ProfileSubmit Monthly


Secured ObjectPayroll Flow Action

Data PrivilegeManage Payroll Process Results


Job RolePayroll Manager

Function PrivilegeCalculate Payroll

HCM Data RoleMonthly Data Processing

TroubleshootingIf you encounter problems submiing or completing a task in a ow, these are the actions you can take.

Problem Solution

Can't submit or view a ow 

Conrm that the data role assigned to you includes a security prole for the payroll owpaern. 

Can't perform a task, such as aprocess or report 

Conrm that your data role is based on a job or abstract role that includes functional privilegesto perform that task. 

Examples of Flow Paern Security ProlesYou can use dierent methods to organize payroll ows into appropriate security proles. Use the Assign SecurityProles to Role task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to grant workers access to those proles by data role.

ScenarioHere's a few examples of payroll security proles and data roles.

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Oracle Human Resources Cloud:Using Payroll Flows

Chapter 2Payroll Flow Paerns


Example Data Role Security Prole

Payroll Processing and QuickPay Flows 

Payroll Administrator 

Payroll Cycle ow and the QuickPay ow 

End-of -Year Reporting 

Payroll Administrator 

End-of -Year ow and the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results ow 

Hiring and Terminations 

HR Administrator or HR Specialist 

New Hire ow and the Termination ow 

Multiple Owners for a FlowYou can assign payroll ows and tasks within payroll ows to individuals or a group of individuals. When you assigngroup ownership, all members of the group have access to the tasks. Any member of the group can claim ownership ofa task and complete the task, even if they haven't submied the task.

While creating a ow paern, use the Owner Type and Owner elds to specify the group or person who can have accessto the tasks.

Task ownership and access are given by default to the person who submits the ow. Granting the task ownership andaccess only to a single person seems restrictive. Only the person who submits the ow can take corrective action on thetask and access the report output. Granting ownership to more than one person ensures continuity and completion ofthe task. Anyone who has access to the ow can monitor the task even if they're not owners of the task. For example, ifthe person who submied the task is unavailable, and the task is overdue, someone else can monitor and complete thetask.

You can assign group ownership only to user-dened ows and not the predened ows. When the ownership isdened at a ow level, any future ow instance inherits the group information.

After you submit the ow, you can assign group ownership to the individual tasks. Such ownership is only applicable tothe particular ow instance.

Create Data Roles and SecurityBefore you assign ownership, consider these points:

1. Create a data role that you can assign to the users you plan to group together. Use the Manage Data Roles andSecurity Proles task to create the data role. The grouping of users is through the data role you create.

2. Associate appropriate job roles and security proles as required. The values you associate determine whichows a person with this data role can submit or view.

Create Users and Add the Data RoleAfter you create the data role, use the Manage Users task to create users. Use Add Role in the Roles region to provisionthe newly created data role manually to the user.

Select the Task OwnersThe HCM data role security determines who can submit or view the tasks within the ow paern. You must be apayroll supervisor or administrator to process payroll and review payroll report outputs and extracts. Once you haveinitiated a payroll ow, others within the group can monitor the ow and ensure the tasks within the ow are completed

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successfully. You can assign appropriate responsibilities and functional privileges while dening the dierent data rolesand security proles.

Edit a Flow Paern and Create Multiple OwnersIn this you copy a QuickPay ow paern and change the task owners and assign tasks to multiple individuals within agroup. You also claim a task within the ow, review notications, and set the status of the ow task as 'Completed', sothat the ow continues.

Here's the key decisions to consider for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In this Example

Who is the task owner for the VerifyPayroll Results task? 

Payroll Supervisor 

Who is the task owner for theCalculate QuickPay Prepaymentstask? 

Any person who has the Payroll Clerk data role and privileges. 

Who is the task owner for the ViewPrepayments Results task? 

Payroll Supervisor 

Who is the task owner for the MakeExternal Payment task? 

Any person who has the Payroll Clerk data role and privileges. 

Who is the task owner for the VerifyPayment task? 

Payroll Supervisor 

Before You StartBefore you begin, complete the following.

1. Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paern task and create a QuickPay ow paern by copying the predenedQuickPay ow paern. Enter a name for the copied ow paern and enter the legislative data group (LDG), torestrict this ow to a single LDG. Use the Owner Type and Owner elds to specify the group or person who canhave access to the tasks.

2. Use the Manage Data Roles and Security Proles task and create a data role for Payroll Supervisor and PayrollClerk.

3. Set up the right privileges for the data roles you create.

Specify a Task OwnerThe HCM data role security determines who can submit or view the tasks within the ow paern. To specify a taskowner:

1. In the Payroll Checklist work area, click the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task from the task pane.2. On the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page, search for the QuickPay ow that you created, and edit the ow

paern.3. On the Tasks tab, select the Verify Payroll Results task, and click Edit Task .

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4. On the Edit Task Details: Owner and Checklist page, complete these elds.

Field Value

Owner Type 



Payroll Supervisor 

5. Similarly, select the View Prepayment Results task and select Payroll Supervisor as the task owner.6. Next, select the Verify Payment task and select Payroll Supervisor as the task owner.7. On the Tasks tab, select the Calculate QuickPay Prepayments task, and click Edit Task .8. On the Edit Task Details: Owner and Checklist page, complete these elds.

Field Value

Owner Type 



Payroll Clerk 

9. Similarly, select the Make External Payment task and select Payroll Supervisor as the task owner.10. In the Notications region, select the Flow Task Start Notication option for each task.11. Click Submit, and return to the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page.12. On the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page, click Submit.

Claim a Task and Monitor the Task StatusOnce a task is assigned to a group, all users within the group receive the notication for the task, once the task is in the'Started' status in the checklist. You can review the notication sent to you and claim the task.

1. In the Payroll Checklist work area, click the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task from the task pane.2. On the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page, search for the QuickPay ow that you created, and edit the ow

paern.3. On the Tasks tab, select the Calculate QuickPay Prepayments task, and click Edit Task.4. In the Notications region, select Claim from the Actions menu.

Once you have claimed the task, the checklist displays you as the owner of the task. Using the checklist you canset the status of the task as, 'Mark as Complete', 'Mark as Incomplete', and so on.

5. In the Notications region, use the Actions menu to set the status of the task as, 'Mark as Complete', tocontinue the ow.You can also approve, reject, or reassign the task using the Actions menu in the Notications region.

Value Sets in Payroll Flows

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IntroductionUse value sets for descriptive exelds and control and validate the data you use in payroll ow paerns. A value setprovides a dynamic list of values for an entry value.

Use the Manage Value Sets task to create a value set. Once you create a value set, it uses a SQL statement to ltervalues from an existing table, such as person name or number, location, legislative data group, or payroll statutory unit.You can then use the value set as a parameter to run a payroll ow. You don't have to create and maintain a lookuptype. Using value sets help maintain consistency and accuracy in your data.

Consider these points while creating value sets for payroll ows:

• Use the Module eld to specify the module for which you want to create the value set. For example, you cancreate a value set for payroll calculations, payroll checklists, payroll ows, and so on.

• Use only the table-based type of value set for payroll ow parameters. Other value set types, such asIndependent or Format Only, aren't supported.

• Use Value Data Type of Character only. Value Data Type refers to the data type of the values that are lteredfrom the existing data and displayed on the payroll ow page.

• Enter these details while creating the value set denition, to build a query for the value set::

◦ The From Clause denes the table name used for the query.

◦ The Value Column Name is the aribute which is visible on the screen.

◦ ID Column Name is the aribute used to store the value in the back end. The Column Type and ColumnLength pertain to the column in the database that stores the entered values.

• Put the respective parameter name as bind value in the Where Clause when creating a value set for a owparameter which is dependent upon another parameter value. For example, if the location parameter isdependent upon the payroll ow parameter while ow submission, bind the payroll ow ID value to the WhereClause as given below:

◦ Pf _flow_ id = {PARAMETER.LOCATION_IP}, where LOCATION_IP is the value name.

Value sets give you the exibility to create your own list of values, without depending on other teams.

Use a Value Set in a Payroll FlowIn this example you create a value set and use the input values for location name as an entry value for a ow. Use thelocation parameter when you run the custom ow to generate multiple reports in a sequence. Use the search option onthe parameter to select an appropriate value.

Use the Manage Value Sets task to create a value set. After you create a value set, use the Manage Payroll Flow Paernstask to link the value set with a ow.

How to Create a Value Set that Returns all LocationsLet's look at the steps to create a value set that returns all locations.

1. Select the Manage Value Sets task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.2. On the Manage Value Sets page, click Create.3. Enter these values.

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Field Value

Value Set Code 





Payroll Flows 

Validation Type 


Value Data Type 


FROM Clause 

pay_ ows_pf 

Value Column Name 


Value Column Type 


Value Column Length 


ID Column Name 

pf.base_ ow_id 

ID Column Type 


ID Column Length 


WHERE Clause 


Note: LOCATION_IP is the input value name.


ORDER BY Clause 


4. Optionally, to secure the value set, select the Data Security check box and provide the Data Security ResourceName.Note: You can enable data security only if the value set is based on a single table or view.

5. Click Save.

How to Add the Value Set Codes to the Manage Flow Paerns PageLet's look at the steps to add the value set codes to the Manage Flow Paerns page:

1. Form the Payroll Checklist work area click the Manage Flow Paerns task.

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2. Create a new custom ow to meet your requirements, add the required tasks, and arrange their sequence.Use the ow parameters to submit and complete the tasks in the ow paern, or as a basis for deriving valuesto submit the remaining tasks in the ow paern.

3. Select the Parameters tab, and click Create, and create an empty parameter.4. Select the new parameter and click Edit and add these parameter details.

Field Value

Display Format 

Value Set 


Enter the Value Set Name, LOCATION_VS, in this example. 

5. Optionally, enter Owner and Checklist information, and then click Next.6. Click Submit.

When you run the custom ow, the Location parameter renders as a smart list of values. You can use the searchoption to select a location.

Multiple Instance of a Flow

IntroductionUse the Submit Another Task to repeat a task instance multiple times. For example, you can schedule the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results task for multiple payroll statutory units (PSUs) within the organization. You can initiate andsubmit the task for a single PSU and make the task repeat itself for each subsequent PSU. The number of iterations youspecify, determines the number of times the task repeats itself.

Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paern task from the Payroll Checklist work area to create a ow paern that includesthe task, Submit Another Task. Submit Another Task takes the task name as the input parameter and uses the repeatformula to execute multiple submissions of a task. The formula controls the repetition logic and execution of the task.

Before you begin, consider these points.

Task NameThis is the name of the task that's submied multiple times. The Submit Another task takes this parameter as an inputparameter.

Task Repeat FormulaThe Task Repeat Formula is a prerequisite for this ow and it decides the repetition logic and drives the iteration. Whenyou create the repeat formula, use the 'Task Repeat' formula type. The input parameters are predened for an inputtask. You can add them as ow parameters during ow creation. The formula return values are used to validate the taskparameters.

ParametersTask parameters submit the information required for the task submissions to complete successfully. The ow has thesetwo sets of parameters:

• Parameters for Submit Another Task

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• Parameters for the repeat submission task that's submied multiple times

You can specify the parameters for Submit Another Task as ow task parameters while dening the ow paern.

The input values for the repeat submission task are either one of these:

• Task parameters from the ow parameters dened while creating the ow

• Return parameters from the repeat formula

Flow parameter values are used as the task parameters in either one of these options:

• If the task parameter name matches the Base Flow Parameter Name, exposed in the UI at the ow-level, thenthe values are used directly.

• If the task parameter names don't match the Base Flow Parameter Name, the application uses a fast formulafunction to pass the ow parameter values as the task parameters. This formula function is built into the repeatformula.

For example, assume that you have dened the ow parameter as 'Eective Date', and the corresponding BaseFlow Parameter Name is 'EFFECTIVE DATE'. The application uses formula function GET_FLOW_PARAM_VALUE ()and stores the return value of this formula function in the task parameter 'EFFECTIVE DATE'. The formulafunction is:


Provide the correct parameter basis when you dene the task parameters. Some of the static parameters like theEective Date or the Start Date can have a parameter basis value of 'Bind to Flow'. The dynamic parameters like thePayroll Statutory Unit ID are derived from the database tables. Hence you can have a parameter basis value of 'Bind toFlow Task' or 'Context Binding'. If you have dened specic names for the ow task parameters, you must ensure thatthe same names are used in the repeat formula.

Alternately, use the return parameters from the repeat formula as the task parameters. In this case the input parametersfor the repeat formula are only the Base Task Name and the Repeat Counter. While calling the formula, the applicationuses these two parameters to get the context of the job submission. You create the Repeat formula to return inputvalues for the submission task.

The formula output Repeat Flow decides if another job submission has to be done.

These parameters can be static or dynamic parameters. For example, for the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Resultsprocess the following parameters are dened as static parameters:

• Eective Date

• Start Date

• Tax Year Date

• Repeat Counter

The Repeat Counter is a static variable and is maintained by the application. During the iteration process thisparameter increments by '1' after every submission.

In this example, these are the dynamic parameters for each submission:

• Payroll Statutory Unit ID

• Repeat Flow

However, you can also dene the Tax Year as a dynamic parameter, so that you can generate the report for variousyears.

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Maximum Repeat CounterSpecify a threshold limit of the maximum number of instances that can be executed for a single submission of thetask. If the iteration runs into an error, this parameter prevents the process from geing into an innite loop. A repeatcounter N indicates one parent and N-1 child submissions.

Repeat Flow ParameterThe repeat ow parameter indicates when the task iteration should stop. A repeat ow instance is submied only if therepeat ow parameter is set to 'Y'.

Execute in ParallelExecute the submissions in parallel or serial. For parallel submissions, the number of threads is taken into consideration.A number of submissions equivalent to the number of threads is submied in parallel. For serial submissions, numberof submissions equivalent to the Repeat Counter is executed one after the other.

If you have set the Execute in Parallel parameter to 'Yes', you must specify a value for the Maximum Parallel Threads.This parameter is taken into consideration for a parallel submission.

For example, if you specify a value of X, during a submission, the application processes X instances of the task initially.The parent task waits for X child submissions to complete, evaluates the fast formula and executes another set of Xchild submissions to complete. This cycle continues till the Maximum Repeat Counter submissions are completed or theRepeat Flow value is 'N'.

Parent Log FileAfter completion of the ow, use the ESS Log le to view the details of the input parameters for each job submission.The log displays one set of ow instance details and parameter values for the parent submission and similar set ofvalues for each subsequent child submission.

Generate Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results Process for MultiplePSUsIn this example you create a ow paern using Submit Another Task and generate the Archive End-of-Year (EOY)report. You generate the report for multiple payroll statutory units (PSUs) within your organization. Use the Archive EOYPayroll Results task to retrieve employee and employer information and employee balances in a given year for year-endreporting.

Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paern task to create a ow paern that also includes the task, Submit Another Task.

Before You StartReview and validate the year-end data and complete balance adjustments and balance feeds for year-end reporting.

Here are the key decisions for this example.

• The static ow parameters used in this example include Eective Date, Start Date, Tax Year Date, RepeatCounter.

• The dynamic ow parameters used in this example include Payroll Statutory Unit ID and the Repeat Flow.

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The input parameters for the repeat submissions are obtained from the repeat formula returns. Perform these tasks touse Submit Another Task and generate the Archive End-of-Year (EOY) report for multiple PSUs.

1. Create a repeat formula2. Create a ow paern3. Submit the ow4. View the results and log le

How to Create a Repeat FormulaUse the text editor to create a fast formula and return the values required to run the Archive EOY Results for a PSU. Thisformula isn't specic to any legislative data group (LDG) and the formula type you use for this formula is Task Repeat.

Complete these steps to create a repeat formula.

1. Use the Manage Fast Formulas task.2. On the Manage Fast Formulas page, click Create to create a formula.3. On the Create Fast Formula, complete these elds.

Field Value

Formula Name 

Sample Formula 

Formula Type 

Repeat Task 


Archive EOY Results for each PSU 

Eective Start Date 

Enter a date, for example, January 01, 2011 

4. Click Continue.5. Enter this formula text details in the Formula Text Section.

FORMULA NAME: Sample FormulaFORMULA TYPE: Flow ScheduleDESCRIPTION: Formula to iterate the EOY ArchiverFormula Results: Iterates the EOY and generates the report/* Inputs */INPUTS ARE REPEAT_COUNTER, BASE_TASK_NAME (text)REPEATFLOW = 'N'START_DATE = '2011-01-01'EFFECTIVE_DATE = '2012-01-01'TAX_YEAR_DATE = '2011-01-01'


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6. Click Compile.7. Click Save.

How to Create a Flow PaernComplete these steps to create a ow paern.

1. Select the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task and click Create to create a ow paern. You can also search forand select an existing ow paern to copy.

2. Leave the Legislative Data Group eld blank and click Continue.3. On the Basic Information page, complete these basic ow information elds.

Field Value

Flow Paern Name 

EOY Results Flow 


Enter a description for the ow. 

LDG Required 


Activities to Include 

Select two options, Statutory and Calculate. 

4. Select Submit Another Task to include it in the ow paern. The activity associated with the task determinesthe work area where you can submit the ow.

5. On the Task Sequence page, reorder, add, or delete tasks as required.6. Specify the order in which the tasks display in the checklist. You can specify a value for the sequence on the

Edit Task Details Owners and Checklist page.7. On the Parameters page, select Create.8. On the Select and Add: Parameters page, add these parameters to complete the ow paern.

Name Description Task Display

Task Name 

Name of the task 

Submit Another Task 


Task Repeat Formula 

Name of the formula 

Submit Another Task 


Maximum Repeat Counter 

Maximum number ofsubmissions 

Submit Another Task 


Execute in Parallel 

Decides if the submissionsare in parallel or sequential 

Submit Another Task 


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Name Description Task Display

Maximum Parallel Threads 

Maximum number ofsubmissions executed inparallel 

Submit Another Task 


The ow parameters are used to submit and complete the tasks in the ow paern, or as a basis for derivingvalues to submit the remaining tasks in the ow paern.

9. After you have completed the requisite parameters, click OK.10. On the Task Parameters page, review the parameters, and if necessary update the parameters.11. Review the resulting checklist for the ow paern before submiing the ow paern.12. Click Submit.

How to Submit the FlowComplete these steps to submit the newly created ow paern.

1. Select the Submit a Flow task from Quick Actions or under My Client Group > Payroll.2. Search for EOY Results Flow and click Next.3. Enter these parameters.

Field Value

Payroll Flow 

Enter a payroll ow name. 

Task Name 

Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results 

Task Repeat Formula 

Archive EOY Results Repeat Formula 

Maximum Repeat Counter 


Execute in Parallel 


Maximum Parallel Threads 

4. Click Next. Check the ow interaction.5. Click Next and select the schedule. You can select 'As Soon As Possible' to execute the task immediately.6. Click Review to review the parameters.7. Click Submit.8. Click Done.

How to View the Results and Log FileTo access the archive results after the process is submied:

1. Navigate to the View Flows task from Quick Actions or under My Client Group > Payroll.2. Use the lter options to view the ow you have just submied.

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3. To view further information for a specic task, select the task and navigate to the Process Results Summarypage. Highlight a process row to view the results of a specic process.

4. Use the Person Process Results section view the person process results..5. Click the Output and Log Files section to view the output of the process.


What's the dierence between a ow paern and a ow?A ow paern can consist of a single task such as Calculate Payroll or a series of tasks such as the Global SimpliedPayroll Cycle. Flow paerns can be predened or congured as part of the implementation cycle. The ow paernincludes all the denitions such as task sequence and parameter details and parameter binding rules.Provide a unique name for the ow paern and submit the ow paern, using the Submit Flow page. This instance of aow paern is referred to as a ow.

What's the dierence between an active, , hidden, or inactive owpaern?Active ow paerns are those that are listed on the Submit Payroll Flow page. You can submit these ows from thispage or you can automate the submission using a ow service.

Some ow paerns, such as ow paerns used for system integration purposes, should only be available for submissionthough a service. The hidden option ensures these aren't displayed in the Submit Payroll Flow page.

Inactive ows are disabled and are no longer available for submission on the Submit Payroll Flow page or through aservice.

What's a task ow?A ow can be categorized as either a data load, report, process or task ow. Task ow indicates the ow includes two ormore tasks. For example, submit an instance of the Global Simplied Payroll Cycle ow paern and the resulting ow isclassied as a task ow.

What's the dierence between a ow paern and a ow task?All predened payroll processes and reports are delivered with both a ow paern and a corresponding ow task. Youcan use the ow paern to submit the process and report. For example, select the Calculate Payroll ow paern on theSubmit a Flow page to submit the payroll calculation process. The Calculate Payroll ow paern includes a task of thesame name.You can also use the Calculate Payroll ow task to submit the payroll calculation process as part of a task ow. Forexample, dene a ow paern and include the Calculate Payroll ow task and the Run Calculate Gross-to-Net ow task.

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Can I skip the ow parameters for a single-task payroll owpaern?No, you must specify ow parameters required to successfully complete the task. Typically, these parameters includethe mandatory task action parameters. You can also specify optional parameters that serve to restrict the results of theow.

How can I improve performance and troubleshoot ows?Add parameters to a payroll process conguration group to optimize performance and troubleshoot your payrollprocesses. To process large volumes of records, use the Threads and Chunk Size parameters. To troubleshootprocesses, add the Logging Category or Formula Execution Logging parameters to a conguration group and rerun theprocess using that conguration group. Using these parameters enables you to investigate formula code problems.

What happens if I don't enter a task owner in a ow paern?The person who submits the ow becomes the ow owner and the task owner. The person's security privilegesdetermine whether the person can submit the ow.

Why can't I act on a task on a checklist?Conrm whether your data role is based on a job role or abstract role that includes the functional privileges requiredto perform the task. Before reassigning this task to another person, ensure the data role for the new task owner alsoincludes these privileges.

How can I identify the payroll ow that includes a specic elementfor an employee?Submit the Element Results Register report, which displays the name of the payroll ow. The report shows details forthe element and the value paid to the employee. If you don't know the person's assigned payroll, query the person'spayroll details on the Manage Payroll Relationships page.

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Chapter 3Copy and Edit Flow Paerns


3 Copy and Edit Flow Paerns

How Flow Paerns are EditedYou can create or copy a ow paern and then edit add, delete, or move a task in the ow paern. This topic providesexamples of edits you can perform to tasks in a ow paern or checklist.

Perform these edits on the Task Sequence tab of the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page. For payroll ow paerns, usethe Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task. For extract ow paerns, use the Rene Extracts task.

Edit TasksHere's a list of examples of edits you can perform and the probable impact the edits can have on the ow.

Edits Impact Examples

Add a task 

You add a task to position it as the lasttask in the activity or task group. Updatethe task sequence. If you repeat a task, rename it to makeclear its purpose on the checklist. 

You add a manual verication task aftereach report. You rename each task withthe report name. 

Delete a task 

When you delete a task you may impactsubsequent tasks in the ow that dependon its results. Review the subsequenttasks. 

You delete a task. The Parameter Basis ofthe next task is Bind to Task and its BasisValue is the value of the deleted task.You update the Parameter Basis of thesubsequent task as required, for example,to Bind to Flow. 

Move a task to a dierent activity 

The activity determines the work areaswhere you can submit the ow paernsyou dene, and controls how the checklistdisplays. 

You move a task in a payroll ow paernfor a report from the Payments activity tothe Statutory activity. 

Reorder the list of tasks displayed in achecklist 

The sequence specied for the taskfurther determines the task order withinan activity on the checklist. 

You decide to aen the checklistsequence to group all the tasks within asingle activity.

1. On the Tasks page, you conrmthat each task belongs to the sameactivity and task group.

2. You edit each task, specifying avalue in the Sequence column onthe Edit Task Details Owners andDetails page.

The lowest number is used forthe rst task in the checklist. Forexample, you might specify a

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Edits Impact Examples

sequence of 10 for the payrollcalculation task and 20 for theprepayments calculation task.

Examples of Editing Flow PaernsReview these scenarios to understand how you can edit ow paerns to meet the requirements of your enterprise. Usethe Manage Payroll Flow Paern task or the Rene Extracts task to edit these scenarios.

Update a Parameter to Use a Specied ValueYour payrolls use a single process conguration group named InFusion Consolidation Group A. You want to specifya constant for the conguration group task action parameter and hide the parameter to avoid data entry mistakes.Perform these steps.

1. Query the ow paern you dened for the payroll cycle.2. On the Parameters tab of the Manage Payroll Flow Paern page, edit the Process Conguration Group


Enter these values to maintain a constant value for the Process Conguration Group task action parameter andavoid data entry mistakes.

Parameter Detail Value



Display Format 



No value 


Input Parameter 

Parameter Basis 

Constant Bind 

Basis Value 

InFusion Conguration Group A 

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Supply a Reason for a Corrective ActionYour enterprise typically issues electronic funds transfer payments. You dened a ow paern to issue check paymentsand you want to verify and track the reason managers issue checks. You can add a ow parameter to capture thatinformation.

1. Query the payments ow paern you dened.2. On the Parameters tab of the Manage Payroll Flow Paern page, Select and Add the Reason parameter to

include the parameter as a ow submission parameter. Enter these details.

Parameter Detail Value



Display Format 



No value 


Input Parameter 

Parameter Basis 

Context Binding 

Basis Value 

Payroll Flow 

Add Tasks and Reorder the Task SequenceYour ow paern includes the Calculate Gross Earnings process and the Element Results Register Report. Perform thesesteps to run the two extract reports concurrently, and add a verication task, to simplify the checklist to a single list.

1. From the Data Exchange work area, select the Rene Extracts task.2. On the Rene HCM Extracts page, query the ow paern.3. On the Tasks tab of the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page:

a. Add the rst extract report, specifying the same Activity and Task Group as the Calculate Gross Earnings.b. Add the second extract report, specifying the same Activity and Task Group as the Calculate Cross

Earnings.c. Add a manual verication task, specifying the same Activity and Task Group as the Calculate Cross

Earnings.4. Edit each task, specifying a sequence number on the Edit Task Details Owners and Details page.

The lowest number is used for the rst task in the checklist. For example, you might specify a sequence of:

◦ 10 for the Calculate Gross Earnings task

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Chapter 3Copy and Edit Flow Paerns


◦ 20 for the rst extract report

◦ 30 for the second extract report

◦ 40 for the manual verication task

5. On the Tasks Sequence tab, reorder the sequence of reporting tasks in this order to run the two reportsconcurrently.

Task Following Task

Start Flow 

Calculate Gross Earnings 

Calculate Gross Earnings 

First extract report 

Calculate Gross Earnings 

Second extract report 

First extract report 

Manual verication task 

Second extract report 

Manual verication task 

Manual verication task 

End Flow 

Automatically Increment Dates in the Scheduled ExtractYou create a ow paern to extract weekly payroll data that requires the user to enter a process date parameter. Youschedule the extract to run weekly. The application evaluates the ow parameters at the time of submission, and thetask parameters at the beginning of task execution. You edit the task parameters to automatically increment the dateeld. The date values are derived from the default date parameter values.

You use the Rene Extracts task or the manage Flow Paerns task. Perform these actions to edit the task parameters onthe task's Basic Information page.

1. Select the Process Date parameter.2. Select Context binding from the Parameter Basis eld.3. Select System Date from the Basis Value eld.

Edit a Flow PaernThis example demonstrates how you can copy the predened QuickPay ow paern and edit the ow paern.

The edits include these changes to the copied QuickPay ow paern:

• Designate a person with Payroll Manager Operations role as the task owner for the Verify Prepayment Resultstask. The task owner reviews the prepayments results before generating the payments.

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• Schedule the verication task to start two days before the process date for the Generate Check Payments taskstarts. You notify the owner that verication starts before the next task should begin.

Note: In this example, the process date is the date paid.

Before you start, create a QuickPay ow paern by copying the predened QuickPay ow paern, entering a name forthe ow paern and selecting a legislative data group.

Let's look at the steps to specify a task owner for the Verify Prepayment Results task.

1. Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task.2. On the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page, search for the QuickPay ow paern that you created, and edit the

ow paern.3. On the Tasks tab, select the Verify Prepayment Results task, and click Edit Task.4. On the Edit Task Details: Owner and Checklist page, select the Payroll Manager Operations role as the

checklist owner.5. On the Edit Task Details: Duration and Notications page, in the Duration region, enter these values.

Field Value

Due Date 

Process Date 



6. In the Notications region, select the Flow Task Start Notication option.7. Click Submit, and return to the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page.8. On the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page, click Submit.

Updating Delivered Flow PaernsYou can directly edit payroll ows to incorporate changes to certain components of the ow in the context of aspecic legislative data group (LDG). To congure the ow to your specic requirements, you no longer have to copy apredened ow, edit, and rename the ow.

Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task and select an LDG and search for a ow. You can only edit predened ows.You can only make specic changes to the ow.

You can only edit a parameter and not add a parameter. For example, you may want to change the name of a parameterin the context of an LDG, or change how a ow task parameter is derived. With this enhancement you can makeminimal changes to the ow, in the context of a specic LDG, and the changes take eect only if you submit the owduring runtime. For example, if you have made changes and saved the revised ow for LDG A, you can't submit the owfor LDG B. You can submit the ow only for LDG A. If you submit the ow for some other LDG, the ow runtime ignoresthe changes.

If you want to make more detailed changes, copy, rename, and edit the ow.

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Chapter 3Copy and Edit Flow Paerns


Edits Allowed on a FlowUse the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page make changes to these components in a ow.

• Flow Details

◦ Flow Description

◦ Flow Status

• Flow Parameters

◦ Flow Parameter Name

◦ Display

◦ Display Format

◦ Lookup

◦ Sequence

◦ Parameter Basis

◦ Basis Value

◦ Description

• Flow Task Parameter

◦ Parameter Basis

◦ Basis Value

• Owner and Checklist

◦ Owner Type

◦ Owner

◦ Sequence

• Notications

◦ Flow Start Notication

◦ Flow End Notication

◦ Warning Notication

◦ Error

You can't make any changes to Flow Task Sequence, Review UI, and Submit Related Flows.

Delete the EditsThe changes you make aren't overridden when Oracle delivers a new version of the ow. The changes you make for agiven LDG holds good, until you delete or modify them.

Select Edit and use the Delete option at the record level to undo changes you have made to a record. When you deletea revision at the record level, you see a message indicating that the changes to the record are marked for deletion. Therevisions are deleted when you save the ow.

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At the ow level, you can use the Remove All Updates option to undo all the changes you have made to the ow.

Add a BI Publisher Report to a FlowAdd single or multiple BI Publisher reports to your copied or user-dened ow paern. When you submit the ow, thereport automatically generates an output le that you can view. The output le is based on the template used for the BIPublisher report, such as an html template. The Run BI Publisher Report task belongs to the Statutory activities in theow paern.

Add Your Report to a FlowFollow these steps to add the BI Publisher report to an existing extract ow.

1. Use the Manage Flow Paerns task or the Rene Extracts task.2. Search and select the ow that you want to congure.3. On the Manage Flow Paern page, on the Tasks tab, click Edit.4. Click Select and Addon the menu bar. In the Search Tasks dialog, search for and select Run BI Publisher

Report. Click Done.5. On the Task Sequence page, conrm the sequence is correct.6. On the Flow Parameters page, add a required parameter for the rst argument of the BI Publisher report.

The ow parameters map to the BI Publisher arguments. For example, if your report is based on a SQL query,the rst argument is the rst bind variable of a SQL query data model.

Tip: To easily determine the sequence of arguments, view the list of parameters for thegenerated report in BI Publisher.

7. Optionally, rename the parameter to a more meaningful name.8. On the Task parameters page, in the Parameter Details section, complete these steps:

a. Conrm that the Parameter Basis for the First Argument value is Bind to Flow.b. Specify a value for the Report Name and Report Path parameters.

For example, if the BI Publisher data model is saved to the Custom folder in Shared Folders you wouldspecify /Custom/yourBIreport.xdo.

c. Specify values for other arguments if required.9. Review the ow and submit it.

Add an Individual Flow Task within a ChecklistUse the Submit Another Task option from the Actions Menu in the checklist to add an individual ow task to a owthat's 'In Process'.

You can submit a task that's initially not included in the checklist. For instance, you're analyzing the payroll run andrequire additional information about pay elements included in the run. You can run an additional deduction reportthat's not in the initial ow.

Use the Submit Another Task option from the Actions Menu, and select any process or ow paern and submit it.

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After you select the task, select or modify the parameters presented to you. The list of parameters are the taskparameters inherited from the task you have selected. The parameters are prepopulated with the entries you havemade in the main ow. You can retain the same values and add new parameters or change the values of existingparameters as required.

After you submit the task, you can view the task in the Linked Region of the checklist. After you submit the task, you caneither:

• Stay in the existing checklist, or

• Click Go to Checklist and access the checklist of the task you have just submied. To return to the originalow, go to the related ows section and select the original ow. From here you can see the task you previouslysubmied in the Related Flows section. Click the task to view the checklist of the task.


Can I edit a predened ow paern?You can only edit payroll ow paerns that you copy or create. You can't edit predened ow paerns. For example,you might copy a predened ow paern and congure it to your requirements, such as adding a report extract youdened, or displaying additional ow parameters. You can create a new ow paern that includes only the tasks youperform during a specic phase of the payroll cycle, such as the end of an accounting period or at the end of a quarter.

How can I rearrange tasks in a ow paern?Every ow paern begins with a Start Flow task, which doesn't belong to an Activity or Task Group, and concludes withan End Flow task. Edit the task sequence by selecting a dierent task in the Following Task column.

When you create a ow, use the Task Sequence page to rearrange the tasks. When you edit a ow, select the task andedit its sequence on the Create Flow Paern: Basic Information page. When you submit a ow, processes in the ow useand build upon the results of the previous processes. To maintain data integrity, ensure the sequenced tasks follow aconsecutive order.

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Chapter 4Schedule Flows


4 Schedule Flows

IntroductionSchedule a ow to automatically submit the ow at a date, frequency, and time span that suits your business practices.

Here's what you can do with ow schedules:

• Create a schedule

• Submit the next occurrence of the ow

• Connect active ows

• Monitor the status of scheduled ows

• Troubleshoot issues with ow schedules or individual tasks

• Cancel scheduled ows

Use predened frequencies or formulas to schedule a ow to run once or on a recurring basis.

For example, schedule a process to run on weekdays but not on weekends. Or, schedule a ow to submit an extract thatreports extract update details on a daily basis.

Create Schedules for FlowsHere are some examples of scheduling options and parameters you can set while creating schedules for ows.

Scheduling Options Parameters to Set Examples

Submit the current ow only 

• Date• Optionally, time

Schedule a process that transfers timecard entries for a weekly payroll. 

Submit the current ow and futureoccurrences 

• Frequency details or formula• Start date and time

To optimize processing, schedule anarchive process to start after normalworking hours. However, the processingmust end before the start of the nightlyprocess to back up the enterprise'sservers. 

Restrict the period during which the owrecurs 

End Date 

Specify an end date for a scheduledstatutory report that the government nolonger requires you to submit. 

Submit the Next Flow OccurrenceWhen the application submits the next occurrence of a ow at the scheduled time, it performs these tasks:

• Uses the parameters specied in the original ow

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• Resets the dates appropriately, using the system date for the submission date

• Increments parameters derived from the date parameter for predened ows

For example, if you schedule a gross-to-net report to run monthly for a monthly payroll, the application uses theseparameters and increments the process end date.

• Payroll Name

• Payroll Statutory Unit

• Consolidation Group

The submied report covers the payroll period that corresponds to the incremented end date.

For user-dened ows, to automatically increment the date, specify these parameters for the eective date parameterin the ow paern.

Parameter Value


Context Binding 

Basis Value 

System Date 

The ow paern can be for the process, extract, or report.

For example, dene a ow paern to extract weekly payroll data that requires you to enter a process date parameter.Use the Rene Extracts task and edit these task parameters on the task's Basic Information page:

1. Select the Process Date parameter.2. Select Context Binding for the parameter basis.3. Select System Date for the basis value.

These seings ensure that the dates increment appropriately.

Connect Active FlowsWhen you submit a scheduled ow, you can connect it to other active ows. The scheduled ow interacts with the activeow, but only for the rst occurrence, not future occurrences.

Monitor the Status of Scheduled FlowsA schedule icon identies the status of scheduled ows that haven't yet started. As soon as the current ow starts, theapplication lists the next occurrence on the Overview page of the appropriate work areas. For example, if you schedule areport to verify payroll calculations, the scheduled ow displays in the Checklist and Payroll Calculation work areas.

Troubleshoot Scheduled FlowsWhen there is an application server failure, the ow instance ends. You must resubmit the ow once the server resumes.You don't have to reschedule the recurring ows scheduled to run at a later date.

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Cancel Scheduled FlowsYou can cancel a scheduled ow depending on the frequency and status of the ow, as given here.

Frequency Status Available Actions





Not Started 

Cancel ow 


Not Started 

Cancel the current ow, cancel therecurring ow, or cancel the current andrecurring ows 

Flow Task Start Dates and Due DatesUse duration dates and notication options in the payroll ow paern to give ow owners adequate time before a taskstarts, to prepare and address any issues.

Task Start and Due DatesLet's look at the duration dates you can enter on the Tasks page of the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns page:

• Start date, the date the task owner should start the task.

Note: The start date applies to notications only. Enter the ow start date on the Scheduling pagewhen you schedule the ow.

• Due date, the date the task owner should complete the task.

To specify duration dates:

1. Select the ow parameter date to use as the basis for the duration date.2. Optionally, oset the date by specifying a plus or minus value depending on whether the date falls before or

after the duration date.

NoticationsNotications are error and warning messages to inform the task owner when a task starts or ends. The receipt ofnotications depends on the duration dates and their osets.

1. Specify the notications the task owner receives.2. Optionally, specify the number of days before the application automatically deletes a notication from storage.

Use the Manage Payroll Process Conguration task to complete the Notication Expiration Oset parameter.

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Chapter 4Schedule Flows


Flow Schedule Formula TypeUse Flow Schedule formulas to control when to submit the current ow and how often to submit future instances ofthe ow. You create scheduling formulas on the Manage Fast Formulas page when the predened formulas don't meetyour requirements.

Let’s say you create a formula that loads time card batches daily, and increases to four times a day at the end of apayroll period when workers typically submit their time cards. You can create a formula that schedules the frequencywith which an extract process checks for new starter details.

Here are a few points to consider when creating or updating a scheduling formula:

• Specify a meaningful name to assist the person selecting the formula.

• Review the formula to ensure it doesn't contain negative numbers that might produce an error condition, suchas running a process continually.

• After updating the formula, cancel any scheduled ows that use the formula. Resubmit the ow to apply theupdated denition.

ContextsThe SCHEDULED_DATE (scheduled date) context is available to formula of this type.

Database ItemsHere’s the list of database items that are available to Flow Schedule formulas.

Database Item Data Type Description



Function to add days to a date. 



Function to add months to a date. 



Calculated value for the date to schedulethe next ow. 



Date used to schedule the ow. 

Input VariablesThese are the input variables available to Flow Schedule formulas.

Input Variables Data Type Required Description



Date on which to schedule theow. The date is passed to the

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Input Variables Data Type Required Description

formula when it calculates thenext date to schedule the ow. 

Return ValuesUse predened names for return variables. These are the return values available to Flow Schedule formulas.

Return Values Data Type Required Description



The date calculated by theformula to schedule the nextow. 

Sample FormulaThis predened formula schedules a ow so that it's submied weekly from the date the ow owner initially submiedit.

/***********************************************************FORMULA NAME: WeeklyFORMULA TYPE: Flow Schedule DESCRIPTION: Formula to return a date time. Returns NEXT_SCHEDULED_DATE; Formula Results : NEXT_SCHEDULED_DATE This is a date time value with yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.************************************************************//* Inputs */INPUTS ARE SUBMISSION_DATE(DATE), SCHEDULED_DATE(DATE)/* Calculations */NEXT_SCHEDULED_DATE = ADD_DAYS(SCHEDULED_DATE,7)/* Returns */RETURN NEXT_SCHEDULED_DATE /* End Formula Text */

You can calculate units smaller than a day by replacing the calculation portion of the formula text using a decimal or afraction. Let’s look at some examples of submiing a ow several times a day.

Flow Submission Formula Text for Calculation



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How can I run tasks concurrently in a ow?Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task in the Payroll Checklist. Search for and open your ow paern. Click the TaskSequence tab. Specify that each concurrent task follows the same previous task.

For example, you create a ow paern with a payroll calculation task and two reports. The ow ends when both reportscomplete. You can use these actions to run the payroll calculation task and the two reports run concurrently.

1. For the rst row, specify the Start Flow task with the Calculate Payroll as the following task.2. For the second row, specify Calculate Payroll as the task, and the rst report as the following task.3. For the third row, specify Calculate Payroll as the task, and the second report as the following task.4. For the fourth row, specify the rst report as the task and End Flow as the following task.5. For the last row, specify the second report as the task and End Flow as the following task.

Why don't the duration dates in the ow paern display?The start and end dates and their osets display after you complete the ow parameter dates. Enter the owparameters on the Parameters page, and then return to the Tasks page to enter the duration dates.

If your ow paern doesn't specify dates as ow parameters, the duration list of values is blank. Change the values forthe Duration list by displaying the date parameters for tasks in your ow paern.

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Chapter 5Submit and Monitor Flows


5 Submit and Monitor Flows

Submit Flows

IntroductionA ow enables you submit and monitor all payroll tasks such as process and reports. You can submit ows from theSubmit a Flow page. You can schedule ows to run at a specied time or at regular intervals.Monitor the status of submied ows from the View Flows or Checklists page.

Navigate to these pages by accessing the respective tasks from Quick Actions or under My Client Group > Payroll.

Use the View Flows page to view the high-level status of submied ows that are in progress and require your aention.Use the lter options on the page to view ows as per your choice and monitor the tasks within the ow or any issueswith the ow.

For every ow you submit, the application generates a checklist. Use the Checklists page to manage and track all taskswithin the ow.

Submit a FlowUse the Submit a Flow page to submit a ow. These are the type of ows you can submit:

• Process, such as Calculate Payroll. This type of ow has a single task.

• Report, such as the Run Payroll Activity Report. This type of ow has a single task.

• Data Load, such as a task that loads payroll setup objects into the Oracle HCM Cloud application stage tables.

• Task Flow, such as the Payroll Cycle, which lists the payroll tasks to complete for a payroll period in a bestpractice ow.

Search on the ow paern name or use the lters on this page to select the ow paern you want to submit.

Enter a name for the instance of the ow that you're about to create and submit. For example, if you're submiingthe Calculate Payroll ow paern, enter a ow name that uniquely identies the payroll run such as 'Weekly Payroll10/10/19'.

Use the Parameters section to enter the ow parameters including process date, run type, and payroll.

Use the Schedule section to review and update the ow start and end dates, and frequency. You can also use apredened schedule if available.

Link another ow to your current ow, or link your current ow to another ow. Your data security access controlswhich ows you can view and submit, and therefore, which ows you can connect. For more information, refer to the'Options for Connecting Flows' topic in the Help Center.

When you submit a ow, you're taken to the Checklist page to monitor and manage the tasks within the ow.

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Connect Flows

Options for Connecting FlowsWhen you submit a ow, you can connect it to one or more ows on the Flow Interaction page. Your data securityaccess controls which ows you can view and submit, and therefore, which ows you can connect.

If you connect the ow to active ows, the Linked Flows section of the active ows lists the newly submied ow. Youcan't combine ows that are in progress, but you can submit a ow and connect it to an active or completed ow.

Note: If you frequently connect a ow to another ow, such as an extract to a weekly payroll run ow, addthat ow to the payroll ow paern for your weekly payroll run. The next time you submit the ow, thechecklist includes the task.

Connect a Flow at the Beginning or End of Another FlowSubmit a ow and connect it to the beginning of a ow that you haven't started or to the end of a completed ow ora ow that's in progress. For example, submit the costing of payments ow and connect it to the end of a completedQuickPay and payments distribution ow to cost the payments for both ows.

Here's an example of submiing a report ow and connecting it to the end of the prepayments ow to view theprepayments results in the report.

Start Task Enter Batch Calculate Payroll

Run Gross-to-Net


Calculate Prepayments End Task

Start Task Run Report End Task

This example illustrates submiing a ow to cost payments and connecting it to a monthly and weekly payroll ow toprocess the combined results.

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Chapter 5Submit and Monitor Flows


End Task

Start Task

Enter Bonus

Calculate Monthly Payroll

Calculate Prepayments

Start Task

End Task

Start Task

Enter Batch

Calculate Weekly Payroll

Calculate Prepayments

End Task

Calculate Costing of Payments

Create Accounting

Connect a Flow Within an Active FlowYou can't combine two ows that are in progress, but you can insert a new ow into an active ow. You might do this toperform tasks in an activity, such as the payments or accounting activity. You might connect ows to process two setsof records in a single prepayments process. For example, if you remove records for correction from the regular payrollrun ow, and then process them with several QuickPay ows, you can merge them to calculate the QuickPay payments.

• You can do this to perform tasks in an activity, such as the payments or accounting activity.

• You can connect ows to process two sets of records in a single prepayments process. For example, if youremove records for correction from the regular payroll run ow, and then process them with several QuickPayows, you can merge them to calculate the QuickPay payments.

When you connect ows, consider whether the submied ow includes the same tasks as the active ow after theinsertion point as given here.

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Chapter 5Submit and Monitor Flows


Tasks After Insertion Point Action

Same tasks 

Select the Use to Calculate Results option to process the results of both ows in the remainingtasks 

Dierent tasks 

Specify where to stop the active ow and complete tasks in the submied ow beforereturning to the active ow 

This gure shows the sequence of tasks processed if you submit a QuickPay ow and connect it to the payroll run owfor the same payroll and payroll period to process the payments tasks together.

1. After the payroll calculation in the payroll run ow completes, the QuickPay calculation starts.2. The application waits to run the Gross-to-Net task until the task to verify the QuickPay results complete.3. The application skips the remaining tasks of the QuickPay ow, which are the same as the payroll run ow, and

uses the results of the QuickPay ow in the payroll run ow.

Start Task Calculate Payroll

Run Gross-to-Net


Calculate Prepayments

Calculate Costing of Payments

End Task

Start Task Calculate QuickPay

Verify QuickPay

Calculate Costing of Payments

End TaskCalculate QuickPay


This gure shows the sequence of tasks processed if you submit a QuickPay ow and select the option to use the resultsof the QuickPay calculation in the reports generated for the payroll run ow. In this example, the ows don't include thesame tasks.

1. After the payroll calculation in the regular run completes, the QuickPay calculation starts.2. After the QuickPay verication task completes, the application processes the two reports that include the

results of the QuickPay ow.3. The application returns to the QuickPay ow to process the external payment.4. After the QuickPay payment verication task completes, the application processes the payments for the regular


Start TaskCalculate Payroll for

Regular Run

Run Gross-to-Net

Run Payroll Balance Report

Generate Regular Run

PaymentsEnd Task

Start Task Calculate QuickPay

Verify QuickPay

Verify QuickPay Payment

End TaskQuickPay External Payment

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Chapter 5Submit and Monitor Flows


Create a Flow InteractionIn this example, you connect the Element Results Register to the biweekly payroll cycle to review the results for thecurrent and previous payroll cycles.

Here's the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In this Example

Which start and end dates include the two payroll cycles? 

May 1 - May 31 

Do you want to lter the type of results reported? 

Earnings balance category 

Do you want to exclude any QuickPay ows processed during thatperiod from the report? 


Where will you insert the Run Element Results Register task? 

Before the Verify Reports task in the May 31 Biweekly Flow 

In this example, the payroll manager submits an Element Results Register report to view the elements included inEarnings balance category for the current and previous payroll runs. The manager inserts the monthly report in thecurrent payroll ow after the task that veries the payroll calculation reports for the biweekly period.

Before You Start1. Create a payroll ow paern to process a biweekly payroll2. Create a balance category for earnings, which includes elements that generate earnings balances.3. Complete the biweekly payroll ow for the payroll period that ends 15 May.4. Submit the biweekly payroll ow for the payroll period that ends 31 May.

Submit the Element Results Register1. From the Payroll Calculation work area, click the Submit a Process or Report task.2. On the Select Flow Paern page, select the legislative data group.3. From the Process or Report section, select the Run Element Results Register. Click Next.4. On the Enter Parameters page, complete these elds.

This table lists eld names and their respective values to run the Element Results Register.

Field Value

Payroll Flow 

Element Results Register for May Earnings 

Process Start Date 

May 1 

Process End Date 

May 31 

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Chapter 5Submit and Monitor Flows


Field Value


Biweekly Payroll 

Balance Category 


5. Click Next.6. On the Enter Flow Interaction page, in the Flow Interaction section, click Add.7. Enter these details in the row.

This table lists eld names and their respective values to dene the ow interaction.

Field Value

From Payroll Flow 


From Task 

Start Flow 

To Payroll Flow 

May 31 Biweekly Flow 

To Task 

Verify Reports 

8. Click Next.9. On the Review page, review the information you entered previously and click Submit.

The Element Results Register for May Earnings ow runs after the verication task in the May 31 biweekly Flow.Compare the results of both reports after they complete.

Monitor and Manage Flows

How to Monitor Payroll Flows from the Payroll DashboardFrom the payroll dashboard, view the status of submied ows that are in progress and require your aention. You canalso drill down to the payroll checklist and view details of a specic ow.

This topic explains how you can monitor the status of the ows and take corrective action if required. The payrolldashboard has separate sections to view the items requiring your aention and view details of ows that are inprogress.

View Items Requiring My AentionThe Items Requiring My Aention region monitors notications that you receive about the ows. You can view:

• The number of error notications and warning messages about ows that need your aention.

• The reminders about tasks that are overdue and require an action from you.

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To view items requiring my aention:

1. Click the Payroll Dashboard link from the Navigator.2. On the Items Requiring My Aention toolbar, click Errors. You can see the list of errors that you must x.3. Click a specic error to drill down further and investigate the error.4. On the Items Requiring My Aention toolbar, click Warnings. You can see the list of warnings that needs your

aention.5. On the Items Requiring My Aention toolbar, click Tasks. You can see the list of tasks errors that needs your


You can use the Refresh buon to view an updated status of your notications.

View Flows in ProgressFrom the Flows in Progress region monitor the status of submied ows, either by graph or by listing.

1. Click an item on the analytic graphic, for example, the US Simplied Payroll Cycle, to view the details of theows that are in progress. The submied ows are all listed in the payroll ows section.

2. Highlight a ow and click the name to open the specic payroll checklist. The checklist organizes the taskswithin the ow by payroll activity and task groups.

3. If you don't nd a specic payroll ow, click Query by Example and search for a ow.

The Task Type column identies tasks as either manual or automatic. Manual tasks are identied by a person icon witha check mark. Automatic tasks are shown with spoke wheel icons. Automatic tasks begin automatically when the taskbefore it's complete.

Manual tasks work like stop points in the ow where you can verify results and perform any corrections required beforecontinuing with the next task. They generally involve tasks that require validating results, for example generatingreports and validating report results.

View the Task DetailsTo view the status of a task, you may have to drill into the task group. For example, you may want to view the details ofthe records processed for the Calculate Payroll task.

1. Expand the Calculate activity within the specic payroll ow.2. Expand the Calculate and Validate Payroll task group.3. Click the Go to Task icon for the completed Calculate Payroll task.

The View Person Process Results: Calculate Payroll page lists the records (persons) processed in the ow. The ActionStatus column shows the status of the records. It shows the records that are processed successfully and those that haveerrors and require further action.

Take Corrective ActionOnce you have identied the records that have errors, you must take corrective action on them. Click the person nameto see what the error is. You may have to return to the person's record to correct the errors.

Use the Actions menu to take any of these actions on a record:

• Mark for Retry

• Rollback

• Reversal

After you have viewed the error and taken appropriate corrective action, you can go back and use the Actions menu andmark the record for retry.

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View the Payroll Run ResultsAfter a task is completed, you can verify the run results and view a report. For example, you may want to view theGross-to-Net report.

1. Click the Go to Task icon of the completed task, for example the Run Gross-to-Net Report task.2. Click the Task Results (glasses) icon to view the PDF output of the report.

View and Manage Submied FlowsUse the View Flows page to view the status of submied ows that are in progress and require your aention. The owson this page display a high-level status of the ow.

Here's the list of tasks you can expand a ow and do:

• Filter and view at a glance active ows submied in the last seven days sorted by the ow submission date.

• Filter and view ows as per your choice and for a wide range of lter choices such as Legislative Data Group,payroll, submission date, submied by, ow type, ow paerns, ow status, and so on.

• Monitor issues with the ow such as processes in error, reconcile issues, and review processes that are runningslower than average.

• Manage and track all tasks within the ow.

• Select a task to go to the Checklist page or Process Results page.

Payroll ChecklistWhen you submit a ow paern it creates an instance of the ow. For every submied ow, the application generates achecklist. The checklist provides a central point to monitor and manage all tasks within a ow.

Here's what the checklist might include, depending on the ow paern:

• Automatic tasks, such as reports, extracts, and processes.

• Manual tasks, such as the Verify Payroll Process verication task, required to complete a ow.

Here's what you can do with the checklist.

• Manage and track all tasks within the task ow.

• View task status and drill down to ow parameter details.

• Validate a manual task within the ow and mark as complete, so that downstream tasks within the ow canbegin.

• Reassign a task to a dierent owner.

• View ows and tasks linked to the current ow.

• Drill down to the Process Results page to view all messages and errors for a task. Once you have identied therecords that have errors, you can take corrective action on them. Click the person name to see what the error is.You may have to return to the person's record to correct the errors.

• Drill down to the Process Results page to access output information for a task such as reports and log les.

• Use the Roll Back All option from the Actions menu within the checklist to roll back multiple tasks within a ow.You don't have to manually select each task to roll back the tasks within the ow.

After you have taken appropriate corrective action, you can go back and use the Actions menu and mark therecord for retry.

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Process ResultsDrill down to the Process Results page to view all messages and errors for a task. Once you have identied the recordsthat have errors, you can take corrective action on them. Click the person name to see what the error is. You may haveto return to the person's record to correct the errors.

For completed tasks, you can view the process results in these pages:

• Process Results Summary page to view all processes. The default view will display all processes submied in thelast seven days. Use the lters to expand the date range.

• Process Results Detail page to view details of a specic process.

• Process Results Person page to get an overview of processes run for a person and view details of each process.

Use the Process Results Summary page to do the following:

• Monitor the status of all processes and reports submied across Legislative Data Groups.

• Access detailed information for a specic process such as messages, reports and log les.

• Check the status of recently submied processes.

• Use the lter option to view ows as per your choice and for a wide range of lter choices such as LDG, payroll,submission date, submied by, ow type, ow paerns, ow status, and so on.

The Process Results Details page is accessible from a task in the Checklist or Process Results Summary pages. Viewfurther details of the selected task in the following four sections on this page.

• Person Process Results

• Output and Log Files

• Parameters

• Linked Flows

Flow StatusesUse the View Flows and Checklist pages to view the status of the tasks within a ow.

This topic covers:

• Flows Statuses and Sub-Statuses

• Flow Status Hierarchy

Flows Statuses and Sub-StatusesUse the ow status information to do the following:

• Monitor issues with the ow such as processes in error, reconciliation issues, and processes running slowerthan average.

• Manage and track all tasks within the ow. Monitor the progress of a task by reviewing the percentagecompletion of the task. The Action menu displays the actions available for a task based on its status.

Each high-level status has a set of sub-statuses grouped together as shown in this table.

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Status Group Sub-Status Sub-StatusDescription

Displayed onView Flows

Displayed onChecklist

Displayed onProcess ResultsSummary

Critical Alerts 

Critical Errors 

Indicates that thepayroll processisn't processeddue to criticalerrors, such as aserver breakdown. 




Critical Alerts 


Indicates that thepayroll processhas stoppedprocessing due toa critical ESS error. 




Completed withAlerts 


Indicates that thepayroll processhas completedbut one or morerecords are inerror status. 




Completed withAlerts 

Rolled Back Errors 

Indicates that thepayroll processhas completedbut one or morerecords have beenrolled back. Youcan process theserecords once youhave correctedthem. 




Completed withAlerts 

Marked for Retry 

Indicates that thepayroll processis marked forrecalculation orretry. You can runthe retry processfor these recordsonce you havecorrected them. 






Indicates that thepayroll process isskipped and notprocessed. 






Indicates that thepayroll process iscanceled and notprocessed. 




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Status Group Sub-Status Sub-StatusDescription

Displayed onView Flows

Displayed onChecklist

Displayed onProcess ResultsSummary


Full Roll Back 

Indicates that theprocess is rolledback for all recordsand results areremoved. 





Not Started 

Indicates that thepayroll processhasn't started. 






Indicates that apayroll processor report isscheduled forprocessing. 




In Progress 


Indicates that thepayroll process iscurrently running. 






Indicates that thepayroll processhas completedsuccessfully (for allrecords). 




As indicated in this table, the process page displays only submied processes. For example, it doesn't include pendingprocesses because the ow has been scheduled to run at a later date. And, it doesn't include processes that have beencorrected such as rolled-back.

Flow Status HierarchyA task ow indicates any ow that contains two or more tasks. For example, a ow that contains all the tasks yourcompany completes for a specied payroll cycle is classied as a task ow

The Checklist displays the status of each task within the payroll cycle ow. However, the View Flows page displays theoverall status of a ow, and each task within a task ow can have a dierent status.

For this reason, the View Flows page displays the ow status based on the ow hierarchy as given in this table. The owhierarchy is used to display a ow status based on the task within the ow that has the most critical status.

Hierarchy Level Status Group

Critical Alerts 

Completed with Alerts 

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Hierarchy Level Status Group

In Progress 

Corrected Processes 



Complete, Skip, or Correct FlowsWhen you submit an extract report or process or a ow, a checklist is generated. The checklist lists tasks sequentially;the sequence in which you perform to complete the ow.

This topic covers these aspects of working with ows:

• Complete ows

• Delete and skip ows

• Correct tasks in a ow

Complete FlowsThe Tasks Details tab of the checklist lists the manual and automatic tasks required to complete the ow. Review statusicons to monitor the progress of tasks.

An automatic task is complete when the application nishes it successfully and marks it complete. A manual task iscomplete when you mark it complete or update its progress to 100 percent. With the exception of skipped tasks, youmust complete a task before you can update the status as complete.

Delete and Skip FlowsUse the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task to delete a ow you copied or created, if you haven't yet submied it. Youcan skip an entire ow or a task in a ow if you have submied it.

Skip tasks, if you don't require the results when processing later tasks. If you submit a ow in error, skip the entire ow.

The details of when and who can control a ow or a ow task is given here.

Object Who Can Skip It Condition

Task in a ow 

Flow or task owner 

The task isn't in progress. 

An entire ow 

Flow owner 

None of the tasks are in progress. Skip the ow from the Payroll Checklistwork area Overview page 

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Correct Tasks in a FlowTo correct records for a task, such as records in error or missing information, the actions you take in the checklistdepend on whether the correction involves the current task in the checklist or a previous one.

For a current task:

1. Mark the records for retry.2. Correct the records.3. Resubmit the task.

Tip: If records require more investigation, avoid delaying the start of the next task by rolling back the recordsand processing them separately. Resubmit the task to change its status to Complete.

If you discover you must correct an earlier task, you can undo the intervening tasks, correct the data and then resubmitthe tasks.

For a previous task:

1. Start with the last manual task in progress, even if it occurs in the next activity or task group.2. Set the status of the manual task to incomplete.

◦ Roll back all the records processed by the task.

◦ Retry to change the status to Paused to correct and retry records processed by the task.

3. Repeat this process for each intervening task.4. Correct the records for the task in error.5. Resubmit the task.

If you submit separate ows, roll back or mark for retry the ows that lock the records in the current ow before you canprocess the correction.

For example, you have a user-dened ow that has the Calculate Payroll task after which you run the payroll and auditreports tasks. You have submied the ow and all the tasks in the ow have completed successfully. You then discoverthat you have to correct some employee records for the Calculate Payroll task and resubmit the ow. Follow these stepsto correct the records from the earlier run and resubmit the ow:

1. Open the Calculate Payroll task from the checklist, use the Actions menu to set some records as 'Mark forRetry'. The status of the task changes to 'In Progress with Error'.

2. Set the status of each sequential task in the ow as 'Mark as Incomplete'.3. Edit the records and then set the status of the Calculate Payroll task to 'Mark as Complete'.4. Resubmit the ow. The subsequent tasks run automatically.

Note: If you don't complete Step 2 above, you may not see the 'Mark as Complete' status for the CalculatePayroll task.

Task Actions and NoticationsSubmit a ow and monitor the status of the tasks within it and take actions from the generated checklist. You can alsoperform certain tasks from the View Flows and Process Results pages. Review the status of a ow by checking the statusicons and notications.

This topic covers:

• Task Actions

• Available Task Actions Based on Task Status

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• Actions Available on a Page

• Notications

Task ActionsThis table lists the actions you can take and how it impacts a ow.

Action Description


Skip a task and set the status of the task to complete. The process skips the task and continueswith the remaining tasks within the ow. 

Roll Back Errors 

Roll back a task, all records in error are rolled back and a payroll relationship group created forthe employees in error status. You can correct data before resubmiing the process. 

Roll Back All 

All tasks within a task ow are rolled back. The status of the task ow is set to 'In Progress' withthe number of completed tasks set to zero. 

Roll Back 

Available only for single tasks. Once the task is rolled back, the Status for this task is "Full RollBack" . 

Mark for Retry 

Available only for single tasks. Available when choosing "Mark as Incomplete". Once the task ismarked for retry, the status for this task is set to "Completed with Alerts". 


Resubmit records marked for retry or in error. Retry a process that has completed with alerts to rerun any incomplete records. For example,if a process completes but has 5 errors, you can correct the data for the 5 errors and retry thetask for the 5 records. 

Force Resubmit 

Force resubmit a task if a process is stuck due to a system issue. The task status is then set to'In Progress'. 


You can only use this action when a task has been fully rolled back. 

Cancel Current and RecurringSchedule 

Cancel the process due to run currently and also all processes scheduled for a future date. Thisaction can't be supported in process results because the process has completed. 

Cancel Recurring Schedule 

Cancels the processes planned as part of the schedule plan for a future date, but doesn't cancelthe running of the current process. This action can't be supported in process results becausethe process has completed. This action can't be supported in process results because theprocess has completed. 

Only owners of the ow task, and the user who submied the ow, can take this action. Actions aren't available to othertypes of users.

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Available Task Actions Based on Task StatusThe Action menu displays the actions available for a task based on its status. Here's a list of actions you can performbased on the status of a task.

Action Stopped withCritical Alerts

Completedwith Alerts

In Progress CorrectedProcesses

Pending Completed








Roll BackErrors 







Roll Back All 







Roll Back 







Mark for Retry 




























Cancel Currentand RecurringSchedule 














The actions available to you when working with a task depend on its status and the status of the tasks that precede orfollow it, as given here.

Action on Current Task Status of Current Task Status of Previous or Subsequent Tasksin the Flow

Roll Back or Retry 


All subsequent task must have a status ofRolled Back or Completed. 

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Action on Current Task Status of Current Task Status of Previous or Subsequent Tasksin the Flow

Submit  One of the following:

• Roll Back• On Hold• Mark for Retry

All previous tasks must have a status ofCompleted. 

Note: Only owners of the ow task, and the user who submied the ow, can take this action. Actions aren'tavailable to other types of users.

Actions Available on a PageThis table lists the actions available to you and from where you can use them.

Action Task or Task Flow Available in ViewFlows

Available in PayrollChecklist

Available in ProcessResults Summary






Roll Back Errors 





Roll Back All 

Task Flow 




Roll Back 





Mark for Retry 










Force Resubmit 










Cancel Current andRecurring Schedule 





Cancel RecurringSchedule 





Apart from the above actions that you can perform using the Actions menu, you can also perform the following actionson the respective pages as given here.

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Action Task or Task Flow Available in ViewFlows

Available in PayrollChecklist

Available in ProcessResults Summary

View Results 





View Process Details 





Single Task Parameters 





Task Flow Parameters 

Task Flow 




View Log Files 




View Error andWarning Messages 




Display Linked ows 





Flow NoticationsUpdate the ow paern to have ow notications sent to you to remind you of upcoming tasks or to warn you of tasksthat are overdue. Completing a task removes its notications. The setup of notications include:

• Specifying the type of notications and when to send them on the ow paern

Specifying the number of days before the application automatically deletes a notication for the Notication ExpirationOset parameter on the Payroll Process Congurations page. To open this page, use the Payroll Process Congurationtask from Quick Actions on the Home page.

Note: You receive notications when you resubmit a task but not when you select Force Resubmit from theActions menu.

Options for Taking Corrective Tasks in a Payroll Flow PaernBefore dening ow paerns to correct payroll run or payment results, consider whether the ow owners can correctindividual records or tasks by using these options:

• Task Actions

• Predened processes

• Predened ows, such as the Cancel Payments ow

Use Task ActionsMost tasks support corrective task actions at the task level or individual record level. The type of task and its statusdetermine which corrective actions the ow owner can select from the Actions menu when viewing results.

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This gure shows the task actions available from the Actions menu when you work on the Payroll Flow Checklist or theProcesses and Reports tab of the payroll ow.

Payroll Flow

Payroll Flow Task

Task Actions from Actions Menu

Payroll Flow


Payroll Flow Process and Reports Tab

Mark for Retry Retry Roll Back

Here's how you can conrm whether the task includes the task actions:

1. Edit your ow paern on the Manage Payroll Flow Paern page of the Payroll Checklist work area.2. Select the task on the Tasks tab, and edit it.3. Review the Execution Mode column on the Edit Task Details: Basic Information page to conrm that the task

supports the Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back task actions.

Use Predened ProcessesFlow owners can use the Submit a Process or Report task from a payroll work area to submit these corrective processes:

• Roll Back Process

• Retry Payroll Process

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The ow owner can use these processes to roll back or retry a ow that includes a single process and that's in progresswith errors.

Use Flow PaernsIf your enterprise performs several tasks to correct problems, ow owners can use any of these.

• A predened ow paern, such as the Cancel Payment ow

The Cancel Payment ow paern includes tasks to view the person process results, void the payment, processan external payment to prevent reissue of the original payment, and reverse the original prepayment andpayroll run calculations.

• A ow paern you create, such as a ow paern to reissue a lost check

This ow paern might include tasks to void the payment, issue an external payment, and view the personprocess results.

Roll Back Errors Rule for Payroll FlowsWhen there are partial errors in a payroll ow, the process goes into an error state, and you can't move ahead. You cancontinue with the ow only after you take corrective action on the tasks that are in error.

Use the Roll Back Errors option from the Actions menu within the checklist to roll back a process that has errors so thatit proceeds to completion. The application automatically creates a payroll relationship group for the employees havingerrors and removes them from the process, so that the payroll proceeds to completion.

After reviewing and correcting the errors, you can use cross-ow interactions to bring back the employees into theparent ow or process them separately in a subsequent process.

Monitor the status of tasks within a ow from the checklist generated when you submit the ow. Let's look at the stepsto roll back the errors generated in a payroll process:

1. Within the checklist, select the task that has errors.2. Select the Roll Back Errors option from the Actions menu within the checklist. The application displays a

message that the rollback action has started. The status of the process changes from 'Error' to 'Processing'.3. Click the Corrective Actions icon to open the Rollback Relationship Group window to view all the rollback

actions that are initiated for your process.

You can view these details on the Rollback Relationship Group window.

Field Description


The name of the payroll relationship group that's created. 

Creation date 

The date of the Rollback Action and the creation of the payroll relationship group. 

Created by 

The person who submied the Rollback Errors action. 

Rollback Count 

The number of employees that are rolled back and created in the payroll relationship group. 

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4. Click the payroll relationship group Name to open the Manage Object Groups page and view the details of thecreated payroll relationship group.

5. Click Next to view the details of employees who are rolled back.6. Click Cancel to return back to the Checklists page.7. Use the Refresh buon to refresh the page.

You notice that the status of the task that was in error changes to completed. You can perform the Roll Back Action anynumber of times and for each rollback action, the application creates a new payroll relation group. You can't use the RollBack Errors option for a completed task.

Run a Report After a Process ErrorsYou can use the Allow Processing option in the Manage Flow Paerns UI on the Tasks tab to run a report or processafter a prior process has errors.

When there are partial errors in a payroll ow, the process goes into an error state, and you can't move ahead. You cancontinue with the ow only after you take corrective action on the tasks that have errors. Set the value of the AllowProcessing column as Yes for each task in the ow that you want to run, irrespective of the status of a prior task, in thesame ow or a cross ow. The tasks in the ow continue to process until it encounters a manual task or a task on thechecklist that doesn't have the Allow Processing value set to Yes.

For example, if the Calculate Payroll ow has a few records that have errors, you may want to run a report to study andunderstand the generated errors. Reports can be run either as:

• A separate task in a single ow. For example, the Calculate Payroll Flow may have a separate task to run all thereports after completion of the Calculate Payroll task. In this case, the Reports task can't run if the CalculatePayroll task errors.

• A separate ow. For example you can have a separate ow for all the reports and you can have cross owinteraction to link this ow to the Calculate Payroll ow. Once the Calculate Payroll ow completes, it initiatesthe Reports ow. You can't run the Reports ow if the Calculate Payroll ow errors.

In both of the above cases, set the Allow Processing option on the Reports task to Yes, so that the reports aregenerated, even if the Calculate Payroll task has errors. You can view the report to understand the errors and takecorrective actions.

Roll Back Multiple Tasks within a FlowUse the Bulk Roll Back option from the Actions menu within the checklist to roll back multiple tasks within a ow. Youdon't have to manually select each task to roll back the tasks within the ow.

Let's say that you want to run a ow that has these ve tasks:

Task A, Task B, Task C, Task D, and Task E

If you have performed tasks A, B, and C, and want to roll back all the tasks, you can use the Bulk Roll Back option fromthe Actions menu and roll back all the three completed tasks. You can then reprocess the tasks within the checklist.

Once the bulk roll back action is in progress, the roll back icon displays to indicate that the task is being rolled back. Ifthe checklist has a large number of tasks and a bulk roll back action is in progress, only the activity that has tasks thatare being rolled back are open, so that you know that a roll back action is in progress.

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The Last Updated eld reects the person who took the bulk roll back action for each of the tasks. You can't bulk rollback tasks, if::

• You don't have access to those tasks within the ow.

• Any of the ow task instance has the IN_PROGRESS status.

• A bulk roll back is in progress for the current ow instance.

In all of the above cases, the Actions menu doesn't display the Bulk Roll Back action.

Monitor the status of tasks within a ow from the checklist generated when you submit the ow. Complete these stepsto initiate a bulk roll back action in a payroll process:

1. Within the checklist, select the task that you want to roll back.2. Select the Bulk Roll Back option from the Actions menu within the checklist. The application displays a

message that the roll back action has started. The status of the process changes to 'Processing'.3. Click Next to view the details of employees who are rolled back.4. Click Cancel to return back to the Checklists page.5. Use the Refresh buon to refresh the page.

You will notice that the status of the task that was rolled back changes to completed. You can perform the Bulk RollBack action any number of times.


How can I access a log le for a payroll ow, extract, or report?Locate and open the ow you submied that includes the process, report, or extract. On the ow's Process and Reportstab, click the Process link, which is listed below the task. On the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Output page, click the ViewLog buon for the process. In the log window, select an option to view or save the log.

Related Topics

• Status of Flow Tasks

Why is the task name on checklist dierent from the predenedtask name?All predened payroll processes and reports are delivered with a corresponding ow task. For example, the PayrollCalculation process is delivered with a predened Calculate Payroll task and the Calculate Payroll ow paern.

When you create a user-dened ow paern and include a predened task, you can rename the task to reect thecontext of the user-dened ow paern. For example, if you're dening a payroll cycle for your company's weeklypayroll cycle, you can add the Payroll Calculation task and rename it as 'Weekly Payroll'.

After you submit the user-dened ow, the checklist displays this user-dened task name.

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How can I cancel a scheduled ow?Cancel current and recurring scheduled ows that you own from the ow's checklist. Select the appropriate menucommand from the Actions menu to cancel the current ow and the recurring schedule, or the recurring schedule only.

If you can't cancel the scheduled ow from the checklist, your system administrator can stop the job. If you basedthe schedule on a formula, review the formula to ensure that it contains no negative numbers. Negative numbers willproduce a continuous recurring schedule.

How can I delete a ow?You can delete a ow that you copied or created if you haven't submied it. Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns taskto delete the ow. If you submied a ow, you can skip the entire ow or tasks in the ow.

Payroll ow owners can also mark an entire ow as skipped from the Payroll Flow Checklist page on the Overview tab.Marking the entire ow as skipped marks any remaining uncompleted tasks as complete.

Why can't I nd the ow I want to submit?Conrm that your role grants you security access to the ow paern, for example to an extract report or process. Forpayroll, conrm your role grants you security access to the payroll denition. Finally, determine whether the task or owowner specied in the ow paern is for your role or user name.

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Chapter 6QuickPay Flows


6 QuickPay Flows

QuickPay ProcessingUse the Calculate QuickPay task to submit a ow that calculates the run results for a person without waiting for thestandard payroll run.

For example, use it to:

• Process new-hire or termination payments

• Pay people whose records you removed from the standard run for further processing

• Perform special payments

• Resolve localized problems with a payroll run that requires reprocessing

Select the Calculate QuickPay task to display the Person page. Based on the person selected and eective date usedfor the search, the QuickPay process displays a single page and checklist. It populates parameters, such as the person'spayroll, date earned, and ow name. You can override these parameters.

The checklist is based on the predened QuickPay ow paern that includes tasks for calculating payroll run results andprepayments, and processing an external payment. You can replace the default QuickPay paern with a user-denedQuickPay ow paern by adding your ow paern to a user-dened table.

Process a QuickPay action using one of the methods listed here.

Method to Use Work Area When to Use

Calculate QuickPay task 

Payroll Calculation 

• Process all QuickPay actions fromone page using a checklist

• Automatically populate parametersbased on the eective date.

• Process one or more QuickPayows

Calculate QuickPay task on the Actionsmenu of the Manage Person Detailssearch page 

Payroll Calculation 

Start a QuickPay process immediatelyafter updating a person's element entries 

Submit a Payroll Flow task for theQuickPay ow paern 

Payroll Checklist 

Schedule a QuickPay ow 

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Seings That Aect ProcessingThe parameters and seings you specify for the tasks in the QuickPay ow determine which records to retrieve andprocess. The QuickPay process calculates the element entries for all the assignments associated with the payrollrelationship, based on the run type and seings specied.

Typical examples of seings that you might change to address dierent processing requirements are given here.

Seings Task Examples

Calculation parameters 

Calculate QuickPay 

You submit an o-cycle QuickPay process.You override the Date Paid parameter,specifying the same date as the ProcessDate. 

Calculation seings 

Calculate QuickPay 

You exclude the element entry for avoluntary deduction for a QuickPay owthat issues a bonus payment. 

Payment seings 

Calculate QuickPay Prepayments 

You override the default payment seingto issue a check instead of an electronicfunds transfer. 

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Chapter 6QuickPay Flows


QuickPay ProcessingThis gure shows the sequence of tasks in a QuickPay ow:

Start of Flow

Calculate QuickPay

Verify Payroll Results

(Manual Task)



View Prepayment

Results(Manual Task)

Calculate QuickPay


Make Payment


Skip Flow and Run Payment Process

Make External Payment

End of Flow

Verify Payment

(Manual Task)

Here's the list of tasks in sequence that occurs or you can perform after you submit the Calculate QuickPay task.

1. Calculate payroll run results for the person, based on the seings you provide.2. Verify run results on the View Person Process Results page and mark the process completed.3. Calculate payment distribution using the Calculate QuickPay Prepayments task.

The calculation uses the default payment method and payment source, unless you select to override theseseings in the Prepayments section.

4. Verify prepayment results in the Prepayment Results section of the View Person Process Results page and markthe process completed.

5. Issue an external or internal payment:

◦ Issue an external payment by selecting Make Payment from the Action menu. Verify the payment resultsand mark the task completed.

The Make External Payment task marks the record as paid so that it isn't included in the normal paymentprocess.

◦ Skip the Make External Payments task and issue an internal payment. Select the Skip Flow action for theMake External Payment task to skip the rest of the tasks in the ow and mark the ow as complete. Whenyou're ready, run the payment process, which processes the unpaid payments from this QuickPay andany others that match the parameters you provided when you submit the process.

For example, archive the payroll run and prepayment results, and then Make EFT Payments from thePayroll Checklist or Payment Distribution work areas.

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Chapter 6QuickPay Flows


6. Verify the payment results and mark the task as complete.

Working with QuickPay FlowsYou can access and process your QuickPay from the payroll ow or the Calculate QuickPay page. The CalculateQuickPay page streamlines access to some tasks, such as interacting with another ow.

This topic explains how you can work with the ow from the Calculate QuickPay page.

Process Multiple QuickPay Flows and Interact with Other FlowsHere's how you can process a QuickPay for consecutive payroll periods and how to connect a QuickPay process toanother ow.

Task Action to Do

Run QuickPay ows for consecutivepayroll periods 

1. Use the Calculate QuickPay task and start a QuickPay ow.2. Select Next from the Action menu to go to the next payroll period.3. Complete the QuickPay ow.4. Select Next from the Action menu to go to the next payroll period.5. Complete the QuickPay ow.

Interact with another ow 

1. While working with a QuickPay ow, select Flow Interaction from the Action menu.2. In the Flow Interactions dialog box, add a row.3. Select the last task you will complete.4. Select the destination ow.5. Select the task in the destination ow that will continue processing the QuickPay results.6. Select the Use to Calculate Results check box.7. Click Ok.

Tips to Process QuickPayHere's how you can perform common tasks when working with your QuickPay ow.

Task Action to Do

Quit the QuickPay ow and save it  Click the Done or Close buon.

Resume work on a QuickPay owusing the checklist 

You can't resume work on the QuickPay ow using the Calculate QuickPay task. Follow thesesteps to resume work on the QuickPay ow:

1. Go to the Payroll Checklist work area.2. On the Overview page, search for and open the QuickPay ow.3. Continue working with the QuickPay ow from the Task Details page.

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Task Action to Do

Roll back tasks  Roll back each task in the checklist until you reach the task you want to roll back.

1. Select the last incomplete manual task.2. Select Roll Back from the Action menu.

Skip a ow 

1. On the Overview page of the Payroll Checklist work area, search for and select the ow.2. Select Skip Flow from the Action menu.

Skip the remaining tasks, includingones in error, rolled back, or notstarted 

Select Skip Flow from the Actions menu.

Create a User-Dened QuickPay Flow PaernWhen you start a QuickPay process using the Calculate QuickPay task, the checklist displays the tasks included inthe predened QuickPay ow paern. To base the checklist on a user-dened ow paern, you must update theFLOW_DEFINITION user-dened table. You replace the checklist of the user-dened ow with the tasks included in theuser-dened ow. When required, you can always start a QuickPay process using the predened or the user-denedQuickPay ow paern.

Update the FLOW_DEFINITION User-Dened TableBefore you start, copy and update the predened QuickPay ow paern to create a user-dened ow. Then, completethe steps to update the FLOW_DEFINITION user-dened table.

Create a user-dened ow paern.

1. Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paern task and select the in Calculate QuickPay task.2. Copy the predened QuickPay ow paern, and select the legislative data group.3. Update the new ow paern with the tasks to include in your QuickPay ow.

Complete these steps for the FLOW_NAME column.

1. Use the Manage User-Dened Tables task in the Payroll Calculation work area. Specify the legislative datagroup as a search criteria. Search for and open the FLOW_DEFINITION table.

Note: For each legislative data group, you can specify only one ow paern for the CalculateQuickPay task.

2. Click Edit.3. Specify the Eective As-Of Date.4. In the User-Dened Columns section, select FLOW_NAME.5. In the User-Dened Rows section, click Create.6. In the Sequence eld, enter the number 1.7. In the Exact eld, enter a name, such as Enter Flow Name.8. Click Next.

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9. On the Edit User-Dened Table page in the User Dened Table Values section, click Create.10. In the Add User-Dened Table Values dialog, select the name you specied for the Exact eld.11. In the Value eld, enter QUICK_PAY.12. Save your work.13. Click Back to return to the Edit User-Dened Table page.

Complete these steps for the FLOW_NAME_OVERRIDE column.

1. On the Edit User-Dened table page, in the User-Dened Columns section, selectFLOW_QUICKPAY_OVERRIDE.

2. Click Next.3. On the Edit User-Dened Table page in the User Dened Table Values section, click Create.4. In the Add User-Dened Table Values dialog, select the name you specied for the Exact eld.5. In the Value eld, enter the name of the QuickPay ow paern you congured.6. Click Submit.

Revert to the Predened QuickPay FlowThe Calculate QuickPay task uses the user-dened table values specied in the FLOW_DEFINITION table. If you nolonger want to use the congured default QuickPay ow, edit the user-dened table values.

1. Use the Manage User-Dened Tables task and search for the FLOW_DEFINITION table for your legislative datagroup.

2. Edit the FLOW_NAME_OVERRIDE column. Delete the name of the congured QuickPay in the Value eld in theUser-Dened Table Values section.

3. Review the FLOW_NAME column. Keep QUICK_PAY in the Value eld in the User-Dened Table Valuessection.

4. Click Submit.

Submit a QuickPay Flow to Correct a Payroll CalculationErrorThis example demonstrates how to submit a QuickPay ow for an employee to correct a calculation error that occurs inthe main payroll run.

In this scenario, you complete the payroll calculation but not the prepayments calculation for the weekly payroll run. HRinforms you that an employee took unpaid leave earlier in the month. You roll back the employee's payroll calculation toremove the person from the payroll run, and continue processing the weekly payroll and issue the payments. When youreceive details about the leave from HR, you update the employee's records. You submit a QuickPay process to calculatethe payroll run and prepayments for the employee, and to process an external payment.

Before you start, these are key decisions for this example.

Decisions to Consider In this Example

Is this a regular or supplemental run? 


Should you exclude any elementsfrom the payroll calculation?


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Chapter 6QuickPay Flows


Decisions to Consider In this Example


Do you process the QuickPay resultsin the main payroll run? 


Here's the list of tasks to submit a QuickPay ow for an employee to correct a calculation error in the main payroll run. :

• Roll back the employee's payroll run results.

• Submit a QuickPay process.

• Calculate and verify payroll run results.

• Calculate and verify prepayments.

• Make an external payment and verify the payment results.

Roll Back and Correct Data1. Before calculating payments for the main payroll run, roll back the employee's run results.2. Complete the weekly payroll run.3. Make the necessary corrections in the person's payroll or HR data.

Submit the QuickPay Flow1. Select the Calculate QuickPay task in the Payroll Calculation work area.2. On the Person page, search for and select the employee.3. On the Calculate QuickPay page, optionally, override the payroll ow name with a more meaningful one. Verify

the remaining information in the Details section.

The Element Entries section refreshes to display all element entries that the QuickPay ow processes. Ensurethat the process includes all element entries.

4. Click Submit Process.5. Click Refresh until the Calculate QuickPay task is complete.6. Click the Verify Payroll Results task in the checklist.7. On the View Person Process Results page, click the person's name in the Search Results.8. In the Statement of Earnings section, verify the information in each of the Quick Reference Summary tabs.9. Click Done to return to the QuickPay process.

10. Click Mark as Complete.

Calculate and Verify Prepayments1. Click the Calculate QuickPay Prepayments task in the checklist.2. In the Prepayments section, optionally, select an organization payment method and payment source.3. Click Submit Process.

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Chapter 6QuickPay Flows


4. Click Refresh until the Calculate QuickPay Prepayments task completes.5. Click the View Prepayments Results task in the checklist.6. On the View Person Process Results page, click the person's name in the Search Results.7. Verify the prepayment results, including the payee, payment method, payment source, and payment amount.8. Click Done to return to the QuickPay process.9. Click Mark as Complete.

Make External Payment and Verify Payment Results1. Click the Make External Payment task from the checklist.2. In the External Payments section, select the payment and then select Make Payment from the Action menu.3. Enter a check number and the reason you are generating the check externally. Click OK.

The application marks the payment as Paid. This status prevents a payment process that would normally pickup this payment from processing it again.

4. Click Mark as Complete.5. Click the Verify Payment task in the checklist.6. On the View Person Process Results page, click the person's name in the Search Results.7. Verify the payment results. Click Done to return to the checklist.

The payment results shown here should match the prepayment results you veried earlier.8. Click Mark as Complete.


Can I automate a QuickPay ow using a service?No, because QuickPay tasks require user input. The Flow Actions service is only for ows that don't require user action.

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Chapter 7Reports and Extracts


7 Reports and Extracts

Payroll Reports and AnalyticsThis table lists the type of reports that payroll managers and payroll administrators can run from the PaymentDistribution, Payroll Calculation , or Payroll Checklist work areas.

Type or Name of Report or Analytic Description Navigation

Payment Distribution Reports 

Review information to verify payrollcalculations and payroll run results. 

Payment Distribution work area Payroll Checklist work area 

Payroll Calculation Reports 

Review information to verify paymentcalculations and payment distribution. 

Payroll Calculation work area Payroll Checklist work area 

Payroll Costing Report 

Review costing results before transferringresults to general ledger. 

Payroll Checklist work area Accounting Distribution work area 

Regulatory and Tax Reports 

View legislative information such asstatutory deductions or employees withnegative balances. 

Regulatory and Tax Reporting work area Payroll Checklist work area 

Payroll Data Validation Report 

Verify payroll information prior to runningpayroll processes and statutory reports.This report contains any person recordswithin a payroll statutory unit withvalidation errors. The report displays theperson name, payroll relationship number,and details about the error found. 

Payroll Calculation work area Payroll Checklist work area 

Flow Paerns for Extracts and ReportsA ow paern exists for each extract or report process. Flow paerns for extracts and reports typically contain a singleow task and they dene the submission parameters. Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paern task from the PayrollChecklist work area or the Rene Extract task in the Data Exchange work area to edit ow paerns. You can edit a owpaern to add additional tasks. Each ow paern you create must be associated with a security prole.

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Chapter 7Reports and Extracts


Payroll Calculation ReportsAs a payroll manager, you can use a number of reports to identify any missing statutory data and to verify payrollcalculations and payroll run results, and payroll costing results.

This table lists reports you can run from the Payroll Checklist or Payroll Calculation work areas.

Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

Balance Exception Report 

Identify values that varyfor the same balancedimension. This variancecould indicate overpaymentsor underpayments. 

Run after calculating thepayroll run or QuickPay run,or before running statutoryreports, such as quarterly orannual reports 

View to identify potentiallyincorrect payments oramounts withheld. 

Deduction Report 

View details of payrolldeductions processed for thespecied period. 

Run every pay period 

Validate the deductionamounts processed. 

Element Results Register 

View a list of elements andtheir primary output values forprocesses that generate runresults. 

Usually run every pay periodafter running the PayrollActivity Report 

Review run results for payrollprocesses. Create a pivot tableto obtain totals. During implementation,reconcile run results withthe results produced by yourlegacy payroll. 

Gross-to-Net Report 

View summary or detaillistings for the total resultscalculated in the payroll run. Control which results to viewby specifying a date range thatincludes the process dates ofthe payroll calculations. Thereport displays the balancesfor the payroll period in whichthe process date occurs. 

Run after each payroll run or,at a minimum, on a quarterlybasis 

Review balances generatedfrom payroll run, QuickPay,and payroll reversalcalculations before calculatingprepayments. 

Payroll Activity Report 

View details of the payroll run,QuickPay, such as balanceadjustments, reversals,and balance initializations,taxes withheld, earnings,deductions, paymentinformation, employer liability,and quarter and year-to-datedetails. 

Run the report beforeprocessing prepayments 

Verify, validate, and auditrun results before processingpayments. 

Payroll Balance Report 

View balance results of thepayroll run. Extracts the run

Run as needed for diagnosticpurposes.

Verify the values of otherreports. You can use this

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Chapter 7Reports and Extracts


Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

balance results for a specicperiod. Supplies detailedbalance information for aspecic employee over adened period of time. 

  report to pinpoint a problemdiscovered by another report. 

Payroll Costing Report 

View details of the costingresults from payrollcalculations. View details aftersubmiing corrective actions,such as cost adjustments andretroactive costing, or costingbalance adjustments. 

Run the report beforetransferring costing resultsto subledger accounting or togeneral ledger. 

Verify results after you submita process that generatescosting results. 

Payroll Data Validation Report 

View a listing of noncompliantor missing statutoryinformation for a person bypayroll statutory unit. 

Run before calculating payrollas needed. 

Identify any missing aributesbased on statutory rules of thelegislative data group, such astax reporting unit. 

Filter reports by location when reconciling payroll calculation and costing results in reports that include the Locationparameter. The report output lists the payroll relationship records based on a person's assignment location. In thereport output, the location is listed along with the other parameters, but not as a column in the results.

Payment Distribution ReportsVerify payment calculations and payment distributions using the reports from the Payment Distribution work area.

Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

Payroll Register 

Verication, validation, andaudit of payroll calculations 

After calculating payroll andarchiving periodic payrollresults 

Use the summary reportto verify total paymentamounts per balance categoryfor a payroll period for apayroll statutory unit or a taxreporting unit. Use the detail report to reviewthe complete payroll rundetails for each employee tobalance and reconcile payrolland to compare the paymentvalues to previous periods. The report lists the currentand year-to-date hoursworked for each personincluded in the report. 

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Chapter 7Reports and Extracts


Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

Payment Register 

Verication and audit ofpayment distributions 

After calculating prepayments,running the payment process,and generating payslips 

Use the summary report toverify the total amounts paidby payment category, type,status, and method. Use the detail report tovalidate payments for eachemployee, including thepayment amount, bank, andcheck information. Optionally, lter this reportby location when reconcilingpayments. The report liststhe payroll relationshiprecords based on a person'sassignment location. Thelocation is listed with the otherparameters, but not on theresults. 


Provides a record of individualpayroll payments received,including pay amounts,deductions taken, andaccruals 

After generating paymentsand archiving periodic payrollresults 

Generate payslips for allemployees as a record ofpayments made. Payroll managers andadministrators can viewpayslips from the PersonManagement work area.Employees can view or printtheir payslips from the Portraitpage. 

Third-Party Payment Register 

Provides details of allpayments made to a third-party person or organization,including involuntary andvoluntary deductions. 

After generating payments 

Use the summary report toview a list of payments bypayroll statutory unit. Use the detail report to viewthe breakdown and roll-up ofpayments. 

After submiing a report that uses archived data, you can submit the Redeliver Output process from the PayrollChecklist work area to regenerate the report. If the report supports additional delivery types, you can optionally changedelivery options.


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What's the dierence between submiing a ow and a process orreport?The Submit a Payroll Flow task starts a ow that consists of more than one task. The ow can include manual tasks suchas verication tasks, and automatic tasks such as reports and processes. Examples of predened ows include QuickPayand the payroll cycle ow.The Submit a Process or Report task starts a ow that consists of a single automatic task, such as a report or extractprocess.

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Chapter 8Delivered Flows


8 Delivered Flows

Single Process or Reports

Generate Check PaymentsUse the Generate Check Payments task to generate checks for all your employees and third parties who have a checkpayment method and a net payment greater than zero.

Use the delivered ow either as an:

• Individual ow to generate check payments after the payroll calculations and payment distribution tasks arecomplete, or

• Within a ow paern to run automatically after the calculate payroll and payment distribution tasks arecomplete. For example, the Generate Check Payments task is included in the Expedited Payroll Processingow paern. The ow runs automatically after the Archive Periodic Payroll Results task archives the expeditedpayroll results for further processing.

Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task to search for and view the details of the Generate Check Payments ow.

Use the Submit a Payroll Flow task to submit the Generate Check Payments ow.

You can also use the Rene Extracts task to access this ow.

The Generate Check Payments task is generally run after the Calculate Payroll, Calculate Prepayments, and ArchivePeriodic Payroll Results tasks are complete. After the payroll calculations are complete, run the Calculate Prepaymentsprocess to distribute the net payments based on the employee’s personal payment method. The Archive PeriodicPayroll Results task archives the payroll results for further processing. The Generate Check Payments task generateschecks for the archived payroll results that have a payment type of Check.

Flow Tasks and Task Sequence

You can copy and edit the ow to include additional tasks. For example, you can include a Verify Payments task to verifythe generated check payments, or a Void Payments task to void payments made wrongly.

Use the Task Sequence tab to view the sequence of the tasks within the ow. You can review the task sequence andreorder, add or delete tasks, as required.

Flow Parameters

Flow parameters supply the information you require to run the ow and successfully complete the tasks within the owpaern.

Before you submit the Generate Check Payments ow, review and edit the ow parameters to ensure that the correctvalues are used to generate the checks as per the requirements.

Here’s the details of parameters you can dene for the Generate Check Payments ow.

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Parameter Description Parameter Basis Basis Value Usage Display Format


Denes agrouping ofdierent payrollsfor reportingpurposes. Ifyou don't selecta value, theapplicationuses the defaultconsolidationgroup assigned tothe payroll. 

Bind to Flow 


Input Parameter 

Smart lists ofvalues 

End CheckNumber 

The last checknumber forprocessing. 

Bind to Flow 

End CheckNumber 

Input Parameter 


OrganizationPayment Method 

Determines thepayment sourcefor this ow. Selecta value that has apayment type ofCheck. 

Bind to Flow 

OrganizationPayment Method 

Input Parameter 

Smart lists ofvalues 

OverridingPayment Date 

Determines thepayment due datefor the checks. 

Bind to Flow 

OverridingPayment Date 

Input Parameter 


Payment Source 

Determinesthe payerbank accountinformationso that thecorrect checktemplate is usedto generate thecheck payments. 

Bind to Flow 

Payment Source 

Input Parameter 

Smart list of values 

Payment Type 

Mode of paymentassociated withthe OrganizationPayment Methodand PaymentSource values youselect. 

Post SQL Bind 

  Input Parameter 

An SQL statementis used to derivethe value. Thevalue isn’tdisplayed on thepage. 


Name of thepayroll run forwhich the checksare generated. 

Bind to Flow 


Input Parameter 

Smart list of values 

Payroll Process 

Action ID that’sgenerated when

Context Binding 

Action ID. Derivesthe value of the

Output Parameter 


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Parameter Description Parameter Basis Basis Value Usage Display Format

you submit theGenerate CheckPayments ow. 

parameter fromthe context ofthe current owinstance. 


Denes therules for payrollprocesses, suchas passwordsor number ofthreads. If youdon't selecta value, theapplicationuses the defaultconsolidationgroup assigned tothe payroll. 

Bind to Flow 


Input Parameter 

Smart list of values 

Process Start Date 

All Payroll orQuickPay runswith an eectivedate greater thanthis date areconsidered for thisow instance. 

Bind to Flow 

Process Start Date 

Input Parameter 


Process End Date 

Last eectivedate of thepayroll processes.All Payroll orQuickPay runswith an eectivedate prior tothis date areconsidered. 

Bind to Flow 

Process End Date 

Input Parameter 



Request ID ofthe current owinstance. 

Context Binding 

Derives the valueof the parameterfrom the contextof the current owinstance. 

Input Parameter 


Sort Procedure 

  Constant Bind 



Start CheckNumber 

  Bind to Flow 

Start CheckNumber 

Input Parameter 


Additional Flow DetailsBefore you submit the Generate Check Payments ow, dene the following.

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Chapter 8Delivered Flows


Task Owner

Assign an owner for the task on the Edit Task Details: Owner and Checklist page. The owner can initiate the task,monitor the status, roll back or retry the task, and also review errors and messages the task generates.


Enter a Due Date and oset value in the Duration region of the Edit Task Details: Duration and Notications page.


Select a Flow Task Start Notication option in the notication region of the Edit Task Details: Duration and Noticationspage. You can select a notication to send error and warning messages, and to inform the task owner when a task startsor ends. The receipt of notications depends on the duration dates and their osets.

Calculate Retroactive Pay for a Single EmployeeUse the Run Quick Retroactive Pay for Single Worker task to calculate retroactive pay for a single employee for priorperiod adjustments. For example, an employee receives a salary hike that's backdated to a previous pay period. You canadd this task to an existing ow or a new ow and run the retroactive pay.

Before you run the retroactive pay, complete these tasks.

• Verify that the retroactive element entries are added to the employee for the period for which the retroactivepay is processed.

• Enable proration and retroactive changes for the element you want to reprocess for the employee.

• Set up a retroactive event group for retroactive proration and retroactive calculation and associate theemployee with the group.

Here are the steps required to Run Quick Retroactive Pay for the employee.

1. Use the Manage Payroll Flow Paerns task.2. Click Create in the Search Results section.3. On the Basic Information page, leave the Legislative Data Group (LDG) eld blank, if this ow should be visible

to all LDGs.4. Click Continue.5. On the Create Payroll Flow Paern: Basic Information page, enter these values.

Field Value

Flow Paern 

Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes for Single Employee 

LDG Required 



Run Quick Retroactive Pay for Single Worker 

Flow Status 


Activities to Include Calculate

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Chapter 8Delivered Flows


Field Value


Selected Tasks 

Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes for Single Employee 

6. Click Next twice.7. On Create Payroll Flow Paern: Parameters page, click Select and Add, and add the task parameters. You must

select values for the mandatory Payroll, Payroll Relationship, and Process Date elds.8. Click Next twice.9. Click Submit.

Composite Flows

Expedited Payroll FlowUse the Expedited payroll ow to process expedited payments for prior pay period adjustments on the time card. TheExpedited payroll ow is similar to the regular payroll ow. The ow includes a sequence of payroll tasks and reports toidentify, calculate, and make expedited payments.

Use the Submit a Payroll Flow task from the Payroll Checklist or Payroll Calculation work area to submit an expeditedpayroll ow.

Run the expedited ow on demand or schedule the ow to run at a predened date for expedited processing. When yousubmit a Payroll Flow, select Yes in the Expedite Payroll eld, to identify this run as an expedited run.

Time cards that come in late or have errors are identied and marked for expedited processing by the manager in theTime and Labor application. The manager sets the Expedite value to Yes on the time card, so that the payroll entries areincluded in the expedited process. If the Expedite value is Yes, the manager can Override the Payment Method to Checkand also set the Override Check Printer value to a specied printer location.

The Expedited payroll ow processes all time cards that are marked for expedited processing. The next regular payrollcycle processes the unapproved time cards.

Here's the list of tasks in sequence that the expedited payroll ow triggers:

1. The Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes task generates retroactive element entries for the prior payperiod adjustments pertaining to time cards marked for expedited processing. The retroactive element entriesretain the expedited payroll aributes from the time card elements.

2. The Calculate Payroll task includes employees whose time cards are marked for expedited processing andincludes elements congured for expedited processing. Employees without any expedited processing entriesare skipped.

3. The Calculate Prepayments task checks for employees whose payment method is overridden to Check, on thevalue denition of the payroll entry. If no override is found, it uses the usual payment method it would use in aregular payroll run.

4. The Archive Periodic Payroll Results task archives the expedited payroll results for further processing. TheCheck Writer accesses these values through the XML.

5. The Generate Check Payments task picks all the prepayments marked for Check.6. The Make EFT Payments task picks all the prepayments that aren't overridden to check and who have a default

payment method of EFT payments.

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Chapter 8Delivered Flows


7. The Generate Payslips task generates payslips for all the employees receiving expedited payments in this ow.The employees who are eligible for an expedited payment can use the Override Payslip Availability Date to viewtheir payslip. Set the Override Payslip Availability Date to a date earlier than the regular payslip availability datethat's dened in the regular payroll calendar.

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Glossaryexternal payment

A payment processed by a prepayment process, but generated externally. Examples include a hand-written check fora terminated employee and a payment made with a different payment type or payment source than specified in theprepayment process.

flow pattern

A series of tasks performed in a predefined order, which are grouped into activities, such as extract reports andprocesses, or tasks that cover a phase of the payroll process. The flow pattern is used to generate a flow, which you canmanage from its checklist.

HCM data role

A job role, such as benefits administrator, associated with instances of HCM data, such as all employees in adepartment.

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