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Index Volume 98, 2004 respiratoryMEDICINE ELSEVIER LTD


Volume 98, 2004



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Index toVolume 98

Aalbers, R. 816Aaseb^, U. 906Abe, K. 945Acik, Y. 551acupuncture: and homeopathic treatments, for

asthma 687Adcock, I. 530Addington-Hall, J. 439adenosine 5’-monophosphate (AMP): and leuko-

trienes in asthma 651adherence: Mycobacterium species, to fibronectin on

respiratory mucosa 1203Adnot, S. 938age factors: middle-aged and elderly, bronchodila-

tor reversibility tests 1071Agli, L. L. 1222Agrenius, V. 1166Aiello, M. 522air pollution: diesel extract effect on bronchial

epithelial interleukin-13 expression 821airway: chronic obstruction, in smokers 139

:CT evaluation, in OSAS 301:deadspace ventilation during exercise, in cystic

fibrosis 1063:histamine-induced response, in pre-school

children 363:hyperresponsiveness, bronchial reactivity analy-

sis in diagnosis of asthma 199:inflammation, chronic cough and organ-specific

autoimmune disease 242:inflammation, eosinophils, and asthma severity

184:inflammation, in OSAS 25:inflammation, montelukast therapy in COPD 134:upper, in COPD, quality of life 767

Akkermans, R. 1124alfentanil: vs. midazolam, premedication for

bronchoscopy 1102algorithm: prescription of nasal CPAP, in OSA 152Aliani, M. 25Alifano, M. 1222Allegra, L. 651allergic rhinitis: national prevalence 398

:perception study 404:seasonal, bronchial hyperreactivity and spiro-

metric impairment 826

allergies: bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, azoletreatment 915:respiratory, national prevalence 398:respiratory, perception study 404:seasonal rhinitis, bronchial hyperreactivity and

spirometric impairment 826Alonso, A. 199alpha-1-proteinase: inhibitor inactivation by neu-

trophils, pneumolysin effects 865Altintas, H. 626Alvarez-Sala, R. 199, 968alveolar proteinosis: pulmonary, neutralizing capa-

city by GM-CSF 1227alveoli: macrophages, hemoxygenase expression,

smoking effects 530Alves dos Santos, J. W. 488Ambrosino, N. 413ambulatory care: antibiotic prescription rates, for

influenza 1093amoxicillin: and clavulanic acid, comparison with

gemifloxacin, for community-acquired pneumo-nia 708

analgesia: for ventrilatory function and chest pain,in Kartagener’s syndrome 679

Andersen, P. S. 398, 404Anderson, H. 66Anderson, J. A. 1045Anderson, M. 9Anderson, R. 865Andersson, B. A. 108anesthesia: bronchofiberscopic catheter spray de-

vice 606:clonidine as pre-anesthetic for flexible broncho-

scopy 746Ang, P. 1080Angelopoulos, N. V. 220angiogenesis: VEGF in non-small cell lung cancer

632anthropometry: gender differences in OSAS 984antibiotics: and community-acquired pneumonia

mortality 17:prescription rate for influenza 1093

antibodies: IgE, to S. aureus enterotoxins, in COPD858

antioxidants: interstitial lung diseases, effect onredox balance 737

0954-6111/03/$ - see front matterdoi:10.1016/S0954-6111(04)00409-3

Respiratory Medicine (2004) 98, III–XXIV

antithrombin III: prognosis in lung cancer 93Anto, J. M. 851Anto, J. M. 1025anxiety: in asthma outpatients 220Aoki, K. 760Arai, T. 1227arginine: in pulmonary hypertension 205Arinir, U. 858arrhythmias: cardiac, risk factors of emergency

care and admissions, in COPD 318Arslan, M. 52arteries: and stiffness, and oxygen supplementa-

tion in COPD 84Asano, K. 782Asano, M. 205Aslan, D. 626aspergillosis: allergic bronchopulmonary, azole

treatment 915aspiration: vs. chest-tube insertion, spontaneous

pneumothorax 579asthma: acupuncture and homeopathic treatments

687:acute, corticosteroid therapy 275:acute, severity assessment for admission 777:and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis,

azole treatment 915:AMP effects on leukotrienes 651:2-agonist effects on dyspnea 816:and birth weight 611:and body mass index 29:bronchial, bronchial reactivity analysis, airway

hyperresponsiveness 199:budesonide/formoterol dosage via single inhaler

464:childhood, healthcare resource utilization

454:in children, peak inspiratory flow through

Novolizer 924:clinical trial design, and drug registration 479:correlation with waist circumference and BMI

1108:corticosteroid comparison with montelukast and

salmeterol, rescue bronchodilation 1051:depression and pulmonary function in outpati-

ents 220:exacerbation, inhalation profiles 1173:histamine-induced airway response, in

pre-school children 363:hospital readmission, and socioeconomic status

446:inhaled corticosteroids, early or delayed treat-

ment 254:inhaled corticosteroid therapy, persistence in

daily practice 752:management, British guidelines 832:mild persistent, symptom variability 898

:mild-to-moderate persistent, budesonide/for-moterol effects 1146

:national prevalence 398:perception study 404:persistant, salmeterol/fluticasone propionate

combination treatment 1008:persistent, quality of life, lung function, and

daily symptoms 1157:and respiratory symptoms, role of educational

level 730:respiratory symptoms and spirometry, in young

adults 1025:severity of, and eosinophilic airway inflamma-

tion 184:severity of, corticosteroid effect on plasma

eotaxin 782:single-isomer R-salbutamol, in bronchial hyper-

responsiveness 990:solvent effects in gun factory workers 52:theophylline safety, in elderly 1016:vs. COPD, application of questionnaire for

differentiation 591Atalay, F. 93Atikcan, S. 93atopy: obesity, in asthma 1108Atzori, L. 530autoimmune disease: organ-specific, and chronic

cough 242auto-titration: CPAP, in obstructive sleep apnea-

hypopnea 330:CPAP, nighttime vs. daytime, in SAHS 619

azathioprine: in pulmonary fibrosis 1035azole therapy: allergic bronchopulmonary aspergil-

losis 915Babores, M. 726Bacci, E. 184Bachert, C. 858Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine: T lymphocyte

subsets in tuberculosis 509Backer, V. 1000bacteria: bronchitis, effects of gemifloxacin vs.

levofloxacin 697:community-acquired pneumonia, effects of ge-

mifloxacin vs. amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 708:Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex, pul-

monary disease associated with pneumoconio-sis 721

:SP-A-mediated phagocytosis, in human mono-cytic cells 637

:Stephylococcus aureus enterotoxins, IgE antibodiesin COPD 858

Baddini Martinez, J. A. 746Baker, J. W. 898Bakke, P. S. 730Bal, S. 247

IV Respiratory medicine

Bandoh, S. 294, 721Barber, P. V. 504Barber, J. A. 225Barlesi, F. 357Barnes, P. J. 530, 651baroreceptor: sensitivity, oxygen supplementation

increases arterial stiffness in COPD 84Barreiro, E. 851Bartels, M. N. 84Bartoli, M. L. 184Bartosz, G. 669Basagana, X. 1025Basner, R. C. 84Bass, E. B. 376Bauer, K. 308Beardsmore, C. S. 1138Beck, E. 387Beeh, K. M. 591Begh, B. 1035behavior intervention: smoking cessation strate-

gies, in COPD 805Behnke, M. 342, 1195Behr, J. 737Beier, J. 591Bellia, V. 838Berbary, E. 661Berg, S. 38Berggren, F. 1146Bergmann, K. C. 404beta-agonists: in wheezy infants 1138Beukema, R. J. 351Beyer, N. 1000Bhat, A. 661Bhowmick, B. 677Bialasiewicz, P. 669bicycle exercise: in COPD, effects on oxygen uptake

and blood gases 656bioavailability: sodium cromoglycate inhalation

kinetics 9biological markers: COPD definitions 99

:cytokeratin 19 fragment, epithelial cell damagein radiation pneumonitis 294

:eotaxin, corticosteroid effects in asthma 782Bird, S. 898, 1051Birring, S. S. 242birth weight: relation to lung function and asthma

611Bisgaard, H. 479Bitterlich, N. 308Black, P. 273Blomberg, A. 821blood gases: in COPD, exercise effects 656body composition: in COPD, testosterone effects

906body mass index (BMI): after lung volume reduc-

tion, marker of health status 247

:and asthma risk 29:obesity, in asthma 1108:and oximetry in polysomnography 421

Boersma, W. G. 872Bohadana, A. 139Bolger, D. T. 376Bollen, R. 1124Bonovas, S. 1117Bonsignore, M. R. 25Booth, S. 66Borczuk, A. 791Borg, I. 858Borg score: 2-agonist effects on dyspnea, in asthma

816Bossios, A. 879Botebol-Benhamou, G. 984Bottema, B. 1124Bouros, D. 57Bousquet, J. 479Bowen, I. 387Braendli, O. 1195Brandli, O. 342breath condensate: in asthma, AMP effect on

leukotrienes 651:hydrogen peroxide and thiobarbituric acid re-

active substances, in pneumonia 669breathing: in postmenopause, medroxyprogester-

one effect on heart rate 126:sleep-disordered, risk factors 557:sleep disorders, VEGF levels 1180

breathlessness: COPD, symptoms and services inlast year of life 439:oxygen palliation 66:vocal cord paralysis 677

Breekveldt-Postma, N. S. 752Brightling, C. E. 242Brinkhaus, B. 687British Guideline on Management of Asthma:

dissemination of 832Broeders, M. E. A. C. 844, 1173bronchiectasis: interleukin-6 regulation 334bronchiolitis: in infants, respiratory syncytial virus

subtypes, severity index 879bronchitis: gemifloxacin vs. levofloxacin treatment

697bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL): in community-

acquired pneumonoia, Legionella 1222:in hypersensitivity pneumonitis 977:interleukin-18, during acute rejection in lung

transplantation 159:interstitial lung diseases, role of inflammation

on redox balance 737:LPS-induced neutrophilia, salmeterol effects

1087:RANTES levels, in nonspecific interstitial vs.

usual interstitial pneumonia 945

Index V

:sFas and sFasL, in human T-lymphotropic virustype 1 infection 213

bronchoconstriction: methacholine-induced, 2-ago-nist effects on dyspnea 816

bronchodilation: on deep inspiration in aging838:ipratropium bromide/fenoterol delivery by in-

haler, in COPD 387:oral montelukast vs. inhaled salmeterol 1051

bronchodilators: reversibility tests, in middle-agedand elderly 1071

bronchofiberscopic catheter spray: for anestheticspray and sputum suction 606

bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: allergic, azoletreatment 915

bronchoscopy: flexible, clonidine as pre-anesthetic746:hemoxygenase expression in alveolar macro-

phages, smoking effects 530:nurse-led 504:premedication, altentanil vs. midazolam 1102

bronchus: epithelial interleukin-13, diesel extractexposure 821:hyperreactivity and spirometric impairment, in

seasonal allergic rhinitis 826:hyperresponsiveness, single-isomer R-salbuta-

mol 990:inflammation, in OSAS 25:obstruction, respiratory symptoms and spirome-

try, in young adults 1025:reactivity analysis, bronchial asthma, airway

hyperresponsiveness 199Bronsveld, W. 872Brown, E. J. 1203Browning, M. 242Bucchioni, E. 651budesonide: and formoterol, adjustable via single

inhaler, in asthma 464:and formoterol, in persistent asthma 1146:inhaled, early or delayed treatment of asthma

254Buendia-Garcia, M. J. 961Buhl, R. 591Buist, A. S. 99Burghuber, O. C. 1180Burney, P. 1025Burt, H. 330

Cakmak, A. 52Calverley, P. 99, 1045Camargo, C. A. Jr. 275Cancellieri, A. 1222cancer, lung: see lung cancercancer: fuzzy logic analysis, cytokines in pleural

effusion 308:oxygen palliation, for breathlessness 66

:posterior mediastinal paraganglioma with bilat-eral adrenal pheochromocytoma 574

Candoli, P. 1222Capote, F. 984Caramori, G. 530carbon monoxide: exhaled, by smokers 551carboplatin: and paclitaxel, and radiotherapy, for

non-small cell lung cancer, stage III unresectable1080

carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA): in non-small celllung cancer 357

Carmona-Bernal, C. 984Carnevali, S. 184Carpagnano, E. 25Carranza Rosenzweig, J. R. 1157Case Reports: Absence of human herpesvirus 8 in

lung tissues from Japanese patients with primarypulmonary hypertension 1231:Improved ventilatory function associated

with relief of chest pain in Kartagener’ssyndrome treated by subcutaneous analgesia679

:Poncet’s disease: a novel cause of noncompli-ance with anti-tuberculous drugs 795

:Posterior mediastinal paraganglioma with bilat-eral adrenal pheochromocytoma 574

:Silicosis in dental supply factory workers 791:Unilateral vocal cord palsy: non-psychogenic

cause of vocal cord dysfunction 677Castagnaro, A. 977Castillo-Gomez, J. 984Catalano, F. 838catheter: bronchofiberscopic, for anesthetic spray

and sputum suction 606Cavalcanati, M. A. N. 488Cazzola, M. 1214CD8+ T lymphocytes: chronic airway obstruction, in

smokers 139:sputum, in COPD 57

Cecins, N. M. 1Celik, G. 632cell differentiation: granulocytic, cromoglycate

suppression of cysteinyl leukotriene, in HL-60cells 235

Centanni, S. 1214cephalometry: craniofacial and upper airway mor-

phology, in OSAS 301Cerri, S. 1035Cesuroglu, T. 626Chadwick, M. V. 1203Chan, K. S. 308Chavannes, N. 1124chemo-radiotherapy: for non-small cell lung can-

cer, stage III unresectable 1080Chen, Y. 446Chervinsky, P. 1051

VI Respiratory medicine

chest pain: and ventilatory function, analgesiatreatment in Kartagener’s syndrome 679

chest percussion: cough induction, in common cold771

chest tubes: vs. aspiration, spontaneous pneu-mothorax 579

Chetta, A. 522, 977children: asthma, guidelines for clinical trials 479

:asthma, healthcare resource utilization 454:asthma, peak inspiratory flow through Novolizer

924:pre-school, histamine-induced airway response

363Chivato, T. 398, 404Chlamydia pneumoniae: PCR, in community-acquired

pneumonia 542:vs. atypical pneumonia, evaluation guidelines

952Chomej, P. 308Chouaid, C. 938Christensen, C. C. 656chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):

arterial stiffness increase by supplemental oxy-gen 84:ATS, BTS, ERS, and GOLD severity scales, and

frequency of hospital admissions 178:cognitive performance 351:definition of 99:diagnosis and decision-making by GPs, spirome-

try role 1124:endurance exercise test 515:exacerbation, inhalation profiles 1173:exercise, demand oxygen delivery systems 938:exercise effects on oxygen uptake and blood

gases 656:gender differences in management 1207:high-cost exacerbations, resource use and risk

factors 883:IgE antibodies to S. aureus enterotoxins 858:inhaled corticosteroid therapy, persistence in

daily practice 752:inhaler delivery of ipratopium bromide/

fenoterol 387:inspiratory threshold loading, learning effects 1:management guidelines, physician knowledge

932:montelukast therapy 134:oxygen palliation, for breathlessness 66:PDE4 inhibitors 495:physical group training in water 428:pneumococcal vaccine, steroid effects 1187:in postmenopause, progestin therapy 194:quality of life, long-term oxygen therapy 285:red cell macrocytosis in hypoxemia 1117:resistance training effects on muscle size and

strength and physical function 1000

:respiratory rehabilitation, agreement by pa-tients and physicians 1195

:risk factors in re-admission 851:risk factors of emergency care and admissions

318:salmeterol and fluticasone combination, gender

effects 1045:screening questionnaires 78:self-administration and standardization of ques-

tionnaires 342:self-reported physician’s diagnosis, role of fa-

mily history and smoking habits 263:smoking cessation strategies 805:sputum CD8+ T lymphocytes 57:stable, salmeterol and tiotropium effects 1214:symptoms and services in last year of life 439:testosterone effect on body composition and

sexual function in men 906:theophylline safety, in elderly 1016:upper airway symptoms and quality of life 767:vs. asthma, application of questionnaire for

differentiation 591Chrysofakis, G. 57, 178Chung, K. F. 479, 530, 651Chung, M. J. 574Cianchetti, S. 184Ciesla, G. 1093cigarette smoking: see smokingCiledag, A. 632Ciprandi, G. 826Cirillo, I. 826clavulanic acid: and amoxicillin, comparison with

gemifloxacin, for community-acquired pneumo-nia 708

Clelland, C. 164Clini, E. 413clinical trials: levofloxacin comparison with gemi-

floxacin, in chronic bronchitis 697:recommendations for design, asthma treatment

479clonidine: pre-anesthetic for flexible bronchoscopy

746coagulation: prognosis in lung cancer 93Cobos, E. 173Cochrane Reviews: acupuncture and homeopathic

treatments for asthma 687:smoking cessation strategies, in COPD 805

Cockeran, R. 865cognitive function: bronchodilator reversibility

tests, in middle-age and elderly 1071:in COPD 351

colchicine: in pulmonary fibrosis 1035collectin: SP-A-mediated phagocytosis, in human

monocytic cells 637common cold: cough induction by chest percussion


Index VII

community health care: COPD, symptoms andservices in last year of life 439:hospital readmission, and socioeconomic status,

for asthma 446:resource utilization, childhood asthma 454

complementary medicine: homeopathy and acu-puncture, for asthma 687

compliance: COPD management guidelines, physi-cian knowledge 932

compression: thoracoabdominal, salbutamol inwheezy infants 1138

computed tomography: craniofacial and upper air-way morphology, in OSAS 301

computer tomography: high resolution (HRCT),comparison with KL-6, evaluation of diseaseseverity 1131

confounding factors: risk factors in COPD re-admission 851

congestive heart failure: fuzzy logic analysis,cytokines in pleural effusion 308

Conrad, F. 924continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP): auto-

titration, in obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea330:nasal, algorithm-based prescription, in OSA 152:nasal, outpatient therapy, in OSA 155:nighttime vs. daytime titration, comparison in

SAHS 619:in obstructive sleep apnea 968

Cordier, J.-F. 536Cornelius de Figueiredo, C. W. 488corrigendum: Evidence based medicine reviews

(Resp Med 98;4:273-274) 684corticosteroids: for acute asthma 275

:comparison with montelukast and salmeterol,rescue bronchodilation 1051

:inhaled, early or delayed treatment of asthma254

:inhaled, vs. montelukast, symptom variability inmild persistent asthma 898

:inhaled therapy, persistence in daily practice752

:and plasma eotaxin in asthma 782:in pulmonary fibrosis 1035:salmeterol and fluticasone combination, gender

effects in COPD 1045cost analysis:: see also economic factors

:COPD exacerbations, resource use and riskfactors 883

:of fast tracking bacteriological specimens formycobacteria 726

cough: idiopathic chronic, and organ-specific auto-immune disease 242:incidence of, and educational level 730:induction by chest percussion, in common cold


coughing: gender differences in COPD management1207:midazolam vs. alfentanil, premedication for

bronchoscopy 1102Coulson, J. M. 164Coutinho Neto, J. 746craniofacial morphology: CT evaluation, in OSAS

301C-reactive proteins: inflammation after pleurod-

esis, malignant pleural effusions 1166cromoglycate, sodium: see sodium cromoglycateCropper, J. A. 454Csoma, Z. 651Cuss, F. 479cycle ergometry: exercise endurance test, in COPD

515cyclooxygenase-2: overexpression in non-small cell

lung cancer 164cyclophosphamide: in pulmonary fibrosis 1035Cyfra 21-1: and CEA and NSE, in non-small cell lung

cancer 357cysteinyl leukotrienes: cromoglycate suppression

of, during granulocytic differentiation in HL-60cells 235:montelukast therapy in COPD 134

cystic fibrosis: airway deadspace ventilation duringexercise 1063:and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis,

azole treatment 915cytokeratin 19 fragment (Cyfra 21-1): in radiation

pneumonitis, marker of epithelial cell damage294

cytokines: diesel extract effect on bronchialepithelial interleukin-13 expression 821:fuzzy logic analysis, in pleural effusion 308

Dahl, R. 398, 404Daibata, M. 1231Dales, R. 446D’Amato, M. 479Date, H. 1231Davey, P. 798Davidsson, A. 990Davies, P. 726daytime: vs. nighttime CPAP titration, in SAHS 619Dazzi, F. 522D-dimer: prognosis in lung cancer 93de Castro, M. 746decision-making: by GPs, spirometry role 1124Decramer, M. 1207definitions: of COPD 99de Graaff, C. S. 872de Jover, L. 225de la Calzada, M. D. 619de la Hoz, R. E. 791del Campo, F. 968

VIII Respiratory medicine

de Lucas-Ramos, P. 961Demedts, M. 567De Meersman, R. E. 84de Miguel-Diez, J. 961demographics: birth weight relation to lung func-

tion and asthma 611:quality of life, and lung function in persistent

asthma 1157:risk factors of emergency care and admissions,

in COPD 318:smoking effects on intraoperative sputum and

postoperative pulmonary complications 760de Monchy, J. 398, 404Dennis, S. M. 832dental materials: silicosis in factory workers 791Dente, F. L. 184depression: in asthma outpatients 220

:in COPD, long-term oxygen therapy 285:in COPD, symptoms and services in last year of

life 439de Roux, A. 1187Devanand, A. 579Deveci, F. 551Deveci, S. E. 551Devereaux, P. J. 1195Dewar, A. 1203diagnosis: atypical vs. bacterial pneumonia 952

:bronchial asthma, bronchial reactivity analysis199

:childhood asthma, healthcare resource utiliza-tion 454

:community-acquired pneumonia, multiplexPCR for C. pneumoniae, M. Pneumoniae, Legionellapneumophila 542

:COPD definitions 99:by GPs, spirometry role 1124:interstitial lung diseases 567:mimics of community-acquired pneumonia 488:pleural effusion, fuzzy logic analysis of cytokines

308:self-reported physician’s, role of family history

and smoking habits, in COPD 263diesel exhaust: interleukin-13 expression in bron-

chial epithelium 821Di Franco, A. 184di Marco, F. 1214Diner, B. 275Ding, J. 637D’Ippolito, R. 977Dodd, J. D. 1063Doddoli, C. 357Doherty, M. 479Donaldson, G. C. 767Donnan, P. 798Donnelly, L. 530Dorinsky, P. 1157

dosage: budesonide/formoterol, adjustable viasingle inhaler, in asthma 464:corticosteroids, inhaled, early or delayed treat-

ment of asthma 254:pulmonary evaluation, sodium cromoglycate

inhalation 9drug combinations: budesonide/formoterol, in per-

sistent asthma 1146:paclitaxel/carboplatin, and radiotherapy, for

non-small cell lung cancer 1080:salmeterol and fluticasone, gender effects in

COPD 1045:salmeterol and tiotropium, in stable COPD 1214

drugs: antibiotic prescription rates, for influenza1093:anti-tuberculosis, noncompliance, and Poncet’s

disease 795:-agonists, in wheezy infants 1138:immunosuppressive, siroliumus use in heart and

lung transplantation 892:midazolam vs. alfentanil, premedication for

bronchoscopy 1102:registration of, in asthma treatment 479

dyspnea: 2-agonist effects, after methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction 816:cardiorespiratory response to walk, in multiple

sclerosis 522:gender differences in COPD management 1207:incidence of, and educational level 730:oxygen, for breathlessness 66

Eagan, T. M. L. 730Eastwood, P. R. 1Eaton, T. 285Eccles, R. 771economic factors: see also cost analysis

:antibiotic prescription rates, for influenza 1093:budesonide/formoterol, in persistent asthma

1146Edelman, J. 898Edelman, J. M. 1051Eden, D. 726editorials: evidence based medicine reviews 273Edmonds, M. L. 275education: asthma management, British guidelines

832:and incidence of asthma and respiratory symp-

toms 730:primary care physicians, guidelines for COPD

management 932Edvardsen, A. 656Edwards, L. 1157Edwards, S. 832Effros, R. M. 682effusions: pleural, malignant, inflammation after

pleurodesis 1166

Index IX

Ehrlich, R. I. 29Eide, G. E. 730Ekholm, E. 126Ekici, A. 52Ekici, M. 52elastase: alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor, inactivation

by neutrophils, pneumolysin effects 865elderly: asthma, guidelines for clinical trials 479

:bronchodilation on deep inspiration 838:extubation failure 661:resistance training effects on muscle size and

strength and physical function, in COPD 1000electromyography (EMG): histamine-induced air-

way response, in pre-school children 363Elkington, H. 439Ellers-Lenz, B. 924El Solh, A. A. 661emergency care: risk factors in COPD 318emergency department: severity assessment of

acute asthma for admission 777emphysema: lung volume reduction, body mass

index as marker of health status 247Emri, S. 626enantiomers: single-isomer R-salbutamol, in bron-

chial hyperresponsiveness 990endurance: inspiratory threshold loading in COPD,

learning effects 1Eng, C. T. P. 579Eng, J. 376Engel, M. 924enterotoxins: S. aureus, IgE antibodies in COPD 858environmental factors: birth weight relation to lung

function and asthma 611:diesel exhaust, and interleukin-13 expression in

bronchial epithelium 821eosinophil cationic protein (ECP): airway inflamma-

tion, and asthma severity 184eosinophils: airway inflammation, and asthma

severity 184eotaxin: in asthma, corticosteroid effects 782epidemiology: asthma, correlation with waist cir-

cumference and BMI 1108:community-acquired pneumonia, multiplex PCR

for C. pneumoniae, M.Pneumoniae, Legionellapneumo-phila 542

:COPD management guidelines, physician knowl-edge 932

:home mechanical ventilation 38:respiratory allergic disorders 398:respiratory allergic disorders, perception study

404:screening questionnaires, for COPD 78:self-evaluation of tuberculosis patients 626

epithelial cells: cytokeratin 19 fragment asmarker of damage, in radiation pneumonitis294

epithelium: bronchial, interleukin-13 expressionafter diesel extract exposure 821

erectile dysfunction: in COPD, testosterone effects906

Ericson, P. 159erratum: to Use of Oxygen in Palliation of Breath-

lessness, Resp Med 98;1:66-77 476erythrocyte sedimentation rate: inflammation after

pleurodesis, malignant pleural effusions 1166esophagitis: in non-small cell lung cancer, chemo-

radiotherapy 1080ethnic factors: craniofacial and airway morphology,

in OSAS, in Chinese 301European Community Respiratory Health Study

(ECRHS): birth weight relation to lung functionand asthma 611:respiratory symptoms and spirometry, in young

adults 1025evidence-based medicine reviews: corticosteroid

and immunomodulatory agents in idiopathicpulmonary fibrosis 1035:editorial 273

exacerbations: acute asthma, corticosteroid ther-apy 275:bronchitis, gemifloxacin vs. levofloxacin treat-

ment 697:COPD, correlation of hospital admissions with

severity scales 178:COPD, inhalation profiles 1173:COPD definitions 99:guidelines for asthma clinical trials 479:high-cost, of COPD, resource use and risk factors

883:montelukast therapy in COPD 134

exercise: airway deadspace ventilation, in cysticfibrosis 1063:bronchoconstriction, oral montelukast vs. in-

haled salmeterol 1051:cardiorespiratory response to walk, in multiple

sclerosis 522:in COPD, demand oxygen delivery systems 938:in COPD, effect on oxygen uptake and blood

gases 656:endurance test, in COPD 515:guidelines for asthma clinical trials 479:physical group training in water, for COPD 428:in preoperative pulmonary evaluation, pulmon-

ary function tests 598:resistance training, muscle size and strength in

COPD elderly males 1000expiration: passive and forced, salbutamol in

wheezy infants 1138extubation failure: in elderly 661

Fabbri, L. 479Fabbri, L. M. 1035

X Respiratory medicine

Falkenberg, M. 1108family history: in COPD, self-reported physician’s

diagnosis 2623Farrero, E. 851Fas: soluble (sFas) and ligand (sFasL), in BAL,

human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 infection 213fast tracking: bacteriological specimens for myco-

bacteria, cost-effectiveness 726fatigue: cardiorespiratory response to walk, in

multiple sclerosis 522fat mass: in COPD, testosterone effects 906feeling thermometer: physician and patient agree-

ment about quality of life, respiratory rehabilita-tion 1195

Feldman, C. 708, 865fenoterol: and ipratropium bromide, inhaler deliv-

ery, in COPD 387Ferraro, F. 522fever reaction: inflammation after pleurodesis,

malignant pleural effusions 1166fibrinolysis: prognosis in lung cancer 93fibronectin: respiratory mucosa, Mycobacterium spe-

cies adherence 1203fibrosis: pulmonary, corticosteroids and immuno-

modulatory agents 1035File, T. 708Fitzgerald, M. X. 1063FitzGerald, P. 17, 801Fleetham, J. A. 330Fleming, D. 798Floros, J. 637flow cytometry: SP-A-mediated phagocytosis, in

human monocytic cells 637fluticasone propionate: and salmeterol, gender

effects in COPD 1045:and salmeterol combination, for persistent

asthma 1008Fogarty, C. 697Foletto, V. G. Jr. 488Folgering, H. T. M. 844, 1183Fong, K. W. 1080Foo, K. F. 1080food intake: and mechanical ventilation 413Foresi, A. 522, 977formoterol: 2-agonist effects on dyspnea, in asthma

816:and budesonide, adjustable via single inhaler, in

asthma 464:and budesonide, in persistent asthma 1146

Franceschini, M. 522Frank, P. I. 454Frank, T. L. 454Frew, A. J. 821Frey, M. 1195Fuhrman, C. 938Fujii, T. 213, 945

Fujita, J. 294, 721Fukano, H. 952Fukuchi, Y. 99, 1016Fukunaga, K. 782Fulambarker, A. 697fungus: Aspergillus fumigatus, allergic bronchopulmon-

ary aspergillosis, azole treatment 915

Gallagher, C. G. 1063Garcia-Aymerich, J. 851Garcia-Rio, F. 199Garrett, J. E. 285gemifloxacin: comparison with amoxicillin/clavula-

nic acid, for community-acquired pneumonia 708:comparison with levofloxacin, chronic bronchitis

697gender differences: body mass index, and asthma

risk 29:COPD management 1207:fluticasone and salmeterol combination, in

COPD 1045:infant bronchiolitis, respiratory syncytial virus

subtypes, severity index 879:in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome 984

Gendi, N. S. T. 795general practitioners (GPs): spirometry role in

diagnosis and decision-making 1124Gerrits, C. M. C. J. M. 752Gessner, C. 683Gevaert, P. 858Ghannam, A. F. 1051Giannini, D. 184Gimenez, C. 357Gimenez, S. 619Gislason, T. 611Gomez-Reino, J. J. 123Gonzalez, J. 123Gonzalez, J. M. 84Gonzalez-Moro, J. M. R. 961Gosse, H. 308Gourgiotis, D. 879Gourgoulianis, K. I. 220granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor

(GM-CSF): neutralizing capacity, pulmonary al-veolar proteinosis 1227

Green, D. J. 1Greillier, L. 357Groger, R. K. 1203Grouse, L. 1016growth factors: see specif|cgrowth factorsguidelines: atypical vs. bacterial pneumonia, eva-

luation of 952:British, asthma management 832:clinical trial design, and drug registration, for

asthma 479:for COPD management, physician knowledge 932

Index XI

:COPD severity scales, correlation with hospitaladmissions 178

Guido, P. 25Gulbay, B. E. 632Gulsvik, A. 611, 730, 1071Gunen, H. 661Gunnbjornsdottir, M. 611Guyatt, G. H. 342Gyllen, P. 108Haemophilus influenzae: vs. atypical pneumonia, eva-

luation guidelines 952

Hagino, H. 1131Hamano, E. 1227Hamano, H. 1131Hamasaki, Y. 235Hannaford, P. C. 454Harada, H. 1131Hardinge, M. 152, 155Hassan, A. 1166Haughney, J. 464Haussinger, K. 737Hayashi, M. 421Hazell, M. L. 454healthcare: gender differences in COPD manage-

ment 1207:resource use, high-cost exacerbations of COPD

883health-related quality of life: see quality

of lifeheart: transplantation, siroliumus use 892heart rate: variability, in postmenopause with

respiratory insufficiency, medroxyprogesteroneeffects 126

Heindl, S. 737Helleday, R. 821hematology: red cell macrocytosis, hypoxemia in

COPD 1117hemoxygenase: in alveolar macrophages, smoking

effects 530Henriksson-Larsen, K. 428heparin: low-molecular-weight, treatment for

venous thromboembolism 376Herigault, R. 938Herings, R. M. C. 752Hermann, R. 924herpesvirus 8: in pulmonary hypertension 1231Hesse, C. H. 387Higgs, R. 439high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC):

sodium cromoglycate inhalation kinetics 9Hillerdal, G. 1166Hillman, D. R. 1Hinze-Heyn, H. 737Hirose, Y. 606Hisajima, Y. 760

histamine: airway response, in pre-school children,EMG evaluation 363

Hjalmarsen, A. 906Hmani, M. 990Ho, C. H. 557Ho, J. C. 334Hoheisel, G. 308Holgate, S. T. 479Holm-Hansen, A. 404Holtappels, G. 858home care: COPD, symptoms and services in last

year of life 439:mechanical ventilation and nutrition 413:mechanical ventilation systems 38:nocturnal positive pressure ventilation, obesity-

hypoventilation syndrome 961homeopathy: and acupuncture, for asthma 687Honeybourne, D. 17, 801Honjo, K. 235Hop, W. C. J. 1183hospital admissions: for asthma, and socioeconomic

status 446:community-acquired pneumonia, severity index

872:correlation with COPD severity scales 178:high-cost exacerbations of COPD, resource use

and risk factors 883:risk factors in COPD 318:risk factors in COPD re-admission 851:severity assessment of acute asthma 777

Houghton, C. M. 1102Housset, B. 938Hsu, K.-H. 43Huang, C.-C. 43Hui, D. S. C. 308Hurst, J. R. 767Hussain, S. F. 330Hustad, C. 898Hustad, C. M. 1051hydrogen peroxide: exhalation in pneumonia 669hypersensitivity pneumonitis: sputum and BAL 977hypopnea: sleep, auto-titration CPAP 330hypoxemia: and cognitive function in COPD 351

:red cell macrocytosis, in COPD 1117:VEGF in sleep disordered breathing 1180

Igishi, T. 1131Ikeda, T. 421immunity: pneumococcal vaccine in COPD 1187

:tuberculosis, T lymphocyte subsets 509immunoglobulin E: antibodies to S. aureus entero-

toxins, in COPD 858immunoglobulins: smokeless tobacco or nicotine

replacement effects 108immunohistochemistry: non-small cell lung cancer,

overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 164

XII Respiratory medicine

immunosuppression: in pulmonary fibrosis 1035:siroliumus use in heart and lung transplantation

892Inacio de Padua, A. 746income: hospital readmission, and socioeconomic

status, for asthma 446Ind, P. W. 464industrial environment: solvent effects on lung

function in gun factory workers 52infants: bronchiolitis, respiratory syncytial virus

subtypes, severity index 879:wheezy, -agonist effects 1138

infections: human T-lymphotropic virus type 1, sFasand sFasL in BAL fluid 213:lower respiratory tract, mortality link to anti-

biotics 17:M. avium-intracellulare complex pulmonary disease

associated with pneumoconiosis 721:mimics of community-acquired pneumonia 488:respiratory mucosa, Mycobacterium species adher-

ence to fibronectin 1203:upper respiratory, cough induction by chest

percussion 771inflammation: airway, chronic cough and organ-

specific autoimmune disease 242:airway, eosinophils, and asthma severity 184:airway, in OSAS 25:bronchiectasis, interleukin-6 regulation 334:chronic airway obstruction, in smokers 139:interstitial lung diseases, effect on redox

balance 737:montelukast therapy in COPD 134:PDE4 inhibitors, in COPD 495:after pleurodesis, in malignant pleural effusions

1166infliximab: anti-tumor necrosis factor, effect on

OSAS in rheumatoid arthritis 123influenza: antibiotic prescription rate 1093inhalers: budesonide/formoterol dosage, in asthma

464:in COPD exacerbation 1173:corticosteroids, early or delayed treatment of

asthma 254:corticosteroid therapy, persistence in daily

practice 752:GM-CSF, neutralizing capacity, pulmonary alveo-

lar proteinosis 1227:Novolizer, peak inspiratory flow in asthmatic

children 924:Respimat Soft Mist, delivery of ipratopium

bromide/fenoterol, in COPD 387Inoue, Y. 1227inspiration: deep, bronchodilation in aging 838

:threshold loading in COPD, learning effects 1interferon-, in pulmonary fibrosis 1035interleukin-6: in bronchiectasis 334

interleukin-13: in bronchial epithelium, dieselextract exposure 821

interleukin-18: during acute rejection in lungtransplantation 159

Internet: dissemination of British Guideline onManagement of Asthma 832

interstitial lung diseases: diagnosis and mortalityrisks 567:inflammation effect on redox balance 737:RANTES levels in BAL 945

Ip, M. S. M. 301, 334ipratropium bromide: and fenoterol, inhaler deliv-

ery, in COPD 387Ishida, T. 294, 721Ishii, E. 235Iteginli, A. 52Itoh, M. 421Iversen, M. 611Izquierdo-Alonso, J. L. 961

Jacobs, J. E. 805, 1124Jaen, A. 1025Jansen, H. M. 872Janson, C. 611Janssens, J.-P. 932Jarisch, R. 404Javadyan, A. 879Jazrawi, E. 530Jelic, S. 84Jenckes, M. W. 376Jenkins, S. C. 1Jin, G. Y. 574Jin, H. Y. 115Jin, S. M. 115Jogi, R. 611Johansen, H. 446Johnson, M. 66Jones, P. 1045Jonsson, B. 1146Jorde, R. 906J^rgensen, K. 1000Jumper, C. 173

Kadota, J.-I. 213, 945Kafetzis, D. 879Kaida, H. 213Kakugawa, T. 213, 945Kallergi, K. 879Kaplan, M. S. 898Kara, T. 52Kartagener’s syndrome: analgesia treatment of

ventilatory function and chest pain 679Kasielski, M. 669Kattan, M. 29Kaya, A. 632Kazuyama, Y. 542

Index XIII

Kelly, A.-M. 777Kelly, F. J. 821Kennedy, Y. 285Kennelly, J. 464Kenzaki, K. 606Kerr, D. 777Kerstjens, H. A. M. 351Kharitonov, S. A. 651Khoo, S. M. 557Kilfeather, S. A. 387Kim, H. J. 574Kim, M. H. 574Kinoshita, F. 1131Kinoshita, T. 1131Kiri, V. A. 1207Kishimoto, T. 721Kite, S. 66Kjaer, M. 1000KL-6: disease severity in rheumatoid lung disease,

comparison with HRCT 1131Kleisbauer, J.-P. 357Knox, A. J. 164Koh, M. S. 579Kohno, S. 213, 542, 945Kolbe, J. 285Kondo, K. 606Kongsgaard, M. 1000Kornmann, O. 591Kotan, O. 626Kotrotsiou, E. 220Koyuncu, S. 626Kramer, M. R. 892Kremer, H.-J. 924Krishan, J. A. 376Krommydas, G. C. 220Kronander, U. N. 1108Ksoll, M. 591Kubo, A. 294Kumar, B. 134Kurtipek, E. 52Kuusela, T. 126Kwon, H. J. 574Kyriakou, D. 57

Lacronique, J. 536Laerum, B. N. 611Lam, B. 301Lam, W.-K. 301Lam, W. K. 334Lammers, J. W. J. 752Laschke, M. 342laser pointer: tremors, side effects of salbutamol

844Lasserson, T. J. 687Lau, C. S. 334Laub, M. 38

Lauder, I. 301Lazor, R. 536Leader, S. 1093learning: and inspiratory threshold loading in COPD

1Lee, A. 387Lee, K. M. 1080Lee, K. S. 115Lee, P. C. L. 771Lee, Y. C. 115, 574Legionella pneumophila: community-acquired pneumo-

nia, BAL findings 1222:PCR, in community-acquired pneumonia 542

Lehmann, S. 1071Lenz, A.-G. 737Leong, S. S. 1080Leophonte, P. 708letters to the editor: antibiotic prescriptions and

community-acquired pneumonia 798; authors’reply, 801:exhaled breath condensate acidification in

acute lung injury 682; authors’ Reply 683leukocytes: inflammation after pleurodesis, malig-

nant pleural effusions 1166leukotriene C4 synthase: in cromoglycate suppres-

sion of cysteinyl leukotriene during granulocyticdifferentiation, HL-60 cells 235

leukotrienes: in asthma, AMP effects 651Leung, T. M. 334levofloxacin: comparison with gemifloxacin, in

chronic bronchitis 697Lewis, C. 285Lewis, S. 164Lichtenschopf, A. 342lidocaine: bronchofiberscopic catheter spray device

606Liesker, J. J. W. 351Lilly, C. M. 782Lim, S. 530Lim, S. T. 574Lin, M.-C. 43Lin, Y.-C. 43Lincourt, W. 1157Linde, K. 687Linden, A. 159Lindstrom, M. 9lipopolysaccharide (LPS): bronchoalveolar neutro-

philia, salmeterol effects 1087literature reviews: low-molecular-weight heparin

for venous thromboembolism 376Litschauer, B. 1180Little, P. 17, 801liver cirrhosis: VEGF and matrix metalloproteinase-

9 in pleural effusion 115Lloberes, P. 619Lode, H. 1187

XIV Respiratory medicine

Lofdahl, C.-G. 263Lofdahl, C. G. 99Lofroos, A.-B. 254Lou, W. Y. W. 29Loukopoulos, D. 1117Love, L. 330Low, S. Y. 579Lox, C. 173Luckow, A. 1008Luczynski, R. 669Luder, E. 29Lundgren, R. 428lung cancer: acute respiratory failure, mechanical

ventilation 43:hemostatic parameters 93:non-small cell, overexpression of cyclooxygen-

ase-2 164:non-small cell, prognostic value of Cyfra 21-1,

CEA, and NSE 357:non-small cell, stage III unresectable, chemo-

radiotherapy 1080:non-small cell, VEGF levels 632:small-cell or non-small-cell, TIMP-1 and MMP-9

prior to treatment 173:VEGF and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in pleural

effusion 115lung disease: interstitial, role of inflammation on

redox balance 737lung diseases: rheumatoid, KL-6 evaluation of

disease severity 1131lung function: airway deadspace ventilation, ex-

ercise in cystic fibrosis 1063:in asthma, corticosteroid effects on eotaxin 782:in asthma outpatients 220:and birth weight 611:bronchodilator reversibility tests, in middle-

aged and elderly 1071:cardiorespiratory response to walk, in multiple

sclerosis 522:chronic airway obstruction, in smokers 139:in COPD, exercise effects 656:in COPD, testosterone effects in men 906:guidelines for asthma clinical trials 479:inhalation profiles, in COPD exacerbation 1173:inhaled corticosteroids, early or delayed treat-

ment of asthma 254:interstitial lung diseases, diagnosis and mortal-

ity risks 567:in Kartagener’s syndrome, analgesia treatment

679:LPS-induced bronchoalveolar neutrophilia, sal-

meterol effects 1087:in persistent asthma, fluticasone propionate/

salmeterol combination 1008:postoperative complications, smoking effects


:in preoperative pulmonary evaluation 598:in pre-school children, histamine-induced air-

way response 363:pulmonary dose evaluation, sodium cromogly-

cate inhalation 9:in pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis 536:quality of life, and daily symptoms, in persistent

asthma 1157:resistance training effects in elderly males, in

COPD 1000:respiratory failure in lung cancer, mechanical

ventilation 43:salbutamol in wheezy infants 1138:salmeterol and tiotropium effects, in stable

COPD 1214:silicosis in dental supply factory workers 791:single-isomer R-salbutamol, in bronchial hyper-

responsiveness 990:solvent effects in gun factory workers 52:and spirometry, in young adults 1025

lung transplantation: acute rejection, BAL inter-leukin-18 levels 159:siroliumus use 892

Luppi, F. 1035lymphangioleiomyomatosis: pulmonary, lung func-

tion decline 536lymphoblasts: community-acquired pneumonia,

BAL findings 1222

Maarsingh, E. J. W. 363Maceiras, F. 123macrocytosis: red cell, in hypoxemia, in COPD 1117macrophages: alveolar, hemoxygenase expression,

smoking effects 530Magan, F. 968Maier, K. L. 737Maione, S. 509Majewska, E. 669Mak, J. C. W. 334Malcok, O. 626Malerba, M. 509Manabe, T. 205Mancini, J. 357Marangio, E. 522, 977Marchese, R. 838Marrades, R. M. 851Martin, J. 504Martinet, Y. 139Martinez, M. A. 318Maruyama, K. 205Matera, M. G. 1214matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9): and TIMP-1,

in advanced small-cell lung cancer or non-small-cell lung cancer prior to treatment 173:and VEGF, in pleural effusion 115

Matsubara, H. 1231

Index XV

Matsushima, T. 721, 952Maus, J. 924Mayon-White, R. T. 17, 801McCarney, R. W. 687Mcloughlin, P. 1063McNicholas, W. T. 679mechanical ventilation: see ventilation, mechanicalmechanics, passive: salbutamol in wheezy infants

1138Mediano, O. 199mediastinum: posterior paraganglioma, with bilat-

eral adrenal pheochromocytoma 574medroxyprogesterone: and cardiac autonomic con-

trol in postmenopause with respiratory insuffi-ciency 126

Meletis, I. 1117Melnik, T. A. 29Meral, A. 626Merlini, S. 522, 977metacholine: and AMP challenge, leukotrienes in

asthma 651:challenge, bronchodilation on deep inspiration

in aging 838methacholine: challenge, bronchial hyperreactivity

in seasonal allergic rhinitis 826Meurling, L. 9MIAMI study: asthma, mild persistent, symptom

variability 898microspheres: SP-A-mediated phagocytosis, in hu-

man monocytic cells 637midazolam: vs. alfentanil, premedication for

bronchoscopy 1102Middleton, A. M. 1203Midgren, B. 38Mileto, J. N. 488Minematsu, N. 782Mishima, A. 205Mitchell, T. J. 865Mitrouska, I. 178Mittermayer, F. 1180Miyashita, N. 542, 952Miyoshi, I. 1231Mizutani, R. 1016Mohacsi, E. F. 404Molema, J. 1183Molyvdas, P.-A. 220Monden, Y. 606Mondoni, M. 1214Monso, E. 851montelukast: oral, vs. inhaled salmeterol, in

bronchodilation 1051:vs. corticosteroids, symptom variability in mild

persistent asthma 898montelukast therapy: in COPD 134Montnemery, P. 263Montori, V. M. 1195

Morales-Blanhir, J. 225Morgan, M. D. L. 247Morrell, P. 726mortality: community-acquired pneumonia, link to

antibiotics 17:interstitial lung diseases 567

mucosa: respiratory, Mycobacteriumspecies adherenceto fibronectin 1203

Mukae, H. 213, 945Mukherjee, D. 795Mullerova, H. 78multiple sclerosis: cardiorespiratory response to

walk 522Murphy, A. C. 242muscles: size and strength, resistance training in

COPD 1000Mutsuda, T. 606mycobacteria: cost-effectiveness of fast tracking

bacteriological specimens 726:M. avium-intracellulare complex pulmonary disease

associated with pneumoconiosis 721Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex: pulmonary

disease associated with pneumoconiosis 721Mycobacterium species: avium and tuberculosis, adher-

ence to fibronectin on respiratory mucosa 1203Mycoplasma pneumoniae: PCR, in community-acquired

pneumonia 542:vs. atypical pneumonia, evaluation guidelines


Nakajima, T. 782Nakamura, H. 782Nakamura, M. 782Nakano, H. 421Nakata, K. 1227Nakayama, S. 945nasal CPAP: algorithm-based prescription, in OSA

152:outpatient therapy, in OSA 155

neuron-specific enolase (NSE): in non-small celllung cancer 357

neuropsychology: cognitive function in COPD 351neurotoxicity: paclitaxel/carboplatin and radio-

therapy, for non-small cell lung cancer 108neutopenia: paclitaxel/carboplatin and radiother-

apy, for non-small cell lung cancer 108neutrophilia: bronchoalveolar, LPS-induced, salme-

terol effects 1087:community-acquired pneumonia, BAL findings

1222neutrophils: airway inflammation, in OSAS 25

:inactivation of alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor,pneumolysin effects 865

Ng, T. P. 557Ngai, P. 84Nicholson, A. G. 1203

XVI Respiratory medicine

nicotine replacement: effect on immunoglobulins108:smoking cessation strategies, in COPD 805

Nihlen, U. 263Niki, Y. 952Nishikata, N. 421Nishimura, K. 515, 721nitric oxide: in pulmonary hypertension 205

:vasodilator test, in pulmonary hypertension 225Niven, R. 677Nizet, T. A. C. 844nomenclature: asthma clinical trials and drug

registration 479Nomura, N. 205noninfectious disease: mimics of community-ac-

quired pneumonia 488non-small-cell lung cancer: see lung cancerNorrman, E. 611Nowak, D. 669Nukiwa, T. 1227nurses: bronchoscopy program 504nutrition: body mass index, after lung volume

reduction 247:and mechanical ventilation 413

Nyberg, P. 263Nygaard, H. A. 1071

obesity: in asthma, correlation with waist circum-ference and BMI 1108:body mass index, and asthma risk 29

obesity-hypoventilation syndrome: nocturnal posi-tive pressure ventilation 961

O’Bryne, P. M. 1146obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS): see also

sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS):airway inflammation 25:algorithm-based prescription of nasal CPAP 152:craniofacial and upper airway morphology 301:gender differences 984:and hypopnea, auto-titration CPAP 330:nasal CPAP, outpatient therapy 155:positive airway pressure treatment, quality of

life 968:in rheumatoid arthritis, anti-tumor necrosis

factor treatment 123:VEGF levels 1180

occupational diseases: pneumoconiosis, M. avium-intracellulare complex pulmonary disease 721:silicosis in dental supply factory workers 791

O’Connor, T. M. 679Oda, H. 542O’Donnell, P. N. S. 504O’Driscoll, R. 1102Oey, I. F. 247Oga, T. 515Ogawa, T. 1131

Ohnishi, T. 721Ohshima, E. 421Ohta, K. 1016Ohtsuki, Y. 294, 721, 1231O’Keefe, D. 679Olivieri, D. 522, 977Omenaas, E. 611Ong, T. H. 579Ong, Y. K. 1080Ooi, C. G. C. 301Oostenbrink, J. B. 883Ostelo, R. J. W. G. 805outpatients: antibiotic prescription rates, for influ-

enza 1093outpatient therapy: nasal CPAP, in OSA 155oxidation: inactivation of alpha-1-proteinase inhi-

bitor by neutrophils, pneumolysin effects 865oximetry: overnight, in polysomnography, effect of

body mass index 421oxygen: consumption, cardiorespiratory response

to walk, in multiple sclerosis 522:COPD, symptoms and services in last year of life

439:demand delivery systems, exercise in COPD 938:long-term therapy, health-related quality of life

285:for palliation of breathlessness 66:reactive species, exhalation in pneumonia 669:redox balance, role of inflammation in inter-

stitial lung diseases 737:supplementation, arterial stiffness in COPD 84:uptake in COPD, exercise effects 656

Ozan, A. T. 551Ozcan, S. 626

paclitaxel: and carboplatin, and radiotherapy, fornon-small cell lung cancer, stage III unresectable1080

Page, C. 1138Paggiaro, P. L. 184palliation: COPD, symptoms and services in last

year of life 439:oxygen, for breathlessness 66

palsy: unilateral, of vocal cords 677Pang, L. 164Papadhimitriou, S. I. 1117Papadopoulos, N. G. 879paraganglioma: posterior mediastinal, with bilat-

eral adrenal pheochromocytoma 574Pare, C. 225Park, J. H. 574Partridge, M. R. 832passive smoking: carbon monoxide exhalation 551Patelli, M. 1222Paterakis, G. 1117Pauwels, R. 99, 479, 1045

Index XVII

Pavord, I. D. 242Paxton, J. 152peak inspiratory flow: through Novolizer, in asth-

matic children 924Pearlman, D. S. 898Peh, W. C. G. 301perception study: respiratory allergic disorders 404Perna, F. 509Perpina, M. 318persistence rates: inhaled corticosteroid therapy,

use in daily practice 752Petkova, D. K. 164Pettinari, C. 439phagocytosis: SP-A-mediated, in human monocytic

cells 637pharmacokinetics: pulmonary dose evaluation,

sodium cromoglycate inhalation 9pharmacotherapy: smoking cessation strategies, in

COPD 805Phelps, D. S. 637pheochromocytoma: adrenal, with posterior

mediastinal paraganglioma 574phosphodiesterase 4: inhibitors, in COPD 495Phua, G. C. 579physical group training: in water, for COPD

428physicians: general practitioners, spirometry role

in diagnosis and decision-making 1124:and patients, agreement about quality of life,

respiratory rehabilitation 1195Pichel, F. 968Pickwickian syndrome: home mechanical ventila-

tion 38Pietinalho, A. 254Pinnock, H. J. 832Pino, J. M. 199Pletz, M. 1187pleural effusion: differential diagnosis, fuzzy logic

analysis of cytokines 308:VEGF and matrix metalloproteinase-9 correla-

tion 115pleurodesis: inflammation, in malignant pleural

effusions 1166pneumococcal vaccine: in COPD, steroid effects

1187pneumoconiosis: pulmonary disease associated

with , M. avium-intracellulare complex 721pneumolysin: and alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor in-

activation by human neutrophils 865pneumonia: atypical vs. bacterial, evaluation

guidelines 952:nonspecific interstitial vs. usual interstitial,

RANTES in BAL 945pneumonia, community-acquired: exhalation of

hydrogen peroxide and thiobarbituric acid reac-tive substances 669

:gemifloxacin vs. amoxicillin/clavulanic acidtreatment 708

:infectious mimics 488:Legionella, bronchoalveolar lavage 1222:mortality link to antibiotics 17:multiplex PCR for C. pneumoniae, M.Pneumoniae, Le-

gionella pneumophila 542:severity index in hospitalized patients 872

pneumonitis: hypersensitivity, sputum and BAL977:interstitial, high resolution (HRCT), comparison

with KL-6, evaluation of disease severity 1131:radiation, cytokeratin 19 fragment as marker of

epithelial cell damage 294pneumothorax: spontaneous, aspiration vs. chest-

tube insertion 579Politiek, M. J. 816Polo, O. 126, 194Polo-Kantola, P. 126Polo-Padillo, J. 984polymerase chain reaction (PCR): multiplex, for C.

pneumoniae, M. Pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, incommunity-acquired pneumonia 542

polysomnography: nighttime vs. daytime CPAPtitration, comparison in SAHS 619:in obstructive sleep apnea, positive airway

pressure treatment 968:oximetry, effect of body mass index 421

Poncet’s disease: noncompliance with anti-tuber-culous drugs 795

Ponitz, H. H. 387Ponticiello, A. 509Poole, P. 273Postma, D. S. 351, 816, 1207postmenopause: progestin therapy for chronic

respiratory insufficiency 194:and respiratory insufficiency, medroxyprogester-

one effect on heart rate 126Pourazar, J. 821, 1087Powell, C. 777Poyraz, B. M. 632premedication: altentanil vs. midazolam, for

bronchoscopy 1102prescription rates: antibiotics, for influenza 1093prescriptions: antibiotic, and community-acquired

pneumonia mortality 17pressurized metered dose inhaler: in COPD exacer-

bation 1173prevalence: asthma, correlation with waist circum-

ference and BMI 1108:respiratory allergic disorders 398:respiratory allergic disorders, perception study

404Price, D. 464Price, D. B. 17, 801primary care: by GPs, spirometry role 1124

XVIII Respiratory medicine

primary care physicians: guidelines for COPDmanagement 932

Procaccio, L. 1222progestin therapy: for female chronic respiratory

insufficiency 195prognosis: Cyfra 21-1, CEA, and NSE, in non-small

cell lung cancer 357:hemostatic parameters in lung cancer 93:pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis, lung

function 536:VEGF in non-small cell lung cancer 632

prostacyclin: and nitric oxide vasodilator test, inpulmonary hypertension 225

proteinosis: pulmonary alveolar, neutralizing capa-city by GM-CSF 1227

Psarras, S. 879psychometry: depression and lung function in

asthma outpatients 220publisher’s announcement: electronic manuscript

submission for Respiratory Medicine 375Puhan, M. A. 342, 1195pulmonary disease: alveolar proteinosis, neutraliz-

ing capacity by GM-CSF 1227:associated with pneumoconiosis, M. avium-intra-

cellulare complex 721:chronic obstructive: see chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease (COPD):primary hypertension, herpesvirus 8 1231

pulmonary fibrosis: idiopathic, corticosteroid andimmunomodulatory agents 1035

pulmonary hypertension: hypervirus 8 1231:nitric oxide formation and arginine levels 205:nitric oxide test of response to vasodilators


quality of life: body composition and sexualfunction in men, in COPD, testosterone effects906:chronic respiratory questionnaires, self-admin-

istration and standardization of 342:cognitive performance in COPD 351:guidelines for asthma clinical trials 479:long-term oxygen therapy 285:lung function, and daily symptoms, in persistent

asthma 1157:obstructive sleep apnea, positive airway pres-

sure treatment 968:oxygen palliation, for breathlessness 66:physical group training in water, in COPD 428:respiratory rehabilitation, agreement by

patients and physicians 1195:risk factors of emergency care and admissions,

in COPD 318:upper airway symptoms, in COPD 767

questionnaires: asthma vs. COPD, use in differen-tiation of 591

:childhood asthma, healthcare resource utiliza-tion 454

:chronic cough and organ-specific autoimmunedisease 242

:chronic respiratory, self-administration andstandardization of 342

:depression and lung function in asthma out-patients 220

:educational level, and incidence of asthma andrespiratory symptoms 730

:living with respiratory allergic disorders 404:MIAMI study, inhaled corticosteroids vs. monte-

lukast, symptom variability in mild persistentasthma 898

:quality of life, and lung function in persistentasthma 1157

:screening, for COPD 78:self-reported physician’s diagnosis, role of fa-

mily history and smoking habits in COPD 263:snoring and sleep disordered breathing 557:tremors as side effects of salbutamol 844:upper airway symptoms, in COPD, quality of life

767quinacrine: inflammation after pleurodesis, malig-

nant pleural effusions 1166Quintana-Gallego, E. 984Qureshi, S. J. 832Qvarfordt, I. 108

Raaijmakers, J. A. M. 752Rabe, K. 479Rabe, K. F. 1016radiation pneumonitis: cytokeratin 19 fragment as

marker of epithelial cell damage 294radiotherapy: and paclitaxel/carboplatin, for non-

small cell lung cancer 1080Raftopoulos, V. 220Raghuram, A. 1102Rak, S. 404Ramirez, M. 199Rampello, A. 522RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T-cell

expressed and secreted): in nonspecific inter-stitial vs. usual interstitial pneumonia, in BAL 945

Ratliff, T. L. 1203Rauscher, H. 1180Read, R. C. 17, 801receptors: rapidly adapting (RAR), cough induction

by chest percussion, in common cold 771red blood cells: macrocytosis in hypoxemia, in

COPD 1117Reginster, J. Y. 479rehabilitation: respiratory, quality of life, agree-

ment by patients and physicians 1195rejection: acute, lung transplantation, BAL inter-

leukin-18 levels 159

Index XIX

:siroliumus use in heart and lung transplantation892

Rennard, S. 99, 1207Rennard, S. I. 1016respiratory allergic disorders: national prevalence

398:perception study 404

respiratory failure: acute, and mechanical ventila-tion, in lung cancer 43:community-acquired pneumonia, BAL findings

1222:extubation failure in elderly 661:home mechanical ventilation 38:mechanical ventilation and nutrition 413

respiratory insufficiency: in postmenopause, me-droxyprogesterone effect on heart rate 126:in postmenopause, progestin therapy 194

respiratory muscles: cardiorespiratory response towalk, in multiple sclerosis 522:histamine-induced airway response, in pre-

school children 363:ventilatory responses, learning effects in COPD 1

respiratory syncytial virus: subtypes, severity ofbronchiolitis in infants 879

respiratory tract: mucosa, Mycobacterium speciesadherence to fibronectin 1203

reversibility testing: bronchodilator, in middle-aged and elderly 1071

rheumatoid arthritis: anti-tumor necrosis factortreatment, effect on OSAS 123:KL-6 evaluation of disease severity 1131

rhinosinusitis: in COPD, quality of life 767Richeldi, L. 1035Riemersma, R. A. 351Riise, G. C. 159Riska, H. 254risk factors: body mass index, and asthma 29

:bronchodilator reversibility tests, in middle-ageand elderly 1071

:community-acquired pneumonia, severity index872

:COPD management guidelines, physician knowl-edge 932

:in COPD re-admission 851:emergency care and admissions in COPD patients

318:extubation failure in elderly 661:high-cost exacerbations of COPD 883:interstitial lung diseases 567:pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis, lung

function decline 536:snoring and sleep-disordered breathing 557:waist circumference and BMI, in asthma 1108

Roberti, A. 25Roca, A. 619Roca, J. 225, 1025

Roddriguez, B. 619Rodrıgues Suarez, J. R. 968Rodriguez-Roisin, R. 225Rohde, G. 858Roman, P. 318Romero, O. 619Ronan, J. 164Rose, M. 1187Rosen, J.-P. 464Rosenman, K. 791Roux, F. 357Rowe, B. H. 275Rubinstein, I. 134Ruggiero, G. 509Rutschmann, O. T. 932Rutten-van Molken, M. P. M. H. 883Ryg, M. S. 656Saaresranta, T. 126, 194Sack, U. 308safety issues: amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, compar-

ison with gemifloxacin, for community-acquiredpneumonia 708:asthma, guidelines for clinical trials 479:formoterol/budesonide, adjustable dosage via

single inhaler, in asthma 464:homeopathy and acupuncture, for asthma 687:ipratropium bromide/fenoterol delivery by in-

haler, in COPD 387:levofloxacin comparison with gemifloxacin, in

chronic bronchitis 697:PDE4 inhibitors, in COPD 495:in persistent asthma, fluticasone propionate/

salmeterol combination 1008:theophylline, in elderly with asthma or COPD

1016Sagales, M. T. 619Saito, A. 542Sakaguchi, M. 760Sakamoto, N. 213, 945Sakatani, M. 1227Sakiyama, S. 606Sala, E. 225salbutamol: 2-agonist effects on dyspnea, in asthma

816:single-isomer, for bronchial hyperresponsiveness

990:tremor side effects 844:in wheezy infants 1138

Salerno, F. G. 25salmeterol: 2-agonist effects on dyspnea, in asthma

816:and fluticasone, gender effects in COPD 1045:and fluticasone propionate combination, for

persistent asthma 1008:inhaled, vs. oral montelukast, in bronchodila-

tion 1051

XX Respiratory medicine

:LPS-induced bronchoalveolar neutrophilia 1087:and tiotropium, in stable COPD 1214

Samiou, M. 178Sampol, G. 619Samuel, M. 579Sanchez, L. 318Sanchez-Armengol, A. 984Sandstrom, T. 821, 1087Sanduzzi, A. 509Santacruz-Siminiani, A. 961Santos, S. 225Santus, P. 1214Sarasin, F. P. 932sarcoidosis: interstitial lung diseases, role of

inflammation on redox balance 737Sarinc, S. 626Sasaki, S. 205Sato, S. 515Savas, H. 632Savas, I. 632Schatz, M. 898Schauer, J. 308Schermer, T. 1124Schmekel, B. 990Schmidt, A. 746Schmidt, N. 1187Schmidt, P. 387Schneider, A. 737Schriever, C. 134Schultze-Werninghaus, G. 858Schunemann, H. J. 342, 1195Scichilone, N. 838Scott, G. 446screening: questionnaires, for COPD 78Scullion, J. E. 242sedation: clonidine as pre-anesthetic for flexible

bronchoscopy 746Segal, J. B. 376self-administration: respiratory questionnaires, in

COPD 342self-evaluation: tuberculosis patients 626Selroos, O. 254Sen, E. 632Sethi, S. 697severity assessment: admission for acute asthma

777:asthma, corticosteroid effect on plasma eotaxin

782:asthma, mild persistent, symptom variability

898:bronchiolitis in infants, respiratory syncytial

virus subtypes 879:for COPD, and frequency of hospital admissions

178:GM-CSF neutralizing capacity, pulmonary alveo-

lar proteinosis 1227

:hospitalized patients with community-acquiredpneumonia 872

:risk factors in COPD re-admission 851sexual function: in COPD, testosterone effects in

men 906shear stress: in pulmonary hypertension, nitric

oxide and arginine levels 205Shiga, Y. 760Shigeto, E. 721Shimizu, N. 1231Shinohara, T. 421Shiode, M. 721Shitrit, D. 892Shum, D. K. Y. 334Siafakas, N. M. 57, 178side effects: tremors, from salbutamol 844silicosis: in dental supply factory workers 791

:M. avium-intracellulare complex pulmonary diseaseassociated with pneumoconiosis 721

Silverman, M. 1138Simcock, D. E. 795siroliumus: in heart and lung transplantation 892Sjosward, K. N. 990Skj^nsberg, O. H. 656sleep apnea, obstructive: see obstructive sleep

apnea syndromesleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS): CPAP,

comparison of nighttime and daytime titration619:oximetry, effect of body mass index 421

sleep disorders: associated risk factors 557:VEGF during breathing 1180

Sl^rdal, S. 404small-cell lung cancer: see lung cancerSmith, D. M. 152, 155smoking: carbon monoxide exhalation 551

:cessation strategies, in COPD 805:chronic airway obstruction 139:in COPD, self-reported physician’s diagnosis 263:gender differences in COPD management 1207:and hemoxygenase expression in alveolar

macrophages 530:and intraoperative sputum and postoperative

pulmonary complications, in minor surgery 760:smokeless tobacco or nicotine replacement,

effect on immunoglobulins 108:and solvent effects on lung function in gun

factory workers 52:and sputum CD8+ T lymphocytes, in COPD 57

Snell, N. J. C. 479snoring: risk factors 557socioeconomic factors: asthma and respiratory

symptoms, role of educational level 730:body mass index, and asthma risk 29:gender differences in OSAS 984:and hospital readmission for asthma 446

Index XXI

:risk factors of emergency care and admissions,in COPD 318

:self-evaluation of tuberculosis patients 626:self-reported physician’s diagnosis, role of fa-

mily history and smoking habits in COPD 263Soderkvist, P. 990sodium cromoglycate: inhalation kinetics, pulmon-

ary dose evaluation 9:suppression of cysteinyl leukotriene synthesis

during granulocytic differentiation, in HL-60cells 235

Soler, J. J. 318solvents: respiratory effects in gun factory workers 52Soriano, J. B. 78, 1045, 1207Spanevello, A. 25Spicak, V. 404spirometry: bronchial hyperreactivity in seasonal

allergic rhinitis 826:bronchodilator reversibility tests, in middle-

aged and elderly 1071:gender differences in COPD management 1207:and respiratory symptoms, in young adults 1025:role in diagnosis and decision-making, by GPs 1124

Spooner, C. H. 275spray: bronchofiberscopic catheter, for anesthetic

spray and sputum suctionSprikkelman, A. B. 363sputum: CD8+ T lymphocytes, in COPD 57

:eosinophils, airway inflammation, and asthmaseverity 184

:induced, in hypersensitivity pneumonitis 977:interleukin-6, in bronchiectasis 334:intraoperative, in minor surgery, smoking ef-

fects 760:suction, bronchofiberscopic catheter spray de-

vice 606Spyt, T. J. 247staging, clinical: VEGF in non-small cell lung cancer

632Stahl, E. 99stair climbing: resistance training effects in elderly

males, in COPD 1000Stanzel, F. 737Staphylococcus aureus: enterotoxins, IgE antibodies in

COPD 858statistical analysis: and amoxicillin, comparison

with gemifloxacin, for community-acquiredpneumonia 708:aspiration vs. chest-tube insertion, spontaneous

pneumothorax 579:asthma vs. COPD, use of questionnaires in

differentiation of 591:birth weight relation to lung function and

asthma 611:confounding factors, risk factors in COPD re-

admission 851

:COPD exacerbations, resource use and riskfactors 883

:COPD severity scales, correlation with hospitaladmissions 178

:corticosteroid effects in asthma on eotaxin 782:fuzzy logic, cytokines in pleural effusion 308:interstitial lung diseases, risk factors 567:mortality link to antibiotics, in pneumonia 17:respiratory questionnaires, in COPD 342:risk factors of emergency care and admissions,

in COPD 318:severity index in hospitalized patients with

community-acquired pneumonia 872:smoking effects on intraoperative sputum and

postoperative pulmonary complications 760:snoring and sleep disordered breathing, risk

factors 557:solvent effects on lung function in gun factory

workers 52steroids: pneumococcal vaccine in COPD 1187Stewart, P. 446Stoddard, J. 1093Storms, W. 1051Stradling, J. R. 152, 155Stradolini, M. 509Strand, A. M. 1008Streiff, M. B. 376Streptococcus pneumoniae: vs. atypical pneumonia,

evaluation guidelines 952stress: erythropoietic, red cell macrocytosis, hy-

poxemia in COPD 1117stress response: clonidine as pre-anesthetic for

flexible bronchoscopy 746Sturdy, G. A. 1Suemitsu, I. 721Sugiyama, K. 945Sullivan, P. J. 1102Sundelin, G. 428Sundsfjord, J. 906Sunyer, J. 1025surfactant protein-A (SP-A): phagocytosis mediated

by, in human monocytes 637surgical procedures: lung volume reduction, body

mass index as marker of health status 247:minor, smoking effects on intraoperative sputum

and postoperative pulmonary complications 760:preoperative pulmonary evaluation, pulmonary

function tests 598survival: VEGF in non-small cell lung cancer 632survival analysis: hemostatic parameters in lung

cancer 93survival rates: in non-small cell lung cancer, chemo-

radiotherapy 1080Svanes, C. 611Svartberg, J. 906Svartengren, K. 9

XXII Respiratory medicine

Svartengren, M. 9Svensson, J. O. 9Svensson, K. 1146swallowing: and mechanical ventilation 413Swannick, M. 66Swords, R. 679

Taccola, M. 184Taguchi, H. 1231Takahashi, S. 782Takashima, H. 294talc: inflammation after pleurodesis, malignant

pleural effusions 1166Tamaki, M. 606Tamariz, L. J. 376Tan, E. H. 1080Tan, K. L. 579Tan, W. C. 557Tassiopoulos, S. T. 1117Tateno, H. 782Taylor, G. 446Tazawa, R. 1227Teculescu, D. 139ten Hacken, N. H. T. 351Terra Filho, J. 746Terrazzano, G. 509Testa, G. 509testosterone: in COPD, effects on body composition

and sexual function in men 906theophylline: safety, in elderly with asthma or

COPD 1016:vs. PDE4 inhibitors, in COPD 495

Theron, A. J. 865Thin, A. G. 1063thiobarbituric acid: reactive substances, exhalation

in pneumonia 669Thomas, M. 17, 801Thomeer, M. J. 567Thorarinsdottir, H. R. 611thromboembolism: venous, treatment with low-

molecular-weight heparin 376tiotropium: and salmeterol, in stable COPD 1214Tipoe, G. 334tissue culture: human monocytic cells, SP-A-

mediated phagocytosis 637:leukemia HL-60 cells, cromoglycate suppression

of cysteinyl leukotriene during granulocyticdifferentiation 235

:lung adenocarcinoma, cyclooxygenase-2 over-expression 164

tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1(TIMP-1): and MMP-9, in small-cell or non-small-cell lung cancer prior to treatment 173

T lymphocytes, RANTES: see RANTEST lymphocytes: CD+8, chronic airway obstruction,

in smokers 139

:CD8+, sputum, in COPD 57:subsets, stimulation with intravesical BCG 509

T-lymphotropic virus type 1: infection, sFas andsFasL in BAL fluid 213

tobacco: smokeless, effect on immunoglobulins 108Togias, A. 838Tojo, Y. 294tolerability: ipratropium bromide/fenoterol deliv-

ery by inhaler, in COPD 387:PDE4 inhibitors, in COPD 495:pneumococcal vaccine in COPD 1187:siroliumus use in heart and lung transplantation

892Torre, J.-P. 357Torres, A. 488Tosca, M. A. 826transplantation: heart and lung, siroliumus use 892

:lung, acute rejection, BAL interleukin-18 levels159

treadmill exercise: in COPD, effects on oxygenuptake and blood gases 656

treatment failures: mimics of community-acquiredpneumonia 488

tremors: side effect of salbutamol 844Trindade Michel, G. 488Trisolini, R. 1222Tsai, Y.-H. 43Tsang, K. W. T. 301, 334Tsantes, A. E. 1117Tsao, T. C.-Y. 43Tsiligianni, J. 57Tsolia, M. N. 879Tsoumakidou, M. 57, 178Tsukino, M. 515tuberculosis: cost-effectiveness of fast tracking

bacteriological specimens for mycobacteria 726:drug noncompliance, and Poncet’s disease 795:fuzzy logic analysis, cytokines in pleural effusion

308:immunity study, T lymphocyte subsets 509:patient self-evaluation 626:VEGF and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in pleural

effusion 115tumor necrosis factor-(, rheumatoid arthritis treat-

ment, effect on OSAS 123Tzanakis, N. 57, 178

Ueda, Y. 294Ukai, T. 205Ukale, V. 1166Umstead, T. M. 637Unsal, E. 93Urban, T. 536Urretia, I. 1025vaccine: pneumococcal, in COPD, steroid effects



Vagaggini, B. 184Valeyre, D. 536Valipour, A. 1180Valovirta, E. 398, 404van Aalderen, W. M. C. 363van de Graaf, G. 1124van der Eerden, M. M. 872van der Meer, R. M. 805van der Molen, T. 351van der Woude, H. J. 816van Eykern, L. A. 363van Schayck, C. P. 805van Schayck, O. 1124Vansteenkiste, J. 567van Zomeren, E. H. 351vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF): and

matrix metalloproteinase-9, in pleural effusion 115:in non-small cell lung cancer 632:in sleep disordered breathing 1180

vasodilators: nitric oxide test, in pulmonary hyper-tension 225

ventilation: airway deadspace, during exercise, incystic fibrosis 1063:and chest pain, analgesia treatment in Karta-

gener’s syndrome 679:inspiratory threshold loading in COPD, learning

effects 1:nocturnal positive pressure, obesity-hypoventi-

lation syndrome 961ventilation, mechanical: acute respiratory failure

in lung cancer 43:extubation failure in elderly 661:home systems 38:and nutrition 413

Verbeken, E. K. 567Vermeire, P. A. 1207Vermeulen, B. 932Vermue, N. A. 1183Vestbo, J. 78, 1045, 1207Vignola, A. M. 25, 495, 838Vinas, A. 199Virtanen, I. 126virus: human T-lymphotropic type 1, sFas and sFasL

in BAL fluid 213:respiratory syncytial, subtypes, severity of

bronchiolitis in infants 879Vizzaccaro, A. 826vocal cords: unilateral palsy 677Vogelberg, C. 924Vollset, S. E. 1071Voulgaraki, O. 178

Wade, R. 66Wadell, K. 428Wagena, E. J. 805waist circumference: in asthma 1108

Wale, M. C. 17, 801walking: cardiorespiratory response, in multiple

sclerosis 522Wallaert, B. 536Waller, D. A. 247Wallin, A. 1087Wang, J.-S. 598Wang, S.-W. 43Wark, P. 915Watanabe, T. 542water: physical group training, in COPD 428Watson, L. 1207weaning: extubation failure in elderly 661

:mechanical ventilation, respiratory failure inlung cancer 43

Wedzicha, J. 78Wedzicha, J. A. 767Wee, J. 1080Wentzel-Larsen, T. 611Weston, A. R. 17, 801wheezing: -agonist effects in infants 1138

:respiratory symptoms and spirometry, in youngadults 1025

White, P. 439Widstrom, O. 1166Wiethege, A. 858Wilkinson, T. M. A. 767Wilson, R. 1203Wilson, S. 821Winchester, C. C. 17, 801Winter, T. H. 816Wirtz, H. 683Wise, R. 798Wolzt, M. 1180Woodhead, M. 798Wu, F. 294Yamadori, I. 721Yamaguchi, H. 760Yamaguchi, K. 542, 782Yamaji, Y. 721Yamamoto, S. 760Yamashita, S. 760Yilmaz, A. 93Yoshida, K. 952Yoshioka, S. 945Young, P. 285Yussim, A. 892Zaitsu, M. 235Zamarron, C. 123, 968Zeiger, R. S. 898Zetterstrom, O. 1108Zheng, L. 334Zhong, N.-S. 1016Zielen, S. 1187Zompatori, M. 977ZuWallack, R. L. 1157

XXIV Respiratory medicine
