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Respondent Information

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Respondent Information Email Anonymous ASP.net's user name REGCENTRE_CN IP address Submitted on 1/22/2017 5:49:22 AM Response time 0d 0h 0m, 0 secs. Language System language 1. PART 1: INFORMATION ON THE CENTRE SUBMITTING THE REPORT Please select the name of your Centre from the drop down menu and follow the subsequent questionnaire. Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Algeria (SCRC Algeria) Basel Convention Regional Centre for Arab States in Egypt (BCRC Egypt) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for French Speaking countries in Africa (BCRC/SCRC Senegal) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for English speaking countries in Africa (BCRC/SCRC South Africa) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Kenya (SCRC Kenya) Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for the African Region in Nigeria (BCCC Africa) * Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for the Asia and Pacific (BCRC/SCRC China) * Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in India (SCRC India) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for South East Asia in Indonesia (BCRC/SCRC Indonesia) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Iran (BCRC/SCRC Iran) Stockhom Convention Regional Centre in Kuwait (SCRC Kuwait) Pacific Regional Centre for the Joint Implementation of the Basel and Waigani Conventions (BCRC/SPREP) Basel Convention Regional Centre for the South American Region in Argentina (BCRC Argentina) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Brazil (SCRC Brazil) Basel Convention Regional Centre for the Caribbean Region (BCRC Caribbean) Basel Convention Regional Centre for Central America and Mexico (BCRC CAM) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Mexico (SCRC Mexico) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Panama (SCRC Panama) Basel/Stockholm Convenion Coordinating/Regional Centre for LAC Region in Uruguay (BCCC/SCRC Uruguay) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Czech Republic (SCRC Czech Republic) Basel Convention Regional Centre for Central Europe in Slovakia (BCRC Slovakia) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for CIS Countries in Russian Federation (BCRC/SCRC Russian Federation) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Spain (SCRC Spain) Name of the person submitting the report: Jinhui Li Date of reporting: 12/31/2016 Reporting period from: 1/1/2015 Reporting period to: 12/31/2016
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Respondent Information Email Anonymous

ASP.net's user name REGCENTRE_CN

IP address

Submitted on 1/22/2017 5:49:22 AM

Response time 0d 0h 0m, 0 secs.

Language System language

1. PART 1: INFORMATION ON THE CENTRE SUBMITTING THE REPORT Please select the name of your Centre from the drop down menu and follow the subsequent questionnaire. Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Algeria (SCRC Algeria) Basel Convention Regional Centre for Arab States in Egypt (BCRC Egypt) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for French Speaking countries in Africa (BCRC/SCRC Senegal) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for English speaking countries in Africa (BCRC/SCRC South Africa) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Kenya (SCRC Kenya) Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for the African Region in Nigeria (BCCC Africa) * Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for the Asia and Pacific (BCRC/SCRC China) * Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in India (SCRC India) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for South East Asia in Indonesia (BCRC/SCRC Indonesia) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Iran (BCRC/SCRC Iran) Stockhom Convention Regional Centre in Kuwait (SCRC Kuwait) Pacific Regional Centre for the Joint Implementation of the Basel and Waigani Conventions (BCRC/SPREP) Basel Convention Regional Centre for the South American Region in Argentina (BCRC Argentina) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Brazil (SCRC Brazil) Basel Convention Regional Centre for the Caribbean Region (BCRC Caribbean) Basel Convention Regional Centre for Central America and Mexico (BCRC CAM) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Mexico (SCRC Mexico) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Panama (SCRC Panama) Basel/Stockholm Convenion Coordinating/Regional Centre for LAC Region in Uruguay (BCCC/SCRC Uruguay) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Czech Republic (SCRC Czech Republic) Basel Convention Regional Centre for Central Europe in Slovakia (BCRC Slovakia) Basel/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for CIS Countries in Russian Federation (BCRC/SCRC Russian Federation) Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Spain (SCRC Spain) Name of the person submitting the report: Jinhui Li Date of reporting: 12/31/2016 Reporting period from: 1/1/2015 Reporting period to: 12/31/2016

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2. A. BUSINESS PLAN / WORK PLAN AND THE ACTIVITY REPORTS What was the overall goal (s) of your business plan / workplan for the reporting years (2015-2016)? If you had two different goals for this period due to overalping of two biennial business plans/workplans (2014-2015 and 2016-2019), list both in the space given below. Goals for BCRC China: BCRC China has been trying to develop the regional platform for training, information exchange, technology research and transfer, consulting, awareness raising and cooperation in the Asia and the Pacific region in order to improve the environmentally sound management of hazardous waste and other waste in Asia-Pacific region. Goals for SCRCAP: During the two years period of the work plan, SCRCAP will focus on management of new POPs under the Stockholm Convention, to promote the synergy of chemical and hazardous waste management in the region, and the technical assistance and technology transfer in the region. 3. What were the specific objectives contributing to the overall goal? List below the specific objectives of your business plan/workplan that are relevant for this period, i.e. 2014-2015. (Only LIST no need to elaborate) Specific Objectives for BCRC China: -To facilitate the regional information exchange to support the effective implementation of the Basel Convention among the parties and others and to identify the needs in the region -To improve the capacity on implementing ESM of hazardous wastes, e-waste and other wastes system and its infrastructure, and improve technology transfer -To push the establishment of the public-private partnership on metal recycling at regional level and strengthen the collection and recycling of waste metal stream in Asia and the Pacific region -To enhance the capacity of import/export management, preventing and combating illegal traffic of hazardous waste and other waste -To coordinate and cooperate among other regional centres and with other international/regional organizations to enhance the implementation of Basel Convention -To enhance the self-capacity building of BCRC China to contribute to achieve the goal of business plan -To strengthen the synergy on the implementation of Stockholm Convention and Minamata Convention in Asia and the Pacific region Specific Objectives for SCRCAP: •Promote Stockholm Convention implementation in the region; •Facilitate the ESM of POPs and chemicals in the region. •Promote technical assistance and technology transfer in chemical management, analysis and treatment of their waste in Asia and the Pacific; •Promote awareness raising and information exchange in chemical management in the region; •Strengthen synergy of chemical and hazardous waste management in the region. •Strengthen capacity building of SCRCAP 4. Strategies Kindly give details on the strategies that were taken in order to implement the business plan/workplan Strategies What was done When

Endorsement/involvement of the beneficiaries (list applicable activities/projects or the entire plan)

For BCRC China: •To select countries and the needs of the served countries through the questionnaire, consultation and literature research. •Design the project proposal according to the identified

For BCRC China,some projects/activities completed according to the strategies have listed in For BCRC China, to achieve the work plan and the strategies, the projects and activities was listed have been


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needs of these countries. •To strengthen communication and discussion through organizing online or face-to- face meeting in regular. •To submit the project summary report, share the outcomes and experiences of the project. For SCRCAP: • To organize regional workshops or training sessions to facilitate information and experience exchange based on the demands of the beneficiary countries; • To provide internship opportunities and financial support for officials or students from beneficiary countries acquiring chemical and waste management information and experience; • To apply and implement regional projects on reducing or phasing-out specific POPs in beneficiary countries. • To provide free newsletters for the beneficiary countries to learn the latest international developments in chemical and waste management, the most advance BAT/BEP, effective projects models, etc. • To actively apply for funds and projects from international organizations to cover more activities that promote ESM of POPs in Asia-Pacific region. • To establish online training platform (in English) which give the beneficiary countries free access to reach. • To invite senior officials or experts from beneficiary countries to participate the international conference or regional workshops.

done, includes but not limits to: - Organized the 10th/11th International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Technology,2015/2016; - E-Waste Management Cooperation among China –Japan-South Korea; - The 3th/4th Basel Forum in Asia-Pacific Region on Promotion of Basel Convention Implementation,2015/2016; - China Fluorescent Lamps collection and treatment demonstration project - Research on the Supervision of Solid Wastes in China and EU Customs, 2015-2016; - Submitted the proposal on “Identifying Synergies related to Reporting and Other Notification of Information Obligations for the Basel, Minamata, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in Asia & Pacific” - Applied the project on “Promoting Environmentally Sound Co-processing of Hazardous Wastes in Industry Kilns in Selected Countries in Asia” - Others: Project/Activity in List of Capacity Building Activities and Additional activities by the Centre. For SCRCAP, some projects/activities completed according to the strategies: 1.To organize regional workshops or training sessions to facilitate information and experience exchange based on the demands of the beneficiary countries: • Organized “Regional workshop on sound life-cycle management of DDT under the Stockholm Convention” in Wuxi, China on 14-16 April, 2015. • Organized “The First Regional Forum on Chemical Management” in Mianyang, China on 28-29 October 2015.

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2. To provide internship opportunities and financial support for officials or students from beneficiary countries acquiring chemical and waste management information and experience: • Technical Internship for Parties of Basel Convention/Stockholm Convention in 2016 3. To organize regional projects on reducing or phasing-out specific POPs in beneficiary countries: • Capacity-Building for Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Their Waste in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries • Support developing Parties to phase-out industrial Organic Pollutants(POPs) • Baseline data investigation for the project “Sub-regional Action Plan(Asia) for PBDEs management” 4. To provide free newsletters for the beneficiary countries to learn the latest international developments in chemical and waste management, the most advance BAT/BEP, effective projects models, etc: • Capacity building and information exchange for the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management, especially POPs management in 2016 • Dynamic tracking and tendency investigation of the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management, especially POPs management in 2015 5. To establish online training platform (in English) which give the beneficiary countries free access to reach: • The Regional and National Online Training platform on Chemicals and Waste 6. To invite senior officials or experts from beneficiary countries to participate the international conference or

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regional workshops: • Organized the 11th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 11) in Beijing, China on October 21-24, 2016 • Organized the 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 10) in Mianyang, China on October 28-30, 2015

Identification of potential donors/funds/agencies (list the funding sources that were identified)

For BCRC China: • The multilateral or bilateral fund: Basel Convention Trust Fund and Technical Cooperation Trust Fund, GEF, developed countries and so on. • Other International Organizations: UNEP, SAICM QSP, UNITAR, UNIDO, ILO, EU Commission, IGES and so on.• Private sectors. For SCRCAP: •To enhance cooperation with international NGOs, or other countries that pay close attention to non-toxic environment. •To actively make a contribution to the public-benefit projects conducted by international organizations, such as providing information in China or other Asia-pacific countries for the reference, etc.

For BCRC China, the identified fund sources include: National Development and Reform Commission, China the Secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Guizhou Solid Waste Management Center Volkswagen(China) Investment Co. Ltd, SCIP SITA Waste Services Company Ltd (Shanghai), SCIP SITA Waste Services Company Ltd (Nantong), Suzhou solid waste management center Shenzhen GEM High-Tech Co. Ltd European Commission Environmental Protection Bureau of Macao SAR of China For SCRCAP: China Trust Fund United Nations Environment Programme GEF through Foreign Economic Cooperation Center (FECO), Ministry of Environmental Protection of China Agilent Technologies (China) Limited Thermo Fisher Scientific (China) Co., Ltd CSD Emerging Environmental Technology Co., Ltd Shanghai AMPEL Laboratory Technologies (Shanghai) Inc. Reer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd


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Shanghai Panhe Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd Beijing LianzhonghangTrading Co., Ltd Shimadzu Enterprise Management (China) Co., Ltd CSD IDEA (Beijing) Environmental Test & Analysis Co., Ltd. Waters Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Restek China Rockwell Group China Flame Retardant Association CHIRON AS ACCUSTANDARD INC Southwest University of Science and Technology China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd Sound Group China Everbright International Limited Qinghuandao Donyang Technology Limited Foshan Shunde Xinhuanbao Utilization Co., Ltd Apple Computer Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd Boeing (China) Co. Ltd ICM AG Shenzhen Taolv Information Technology Co., Ltd TES-AMM Corporation (China) Ltd Shanxi Tianyuan Green-Environmental Science and Technology Ltd.

Preparation of effective grant proposals (list the project proposals that were prepared and submitted)

For BCRC China/SCRCAP: •The ESM of hazardous waste •The capital building on Basel Convention and other conventions •The phase out of specific POPs such as PBDEs, PCBs, etc. •The strategy for the reduction or phase out of newly listed POPs •The identification of chemicals in products •The ESM of POPs-contained waste •The information exchange in developing Asia-Pacific

For BCRC China/SCRCAP, the project proposals that were prepared and submitted includes but not limits to: •Identifying Synergies related to Reporting and Other Notification of Information Obligations for the Basel, Minamata, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in Asia & Pacific •Identifying Synergies related to Reporting and Other Notification of Information Obligations for the Basel, Minamata, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in Asia & Pacific(add Jordan


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countries •The technology transfer in developing Asia-Pacific countries •To promote the BAT/BEP in developing Asia-Pacific countries.

) •Promoting Environmentally Sound Co-processing of Hazardous Wastes in Industry Kilns in Selected Countries in Asia •Institutional Enforcement Capacity Building on Control of Transboundary Movement and Illegal Trade of Chemicals and Wastes •Research on Environmental responsibility and governance mechanism of Social Hazardous Waste •Sound management of HBCD in insulation products and wastes from construction and demolition in typical Asia-Pacific countries •Inventory of chemicals in electric and electronic products (EEE) and research on related legislation management •Information follow-up and trends analysis on the global chemical management •Investigation on management status and tendency analysis of the newly listed persistent organic pollutants in Asia-Pacific regions •Capacity building and information exchange for the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management

Any other activities.. Not answered

Not answered

Not answered

5. B. REPORT ON CAPACITY BUIDLING PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN (completed only) Click at the highlighted button just below this text to add another activity. Please keep repeating this until you have reported all those activities that have been completed during this reporting period . Please do not report those activities which are ongoing and will not be completed by 31 December 2016. This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 1.Project on E-waste Management in 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu)

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1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 27,700 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The project aimed to strengthen the Environmental Sound Management (ESM) on E-waste in China. The main activities of the project include: Research on the Environmentally Sound Management system of on office equipment waste. Took Japan as a case, to study the remanufacture, disposal and facilities of the waste copiers and printers; Carried out waste copier and printer processing pollution control of the key nodes of the study, proposed disposal of waste copier printer pollution control technology requirements; Research on Environmentally Sound Management Mechanism of Fluorescent Lamps in China. To analyze the management regulations, collection system and management measures of waste fluorescent tubes at home and abroad, to analyze the environmental risk of the collection, transportation, storage and disposal of the waste fluorescent tubes, and to analyze the barrier on including it into Waste electrical and electronic products processing directory. Put forward the suggestions on the environmentally sound management of fluorescent tubes. ◇ the project outcomes were two reports: ◇ A report on “Research on the Environmentally Sound Management system of e - waste on office equipment.” ◇ A report on “Research on Environmentally Sound Management Mechanism of Fluorescent Lamps in China.” Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The summary report submitted to Ministry of Environment Protection of China. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 2.Capacity Building on Environmental Sound Management of Hazardous Waste and Transboundary Movement Control of E-waste in 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 30,800

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List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) This project was aimed to improve the knowledge of China and Parties in Asia and the Pacific Region on the latest technological achievements of Basel Convention, strengthen the capacity building and the influence of BCRC China as a regional centre on information and technical support, and also push the implementation of Basel Convention in China through development of activities: Study of transboundary movement control of e-waste and second-hand products in the Asia-Pacific region; Strengthen the information support of Basel Convention . Outcomes of this project included: ◇ 1 set of video training course online both in Chinese and English on “Technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of used and waste pneumatic tires” under the Basel Convention to promote awareness-raising; ◇ Newsletters (half-monthly) in Chinese providing information on the Implementation of Basel Convention to the parties in the region. ◇ A report on “Best Practices for Transboundary Movement Control of E-waste and Used Electronic Products and Their Identification in Asia and the Pacific Regional” Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The submitted achievements to Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. ◇ The website of BCRC China. http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257152368906/index.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 3.Research on the Transboundary Movement of E-Waste in China, Japan and South Korea Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 7,700 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) This project was aimed at promoting the implementation of the Decision of Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (TEMM) and the joint action plan for transboundary movement control of e-waste among China, Japan and Korea, through establishing information exchange mechanism and enhancing communication and capacity building. The project carried out the following activities: to investigate the illegal transboundary movement of e-waste in China; to organize an information exchange meeting on the illegal transboundary movement of electronic waste between Japan and South Korea, and to share the latest discoveries and developments related to the illegal transboundary movement of e-waste between China, Japan and South Korea, identify key information and explore core issues and development trends. The project outcome was a report on the Transboundary Movement of Electronic Waste in China, Japan and South Korea.

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Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The submitted report to Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. ◇ The website of BCRC China. * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 4.Policy Research on Fund Collection and Subsidy Innovation Model Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 9/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 4 months Budget in USD 38,460 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD National Development and Reform Commission, China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) This project aimed to put forward waste electrical and electronic products industry fund collection and subsidy innovation mode policy. The main contents include: Research on industry fund mechanism of waste electrical and electronic products, including dynamic adjustment mechanism, fund operation mechanism, verification mechanism, governance mechanism and supervision and risk control mechanism. to pre - assessment of industry impacts on the policy of fund collection and subsidies for innovative model. Base on the above research, design the industrial fund management mechanism on the recycling of waste electrical and electronic products, and put forward on the industrial fund management model and operational plan specific recommendations. The outcome of this project was a report on “Research on Policy of Collection and Subsidy Innovation of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Funds in China" Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The submitted the report to National Development and Reform Commission of China. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 5.Development of an interactive online training and capacity building module on electronic and electrical waste("e-waste") Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 11/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 11/27/2014 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 1/31/2015

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Duration in months 2 months Budget in USD 10,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD the Secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) This project was aimed to development of an interactive online training and capacity building module on electronic and electrical waste to be jointly designed by the UNEP/BRS and the partner. The project carried out the following activities: to compile existing documents, training materials and information on the topic of e-waste, to identify additional documents, training materials and information that could be used in the Module, to develop an interactive on line tool based on the selected materials in close consultation with UNEP/BRS. The module will be developed in English. The project outcome was the training and capacity building module on e-waste is developed and ready to be made available online on the websites of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The websites of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 6.Online Pilot Training for the Environmental officers from Guizhou Province of China on solid waste management Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 7,700 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Guizhou Solid Waste Management Center Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The pilot project aimed to Enhance the capacity building and level on solid waste management for the Environmental officers in Guizhou Province. Combined with the practical needs of waste management in Guizhou Province, Guizhou Solid Waste Management Center and Tsinghua University (Basel Convention Asia-Pacific Regional Center) to carry out long-distance solid waste training online pilot. Plan to complete Mount guard training in rotation for the environmental management and technical officers in 2-3 years. Training courses include: advanced experience in international solid waste management, national laws and regulations and implementation requirements, facilities operation and regulatory practices, etc. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China /SCRC AP http://training.bcrc.cn/

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Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 7. Capacity Building on Environmental Sound Management of Hazardous Waste and Transboundary Movement Control of E-waste in 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 30,800 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objects of this project were aimed to improve the knowledge of China and Parties in Asia and the Pacific Region on the latest technological achievements of Basel Convention, to strengthen the capacity building and the influence of BCRC China as a regional centre on information and technical support, and also to push the implementation of Basel Convention in China. the main activities include: Development a video training course on “Technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with mercury or mercury compounds”; Research on Management of Transboundary Movement of Used Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Asia-Pacific region; Strengthen the information support of Basel Convention. Outcomes of this project included: ◇ 1 set of video training course online both in Chinese and English on “Technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with mercury or mercury compounds” under the Basel Convention to promote awareness-raising; ◇ Newsletters (half-monthly) in Chinese providing information on the Implementation of Basel Convention to the parties in the region. ◇ A report on “Report on Management of Transboundary Movement of Used Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Asia-Pacific region” Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ Submitted achievements to Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. ◇ The website of BCRC China. * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 8.Study on the legal status of waste HV-battery and mathematic model/software with integrate digital road map of China Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 6/1/2016

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Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 6/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 11/30/2016 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD 61,600 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Volkswagen(China) Investment Co. Ltd, Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to investigate the current legal status for packaging, storage and transport of waste HV batteries in China, to develop a system applicable to stimulate and calculate the transport cost and the best transport routes for HV battery in mainland China, so as to provide reference on HV battery collection and transport. The activities include: 1) Study on the management policy on waste HV battery transport in China 2) Mathematical model building and software development on the road transport cost calculation and the best route simulation system for waste HV battery The outcomes include: A report on the Management Policy of Waste HV Battery for Electric Vehicle in China (In Chinese and English); Road transport cost calculation and the best route simulation system for waste HV battery (in Chinese and English) Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ the achievement of this project has been submitted. to Volkswagen(China) Investment Co. Ltd. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 9. Research on E - waste Environmentally Sound Management Policy Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 30,769 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible)

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This project aimed to improve Environmentally Sound Management Capacity on E-waste in China. The main activities include: 1) to carry out the research on Import of Used Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Parts. to sort out the import management policies and regulations on purpose for re-use, maintenance, renovation of used electronic products and their parts. 2) To study the management policy on waste battery, to sort out the laws and regulations and standards on waste battery, and analyze the problems and shortcomings of the management policies. Put forward some suggestions on the management policy of waste batteries in China. the outcomes of this project are: a report on “research on Import of Used Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Parts” and a report on “study of the management policy on waste battery”. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ the reports of this project has been submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 10. The 1st and 2nd National Training Workshop for Environmental Officers on Supervisions of Disposal Facilities of Hazardous Waste in 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 38,300 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD 1 Ministry of Environmental Protection, China; 2 SCIP SITA Waste Services Company Ltd (Shanghai), Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) With the authorization of Department of Pollution Prevention and Control, Ministry of Environment Protection of China, BCRC China organized the national training workshop for environmental officers on supervision of incineration disposal facilities of hazardous waste on September 21-25, 2015 and November 23-27,2015 in SCIP SITA Waste Services Company Ltd (Shanghai, China). This training workshop focus on improving the knowledge and practical ability of local environmental officers on supervision of incineration disposal facilities of hazardous waste. Total 39 participants of local solid waste management departments and environmental supervision centers of China attended this workshop. Through the training workshop, the incineration disposal facilities of hazardous waste was visited, the key links and factors on hazardous waste management and supervision of transportation, storage, laboratory analysis, emissions, and etc. have been introduced, and the information on supervision idea of hazardous waste has been exchanged. This training workshop was appreciated of ability enhancement by most of representatives, and was hoped to be held regularly in the future. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The summary report submitted to Ministry of Environment Protection of China. ◇ The website of BCRC China. http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2015/09/24/1443074077602.html http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1263345723732/2015/11/27/1448618055337.html Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the

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* Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 11. The 1 st and 2nd National Training Workshop for Environmental Officers on Supervisions of Disposal Facilities of Hazardous Waste in 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 38,300 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD 1 Ministry of Environmental Protection, China; 2 SCIP SITA Waste Services Company Ltd (Shanghai), 3 SCIP SITA Waste Services Company Ltd (Nantong), Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) With the authorization of Department of Pollution Prevention and Control, Ministry of Environment Protection of China (MEP), BCRC China and SCIP SITA Waste Services Company Ltd organized the national training workshop for environmental officers on supervision of incineration disposal facilities of hazardous waste. The first training workshop was held on July 25-29,2016 in shanghai, and the second was held on November 21-25, 2016 in Nantong, Jiangsu province, China. This training workshop focus on improving the knowledge and practical ability of local environmental officers on supervision of incineration disposal facilities of hazardous waste. Totally 41 participants of local solid waste management departments from 29 provinces of Central and West China and 4 Environmental Supervision Centers attended this workshop. Through the training workshop, the incineration disposal facilities of hazardous waste was visited, the Key links and factors on hazardous waste management and supervision of transportation, storage, laboratory analysis, emissions, and etc. have been introduced, and the information on supervision idea of hazardous waste has been exchanged. This training workshop was appreciated of ability enhancement by most of representatives, and was hoped to be held regularly in the future. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ the website of BCRC China/SCRC AP http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2016/11/28/1480296537500.html http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257488855984/2016/11/28/1480467766289.html Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 12.Guidance manual on Hazardous waste transport management in Suzhou, China Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 8/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 8/15/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu)

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8/14/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 22,300 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Suzhou solid waste management center Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) This project aims to strengthen hazardous waste environmentally sound management (ESM) in Suzhou,China. The main activities include:to identify the requirements on transportation of hazardous wastes and chemicals through collecting the international conventions and relevant laws and regulations, and to analyze the status of hazardous waste and chemicals management in Suzhou City, completed the report on “research on analyzing the management situation on hazardous waste and chemicals in Suzhou,China” and a manual on hazardous waste transport management in Suzhou, China. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ the achievement has been submitted to Suzhou solid waste management center; ◇ the website of BCRC China/SCRC AP. http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2016/03/25/1458891677075.html Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 13. Organized Workshop on the Recovery Processing of Discarded Electrical Appliances and Electronics & Used Product Identification Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 8/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 8/1/2017 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 10/30/2016 Duration in months 3 months Budget in USD 5,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD BCRC China in kind contribution Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) Workshop on the Recovery Processing of Discarded Electrical Appliances and Electronics & Used Product Identification was organized by Tsinghua University and Basel Convention in Beijing,China , on 24 October ,2016. the workshop was held back to back with the Eleventh International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT11). more than 50 representatives, from the center of Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Technology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenzhen University, China National Resources Recycling Association, European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and HealthcareIT Industry (COCIR), Apple Computer Trade Co., Ltd. and other government agencies, Academia and industry, attended the meeting. The meeting was divided into two parts, "Management and Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic

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Products" and "International Standards and Practice on the Identification and Transboundary Movement of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment". The objectives were to support for implementation of the related standards and policies, and to promote the sustainable development of the industry. At the meeting, Participants exchanged views on international and domestic waste electrical and electronic products recycling management policies, technology and industrial development trends, identification of used products, and international standards and industry practices related to transboundary movement. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 14.Research on the Supervision of Solid Wastes in China and EU Customs Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 6/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 6/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 6/30/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 23,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD General Administration of Customs of China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The project aimed to strengthen the capacity to combat the illegal transboundary movement of wastes in regional countries. The main content includes: Technical support on meeting of the China-EU Customs Solid Waste Control Working Group; Seeking effective ways to co-operate in the supervision and management of solid waste between China and the EU, and further put forward a cooperation plan to promote further improvement of global solid waste supervision. translation and compilation the EU-China solid waste supervision important documents. the outcomes of this project include: A report on “research on the Transboundary Movements of Solid Waste in China and the EU”; An action plan on solid waste supervision cooperation between China and the EU. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China/SCRC AP Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 15. Further to establish information platform for the implementation of Basel Convention in the Asia and Pacific region (BCinf) based on the website of BCRC China Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015

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Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 24months Budget in USD 10,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD BCRC China in kind contribution Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) Basel Convention Information Platform for Asia-Pacific (BCinf) was established by BCRC China based on its website with the support from Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. BCinf is an information platform for the implementation of Basel Convention in the Asia-Pacific region, with the objective to provide the regional information exchange and cooperation platform for the the Parties, countries and other stakeholders in the field of implementation of Basel Convention. The basic information of the Parties, legislations, projects, workshops, news, reports and others related to the implementation of Basel Convention in the Asia-Pacific region will be included in BCinf. Information is one of the main functions for Basel Convention Regional/Coordinating Centre to assist developing countries and countries to implement Basel Convention. Information exchange helps sharing and cooperation, and it also play important role to promote the capacity building to implement Basel Convention for the parties and others in the region. In hope to perfect the information platform and make it work better in regional implementation of the Basel Convention, BCRC China welcomes the focal points of all the parties, experts and other stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific to provide view points, experiences, information, news, policy updates, activities/projects related to the implementation of Basel Convention implementation at national and regional level. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of Basel Convention Information Platform for Asia-Pacific http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1385254733264/index.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 16/17. Delivering BCRC China Newsletters (monthly) to the Parties in the Region, 2015-2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 24 months Budget in USD 10,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD

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BCRC China in kind contribution Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) In order to assist the parties to get the related information related to the implementation of Basel Convention in time and continuously, and to provide the updated regional and international news and implementation activities of Basel Convention in the world to the parties in Asia-Pacific region, BCRC China issued the monthly newsletter since 2010 and delivered to the parties in the region. The contents include: last international news related to Basel Convention and about hazardous waste and other waste, including import and export of waste activities, incidents or regulations; laws and policies on ESM of waste, facilities; last news related with the Asia-Pacific parties; activities by other centers; other related news in Asia Pacific region from hazardous waste magazines and press rooms. The outputs of this activity were 24 newsletters in 2015-2016. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ Feedback and praise from parties in the region which receives the newsletter, such as Laos, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, South Pacific Region (SPREP), and etc. ◇ The website of BCRC China http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257152368906/index.html. * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 18.The 3th Basel Forum in Asia-Pacific Region on Promotion of Basel Convention Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 9/3/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 9/3/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 9/5/2015 Duration in months 3 days Budget in USD Not answered List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Not answered Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The forum is designed to improve the management of the transboundary movement of waste in Asia and the Pacific, enhance the capacity building of environmental sound management of E-waste in different countries and upgrade the awareness on recycling. The Third Basel Forum Meeting was successfully held in Korea during 3rd – 5th September, back-to-back held with the 8th Korean Re-Tech 2015 Conference. The Third Basel Forum meeting was coherently organized by BCRC China, National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) of Korea, Korea Basel Forum, Gyeong-gi University and the National Institute for Environmental Studies of Japan. Under the theme of ‘Transboundary Movement of Sustainable E-waste Recirculation,’ about 200 participants discussed on the issues of waste recycling, proper management of E-waste and transboundary movement of waste in the region, etc. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the

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* Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 19.The 4th Basel Forum in Asia-Pacific Region on Promotion of Basel Convention Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 10/3/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 10/3/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 10/3/2016 Duration in months 1 day Budget in USD Not answered List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Not answered Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) To improve the management of the transboundary movement of waste in Asia and the Pacific, enhance the capacity building of environmental sound management of E-waste in different countries and upgrade the awareness on recycling. The forth Basel Forum Meeting was successfully held in Kyoto, Japanon 3th October 2016, back-to-back held with the Eco-balance 2016 Conference. More than 30 delegates from the BCRC China, South Korea Basel Forum, The Empress Dowager of Chiang Rai, Thailand, India Information Resources South Asia, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, World Resources Forum and the Japanese local research institutes attended the meeting. The meeting will be held once a year, relating to decision of Basel convention, regulations of parties, advanced research on waste management and disposal, and other common concerned issues. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2016/10/08/1479711051523.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 20.Organized the publicity meeting on Program on Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region, on 28 October 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 8/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 8/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 10/30/2015 Duration in months 3 months

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Budget in USD 5,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Shenzhen GEM High-Tech Co. Ltd. Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) In order to attract more industries, governments, research institutions, academics, etc. to join the Asia-Pacific regional metal resource recycling public-private partnership. Publicity meeting on Program on Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region was organized by BCRC China/SCRCAP in Mianyang, Sichuanon province of China 28 October 2015, back to back with the 10th international Conference on solid waste management and technology. Promoted the metal recycling program to more than 500 representatives from universities, research institutes, enterprises and government departments from 26 countries and regions around the world. As an outstanding representative of China's resource recycling enterprises, GEM introduced the recycling economy industry and the national recycling network of the company at the meeting. It received extensive attention and appreciation from the participating countries and further to enhance the influence of the metal recycling program. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) The web site of BCRC China. http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2015/11/02/1446688019989.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 21.Organized the special session on Program on Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region, 22 October 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 8/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 8/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 10/30/2016 Duration in months 3 months Budget in USD 5,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD GEM Co. Ltd. Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) Special session on Program on Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region(Metal Recycling Program)was organized by BCRC China/SCRC AP at Beijing, China On 22 October 2016, back to back with the Eleventh International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Technology(ICWMT11). Under the support from the Grammy Co., Ltd, The Metal Recycling Program was initiated and implemented by the Asia-Pacific Regional Center of the Basel Convention, and the International Environmental Technology Center of the United Nations Environment Program and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) representative office in China provided the technical support. On 24 March, 2016 The Metal Recycling Program was formally incorporated into the UNEP Global Partnership for Waste Management as one of its key areas of work. Metal Recycling Program aims to build an open metal recycling and resource utilization platform in the

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Asia-Pacific region as a demonstration project for metal recycling around the world; to cultivate a high-level metal resource recycling technology team and to establish an educational demonstration base for recycling, to provide technical support for the recycling of industry, while providing education for the improvement of public awareness services. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China and SCRC AP http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2016/10/25/1477997679563.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention Name of the project/activity 22.Programme on Establishing Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region introduced to Global Partnership on Waste Management Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 5/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 5/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 4/30/2016 Duration in months 12months Budget in USD Not answered List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Not answered Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) On May 7th, 2015, Programme on Establishing Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region (refered as the Metal Recycling Programme) was officially initiated by Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (refered as BCRC China) at side event of the 2015 Triple COPs in Geneva. This programme is executed by BCRC China with the support of UNEP IETC and UNEP China office. On March 24th, 2016, based on the decision of steering committee meeting of Global Partnership on Waste Management, Metal Recycling Programme has been introduced to Global Partnership on Waste Management as a new thematic area. The overall goal of the Metal Recycling Programme is establishing a widely received platform for promoting metal recycling and resource efficiency by public and private partnership in Asia and the Pacific Region with aim at a demonstration to the world metal recycling; fostering a technology team and a group of education and demonstration bases to provide technical assistance for improving performance of recycling industry and public education for their awareness. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China/SCRC AP http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2016/04/13/1460542450567.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention *

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Name of the project/activity 23.China Fluorescent Lamps collection and treatment demonstration project Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 9/1/2013 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 9/1/2013 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 8/31/2016 Duration in months 36 months Budget in USD 1,255,641 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD European Commission Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) In June 2013, China Fluorescent Lamps collection and treatment demonstration project (Project CFL) was approved by EU. It was applied by BCRC Beijing/Tsinghua University jointly with University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Beijing Municipal Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Centre and Chengdu Academy of Environmental Sciences (Chengdu Municipal Solid Waste Management Centre) under the EU-China Environmental Sustainability Programme-lot2: Sustainable Solid Waste Management. The activities of Project CFL mainly include collection, transport, treatment and recycling demonstration, baseline research and EU–China comparative study, national-level and municipal-level policy recommenndations, road-show to other cities seeking to better manage waste fluorescent lamps, dissemination conferences and others. The overall objective of Project CFL is to contribute to sustainable solid waste management and heavy metal pollution prevention and control in China. And the specific objective is to demonstrate effective approaches and improve the policy environment for collection and treatment of waste fluorescent lamps (WFLs) in Beijing and Chengdu, and to disseminate successful models. The period of Project CFL is 3 years. The main outputs of Project CFL include: 8 demonstrations conducted in two Chinese megacities, 2 demonstrations of transportation and treatment of WFLs conforming to all relevant regulations and standards regarding pollution and recycling, national-level policy recommendations on collection and recycling of WFLs submitted and discussed with all relevant national policy makers, and others. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ the achievements has been submitted to European Commission。 ◇ The web site of Project CFL http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1392028816630/index.html Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 24.Project on the treatment equipment application and follow-up treatment of typical e-waste in Macau, China Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 11/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 11/26/2014 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu)

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11/26/2016 Duration in months 24 months Budget in USD 341,560 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Environmental Protection Bureau of Macao SAR of China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) This objectives of project are include the optimization, demonstration, and evaluation of mobile e-waste treatment equipment, the planning of long-term stationary e-waste treatment facilities, and the study on e-waste management strategy in Macau. The main Activities include: 1) The demonstration and evaluation of mobile e-waste treatment equipment Based on demonstration experience in the earlier stage, this project optimizes existing problems in treatment equipment. Considering mobile treatment equipment can co-process similar e-waste, this project selects mobile phone and printers to conduct the integrated and environmentally sound collaborative dismantling technology study. 2) The planning of long-term stationary e-waste treatment facilities Based on e-waste generation prediction in the previous project, this project updates the prediction on e-waste generation in Macau through data analysis, and plans the long-term stationary treatment facilities in Macau in the future. 3) The study on e-waste management strategy in Macau Based on Basel Convention and relevant rules or standards, considering current situation of e-waste treatment types and flows in Macau, this project studies the impact of local treatment or export of e-waste on Macau and adjacent areas, thereby putting forward the sustainable management strategy for e-waste in Macau. Outputs: ◇ Finish equipment optimization and reform ◇ Research report on the application of treatment equipment and follow-up treatment for typical e-waste in Macau Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ Submitted the achievement to Environmental Protection Bureau of Macao SAR of China. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 25.Solid waste and hazardous waste management with supports to the implementation of Sino-US Environmental Cooperation programme,2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 30,800

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List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) This project was aimed at strengthening the capacity building on environmental sound management of solid waste. The project carried out the following activities: ◇ To study the management and identification of the used electronic products in US, to track the process of the relevant international standard-setting on the management and classification of the used electronic products, Comparative analysis of the management, classification methods and identification technology on used electronic product between China and US. ◇ To study the pollution site management policy and the typical case on remediation of contaminated sites, to analysis the management system of remediation of contaminated sites in US, and proposed the suggestions on the Management of Contaminated Sites of China The outcome of project: ◇ A report on “research on the management and identification of the used electronic products in Sino-US”; ◇ A report on “research on the management system of remediation of contaminated sites in US” Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ Submitted the project report to Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. ◇ The website of BCRC China. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 26.A Comparative Study of the New EU WEEE Directive Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 7/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 7/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD 46,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD National Development and Reform Commission, China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) This project investigated the background and process of the revision of the WEEE Directive, compared the contents of the new and existing directives, and analyzed the possible impact of the new WEEE Directive on the management and recycling of waste electrical and electronic products. The research contents of this project include: 1) Background study on the formulation and revision of the EU WEEE Directive; 2) Comparative study on major amendments to the new EU WEEE Directive; 3) The impact of the new EU WEEE directive analysis. The outcome of the project was a report on comparative study of the new EU WEEE Directive.

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Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The submitted reports to National Development and Reform Commission, China. ◇ The website of BCRC China. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 27.Study on Dynamic Tracking and Analysis of Recycling and Treatment of International WEEE Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 7/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 7/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD 30,769 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD National Development and Reform Commission, China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The project aimed at strengthening the environmentally sound management of hazardous and other wastes. The main research contents include: tracked 2014-2015 international waste electrical and electronic products recovery and processing dynamics, including: the management of typical waste electrical and electronic products in developed countries, Such as the Germany, Netherlands, the United States and Japan. Tracked the progress of OECD, StEP, Basel Forum, 3R Forum and other relevant activities. Analyzed the major international recycling management and major development trends on waste electrical and electronic products. The outcome of this project was a report “Research on theinternational major recycling management and major development trends on waste electrical and electronic products”. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The submitted reports National Development and Reform Commission of China. ◇ The website of BCRC China. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 28. Organized the 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 10) in Mianyang, China on October 28-30, 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015

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Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 114,760 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD 1. Southwest University of Science and Technology:US$...46,000;2. China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd:US$...2,880; 3. Sound Group:US$...2,880;4. Registration fee:US$...63,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) ICWMT was held since 2005, adhering to the objective of building free academic exchange platform, and dedicating to the global research on solid waste management and disposal technology among experts, scholars and enterpriser. It is a platform of elaborating scientific concept, displaying advanced experience, and contriving possible solutions. After 10 years’ effort, ICWMT is recognized more widely in the field of solid waste and also plays an increasingly important role in academic information exchanges. The 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT10) was successfully held in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, China, from 28th to 30th on October, 2015. The theme of the conference is "Towards Environmental Quality Improvement". More than 500 participants from governments, universities, research institutions and enterprises from 26 countries and regions attended the conference. ICWMT10 received 159 papers focusing on the management and treatment technologies of solid waste, such as hazardous waste, e-waste, bio-mass, industrial waste, contaminated sites and chemical et al. Among which, 16 papers were selected as excellent papers by the Conference Steering Committee. During the conference, 30 reports were made in the plenary session, and 38 reports were addressed in Branch Sessions. There are 6 workshops including the First Regional Forum on Chemical Management, Sludge management and utilization workshop, Environmental management from the perspective of 3R (Environmental of Management Professional Committee, Society of Management Sciences of China), Workshop on E-waste policy and collection, EU-China workshop on waste fluorescent lamps management policy, treatment technology and facility, and 2015 interim progress meeting of BCRC China’s Development Fund. On the conference, an activity, “Implementation Progress of Programme on Establishing Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region” was organized which was initiated by Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific and GEM Co., Ltd. A Signing Ceremony for Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific and Suez Strategic Cooperation MoU was also held during the conference. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) http://icwmt.allconfs.org/meeting/index.asp?id=2618; http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257152576218/2015/11/02/1448617386614.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 29. Relating to The Translation into the Chinese language of 5(five) Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee and Expert Working Group guidance documents Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 10/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 12/1/2014 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015

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Duration in months 13 months Budget in USD 13,324 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD The Secretariat of Basel Convention US$...13,324 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The overall objective of the project is to translate 5 guidance documents from English Language to Chinese Language. Of which, 4 guidance are developed by the Committee administered the Mechanism for Promoting Implementation and Compliance with the Basel Convention (total of 55,110 words), including: 1) Guidance on the development of inventories, 2) Guidance on the take-back provision, 3) Updated guide to the control system, 4) Updated manual for the implementation of the Basel Convention. Another guidance document is Expert Working Group (EWG) guidance document containing a set of practical manuals for the promotion of the environmentally sound management of wastes (total of 20,000 words) for the twelfth meeting of the conference of the parties to the convention. The outcomes of the project include: � Translation of four Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee Guidance documents (in Chinese). � Translation of one EWG document containing a set of practical manuals for on ESM of wastes. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ Document submitted to the Secretariat of Basel Convention ◇ The website of Basel Convention. * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 30. Research on Policy and Technology of CRT Glass Comprehensive Utilization Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2012 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 3/1/2012 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 4/30/2015 Duration in months 26 months Budget in USD 302,180 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Tianjin Loyalty Glass Material Co. Ltd, US$302,180 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to promote the capacity building on CRT (cathode ray tube) glass comprehensive utilization in China, to reduce the pollution of hazardous chemicals during the processing and disposal of CRT glass. The activities include: Recommendations on integrated solution of CRT glass; Study on standers and technical specifications related to CRT glass; Investigation and survey on CRT glass treatment; Technology research and development of CRT glass comprehensive utilization, including fluorescent powder extract, CRT glass deep recycling, and smelt of cone glass.

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The outcomes of the project include: • 4 seminars with respect to management of CRT glass, then provide advises on the integrated solution; • Recommendations on environmentally sound management of lead-contained materials during CRT glass treatment • Recommendations on CRT glass comprehensive utilization. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 31.Organized the side event “Regional Chemicals Management and Metal Recycling” and made an exhibition on the Science Fair “From science to action, working for a safer tomorrow “during the 2015 Triple COPs on 4-17 May 2015. Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 6/30/2015 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD 15,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD 1.Shenzhen GEM High-Tech Co. Ltd 2.BCRC China/SCRC AP in kind contribution Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm convention of 2015, abbreviated as 2015 Triple COPs, was successfully held in Geneva, Switzerland from 4 to 17 May 2015. During the Triple COPs, SCRCAP/BCRC China was approved to hold side event of “Regional Chemicals Management and Metal Recycling”, and participated the Science Fair called “From science to action, working for a safer tomorrow” which was organized by the Secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm conventions (BRS Secretariat). The side event of “Regional Chemicals Management and Metal Recycling” was organized at 13:15-14:45 on 7 May 2015 in Room 3 of the International Conference Centre of Geneva. The meeting is organized by BCRC China /SCRCAP, the executive director of SCRCAP/BCRC China hosted the meeting. During the meeting, Ms. Li Lei, the deputy director general from Department of Pollution Prevention and Control, MEP of China; Ms. Maria Cristina, the chief of the BRS technical Assistance Branch gave the opening remarks. Dr. Heidelore Fiedler, the Senior Scientific Affairs Officer form UNEP Chemicals Branch gave closing remarks. Dr. Chen Yuan and Ms.Ren Junshu from SCRCAP/BCRC China respectively gave representations of “The Main Work Plan and Outcome of SCRCAP/BCRC China” and “Program on Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region”. After the presentations, Ms. Li Lei and Ms. Maria Cristina thought highly of the progress SCRCAP/BCRC China achieved and the role it played in promoting to achieve the goal of waste and chemical management set by the international community.They also represented great expectations for the events SCRCAP/BCRC China planning to conduct in the future. Then, Dr. Heidelore Fiedler summarized the activities and projects held by SCRCAP/BCRC China. She

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analyzed the potential environmental problems emerged from the process of metal recycling globally and further confirmed the necessity and timeliness to initiate the “Program on Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region” at the moment. Over hundreds participants from different countries attended this 1.5-hour meeting and gave high appraise. After the meeting, the BRS Secretariat also highly appraised the achievements SCRCAP/BCRC China, and offered an independent stand, one of the only 4 stand for regional centres, for SCRCAP/BCRC China. Through video shows, posters, pictures, leaflets, roll screens, etc., SCRCAP/BCRC China fully displayed their activities and achievements on management and disposal of electronic management, the collection and treatment of waste containing mercury, sustainable management of persistent organic pollutants, projects against transportation of hazardous waste, training and technology transfer, etc. during the Science Fair. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) http://synergies.pops.int/Decisionmaking/COPsandExCOPs/2015COPs/SideEvents/tabid/4656/language/en-US/Default.aspx http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257488855984/2015/05/16/1435137305408.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 32. Organized “Workshop on Promising Electronics Recycling Industry ” in Singapore on 12 November, 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 4/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 6/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD 19,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD ICM AG US$...10,000 Shenzhen Taolv Information Technology Co., Ltd US$...2,000 TES-AMM Corporation (China) Ltd. US$...2,000 Registration Fee US$...5,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The Workshop on Promising Electronics Recycling Industry was organized by BCRC China/SCRCAP in Singapore, on 12 November, 2015, back to back with Electronics Recycling Asia, WRF 2015, which was organized by World Recycling Forum with topic of “WHERE EAST MEETS WEST”. A total of 19 participants from 12 countries attended the Workshop. The workshop aims to make participants further understand the development potential and investment opportunities of electronics recycling in China, to further promote the “going out” of the Chinese advanced technology and equipment, and the technology transfer and technical assistance in Asia. During the workshop, representatives from BCRC China/SCRCAP and Chinese E-waste recycling enterprises introduced the relevant policy on E-waste recycling and development status of the industry in China, as well as the most advanced technology and equipments applied in China and online recycling platform practices. All the participants positively involved in the discussion, and represent the electronic recycling status in their counties and the possibilities of technology transfer. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The web site of BCRC China. http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2015/11/16/1477642836140.html

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* Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 33. Sign Memorandum of Understanding between Basel Convention regional centre for the Asia and pacific region in China and Basel convention regional center for training and technology transfer for the Arab States in Egypt on Strengthening Cooperationon 3 March, 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 3/3/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 3/3/2015 Duration in months 1 day Budget in USD Not answered List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Not answered Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) On 1-7 March,2015, Prof. Moustafa Hussein Kamel, the director of Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Arab States in Egypt visited BCRC China, to promote the cooperation between two centres. A Memorandum to promote the implementation of Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal both in Asia and Pacific Region and the Arab States through strengthening cooperation was signed during the visit. The main provision of the Memorandum is to cooperate in activities in the field of the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes and their minimization, according to the relevant provisions to the Basel Convention. The cooperative efforts will be associated within, but not limited to: 1) Cooperative on capacity building. 2) Collaborate on training, workshops and other activities carried by BCRC China and BCRC Egypt. 3) Cooperate on news dissemination. 4) Cooperate on resource mobilization. 5) Exchange of knowledge and technology transfer. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The web site of BCRC China. http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257488855984/2015/03/09/1427436840476.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 34. Sign Strategy Plan between SUEZ Asia Limited and Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific on Strengthening Cooperation on 28 October, 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 10/28/2015

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Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 10/28/2015 Duration in months 1 day Budget in USD Not answered List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Not answered Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The Strategy Plan is signed to strength cooperation between SUEZ Asia Limited and BCRC China to share resources and complementary advantages between university and enterprises by comprehensive, in-depth, and various forms of cooperation, and achieve win-win development. The cooperative includes, but not be limited to: ◇ Internship for students or staffs of BCRC China. SUEZ Asia Limited will arrange visit and internship for students to study the hazardous waste incineration process and working principle of equipment and facilities in enterprise according to the practical needs and depending on availability of SUEZ plants. ◇ Industry- University- Institute Cooperation. Based on the needs of SUEZ, set up research and development program with BCRC China to support SUEZ in finding technical solutions. ◇ Overseas Technical Visit. Organize domestic environmental protection enterprises and institutional organization to field visit to European companies. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) The web site of BCRC China. http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2015/11/02/1446688019989.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 35. Solid waste and hazardous waste management with supports to the implementation of Sino-US Environmental Cooperation programme in 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 4/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 9 months Budget in USD 30,700 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China US$30,700 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) This project aims to promote the environmental management and policy perfection of imported waste plastics in China by carrying out relevant policy research on waste plastic export management in the United States. The main research contents include: To sort out management policies and regulationson waste plastic in US; to

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analyze the situation exports of waste plastics in US and import in China, and to identify the problems; Based on the above study to complete the report “study on export management of the waste plastic in US”. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ Submitted the achievements to Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 36. Organized the 11th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 11) in Beijing, China on October 21-24, 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 7/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/30/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 79.170 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Registration fee US$79,170 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The 11th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 11) was successfully held in Beijing, China, from 21 to 24 October, 2016. The theme of the conference is “Green/Low-carbon/Circular/Development”. More than 450 participants from governments, universities, research institutions and industries from 27 countries and regions attended the conference. Totally, more than 60 experts from different countries were invited in the conference, and about 49 plenary presentations and 25 excellent lectures on the issue of Global Partnership on Waste Management, Circular Economy & Sustainable Development, Municipal Solid Waste, Electronic Waste Policy and 39-Management, High Level Forum of Circular Development, Biomass Waste Disposal and Energy Recovery, Environ- mentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes, Treatment and Reuse of Waste from Social Source, Regional Chemicals and Waste Management were delivered by the experts. Except for plenary and branch sessions, 3 workshops including Recovery Processing of Discarded Electrical Appliances and Electronics & Used Product Identification Workshop, Solid Waste Management in Macao and the Pearl River Delta Region and Seminar of Lead Based Paint Substitution and Lead Acid Batteries Recycling was held back-to-back with the conference. A field visit to facilities on recycling and disposal of hazardous waste, and treatment enterprises on waste electrical and electronic equipment was organized. An activity, a signing ceremony of the “Cooperation Agreement on the Development of Capacity Building for Hazardous Waste Co-processing” between Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific and Beijing Eco-island Science and Technology Co., LTD was held on the conference. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) The 11th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 11) was successfully held in Beijing, China, from 21 to 24 October, 2016. The theme of the conference is “Green/Low-carbon/Circular/Development”. More than 450 participants from governments, universities, research institutions and industries from 27 countries and regions attended the conference. Totally, more than 60 experts from different countries were invited in the conference, and about 49 plenary presentations and 25 excellent lectures

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on the issue of Global Partnership on Waste Management, Circular Economy & Sustainable Development, Municipal Solid Waste, Electronic Waste Policy and 39-Management, High Level Forum of Circular Development, Biomass Waste Disposal and Energy Recovery, Environ- mentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes, Treatment and Reuse of Waste from Social Source, Regional Chemicals and Waste Management were delivered by the experts. Except for plenary and branch sessions, 3 workshop * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 37. The Regional and National Online Training platform on Chemicals and Waste Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 7/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 24 months Budget in USD 40,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD 1 Ministry of Environmental Protection, China: US$20,000 2 BCRC China/SCRCAP in-kind contribution: US$20,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The Regional and National Online Training platform on Chemicals and Waste is developed to improve the regional/national capacity on chemicals and waste management and technology. It is developed based on the existing national training online platform on chemicals and waste management and technology built by BCRC China/SCRCAP. During 2015-2016, the Online Training platform has explored two modules. Firstly, a new module for regional online training system “Information Exchange Program in the Asia-pacific Region” has been developed for information exchange and counselling in Asia-Pacific region. Until now, more than one hundred courses on waste and chemical management and technical (in English and Chinese) has been published on the online training platform. and National Solid Waste Training Plan has been maintained and updated, over 30 courses has been uploaded on the platform in the past two years. The online training platform freely register to the public,Until December 2016,more than 1,300 people registered training platform. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of Online Training Platform http://training.bcrc.cn/ * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 38. Study on the Best Environment Practices of Producers on E-Waste Management (Case study on Mobile Phone) Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 11/1/2014

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Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 2/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 7/31/2016 Duration in months 18 months Budget in USD 70,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Apple Computer Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd US$70,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to promote the EPR implementation from the producer’s perspectives; to promote and increase the formal waste mobile phone collection by producers to fulfill their extended responsibilities; to filter out the best available recycling technologies. The activities include: 1) To study policy of waste mobile phone management; 2) To study the mobile phone collection scheme; 3) To Research the best available technology of waste mobile phone recycling. The outcomes include: ◇ A report on “Study on the Best Environment Practices of Producers on E-Waste Management” (in English and Chinese). Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The report has been submitted to Apple Computer Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. ◇ The website of BCRC China. Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 39. Recycling concepts and recyclability index of aircraft materials Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 9/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 8/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 280,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Boeing (China) Co. Ltd US$...140,000 BCRC China/SCRCAP In kind US$...140,000

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Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to define the recyclability of materials; to build a simple approach which can be determined mathematically, i.e. recyclability index, to measure the recyclability of material; to validate and improve the evaluation method of the recyclability. The activities include: 1) Define the recyclability of materials; 2) Build an evaluation method of the recyclability of aircraft materials; 3) Validate and improve the evaluation method of the recyclability. The outcomes include: ◇ A report on “Recycling concepts and recyclability index for aircraft material” (in English) Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The report has been submitted to Boeing (China) Co. Ltd submitted to Boeing (China) Co. Ltd ◇ The website of BCRC China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 40. Translation of Basel Convention Technical Guidelines(including 8 ones for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing, or contaminated with hazardous chemicals) Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 3/2/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 5/21/2016 Duration in months 3 months Budget in USD 13,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions US$13,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The overall objective of the project is to revise the existing Chinese versions of 8 (eight) Basel Convention Technical guidelines to take into account modifications adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its twelfth meeting (COP-12), and to translate 1 (one) Basel Convention Technical guidelines adopted by COP-12 from the English language to the Chinese language. The 9 technical guidelines include 8 ones for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing, or contaminated with hazardous chemicals. The technical guidelines are listed as below: 1) UNEP/CHW.12/ 5/Add.1: Technical guidelines: technical guidelines on transboundary movements of electronic and electrical waste and used electrical and electronic equipment, in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste under the Basel Convention 2) UNEP/CHW.12/ 5/Add.2: Technical guidelines: updated general technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with persistent organic pollutants 3) UNEP/CHW.12/ 5/Add.3: Technical guidelines: technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), its

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salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOSF) 4) UNEP/CHW.12/ 5/Add.4: Technical guidelines: updated technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes containing or contaminated with unintentionally produced polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, hexachlorobenzene, polychlorinated biphenyls or pentachlorobenzene 5) UNEP/CHW.12/ 5/Add.5: Technical guidelines: updated technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), including hexabromobiphenyl (HBB) 6) UNEP/CHW.12/ 5/Add.6: Technical guidelines: technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether, and tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether 7) UNEP/CHW.12/ 5/Add.7: Technical guidelines: technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with hexabromocyclododecane 8) UNEP/CHW.12/ 5/Add.8: Technical guidelines: updated technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing, or contaminated with mercury or mercury compounds 9) UNEP/CHW.12/ 5/Add.9: Technical guidelines on Technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with the pesticides aldrin, alpha hexachlorocyclohexane, beta hexachlorocyclohexane, chlordane, chlordecone, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, lindane, mirex, pentachlorobenzene, perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, technical endosulfan and its related isomers or toxaphene or with hexachlorobenzene as an industrial chemical Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) The outcomes of the activity include: • 8 (eight) revised Chinese versions of the existing Basel Convention Technical guidelines on TBM of e-waste, and on ESM of Mercury waste and POPs wastes; • Chinese version of 1 (one) Basel Convention Technical guidelines on ESM of pesticides wastes. * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 41.Organized the 2nd Meeting of Steering Committee of Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Asia and Pacific Region in Beijing, China on October 24, 2016 (including reviewing the Work plan and Activity Report of SCRCAP) Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 6/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 6/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD 5,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD BCRC China in kind contribution Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The second Meeting of Steering Committee of BCRC China was held in School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China on October 24, 2016. Totally 21 participants attended the meeting, including 5 Steering Committee members designated by Ministry of Environment of Cambodia, Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Lao PDR, Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia; 9 observers from United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Industrial

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Development Organization, Tsinghua University and related enterprises; 7 staffs from BCRC China. The representatives from Secretariat of Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions also attended the meeting online through Internet. Activity report 2015-2016, Business Plan 2016-2019, Strategic Plan 2017-2030 of BCRC China, the Work plan 2016-2019 and Activity Report (2015-2016) of SCRCAP, and other related issues were presented to the meeting for Steering Committee members to deliberate. Through discussion, the above documents were adopted. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China /SCRC AP. http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257488855984/2016/10/25/1477390967307.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 42.Technical Internship for Parties of Basel Convention/Stockholm Convention in 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 7/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 6months Budget in USD 14,401 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD In kind by BCRC China/SCRC AP Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) Since 2010, BCRC China/SCRCAP started the long-term internship program with the aim to improve the capacity of the officials of the parties on the Basel Convention and Stockholm Convention implementation in Asia and the Pacific. During 2016, 4 officials from DPRK were invited to BCRC China/SCRCAP for technical internship. During the internship, following activities was organized: ◇ Study the training courses on Online Training Platform. on chemicals and waste management and technology for treatment and disposals of chemicals and waste. ◇ Communicate on hazardous waste and POPs management and disposal technology with the experts from Tsinghua University, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences. ◇ Study guidance documents on chemicals and waste under Basel Convention and Stockholm Convention. ◇ Organize field visits to facilities with environmentally sound disposal technologies and equipments for Chemicals and waste. such as the E-waste dismantling, incineration facilities on chemicals and waste. ◇ Research on feasibility investigation of PCBs substitute and eliminations and the disposal technology of waste include PCBs. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China and SCRC AP

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Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 43.BCRC China/SCRCAP Submitted the Questionnaire on Experience and Capacity to Provide Technology Transfer Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 7/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD Not answered List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD BCRC China / SCRC AP in kind contribution Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) BCRC China/SCRC AP submitted the questionnaire on experience and capacity to provide technology transfer to the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. The purpose of this survey was to have acquaintance with the experience and capacity of transfer of technology of global Basel Convention / Stockholm Convention regional centres (BCRCs and SCRCs), and collected suggestions put forward by the regional centres for the Secretariat’ s support in undertaking technology transfer activities. BCRC China reviewed and reported over 10 technical assistance and technology transfer activities that it has implemented since it was established, which included regional projects, workshops, technical internship etc., and suggested that the Secretariat (1) carried out technology transfer pilot project to promote technology transfer and practical application; (2) set up a special program in the annual year budget for BCRCs and SCRCs to conduct technology transfer activities and pilot projects. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ the website of BCRC China /SCRC AP http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2016/09/23/1476153130227.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 44.Training on chemicals and waste management in DPRK during 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months

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12 months Budget in USD 12,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD BCRC China /SCRC AP in kind contribution Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objectives of this project are to improve DPRK’ s capacity building on chemicals and key wastes management, and to promote further cooperation and technology transfer on chemicals and key wastes management. A delegation headed by Professor Li Jinhui, the executive director of BCRC China/SCRCAP visited DPRK on 26-30 January, 2016. The main activities included: ◇ A bilateral meeting with key ministries of DPRK was conducted to understand the priority needs in the chemicals and waste management field in DPRK, and discussed further cooperation issues including possibilities of technology transfer on chemicals and waste management. ◇ Organized training workshop on implementation chemicals and wastes conventions, introduced the function of regional centres, the area of our research, the main mandates/activities and the application and implementation experience of the projects on chemicals and waste. 20 officials from a variety of ministries and agencies, DPRK, were participated. ◇ Held on a half-day workshop on PCB issues (previously identified as a top priority for action by DPRK). General information on PCBs, in-depth technical presentation on PCBs treatment and destruction was demonstrated during the workshop. 12 persons from a variety of ministries/agencies,DPRK,were participated. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2016/02/03/1455853826509.html Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 45.Sign Cooperation Agreement on the Development of Capacity Building for Hazardous Waste Co-processing with Beijing Eco-island Science and Technology Co. LTD Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 10/21/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) Not answered Duration in months Not answered Budget in USD Not answered List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Not answered Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of this activity is to Develop the capacity building activities for hazardous waste co-processing, stimulate the technology research and development, as well as the technology transfer and practice, and expand the influences in hazardous waste co-processing industry. The main areas of cooperation include, to hold “Supervision training program on hazardous waste co-processing in cement kiln” for officials from local environmental protection bureaus; to cooperate on providing technical services including training on hazardous

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waste co-processing for hazardous waste treatment enterprises at home and abroad, etc.; and to develop activities related to hazardous waste co-processing partnership in the Asia-Pacific region. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China. http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2016/10/23/1479717356105.html Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 46.Organized“Workshop on New Modes and Strategies of Electronics Recycling Industry in Asia” on 18 November.2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 9/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 9/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 11/30/2016 Duration in months 3 months Budget in USD 12,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD 1.Shanxi Tianyuan Green-Environmental Science and Technology Ltd. Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The Workshop on New Modes and Strategies of Electronics Recycling Industry in Asia was organize by BCRC China/SCRCAP in Macao, China on 18 November, 2016, back to back with Electronics& Cars Recycling, WRF 2016. A total of 19 participants from countries including China, Singapore, India, Sultanate of Oman, Canada, etc. attended the workshop. The workshop aims to provide a platform for information exchange, to make participants further understand the new modes and strategies of electronics recycling in China, to further promote the “going out” of the Chinese advanced technology and equipment, and the technology transfer and technical assistance in Asia. During the workshop, representatives from Macau University of Science and Technology and Chinese e-waste recycling enterprises introduced the new modes exploring of E-waste recycling in China, in-depth recycling technologies of e-waste and metal circulation, new model “E+ Recycling”, as well as the new challenges of e-waste recycling in China. All the participants positively involved in the discussion. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website of BCRC China. http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2016/11/21/1482204016714.html Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 47. Organized Special Topic Forum on Environmental Management Driven by Innovation in Beijing China on 18 December, 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 7/1/2016

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Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 7/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD 20,162 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD 1 China Everbright International Limited 2 Qinhuangdao Dongyang Technology Limited 3 Foshan Shunde Xinhuanbao Utilization Co.,Ltd Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The Special Topic Forum on Environmental Management Driven by Innovation in Beijing China on 18 December, 2016, with the aim to provide a platform for the exhibition and exchange of the achievements obtained in the field of environmental management, and further promote the development of the environmental management in China. Over 30 participants including experts from institutions and representatives from the enterprises attended the forum. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ The website http://www.mss.org.cn/newsinfo.php?nid=331 Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the * Basel Convention * * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 48.The Study on Mechanism of Lead Leaching form Scrap Cathode Ray Tube Funnel Glass Using Mechanical Activation and Strengthening Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2012 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2012 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 48 months Budget in USD 86,467 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to provide theoretical basis for the new technology for extracting lead from CRT funnel glass and also reference for the detoxification and recycling of other waste leaded glass. The outcomes of the project include: ◇ A report on The Study on Mechanism of Lead Leaching from Scrap Cathode Ray Tube Funnel Glass Using Mechanical Activation and Strengthening (In Chinese) ◇ 8 articles (in English) published in Journal, and 2 articles (in English) published in conference

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proceedings, two patents applied. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) ◇ Report submitted to National Natural Science Foundation of China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 49. Capacity-Building for Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Their Waste in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 3/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 3/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/30/2015 Duration in months 21 months Budget in USD 186,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD China Trust Fund US$...186,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to strengthen and support regulatory framework and technology awareness for the environmentally sound management of PBDEs (new POPs) to fulfil the obligations under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in the Asia-Pacific region. During the implementation period, 4 activities including:1) establish an information platform on PBDEs management and operational activities, 2) generate awareness on PBDEs management-videos, leaflets, brochures and other forms of publicity materials featuring PBDEs, 3) undertake a feasibility study on separation of PBDEs containing waste from the general waste stream, 4) organize a regional workshop to promote the information platform and share the outcomes and experiences were conducted in accordance with the project requirements. Based on the activities, the project has achieved the following outputs. �• Developed an information website “Capacity-Building for Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Their Waste in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries: PBDEs Elimination Action in Asia-pacific”, presenting information and activities on PBDEs management and operational activities and all the outputs of the project. �• Produced awareness raising materials including videos on PBDEs guidance, specifically guidance on best available techniques and best environmental practices for the recycling and waste disposal of articles containing PBDEs listed under the Stockholm Convention on POPs, and brochure on “The Application and Processing Technology of PBDEs” both in Chinese and English. �• Compiled a report on “Feasibility Study on Separation of PBDEs Containing Waste from the General Waste Stream” �• Organized a regional workshop on chemicals on October 28-29, 2015 in Mianyang, China. National reports on PBDEs management in selected countries, expert reports on experience of PBDEs management was presented during the workshop. �• Developed “Proposal for a Regional Strategy for PBDEs Management”. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc)

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http://pbde.bcrc.cn/ Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 50. Dynamic tracking and tendency investigation of the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management, especially POPs management in 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 11/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 14,402 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China US$...14,402 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to provide latest dynamic information on SC implementation progress and chemical management for the parties of SC, especially parties in Asia-Pacific Regions; to strengthen the capacity of parties in Asia-Pacific to better implement the SC; to promote the capacity building of SCRCAP. The activities include: 1) Record 1-2 training videos on POPs management and elimination 2) Compile monthly SCRCAP newsletters and semi-monthly SC dynamic briefing to deliver the latest information and experience on SC implementation and chemical management. The outcomes include: • Three training videos including one for “Guidance for the inventory, identification and substitution of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD)” (in English), one for “Guidance for the inventory, identification and substitution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)” (in Chinese) , and one on the framework and experience of chemical management in European Union (in English) • 21 semi-monthly SC dynamic briefing (in Chinese) and 12 monthly SCRCAP newsletters (in English) Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) The videos has been uploaded to the Online Training Platform: http://training.bcrc.cn/ Newsletters can be found: http://sc.bcrc.cn/col/1253668577875/index.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 51. Research on the import and export management mechanism analysis of toxic chemicals in typical countries Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 11/1/2014

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Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 14,402 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China US$...14,402 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of parties in Asia-Pacific to better implement the SC, to promote the capacity building of SCRCAP, and to provide information support on import and export management of toxic chemicals for China and other countries. Under the project, investigation on the mechanism of import and export management of toxic chemicals in Stockholm Convention and Rotterdam Convention, and in typical developed countries (European Union, American, Canada, New Zealand) and developing countries(China). The outcomes include: • A report on Analysis on the mechanism of import and export management of toxic chemicals in typical countries (in Chinese). Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Report submitted to Ministry of Environmental Protection of China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 52.Support developing Parties to phase-out industrial Organic Pollutants(POPs) Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 8/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 6/25/2014 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 4/30/2015 Duration in months 10 months Budget in USD 89,438 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions US$...89,438 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The overall objective including considerations on POPs free products alternatives and substitutes to be undertaken in Cambodia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka is to reduce exposure and risks emanating from new industrial POPs, through the identification and phasing out of new POPs in products and articles while introducing POPs

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free alternatives and substitutes. The activities include: 1) Develop a new module to be included in the existing guidance material to support Parties in identifying products and articles containing HBCD and best practices for using alternatives. 2) Organize field visits to different industrial places, compile the required information, including the status of laws and regulations, production and management of POPs, and conduct PBDE analysis and assess of samples from each country. 3) Organize training on PBDE identification, management, and substitution. 4) Develop case studies to support Parties to the Stockholm Convention in meeting their obligations in coordination with the selected countries. The outcomes of the project include: • Complete a document “Guidance for the identification and substitution of HBCD” • Three workshops was organized in Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Pakistan: � √ Training Workshop on “PBDEs Environmentally Sound Management and Elimination in Sri Lanka” on 27 November, 2015 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. 33 representatives from ministry of environment, customs, industry and agriculture sector as well as Dr.Roland Weber who is an expert on POPs from Germany, attended the workshop. � √ Workshop on “Sound Management of PBDEs and Phasing-out Opportunities in Cambodia” on 16 December, 2015 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. A total of 31 participants including officers from Cambodia Ministry of Environment, Customs, Ministry of Industry and Handicraft, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Ministry of Labor and Vocation Training as well as expert Dr. Roland Weber attended the workshop. � √ Workshop on “Sound Management of PBDEs and Phasing–out Opportunities in Pakistan” on 17 February, 2016. 39 participants including officers from Ministry of Climate Change, Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc., and expert Dr Roland Weber attended the workshop. • More than 60 samples are collected from these 3 countries and complete a publication: POPs in articles and phasing-out opportunities, which the analysis results are included. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) The publication can be downloaded from http://poppub.bcrc.cn/ News on workshops was issued on the monthly newsletter: http://sc.bcrc.cn/ * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 53. Research on the inventory of electronic and electrical products containing Polybrominated dipheyl ethers (PBDEs) and related policy management in China Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 7/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 5 months Budget in USD 21,575 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China US$...21,575

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Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to identify the components containing PBDEs in electronic and electrical (EEE) products, to provide information support for the inventory of PBDEs in EEE products, and to proposal for the management of PBDEs-contained products in China. The activities include: 1) Investigate the materials and components containing PBDEs in electronic and electrical (EEE) products, and the concentration as well as the distribution of PBDEs in related materials and products; 2) investigate the management status of PBDEs in EEE products in China and other developing countries, analysed the challenges and possible solutions faced by China. The outcomes include: • A report on “Research on the inventory of electronic and electrical products containing Polybrominated dipheyl ethers (PBDEs) and related policy management in China”(in Chinese) Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Report submitted to Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 54.Translation into Chinese of the State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 2012 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 4/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 10/1/2014 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 3/31/2015 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD 2,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD United Nations Environment Programme US$...2,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to translate, from English to Chinese, of the State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 2012 (EDC summary fro Decision-Makers, total of 15,169 words). The outcomes of the activity include: • Chinese version of EDC summary for Decision-Makers. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Document submitted to United Nations Environment Programme * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 55. Capacity building and information exchange for the implementation of Stockholm Convention and

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chemical management, especially POPs management in 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 7/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 17,264 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China US$...17,264 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of this project is to provide latest dynamic information on SC implementation progress and chemical management for the parties of SC, especially parties in Asia-Pacific Regions; to strengthen the capacity of parties in Asia-Pacific to better implement the SC; to share SC implementation experience of China with other parties; to improve people’s awareness on SC and environmentally sound management of chemicals. The activities included: 1) to compile monthly SCRCAP newsletter to deliver to all the parties to SC for reference, and semi-monthly SC dynamic briefing to relevant Chinese government agency; 2) to compile yearly publicity materials including brochures, videos and posters to share the experiences and lessons of chemical management and SC implementation in China. The outcomes of the project included: • Publicity materials including a video to introduce the SC implementation progress and achievements, 1 brochure to present information on PBDEs, a poster to deliver the requirements of SC on HBCD and the management experience of HBCD in China. • 20 semi-monthly SC dynamic briefing (in Chinese) (including latest information on chemical management and research progress) • 12 SCRCAP newsletters (in English) (including latest information on SC implementation progress and chemical management) Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Videos uploaded to http://ch.bcrc.cn/ Dynamic briefing and newsletters uploaded on: http://ch.bcrc.cn/, http://sc.bcrc.cn/col/1253668577875/index.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 56. Investigation on management status and tendency analysis of the newly listed persistent organic pollutants in Asia-Pacific regions Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 10/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu)

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12/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 18,703 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China US$...18,703 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to analyse the challenges that countries in Asia-Pacific regions face to meet the management requirements of the newly listed POPs under SC; to strengthen capacity for countries in Asia-Pacific regions on POPs management. Under the project, the current status of the legislation, production, usage, import and export, and substitution of newly listed POPs including polychlorinated Naphthalenes (PCNs), hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its salts and esters in typical Asia-Pacific Countries was investigated, the dynamic tendency of newly listed POPs’ management in Asia-Pacific countries and the challenges for these countries to meet the requirements under SC was analyzed. The outcomes of the activity included: • A report on the management status and tendency analysis of the newly listed persistent organic pollutants in Asia-Pacific regions. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Report submitted to Ministry of Environmental Protection, China * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 57. Information follow-up and trends analysis on the global chemical management Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 10/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 7,193 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China US$...7,193 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to disseminate the up-to-date progress and effective experience of chemical management in the global level and provide information support to the Chinese government on chemical management, especially for toxic chemicals.

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The outcomes of the activity includes: • A report on the development trends on the global chemical management. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Report submitted to Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 58. Inventory of chemicals in electric and electronic products (EEE) and research on related legislation management Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 11/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 7,193 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China US$...7,193 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to promote legal and systematic management of restricted chemicals in EEE products; to raise people’s awareness on restricted chemicals in products; to reduce the risk of human exposure to chemical in products; to strengthen the capacity building of SCRCAP. The project investigated the types, distribution and concentration of chemicals especially toxic or restricted substances in EEE products and the management of toxic or restricted chemicals regarding to legislation, pilot projects, substitution progress, etc. in developing countries and in China. Based on the investigation, management advices for management of chemicals in EEE product is proposed. The outcomes of the activity includes: • A report on Inventory of chemicals in electric and electronic products (EEE) and research on related legislation management Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Report submitted to Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 59. Baseline data investigation for the project “Sub-regional the project “Sub-regional Action Plan(Asia) for PBDEs management”

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Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 7/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 10/30/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 4/30/2016 Duration in months 5 months Budget in USD 40,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD United Nations Environment Programme US$...40,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the activity is to provide detailed information on PBDEs management in 5 countries. It includes coordinate the recruitment of national consultants from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka to deliver the baseline data investigation of PBDEs management in their countries, and the national reports reviewed and submitted by SCRCAP to United Nations Environment Programme. The outcomes of the activity: • National report on PBDEs management in Cambodia (in English) • National report on PBDEs management in Lao PDR (in English) • National report on PBDEs management in Mongolia (in English) • National report on PBDEs management in Pakistan (in English) • National report on PBDEs management in Sri Lanka (in English) Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Reports submitted to United Nations Environment Programme * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 60. Research on the status of alternatives to Decabrominated dipheyl ether in China and comparative analysis of related policy between China and other countries Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 5/25/2017 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 7 months Budget in USD 28,198 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD

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Ministry of Environmental Protection of China US$...28,198 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to develop management strategy for substitutes of PBDEs in China and provide information support for the government. The activities include: 1) Investigations on the production and usage of PBDEs’ substitutes in China, and the potential risk of the substitutes to the environment and the human health. 2) Comparative analysis on the management status between China and other developing countries, to proposal the management strategy for substitutes of PBDEs The outcomes of the project include: • A report on the substitute development status of Polybrominated dipheyl ethers (PBDEs) in China and related policy management between China and other countries (in Chinese) Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Report submitted to Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 61. Research on environmental risk analysis of mercury pollution in Electric light industry Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 4/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 9 months Budget in USD 15,400 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China US$ 15,400 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to understand the environmental risk of mercury pollution in Electric light industry. The detailed investigation include: 1) considering life-cycle management of electric light, to identify the environmental risk of mercury pollution during production process in China, 2) to analyse the environmental risk of mercury pollution in major production enterprises and surrounding environment based on models; 3) to propose the policy suggestion on establishing environmental risk analysis models of mercury pollution in Electric light industry. The outcome of the project includes: • A report on “Environmental risk analysis of mercury pollution in Electric light industry” Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Report submitted to Ministry of Environmental Protection, China

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Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 62. Reduction and phase-out of PFOS in priority sectors in China Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 11/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 14 months Budget in USD 107,803 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD GEF through Foreign Economic Cooperation Center (FECO), Ministry of Environmental Protection of China US$ 107,803 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to provide support to develop PFOS phase-out/BAT/BEP introduction sector plans in four priority sectors for the GEF project. Its activities include:1) conduct an in-depth survey in key provinces/areas in four priority sectors (PFOSF/PFOS production, metal plating, firefighting, & pesticide control); 2) develop screening criteria for selection of demonstration factories/industrial parks in priority sectors and feasibility study of economic and environmental risk in priority sectors; 3) develop sector plans in four priority sectors (production, metal plating, pesticide control, & firefighting); 4) assist FECO, draft Project Implementation Manual; 5) participate in and organize relevant meetings, and provide recommendations for GEF PFOS project The outcome of the project includes: • A report on “Reduction and phase-out of PFOS in priority sectors in China” Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Report submitted to Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 63. Demonstration project of POPs wastes mechanochemical disposal facility Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 7/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months

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6 months Budget in USD 43,121 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Ministry of Environmental Protection of China US$ 43,121 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The objective of the project is to promote the environmental sound management and disposal of POPs containing wastes in China, and promote the implementation of National implementation plan under Stockholm Convention. Its activities include: 1) site preparation and facility installation; 2) preparation of test chemical reagents; 3) demonstration of mechanochemical decomposition of POPs containing waste treatment system; 4) removal of mechanochemical decomposition facilities and site cleaning; 5) safety protection of mechanochemical decomposition demonstration. The outcome of the project includes: • Report on mechanochemical decomposition technology of POPs containing waste • Operation and management procedures of high-energy mechanical chemical treatment facilities Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) Report submitted to Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 64. Updates of information platform on “PCBs Elimination Action in Asia-pacific” Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 8/30/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 24 months Budget in USD 2,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD SCRCAP/BCRC China in kind contribution US$ 2,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The information platform on “PCBs Elimination Action in Asia-pacific” presents information on basic profile, regional inventory, laws and regulation on PCBs, as well as related research progress and dynamic news PCBs management and disposal, etc., with aim to provide a platform of Asia-pacific countries to share information/experience on PCBs issues and assist them to meet the obligations under SC. During 2015-2016, SCRCAP/BCRC China regularly tracked the dynamic news and latest research on PCBs, and updated the information timely. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc)

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http://pcbs.bcrc.cn/ Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 65. Organized “Regional workshop on sound life-cycle management of DDT under the Stockholm Convention” in Wuxi, China on 14-16 April, 2015. Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 3/27/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 7/1/2015 Duration in months 3 months Budget in USD 71,250 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD The secretariat of the Stockholm Convention US$...71,250 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) The overall objective of the workshop is to promote the capacity building of sound life-cycle management of DDT at national level and supporting related parties to meet the obligation of DDT under SC. The workshop was held on April 14-16, 2015 in Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases (JIPD), Wuxi, Jiangsu province, China. It was jointly organized by SCRCAP/BCRC China and Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. A total of 25 representatives including 16 from governments, 1 from UN organizations, 1 from IGOs, 3 from SCRCAP/BCRC China, 3 from institutes, and 1 from BRS secretariat, attended the workshop.The three-day training covered introduction of SC and its mandates on DDT, DDT and disease vector control: regional overview. Information exchanging parts on national experiences on disease vector control. Group discussion and exercises were arranged after the presentation and information exchange. At the last day, participants visited the National Key Laboratory on Parasitic Diseases, Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases, and experts introduced the Roadmap to develop alternatives to DDT. Summing-up meeting was held to discuss the efforts and achievements during the workshop. After the workshop, the certificates were awarded to all the participants to honour their active participation. The outcomes include: • A 3 (three)-day Workshop on sound life-cycle management of DDT under the Stockholm Convention • A report of the workshop (in English) Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) • News on workshop: http://sc.bcrc.cn/col/1253668524718/2015/04/17/1434076538615.html • Meeting minutes and questionnaires submitted to the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 66. Organized “The First Regional Forum on Chemical Management” in Mianyang, China on 28-29 October 2015.

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Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 12/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/30/2015 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 5,000 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD SCRCAP/BCRC China in kind contribution US$...5,000 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) On 28-29 October, 2015, the First Regional Forum on Chemical Management was held in Mianyang, China by SCRCAP/BCRC China, back-to-back the 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology. More than 20 participants including 5 national representatives from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Laos, Mongolia and Cambodia and international experts from Swedish Chemicals Agency attended the workshop, and the topics mainly focus on the needs of new POPs management and the performance requirements in these five countries. Mr. Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary from Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions and Mr. Shunichi Honda from International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC)/UNEP gave opening remarks. Mr. Rolph Payet emphasized the importance of chemicals management and affirmed the positive role of regional workshop on chemicals, hoped regional counties could use and support SCRCAP / BCRC China, he also encouraged to develop close collaboration among the government, industry and academic institution. Mr. Jinhui Li, Executive Director of SCRCAP/ BCRC China chaired the meeting. At the workshop, SCRCAP/BCRC China introduced the objectives of this regional workshop and shared three project concept note, expressed the good will of cooperation. Ms. Jenny Rönngren from Swedish Chemicals Agency gave a presentation titled ‘Phasing out PBDEs from use and the waste stream’. Delegates from Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Laos and Mongolia reported their status of chemicals and POPs management. This meeting maintained a platform for information sharing and experience exchange on chemicals and POPs within the Southeast Asian region, also, provided an opportunity to find the regional need for chemicals and POPs management, in addition, explored potential collaboration in the future. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) http://ch.bcrc.cn/col/1256347017715/2015/11/02/1446688231746.html * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 67. Organized “China POPs Forum 2015 & 10th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Guilin, China on 17-19 May, 2015 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 12/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015

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Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2015 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 47,307 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Registration fee US$...30,060 Sponsorship from enterprises: US$...17,247 Agilent Technologies (China) Limited US$...5,749 Thermo Fisher Scientific (China) Co., Ltd US$...4,312 CSD Emerging Environmental Technology Co., Ltd US$...4,312 Shanghai AMPEL Laboratory Technologies (Shanghai) Inc. US$...1,437 Reer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd US$...1,437 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) China POPs Forum 2015 & the 10th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants was held in Guilin, Guizhou Province, China on 17-19 May, 2015. The theme of the forum was “To update the NIP of Stockholm Convention; To promote the implementation progress on POPs”. More than 400 participants were present at the forum, including delegates from scientific research institutes, administrative offices and enterprises home and abroad. During the forum, topics including updates on National Implementation Plan of Stockholm Convention, management on PCDD/Fs and Mercury from Contaminated Soil, new implementation challenges on newly listed POPs including PFOS and technical endosulfan, etc. were discussed. Researchers from institutions represent their latest research finds on the analytical method, contamination status, control technologies, toxicological effects and environmental risk of POPs. Since the first forum in 2006, China POPs Forum has becoming a high-level communication platform for researchers, officials, and enterprises to review the progress on convention implementation, and to discuss the ongoing hotspots and tendency, as well as exhibit new emerging techniques on POPs analysis and control. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) http://forum.china-pops.net/dct/page/1 Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 68. Organized “China POPs Forum 2016 & 11th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Xi’an, China on 17-19 May, 2016 Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 12/1/2015 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2016 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 12/31/2016 Duration in months 12 months Budget in USD 45,858

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List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Registration fee US$...24,300 Sponsorship from enterprises: US$...21,558 Waters Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd US$...7,186 Shimadzu Enterprise Management (China) Co., Ltd US$...5,749 CSD IDEA (Beijing) Environmental Test & Analysis Co., Ltd. US$...5,749 Beijing LianzhonghangTrading Co., Ltd US$...1,437 Shanghai Panhe Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd US$...1,437 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) China POPs Forum 2016 & the 11th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants was held in Xi’an, Shanxi Province, China on 17-19 May, 2016. The theme of the forum was “Actions on Reduction of PCDD/Fs Emission: Technology and Management”. More than 500 participants were present at the forum, including delegates from scientific research institutes, administrative offices and enterprises home and abroad. During the Forum, the current status, inventories, and management strategies of PCDD/Fs emissions, as well as technologies for reduction of PCDD/Fs emission were emphasized for broadened exchange and deeper scientific discourse during the forum. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) http://forum.china-pops.net/dct/page/1 Global benefit not limited to a specific country This activity is related to the implementation of the Basel Convention * Stockholm Convention * Name of the project/activity 69. Organized “2015 International Symposium On Flame Retardants (BFR 2015)” in Beijing, China on 22 April, 2015. Year for which the activity was planned (select from menu) 12/1/2014 Year in which implementation was started (select from menu) 1/1/2015 Year in which implementation was completed (select from menu) 6/30/2015 Duration in months 6 months Budget in USD 123,467 List funding source(s) with corresponding amount in USD Registration Fee US$ 39,239 Sponsorship from enterprises US$ 42,114 Agilent Technologies (China) Limited US$ 5,030 CSD IDEA (Beijing) Environmental Test & Analysis Co., Ltd. US$ 5,749 Thermo Fisher Scientific (China) Co., Ltd US$ 4,024 Reer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd US$ 4,312 Beijing LianzhonghangTrading Co., Ltd US$ 5,749 Restek China US$ 5,030 Rockwell Group US$ 4,312 China Flame Retardant Association US$ 2,874 CHIRON AS US$ 2,156 ACCUSTANDARD INC US$ 2,874 Narrative Summary of the activity including the outcomes (in quantifiable terms as much as possible) 2015 International Symposium on Flame Retardants (BFR 2015) was organized in Beijing, China on April 21-24, 2015. It attracted more than 180 experts and scholars from China, America, Canada, United Kingdom, and Japan, Korea and other 18 countries and regions. During the 3-day meeting, over 98 presentations (4 conference reports, 52 oral presentations and 42 poster presentations) were presented. Deep-going communication and discussion on the analysis method of flame retardants, environmental exist levels and fate, ecological toxicological effects, human exposure and health effects, sources and control methods, risk assessment and management, control strategies and alternatives et al were conducted. Side events on flame retardants and POPs management policies in China and America, and fire

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safety and sustainable flame retardants were also held for the information exchange. Indicate the location of detailed information of this activity (e.g., weblink to the report, etc) http://bfr2015.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/70119 * Global benefit not limited to a specific country * 6. C. LIST OF THE ACTIVITIES/MEETINGS PARTICIPATED OR CONTRIBUTED List all those activities/meetings participated or significant contributions made by your centre if you feel that it is important to report such activities to the Conference of the Parties. You can use the add activity button located just below this text to add more activities, by adding one at a time. * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the Meeting of the small intersessional working group on technical guidelines on transboundary movements of e-waste (SIWG on E-Waste) in Konstanz, Germany on 19-20 January 2015. Relevant date 1/19/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the third meeting of the expert working group (EWG-3) on environmentally sound management (ESM) in Konstanz, Germany on 21 to 23 January 2015. Relevant date 1/21/2015 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the Seminar on Tripartite Joint Action Plan on Environmental Cooperation Among China, Japan and South Korea (2015-2019) in Shanghai, China on March 20th,2015 Relevant date 3/20/2016 * BC * * SC * * RC * Name of the project/activity Participated in the Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Asia-Pacific Region, and the Regional Meeting for Supporting the Ratification and Effective Implementation of Minamata Convention in Jakarta, Indonesia on 17-20 March, 2015 Relevant date 3/17/2015

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* BC * * SC * * RC * Name of the project/activity Participated in the 12th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention(COP-12),the 7th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention (RC COP-7) and the 7th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention (SC COP-7) in Geneva, Switzerland, 4-15 May, 2015. Relevant date 5/4/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the second 3R International Conference in Daejeon, Korea, on 21-23 May, 2015. Relevant date 5/21/2015 BC * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in “International Workshop on Chemicals” in Beijing, China on 13 July, 2015. Relevant date 7/13/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in 6th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific in Male, Maldives, on 16-19 December, 2015. Relevant date 10/16/2015 BC * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in “National Training on Sound Management of Chemicals” in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China on 9-11 September, 2015. Relevant date 9/9/2015 BC * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the International Training Programme ITP299 “Strategies for Chemicals Management” in Sundbyberg, Sweden on 7-29 September,2015 Relevant date 9/7/2015 * BC * * SC *

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* RC * Name of the project/activity Participated in “Supply chain security and controlling the trade in illegal, counterfeit and substandard pesticides Expert workshop” in Turin, Italy on 1-2 October, 2015. Relevant date 10/1/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the 51st International Conference on Waste Management and Landfill in Sardinia, Italy, on 5 - 9 October 2015. Relevant date 10/5/2015 BC * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the 4th Session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM4) in Geneva, Switzerland, on 28 September to 2 October, 2015. Relevant date 9/28/2015 * BC * * SC * * RC * Name of the project/activity Participated in annual joint meeting to enhance cooperation and coordination between the regional centres under the Basel and Stockholm Conventions in Geneva, Switzerland on 5-8 October 2015. Relevant date 10/5/2015 BC * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in “Experts symposium on Coordination and Updates of National Implementation Plan to the Stockholm Convention” in Beijing, China on 16 October, 2015 Relevant date 10/16/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the 2nd meeting of the China-EU Customs Solid Waste Control Working Group in Guangzhou, China, on 10-12 November, 2015. Relevant date 11/10/2015 BC * SC *

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RC Name of the project/activity Participated in “the 9th Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Chemical Management among China, Japan and South Korea” in Nanjing, China, 9-11 November, 2015. Relevant date 11/9/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in Fourth meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Environmentally Sound Management under the Basel Convention in San Francisco, USA , on 10-12 November, 2015. Relevant date 11/10/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in “International Workshop on Waste Prevention & 3R 2015” in Japan, on 11-13 November, 2015. Relevant date 11/11/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in Workshop 2015 of the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes in Singapore, on 23-25 November 2015. Relevant date 11/23/2015 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in 4th Annual Workshop of the Regional Enforcement Network for Chemicals and Waste (REN) in Beijing, China, on 25-26 November, 2015. Relevant date 11/25/2015 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the 9th 3R/Transboundary Movement of E-Waste Seminar among China, Japan and Korea in Seoul, Korea, on 3 December 2015. Relevant date 12/3/2015 BC * SC * RC

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Name of the project/activity Participated in the Expert Meeting on the Effectiveness Evaluation of Implementation of the Stockholm Convention for PCB and Sixth Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the PCB Elimination Network (PEN) at Czech Republic on 14-17 December, 2015. Relevant date 12/14/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in International Conference on Waste Management 2015” in Osaka, Japan, on 16-18 December 2015. Relevant date 12/16/2015 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the Asia and the Pacific regional consultations in preparation for the seventh session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee on mercury in Jakarta, Indonesia , on 20 - 22 January 2016. Relevant date 1/20/2016 * BC * * SC * * RC * Name of the project/activity Participated in Seventh session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury in Jordan, on 10 - 15 March 2016. Relevant date 3/10/2016 BC * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in “10th Regional Chemicals Management Forum” in Bangkok, Thailand on 3-9 March, 2016. Relevant date 3/3/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the teleconference of the Working Group of Experts on the Environmentally Sound Management of the Basel Convention Relevant date 2/1/2016 * BC * * SC * RC

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Name of the project/activity Participated in the 18th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (TEMM) in Shizuoka, Japan, on 27 April 2016. Relevant date 4/27/2016 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in "Development of Tools to Counter illegal Management and trade of Waste" Consortium Meeting; 4-7 April 2016.Bonn, Germany Relevant date 4/4/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated the web meeting "Global Partnership on Waste Management(GPWM) Steering Committee Meeting" in 9 May 2016. Relevant date 5/9/2016 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the 2nd Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, on 23-27 May 2016. Relevant date 5/23/2016 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in “National Training on Sound Management of Chemicals” in Changsha, Hunan Province, China on 4-6 May, 2016. Relevant date 5/4/2016 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participate in StEP web meetings on 31 May , 2016 Relevant date 5/31/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity

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Participated in Tenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG.10) in Nairobi, Kenya, on 30 May to 2 June, 2016. Relevant date 5/30/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in 4th annual e-waste world 2016 in Shanghai, China on 30 June - 1July,2016. Relevant date 6/30/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the fifth meeting of the expert working group on environmentally sound management (EWG-5 on ESM), in Bratislava, Slovakia, on 13-15 July 2016. Relevant date 7/13/2016 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in the Malaysia National Training Workshop for Enforcement Officers on Combating Illegal Trade in Chemicals and Waste in Malacca, Malaysia, on 5-8 September, 2016. Relevant date 9/5/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in workshop 2016 for the Asian Network for Prevention of Illegal Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes, in Semarang, Indonesia, on 6-8 September,2016. Relevant date 9/6/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in ISWA World Congress in Novi Sad, Serbia , on 19 - 21 September 2016. Relevant date 9/19/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in 3rd teleconference to the Informal Group on Household Waste , on 26 September 2016.

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Relevant date 9/26/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in 7th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific in Adelaide, Australia, 2-4 November, 2016. Relevant date 11/2/2016 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in 5th Annual Workshop of the Regional Enforcement Network for Chemicals and Waste (REN) in Bangkok, Thailand, on 8-9 November, 2016. Relevant date 11/8/2016 * BC * * SC * * RC * Name of the project/activity Participated in the Annual joint meeting to enhance cooperation and coordination between the regional centres under the Basel and Stockholm Conventions in Geneva, Switzerland on October 31 to November 2, 2016. Relevant date 10/31/2016 BC * SC * * RC * Name of the project/activity Participated in workshop on technical assistant and capacity building for the implementation of Rotterdam convention and risk assessment on chemicals in Kunming, China on November 23-25, 2016 Relevant date 11/23/2017 * BC * * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in 10th Sound Material-Cycle Society / Circular Economy / 3R and Transboundary Movement of E-waste seminars in Beijing, China, on 8 November 2016. Relevant date 11/8/2016 * BC * SC RC Name of the project/activity Participated in 3rd Meeting of the EU-China Working Group on Waste in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 15-16, November 2016. Relevant date

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11/15/2016 BC * SC * RC Name of the project/activity Participated in Seventh Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the PCB Elimination Network (PEN) in Asuncion, Paraguay on 2-3 December 2016. Relevant date 12/2/2016 7. PART 3: SPECIFIC INFORMATION ON THE TECHNICAL CAPABILITY OF THE CENTRE 1. Identification, documentation and implementation of actions and practices Give at least one example which demonstrates that your centre has the capability in all counts to identify, document and implement project activities. The examples should be based on facts and be verifiable. Please indicate how can we verify these examples. Capability of the Centre Means of verification

Example on identifying For BCRC China: 1.Project“China Fluorescent Lamps collection and treatment demonstration project” 2.Project“Guidance manual on Hazardous waste transport management in Suzhou, China” 3.Project“Online Pilot Training for the Environmental officers from Guizhou Province on solid waste management”; For SCRCAP: 1. Project “Capacity-Building for Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Their Waste in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries” 2.Project “Support developing Parties to phase-out industrial Organic Pollutants(POPs)” 3.Organized “The First Regional Forum on Chemical Management” in Mianyang, China on 28-29 October 2015. 4.Technical Internship for Parties of Basel Convention/Stockholm Convention in 2016

For BCRC China: 1.Base on the previous research on the collection and treatment on WFL, and BCRC China regularly search for project information, BCRC China developed the project proposal, project feasibility report and project implementation plan to European Commission for project public solicitation, and won the bidding in August 2013; 2.Based on the previous cooperation with Suzhou Solid Waste Management Center on capital building of environmental sound management on chemicals and waste, the needs of developing the Guidance manual had been identified. Through on consulting with Suzhou Solid Waste Management Center, the Guidance manual on Hazardous waste transport management in Suzhou, China has been decided with funds support from Suzhou Solid Waste Management Center. 3.Recognized the need of having environmental sound management on chemicals and waste, especially on the hazardous waste management in west of China. BCRC China developed the project proposal to organize the online

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training for the basic level environmental officers in Guizhou province of China. For SCRCAP: 1.Two commercial mixtures of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), namely commercial penta-BDE and octa-BDE (POP-PBDE) have been listed as new persistent organic pollutants (POPs) under the Stockholm Convention in 2009. PBDE have been widely used in products such as electrical and electronic equipment, textiles or plastics as flame retardants. Although the production of POP-PBDEs has stopped in 2004 (however, deca-BDE is still being produced and used) but large amounts are still in use and will end up in waste streams, which brings huge risk to the environment and human health. Several developing countries in Asia include Cambodia, Laos, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Mongolia have expressed the need for technical support to implement the requirements on new POPs and asked for technical assistance. In accordance with paragraph 4 Article 12 of Stockholm Convention, regional and subregional centres should provide technical assistance and promoting the transfer of technology to assist developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition to fulfil their obligations under this Convention. Therefore, it is meaningful for SCRCAP/BCRC China to conduct a regional project to understand the current status of PBDEs-containing waste in general waste stream, and provide assistance including information/experience/guidance to facilitate the establishment of legal and regulatory frameworks and promote the sound management of POP-PBDEs and related wastes. 2. New industrial POPs including HBCD and POP-PBDEs has been widely used in Aisa-pacific developing countries, and resulted in large amount of products and articles contained these chemicals. In order to reduce exposure and risks emanating from new industrial POPs, it is important to identify and phase-out these new POPs in products and articles. While, because of the circumstances and capacity constraints, the developing countries especially need to strengthen their

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national capacities, expertise and knowledge on new industrial POPs. Through this regional project, SCRCAP/BCRC China will support targeted developing countries on industrial POPs’ phase-out, assist them to meet the obligations under the Stockholm Convention, and promote the awareness-rising on using appropriate substitutes and POPs-free products. 3.In order to further understand the current status and national needs of chemical management and Stockholm Convention implementation in Asia-pacific parties, as well as to promote their involvement in the future activities/projects of SCRCAP/BCRC China, SCRCAP/BCRC China initiated a workshop and invited developing parties from Asia and Pacific region to discuss related issues. The platform will assist the centre to carry out counselling services and technology transfer based on the national needs of relevant countries and enhance the regional chemical management. 4.Education and training of technical person in developing countries is one main approach to help developing countries to manage chemical and waste in environmentally sound way. In accordance with paragraph 4 Article 12 of Stockholm Convention, regional and subregional centres should provide technical assistance and promoting the transfer of technology to assist developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition to fulfil their obligations under this Convention. Therefore, it is meaningful for SCRCAP/BCRC China to supply technical internship for Parties to learn the experience and knowledge on chemical and waste under the guidance of SCRCAP/BCRC China.

Example on documenting For BCRC China: 1.Project“China Fluorescent Lamps collection and treatment demonstration project” 2.Project“Guidance manual on Hazardous waste transport management in Suzhou, China” 3.Project“Online Pilot Training for the Environmental officers from Guizhou Province on solid waste management” For SCRCAP: 1. Project “Capacity-Building for Environmentally Sound Management

For BCRC China: 1.After project public solicitation, examination of the applications, and expert review, the proposal was finally approved by European Commission in August 2013. European Commission and BCRC China signed the project contract in September 2013. All project files were documented and kept by special project personnel in both sides; 2.BCRC China organized this work and finished Guidance manual on Hazardous waste transport

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(ESM) of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Their Waste in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries” 2.Project “Research on the substitute development status of Polybrominated dipheyl ethers (PBDEs) in China and comparative analysis of related policy management between China and other countries” 3.Project “Support developing Parties to phase-out industrial Organic Pollutants(POPs)”

management in Suzhou as the Project Agreement. 3.BCRC China developed the project proposal to the Guizhou Solid Waste Management Center based on the need of the Guizhou province, and was approved in January 2016. During the project, BCRC China prepared and submitted all the documentation as the Project Agreement. For SCRCAP: 1.According to the needs and implementation priorities of Parties, SCRCAP developed a project proposal with the activities agreed by all the partners and submitted to United Nations Environment Programme for approval to have the support with China Trust Fund and the agreement was signed in April 2015. All project files were documented in English and kept by special project personnel in both sides. 2. In order promote the substitute progress of PBDEs in products and articles in China and strengthen the management of chemicals in products, SCRCAP developed a project proposal and submitted to the Foreign Economic Cooperation Centre (FECO), Ministry of Environment Protection of China. After review and consultation process, FECO approved the proposal and signed the contract in May 2016. All project files were documented in Chinese and kept by special project personnel in both sides. 3.SCRCAP identified the need and implementation priorities of Parties, developed a project proposal and submitted to the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention. UNEP/BRS Secretariat approved the Small Grand Programme application and signed Agreement in April 2014. All project files were documented in English and kept by special project personnel in both sides.

Example on implement For BCRC China: 1.Project“China Fluorescent Lamps collection and treatment demonstration project” 2.Project“Guidance manual on Hazardous waste transport management in Suzhou, China” 3.Project“Online Pilot Training for the Environmental officers from Guizhou Province on solid waste management” For SCRCAP:

For BCRC China: 1.For this project, BCRC China build The project management office (PMO) to track progress according to the logical framework and additional indicators. The project team of BCRC China is responsible for the overall execution and coordination of the project. For implementing effectively this project, the Project Steering Committee meetings were held every

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1.Project “Capacity-Building for Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Their Waste in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries” 2. Training on chemical and waste management in DPRK during 2015-2016 3.Project “Investigation on management status and tendency analysis of the newly listed persistent organic pollutants in Asia-Pacific regions”

year, and BCRC China and the Chinese partners met on a more frequent basis. In addition, regular Project Advisory Group meetings ensured the project stays in touch with the realities of local business. The results of the technical/financial evaluations were compiled into progress reports (interim and final report) to be submitted to the Contracting Authority. The project was conducted and competed by BCRC China smoothly. 2.BCRC China completed the activities successfully and submitted the output on time according the project agreement. 3.In order to perfect the training, BCRC China conducted questionnaire survey on the situation and needs of hazardous waste management in Guizhou province. At the same time, collected the feedback of the course through the questionnaire to optimize the online training plan, also BCRC China invited exerts from MEP and Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, and so on to give reports on solid waste and hazardous waste management. At last, BCRC China made Video courses for the online training. All the work was conducted by the special project team in BCRC China. The online training was praised by all participants. For SCRCAP: 1.Through feasibility study on separation of PBDE containing waste from the general waste stream in participating Asia-pacific countries including China, Cambodia, Laos, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Mongolia and the Regional workshop for Chemical held in 2015, the project collected the basic information on PBDE containing waste management and identified the huge gap toward the environmentally sound management of PBDEs and PBDEs containing wastes in these countries, such as lack of legal framework and related operative mechanisms, lack of BAT/BEP on the screening and treatment of PBDEs-containing wastes, and low awareness among the industries and the public, etc.. After reviewing the feasibility study report and experts consultation, SCRCAP/ BCRC China completed a proposal for a regional strategy on PBDEs management. 2.SCRCAP/BCRC China in

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collaboration with Tsinghua University and Shenyang Academy of Environmental Sciences visited DPRK to explore further cooperation opportunities with Ministry of Land and Environment Protection (MoLEP), Ministry of Chemical Industry and other ministries, DPRK on chemical and waste management. During the visit, SCRCAP/BCRC China organized bilateral meetings with key ministries of DPRK to discuss the priority needs in the chemicals and waste management field in DPRK, and possibilities of technology transfer on chemicals and waste management. SCRCAP/BCRC China also conducted training workshops to present knowledge/experience on chemicals and wastes, especially on PCB issues, one top priority for action in DPRK. Officials from a variety of ministries and agencies participated in the workshop. 3.According to the contract, SCRACP/BCRC China conducted information survey through tracking dynamic information on the governments’ websites and reviewing latest literatures. The centre also consulted with experts from related associations such as China Flame Retardant Association and delivered a questionnaire on newly listed POPs to officials in targeted countries to obtain the first hand information/data. Based on the information and analysis, the management recommendations for newly listed POPs was put forward and a report on the management status and tendency analysis of the newly listed persistent organic pollutants in Asia-Pacific regions was completed.

8. 2. Identifying, undertaking and advancing cooperation, collaboration and synergies Give at least two examples, if possible, which demonstrate that your centre has the capability in identifying, undertaking and advancing cooperation, collaboration and synergies while implementing project activities. The examples should be based on facts and be verifiable. Please indicate how can we verify these examples. Centre's capability in identifying,

undertaking and advancing cooperation and collaboration and synergy

Means of verification

Example 1. For BCRC China: 1.Sign Memorandum of Understanding between Basel Convention regional centre for the

1.In order to promote implementation of Basel Convention, BCRC China and BCRC Egypt signed Memorandum of Understanding on 6 March, 2015. Cooperative efforts will be

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Asia and pacific region in China and Basel convention regional center for training and technology transfer for the Arab States in Egypt on Strengthening Cooperation; 2.Organized the 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 10) in Mianyang, China on October 28-30, 2015; 3.Sign Cooperation Agreement on the Development of Capacity Building for Hazardous Waste Co-processing with Beijing Eco-island Science and Technology Co. LTD 4.Technical Internship for Parties of Basel Convention/Stockholm Convention in 2016

associated within activities in the field of the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes and their minimization, including Cooperate on capacity building; collaboration on training, workshops and other activities related to chemical and waste management and treatment; Cooperate on news dissemination etc. This MOU constitutes an expression of a shared intention of the Parties to endeavor to develop foundations for achieving their shared objectives relating to the protection of the environment and developing and strengthening systems, institutions, organizations and individuals concerned with environmental protection. http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257488855984/2015/03/09/1427436840476.html 2.The 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT10) was successfully held in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, China, from 28th to 30th on October, 2015. The theme of the conference is "Towards Environmental Quality Improvement". ICWMT10 gathered more than 500 participants from governments, universities, research institutions and enterprises from 26 countries and regions. A lot of organizations from governments, research institutions, universities and industries joined the conference organization and participation. There are 6 workshops including Regional workshop on Chemicals, Sludge management and utilization workshop, E-waste policy and collection, and so on. http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257488855984/2016/10/25/1480296686860.html 3.To Develop the capacity building activities for hazardous waste co-processing, stimulate the technology research and development, as well as the technology transfer and practice, and expand the influences in hazardous waste co-processing industry. The main areas of cooperation include, to hold “Supervision training program on hazardous waste co-processing in cement kiln” for officials from local environmental protection bureaus; to cooperate on providing technical services including training on hazardous waste co-processing for hazardous waste treatment enterprises at home and abroad, etc.; and to develop activities related to hazardous waste co-processing partnership in the Asia-Pacific region. 4.Base on visiting DPRK in 2014 and 2016, BCRC China/SCRC AP identified the needs of DPRK on implementing the Basel Convention and Stockholm Convention. In 2016, 4 officers from DPRK work on waste and chemicals were

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invited to BCRC China/SCRCAP for technical internship. During the internship, to communicate on hazardous waste and POPs management and disposal technology with the experts in China, to study guidance documents on chemicals and waste of Basel Convention and Stockholm Convention, to visit the facilities with environmentally sound disposal technologies and equipments for Chemicals and waste. During the internship, BCRC China also support to accomplished the research on feasibility investigation of PCBs substitute and eliminations and the disposal technology of waste include PCBs.

Example 2. For SCRCAP: 1. Organized “China POPs Forum 2015 & 10th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” and “China POPs Forum 2016 & 11th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants”Project 2.“Supporting developing parties to phase-out industrial Organic Pollutants (POPs)”

1. Since 2006, China POPs Forum has provided a high-level platform to review the progress on convention implementation, and to discuss the ongoing hotspots and tendency, as well as exhibit new emerging techniques on POPs analysis and control. It has established long-term cooperation relationship with institutions and enterprises to be involved in the forum and contribute to solve POPs issues in China. The institutions include but not limit to Persistent Organic Pollutants Committee of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Committee of Chemical Society for Environmental Chemistry and Beijing Key Laboratory of Emerging Organic Pollutants Control. The enterprises include Waters Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, Agilent Technologies (China) Limited, Shimadzu Enterprise Management (China) Co., Ltd, CSD IDEA (Beijing) Environmental Test & Analysis Co.,Ltd., Thermo Fisher Scientific (China) Co., Ltd, CSD Emerging Environmental Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing LianzhonghangTrading Co., Ltd, Shanghai AMPEL Laboratory Technologies (Shanghai) Inc., Shanghai Panhe Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd, Reer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 2.Project “Support developing Parties to phase-out industrial Organic Pollutants (POPs)” was implemented during 2014-2015. It was supported by UNEP Regional Office for Asia-Pacific/UNEP Country Office in China, China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Center and Ministry of Environment of Cambodia, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Lao PDR, Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia, Ministry of Environment Pakistan, Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy of Sri Lanka. Swedish Chemicals Agency also invited to provide expertise and information on PBDEs management. This project promotes the information and experiences exchange between different countries in PBDEs management. The outcomes and experiences obtained in this project can be

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applied in other Asia-pacific countries, which faces similar challenges on PBDEs management.

9. 3. Identification of additional financial resources and other donors to fund projects Give a list of donors/funds mobilized to implement the activities/projects by the centre. The example should be based on facts and be verifiable. Please indicate how can we verify these examples. Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP: Project “Capacity-Building for Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Their Waste in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries”

China Trust Fund US$ 186,000 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Project “Capacity building and information exchange for the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management, especially POPs management in 2016”

Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China

US$ 17,264 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Project “Capacity building and information exchange for the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management, especially POPs management in 2016”

Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China

US$ 17,264 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Project “Capacity building and

Ministry of Environmental

US$ 17,264 Project contract; Finance Office and

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information exchange for the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management, especially POPs management in 2016”

Protection(MEP), China

account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Project “Capacity building and information exchange for the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management, especially POPs management in 2016”

Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China

US$ 17,264 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Project “Capacity building and information exchange for the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management, especially POPs management in 2016”

Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China

US$ 17,264 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Project “Capacity building and information exchange for the implementation of Stockholm Convention and chemical management, especially POPs management in 2016”

Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP), China

US$ 17,264 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Project “Translation into Chinese of the State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 2012”

United Nations Environment Programme

US$ 2,000 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Support developing Parties to

The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and

US$ 13,000 Project contract; Finance Office and

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phase-out industrial Organic Pollutants(POPs)

Stockholm Conventions account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of


Activity SCRCAP:Reduction and phase-out of PFOS in priority sectors in China

GEF through Foreign Economic Cooperation Center (FECO), Ministry of Environmental Protection of China

US$ 107,803 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of


Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2015 & 10th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Guilin, China on 17-19 May, 2015

Agilent Technologies (China) Limited

US$5,749 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2015 & 10th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Guilin, China on 17-19 May, 2015

Thermo Fisher Scientific (China) Co., Ltd

US$4,312 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2015 & 10th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Guilin, China on 17-19 May, 2015

CSD Emerging Environmental Technology Co., Ltd

US$4,312 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2015 & 10th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Guilin, China on 17-19 May,

Shanghai AMPEL Laboratory Technologies (Shanghai) Inc.

US$1,437 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

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2015 Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2015 & 10th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Guilin, China on 17-19 May, 2015

Reer Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

US$1,437 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2016 & 11th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Xi’an, China on 17-19 May, 2016

Shanghai Panhe Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd

US$1,437 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2016 & 11th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Xi’an, China on 17-19 May, 2016

Beijing LianzhonghangTrading Co., Ltd

US$1,437 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2016 & 11th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Xi’an, China on 17-19 May, 2016

Shimadzu Enterprise Management (China) Co., Ltd

US$5,749 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2016 & 11th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Xi’an, China on 17-19 May, 2016

CSD IDEA (Beijing) Environmental Test & Analysis Co., Ltd

US$5,749 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

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Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “China POPs Forum 2016 & 11th National Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants” in Xi’an, China on 17-19 May, 2016

Waters Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

US$7,186 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “2015 International Symposium On Flame Retardants (BFR 2015)” in Beijing, China on 22 April, 2015

Restek China US$5,030 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “2015 International Symposium On Flame Retardants (BFR 2015)” in Beijing, China on 22 April, 2015

Rockwell Group US$4,312 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “2015 International Symposium On Flame Retardants (BFR 2015)” in Beijing, China on 22 April, 2015

China Flame Retardant Association

US$2,874 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “2015 International Symposium On Flame Retardants (BFR 2015)” in Beijing, China on 22 April, 2015

CHIRON AS US$2,156 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity SCRCAP:Organized “2015 International Symposium On Flame Retardants (BFR


US$2,874 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

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2015)” in Beijing, China on 22 April, 2015

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC/SC:Organized the 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 10) in Mianyang, China on October 28-30, 2015

Southwest University of Science and Technology

US$46,000 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC/SC:Organized the 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 10) in Mianyang, China on October 28-30, 2015

China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd

US$2,880 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC/SC:Organized the 10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT 10) in Mianyang, China on October 28-30, 2015

Sound Group US$2,880 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC/SC:Organized the side event “Regional Chemicals Management and Metal Recycling” and made an exhibition on the Science Fair “From science to action, working for a safer tomorrow “during the 2015 Triple COPs on 4-17 May 2015.

Shenzhen GEM High-Tech Co. Ltd

US$5000 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC/SC:Research on Policy and Technology of CRT Glass Comprehensive Utilization

Tianjin Loyalty Glass Material Co., Ltd

US$302,180 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

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Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC/SC:China Fluorescent Lamp collection and treatment demonstration project

European Commission US$1,255,641 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC/SC:Study on the Best Environment Practices (BEP) of Producers on E-Waste Management - Case study on Mobile Phone

Apple Computer Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd

US$70,000 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC/SC:Recycling concepts and recyclability index of aircraft materials

Boeing (China) Co. Ltd US$140.000 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC/SC:Project on the Application and Subsequent Processing of Typical Electronic Waste Equipment in Macao, China

Environmental Protection Bureau of Macao SAR of China

US$341,560 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC: Project on E-waste Management in 2015

Ministry of Environmental Protection of China

27,700 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC:Policy Research on Fund Collection and Subsidy Innovation Model

National Development and Reform Commission, China

38,460 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC:Development of an interactive online training and capacity building module on electronic and electrical waste("e-waste")

the Secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

10,000 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

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Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC:Online Pilot Training for the Environmental officers from Guizhou Province on solid waste management

Guizhou Solid Waste Management Center

7,700 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC:Study on the legal status of waste HV-battery and mathematic model/software with integrate digital road map of China

Volkswagen(China) Investment Co. Ltd,

61,600 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC:The 1st and 2nd National Training Workshop for Environmental Officers on Supervisions of Disposal Facilities of Hazardous Waste in 2016

1.Ministry of Environmental Protection, China; 2 SCIP SITA Waste Services Company Ltd (Shanghai), 3 SCIP SITA Waste Services Company Ltd (Nantong),

38,300 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC: Guidance manual on Hazardous waste transport management in Suzhou, China

Suzhou solid waste management center

22,300 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC:Research on the Supervision of Solid Wastes in China and EU Customs

General Administration of Customs of China

23,000 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

Title of activity Source of funding Amount (USD) Means of verification

Activity BC:Organized the publicity meeting on Program on Public and Private Partnership for Metal Recycling in Asia and the Pacific Region, on 28 October 2015

Shenzhen GEM High-Tech Co. Ltd

5,000 Project contract; Finance Office and account record of Tsinghua University

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10. 4. Managing and conducting activities efficiently, effectively and transparently Give at least one example which demonstrates that your centre conducts its activities efficiently, effectively and transparently in implementing project/activities. The examples should be based on facts and be verifiable. Please indicate how can we verify these examples. Example on centre's capability to

conduct its activities...Means of verification

Efficiently For BCRC China: 1.The 1st and 2nd National Training Workshop for Environmental Officers on Supervisions of Disposal Facilities of Hazardous Waste in 2016; 2.Research on Policy and Technology of CRT Glass Comprehensive Utilization For SCRCAP: 1.Project “Translation of Basel Convention Technical Guidelines (including 8 ones for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing, or contaminated with hazardous chemicals) ” 2.Organized “The First Regional Forum on Chemical Management” in Mianyang, China on 28-29 October 2015. 3. Project “Support developing Parties to phase-out industrial Organic Pollutants (POPs)

For BCRC China: 1.Based on the experience on training in national and regional, BCRC China completed the detail work plan and successfully held two training workshop, Totally 41 participants of local solid waste management departments of China attended this workshop. and the final summary report was submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection on time. In addition, the training report videos also made into courses and uploaded to the online training platform of BCRC China. Until now, more than one hundred people has been learned courses. 2.BCRC China was responsible for coordinating and communicating with the company, and the research team held discussion meetings or seminars monthly to report progress to the company. Meanwhile, as the benefited party, the company could propose their suggestions in their actual demand. Once there were problems encountered that hampered the project, both responded and made solutions rapidly; For SCRCAP: 1.According to the agreement contract and the requirements from the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, SCRACP conducted the translation/revision of the 9 technical guidelines in order as required and submitted to the Secretariat once completed 3-5 documents. In addition, revise advices were proposed by the Secretariat and SCRACP made the amendment timely according to the advice. The activities completed before the deadline required by the contract. 2.The forum is planned to have 5 regional parties and UNEP gathered to discuss the outputs of the China Trust Fund project, but because of the

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interest and support from BRS Secretariat and Swedish government, the forum was organized to discuss the outputs of the project and review the workplan of SCRCAP and 3 other project proposals with international experts from Swedish Chemicals Agency and Executive Secretary of BRS Secretariat. 3.Three workshops organized in the 3 countries of Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Cambodia are required by the project. SCRCAP/BCRC China finished the activities and recorded the presentations of the international experts to edit into videos uploaded on the Regional and National Online Training platform on Chemicals and Waste of BCRC China/SCRCAP.( http://training.bcrc.cn/)

Effectively For BCRC China: 1.The 1st and 2nd National Training Workshop for Environmental Officers on Supervisions of Disposal Facilities of Hazardous Waste in 2016; 2.Research on Policy and Technology of CRT Glass Comprehensive Utilization For SCRCAP: 1.Project “Translation of Basel Convention Technical Guidelines (including 8 ones for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing, or contaminated with hazardous chemicals) ” 2.Project “Research on the status of alternatives to Decabrominated dipheyl ether in China and comparative analysis of related policy between China and other countries” 3.Project “Research on Policy and Technology of CRT Glass Comprehensive Utilization”

For BCRC China: 1.The national training workshop focus on improving the knowledge and practical ability of local environmental officers on supervision of incineration disposal facilities of hazardous waste. Through the questionnaires of the workshop form the participants, This training workshop was appreciated of ability enhancement by most of representatives. 2.The new achievements on Policy and Technology of CRT Glass Comprehensive Utilization in the project will enhance the level of CRT (cathode ray tube) glass comprehensive utilization in China; For SCRCAP: 1.According to the agreement contract and the requirements from the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, SCRACP conducted the translation/revision of the 9 technical guidelines in order as required and submitted to the Secretariat once completed 3-5 documents. In addition, revise advices were proposed by the Secretariat and SCRACP made the amendment timely according to the advice. The activities completed before the deadline required by the contract. 2.The forum is planned to have 5 regional parties and UNEP gathered to discuss the outputs of the China Trust Fund project, but because of the interest and support from BRS Secretariat and Swedish government, the forum was organized to discuss the

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outputs of the project and review the workplan of SCRCAP and 3 other project proposals with international experts from Swedish Chemicals Agency and Executive Secretary of BRS Secretariat. 3.Three workshops organized in the 3 countries of Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Cambodia are required by the project. SCRCAP/BCRC China finished the activities and recorded the presentations of the international experts to edit into videos uploaded on the Regional and National Online Training platform on Chemicals and Waste of BCRC China/SCRCAP.( http://training.bcrc.cn/) 1.The guidelines revised/translated during this project are submitted to the Secretariat and uploaded to the official website of the Convention for users to download. 2.Decabrominated dipheyl ether (Deca-BDE) is widely used as flame retardants in consumer products, which will be listed in the SC because of its POPs characteristics and threatens the environment and human health. The output of the project will promote the development of safer substitute of Deca-BDE, promote information support for the government to take actions on Deca-BDE, and accelerate the phase-out of Deca-BDE in China. The report was finished and approved by FECO timely.3.The achievements of the project “Recommendations on environmentally sound management of lead-contained materials during CRT glass treatment” were submitted to the Ministry of Environment Protection; “Recommendations on CRT glass comprehensive utilization” and final report were submitted to the company to provide guidance on CRT glass utilization.

Transparently For BCRC China: 1.The 1st and 2nd National Training Workshop for Environmental Officers on Supervisions of Disposal Facilities of Hazardous Waste in 2016; 2.Research on Policy and Technology of CRT Glass Comprehensive Utilization. For SCRCAP: 1.Project “Translation of Basel Convention Technical Guidelines (including 8 ones for the environmentally sound management of

For BCRC China: 1.Before the agreement contract, project proposal and detailed work plan were delivered to MEP of China; After examination and modification, the contract was final signed by both; After the workshop, BCRC China submitted summary report on the workshop as specified in the contract, and the documents of this workshop were send to the participants by email; all the report videos could be found on the

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wastes consisting of, containing, or contaminated with hazardous chemicals) ” 2.Project “Research on the status of alternatives to Decabrominated dipheyl ether in China and comparative analysis of related policy between China and other countries” 3.Project “Research on Policy and Technology of CRT Glass Comprehensive Utilization”

online training platform of BCRC China. http://en.bcrc.cn/col/1257488855984/2016/11/28/1480467766289.html http://training.bcrc.cn/ 2.Both parties invited experts to guide and supervise the implementation process of this project. For the activities to ensure the transparency, this project made report-back meeting quarterly, accepting the inquiry from expert of both parties; For SCRCAP: 1.Final progress report and Final expenditure report SCRCAP are compiled and delivered in English and in electronic copies. They were submitted to the Secretariat as required. 2.SCRCAP/BCRC China and FECO cooperate to monitor the progress of the project. The project report compiled in Chinese and the financial statement on the use of funds were submitted to FECO, Ministry of Environment Protection of China. 3. Both parties invited experts to guide and supervise the implementation process of this project. For the activities to ensure the transparency, this project made report-back meeting regularly, accepting the inquiry from expert of both parties.

11. 5. Capacity to meet various language requirement of the region/subregion Give at least one example that demonstrates that your centre meets various language requirements of the region. The examples should be based on facts and be verifiable. Please indicate how can we verify these examples. Language Means of verification

1. English 1.Project “Organized “Workshop on Promising Electronics Recycling Industry” in Singapore on 12 November, 2015.” The workshop aims to make participants further understand the development potential and investment opportunities of electronics recycling in China, to further promote the technology transfer and technical assistance in Asia. BCRC China/SCRCAP and Chinese E-waste

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recycling enterprises introduced the relevant policy on E-waste recycling and development status of the industry in China. The meeting language is English ,and all the documents of the meeting were translated into English. 2.Project “Capacity-Building for Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Their Waste in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries” was implemented in five countries which is neither English nor Chinese, but the workshops and documents and outputs are all in English.

Language Means of verification

1. Chinese 1. Project “Capacity Building on Environmental Sound Management of Hazardous Waste and Transboundary Movement Control of E-waste in 2016” The project was conducted in China, which included development a video training course on Technical guidelines of Basel Convention both in Chinese and English, and providing newsletters on Basel Convention in Chinese, to improve the knowledge of Basel Convention in China. 2.Project “Translation into Chinese of the State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals 2012" and Project “ Translation of Basel Convention Technical Guidelines”(including 8 ones for the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing, or contaminated with hazardous chemicals) Translate a set of guidance documents from English to Chinese

Language Means of verification

1. Chinese 1.Project “Research on the Transboundary Movement of E-Waste in China, Japan and South Korea”The project need to organize an information exchange meeting sharing the latest discoveries and developments related to the illegal transboundary movement of e-waste between China, Japan and South Korea, the meeting language is English. BCRC China collected the information from three countries and analyzed the Specific cases on illegal transboundary movement of E-waste , to complete the final research report in Chinese.2.Project “Inventory of

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chemicals in electric and electronic products(EEE) and research on related legislation management” The project is implemented in Chinese.

12. The Secretariat would like to congratulate you on your success of completing this report. By clicking review and submit button you will have an opportunity to review your report. After submitting it you will be given opportunity to download the report which you can even print for your records. Thank you very much for submitting it to us. Language Not answered Means of verification Not answered  
