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[^ress. PILES I H Supposiiory Scra'lod

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Zi&dQdP&q [^ress. E}BTA3 Llrili ED BY O. B.QOULD. I HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHKD EVERY THURSDAY ' TERMS OFSUBBCRIPTION: Per year |2 00 If paid inadvance t' 50 ! ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements are publishedat th e rate of one lollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents per square for each snbsequentinsertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are ow and uniform, and will be furnished on appli- cation Legal ami Official Advertising persquare.three lmesor less,|'2 00; each subsequent insertionSO cents per square. Local noticest en cents ner line for oneinsertion, Ove cents per linefor eacnsubsequentcousecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per i ne. Sirapleannouncements of births, marriages und deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 perjear over Ave lines, at the regular rates of advertising No localinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, And affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper will be discontinued until arrearages ?repaid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for In advance. 43-No advertisements will be accepted at less h lllthe price for fifteen words. Religious notices free. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For State Treasurer, JOHN O, SHEATZ, of Philadelphia. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For County Treasurer, C HAS. J. HOWARD, of Portage. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, ) LUCAS COUNTY. J' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie j is senior partner of the Arm of P. J. j Cheney & Co., doing business in the ; city of Toledo, County and State a/ore- ; Bjiid, and that said firm will pay the ? slim of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eacn and every case of Catarrh that | cfennot be cured by the use of Hall's j Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed j in my presence, this 6th day of Decern- i her, A. D., 1886. A. W. GLKASON, | SEAL. ) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- j ally, and acts directly o;i the blood and ; mucuous surfaces of the system. Send j for testimonials freo. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. j Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take i Hall's Family Pills for constipation. j Panama Canai Erie Canal. Machinery is diir'/ing tlio Panama j Canal a thousand tiroes quicker than the | shovel dug the Erie Machinery produces the L. & M. Paint ? at 50 limes less cost lor labor, than if| made by hand. The IJ. IV M., gives the best job in the j wotld, becaui-e L. iV M. Zinc hardens i li. it M., White Lead aud makes L. fc j M. Paint wear iike iron for 10 or 15 i years. _ | It only requites I gallons of this cele-! brated p'lint and '\u25a0'> gallons of Linseed Oil j at GO cts per gailou, to paint a moderatl sized house. If any detect exists in L. & M. Painte will repaint house for nothing. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. Co. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903, 24-tf. Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's "Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, then try this clover Coffee imitation. Dr Shoop has very closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet be has not even a single grain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt Nuts, etc You will surely like Health Coffee. Sold by all dealera. "Everybody Should Know." .Vs (' <!. Hays a prominent business man of iJ!t !) .Mo., that Bucklen's Ar- nica Salve is the quickest and surest heal- ing salve ever applied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a case of piles, I've used it aud know what I'm taking about." Guaranteed by all druggists. -sc. John Hiba, a prominent dealer of Vin- iug, la., says: J have been selling De- Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills for ab.mt a year and they give better satis- faction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction iu every ease. I have used them myself with line results." Sold by R. C. Dod- SOD, Pile 6 get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles dis- appear like magic by its use. Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by all dealers. I'll stop your pain free. To show you first?before spend a penny?what my PinkjPlain Tablets can do, I wil mail you free a Trial Package of them ?Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neu- ralgia, Headache; Toothache, Period pains, etc.. are due alone to blood con- gestion. Dr. Shoop's lleadacheTabletß mmply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Slioop, Racine, Wis. Sold by all dealers. You can get all kinds of good cedar hititrles at C. B Howard & Co.. Council Proceedings. Regular meeting Borough Council, Emporium, August 5, 1907. Present: Messrs. Marshall, White, Norris, Cloodnougb, Cramer and Green. ; Absent: Messrs. Gregory and Hamilton. Minutes of last regular and special j meetings read and approved. Moved by Mr Marshall, seconded | by Mr. Norris, that John Narby be given a refunding order for dog tax amounting to SI.OO, 1907 taxes. Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Cramer, seconded by > Mr. Norris, that a committee be ap- I pointed to investigate matter of frail- > chise for Emporium Telephone Co., and report at next regular meeting of , Council, and that all Councilmen be I notified to attend. Carried. The President appointed Messrs. Cramer, Norris and White as Com- mittee. Moved by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Green that Street Commissioner be authorized to putin a larger surface water sewer at Fifth and Walnut streets. Carried. Moved by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Marshall that bills as read be paid, with exception of bill from The Elec- tric Installation Co., amounting to SB2 .06, and bill from Joshua Bair amounting to $25.00. Carried. Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Norris that The Electric Installa- tion Co., be offered $28.06 for payment in full for their bill rendered April 20 th. Carried. John Welch, Work on streets $ 29 75 James Murray, do 35 00 James Davin, do 16 62 James Mulcahy, do 1 75 F. D. Logan, Team Work Streets 4 00 Emporium Water Co., Jan. to July 1907.. 500 09 W. W. Knickerbocker, extra work online 3 25 St. Marys Gas Co., Gas for July, Aug. 1907 21 75 Fabric Fire Hose Co., Invoice 247 00 L. L. Welsh, Filing saws 50 Emporium Planing Mill, Invoice 1 50 Stephens & Saunders, Invoice 29 Emporium Machine Co., Invoice 1 SO Cataract Electric Supply Co., Invoice (3 6163 The Fairbanks Co., Invoice 10 85 Robertson Electric Co., Invoice (2' 15 80 Erie Oil Co., Invoice 1 70 Kobertson Electric Co., Invoice (4) 39 33 C. I(. Howard Co., Invoice (2) 3 51 Cameron County Press, .Stationary SO 50 O. S, Allen, Insurance East Ward 25 00 F. D. Leet, Insurance City Hall 21 CO W. F. Lloyd, Paid Freight bills 1 98 F. D. Logan, 2) Hauling Hose Cart etc... 0 Oo Treasurer's and Police reports read and ordered filed; collections as fol- lows: From Josiah Howard, Street Paving §372 97; from Emporium Mill- ing Co., £22.13; for License $58.00; fines $15.00. On motion Council then adjourned. R.C. MOORE, Sec'y. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Shoop's Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The i Heart or The Kidneys, Troubles of the j Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere- !ly symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treat | ing symtoms only. Symtom treatment | is treating the result of your ailment, : and not the cause. Weak Stomach ; nerves?the inside nerves?mean Stom- i acli weakness, always. And the Heart, i and Kidneys as well, have their con- trolling or inside nerves. Weaken | these nerves, and you inevitably have i week vital organs. Here is where Dr j Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. ? Xo other remedy ever claims to treat j the "inside nerves" Also for bloating, j biliousness, bad breath or complexion j use Dr Shoop's Restorative. Write j me today for sample and free Book. 1 Dr. Shoop, Ilacine, Wis. The Restora- i live is sold by all dealers. Some Good Bargains. ! I have several pieces of summer suit- i ing which I will sell at great reduction i during July and August. THEO. HABERSTOCK, 22-4t. Over Express Office. Our base ball team were defeated at Ridgway on Saturday and at Johnson- burg yesterday. The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of human lile is many years below the attainment possible with the advanced knowledge ot which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its dura- tion. seems to be between 50 and GO; the proper care of the body during this decade cannot be too strongly urged; care- lessness tlieu being fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper after 50 is Electric Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalizes every organ of the body. Guaranteed by all druggists. 50c. ALLEGHENY COL LEQE. This college has recently taken a new place | among the collegts of the country. Within five years, six new buildings have been erected, new professors added and entering classes nearly doubled. Good traditions, strong faculty, superb location, beautiful grounds and buildings, reasonable expenses. Fall term opens September 17th. Write for cata- logue to President Crawford, Meadville, Pa. Dissolution Notice. "VT OTICE ia hereby given to the public that the co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, who were engaged in farming and dealing in meat, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm of O. W. Sewell and Grant Haynes are re- quested to settle the same with either member. C. W. BKWELL. (JRANT HAYNES. Gardeau, Pa., July 25th, 1907. 2-1-81 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA?- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Harrisburpr, Pa., July 25, 1907. ADDITIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE TEPORT OF COM- MUNICABLE DISEASES. EN ORDER to carry out the provisions of the Act of Assembly or April twenty-seven, one thousand nine hundred and five, entitled, "An Act creating a Department of Health and de- fining its powers and duties," the Department of Health of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has adopted thefollowing additional Rules and Regulations governing the control of Communic- ahßESOLVED: That Section 1 of the Rules and Regulatioas as published in Circular No. 1 which reads as follows: "All physicians practicing within the limits of the State shall make an immediate report of every case occurring in their practice <>r tho diseases hereinafter specified, if occurring in a city or borough, to the Secretary of the Hoard of Health of such city or borough, and if occurring within the limits of a township, to the County Medical Inspector of the county in which said township may be located, and also to the Department of Health at liarrisburg," be amended to read ns follows: All physicians practicing within the limits of the State shall make an immediate report of every case occurring in their practice of the diseases hereinafter specified, if occurring in a city or borough, to the Secretary of the Hoard of Health, Bureau of Health or Sanitary Com- mittee of such city or borough, and if occurring within the limits of a township, to the Health Officer in charge of the township in which said patieut may be located. PROVIDED, that In any city or borough not having a Hoard of Hureau of Health or Sanitary Committee, the report of such cases occurring within the limits of said city or borough shall be made directly to the Department of Health, and PROVIDED, further that when a vacancy shall be known to exist in the position of Health Officer in any township, the report of such cases occurring within the limits of such township shall be made directly to the State Department of Health. RESOLVED: That physicians or others in charge of hospitals situated in cities or borougns shall report cases of diseases herein- after specified occurring in cities and boroughs to the respective local Hoards of Bureaus of Health or Sanitary Committees of such cities or boroughs, daily, and report all suoh oases of communicable disease received from territory outside of cities or boroughs to the State De- partment of Health at Harrisuurg at the end of each week. PROVIDED, that in any city or borough not; havingaßoard of Health or Bureau of Health or Sanitary Committee, the report of suoh cases occurring within the limits of said city or borough shall be made directly to the Depart- ment of Health. RESOLVED: That physicians or others in charge of hospitals situate in the respective townships outside of cities and boroughs shall report cases of the diseases hereinafter specified received from cities and boroughs to the respec- sive local health authorities of the cities and boroughs from which the cases are taken, daily, provided that where such city or borough has no Hoard of Health, Bureau of Health or Sanitary Committee, the report of such cases , shall be made directly to the Department of Health, and shall report all such cases received from the townships outside of cities and boroughs to the State Department of Health ,»t liarrisburg at the eud ofe»ch week. RESOLVED. That when none of the diseases hereinafter enumerated occurs in a citp or borough during any calendar mouth a report of this fact shall be mad" by the Secretary of the Board or Bureau of Health or Sanitary Committee at the end of such month to the Department of Health at liarrisburg 011 the report cards supplied for this purpose. RESOLVED: That the quarantine period for cases of scarlet fever shall be 30 days from the date of onset of the disease, provided that at the end of said period the physician in charge certifies in writing that desquamation . lias entirely and absolutely ceased. The diseases refered to above and of which report is required to be made by physicians and health authorities are as follows: Actinomyco- sis. Anthrax, Bubonic Plague, Epidemic Cerebro Spinal Meningitis (Spotted Fever), Chicken- pox, Cholera. Diphtheria (So-called membranous croup, diphtheritic croup, putrid sore throat, should be reported a* diphtheria), Epidemic Dys- j entery, Erysipelas, German Measles, Glanders, Hydrophobia, Leprosy, Malerial Fever, Measles, Mumps, Pneumonia (true Perpetual Fever, Re- lapsing Fever, Small-pox, Scarlet Fever, 'So- called scarlatina and scarlet rash should be re- ported as scarlet fever,) Tetanus, Trachoma, Trichiniasis, Tuberculosis (specify what form 1, Typhoid Fever, Typhus Fever, Whooping Cough and Yellow Fever. SAMUEL G. DIXON, Commissioner, A BEAUTIFUL FACE I Before Using II you have pimples, blotches, ®or other akin imperfections, vou can remove them and have a clear and beautiful complexion by using BEAUTYSKIN Kemovea Skin Imperfections. Beneficial results guaranteed jy i tor money refunded. ff Send st am p for Free Sam 1»le, \ . Particulars and Testimonials. Mention this paper. After Using. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1907. * *!fe J* *&***!********* *)*«**&:*»*** if Plumbing Perfection !! \u25a0 i! !! n H 13 a n *1 You cannot exercise too mnch caution in II the selection of your plumbing fixtures. Their construction and manner of installation is of paramount importance to you if you would have II good health. || N We insure you plumbing of a high char- II 11 . ? ii acter. Let us estimate for you. Whether you II are going to build or remodel, it will pay you to pj| II examine|the fixtures we have on display and get || II II j||| our prices. cj »* !! \u25a0>« >5 *-* ** Stephens SS aunders Plumbing Co. :i II r " J II to 112 * ** m **js* ** ** ** **** A. ***Sfc ** ** ** ** *% x* ** ** m **m ** ** * Scald Proposals. SEA LED proposals will he received by the Com- missioners t>f Cameron County, Pa., at their office in the Court House in Emporium. Pa., un- til eleven o'clock, a. in., on the 2<>th day of Aug. ISO7, and opened two hours later, for build- ing the substructure and superstructure of a highway bridge in Hhippen Township, Cameron County, Pa. Plans and Specifications for said bridge may be seen in the Commissioners Office. Bidders must submit a certified check on the First National Bank of Emporium, Cameron County, Pa., for amount mentioned in specifica- tions on file, Commissioners reserving the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. LEWIS. S. P. KREIDER, O. L. UAILEY. Commissioners. Monday, July 22, 1907.?23-St. Divorce Notice. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ' CAMERON COUNTY. Katie Fenstermaker ) Supeona sur Libel for vs > Divorce. Nor 39 May William Fenstermaker \ Term, 1907. NOTICE TO RESPONDENT. To WILLIAM FENSTERMAKER, respondent in the above entitled case: ~X/~OU are hereby notified, in pursuance of the X order of the Court of Common Pleas of the said county of Cameron, to be and appear in the said Court"on the fourth Monday of October next, being the twenty-eighth day of said month, to answer the petition or libel heretofore preferred by the libellant, Kattfe Fenstermaker, your wife, and show cause, if any you hnve, why the said Kattie Fenstermaker should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you, agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Hereof fail not, under penalty of having the said petition heard and a decree of divorce granted against you in your absence. y. D. SWOPE, Sheriff. Emporium. Pa., July 13, 1907.?22-lt. Divorce Notice. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF COMERON COUNTY. Elizabeth A. Nolan ) Subpoena sur Libel in vs Divorce. No 41 May Charles L. Nolan ) Term. 1907. NOTICE TO RESPONDENT. To CHARLES L. NOLAN, respondent in the above entitled case: "V7"OU are hereby notified, in pursuance of the 1_ order of the Court of Common Pleas of said County of Cameron, to be and appear in the said Court on the fourth Monday of October next, being the twenty-eighth day of said mouth, to answer the petition or libel heretofore preferred by the libellant, Elizabeth A. Nolan, your wife,, ami show cause ifany you have, why the said Elizabeth A. Nolan, should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you, agreeably to the art of Assembly in such case made and provided. Hereof fail not under penalty of having the said petition heard and decree of divorce granted against you in your absence. J. D. SWOPE, Sheriff. Emporium, Pa., July 13.1907. 22-lt. Mice of Stockholder's Meeting. OFFICE OF PENN VITRIFIED BRICK CO.. Cameron, Pa., July 16th, 1907. rpHEPenn Virtrified Brick Company having 1 by its Board of Directors duly declared Us purpose to increase the indebtedness of said cor- poration has by resolution duly adopted directed that tlio question of such proposed increase shall be submitted to the stockholders of said corpora- tion for their consent. Notice is therefore here- by given that a special meeting of the stock- holders of tho. Penn Vitrified Brick Company will be held at their office, 18 Ohio Street, Buf- ffalo. New York, on the the 19th day of Septem- ber, 1907, at two o'clock p. m., when and where an election of the stockholders will be taken for or against such increase of indebtedness. Bv order ol'the Board of Directors, 22-st. W. H. O. WALKER, Secretary. rnsc.Ric: '.vs COUGH SYRUP mmn um m honey^tah Bed Clove: Sloasom uiul Uuney Bee on Every lio'.th, \ \ \ X N \ \\ \\ V \ i /, SECOND TO NONE Z ADAM, . ' MELDRUM & ' ANDERSON Co. ' / % y 39(5-408 Main Street, / /, BUFFALO, N. Y. \ / \ \ 1 1 " I jf I BUFFALO'S I S LEADING i > DEPARTMENT J ; STORE REFUNDS | | YOUR RAILROAD 1 j FARES | ACCORDING TO \ i THE AMOUNT t I OF YOUR J PURCHASES i S | v | YOU CAN SHOP I I BY MAIL I t % I \ / \ £ ADAM, I K' P MELDRUM & > % % , ANDERSON;CO / 112. ; / American Block, Buffalo, N.Y. / I \ V. V \ \ V.\ \ N X \ \ V Administratrix'** Notice. Estate of MA 1' s. O'DELL, Deceased. T ETTERS of Administration on the estate of 1 J May H. O'Dell, late of the Borough of Em- porium, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceas- ed have been granted to Esteila H. Coppersmith, residing in said borough, to whom all persons in- debrd to said estate are requested to make pay- ment, and those having claims or demands, will make known the same without delay. ESTELLA S. COPPEHSMITH, ? _ Administratrix. (J HI:EN &I' KI.T, Attorneys. Emporium, Pa., Juiv 23,"1907.?23-4t. n n Acnr« gna-anterd if you use \u25a0 1 PILES H UO P Y ,| E Supposiiory I Scra'lod School., f'tntf.Tlne, N.C.. write: '\u25a0' I c»n .'iv |B \u25a0 i 11.7 Uo >ll yt* claim 112 r thi m." Ilr. H. M. UuTuri" I \u25a0 lUvf-o Rock, W. Va., wrlt.-n j "Tliogi, o stilv, rsalniitia'\u25a0 \u25a0 faotion." Ilr. H. D. McGtll, Clark .bur*, Tino «ritca-H |A ' In a procilce or JS j-ati, I hav< found no 112 ined, to\u25a0 \u25a0 equal yours." PKIC, 60 CINT». Samples Fr<«. Sollß Jby l>ruggi.l3. MARTIW BODY. UWCABTEB, PA. I Sold in Emporium by L. TaggartO R. C. Dodson CALL FOR FREE iAMPLr PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SI.OO from Emporium to Romantic Portage Falls AND RETURN EVERY SUNDAY DURING August and September, 1907 SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves 8:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Portage Falls Park 5:15 P. M. Tickets will be good going and returning only on Special Train on date of issue. Baggage will not be checked 011 these tickets. CHILDREN BETWEEN FIVE AND TWELVE YEARS OF AGE, HALF FARE. J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, Pa No. 652-21-13t. "Stfiftly the seasons come and go" \ Haying and Harvesting Supplies # Will soon be needed, and our stock is very complete. Binder Twine, Hay Rope, hay Forks hay Rakes, Etc, Will yon allow us to quote you prices. Agents for McGormick Harvesting Machinery I F. V. HEILMAN & CO j w a 1 RUGS, RUGS,] RUGS Our Rug department is under the supervision of Mrs. B. Egan. Every Rug was selected by her with special care and carefully inspected. They are new and strictlv up to date. No close outs or lor last year stock. Many of you bought rugs here last year and can attest to the line rugs we carrv. This year we show a still larger and better stock. Neve be- fore has such rugs been placed on sale in this part of the state. As irreputable proof that the adver- tisements of this store jis believed and lived up to, we point with pride to our phenomenal increase in business. "We try to merit your patronage by dealing with you just as we would like to be dealt with. EMBALMING AND FUNERAL DIRECTING Emporium Furniture Co., HKRNARI) KGAK, Manager. 4
Page 1: [^ress. PILES I H Supposiiory Scra'lod

Zi&dQdP&q [^ress.E}BTA3 LlriliED BY O. B.QOULD.


HENRY H. MULLIN,Editor and Manager.



If paid inadvance t' 50 !


Advertisements are publishedat th e rate of onelollarper square for one insertion and fiftycentsper square for each snbsequentinsertion.

Rates by the year or for six or three months areow and uniform,and willbe furnished on appli-

cationLegal ami Official Advertising persquare.three

lmesor less,|'2 00; each subsequent insertionSOcents per square.

Local noticest en cents ner line for oneinsertion,

Ove cents per linefor eacnsubsequentcousecutiveInsertion.

Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents peri ne. Sirapleannouncements ofbirths, marriagesund deaths willbe inserted free.

Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 perjearover Ave lines, at the regular rates of advertising

No localinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.

JOB PRINTING.The Job department of the PRESS is complete,

And affords facilities for doing the best class ofwork. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO LawPrinting.

No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages?repaid, except at the option ofthe publisher.

Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid forInadvance.

43-No advertisements will be accepted at lessh lllthe price for fifteen words.

Religious notices free.


JOHN O, SHEATZ, of Philadelphia.


C HAS. J. HOWARD, of Portage.


Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie jis senior partner of the Arm of P. J. jCheney & Co., doing business in the ;city of Toledo, County and State a/ore- ;Bjiid, and that said firm will pay the ?slim of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARSfor eacn and every case ofCatarrh that |cfennot be cured by the use of Hall's jCatarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY.

Sworn to before me and subscribed jin my presence, this 6th day of Decern- iher, A. D., 1886.

A. W. GLKASON, |SEAL. ) Notary Public.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- jally, and acts directly o;i the blood and ;mucuous surfaces of the system. Send jfor testimonials freo.

F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. jSold by all Druggists, 75c. Take i

Hall's Family Pills for constipation. j

Panama Canai Erie Canal.Machinery is diir'/ing tlio Panama j

Canal a thousand tiroes quicker than the |shovel dug the Erie

Machinery produces the L. & M. Paint ?at 50 limes less cost lor labor, than if|made by hand.

The IJ. IV M., gives the best job in the jwotld, becaui-e L. iV M. Zinc hardens ili. it M., White Lead aud makes L. fc jM. Paint wear iike iron for 10 or 15 iyears. _ |

It only requites I gallons of this cele-!brated p'lint and '\u25a0'> gallons of Linseed Oil jat GO cts per gailou, to paint a moderatlsized house.

Ifany detect exists in L. & M. Paintewill repaint house for nothing.

Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium.

Warning.Allpersons are hereby forbidden from

trespassing upon the property of thisCompany without a permit from thisoffice, or the Superintendant at theworks.

KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. Co.Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903,


Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's"Health Coffee." Ifreal coffee disturbsyour Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, thentry this clover Coffee imitation. DrShoop has very closely matched OldJava and Mocha Coffee in flavor andtaste, yet be has not even a single grainofreal Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's HealthCoffee Imitation is made from puretoasted grains or cereals, with MaltNuts, etc You will surely like HealthCoffee. Sold by all dealera.

"Everybody Should Know.".Vs (' <!. Hays a prominent business

man of iJ!t !) .Mo., that Bucklen's Ar-nica Salve is the quickest and surest heal-ing salve ever applied to a sore, burn orwound, or to a case of piles, I've usedit aud know what I'm taking about."Guaranteed by all druggists. -sc.

John Hiba, a prominent dealer of Vin-iug, la., says: J have been selling De-Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills forab.mt a year and they give better satis-faction than any pill I ever sold. Thereare a dozen people here who have usedthem and they give perfect satisfactioniu every ease. I have used them myselfwith line results." Sold by R. C. Dod-SOD,

Pile 6 get quick and certain relief fromDr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Pleasenote it is made alone for Piles, and itsaction is positive and certain. Itching,painful, protruding or blind piles dis-appear like magic by its use. Largenickel-capped glass jars 50 cents.Sold by all dealers.

I'll stop your pain free. To showyou first?before spend a penny?whatmy PinkjPlain Tablets can do, I wilmail you free a Trial Package of them?Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neu-ralgia, Headache; Toothache, Periodpains, etc.. are due alone to blood con-gestion. Dr. Shoop's lleadacheTabletßmmply kill pain by coaxing away theunnatural blood pressure. That is all.Address Dr. Slioop, Racine, Wis.Sold by all dealers.

You can get all kinds of good cedarhititrles at C. B Howard & Co..

Council Proceedings.Regular meeting Borough Council,

Emporium, August 5, 1907.Present: Messrs. Marshall, White,

Norris, Cloodnougb, Cramer and Green. ;Absent: Messrs. Gregory and

Hamilton.Minutes of last regular and special j

meetings read and approved.Moved by Mr Marshall, seconded |

by Mr. Norris, that John Narby begiven a refunding order for dog taxamounting to SI.OO, 1907 taxes. Car-ried.

Moved by Mr. Cramer, seconded by >Mr. Norris, that a committee be ap- Ipointed to investigate matter of frail- >chise for Emporium Telephone Co.,and report at next regular meeting of ,Council, and that all Councilmen be Inotified to attend. Carried.

The President appointed Messrs.Cramer, Norris and White as Com-mittee.

Moved by Mr. Norris, seconded byMr. Green that Street Commissioner beauthorized to putin a larger surfacewater sewer at Fifth and Walnutstreets. Carried.

Moved by Mr. Norris, seconded byMr. Marshall that bills as read be paid,with exception of bill from The Elec-tric Installation Co., amounting toSB2 .06, and bill from Joshua Bairamounting to $25.00. Carried.

Moved by Mr. White, seconded byMr. Norris that The Electric Installa-tion Co., be offered $28.06 for paymentin full for their bill rendered April20th. Carried.John Welch, Work on streets $ 29 75James Murray, do 35 00James Davin, do 16 62James Mulcahy, do 1 75F. D. Logan, Team Work Streets 4 00Emporium Water Co., Jan. to July 1907.. 500 09W. W. Knickerbocker, extra work online 3 25St. Marys Gas Co., Gas for July, Aug. 1907 21 75Fabric Fire Hose Co., Invoice 247 00L. L. Welsh, Filing saws 50Emporium Planing Mill, Invoice 1 50

Stephens &Saunders, Invoice 29Emporium Machine Co., Invoice 1 SOCataract Electric Supply Co., Invoice (3 6163The Fairbanks Co., Invoice 10 85Robertson Electric Co., Invoice (2' 15 80Erie Oil Co., Invoice 1 70Kobertson Electric Co., Invoice (4) 39 33C. I(. Howard Co., Invoice (2) 3 51

Cameron County Press, .Stationary SO 50O. S, Allen,Insurance East Ward 25 00F. D. Leet, Insurance CityHall 21 COW. F. Lloyd, Paid Freight bills 1 98F. D. Logan, 2) Hauling Hose Cart etc... 0 Oo

Treasurer's and Police reports readand ordered filed; collections as fol-lows: From Josiah Howard, StreetPaving §372 97; from Emporium Mill-ing Co., £22.13; for License $58.00; fines$15.00.

On motion Council then adjourned.R.C. MOORE, Sec'y.

I will mail you free, to prove merit,samples of my Shoop's Restorative,and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The

i Heart or The Kidneys, Troubles of thej Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere-!ly symptoms of a deeper ailment.Don't make the common error of treat

| ing symtoms only. Symtom treatment| is treating the result of your ailment,

: and not the cause. Weak Stomach; nerves?the inside nerves?mean Stom-

i acli weakness, always. And the Heart,i and Kidneys as well, have their con-trolling or inside nerves. Weaken

| these nerves, and you inevitably havei week vital organs. Here is where Dr

j Shoop's Restorative has made its fame.? Xo other remedy ever claims to treat

j the "inside nerves" Also for bloating,j biliousness, bad breath or complexion

j use Dr Shoop's Restorative. Writej me today for sample and free Book.

1 Dr. Shoop, Ilacine, Wis. The Restora-i live is sold by all dealers.

Some Good Bargains.! I have several pieces of summer suit-i ing which I will sell at great reductioni during July and August.

THEO. HABERSTOCK,22-4t. Over Express Office.

Our base ball team were defeated atRidgway on Saturday and at Johnson-burg yesterday.

The Limit of Life.The most eminent medical scientists

are unanimous in the conclusion that thegenerally accepted limitation of humanlile is many years below the attainmentpossible with the advanced knowledge otwhich the race is now possessed. Thecritical period, that determines its dura-tion. seems to be between 50 and GO; theproper care of the body during thisdecade cannot be too strongly urged; care-lessness tlieu being fatal to longevity.Nature's best helper after 50 is ElectricBitters, the scientific tonic medicine thatrevitalizes every organ of the body.Guaranteed by all druggists. 50c.

ALLEGHENY COL LEQE.This college has recently taken a new place |

among the collegts of the country. Within fiveyears, six new buildings have been erected, newprofessors added and entering classes nearly doubled.Good traditions, strong faculty, superb location,

beautiful grounds and buildings, reasonable expenses.

Fall term opens September 17th. Write for cata-

logue to President Crawford, Meadville, Pa.

Dissolution Notice.

"VT OTICE ia hereby given to the public that theco-partnership heretofore existing between

the undersigned, who were engaged infarmingand dealing in meat, has this day been dissolvedby mutual consent. All persons indebted to thefirm of O. W. Sewell and Grant Haynes are re-quested to settle the same with either member.


Gardeau, Pa., July 25th, 1907. 2-1-81


Harrisburpr, Pa., July 25, 1907.ADDITIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS


EN ORDER to carry out the provisions of theAct of Assembly or April twenty-seven, one

thousand nine hundred and five, entitled, "AnAct creating a Department of Health and de-fining its powers and duties," the Departmentof Health of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvaniahas adopted thefollowing additional Rules andRegulations governing the control ofCommunic-

ahßESOLVED: That Section 1 of the Rulesand Regulatioas as published in Circular No. 1which reads as follows:

"All physicians practicing within the limitsof the State shall make an immediate reportof every case occurring in their practice <>r thodiseases hereinafter specified, ifoccurring in acity or borough, to the Secretary of the Hoardof Health of such city or borough, and ifoccurring within the limits of a township, to

the County Medical Inspector of the county inwhich said township may be located, and alsoto the Department of Health at liarrisburg,"be amended to read ns follows:

All physicians practicing within the limits ofthe State shall make an immediate report ofevery case occurring in their practice of thediseases hereinafter specified, if occurring in acity or borough, to the Secretary of the Hoardof Health, Bureau of Health or Sanitary Com-mittee of such city or borough, and if occurringwithin the limits of a township, to the HealthOfficer in charge of the township in which saidpatieut may be located.

PROVIDED, that In any city or borough nothaving a Hoard of Hureau of Health or SanitaryCommittee, the report of such cases occurringwithin the limits of said city or borough shallbe made directly to the Department of Health,and

PROVIDED, further that when a vacancyshall be known to exist in the position ofHealth Officer in any township, the report ofsuch cases occurring within the limits of suchtownship shall be made directly to the StateDepartment of Health.

RESOLVED: That physicians or others incharge of hospitals situated in cities orborougns shall report cases of diseases herein-after specified occurring in cities and boroughsto the respective local Hoards of Bureaus ofHealth or Sanitary Committees of such citiesor boroughs, daily, and report all suoh oasesofcommunicable disease received from territoryoutside of cities or boroughs to the State De-partment of Health at Harrisuurg at the endof each week.

PROVIDED, that in any city or borough not;havingaßoard of Health or Bureau of Healthor Sanitary Committee, the report of suoh casesoccurring within the limits of said city orborough shall be made directly to the Depart-ment of Health.

RESOLVED: That physicians or others incharge of hospitals situate in the respectivetownships outside of cities and boroughs shallreport cases of the diseases hereinafter specifiedreceived from cities and boroughs to the respec-sive local health authorities of the cities andboroughs from which the cases are taken,daily, provided that where such city or boroughhas no Hoard of Health, Bureau of Health orSanitary Committee, the report of such cases

, shall be made directly to the Department ofHealth, and shall report all such cases receivedfrom the townships outside of cities andboroughs to the State Department of Health,»t liarrisburg at the eud ofe»ch week.

RESOLVED. That when none of the diseaseshereinafter enumerated occurs in a citp orborough during any calendar mouth a reportof this fact shall be mad" by the Secretaryof the Board or Bureau of Health or SanitaryCommittee at the end of such month to theDepartment of Health at liarrisburg 011 thereport cards supplied for this purpose.

RESOLVED: That the quarantine period forcases of scarlet fever shall be 30 days fromthe date of onset of the disease, provided thatat the end of said period the physician incharge certifies in writing that desquamation

. lias entirely and absolutely ceased.The diseases refered to above and of which

report is required to be made by physicians andhealth authorities are as follows: Actinomyco-sis. Anthrax, Bubonic Plague, Epidemic CerebroSpinal Meningitis (Spotted Fever), Chicken-pox, Cholera. Diphtheria (So-called membranouscroup, diphtheritic croup, putrid sore throat,should be reported a* diphtheria), Epidemic Dys-

j entery, Erysipelas, German Measles, Glanders,Hydrophobia, Leprosy, Malerial Fever, Measles,Mumps, Pneumonia (true Perpetual Fever, Re-lapsing Fever, Small-pox, Scarlet Fever, 'So-called scarlatina and scarlet rash should be re-ported as scarlet fever,) Tetanus, Trachoma,Trichiniasis, Tuberculosis (specify what form 1,Typhoid Fever, Typhus Fever, Whooping Coughand Yellow Fever.

SAMUEL G. DIXON, Commissioner,

A BEAUTIFUL FACEI Before Using II you have pimples, blotches,

®orother akin imperfections, vou

can remove them and have a clearand beautiful complexion by using


Kemovea Skin Imperfections.Beneficial results guaranteed jy

i tor money refunded. ffSend st am p for Free Sam 1»le, \. Particulars and Testimonials.

Mention this paper. After Using.

CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO.,Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa.


* *!fe J» J* *&***!**********)*«**&:*»***

if Plumbing Perfection *«

!! \u25a0 i!!! nH 13a n*1 You cannot exercise too mnch caution in II

the selection of your plumbing fixtures. Theirconstruction and manner of installation is ofparamount importance to you ifyou would have

II good health. ||

N We insure you plumbing of a high char- II11 .

? iiacter. Let us estimate for you. Whether you

II are going to build or remodel, it will pay you to pj|II examine|the fixtures we have on display and get ||II IIj||| our prices. cj

»* !!\u25a0>« >5*-* **

Stephens SS aunders Plumbing Co. :iII r " J II

to 112

***m **js***********A.***Sfc *********% x*****m **m *****

Scald Proposals.SEA LED proposals willhe received by the Com-

missioners t>f Cameron County, Pa., at theiroffice in the Court House in Emporium. Pa., un-til eleven o'clock, a. in., on the 2<>th day of Aug.

ISO7, and opened two hours later, for build-ing the substructure and superstructure of ahighway bridge in Hhippen Township, CameronCounty, Pa.

Plans and Specifications for said bridge may beseen in the Commissioners Office.

Bidders must submit a certified check on theFirst National Bank of Emporium, CameronCounty, Pa., for amount mentioned in specifica-tions on file, Commissioners reserving the rightto reject any or all bids.


Commissioners.Monday, July 22, 1907.?23-St.

Divorce Notice.


Katie Fenstermaker ) Supeona sur Libel forvs > Divorce. Nor 39 May

WilliamFenstermaker \ Term, 1907.


To WILLIAM FENSTERMAKER, respondentin the above entitled case:

~X/~OU are hereby notified, in pursuance of theX order of the Court of Common Pleas of the

said county of Cameron, to be and appear in thesaid Court"on the fourth Monday of October next,being the twenty-eighth day of said month, toanswer the petition or libel heretofore preferredby the libellant, Kattfe Fenstermaker, your wife,and show cause, if any you hnve, why the saidKattie Fenstermaker should not be divorcedfrom the bonds of matrimony entered into withyou, agreeably to the Act of Assembly in suchcase made and provided. Hereof fail not, underpenalty of having the said petition heard and adecree of divorce granted against you in yourabsence. y. D. SWOPE, Sheriff.

Emporium. Pa., July 13, 1907.?22-lt.

Divorce Notice.


Elizabeth A. Nolan ) Subpoena sur Libel invs Divorce. No 41 May

Charles L. Nolan ) Term. 1907.


To CHARLES L. NOLAN, respondent in theabove entitled case:

"V7"OUare hereby notified, in pursuance of the1_ order of the Court of Common Pleas of

said County of Cameron, to be and appear in thesaid Court on the fourth Monday of October next,being the twenty-eighth day of said mouth, toanswer the petition or libel heretofore preferredby the libellant, Elizabeth A. Nolan, your wife,,ami show cause ifany you have, why the saidElizabeth A. Nolan, should not be divorced fromthe bonds of matrimony entered into with you,agreeably to the art of Assembly in such casemade and provided. Hereof fail not underpenalty of having the said petition heard anddecree of divorce granted against you in yourabsence.

J. D. SWOPE, Sheriff.Emporium, Pa., July 13.1907. 22-lt.

Mice of Stockholder's Meeting.OFFICE OF PENN VITRIFIED BRICK CO..

Cameron, Pa., July 16th, 1907.rpHEPenn Virtrified Brick Company having

1 by its Board of Directors duly declared Uspurpose to increase the indebtedness of said cor-poration has by resolution duly adopted directedthat tlio question of such proposed increase shallbe submitted to the stockholders of said corpora-tion for their consent. Notice is therefore here-by given that a special meeting of the stock-holders of tho. Penn Vitrified Brick Companywillbe held at their office, 18 Ohio Street, Buf-ffalo. New York, on the the 19th day of Septem-ber, 1907, at two o'clock p. m., when and wherean election of the stockholders willbe taken foror against such increase of indebtedness.

Bvorder ol'the Board of Directors,22-st. W. H. O. WALKER, Secretary.

rnsc.Ric: '.vs COUGH SYRUP

mmn um m honey^tahBed Clove: Sloasom uiul Uuney Bee on Every lio'.th,

\ \ \ X N \ \ \ \ \ V \






/ %

y 39(5-408 Main Street, /

/, BUFFALO, N. Y. \/ \\ 11


I jf







I \

/ \£ ADAM, IK' P


% %,


112.; / American Block, Buffalo, N.Y. /

I \V.V \ \ V.\ \ N X \ \ V

Administratrix'** Notice.

Estate of MA 1' s. O'DELL, Deceased.T ETTERS of Administration on the estate of1 J May H. O'Dell, late ofthe Borough of Em-porium, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceas-ed have been granted to Esteila H. Coppersmith,residing in said borough, to whom all persons in-debrd to said estate are requested to make pay-ment, and those having claims or demands, willmake known the same without delay.



Administratrix.(J HI:EN &I'KI.T,Attorneys.Emporium, Pa., Juiv 23,"1907.?23-4t.

n n Acnr« gna-anterd ifyou use \u25a0


Y,|E Supposiiory IScra'lod School., f'tntf.Tlne,N.C.. write: '\u25a0' I c»n .'iv |B\u25a0 i11.7 Uo >ll yt* claim 112 r thi m." Ilr. H. M. UuTuri" I\u25a0 lUvf-o Rock, W. Va., wrlt.-n j "Tliogi, o stilv, rsalniitia'\u25a0\u25a0 faotion." Ilr. H. D. McGtll, Clark .bur*, Tino «ritca-H|A ' In a procilce or JS j-ati, I hav< found no 112 ined, to\u25a0\u25a0 equal yours." PKIC, 60 CINT». Samples Fr<«. SollßJby l>ruggi.l3. MARTIWBODY. UWCABTEB, PA. ISold in Emporium by L. TaggartO R. C. Dodson



Romantic Portage FallsAND RETURN


August and September, 1907SPECIAL TRAIN

Leaves 8:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Portage Falls Park 5:15 P. M. Tickets will be goodgoing and returning only on Special Train on date of issue. Baggage will not bechecked 011 these tickets.


J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD,Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, Pa

No. 652-21-13t.

"Stfiftlythe seasons come and go" \

Haying andHarvesting Supplies


Will soon be needed, and our stockis very complete.

Binder Twine, Hay Rope, hay Forks hayRakes, Etc,

Will yon allow us to quote you prices.

Agents for McGormick Harvesting Machinery

I F. V. HEILMAN & COjw a


Our Rug department is under thesupervision of Mrs. B. Egan. Every Rug

was selected by her with special careand carefully inspected. They are new

and strictlv up to date. No close outs or

lorlast year stock. Many of you bought

rugs here last year and can attest to theline rugs we carrv. This year we showa still larger and better stock. Neve be-fore has such rugs been placed on sale inthis part ofthe state.

As irreputable proof that the adver-tisements of this store jis believed andlived up to, we point with pride to our

phenomenal increase in business. "Wetry to merit your patronage by dealing

with you just as we would like to bedealt with.


Emporium Furniture Co.,HKRNARI) KGAK, Manager.

