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Page 1: REST IN PEACE - St. Didacus Churchstdidacuschurch.org/.../29_st_didacus_church_san_diego_ca_july_30_… · REST IN PEACE †Sister Maria of St. Teresa Page 2 The Seventeenth Sunday
Page 2: REST IN PEACE - St. Didacus Churchstdidacuschurch.org/.../29_st_didacus_church_san_diego_ca_july_30_… · REST IN PEACE †Sister Maria of St. Teresa Page 2 The Seventeenth Sunday


†Sister Maria of St. Teresa

Page 2 The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 30, 2017

From the Desk of the Pastor… OUR TREASURE OF GREAT PRICE!

A buried treasure, a pearl of great price, and a net thrown into the sea; these are the three images that Jesus uses in today’s Gospel to show us what the kingdom of heaven is like. What are the common elements of these im-ages? To many of us these images are no longer familiar, unlike to most people in Jesus’ time. This is because today people no longer bury their treasures and if ever we accidentally find a pearl we don’t get excited because it might only be an imitation.

What then do these parables of the kingdom of heaven tell us? They tell us that there is always tremendous joy in the unexpected discovery of something valuable either through luck or as a result of hard work. The joy of the kingdom of heaven always calls for a celebration, sharing, and even giving up of everything one has. Let us, therefore, pray that as we journey together as a parish community we will have what it takes to celebrate, share, and give up something valuable for the sake of the kingdom.

Fr. Rick

Vacation Bible School starts on Monday! 9:00am—12:00pm

Say a prayer for all the kids & volunteers! The Hall is ready for VBS, so we won’t be having coffee and donuts on Sunday. We are closing and locking the parking lot adjacent to the Parish Hall after the Spanish Mass this weekend. Please park in the lot across from the Church during the week. You are invited to attend the Vacation Bible School Mass on Friday, August 4th at 11am. This is a spirit-filled Mass with all the children and volunteers. Everyone is welcome.

“When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.” Jesus today gives us the image of a merchant who knows he has discovered a great treasure. In fact, its value is so tremendous that the man is willing to sell eve-rything else in order to possess it. Why? Because he knows it will all be worth it. He knows that the pearl will bring him more reward than anything else he has ever owned, more even than all his possessions combined. This Gospel story is meant to help us understand the unfathomable value of the kingdom of heav-en. Nothing else can compare to it. No material item, no honor or success, can compete with this pearl of great price. Everything we have, short of this, is finite: limited, temporary, and ultimately fleeting. Eternal happiness, on the other hand, is infinite. It never ends. This is the deep content-ment, the satisfaction, the peace, and happiness that we crave, the kind that doesn’t disappoint. Like the merchant in the parable, we too should understand the value of this discovery. As Chris-tians, we have “found” the treasure beyond all other treasures! Life in Christ, both now and in heaven, is truly the pearl of great price. The only question is whether we are willing to “sell” all that we have to obtain it. In other words, are we willing to release the other things that claim hold on us? Are we ready to put Christ first in our lives? All of us need to take pause from time to time and examine our attachments and priorities. Money, pleasure, success, or comfort can often seem so important to us that we falsely begin to imagine these things will bring the happiness we so desire. But the message is loud and clear today: the kingdom of heaven is the true treasure we long for. —Cycles of Faith

We are in the liturgical season of the year called Ordinary time. It is the longest season

of the liturgical year. Why the name ordinary? “Ordinary” is not in contrast to “extraordinary” or “special” but rather stresses the Latin language notion of “ordinal” or numbered Sundays. The Latin title for the season, tempus ordinarium, conveys the sense that this time of the year is measured or numbered time. Measured time can allude simply to the numbered Sundays, or the notion that these Sundays are a “measured” time to deepen and immerse ourselves completely in the realities of Jesus’ incarnation, ministry, passion, death, and resurrection. Ordinary time offers us the opportunity to connect the ordinary lived experiences of our lives with those of Jesus, who modeled for us how to live a truly human existence.

In ancient times, pearls were as valuable as diamonds are now. They were harvested from the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Indian Ocean. In imperial era, they were considered the most valuable thing, so as to become proverbial: a much-loved child was called “Pearl,” a wise man is said to have a mouth from which pearls came out. The twelve gates of heaven—writes the seer of the Apocalypse—“were twelve pearls; each port is made of a single colossal and wonderful pearl” (Rev. 21:21). Being considered of great value, Jesus chose them as an image of the inestimable treasure that he offered: the kingdom of

God. —sundaycommentaries.wordpress.com

Page 3: REST IN PEACE - St. Didacus Churchstdidacuschurch.org/.../29_st_didacus_church_san_diego_ca_july_30_… · REST IN PEACE †Sister Maria of St. Teresa Page 2 The Seventeenth Sunday

Page 3 The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 30, 2017

Sunday, July 30, 2017 Location Monday, July 31, 2017 Location Vacation Bible School 9:00am-noon Hall Tuesday, August 1, 2017 Location Vacation Bible School 9:00am-noon Hall Wednesday, August 2, 2017 Location Eucharistic Adoration 7:30am-8:30am Church Vacation Bible School 9:00am-noon Hall Men’s Prayer Group 7:00pm Hall Thursday, August 3, 2017 Location Vacation Bible School 9:00am-noon Hall Friday, August 4, 2017 Location Vacation Bible School 9:00am-noon Hall Vacation Bible School Mass 11:00am Church Mental Health Ministry Prayer Group 6:00pm Hall Saturday, August 5, 2017 Location Confession 3:30pm Church Eucharistic Adoration 3:30pm-5:00pm Church

Saturday………….........July 29 5:00PM………….....…..†Mark De Luca Sunday………….....…...July 30 8:30AM...…...……...….†Dominic Conaty 10:00AM………..……...People of St. Didacus 11:30AM………...…..…Animas del Purgatorio Monday………………...July 31 7:30AM………...…...….†Tom Zolezzi Tuesday………..…..…..August 1 6:00PM….…….….…….†Madge Deters Wednesday…….......….August 2 8:30AM……...……........†Alice Lacy Thursday………...…….August 3 7:30AM………….......…†Raymond Redmond Friday…………...……...August 4 7:30AM...…….………...†Fr. Al Ryan 11:00AM…………...…..†Mary Scott Saturday………….........August 5 5:00PM………….....…..†Michael Danna

Rosalba Alarcon Helen Anton-Stohrel Maria Luz Arrellano Diann Bauer Dan Bauer Herbert Baxter Robert Bayles Martha Becerra Bob Bellesi Ken Bojok Judy Bouchard Norm Boyer Herminia Brignoni Ibeth Brignoni Ruben Campos Gail Cedercrans Joana Cisneros Cecil Crews Aaron Damishia Irene Davis MaryLou De Luca Pauline Dease Bob Demers Cecelia Dueber Mary Farrell

Santiago Fontes Jerry Goodwin Jorge Gordillo Susan Guenzel Dolores Hansel Al Hunt Joanne Hunt Caleb Jerome Carol Keppel Marilyn Kober Elizabeth La Costa Virginia Lantry Juanita Lopez Maria Lopez Marlene S. Magers Anthony Martinez Rosalie Martinez Claire Meighan Terrence McCabe Trish McCutcheon Emma McPherson Dolores Mediano Vernon Meyers Peter Napolitano Dominick Palestini

Gladys Palestini Lupita Plascencia Antonia Raya Betty Rios Dolores Robertson Atina Rodriguez Aaron Rodriguez Alette Rodriguez Jeff Salazar Christine Segura Mark Silke Michael Smith Gerri Strachan Angel Tapia Pedro Tapia Merida Tirado Carol Verdon The Webb Family Maria Winters Jason Williamson Joan Williamson Adalina Zarate



And the special intentions in our Book of Needs

Welcome to St. Didacus Parish! Sunday Masses Saturday 5:00pm, Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am 11:30am in Spanish Daily Mass Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am /Tues. 6:00pm/ Wed. 8:30am

Eucharistic Adoration Wed. 7:30am—8:30am / Saturday 3:30pm—5:00pm First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt. Baptisms: 1st Saturday of each month. Arrangements must be made 3 months in advance. Contact the Parish Office for information. Weddings: Arrangements must be made at least 9 months in advance. Please contact the Parish Office. Mental Health Ministry Direct Line: For emergencies call 911. For non-emergencies please call 619-940-6193.

Pastor, Rev. Enrique Fuentes The Parish Office is open 8am-noon, 1-5pm M-F


Mass Intentions Weekly Events at St. Didacus

Do you really trust God? Do you believe that all things work for good? Faith is a challenge for everyone at times. Putting our trust in God, in everything we do, means that God’s plan for our lives may be different than our plan. When one door closes, another one opens. Trust in God, His plan is always better.

General Collection, July 23, 2017: $4,417.00 Building Fund, July 23, 2017: $ 236.00

The Joy of Giving

Readings for the Week of July 30, 2017

Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12/Rom 8:28-30/ Mt 13:44-52 Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34/Mt 13:31-35 Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28/Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35//Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38/Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37/Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8/Mt 14:1-12 Next Sunday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9/ 2 Pt 1:16-19/Mt 17:1-9

By comparing the kingdom of heaven to treasure, Jesus is saying that life with God is more valuable than anything we can find or

buy on earth. It is priceless.

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Why choose a Catholic school education for your child? St. Didacus Catholic School is more than just a school, it is a faith-filled community. In a world that seems to offer little stability, a community of faith and warmth is an immeasurably important foundation in a child’s life and to the life of a family. Catholic school prepares the mind but it also offers the anchor of a loving community.

If you are considering a school community for your child that is rich in academics and rooted in faith, please consider calling, visiting or touring St. Didacus Catholic School for more information. Our School Office is open from 9am-1pm, Monday through Friday.

4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116 284-8730

Page 4 The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 30, 2017

St. Didacus Mental Health Ministry


Dear God - sometimes we feel discouraged and hopeless in the face of so many challenges. Help us to see ourselves as you see us…persons of value and worth…persons of creativity and potential. May we come to understand the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit in bringing about health and wholeness… – NAMI Day of Prayer

Mental Health Ministry News: (1) The Mental Health Ministry Prayer Group will meet on Friday, August 4th at 6pm in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. (2) The Mental Health Ministry will have representatives available to answer questions after all Masses on August 12-13th.


Registration is open for: —2017-2018 Religious Education classes —Confirmation —RCIA See Elena & Zeke after Mass on Sunday or come by the Parish Office.

Day of Recollection Saturday, August 19th 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

at Catherine Laboure Parish

Join The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of San Diego, and the San Diego Diocesan Office for Social Ministry as they proudly host “400 Years of the Vincentian Charism." Fr. Greg Adolf will share his love of the Gospel and bring it to life as he sheds light on the Vincentian charism, a gift from God that benefits the whole community in the present day church. A special invitation goes out to those not currently affiliated with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to attend and learn more about the mission of direct service to the poor. The day's activities will include Mass celebrated by Bishop John Dolan. Registration is free and includes a complimentary breakfast and lunch. Register by Monday August 14th at socialminis-trysandiego.com/sv or contact Maria Valencia at [email protected] or 858-490-8323.

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA, is a series of classes that present an adult exploration of the Catholic faith. RCIA is a chance for people to learn the basics of what it means to be Catholic, to ask their burning questions, and to seek ways to more fully open their lives to Jesus Christ. RCIA prepares adults to make a conscious choice whether or not they want receive the sacraments of initia-tion offered by the Catholic Church (Baptism, Eucharist, and Con-firmation). If you are interested in knowing about our program or know someone who would like to know more about the Catholic faith, contact Elena Platas in the Parish Office at 619-284-3472. Classes begin in September.

On the Cover: the picture of Jesus teaching his disciples is from the Maestà of Duccio — an altarpiece composed of many individual paintings commissioned by the city of Siena in 1308 from the artist Duccio di Buoninsegna. The altar-

piece was in installed in the Cathedral of Siena in 1311.

Mark your calendars for our ONE & ONLY


NIGHT OF THE SUMMER! Friday, August 18th

6pm in the Parish Hall

We’ll see the movie “Greater.” A great movie for the whole family.

Page 5: REST IN PEACE - St. Didacus Churchstdidacuschurch.org/.../29_st_didacus_church_san_diego_ca_july_30_… · REST IN PEACE †Sister Maria of St. Teresa Page 2 The Seventeenth Sunday

Page 5 The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 30, 2017

Family Connection

Like the person who found the buried treasure and the merchant who acquired the pearl of great price, we seek to find the signs of the kingdom of heaven in our lives. In fact, we even work to bring about God’s kingdom in our actions and in our words. We pray that our family values reflect our pursuit of the kingdom of heaven. As Jesus’ disciples, we place everything we value

in the service of the pursuit of the Kingdom of God.

As you gather as a family, talk about what your family values. Make a list together of those things that your family considers most important, such as family, friends, faith, trust, and love. Place this list before you as you read today’s Gospel in its shorter form, Matthew 13:44-46. In these parables, Jesus teaches us that it is worth giving up even valuable things in order to possess the kingdom of heaven. Look at the list your family made and talk about how these things are important to the kingdom of heaven. What has your family given up to make these values im-portant in your life? As Jesus’ disciples, we place everything we value in the service of the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. Pray together for God’s kingdom by praying the Lord’s Prayer. —www.loyolapress.com

Spend some time this summer learning more about the men and women of the Catholic Church who lived lives of holiness.

Memorial of St. John Mary Vianney (1786-1859) Friday, August 4th

John Vianney and the French Revolution were born at about the same time. In Paris and other French cities, angry mobs slaughtered the powerful and the wealthy. Because in the past the church had often sided with the rich, many priests were also killed. Those that were left were forced to go into hiding. Every so often, a priest came to the farm village of Dardilly, where John lived, to celebrate Mass secretly in a barn. By the time John was in his teens, Mass could be said in public again. There was still a great shortage of priests, and John wanted to help fill the gap. He was needed on the farm, but finally when he reached the age of 20 his parents let him go to the seminary. John had a lot of trouble with his studies. Although he was older than the other students, school had never come easily for him, and he hadn’t much preparation for difficult subjects, such as Latin. After failing his examinations, he was ordained anyway, mostly because he was so prayerful and committed to his ministry. Soon afterward the vicar general told him, “My friend, you have been appointed curé of Ars. Ars is a little parish where there is not much love. You must put some into it.” (In French curé means parish priest.) John found that the people of his little parish were indifferent to their faith. He prayed for them, preached to them and tend-ed to their needs in every way he could think of. He visited every family, began religious education classes for children and adults, and later began schools and an orphanage. John reached out most powerfully in the sacrament of reconciliation. He understood that people needed a connection with God. He sat in the drafty church and heard confessions for up to 12 hours a day in the winter—up to 16 hours a day in the summer. After 41 years of faithful service, John had made a great difference in the people of the parish. In one of his sermons he said, “You pray. You love. And there you have our happiness on earth.” John was canonized in 1925 and was later named the Patron of Parish Priests throughout the world. —Companion to the Calendar


When Pope Benedict XVI visited the United States in 2008, tens of thousands gathered in Yankee Stadium to celebrate the Eucharist with him. What made them different from all the other excited crowds who have assembled there through the years? When they began to sing together, to listen together, to pray together, they ceased to be a crowd and became a liturgical assembly. It was not where they were but what they did that set them apart. The Gospels speak of many instances when Jesus prayed alone to his Father. But Jesus also put a special value on communal prayer. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name,” he told his disciples, “there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Jesus gave his own mission to his followers, sending them forth to do everything he did: to heal, to teach, to proclaim the kingdom. Jesus wants us to meet God in and through each other. So the Christian community continues to gather, Sunday after Sunday. When we get up on Sunday morning and come to Mass, we respond to Jesus’ invitation, and we express our trust in his promise that whenever we come together, he comes, too. —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

More about the Mass

St. John Vianney died in 1859. His body was exhumed and found incorrupt in 1904. His body in on display above the main altar in the Basilica at Ars in France.

Page 6: REST IN PEACE - St. Didacus Churchstdidacuschurch.org/.../29_st_didacus_church_san_diego_ca_july_30_… · REST IN PEACE †Sister Maria of St. Teresa Page 2 The Seventeenth Sunday

Pagina 6 Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 30 de julio, 2017

Mensaje del P. Rick


Un tesoro enterrado, una perla muy cara, y una red arrojada al mar; es-

tas son las tres imágenes que Jesús usa en el Evangelio de hoy para mostrarnos cómo es el reino de los cielos. ¿Cuáles son los elementos comunes de estas imáge-nes? Para muchos de nosotros estas imágenes ya no son familiares, a diferencia de la mayoría de la gente en el tiempo de Jesús. Esto es porque hoy la gente ya no entierra sus tesoros y si alguna vez encontramos accidentalmente una perla no nos emocionamos por-que podría ser sólo una imitación. ¿Qué nos dicen estas parábolas del reino de los cielos? Nos dicen que siempre hay tremenda alegría en el des-cubrimiento inesperado de algo valioso ya sea a través de la suerte o como resultado de un duro trabajo. La alegría del reino de los cielos siempre exige una cele-bración, compartir, e incluso renunciar a todo lo que uno tiene. Pidamos, pues, que mientras caminemos juntos como comunidad parroquial tengamos lo que se necesita para celebrar, compartir y entregar algo valio-so por el bien del reino.

Requisitos para la Celebración de Quinceañeras Los QUINCEAÑOS de una joven, es motivo de alegría y entusiasmo. Así como la parti-cipación en la fiesta es impor-tante, es muy IMPORTANTE que se viva la fe como se debe. Es decir, con sinceridad y amor. Las jóvenes que van a celebrar su quinceañera deben participar en la MI-SA de cada Domingo. REQUISITOS PARA FIJAR LA FECHA DE QUINCEAÑOS: 1. Los padres deben ser miembros registrados de

nuestra parroquia por lo menos 3 meses y vivir dentro del área de nuestra parroquia para poder fijar la fecha. Si los padres no son miembros registrados de nuestra parroquia, deben de pedir una carta de permiso a la Iglesia Católica a don-de asisten a misa.

2. Para fijar la Misa de quinceaños en nuestro ca-lendario parroquial, los padres deben de venir personalmente a la oficina parroquial de lunes a viernes de 8:30am a 5:00pm. Los padres deben de entregar un depósito de $50 dólares.

3. La joven debe de haber recibido los Sacramen-tos de BAUTISMO, PRIMERA COMUNION y deben estar en el proceso de Confirmación, es decir, debe estar registrada en el programa de Confirmación que son los martes de 6:30 a 8 PM en el salón parroquial.

4. Las Misas de las Quinceañeras serán INDIVI-DUALES y se celebraran los sábados a las 1:00 PM.

5. La quinceañera deberá asistir a una preparación previa en el salón parroquial. Deben comuni-carse con Silvia Galvan, ella es la instructora, en cuanto reserven la Misa de los quinceaños para que Silvia les informe de cuando tendrá que asistir a las clases de quinceañeras.

400 años del Carisma Vicentino

Día de Conmemoración--Sábado, 19 de agosto, de 8:30 am

a 2:30 pm, en la parroquia de Santa Catherine Laboure

La dirección es 4124 Monte Abraham Ave, San Diego, CA 92111. Acompáñanos para conocer mejor la Socie-dad de San Vicente de Paul de San Diego y a la Ofici-na Diocesana de Ministerio Social que orgullosamente presentan los "400 años del Carisma Vicentino". El Padre Greg Adolf, orador popular de una parroquia cerca de Tucson, Arizona, compartirá su amor por el Evangelio, le dará vida e irradiará luz sobe el carisma vicentino que ha sido un regalo de Dios para toda la comunidad de la iglesia de hoy. El Obispo Dolan cele-brará la Eucaristía. El evento es gratuito e incluye desayuno y almuerzo. Regístrese antes del 16 de agos-to en socialministrysandiego.com o con María Valen-cia [email protected] o (858) 490-8323. To-dos están invitados, especialmente quienes no trabajan en esto, para que conozcan más nuestra misión de ser-vicio directo a los pobres.

VBS Lunes 31 julio al Viernes 4 de agosto 9 a 12 PM

Cerraremos el estacionamiento que esta junto al salón parroquial durante la semana de VBS. Los invitamos a asistir a la Misa

de la Escuela Bíblica de Verano el viernes, 4 de agosto a las 11 am. Es muy alegre, y verán a nues-tros niños cantando y muy entusiasmados.

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