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Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures

Date post: 16-Jan-2017
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UP UP DN DN UP DN D C B A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 49 m² 531.3 SF Classroom One 1 39 m² 414.8 SF Classroom Two 2 39 m² 414.8 SF Classroom Three 3 66 m² 713.5 SF Classroom Four 4 42 m² 455.0 SF Corridor 5 20 m² 216.7 SF Stairs 6 1842 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 1842 3125 2075 6215 5 SSP1A103 6 SSP1A103 Existing terrazzo finish to staircase and corridor Existing external steel fire escape staircase Existing external steel fire escape staircase Existing Terrazzo finish to corridor Existing Terrazzo finish to corridor Existing Parquet flooring to classroom Existing Parquet flooring to classroom Existing Parquet flooring to classroom Existing Parquet flooring to classroom D C B A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 207 m² 2228.1 SF Classroom Five 7 30 m² 323.3 SF Corridor 8 20 m² 213.2 SF Stairs 9 1842 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 1842 3125 2075 6215 5 SSP1A103 6 SSP1A103 Existing external steel fire escape staircase Existing external steel fire escape staircase Existing terrazzo finish to staircase and corridor Existing Parquet flooring to corridor Existing Parquet flooring to classroom Existing Parquet flooring to classroom D C B A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 8 m² 87.7 SF Corridor 10 20 m² 213.2 SF Stairs 11 120 m² 1296.2 SF Music oom 12 111 m² 1194.7 SF Games Room 13 1842 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 1842 3125 2075 6215 5 SSP1A103 6 SSP1A103 Existing terrazzo finish to staircase and corridor Existing floor finish to date is paint applied directly to the existing concrete screed No floor finish existing within the corridor, currently the existing concrete screed has been left exposed No floor finish existing within the gamers room, currently the existing concrete screed has been left exposed Existing external steel fire escape staircase Existing external steel fire escape staircase 15 100 300 400 300 270 18 102 50 102 70 10 10 30 150 30 150 260 102 50 102 18 Scale LECTURER Drawn by Date Project number Institute of Technology Carlow BSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology Year 4 2013-2014 As indicated Block L Survey Sheet 1 Restoration, extension and upgradation to protected structures 13-January-2014 Edel Fox Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir, & Dan O' Sullivan SSP1A102 1 : 100 GFL Existing 1 1 : 100 FFL Existing 2 1 : 100 SFL Existing 3 Room Schedule Existing Number Name Level Area Count 7 Classroom Five FFL 207 m² 1 8 Corridor FFL 30 m² 1 10 Corridor SFL 8 m² 1 11 Stairs SFL 20 m² 1 12 Music oom SFL 120 m² 1 13 Games Room SFL 111 m² 1 9 Stairs FFL 20 m² 1 Room Schedule Existing Number Name Level Area Count 1 Classroom One GFL 49 m² 1 2 Classroom Two GFL 39 m² 1 3 Classroom Three GFL 39 m² 1 4 Classroom Four GFL 66 m² 1 5 Corridor GFL 42 m² 1 6 Stairs GFL 20 m² 1 General Specification 1 : 10 Existing Column 4 1 : 10 Existing Wall 5 1 : 10 Existing Roof 6 1 : 10 Existing Floor 7 1 : 10 Existing Iternal Wall 8 1 : 10 Existing Window 9 Current Condition Proposed Alterations Assumed existing external leaf 102mm concrete bricks, then a 50mm cavity, then an internal leaf of 102mm concrete blocks, finished with a layer of 18mm plaster. Existing external brickwork is stained from water damage due to poor drainage on the east face, but other than this the walls are in relatively good condition. Proposed - additional dry-lining board to the internal face of the existing wall, consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in between steel U channels, with 12.5mm plasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. Assumed existing solid 260mm blockwork internal partition wall. These walls have not been finished with a layer of plaster they blockwork has just been painted. Existing solid blockwork internal walls are unfinished ie. the blockwork has just been painted. They are in relatively good condition as they have not been exposed to the elements. Proposed - additional dry- linig board to both faces of the partition wall, consisting of 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between steel U channels, with 12.5mm plasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done to both sides of the wall. Assumed existing 150mm concrete slab with 30mm concrete screed, with 10mm torch on felt, then a rubber membrane, finished with a layer of 150mm pebbles. Existing roof is in relatively bad condition as can be seen from the underside of the roof there is alot of water damage and the roof is not insulated so there is major condensation issues that need to be addressed. Proposed - additional dry- lining board at internal ceiling level consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between timber battens, 12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. The existing rubber membrane needs to be stripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebbles replaces, and the drainage issues addressed. Assumed existing 150mm concrete floor slab, with 30mm concrete screed, topped with either 22mm Parquet flooring or terazzo flooring. Existing floor in relatively good condition structurally but in terms of thermal performance there is room for sufficient improvement. The parquet and terrazzo flooring is quiet sufficiently dammaged and will need to be repaired where possible and if not replaced. Proposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired where possible and if not replaced, additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timber battens to be added on top of existing screed. Repaired hardwood flooring to be put back down on top of the new insulation. Assumed existing timber framed, single glazed pivot windows currently achieveing a u- value of 4.8w/m²k Existing windows are old, in relatively bad condition and rotting in places. Window cills are recessed allowing water to sit and not drain correctly. This poor water drainage is causing water damage and the timber frames to rot. Glass in some of the windows is cracked or damaged. Proposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framed windows which will achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around all windows to lower heat loss even more. Address detailing at cill to fix the water drainage problem from occuring. Conservation Principles to be followed: Keeping a building in use – Is generally seen as the best way to keep the building up to a good standard. If a change of use must occur, minimum damage must be made to the original character of the building. Researching and analysing – Much research must be done on the history, the fabric and the current condition of the building before any proposals for works can be made. Using expert conservation advice – expert advice should be sought throughout the planning process and the construction process to ensure that the works are completed correctly. Protecting the special interest – Inappropriate works can damage the character and special interest of a building, so special care must be taken to ensure this does not happen. Promoting minimum intervention – “do as much as necessary and as little as possible”. Respecting earlier alterations of interest – Earlier alterations can be an insight into past construction techniques and must be respected. They are irreplaceable. Repairing rather than replacing – the main aim should be to repair rather than replace because to get the same quality of materials now is next to impossible and most of the materials were made by hand. Promoting honesty of repairs and alterations materials used in replacement should not be artificially aged; this will add confusion in the future as to when the alterations were made. Using appropriate materials and methods – appropriate materials must be used during restoration as in past examples certain materials accelerated the decay. Ensuring reversibility of alterations – by ensuring reversibility of alterations in the future this can allow a quick fix to unforeseen problems caused by earlier restorations. Avoid incremental damage – major thought must be given by the planning authority to the impact of minor works to the character of protected structures. Discouraging the use of architectural salvage from other buildings – the re-use of architectural features can confuse the understanding and appreciation of a building, and promoting architectural salvage can cause a market for these materials and promotes dismantling of other old buildings. Assumed existing reinforced concrete column with a 300mm external face that steps back 100mm and has 15mm insets on both sides. The internal face is 270mm in width. The column has an overall depth of 400mm. Existing reinforced concrete columns and beams are in relatively good condition but there are cracks in certain places throughout the building. There is also evidence of water staining damage on the face of the concrete beams and columns. Proposed - Fix all the cracks in the structural columns and beams. Additional insulation to the inner face of the column in line with the additional insulation to the wall. 25mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between steel U channels, with 12.5mm plasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.
Page 1: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures










5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18

49 m²531.3 SF

Classroom One1

39 m²414.8 SF

Classroom Two2

39 m²414.8 SF

Classroom Three3

66 m²713.5 SF

Classroom Four4

42 m²455.0 SF


20 m²216.7 SF


1842 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 1842








Existing terrazzofinish to staircaseand corridor

Existingexternal steelfire escapestaircase

Existing externalsteel fire escapestaircase

Existing Terrazzofinish to corridor

Existing Terrazzofinish to corridor

Existing Parquet flooringto classroom

Existing Parquetflooring to classroom

Existing Parquet flooringto classroom

Existing Parquetflooring to classroom





5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18

207 m²2228.1 SF

Classroom Five7

30 m²323.3 SF


20 m²213.2 SF


1842 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 1842








Existingexternal steelfire escapestaircase

Existing externalsteel fire escapestaircase

Existing terrazzofinish to staircaseand corridor

Existing Parquetflooring to corridor

Existing Parquet flooring to classroom

Existing Parquet flooring to classroom





5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18

8 m²87.7 SF


20 m²213.2 SF


120 m²1296.2 SF

Music oom12

111 m²1194.7 SF

Games Room13

1842 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 3350 1842








Existing terrazzofinish to staircaseand corridor

Existing floor finish to date ispaint applied directly to theexisting concrete screed

No floor finish existing withinthe corridor, currently theexisting concrete screed hasbeen left exposed

No floor finish existingwithin the gamers room,currently the existingconcrete screed hasbeen left exposed

Existing externalsteel fire escapestaircase Existing external

steel fire escapestaircase







18 102 50 102









102 50 102 18



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Block L Survey Sheet


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir,& Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 100

GFL Existing


1 : 100

FFL Existing


1 : 100

SFL Existing


Room Schedule Existing

Number Name Level Area Count

7 ClassroomFive

FFL 207 m² 1

8 Corridor FFL 30 m² 1

10 Corridor SFL 8 m² 1

11 Stairs SFL 20 m² 1

12 Music oom SFL 120 m² 1

13 GamesRoom

SFL 111 m² 1

9 Stairs FFL 20 m² 1

Room Schedule Existing

Number Name Level Area Count

1 ClassroomOne

GFL 49 m² 1

2 ClassroomTwo

GFL 39 m² 1

3 ClassroomThree

GFL 39 m² 1

4 ClassroomFour

GFL 66 m² 1

5 Corridor GFL 42 m² 1

6 Stairs GFL 20 m² 1

General Specification

1 : 10

Existing Column


1 : 10

Existing Wall


1 : 10

Existing Roof


1 : 10

Existing Floor


1 : 10

Existing Iternal Wall


1 : 10

Existing Window


Current Condition Proposed Alterations

Assumed existingexternal leaf 102mmconcrete bricks, then a50mm cavity, then aninternal leaf of 102mmconcrete blocks,finished with a layer of18mm plaster.

Existing externalbrickwork is stainedfrom water damage dueto poor drainage on theeast face, but other thanthis the walls are inrelatively goodcondition.

Proposed - additional dry-liningboard to the internal face of theexisting wall, consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17insulated dry-linig board inbetween steel U channels, with12.5mm plasterboard, finishedwith a layer of 2.5mm skim.

Assumed existingsolid 260mmblockwork internalpartition wall. Thesewalls have not beenfinished with a layer ofplaster they blockworkhas just been painted.

Existing solidblockwork internal wallsare unfinished ie. theblockwork has justbeen painted. They arein relatively goodcondition as they havenot been exposed tothe elements.

Proposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces ofthe partition wall, consistingof 50mm kingspan kollthermK17 insulated dry-liningboard in between steel Uchannels, with 12.5mmplasterboard, finished with alayer of 2.5mm skim. Thisto be done to both sides ofthe wall.

Assumed existing150mm concrete slabwith 30mm concretescreed, with 10mmtorch on felt, then arubber membrane,finished with a layer of150mm pebbles.

Existing roof is inrelatively bad conditionas can be seen from theunderside of the roofthere is alot of waterdamage and the roof isnot insulated so there ismajor condensationissues that need to beaddressed.

Proposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceilinglevel consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17insulated dry-lining board inbetween timber battens,12.5mm plasterboardfinished with a 2.5mm skim.The existing rubbermembrane needs to bestripped and the torch on feltrepaired and the pebblesreplaces, and the drainageissues addressed.

Assumed existing150mm concretefloor slab, with 30mmconcrete screed,topped with either22mm Parquetflooring or terazzoflooring.

Existing floor in relativelygood conditionstructurally but in termsof thermal performancethere is room forsufficient improvement.The parquet andterrazzo flooring is quietsufficiently dammagedand will need to berepaired where possibleand if not replaced.

Proposed - remove existingharwood flooring to be repairedwhere possible and if notreplaced, additional 80mmkingspan Therma TF70 inbetween timber battens to beadded on top of existingscreed. Repaired hardwoodflooring to be put back downon top of the new insulation.

Assumed existingtimber framed,single glazed pivotwindows currentlyachieveing a u-value of 4.8w/m²k

Existing windows areold, in relatively badcondition and rotting inplaces. Window cills arerecessed allowing waterto sit and not draincorrectly. This poorwater drainage iscausing water damageand the timber frames torot. Glass in some of thewindows is cracked ordamaged.

Proposed - Upgrading todouble glazed argon filledtimber framed windows whichwill achieve a u-value of1.8w/m²k. Install draughtproofing strips around allwindows to lower heat losseven more. Address detailingat cill to fix the water drainageproblem from occuring.

Conservation Principles to be followed:

Keeping a building in use – Is generally seen as the bestway to keep the building up to a good standard. If achange of use must occur, minimum damage must bemade to the original character of the building.

Researching and analysing – Much research must bedone on the history, the fabric and the current condition ofthe building before any proposals for works can be made.

Using expert conservation advice – expert advice shouldbe sought throughout the planning process and theconstruction process to ensure that the works arecompleted correctly.

Protecting the special interest – Inappropriate workscan damage the character and special interest of abuilding, so special care must be taken to ensure thisdoes not happen.

Promoting minimum intervention – “do as much asnecessary and as little as possible”.

Respecting earlier alterations of interest – Earlieralterations can be an insight into past constructiontechniques and must be respected. They areirreplaceable.

Repairing rather than replacing – the main aim shouldbe to repair rather than replace because to get the samequality of materials now is next to impossible and most ofthe materials were made by hand.

Promoting honesty of repairs and alterations –materials used in replacement should not be artificiallyaged; this will add confusion in the future as to when thealterations were made.

Using appropriate materials and methods – appropriatematerials must be used during restoration as in pastexamples certain materials accelerated the decay.

Ensuring reversibility of alterations – by ensuringreversibility of alterations in the future this can allow aquick fix to unforeseen problems caused by earlierrestorations.

Avoid incremental damage – major thought must begiven by the planning authority to the impact of minorworks to the character of protected structures.

Discouraging the use of architectural salvage fromother buildings – the re-use of architectural features canconfuse the understanding and appreciation of abuilding, and promoting architectural salvage can causea market for these materials and promotes dismantlingof other old buildings.

Assumed existingreinforced concretecolumn with a 300mmexternal face that stepsback 100mm and has15mm insets on bothsides. The internal faceis 270mm in width. Thecolumn has an overalldepth of 400mm.

Existing reinforcedconcrete columns andbeams are in relativelygood condition but thereare cracks in certainplaces throughout thebuilding. There is alsoevidence of waterstaining damage on theface of the concretebeams and columns.

Proposed - Fix all the cracks inthe structural columns andbeams. Additional insulation tothe inner face of the column inline with the additionalinsulation to the wall. 25mmkingspan kooltherm K17insulated dry-lining board inbetween steel U channels, with12.5mm plasterboard, finishedwith a layer of 2.5mm skim.

Page 2: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures










Existing reinforced concrete beams

Existing reinforced concrete columns

Existing steel fire escape staircase

Existing brick wall infillbetween reinforcedconcrete columns

Existing concrete parapet capping toppedwith possibly an aluminium flashing

Existing timber framed single glazed windows

Existing steel fireescape staircase









5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18

Existing reinforced concrete beams

Existing reinforced concrete columns

Existing steel fire escape staircase

Existing brick wall infillbetween reinforced

concrete columns

Existing concrete parapet capping toppedwith possibly an aluminium flashing

Existing timber framed single glazed windows

Existing steel fireescape staircase










Existing concrete parapet capping toppedwith possibly an aluminium flashing

Existing reinforced concrete columns

Existing reinforced concrete beams

Existing fire escape doors thatlead out onto the fire escape

Existing steel fire escape staircase

Existing timber framed single glazed windows

Existing front entrance doorway,timber framed single glazed door










Existing concrete parapet capping toppedwith possibly an aluminium flashing

Existing reinforced concrete columns

Existing reinforced concrete beams

Existing fire escape doors thatlead out onto the fire escape

Existing steel fire escape staircase

Existing timber framed single glazed windows









5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18

Existing steel fireescape staircase

Existing steel fireescape staircase

Existing reinforced concrete beams

Existing reinforced concrete column

Existing timber framedsingle glazed window

Existing concrete parapet capping topped with possibly an aluminium flashing










Existing concrete parapet capping toppedwith possibly an aluminium flashing

Existing reinforced concrete beams

Existing internal partition wall

Existing concrete staircasewith a terrazzo finish

Existing reinforced concrete column

Existing timber framedsingle glazed window



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Block L Survey Sheet


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir,& Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 100

North Elevation as Existing


1 : 100

South Elevation as Existing


1 : 100

East Elevation as Existing


1 : 100

West Elevation as Existing


1 : 100

Long Section A-A

51 : 100

Short Section A-A


1 : 1

Key Plan


Conservation Principles to be followed:

Keeping a building in use – Is generally seen as the bestway to keep the building up to a good standard. If achange of use must occur, minimum damage must bemade to the original character of the building.

Researching and analysing – Much research must bedone on the history, the fabric and the current condition ofthe building before any proposals for works can be made.

Using expert conservation advice – expert advice shouldbe sought throughout the planning process and theconstruction process to ensure that the works arecompleted correctly.

Protecting the special interest – Inappropriate workscan damage the character and special interest of abuilding, so special care must be taken to ensure thisdoes not happen.

Promoting minimum intervention – “do as much asnecessary and as little as possible”.

Respecting earlier alterations of interest – Earlieralterations can be an insight into past constructiontechniques and must be respected. They areirreplaceable.

Repairing rather than replacing – the main aim shouldbe to repair rather than replace because to get the samequality of materials now is next to impossible and most ofthe materials were made by hand.

Promoting honesty of repairs and alterations –materials used in replacement should not be artificiallyaged; this will add confusion in the future as to when thealterations were made.

Using appropriate materials and methods – appropriatematerials must be used during restoration as in pastexamples certain materials accelerated the decay.

Ensuring reversibility of alterations – by ensuringreversibility of alterations in the future this can allow aquick fix to unforeseen problems caused by earlierrestorations.

Avoid incremental damage – major thought must begiven by the planning authority to the impact of minorworks to the character of protected structures.

Discouraging the use of architectural salvage fromother buildings – the re-use of architectural features canconfuse the understanding and appreciation of abuilding, and promoting architectural salvage can causea market for these materials and promotes dismantlingof other old buildings.

Page 3: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures










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Proposed ramp to accomodate level changebetween corridor and classroom afterinsulation has been added to the floor inaccordance with the conservation principlesensuring reversability of alterations.

Proposed ramp to accomodate level changebetween corridor and classroom after insulationhas been added to the floor in accordance withthe conservation principle ensuring reversability ofalterations.

Proposed timber stud partition wall 130mm thick,consisting of 2.5mm skim a double laye of gypsumplasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute firerating in accordance with BS 476, finished with alayer of 2.5mm skim in accordance with theconservation principle ensuring reversability ofalterations.

Proposed newexternal fire exit toaccomodate a safeexit from the buildingin case of fire inaccordance withconservationprinciple promotingminimum intervention

Proposed newalternative steel fireescape staircase toreplace the existingstaircase in accordancewith the conservationprinciple ensuringreversability ofalterations

Proposed new alternativesteel fire escape staircaseto replace to existingstaircase in accordancewith the conservationprinciple ensuringreversability of alterations

Proposed 2000mm clear width corridor to allow access to all classrooms fordisableds users, after the isulation has been added to the existing floor and thefloor level within the classrooms has been raised. the corridor must be aminimum of 2000mm to accomodate the amount of traffic that will pass throughthe area on a daily basis in accordance with conservation principle promotingminimum intervention

Proposed all windows to be upgraded to double glazed argon filled timberframed windows. Proposed draught proofing strips to be added around allwindows and the detailing at cill level is to be addressed. Materials must notbe artificially aged in terms of the conservation principle promoting honesty ofrepairs and in terms of not changing the apperance of the building

Existing section of this wall is proposed to be demolisehed toallow access for the new corridor in accordance withconservation principle promoting minimum intervention

Proposed upgrading of existing doors throughout theground floor with smoke seals all around and covered in alayer of intumescent paint to provide a fire resistance of30mins in accordance with conservation principle promotingminimum intervention

Proposed access ramp to main entrance at agradient of 1:12 in accordance with TGD M andthe conservation principles in terms of ensuringreversability of alterations.





5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18

Proposed new alternativesteel fire escape staircaseto replace to existingstaircase in accordancewith the conservationprinciple ensuringreversability of alterations

Proposed new alternativesteel fire escape staircase toreplace to existing staircasein accordance with theconservation principleensuring reversability ofalterations

Proposed all windows to be upgraded to double glazed argon filled timberframed windows. Proposed draught proofing strips to be added around allwindows and the detailing at cill level is to be addressed. Materials mustnot be artificially aged in terms of the conservation principle promotinghonesty of repairs and in terms of not changing the apperance of thebuilding

Existing terrazzo covered staircase is inaccordance with current TGD M BuildingRegulations

Proposed new 30minute fire rated folding partition alternative wallsto replace existing folding partition walls, to be in compliance withTGD B in accordance with the conservation principle ensuringreversability of alterations

Proposed ramp to accomodate level changebetween corridor and classroom after insulationhas been added to the floor in accordance with theconservation principle ensuring reversability ofalterations

Proposed ramp to accomodatelevel change between corridor andclassroom after insulation hasbeen added to the floor inaccordance with the conservationprinciple ensuring reversability ofalterations

Proposed parquet flooring to be repaired were possible and relaidand if not possible to be replaced after the insulation has beenadded to the floor in accordance with conservation principlerepairing rather than replacing





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Proposed new alternativesteel fire escape staircaseto replace to existingstaircase in accordancewith conservation principlereversability of alterations

Proposed new alternative steelfire escape staircase toreplace to existing staircase inaccordance with conservationprinciple reversability ofalterations

Proposed all windows to be upgraded to double glazed argon filledtimber framed windows. Proposed draught proofing strips to beadded around all windows and the detailing at cill level is to beaddressed.

Existing terrazzo covered staircase is inaccordance with current TGD M BuildingRegulations

Assumed position of existing shower rooms

Proposed demolishment of existing corridorwalls as adequate space was no providedfor wheelchair users in accordance withTGD M in accordance with the conservationprinciple promoting minimum intervention

Proposed demolishment of existing internal doors for wider more sufficientalternatives in accordance with TGD M

Proposed upgrade of existingfire escape doors to 60minutefire escape doors inaccordane with TGD B

Proposed upgrade of existing fireescape doors to 60minute fire escapedoors in accordane with TGD B

Proposed upgrade of existing doors to 30minute fireresistant doors with smoke seals all around the edges and aleayer of intumescent paint to be added in accordance withthe conservation principle promoting minimum intervention

Proposed new corridor a minimum width of 2000mm to allow sufficient access fordisabled access and to allow sufficient room for the foot traffic that will pass throughthe building in accordance with TGD M

Proposed upgrade to existing walls with an additional dry-lining board to both faces of the partitionwall, consisting of 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between steel Uchannels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476,finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done to both sides of the wall, in accordance with theconservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed ramp to accomodate level change between corridor and classroom afterinsulation has been added to the floor in accordance with the conservation principleensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed ramp to accomodate level change between corridor andclassroom after insulation has been added to the floor in accordance withthe conservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed addition of Parquet flooring to be added afterinsulation has been added to the floor to keep in characterwith the rest of the building in accordance with theconservation principle protecting the special interest

Proposed addition of Parquetflooring to be added afterinsulation has been added to thefloor to keep in character with therest of the building in accordancewith the conservation principleprotecting the special interest

Proposed addition of Parquet flooring to be added afterinsulation has been added to the floor to keep in characterwith the rest of the building in accordance with theconservation principle protecting the special interest









DCBAExisting concrete parapet capping topped withlead, proposed to be repaired if neccesary andresealed in accordance with the conservationprinciple repairing rather than replacing

Existing terrazzo covered staircase is inaccordance with current TGD M BuildingRegulations

Proposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floorwith smoke seals all around and covered in a layer of intumescentpaint to provide a fire resistance of 30mins in accordance with theconservation principle promoting minimum intervention

Proposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timberframed windows which will achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k.Install draught proofing strips around all windows to lowerheat loss even more. Materials must not be artificially aged interms of the conservation principle promoting honesty ofrepairs and in terms of not changing the apperance of thebuilding

Proposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired where possible and if not replaced, additional80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timber battens to be added on top of existing screed. Repairedhardwood flooring to be put back down on top of the new insulation in accordance with the conservtionprinciple ensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick, consisting of 2.5mm skim a double laye ofgypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timber studs with insulation in between,double layer of 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim in accordance with the conservtion principle ensuringreversability of alterations

Proposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceiling level consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between timber battens,12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. The existing rubber membraneneeds to be stripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebbles replaces, andthe drainage issues addressed in accordance with the conservtion principleensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed new bathroom layoutwith accessible disabled WC inaccordance with TGD M and inaccordance with the conservationprinciple promoting minimumintervention

Proposed 2000mm clear widthcorridor in accordance with theconservation principle promotingminimum intervention






Assumed existing floor build up of block l

80mm x 40mm timber battens fixed to the existing floor @ 60mm c/c creating a frame that can beeasily removed in accordance with the conservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

80mm Kingspan Therma TF70 in between timber battens

18mm Plywood sheeting put in place to fix the flooring to

Repaired paraquet flooring replaced after installation of additional insulationin accordance with the conservation principle repair rather than replace

85mm x 40mm Vertical steel U channels fixed to the existing wall @600mm c/c creating a frame that can be easily removed in accordance withthe conservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Existing external wall of block l

85mm Kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board inbetween steel U channels

12.5mm Gyproc board finished with a layer of 2.5mm plaster skim

Walling alterations

Proposed - additional dry-lining board to the internalface of the existing wall, consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board inbetween steel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsumplasterboard with a 60minute fir rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of2.5mm skim. Steel U channels to be used as a baseframe for the proposed alterations, with limitedfixings along the horizontal steel U channels to limitthe amount of damage to the original structure aspossible in accordance with the conservationprinciple ensuring reversibility of alterations.

Flooring alterations

Proposed - remove existing harwood flooring tobe repaired where possible and if not replaced,additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 inbetween timber battens to be added on top ofexisting screed. Repaired hardwood flooring tobe put back down on top of the new insulation.Timber battens to be used as a base frame forthe proposed alterations, with limited fixings soto create the least amount of damage to theoriginal structure as possible in accordance withthe conservtion principle ensuring reversabilityof alterations.



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Conservation Sheet


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dan O' Sulivan


1 : 100

Ground Floor Level Proposed Conservation


1 : 100

First Floor Level Proposed Conservation


1 : 100

Second Floor Level Proposed Conservation


Conservation Principles to be followed:

Keeping a building in use – Is generally seen as the bestway to keep the building up to a good standard. If achange of use must occur, minimum damage must bemade to the original character of the building.

Researching and analysing – Much research must bedone on the history, the fabric and the current condition ofthe building before any proposals for works can be made.

Using expert conservation advice – expert advice shouldbe sought throughout the planning process and theconstruction process to ensure that the works arecompleted correctly.

Protecting the special interest – Inappropriate workscan damage the character and special interest of abuilding, so special care must be taken to ensure thisdoes not happen.

Promoting minimum intervention – “do as much asnecessary and as little as possible”.

Respecting earlier alterations of interest – Earlieralterations can be an insight into past constructiontechniques and must be respected. They areirreplaceable.

Repairing rather than replacing – the main aim shouldbe to repair rather than replace because to get the samequality of materials now is next to impossible and most ofthe materials were made by hand.

Promoting honesty of repairs and alterations –materials used in replacement should not be artificiallyaged; this will add confusion in the future as to when thealterations were made.

Using appropriate materials and methods – appropriatematerials must be used during restoration as in pastexamples certain materials accelerated the decay.

Ensuring reversibility of alterations – by ensuringreversibility of alterations in the future this can allow aquick fix to unforeseen problems caused by earlierrestorations.

Avoid incremental damage – major thought must begiven by the planning authority to the impact of minorworks to the character of protected structures.

Discouraging the use of architectural salvage fromother buildings – the re-use of architectural features canconfuse the understanding and appreciation of abuilding, and promoting architectural salvage can causea market for these materials and promotes dismantlingof other old buildings.

1 : 100

Proposed Short Section A-A Conservation


3D Proposed Additional Isulation


1 : 1

Section A-A Key Plan


3D Walling Alterations


3D Flooring Alterations


Existing U-Value

Existing Ground Floor 0.645W/m²K

Existing External Wall 1.84W/m²K

Existing Column 3.03W/m²K

Existing Roof 2.43W/m²K

Existing Windows 4.8W/m²K

Achieved U-Value






1 : 1

3D Key Plan


Page 4: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures

16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25






























Proposed ramp to accomodate level changebetween corridor and classroom after insulationhas been added to the floor

Proposed ramp toaccomodate levelchange betweencorridor and classroomafter insulation hasbeen added to the floor

Proposed timber stud partition wall 130mm thick,consisting of 2.5mm skim a double laye of gypsumplasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute firerating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layerof 2.5mm skim.

Proposednewexternalfire exit toaccomodate a safeexit fromthe buildingin case offire

Proposednewalternativesteel fireescapestaircaseto replaceto existingstaircase

Proposed 2000mm clear width corridor to allow access toall classrooms for disableds users, after the isulation hasbeen added to the existing floor and the floor level withinthe classrooms has been raised. the corridor must be aminimum of 2000mm to accomodate the amount oftraffic that will pass through the area on a daily basis.

Proposed all windows to be upgraded to double glazed argon filled timberframed windows. Proposed draught proofing strips to be added around allwindows and the detailing at cill level is to be addressed.

Existing terrazzo covered staircase is inaccordance with current TGD M BuildingRegulations

Existing section of this wall is proposed to bedemolisehed to allow access for the new corridor

Proposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floor with smokeseals all around and covered in a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins





Proposed access ramp to main entrance at agradient of 1:12 in accordance with TGD M


47 m²Classroom


34 m²Corridor 1


15 m²WC's


23 m²Classroom


64 m²Cassroom


23 m²Main Corridor GF


20 m²Stairwell GF

714 m²Stairwell GF


9 m²Stairs Lobby


138 m²Science Lab


43 m²Lab Storage

1194 m²

Staff Room12

43 m²Classroom


44 m²Classroom


12 m²Protective Corridor


24 m²WC's


17 m²Stairwell GF


66 m²Kitchen


175 m²Canteen


Room Legend





Corridor 1


Lab Storage

Main Corridor GF

Protective Corridor

Science Lab

Staff Room

Stairs Lobby

Stairwell GF


1211 19132









573 2000 1350 2000 1350 2000 675 840 2000 600 2000 600 2000 400

6598 3350 3350 3350 1740





























3224 1842 1508 1842 3350 3350 3453

1791 2000 1275 675 2000 1350 2000 675 675 2000 1350 2000 778839































573 373














100 3150 100320 1010 398840 1340 890532 1010 2582043 1010 4001940 1010 400480 1002 360

















1010 258








































15 m²Stairwell GF


5 m²Stairs Lobby


60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080









StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Existing Block L

















UP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

























409 1810 409








1000 628 1000























31Atrium Opening Above



679 1707 700

General Notes:

-All works to comply with current buildingregulations and code of practice.-All works must be done to the satisfaction ofthe buildign control officer.-All dimensions in mm unless otherwisenoted.-Drawings must not be scaled, writtendimensions must be followed.-Expert advice must be sought from aconservation architect and the heritage groupbefore construction can start on site.-Glulaminated columns to be placed on theintersection of grid lines as shown.-Glulaminated beams to span along gridlinesfrom column to column.-Walls not placed along gridlines.-Primary structure glumainated columns andbeams to be in accordance with EN 14080.-Cross laminated timber panels to be inaccordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN12354-1 and BS EN 12354 -2 in terms of fireand acoustic performance.-Precast concrete for lift shaft and stair shaftto comply with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004.-Lift and stair shaft to be 60min fire proofincluding access doors.-All escape fire doors to be 60min fire ratedand fitted with automatic closers.-Floor finish to be non-slip ceramic tiles andtimber floors where indicated on plan.-Entrance area to have a minimum levellanding within 1800mm of entrance door.


32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40






Wall dimensions eitherside of gridline

Proposed demolishment of existing window and installation ofnew fire rated door to allow for link access to new extension block




StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080





19 m²Corridor


120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

1 : 100

Combined Ground Floor Plan


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 100

Ground Floor Level1

Door Schedule Ground Floor Level

Level Mark Fire Rating Width Height

GFL 1 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 2 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 3 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 4 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 5 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 6 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 7 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 8 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 9 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 10 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 11 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 12 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 13 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 14 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 15 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 16 FD60 813 2184

GFL 17 FD60 813 2184

GFL 18 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 19 FD30 910 2110

GFL 20 FD30 910 2110

GFL 21 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 22 FD60 1010 2110

GFL 23 FD30 1010 2110

GFL 24 FD30 910 2110

GFL 25 FD30 910 2110

GFL 26 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 27 FD60 1010 2110

GFL 28 FD30 835 2595

GFL 29 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 30 FD30 1950 2325

GFL 64 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 65 FD60 1810 2110

GFL 69 FD30 1950 2025

GFL 74 FD60 1810 2110

Room Schedule Ground Floor Level

Number Name Level Area

1 Classroom GFL 47 m²

2 Corridor 1 GFL 34 m²

3 WC's GFL 15 m²

4 Classroom GFL 23 m²

5 Cassroom GFL 64 m²

6 Main Corridor GF GFL 23 m²

7 Stairwell GF GFL 20 m²

8 Stairwell GF GFL 14 m²

9 Stairs Lobby GFL 9 m²

10 Science Lab GFL 138 m²

11 Lab Storage GFL 43 m²

12 Staff Room GFL 94 m²

13 Classroom GFL 43 m²

14 Classroom GFL 44 m²

15 Protective Corridor GFL 12 m²

16 WC's GFL 24 m²

17 Stairwell GF GFL 17 m²

18 Kitchen GFL 66 m²

19 Canteen GFL 175 m²

20 Stairwell GF GFL 15 m²

21 Stairs Lobby GFL 5 m²

22 Corridor GFL 19 m²

General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external wallsProposed - additional dry-lining board to the internal face of the existing wall,consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fir rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing internal wallsProposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces of the partition wall, consistingof 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between steel Uchannels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done toboth sides of the wall.Proposed upgrade to existing floorProposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired where possible andif not replaced, additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timberbattens to be added on top of existing screed. Repaired hardwood flooring to beput back down on top of the new insulation.Proposed upgrade to existing roofProposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceiling level consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between timber battens,12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. The existing rubber membraneneeds to be stripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebbles replaces, andthe drainage issues addressed.Proposed timber stud partitionProposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick, consisting of 2.5mm skim adouble laye of gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing windowsProposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framed windows whichwill achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around allwindows to lower heat loss even more. Address detailing at cill to fix the waterdrainage problem from occuring.Proposed upgrade to existing internal doorsProposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floor with smokeseals all around and covered in a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins.

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concrete ring beams tocarry the load of the external and internal walls, while also allocating a space forthe hollowcore flooring to sit into. The hollowcore flooring will bear half way on toeach beam and be securely strapped back using T12 tie bars bedded in with thescreed. Each structural glulam column will be connected back to a 360mm x360mm square reinforced concrete column. Each concrete column will vary indepth as the ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete column will bestructurally supported below by a pad foundation. Each column is to have its ownindividual pad foundation where possible.Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcore floor slabs andground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring slabs to be connected backto the reinforced concrete ring beams, both in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concrete screed to be placed on top of the hollowcoreflooring slabs. 80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to be placed on top ofthe structural screed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @ 600mm c/c to beplaced in between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed over the insulation andfixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Finally the floor is to be finishedin accordance with the use of each specific room, with 22mm oak flooring to beplaced in most areas and a tile finish to be placed in the kitchen and WC areas.Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to be finished with a2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This isfollowed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between25mm x 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminatedtimber panels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board inplace. The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers)cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another.Above this there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulation in between 25mmx 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Then sheets of 18mm plywood finallyfinished off with a 22mm oak flooring or a tile finish depending on the use of theroom.Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a 2.5mm plasterskim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This is followed by a25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mm x75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place.The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) crosslaminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mm KingspanThermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished with a triple layer of built up feltwaterproofing.External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime render finish, 40mmwood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mm timbervent, 400mmwheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’ studs spaced @ 600mm c/c,15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timberbattens fixed back to the 15mm OSB, finished on the interior side with a layer of12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each end of the straw balepanel is closed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column. This system is fromthe manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel. This wall panelachieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of 120mins, and an acousticperformance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to supportand fix the gyproc board to. Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers) crosslaminated timber wall panel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN 12354-1and BS EN 12354-2 in terms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mm rockwoolinsulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @ 600mmc/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to support and fixthe gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plasterskim finish.Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solid wall panels tobe used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protected corridor to providestructural strength and achieve the required fire rating in accordance with TGD B.the panels are also relatively soundproof so this will eliminate sound transmissionthroughout the building. The internal panels will have a 25mm service cavity inbetween 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with 12.5mm gyprocboard and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside the lift or stairs shafthaving the concrete left exposed. The panels that are exposed to the outside willhave no internal finish (concrete to be left exposed), and an 8mm lime renderfinish to the external face.

3D GL2

Page 5: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures

16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25






























Proposed new alternative steelfire escape staircase to replaceto existing staircase

Proposed all windows to be upgraded to double glazed argon filled timberframed windows. Proposed draught proofing strips to be added around allwindows and the detailing at cill level is to be addressed.

Existing terrazzo covered staircase is inaccordance with current TGD M BuildingRegulations

Proposed ramp to accomodate level changebetween corridor and classroom after insulationhas been added to the floor

Proposed ramp to accomodate level change betweencorridor and classroom after insulation has beenadded to the floor

Proposed parquet flooring to be repaired were possibleand relaid and if not possible to be replaced after theinsulation has been added to the floor

201 m²Classroom


30 m²Corridor


20 m²Stairwell FFL

3114 m²Stairwell FFL


9 m²Stairwell Lobby


138 m²Science Lab


43 m²Lab Storage

3567 m²


25 m²Storage


43 m²Classroom


44 m²Classroom


12 m²Protective Corridor


24 m²WC's


17 m²Stairwell FFL


64 m²Kitchen Storage


176 m²Canteen


15 m²Room


5 m²Room




























6598 3350 3350 3350 1740









































573 2000 1350 2000 1350 2000 675 840 2000 600 2000 600 2000 400



3304 1842 1508 1842 3350 3350 3777

1871 2000 1275 675 2000 1350 2000 675 675 2000 1350 2000 1102





















Room Legend




Kitchen Storage

Lab Storage

Protective Corridor


Science Lab

Stairwell FFL

Stairwell Lobby








31FD60 32












47FD30 50
















Ramp @gradient of 1:20

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

Atrium Opening Above

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2









532 1010 300 2140 1010 200 2243 1010 200 565 1010 1010 398 3350

409 1810 409






461 1010 1383





1000 628 1000



General Notes:

-All works to comply with current buildingregulations and code of practice.-All works must be done to the satisfaction ofthe buildign control officer.-All dimensions in mm unless otherwisenoted.-Drawings must not be scaled, writtendimensions must be followed.-Expert advice must be sought from aconservation architect and the heritage groupbefore construction can start on site.-Glulaminated columns to be placed on theintersection of grid lines as shown.-Glulaminated beams to span along gridlinesfrom column to column.-Walls not placed along gridlines.-Primary structure glumainated columns andbeams to be in accordance with EN 14080.-Cross laminated timber panels to be inaccordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN12354-1 and BS EN 12354 -2 in terms of fireand acoustic performance.-Precast concrete for lift shaft and stair shaftto comply with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004.-Lift and stair shaft to be 60min fire proofincluding access doors.-All escape fire doors to be 60min fire ratedand fitted with automatic closers.-Floor finish to be non-slip ceramic tiles andtimber floors where indicated on plan.-Entrance area to have a minimum levellanding within 1800mm of entrance door.




































1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20






















84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92






Proposed demolishment of existing window and installation of newfire rated door to allow for link access to new extension block

348193 Wall dimensions either

side of gridline





StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080














1842 1366



Existing Block L

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

1 : 100

Combined First Floor Plan


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 100

First Floor Level1

General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external wallsProposed - additional dry-lining board to the internal face of the existing wall,consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fir rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing internal wallsProposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces of the partition wall,consisting of 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire ratingin accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be doneto both sides of the wall.Proposed upgrade to existing floorProposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired where possible andif not replaced, additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timberbattens to be added on top of existing screed. Repaired hardwood flooring tobe put back down on top of the new insulation.Proposed upgrade to existing roofProposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceiling level consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between timber battens,12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. The existing rubbermembrane needs to be stripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebblesreplaces, and the drainage issues addressed.Proposed timber stud partitionProposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick, consisting of 2.5mm skim adouble laye of gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing windowsProposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framed windowswhich will achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around allwindows to lower heat loss even more. Address detailing at cill to fix the waterdrainage problem from occuring.Proposed upgrade to existing internal doorsProposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floor with smokeseals all around and covered in a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins.

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concrete ring beams tocarry the load of the external and internal walls, while also allocating a space forthe hollowcore flooring to sit into. The hollowcore flooring will bear half way onto each beam and be securely strapped back using T12 tie bars bedded in withthe screed. Each structural glulam column will be connected back to a 360mm x360mm square reinforced concrete column. Each concrete column will vary indepth as the ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete column will bestructurally supported below by a pad foundation. Each column is to have itsown individual pad foundation where possible.Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcore floor slabsand ground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring slabs to be connectedback to the reinforced concrete ring beams, both in accordance with BS EN1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concrete screed to be placed on top of thehollowcore flooring slabs. 80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to beplaced on top of the structural screed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @600mm c/c to be placed in between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed overthe insulation and fixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Finally thefloor is to be finished in accordance with the use of each specific room, with22mm oak flooring to be placed in most areas and a tile finish to be placed inthe kitchen and WC areas.Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to be finished witha 2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This isfollowed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, inbetween 25mm x 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the crosslaminated timber panels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyprocboard in place. The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x40mm layers) cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulambeam to another. Above this there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulationin between 25mm x 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Then sheets of 18mmplywood finally finished off with a 22mm oak flooring or a tile finish dependingon the use of the room.Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a 2.5mmplaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This is followedby a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mmx 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place.The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) crosslaminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mm KingspanThermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished with a triple layer of built upfelt waterproofing.External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime render finish, 40mmwood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mm timbervent, 400mmwheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’ studs spaced @ 600mm c/c,15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timberbattens fixed back to the 15mm OSB, finished on the interior side with a layer of12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each end of the strawbale panel is closed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column. This system isfrom the manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel. This wall panelachieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of 120mins, and an acousticperformance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place tosupport and fix the gyproc board to. Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers)cross laminated timber wall panel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN12354-1 and BS EN 12354-2 in terms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place tosupport and fix the gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and2.5mm plaster skim finish.Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solid wall panelsto be used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protected corridor to providestructural strength and achieve the required fire rating in accordance with TGDB. the panels are also relatively soundproof so this will eliminate soundtransmission throughout the building. The internal panels will have a 25mmservice cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with12.5mm gyproc board and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside thelift or stairs shaft having the concrete left exposed. The panels that are exposedto the outside will have no internal finish (concrete to be left exposed), and an8mm lime render finish to the external face.

Door Schedule First Floor Level

Level Mark Fire Rating Width Height

FFL 15 FD60 184 1245

FFL 16 FD60 184 190

FFL 31 FD60 1810 2110

FFL 32 FD60 1810 2110

FFL 33 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 34 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 35 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 36 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 37 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 38 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 39 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 40 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 41 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 42 FD60 813 2184

FFL 43 FD60 813 2184

FFL 44 FD60 1810 2110

FFL 45 FD60 1810 2110

FFL 46 FD60 184 665

FFL 47 FD30 910 2110

FFL 48 FD30 1010 2110

FFL 49 FD30 910 2110

FFL 50 FD60 910 2110

FFL 63 FD60 1810 2110

FFL 66 FD60 1810 2110

FFL 73 FD30 910 2110

Room Schedule First Floor Leel

Number Name Level Area

29 Classroom FFL 201 m²

30 Corridor FFL 30 m²

31 Stairwell FFL FFL 20 m²

32 Stairwell FFL FFL 14 m²

33 Stairwell Lobby FFL 9 m²

34 Science Lab FFL 138 m²

35 Lab Storage FFL 43 m²

36 Classroom FFL 67 m²

37 Storage FFL 25 m²

38 Classroom FFL 43 m²

39 Classroom FFL 44 m²

40 Protective Corridor FFL 12 m²

41 WC's FFL 24 m²

42 Stairwell FFL FFL 17 m²

43 Kitchen Storage FFL 64 m²

44 Canteen FFL 176 m²

45 Room FFL 15 m²

46 Room FFL 5 m²


Page 6: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures

16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25






























Proposed new alternative steelfire escape staircase to replaceto existing staircase

Proposed all windows to be upgraded to double glazed argon filled timber framed windows.Proposed draught proofing strips to be added around all windows and the detailing at cill level is tobe addressed.

Existing terrazzo covered staircase is inaccordance with current TGD M BuildingRegulations

Proposed demolishment of existingcorridor walls as adequate space was noprovided for wheelchair users inaccordance with TGD M

Proposed new corridor a minimum width of 2000mm to allow sufficient access fordisabled access and to allow sufficient room for the foot traffic that will pass throughthe building in accordance with TGD M

Proposed upgrade to existing walls with an additional dry-lining board to both faces of thepartition wall, consisting of 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating in accordancewith BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done to both sides of the wall.

Proposed ramp to accomodate level change between corridor andclassroom after insulation has been added to the floor

Proposed ramp to accomodate level change between corridor andclassroom after insulation has been added to the floor

Proposed addition of Parquetflooring to be added afterinsulation has been added to thefloor to keep in character with therest of the building

Proposed addition of Parquet flooring tobe added after insulation has been addedto the floor to keep in character withthe rest of the building

Proposed addition of Parquet flooring to be added afterinsulation has been added to the floor to keep in characterwith the rest of the building

11 m²Showers


99 m²Games Room


116 m²Music Room


6 m²Corridor


20 m²Stairwell SFL

5114 m²

Stairwell SFL52

9 m²Stairwell Lobby


10 m²Protected Corridor


24 m²WC's


17 m²Stairwell SFL


15 m²Stairwell SFL


5 m²Stairwell Lobby


Room Legend


Games Room

Music Room

Protected Corridor


Stairwell Lobby

Stairwell SFL



Atrium Opening Above

General Notes:

-All works to comply with current buildingregulations and code of practice.-All works must be done to thesatisfaction of the buildign controlofficer.-All dimensions in mm unless otherwisenoted.-Drawings must not be scaled, writtendimensions must be followed.-Expert advice must be sought from aconservation architect and the heritagegroup before construction can start onsite.-Glulaminated columns to be placed onthe intersection of grid lines as shown.-Glulaminated beams to span alonggridlines from column to column.-Walls not placed along gridlines.-Primary structure glumainated columnsand beams to be in accordance with EN14080.-Cross laminated timber panels to be inaccordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN12354-1 and BS EN 12354 -2 in terms offire and acoustic performance.-Precast concrete for lift shaft and stairshaft to comply with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004.-Lift and stair shaft to be 60min fire proofincluding access doors.-All escape fire doors to be 60min firerated and fitted with automatic closers.-Floor finish to be non-slip ceramic tilesand timber floors where indicated onplan.-Entrance area to have a minimum levellanding within 1800mm of entrance door.




















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Proposed demolishment of existing window and installation ofnew fire rated door to allow for link access to new extension block






















































3314 1842 1508 1842 3350 3350 3569






360 6598 3350 3350 3350 1740














241 1010 1383

565 1010 3615 1010 398











51FD60 52






409 1810 409


1000 628 1000

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelParapet wallcovered inroofing felt

Membranecoated insulatedgutter

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

60min Fire rated200mm Crosslaminated timberpanel floor

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

60min Fire ratedGlulaminatedbeam 140mm x675mm EN14080

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelParapet wallcovered inroofing felt

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Glass handrail ata height of900mm

Glass handrail ata height of900mm

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

Membranecoated insulatedgutter

Membranecoated insulatedgutter

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelParapet wallcovered inroofing felt

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelParapet wallcovered inroofing felt60min Fire rated

Cross LaminatedTimber PanelParapet wallcovered inroofing felt













1842 1366



Existing Block L


g BlockB






106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114


Direction of rain water flow

Proposed to be demolished


StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080















1842 1366


22mm Accoyatimber claddingfinish to theexterior

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

Membranecoated insulatedgutter

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

Membranecoated insulatedgutter

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

1 : 100

Combined Second Floor Plan


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 100

Second Floor Level1

General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external wallsProposed - additional dry-lining board to the internal face of the existing wall,consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fir rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing internal wallsProposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces of the partition wall,consisting of 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire ratingin accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be doneto both sides of the wall.Proposed upgrade to existing floorProposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired where possible andif not replaced, additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timberbattens to be added on top of existing screed. Repaired hardwood flooring tobe put back down on top of the new insulation.Proposed upgrade to existing roofProposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceiling level consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between timber battens,12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. The existing rubbermembrane needs to be stripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebblesreplaces, and the drainage issues addressed.Proposed timber stud partitionProposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick, consisting of 2.5mm skim adouble laye of gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing windowsProposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framed windowswhich will achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around allwindows to lower heat loss even more. Address detailing at cill to fix the waterdrainage problem from occuring.Proposed upgrade to existing internal doorsProposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floor with smokeseals all around and covered in a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins.

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concrete ring beams tocarry the load of the external and internal walls, while also allocating a space forthe hollowcore flooring to sit into. The hollowcore flooring will bear half way onto each beam and be securely strapped back using T12 tie bars bedded in withthe screed. Each structural glulam column will be connected back to a 360mm x360mm square reinforced concrete column. Each concrete column will vary indepth as the ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete column will bestructurally supported below by a pad foundation. Each column is to have itsown individual pad foundation where possible.Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcore floor slabsand ground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring slabs to be connectedback to the reinforced concrete ring beams, both in accordance with BS EN1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concrete screed to be placed on top of thehollowcore flooring slabs. 80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to beplaced on top of the structural screed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @600mm c/c to be placed in between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed overthe insulation and fixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Finally thefloor is to be finished in accordance with the use of each specific room, with22mm oak flooring to be placed in most areas and a tile finish to be placed inthe kitchen and WC areas.Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to be finished witha 2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This isfollowed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, inbetween 25mm x 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the crosslaminated timber panels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyprocboard in place. The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x40mm layers) cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulambeam to another. Above this there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulationin between 25mm x 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Then sheets of 18mmplywood finally finished off with a 22mm oak flooring or a tile finish dependingon the use of the room.Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a 2.5mmplaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This is followedby a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mmx 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place.The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) crosslaminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mm KingspanThermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished with a triple layer of built upfelt waterproofing.External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime render finish, 40mmwood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mm timbervent, 400mmwheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’ studs spaced @ 600mm c/c,15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timberbattens fixed back to the 15mm OSB, finished on the interior side with a layer of12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each end of the strawbale panel is closed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column. This system isfrom the manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel. This wall panelachieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of 120mins, and an acousticperformance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place tosupport and fix the gyproc board to. Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers)cross laminated timber wall panel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN12354-1 and BS EN 12354-2 in terms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place tosupport and fix the gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and2.5mm plaster skim finish.Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solid wall panelsto be used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protected corridor to providestructural strength and achieve the required fire rating in accordance with TGDB. the panels are also relatively soundproof so this will eliminate soundtransmission throughout the building. The internal panels will have a 25mmservice cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with12.5mm gyproc board and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside thelift or stairs shaft having the concrete left exposed. The panels that are exposedto the outside will have no internal finish (concrete to be left exposed), and an8mm lime render finish to the external face.

Door Schedule Second Floor Level

Level Mark Fire Rating Width Height

SFL 51 FD60 1810 2110

SFL 53 FD30 1010 2110

SFL 54 FD30 1010 2110

SFL 55 FD30 1010 2110

SFL 56 FD60 1810 2110

SFL 57 FD60 825 2025

SFL 58 FD30 910 2110

SFL 59 FD30 1010 2110

SFL 60 FD30 1010 2110

SFL 61 FD30 1010 2110

SFL 62 FD60 910 2110

SFL 67 FD60 1810 2110

SFL 68 FD60 1810 2110

Room Schedule Second Floor Leel

Number Name Level Area

47 Showers SFL 11 m²

48 Games Room SFL 99 m²

49 Music Room SFL 116 m²

50 Corridor SFL 6 m²

51 Stairwell SFL SFL 20 m²

52 Stairwell SFL SFL 14 m²

53 Stairwell Lobby SFL 9 m²

54 Protected Corridor SFL 10 m²

55 WC's SFL 24 m²

56 Stairwell SFL SFL 17 m²

57 Stairwell SFL SFL 15 m²

58 Stairwell Lobby SFL 5 m²


Page 7: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures

161718192122232425 13







Parapet 1


15 14

Parapet 2


Parapet 3




Parapet 4


10987 11 12



67 68 69

1716 18

70 71

19 20

72 73

21 22

74 75 76

23 24 25



78 79 80


60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelParapet wallcovered inroofing felt

22mm Accoyatimber claddingfinish to theexterior

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 coveringSolid Wall

PrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

22mm Accoyatimber claddingfinish to theexterior

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows








Parapet 1



Parapet 2


Parapet 3




Parapet 4













54 55 56 57 58


120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

22mm Accoyatimber claddingfinish to theexterior



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

1 : 100

Combined North & East Elevations


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dan O' Sullivan


General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external wallsProposed - additional dry-lining board to the internal face of the existing wall,consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fir rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing internal wallsProposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces of the partition wall, consistingof 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between steel Uchannels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done toboth sides of the wall.Proposed upgrade to existing floorProposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired where possible andif not replaced, additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timberbattens to be added on top of existing screed. Repaired hardwood flooring to beput back down on top of the new insulation.Proposed upgrade to existing roofProposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceiling level consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between timber battens,12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. The existing rubber membraneneeds to be stripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebbles replaces, andthe drainage issues addressed.Proposed timber stud partitionProposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick, consisting of 2.5mm skim adouble laye of gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing windowsProposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framed windows whichwill achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around allwindows to lower heat loss even more. Address detailing at cill to fix the waterdrainage problem from occuring.Proposed upgrade to existing internal doorsProposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floor with smokeseals all around and covered in a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins.

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concrete ring beams tocarry the load of the external and internal walls, while also allocating a space forthe hollowcore flooring to sit into. The hollowcore flooring will bear half way on toeach beam and be securely strapped back using T12 tie bars bedded in with thescreed. Each structural glulam column will be connected back to a 360mm x360mm square reinforced concrete column. Each concrete column will vary indepth as the ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete column will bestructurally supported below by a pad foundation. Each column is to have its ownindividual pad foundation where possible.Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcore floor slabs andground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring slabs to be connected backto the reinforced concrete ring beams, both in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concrete screed to be placed on top of the hollowcoreflooring slabs. 80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to be placed on top ofthe structural screed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @ 600mm c/c to beplaced in between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed over the insulation andfixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Finally the floor is to be finishedin accordance with the use of each specific room, with 22mm oak flooring to beplaced in most areas and a tile finish to be placed in the kitchen and WC areas.Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to be finished with a2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This isfollowed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between25mm x 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminatedtimber panels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board inplace. The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers)cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another.Above this there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulation in between 25mmx 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Then sheets of 18mm plywood finallyfinished off with a 22mm oak flooring or a tile finish depending on the use of theroom.Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a 2.5mm plasterskim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This is followed by a25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mm x75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place.The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) crosslaminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mm KingspanThermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished with a triple layer of built up feltwaterproofing.External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime render finish, 40mmwood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mm timbervent, 400mmwheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’ studs spaced @ 600mm c/c,15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timberbattens fixed back to the 15mm OSB, finished on the interior side with a layer of12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each end of the straw balepanel is closed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column. This system is fromthe manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel. This wall panelachieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of 120mins, and an acousticperformance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to supportand fix the gyproc board to. Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers) crosslaminated timber wall panel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN 12354-1and BS EN 12354-2 in terms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mm rockwoolinsulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @ 600mmc/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to support and fixthe gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plasterskim finish.Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solid wall panels tobe used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protected corridor to providestructural strength and achieve the required fire rating in accordance with TGD B.the panels are also relatively soundproof so this will eliminate sound transmissionthroughout the building. The internal panels will have a 25mm service cavity inbetween 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with 12.5mm gyprocboard and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside the lift or stairs shafthaving the concrete left exposed. The panels that are exposed to the outside willhave no internal finish (concrete to be left exposed), and an 8mm lime renderfinish to the external face.

Windows and door Specifications

Reynaers ecosystem CS 86-HICS 86-HI is a multi-chamber system for windows and doors that combines aestheticdesign, optimal stability and high thermal comfort. Due to the insulating skeletonstrips, CS 86-HI achieves Uf-values down to 1.2 W/m²K, making this a highly energyefficient system. Flexible expansion strips in the door vents ensure stability in allconditions.

Minimum visable width inward opening window:Frame 51mm / Vent 35mmMinimum visable width outward opening flush door:Frame 42mm / Vent 102mmThermal insulation in accordance with EN 10077-2: Achieves U-value of 1.2 W/m²KBurglar resistance: WK 2 in accordance with EnV 1627 – ENV 1630

Curtain Walling Specifications

Curtain Wall CW 50• Manufacturer: Reynaers Ltd• Product reference: Curtain Wall CW 50 Standard/Curtain Wall CW 50-FP EW 30/Curtain Wall CW 50-FP EW 60 /Curtain Wall CW50- HL /Curtain Wall CW 50-RA

• Internal framing member: Extruded aluminium- Finish: Anodized /Polyester powder coated- Colour:- Minimum film thickness:

• External cover cap: Extruded aluminium- Finish: Anodized /Polyester powder coated- Colour:- Minimum film thickness:

• Doors:• Windows: Fixed light (CW50-FP) /Glazed in windows

/Structural glazing- Configuration: Horizontal pivot /Parallel opener/Side hung /Tilt and turn /Top hung

• Glazing: Insulating glass units /Single glazed panes• Glazing system: Dry glazed gasket• Panel/ Facing type:

External Render

Lime Render

Render mix - 3.5 NHL : Moderate to eminently hydraulicBinder sand ratio1: 1.5 to 1:3 depending on the support and backround conditionsand the fineness of the sand.Sand grading: Sharp and Gritty 3-4mm down to 75 mironsScratch coat - 3-5 mm, Ratio: 1 volume of NHL 4.5 to 1.5volumes of sandUndercoat - 15-20mm, Ratio: 1 volume of NHL 3.5 to 2 volumesof sand (at this dosage consumption 0.35kg of NHL 3.5m2 pereach mm of thickness)Finish coat 5-10mm, Ratio 1 volume of NHL 3.5 to 2.5 volumesof sandCaution: No water barriers should be added to the wall as limerender works in conjunction with the breathability of the wall

Timber Cladding

Accoya by Accys Technologies

Accoya wood is made from softwood but has the qualities ofhardwood, produced via a process called acetylation. Acetylationtransforms the free hydroxyls in the wood into acetyl groups,reducing the wood’s ability to absorb water, making it moredimensionally stable and more durable.Manufacturer Accys TechnologiesType of cladding Horizontal and verticalWood species Softwood, for example Radiata pineTreatment AcetylationLife expectancy 50 yearsMaintenance Low frequency due to increased dimensionalstability as coatings do not stretch and shrinkCertification FSC, PEFC certified and cradle-tocradle goldstandardRecyclability Can be reused or used as a biofuel to produceheat and power

1 : 100

North Elevation1

1 : 100

East Elevation2

Page 8: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures

16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 2513







Parapet 1



Parapet 2


Parapet 3




Parapet 4


104 105




52 51


124 123 122



48 47 45





118 117 116 115


43 42 41

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

60minute FireRated ExternalDoor

Existing reinforced concrete beams proposedto be cleaned of any existing water stainingand any existing cracks to be repaired

Proposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framedwindows which will achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draughtproofing strips around all windows to lower heat loss even more.

Existing brick wall infill betweenreinforced concrete columns,proposed to be cleaned

Proposed newalternative steel

fire escapestaircase to

replace toexisting staircase

Existing Concreteparapet capping toppedwith lead, proposed tobe repaired if neccesaryand resealed








Parapet 1



Parapet 2


Parapet 3




Parapet 4







25 26 27 28





60minute FireRated ExternalDoor

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelParapet wallcovered inroofing felt

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60minute FireRated ExternalDoor

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

22mm Accoyatimber claddingfinish to theexterior



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

1 : 100

Combined South & WestElevations


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dna O' Sullivan


General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external wallsProposed - additional dry-lining board to the internal face of the existing wall,consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fir rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing internal wallsProposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces of the partition wall, consistingof 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between steel Uchannels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done toboth sides of the wall.Proposed upgrade to existing floorProposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired where possible andif not replaced, additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timberbattens to be added on top of existing screed. Repaired hardwood flooring to beput back down on top of the new insulation.Proposed upgrade to existing roofProposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceiling level consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between timber battens,12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. The existing rubber membraneneeds to be stripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebbles replaces, andthe drainage issues addressed.Proposed timber stud partitionProposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick, consisting of 2.5mm skim adouble laye of gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing windowsProposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framed windows whichwill achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around allwindows to lower heat loss even more. Address detailing at cill to fix the waterdrainage problem from occuring.Proposed upgrade to existing internal doorsProposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floor with smokeseals all around and covered in a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins.

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concrete ring beams tocarry the load of the external and internal walls, while also allocating a space forthe hollowcore flooring to sit into. The hollowcore flooring will bear half way on toeach beam and be securely strapped back using T12 tie bars bedded in with thescreed. Each structural glulam column will be connected back to a 360mm x360mm square reinforced concrete column. Each concrete column will vary indepth as the ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete column will bestructurally supported below by a pad foundation. Each column is to have its ownindividual pad foundation where possible.Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcore floor slabs andground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring slabs to be connected backto the reinforced concrete ring beams, both in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concrete screed to be placed on top of the hollowcoreflooring slabs. 80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to be placed on top ofthe structural screed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @ 600mm c/c to beplaced in between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed over the insulation andfixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Finally the floor is to be finishedin accordance with the use of each specific room, with 22mm oak flooring to beplaced in most areas and a tile finish to be placed in the kitchen and WC areas.Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to be finished with a2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This isfollowed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between25mm x 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminatedtimber panels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board inplace. The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers)cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another.Above this there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulation in between 25mmx 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Then sheets of 18mm plywood finallyfinished off with a 22mm oak flooring or a tile finish depending on the use of theroom.Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a 2.5mm plasterskim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This is followed by a25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mm x75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place.The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) crosslaminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mm KingspanThermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished with a triple layer of built up feltwaterproofing.External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime render finish, 40mmwood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mm timbervent, 400mmwheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’ studs spaced @ 600mm c/c,15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timberbattens fixed back to the 15mm OSB, finished on the interior side with a layer of12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each end of the straw balepanel is closed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column. This system is fromthe manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel. This wall panelachieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of 120mins, and an acousticperformance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to supportand fix the gyproc board to. Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers) crosslaminated timber wall panel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN 12354-1and BS EN 12354-2 in terms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mm rockwoolinsulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @ 600mmc/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to support and fixthe gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plasterskim finish.Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solid wall panels tobe used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protected corridor to providestructural strength and achieve the required fire rating in accordance with TGD B.the panels are also relatively soundproof so this will eliminate sound transmissionthroughout the building. The internal panels will have a 25mm service cavity inbetween 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with 12.5mm gyprocboard and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside the lift or stairs shafthaving the concrete left exposed. The panels that are exposed to the outside willhave no internal finish (concrete to be left exposed), and an 8mm lime renderfinish to the external face.

Windows and door Specifications

Reynaers ecosystem CS 86-HICS 86-HI is a multi-chamber system for windows and doors that combines aestheticdesign, optimal stability and high thermal comfort. Due to the insulating skeletonstrips, CS 86-HI achieves Uf-values down to 1.2 W/m²K, making this a highly energyefficient system. Flexible expansion strips in the door vents ensure stability in allconditions.

Minimum visable width inward opening window:Frame 51mm / Vent 35mmMinimum visable width outward opening flush door:Frame 42mm / Vent 102mmThermal insulation in accordance with EN 10077-2: Achieves U-value of 1.2 W/m²KBurglar resistance: WK 2 in accordance with EnV 1627 – ENV 1630

Curtain Walling Specifications

Curtain Wall CW 50• Manufacturer: Reynaers Ltd• Product reference: Curtain Wall CW 50 Standard/Curtain Wall CW 50-FP EW 30/Curtain Wall CW 50-FP EW 60 /Curtain Wall CW50- HL /Curtain Wall CW 50-RA

• Internal framing member: Extruded aluminium- Finish: Anodized /Polyester powder coated- Colour:- Minimum film thickness:

• External cover cap: Extruded aluminium- Finish: Anodized /Polyester powder coated- Colour:- Minimum film thickness:

• Doors:• Windows: Fixed light (CW50-FP) /Glazed in windows

/Structural glazing- Configuration: Horizontal pivot /Parallel opener/Side hung /Tilt and turn /Top hung

• Glazing: Insulating glass units /Single glazed panes• Glazing system: Dry glazed gasket• Panel/ Facing type:

External Render

Lime Render

Render mix - 3.5 NHL : Moderate to eminently hydraulicBinder sand ratio1: 1.5 to 1:3 depending on the support and backround conditions and thefineness of the sand.Sand grading: Sharp and Gritty 3-4mm down to 75 mironsScratch coat - 3-5 mm, Ratio: 1 volume of NHL 4.5 to 1.5 volumes of sandUndercoat - 15-20mm, Ratio: 1 volume of NHL 3.5 to 2 volumes of sand (atthis dosage consumption 0.35kg of NHL 3.5m2 per each mm of thickness)Finish coat 5-10mm, Ratio 1 volume of NHL 3.5 to 2.5 volumes of sandCaution: No water barriers should be added to the wall as lime render worksin conjunction with the breathability of the wall

Timber Cladding

Accoya by Accys Technologies

Accoya wood is made from softwood but has the qualities of hardwood,produced via a process called acetylation. Acetylation transforms the freehydroxyls in the wood into acetyl groups, reducing the wood’s ability toabsorb water, making it more dimensionally stable and more durable.Manufacturer Accys TechnologiesType of cladding Horizontal and verticalWood species Softwood, for example Radiata pineTreatment AcetylationLife expectancy 50 yearsMaintenance Low frequency due to increased dimensional stability ascoatings do not stretch and shrinkCertification FSC, PEFC certified and cradle-tocradle gold standardRecyclability Can be reused or used as a biofuel to produce heat andpower

1 : 100

South Elevation1

1 : 100

West Elevation2

Page 9: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures

161718192122232425 13







Parapet 1


15 14

Parapet 2


Parapet 3




Parapet 4























Parapet 1



Parapet 2


Parapet 3




Parapet 4









Parapet 1



Parapet 2


Parapet 3




Parapet 4









Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Combined Sections


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dan O' Sullivan


General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external wallsProposed - additional dry-lining board to the internal face of the existing wall,consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fir rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing internal wallsProposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces of the partition wall, consistingof 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between steel Uchannels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done toboth sides of the wall.Proposed upgrade to existing floorProposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired where possible andif not replaced, additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timberbattens to be added on top of existing screed. Repaired hardwood flooring to beput back down on top of the new insulation.Proposed upgrade to existing roofProposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceiling level consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between timber battens,12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. The existing rubber membraneneeds to be stripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebbles replaces, andthe drainage issues addressed.Proposed timber stud partitionProposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick, consisting of 2.5mm skim adouble laye of gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing windowsProposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framed windows whichwill achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around allwindows to lower heat loss even more. Address detailing at cill to fix the waterdrainage problem from occuring.Proposed upgrade to existing internal doorsProposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floor with smokeseals all around and covered in a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins.

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concrete ring beams tocarry the load of the external and internal walls, while also allocating a space forthe hollowcore flooring to sit into. The hollowcore flooring will bear half way on toeach beam and be securely strapped back using T12 tie bars bedded in with thescreed. Each structural glulam column will be connected back to a 360mm x360mm square reinforced concrete column. Each concrete column will vary indepth as the ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete column will bestructurally supported below by a pad foundation. Each column is to have its ownindividual pad foundation where possible.Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcore floor slabs andground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring slabs to be connected backto the reinforced concrete ring beams, both in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concrete screed to be placed on top of the hollowcoreflooring slabs. 80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to be placed on top ofthe structural screed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @ 600mm c/c to beplaced in between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed over the insulation andfixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Finally the floor is to be finishedin accordance with the use of each specific room, with 22mm oak flooring to beplaced in most areas and a tile finish to be placed in the kitchen and WC areas.Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to be finished with a2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This isfollowed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between25mm x 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminatedtimber panels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board inplace. The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers)cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another.Above this there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulation in between 25mmx 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Then sheets of 18mm plywood finallyfinished off with a 22mm oak flooring or a tile finish depending on the use of theroom.Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a 2.5mm plasterskim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This is followed by a25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mm x75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place.The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) crosslaminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mm KingspanThermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished with a triple layer of built up feltwaterproofing.External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime render finish, 40mmwood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mm timbervent, 400mmwheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’ studs spaced @ 600mm c/c,15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timberbattens fixed back to the 15mm OSB, finished on the interior side with a layer of12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each end of the straw balepanel is closed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column. This system is fromthe manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel. This wall panelachieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of 120mins, and an acousticperformance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to supportand fix the gyproc board to. Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers) crosslaminated timber wall panel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN 12354-1and BS EN 12354-2 in terms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mm rockwoolinsulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @ 600mmc/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to support and fixthe gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plasterskim finish.Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solid wall panels tobe used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protected corridor to providestructural strength and achieve the required fire rating in accordance with TGD B.the panels are also relatively soundproof so this will eliminate sound transmissionthroughout the building. The internal panels will have a 25mm service cavity inbetween 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with 12.5mm gyprocboard and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside the lift or stairs shafthaving the concrete left exposed. The panels that are exposed to the outside willhave no internal finish (concrete to be left exposed), and an 8mm lime renderfinish to the external face.

Windows and door Specifications

Reynaers ecosystem CS 86-HICS 86-HI is a multi-chamber system for windows and doors that combinesaesthetic design, optimal stability and high thermal comfort. Due to theinsulating skeleton strips, CS 86-HI achieves Uf-values down to 1.2 W/m²K,making this a highly energy efficient system. Flexible expansion strips in the doorvents ensure stability in all conditions.

Minimum visable width inward opening window:Frame 51mm / Vent 35mmMinimum visable width outward opening flush door:Frame 42mm / Vent 102mmThermal insulation in accordance with EN 10077-2: Achieves U-value of 1.2W/m²KBurglar resistance: WK 2 in accordance with EnV 1627 – ENV 1630

External Render

Lime Render

Render mix - 3.5 NHL : Moderate to eminently hydraulicBinder sand ratio1: 1.5 to 1:3 depending on the support and backround conditions and thefineness of the sand.Sand grading: Sharp and Gritty 3-4mm down to 75 mironsScratch coat - 3-5 mm, Ratio: 1 volume of NHL 4.5 to 1.5 volumes of sandUndercoat - 15-20mm, Ratio: 1 volume of NHL 3.5 to 2 volumes of sand (atthis dosage consumption 0.35kg of NHL 3.5m2 per each mm of thickness)Finish coat 5-10mm, Ratio 1 volume of NHL 3.5 to 2.5 volumes of sandCaution: No water barriers should be added to the wall as lime render worksin conjunction with the breathability of the wall

Curtain Walling Specifications

Curtain Wall CW 50• Manufacturer: Reynaers Ltd• Product reference: Curtain Wall CW 50 Standard/Curtain Wall CW 50-FP EW 30/Curtain Wall CW 50-FP EW 60 /Curtain Wall CW50- HL /Curtain Wall CW 50-RA

• Internal framing member: Extruded aluminium- Finish: Anodized /Polyester powder coated- Colour:- Minimum film thickness:

• External cover cap: Extruded aluminium- Finish: Anodized /Polyester powder coated- Colour:- Minimum film thickness:

• Doors:• Windows: Fixed light (CW50-FP) /Glazed in windows

/Structural glazing- Configuration: Horizontal pivot /Parallel opener/Side hung /Tilt and turn /Top hung

• Glazing: Insulating glass units /Single glazed panes• Glazing system: Dry glazed gasket• Panel/ Facing type:

Timber Cladding

Accoya by Accys Technologies

Accoya wood is made from softwood but has the qualities of hardwood, produced via aprocess called acetylation. Acetylation transforms the free hydroxyls in the wood intoacetyl groups, reducing the wood’s ability to absorb water, making it more dimensionallystable and more durable.Manufacturer Accys TechnologiesType of cladding Horizontal and verticalWood species Softwood, for example Radiata pineTreatment AcetylationLife expectancy 50 yearsMaintenance Low frequency due to increased dimensional stability as coatings do notstretch and shrinkCertification FSC, PEFC certified and cradle-tocradle gold standardRecyclability Can be reused or used as a biofuel to produce heat and power

1 : 100

Long Section A-A1

1 : 100

Short Section B-B2

1 : 100

Short Section C-C3

1 : 1

Section Key Plan4

3D Combined Section5

Page 10: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10








33116 16318







0 1479512547




Fire Exit

Fire Exit

Fire Exit

Fire Exit

Fire Exit









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10








23018 16318







Fire Exit

Fire Exit

Fire Exit Fire Exit



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10













Fire Exit

Fire Exit

Fire Exit


Self closing 30 minute fire rated doorfinished with smoke seal and a layer ofintumescent paint

Self closing 60 minute fire rated doorfinished with smoke seal and a layer ofintumescent paint

Minimum 1 hour fire rated construction

Direction of travel distances to fire exits

Ramped access showing level changebetween rooms

Refuge space in a protected area with acall button

Fire Exit Position of illuminated fire exit signs

Position of fire extinguishers throughoutthe building

8mm external lime render

40mm wood fibre combined breather membrane board

12mm timbervent

48mm x 400mm glulam to close the straw bale panel

aluminium flashing to direct water away from the building

25mm x 25mm timber battens fixed back to theglulam to fix the timber cladding to

22mm Accoya timber cladding finish

Rockwool insulation to be used as a fire stoptostop the spread of fire to the floors above

200mm x 250mm structural glulam column

675mm x 140mm structural glulam beam

25mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 rigidinsulation to eliminate any risk of cold bridge

25mm Service cavity

12.5mm Gyproc board

2.5mm plaster skim finish

25mm x 50mm timber battens fixed to theunderside of the clt panel floor to fix the gyprocboard to

200mm Cross laminated timber panel (CLT)

Insulation placed between the two base sole plates

40mm x 80mm timber battens @ 600mm c/cfixed directly to the floor to fix the plywood to

80mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation

18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c to fix flooring to

22mm oak flooring boards to be fixed back to the plywood

400mm wheat straw bale insulation

15mm OSB

2.5mm plaster skim

Double layer of 12.5mm gypsumplasterboard with a 60minute firerating in accordance with BS 476

75mm rockwool insulation inbetween 75mm x 50mmtimber studs @ 600mm c/c

Double layer of 12.5mm gypsumplasterboard with a 60minute firerating in accordance with BS 476

2.5mm plaster skim



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Compliance with TGD B


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 200

Ground Floor Level TGD B1

1 : 200

First Floor Level TGD B2

1 : 200

Second Floor Level TGD B3

Compliance with Technical Guidance Document B

Knockbeg College falls within purpose group 5

Escape routes – A safe means of escape must be achieved in 18m orless in one direction or in 45m or less in more than one direction

Number of escape routes – 1-500 people min 2, more than 500 peopleminimum 3

Width of escape routes – maximum number of people 50 – 750mm,maximum number of people 100 – 850mm, maximum 150 people –950mm all escape routes comply within the building

Both dead end corridors are 1 hour fire rated

A corridor that leads to two alternative escape routes and exceeds12m must be sub divided as shown on the ground floor plan in Block L

Fire safety sign should be provided to highlight the appropriate fireescape route. These signs should be lit by natural light, artificial lightor illuminated so they are clearly visible in times of a fire

First aid equipment and fire extinguishers should be provided on site

A refuge point of 900mm x 1400mm must be provided in a protectedarea with an accessible call point

Gyproc wall board to be used in a double layer where possible toachieve a minimum of 1 hour fire rating

Rockwool insulation to be used between floor to stop the spread offlame from one floor to another

1 : 10

External wall fire stopping detail4

1 : 100

Section Compliance TGD B5

1 : 5

Block L Fire Rated Timber Partition6

Page 11: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures



1500mm x 1500mmwheelchair turning circle

Vertical wall mounted handrail

Wash hand basin

Long mirror to be installed

Vertical wall mounted handrail

Horizontal wall mounted handrail

Hinged handrail

Padded backseat to be installed


Vertical wall mounted handrail

Automatic hand dryer

Landing call buttons with tactile identification

Lift car controls with tactileidentification should be placed1060mm above cab floor

50mm handrail to be placed900mm above cab floor

Lift shaft wall to be 200mmreinforced concrete solid wallpanels

1800mm x 1800mmunobstructed wheelchairturning space to be providedin front of lift shaft

123 557 557 88



Digital screenshowing current level

Lift up and down callbuttons


Pedestrian entrance and exit from thebuildings

Internal circulation route with aminimum clear with of 1200mm

900mm x 1400mm wheelchair refuge space

Direction of travel distances to fire exits

Ramped access showing level changebetween rooms

300mm clear space at door

Ambulant disabled cubicle

Wheelchair accessible WC

Ambulant accessible stairs

Accessible passenger lift



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

TGD M Compliance


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujan Sudhir& Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 200

Ground Floor Level TGD M1

1 : 200

First Floor Level TGD M2

1 : 200

Second Floor Level TGD M3

1 : 20

Disabled WC cubicle4

Disabled accessible WC

-Sanitary facilities to be clearly identifiable.- Alarm pull cords with two red bangles, one at 100mm, theother at 800mm - 1000mm above floor level.- Height of drop down hinged wall mounted rail to be 480mmabove ground level.- Height of vertical and horizontal hand rails to be 480mmabove floor level.- The tap on the hand wash basin to be positioned on theside closest to the WC.- A mirror is to be wall mounted just above the wash handbasin, with the base corresponding with the top of thewash hand basin.- To the lfet of the wash hand basin a horizontal grab rail is tobe put in place and to the right a vertical grab rail is to be putin place both at 480mm above floor level.- The height of the wash hand basin to be 780-800mm aboveground level to the rim.- Turning space of minimum 1500mm x 1500mm to beprovided to allow wheelchair user to turn with adequatespace.

1 : 30

Lift shaft5

1 : 20

Lift shaft doorway6

Lift shaft specification

-The lift is to comply with IS EN 81-1, IS EN 81-2, IS EN81-70- Lift shaft to be constructed of 200mm reinforced precastsolid wall concrete panels.- A minimum of 1800mm x 1800mm unobstructedwheelchair turning space must be kept clear in front of lift.- Landing call buttons must be clearly identifiable, theymust be placed between 900mm to 1200mm abovefloor level.- Sign showing storey must be clearly shown andpositioned between 900mm to 1200mm above groundlevel.- The lift itself must be a minimum of 1400mm x 1100mm.- The doorway must have a clear ope of 800mm minimum.- Lift car controls must be clearly identifiable, placed aminimum of 500mm from the front of the cab and placeda minimum of 900mm to 1200mm from the floor of thecab.- the mirror is to be placed towards the back of the lift cab,the bottom edge of the mirror must be between900mm to 950mm from lift cab floor.- A handrail is to be placed 900mm above the cab floor,all around the lift cab, this handrail is to be 50mm.

Page 12: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures







Parapet 1














Parapet 1


Proposed steel C-channel fixed back to existing wall with insulation in betweencreating a frame so they create a minimum amount of damage and can be easilyremoved in the future if needed in accordacne with the conservation principleensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed 85mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board with12.5mm plasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mm plaster skim

Proposed DPC to be lapped and sealed

Proposed breather membrane to be lapped and sealed

Proposed 80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixeddirectly to existing roof with 80mm Kingspan Therma TF70rigid insulation in between creating a frame so they create aminimum amount of damage and can be easily removed inthe future if needed in accordance with the conservationprinciple ensuring reversability of alterations

Assumed existing concrete ring beam

Assumed existing concrete roof build up

Assumed existing concrete parapet capping to becleaned and repaired if need to keep thecharacter of the building

Proposed 100mm Kingspan Therma TR31 to be glued tothe existing concrete structure to avoid any damage thatwould be caused by fixings in accordance with theconservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Water vapour resistance membrane

Waterproofing membrane layer

Proposed layer of EDPM in accordance with theconservation principle replacing like with like

Proposed timber batten fix to existing concreteparapet copping to support the new parapet copping

Proposed 3mm aluminium parapet copping

Proposed 85mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board with12.5mm plasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mm plaster skim

Assumed existing external wall build up

Proposed breather membrane to be lapped and sealed

Proposed DPC to be lapped and sealed

Proposed steel C-channel fixed back to existing wall with insulation inbetween creating a frame so they create a minimum amount of damageand can be easily removed in the future if needed in accordacne with theconservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed backer rod to be put in place and sealed and gap to be back filledwith insulation

Proposed aluminium flashing fixed back to timber window frame to addressdrainage issues and drain water away from the building

Proposed 30mm x 30mm timber battens with Kingspan rigid insulation in betweento eliminate cold bridge and to fix the window board to

Proposed existing window board to be repaired where possible, if not to bereplace with appropriate alternatives in accordance with the conservationprinciple repairing rather than replacing

Proposed upgrade of existing windows to double glazed, argonfilled timber frame windows



Proposed 80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed directly toexisting floor with 80mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation inbetween creating a frame so they create a minimum amount of damageand can be easily removed in the future if needed in accordance withthe conservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed 50mm x 25mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed directly toexisting floor with 80mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation inbetween creating a frame so they create a minimum amount of damageand can be easily removed in the future if needed in accordance with theconservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Assumed existing floor build up

Proposed 18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c to fix flooring to

Original paraquet flooring to be repaired where possible and if notreplaced and reinstalled to the new level above the additional insulation

Proposed steel C-channel fixed back to existing wall with insulation in betweencreating a frame so they create a minimum amount of damage and can be easilyremoved in the future if needed in accordacne with the conservation principleensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed steel C-channel fixed back to existing wall with insulation inbetween creating a frame so they create a minimum amount of damage andcan be easily removed in the future if needed in accordacne with theconservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed 85mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board with12.5mm plasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mm plaster skimProposed breather membrane to be lapped and sealed

Proposed DPC to be lapped and sealedProposed 85mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining boardwith 12.5mm plasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mm plaster skimProposed breather membrane to be lapped and sealedAssumed existing concrete ring beam



Proposed 85mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board with12.5mm plasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mm plaster skim

Proposed steel C-channel fixed back to existing wall with insulation inbetween creating a frame so they create a minimum amount of damageand can be easily removed in the future if needed in accordacne with theconservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed DPC to be lapped and sealed

Proposed breather membrane to be lapped and sealed

Assumed existing wall build up

Original paraquet flooring to be repaired where possible and if not replacedand reinstalled to the new level above the additional insulation

18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c to fix flooring toProposed 80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed directly to existingfloor with 80mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation in between creating aframe so they create a minimum amount of damage and can be easily removed inthe future if needed in accordance with the conservation principle ensuringreversability of alterations

Assumed existing concrete floor build up

Assumed existing concrete ring beam

Proposed upgrade of existing windows to double glazed, argon filled timber framewindows with trickle vent controls at the window head that can be controlled by theoccupier of the building to allow natural ventilation into the building

Proposed 25mm x 25mm timber battens with Kingspan rigid insulation inbetween to eliminate cold bridge and to fix the gyproc board to

Proposed steel C-channel fixed back to existing wall with insulation inbetween creating a frame so they create a minimum amount of damage andcan be easily removed in the future if needed in accordacne with theconservation principle ensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed DPC to be lapped and sealed

Proposed 85mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board with12.5mm plasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mm plaster skim

Proposed breather membrane to be lapped and sealed

Assumed existing concrete ring beam



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc.(Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Block L Details


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir &Dan O' Sullivan

BLDP1A1131 : 15

BL External Wall Section1

1 : 5

Block L Proposed Roof and Wall Junction2

1 : 5

Block L Window Cill Detail3

1 : 5

First Floor Wall and Floor Junction4

1 : 5

Ground Floor Wall and Floor Junction5

1 : 5

Block L Window Head Detail6

General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external walls

Proposed - additional dry-lining board to the internalface of the existing wall, consisting of 85mm kingspankooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fir rating in accordance with BS 476,finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.

Proposed upgrade to existing internal walls

Proposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces ofthe partition wall, consisting of 50mm kingspankolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476,finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done toboth sides of the wall.

Proposed upgrade to existing floor

Proposed - remove existing harwood flooring to berepaired where possible and if not replaced, additional80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timberbattens to be added on top of existing screed.Repaired hardwood flooring to be put back down ontop of the new insulation.

Proposed upgrade to existing roof

Proposed - additional dry-lining board at internalceiling level consisting of 85mm kingspan koolthermK17 insulated dry-lining board in between timberbattens, 12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mmskim. The existing rubber membrane needs to bestripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebblesreplaces, and the drainage issues addressed.

Proposed timber stud partition

Proposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick,consisting of 2.5mm skim a double laye of gypsumplasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute firerating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layerof 2.5mm skim.

Proposed upgrade to existing windows

Proposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filledtimber framed windows which will achieve a u-value of1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around allwindows to lower heat loss even more. Addressdetailing at cill to fix the water drainage problem fromoccuring.

Proposed upgrade to existing internal doors

Proposed upgrading of existing doors throughout theground floor with smoke seals all around and coveredin a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins.

General Notes:

-All works to comply with current building regulationsand code of practice.-All works must be done to the satisfaction of thebuildign control officer.-All dimensions in mm unless otherwise noted.-Drawings must not be scaled, written dimensions mustbe followed.-Expert advice must be sought from a conservationarchitect and the heritage group before constructioncan start on site.

1 : 1

BLWS Key Plan7

No. Description Date

Page 13: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures









Aluminium thread

Weather bar todrain water awayfrom the door

Bottom rail

Solid timber panel










Assumed existing wall build up

Proposed 50mm Kingspan KoolthermK17 insulated dry-lining board with12.5mm plasterboard, finished with alayer of 2.5mm plaster skim

Proposed steel C-channel fixed backto existing wall with insulation inbetween creating a frame so theycreate a minimum amount ofdamage and can be easily removedin the future if needed in accordacnewith the conservation principleensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed 50mm x 25mm timberbattens @ 600mm c/c fixed directly toexisting floor with 50mm KingspanTherma TF70 rigid insulation inbetween creating a frame so theycreate a minimum amount of damageand can be easily removed in thefuture if needed in accordance withthe conservation principle ensuringreversability of alterations

Assumed existing intermediate floorbuild up



Assumed existing concrete ring beam

Assumed existing concrete floor build up

Proposed 80mm x 40mm timber battens @600mm c/c fixed directly to existing floorwith 80mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigidinsulation in between creating a frame sothey create a minimum amount of damageand can be easily removed in the future ifneeded in accordance with the conservationprinciple ensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed DPC to be lapped and sealed

18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/cto fix flooring to

Original paraquet flooring to be repairedwhere possible and if not replaced andreinstalled to the new level above theadditional insulation

Proposed steel C-channel fixed back toexisting wall with insulation in betweencreating a frame so they create aminimum amount of damage and can beeasily removed in the future if needed inaccordacne with the conservation principleensuring reversability of alterations

Proposed 50mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17insulated dry-lining board with 12.5mmplasterboard, finished with a layer of 2.5mmplaster skim

Assumed existing wall build up









3530 Assumed existing intermediate floor build upProposed 50mm x 25mm timberbattens @ 600mm c/c fixed directly toexisting floor with 50mm KingspanTherma TF70 rigid insulation inbetween creating a frame so theycreate a minimum amount of damageand can be easily removed in thefuture if needed in accordance withthe conservation principle ensuringreversability of alterationsProposed 100mm x 50mm timber studs

Proposed 100mm KingspanKooltherm K17 insulationProposed double layer 12.5mmgyproc board to achieve 60min firerating finished with a layer of 2.5mmplaster skim finish



Assumed existing concrete ring beam

Assumed existing concrete floor build up

Proposed DPC to be lapped and sealed

Proposed 80mm x 40mm timber battens @600mm c/c fixed directly to existing floor with80mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulationin between creating a frame so they create aminimum amount of damage and can be easilyremoved in the future if needed in accordancewith the conservation principle ensuringreversability of alterations

18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c tofix flooring to

Original paraquet flooring to berepaired where possible and if notreplaced and reinstalled to the new levelabove the additional insulation

Proposed 100mm x 50mm timber studs

Proposed 100mm KingspanKooltherm K17 insulation

Proposed double layer 12.5mmgyproc board to achieve 60min firerating finished with a layer of 2.5mmplaster skim finish

Proposed 100mm x 50mm timber studs

Proposed 100mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulation

Proposed double layer 12.5mm gyproc board to achieve60min fire rating finished with a layer of 2.5mm plasterskim finish

Proposed steel C-channel fixed back to existing wallwith insulation in between creating a frame so theycreate a minimum amount of damage and can beeasily removed in the future if needed inaccordacne with the conservation principle ensuringreversability of alterations

Proposed 50mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulateddry-lining board with 12.5mm plasterboard, finishedwith a layer of 2.5mm plaster skim



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Block L Details


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dan O'Sullivan


1 : 20

Threshold Detail1

1 : 2

Door cill detail2

1 : 20

BL Existing Internal Wall Section3

1 : 5

Existing Internal Wall Roof Junction4

1 : 5

Existing Internal Wall Ground Floor Junction5

1 : 20

Proposed Fire Rated Partition Wall6

1 : 5

Proposed Fire Rated Partition Wall Roof Junction7

1 : 5

Proposed Fire Rated Partition Wall Ground Floor Junction8

General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external walls

Proposed - additional dry-lining board to the internalface of the existing wall, consisting of 85mm kingspankooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fir rating in accordance with BS 476,finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.

Proposed upgrade to existing internal walls

Proposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces ofthe partition wall, consisting of 50mm kingspankolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476,finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done toboth sides of the wall.

Proposed upgrade to existing floor

Proposed - remove existing harwood flooring to berepaired where possible and if not replaced, additional80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timberbattens to be added on top of existing screed.Repaired hardwood flooring to be put back down ontop of the new insulation.

Proposed upgrade to existing roof

Proposed - additional dry-lining board at internalceiling level consisting of 85mm kingspan koolthermK17 insulated dry-lining board in between timberbattens, 12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mmskim. The existing rubber membrane needs to bestripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebblesreplaces, and the drainage issues addressed.

Proposed timber stud partition

Proposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick,consisting of 2.5mm skim a double laye of gypsumplasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute firerating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layerof 2.5mm skim.

Proposed upgrade to existing windows

Proposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filledtimber framed windows which will achieve a u-value of1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around allwindows to lower heat loss even more. Addressdetailing at cill to fix the water drainage problem fromoccuring.

Proposed upgrade to existing internal doors

Proposed upgrading of existing doors throughout theground floor with smoke seals all around and coveredin a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins.

General Notes:

-All works to comply with current building regulationsand code of practice.-All works must be done to the satisfaction of thebuildign control officer.-All dimensions in mm unless otherwise noted.-Drawings must not be scaled, written dimensions mustbe followed.-Expert advice must be sought from a conservationarchitect and the heritage group before constructioncan start on site.

1 : 5

Existing Wall Junction With Proposed Wall9

1 : 1

BL Key Section10

1 : 1

BL Key Plan11

Page 14: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures







Parapet 1


Parapet 2


Parapet 3




Parapet 4








Parapet 1


Parapet 2


Parapet 3


Waterproofing e.g. 3 layerbuilt–up felt utilising 3G feltbase layer partially bonded3G felt base layer partially bonded150mm Kingspan Thermaroof TR31 rigid insulation

Foil facer to underside of KingspanThermaroof TR31

200mm Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)Panel supported below by structuralglulam columns and beams

Timber battens to fix the curtain walling to

Aluminium flashing to direct water awayfrom the curtain walling and seal the gap

Reynaers CW 50 curtain walling systemwith double glazing and an aluminiumfinish

140mm x 675mm primary structure glulam beam

200mm x250mm primary structure glulam column

Intermediate curtain walling mullion

Timber battens to fix the curtain walling to and tocreate an upstandAluminium flashing to direct water away from thecurtain walling and seal the gap

Proposed layer of EDPM in accordance with theconservation principle replacing like with like

Waterproofing membrane layer

Proposed 100mm Kingspan Therma TR31 to beglued to the existing concrete structure to avoid anydamage that would be caused by fixings inaccordance with the conservation principleensuring reversability of alterations

Water vapour resistance membrane

Assumed existing concrete roof build up

Proposed 80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mmc/c fixed directly to existing roof with 80mm KingspanTherma TF70 rigid insulation in between creating aframe so they create a minimum amount of damageand can be easily removed in the future if needed inaccordance with the conservation principle ensuringreversability of alterationsAssumed existing concrete ring beamProposed DPC to be lapped and sealedProposed 85mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulateddry-lining board with 12.5mm plasterboard, finishedwith a layer of 2.5mm plaster skimProposed breather membrane to be lapped and sealed



200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column

Assumed existing wall build up200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column

140mm x 675mm primary structure glulam beam

Proposed DPC to be lapped and sealedProposed breather membrane to be lapped and sealed

12.5mm gyproc board with 2.5mm plaster skim finish25mm service cavity to underside of floor

25mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation in between50mm x 25mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c

Proposed steel C-channel fixed back to existing wallwith insulation in between creating a frame so theycreate a minimum amount of damage and can beeasily removed in the future if needed in accordacnewith the conservation principle ensuring reversabilityof alterations

Proposed 85mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board with 12.5mm plasterboard, finished with alayer of 2.5mm plaster skim

Proposed 50mm x 25mm timber battens @ 600mm c/cfixed directly to existing floor with 80mm KingspanTherma TF70 rigid insulation in between creating aframe so they create a minimum amount of damageand can be easily removed in the future if needed inaccordance with the conservation principle ensuringreversability of alterations

Assumed existing floor build up

Proposed 80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mm c/cfixed directly to existing floor with 80mm KingspanTherma TF70 rigid insulation in between creating aframe so they create a minimum amount of damage andcan be easily removed in the future if needed inaccordance with the conservation principle ensuringreversability of alterations

Proposed 18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/cto fix flooring to

Original paraquet flooring to be repaired where possibleand if not replaced and reinstalled to the new level abovethe additional insulation



Assumed existing concrete ring beam

Assumed existing concrete floor build up

Proposed 80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mmc/c fixed directly to existing floor with 80mmKingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation in betweencreating a frame so they create a minimum amountof damage and can be easily removed in the future ifneeded in accordance with the conservation principleensuring reversability of alterations

18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c to fix flooring to

Original paraquet flooring to be repaired where possibleand if not replaced and reinstalled to the new levelabove the additional insulation

Proposed DPM to be lapped and sealed200mm hollowcore precast concrete floor slab30mm precast concrete screed

Proposed rigid insulation to eliminate cold bridge

80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixeddirectly to floor with 80mm Kingspan Therma TF70rigid insulation in between

18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c to fix flooring to

22mm oak timber flooring to match original paraquetflooring in Block L

200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc.(Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Block L Link To New Extension


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir &Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 25

Block L Link To New Extension1

1 : 10

Parapet Block L Link to Extension Connection2

1 : 10

First Floor Block L To Extension onnection3

1 : 10

Ground Floor Block L To Extension Connection4

General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external wallsProposed - additional dry-lining board to the internal face of the existingwall, consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linigboard in between steel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fir rating in accordance with BS 476, finished with alayer of 2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing internal wallsProposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces of the partition wall,consisting of 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board inbetween steel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of2.5mm skim. This to be done to both sides of the wall.Proposed upgrade to existing floorProposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired wherepossible and if not replaced, additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 inbetween timber battens to be added on top of existing screed. Repairedhardwood flooring to be put back down on top of the new insulation.Proposed upgrade to existing roofProposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceiling level consistingof 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in betweentimber battens, 12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. Theexisting rubber membrane needs to be stripped and the torch on feltrepaired and the pebbles replaces, and the drainage issues addressed.Proposed timber stud partitionProposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick, consisting of 2.5mmskim a double laye of gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating,75mm timber studs with insulation in between, double layer of 12.5mmgypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing windowsProposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framedwindows which will achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draughtproofing strips around all windows to lower heat loss even more.Address detailing at cill to fix the water drainage problem from occuring.Proposed upgrade to existing internal doorsProposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floor withsmoke seals all around and covered in a layer of intumescent paint toprovide a fire resistance of 30mins.

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concrete ringbeams to carry the load of the external and internal walls, while alsoallocating a space for the hollowcore flooring to sit into. The hollowcoreflooring will bear half way on to each beam and be securely strappedback using T12 tie bars bedded in with the screed. Each structuralglulam column will be connected back to a 360mm x 360mm squarereinforced concrete column. Each concrete column will vary in depth asthe ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete column will bestructurally supported below by a pad foundation. Each column is tohave its own individual pad foundation where possible.Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcore floorslabs and ground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring slabs tobe connected back to the reinforced concrete ring beams, both inaccordance with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concretescreed to be placed on top of the hollowcore flooring slabs. 80mmKingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to be placed on top of the structuralscreed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @ 600mm c/c to be placedin between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed over the insulationand fixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Finally the floor isto be finished in accordance with the use of each specific room, with22mm oak flooring to be placed in most areas and a tile finish to beplaced in the kitchen and WC areas.Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to befinished with a 2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mmgyproc board. This is followed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mmrockwool insulation, in between 25mm x 75mm timber battens @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panels. Thesebattens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place. Themain structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers)cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam toanother. Above this there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulationin between 25mm x 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Then sheetsof 18mm plywood finally finished off with a 22mm oak flooring or a tilefinish depending on the use of the room.Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board.This is followed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwoolinsulation, in between 25mm x 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixedback to the cross laminated timber panels. These battens are used tosupport and fix the gyproc board in place. The main structure of thefloor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) cross laminated timberpanels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Above this avapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mm KingspanThermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished with a triple layer ofbuilt up felt waterproofing.External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime renderfinish, 40mm wood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mmtimbervent, 400mm wheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’studs spaced @ 600mm c/c, 15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity inbetween 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens fixed back to the 15mmOSB, finished on the interior side with a layer of 12.5mm gyproc boardand 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each end of the straw bale panel isclosed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column. This system isfrom the manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel. This wallpanel achieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of 120mins, andan acoustic performance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board,25mm rockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timberbattens spaced @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanel, put in place to support and fix the gyproc board to. Followed by120mm (40mm x 3 layers) cross laminated timber wall panel inaccordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN 12354-1 and BS EN 12354-2 interms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mm rockwool insulation inbetween 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @ 600mm c/cfixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to supportand fix the gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and2.5mm plaster skim finish.Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solid wallpanels to be used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protectedcorridor to provide structural strength and achieve the required firerating in accordance with TGD B. the panels are also relativelysoundproof so this will eliminate sound transmission throughout thebuilding. The internal panels will have a 25mm service cavity inbetween 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with 12.5mmgyproc board and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside thelift or stairs shaft having the concrete left exposed. The panels that areexposed to the outside will have no internal finish (concrete to be leftexposed), and an 8mm lime render finish to the external face.

1 : 1

BL Link Key Plan5

1 : 1

BL Link Key Section6

No. Description Date

Page 15: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures







Parapet 1


Parapet 2


Parapet 3




Parapet 4








Parapet 2


Parapet 3


Waterproofing e.g. 3 layerbuilt–up felt utilising 3G feltbase layer partially bonded

3G felt base layer partially bonded150mm Kingspan Thermaroof TR31 rigid insulationFoil facer to underside of Kingspan Thermaroof TR31

200mm Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Panelsupported below by structural glulam columns andbeams

Timber battens to fix the curtain walling toAluminium flashing to direct water away fromthe curtain walling and seal the gap

Reynaers CW 50 curtain walling systemwith double glazing and an aluminium finish

140mm x 675mm primary structure glulam beam

200mm x250mm primary structure glulam column

Timber battens to fix the curtain walling to and tocreate an upstand

Aluminium flashing to direct water away from the curtainwalling and seal the gap

Aluminium gutter tray to catch and direct water tothe nearest rain water pipe

Kingspan Therma Tf70 to eliminate cold bridge

12.5mm gyproc board finish with a 2.5mm plasterskim finsh to the internal



200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column

140mm x 675mm primary structure glulam beam

12.5mm gyproc board with 2.5mm plaster skim finish

25mm service cavity to underside of roof

25mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation in between50mm x 25mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c

200mm cross laminated timber (CLT) floor panel

50mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation betweenfloors to avoid contact and eliminate cold bridge

25mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation inbetween 50mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c

18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c to fix flooring toand provide stability between floors

22mm oak flooring similar to the original flooringused in Block L

200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column

Proposed doorway to accomodate entry toBlock C from the new extension block



Proposed DPM to be lapped and sealed200mm hollowcore precast concrete floor slab30mm precast concrete screedProposed rigid insulation to eliminate cold bridgeAssumed existing concrete floor build up

Proposed 80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mmc/c fixed directly to existing floor with 80mmKingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation in between

Precast concrete columns to support glulam columns

18mm plywood sheeting @ 600m c/c to fix flooring to

22mm oak timber flooring to match original paraquetflooring in Block L

proposed ramp to accomodate change of levelbetween extension and block C

Proposed doorway to accomodate entry intoblock c from the new extension

200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc.(Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Block C Link To New Extension


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir &Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 25

Block C Link To New Extension1

1 : 10

Roof Level Block C To Extension Conncetion2

1 : 10

First Floor Block C To Extension Connection3

1 : 10

Ground Floor Block C To Extension Connection4

1 : 1

BC Link Key Plan5

1 : 1

BC Link Key Section6

General Specification

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concrete ring beams tocarry the load of the external and internal walls, while also allocating a space forthe hollowcore flooring to sit into. The hollowcore flooring will bear half way onto each beam and be securely strapped back using T12 tie bars bedded in withthe screed. Each structural glulam column will be connected back to a 360mmx 360mm square reinforced concrete column. Each concrete column will vary indepth as the ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete column willbe structurally supported below by a pad foundation. Each column is to have itsown individual pad foundation where possible.

Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcore floor slabsand ground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring slabs to be connectedback to the reinforced concrete ring beams, both in accordance with BS EN1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concrete screed to be placed on top of thehollowcore flooring slabs. 80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to beplaced on top of the structural screed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @600mm c/c to be placed in between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed overthe insulation and fixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Finally thefloor is to be finished in accordance with the use of each specific room, with22mm oak flooring to be placed in most areas and a tile finish to be placed inthe kitchen and WC areas.

Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to be finishedwith a 2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board.This is followed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, inbetween 25mm x 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the crosslaminated timber panels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyprocboard in place. The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x40mm layers) cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulambeam to another. Above this there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulationin between 25mm x 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Then sheets of 18mmplywood finally finished off with a 22mm oak flooring or a tile finish dependingon the use of the room.

Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a 2.5mmplaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This is followedby a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mmx 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place.The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) crosslaminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mm KingspanThermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished with a triple layer of built upfelt waterproofing.

External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime render finish,40mm wood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mm timbervent,400mm wheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’ studs spaced @600mm c/c, 15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity in between 25mm x 50mmvertical timber battens fixed back to the 15mm OSB, finished on the interior sidewith a layer of 12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each endof the straw bale panel is closed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column.This system is from the manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel.This wall panel achieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of 120mins,and an acoustic performance rating of 52db.

Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place tosupport and fix the gyproc board to. Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers)cross laminated timber wall panel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN12354-1 and BS EN 12354-2 in terms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place tosupport and fix the gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and2.5mm plaster skim finish.

Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solid wall panelsto be used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protected corridor to providestructural strength and achieve the required fire rating in accordance with TGDB. the panels are also relatively soundproof so this will eliminate soundtransmission throughout the building. The internal panels will have a 25mmservice cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with12.5mm gyproc board and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside thelift or stairs shaft having the concrete left exposed. The panels that are exposedto the outside will have no internal finish (concrete to be left exposed), and an8mm lime render finish to the external face.

Curtain Walling Specification:

Curtain Wall CW 50

• Manufacturer: Reynaers Ltd• Product reference: Curtain Wall CW 50 Standard

/Curtain Wall CW 50-FP EW 30/Curtain Wall CW 50-FP EW 60 /Curtain Wall CW50- HL /Curtain Wall CW 50-RA

• Internal framing member: Extruded aluminium- Finish: Anodized /Polyester powder coated- Colour:- Minimum film thickness:

• External cover cap: Extruded aluminium- Finish: Anodized /Polyester powder coated- Colour:- Minimum film thickness:

• Doors:• Windows: Fixed light (CW50-FP) /Glazed in windows

/Structural glazing- Configuration: Horizontal pivot /Parallel opener

/Side hung /Tilt and turn /Top hung• Glazing: Insulating glass units /Single glazed panes• Glazing system: Dry glazed gasket

3D Block C Lick To New Extension7

No. Description Date

Page 16: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures


















7830 Waterproofing e.g. 3 layer built–up felt utilising 3G felt base layer partially bonded3G felt base layer partially bonded150mm Kingspan Thermaroof TR31 rigid insulation

Foil facer to underside of Kingspan Thermaroof TR31

200mm Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Panel supported below by structural glulam columns and beams

Foil facer to underside of Kingspan Thermaroof TR31

50mm Kingspan Thermaroof TR31 rigid insulation

3G felt base layer partially bonded

Waterproofing e.g. 3 layer built–up felt utilising 3G felt base layer partially bonded

60mm Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Panel for the parapet wall supported directly ontop of thecross laminated timber panel roof

22mm Accoya timber cladding finish to the exterior

Timber batten placed on top of the parapet wall to fix the parapet copping to

Alluminium flashing fixed back to the timber batten put in place to direct rain water

25mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation in between 50mm x 25mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c

25mm service cavity to underside of floor12.5mm gyproc board with 2.5mm plaster skim finish

675mm x 140mm primary structure glulam beam200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column

25mm x 25mm timber battens fixed back to the glulam to fix the timber cladding to

Rockwool insulation to be used as a fire stop tostop the spread of fire to the floors above

22mm Accoya timber cladding finish to the exterior



8mm external lime render40mm wood fibre combined breather membrane board12mm timbervent400mm wheat straw bale insulation15mm OSB25mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 rigid insulation to eliminate any risk of cold bridge25mm service cavity12.5mm gyproc board2.5mm plaster skim finish48mm x 400mm glulam to close the straw bale panelInsulation placed between the two base sole plates

22mm oak flooring boards to be fixed back to the plywood18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c to fix flooring to40mm x 80mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed directly to the floor to fix the plywood to

200mm Cross laminated timber panel (CLT)

22mm Accoya timber cladding finish to exterior

Rockwool insulation to be used as a fire stop to stop the spread of fire to the floors above

200mm x 250mm structural glulam column675mm x 140mm structural glulam beam25mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 rigid insulation to eliminate any risk of cold bridge25mm Service cavity12.5mm Gyproc board2.5mm plaster skim finish

25mm x 50mm timber battens fixed to the underside of the clt panel floor to fix the gyproc board to

22mm Accoya timber cladding to exteriorRockwool insulation to be used as a fire stop to stop the spread of fire to the floors above200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column140mm x 675mm primary structure glulam beam

25mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 rigid insulation to eliminate any risk of cold bridge25mm service cavity

12.5mm gyproc board2.5mm plaster skim finish

48mm x 400mm glulam to close the straw bale panel8mm lime render finish40mm wood fibre combined breather membrane board12mm timbervent400mm wheat straw bale insulation15mm OSB

Reynaers ecosystem CS 86-HI double glazing

8mm external lime render40mm wood fibre combined breather membrane board12mm timbervent400mm wheat straw bale insulation15mm OSB25mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 rigid insulation25mm service cavity12.5mm gyproc board finished with a layer of 2.5mm plaster skim finish22mm internal window board

DPC to be lapped and sealedAluminium flashing fixed back to timber batten to direct water away from the buildingBacker rod to seal and waterproof the window cillReynaers ecosystem CS 86-HI double glazing



8mm external lime render finish40mm wood fibre combined breather membrane board12mm timber vent400mm wheat straw bale insulation15mm OSB25mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 rigid insulation25mm service cavity12.5mm gyproc board finished with a layer of 2.5mm plaster skim finish22mm oak flooring similar to the original flooring used in Block L18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed directly to floor with 80mm Kingspan ThermaTF70 rigid insulation in between

48mm x 400mm glulam to close straw bale panelInsulation placed between the two base sole plates

200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring panels75mm insitu concrete screed

DPM to be lapped and sealed

Concrete ring beam



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc.(Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Extension Block Details


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir &Dan O' Sullivan


1 : 15

Extension External Wall Section1

1 : 10

Parapet Detail Extension Block2

1 : 10

First Floor Detail Extension Block3

1 : 10

Window Head Detail Extension Block4

1 : 10

Window Cill Detail Extension Block5

1 : 10

Ground Floor Detail Extension Block6

General Specification

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concretering beams to carry the load of the external and internal walls, whilealso allocating a space for the hollowcore flooring to sit into. Thehollowcore flooring will bear half way on to each beam and besecurely strapped back using T12 tie bars bedded in with the screed.Each structural glulam column will be connected back to a 360mm x360mm square reinforced concrete column. Each concrete columnwill vary in depth as the ground is gradually sloped. The reinforcedconcrete column will be structurally supported below by a padfoundation. Each column is to have its own individual pad foundationwhere possible.

Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcorefloor slabs and ground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooringslabs to be connected back to the reinforced concrete ring beams,both in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structuralconcrete screed to be placed on top of the hollowcore flooring slabs.80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to be placed on top of thestructural screed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @ 600mm c/cto be placed in between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed overthe insulation and fixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c.Finally the floor is to be finished in accordance with the use of eachspecific room, with 22mm oak flooring to be placed in most areas anda tile finish to be placed in the kitchen and WC areas.

Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to befinished with a 2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to12.5mm gyproc board. This is followed by a 25mm services gap andthen 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mm x 75mm timberbattens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board inplace. The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x40mm layers) cross laminated timber panels, which spans from oneglulam beam to another. Above this there is another layer of 50mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 50mm timber battens @600mm c/c. Then sheets of 18mm plywood finally finished off with a22mm oak flooring or a tile finish depending on the use of the room.

Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyprocboard. This is followed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mmrockwool insulation, in between 25mm x 75mm timber battens @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panels. Thesebattens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place. Themain structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers)cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam toanother. Above this a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followedby 120mm Kingspan Thermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer,finished with a triple layer of built up felt waterproofing.

External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime renderfinish, 40mm wood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mmtimbervent, 400mm wheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’studs spaced @ 600mm c/c, 15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity inbetween 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens fixed back to the15mm OSB, finished on the interior side with a layer of 12.5mmgyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each end of the strawbale panel is closed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column.This system is from the manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core +panel. This wall panel achieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a firerating of 120mins, and an acoustic performance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board,25mm rockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timberbattens spaced @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminatedtimber panel, put in place to support and fix the gyproc board to.Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers) cross laminated timber wallpanel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN 12354-1 and BS EN12354-2 in terms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mm rockwoolinsulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put inplace to support and fix the gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mmgyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish.

Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solidwall panels to be used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protectedcorridor to provide structural strength and achieve the required firerating in accordance with TGD B. the panels are also relativelysoundproof so this will eliminate sound transmission throughout thebuilding. The internal panels will have a 25mm service cavity inbetween 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with 12.5mmgyproc board and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside thelift or stairs shaft having the concrete left exposed. The panels thatare exposed to the outside will have no internal finish (concrete to beleft exposed), and an 8mm lime render finish to the external face.


Reynaers ecosystem CS 86-HI

CS 86-HI is a multi-chamber system for windows and doors thatcombines aesthetic design, optimal stability and high thermal comfort.Due to the insulating skeleton strips, CS 86-HI achieves Uf-valuesdown to 1.2 W/m²K, making this a highly energy efficient system.Flexible expansion strips in the door vents ensure stability in allconditions.Minimum visable width inward opening window:Frame 51mm / Vent 35mmMinimum visable width outward opening flush door:Frame 42mm / Vent 102mmThermal insulation in accordance with EN 10077-2: Achieves U-valueof 1.2 W/m²KBurglar resistance: WK 2 in accordance with EnV 1627 – ENV 1630

1 : 1

EB Key Plan7

1 : 1

EB Key Section8

No. Description Date

Page 17: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures











Aluminium flashing fixed back to the timber batten put in place to direct rain waterTimber batten placed on top of the parapet wall to fix the parapet copping to

22mm Accoya timber cladding finish to the exterior

60mm Cross laminated timber (CLT) panel for the parapet wall supporteddirectly below by the cross laminated timber panel roof

Waterproofing e.g. 3 layer built–up felt utilising 3G felt base layer partially bonded

3G felt base layer partially bonded

50mm Kingspan Thermaroof TR31 rigid insulation

Foil facer to underside of Kingspan Thermaroof TR31

Waterproofing e.g. 3 layer built–up felt utilising 3G felt base layer partially bonded3G felt base layer partially bonded

150mm Kingspan Thermaroof TR31 rigid insulation

Foil facer to underside of Kingspan Thermaroof TR31

200mm Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Panel supported below by structuralglulam columns and beams

25mm Kingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation in between 50mm x 25mm timberbattens @ 600mm c/c

25mm service cavity to underside of floor12.5mm gyproc board with 2.5mm plaster skim finish

100mm diameter rain water pipe50mm rockwool isulation to be used as a firestop

50mm rockwool isulation to be used as a firestop200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column

Aluminium rainwater tray to run along the length of the edge of the roof to guide therain water to the outlet points

Rainwater outlet point



22mm Accoya timber cladding finish to exterior50mm rockwool insulation to be used as a fire stop100mm diameter rain water pipe50mm rockwool insulation to be used as a fire stop22mm oak flooring boards to be fixed back to the plywood sheeting18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c

40mm x 80mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed directly to thefloor to fix the plywood to

200mm Cross laminated timber panel (CLT)

25mm x 50mm timber battens fixed to the underside of the clt panel floorto fix the gyproc board to

25mm service cavity

12.5mm gyproc board2.5mm plaster skim finish

25mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 rigid insulation to eliminate any risk of cold bridge

200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column



22mm Accoya timber cladding finish to exterior50mm rockwool insulation to be used as a fire stop100mm diameter rain water pipe50mm rockwool insulation to be used as a fire stop200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column25mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 rigid insulation25mm service cavity22mm oak flooring to be fixed back to the plywood sheeting18mm plywood sheeting @ 600mm c/c80mm x 40mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed directly to floor with 80mmKingspan Therma TF70 rigid insulation in between

75mm insitu concrete screed

200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring panels

DPM to be lapped and sealedBack infill gully trap provided to allow access when needed to maintainthe rain water pipe



Alluminium flashing to be fixed to the horizontal timber cladding and the wood fibre board before the external render is applied

Vertical and horizontal timber battens to support timber cladding and achieve a flush facade

L - brackets to fix CLT panels to primary structure glulam column8mm external render40mm wood fibre combined breather membrane board

12mm timbervent

400mm 'I' studs spaced @ 600mm c/c

400mm wheat straw bale insulation48mm x 400mm glulam to close the straw bale panel

100mm diameter rain water downpipe

Corner to be filled with rockwool insulation to be used asa fire stop

200mm x 250mm primary structure glulam column

15mm OSB

50mm x 50mm vertical timber battens fixed back to the OSB

25mm Kingspan Kooltherm K17 to eliminate cold bridge

25mm service cavity

12.5mm gyproc board

2.5mm plaster skim finish



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

As indicated

Extension Block Details


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujan Sudhir& Dan O' Sullivan

EBDP1A1181 : 25

Wall Section Through Column1

1 : 10

Roof Level Column Detail2

1 : 10

First Floor Column Detail3

1 : 10

Ground Floor Column Detail4

General Specification

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforcedconcrete ring beams to carry the load of the external and internalwalls, while also allocating a space for the hollowcore flooring tosit into. The hollowcore flooring will bear half way on to eachbeam and be securely strapped back using T12 tie bars beddedin with the screed. Each structural glulam column will beconnected back to a 360mm x 360mm square reinforcedconcrete column. Each concrete column will vary in depth asthe ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete columnwill be structurally supported below by a pad foundation. Eachcolumn is to have its own individual pad foundation wherepossible.

Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed betweenhollowcore floor slabs and ground, 200mm precast concretehollowcore flooring slabs to be connected back to the reinforcedconcrete ring beams, both in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concrete screed to be placed on top ofthe hollowcore flooring slabs. 80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3Floorboard to be placed on top of the structural screed, with80mm x 40mm thimber battens @ 600mm c/c to be placed inbetween. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed over theinsulation and fixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c.Finally the floor is to be finished in accordance with the use ofeach specific room, with 22mm oak flooring to be placed in mostareas and a tile finish to be placed in the kitchen and WC areas.

Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is tobe finished with a 2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directlyto 12.5mm gyproc board. This is followed by a 25mm servicesgap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mm x75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the crosslaminated timber panels. These battens are used to support andfix the gyproc board in place. The main structure of the floor ismade up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) cross laminated timberpanels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulation inbetween 25mm x 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Thensheets of 18mm plywood finally finished off with a 22mm oakflooring or a tile finish depending on the use of the room.

Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finishedwith a 2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mmgyproc board. This is followed by a 25mm services gap andthen 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mm x 75mmtimber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminatedtimber panels. These battens are used to support and fix thegyproc board in place. The main structure of the floor is madeup of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) cross laminated timberpanels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mmKingspan Thermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished witha triple layer of built up felt waterproofing.

External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external limerender finish, 40mm wood fibre combined breather membraneboard, 12mm timbervent, 400mm wheat straw bale insulation inbetween 400mm ‘I’ studs spaced @ 600mm c/c, 15mm OSB,25mm services cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timberbattens fixed back to the 15mm OSB, finished on the interiorside with a layer of 12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plasterskim finish. Each end of the straw bale panel is closed with a43mm x 400mm glulaminated column. This system is from themanufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel. This wallpanel achieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of120mins, and an acoustic performance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyprocboard, 25mm rockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mmvertical timber battens spaced @ 600mm c/c fixed back to thecross laminated timber panel, put in place to support and fix thegyproc board to. Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers) crosslaminated timber wall panel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BSEN 12354-1 and BS EN 12354-2 in terms of fire and acousticperformance, 25mm rockwool insulation in between 25mm x25mm vertical timber battens spaced @ 600mm c/c fixed backto the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to support andfix the gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and2.5mm plaster skim finish.

Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concretesolid wall panels to be used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaftand protected corridor to provide structural strength and achievethe required fire rating in accordance with TGD B. the panels arealso relatively soundproof so this will eliminate soundtransmission throughout the building. The internal panels willhave a 25mm service cavity in between 25mm x 50mm verticaltimber battens, finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and a 2.5mmplaster skim finish, with the side inside the lift or stairs shafthaving the concrete left exposed. The panels that are exposedto the outside will have no internal finish (concrete to be leftexposed), and an 8mm lime render finish to the external face.

1 : 1

EB Key Plan 25

1 : 1

EB Key Section 26

1 : 5

Corner Detail Extension Block8

1 : 1

Corner Detail Key Plan7

3D Section Through Column9

3D Corner Detail10

Page 18: Restoration, extension and upgradation of protected structures

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

22mm Oaktimber claddingfinish to theexterior

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

22mm Oaktimber claddingfinish to theexterior

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

StructuralGlulaminatedColumns 200mmx 250mm to EN14080

60min FireRated CLTInternal Partitionto BS EN 1995-2

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

120min FireRated StrawBale PanelExternal Wall

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

22mm Accoyatimber claddingfinish to theexterior

Membranecoated insulatedgutter

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelParapet wallcovered inroofing felt

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelParapet wallcovered inroofing felt

Solid WallPrecastConcrete Panelsto BS EN1992-1-2:2004

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

60min Fire ratedCross LaminatedTimber PanelRoof with aKingspanThermaroofTR31 covering

Reynaers EcoSystem 50insulated andventilatedwindows



Drawn by


Project number

Institute of Technology CarlowBSc. (Hons) in Architectural Technology

Year 4 2013-2014

Axonometric View


Restoration, extension andupgradation to protected structures


Edel Fox

Noel Dunne, Sujana Sudhir& Dan O' Sullivan


3D Ground Floor Level1

3D First Floor Level2

3D Second Floor Level3

3D Roof Level4

General Specification

Block L

Proposed upgrade to existing external wallsProposed - additional dry-lining board to the internal face of the existing wall,consisting of 85mm kingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-linig board in betweensteel U channels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fir rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing internal wallsProposed - additional dry-linig board to both faces of the partition wall, consistingof 50mm kingspan kolltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between steel Uchannels, with 12.5mm gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating inaccordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of 2.5mm skim. This to be done toboth sides of the wall.Proposed upgrade to existing floorProposed - remove existing harwood flooring to be repaired where possible andif not replaced, additional 80mm kingspan Therma TF70 in between timberbattens to be added on top of existing screed. Repaired hardwood flooring to beput back down on top of the new insulation.Proposed upgrade to existing roofProposed - additional dry-lining board at internal ceiling level consisting of 85mmkingspan kooltherm K17 insulated dry-lining board in between timber battens,12.5mm plasterboard finished with a 2.5mm skim. The existing rubber membraneneeds to be stripped and the torch on felt repaired and the pebbles replaces, andthe drainage issues addressed.Proposed timber stud partitionProposed - timber stud partition wall 130mm thick, consisting of 2.5mm skim adouble laye of gypsum plasterboard with a 60minute fire rating, 75mm timberstuds with insulation in between, double layer of 12.5mm gypsum plasterboardwith a 60minute fire rating in accordance with BS 476, finished with a layer of2.5mm skim.Proposed upgrade to existing windowsProposed - Upgrading to double glazed argon filled timber framed windows whichwill achieve a u-value of 1.8w/m²k. Install draught proofing strips around allwindows to lower heat loss even more. Address detailing at cill to fix the waterdrainage problem from occuring.Proposed upgrade to existing internal doorsProposed upgrading of existing doors throughout the ground floor with smokeseals all around and covered in a layer of intumescent paint to provide a fireresistance of 30mins.

New Extension

Structural Foundations – 540mm X 400mm reinforced concrete ring beams tocarry the load of the external and internal walls, while also allocating a space forthe hollowcore flooring to sit into. The hollowcore flooring will bear half way on toeach beam and be securely strapped back using T12 tie bars bedded in with thescreed. Each structural glulam column will be connected back to a 360mm x360mm square reinforced concrete column. Each concrete column will vary indepth as the ground is gradually sloped. The reinforced concrete column will bestructurally supported below by a pad foundation. Each column is to have its ownindividual pad foundation where possible.Ground Floor Build Up – DPM to be placed between hollowcore floor slabs andground, 200mm precast concrete hollowcore flooring slabs to be connected backto the reinforced concrete ring beams, both in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-2:2004. 75mm structural concrete screed to be placed on top of the hollowcoreflooring slabs. 80mm Kingspan Kooltherm K3 Floorboard to be placed on top ofthe structural screed, with 80mm x 40mm thimber battens @ 600mm c/c to beplaced in between. 18mm plywood sheeting to be placed over the insulation andfixed back to the timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Finally the floor is to be finishedin accordance with the use of each specific room, with 22mm oak flooring to beplaced in most areas and a tile finish to be placed in the kitchen and WC areas.Intermediate Floor Build Up – On the underside, the floor is to be finished with a2.5mm plaster skim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This isfollowed by a 25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between25mm x 75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminatedtimber panels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board inplace. The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers)cross laminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another.Above this there is another layer of 50mm rockwool insulation in between 25mmx 50mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c. Then sheets of 18mm plywood finallyfinished off with a 22mm oak flooring or a tile finish depending on the use of theroom.Roof Build Up - On the underside, the roof is to be finished with a 2.5mm plasterskim, which is applied directly to 12.5mm gyproc board. This is followed by a25mm services gap and then 50mm rockwool insulation, in between 25mm x75mm timber battens @ 600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timberpanels. These battens are used to support and fix the gyproc board in place.The main structure of the floor is made up of a 200mm (5 x 40mm layers) crosslaminated timber panels, which spans from one glulam beam to another. Abovethis a vapour barrier layer is to be added. Followed by 120mm KingspanThermaroof TR31, then a 3G base layer, finished with a triple layer of built up feltwaterproofing.External Wall Build Up – From Exterior: 8mm external lime render finish, 40mmwood fibre combined breather membrane board, 12mm timbervent, 400mmwheat straw bale insulation in between 400mm ‘I’ studs spaced @ 600mm c/c,15mm OSB, 25mm services cavity in between 25mm x 50mm vertical timberbattens fixed back to the 15mm OSB, finished on the interior side with a layer of12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plaster skim finish. Each end of the straw balepanel is closed with a 43mm x 400mm glulaminated column. This system is fromthe manufacturer Modcell, it is the Modcell Core + panel. This wall panelachieves a u-value of 0.11 W/(m2K), a fire rating of 120mins, and an acousticperformance rating of 52db.Internal Wall Build Up – 2.5mm plaster finish, 12.5mm gyproc board, 25mmrockwool insulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @600mm c/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to supportand fix the gyproc board to. Followed by 120mm (40mm x 3 layers) crosslaminated timber wall panel in accordance with BS EN 1995-2, BS EN 12354-1and BS EN 12354-2 in terms of fire and acoustic performance, 25mm rockwoolinsulation in between 25mm x 25mm vertical timber battens spaced @ 600mmc/c fixed back to the cross laminated timber panel, put in place to support and fixthe gyproc board to. Finished with 12.5mm gyproc board and 2.5mm plasterskim finish.Concrete Wall Panels – 200mm reinforced precast concrete solid wall panels tobe used in the stairs, stair lobby, lift shaft and protected corridor to providestructural strength and achieve the required fire rating in accordance with TGD B.the panels are also relatively soundproof so this will eliminate sound transmissionthroughout the building. The internal panels will have a 25mm service cavity inbetween 25mm x 50mm vertical timber battens, finished with 12.5mm gyprocboard and a 2.5mm plaster skim finish, with the side inside the lift or stairs shafthaving the concrete left exposed. The panels that are exposed to the outside willhave no internal finish (concrete to be left exposed), and an 8mm lime renderfinish to the external face.
