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Results Based Strategies & Plans in NZ’s Public Sector

Date post: 14-Jan-2016
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Results Based Strategies & Plans in NZ’s Public Sector. Relevance to ADB & yourselves? Not about a road map Not about poverty reduction (in your setting). 0845. Sector Results: Why Bother?. REDUCING POVERTY (EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT). EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT. Evolution of Governance. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Results Based Strategies & Plans in NZ’s Public Sector Relevance to ADB & yourselves? 1. Not about a road map 2. Not about poverty reduction (in your setting) 0845
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Results Based Strategies & Plans in NZ’s Public Sector

Relevance to ADB & yourselves?

1. Not about a road map2. Not about poverty reduction (in your setting)


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Sector Results: Why Bother?

Quantity Quality Coverage







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Evolution of Governance





· “Knowing what money is spent on”· Sustaining leadership, institutions & systems that give

confidence money will be spent responsibly· Focussing on aggregate fiscal responsibility & outputs

· “Interventions that could meet major needs get funded”· Ensuring money is at least focussed on priorities & real needs· Logical checks confirm intervention mix & targeting matches

needs, & is at least capable of producing the results sought

· “Better manufacturers & technologies get funded”· Trying to maximise capacity to benefit citizens, by funding

quality outputs produced at low cost (may be wrong output)· Measuring / benchmarking input & output costs

· “Most valuable products get funded”· Trying to maximise benefit to citizens, by funding outputs

that can be shown to work & (ideally) are cost-effective· Defining expected results, & showing outputs deliver them· Comparing results of unlike outputs


1980s ?

1990s ?


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Advice to Leaders & Managers

• Leaders must create demand• Staff must support their work• Evidence trumps opinion every

time (Risk: culture trumps evidence)

• Focus: ‘big’ strategies / interventns • Prioritise, & be pragmatic• Set yourself a challenge

• Organise information & analytic outputs to support ‘big’ decisions & reshape ‘road map’ over time












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Why Bother with Strategy?

• Strategy matters• Some strategies matter more than others• Strategy is the starting point for deriving

appropriate action (not the ‘sum of current actions’)

• Poor structure & evidence base caused us to review strategy design as part of MfR

• Priorities should be evidence based, not discipline based (so beware of some economists!)

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Background to NZ’s Strategy Primer

1. Many strategies – priority & links unclear

2. Poorly specified outcomes, results

3. Based on uncertain needs & demand

4. Lacked specificity on actions, timing & cost

5. Limited monitoring of results

6. Few groups with clear mandate to learn from experience & redraft the strategy

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Strategy Design & Review

1. Focus on big, tractable issues that dominate the area 2. Target significant change for the poor (evidence of

major need(s); measurable results; tangible goals) 3. Use evidence to justify the big interventions (e.g. of

need, impact and cost-effectiveness) 4. Be clear about what must happen, & when. Plans that:

– Show how major results will be demonstrated– Specify delivery and performance measurement outputs– How major constraints and risks will be managed

5. Lay out clear governance, assessment & feedback processes to adjust the plan

(Further information on each area is on the rear page of the ‘Strategy Primer’)

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Proving Strategies & Major Interventions Work

Major ‘Community’ Outcomes (Indicators) Are Improving

First Major Intervention

Second Major Intervention

Other Major Interventions?


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Reduce Social Cost of Death & Serious Injury from Road Accidents

Improve Roads

(e.g. engineering)


Means: Improve Vehicle Mix(standards & testing)

Improve Driving

(licences & enforcement)


Dangerous corners


Road surfaces

Ease of overtaking

Speed control

Breath testing

Young drivers

Use of seat belts

Import standards

Yearly test standards

Spot checks, helmets, etc

Incentives (e.g. taxes)

Analysis: “Show aggregate results”; “Follow the money”

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Funding Major Interventions

Pre-conditions of funding:

1. Address needs that remain relevant (what, where, who?) 2. Ends (outcomes, goals) & means (outputs, coverage) map to #13. Systems to validate performance vs. clear specification

Ongoing funding:

4. Efficient (& cost-effective)5. Meet quantity & quality standards6. Reach & positively influence groups with needs 7. Reduce needs (improve outcomes) used to justify funding

MfDR thus provides ‘funding tests’ & learning opportunities

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Basket of measures linking services to user expectations











Near TermResults


End Outcomes








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Major Strategies & InterventionsMajor Strategies & Interventions

Policy … Design … Planning for Feedback … then Action

Plan(where do we want to go?)

Measures(how will we know when

we get there?)

Do(to implement the plan)

Report(did we reach our goal?)

The Policy Management Cycle: After Heather Daynard, Prospect Management Enterprises Inc, Canada

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Crucial Roles of Senior Managers & Aspirants (2)

• Provide & promote leadership• Demonstrate performance by simplest means• Assess & promote staff based on MfDR

contributions & competencies• Delegate, in return for accountability for delivery• Eliminate activities with weaker value-add• Establish ‘systems’ required to support MfDR

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Making Space for MfDR

Input Far less rules-based

Process Scope for negotiation

Product Attributes Strong focus (no savings?)

Systems (Integration) Strong focus (but not a major effort after they have been set up)

Results Focus Strong focus (effort reduces if robust systems in place)

“Accountability, in return for Freedom to Manage”


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Leadership Roles Crucial (1)

• Ensure strategies, CSPs, portfolios, sector plans, etc clarify what needs (outcomes) are targeted for whom, how & why. Ensure strategies, plans, reports & other products work from outcomes (ends) to actions (means).

• Deliver monitoring systems as well as outputs. Summarise key results in time to support leadership decisions on strategy, priorities, output, etc

• Adapt strategies & plans in response to new information

• Focus judgements on contributions to poverty reduction

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Inducing Change

Key Principles & Learnings in Main-streaming MfDR

3.00 pm

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Organisation & CultureAccentuating the Positive

Accept responsibility for achieving outcomes Renew intellectual capacity & agency creativity Integrated set of initiatives – backed by evidence

(add new initiatives to build on momentum / gains)

Analytical rigour / honesty, not mgmt. paraphernalia

Reduce real complexity to ‘workable dimensions’ Active risk-taking, not passive risk avoidance Build sector-wide knowledge, people, teams

After Tony Bliss, LTSA (NZ) & World Bank

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Roles of Senior Management

Accentuating the Positive

Strong leadership - Ambitious vision & targetsManage outcome-output links within limits of

performance. System change to surpass limits (Shifting leadership, system, production & measurement frontiers)

Fund portfolio of investment & near-term outputsBack evidence, esp. vs. conventional wisdomManage productive multi-agency partnerships,

coordinated at senior levels (often CEO to CEO)

Tony Bliss, World Bank

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Directors Powerful & Influential• LT & MTS• Policies, subsidiary strategies• Cross country comparisons & priority setting• CSPs, priority setting & monitoring• Sector direction & strategy• Delivering & monitoring portfolios & projects

• Appointment, assessment & promotion• Allocative decision-making (planning & budgeting)

• Project design, approval, management & review• Roles, delegation, accountability vs. freedom to manage • Incentives (rewards, risks, punishments) • Nimble, flexible, responsible, accountable

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Making WavesMaking Waves







(Influencing Actions)

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Will MfDR Go Away?No. It will evolve.

WHY? Your Mission

Your ManagersYour Shareholders

10:00 am

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Self Assessing Our Progress in MfDR

A tool to help organisations consider their progress in results-based management and identify their

capability development objectives

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Goals for an MDB Tool[1] Boards, leaders and managers will be

better able to identify: – where and how well we are managing, and

embedding & practising results-based management at lower levels

– what needs to be done to gain further progress in MfDR

– what our development priorities are

[2] Communicate expectations to our staff

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The Tool (1)

• Self-assessment: not accountability mechanism• Results subjective: not comparable across units • Designed to be flexible, adaptable & applicable

at agency, department, division, unit levels • Use iteratively to gauge progress & set goals • KISS: Cannot be all encompassing (e.g. change

management not covered in NZ version)

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Likely Structure

• Simple introduction

• Focus on a small number of questions on key dimensions of performance (MfDR)

• Keep questions simple, short, generic• Describe stages of development (scale)

• Overview (pulling the self-assessment together)

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• Must cover key aspects of MfDR …

• Directors have helped us identify priorities for the ADB, and added new messages

• Feedback will be used to build MDB tool

• Will evolve on the basis of later feedback from directors & other senior managers

• Learn from others

Tool for the ADB

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Assessment Components(NZ Tool)

1. Clarity about ends & means (strategy & plan)

2. Capability required (planning, delivery, learning)

3. Assessing progress in implementation

Big Question for the ADB & MDBs: What bits of the model must be protected, & how must it be adapted.

You will be asked for your opinions shortly …
