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Resumo Apostilas - Academia HR - Ingles

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  • 7/25/2019 Resumo Apostilas - Academia HR - Ingles



    Sap Overview (pag.1 unit 1)

    Calling Functions (pag. 34)

    Favorites: constrain user-defined favorites functions or links to nternet content

    Options for navigating:- !ransaction codes in t"e co##and field- C"oose ite#s fro# #enus in t"e #enu $ar- C"oose ite#s fro# t"e favorites

    %ntries in t"e co##and field- &n cancel current transaction- &n'''' to call transaction '''' directl fro# anot"er transaction- &o open an overview session- &o'''' to call transaction '''' in a new session directl- &nend to end t"e logon session wit" dialog $o- &ne to end t"e logon session wit"out a confir#ation dialog $o- &i to delete t"e session ou are currentl using- searc"*sap*#enu to searc" for and displa t"e #enu pat"s for sap transactions

  • 7/25/2019 Resumo Apostilas - Academia HR - Ingles


  • 7/25/2019 Resumo Apostilas - Academia HR - Ingles


    +etting ,elp (pag43)

    F1 ,elp: displa an eplanation of fields #enus functions and #essagesF4 ,elp: displa infor#ation on possi$le input values

    /ersonali0ing t"e user nterface (page 2)

  • 7/25/2019 Resumo Apostilas - Academia HR - Ingles


    an personali0ation options: using t"e custo#i0ing of local laout (a$ove) or %tras Setting (in

    t"e #enu $ar) or setting personal standard values (see $elow).

    The essentials of SAPs product strategy is extend rather than replace

    sap $usiness suite is a fa#il of open $usiness solutions t"at integrates people infor#ation andprocesses to drive efficienc and profita$ilit fro# $usiness relations"ips. sap $usiness suitefeatures cross-industr solutions industr solutions tec"nological infrastructure and service

    ou can work in up to 5 window (sessions) si#ultaneousl per logon.

    !"e data for all clients in a sap sste# is stored wit"in a single co##on data$ase. !"is data isnevert"eless divided $ client so t"at defend co#panies can $e ad#inistered and controlled in

    different clients. 6 client is not a custo#er wit"in a sap sste#.

    F1 "elp provides docu#entation and tec"nical infor#ation on a fieldF4 ke provides a list of possi$le entries for a selected fieldou can call t"e contet sensitive "elp using t"e application "elp pus"$utton in t"e f1 "elp window.

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    7asics (pag58 unit 3)

    Sap sste#s are client sste#s. 6 client is an independent unit in t"e sste#. %ac" client "as its owndata environ#ent and t"erefore its own #aster data transaction data and assigned user #asterrecords.

    9ole descri$es a set of logicall linked activities in t"e sste#. !"ese represent t"e range offunctions users tpicall need for t"eir work. 9oles #ust $e set up so t"at t"e sap sste# user canwork wit" user- specific or position-related #enus.

    Favorites can contain transactions reports files and we$ addresses. t is c"ased $ user. 9educenavigation ti#e.

    enu $ar: depend on w"ic" application ou are working inStandard tool$ar: sa#e for all 9&3 screens!itle $ar: displa t"e function t"at is availa$le6pplication tool$ar: displa icons availa$le in t"e current applicationStatus $ar: displa infor#ation on t"e current sste# status (ea#ple: warning or errors)

    enu 7ar

    Standard !ool$ar!itle $ar

    6pplication tool$ar

    Status $ar

    Co##and line

    Sste# #essages

    enu 7ar

    Standard !ool$ar!itle $ar

    6pplication tool$ar

    Status $ar

    Co##and line

    Sste# #essages

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    S6/ i$rar provides ou wit" co#pre"ensive "elp. ou "ave to $e a$le to locate t"e infor#ationou are looking for.

    6pplication "elp refers ou to t"e place in t"e S6/ i$rar t"at will give ou infor#ation a$out t"etransaction in t"e 9&3 sste# t"at ou "ave ;ust called.

    !"e personnel nu#$er is t"e uni ?irect Sales & 2123 6fter Sales & 2>21 @6

    %#ploees in an enterprise are divided into > levels:%#ploee group is general division of e#ploees (1 active > retiree A eternal % epatriate etc)









    7ased on 7ased on

    nfotpe 2221 Organi0ational 6ssign#ent









    7ased on 7ased on

    nfotpe 2221 Organi0ational 6ssign#ent

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    %#ploee su$group is a fine division of e#ploee groups according to t"e position of e#ploees (B2 salaried e#ploee B1- "ourl wage earner B3- trainee etc)

    /aroll area is an organi0ational unit used for running paroll (sa#e ti#e and sa#e period)

    Organi0ation unit descri$e t"e various $usiness unit t"at eist in our enterpriseo$s classifications of tasks t"at are perfor#ed $ e#ploees (secretar $uer #anager)/ositions individual e#ploee assign#ents occupied $ persons (purc"asing #anager sales#anager personnel #anager etc)Cost Centers can $e linked to organi0ational units or positions (#aintain in controlling)/ersons o$;ects t"at "old positions wit"in t"e organi0ational structure.

    et"odolog Oriented ?esign- O$;ects: organi0ational #anage#ent is $ased t"at ever ele#ent of t"e organi0ation Constitutes a uni

  • 7/25/2019 Resumo Apostilas - Academia HR - Ingles


    7usiness area overti#e "olida $onus 6ll t"e data of an o$;ect (eistence relations"ip additional c"aracteristics) are created as


    /lan version are used to store different organi0ational plan scenarios. One of our plan versionsrepresents our current organi0ational plan and is indicated as active plan version.

    O$;ect #anager (vc pode "a$ilitar ou desa$ilitar no enu$ar Settings ,ide&S"ow O$;ect

    anager) "as > areas:- Searc" area: to locate o$;ects suc" as organi0ational units persons ;o$s positions and

    users.- Selection area: use t"e searc" results to select an o$;ect to $e used in t"e overview and&or

    detail area (in t"e "ierarc" fra#ework rig"t side of t"e screen)

    @alidit dates deter#ine t"e eistence of an o$;ect.%ac" infotpe uses a start and end date to identif t"e validit of t"e infotpe data.

    7uilding an Organi0ational plan:- Create root organi0ational unit- Create su$ordinate organi0ational unit- Create ;o$s- Create positions- 6ssigns cost centers- 6ssigns persons- aintain ot"er o$;ect attri$utes

    !"e principal organi0ational aspects of "u#an resources are controlled at t"e personnel su$arealevel na#el t"e pa scale and wage tpe structures and t"e planning of work sc"edules.

    /ersonnel 6d#inistration (pag.1>3 unit)

    3 different was of processing infotpe records:- Single screen #aintenance: individual #aintenance for a particular su$;ect or situation. ou

    #aintain one infotpe at a ti#e for a personnel nu#$er.- /ersonnel actions: #aintain #ore t"an one infotpe. !"e sste# displas all of t"e relevant

    infotpes one after t"e ot"er- Fast entr: #aintain an infotpe for #ore t"an one personnel nu#$er si#ultaneousl (on a

    single screen).

    Concurrent e#plo#ent: eac" e#ploee can "ave #ultiple personnel assign#ents (e. Function:c"e#ical engineer in =S6 and nuclear engineer in +er#an) and eac" personnel assign#ent islinked to t"e person. 6 personnel nu#$er is assigned to eac" personnel assign#ent (e. =S63128221 and +er#an 3122822>). !"e person id is t"e sa#e (e. 3128221)

    nfotpes: or infor#ation tpes logical groupings of data fields. nfotpes "ave na#es and 4-digitkes.

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    Su$tpes: or nfosu$tpes special su$variants of an infotpe. Su$divide an infotpeDs data records.Su$divide t"e infor#ation to #anage easil or assign different control features (suc" as ti#econstraints). tEs possi$le to create separate "istories for eac" su$tpe.

    !i#e Constraints in ,9: process w"ere t"e sste# c"ecks w"et"er a record alread eists for an

    infotpe or su$tpe.- !i#e constraints 1 : #andator infor#ation t"at #ust $e uni: optional infor#ation t"at if availa$le #ust $e uni is used to indicate entries into and eits fro# t"e co#pan. !"is affects dataselection wit"in reporting. %#ploees w"o "ave left t"e co#pan are for ea#pleidentified $ status >.- n ti#e-constraint validation?ata records wit" ti#e constraint 1 #a $e deleted at t"e end if t"e c"aracteristic value of

    status > is 2 i.e. if t"e e#ploee "as left t"e co#pan. !"e following infotpes constituteeceptions:

    L 6ctions (2222)L Organi0ational 6ssign#ent (2221)L /ersonal ?ata (222>)

    For t"ese infotpes a data record #ust eist at all ti#es in t"e sste# for eac" e#ploeefro# t"e point at w"ic" "e or s"e is "ired.For #ore infor#ation on ti#e constraint see t"e !i#e Constraint in ,9 aster ?atasection in t"e /ersonnel 6d#inistration docu#entation.

    Special pa#ent (status 3)

    Status 3 controls t"e e#ploeeEs entitle#ent to special pa#ent for auto#atic special pa#entswit"in /aroll 6ccounting

    ?na#ic actions: perfor#ed auto#aticall $ t"e sste# depending on certain conditions. %.?uring t"e "iring process if we entr wit" t"e nu#$er of c"ildren in t"e personnel data after savet"e entr of personnel data t"e sste# auto#aticall displas t"e fa#il #e#$er&dependentsinfotpe (22>1)

    Fast entr of actions: draws i#portant fields of an action in one screen. n custo#i0ing ou definefields fro# w"ic" infotpes are displaed on t"e screen.

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    !"e ,9 sste# stores all data for an e#ploee in infotpe records. Several records can $e added toan infotpe for an e#ploee.

    !"e "r sste# stores all data for an e#ploee in infotpe records. Several records can $e added toan infotpe for an e#ploee. ?ifferent record can $e entered using t"e validit period for ea#plew"en c"anging t"e address data of t"e e#ploee.

    Fast entr allows several e#ploees to #aintain one infotpe all at once t"at #eans on a singlescreen.

    !"e personnel actions #ake it possi$le for an e#ploee to i#ple#ent several infotpes in a pre-defined se unit 5)

    Several options to record working ti#es: on-line $ ti#e ad#inistrator central ti#e s"eet Cross-6pplication !i#e S"eet (C6!S) online #enus ti#e recording sste#s custo#er sste# wit" aninterface to 9&3 sste# and e#ploee self-service applications. n t"e following was: !i#eanagerEs workplace #aintain individual infotpes or fast entr (enter data for one infotpe for#ultiple e#ploees si#ultaneousl)

    !"e central ele#ent in !i#e #anage#ent is t"e e#ploeeEs work sc"edule (contains plannedspecifications for t"e e#ploeeEs working ti#e)

    7 assigning a work sc"edule rulein t"e /lanned working ti#e infotpe (222M) ou ensure t"at t"esste# can deter#ine t"e e#ploeeNs personal planned working ti#e. ou can c"ange t"e planned

    working ti#e deter#ined $ t"e sste# to suit our re

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    part-ti#e e#ploees. ou can t"en use t"e part-ti#e status of t"esee#ploees as a criterion in statistical

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    e "ave > different #et"ods to record e#ploee ti#e data:- et"od 1: negative ti#e #anage#ent: w"ere we record onl deviations fro# t"e work

    sc"edule- et"od >: positive ti#e #anage#ent: w"ere we record all ti#e events. !wo wa to record

    actual ti#es: 6uto#atic recording or #anual recording (infotpe >22> 6ttendance)

    Pegative ti#e #anage#ent uses t"e following infotpes:- Organi0ational assign#ent 2221- /ersonal data 222>- /lanned working ti#e 222M- 6$sence 225

    !i#e anagerEs orkplace or ! is a user-friendl user interface for recording ti#e data.! "as da week #ont" and ear calendars.! ids are defined for eac" tpe of ti#e data. For ea#ple id suc" as O! can $e defined asoverti#e co#pensation (attendance tpe) in t"e ti#e evaluation. !"e attendance infotpe (>22>)

    and su$tpe for t"is attendance tpe are assigned to t"e ti#e data ? in custo#i0ing.

    Collision in t"e S6/ Sste# is t"e overlapping of data records w"en we record ti#e data (pag1AA)

    6$sence 2 (#arcaQHo de entrada e saida)) wit" t"e planned specifications (fro# t"e planned workingti#e infotpe 222M)

    !"e following are t"e standard values for t"e !i#e anage#ent status:ndicator 2 or 76PR: !"e e#ploeeNs actual ti#es are not recorded and "is&"er ti#e data is notaccounted using t"e ti#e evaluation progra#.ndicator 1: !"e e#ploeeNs actual ti#es are recorded and "e&s"e participates in ti#e evaluation.%a#ple:

    !"e e#ploeeNs actual ti#es are recorded at a ti#e recording ter#inal.

    !"e e#ploeeNs actual ti#es are recorded in t"e 6ttendances infotpe (>22>).ndicator >: %#ploeesN actual ti#es are recorded and t"e take part in plant data collection. !"eirti#e data is accounted using t"e ti#e evaluation progra#.%a#ple:

    %#ploeesN actual ti#es are recorded using /?C sste#s.

    %#ploeesN actual ti#es are recorded in t"e 6ttendances infotpe (>22>).

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    ndicator 8: !"is indicator is intended for eternal e#ploees. !"e e#ploeeNs actual ti#es are notrecorded attendances are recorded in t"e 6ttendances infotpe (>22>) and ti#e data is accounted inti#e evaluation.ndicator A: ou can use indicator A for e#ploees for w"o# onl eceptions to t"e work sc"eduleare recorded. n t"is case t"e e#ploeesN actual ti#es are not recorded $ut t"e do participate inti#e evaluation.

    S"ift planning is a co#ponent of 9&3 !i#e anage#ent. ou can distri$ute t"e "u#an resources ofour enterprise appropriatel and efficientl. ,elps to assigns s"ift ti#es s"ift location personnelselection and nu#$er of re

  • 7/25/2019 Resumo Apostilas - Academia HR - Ingles


    - anagerEs ?esktop (?!): tool specificall for #anagers w"ere t"e can evaluate andc"ange data. n t"e anagerEs desktop we "ave t"e#e categories (and eac" categories "avefunction list): %#ploee organi0ation costs and $udget recruit#ent special areasworkflow in$o. !"e #anagerEs desktop screen is divided into > areas t"e rig"t sidedisplas t"e area of responsi$ilit and t"e left side displas t"e possi$le functions in afunction tree.

    - 7usiness are"ouse: independent sste# in w"ic" analses can $e perfor#ed

    n addition to tools S6/ provides a large nu#$er of standard reports for all sap applications. !"ereports are started fro# t"e #ain infor#ation sste# in t"e sap eas access #enu or fro# aninfor#ation sste# of a co#ponent or su$co#ponent (infor#ation sste#)

    6lso we "ave selection criteria:- Furt"er selections: select t"e fields- Searc" "elp: select e#ploees- Sort: up to seven criteria to sort

    Output and displa options: sap list viewer a$ap list ta$le word processing spreads"eet grap"ics

    local file info0oo# and crstal reports. 6dditional functions in output lists: a$c analsis print ande#ail.

    Options to anal0e data in addition to reporting in t"e 9&3 sste#: S6/ 7usiness are"ouse 7and S6/ Strategic %nterprise anage#ent S%,9 etractor infocu$es and

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    - /ersonnel develop#ent: create re

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    - Sourcing searc" for applicants- ualifing applicant selection- Closing select final applicants and negotiate contracts- 9etaining develop long-ter# links $etween candidates and enterprise using t"e talent pool

    6 co#panEs workforce re

  • 7/25/2019 Resumo Apostilas - Academia HR - Ingles


    !"e re

  • 7/25/2019 Resumo Apostilas - Academia HR - Ingles


    - /lanning #enu- 9esource #enu- !ool #enu

    !"ere are attendee tpes (ou can create attendees in current setting under create attendee):- /erson: e#ploee of our co#pan (/)

    - =ser: person in t"e user #aster (=S)- %ternal person: e#ploee fro# anot"er co#pan (,)- 6pplicant: eternal person t"at "as applied for a ;o$ (6/)- Contact person: e#ploee of a partner (/!)- Organi0ational unit: e. ?epart#ent in our co#pan (O)- Custo#er (R=)- Co#pan (=)- nterested part (R)

    %#ploees can access t"e appraisal te#plate directl fro# t"e e#ploee self-service # $ooking.!raining and event #anage#ent "as two e#ploee self-service features t"at co#ple#ent oneanot"er:

    - !raining center: w"ere e#ploees can view t"e current event catalog and $ook t"e#selvesfor events

    - $ooking: w"ere e#ploees can view t"eir own $ooking data and if necessar re$ookor cancel t"eir $ooking.

    !"e sap sste# supports t"ree approval workflows for t"e e#ploee self service training center and 7ookings:

    - 6pprove e#ploeeEs attendance $ooking- 6pprove e#ploeeEs attendance cancellation- 6pprove e#ploeeEs attendance re$ooking

    ou can start t"e dna#ic infor#ation #enu under infor#ation sste# fro# w"ere ou can also

    access reports for attendances $usiness events and resources.7lended learning:

    - /ersonali0ed learning adapta$le to individual needs and learning strategies- ntegration wit" %9/ Sste#s- Co#pliance wit" internationall recogni0ed 7! standards- 6ut"oring tools for creating content and structure- Creation of reusa$le content- Flei$le on t"e fl ad#inistration of learning offering- nclusion of all deliver #et"ods- !racking of learning progress- /lace#ent and final tests

    !"e learning ccle in t"e sap sste#- %pert finder:

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    S6/ solution for learning #anage#ent sste# is t"e S6/ learning solution t"at is an integratedend-to-end solution:

    - %nterprise portal .2: learning portal- sap "u#an resource: personnel develop#ent and training and event #anage#ent- sap custo#er relations"ip #anage#ent ($illing engine planned)- Content #anage#ent sste#

    - !est environ#ent (test aut"or is t"e tool used for creating all of t"e tests)- 6ut"oring environ#ent (learning o$;ects learning o$;ect nets and instructional ele#ents)

    9e goals: %ncourage t"e professional develop#ent of e#ploeesin a co#pan and second to ensure t"at t"ere is alwas sufficient "eadcount.Career planning involves identifing possi$le career goals for e#ploees and planning t"eirprofessional develop#ent. Careers are non-person specific pat"s wit"in an organi0ational structure.Carriers can $e used as planning criterion in career and succession planning. Careers can contain;o$s and positions. =se career planning functionalit to look for suita$le activities for an e#ploeeapplicant and so on. =se t"e personEs profile as a $asis for conducting t"is searc"

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    Succession planning involves looking for suita$le candidates (e#ploees applicants and so on) tofill open posts (positions and so on) 7 si#ulating a succession scenarioW ou can anal0e andappraise t"e effects of an e#ploee transfer./lanning criteria for career and succession planning:

    - ualifications- /otentials

    - /references- ?esignations- ?islikes- Career - 6dditional career

    ?evelop#ent plans plan a central role in t"e personnel planning process and are used to #appersonnel develop#ent #easures:

    - !rainee progra#s and so on- !raining courses se#inars works"ops and so on- On t"e ;o$ training ;o$ rotation and so on.

    e "ave:- +eneral develop#ent plans

    o +roup toget"er training and furt"er education #easures

    o Pot specific to certain persons can $e used as te#plate

    o Contain a se

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    - ualit scaleso Fied rating (proficiencies)

    o =ser defined na#es and descriptions for proficiencies %a#ples: language scale

    wit" ratings: $asic knowledge average and fluent & es & no scale wit" t"eproficiencies

    - uantit scaleso Scale defined $ #ini#u# & #ai#u# interval range and unito =sed for covering large value ranges. %a#ples: scale wit" t"e unit score a range

    fro# 2 to 1222 and interval range of 2.221

    !"e appraisal process is divided into stages:1. /reparation define planning data (period and o$;ects involved)>. %ecution rate t"e appraisal ele#ents3. Close save t"e appraisal wit" an "istorical record4. 6pproval process standard workflow to start an approval process. Follow-up carr out follow-up actions (e: co#pensation or update t"e profile)

    /ersonnel develop#ent appraisal sste# functionalit is now used in t"e training and event

    #anage#ent co#ponent

    anagerEs desktop #eets t"e da-to-da re

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    !"e dna#ic #enus in training and event #anage#ent allow ou to $ranc" (fork-ra#ificar) directlfro# t"e o$;ects in t"e $usiness event "ierarc" to t"e individual functions. ou will "ave noticedt"at t"e functions selection of t"e rig"t #ouse $utton c"anges or t"e functions in t"e #enu c"angedepending on t"e particular dna#ic #enu

    7lended learning refers to all round learning. Sap offers t"e sap tutor and sap learning solution for

    ea#ple. !"e sap learning solution is integrated wit" erp $ackend sste#s

    Careers and develop#ent plans PO! are snon#s. ?evelop#ent plans can contain organi0ationalunits or course tpe for ea#ple in addition to ;o$s and positions. ?evelop#ent plans can $e storedfor specific e#ploees as individual develop#ent plans

    !"e new o$;ective setting and appraisals co#ponents supports all p"ases of a continuousperfor#ance feed$ack process. t supports planning (t"at is t"e for#ulation of o$;ectives) t"ee#ploee review (feed$ack) and t"e appraisal.

    Co#pensation #anage#ent (pag.4A unit 11)

    Co#pensation #anage#ent co#ponent controls and #anages re#uneration polic at en enterprise.6rea of co#pensation #anage#ent:

    - o$ pricing: store results of eternal ;o$ evaluation sste#s and salar surves in order togenerate salar structures to w"ic" we can assign ;o$s and positions. e can set up t"e pagrade structure. 9eference to ;o$ or position. /lanned co#pensation "as 3 tpes: salar(store data fro# t"e pa grade structure Jpa grade pa grade level pa grade tpe and pagrade areaK we "ave t"e #ini#u# #ai#u# and internal reference salar for t"e ;o$ orposition) pa scale (store data fro# t"e pa scale structure Jpa scale group level tpe andarea for ;o$s or positionK t"e sste# suggests t"e #ini#u# and #ai#u# salar&wage)and direct w"en we do not "ave pa grade or pa scale structure. ou enter t"e #ini#u#and #ai#u# a#ount to $e paid for t"e position or ;o$.

    - 7udgeting: plan and control epenses for co#pensation ad;ust#ents. t is a "ierarc"icalstructure. /rocess: Create $udget unitscreate $udget structure **. 6ssign $udgets to org.

    unitsW assign financial resources to eac" $udget unit c"eck $udget structure release

    t"e $udget structure.- Co#pensation ad#inistration: distri$ute salar increases s"ares and so on to e#ploees in

    accordance wit" re#uneration polic. anages using: ad;ust#ent reason 1 ad;ust#enttpe > co#pensation area 3 co#pensation co#ponent 3 categor 4 guidelines 3eligi$ilit rules 3 and $udget tpe >

    - ong-ter# incentive: supports five different tpes: incentive stock options non

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    Co#pensation co#ponents are created and assigned to co#pensation categories. Co#pensationcategories deter#ine witc" infotpe records are created w"en ou activate an ad;ust#ent or grant anaward. Sap delivers t"e following categories:

    - Fied: create a record in t"e co#pensation ad;ust#ent infotpe (2382) and t"e $asic painfotpe (2228) is updated. %a#ple $asic pa#ents are fied co#pensation co#ponents.

    - @aria$le: create a record in t"e co#pensation ad;ust#ent infotpe (2382) and t"e $asic pa

    infotpe (2228) or additional pa#ent infotpe (221) is updated & created. %a#ple: $onus- ong-ter# incentives: create a record of t"e co#pensation ad;ust#ent infotpe (2382) and a

    record of t"e awards infotpe (238>). %a#ple: stock options.

    @arious was of awarding e#ploees wit" co#pensation ad;ust#ents:- ndividual #aintenance- ass #aintenance (using ecel ta$le for ea#ple)- anagerEs desktop- anager self-service (portal)

    et"ods of selection e#ploees for co#pensation ad#inistration:- =ser view: select e#ploees fro# t"e organi0ation unit for w"ic" ou are line #anager

    - Organi0ational unit: select one or #ore organi0ational units directl $ entering t"eorgani0ational unitEs na#e or ke

    - 6d "oc

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    - ?irect cost ite#s: provided $ data collection and assigned to a value- ?ependent cost ite#s: depended relativel or a$solutel on t"e corresponding $ase cost

    ite#- 6dditional cost ite#: independent cost ite# ($onus)?ependent and additional cost ite# are non-valuated sste# assign values during a planning

    run according custo#i0ing settings.

    6ll reports are $ased on t"e tec"nolog of sap list viewer.9eports:

    - /lan data reporting and anal0ing cost plans- /lan c"anges lists all c"anges #ade to data during detail planning- Original docu#ents lists all plan data (in CO for#at) t"at ou can post

    !ools:- ?ispla log: displa saved errors logs- ?elete data $asis: deletes cost planning infotpes- 6d#inister data fro# paroll: displa and delete paroll results provided during paroll

    posting for personnel cost planning- ?ispla plan data: tec"nical analsis of cost plan data

    - ?ispla original docu#ents: tec"nical analsis of CO-relevant personnel cost plan data.

    a;or 6dvantages of t"e new personnel cost-planning co#ponent:- %tensive data $asis- !arget&actual co#parisons- =ser-friendl we$ application- ntegration wit" controlling co#pensation #anage#ent and training and event


    !"e #ain e#p"asis of t"e new personnel cost-planning co#ponent is to i#prove t"e data $asis forplanning. !"at is provide suita$le tools for generating and deriving pa#ent infor#ation. 6lsoplaced on supporting decentrali0e planning $ providing si#ple planning interfaces for line


    ?ata collection #et"ods availa$le for e#ploees:- nfotpe 2228 $asic pa- nfotpe 2212 capital for#ation- nfotpe 2214 recurring pa#ents&deductions- nfotpe 221 additional pa#ents- nfotpe 2>5M additional pa#ents off-ccle- ?ifference $etween actual and planned co#pensation- Co#pensation guideline- ?ata fro# paroll- Si#ulated pa scale reclassification

    - ?ata fro# training and event #anage#ent

    !ravel anage#ent (pag.33 unit 13)

    Sap travel #anage#ent contains t"e co#plete range of procedures fro# entering a travel re

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    3 different organi0ational for#s for entering trip data:- Central entr (via travel depart#ent)- /artl decentrali0ed entr (via depart#ent offices)- ?ecentrali0ed entr (traveler using self-service)

    ou can control t"e relevant aut"ori0ations using aut"ori0ation o$;ect /*!96@ for travel epensereports and F*!96@ for travel planning

    nfotpes involved in travel #anage#ent:- 2221 organi0ational assign#ent #andator- 222> personal data #andator- 221M travel privileges #andator- 2225 addresses necessar if want to generate vendor #aster record F or

    =tili0e a for# of data #ediu# ec"ange- 222A $ank details necessar if want to generate vendor #aster record F or

    =tili0e a for# of data #ediu# ec"ange- 22>M cost distri$ution onl it is necessar to distri$ute t"e value to different

    Cost centers- 2222 6ctions and 2223 settle#ent auto#aticall created w"en an e#ploee is "ired- 24M2 travel profile optional & assign e#ploees to a travel policies- 24M1 flig"t preference optional- 24M> "otel preference optional- 24M3 car rental preference optional- 24M4 rail preference optional- 24M custo#er progra# optional

    !"e general concept of travel planning is $ased on two t"ings:- 9eproduction of enterprise-specific travel polic in t"e custo#i0ing of travel planning- Specification of e#ploee-specific data in t"e infotpes of "r #odule

    %#ploee travel epense assign#ent guidelines are deter#ined via a decision tree #ade up of t"efollowing infotpes:

    - Cost distri$ution (22>M su$tpe 2>)- !ravel privileges A221M)- Organi0ational assign#ent (2221)

    !"e /C1 file constrains t"e data fro# travel epenses (travel epense for#s paing travelepenses posting travel epenses)

    9eporting:- Sap r&3 reporting: 9eports V S6/ ueries

    - sap r&3: #anagerEs desktop- 7usiness ware"ouse (7):

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    !"e ta$le to switc" on & off t"e etensions is called X !7%11Y. (n custo#i0ing: activation switc" forsap r&3 enterprise etension set)

    =ser profile and favorites: $ setting up a user profile and favorites ou can save ourself work. 7setting up favorites ou can access fre personal data- 2225 addresses- 222M planned working ti#e

    - 2228 $asic pa- 222A $ank details

    Co#pan Code: !"e co#pan codeis an organi0ational unit wit"in financial accounting.

    /ersonnel 6rea: 6 personnel area is an organi0ational entit representing an area wit"in anenterprise defined $ specific aspects of personnel ad#inistration ti#e #anage#ent and paroll./ersonnel areas are su$divided into personnel su$areas.

    /ersonnel Su$area: 6 personnel su$area is an organi0ational entit t"at represents part of apersonnel area c"aracteri0ed $ personnel ad#inistration ti#e #anage#ent and paroll criteria.

    %#ploee +roup: !"e e#ploee group is an organi0ational entit t"at is governed $ specificpersonnel regulations. 6n e#ploee group is divided into several e#ploee su$groups. %a#ple:active

    %#ploee Su$group: 6n e#ploee su$group is an organi0ational entit wit"in an e#ploee groupw"ic" is governed $ specific personnel regulations: ea#ple: salaried e#ploees

    /aroll 6rea: Contains t"e paroll area. (Organi0ational unit t"at groups toget"er e#ploees forw"o# paroll is run at t"e sa#e ti#e and in t"e sa#e wa. %a#ple: /aroll area Salaried

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    Employees(#ont"l paroll run on >t" of eac" #ont") /aroll areaRetired Employee(#ont"lparoll run on >2t" of eac" #ont") /aroll area Weekly-Wage Earners(weekl paroll run on eac"Frida))

    /a scale tpe: !"e collective agree#ent tpe defines t"e sector of industr for w"ic" t"e collectiveagree#ent is valid. %a#ples: etal industr C"e#ical industr ining industr etc.

    /a Scale 6rea: 6 collective agree#ent area defines t"e area in w"ic" t"e collective agree#ent isvalid. %a#ples: State /rovince 9egion etc.

    /a Scale +roup: 6 pa scale group is a criterion used for grading ;o$ evaluation. 6 pa scale groupis divided up into severalpa scale levels.

    /a Scale evel: !"e pa scale level is a criterion for ;o$ evaluation wit"in t"epa scale group

    Su$tpe: Subtypes are su$divisions of infotpes. !"e various su$tpes of an infotpe can $e

    assigned different ti#e constraints and a separate data "istor can $e #aintained for eac".

    anaging and editing pro;ects (pag.AA unit 1M)

    /ro;ect steps needed to #ap t"e new enterprise structure in t"e sap sste#:- ?efine organi0ational structure- 6d;ust to #eet co#pan-specific specifications- %n"ance and ad;ust to additional functionalit

    Sap provided ou wit" a tool t"e i#ple#entation guide to "elp ou wit" t"e i#ple#entation andcusto#i0ing. Custo#i0ing is a #et"od t"at supports t"e following situations: i#ple#enting t"e sap

    r&3 sste# en"ancing t"e sap r&3 sste# wit" a release upgrade.

    + (i#ple#entation +uide) ena$les ou to set up t"e sste#. =se to i#ple#ent all t"e sapapplication co#ponents. tEs divide in areas:

    - ?ocu#entation: find t"e infor#ation needed to "elp "ow to custo#i0e t"e sste# settings- Custo#i0ing transactions: sste# settings- /ro;ect #anage#ent: enter t"e status tasks degree of processing and resources.- /ro;ect docu#entation: pro;ect docu#entation for eac" custo#i0ing step.

    Sap gives eac" custo#i0ing step specific attri$utes:- andator activities: sap cannot deliver co#plete default settings (ea#ple: enterprise

    structure) and we need to store t"e custo#er-specific re

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    %nterprise structure (pag.5> unit 18)

    Co#panEs structure consists of t"e enterprise structure and t"e personnel structure.

    %le#ents t"at define t"e sap enterprise structure for personnel ad#inistration:- Client (is an independent legal and organi0ational unit of t"e sste#)- Co#pan code (is an independent co#pan wit" its own accounting unit)- /ersonnel area (is a specific entit for personnel ad#inistration. t represents a su$division

    of t"e co#pan code)- /ersonnel su$area (are su$divisions of personnel areas)

    Client:Client 222 contains t"e original sap sste# and ou cannot c"ange it.Client 221 is also delivered to custo#ers. 7ot" sste#s are identical w"en t"e are delivered.%a#ple: (client 222 original client 221 productive client 223 test client 224 training)Po data ec"ange $etween clients (onl in eceptional cases)

    6n e#ploee w"o c"anges fro# one client to anot"er #ust $e assigned a new personnel nu#$er

    /ersonnel area:- s a selection criterion for evaluationsZ- s an entit for aut"ori0ation c"ecks- ust uni

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    o %#ploee su$group allows ou to define default values for data entr (paroll area

    or $asic pa)

    Organi0ational plan depicts t"e organi0ational structure. 6 co#pan uses an organi0ational plan torepresent t"e relations"ips $etween individual depart#ents and work groups.

    - /osition $elongs to an organi0ational unit

    - o$ descri$es a position

    Organi0ational unit descri$e t"e different depart#ents in t"e enterprise. Organi0ational units could$e depart#ents tea#s groups and so on. (%ecutive $oard "u#an resource paroll $enefitsaccounting accounts paa$le accounts receiva$le audit)

    o$ is t"e general classification for a set of tasks in an enterprise (ea#ples: sales#en consultant#anager)

    /ositions represent a specific ;o$ entit and are occupied $ people.

    ntegration $etween organi0ational #anage#ent and personnel ad#inistration. (f ou integrate a

    position $etween /6 and O ou can enter a position in t"e actions infotpe 2222)- (/6) %#ploee occupies position- /osition is assigned to enterprise structure (O)- /osition is descri$ed $ o$ (O)- /osition $elongs to organi0ation unit (O)- /osition is assigned to personnel structure (O)

    "en ou run a "iring action $ entering t"e position t"e sste# propagates t"e data stored inorgani0ational #anage#ent into t"e fields in t"e actions infotpe.

    - /ersonnel area- %#ploee group- %#ploee su$group

    6dditional organi0ational assign#ent (pag.5M unit >2)

    /aroll control record- ust create a control record for eac" paroll area- !"e control record controls t"e individual paroll stages- !"e control record:

    o ?eter#ines t"e eact date of t"e current paroll period

    o ?efines t"e paroll past for retroactive paroll

    o ocks #aster data and ti#e data during t"e paroll run to prevent c"anges fro#

    $eing #ade.o ?efines t"e earliest retroactive accounting period for t"e paroll area

    6 paroll period deter#ines t"e period in w"ic" a paroll result is generated (ea#ple: #ont"lweekl etc) ou specif for paroll areas t"e start date and end date of t"e periods.

    /ada rule & nu#$er of das: deter#ine "ow t"e pada of t"e period is calculated:- 1: t"e nu#$er of das is added to t"e start date of t"e period to calculate t"e pada- >: t"e nu#$er of das is deducted fro# t"e end date of t"e period- 3: t"e nu#$er of das is added to t"e end date of t"e period

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    - 4: applies to #ont"l paroll periods onl. !"e nu#$er of das is used as t"e eact date.

    Organi0ational ke is a 14-c"aracter field in t"e organi0ational assign#ent infotpe 2221 t"at oucan structure according to our own re-retiree 4-earl retiree A-ot"er)- %#plo#ent status (1-industrial worker >-salaried e#ploee 3-clerk A-ot"er)- !raining status (1-trainne&apprentice >-trained A-ot"er)

    ?efining default values Features (pag.M21 unit >1)

    !"e sste# uses features to deter#ine default values. !"e sste# suggests t"ese values w"en ou#aintain infotpes t"at affect e#ploee #aster data.

    ou can use features for different purposes:- Features t"at define default values (67R9S ?efault value for paroll area in

    organi0ational assign#ent)- Features t"at control sste# process (/nnnn- controls t"e se

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    %#ploee su$group grouping for personnel calculation rule: t"e distinction is #ade $etweene#ploees t"at are paid on an "ourl $asis and e#ploees w"ose pa is $ased on t"e nu#$er of"ours t"e work per period (ea#ple: salaried). !o reali0e t"is difference in t"e sste# ou can setup e#ploee su$group groupings for personnel calculation rules and as a result t"e sste# treatse#ploees differentl in paroll. !"e #eaning of groupings is fied and cannot $e deleted

    (ea#ple: "ourl wage earners: 1 salaried e#ploees: 3)

    @alues for capacit utili0ation level and working "rs&period (infotpe 2228) co#e fro# e#plo#entpercentage and #ont"l working "ours fro# t"e planned working ti#e infotpe.

    9e#uneration structure (pag.M41 unit >4)

    6t our co#pan e#ploeesD pa is regulated $ a nu#$er of collective agree#ent provisions. !"edifferences are $ased on tpe pa scale tpe (#etal retail in-"ouse etc) and area pa scale area(sout" nort" 6la$a#a etc).!"e collective agree#ent provisions deter#ine "ow #uc" ou pa t"e e#ploees.

    ou use t"e pa scale groups and pa scale levels to depict t"e different pa#ents in t"e sste#s.

    !"e e#ploee su$group grouping for t"e collective agree#ent provision allows ou to assigndifferent e#ploees to different pa scale groups. (ea#ple salaried e#ploees and trainees

    e#ploee su$group grouping 3)

    Sap sste# contains t"e following grouping as standard:- indicator 1 : industrial worker&"ourl wage earner- indicator > : industrial worker&"ourl wage earner (#ont"l wage)- indicator 3 : salaried worker- indicator 4 : non-pa scale e#ploee

    pa scale tpe: are two c"aracter kes t"at defines t"e la$or union./a scale area : represents t"e geograp"ical region w"ere a pa scale or collective agree#entapplies.

    age tpe strucutre (pag.MA unit >)

    age tpe are t"e ke ele#ents in t"e wage tpe structure. ou use wage tpes to assign pa#entsand deductions as weel as to control t"e paroll progra#. ou use wage c"aracteristics todistinguis" t"e individual wage tpes.

    !"ere are two #ain categories:

    - pri#ar or dialog wage tpes- secondar or tec"nical wage tpes (recogni0ed $ slas" X&Y as t"e first c"aracter)

    Sap uses t"e wage tpe group concept to group wage tpes t"at "ave si#ilar c"aracteristics wit"regard to paroll

    Sap wage tpes starts wit" letters. Custo#er wage tpes #ust alwas start wit" a nu#$er.

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    /er#issi$ilit for infotpes: !"e user can setup t"e sste# so t"at onl certain wage tpes areper#issi$le for infotpes.Fre

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    t"e sste# s"lould also #ultipl t"is a#ount $ a percentage ou enter in t"e $asic painfotpe in t"is ea#ple 12])

    - 697/: valuation using postions. =ses t"e o$;ect tpe and t"e position nu#$er entered ininfotpe 2221 to calculate t"e wage tpe a#ount.

    !"e #odule !69F "as four variants:

    - 6 valuation is $ased on t"e pa scale group and level- 7 valuetion is $ased on pa scale group&level and specific wage tpe- C valuation does not depend on pa scale level- ? valuation does not depend on pa scale group or level

    ndirect valuation: additional attri$utes:- reduction #et"od:

    o $lank or 1 : no reduction

    o >: reduction using t"e capacit utili0ation level (]) stored in infotpe 2228

    o 3: reduction in accordance wit" t"e relations"ip $etween t"e individual standard

    weekl working ti#e and t"e standard weekl working ti#e

    o 4: reduction $ased on t"e relations"ip $etween t"e individual "ours per week taken

    fro# infotpe 222M and t"e individual standard weekl working ti#eo : reduction in accordance wit" t"e relations"ip $etween t"e individual weekl

    working ti#e #inus t"e standard weekl working ti#e and t"e standard weeklworking ti#e

    o 5: reduction $ased on t"e relations"ip $etween t"e "ours per week taken fro#

    infotpe 222M5 #inus t"e standard weekl working ti#e and t"e individualstandard working ti#e

    - rounding tpeo 6[ a#ount is rounded down

    o 7[ a#ount is rounded up&down

    o C[ a#out is rounded up

    - 9ounding divisor: values 2 AAAAAA . for ea#ple 122 #eans t"at t"e a#ount s"ould $erounded up a w"ole dollar

    - Can $e overwritten: deter#ines w"et"er ou can overwrite t"e wage tpe a#ount in t"einfotpe

    !"e difference $etween t"e !69F #odule and /9\P! #odule- For all wage tpes valuated wit" t"e tarif #odule t"e sste# reads t"e a#ount fro# t"e pa

    scale ta$le depending on t"e pa scale group and level. For all wage tpes valuated wit" t"e/9\P! #odule t"e sste# calculates t"e a#ount fro# t"e a#ounts of t"e $ase wagetpes. !"e calculated a#ount is #ultiplied $ a percentage w"ic" is entered in dialog w"ile#aintaining t"e $asic pa infotpe.

    !"e #odule variants- specifies t"e #odule for indirect valuation and controls "ow t"e read access s"ould $e

    assigned for a ta$le

    if ou want t"e sste# to suggest a default wage tpe for $asic pa t"is wage tpe #ust $e includedin a wage tpe #odel. !"e sste# suggests a wage tpe #odel $ased on an e#ploeeDsorgani0ational assign#ent. %a#ple: co#pan code personnel area e#ploee group e#ploeesu$group.

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    ou can use t"e default wage tpes (feature +S!) for $asic pa ta$le to define default wage tpefor t"e $asic pa infotpe (2228). 6n entr is accesed $ processing a decision tree:

    feature +S!

    olga w"ic" countr grouping

    /%9S+ - w"ic" e#ploee su$group

    /%9SR w"ic" e#ploee su$group

    9eports for c"agnes to re#uneration (pag.811 unit >5)

    7atc" input processing: #ass data c"anges t"at are triggered $ reports are nor#all #ade using a$atc" input session and not i#eediatel. !"e c"anges are not #ade to t"e #aster data until t"e $atc"input session "as $een processed.

    /a scale reclassification allows ou to update t"e infor#ation on t"e pa scale groups and levels int"e $asic pa infotpe for eac" e#ploee. ou can use t"e following reports to perfor# pa scale

    reclassification: 9/!=22 6P? 9//S922

    nfotpes (pag.8>M unit >M)

    nfotpe is a set of data grouped toget"er into areas wit" si#ilar content.

    evel of user control for infotpes:- controlling view: w"at user sees on t"e screen and #enus and w"at infor#ation is readil

    and easil availa$le for t"e user to view.- Controlling access w"at t"e user can acces- !rack c"anges involves tracking w"at c"anges are #ade

    Screen view: t"e users see infotpes as input te#plates wit" w"ic" t"e can #aintain t"e infotperecords. 6 screen (or ?Pa#ic /9Ogra#) consists of a screen and t"e acco#paning processlogic. !"e #ain ele#ents are:

    - attri$utes (ea#ple screen nu#$er following screen)- laout (t"e arrange#ent of tets fields and ot"er ele#ents)- field attri$utes (definition of t"e properties of individual fields)- flow logic (calls t"e relevant 676/ #odules)

    infotpes:- 2222 to 2AAA for personnel #aster data and certain applicant data- 1222 to 1AAA for "u#an resources planning data (/?)

    - >222 to >AAA for ti#e #anage#ent data- 4222 to 4AAA for applicant-onl data- A222 to AAAA are reserved for custo#ers

    ti#e constraint field:- 1 : an infotpe record #ust $e availa$le at all ti#es. !"is record #a "ave no ti#e gaps.

    ou #a not delete t"e record last stored on t"e data$ase $ecause all records of t"isinfotpe would ot"erwise $e deleted.

    - > : onl one record #a $e availa$le at one ti#e $ut ti#e gaps are per#itted.

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    - 3 : an nu#$er of records #a $e valid at one ti#e and ti#e gaps are per#itted.- 6 : onl one record #a ever eist for t"is infotpe. t is valid fro# fa;uar 1 1822 to

    dece#$er 31AAAA. splitting is not per#itted. nfotpes wit" t"e ti#e constraint 6 #a not$e deleted.

    - 7 : onl one record #a ever eist for t"is infotpe. t is valid fro# ;anuar 11822 todece#$er 31AAAA. splitting is not per#itted. nfotpes wit" t"e ti#e constraint 7 #a $e

    deleted.- ! : !"e ti#e constraint varies depending on t"e su$tpe (see ta$le A16).

    !"e screen "eader consists of t"e first t"ree lines displaed on single and list screens. 6 screen"eader is alread assigned to eac" infotpe. %ac" screen "eader is assigned a "eader #odifies(defines t"e structure of t"e "eader) wit" depends on t"e transaction class (6 [ /ersonnelad#inistration 7 [ 9ecruit#ent)

    nfotpe #enu: ou can select t"e re):

    - value 2 t"e e#ploee "as left t"e co#panand s"ould no longer $e included in t"e parollrun. 6n individual retroactive run is per#itted in t"e sste#

    - value 1 t"e e#ploee $elongs to t"e co#pan $ut is granted leave for #ilitar srvice#aternit etc. paroll is run for inactive e#ploees $ut t"eir pa can $e reducedaccording to special factoring rules.

    - @alue > t"e e#ploee is retired.- @alue 3 t"e e#ploee $elongs to t"e co#pan and is active

    !"e additional actions (232>) infotpe allows ou to log all personnel actions t"at ou eecute foran e#ploee on t"e sa#e da. !"e log records all t"e action tpes and t"e corresponding actionreasons run for t"e e#ploee according to a ke date.

    ?na#ic 6ction (pag.8AM unit >A)

    "en certain evets occur dna#ic actions trigger actions in t"e sste#. Suc" as:- #aintain anot"er infotpe record

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    - send an e-#ail via sapoffice

    Function:- 2> c"ange- 24 create- 28 delete

    - 25 c"ange and create

    action:- / c"eck conditions- infotpe #aintenance- default values for new record- @ reference to an activit- F cll routine- % send #ail

    anage#ent of glo$al e#ploees (pag.A13 unit 32)

    /erson d: valid in t"e enterprise and for t"e duration of t"e e#ploeeDs e#plo#ent. (infotpe2M2A).%a#ple:/erson d 1221 =S6 /ersonnel nu#$er 1221 assign#ent 1221

    +er#. /ersonnel nu#$er 122> assign#ent 122>7rasil /ersonnel nu#$er 12>> assign#ent 12>>

    !"e new solution #anage#ent of glo$al e#ploees is divided into five individual p"ases:- planning a glo$al assign#ent (offer is created)- preparation for relocation (reservations course residenc per#its etc)

    - transfer (infotpes 2228 2214 and 221 are transferred fro# t"e ! co#pensation package)- glo$al assign#ent (foreign assign#ent duration)- repatriation

    aut"ori0ations in ,9 overview (pag.A>A unit 31)

    !"ere are two was to set up aut"ori0ations to #S6/ ,u#an 9esources:- general aut"ori0ations: aut"ori0ations t"at are particularl i#portant for personnel

    ad#inistration and t"at control access to "r data (using "r aut"ori0ation o$;ects. 6naut"ori0ation o$;ect defines t"e fields (#a 12) t"at occur in an aut"ori0ation)fields value aut"ori0ation and fields o$;ects aut"ori0ation. 6ut"ori0ation

    aut"ori0ation profileusers- structural aut"ori0ations: c"eck $ organi0ational assign#ent if a user is aut"ori0ed to

    perfor# an activit- note: ou can set up $ot" aut"ori0ation tpes si#ultaneousl.

    user #aster record


    user #enu

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    aut"ori0ation profile

    user #aster record: a user can onl log on to t"e sste# if t"ere is a user #aster record wit" acorresponding password stored for "i# or "er. n t"e #aster record a user #enu and t"ecorresponding aut"ori0ation profiles are assigned to t"e user using one or several roles.

    9ole is a collection of activities t"at ena$le a user to participate in one or #ore $usiness scenarios int"e organi0ation.

    =ser #enu: provide access to t"e transactions reports or we$-$ased applications contained in t"eroles. S"ould onl contain t"e functions t"at are perfor#ed $ t"e user in dail work.

    6ut"ori0ation profile: is generated for t"e activities contained in t"e role. !"is defines t"e$oundaries wit"in w"ic" t"e user #a perfor# actions in t"e sap sste#.


    !"ere are a nu#$er of aut"ori0ation o$;ects ou can use to define aut"ori0ation for #sap "r. oucan view t"ese aut"ori0ation o$;ects using transaction S=23 (,9 o$;ect class).

    !"e ,9: #aster data aut"ori0ation o$;ect is used during t"e aut"ori0ation c"eck on ,r infotpes.!"e c"ecks take place w"en ,9 infotpes are edited or read. !"e sste#

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    - paroll ad#inistrator (sac"a)- #aster data ad#inistrator (sac"p)- ti#e ad#inistrator (sac"0)- ad#inistrator group (s$#od)

    t"ese fields are filled in t"e organi0ational assing#ent infotpe 2221

    ou can use t"e aut"ori0ation #ain switc" (transaction OO6C) to deter#ine w"et"er t"is c"eck isto $e carried out in addtion to or intead of t"e ,9: aster data c"eck

    !"e ,9: #aster data personnel nu#$er c"eck aut"ori0ation o$;ect is used if ou want to assignusers different aut"ori0ations for accessing t"eir own perssonel nu#$er.te#: o$;ect /*/%9P9

    - aut"ori0ation level (aut"c)- interpretation of assigned aut"ori0ation (psign)- infotpe (inft)- su$tpe (su$t)

    t"e /S+P can $e:- user can see "is & "er own personnel nu#$er

    - % user cannot see "is & "er own personnel nu#$er!"e c"eck is onl perfor#ed for t"e personnel nu#$er t"at is assigned to t"e user in infotpe 212su$tpe 2221

    !"e au"ori0ation o$;ect ,9:applicats is used during t"e aut"ori0ation c"eck on ,9 applicantinfotpes.te#: o$;ect /*6//

    - infotpe (inft)- su$tpe (su$t)- aut"ori0ation level (aut"c)- persa (personnel area)- applicant group (apgrp)

    - applicant range (aptp)- organi0ational ke (vdsk1)- personnel officer responsi$le (resrf)

    t"e organi0ational planner in our co#pan re

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    t"e aut"ori0ation o$;ect ,9: !ransaction code ena$les to c"eck w"et"er a use is aut"ori0ed to startt"e different ,9 transactions. Po #anual c"anges "ould $e #ade to t"e aut"ori0ations for t"e o$;ect,9: !ransaction codes. e "ave:

    - "r transactions wit" a natural (t"eir own) aut"ori0ation o$;ect. For ea#ple /632 #aintain,9 #aster data

    - "r transactions wit"out a natural (t"eir own) aut"ori0ation o$;ect. For ea#ple /%23

    initial screen for features.%a#ple: o$;ect /*!CO?%

    - transaction code (!C?). %a#ple: /%23 /=22 /=23 /6>2

    t"e aut"ori0ation o$;ect ,9: Clusters. !"e e#ploees in c"arge of t"e paroll arc"iving processre34)

    - area identifiers for cluster (relid)- aut"ori0ation level (aut"c) : 9 read & = write & S si#ulation test run aut"ori0ation for

    paroll&ti#e evaluation- %a#ple: 9elid: C= 9B & aut"c: 9

    - Cluster 9B paroll results & C= cluster director in w"ic" t"e director of t"e parollresults is stored.

    !"e aut"rori0ation o$;ect ,9: aster data custo#er specific o$;ect. f ou "ave re1

    o assign aut"ori0ation o$;ect to transaction S=>4

    o set t"e PPPPP aut"ori0ation #ain switc" to 1

    ?ou$le verification principle: divides t"e tasks of data entr and data control a#ong twoe#ploees. e "ave ass##etrical dou$le verification principle and s##etrical dou$leverification principle.

    6s##etrical dou$le verification principle.

    n t"is procedure two user are alwas re

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    c"anges t"e data and user 7 unlocks t"e data agains 6lternativel user 6 creates a locked copfro# t"e unlocked data and c"anges t"is cop. =ser 7 t"en unlocks t"e data. !o delete unlockeddata user $ locks t"e data w"ic" is t"en deleted $ user 6. in t"is process user 6 is alwasresponsi$le for entering and c"anging t"e data and user 7 for approving t"e c"anges.

    S#etrical dou$le verification principle:

    n t"is procedure two users are alwas re

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    !"e cost center is an eternal o$;ect tpe.

    Organi0ational unit reports to organi0ational unitOrgani0ational unit is line manager of organi0ational unitOrgani0ational unit incorporates position/osition belongs to organi0ation unit

    /osition $elongs to work center /osition holder person (person is assigned as t"e "older of posit)/osition holder user/ostion is descri$ed $ tasks/osition is described by ;o$o$ describes positiono$ is descri$ed $ tasks!ask descri$es position!ask descri$es ;o$/erson & user occupies position (person is assigned as t"e "older of posit.)orkCenter incorporates /ositionOrgani0ational unit cost center assign#ent

    /osition cost center assing#ent

    !"e evaluation pat" descri$es a c"ain of relations"ips t"at eists $etween o$;ects in a "ierarc"icalstructure. !"e evaluation pat" O-S-/ for ea#ple descri$es t"e relations"ip c"ain organi0ation unit position person

    Overall aut"ori0ation profile: co#$ination of structural aut"ori0ation c"eck in an overallaut"ori0ation profile.!"e two-part aut"ori0ation concept: t"e structural profile deter#ines w"ic" o$;ects in t"eorgani0ational structure t"e user #a access. !"e general profile deter#ines w"ic" data (infotpesu$tpe) and w"ic" access #ode (read write U) t"e user "as for t"ese o$;ects.

    +eneral aut"ori0ation for users in an organi0ational plan: report 9,/9OF2!"e /? /rofiles and Standard profiles infotpes allow ou to link aut"ori0ations profiles wit" t"efollowing o$;ects: organi0ational units ;o$s positions and tasks. !"ese profiles are used for alle#ploees linked wit" t"eses o$;ects w"en ou run t"e 9,/9OF2 report.!"e prere

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    7enefits 6d#inistration Overview (onl =S6 and Canada) (pag.1258 unit 35)

    !"ere are si international plan categories defined in t"e sste#:- ,ealt"- nsurance- Savings (poupanQa proteQHo).

    - Stock purc"ase- Credit- iscellaneous

    =nder t"e plan categor #iscellaneous ou can set up and ad#inister $enefit plans t"at not fitneatl into one of t"e ot"er plan categories (fitness or co#pan car). 9etire#ent plans are a specialfor# of savings plan. !"e flei$le spending account categor is onl relevant for t"e use.

    !"e following infotpes are essential for $enefits enroll#ent: +eneral $enefits data !21M1 assignsa person to a $enefit area a 1 st progra# grouping and a >nd progra# grouping. 6ction !2222needed to create t"e active status of a person w"en "ired and is also needed for ter#inationorgani0ation assign#ent !2221 gives t"e personEs organi0ational position needed to deter#ine$enefit area and 1st and >ndprogra# groupings. /ersonal data !222> needed to deter#ine age

    #arital status etc. used to deter#ine eligi$ilit for $enefit plans and options.

    nfotpes t"at are $asis for enroll#ent: !21M1 general $enefits info !23M8 ad;ust#ent reasonsand !23M5 $enefits #edical data.nfotpes t"at are created $ enroll#ent: "ealt" plans 215M insurance plans 2158 savings plans215A stock purc"ase plans 23MA credit plans 2>35 and #iscellaneous plans 23MM.

    7asic pa recurring pa#ent&deductions and additional pa#ents infotpes can $e used for certain$enefit plans as calculating cost credit and $enefit deductions as well as coverage a#ounts forinsurance plans.

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    THR12 Parte 1

    ntroduction to /aroll (pag.1 unit 1)

    9ole concept- 9ole #enu

    o 6ccessi$le transactions reports we$ linkso Structure of t"e #enu & access pat"s

    - 6ut"ori0ationso Selective access to $usiness functions and data

    - =sers

    Co#posite roles in paroll- /aroll #anager (S6/*/*/69O-6P6+%9)

    o ?ispla "r #aster data and personnel file

    o ?ispla re#uneration state#ent paroll account and paroll ;ournal

    - /aroll process ad#inistrator (S6/*/*/69O-/9OC-6?)o /erfor# ti#e evaluation and run paroll

    o Create re#uneration state#ent

    o /ost paroll results to accounting

    - /aroll ad#inistrator (S6/*/*/69O-6?)

    o aintain "r #aster data and ti#e #anage#ent data

    o Si#ulate paroll

    o C"eck re#uneration state#ent and paroll account for individual e#ploees

    /aroll is used to calculate re#uneration for work perfor#ed $ individual e#ploees. orespecificall u#$rella ter# for a variet of work processes suc" as t"e creation of paroll resultsand re#uneration state#ents $ank transfers and pa#ents $ c"eck. !"e p"rase also covers anu#$er of su$se

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    7ecause of auto#atic retroactive accounting recognition t"e 9&3 sste# does not allow ou toc"ange t"e paroll results #anuall.

    ?eli#iting t"e date ena$les t"e sste# to perfor# retroactive accounting.

    %ntering /aroll ?ata (pag.1A unit >)

    /rere221 and

    >212U- 6d#inistration paroll areas and periods

    /aroll control record- Su$se224 used to enter ti#es at w"ic" an e#ploee is availa$le for dut in

    addition to "is or "er regular s"ift- Overti#e >22 used to enter start ti#es and end ti#es for additional working "ours. !"e

    sste# auto#aticall generates wage tpes in accordance wit" rules t"at can $e specified incusto#i0ing

    - %#ploee re#uneration infor#ation >212 used to enter overti#e #anuall for ea#ple- ont"l calendar >21 used to enter attendances and a$sences in a #ont"l overview

    screen- eekl calendar >2> used to enter attendances and a$sences in a weekl overview


    Organi0ing a ive /aroll 9un (pag.3 unit 3)

    ou #ust #ake so#e $asic settings in custo#i0ing to $e a$le to run paroll in t"e sap sste#:

    - 6 period para#eter and a date #odifier are assigned to eac" paroll area. !"e periodpara#eter deter#ines w"et"er paroll is run #ont"l $i-#ont"l weekl or for severalweeks.

    - /aroll periods #ust $e generated for eac" co#$ination of period para#eters and date#odifiers assigned to a paroll area. !"e start date and end date for eac" period is definedand t"e pada is calculated using a rule entered as a para#eter.

    - Control record for ever paroll area. !"is control record controls t"e individual stages ofparoll

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    !"e sap "r sste# uses paroll areas to group toget"er e#ploees for w"o# paroll is run at t"esa#e ti#e and also to set t"e dates for t"e paroll period. %#ploees fro# different e#ploeesu$groups can $elong to t"e sa#e paroll area.

    !"e paroll area is used as a selection criterion for #an paroll processes. For ea#ple for t"eparoll run t"e re#uneration state#ent and evaluation reports for t"e paroll run.

    !"e 67R9S feature delivers a default value for t"e paroll area field in t"e organi0ationalassign#ent infotpe (2221).

    /aroll period deter#ines t"e period for w"ic" a paroll result is created. !"e lengt" of parollperiods can differW for ea#ple a paroll period can $e a #ont" a week or fourteen das.

    !"e eact start date and end date of t"e periods #ust $e defined for t"e paroll areas.

    !"e personnel control record perfor#s t"e following functions in paroll:- ?efines t"e paroll past for retroactive accounting recognitions- ocks #aster data and ti#e data so no c"anges can $e #ade during t"e paroll process.

    - ?efines t"e earliest possi$le retroactive accounting date for eac" paroll area

    %ac" e#ploee "as an individual paroll status. !"e necessar data is stored in t"e paroll statusinfotpe 2223. !"is infotpe is created auto#aticall as part of t"e "iring action and isauto#aticall #aintained for eac" paroll period.

    /aroll runs are perfor#ed using t"e paroll area to w"ic" t"e e#ploees are assigned w"o isre#unerated at t"e sa#e ti#e.6 paroll control record #ust $e created for ever paroll area. !"is control record controls t"eindividual stages of paroll.!"e paroll control record and t"e paroll status infotpe are relevant for retroactive accounting.

    /aroll /rocess (pag.3 unit 4)

    ?uring t"e paroll run #aster data and ti#e data c"anges t"at affect t"e paroll past and parollpresent are not per#itted. !"e paroll control record controls t"is.!"e relations"ip $etween t"e #enu and paroll control record is as follow:

    Functions in #enu Status of paroll control record- 9elease paroll - release for paroll- Start paroll - t"e paroll progra# is started and t"e status of t"e

    /aroll control record is _released for parollE- C"eck result - c"eck paroll results- Corrections - release for correction

    - %it paroll - eit paroll

    !"e paroll results are displaed in a tree structure. !"is #akes it easier for ou anal0e and get anoverview of t"e paroll results. !"e log includes a ta$le of contents w"ic" is presented as a treestructure:

    - 7asic data- essages- /rocedure for successful personnel nu#$ers- /rocedure for re;ected personnel nu#$ers

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    atc" code provides a list of all personnel nu#$ers in t"e selected paroll data t"at "ave $eenre;ected $ t"e paroll run $ecause of incorrect data.

    C"eck result ensure t"at c"anges cannot $e #ade to paroll data. 6lso locks t"e paroll accountingarea concerned to prevent ou fro# including it in a paroll run.

    Corrections allow releasing t"e infotpe records assigned to t"e selected paroll area forcorrections.6fter ou "ave corrected t"e data ou #ust release t"e paroll. !"is causes t"e personnel records to$e locked again. !"e last paroll period is not increased.Start paroll to run paroll again for all t"e personnel nu#$ers included in #atc" code .

    %it /aroll function ena$les ou to re-release infotpes so t"at t"e can $e #aintained for t"e pastand present and t"e paroll area is locked for t"e start of t"e paroll run. ou cannot eit parolluntil t"e paroll "as run successfull for all of t"e personnel nu#$ers assigned to t"e selectedparoll area.

    /aroll 9eports (pag.M3 unit )

    9eport 9/CS!9B ena$les ou to displa t"e paroll results.

    !"e sap sste# ena$les ou to created re#uneration state#ents for our e#ploees. 6 re#unerationstate#ent contains a clear list of pa#ents and deductions effected during a paroll run for ane#ploee.6lso ena$les ou to create personal or general notifications for our e#ploees t"at are printed ont"e re#unerations state#ent as additional infor#ation. ou enter an additional infor#ation in t"enotifications infotpe (21>8).

    !"e sap sste# ena$les ou to create paroll accounts for our e#ploees. 6 paroll accountcontains ta$les of paroll data for one or #ore e#ploees for one or #ore periods. 6 parollaccount is usuall created at t"e end of t"e ear. ,owever it is also possi$le to create a parollaccount for eac" paroll period.

    !"e sap sste# also ena$les ou to crate a paroll ;ournal for our e#ploees. 6 paroll ;ournalcontains t"e paroll data for several e#ploees for one period. 6 paroll ;ournal is usuall createdat t"e end of a period.

    6 wage state#ent ena$les ou to cu#ulate and sort wage tpes fro# paroll results according tovarious organi0ational criteria. !"e 9! and C9! results ta$les can $e used in t"e wage tpestate#ent for t"e relevant paroll results.

    age tpe distri$ution allows displaing t"e progression of individual or several wage tpes overseveral periods. ou can also cu#ulate and sort wage tpes according to various organi0ationalcriteria.age tpe reporter is a flei$le tool for wage tpe evaluations

    ,9 reporting tools suc" as t"e 6d ,oc uer and Sap uer ena$le ou to perfor# si#pleevaluations for selected paroll results. 7 configuring an infotpe in custo#i0ing ou can accessparoll results for e#ploees. 6 part for# paroll infotpes t"at are valid internationall (forea#ple paroll results infotpe 242>) t"ere are ot"er infotpes t"at are countr specific.

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    6d ,oc uer is a si#ple and powerful aid for evaluating data fro# "u#an resources #anage#ent.

    /osting /aroll 9esults to 6ccounting (pag.8M unit 5)

    /osting paroll results to accounting is one of t"e su$se

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    Furt"er#ore ou can generate c"ecks for our e#ploee w"ic" de$it t"e co#pan account.

    /rocess odel (pag.1>A unit 8)

    !"ere are several possi$ilities of running paroll in a $ackground operation:

    - /aroll calendar to create and sc"edule paroll ;o$s- 9eport 9/CSC222 to run paroll in parallel for e#ploees- ?efine ;o$s- /rocess #odel

    ou can use t"e paroll calendar to create paroll ;o$s and follow t"e wa t"e are eecuted. !"eparoll ;o$s are grouped into tasks according to paroll areas.

    f ou want to run paroll for a large nu#$er of personnel nu#$ers in a paroll period ou can splitit into several $ackground ;o$s using report 9/CSC222.

    /rocess #odel advantages:

    - ou can easil #onitor t"e eecution of t"e progra#s- ou can c"eck ever personnel nu#$er during t"e w"ole process procedure- ou can repeat individual process steps- ou can reduce t"e process run ti#e $ running progra#s in parallel- ou can specif t"at under certain circu#stances a notification is sent

    !"e process #odel is used to control t"e paroll process and t"e su$se

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    /ro$le#-Solving 6ids (pag.14A unit A)

    6 pile of ti#e recording s"eets arrives in t"e personnel depart#ent later t"an usual. !"e paroll "asalread $een run for t"e paroll period $ut "as not et $een set to eit /aroll. Steps:

    - 9elease t"e paroll run for corrections- %nter t"e ti#e data in t"e sste#

    - 9elease paroll again- 9un paroll using #atc"code - C"eck t"e results

    ou "ave co#pleted t"e paroll run for t"e current period. "en ou #ake c"anges to pa#ent-related data in t"e paroll past ou receive a notification t"at ou are c"anging data in t"e parollpast and t"at t"is will trigger retroactive accounting. !"is #eans t"at paroll #ust $e run for t"isperiod again wit" t"e current values. !"is is known as retroactive accounting.6ll of t"e periods for w"ic" ou "ave co#pleted and eited paroll constitute t"e paroll past.

    n paroll factoring refers to t"e proportional calculation of periodical re#uneration.

    Supports for tpical pro$le# areas:- Correcting paroll $efore eiting paroll- 6uto#atic retroactive accounting recognition- C"anging t"e paroll area wit"in a period- Certain infotpes #ust not $e deli#ited $ t"e leaving action- +enerate period work sc"edules $efore t"e paroll run- Create control record wit" t"e correct date- /erfor# factoring

    9esults !a$le 9!.

    6ppendi 1 (pag.15)

    Off-ccle paroll- 7onus pa#ents- Correction runs- 9egular paroll- 6dvance pa#ents- 6$sence pa#ent

    ou can use t"e off-ccle paroll function to run paroll for e#ploees not included in t"e regularparoll run. !"e paroll control record is not taken into consideration in off-ccle paroll.

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    ntroduction to S6/ !i#e anage#ent (pag 1 unit 1)

    nfor#ation on t"e work perfor#ed $ e#ploees and t"eir availa$ilit to work are essentialele#ents of a "u#an resources #anage#ent sste#.!i#e #anage#ent provides ou wit" a flei$le #eans of setting up recording and evaluatingworking ti#es.

    nfor#ation a$out working ti#es is transferred to paroll to calculate e#ploeesDgross pa.!"ere are various options for recording working ti#es: #anuall entering ti#e data online usingti#e recording ter#inals or e#ploees using self-service applications.!i#e accounts (leave fleti#e and so on) can $e #anaged #anuall or auto#aticall.orking ti#es can $e allocated as activities in controlling and t"e resultant costs can $e assigned tot"e appropriate source.!i#e #anage#ent infor#ation is used wit"in logistics to deter#ine e#ploee availa$ilit forcapacit planning purposes%nterprise work re

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    data suc" as e#ploee illnesses sc"edule and record su$stitutions and enter annual leavefor e#ploees.

    2# Recording actual ties# !"is #et"od records all actual ti#es t"at is all transactions suc"as actual working ti#es a$sences and so on.

    %#ploeeEs ti#e data is valuated in ti#e evaluation. !i#e evaluation deter#ines planned workingti#es and overti#e #anages ti#e accounts (fleti#e $alances overti#e productive "ours and soon) creates wage tpes (for overti#e or $onus wage tpes for ea#ple) updates ti#e

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    6d#inistrator (S6/*/*!%-6?PS!96!O9) contains t"e single role !i#e6d#inistrator (S6/*,9*/!*!%-6?PS!96!O9).

    !i#e recording options:- aintaining ti#e data using infotpes:

    o Single screen: records one infotpe for one e#ploee

    o Fast entr: records one infotpe for several e#ploeeso ist screen: records several records of one infotpe for one e#ploee.

    - !i#e anagerEs orkplace (!)- %#ploee self-service- !i#e recording ter#inals- Cross-6pplication !i#e S"eet (C6!S)

    !"e !i#e anagerEs orkplace (!) was developed for t"e needs of decentrall-organi0ed ti#ead#inistrator. !"e ! is a user-friendl interface t"at strea#lines recording and #aintaining ti#edata and processing #essages.

    ou can

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    infotpe >22> and su$tpe for t"is attendance tpe in custo#i0ing. n addition t"e overti#eco#pensation tpe is also specified for t"e ti#e data ?. (%a#ples: 7! $usiness trips illness @ leave % earl s"ift)

    %nterprise Structure and +roupings (pag 4A unit 3)

    !"e enterprise structure for personnel ad#inistration is deter#ined $ t"e following ele#ents:- Client- Co#pan code- /ersonnel area- /ersonnel su$area

    !"e control indicators deter#ined $ t"e personnel su$area for ti#e #anage#ent are:- 6ssign#ent of a pu$lic "olida calendar to a personnel su$area- /ersonnel su$area grouping for:

    o ork sc"edule

    o 6ttendance and a$sence tpes

    o Su$stitution tpes and availa$ilit tpeso 6ttendance and a$sence counting

    o !i#e

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    ork Sc"edules (pag 5M unit 4)

    Creating works sc"edules: custo#i0ing steps:

    /u$lic "olidaspu$lic "olida calendar

    ?ail work sc"edules ($reak sc"edules variants variant rules)period work sc"edules da tpe

    /u$lic "olida calendar T period work sc"edules da tpework sc"edules rule

    ork sc"edule rule (generates)work sc"eduleplanned working ti#e infotpe 222M


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    6 personnel su$area grouping for dail work sc"edules is a group of personnel su$areas t"at $aset"eir dail work sc"edules on t"e sa#e work sc"edules. !"is grouping is not assigned directl to t"epersonnel su$area $ut is assigned to t"e grouping for work sc"edules.

    7reaks are periods of ti#e during t"e workda w"en e#ploees are not re

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    !"e e#ploeeDs place in t"e enterprise structure defined in t"e organi0ational assign#ent infotpe2221 deter#ines w"ic" work sc"edules can $e assigned to "i# or "er.

    ?ail work sc"eduleperiod work sc"edule(T pu$lic "olida calendars)work sc"edule

    rulework sc"edule.

    6n e#ploeeDs working ti#e is stored as a work sc"edule rule in t"e planned working ti#e infotpe222M. n t"is infotpe ou also find t"e average working "ours valid for t"e e#ploee. !"ese "oursco#e fro# t"e definition of t"e work sc"edule rule.

    !"e !i#e anage#ent status specifies w"et"er t"e e#ploeeDs ti#es are processed using ti#eevaluation or paroll.%a#ples:Tie anageent status&

    - 0 no tie e$aluation 'processed in payroll(- 1 e$aluation of actual ties- > /?C ti#e evaluation- M ti#e evaluation wit"out paroll integration

    - 8 eternal services- ) e$aluation of planned ties

    6n e#ploee wit" t"e ti#e #anage#ent status of $lank or 2 cannot $e processed using ti#eevaluation. !"is e#ploeeDs ti#e data is processed in paroll.

    ou can use t"e SC,R\ feature to store default values for t"e planned working ti#e infotpe 222Mou can use t"e !S!6 feature to store default values for t"e ti#e #anage#ent status in t"eplanned working ti#e infotpe 222M.

    /art-!i#e workforce (pag 1>3 unit )

    ou can set up our own work sc"edule rules for our part-ti#e e#ploees or ou can use t"ework sc"edule rules t"at eist for our full-ti#e workforce.

    f ou want to create a separate work sc"edule rule for a part-ti#e e#ploee ou proceed eactl asou did for creating work sc"edule rules for our full-ti#e e#ploees. 6 work sc"edule rule forour part-ti#e workforce can $e used for all e#ploees w"o are to work according to t"is rule.

    f ou want to specif a part-ti#e rule $ased on a full-ti#e work sc"edule rule ou #ust do so foreac" e#ploee individuall. !o do so ou c"ange t"e average working "ours of t"e full-ti#e worksc"edule rule in t"e planned working ti#e infotpe 222M in one of t"e fields in t"e working ti#esection of t"e screen.!"e fields t"at ou can overwrite are: e#plo#ent percentage dail working "ours weekl

    working "ours #ont"l working "ours and annual working "ours. ou onl "ave to overwrite onefield and t"e ot"ers are auto#aticall ad;usted.

    !i#e ?ata 9ecording and 6d#inistration (pag 13 unit 5)

    it" S6/ !i#e anage#ent ou can use various sste#s and #et"ods for recording ti#e andla$or data suc" as actual ti#es worked $usiness trips leave or su$stitutions:

    - Online entr $ ti#e ad#inistrators

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    - Front end ti#e recording sste#s- S6/ Cross-6pplication !i#e S"eet- Self-service applications suc" as nternet applications workflow for#s or touc"-screen

    sste#s- Custo#er-specific sste#s wit" an interface to S6/ 9&3 sste#

    6$sences (suc" as leave or illness) can $e classified as paid or unpaid.6$sences are recorded in t"e 6$sences infotpe >221 and are defined furt"er $ an a$sence tpe(su$tpe).6$sence tpes are dependent upon t"e personnel su$area grouping for attendances and a$sences.ou need several groupings onl if ou use different attendance and&or a$sence tpes for differentpersonnel su$areas and ou want to restrict t"eir use in different personnel su$areas.Furt"er#ore ou can deter#ine w"ic" input c"ecks t"e sste# carries out w"en an a$sence isrecorded. !"ese include sste# reactions on das off as well as t"e li#iting of a$sences to a certainnu#$er of das or onl part of a da.7ecause t"e individual a$sence tpes contain different tpes of infor#ation t"e sste# uses aseparate entr screen to record eac" a$sence in t"e a$sences infotpe (>221).6ttendances recorded in t"e attendance infotpe >22> descri$e t"e e#ploeeDs work sc"edule or

    provide additional infor#ation. =sing t"is infotpe ou can store an e#ploeeDs working "oursattendance at training courses and overti#e for ea#ple. f ou do not use ti#e recording sste#sin our enterprise ou can use it to record e#ploeesDs actual ti#es.ou can assign t"e attendances recorded in t"is infotpe to a cost center t"at differs fro# t"e #astercost center.6not"er ea#ple of an attendance is a $usiness trip. !"e e#ploee is not working at t"e usualworkplace $ut "e or s"e is still working for t"e co#pan during t"e trip.

    %#ploees in our enterprise are entitled to leave additional training and so on. !"ese tpes ofentitle#ents can $e stored in 223. !"e following tpes are conceiva$le:

    - ndividual working ti#e: enter clock ti#es to indicate t"e start and end of working ti#e- Pew dail work sc"edule: replaces t"e e#ploeeDs original planned working ti#e- Pew work sc"edule rule: can assign t"e work sc"edule rule of an e#ploee to $e

    su$stituted $ entering "is or "er personnel nu#$er.- ?ifferent pa#ent: t"is su$stitution per#its a different pa#ent $ su$stituting a different

    position t"at "as different pa.

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    @!69! feature to define a default su$stitution tpe.

    6vaila$ities are stored in t"e availa$ilit infotpe >224. @arious tpes of availa$ilit can $e#aintained. !"e take place in fied periods.!"e standard sste# uses onl grouping 21.

    Overti#e is "ours t"at an e#ploee works in addition to t"e planned working ti#e defined in "is or"er dail work sc"edule. Overti#e can $e recorded using t"e attendances infotpe >22> or overti#einfotpe >22 if ou onl want to record deviation to t"e work sc"edule.!"e Overti#e infotpe is not availa$le in t"e !i#e anagerEs orkplace. f ou use ti#eevaluation in our enterprise overti#e is auto#aticall calculated fro# t"e co#plete actual ti#es.

    ou can use t"e e#ploee re#uneration infor#ation infotpe >212 to store #anuall calculatedwage a#ounts "a0ardous dut pa#ents and ot"er wage tpes t"at cannot $e planned.

    "en ou enter a new ti#e data record t"e sste# c"ecks w"et"er ot"er records for t"is e#ploee"ave $een recorded for t"e sa#e ti#e period. Collision c"ecks prevent data records t"at conflict

    wit" one anot"er fro# co-eisting in t"e sste#."en collisions occur t"e sste# reacts $ issuing an error #essage a warning or $ deli#itingt"e old record.Collision c"ecks reference t"e ti#e restraint classes of ti#e recording data. /ossi$le ti#e constraintreactions to collision w"en recording an infotpe are:

    - 6 t"e eisting record is deli#ited and t"e new record created. !"e sste# issues a#essage.

    - % t"e new record cannot $e added. !"e sste# issues an error #essage.- a new record is created t"e eisting record is not c"ange. !"e sste# issues a warning

    #essage.- P new record is createdW t"e eisting record is not c"anged. !"e sste# does not issue a

    warning #essage.

    6ttendance and 6$sence Counting (pag 1A unit M)

    !o calculate t"e duration of an attendance & a$sence t"e sste# first references t"e nu#$er ofplanned "ours fro# t"e dail work sc"edule valid for t"e specific da. ,owever ou #a notalwas want to use t"is #et"od. ou #a want special rules to appl for counting t"e duration of anattendance or a$sence on certain das for ea#ple suc" as pu$lic "olidas and weekdas or forcertain attendances and a$sences or dail and period work sc"edule.

    !"e duration of an attendance&a$sence is calculated in five different tpes of units:- Calendar das: t"e sste# calculates calendar das using actual calendar das for t"e

    attendance&a$sence. /artial das are calculated as 2 calendar das.- 6ttendance&a$sence "ours attendance&a$sence das: calculated using t"e planned "ours

    specified in t"e work sc"edule- /aroll "ours /aroll das: used for deducting

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    - 9ounding rule: w"en attendances and a$sences are counted t"e sste# #a deter#inevalues to several deci#al places. 7ecause all t"ese deci#al places are not nor#all re

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    attendance or a$sence tpes t"at ou want to count using variants. 6ttendance and a$sence tpes to$e "andled in t"e sa#e wa #ust $e grouped toget"er in a grouping.

    6ttendance and 6$sence uotas (pag 18M unit 8)

    ou set up e#ploeeEs a$sence entitle#ents suc" as standard annual leave non-working s"iftentitle#ent and so on in t"e a$sence 225).ou set up approvals for special attendances (suc" as overti#e approvals) in t"e attendance 22M. !"ese approvals can $e

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    ou #ust specif for all das.

    !o deter#ine a$sence entitle#ent using de4fault values or to accrue a$sence entitle#ent using t"e9/!!622 report ou can deter#ine t"e validit and deduction periods for t"e

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    n t"e define rules for rounding

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    !i#e anagerEs orkplace (pag > unit A)

    !"e ti#e #anagerEs workplace ! is a user interface t"at opti#i0es t"e recording and#aintaining of ti#e data for decentrali0ed ti#e ad#inistrator.Supervisors fore#en ad#inistrative assistants or secretaries in t"eir own depart#ents on siteusuall fulfill t"e role of a decentrali0ed ti#e ad#inistrator. !"ese groups of e#ploees #aintain

    ti#e data for a #anagea$le nu#$er of ot"er e#ploees in addition to t"eir usual tasks.!i#e #anagerEs workplace user interface was t"erefore designed to $e eas to learn and user-friendl. So#e advantages of using t"e ! are:

    - 6ll ti#e data can $e entered corrected or supple#ented on one screen- ntuitive navigation options.- !i#e data is recorded using easil recogni0a$le ti#e data ds- !i#e ad#inistrator can toggle $etween different views (suc" as t"e #ulti-da #ulti-person

    or one-da views to #aintain ti#e data)- !"e !i#e #anagerEs workplace can $e personali0ed t"at is ou can custo#i0e t"e ! to

    suit eac" userEs tasks wit" t"e applica$le functions availa$le.

    ?epending on t"e tpe of infor#ation and t"e scope of functions ou re22> su$stitutions >223 availa$ilit >224 attendance 22M e#ploeere#uneration info >212 ti#e events >211 and ti#e transfers specifications >21>

    n t"e ti#e data area of t"e ! da do#inants are used to represent t"e #ost i#portantinfor#ation t"at applies to eac" da. !"e focus is on t"e e#ploeeEs availa$ilit. ?a do#inantsalwas represent infor#ation t"at applies to an entire da. !"e are availa$le for use in t"e one-da#ulti-da and #ulti-person views.

    ! calendar views: dail weekl #ont"l and annual calendar.

    !"e screen laout and scope of functions in t"e ! can $e flei$l and individuall #odified tosuit t"e specific tasks of our ti#e ad#inistrator.

    - Calendar - e#ploee data- %#ploee list - ti#e data ta$le & ti#e events ta$le

    - - ?etails

    =sers alwas access t"e ! using a profile w"ic" defines t"e following:- !"e initial date t"at appears w"en t"e ! is accessed- !"e e#ploee lists availa$le to t"e ti#e ad#inistrator- !"e fields colu#ns laouts views and functions in t"e individual screen areas of t"e

    !- "et"er users can switc" $etween various ti#e data ? su$sets

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    - !i#e data ds can $e individuall defined for t"e tpes of ti#e data in t"e !. f ouwant to use different ti#e data ?s in different enterprise areas t"en ou can create severaldefinitions sets w"ic" can in turn $e su$divided into different su$sets.

    6 profile and a co#$ination of definition set&su$set #ust $e assigned to eac" ti#e ad#inistrator.

    ou can use t"e user para#eter /!*!*/9OF% to specif for eac" user t"e profile used to

    access t"e !W t"e user para#eter /!*!*!?6P+= deter#ines t"e co#$ination ofdefinition set&su$set t"e user can use.

    6n international co#pan uses t"e ti#e data ? @6C for vacations O! for overti#e 6@ foravaila$ilit and so on.%ac" ti#e ? #ust $e assigned to one of t"e following data categories:

    - nfotpe ! (>221 >22> >223 >224 >22M >212 >211 >21>)- !i#e pair !/69 (onl $e used in co#$ination wit" t"e data tpe ti#e pair)- ork sc"edule rule /S (onl $e used in co#$ination wit" t"e data tpe inactive)

    7 creating su$sets ou can furt"er differentiate "ow t"e ti#e data ds are used wit"in onedefinition set.

    !i#e data ds are created for eac" definition set. ?efinition su$sets specif t"e following:- "ic" ti#e data ds can $e entered (specific ? "as priorit or can $e c"anged)- "ic" ti#e data ds are used for displa purposes onl (displa onl)- "ic" ti#e data ds are not to $e used for t"is su$set (inactive)

    S6/ delivers t"ree sa#ple profiles in t"e standard sste#:- S6/*BB*!%*6?P (ti#e data #aintenance)- S6/*BB*!%*6?*+9/ (ti#e data #aintenance for groups)- S6/*BB*O9RS! (#essage processing)

    Cost 6ssign#ent and 6ctivit 6llocation (pag 331 unit 12)

    n ti#e #anage#ent ou can enter specifications for activit allocation (secondar cost allocation)as well as for cost assign#ent (pri#ar cost allocation) along wit" e#ploee ti#e data. !"eseoptions are availa$le for certain ti#e infotpes.

    !"e activit tpe allows ou to valuate t"e activit wit" a price (rate) in controlling. !"e sender costcenter (usuall t"e e#ploeeEs #aster cost center) is credited and t"e receiver cost center is de$ited.!"e actual personnel costs are de$ited fro# t"e e#ploeeEs #aster cost center after t"e parollresults are transferred. 6re so#e cases t"e costs (pri#ar costs) #ust $e reposted to a cost centert"at deviates fro# t"e #aster cost center.

    ou can link specifications for activit allocation to t"e following infotpes: a$sences >221

    attendances >22> su$stitutions >223 availa$ilit >224 overti#e >22 e#ploee re#uneration info>212 and ti#e events >211.

    6ctivating cost assign#ents. !"is is possi$le for t"e following infotpes: a$sences >221attendances >22> su$stitutions >223 availa$ilit >224 overti#e >22 e#ploee re#uneration info>212 and ti#e events >211.

    ou #ig"t want to include different fields in t"e account assign#ent section of t"e screen forsalaried e#ploees t"an for "ourl-wage earners. ou can control t"is using t"e CO7! feature.

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    ou can link t"e following infotpes to specifications for activit allocation: a$sences >221attendances >22> and e#ploee re#uneration info >212.

    !o use e#ploee re#uneration infor#ation for activit allocation ti#es #ust $e recorded as anu#$er of "ours. f ou onl use e#ploee re#uneration info wit" a#ounts t"en cost assign#ent issufficient.

    ou can use t"e 9/!/?OC2 report to transfer t"ese activit allocation specifications to controllingand carr out an activit allocation.

    n t"e standard sste# t"e co#pan code $usiness area and cost center fields are used for t"esenderW t"e co#pan code $usiness area cost center and order fields for t"e receiver plus t"eactivit tpe. !"e controlling area field is displaed $ut is not read for input.n addition ou can set attri$utes for t"e o$;ect fields for ea#ple if ou want an of t"e fields to$e #andator.ou can also set up t"e dialog $o in ot"er was. ou #ig"t re

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    THR12 Parte 2

    ntroduction (pag.1 unit 1)

    !"e organi0ational anage#ent co#ponent includes nu#erous interfaces wit" w"ic" structures can

    $e processed:- Organi0ation and staffing create and process our organi0ational plans- %pert #ode edit properties of all o$;ects in organi0ational #anage#ent via infotpes- Si#ple #aintenance creating and structuring a new organi0ational plan- anagerEs desktop provides #anagers at our co#pan wit" an effective reporting and

    #aintenance tool- anager self-service part of t"e # S6/ enterprise /ortal- atri create and edit #atri structures- +eneral structures edit various organi0ational plans wit" an structure including o$;ect


    Organi0ational anage#ent "as integration wit":

    - /ersonnel ad#inistration- anager self-service- anagerEs desktop- Capacit planning- S"ift planning- Controlling- /ersonnel cost planning- Co#pensation #anage#ent- orkflow- !raining and event #anage#ent- /ersonnel develop#ent- 9ecruit#ent

    !i#e #anage#ent is not directl integrated wit" organi0ational #anage#ent alt"oug" it can $econnected wit" organi0ational #anage#ent via s"ift planning

    Concepts of organi0ational #anage#ent (pag.11 unit >)

    =sing organi0ational #anage#ent ou can:- Create a co#plete #odel of t"e organi0ational and reporting structure of our enterprise for

    a specific period- O$tain
