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Inside this issue: President’s Message 2 Chaplain’s Corner 3 FOP Retirees 4 FOP Auxiliary 6 Extras 8 Dayton Police History 11-12 FOP Associates 5 Monthly Calendar 13 October 2011 Fraternal Order of Police Captain John C. Post No 44 www.fopdayton44.org Volume 15, Issue 10 THE AEGIS Stop! Don’t read any further until you check to make sure your address on the mailing label is correct. Please let us know if Aegis is going to the wrong address or if you are receiving duplicate copies. We are trying to keep mailing costs down and save a few trees in the process. Thanks. Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn Member of the Year 2010 Dayton FOP Lodge No. 44 Member of the Year, Bruce Osborn
Page 1: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,

Inside this issue:

President’s Message 2

Chaplain’s Corner 3

FOP Retirees 4

FOP Auxiliary 6

Extras 8

Dayton Police History 11-12

FOP Associates 5

Monthly Calendar 13

October 2011

Fraternal Order of Police Captain John C. Post No 44 www.fopdayton44.org

Volume 15, Issue 10

THE AEGIS Stop! Don’t

read any further until

you check to make

sure your address on the mailing

label is correct. Please let us know if Aegis is going to the

wrong address or if you are receiving duplicate copies. We are trying to keep mailing costs

down and save a few trees in the process. Thanks.

Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn

Member of the Year

2010 Dayton FOP Lodge No. 44 Member of the Year, Bruce


Page 2: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,

PRESIDENT President’s Message Randy Beane phone 333-2134

or pager 940-5735; e-mail [email protected]



Prohibits striking by public employees

Limits or completely abolishes the rights of police and fire supervisors to bargain

Allow for filing of decertification petition with 30% of the members signing the petition instead of 50% +1

FLSA-mandates adoption of FLSA manner of paying overtime. You must work 171 Hours in the month before you get paid overtime. If you take any time off you must make that time up before you get time and a half. If you go to court, you get paid for just the time you are there, no 3 hours pay, no premium day off court etc.

Expands list of subjects that you can’t bargain for in collective bargaining such as healthcare plan design, healthcare premium, pension pick up, privatization of services, contracting out and staffing levels.

A public employer that is in fiscal emergency, as declared by either the Governor or Auditor of State can serve notice to terminate, modify or re-negotiate the contract.

Prohibits fair share fees. Members would no longer be required to pay union dues but the union, if they still exist, would be required to represent them.

Prohibits a CBA from limiting the public employer’s ability to privatize operations. Some contracts have job preservation clauses that would be eliminated.

Limits vacation accumulation and limits sick leave cash out at retirement.

CBA cannot provide for longevity for those participating in DROP or paid vacation leave in excess of 5 weeks for those participating in DROP.

Cash out for DROP participants would be at the rate of pay you earned when you started DROP not what you earn when you retire.

Past practice would no longer exist in determining grievances.

Eliminates the ability to agree to mutually agreed upon Dispute Resolution Procedure

Expands timelines and a list of factors that the Fact Finder must consider in resolving disputes.

Eliminates Final Settlement procedure (Conciliation) or (Binding Arbitration)

Requires the legislative body of the public employer to be the final decision maker with respect to any dispute that is unresolved during the Fact Finding process. This is like going through a divorce and having your spouse’s parents decide on who gets the assets!!

Requires if the legislative body fails to select the last best offer, the public employer’s last best offer to become the agreement between the parties. Contracts must be in effect for 3 years.

If the legislative body selects the last best offer that the chief financial officer (Our City Mgr.), of the legislative body determines costs more, the last best offers of both

(Continued on page 7)

The AEGIS© Published Monthly

Official Publication of Fraternal Order of Police©

Captain John C. Post No 44 P.O. Box 422

Dayton, OH 45401-0422

WEB SITE www.fopdayton44.org

[email protected] F.O.P. LODGE HALL

4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424

Lodge Phones 937.237.7293, 937.286.1378


Timothy D. Kennaley PO Box 851

Dayton, Ohio 45401-0851 [email protected]


Bob Keen


PRESIDENT Randy W. Beane


SECRETARY Paul Saunders TREASURER Doug Roderick



INNER GUARD Robert J. Knox


CONDUCTOR Mark Ponichtera

CHAPLAIN Christopher Fischer

TRUSTEES R. Chris Weber Jason Tipton Rick Oakley


Page 3: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,


They live among us… (Matthew 13:24-30)

Brothers and Sisters:

It was an exciting but tough time for me in the early 80’s when I started as a

rookie officer (that’s 1980’s, not 1880’s, for you smart-aleck officers). I was busy

working the 4th

relief shift locking up drug- pushers in the projects of West Dayton.

Aside from my job, there was another pressing issue that worried me: my dad had

bone cancer. My shift ended at 3am, but I was up by 7am, taking George “Pud”

Fischer to the clinic for radiation therapy. Dad, a righteous man, supported a family

of 11 by working 47 years inside a tool and dye machine shop. He subsequently died

9 months after retirement. Due to the fact that I did not truly know God, I struggled

with death of my father. I wondered why God let drug pushers, child molesters, hell

raisers, and prostitutes exist among us: “An evil and adulterous generation wants a

sign (16:4).”

During the 90’s I enjoyed raising a family of 2 girls and 1 boy. There was a

trip to Disneyland, with memories of Mickey Mouse and various Disney-character

rides. We also visited State Parks in Eastern Ohio. The family and I moved to a new

house in “Copland,” where the smell of fresh paint lingered in the hallways.

Unfortunately, these years were bittersweet because Dayton Officers had to endure

the ruthless killings of Officers Steve Whalen and Jason Grossnickle. Furthermore, in

the mid 90’s, the Rodney King riots left the raw smell of smoldering flames in many

American homes after watching the arson lit buildings of Los Angels go up in smoke.

It made me sick to my stomach watching the rioters cause havoc and beat innocent

victims. Some evenings after dinner the family would open the Good Book and take

turns reading. This was only to appease my conscience: “They are blind guides and if

the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit (15:14).”

Every police officer working in the United States was placed on “High Alert”

due to electronic timing devices computing a new date into the next century.

Midnight came on January 1, 2000; a Big Nothing occurred. A year and nine months

rolled by and on September 11, 2001, hijacked planes struck the World Trade Center

Buildings of NYC. The Muslim terrorists killed 3000 innocent people for “Allah.”

Overtime was plentiful; this time was filled with new car smells and debt-free living.

Life is good when the money is there but more tragedies struck home in the ensuing

years of 2000. One was the death of Officer Mary Beall. Several brothers and sisters

of the Lodge succumbed to incurable diseases and close police friends became

victims of divorce (including myself). At this time, instead of hanging out with the

usual crowd, my home became a home where God’s scriptures were memorized and

I committed myself to be a faithful disciple of Christ: “…and then He (Jesus) will

reward each according to what he has done (16:27).”

Now it’s 2011. Has anything changed? Not really. To me life was and will

ever be a roller coaster ride until the Son of Man comes again (Daniel 7:13-14). I live

and pray in the peaceful countryside of Farmersville, but my employment rests

within a city of civil unrest. I hate to be a “Negative Ned” but patrolling the city

streets since 1983 has had a negative impact on me. At times it seems that the goats

(heathens) outnumber the sheep (saved people of Christ). For example, there are

(Continued on page 9)

Chaplain’s Corner Chris Fischer 24/7 Phone 829-1657

Page 3 Volume 15, Issue 10

This is all the inheritance I give to my dear family. The religion of Christ will give them one which will make them rich indeed.

Patrick Henry

Page 4: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,


Secretary Message Retirees Lodge Kevin Nichols [email protected]

Home 937.236.8787

The September 2011 meeting of the FOP 44 Retirees was held on Sept. 20, 2011, at the FOP Lodge Hall in Huber Heights, Ohio. Those attending were: Virgil McDaniel, Larry Powell, Steve Grismer, Tom Rives, Mike Sammons, Chuck Moberly, Larry O’Neil, Bob Whitt, Don Stewart, Larry Grossnickle, Marshall Manning, Bill Hamblen, Mike Friedman, Joe Howard, Joe Tye, Mitch Burns, Larry Smith, Don Hopper, Mike Perkins, Gary Melson, Bob Higgins, Brooks Kirkland, George Hammon, Liza Martinez, Larry Simmons, Tom Bennett, Bill Crumbley, Jerry Morgan, Don Winters, Bill Kingston, Frank Glander, Kevin Nichols, Jim McWain, and Jeff Huber. Thirty-Four members signed the sign in sheet.

This was an Eating Meeting, food service started at 6:00 pm. Thanks to our Cooks: Larry Smith, Larry Powell, Larry Simmons, and Tom Bennett. The 3 Larry’s and Tom, did a great job, and no one started the meeting hungry. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Brooks Kirkland. Pres. Kirkland continued with more member recognition of work for the Lodge. First: For helping with some painting at the Lodge Hall: Bob Whitt, Steve Gris-mer, and Larry Smith. Second: For Landscaping the Parking Lot Island: Larry Smith, Bob Whitt and Bruce Osborn. Third: To the rumor we heard about the FOP 44 Member of the Year being, Bruce Osborn. Derrick McDonald advised us that was no rumor, Bruce had been named Member of the Year at the Awards Banquet. So, Congratulations are in order to Bruce.

Derrick McDonald addressed the Retirees about the upcoming vote on Issue 2 (Repeal of SB 5). A vote NO is necessary for repeal. Further information can be obtained by checking the website of We Are Ohio. (www.weareOhio.org) Bruce Osborn is the Regional District Coordi-nator for District 14 which encompasses Montgomery, Clark, Darke and Preble Counties. Bruce will need about 20 volunteers at various times for canvassing neighborhoods passing out information and flyers on Issue 2. Bruce has had some difficulty getting active FOP members for help. He may be calling on some Retirees for help. If you can Help contact Bruce at Phone# 937-545-0379 or e-mail: [email protected]. Derrick also informed us that the FOP and other groups have promised to help place another referendum issue on the ballot, HB 194. HB 194 is calling for some changes in the Election laws such as the length of time of Absentee ballots, and places of voting, among others. Bruce is also coordinating in that effort as well.

The Arts and Crafts Show that was being planned by the Retirees has been CANCELLED due to unavailability of vendors and other logistical reasons, another date may be posted next year.

Bob Knox is having some health issues and the Car Show for Oct. 15th that he was coordinating has also been cancelled.

It seems that we are being called upon for political activism more than ever before. I feel that Issue 2 (SB5) and HB 194 are only the beginning. The contacts we make and the Networking that we develop during these issues will be beneficial to us in the future, when the legislators continue their War on the Workers, and we have to fight for our Pensions. It has been said that staying busy will keep us Retirees healthy. Do some volunteer work on these issues if at all possible, help prepare ourselves for the next battle.

Take Time to do something you planned for in your Retirement.

Next Retirees meeting is Tuesday October 18, 2011 at 7:30 pm. Reminder: Nominations for Executive Board will be conducted at this meeting for Elections in November.

See ya,

Kevin Nichols


Page 5: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,

Secretary Message Associates Lodge

Volume 15, Issue 10 Page 5

The FOPA September meeting was well attended. A report on the parking lot island was made by Brother McKenna. On Friday September 9th members met at the lodge and started a very long evening that turned into a long night. They placed 400 pounds of manure, 200 pounds of garden soil, planted about 45 plants, 6 bushes and 2 trees, and shoveled about 3 yards of mulch. The work started at 4 PM and lasted until midnight. The members who came out that night to work were: Constance Schuler, Chuck Upthegrove, Tonya Hughs-Dillard, John Grove, Tony Engleman, and Andrew McKenna. Later this month we will pick up some limestone to build two small hardscape walls and will eventually have our FOPA emblem placed on them. We still need about $600 for the emblems so if you would like to make a donation please email [email protected] or contact President Grove.

MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL!!!!! It’s that time of the year. Soon you will be receiving your renewal forms in the mail. It is very important that as soon as you receive your form that you fill it out and mail it back to us with your dues. Your membership dues are the majority of our income for the year. Thank you in advance for your attention to this important matter.

The Badges and Bandits Car Show has been canceled. Due to an unexpected illness it was in the best interest that this event was canceled. We will let you know the date of next year’s show.

Our next meeting will be October 11, 2011 at 7 PM. Be there or be square!

Page 6: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,

The Auxiliary will host a Jewelry Jamboree on Tuesday, October 18 at the Lodge Hall. A Premiere Jewelry consultant will be on hand to show us the newest, most fashionable pieces in their fall jewelry line. The Christmas book will be out and you can start your shopping early! Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring friends with you. This will also be a fund-raiser for the Auxiliary as we will receive 30% of all proceeds of sales. See you all there!

We will also begin planning the Children’s Christmas Party. Come be a part of this wonderful yearly event for Dayton FOP children.

You are Invited to Join Us…..

The auxiliary extends an open invitation to all family members of any Dayton F.O.P. member to join us at any of our meetings or events. We welcome the opportunity to introduce you to our many programs and projects that promote and assist police officers and their families. Join us to see what we have to offer you. If you would like further information please feel free to contact any auxil-iary officer:

President - Heather Knedler [email protected]

Vice President – Nicole Farkas [email protected]

Secretary – Debbie Nichols [email protected]

Treasurer - Linda Hennie

[email protected]

Auxiliary News

October 2011

Dayton Police Pride Throw

Someone I love is a Dayton Police Officer The Auxiliary has designed two T-shirts for the Dayton Police Department. The T-shirts for officers and their families proudly display the Dayton Police Badge. The adult shirts proclaim, "Someone I Love is a Dayton Police Officer" and the children's shirt announces, "Someone Who Loves Me is a Dayton Police Officer." Adult shirts are only $15 each and children's sizes are $10 each. You can order yours by contacting Nicole Farkas at 829-1683.

2011 Membership Dues

Last year we began collecting membership dues in October as our per capita payments to State and National are due November 1 of each year. Membership dues for the Dayton Auxiliary are still only $15 for the year. Make your check payable to: Dayton Auxiliary #11 and forward to:

Linda Hennie: 4101 Honeybrook Ave., Dayton OH 45415

Come and join us on Facebook Come join us on Face book under the Dayton Auxiliary to learn more about upcoming events and happenings.

Never Let Them Walk Alone

Jewelry Jamboree - October 18 - 7:00 p.m. - Lodge Hall

The Dayton Police Pride Throw is a beautiful ultraweave throw which depicts the Dayton Police badge and proudly notes Captain John C. Post Lodge #44, on a background of a waving American Flag. The throw, commissioned by the Auxiliary especially for Dayton Police Officers and Retirees is a wonderful keepsake for any family member and is still only $60. Please reserve your throw by contacting Heather Knedler at 236-4390 or Debbie Nichols at 236-8787.


Page 7: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,

The modern era of law

enforcement began

with the March 1, 1901

appointment of John C.

Whitaker to head the

“Dayton Police Depart-

ment”. Whitaker re-

placed the man who

had been the interim

police superintendent

for over a year. John N.

Allaback was reap-

pointed to second in

command as Captain.

Whitaker was the first

to hold the formal title

of “Chief of Police”.

Volume 15, Issue 10 Page 7

President’s Message (cont.)

parties shall be submitted to the voters for selection (local referendum)

Expands the list of unfair labor practices that a union can be found guilty of committing.

Requires a public employer to report certain information about compensation paid to public employees under a CBA.

Eliminates statutory step schedules

Requires performance based pay for most public employees. This would be great in the perfect world but would result in cronyism and the person who always says “yes boss” getting more pay.

Public employees must pay a MINIMUM of 15% for Healthcare costs. We currently pay about 9% unless you have reached your $4000 deductible and of which case you may be exceeding 15%. Other departments such as Kettering already pay more than 15%

Prohibits employers from paying any of the 10% pension that we are required to pay, even though that saves employers money. We pay the complete 10% toward the pension. A normal citizen pays 7% towards Social Security. We do not get a full Social Security even though you may have the quarters because of the Windfall Elimination Tax. You get about one third of what you should get.

Layoffs cannot be based on seniority only

Management decides if we bargain over

Hiring Firing, Transferring, Suspending or Disciplini ng (Mgmt. no longer has to have just cause), Number of employees to be hired or laid off, qualification of employees, work hours (Under the FLSA they can have you work split shifts or any hours they want to reach the 171 hours in the period), any and all work rules, work assignments, selection, retention and promotion of employees, work standards, types of equipment (except personal safety equipment which can be bargained for if they want), privatization

I hope this helps refresh your memory of how decimating Senate Bill 5 is (Issue 2). If anyone challenges you that SB5 does not include this, let me know. I can tell you what line number each item is on in the Senate Bill.


As Always,

Stay Safe

(Continued from page 2)

Page 8: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,

As Dayton’s first “Police

Chief”, Whitaker took

charge of the troops and

reported to a new

“Board of Public Safety”,

comprised of four direc-

tors and city mayor.

Chief Whitaker assumed

control over a police

force that had been

struggling. There were

an insufficient number

of patrolmen to popula-

tion. Allaback had asked

for a “50 per cent” in-

crease two years in a

row leading into 1901.


The 2011 Dayton Police Charity Golf Outing was a total success again despite some rain during play but not enough to spoil good times for everyone. The outing raised $3,000 for the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association who was very excited to receive this year’s donation. Thank -You to Jon and Erica Ross, Dave and Cindy Wolford, Skip and Lori Sawmiller, Dave and Rachel Black-burn, Chris Cornwell, Chris Malson, Rod Roberts, Mark Hess, Gary Hess, and several others for spending over 10 hrs that day at the course setting everything up and staying until all was cleaned up !!!

Jim Krauskopf

Ohio’s own Linda Hennie elected President of the FOP Auxiliary

Linda Hennie, ran for election as the President of the Grand Lodge Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary Presi-dent and was victorious in her efforts.

Linda, who has served on the National Level as Re-cording Secretary and Ohio’s National Trustee, de-feated the sitting Vice President for the position. Linda is married to retired Dayton PD officer and Lodge 44

member Dave Hennie and is the mother of the Ohio FOP Auxiliary President Cherie Siehl.

Linda was the Chair of the National Memorial Service from the Auxiliary. The Ohio FOP could not be any prouder of Linda and all of her accomplishments. She has earned every accolade to come her way.

Policeman’s Ball Information

The Policeman’s Ball will be held Saturday, November 12, 1900-midnight,at our Lodge 4275 Powell Road. We will have a full dinner catered that starts at 2000. There will be an open bar with mixed drinks, beer and wine provided. We will have a chocolate fountain for your sweet tooth. Raffles and 50/50 will be available. A DJ will play your favorite tunes in the front room. We will have the bar area open if you want to just sit around and talk with a little less noise. We are looking at having big band music and the likes playing in the bar area. We had round tables that seat 8 at the Awards Banquet and the place was decorated beautifully. The Lodge looked great! We will have round tables and decorations at this event as well. We are limiting the num-ber of tickets to 150. Get your group together and come out and have a great time. The price of a ticket is a measly $30. Try to go out and have a meal and all you can drink for $30, it won’t happen. If you need more info, you can contact me at 608-6999 or by e-mail. Please share this info with your friends, family, business acquaintances. By the way the vote for Issue 2 will be November 8 and hopefully we can also use this as a celebration for our win!



Page 9: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,

In 1900 only 57 patrol-

men were available to

cover 11 square miles

around the clock. Not

having recovered from

the severe U.S. eco-

nomic depression - the

“Panic of 1893” - funds

were low. The mounted

patrol horses were or-

dered sold at public auc-

tion leaving patrolmen

to cover the territory on

foot. Summer labor

strikes caused officers

to work 14-16 hours a


Volume 15, Issue 10 Page 9

Chaplain’s Corner (cont.) Chris Fischer 24/7 Phone 829-1657

prisoners escaping from cruisers (one jumping off a bridge to his demise). Black

Muslims, supported by government controlled residents, are operating illegal corner

store groceries. To add insult to injury, they take in millions of our tax dollars by

committing welfare fraud. In the Eastern Division, martial arts rogues are taking cheap

shots at officers on the beat. And the once “poor white folk” who would shovel your

driveway or cut the grass to make an honest dollar are lazier than ever. They justify

their living with the sweat of the brow of taxpaying citizens: “If the homeowner had

known what time the thief was coming, he would have stayed alert and not let his

house be broken into (24:43).”

So what’s in store for the future? Only God knows. My advice to every brother

and sister of the Lodge is to be on “High alert,” “because you don’t know the day or

the hour (25:13).” And if my advice is not good enough, then listen to the words of a

man who truly knew how precious life is.

“Christ must be vitally real to us if we are to remain faithful to Him in the hour of

crisis. And who knows how near that hour may be? Things are happening fast! The

need for a turning to God has never been more urgent.” –Billy Graham.

God Bless,

(Continued from page 3)

Dayton PD retiree Hoyt

Baumgard-ner, age 75, p a s s e d

away on Thursday, September 8, 2011. He

was pre-ceded in death by his parents and infant great-grandson. He is sur-

vived by his wife of 57 years Emma and three (3) daughters; 6 grand-children; 17 great grandchildren;

and many family and friends.

Hoyt was appointed to the Dayton

Police Department on February 15,

1960 and retired with nearly 29

years police service on January 1, 1989. After retiring he worked for the Miami Valley Regional Crime Lab until 2000 as the supervisor of

the Latent Fingerprint Division. In 1986 he was awarded Outstanding Police Officer of the Year. He was

also a Past President of Ohio Iden-

tification Association.

Visitation was held on Sunday Sep-tember 11, 2011 at Rogers' Funeral Home, 324 W. Main Street in New

Lebanon and Celebration of Hoyt's life was held on Monday, Septem-ber 12, 2011 at the funeral home.

Interment was at Trissel Cemetery.


Page 10: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,


In September several archive donations were received. Our appreciation goes to Mr. Bob Rehling who donated a 1939 Dayton Division of Police Rules and Regulations book; and to retirees Mike Friedman (MCSO) for a circa 1950 Auxiliary Police Civil Defense badge and Gene Brooks for 1981 Doppler Radar Operation certification card.

Still photography and video filming has been done over the past three months of the many police artifacts in the archives of the Dayton Police Department and FOP Lodge No. 44. In addition, a combination of recreated and authentic police uniforms from 10 eras was studio filmed in a 360° rotation last month. A number of active and retired officers assisted but singular thanks go to Derric McDonald and Clay Twp. Off. Kyle Treon for participating on real short notice. The special-effect raw footage of uni-forms and artifacts will be used to produce a 2-3 minute promo on the 200+ year his-tory of the Dayton police force.

The purpose of the promo is to have a visual production that can be used: 1) to obtain a financial grant to further efforts to produce a documentary; 2) to raise funds to advance DPH projects of all kinds; and 3) to promote greater interest in a permanent police mu-seum. A sincere thank you goes to the law firm of Doll, Jansen, Ford & Rakay for donating from May thru October the use of an open 18’x25’ office space with several side rooms for a filming studio.

FOP police artifacts used in the filming have been returned to the two display cases at the Lodge. Over the next few months, filmed DPD artifacts that have been displayed on the first floor of the Safety Building will be returned to the wall display case at the Day-ton Police Academy. The Safety Building exhibit has been in place for nearly three years after having its run extended several times. The cases with the only the photo images will remain on the first floor for a while longer. They will eventually be re-turned to Carillon Historical Park now that the park’s building renovation and expan-sion is done.

New DPD General Order 1.01-8, Preservation of Dayton Police History, was issued in August. The intent of the policy is to explain the cooperative relationship between DPD and DPH Foundation, Dayton History-NCR Archive Center and other historical organizations. The policy provides several contacts within the Department and guid-ance for preserving document or items of historical value.

You may recall that a month ago, America’s Packard Museum on S. Ludlow had a preview screening of a new documentary by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick along with a display of John Dillinger artifacts from his arrest in Dayton in 1933. On October 2, 3 & 4, 2011, the full three-part, six-hour documentary series, PROHIBITION, is airing on ThinkTV-16. It is the true story of the era of bathtub gin, bootleggers and speakeas-ies of the rise, rule and fall of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Through November 20, 2011, the Ohio Historical Society will continue with its exhibit: Controversy: Pieces You Don’t Normally See. The exhibit includes ‘Old Sparky’, the electric chair used by the Ohio prison system to execute death row inmates from 1897 to 1963. Ten Dayton killers convicted in Montgomery County ended their lives sitting in this chair.

The Central Station

House (the 1st Precinct

on Sixth Street) was in

disrepair. The Station

House held the city jail,

was the living quarters

for the single matron

and had the police court

on the second floor. The

Police Directors Board

noted in the annual re-

port that the police sta-

tion was “condemned

time and time again…

[and was] unfit and dan-

gerous for occupation.”

Page 11: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,

Volume 15, Issue 10 Page 11

A former police superin-

tendent was blunt

about CPS: “Words are

not sufficient to de-

scribe its filth and de-

plorable condition. It is

a disgrace to the city of

Dayton or any civilized

community.” He sug-

gested the place be

abandoned “in the in-

terests of humanity and

common decency.”

Chief Whitaker started

his police career in the

most unfortunate of cir-


Chief John C. Whitaker,

Dayton's First official "Chief of Chief “

Central Police House on E. Sixth Street:

"condemned time and time again."

Page 12: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,


First Class First Class First Class First Class Rental FacilityRental FacilityRental FacilityRental Facility

• Reception

• Parties

• Corporate Events

• And More

Seating for 300

Choice of your own



4275 Powell Rd



Check out our website




NAME ________________________________________________

ADDRESS ______________________________________________

CITY /STATE/ZIP _________________________________________

FOP MEMBER __________________________________________

Relationship to FOP Member ______________________________

PHONE ___________________ E-MAIL ________________

Mail to: Linda Hennie

Make $15 check payable to: Dayton Auxiliary #11

Page 13: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,

Volume 15, Issue 10 Page 13

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


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October 2


Page 14: Retired Ofc. Bruce Osborn › main › aegis › 2011 › october11.pdf · Blueline@fopdayton44.org F.O.P. LODGE HALL 4275 Powell Road Huber Heights, OH 45424 Lodge Phones 937.237.7293,








Associates #1








October 11


October 11


October 18


October 18





LODGE HALL RENTALS 237-7293 286-1378

Lodge Hall—4275 Powell Road, Huber Heights, Ohio 45424

Fraternal Order of Police Captain John C. Post No 44 www.fopdayton44.org

Scheduled Meetings This Month

We’re on the web at: www.fopdayton44.org &




FOP Lodge 44 PO Box 422

Dayton, OH 45401-0422
