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Retrofitting for Community Resilience

Date post: 19-Jan-2015
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Panel Moderator: Timothy Reinhold, Ph.D., P.E., IBHS Senior Vice President of Research & Chief Engineer Panelists: Fred Malik, IBHS FORTIFIED Program Manager; Miles Anderson, Bureau Chief, Florida Division of Emergency Management, and John Ingargiola, Senior Engineer, FEMA Building Science Branch, Risk Reduction Division
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Current FEH Locations

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•   Broken out by risk –  Hurricane –  High-wind & Hail –  Wildfire –  Freezing weather –  Internal water –  Internal fire –  Flood –  Seismic

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FORTIFIED for Existing Homes™ Evaluation Applications


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Risks   Homes  

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Risks   Homes  

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Retrofitting for Community Resilience John Ingargiola, Senior Engineer - FEMA Building Science Branch, Risk Reduction Division

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FEMA Strategic Plan FY08-13  Promote development of national, consensus-based building

codes and standards, and encourage their adoption by governmental entities.

 Provide technical assistance and public education on building techniques for the rebuilding and recovery process to reduce the potential for future loss of life and property.

 Promote use of most appropriate and cost-effective building materials and practices (based on the hazards present in an area) to help encourage future construction of disaster-resistant buildings.

 Ensure integration of sound building designs, construction standards, and up-to-date risk information into recovery process to mitigate against future disaster losses.

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Hazard Mitigation Assistance - Fed Share Obligated by Program (FY 1990 to 2009)


$ Amount in Millions

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Fed Share Obligated by Program (FY 1990 to 2009)


Northridge  Earthq






ical  Storm

 Allison  an

d  9/11  

2004  Hurricane



s  Ka

trina,  Rita,  and



Midwest  F












$ Amount in Millions

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Fed Share Obligated for HMGP & PDM By Hazard ( FY 1990 to 2009)



$ Amount in Millions

*: For HMGP, Hazard is based on type of disaster declarations.

Other includes: 5% Initiative, warning systems, and items not clearly identified in the system.

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Identifying the Need for Guidance – Review of Fed Share Obligated for HMGP By Activity (1990 to 2009)


Activity Fed Share Obligated

Acquisition (Flood) $1,477.6

Acquisition (Non Flood) $63.7

Drainage Improvement $403.9

Education (& Outreach) $66.8

Elevation $131.1

EQ Retrofit $747.3

Equipment $132.2

Flood Control $156.4

Floodproof $17.6

Infrastructure Protection $40.9

Management Costs $158.3

Activity Fed Share Obligated

Multi $308.7

Other $726.6

Planning $126.7

Reconstruction $17.4

Relocation $24.7

Safe Room $344.0

Studies $39.0

Utility Protection $278.5

Warning Systems $75.9

Wildfire Vegetation Management $19.7

Wind Retrofit $312.7

Total Fed Share Obligated $5,669.7

$ Amount in Millions

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FEMA Grant Programs  Why provide residential wind retrofit

guidance?   Billions in damage continue to be

observed after hurricane events   Large percentage of homes

constructed prior to the adoption of the I-codes

  Studies identified gaps in knowledge

  Validates the need for new guidance   Less than 6% of all FEMA grant

funding going to wind retrofitting   More than 75% of this funding has

been used for non-residential and critical facilities

From new Wind Retrofit Guide for Residential Buildings

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Example Solution: Wind Retrofit Guide   State-of-the-art guide for wind retrofit

  Readily available solutions

  Holistic solutions vs. individual (incomplete) projects

  Uniform application of theory

  Community-wide risk reduction

  Better guidance leads to

  More cost-effective projects

  Less risk to built environment

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Expert guidance on applying Benefit Cost Analysis to Wind Retrofit Projects


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FEMA Approach: Collaborative and Partnering

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FEMA Building Science Flood/Wind Building Science Helpline:

[email protected]

(866) 927-2104


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Florida Division of Emergency Management

Miles E. Anderson, Mitigation Bureau Chief

November 16, 2010

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Mitigation Programs

 Disaster Grants  Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

 Non-Disaster Grants   Flood Mitigation Assistance

 Repetitive Flood Claims

  Severe Repetitive Loss

  Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program

 Residential Construction Mitigation Program

 National Flood Insurance Program

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Disaster Grants

  20 Years of HMGP in Florida   2300+ mitigation projects

  $674 million (Fed, State, & Local Funding)

 Since 2007   1100+ closed projects

  $271 million completed / closed projects

 Approximately 400 projects actively managed at this time

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Non Disaster Grants

 Mitigation from 1992-2008   400+ projects completed

  Projects include multiple sites and structures

  $95 million of projects completed

  $71.8 million in current projects

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National Flood Insurance Program

  452 of Florida’s 462 communities participate

  40% of all NFIP policies are in Florida

  2,189,373 policies in Florida

 Annual premiums of $952 million

 Total claims paid 1978–2008   145,141 NFIP claims paid in Florida

  $3.5 billion in claims in Florida

  $117 million/year average

  >$500 million in claims were for RL properties

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Florida Mitigation

 Disaster Mitigation Programs  Currently managing $200Million

 More than 1000 Mitigation Projects closed in the past 3 years

 Non-Disaster Mitigation Programs  Currently managing $70Million

  Estimated $20 Million additional funding annually

 National Flood Insurance Program   98% FL Communities Participating

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Florida Division of Emergency Management

Miles E. Anderson, Mitigation Bureau Chief


[email protected]
