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Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the...

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southern Thailand. They hud btcn fooled imhi thinking the war w.i* itill on and that the CPM was helping Japan until a CPM purge in the late IV7t)s, it said. — Sapa-Reuter.-J; Angola blames South Africa LISDON — Angola yes-- , terday accused South Af- rlca of forming mixed I.slund oil terminal hi the northern Gulf '"«b.-rday, the eighth raid on the island tills year. i ... A military spokesman said the planes set fire to their targets in the raid. — Sapa-Rcuter. ■>|>am anil roiiogai on New Year’s Day, swell the total number of par- liamentarians to 518. The enlarged parlia- ment will then turn its attention to delivering its verdict on reforms agreed at last month's IIUMJ IV.jki.ICU l l | c u n - i r vely giving them a right ofvetoN % B ut P a r I i a . -Wn t sources said that, de- spite its disappointment, the Assembly is likely to swallow its pride and back the measures after SISTKR Uernard Ncube, ,'sldent of the Fede- j'i ion of Transvaal Women, appeared In the Jniiumieshiirg - Regional ( our I on Friday charged under a suction of the In- ternal Security Act. . * Sister Bernard, of Ka-1 giso hi krugersdorp, was arrested at a mass meeting at the local NG k e r k o ii We d n e sd ay tight. * .. i . Released i* Section 46 of the In-, lernal Security Act deals with measures that can >e taken to prevent the' ■olding of cerlain gath- :rings. Lj.J.,. • ' * * *f V » lister Bernard was i C ji asked to plead and 10 evidence was led. Ihe magistrate, Mr J D 'retorius, postponed Ihe case to Febaiary_7 while further investiga- lions are made. M r.C Mailer, instructed by Mrs Priscilla Jana, ap- peared for Sister Ber- nard. she was released 011 bail of R500. • 'iff. , ®ISTER Bernard Ncube gets 1 wolcome hug from a colleague after her appearance In court on ; -i. .. vA ...:.>.\v ! Friday. A ' i THE University or the North has Introduced a , new department of V ; criminology wh h began to function from August I last year, .jp .............. 1 . Since the inception of the university, crimino- ^ logy has been offered in the Department; of Sociology. : •.;! jr . Head of the depart- ment Professor Neels Moolman, formerly of y .,‘. .»*«. *. . . # ;v .%l ’ . • :. . . ■ -v ?■■■: Criminology at Turf ’ Unisa, said ,the ever- growing interest in the subject had led to the es- tablishment of the new . department. | t He said this subject provides a particular contribution to the needs of black com- munities. “Black people are subject to western- orientated legislation while their perception of the relative seriousness of cerlain crimes differs from that of the whites who frame the laws.” He said the depart- ments initial research will be directed towards this problem. "The sub- ject a|so has a task in -reconciling the differ- ence in attitudes and perceptions of different communities regarding- the degree of serious- ness of various crimes." The department at present offers three spe- cialised directions, where students from their second-year can specialise in crimino- logy, penology, and po- lice science. when oreete jomcu Ihe EC, but will not aflect its overall balance. The Iberian members have been chosen by their respective parlia- ments and not directly elected like other mem- bers of the Assembly. Spanish and Portuguese voters will have their first chance to elect their representatives at the next European elections in IWJ. With the addition ot 3b Spaniards and six Portuguese, the social- ists remain the largest group and now com- m a n d 17 2 v o 1 e s . — Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember ■world t radi ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi add Among tfie issues 10 be taken up nt the tlnee- day Coronado mcelm. are counterfeit goods belter ways to settle world trade disputes rules lor aiding donieslii industries hurt li\ 1 in ports .1 I snbsidisilie natuial ionouhvs sik I. as oil and gas. UN tiaile K'|»icsuii.i live Clayton N etillet will Inisl the meeting, uhicli llii- loin paitucrs I111UI scmi-amiii.illt' Sapa- Reuter.: ST. BARNABAS COLLEGE CALLING THE CLASSES OF ’73, ’74, '75, ’76, ’77, ’78 AND’79 The school is planning a series of buffet suppers for past pupils to re- establish contact with one another, and with the school. If you left St. Barnabas College in one of these years, please telephone . Ms Mary-Jo Warner at 673-6741 or after hours at 646-2078 for further information. SI23UO / ■J cT- (T ■-J CJN 'V
Page 1: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi

so u th e rn T h a ila n d . They hud b tcn fooled

imhi thinking the war w.i* itill on and that the CPM was helping Japan until a CPM purge in the late IV7t)s, it said. — S apa-R euter.-J;

Angola blames South AfricaLISDON — Angola yes--

, terday accused South Af- ■ rlca of forming mixed

I.slund oil term inal hi the northern G ulf '"«b.-rday, the eighth raidon the island tills year.

i... A m ilitary spokesm an

said the planes set fire to their targets in the raid. — Sapa-R cuter.

■>|>am anil r o i i o g a i o n New Y ear’s Day, swell the total num ber o f par­liam entarians to 518.

The enlarged parlia­m ent will then turn its atten tion to delivering its verdict on reforms agreed at last m onth's

IIUMJ IV.jki.ICU ll | c u n - i rvely giving them a right o fv e to N %

B u t P a r I i a . -Wn t sources said that, d e­spite its d isappointm ent, the Assembly is likely to swallow its pride and back the m easures after

SISTKR Uernard Ncube, ,'sldent of the Fede-

j 'i io n o f T r a n s v a a l Women, appeared In the Jniiumieshiirg - Regional ( our I on Friday charged under a suction of the In­ternal Security Act. .

* •Sister Bernard, of Ka-1

g iso hi k r u g e r s d o r p , was arrested at a mass meeting at the local NG k e r k o ii W e d n e sd ay tight. * .. i .


Section 46 of the In-, lernal Security Act deals with m easures that can >e taken to prevent the' ■olding of cerlain gath- :rings. Lj.J.,.

• ' * * * • • f V »l i s t e r B e rn a rd w as

iCji asked to plead and10 evidence was led. Ihe m agistrate, M r J D 'r e to r iu s , p o s tp o n e d Ihe case to Febaiary_7 while further investiga- lions are made. M r.C M a ile r , in s t ru c te d by Mrs Priscilla Jana, ap ­peared for Sister Ber­nard. she was released011 bail of R500. •


■, ®ISTER B ernard N cube g e ts 1 w o lco m e h u g from a c o lle a g u e a fte r h e r a p p e a ra n c e In c o u rt on; -i. .. v A...: .>.\v ! F riday.


'• i ■

THE University or the North has Introduced a , n e w d e p a r t m e n t o f V; criminology wh h began to function from AugustI last year, .jp ..............1 . Since the inception of the university, crim ino- logy has been offered in the D epartm en t; of Sociology. : •.;!jr . H ead of the depart­m e n t P ro fe s s o r N ee ls M oolm an, formerly of

y.,‘. .»*«. *. . . #;v .%l ’ . • :. . . ■-v ?■■■:

Criminology at Turf’ U nisa, said ,the ever­growing interest in the subject had led to the es­tablishm ent o f the new

. departm en t. | t He said this subject p r o v id e s a p a r t i c u la r c o n t r i b u t io n to th e n e e d s o f b la c k c o m ­m unities. “ Black people are subject to western-

o r ie n t a te d le g is la tio n while their perception of the relative seriousness of cerlain crimes differs from that of the whites who fram e the laws.”

He said the d ep art­m e n ts initial research will be directed towards this problem . "The sub­ject a |so has a task in

-reconciling the differ­ence in attitudes and perceptions of different com m un ities reg a rd in g - the degree of serious­ness of various crim es."

T h e d e p a r t m e n t a t present offers three spe- c i a l i s e d d i r e c t i o n s , w h e re s tu d e n t s f ro m th e i r s e c o n d -y e a r can s p e c ia lis e in c r im in o ­logy, penology, and po ­lice science.

w hen o r e e t e jo m cu Ihe E C , but will no t aflect its overall ba lance .

The Iberian m em bers have been chosen by their respective parlia­m ents and not directly elected like o ther m em ­bers of the Assembly. Spanish and Portuguese voters will have their first chance to elect their re p re s e n ta t iv e s at th e next European elections in IW J.

W ith the addition ot 3b Spaniards and six Portuguese, the social­ists remain the largest group and now com ­m a n d 17 2 v o 1 e s . — Sap.i-Reuter.

at a a c p i c m i i e i m e e t i n g o f the yO-rtnember ■world t r a d i n g g 1 0 1 1 p ( S a i l (Cicncr j i l A g i e e n n - i i i m i T a r i f l s a n d T i a d d

A m o n g tfie i s s ue s 1 0 be t a ke n u p nt the t l n e e - d a y C o r o n a d o m c e l m . a r e cou nt er fe i t g o o d s b e l t e r w a y s t o s e t t l e w o r l d t r a d e d i s p u t e s rul es lor a i d i ng d o n i e s l i i indus tr i es hurt l i\ 1 in

p o r t s .1 I s n b s i d i s i l i e na t u i a l i o n o u h v s s i k I. as oi l a n d gas .

UN t i a i le K' |» i csu i i . i l i ve C l a y t o n N et i l l et wi l l Inisl the m e e t i n g , u h i c l i llii- l o i n p a i t u c r s I111UI scmi - ami i i . i l l t ' S a p a - Re ut er . :



'75, ’76, ’77, ’78 A N D ’79

The school is planning a series of buffet suppers for past pupils to re­establish contact with one another, and with the school. If you left St. Barnabas College in one of these

years, please telephone .Ms Mary-Jo Warner at 673-6741

or after hours at 646-2078 for further information.



■ J




' V

Page 2: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi

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Page 3: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi
Page 4: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi

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'Pupil • killed’

A PUPIL was allegedly killed yesterday in an in­cident between the police and r'-M itS 000children, who . I in Kagiso on the West Rand to encourage pupils to go back to school next week. Sister B ernard Ncube, who has b ee n d e ta in e d severa l

-tim es, said yesterday.■ T hree other children


Page 5: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi

Police stop marchers on West Rand{ .rr .S S 'tliC !

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tollgoes up to four



A YOUTH died and a number of people \ A / were injured after police broke up a ■ • C 1 I I Umarch in Munsieville, Krugersdorp, yesterday. ■

T he crowd of huD - dreds of Munsieville residents was protest­ing at the presence of S o u t h A f r i c a n D e ­fence Force personnel in the township.

R e s i d e n t s c l a im e d th is in t im id a te d th e ir children. They therefore

. could not go to school.T he dead youth was

Joseph Shimmy M ono (17), a pupil at the Pha- tu d i H ig h e r P r im a r y

. School.H e was found in the

bedroom of a house not far from his hom e.• This brings the death toll on the W est R and to four this week. j ^ J p t a i n H enry Beck,

SHIMMY Joseph Mono.

a police spokesm an, yes­terday said police took action when about 1 000 people refused to obey a police o rder to disperse.

H e said th ree people were injured after police

had fired birdsbot. H e_ said a “group o f blacks

stoned police and police retaliated by firing bird- sho t.''

*: •* i - y •. •; " T w o o e i i a n d a w o m a n w e r e in ju r e d and they are in hospital under police guard. W e have do record, o f any d ea th ,” h e said.

f~ A ccording to our in ­form ation the crowd was m a rc h in g to K rugers* dorp to m ake represen- t a t i o n s to t h e W e s t

Mrs FREDA Mono . . .. grieving mother.

Rand Divisional Com ­missioner o f Police.

They were confronted by police on the ou t­skirts of Munsieville.

A white suburb, Dan Pienaarville, is between M u n s ie v ille a n d K ru ­gersdorp police head­quarters.

Sjambokked-Mrs M aria Letshaba

-(2 7 ) , w ho said she was a m o n g th e m a r c h e r s , - c l a im e d t h e y w e r e

. s t o p p e d a n d s j a m - bokkod T just afte r we read ied the white area.* r “A s we scattered and

r a n to w a r d s M u n s ie ­ville, they started shoot­ing tearsm oke. W e were only show ing concern

. fo r our children’s educa­tion as p aren ts ," M rs Letshaba said. r . •

-.1 Late yesterday secu­r i t y f o r c e s w e r e s t a - doned betw een Munsie­ville and D an P ienaar- villc ^ b U e o thers p a t­rolled tf»e tow nship. .*/*•

} V ■ • • 'A-'' •• - '

Page 6: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi

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T IIK S o u th ern A frlcun C a th o lic B ish o p s’ C o n ­ference, p ieetlng in p le n a ry session in P re to r ia , bus called fo r a g o v e rn m e n t in v e s tig a tio n In to an incident In K aglso on M o n d a y w h en a h ighschool pupil w as allegedly k illed by po lice . ,

— - In a statement sent to the M inister o f Law and Order, Mr Louis le G range, the SA C BC said that about 1 000 high school pupils held a m eeting at St

£ ? ' Peter’s Rom^n Catholic school on M onday, r ... They had the principal’s permission for the m eet­

ing to encourage them to return to school on Tuei*,day. ■. j; .Fr ; ■ :

The sta tem ent, issued on behalf of the SACBC by A rchbishop D ennis Hurley and Bishop R e­ginald O rsm ond, Bishop of Johannesburg , said police dressed in blue

‘ in

Bishops protest to Le Grange

'climb out of the win­d o w s o f t h e s c h o o l . iSeveral w ere badly lace- 'ra ted .

T h e s t a t e m e n t s a i d police used teargas and

'b ird sho t on the pupils j and F rancinah Maggie : Legw ete, of K am arogo I s t r e e t , K p g i s o , w a s I killed.

“We find the police behaviour totally inex­plicable and irresponsi­ble. We protest in. the, strongest possible m e a -;' sure against such brutal, t r e a t m e n t o f ch ild ren ., and call for a full investlJ. gation and the punish?) m ent o f the officers re—

v i p o n » I b 1 e , t h 0: statem ent s a id ,- ^ S a p t ,’.-* •M INISTER Ift G r* n g t.’

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Page 7: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi

HAR R OW strip of i serves as a buffer . v-een t h e a n g e r 4 f r u s t r a t i o n o f >') blacks and the r and aggression of andful of whites in area in the ver-

mpte town of Kru- sdorp that some e already .declared p o t e n t i a l w a r

had plummeted._ “Last year 1 was of­

fered R100 000 for my house, this year I can’t get R80 000. This place is going to be one of the worst examples of racial confrontation in South Africa.

"W e can’t have the army here for ever, and when they move out there’s going to be w ar." Many people had told him “ they won’t hesitate to shoot should the need arise."

)n the one side lies poor township of

n s i e v i l l e , o n t h e :r the comparitively h white suburb of . Pienaarville. etween them is a r n > w i d e strip of , pSTrolled by heav- rmed soldiers. Run- through the strip is

ne-m etre-high wall, b ^ k “ T h e B e r l i n

1 the residents of isieville. - - - .*= he vacant land is to ncorporated in the n s h i p b r i n g i n g : k s c l o s e r t o t h e ite" suburb . .

Promise,3 this the people of

Pienaarville have I -halt, and they’ve iped guns to their "just in case".'hen the two m eet,

P ” . “T here can

l i d K r u g e r s d o r p n C ou n tilk > r,J VD- j “O nly a -madman !dn^f be arm ed— j just in D a n » w v i l l e , — b o i jg faout. South z.A f-

fcn days ago a .petrol Jb was thrown a t the e o f D anie F rey, se house adjoins the;

Page 8: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi

SOWETAN, Tuesday, February 11,1986

■fOMH U N D R E D S o f t h e South African Brew­eries workers in the K r u g e r s d o r p p l a n t downed tools yesterday in protest against po­lice action at the fune­ral of a colleague in K a g l s o t o w n s h i p on Sunday. ;■>

They told The SO­W E T A N y e s te r d a y that they will resume work after 11 of their co llea g u es , a lleged ly arrested while attend­ing M r Ferdinand Se- rum ola’s1 funeral, have been released.

T h e w o r k e r s h a d travelled- in two buses to Jf '-v o th e r m ourners at t. v^ABgiso township home of M r Serom ola.

They later joined the procession of cars from the dead m an’s home to the cem etery. But along the way, police

r e d i r e c t e d t h e t w o buses to the local police station, they claimed.

The workers said the buses were allowed to drive out of the police station, but they were kept there for m ore than two hours before being released In small groups.

One of them , M r Thomas Mosenekeng, said they had earlier asked the com pany’s management to request

the police to stay away ! from the funeral.

A spokesman for the | SAP Public Relations : Division yesterday said I such an incident was ' reported and the police ; were investigating.

M r T o n y B a t e s , South African Brew ­eries regional d irector,

jsald:| “Obviously we can ­not Influence the police

. in Uieir work and I am therefore not in a posl-


tion to comment on this m atter. W hat 1 can say is that negotiations be­t we e n m a n a g e m e n t and the w orkers’ rep­resentatives are going on .’’

M r Sem m ola died soon afte r he was shot on Jan u ary IS after youths In the area went on the ram page. He w as r e t u r n i n g h o me from work.

Page 9: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi

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■ . i

Boycott suspendedTH E three months long c o n s u m e r b o y c o t t in K rugersdorp will be sus- per ‘ from Sunday un­til April 7, said one of the organisers yesterday.

H e said the decision was taken at meetings of residents last week. The reason for suspending the boycott, he said, was to give the residents a break and enable them to buy com modities that are no t available in the townships. -di

H e said a new cam ­paign had been started last F riday in Kagiso and M unsieville tow nships. T he cam paign, he said, was to boycott the coun­cil-owned bottle stores and to ostracise coun­cillors, soldiers and po ­lice V ^ 'ig in these areas.

“1 .y are collaborat­ors in this oppressive system we are fighting to

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Page 10: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi

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on hosesBy MANDLA


THOUSANDS of re s id e n t on the West Rand yeslerday decided at a huge meeting to continue the boy­cott of Greyhound buses until their dem ands are met.

The decision was taken at a mass m eeting held at the Kagiso Stadium . Residents instructed the K rugersdorp Residents Com m it­tee (KRC) to inform the bus com­pany about issues that couki end the boycott. - -

Residents have been on a boycott of Greyhound buses in the townships of Kaeiso and Munsicville (Krucers- durp). Mohlakenc (Randlontein) and Belkersdal The meeting had people from all these areas. The boycott started in January

DemandsThe residents have made the fol­

lowing demands:------------ -------- --• That the compam should erect de­cent bus shelters.• Half price fare for the children.• Pensioners should be given a free ride to pav-out points.• Free buses for funerals of unrest victims and the needy.• The company's mini-buses should be withdrawn from the townships.• Streets to be tarred.• The fleet of buses should compare well with those allocated for the use of white communities.• Greyhound should not block appli­cations by residents who intend oper­ating taxis.• Greyhound should make bursaries available to residents' children.• Fare increases to be negotiated with KRO.• Greyhound bus employees re­trenched because of the boycott to be re-instated.• Company to introduce monthly rickets. • • •• Greyhound to refund the taxi own­ers who were fined by traffic officers for overload and other mechanical de­fects.

Page 11: Reuter.: ST. - Historical Papers, Wits University · Sap.i-Reuter. at a acpicmiiei meeting of the yO-rtnember world t rad i ng g 1 011 p (Sail (Cicncrjil Agieenn-iii mi TariflsandTi


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AARON Sisinya . . . s tab b ed by the vigilante group called the “A -Team ."


TH E acbool situation In M u n ile v ll le t o w n i b l p n e a r K r u g e r s d o r p r e ­turned to norm al yester­day after classes were disrupted on M onday by a vigilante group culled lb « “A Team ” .

C l a s i e s w e r e d i s ­rupted when the group, arm ed with an assort­m ent <pf weapons, forced pupils to join them in a figlu against political ac­

tivists, a m em ber of the Kagiso Residents O rga­nisation (K R O ) said.

T h e a c t i v i s t s w e r e m em bers o f the local y ou t h o r ga n i s a t i on (M uyco) and the Kagiso Y o u t h C o n g r e s s (Kayco). Two m em bers of the activists group w e r e s t a b b e d d u r i n g M onday's clash with the vigilante group.

T hey are A aron Sisi­nya (18) of Munsieville and Zacharia M abuso

(17) of Potchefstroom . They w ere taken to Le- ratong H ospital where th ey -w ere trea ted and discharged.^

A w onied m em ber of K RO said the vigilantf group was com posed of the “ tsotsi elem ent".

“ We are watching the situation and hope that the ‘A T eam ’ will not have another chaoce of disrupting classes," said the K RO m em ber.

M eanwhile the homes

of two policem en in K a­giso w ere fire-bom bed shortly afte r the funeral of an unrest victim on. Saturday.

T h e p o l i c e m e n a r e C aptain J J N sibanyoni, station com m ander at Kagiso police sta tion , and a policem an known locally as “G aan Slaap".

A m o n g t h e y o u t h s who were allegedly shot by police wl en they re­tu rned from the cem e­

tery are Philem on Mo- lubc o f Kagisq and Ben- net N tshabele of Mohla- kengi n R andfontein.

A spokesm an for the SA P Public R elations Division confirm ed that th e (w o p o l i p e m e n ’s h o u s e s w e r e f | r e - bom bed. Me said dam ­age to C aptain Nsiba- nyoni’s house was esti­m ated at R1S 000.

T he spokesm an did not know the nam e of the oth »r policem an.

-fc*OOo o

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•i* v £ J’4 ; r j « .1 •••a ' — - V '" -v'.•‘r r ’' " r ....I ' ' ' -

c ; 1 4 91


I gam a lika Mandela/Sisulu/Helen Joseph/Neil Aooen MaiibongweMa'lbongwe, Maiibongwe. Maiibongwe, Maiibongwe

The name is. Praise it

2. M A N D E L A M A N D E L A

Mandeia, Mandela Mandela prescribes for freedom Mandela says freedom now Now we say away w ith slavery In our land of Africa

Rolihlahla Rolihlahla Mandela Freedom is in your hands Show us the way to freedom In our land of Africa

■ W 1 U • - H r - v ^ a .'* r w ^

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i ; r• -./-w

3. U N Z IM A L O M T H W A L O

Unzima lom thw alo, ufuna simanyane ..Asikhatali nobasiyabotshwa Sizimisale 'khuiu leko Khuiuleko, khuiuleko, khuiuleko asinayo

Thins 'bantwana baseAfrika Sizimisele 'khuiuleko

4. S E N Z E N IN A Senzenina (x8) Am ebhulu A zizin ja (x8) M ayibuye iA frika (x8)

5. M A N D E L A W E T H U

Mandela w ethu Somlandela, somlandela ISIoba siyaboshwa Somlandela, somlandela Nase majele Somlandela

C- J 1 4 9 2The burden of oppression is heavy We need to uniteEven if we are being arrested or detained We are determined for freedom Freedom, We do not have it

We, children of Africa We are determined for freedom

Whet have v.s done The Boers are dogs Let Africa return

Our Mandela, w pfo llow him Despite detention, we follow him Even in jail, we follow him


iBantu Education system, malupele (x2) Malupele m alupele, malupele, malupele Thina abafundi sithi, malupele (x2) Thina basebenzi sithi, malupele (x2) iBantu Education sithi, malupele (x2)

The Bantu Education system, let it end Lei it endWe the students say: let it end We the workers say: let it end Bentu Education: let it end

I 7 ■ T H IN A S1ZWE

Thina sizwe, esimnyama Sikhalela izwe lethu Elethathwa ngamebhulu M ebaw uyuke umhlaba wethu AbBntwsna b 'eA frika Bekhalela izwe lethu Elethathwa ngamabhulu M abawuyuke um hlaba wethu

8. T H IN A S IL U L U T S H A

Thina silulutsha, asinakabulawa (x2) soze sabulawa, ngalamaxaxa sisebatsha (x2) isebatsha, Sisebatsha, sisebatsha, sisebatsha (x2)

We the black nationSave our landIt was taken by the boersThey must leave our land aloneChildren of AfricaGrieve for our land

.We are the youth, we shall not be killed We are not going to be killed by the boars Whilst we are stiil young

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0 wena PW BothaKuthenina kunjenjenje ^ ou PW Botha0 wena PW Botha Why js jt jj^g Kuthenina kunjenjenje 'D thina tryabuza We are askinglaphi Omandela Where is mandele

0. H L A N G A M A N I B A F U N D I

-Uanganani bafundi) Hlanganani (x4)'hona letlangano, iNUSASi/COSAS/AZASO (x4 ) .'■anyanani basebenzi) Manyanani (x4) hona lelangano ngabasebenzi (x4)^kyanani sbafazi) Manyanani (x4)! ^ a letlangano iUWO (x4)

Mo bi l ize s tudents

I n t « i , oarnk,0r? ani‘a ,i0 " ’ NUSAS' e,c

J n itti°n'9ani!a,i0n,0r'h' » ^There is an organisation, UWO


igena 'majoni najoni aseAfrika (x2)Jiiye, masiye kusebenza nsebenzi wasaAfrika (x2)

iandela ufuna amjoni i8joni enkululeko zim a/ unzima loomsebenzi isebenzi wcnkululeko

j g p .S I T H I n q o

:° * ’* * nc*°) « n Babasebenzi •o baiapha) balaph'eAfrika akameni) pakhamani basebenzi 3°de phambili

y U L A B O T H A

\ ^ 0t^ 3' ^ 'yan^c?onkqoza 1x2)* u Mandela, Asikhokele (x2 )

- e,e 1x2)r randels, our leader (x2)

k T-

Come in soldiers Soldiers of Africa Let us come and work The work of Africa

Mandela wants soldiers Soldier:, for freedom The work ($ heavy The wo. k of freedom

Knock, we say knock, we are the workers Knock, we are here, we are here in Africa Rise up workers We are going forward

11 4 9 3


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o t t j k h K a o s r :

14. B A M T H A T IIA

"Bamthatha, bamthatha, bambe ka elsland Wasuka wakhala wathi Amndla (x2) Khawuthulu Nelson, thula Thula Nelson, thula (x2)Khulul'isizweKhawuthetha W innie, thetha T H eth a W innie, thetha (x2)Khulul'isizwe

( • 1 4 9 4

He was taken to the Island Stop crying and say power D on't worry Speak out

15. U M A N Y A N O

Um anyano boinarr.a nctata f k , Um anyano, umanyano {x2)\ j> Um anyano bomama notata

Si buy is'i A frika

Thandazani bomerma notata Thandazani, thandszani (x2) Thandazani bonum a notata Sibuyis'i A frika

Solidarity amongst.mothers and fathers

Love amongst mothers and fathers

16. TH E N A T IO N A L A N T H E M


Nkosi sikele 'iA frika M aluphakam ii 'uphondo Iwayo Yiva nemithandsizo yethu Nkosi sikalcls Thina lusapho iwayo

Woza M oya Sikalsla nko i; i.ivc:Woza M oya oyincwole Nkosi sikalela Thina lusaplio lt*i jy o

Morena bolukaSechaba sa h ttoOphidi sedintwa la matcwele ho




O se Boluka (x2)

Sechaba sa heso Sechaba sa Afrika

Makube njaio (x2)Kude kube ngunaphakade (x 2)

God bless AfricaLet the voice of the people be heard God bless our people

*Forward spirit of the people Forward Holy Spirit God bless our nation

f * •

v f - w r ^ ;

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* recriom. 01** Krccdr.rr. rcciloni, Over r:>e. over r>t:.

before I’ll be a slnvc C buried in my fr.ivc C t» P - r j - x . r j b e f r e e

o r t iii. . i. 'jiii? f i ti>re w e cp iu p . . . c i f are' s t r u g g l e . . . c t c c ’ll be s i n g i n g .- ’11 be pr :»ymg ,; ’1I be freedom ,

e tcc tec tc

- 0 0 0 -


;olI not . . . Wc shall not be moved •all not . . . We shall not b e moved ike a tree standing by th e water an not be moved"Wghting for our f r ee d o m , we shall . oved ...........nlon is behind u s , we sh a ll no t be 1 — etcall fight for higher w a g e s , we shall rtc■

--------------------•----------------------- - 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------


ini basebenzi :nda nizokivazi llenu ngamakhulu nion engeyethu

•enzi oyedwana ila ihe mancanyana■ G& ancaryana-. ^ a eyedwana ........- -....-

inzi hlauganani Jnye emoyeni ie nibambane ziwa nohlonishwa

CllOKL:Sj_ P n y me. Oh pny me.I'.IV r:e. rr.y m o n ey d o w nI.'V ir.c- or po to jail, pay me rr.y moneyd o w nI gnt n jnh nI the Company’ , p.iv m r mv m o n ey d o w n P.ltd tl;r; Indnn.i nirr 1>i | c ,.* - P.iv m r m y ...........eiecnonus. -

• . , . : -i L a s t n ig h t 1 saw th e b o s s 's son / y j P a y mu ...........He s:it home and drank good runP u v me ..............CHOKUS:

■i. • n

1 go to work in a Pulco b u sPay me ..........Stand in a q u eu e for a d ir ty bus'Pay. m e ..........CHORUS:

I ended up in h osp i ta l .Pay me my money down Compensation ????? Not at all*Pay me my money down CHORUS:

• With my .wife I had a f ig h t Pay me my money down Slept ou ts id e in. the ra in all n ightPay m e ..........CHORUS

Soon it will be the en d o f the year P a y ..........e t cHope I don't drink too much beerPay m e .......... •

r-V5f , - p .. M


oba ngeqiniso •ishwa ndawo2onke Jshwa kopheliswa >ion engeyethu

• aneng Basebetsi •aneng Ma-Afrika aneng mesebetsing <opano kematla

R e s e b e le t s e n g bana b e s o B e s e b e l e t s e n g bana bosw a R e s e b e le t s e n g reb u isa n e Ho ba kutlwano k e p h e n y o

OOD- .--00000

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S P U U A H i v y I o i i r v r n

Solidarity fo»-cvcr• ,Sf fr ;

s .: ...I ‘ n^ihc* union 111:1 k t>v, f|V t,| i i j-.-v-

When the union's i n s p i r a t i o n t h r o u r l i I n c workers blood sh all r u n1 h r ^ c can hr* no p o w e r g r e a t e r *' • ?• s • ')

■ i »- v. enkerij]v JCii..,v i i lc l . j jD : u ' one?

B u t the union m a k e s u s s t r o n g ( C h o r u s )

I s th er e aught w C h old in common v.i-h «h« g r e e d y parasite

Who would lash u s into serfdom and would crush us with h is might?I s t h e r e a n y h t i n g l e f t to u s b u t ' / ^ o r g a n i z e and f i g h t ?

the union makes u s s t r o n g (C h oru s)

It is we who ploughed the pra ir ies built the cities where th e y trade

.D u g the mines and built the workshops endless miles of railroad laid Now we stand outcast and s ta r v in g

«midst the wonders we have made But the union makes u s s t r o n g (C horus)

Ml the world that’s owned by idle drones s ours and ours a lone . We h a v e laid he wide foundations, built it skyw ard• tone by stonet is ours , not to s la v e in , b u t to laster and own•’hale the union makes u s s t r o n g (C h o ru s )

& have taken unto ld millions that hey never toiled to earn ut without our brain and m uscles ot single wheel can tu rn ' e can break their h a u g h ty pow er ain our freedom when we learn hat the union makes us s t r o n g (C horus)

•t our hands isplaced a p o w er trreater an their hoarded gold

“eater than the might o f armies ignified a thousand-fold

*: can bring to birth a new world am ashes of the old

, t the union makes u s s t r o n g (C horus)

- 0 0 0 0 . ------------------------

Y ' J O Y ' J O Y

4 9 6 *

v i _ y r. l a c o m p a g n e; •

Let e v e r y good follow now join in songV i v e ):i C n m p a r i i i ' '♦Sm-l f-NS to c-.iu: ;j||(l M.,V.cnoin.'sVive la. Vive 1;.. Vive l'nmour Vive la . Vive In, Vive l'amour Vive l 'amour, v iv c l'amour Vive la Compagnie

A fr iend on thv lef; and a friend \ the r ight --Vive la compag-nieIn love *;r:d good fellowship let us uniteVive la com pagnie (Chorus)

Now w ider and wider our circle ex Vive la com pagnieWe s i n g to o u r comrades in far wa- lands . • • *Vive la com pagnie (Chorus)

. SIDE BY SIDE Oh we ain't got a barrel o f money maybe w e ’re r a g g e d and fu nn y .. But we'll t ra v e l a long, s in g in g a s< Side b y s id e

Don t know w h a t ’s coming toraorrovMaybe i t ’s t r o u b le and sorrowB ut w e ’ll t r a v e l the road, charing t load ’*’ •S ide b y s id e

T h r o u g h all k i n d s o f weather wht i f t h e s k y should fall J u s t a s l o n g a s w e ’re together It rea l ly d o e s n ’t matter at all

V»hen t h e y ' v e all had their trouble and p a r te dWe'll b e same a s we startedJust t r a v e l l in g a lon g , s in g in g a sorSide b y s ide

• 0 0 0 -

SIPHE AMANDLA NKQS1-' b»phe amanaia N’kosi S iy a w a d in g a - Siphe amandla h’kosi O k u n g e sa b i - ne Union yethe .


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f c ^ 6 _ W E £ H A L- t- V- w n F S o u t h c A r C To P/?<?LIA * M E w Y :

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- C ^ L i u G t S M A l l 6 r . o r t T o E ^ * ^

"• - ^ - — ,

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Collection Number: AK2145 KRUGERSDORP RESIDENTS’ ORGANISATION AND 4 OTHERS v. THE MINISTER OF LAW AND ORDER AND 2 OTHERS 1986 PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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This document is part of a private collection deposited with Historical Papers at The University of the Witwatersrand by the Church of the Province of South Africa.  
