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REV. A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OOEAN GROVE, N. J ... · the influence of wiiich few could...

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* § M REV. A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OOEAN GROVE, N. J„ SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1886 VOL. XII NO. 23. One Day at a Time. quiet, Vainest-hearing tlm tnever fnils to ------- react, on tlio passion of llio-Hpeaknr. Ho ; n v ItEI.KN HUNT JACKSON. . . , ,, . p r „ t ___ _ . hud passed all danger or failure, ami wiih One tiny n ta tlmol That's all It can I k?; conscious of it. Tours glistened in Ii Ih No ruler tli aii tlmt la the hardest futc; eyes. and ;iiiM\v«*ri ni^ drops begun lo fall on And dnyahavo their limits, however we . . , ,, . , , : Ik'Rilt Ikon loo early anil strolrtr Ihem Inn foie. •""V 1*** of tlm Bm , ....... • lSllt. vvl,. r. 1.0 Onodny at a time 1 described the scene of tho great, suer I tiro It's a wliole»oine,rliynle. —tlio deep death-pains of tin* mighty silf- A good 0110 to live hy— furor—tim supernatural darkness — tlio A day at a time. . . . .. - . . ..... «• . . . rm t rocUs—the. astonishment, of tin; soli- Oho day at a time 1 Kvery beart. tlmt ncht-s tury priest who saw tlio temple's vail torn . Kiio\»«onty taowoll how. Jouft that caii Heim ; ... . . ... , , , . nut If. never UHlay whichthn »Plrlt l,rWk ,; as'"? «'r wHltout n vMlile nml lirnt It's tlio darkened future without a Rleitm. nf nil, stern Justice shaking bunds with Ono .toy ntn tlmol A tomtom™ great- «% % ’•«*"'* "•« f»»«" To ho lioriio Tiir two can bo. borne for one; head' of tbo Saviour, the people saw and Who knows what will enter to-morrow's «uto? felt that “ Jesus Christ hud heen evidently While yet wcaicspealdiig ull mAy be done. net forth and crucilld among tliciu.'t There Ono dny nt a llmo ! When joy Is at height— was no tinsel in his words—no mere glib Such Joy nu tho licart can never-forgot— toring sentences. It. wus tiie sim ple elu- And pulses arc throbbing with wild delight, ... _ , . • , ... • How hard to remember that suns miiAt tet. . fiUmicii " r “ Rn" 1 i>» sympatl.y will, tlm subject, und tbe effect beggared all doserip- Oue day at a time 1 l)ut a single day ,T ......... .... . . .. , . Whatever lu. load, whatever Ita length : “ "»• y 1 'V'*'""" «•!* And there’s a bit of precious Scripture to say with soft, subdued voices, ns if the eruci- . That, according to each, shall be our strength. flxlon Imd been actually reproduced, and One dny ot a time 1 * 'Tia tbo who'c of life; a thousand Marys worn there to witness it-. AU sorrow, all Joy, are measured therjln, Gnntleinmdy-iookiug men, utilised to tears, Tho bound of our purpose, our noblest strife, buried their faros in white handkerchiefs. Tbo one only countersign, Btirc to win 1 m ,.„ ....... ........................................ . » .. . Ono doy n ta tlm ol The w nta-i.m he.mmo (.onoral, ami ot last It'o a wholesome rhyme, the dtcra lioarta or Kraot athlolio folhnvs A good ono to live by, gave way, aud they stood uud wept as A ilny “tailm o. _ Thc , iulr]]nulalh I have fmai paoa tvoop ia llioir ilnta^'o. In ^ # ^ tho height, of the evritcinont.. flu* vnlln«' An Old-Timo Camp-Meeting. ’f T T m" "y *■ ® raised, lost nil power nf self-support, and [Continued from lmt irrck.] ■«« ho foil was caught in tin* arm s of a ven- A_ shout .from scores of voices .told the. ernLle minister, who wept, over him-willi general joy inspired hy the secno.' In- nu,ro fhnn the tenderness ol a father’s Bluntly the whole assembly began to sing, ,nv<!' Tl«‘ w;rvit;“ ‘ b*^U and the people In a manner that science might scorn, but "'Kh burning hearts, {some threw the influence of wiiich few could resist— themselves on bods und wept alone. Oth. ** My God ts reconciled; <-rs assembled in tbo largest tents, and »i«« sang uud prayed, forgetful of the midday Ho owns mo for Iiwclm ii; ® 1, J J I can no longer tear: • meul; while iu such -places where the Willi enufldeiicu I now draw nigli; ..... » v . ‘ And Father, Abbn. Father, cry.u . coarse work of dining was attended' to,the AVluIo tbe congregation sang this divine .f,(*r,Ium VV;,S Ihe °Ub’ topic of coriversation. hymn nf Clmrlcs Wesley, over tlm re- Old men sahl they never llear.l auyll.ing deemed spirit of thin fair girl, her aged ^ compare with it-an opinion they had father camo and kneeled hy lier.side, and «*vc’n J»t least, a bmidred forgotten dis- wept us ho never wept lieforo. 8 lm was courses. Mothers in Israel thought the tlm last of .his ehildrcn.-aud tlmdnst to exr .U^ys o f. I»j*dIcord nml JJill were, surely pprlctico tlmt mysterious cbahgo nt which (’om e agajn; jmd pious young ladies, k tbe gay, the skeptical, nnd the profnuo "’hose lovo of the preaclier was a mixed may scolT, lmt which is as reid as any fact ufTection, partly spiritual and partly girl- or the solid world. Ilis presence and W», thought him everything to he desired. nITecting manner by the side of his liappy *fh« negroes hehi.ul Urn pulpit with one child gave an almost insupportable inter- vo*ro tb’dared •. that they never knew a est to tho occasion. Tears that fell in nimi wli« wns better *• rough-sjio.l wi.l de drops before now ran from Jill eyes in preparation of de (tnspeland old Samp, streams; and as if hy saered sympathy, or son’tI,p h,ark P»lriarch# siim.neil up the a moro direct power from on high, the Boneml opinion hy saying that “ lie was u mourning nf all tlio rest was turned into "light)' man of <»od, set for de rise of joy. It was the very “oil nf joy”—joy’s thousands in Israel.” fliiest, purest extract. The careless as they A t three o ’e l o c k the horns sounded looked on grew thoughtful,und pious pur- a«am ^nr tk,! assembling ol the* people, poses begun to tliroh in many a heart tlmt After the usual devotional exercises, a had never , felt the force of the religious preacher of fair reputation for talent rose sentiment lie fo re. Tlio prayer-meeting and rend a text. It was feared, however, wiis brought b> an irregular closo, and hy those who had some knowledge of onr hearty congratulations woro heard through- omothmal nature, that the elbu t would out the camp that the great work was so Two intense excitements of . the happily begun. . same kind are hardly possjhh* within the : Hy this time, besides the regulars on the compasss nf a few hours. The strained groud, an immense ntimher had come Iww needs ri%.\ing hi gather strength for from a.cirelo of twenty' miles round to 11 ,,ow trial. The preacher himself felt- hear tbo morning serinon. Numerous tlio distronmglng effect of tbe morning vehicles 'of every stylo worn crowded to- discourse, for the title of feeling had gtdher in tho wood’s outside of tho tents, roncbed Its highest murk, and was now Horses slumped and neighed as they stood onb’ l,t half-ebb. l ie saw that .it was vain hitched* to tho hranches and trunks of to attem pt to roll it hack ward, so he throw trees. Spaniels threiided their lithe forms hhuself on the. retiring flood, and ipihdly through the promenading musses, while went down.with. it. Ilis sermon was as occasionally tho interest of tbo scene dull us the lirst was animated; ami. if would vary* hy a sudden set-to between thinga material timy he compared witli surly terriers, whose lighting growl lw>re a things spiritual, it was tlie lum bering roll most striking resemblance tothe Mpieezed of n heavy wagon iiltcr tlib i*xpres>-train curses of angry men.. At ten o’ehMtU the had gone hy. ttefnreit wns half through horns were blown, and in a few minutes many yawned, more slept; tin* negroes . every scat wus tilled. A tall young man, snored, and tlm .'brethren in tlm pulpit . of pale, tldn features, yet serious aiul dig- worried through the hour by listless gaz- nilled in manner, rose and read the hymn ing,-nnd liieirectuai efforts to shake otr in a devout sort of monotone, hut witli a the spirit of slumber. Come, brederin,” voice tlmt faltered with excitement. Ho said old .Sampson to his flock, •• wake up, wid evidently frightchc.d hy the sen of wake up; here is de patience of de sainLs, faces bofore him, and would gladly have and let patieiici* lmvo her perfect work.” . given placo Pi one of lurger-experience f 11 this way’ the meeting went on; at and firmed nerves.. Ills prayer was trem- ono time glowing with fervor, and at bling, hut fervent und well expressed, another so flat mul’spiritless, that some Tho cnitgiegation sympathized with his were tompUsl to think that former riip ill-concealed, fear. Bbtne were seized tures had left them rather justly' exposed with w lit of coughing. Others pmyod so h* the ridicule of the profane. loud Unit ho could hardly ho heard, and —— *-— — ^ “— —-------- others agjiin responded to Ids lietltlons When a ku»Mch wtrnov ., . . , ____ ... ,, f’omus like cUmd mid u 1st it, VMictlmcs fa, mneltUM awkwmtlJy f„r t„.„,nmiw. out of place. An animated hymn followed wm u,t.„ |l(, hrialit. tho pniyer, after • which tbo youthful Only'wait Antitrust Him preacher rose'aud read his text,—'‘The * - Jiifct a Ilitle while; .Oxcenli'ng rlebes Of liis It was An.rjy««toK.e,Mlmps ° - t ,. r> Hlinll come the moriilitg miiIIc. f evident thut Ids treiublimr had tiieised -• » « away, ami tlinttheocniiniirininof Ills wind t-Ciiul glvetli graeu to tlio limnlila.-’ IIo was restored. As lie .proceeded to dis. p,,urs it out pleatlfully on limnlde hearts, close the treasures of tlm divine mercy, at iii9 Hwc„t lluWB lllul 8|m„.ors B|W„ otr p,,, tcnlimi soon became (iscd, llrst in and mmintalas, and fall on tlie low valley of around tlm “ altar," llien Itgrnduidly deep. tmw,,l(, 1,,-arLs, and nnike tlmm pleasant encd far nut iu tlm mnHenee, until finally „„d fertile. * V 'OSP "'h0 ofc," ‘ic'1 1110 ,"10st K‘n" " ° Wlmsocver would be sustained by tlie were seen with necks uneniiBe.nusly of ,ot hill, (!(li|sL, ntI , ,)S leiiglhenwl, und hands \w\Anil their ears \t. whosoever would lie defended by it, to catch each wingeil word. It wiw tlmt let film patiently repose himself under it. _ ----- - ; __ : __ — r 4. - - - ' - ' ------—— ' • The Nation’s Bead. 11V roMRAlit: K. A, IJAUTHlKKtN,Titov, N. V., MAY 20, IKW, ATMaiAOIlTICOKK, N. V.- Memorial Day 1 A nlllhi|{ trlluilu to the nllunt llirong, When eoinmtlcs IIvIhk join In reVjulem wmg, Am! 8 trew the JlovvcrH where eonirnde.s tteiul have lnn«. lice I) laid uwiiy. ' Till ntemorleH failo. Htern loyally, the groiul old Union, havcs, Ami o’er each sacred mound the old Hag waves; Tlmnk Hod, our dead whofllcep In Houthern amves 'neath Its sluulo. Hmvc coinrmles rest. No more the scorpion stlujr of mlnnle ball, And cranh of solid shot, where thousands fall — No more the after liattlo'sdrend roll-call, Jte.st ever blest. Far froin the light, . No more lo hear the shrill confederate yell, The hum nnd Mutter of exphMlinn shell, Niir*«iizi: on bleeding comrades hraye who fell At left and right. Comrades prepare; Many now names on yonder roll appear, Since Howcrs were strewn, and dirge whs simp last your: Three brave commanders more, who knew no fear Now muster there. • And orders go • For slciuly sldc step to the silent right, To close the ranks us spirits take their Might, 1 )i-laMed for service hi the realms of light, . Where dwells no foe. . Who next, who last? iJealh’s order id ol»ey, like veterans true, To strike the earthly tent; to doir the blue And don the white; tn murob in grand review, Life's warfare post. Alcoholism " Eun to Seed." ISV MHH. FANNlF. II. CAItlt. . The. late (flmneellor of-tbo New York University, Dr. Ilownril Crosby, holds tbe position tlmt there Is a heuelichil use of wiim, mid tlm t it*« ahtine, not its /Miyistp be condemucil. No ono futulliur with tbo distiuguislictl gentleman*!* intellectual abil- ity, nr Ids moral character, can help regret- ting that lu* gives the weight of Ids great personal ia!!nonce'to so misleading niul dangerous a doctrine. The last amdymH of tlio drink habit—or, if you [iloaso, nlcol holism ” run to seed”—was furnished us by nn object*lesson last week. It was our sail privilege, to address at the Blockley Almsliouse, Philaihdphia, ns unupin an audience :ls ever greeted speaker. There, were gathered,’literally, the lame, tbo halt and the blind, men and women, of diverse phases of wretchedness, caricatures of Im- munity, requiring,us one gazed upon them; I was going to say heroic faith, to Itelinve they-.ever’ were innocent Tittle children. And yet over that fearful collection of iniseiy .one fact was so plain tlmt “ he that riihs m ight read;” tlmt “ all and sundry’.’ of this aggregate squalor ahd-vice-Was tbe legitimate outcome of that modern sum of all villainies----tlie. legalized liquor tralllc. Afterwards, in visiting the wards, the same graphic illustrations of rum's doings were, given. I lireetly or othenyi.se, HO per rent, of all the,misery in this immense institu- tion wjis trueeablo to liquor. I.et those who so stoutly nlHrm that iutemperance don’t nlfect them, and hence, tlmt they lmvo no special interest in tcmperaneo reform,' ask themselves concerning the support of this largo pauper class? Does not the. maintenance of the same, come olit of the pocket of the.taxpayer? in the evening/>f the day of our visit to tlio almshouse, we addressed, hy requestor the \V. G\ T. U., :i m eeting in ,St. Mary street. Here, as many know, rum holds high.carnival. . In this .locality are to.ho found some of tlie mostilevoted subjects of King Alcohol. If one wanted to seo tlie “true inwardness” of alcoholic Imver- ages demonstrated I know of no better, place. Here within n few squares of pidii- tlal resideiiees ami elegant churches is to be found, a condition of things simply appalling. Black and white, representa- tives of all the various nationalities, living (if living it can lie culled) In the most scandalous and promiscuous fashion. Chil- dren are Imm. Imre upon whose infantile ears oaths pmD obscenity falls, a youthful army growing up. in this quarter, who iu numberless cases will just as surely gradu- ate from such homes ton felou’scell hi the near future, as tliat harvest will succeed seed tim e. It would he. Interesting, although painful, to know-how many In this and sim ilar localities commenced drinking under totally different surround- ings. Said a poor wretched creature who Imd lost almost every vestige of woman- hood, iu reply to au earliest, worker.who was urging her to a better life: “ Don’t lose your time on me; it’s too Into.. Go up whero I Ivegan, on Fifth avenue, New York, niid implore them not to Tamper with the cursed stufr.” Those familiar with the “ lower depths of city life” And many who begun life not only in comfort- able hut even ailliient circumstances, men and women formerly of position and cul- ture, now sunk to the lowest phases of vice and wri*tcliediipss. In view, of such astounding facta, is not the apathy of. Hie law abiding and respectable part of the co m in U nity astounding? If one unac- quainted with tbe precious .(Jospel houId say: “ I am a man, and wlmt. concerns my kind T camTot. he. indifferent, to,” how should those professing lb. lie the follow- crsof, tho immaculate,Saviour .feel ami act, its though rum’s linings were n matter of utter JiulifTerence. 0 for sileh a de- scent,of the Christ. Spirit, upon the church and -World, “ that every limn's weal shall he each man's cure.” Tired People, Watch the faces as they go hy voii nn a crowded street and just iioti.ee what a tired look -many of them wear. IT.ave could rend all the hearts around us we would lind multitudes who are weary in spirit and'sometimes sigh for a pillow in .the grave. Some are. tired out witii life’s h.-ird struggles, with hearing the limit mid bur- den of the day. Others persist.in piling up anxieties us Uigti as :iu -obi-fashioned peddler’s pack. Thoy carry a huge load of care as to how tbev shall make both ends moot and how they shall “ foot the hills” that accumulate, and how they shall pr«»r vide for all the hungry mouths and scanty wardrobes. One is tired from trying to do too.much mid another of waiting for some- thing to do. A grievous burden of. spirit- uid despondency makes Ilrnt|mr Small- faith’s heart ache and puts an extra, wrin- kle in Sister Weakhack’s coiiuteiiauce. Hero is a disciple wln» is tired of waiting forkucci*ss and there is .another tired of waiting for answers to prayer.* Do you suppose tliat the dear Master does not see these tired hoiliesand exhaust- ed nerves nml weary hcnrls? To' those who aro honestly run down with Inmost toil he says: ” Come ye apart into a quiet, pliuio and rest awhile.” tiod puts a night of sleep after every day of work for this very purpose of recruiting lost force. To CUrMiuns with smajl purses.he kindly says: MYour'Ttfe. cnnsistetli not in the al^ndaiico of thinga ye possess. I c o u n - sel thee to buy of me gold tried iu the tire that thou liiayesL Tie rich. My grace is suflicient for tliee; nt my right ■ hand are treasures fo re v e r m ore.” There ’ is not really money enough in tliis latul.4o.give ovary laxly n fortune; but tlmve are prom- ises enough in the Bible am! grace enoiigh- iti Jesus Christ to make everybody rich to all eternity, .lnsl think what a inillioimire a map is who has a clean conscience here and a clear hope of heaven hereafler. To poor Brother Smallfaith and sorrowful Afrs. Weak hack lie gives a. wonderful lift in these words: ” l.o!. I nm. with you id w ays. No man shall pluck‘.you oul of my IiuiuIh. It is my Father’s goiid pleasiirr* to give you the kingdom.”-* //»*. V. •" Irresolrition. John B. Hottgli has goiie to liis reward, blit rshall never forgot mv indebtedness to liitu for an illustration ( heard him use the Inst tim e 1 listened to.him . I dnii’t even remember what lib was illustrating; I do remember the use tlo** Holy Spirit, made of the illustration to niy uwn soiih- Mr. Bough sahf he sat once hy the -jd«* of mi engineer on a. lightning express train, and, jus tlm engine flew roiind a curve, he sail! to the engineer, “ Do .you never fear while going at this sjieed The engineer turned to him, and said: “ Mr. Gough, it doesn’t do for an engineer to .he il fraid. Sometimes -they do become timid, and when it Is - found out that they nre, they give them :i fm'tjht hut in'’ In that moment I saw tho danger of being afraid when God. tires up a soul .with, a new truth nnd means it to go with speed.' Alas, for, those who have not been true to the^triitli. given them,.and as' Mmerson says, have “ struck, souls to :i fear,” and another Bind has been given the. truth.they were afraid to utter, and thut other has taken their crown, ami they. Jiavo been given it “freight train” instead of a light* ning express, if.God made you for a freight train* tUKc gooil care *»f your train, “ here all the honor lies;” but if lie lilted you up for an ex press .train, it Is bumbling to Mud yourself on a freight train. I well remember in the long ago sitting beside Phmbo Palmer, in a morning pray- er meeting, held during the sessions of an annual conference of .ministers of tlio Methodist CUnrcb. It was the morning Gen. Leo surrendered'to Geii. Grant. I was full of the thought of a complete .sur- render to Jesus Christ; she turneil to me and said, quietly, “ I'hr Kiim'x. ( iu. h' ihmh ><•. qninx haute.” I sprang to my feet, and in un express sort of way gave tlm-,burning thoughts tlm Holy -Ghost had given me aud In tliat hour a leading'business man, of New York surrendered to* Christ. Oh what victories are lost through ./V</r;. 1 car of what people will tldnk of you, -In. the Prayer Meeting, when the 'probability is tlmt lip-to this ---------- till.,- v.i.i MHTOt (inn,. Ui »(«*«»«f Brtng WKtir,. , - , . , . . J ... Ffnwhig from tho fmint ithove; make them think of you m any way. We Hrink.yc Zlmi’i.«»««.,ml want sonls these days who know no fear . Sivevn-.st UmugiiiH uf.trMis* Jmi.-.! • 1,111 lt. 1* IWir »r fioil. Snulrt tli. 1t nn< m i.ly lter., y»i.rw,rr,m«»l)^«Riiw. . to take find's ilispalc.hesat qnlekest notice) lion: your sji«:rc-«f Joys icim:w— mul in quickest, time. “ Be ready for t r/rt/ I’erfwi bliss Hicki? joys un-snaing— good word and work.” A nything short of Thnuirli on enrtli, your lu-jm-n in yiuw! tliis is not entire consecration. .May many l'tl no ilmibt «r fear dNnuiy you— more souls lie fired up by the Holy Ghost, f i/>ve ‘:U• ,r,,l,l y'111 «»••««; . , iA»ve cteriml will emivej* v-i»«, to l.„ like rxprcsH tn.i.iM fur On.l lu lake i,KW'a^ \ TO-w,} ,„ m w . truths he wishes to semi.—J/rx. /loftomr. . AUImj lust haul IminjK-l. s,'*ullillia'. • KiNitlliti'lieil. ami ciirtli, ibi'i sky ; Gods Workmanshw. . HiuAU»l«U:iiltiiiiiiimreiiliomMHtig, . l:iovan] hlmlt yiiiir spirit lly! . . . “ If a piece of iron crmlil sneak, what * . ,,, 1 .. . Honl mul hmly rc*-itn ((•:<); would if say ? It would say, 4 1 am black, 1 Ue-imiUsl scvvml frkn.U; '. am cold, I am'hard.’ Perfectly true. Put All life's toils will i»e rc»|iiUcil, . that piece of Iron into .the furnace aud , tt’ltli Hie Miss timt never cmis. wait awhile, and what would It say ? ‘The tov. h: ll. i.nii, h. iK blackness is gone, tlm coldness is gone, aud the -hardness is gone’-—it has passed A Cheerful Religion,, into a new experience. But if tlmt piece ' , nf ir.it. cniilil kiM.uk, KUr.-ly ic «oul.! not “ ll"1 ' W:l-Vs am w:l>* ol' 1 -lory In it^oir, 1 ,.,,-niis,. the lire mul iron "H "or puths aro two fi.stinct tiiinB.stlmt'ronmin .listiiict 1 Uk,aI ^ vv,"',ls 1,1 •v ,m i' ,,f lo.tho last. If it (kml.l Blory,.it tvoul.l Al,1>' ,;i’ Pl'™ lin--frir.« ci.rt-rfiil ohris- ylorv iu ti... tiro an ,1 not in iM f- in tho 1 f ' " -1 ]ik" ?'•«' ' ^ Irr s ' ftia; that kopt it a hriylit, inulton mass. Ho f<* 1 roar son,olimos. that wo ; in tnysi-ir I un. hlaok, 1 an, ool.l, n.al 1 am »■«. -'‘»»'t- iu.r.l* hut if tho l.or.l tako possossinn ,,f ............... *'"» . tnv soul, if I nm lillo.l avith loro, if ilia lr:,m Spirit tills my l.oii.s.'tho l.laoknosn will "> « '■’"ttivo. ul.put tl.is K.., anti tho onl.lt.oss will u.ul tho lu.r.l- !»«<•■ r.ij.t.-U noss will .on; un.I yot tho don- .loo.s not " ,0 'vUh " ,is V'’" ''r" k,lk'"'" Sf liolonit to'.no: i.ttt to tlio r.nr.l, win; koep.s r‘'al Phr.atin.LS .any, of onurso. Init jif-t mo if. u souse nf liis Invo.” * Bhuiop nromi.l at tlm fnoos ..r prufossors in m , -m vonr church next Salihatli. and t<*Il me /i,™ . uftonvnr.I if thoy look as happy ami poueo. . Thy Kingdom Come. : fui.as r .h,.- i foihov.si .hi.s a.ivh-o.ami Iii this pniyer is summed lip all tlmt tlio W:,s. surprisetl sit tin; number of sad, care. Christian heart cun desire—the destruction Lull,'gloomy expressions of countenance, or the power of Satan ; thedeliverance of . T’liis certainly is a thenu* for veibM-iitai .the (*n*aliire from the bondiige of 'coriup- the real trustful ('hristiaii. For ii we tion; the .banishment -of sin and sorrow nre. happy, will we not show it hy face as. from the individual heart and from tlie wel* s,s u*»n*l»u:t? Then again 1 have world; the restoration of all things; tlm "“tice.d sour disappointed faces, when the eslahlishmentnf the kingdom of righteous- f'ivorite speaker’s place was occupied.liy’ ness; the boholdiag hy Jesus in fiiluess of uiiotlior. How uuiiiHpiring it must be to the travail nf ills soul; tho bestowment nn preaciier to see such countenances facing ; him in completeness tlio prnmised roward. Llin on eitlier Imml. How discouraging. K very interest of the saint, together with ^*10 Lord help us to let the sun of. right? bis love for God’s glory, are embraced iu "oiisness shine Ant only in our hearts; hut. that prayer. Iiow. great the contrast of a,so *hiiii 5 out in our faces, so that others' rosy lijlls, spicy plains, evergreen howers. n,a>’ «ay how happy these Christians are! eternal youth, walking without weariness, - M. F. S. and cutting the pure cloudIchs atmosphere " of the .new i*arth with angel pinions; A Friend of God. when* Ihe light of the moon will ho eijtial ------ ^— to tUe present UgUi of tbe wm, mul Bm This title, so uuuiue, is of far higher light of the sun be sevenfold; wlien* the *han liny personal signilicaiice. It hears Joved ones of tin* earth meet never more to witl» a!* tl,at ‘listhigiiishes a true religion part, freed from temptation, care, labor, ^r,.aa n h»Ise. Not .only m ust iSod Jie ji siektie-s, pain iiml death; from war, strife,- personality .to show friendship lit famine, pestilence and tiie foreboding of a^ * He-in Ust be the one only Gqd thus to ill. Ibdl on more swiftly,ye mighty orbs, to liiiiiself tbo undivided love and whose revolutions, mejisure’oiit the tim e of homage )if Ilis creatures.. He can neither Zion's warfare! Soon the great solar clock he coji funded with the universe, as in Ban- will'strike Ihe'fluid hour! Its swelling theism, nor with idol gods. Still mor.*, it peal, like the thunders or six .thousand Hi"* with tlie ihtinite attractions of years gat lined into one. voice, shall be. Urn a ‘"dure which J u loving, can itsclf.be answer to'lhat prayer or tlie. Cburch of lovol, ami thus bases religion on its only. Christ..’ Then sii.-dl the wide expanse Inie footing, the airections aiid the hmirt. almve be tilted with Jehovah’s chariots. With tlm friend of God, to serve .liim'is Then shall (biinlpotenee^ crowned with no^Jiiere observance of ritesor ct*renionies; countless sims, tread the starry, pavement, it must he the loyal devotion of the soul The vising host, as* they opened their eyes Life, transforming man into the spirit on wlmt “ eye never, before had seen, nor ‘fld image of Him whom He adores ami ear heaid,V ami look hack to tlm green, delights to obey. l/erder\s word's on Abra . turfy graveyards,” tin* ocean drop or des- l,aai «» this connection are characteristic: crt wild, cxdaim : 44O death! wlierr* is thy “ Men have sometimes communed ..with , sting? t) grave! where is thy victory?” gnds, geifli niid ilejiarteil heroes, but not T-lndr eyes agaiu converge to the radiating .with God, tlm one God of heaven and glory, and they sjii.g in strains new to ea.rth, iii a way so calm ami trusting.' - The • them-udves •’ Blessed he God, who glvetli Htninger has no other friend than Hi* who ; us the victory tlirough our Lord Jesus had Iiroiight lijui''into this remoteness; but. LTiri.-t!” . Hlip be possesses as the friend o f friends. --------- -------------- W hat tern lor piLssages are.* there, in the Enduranco; intercourse of God with Tiini;. how He ------- -: comforts, directs, cheers him., witli future ' 1 here m no greater -strength ever muni- bopos; gives him now -The pledge of-ii ■ F<-..(.-,l nil i-iirtl. tl.ii.i tli.it ..r .(i.ift ...iiliir- covenant, „.,\v tim siBi.o f IVi.-n,Isl.j|,..now an,-a. 1 liav» known, nml so. hav.i you, „ „cw „aino, now'syniliols to im pr.w his tin,... on wl.o.u for years there has not ll„.,rti (leinaiats how thlo non tli.-it. rjsena sin-le uri-loii.Iial .lay; thorn,.-ton, return or.love to llhnseir." who knew all tlie •'ladtiess of-liTe. lmt for . * \ t ^ whom tlio s»n \v;\s»bwUemal lung before it *n ,0 „nte without a sigiinture at had climbed to its meridian height; those the Imttoin is nothing but a;w<irthlo>s piece whose hercUveUitfiitH have involved thcloss „f p„jM .r. q «|l0 stroke of a pen confers on of everytliing that seemed to make life it all its value. /J’lio prayer of a poor child precious;.tlnise who have heen rendered nf Adam is a feeble thing iu it-eif, but j.ennammtly helpless by chronicdisease, om;t, endorsed ,liv the band of the Lmd ami can neve,-hope for a painless waking je.sus, it uvailetli much. There was an hour or a night of. restful sloop; those (J||jCttr j,, the city- of Tiome who was :«p- whoSi- penury lias been absoluto atid entire, pointed to huve liis doors always dpi*n in with no prospect of relief. .Among theso order to receive any Itomqu citizen who have been tlm bravest, strongest souls that applied to him for help.. Just so the ear I have ever known { and it has seemed to i,f the Lord Jasus is ever open to the cry me that no emergency of outward action, of all.who-want mercy and. grace; It is nut even the foremost of t.lie sacnimfental His ofllee to Iioip them. ' . hast, iu waging the great coniiietH in behalf «.,*.' „ - wl, .... , ,Vr; r o' ' ' .• ; ,, - ,, , . . , , , 1 ho practical life of the Christian com. of the truth mul tlm right, lms-equaled «. . , , -,tr , ... ... i t4, prebends three distinct elements. TVe lmve. theirs, which could endure without mur- , , • , ... . ,. , . .i - * - * t . to do tho will of God in our business; this muring, and could render constant thauka , ... ,: ,.. , . . , * ... . - « . is working. Wo lmvo to oppose our-sin, to God for tlm heavenly iiiamia which has .., „ . ° > • ,. . r, j ,, . t- f ... aud resist temptation; this is lighting. We fed them,, for the living waters of which ,,, ; - , , . they have drunk -deep draughLs, for the *ltwV c*uduro with cheer fulness and sub- hope; fail of ini mortality, which hasuever uilsslqu whatever cross the Lord* J e s u s for a mom cut forsaken them .— l>r. Pailoily lays upon us;, this Is suffering) .
Page 1: REV. A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OOEAN GROVE, N. J ... · the influence of wiiich few could resist— themselves on bods und wept alone. Oth. ... Ho said old .Sampson to his flock,

* § M

REV. A . W ALLACE, D. D., Editor. OOEAN GROVE, N. J„ SATURDAY, JUN E 5, 1886 VOL. X II NO. 23.

O n e Day a t a T im e . q u i e t , V a in e s t - h e a r in g t l m t n e v e r fn ils to — ------- react, o n t lio p a s s io n o f l lio -H p e ak n r. H o

; n v ItEI.KN HUNT JACKSON. . . , , , . p r „ t• ___ _ . h u d p a sse d a ll d a n g e r o r f a i lu re , am i wiih

One tiny n t a tlm ol That's a ll It can Ik? ; c o n s c io u s o f it. T o u rs g l is te n e d in IiIh No r u le r tliaii tlm t la th e hardest fu tc ; e y e s . a n d ;iiiM\v«*ri ni^ d r o p s b eg u n lo fa ll o n

And dnyahavo their lim its, however we . . , , , . , ,: Ik'Rilt Ik o n loo early anil s tro lrtr Ihem Inn foie. •" " V 1*** o f t lm Bm ,....... • lSllt. vvl,. r. 1.0

O nodny a t a tim e 1 d e s c r ib e d th e s c e n e o f th o g rea t, s u e r I t iro It's a wliole»oine,rliynle. — tlio d e e p d e a th -p a in s o f tin* m ig h ty silf-

A good 0110 to live hy— fu ro r— tim s u p e rn a tu ra l d a rk n e s s — tlio A day a t a time. . . . . . - . . . . . . . «•

. . . • r m t ro cU s—the. a s to n is h m e n t, o f t in ; so li- Oho day a t a tim e 1 Kvery beart. tlm t ncht-s tu ry p r ie s t w h o s a w tlio t e m p le 's v a il to rn . Kiio\»«onty taow oll how. Jouft th at caii Heim ; . . . . . . . . , , , . n u t I f . never UHlay w h ich th n »Plrlt l,rW k , ; a s ' " ? «'r w H lto u t n v M li le nm l lirnt

I t 's tlio darkened future w ithout a Rleitm. n f n i l , s te r n J u s t i c e s h a k in g b u n d s w ith

Ono .toy n tn t lm ol A tom to m ™ g r e a t - « % % ’•«*"'* " • « f» » « " To ho lioriio Tiir two can bo. borne for one ; h e a d ' o f tb o S a v io u r , th e p e o p le s a w a n d

W ho knows w hat will en te r to-morrow's «uto? f e l t t h a t “ J e s u s C h r i s t h u d h e e n e v id e n t ly W hile yet w ca icsp ea ld iig ull mAy be done. n e t fo r th an d c ru c i l ld a m o n g t lic iu . 't T h e r e

Ono dny n t a llmo ! When joy Is a t h e igh t— w a s n o t in s e l in h i s w o rd s — n o m e re g l ib • Such Joy nu tho l icart can never-forgot— t o r i n g s e n te n c e s . It. w us t i ie s im p le e lu - And pulses arc throbbing w ith wild delight, . . . _ , . • , . . . •

How hard to rem ember th a t suns miiAt te t. . fiUmicii " r “ Rn" 1 i>» sy m p a tl.y w ill, tlms u b je c t , u n d t b e e ff e c t b e g g a re d a l l d o se rip -

Oue day a t a tim e 1 l)u t a single day , T ......... . ... . . .. , .W hatever lu. load, w hatever Ita length : “ "» • ” y 1 ‘ 'V '* '" " " « • ! *

And there’s a bit o f precious Scripture to say w i th s o f t , s u b d u e d v o ices , n s i f t h e e ru c i- . That, according to each, shall be o ur strength. f lx lo n Im d b e e n a c tu a l ly r e p ro d u c e d , a n d One dny ot a tim e 1 * 'Tia tbo w ho 'c of l ife ; a th o u sa n d M ary s w o rn th e r e to w itn e s s it-.

AU sorrow, all Joy, are measured th e r jln , G n n tle in m d y -io o k iu g m e n , u til ised to tea rs , Tho bound of our purpose, our noblest strife, b u r ie d t h e i r f a r o s in w h i te h a n d k e rc h ie f s .

Tbo one only countersign, Btirc to win 1 m , . „ ....... ........................................ . » . . .Ono doy n t a t lm o l T h e w n t a - i .m he.m m o ( .o n o ra l, a m i o t la s tIt'o a wholesome rhym e, th e d tc ra l io a rta o r K raot a th lo l io fo lhnvs

A good ono to live by , • g a v e w a y , a u d th e y s to o d u u d w e p t as A ilny “ ta i lm o . _ Thc , iulr]]nulalh I h a v e fm a i paoa tvoop ia l l io ir ilnta^'o . In

^ # ^ th o h e ig h t , o f th e e v ri tc in o n t .. flu* vnlln« '

An O ld -T im o C a m p -M e e t in g . ’f T T m " " y*■ ® r a is e d , lo s t nil p o w e r n f s e lf -s u p p o r t, an d[Continued from lmt irrck.] ■«« h o fo il w as c a u g h t in tin* a rm s o f a ven-

A_ s h o u t .fro m s c o re s o f v o ic e s . to ld the. e rn L le m in is te r , w h o w ep t, o v e r h im -w illig e n e ra l jo y in s p ir e d h y th e s e c n o . ' In - n u ,ro fh n n th e te n d e r n e s s o l a f a th e r ’sB luntly th e w h o le a s se m b ly b e g a n t o s in g , ,nv<!' T l«‘ w ;rv it;“ ‘ b * ^ U a n d th e p e o p leIn a m a n n e r t h a t s c ie n c e m ig h t s c o rn , b u t " 'K h b u r n in g h e a r ts , {some th re wth e in f lu e n c e o f w i i ic h fe w c o u ld re s is t— th e m s e lv e s o n b o d s u n d w e p t a lo n e . O th .

** My God ts reconciled ; <-rs a s se m b le d in tb o la r g e s t te n t s , a n d»i«« s a n g u u d p ra y e d , fo rg e t fu l o f t h e m id d a y Ho owns mo for I iw clm ii; ® 1, J J

I can no longer tea r: • m e u l ; w h ile iu s u c h -p la c e s w h e re th e Willi enufldeiicu I now draw nig li; ..... » v .

‘ And Father, Abbn. Father, cry.u . c o a rs e w o rk o f d i n in g w a s a tte n d e d ' to , th e

AVluIo tb e c o n g re g a t io n s a n g t h is d iv in e .f,(*r ,Iu m VV;,S Ih e ° U b ’ to p ic o f co riv e rsa tio n . h y m n n f C lm rlc s W e sle y , o v e r t lm re - O ld m e n sa h l th e y n e v e r l le a r .l a u y ll . in g

■ d e e m e d s p i r i t o f th in f a i r g i r l , h e r a g e d ^ c o m p a re w ith i t - a n o p in io n th e y h a d f a th e r c a m o and k n e e le d h y l ie r .s id e , a n d «*vc’n J»t least, a b m id re d fo rg o tte n d is- w e p t us h o n e v e r w e p t lie fo ro . 8 lm w a s c o u rs e s . M o th e rs in I s r a e l t h o u g h t th e tlm la s t o f . h i s e h ild rc n .-a u d t lm d n s t to e x r .U^ys o f . I»j*dIcord nm l J J i l l w e re , s u re ly p p r lc tic o t lm t m y s te r io u s c b a h g o n t w h ic h (’o m e a g a jn ; jm d p io u s y o u n g la d ie s ,

k t b e g a y , t h e s k e p tic a l , n n d t h e p ro fn u o " ’h o s e lo v o o f th e p re a c l ie r w as a m ix e d m a y scolT, lm t w h ic h is as reid as a n y f a c t ufTection, p a r t ly s p i r i tu a l a n d p a r t ly g irl- o r th e so lid w o rld . I l i s p r e s e n c e a n d W», t h o u g h t h im e v e ry th in g to h e d e s ir e d . nITecting m a n n e r b y th e s id e o f h i s l ia p p y *fh« n e g ro e s h e h i .u l Urn p u l p i t w i th o n e c h i ld g a v e a n a lm o s t in s u p p o r ta b le in te r - v o *r o tb ’d a r e d •. t h a t th e y n e v e r k n e w a e s t to th o o c c as io n . T e a rs th a t fe ll in n im i w li« w ns b e t te r *• ro u g h -s jio .l w i.l d e d r o p s b e fo r e n o w ra n fro m Jill e y e s in p r e p a r a t io n o f d e ( t n s p e l a n d o ld S a m p , s t r e a m s ; a n d a s i f h y sa e re d s y m p a th y , o r s o n ’ tI,p h ,a r k P » lr ia rc h # s iim .n e il u p th e a m o ro d i r e c t p o w e r f ro m o n h ig h , th e B o n em l o p in io n h y s a y in g t h a t “ lie w as u m o u rn in g n f a ll tlio r e s t w a s tu rn e d in to " l ig h t ) ' m a n o f <»od, s e t fo r d e r is e o f j o y . I t w a s t h e v e ry “ o i l n f j o y ”— jo y ’s th o u s a n d s in I s r a e l.” f liie s t, p u r e s t e x tr a c t . T h e c a re le s s a s th e y A t t h r e e o’e lo c k th e h o rn s s o u n d e d lo o k e d o n g re w th o u g h tf u l ,u n d p io u s p u r - a « a m ^n r tk ,! a s s e m b lin g o l the* p e o p le , p o se s b e g u n to t l i ro h i n m a n y a h e a r t t lm t A f te r t h e u s u a l d e v o tio n a l e x e rc ise s , a h a d n e v e r , f e l t th e fo rc e o f t h e r e l ig io u s p r e a c h e r o f f a i r r e p u ta t io n fo r t a l e n t ro se s e n t im e n t lie fo re . T lio p ra y e r -m e e tin g an d ren d a te x t . I t w a s fe a re d , h o w e v e r ,

• w iis b r o u g h t b> a n i r r e g u la r c lo so , a n d hy th o s e w h o h a d s o m e k n o w le d g e o f o n r h e a r ty c o n g ra tu la t io n s w o ro h e a rd th ro u g h - o m o th m a l n a tu r e , t h a t t h e e lb u t w o u ld o u t t h e c a m p t h a t t h e g r e a t w o rk w as so T w o in te n s e e x c ite m e n ts o f . th e h a p p i ly b e g u n . . s a m e k in d a r e h a rd ly possjhh* w i th in th e

: H y t h i s t im e , b e s id e s t h e r e g u la r s o n th e c o m p a s s s n f a few h o u r s . T h e s tr a in e d g r o u d , a n im m e n se n t im h e r h a d c o m e Iw w n e e d s r i% .\ in g h i g a th e r s tr e n g th fo r f ro m a .c i r e l o o f tw e n ty ' m ile s ro u n d to 11 , ,o w t r i a l . T h e p r e a c h e r h im s e l f felt- h e a r tb o m o rn in g se r in o n . N u m e ro u s t lio d is tro n m g ln g e ff e c t o f t b e m o rn in g v e h ic le s 'o f e v e ry s ty lo w o rn c ro w d e d to- d isc o u r s e , fo r th e t i t le o f f e e l in g h ad g td h e r in th o w o o d ’s o u ts id e o f th o te n ts , ro n cb e d I ts h ig h e s t m u rk , a n d w as now H o rse s s lu m p e d a n d n e ig h e d a s th e y s to o d o n b ’ l,t h a lf -e b b . l i e s a w th a t . i t w as vain h itch ed * to th o h ra n c h e s a n d t ru n k s o f to a t t e m p t to ro ll i t h ack w a rd , s o h e th ro w tre e s . S p a n ie ls th re i id e d t h e i r l i th e f o rm s h h u s e l f o n the. r e t i r i n g flood , a n d ip ih d ly th ro u g h th e p ro m e n a d in g m usses, w h ile w e n t d o w n .w i th . i t . I l i s s e rm o n w a s as o c c a s io n a lly th o in te re s t o f tb o sc en e d u l l u s th e l irs t w a s a n im a te d ; am i. i f w o u ld vary* h y a s u d d e n se t- to b e tw e e n th in g a m a te r ia l tim y h e c o m p a re d w itli s u r ly t e r r ie r s , w h o se l ig h t in g g ro w l lw>re a t h in g s s p ir i tu a l , it w as t l ie l u m b e r in g ro ll m o s t s t r i k in g re se m b la n c e t o t h e M pieezed o f n h e a v y w a g o n i i l tc r t lib i*xpres>-train c u r s e s o f a n g ry m e n .. A t t e n o’ehMtU th e h a d g o n e h y . t t e f n r e i t w n s h a l f th ro u g h h o r n s w e re b lo w n , a n d in a fe w m in u te s m a n y y a w n e d , m o re s le p t ; tin* n e g ro e s

. e v e ry s c a t w u s t il le d . A ta ll y o u n g m a n , s n o re d , a n d tlm . 'b r e th r e n in tlm p u lp i t . o f p a le , t ld n fe a tu re s , y e t s e r io u s a iu l d ig - w o r r ie d th ro u g h th e h o u r b y l is tle s s gaz-

n i lle d in m a n n e r , ro se a n d re a d th e h y m n in g ,- n n d liie ire c tu a i e f fo r ts to s h a k e o tr in a d e v o u t s o r t o f m o n o to n e , h u t w itli a th e s p i r i t o f s lu m b e r . C o m e , b r e d e r in ,” v o ice tlm t f a l te r e d w i th e x c ite m e n t . H o s a id o ld .S am pson to h is f lo ck , •• w a k e up , w id e v id e n t ly f rig h tc h c .d h y th e se n o f w a k e u p ; h e re is d e p a t ie n c e o f d e sainLs, f a c e s b o fo re h im , a n d w o u ld g la d ly h a v e a n d l e t patieiici* lm vo h e r p e r f e c t w o rk .” . g iv e n p la c o P i o n e o f lu rg e r - e x p e r ie n c e f 11 t h i s way’ t h e m e e t in g w e n t o n ; a t a n d f irm e d n e r v e s . . I l l s p r a y e r w a s tre m - ono t im e g lo w in g w i th fe rv o r , a n d at b l in g , h u t f e r v e n t u n d w e ll e x p re s s e d , a n o th e r so f la t m u l’ s p ir i t l e s s , t h a t so m e T h o c n itg ie g a t io n s y m p a th iz e d w i th h is w e re to m p U sl to t h in k t h a t fo rm e r riip ill-c o n c e a le d , fe a r . B b tne w e re s e iz e d tu r e s h a d le f t th e m r a th e r ju s t ly ' e x p o sed w ith w l i t o f c o u g h in g . O th e r s p m y o d so h* th e r id i c u le o f t h e p ro fa n e .lo u d Unit ho c o u ld h a rd ly ho h e a rd , a n d —— *-— — ^ “— —--------o th e r s ag jiin re s p o n d e d to Ids lie t lt lo n s W hen a ku»Mch wtrnov

., . . , ____ . . . , , f ’omus like cUmd m id u 1s t i t ,V M ic tlm c s fa, m n e l t U M a w k w m tlJy f„ r t„ .„ ,n m iw .o u t o f p la c e . A n a n im a te d h y m n fo llo w e d wm u ,t.„ | l(, hrialit.th o p n iy e r , a f te r • w h ic h tb o y o u th fu l Only'w ait A ntitrust Himp r e a c h e r r o s e 'a u d r e a d h i s t e x t ,— '‘ T h e * - Jiifct a Ilitle w h ile ;

.O x cen li 'n g r le b e s Of l i i s I t w a s A n .r jy « « to K .e,M lm p s° - t , . r> • Hlinll come th e moriilitg miiIIc.

f e v id e n t t h u t Id s t re iu b lim r h a d tiieised - • » «

a w a y , a m i t l i n t t h e o c n i in i i r i n in o f Ills w in d t-Ciiul g lv e t l i g ra e u to tlio lim n lila .- ’ IIo w a s r e s to re d . A s lie .p ro c e e d e d t o d is . p , ,u r s i t o u t p l e a t l f u l ly o n l im n ld e h e a r ts , c lo se th e tre a s u re s o f t lm d iv in e m e rc y , a t i i i9 Hwc„ t lluWB lllul 8| m „ .o rs B|W „ o tr p ,,, tc n l im i so o n b e c a m e ( is c d , l lr s t in a n d m m in ta la s , a n d f a l l o n t lie lo w v a lle y o f a ro u n d tlm “ a l t a r ," l l ie n I tg rn d u id ly d e e p . tm w , , l (, 1,,-arLs, a n d n n ik e tlm m p le a s a n t e n c d f a r n u t iu t lm m n H en ee , u n t i l f in a lly „ „ d f e r t i le .

*V 'OSP " ' h0 o f c ," ‘ ic ' 1 1110 , " 10st K‘n" " ° W lm so c v er w o u ld b e s u s ta in e d by tlie w e re s e e n w ith n e c k s un en iiB e .n u sly o f , ot h ill , (!(li|sL, n tI , ,)Sle i ig lh e n w l , und h a n d s \w\Anil t h e i r e a rs \t . w h o s o e v e r w o u ld lie d e fe n d e d b y it, to c a tc h e a c h w in g e il w o rd . I t wiw tlm t l e t film p a tie n tly re p o s e h im s e lf u n d e r it.

_----- - ;__ :__ — r 4 . - - - ' - ' ------— — ■ ' —

• T h e N a t i o n ’s B e a d .

11V roMRAlit: K. A, IJAUTHlKKtN,Titov, N. V., MAY 20, IKW, ATMaiAOIlTICOKK, N. V.-

Memorial Day 1 •A nlllh i|{ trlluilu to the nllunt llirong,When eoinmtlcs IIvIhk jo in In reVjulem wmg,Am! 8trew the JlovvcrH where eonirnde.s tteiul have

lnn«.lice I) laid uwiiy.

' Till ntemorleH failo.Htern loyally, the groiul old Union, havcs,Ami o’e r each sacred mound the old Hag w av es; Tlmnk Hod, our dead whofllcep In Houthern amves

'neath Its sluulo.

Hmvc coinrmles rest.No more the scorpion stlujr o f mlnnle ball,And cranh o f solid shot, w here thousands fall — No m ore the a fter liattlo 'sdrend roll-call,

Jte.st ever blest.

Far froin the light, .No more lo hear the shrill confederate yell,The hum nnd Mutter o f exphMlinn shell,Niir*«iizi: on bleeding comrades hraye w ho fell

At left an d right.

Comrades prepare ;Many now names on yonder roll appear,Since Howcrs were strewn, and dirge whs simp

last your:Three b rave comm anders more, w ho knew no fear

Now m uster there. •

And orders go •For slciuly sldc s tep to the silen t right,To close the ranks us spirits take th e ir Might, 1 )i-laMed for service hi th e realm s of light,

. W here dwells no foe.

. Who next, who last? iJealh’s order id ol»ey, like veterans true,To strike the earth ly te n t; to doir the blue And don the w h ite ; tn murob in grand review,

Life's warfare post.

Alcoholism " Eun to Seed."ISV MHH. FANNlF. II. CAItlt.

. T h e . la te (flm n e e llo r o f - tb o N e w Y o rk U n iv e rs i ty , D r. I lo w n ril C ro sb y , h o ld s tb e p o s it io n tlm t th e r e Is a h e u e lic h il u se o f w iim , m id tlm t it*« ah tine, n o t i t s /M iy is tp b e c o n d e m u c il. N o o n o fu tu lliu r w i th tb o d is t iu g u is lic tl gentlem an*!* in te l le c tu a l a b i l ­ity , n r Id s m o ra l c h a ra c te r , c a n h e lp r e g r e t ­t i n g t h a t lu* g iv e s t h e w e ig h t o f Id s g r e a t p e rs o n a l i a ! ! n o n c e 't o so m is le a d in g n iu l d a n g e ro u s a d o c tr in e . T h e la s t amdym H o f t lio d r in k h a b i t— o r, i f y o u [iloaso, n lco l h o lism ” r u n to s e e d ” — w a s fu rn is h e d us b y n n o b jec t* le sso n l a s t w e e k . I t w a s o u r sail p r iv i le g e , to a d d re s s a t t h e B lo c k le y A lm slio u se , P h i la ih d p h ia , ns u n u p in an a u d ie n c e :ls e v e r g re e te d s p e a k e r . T h e re , w e re g a th e re d ,’ l i te ra l ly , th e la m e , tb o h a lt a n d th e b l in d , m e n a n d w o m e n , o f d iv e rs e p h a s e s o f w re tc h e d n e ss , c a r ic a tu r e s o f Im ­m u n ity , r e q u i r in g ,u s o n e g a z e d u p o n th e m ;I w a s g o in g to say h e ro ic f a i th , to Ite linve th e y - .e v e r ’ w e re in n o c e n t T i t t le c h ild r e n . A n d y e t o v e r th a t f e a r fu l c o lle c tio n o f in is e iy .one f a c t w as so p la in t lm t “ h e t h a t r iih s m ig h t re a d ;” t lm t “ a l l a n d s u n d ry ’.’ o f th is a g g re g a te s q u a lo r ah d -v ice -W as tb e l e g i t im a te o u tc o m e o f t h a t m o d e rn s u m o f a l l v illa in ies----tlie . le g a liz e d l iq u o r tra l llc . A f te rw a rd s , in v i s i t in g th e w a rd s , t h e sa m e g r a p h ic i l lu s t r a t io n s o f r u m 's d o in g s were, g iv e n . I l i r e e t ly o r o th en y i.se , HO p e r r e n t , o f a ll th e ,m is e ry in t h is im m e n se in s t i t u ­t io n wjis tru e e a b lo to liq u o r . I .e t th o se w h o s o s to u t ly nlH rm th a t iu te m p e ra n c e d o n ’t n lfe c t th e m , a n d h e n c e , t lm t th e y lmvo n o s p e c ia l in te r e s t in tc m p e ra n e o re fo rm ,' a s k th e m s e lv e s c o n c e rn in g th e s u p p o r t o f t h i s la rg o p a u p e r c la s s ? D o es n o t the. m a in te n a n c e o f th e sam e , c o m e o l i t o f th e p o c k e t o f t h e . ta x p a y e r ?

i n th e e v e n in g /> f t h e d a y o f o u r v i s i t to tlio a lm s h o u s e , w e a d d re s s e d , h y r e q u e s to r th e \V . G\ T . U ., :i m e e t in g in ,St. M a ry s tr e e t . H e re , a s m a n y k n o w , ru m h o ld s h ig h .c a rn iv a l . . I n th is . lo c a li ty a r e to .h o fo u n d s o m e o f t l ie m o s t i le v o te d s u b je c ts o f K in g A lc o h o l. I f o n e w a n te d to seo tlie “ t r u e in w a rd n e s s ” o f a lc o h o lic Imver- a g e s d e m o n s tra te d I k n o w o f n o b e tte r, p lac e . H e r e w i th in n few s q u a re s o f pidii- t la l re s id e iie e s a m i e le g a n t c h u rc h e s is to b e fo u n d , a c o n d it io n o f th in g s s im p ly a p p a ll in g . B la c k an d w h ite , r e p re s e n ta ­t iv e s o f a ll th e v a rio u s n a tio n a li tie s , l iv in g ( i f l iv in g i t c a n lie c u lle d ) In t h e m o s t sc a n d a lo u s an d p ro m is c u o u s fa s h io n . C h i l ­d r e n a re Im m . Im re u p o n w h o se in fa n t i l e e a rs o a th s pm D o b s c e n ity fa lls , a y o u th fu l a rm y g ro w in g u p . in t h is q u a r te r , w h o iu n u m b e r le s s c a se s w ill j u s t a s s u re ly g r a d u ­a te fro m s u c h h o m es to n fe lo u ’s c e l l h i th e n e a r f u tu r e , as t l i a t h a rv e s t w il l su c c e e d s e e d t im e . I t w o u ld he. I n te re s t in g , a l th o u g h p a in fu l , to k n o w -h o w m a n y In th is an d s im i la r lo c a lit ie s c o m m e n c e d d r in k in g u n d e r to ta l ly d i f f e re n t s u r r o u n d ­in g s . S a id a p o o r w re tc h e d c r e a tu re w h o Imd lo st a lm o s t e v e ry v e s tig e o f w o m an - h o o d , i u r e p ly to a u e a r l ie s t , w o r k e r .w h o w a s u r g in g h e r to a b e tte r l i f e : “ D o n ’t lo se y o u r t im e o n m e ; it ’s to o I n to . . G o u p w h e ro I I vegan, o n F i f t h a v e n u e , N e w Y o rk , n iid im p lo re th e m n o t to T am per w i th t h e c u rs e d s tu fr .” T h o s e f a m il ia r w ith t h e “ lo w e r d e p th s o f c ity l i f e ” And m an y w h o b e g u n l if e n o t o n ly in c o m fo r t ­a b le h u t e v e n a i l l i i e n t c irc u m s ta n c e s , m e n an d w o m e n fo rm e rly o f p o s itio n a n d c u l­tu re , n o w s u n k to th e lo w e s t p h a s e s o f

v ic e a n d w ri* tc lied iipss. In v iew , o f su c h a s to u n d in g fac ta , is n o t th e a p a th y o f. Hie la w a b id in g a n d r e s p e c ta b le p a r t o f th e c o m in U nity a s to u n d in g ? I f o n e u n a c ­q u a in te d w i th t b e p re c io u s .(Jospel ho u Id s a y : “ I a m a m a n , a n d wlmt. c o n c e rn s m y k in d T camTot. he. in d if fe re n t, to ,” h ow s h o u ld th o se p r o fe s s in g lb . lie th e fo llow - c r s o f , th o im m a c u la te ,S a v io u r .fee l am i a c t , its th o u g h r u m ’s l in in g s w e r e n m a t te r o f u t te r Jiu lifT erence. 0 fo r s ile h a d e ­s c e n t ,o f t h e C h ris t . S p irit, u p o n th e c h u rc h an d -World, “ t h a t e v e ry lim n 's w eal s h a ll he e a c h m a n 's c u re .”

Tired People,W atch th e fa c e s a s th e y g o h y voii n n a

c ro w d e d s t r e e t a n d ju s t iioti.ee w h a t a t i r e d lo o k -m a n y o f th e m w e a r . IT .av e c o u ld r e n d a ll t h e h e a r t s a ro u n d u s w e w o u ld lin d m u lt i tu d e s w h o a re w e a ry in s p ir i t a n d 's o m e t im e s s ig h fo r a p i llo w in .th e g ra v e . S o m e are. t i r e d o u t w itii l i f e ’s h.-ird s tru g g le s , w i th h e a r in g th e lim it m id b u r ­d e n o f t h e d a y . O t h e r s p e r s i s t . in p i l in g u p a n x ie t ie s u s U igti a s :iu -o b i-fa sh io n ed p e d d le r ’s p a c k . T h o y c a r r y a h u g e lo ad o f c a re a s to h o w tb e v s h a ll m a k e b o th e n d s m o o t a n d h o w th e y s h a ll “ fo o t th e h i ll s ” t h a t a c c u m u la te , a n d h o w th e y s h a ll pr«»r v id e fo r a ll t h e h u n g r y m o u th s a n d s c a n ty w a rd ro b e s . O n e is t i r e d f ro m t r y in g to d o to o .m u c h m id a n o th e r o f w a i t in g fo r som e- t h in g to d o . A g r ie v o u s b u r d e n o f . sp ir i t- u id d e s p o n d e n c y m a k e s I lrn t |m r S m all- fa i th ’s h e a r t a c h e a n d p u ts a n e x tr a , w r in ­k le in S i s te r W e a k h a c k ’s c o iiu te iia u c e . H e ro is a d i s c ip le wln» is t i r e d o f w a i t in g fo rk u cc i* ss a n d t h e r e is .a n o th e r t i r e d o f w a i t in g fo r a n s w e r s to p rayer.*

D o y o u s u p p o s e t l ia t th e d e a r M a s te r d o e s n o t s e e t h e s e t i r e d h o ilie sa n d e x h a u s t ­e d n e rv e s n m l w e a ry h c n r l s ? T o ' th o se w h o aro h o n e s t ly ru n d o w n w ith In m o st t o i l h e s a y s : ” C o m e y e a p a r t in to a q u iet, pliu io an d r e s t a w h i le .” t io d p u ts a n ig h t o f s le e p a f t e r e v e ry d a y o f w o rk f o r t h is v e ry p u rp o se o f r e c r u i t in g lo s t fo rc e . T o C U rM iu n s w i th s m a j l p u r s e s .h e k in d ly s a y s : M Y o u r 'T t f e . c n n s is te t l i n o t in th e a l^ n d a i ic o o f th in g a y e p o ssess . I c o u n ­s e l th e e to b u y o f m e g o ld t r i e d iu th e t ire t h a t th o u liiayesL T ie r ic h . M y g r a c e is s u f l ic ie n t fo r t l i e e ; n t m y r ig h t ■ h a n d a r e t r e a s u re s fo re v e r m o re .” T h e r e ’ i s n o t r e a l ly m o n e y e n o u g h in t l i is la tu l.4 o .g iv e o v a ry la x ly n f o r tu n e ; b u t tlm v e a re p ro m ­ise s e n o u g h in t h e B ib le am ! g ra c e eno iigh- iti J e s u s C h r i s t to m a k e e v e ry b o d y r ic h to a ll e te r n i ty , . ln s l th in k w h a t a in il l io im ire a m a p is w h o h a s a c le a n c o n s c ie n c e h e re a n d a c le a r h o p e o f h e a v en h e re a f le r . T o p o o r B r o th e r S m a ll fa i th a n d so rro w fu l Afrs. W e a k h a c k l i e g iv e s a . w o n d e r fu l l i f t in th e s e w o r d s : ” l .o ! . I nm . w ith y o u id w ays. N o m a n s h a ll p lu c k ‘.y o u o u l o f m y IiuiuIh. I t is m y F a th e r ’s g o iid pleasiirr* to g iv e y o u t h e k in g d o m .” -* //»*. V.

•" Irresolrition.J o h n B. H o ttg li h a s g o iie to l iis re w a rd ,

b lit r s h a l l n e v e r fo rg o t m v in d e b te d n e ss to lii tu fo r a n i l lu s t r a t io n ( h e a rd h im u se th e In st t im e 1 l is te n e d t o .h i m . I d n i i ’t e v e n r e m e m b e r w h a t lib w a s i l l u s t r a t i n g ;I d o r e m e m b e r t h e u se tlo** H o ly S p irit, m a d e o f t h e i l lu s t r a t io n to n iy u w n soiih- M r. B o u g h s a h f h e s a t o n c e h y th e -jd«* o f m i e n g in e e r o n a . l ig h tn in g e x p re s s t ra in , a n d , jus t lm e n g in e flew ro iin d a c u rv e , h e sa il! to t h e e n g in e e r , “ D o .you n e v e r f e a r w h i le g o in g a t t h i s s jie e d

T h e e n g in e e r t u rn e d to h im , a n d s a id : “ M r. G o u g h , i t d o e s n ’t d o fo r a n e n g in e e r to .he il f ra id . S o m e tim e s - th e y d o b e c o m e t im id , a n d w h e n i t Is - fo u n d o u t t h a t th e y n re , th e y g iv e th e m :i fm 'tjht hut in '’ In t h a t m o m e n t I s a w th o d a n g e r o f b e in g a f r a id w h e n G o d . t ire s u p a so u l .w ith , a n e w t r u th n n d m e a n s i t to g o w i th sp e e d . ' A la s , fo r, th o s e w h o h a v e n o t b e e n t r u e to th e ^ tr i it l i . g iv e n th e m ,.a n d a s ' M m erson sa y s , h a v e “ s t r u c k , s o u ls to :i f ea r ,” a n d a n o th e r Bind h a s b e e n g iv e n th e . t ru th . th e y w e re a f r a id to u t te r , a n d th u t o th e r h a s t a k e n t h e i r c ro w n , a m i th ey . J ia v o b e e n g iv e n it “ f r e ig h t t r a in ” in s te a d o f a ligh t* n in g e x p re s s , i f .G o d m a d e y o u f o r a f r e ig h t tra in * tUKc goo il c a re *»f y o u r t ra in , “ h e re a l l t h e h o n o r l i e s ; ” b u t i f lie l il ted y o u u p f o r a n e x p re s s . tra in , i t Is b u m b lin g to Mud y o u r s e l f o n a f r e ig h t t ra in .

I w e ll r e m e m b e r in th e lo n g a g o s i t t in g b e s id e P h m b o P a lm e r , in a m o rn in g p ra y ­e r m e e t in g , h e ld d u r in g t h e s e ss io n s o f a n a n n u a l c o n fe r e n c e o f .m in is te r s o f tlio M e th o d is t C U n rc b . I t w a s t h e m o rn in g G e n . L eo s u r r e n d e r e d 't o G e ii. G ra n t. I w as fu ll o f th e th o u g h t o f a c o m p le te .sur­r e n d e r t o J e s u s C h r i s t ; s h e tu rn e i l to m e a n d s a id , q u ie t ly , “ I'hr Kiim'x. (iu.h'ihmh ><•. qninx haute.” I s p r a n g to m y fe e t , a n d in u n e x p re s s s o r t o f w a y g a v e t lm - ,b u rn in g th o u g h ts t lm H o ly - G h o s t h a d g iv e n m e a u d In t l i a t h o u r a l e a d in g 'b u s in e s s m an , o f N e w Y o rk s u r r e n d e re d to* C h r is t .

O h w h a t v ic to r ie s a r e lo s t th ro u g h ./V</r;.

1 c a r o f w h a t p e o p le w il l t ld n k o f y o u , -In . t h e P r a y e r M e e t i n g ,w h e n th e 'p ro b a b i l i ty is t lm t l i p - to t h i s ----------till.,- v.i.i MHTOt (inn ,. Ui » ( « * « » « f B rtng WKtir,.

, - , . , . . J . . . Ffnwhig from tho fmint ithove; • m a k e th e m th in k o f y o u m a n y w ay . W e H rink .yc Zlmi’i.«»««.,ml w a n t s o n ls th e s e d a y s w h o k n o w n o f e a r . Sivevn-.st UmugiiiH uf.trMis* Jmi.-.! •1,111 l t.1* IWir » r f io i l . Snulrt tli.1t nn< m i . ly lter., y » i .rw ,r r ,m « » l)^ « R iiw . . t o t a k e f in d 's i lisp a lc .h e sa t q n le k e s t n o tic e ) lion : your sji«:rc-«f Joys icim:w— m ul in q u ick e s t, t im e . “ B e r e a d y fo r t r/rt/ I’erfw i b liss Hicki? joys un-snaing— g o o d w o rd a n d w o rk .” A n y th in g s h o r t o f Thnuirli on enrtli, your lu-jm-n in yiuw !

t li is is n o t e n t i r e c o n s e c ra tio n . .May m a n y l 't l no ilmibt « r fear dNnuiy you—m o re s o u ls lie f ired u p b y th e H o ly G h o s t, f i/>ve ‘:U•,r,,l,l y '111 «»••««; •. , ■ iA»ve cteriml will emivej* v-i»«,to l.„ l ik e rx p rcsH tn.i.iM fu r O n .l lu la k e i,KW'a^ \ “ TO-w,} ,„ m w .t r u th s h e w ish e s to se m i.— J/rx. /loftomr.• ‘ . AUImj lust haul IminjK-l. s,'*ullillia'. •

KiNitlliti'lieil. am i ciirtli, ibi'i sky ;Gods Workmanshw. . HiuAU»l«U:iiltiiiiiiimreiiliomMHtig,

. l:iovan] hlmlt yiiiir sp irit l ly ! . . .“ I f a p ie c e o f i ro n crm lil s n e a k , w h a t * ., , , 1 . . . Honl mul hmly rc*-itn ((•:<);

w o u ld if s a y ? I t w o u ld say , 4 1 a m b la c k , 1 Ue-imiUsl scvvm l f rk n .U ; ' . a m c o ld , I a m 'h a r d . ’ P e r f e c t ly t ru e . P u t All life's toils will i»e rc»|iiUcil, . th a t p ie c e o f I ro n in to . th e fu rn a c e a u d , tt’ltli Hie Miss tim t never cmis. w a i t a w h i le , a n d w h a t w o u ld I t s a y ? ‘T h e tov. h: ll. i.nii, h. iK b la c k n e s s i s g o n e , tlm c o ld n e s s is g o n e ,a u d th e -h a rd n e ss is g o n e ’-—it h a s p a s se d A Cheerful Religion,, in to a n e w e x p e r ie n c e . B u t i f t lm t p ie c e ' , n f ir.it. cn iilil kiM.uk, KUr.-ly ic « o u l .! n o t “ l l " 1' W:l-Vs am w:l>* o l' 1 - l o r y In it^o ir, 1,.,,-niis,. th e l ire m u l iro n "H " o r p u th sa ro tw o f i .s t in c t t i i in B.s tlm t'ro n m in .li s t i i ic t 1 U k,aI ^ vv,"', ls 1,1 •v ,m i' , ,f lo .th o last. I f i t (km l.l Bl o r y , . i t tv o u l.l Al,1>' ,;i’ P l '™ l in - - f r i r . « c i.r t- rf iil oh ris-

y lo rv iu t i... tiro a n , 1 n o t in i M f - in th o 1 f ' " -1 ] ik " ? '•« ' ' ^ Irr s ' ftia; th a t k o p t i t a h r iy l it , in u lto n m ass . Ho f<* 1 ro a r so n ,o l im o s . th a t w o ■; in tn y si- ir I un . h lao k , 1 a n , o o l.l, n .a l 1 am »■«. - '‘» » 't-iu.r.l* h u t i f th o l .o r .l ta k o p o sso ssin n , ,f ............... * '" » .tnv s o u l, i f I nm lillo .l avith lo ro , if i l i a lr : ,mS p i r i t tills m y l .o i i . s . ' th o l.laoknosn w il l "> « ■''■’"ttivo . u l.p u t t l.is K.., an ti th o o n l.lt.o ss w il l u .u l th o lu .r .l- !»«<•■ r.ij.t.-U noss w ill .on ; un .I y o t th o d o n - .loo.s n o t " ,0 ' vU h " , is ■ V' ’" ' ' r " k , lk '" '" S f lio lon it t o '.n o : i .t t t to tlio r .n r .l, w in ; koep.s r ‘'a l Phr.atin .L S .an y , o f o n u rso . In it j i f - t m o if. u so u se n f l i i s Invo.” * Bhu iop n ro m i.l a t t lm fnoos . . r p ru fo sso rs in

m , -m v o n r c h u rc h n e x t S a lih a tli . a n d t<*Il m e / i , ™ . • ■ u fto n v n r .I i f th o y lo o k as h a p p y am i poueo. .

Thy Kingdom Come. : f u i .a s r .h , . - i fo ih o v .s i .hi.s a .iv h -o .a m i

Iii th is p n iy e r is s u m m e d l ip a ll t lm t tlio W:,s. s u rp r is e t l sit t in ; n u m b e r o f s a d , c a re . C h r is t ia n h e a r t cu n d e s ir e — th e d e s tru c tio n L u ll, 'g lo o m y e x p re s s io n s o f c o u n te n a n c e , o r th e p o w e r o f S a ta n ; t h e d e l iv e r a n c e o f . T’liis c e r t a in ly is a th en u * fo r veibM-iitai .the (*n*aliire f ro m th e b o n d iig e o f 'c o r iu p - th e r e a l t r u s t fu l ( 'h r i s t i a i i . F o r ii w e t io n ; th e .b a n is h m e n t -o f s in a n d so rro w nre. h a p p y , w il l w e n o t sh o w i t h y fa c e as. from th e in d iv id u a l h e a r t a n d f ro m t l ie w e l* s,s u*»n*l»u:t? T h e n a g a in 1 h a v e w o r ld ; th e r e s to ra t io n o f all t h in g s ; t lm " “ tice .d s o u r d is a p p o in te d faces , w h e n th e e s la h l is h m e n tn f t h e k in g d o m o f r ig h te o u s - f 'iv o r i te s p e a k e r ’s p la c e w a s o c c u p ie d . l iy ’ n e s s ; th e b o h o ld ia g h y J e s u s in f ii lu e s s o f u iio tlio r. H o w u u iiiH p irin g i t m u s t b e to t h e t ra v a il n f ills s o u l ; th o b e s to w m e n t nn p re a c i ie r to se e s u c h c o u n te n a n c e s fa c in g ; h im in c o m p le te n e s s tlio p rn m is e d ro w a rd . L lin o n e i t l ie r Im m l. H o w d is c o u ra g in g .

K v e ry in te r e s t o f t h e s a in t , to g e th e r w i th ^*10 L o rd h e lp u s t o l e t t h e s u n o f . righ t? b is lo v e f o r G o d ’s g lo ry , a r e e m b ra c e d iu " o iis n e ss s h in e Ant o n ly in o u r h e a r ts ; hut. t h a t p ra y e r . I io w . g r e a t th e c o n tr a s t o f a ,s o * h iiii5 o u t in o u r fac e s , s o t h a t o t h e r s ' ro sy lij lls , s p ic y p la in s , e v e rg re e n h o w ers . n ,a>’ «ay h o w h a p p y th e s e C h r is t ia n s a r e ! e te r n a l y o u th , w a lk in g w i th o u t w e a r in e s s , - M . F . S. a n d c u t t i n g th e p u r e c lo u d Ic h s a tm o s p h e re " o f t h e .n e w i*arth w ith a n g e l p in io n s ; A Friend of God.w hen* Ih e l ig h t o f th e m o o n w i l l h o e ijtia l ‘ ------ —to tU e p r e s e n t U gU i o f t b e w m , m ul B m T h i s t i t l e , so u u u iu e , i s o f f a r h ig h e r l ig h t o f th e s u n b e s e v e n f o ld ; w lien* th e *han lin y p e rs o n a l s ig n ilic a iic e . I t h e a rs Joved o n e s o f tin* e a r th m e e t n e v e r m o re to w it l» a !* t l , a t ‘l is th ig i i i s h e s a t r u e re l ig io n p a r t , f re e d f ro m te m p ta t io n , c a re , la b o r , ^r,.a a n h»Ise. N o t .on ly m u s t iSod Jie ji s ie k tie - s , p a in iim l d e a th ; f ro m w a r , s tr ife ,- p e rs o n a l i ty . to s h o w f r ie n d s h ip lit f a m in e , p e s ti le n c e a n d tiie f o re b o d in g o f a ^ * H e -in Ust b e th e o n e o n ly G q d th u s to i l l . Ib d l o n m o re s w i f t l y ,y e m ig h ty o rb s , to l i i i i is e lf tb o u n d iv id e d lo v e a n d w h o se rev o lu tio n s , m ejisu re ’o iit th e t im e o f h o m a g e )if I l i s c re a tu re s .. H e c a n n e i th e r Z io n 's w a r fa re ! S o o n th e g r e a t s o la r c lo c k he co ji f u n d e d w ith t h e u n iv e r s e , a s in Ban- w i l l 's t r i k e I h e 'f lu id h o u r ! I t s s w e l l in g th e is m , n o r w i th id o l g o d s . S t i l l m or.*, i t p e a l, l ik e th e t h u n d e r s o r s ix .th o u s a n d H i"* w ith t lie ih t in i te a t t r a c t io n s o f y e a r s ga t l i n e d in to o n e . v o ice , s h a l l be. Urn a ‘" d u r e w h ic h J u lo v in g , c a n i t s c l f .b e a n s w e r t o ' l h a t p r a y e r o r tlie . C b u rc h o f lo v o l , a m i t h u s b ases r e l ig io n o n its o n ly . Christ..’ T h e n sii.-dl th e w id e e x p a n se I n ie fo o tin g , th e a ir e c tio n s a iid th e h m irt. a lm v e be til te d w i th J e h o v a h ’s c h a r io ts . W ith t lm f r ie n d o f G o d , to se rv e . l i im 'is T h e n s h a ll ( b iin lp o te n e e ^ c ro w n e d w ith n o ^Jiiere o b se rv a n c e o f r i t e s o r c t* re n io n ie s ; c o u n tle s s s im s , t re a d th e s ta r ry , p a v e m e n t, i t m u s t h e t h e lo y a l d e v o tio n o f th e so u l T h e v isin g h o s t, as* th e y o p e n e d th e i r e y e s Life, t r a n s fo r m in g m a n in to t h e s p i r i t o n w lm t “ e y e n ev er, b e fo re h a d s e e n , n o r ‘fld im a g e o f H im w h o m H e a d o re s am i e a r hea id ,V am i lo o k h a c k to tlm g re e n , d e l ig h ts to o b e y . l / e r d e r \ s w ord 's o n A b ra . tu r f y g ra v e y a rd s ,” tin* o c e a n d r o p o r d es- l ,a a i «» th is c o n n e c t io n a re c h a r a c te r i s t i c : c r t w ild , c x d a i m : 44 O d e a th ! wlierr* is th y “ M en h a v e s o m e t im e s c o m m u n e d ..w ith , s t in g ? t ) g r a v e ! w h e re is t h y v ic to ry ? ” g n d s , g e if li n iid ile j ia r te il h e ro e s , b u t not T -lndr e y e s a g a iu c o n v e rg e to th e r a d ia t in g .w ith G o d , tlm o n e G od o f h e a v e n a n d g lo ry , an d th e y sjii.g in s tr a in s n e w to ea .rth , iii a w a y s o c a lm am i tru s t in g . ' - T h e • th e m -u d v e s •’ B lessed h e G o d , w h o g lv e tli H tn in g er h a s n o o th e r f r ie n d th a n Hi* w h o ; u s th e v ic to ry t l i ro u g h o u r L o rd J e s u s h a d I iro iig h t l i ju i ''in to t h is r e m o te n e s s ; but. • LTiri.-t!” . • H lip b e p o ssesse s as th e f r ie n d o f f r ie n d s .

---------— -------------- W h a t tern lo r piLssages are.* th ere , in th eEnduranco; in te r c o u r s e o f G o d w i th T i in i ; . h o w H e

------- -— : c o m fo r ts , d i re c ts , c h e e r s h im ., w itli f u tu r e '1 h e re m n o g r e a te r - s tren g th e v e r m un i- b o p o s ; g iv e s h im n o w -The p le d g e o f - i i ■

F<-..(.-,l nil i-iirtl. tl.ii.i tli.it . . r . ( i . i f t ...iiliir- c o v e n a n t , „ .,\v tim s iB i .o f IV i.-n ,Isl.j|, . .nowan,-a. 1 liav» k n o w n , nm l so . h av .i y o u , „ „ c w „ a in o , n o w 's y n i l io ls to i m p r .w h ist in ,.. . on w l.o .u fo r y e a rs th e r e h a s n o t l l „ .,r ti ( le in a ia ts h o w th lo n o n tli.-it.r j s e n a s in - l e u ri-lo ii.Iia l . la y ; th o rn ,.-ton, r e tu r n o r .lo v e to l lh n s e i r ."w h o k n e w a ll t l i e • 'la d tie ss o f - l iT e . lm t f o r . * \ t ^

w h o m tlio s » n \v;\s»bw Uem al lu n g b e fo r e i t *n ,0 „ n te w i th o u t a s ig i in tu re ath ad c lim b e d to i t s m e r id ia n h e ig h t ; th o se t h e Im tto in is n o th in g b u t a ;w <irthlo>s p ie c ew h o se hercUveUitfiitH h a v e in v o lv e d th c lo s s „ f p „ jM.r . q«|l0 s t r o k e o f a p e n c o n fe r s o no f e v e ry t li in g t h a t s e e m e d to m a k e l i f e i t a l l i ts v a lu e . / J ’lio p r a y e r o f a p o o r c h ildp re c io u s ; . t ln is e w h o h av e h e e n re n d e re d n f A d a m is a fe e b le t h in g iu i t - e i f , b u tj .e n n a m m tly h e lp le s s b y c h r o n ic d is e a s e , om ;t, e n d o rs e d , l iv t h e b a n d o f t h e L m da m i c a n n e v e ,-h o p e fo r a p a in le s s w a k in g je .s u s , i t u v a ile tli m u c h . T h e r e w a s a nh o u r o r a n ig h t o f . r e s t fu l s lo o p ; th o se (J| | j Cttr j ,, th e c ity- o f T io m e w h o w a s :«p-whoSi- p e n u ry lia s b e e n a b so lu to a tid e n t i r e , p o in te d to h u v e l ii s d o o r s a lw a y s dpi*n inw ith n o p ro sp e c t o f r e l ie f . .A m o n g th e s o o r d e r to re c e iv e a n y I to m q u c i t i z e n w h oh a v e b e e n tlm b ra v e s t , s tro n g e s t so u ls t h a t a p p lie d to h im fo r h e lp . . J u s t so t h e e a rI h a v e e v e r k n o w n { a n d it h a s s e e m e d to i ,f t h e L o rd J a s u s is e v e r o p e n to t h e c rym e t h a t n o e m e rg e n c y o f o u tw a rd a c tio n , o f a l l .w h o - w a n t m e rc y a n d . g ra c e ; I t isn u t e v e n th e fo re m o s t o f t.lie sacn im fen tal H is o flle e to I io ip th e m . ' .h a s t, iu w a g in g th e g r e a t con iiietH in b e h a lf «.,*.' „ - wl, . . . . , ,Vr; r o ' ' '.• ; , , - , , , . . , , , 1 h o p r a c t ic a l l i f e o f t h e C h r i s t ia n c o m . o f th e t r u th m u l tlm r ig h t , lm s -e q u a le d «. . , , -,tr ,. . . . . . i t4, p r e b e n d s th r e e d i s t in c t e le m e n ts . TVe lm ve . th e i r s , w h ic h c o u ld e n d u re w i th o u t m u r- , , • , • . . . . , . , .

.i - * - * t . to d o th o w i l l o f G od in o u r b u s in e s s ; th is m u r in g , a n d c o u ld r e n d e r c o n s ta n t th a u k a , ... , : , . . , . ., * . .. . - « . i s w o rk in g . W o lm v o to o p p o s e o u r - s in , to G od fo r tlm h e a v e n ly iiiam ia w h ic h h a s . . , „ . ° > • , . . r, j , , . t - f . . . a u d r e s i s t t e m p ta t io n ; th is is l ig h t in g . W e fed th em ,, f o r t h e l iv in g w a te rs o f w h ic h , , , ; - , • , . t h e y h a v e d ru n k -d ee p d rau g h L s, f o r t h e *ltw V c*uduro w i th c h e e r f u ln e s s a n d su b - ho p e; f a i l o f in i m o r ta l i ty , w h ic h h a s u e v e r u i ls s lq u w h a te v e r c ro s s th e Lord* J e s u s fo r a m o m c u t fo rs a k e n th e m .— l>r. Pailoily la y s u p o n u s ; , th is Is s u ffe r in g ) .

Page 2: REV. A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OOEAN GROVE, N. J ... · the influence of wiiich few could resist— themselves on bods und wept alone. Oth. ... Ho said old .Sampson to his flock,

S3 O O B 3 J & .1 T C 3 - H O 'V 'B 3 K , H I O O K » £ > , C T T T ls n E I 5 f 1 8 8 6 .o '


REV. A. WALLACE, D . D „ Ooeak G r o v e , N. J .

ItEV. E. II. STOKES, D. P ., Corresponding Editor.

TERMS, POSTAOE PREPAID.Ono copy, font m o n th s ,........................................... RO

“ “ s ix m onths,.......................................... .75' 11. ono year,............................................ ..$1.50

Club or live or more, ono year, each , 1.00,Advertisements Inserted a t tho rate o ften cents

per line, ono time. For one, tw oor three months,. o r by th e year, a liberal reduction w ill bo made.


P R O G R A M M EOt* •.


t . Auditorium Opentup, Sabbath, July 4tU. Ser­mons 10.30 a . m., 7. :*0 P. M. itev. K. M. Stmt- lon, I). D., Rochester, N . Y.

2. Hummer Bnbbalh-School Open in p. Babbath, Ju ly 4th, 2 p. M. Rev. J . II. Thornley, Supt.

3. One hundred and tenth Anniversary of Amer­ica n Independence, Monday, Ju ly 5th. Ora­tion 10.30 a . m. a t the Auditorium, by Rev. It. M. Adams, Brooklyn, N. Y.

4. National School o f Oratory, Tuesday, Ju ly 1st until 31st.

5. Women's Christian Tem perance Union, N. J ., Wednesday aud Thursday, Ju ly 7 and 8,

G. Oceau tlrove Sabbath-School Assembly, Satur­day, July 10 to Tuesday*, July 20. C. U. S. 0. Roeopnition nnd Graduation Day, Tuesday, July 20. Rev. R. R. Ixiomla, Albany, N. A,, Superintendent of Instruction.

7. National Reform Association, Wednesday, July 21st.

8, A. i t . K. Church Jubilee. Thursday, Ju ly 22.0. Ocean Grovo Memorial Day, Friday, July 23.

10. New Jersey Sabbath Union, Tuesday, July 27. Rev. J . II. Knowles, Secretary,

11. Women’s Homo Missionary Society.12.. National Temperance Society. Wednesday,

Ju ly 28, to Sabbath, Aup. 1, Ineluslvo.13. Ocean Grove Anniversary (lfithl, Saturday

evenm p and Sabbath morning, July 31st to Aug. 1st.

14. Womcn'B Christian Encouragem ent Mcellnp, Tuesday, Aug. 3. to Friday, Aug. G, Inclusive.

10. Seamen’s Friends’ Society Meeting, Monday anti Tuesday, Aug. 9 nnd 10.

' 1G. Bible Readings, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Aug. 11.12and 13. Rev. John Johns,

17. Women's Foreign Missionary Society Anni- • vcrsary, Saturday and Sabbath, Aug. 14-15, byBishop J . F. llu rat,

18. Tw ilight Meetings. Monday, Aug. 1G. to Sat­urday, Aug. 28, Inclusive. Rev. C. H .Yatman.

19. Annual Camp-Meeting, Tuesday, Aug. 17, to Friday, Aug. 27. Opening sermon Wednesday morn fug by Bishop H urst.

20. Meeting for the promotion of Holiness In the Tabernacle oven* morning during tho season nt 9 o’clock, led by Rev. J . II. Thornley and Mrs. Dr. Palm er, beginning Sabbath, July 4.

• 21. Young I’eonlo’s Meeting every m orning a t 9 o’clock in tlie Yotmg People's Temple, led by Rev. C. 1C. Y atm an, Secretary of Young Men’s Christian Association, Newark, N. J ., begin­n ing Sabbath, Ju ly 4.

Singing during Sabbatb-School Assembly audCnmp-Mecting will be u nder th e dlectlon o f Prof.J. It. Swency, Chester, Pa.

E. II. STOKES, Pres’t.

Send for T iie .K eco h i) , Fifty cents will pay for four months. Stamps will do.

Tlie O c e a n G r o v e R e c o r d can now be had every week at tho news stand iu tho post office. ,

The Rev. AV..IL Meeker hits preached 105'tlmes since he went away from us last

. Fall, and can bo had as a supply by any one who may wish help during the vaca­tion season. *'

Out of several Decoration Bay poems sent us, we print but ono, by E. A. Ilarts-

. hqrue, Esq., of Troy, N. Y.t which was prepared for and read at a commemorative service in that vicinity.

A few corrections and additions lmve beon made this week iu tlio Summer-Pro­gramme atthe head of this column. Others will he introduced from timo to timo. Papers copy ing from Tin-: R e c o rd will do well to note tho.points.

Rov. F. II. Purdy has taken up his quar­ters for the Summer months ut tlio How-

. land House, Its religious associations are no less congenial to Ids mind than its solid comfort in tlie physical.department. This arrangement brings pur old friend so near to ou r' usual. headquarters tlmt wo shall

. expect him to favor our tent witli us much .of Ida company as possible.

An extensive stationery department has been permanently placed iii the post ofllco building, under the management, of Messrs. AVythe &, Pridlmm, who lmve opened a largo and varied stock, embracing overj*-

* thing tlio people may need in this line. Sinco the hour it was opened, business has becu quite brisk, and the public seem to appreciate tho arrangement for their ac­commodation. Copies of T h e R e c o r d limy always ho found on the counter.

Tiie changes Mr. G. AV. Evans has made in tho Internal arrangement of tho Ocean Grovo post ofllce, will strike visitors as a very decided improvement. The corridor now extends all the way round to the side entrance on .Olin street, with moro room for boxes, delivery, and the crowds who gather for thoir mail. The telegraph ofllce is at the N. 12. corner, unit tlie money order department opposite the main entrance, in the S. E. corner. Lock boxes are all on tho south side, and gene­ral delivery near the front entrance. Theso alterations lmve involved a good deal of trouble, hut the work has heen pushed forward with energy under the supervision of Mr. IVni. Orr and tlio Rost- master in person. .

It was our intention to continue this week arcsumcoi the Baptist Anniversaries, whicii closed on Monday evening after a series of nicotings covering six days; hut tho proceedings, have heen published so fully in the dailies and so completely in tho5/«D*tf P m * ami Asbury Park Journal, that wo deem It unnecessary to enlarge on tho routine observed. Wo may say, how­ever, thut tlio peoplo of Park and Grove enjoyed the visit and labors of so many prominent und faithful luborers, and tliey appeared to bo highly delighted with tho attention and appreciation shown them, I t Is hoped they may soon favor us with a similar visit.

Sabbath Services,Last Subhuth was what might bo termed

"a high day,” In both Grove and Park. Educational Hall was crowded morning, afternoon and night, and three masterly sermons were prenched in connection with tho gront Baptist mmivorsary services bo. Ing held. Dr. 8 . P. Henson, wlio has so often delighted our Auditorium congrega­tions, addressed nn immenso audience.in the afternoon, and ids sermon was'of a thrilling character. A large number of tlio Ocbau Grove people, including tlio president, helped to swell tlie audience.

At St. Paul’s the pastor secured tho sor- viceB of Rev. E. M. Levy, D. I);,.who dis­coursed in Ills usually forcible nnd olo- quent manner on Rev.' 1 :fi: * “ Unto Him tlmt lmth loved us,” &c. The regular ex­perience meeting in the afternoon was conducted by Dr. A hi ay, mul tho evening sormon was to tbo G. A. R., by Rev. »L 11. Westcott, pastor.

A Gallant Standard hearer.The Prohibitionists of Now Jersey, if

mostly lunatics, according to public opln- ion,..have shown some “method in their madness” this time, in the nomination of Gen. Clinton It. Fisk for the ollieo of Governor.-

The Convention at Newark last week \vtts an enthusiastic body, when vim; voce, on proposition of Hon. Clmuncy Shaffer, the magnetic name of Fisk was tlung to the breeze,: Instead of Governor, simply, Gem Fisk Is lit, In every qualification, to be President of the Uniteti States, nml it is just possible he may yet attain, or; we ought to say, knowing him as we do—sub­mit to that elevation atthe hands of a God­fearing nation. But, iu tlie first place, let him be elected Governor. ' It can bo doiio. “Who is on the Lord’s side?” Now draw tho lines, and let us see. if, with power enough, we can only meet the com­binations of ruin on a square issue, above party trammels, and fight down tlie Devil and his ally the saloon!

A. grand rally for. ratification is to he held in Central Hull, Asbury Park; on Thursday' evening of this week. Dr. Stokes Inis heard the Slogan, and will make his first stump speech of the cam­paign. ■

Fall in, men, women and children. The issue is upon us. No such word as fail I

Pilo Driving.The working force nloug our Ocean

front are now tolling day and nlglit. The immense derrick, with its%solid iron ham- mer weighing 300 pounds, is kept pum­mel ing away, and makes tho ground for some distance tremble at every blow. Set­ting these solid oak. timbers so deeply in tlie solid substratum of clay is no child's play. I t requires 50 to 100 strokes'to get each pile down to its level for the ,board walk. The piling was all furnished on contract by Mr. George \v . Patterson, of Ashury Park, wlio filled his part of the work with commendable promptness and In tlio most satisfactory - manner, besides giving a liandsome subscription to help oh the work.: The two companies -are' g e t ting over tho ground at the rate of 100 feet overy 24 hours, which will complete their very obstinate and expensive job in about ten days from this date. The walk is laid from LUlagoro’s .to Ocean Pathway.

Concerning Doga.A supplement to a by-law entitled “a

by-law concerning dogs,” adopted May 14, 1878.

Sec. 1. Be it ordained liv the Ocean Grovo Camp Meeting Association of the Method1st Episcopal Church, That the President of said Association bo and ho is hereby authorized at any time, whenever in ids opinion the public safety may re­quire, to issue Ids proclamation author­izing the destruction by any police officer or any person or persons appointed byhiin-. for that .purpose, of al l dogs, male and fe­male, found running at large within tho limits of said , corporation, except such as shall be properly muzzled with a muzzle about tlie nose securely fastened, after one day’s public notice by written or printedhand bills, ■ ...

S ec . 2. And bo it further ordained, That the person or persons os above men­tioned, killing nnd burying any dog shall receive for said service from said Associa­tion tlio sum of one dollar.• S e c . 3. Aud be It--further- ordained, That any of the provisions of the ordi­nance to which this Is a supplement, wldch are inconsistent with this ordinance uro hereby repealed.

J2. II. Stoker, President.Gko.AV. E v a n s , Secretary.Adored Afay20,1886.

Proclamation.'By virtue of the provisions of un ordl-

nance entitled “ a supplement to un ordi­nance concerning dogs,” approved May 13, 1880, I, E. H. Stokes, president of tlie Ocean Grove Cain j) Meeting' Association of tlie Methodist Episcopal Church, do issue this my proclamation, authorizing the destruction by any. police olllcer or per­son or persons designated by me for that purpose,of all dogs, male or female, found running at large within the limits of . said corporation, except such as shall be pro­perly muzzled with a muzzle about the nose securely fnstened,.

Strict orders will b e . given for tlio de­struction of all such dogs except us above stated, after the 1st day of Juno, when this proclamation shall take .effect, and all owners of dogs are requested to cd-oporato with the public authorities by forthwith having thoir dogs muzzled and keeping tliom off tho streets.

Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson, of Pater­son, aro at their cottage, Main avenue.

Editor’s Taole,Emma’s Triumph; by Jane 8 . Collins,

Pittsburg United Presbyterian Board of Publication, 188(1.

On tlio appearance of this volume somo months ago, it was referred to in our col­umns, as containing a very tender and beautiful story, tho scene of which tho gifted author, Mrs. Rov. Dr. Collins, who has spent several seasons at this favorite resort, is laid at Ocean Grovo. .Twoyoung Judies accidentally, or wo might say prov-’ identlally, meet at ono of our Summer boarding, houses—ono discreetly, hut de­cidedly’ religious; tho other frivolous, aud destitute of any sober convictions, typo of a very large class who drift aimlessly about seoking pleasuro. Tlio latter is won to serious thought, brought under the awakenings of tho Sptrit, liecomoa u fob lower of Christ, and subsequently a suc­cessful worker in the temperance cmiBo. Through her influence a godless father und other relatives aro saved. Tho char­acters are strikingly drawn, nnd with woll sustained interest tho narrative proceeds to Its close. Of course there aro new friendships formed, lovo enkindled and tho not unlikely denoumont of wedding bells. Tho book would not be truo to Ocean Grove If this should fail to happen. I t .is a charming picture of. lifo as any close observer can see- it here every sea­son ; hut not every ono can develop such a delightful group of people as Mrs, Collins so admirably succeeds in doing in these pages. The tone of the book is all we could desire from a consecrated heart and peri. ■'■ J" '■ -v.-V-; ;;The Man with a White Hat, or the story

of an Unknown Mission, by G.,R. Par-, sons; New* York, Phillips & JEfUnt;

Cincinnati, Cranston & Stowe, 1880.The scene is English. Tlie hero Is' a

hero indeed. A gentleman of position, left, alone in : his elegant but bereaved home, gives Ma days to labor among tlie lowly; - and with remarkable results, in souls rescued from intomperaoce and kin-, dred vices. I t is difficult to close the vol. ume until one reads it to the encl.; The author show’s considerable fertility in con­ception and force in delineation, hut israther profuse, and somewhat infel icitous in provincial dialect. Among nil the rude and rough characters introduced, however, nothing seems to us overdrawn, in Illus­trating tiie. power of a simple gospel to purify* and save. The liook Is gotten out with extra taste imd boauty. Price 85cts.

From the same publishers we have the fourth of Edward A. Hand’s “Up-tho-Lad- der Club Series, a vacation volume, enti­tled “The Camp at tlie Surf.” It appears lu good season for Summer reading, wifh a line flavor °ojf wood and water, gredn fields und Ocean surf. Some of its pas* sages would do for a desciption of the rec­reations enjoyed here by the sea.. With this' writer’s range of characters, however,' wo somehow cannot get into sympathy. The same ‘‘ twaddle ” we have considered reprehensible In former volumes, abounds lu this; yet it is so breezy that these defects can be bverlqoked. Price $1.25..

Dr. AVheedon, tho boat modern com­mentator, did riot live long enough to see his plan completed, .yet with far-seeing sagacity, lie; found the men to whom lie could entrust the carrying out of all his purposes. We have, from the Methodist Book Concern, Vol. V II, embracing Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Lamentations. Dr. II, Bannister furnishes the commen­tary on Isaiah, and Dr. F. D. Honunon- way tliat oh the books of .Icrendali. Both seem to liayo labored with all the assid­uity and ability of tho late distinguished editor, and in such general harmony with .his design, tliat tlds practical and popular work will appear when finished, as if but one controlling mind produced the whole. Maps and ,illustrations, as usual, enliven these pages, and treating as they do to many, tlie favorite portions of the holy Scriptures, this voluino will he sought withmore than usual avidity. Price $2.75.. “ Red Letter Days,” from the same pub­lishers, coutaiu Anniversary, Concert and Entertainment exorcises, by May F. Me-’ Kean. .A very • cholco collection. Price 25 cents. .

The Philadelphia excursion on Thurs­day of hist week, with which.Mr. Jos. J . Williams inaugurated his season’s recrea­tions, was a grand success, in tliat it afforded hundreds of people iliQ oppor­tunity they desired to spend a day at Ocean Grove and Ashury Park, at the smallest possible outlay of expense. Mr. Williams luis made arrangements - for a succession of these delightful trips during the Summer. Besides his series of excur­sions to New York Bay, up the Hudson, and the Switch-back, lie cun arrange witli Churches,: Sunday Schools,.&c.,to take them to Ocean Grove, Long Brunch, Island Heights and Sea Side Park, on auy day to suit their convenience, on very aecommo- datitig terms. His address Is 1030 Vine St., Ph i lade) ph ia. . '■ .

A very cheerful and convenient summer home is offered consisting of a large and beautiful tent 14x21, with jirotcctlng fly, and. lined inside with handsome creton. I t contains foiff beds; witlb suitable furni- tiire anil matting, and lias'connected a spacioiis dining room under canvas and neat frame building for cooking purposes. It occupies a very pleasant location,corner Asbury aud Now Jorsey avouuea, and tlio rent is placed at $70 for tlio season—^worth $100. Inquire soon at this office..

From Washington.Great was the interest in tho House of

Representatives on the day of the debate on nnd the passage of tho Senato “ bill for tho study of tho nature of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, and of thoir effects upon the human system,” by the pupils in all schools under the control of tlio U. S. .Govern­ment, including tbe military and naval academies, tho Indian and colored schools. Mrs. Hunt and about 25 deeply nuxlous ladles occupied prominent seats In tbo gallery, and messenger boys wero con­stantly posslng to and fro between tho mom hors friendly to the bill, and these oar nest workers. ' Thu enthusiasm when tho long suspeiiso was ended, and the nn nouncoment mado tlmt tho bill bad passed would not ho restrained, and great was the cluppingof hands and the waving of hand­kerchiefs. Tho noxt Sabbath a crowded meeting of thanksgiving and rejoicing was hold at tho Congregational Church, and eloquentspeakors eulogized Airs. Hunt nnd her noble work in fitting terms.

Sunday, May 23, was observed by tho several charges of tlie Methodist Protest­ant Church in the District as Children’s Day. Tho churches were hnndsomely dor. orated with flowers and tbe exercises were conducted by tho schools. Collections were taken up for the benefit of the Mis­sionary . cause. There was manifested much earnestness on the part of even the; smaller Children.

The Grand Army of tbo; Republic sent to the pastors of the different churches a request that each scholar in the Sunday- school bo asked to bring flowers to tiie school on Sunday, tlie SOth iust, to he called forandused in the decoration of the graves of those who gave th e ir , lives in defence of their country. The little ones gladly and generously responded, bringing an abundance of flowers. Many of the sermons yesterday were in relation to tho commemoration of to day. * At Metropol­itan a large memorial meeting was ,held last evening, addressed by a number of prominent geutleinen, members of the Grand Army. Hundreds of persons vis­ited Oak Hill Cemetery yesterday,'many to lay blossoms on the resting places of loved ones who have “ fallen asleep,” and many to enjoy tlie beauty of tliis lovely “city of thodead,” with its great profusion of bloom now at its beigbt.

Notwithstanding tho ruin to-day the im­posing ceremonies at Arlington, Soldiers’ Home and Congressional Cemeteries.under the auspices of the Grand Army,'attracted many; Trained choirs discoursed choice music, fervent prayers were offeered and addresses delivered appropriate to th6 occa­sion. A t Arlington, Hon. J . DrLong, ex- Govemor of Alassachusetts, now a Repre­sentative from that Shite, delivered an elo­quent oration, and the Marino Ruud and the Third Artillery Band played at inter­vals. Twelve thousand graves were hero decorated by the flowers brought by the veterans.

Business being almost entirely suspend­ed, and all of the Departments closed, hundreds of our citizens availed them­selves of tho opportunity arid mado'excur- slon trips, Harper’s Fefry, Moimt yernon, tho w'ondorful caverns of Luray, Pen Mar, Richmond and other points, proving irre­sistible in attractiveness. From the Presi­dential Mansion were sent to the tombs of Wftshirigton and Grant handsome wreaths and flowers,.

Dr. Naylor, at Foimdryyesterday, deliv­ered, a sormon of even more than’ ubual force and strength, teaching sound doc­trine and many valuable lessons for guid­ance tlirough life, from 2 Cor. 11: 2, 8. He explained tlie godly jealousy; the sacred­ness of espousals; the mnrite* vows and relations, and thoir similarity to those sus­tained iiy the Christiim to . Christ? the danger in the modern beauty arid refine­ments of life, as allurements from the simplicity that is iu Christ;” citing the ele­gance of the hiodern salon a la Fmncimei as contrasted with old-fashioned whiskey shops; the lotteries, which* lmve names considered respectable; nlflles at Church fairs; the fascinating “progressive euchre;; the “ K i r n i e s “ character personations;” the circus, now a “ grand concatenation of allied constellations,” Jnsteiul of former coarseness ; alluring books ; tlie absence of bigumy and sufforanco of polygamy; the offering of wiiics, cordials, etc., by fair ladies and elegant men, in luxurious houses; “ liberal religion,” “ broadness Of doctrine,^ tts.departures ,from tiie almplic* Ity o f th e gospel.' Ho tried to impress upon bis hearers individual responsibility in dally life. ■■ ■ /■

The weil-boioved * pastor of Gorsucli M.;E. Church has been very seriously ill, hut is now slowly convalescing, and was al­lowed by Ida phyaichm to walk a few squares on last Saturday. He sbites tliat tbe church is in a good condition iu every respect except financially. Wo hope It may improve iu ttmt as in all other rp- spects.

Rev. Tlios. Myers, appointed to Twelfth Street by tho recent Conference, has re­signed to accept the position of State Bible Agent, with tlio superintendency of tiie Bible House In Baltimore. Mr. Myers was fprmerly Bible Agent for a space of six years. During lds short pastorate in this city he held a protracted meeting in tho progresa'of which there were aumnliorof conversions, ■

Revs. Sam Jones and Sam SmalLhehl two crowded meetings - last Saturday at

Mount Vernon M. E. Church South, in this city. ' C. M. B.

May 31,1886. * mtA Lawa Festival.

On Thursday, Juno 10, a lawn festival will bo hold at tlio Carrollton, Ocean Path­way, Oceau Grove, consisting of crowning the May Queen on tho lawn at 5 p. >r. Suppor in tho dining room from 0.30 to 8 o’clock. All taking supper aro invited to spend tho cvenirig’in tho parlor. Music by tlio Choral Union. Suppor 35 cents. Ico cream and lemonade in ImotliBon tlio lawn. Proceeds for tho parsonage Association of St. Paul’s M. E. Church, Ocean Grovo.

Elegant decorated tea sots, 50 pieces, assorted, for $3.25, wortli $4.50, nt W. Al. Pawley & Co.’s new store, 20 Main street, Asbury Park.

Dircctoiy for 18BGVan. Horn's Aabury Park and Ocean

Grove City Directory is in tho hands of tlio printers. All coming to Asbury Park or Oceau Grovo after Juno 1st will please seud In. thoir-names and address at once for freo insertion. Address Van Horn's Directory, Asbury Park, N. J .

Editorial Mention.Vice Chancellor Bird and wife arospend-

ing a season of rest nt the Carrollton.:Airs. Frauk P. Boall, of;Philadelphia; is

spending, a week a t the Grov^, and fur­nishing her elegant new cottage, 84 Alt. Tabor. : •

Mr, T. Hobson and family, of Pliiladel- pUia, reached tlie Grove on Alonday and took possession of a comfortable cottage for the s6uson.

Workmeuiliave been, engaged for some weekB improving and beautifying Mr.G. Tliiimbert’s cottage, corner of Beach and Pitman avenue.

Rev. Dr. Levy, with his sister, Alias Alartha Levy; also Afrs. Capt. Levy anrl her dnugbter, Airs. Childs, are stopping at' the U. S. Hotel, Alain aud Beach avenues.

Air. Samuel Anthony, of Philadelphia, has rented the beautiful Kingsley House, Embury avenue, oiie door east o f; Central, where Mrs. A. will entertain her friends during the season.

Airs. W. H. Meeker has returned to her “Troy Place,” and made all things ready ior boarders. She has established, by three years trial, a reputation for keeping a most desirable Bummer home. Good attention, board and beds.

Tho “Old-time Camp-meeting,” an ac­count of which we are reprinting in weekly Installments, was wfltten thirty years ago by Rev. Dr. J . B,Tingany for the Wationai Magazine, nnd will well repay a caroful perusal. For our “ copy” we are indebted to Rov. I. R. Alerrill, of Philadelphia.

Cliarles Dudley AVurner takes readers to Newport In tho June instalment of “Their Pilgrimage V {Harper's Magazine), aud tho attractions of that resort are delightfully mingled with social and sentimohtn] scones in liis attractive stylo. C. S. Reir.i;;;rt*» clever illustrations accompany tlio chup- ter. •

Since the arrival of Alr.Wlstnr II. Stokes a few wocks ago, matters liavo begun to assume their ordinary Summer aspect about tho Auditorium and Tabernacle. Tho grounds present a cleared up nppenranco, tho Tabernacle has lieen opened and thor­oughly cleaned, and this week it is recoiv. ing its customary carpeting of dean straw.

Wo wero in error last week In referring to Airs. A.. Walling's Lakeside House. I t is not on the. Asbury Park Bide,- but in plain view n sy ou c ro ss Ale Bride’s ferry to Ocean Grove. A finer situation Ib not to be found; and tho houso with all its arrangements, will bo sure to attract those desiring a choice home in the Summer.

AH. and Alrs. J . C. Clay, of Elizahoth ; L. Shaffer,.Esq., Rutherford; Air. W. H. Rob- isori and wife, New York; D. II. .Shep­pard, Phihidelphia; W. II. Glllou, Jamai­ca, L. I .; G. II. Koencke and wife, L. E. GrUfitli, Afiss Allllie Brown, Brooklyn;G. P. Burch, AV. II. - Alorrison, New York; ReV. J . R; Westwood, aud B. B. AVealh- erby, Millville, N. J,, are registered at the Atlantic House.

Our; friend E./M . Bruce, of Ph'ihulel. phia, attended the interesting services at the Babtist Anniversaries throughout, and rendered good service as organist, when the ineetings were enlivened with stirring music and song. In recognition of. his valuable aid wo are glad his portrait appeared among the other celebrities of the occasion in the excellent reports ap­pearing day after day hi the Now York Worhl.

Tlie very superior entertainment offered by the present management of the Asbury Park Academy of Alusic, in a course of illustrated lectures by the celebrated Prof. Croinwellt Coming so soon after the great Baptist gathering, at a time when people areull busy, failed to draw as was expected. The lectures on Jerusalem and Par 1b wero given iu full pictorial form on Monday aud Tuesday evenings, when the third wus withdrawn for want of patronage. Those who were present wero delighted witli Prof. Crouvwell and Ids mcthodB of illus­tration. 1

The cel oh rated Jeddo Coal, a superior artlclo, at Ashmore's yard. Try a ton-of it.

Dry Kindling AVood und Charcoal at. Ashmore’s coal yard.

H ay Fever.

Tlds malady is an index of a condition of the system wldch should be thoroughly changed. That this is possible is shown by many letters from patients. The fob lowingls an oxample:

From Rov. T. J. Taylor, AVnrrenton, N.C., Oct. 21, 1885.-—“Some time in A n g U B t I ordered a Treatment of Oxygen’ for my aunt. Sho had suffered wltlt-hay fover regularly overy year for fifteen years. AVnen 1 ordered tiie Compound Oxygon her annual attack of hay fever had already commenced, nnd u s you did tint prom Iho relief after tho commencement of the nt tack, wo wore not very hopeful. But to our astonishment and joy tho Oxygen re­lieved her at once, und only on ono even­ing after Bhe commenced the Treatment,. and then only for a few hours, did she havo any considerable troublo with her hay fover. Though sho roaljy had liny fover, it was so slight after sho commenced using tlio Oxygen, tliat sho was scarcely conscious of it. I do not know vvlmt Com­pound’Oxygon will do for hay fever iu general, butthiacasoof fifteon years stand- Ing wns mastered by it. You are at liberty to ubo this in any way you may seo proper, for tlio good of hay fever victims. I bc- lievG it will cure hay fover. It did it in this case at any rate.”

Drs.. Starkov & Palen, 1529 Arch St., Phila., Pa., publish a monograph on hay fever which Is sent freo to nil interested. Numerous'curcs are reported.

Best hard lehlgh coal; best free-burning coal, all size.4. This coal is carefnljy screened and slated, and is the very best coal in the market. At bed rock prices that cannot be undersold.* Aloney re­funded if not satisfactory, at Ferguson’s yard.' - -/ . ;/; ^ : ’/ v; ..V-v

Ex-President Arthur’s lawpartner, Mr Ransom; Judge Ilyer, of Railway, N. J .v A. A. Druke', Esrj.,N. Y. Stock Exchange; Rev. Sto|)hcu Alerritt, New: York; and. innuy others are witnesses tl mb Palmer’s vSkin-Success” is a safe, sure and speedy remedy for skin complaints of every name and degree of severity.

0. L. S. C.The author of the following quotations .

was chosen as the subject for last week:V ■■■ - • ' . ■■■■'. • • "• • "

“ Great deeds cannot d ie : .They with the sun and moon renew th eir light, Forever btesalng those th a t look on them .”“ Yet I doubt not through iho ages one increasing

purpose runs, 'And th e p lo u g h ts o f m en are widened w ith th e

process o f tho Buns."“ Our echoes roll fiom soul to sout, .And grow forever and forever.'1 - '* Mon may Ubo on stcpplng-fllones O fth ct^d ead selves to btgber th ings.'’

Tennyson, horn a poet, surrounded in youth by influences calculated to fun his genius, has developed into the Poet Lau­reate, the representative of liis age.

Ilis works afford ample material for un evening's entertainment.Song, By Circle1‘apcr—“ Tennyson” Miss N ettle A. BrownVocal Solo—“ The M iller's Daughter,’* words

' i. • - Miss Florence E lliotby Tennyson. - ? •Reading—“ Lockaley Hall.”

. Miss h u lu T Itu aan d Mbs F lorcncc.C m m er,. Plano Solo—'* M inuet Konmnliquo."

MlKa Netflo A. Brown.Vocal 8olo—“ ,Tho Brook ’’ Miss Mary BarberCharacter 8 k ttc h —“ Aaron Burr." 11. P. KingSong - - - Circle

It is to be hoped thut the members who have started in tho good wuy, will not bo discouraged now tliat the goal Ib so near at hand. Alemhers of tho class of '87 should romember that one year more of porseveranco will probably not only gain for them a diploma, but tho great good tlmt is olitalncd hy the effort. The benefit of the taste for solid and substantial read- Ing which is formed by the four years’ course of the C; L. S. O. is beyond calcu­lation. Ono method of kocping lip one’s luterest la to attend faithfully the Circlo meeethigs, and so.help on tho work.

The programme for next week bids fair to he one of interest.-

W , M. Paw ley & Co.are now open for husiuess at No. 29 Alain strcot, opposite Lake avonuo, Asbury Park, with u new stock of general house-furnish­ing goods at lowest prices. -

The Juno Pansy is as bright as its name­sake. The stories, poems und Flower Chorus are uuusiially attractive because of thoir timely-import aud seasonable, aid. The sketches, both historical and biograph­ical, are particularly notable, uiul the in- stallmcuts ot an exceptionally strong clinrT acter. Round the Family Lamp^AInrgaret Sidney) is deservlug of especial mention. Apropos of the month, it furnishes tlio . Roso Game, a delightful oubof-door enter­tainment,and ono that will bo entered iuto with zest by tho entire household. Illus­trated ,^! a year. P . Lothrop & Co., pub­lishers, Boston; Specimen free.

Pianos and Organs ,For Summer rent. Better instruments nt lower prices than elsowhero on the coast. R. A. Tustlug. Muln St., near post ofllce, Asbury Park. •

F eigU B on’s coal and wood—liest q u a li ty —bottom prices. Branch ofllco at AVain*' right & Erriekaoii’s store; connected b y te le p h o n e w ith Ferguson’s yard. Orders forwarded immediately.

Pianos and Organs for rent ntTusting’s, Main St., near post ollice, Asbury.Park. Also all latest sheet music and books. .

TinRooflug,Gutters, lenders, repairing, &cM promptly attended to by AV. M. Pawley «St Co., No. 42 Main street. Office aud sales room No. 29 Main street, opposite Lake avenue, As- bury Park, N. J.

m *iluvo old mattresses made over Think

>f tho comfort of your summer euest-s. Ploco orders now. J. A. Qlthcna & Co., Asbury Pork.

Dry jdno cord wood, dry oidt curd wood, dry pine kltidllng wood, dry ouk kindling wood. This wood is of lirstclnss cjueilliy, tliorougldy dry, lit bottom prices.. Money refunded [f not ns represented, nt i-’orgu- Bon'a yard. •

Page 3: REV. A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OOEAN GROVE, N. J ... · the influence of wiiich few could resist— themselves on bods und wept alone. Oth. ... Ho said old .Sampson to his flock,

i * m m

Dedication.Tlio MctUodlKt Episcopal Church in

Ocoan Park; just south of Ocean Grove, will bo tlwlienteil on Sunday, Juno li. The opening sermon will bo prcitchcri by Kov. E . I I . Stokes, P.D.j at 8 i*. m. Aildrosses will bo delivered iu tlio ovoning at 7.JJ0 by the Presiding Elder, Kov. \V. W. Moffett, Gou. 0 . 11. Fisk nnd others.

J. II. W k s t c o t t , P m to r .

Ocean Grove Hygienic InstituteSchool oi Elocution tfrtowcA

S a l t \P W N W A r tR

PAM. I vm tu c tm trrr . I

\IC C I™ * "

General Merchandise 5 'm o mP i u m e B a t h■ Ana

S w i m m i n g P o o lUltUH

S a i t IP l A W W A 7 € / l

BA7H I iw» tucr/rtc/rr. I


Ro o mm em otucmBATH.COTTAGEFURNITURETho Gospel meetings which have been

held at Central Hull for tlio past four Sun* days, will hereafter bo held at tho church building, Main street urtd Sumtnerlleld avenuo, extra chair a having been secured; tho boy evangelists, Mitchell and-Kroamer, In charge. Service begins 7.40; .Goearly.


H o c A*. .\Ar/ nYrtfCtt I| r.»i*»v>c. necTHtam

Pl/SSM /Y B ata/ . .

\v£BT/for I B o omUnited States Hotel v fc e c w V -

CI«U\2(J3rttntem c

GLASS a n d SILVEKW AKEComer Main and Beach Avenues, OCEAN GROVE.

Open for transient nml perm anent guests May U Hides m oderate. For olieulurs nud tenus

Atltlrcs WM. OKU, Proprietor

Su a x P/a/cA/cwiiBArh T t m m i i B a t h .

/ B a t .



B a m

SPEC IA L NOTICES I v l l o D B J c l v i / JV V .o H Sador Stud' ^n?«nV, ? j -

Jceaw S -un-i* ..VI T

will rtmdfict n Hntn in or Session nt Ocean (iroyc, SILVKUWAKB IN KVEUYTfllNCl. needed for the table, Tinware and

Crockery for the kitchen./P omaa/B a t h .A Teacher of Experience,

w ho ex|>ccta lo spend tho rum m er a t tho Grove, desires pupils In Latin and M athematics.22-1 w Address llox 355, Harrisburg, Pa

nqwm c-It will bo Hie aim o f the m anagem ent to alliird

such thorough instruct lo n tlm t th e n tiid c n t 'in n y be able to .apply artistically and effectively to each style o f composition Jta appropriate form o f delivery—in a word, ter m ake na tu ra l, elegant and forcible readors and speakers for th e hom e ctrclo ,.the draw ing1 room, th e school room, tho reading circle, the church entertainm ent, tlie lyeeutn, the pulpit, and the public p int for in.


.liers, Fancy Colored. Glassware, and,. liLst but not Icnat, comes


W ill open for guests M ay 16.Newly refitted, lnrge airy rooms, convenient

nne beautifully situated, one block and a h a lf from ocean, three m inutes’ walk .to1 the bath ing ground ; Artesian water, sewer eonneetion. Per- inanent or transien t guests taken.- Beautiful vlow from tower.. Terms m oderate, •

Box 115. Mrs. A. CJOODNOWU .

Position as governess and t< ach er for Iho sum­m er months. Best of reference as to character and competency Apply to “ (Inverness," through office o f Ocean Urovo Raffoni). 22-1 w

WANTED.Situation by a first-class housekeeper can give

best o f reference. Address “ M. IV care Ocean Grovo Kkco an. 22-1 w

Dft. 8 . G. WALLACE. A. M. UU8SBH.

Stoves, Ranges and Heaters.THREE HOURS We th ink, w ithout an y exaggeration, th at we

can completely furnish a house from top to bot­tom. Before purchasing we would be pleased to havo you cull and get prices, us we will assure all who do so polite a ttention, w hether purchasers o r not.

O CEA N P A T H W A Y ,of drll] aiid Instruction will be given dully. Stu­dents who ore strangers in Ocean Grove, wIU he assisted In finding comfortable homes a t m oderate

.rates.; ■' ; . .- •. .V . M ain A venue, Bet. C entral and. Beach.WITH TUB ' ' '* : '

HAMM OND C O T T A G E AS AN ANNEX.^Uuder th e same m anagem ent.

Improved accom m odations; beautiful lo ca tio n ; best attention to guests,

X e W O P E X F o n T U B S E A S O N .Mrs. M, E. STULL, Proprietor,

■ F o r fu rth er irifot motion, a d d re s s . V ■■■'•■

T 1 IK N A T IO N A L . 5 € l I O o i O F KI.OCIT. T I O N A N D O I tA T O K Y ,

Q ra d n n tefi o f P en iiM j lv n n ln C o l le g e ,aro now perm anently located a t OCEAN GROVE. O ffice n t ( h o E lw o m l H o u s e , n e a r ly o|»-

p u i l l o t b e I 'o s I h iI I I c c .All tlio n odf>rn appliances for rapid work, and

alcvi&tlug pain. Teeth Inserted on any base de­sired. Gas adm inistered. Charges m odorate.

B. MABY A. POMEBOY.l lU S K E H P A T fllB T ,

Ofllco Hours - 9 to 10 a .m .. 12 to 1,4 to 5, an d 9 to 10 p .m .Main avonuo noar Now York, Ocoan Grovo,M~ ISS A. S. NORTH. "

An experienced and successful teacher o f music, (piano or organ). Will givo lessons a t the residences o f pupils. Terms, 812 per term o f 20 lessons. May be seen a t the Wilmington House. References, Miss E. A. Rice, Mis. H enry Miller, nnd Ocean Grovo Ukcorh.


Ocean Grove Store1416 and 1418 Chestnut Street,■ 1‘HILAIVELRIIIA;

-will be foundJOHN II. BECIITI L, Secretary

Special AttractionsfierdentQwi House*W. H. WYCKOFF.F L O R IS T ,

Oreen-Hoose and Bedding Plants,M ain Ave. near Beacli, south side,

OCEAN GROVE, N. J .Knlur ed and completely fitted with best ac-

commodath us. HeaUhfnhieas and homeliko comforts a specialty, Location and sanitary con­ditions first-class. Now open for guiists.

Mrs. MARY ALLEN, Proprietor. Mrs. KATE APPLETON, Manager. .

CiU’cassono Cottage,Ocean Pathw ay,

Two doors east o f Central Avenue, north side.

in all lines o f goods pertaining to housekeeping.

This departm ent receives special a ltentton, aud o ur stock em hracts a large assortment adapted to tho wants of all our patrons.

Muslins—nil tho best makes. Fruit of tlie Loom ut Oj^c.

Groceries am! Provisions.1 Argo slock, lino groceries, canned goods, tons,

eotlVes, butter, e tc . . Prices very low.

Corner Second and Main''A veil ties.

MRS. M. L. EDER , Proprietor.ASBURY PARK, N. J.

WANTED, We are reudy to give estimates for any work In our line. Hanging baskets; vases and rustm work furnished to order. Bouquets o f any style fur festive and fiincral occasions umde by au exper­ienced llorlst.F r u i t , R tia r io s n d O r n a m e n t a l T r e e *

F i ir n iN lic d . 33-21

L A D Y E L O C U T IO N IS Tfor summ er of 188T>, at Ocean Grove, to whom rooms will bo furnish ed In private houso for tu ition . Table board outside, §1 jier week.

A ddrc«s" TERRACE,” . Cor. L ak e end New Jersey Ave. v Ocean Grove.

Pilgrim Pathw ay , opp. Thomson P a rk .Adm itted to be tbo moat a ttractive location In Ocean Grove. Possesses all tho requirem ents for

healthful recreation and home comforts. Nearest to Auditorium, and now open for guests.Artesian water.

Iktx SIS3. May iK-fc MRS. A. K. IRELAND, Proprietor.Cottage residents Invited to call.

GOODS I’ROMATLY .DELIVERED.Pitman Ave. "‘rS'B’' Olin St.,

O C E A N G R O V E , N . J .

One o f the finest locations hi Ocean Grave. Rooms large and u lry ; open view of the s e a ; less than 5 uilimtes walk from jKist nllhe, auditorium nnd th e ocean. Guests will receive the hc»t a tten ­tion hi exeellenceof table,nnd all home comforts. Tuble boarders accommodated.

Now Open for Season.Address MILS. I t. IL HODGE.

M ayil-s Occnn Grove, N. J.

The Ocean Queen,[Misses FRANK * ADAMS, Troj.rV. .

Cor. Ocean Ave. and Ocean P athw ay.The finest locution In Ocenn Grove.

Airy rooms and cxcetlent tnide. Now open for th e m,-asom

The Balmoral," W i t h T w o C o t t a g e s A .n n e x e d .

SITBF AVENUE,Bet, Central and Beach, OCEAN GROVE.

OPEN JUN E 16lh. "Mrs. H. !>. HOWE, o f Trenton.

Box2277. 23-s


A young man Just ready for college, o f superior ability, desires to obtain a position as tu tor In some family hy the seaside or elsewhere for tbo m onths o f July ond August. For fiirtbor portion- lain address Prof. O. W. Ff.’OTT, East Greenwich, Rhodo Island. M ayiH Jw

One Block from Ocean and W esley Lake,Select accom m odations and beautiful surroundings. A ttention first-class.

Jlre. L. PRICE, Proprietor,

A Live, Active Business Manwith small capital to invest in safe business, of would uccept a situation.

. Address J. E. E.. 23~3w 10.43 Ox lord 8t., Philadelphia.

CottageB ath Avanne near Beach.

Roomy and tasteful accom m odations; sanitary conditions first-elaxs; A rtesian water, nnd all modern Improvementa. Reduced rates for June and September.May22-s MRS. C. R. PRIEST, Proprietor.


45 W ehh A venue, near Central,OCEAN GROVE.

A cheerful and convenient Imine. Near b a th ­ing grounds, beach and cam p ground.2A-S Mrs. MAGGIE H. PAGE, Box ft®.

Mrs. S. MDLLIKEN,From MlnncaiioliH. A teacher o f 25 years’ exper­ience o f F I iinmIc m u s i c . P l a n o o r O r g a n . T c rn iN 8 1 2 f o r 2-1 lesso iiN . Resldcnco corner M ain and New Jersey avenues. Pupils aro th o r­oughly prepared to teach after tho new method.

._____________ 23-2 w

The WindsorN. W . Cor. OentTal and W ebb Avenues,

OCEAN GROVE, N. J.Eligible loco th in : accoimiiodntlons. very desir­

able. Keaxmmblo terms. O i i n i n a y 2 i i l ,Mrs. UOATK, Proprietor.

P. O. Rox I7f». :

The Chautauqua,Uo. 54 Broadway, Ocean Grove.

Situate near the ocean and Fletcher I^k c , with expansive v lew o f each1. Desirable location, cool and comfortable.- Special rotes for Ju n e and Sept­ember. Now open, •

Mrs. T .T . \VP.I<HITMAN,Box 20Ui. Miss M. A. DOWNER,

May22-s Proprietors.

Com er M ail, and Beach.Avenues.One block from the Ocean, and convenient to post office, camp circle and all imlnts of Interest.

Best water, aiid sanitary improvementh. New m unagem ent. House now ojien. Terms reasonable.

May 22-8 • . .. M18S A. BEAU MONT,'proprietor.

The Buena Vistaw a n t e d .ItKMOUHI.KO AND KNt.AtUtttP

Corndr of Heck and Beach Avenues,OCEAN GROVE.

Fourth Season. Very close lo th e oceau. Shade all day, with double covered verandas. Boat on the lake. First-class tabic, Pcrinatientm ul table boarders. Reasonable rates. Address •1S1-H D..1L PAUL, Box 37.

One room, with or without board, fur two ladles Ju ly , August und September, a t very m odem to price. Address w ith reference,

Mrs. MARY MORRISON,23-Jt North and First St., Bultimor , Md, H . S C H M I D T ,

KSTAUUSHKIl 1S8f».Repairer of F ine and. Com plicated WATCHES,

French M antle Clocks, Music Boxes, and Jewelry of Every Description.AU wnrronted as represented. Your pattonoge

solicited.3(1 M iiU In o u A v e n u e , n c n r P o s t O ffice .

ASUUBY p a r k , s . j . 23-s

A YOUNG LADY Ocean P athw ay , south side, betw een C entral and Beach Avenues.Still the favorite. Opeii Junc 1. Artesian w ateran d san ila tlo n jierfect. Open v letvof theOccAn.

Rooms commodious an d tab le llrt.t-class.May 21-s; MRS. M. TYLER, Proprietor, o f 202 S 11tli Streep Philadelphia.

would Bk epos I Don as clerk for mim incr montliB. Rest refereneo given. • Addresfl G. V. E , 2:M t Post Office, Philadelphia.

For Rent—A Bargain.Six-Boom House.

Oil lot 925, Embury avenuo above Pennsylvania.I t bos parlor,* d in Ing-room an d kitchen, 3 bed

rooms with double beds, springs, mattresses, bol- Ktcra, pillows, cham ber scfo. i c . , four rooim Iish hrusaejH carjict, kitchen has now stove, cooking utenaRfl, dishes, Ac. P um p.and splendid water h i k itchen . Apply to agents. Ocean Grove, or 47 E. Harrison St., Fraubford, Phila., Pa. 23-2w

“ B O S S ’Hot Sea-W ater Baths,

O pen T hu rsd ay May 27.10 A.-M. U N T IL i» P . M.


The Aurora.

Tlie Ladies’ Store,.Main Avenue , Ocean Grove,

Is now open with a complete stock o f

Staple Notions and Fancy GoodsRibbons, Rushing, Collars, Cuffs, Ac. .

Largo assortm ent of Stam ped Goods,Germ antown Saxony aiu l Zephyr.

T he public a rc Invited to call and exam ine.

The L ad ies’ S lo re ,M a in A v e n u e . O c cbm G r o v e .

Mftses A. E. und E. FA US. Proprietors.

28 Ocean Pathw ay , South Side, near Beach Avenue, Ocean Grove,A F I R S T - C L A S S H O U S E ,

sis. sm. jo sin w ic s e yThe St. Elmo


No. 5. Ocean P athw ay, Ocean Grove.Fine ocean outlook, rooms large, Artesian water and perfect sanitation. Table to suit the most

fastidious.. Terms reduced during June and fall m onths. 23-s

O SB O R N H O U SEFronting W esley Lake,ppef Ferry. F irst class accommodations.

Bcautifill location.N O W O P E N F O R G i l t S T S . J. ;u

For terrus address Mrs. A. WALLING, 1241. KW Lnke Avo., Ocean Urove.

M I L L I N E R Y C entral A venue, cor. P itm an , Ocean Qrove, M. J .

This central and popular, house has t»een enlarged by an annex contain ing spacious am i finely ftmit.Hhod rooms. All home comforts. Reasonable.terms. ,

. . • Jim. A. ISRAEL, Proprietor.

Bath A,ve. House,Cor, C entral and Bath Av'e.

One of tho mofit desirable and best located houses in Ocean U rove I h m o w o p e n . Guests perm anent und transient taken ut reduced rates un til July..

. M. F . M A CPH ER 80N , Prop'r.

Moss-Side Villa, S bS s;!0'\V’SASBURY PARK. ; drained, healthy mod-

orn style bath room and water tank , heuter In nellar. §1,000 may rem ain. Worth $8,500 but will bo sold a t a bargain or exchanged for Philadel­phia property or ono on Pcnna. I t. Ri near P hila­delphia. Address W. B. A1TKEN.22-2m 1719 Green 8t. Phila.

No. 4 0 ifliiin St. A slm ry I’ark .u p STAIRS. '

Wo have how a large num ber of

Trimmed Hats and Bonnets,latest styles a t reasonable prices. Fine assort*, m en to f € l > l i d r c n ’H i la tH .

N E W I .1 IF O J IT E D F L O W EILS,Ostrich Feathers, Ribbons and Fancy Trimmings. 1’repc goods a speein lty .'

I fn tN |ireMH< <I» F c n t l i c m dyed, Crepe restored lo look like nevy.


CTO C1C QUOTA 'HONSO reported u p to 12 o’clock byDeHAVEN & TOW NSEND,

BANKERS--------No. 30 NoultK ' i t i i r d St., FhilaUelpbla.June 1,1888BIO. A.8KKD

U .S .3’8..................................................... 101“ Currency, 0’h,............................... V*ll*" 4 ^ -8 ,.. ................... ..................\ \\%" 4 a................................................... 12d 12UK

Peiinsylvaiita R . H........................ ...............ftt 53*2Phllauelnbia and Reading IL R \ \y . hVU h lg h Valley R. U.............................. f»7 WJiLcblgh Cool and Navigation C o . , . . , fKH*Buff, N Y. & Phtln. R. K. Co............. 3 j ,New Jersey C entral.............................. fctL fth :Northern Pacific, Com........................ 2il . 26*2

PreF.d...................... • 57TjOregon T ran sco n tin en ta l... . 31 31*2Union Prtciflo........................................ 32?; 33Western Union............................ ........... U2!2 62*f.West Shore 1 s t ........................1 102; i 193Louisville & N ashvU io.;..................... 39 39h}Silver. (Trades,), ......................... 81 83

Slocks aud Bonds bought and sold on Commis­sion. Stocks carried on favorablo terms.

Abilene Cottage,14 Sea View Avenue.

Oho block from th e ocean, near Wesley Ijike. Guests will have home comforts and receive the best attention. Terms very reasonable. .

Address Rev. R..H; ASAY, Prop’r, • 22 -3ui Box 387 Ocean Grove, N. J.

Arctic House,SURF AVENUE, '* (N ear th e Beach.)

OCEAN GHOVE, N. J.T 1 IIW D N EA N O N . This house-Is within

two hundred feet of the o cean ; convcntnttoU ath- ing grounds, lake, AudUoriutu, and all points Qf Interest In the Grove.

J . M. MASONHEIMKU, Proprietor.

FOR ..RENT.Small C ottage n ea r tlio Sea

R e n t $100.O ne F ive-room Cottngo

on beautlm l avenuo quite near tho ocean, $150. Both very nicely Airnished. Inquire of

Mr JOSHUA C U R K , May22-4w , No. D Kmbury Avo., Ocean Grove.


., ; -. OpposRe Post Office. ; • --MRS. E. R. PAGE Intends to keep h e r house

ojien for tho accommodation o f boarders during tho W inter m onths. Its flue locution and com­fortable rooms will be quite handy for transient and perm anent guests. / \

GEO. K . HOUGH, Practical Tailor and Cutter,

(Lato o f Philadelphia.)N o . 3 9 P i lg r i m P a t l iw n y , n e a r ly o p p .

P o s t O ffice , O tc iu i G r o v e .Persons fhm ishing their own m aterial can have

U made up la th e latest style and m ost satisfac­tory m anner. • ' .CUTTING; CLEANING, REPAIRING, PRE88ING

neatly and promptly executed.



AIM), .C abinet W ork, U pholstering andL ock•

sm ithing.Corner Cookman Avenue and Bond Street,

ASBURY PARK. N. J . 2:i-s

CHINESE LAUNDRYOlin St. noar Pilgrim Pathw ay,

Opposite Pnst-oillco.CHU KUN. CHU BOCK. CHU JUE.



O F B N - A L L T H E Y I E L A J R ,

D ellghthdly situated n ea r tho bench. Good ac­commodations aro offered on favorablo terms. Prices during tho F all and W inter m ouths u n ­usually low. A pleasant w hiter homo m ay been- Joyed h ere on very m onderato terms. Families )?J11 bo lukon a t reduced rotes.

MILS. K. HODSON, Proprietor.

Pearl Cottage,Cor. A sbury aud D elaw are. Avsnuos.

Beautiful outlook nud homo comforts.* Every requisite Hecommudnthm an d la s t attention to guc&U. . ''■M-s Mrs, J; P. TITUS, Proprietor.


Boot and Shoemaker,90 COOKMAN AVKNUK.

Ju st received a largo stock o f bools and shoes for the summ er trade. •

Custom work a specialty, . . . 23-s


furnished throughout. Good location, m oderate rv u tto p rlv a to family. •

W. H. WYTHE,Ocean Grove.


Ke-OpcnH June lOlh.Tenth season. Evcrj' a deguard to hea lth . For

rotes address tho proprietor*.2l-fi * GKO. L. ATKINS & SONS.

Ahome-liko Cottage, fully Furnished.-I bcd-rooniH. Near church . ^

Apply to I I .D . Becglo*t8on, or on premises, 97 Eiuuury avenue, Ocenn Grove.

35 Cookman Ave., near G rand.

A complete and m dquo line o f ware. Dccoratlug a8jieclaliy. 23-a1, new way lo raise Hinds for churches,

r t schools, etc., made of wood2x3 in .; do not -break like, the jug. Have scut them inio twcniy-elght State*.. By mail five cents, by express $t.W per irt).- Barrel opening concert exercises three cents. One chutch raised one barrel co Ilccled $23. Easy plan to raise muney for StiqUay-schools. L. C. Rommc. Phila. P.i

Corner Lot for SaleP artly furn ished . A notv 2 room cottago and

good sized tout. Both to ono party 011 ono lot. or lo separate parties 011 separate lots. Location

. Iltio, grounds am plo and shady.2 3 - t f , j ■ In q uire nt No. 8 Em bury Avenuo.

moneyflARREk? Ocean Park uear F letcher iAke.

p e a r s o n Y a r d ,2.45 Perry St., Trenton, N, J.

Page 4: REV. A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OOEAN GROVE, N. J ... · the influence of wiiich few could resist— themselves on bods und wept alone. Oth. ... Ho said old .Sampson to his flock,

O Q E L A J S r G K R O V I E P & Z E C O I R / I D ; J T J n S T j E ] 5 , 1 8 S S .




Ocean Greys Carap-Meetins Asso’aItev. R H. STOIC KS. 1). P., Itav. G.KO. H l'G llK S ,Kev. W. B.O.<m>KN.JK H. BROWN. Kwp,•R e v . J . B. ISSKU N

. R ev. IIEN.I. M. ADAMS. • R ev . A BAM W ALI.At’ K, 1>. IK, R ev ; A . K. KALLA KD .


UKOfB.'K U*. JO*A NS.II011..IAMIC.*? HLACK,R e v . J . IF. A I jD A Y. M. IK. R e v . J . It. MANIKIN. .Hon. JA M liS K. H A YS,Rvv. I. .SIMMONS.T. T. TASKKR. Sr.. Ksq.. lio n . ItOl.MKSW. MUKl’HY, GKO. J. HAMILTON. Ksq., .Rev. II UNRY M. KKOWN.; KNOCIl HANTIIORN. Ksq.. •JOriKl’H Mel’llKUSlKS*. Knj.,

( J AM I * S.. YARD. V»\..JOHN R. V ASK IRK. Ksq.,

; JOS KIM I R.TANTU XI, SI. IK, ♦Decerned. .

New Jersey ' ' New York

New Jersoy New York.

I’eunsylvanla New York

reiiu.Hylviiiiin New Jersoy New Jersey New Jersoy

Ocean Grove New Jersey

reftiisyiviiiiiti IViin.sylvniilii

New Jersey ’ New Jorse

New Yor« remiHylvunfti

New Jursey Nu\v Y01 k

New Jersey New Jersey

.New Jersey New Jersey Now Jersey



Ror.. K. 11. STOIC KS, I). I)., rresiileut,! ' .. ‘ Ocean drove, N. J.Rev. A. 1C. BAl.LAKlK Vlee-Brosidutit,

Oeean iIrove, N. J.OKOKGIC W. EVANS, Esq.. Secretary.

(Venn Grove, N .J ..1). II..BROWN, Esq., Treasurer,. .

• I |:t Bedford Ave., Urooklyu, N. \ . JOBKl’H It. T1IOKNI.1CY, Esq., (Voim Grovo.N.J. Hon. JAM ICS BLACK,- Ijim-Jister, I’.KHon. J . L. HAYS. Newark, N. J.Hon. UtH.MKF W. MURPHY, Freehold, N. J , Kev.ltOBKKT J. ANDKKW.S, JUgliLslowu, N. J.

■ F o r t h o i n f o r m a t io n o f t h o s e n o t fa ­m il ia r ; w i th t h i s i n t e r e s t i n g p la c e , a few fa c ta m a y bo b r ie f ly s t a l e d : .

L O C A T IO N .

I lls lo c a te d s ix m iles south o f 1-otigIlrnnehjin*; m ediately on die shore oT (he Atlantic. Occult. I t

is houmletl on the north nml south hy beautiftil fresh-wuler lak es: on d ie east hy th e oeei’ni, ami

. on th e west hy lines nearly pa ml ell w ith tlie ■ . Knit road; ' .

F. X T E N T ,

It <*i an prises over three hundred acres o fland ,' tw o-thuds rifwli **h are Knives,nml Urn rem ainder

r beach laml. The whole plot is uow liihl ou t ingrand avenlies I rmu eighty 10 th ree It 11 mired feet

'w id e .. \U iU I .IH N U S .

: .. ■ On these avenues aliont e ight hundred cottage* V nre nqw built, varying in e<K from $ 3 0 0 t o W ,*

0 0 0 . . There arc About fortyadditional buildings,. emi.-dslingnf large boimlliiK houses, stores, and

such o ther edifices as th e business o f th e place dem ands. To these buildings others are being

.'eoiisUinlly ndded, so th a t th e precise num ber given.to-day will not answ er for th e num ber a week or a m onth lienee.* All o f th e cottages .arc comfortable—some o f I hem p lain , and o thers pos-

■\ sussing nil th e beamy m id jierfectiun of modem architecture.

S I 7.11 O F L O T S .

The average sfre of.lots Is ItOxfJl fecj, .which Is Inrun enough for a small collage, such ns the ma-

I jority prefer lotm lUl. Those who wish to -build linger buy.two or m ore lots.

W A T E R ,

1 W ater o f the purest nud best quality , nnd in In-1 exhaustible quantities,. is obtained by menus o f

lube pumps, driven to a depth o f 2ft or 30 feet dirnngu tiie solid gravel, atnl nil everllnwing Ar­tesian wed 1, frum a depth o f over 400 feet.

■ T E N T H . ...

Iii addition to fo liag es irndboartU ng houses ns places o f n.sidenee, tents are used hy mnny ]>enplc. Kvcry year, aW ut Six hundred of these nre creel­ed, niid although the season may be storm y—the wind Sometlim-s blowing almost, a gnlii—yet but few.have ever been blown down, when |»ni|>erly 'pul .up-*- M'hcm* ten ts a re dry nm l romfiirtalde, even in wel w eather.; -Many a rs o n s prefer ten ts t«» vnfiages. a s they say, “ Teitt life Is a change— we live in Ionise" o r cottages a t home.” Tents o f good fci/.e, and in good condition, erected and ready for occnpnticy*, van always be had on rea­sonable-Jenns by application to -tlie .Secretary’s

; olllee, . 'H V T n jN G AN1> U O .V T IN G .

TJ»e bath ing at Ocean Oro vc is unsurpassed. The I touting ujhui the lakes is enjoyed hy thousands of

: inch, wom en nnd ehildren , from early daw n Ui long a fter dark . . Over s ix hundred boats a re now found,upon these waters.*

G O V F .ltN M K X T . .

■■The governm ent o f the place isstrictly religions, bciug l it charge o f twenty-six m en—th irteen miti* tstc.v* winl I lilt teen laym en—all of whom m ust be members o f tiie Methodist Episcopal Church; and y e t th is place Is itt no way sectarian—Its pppnlit- lion being con »i»osed of a ll denom inations o f Chris* tians, who oiijny and tak e p a rt in its religious services.

• K E IR K A T IO N .

T he object of lids place Is lo provide a swaslde resort for Christian people, free frinn th e vices and

; tempt alious iismilly found a t fash inn able watering places, aud a t Mich rates as slml come witlihi the reach of those o f moderate means.


A camp-meeting for the.promotion of Christian holiness Is held each year, together wtih o ther re­ligious services, w hich a re held dally from thebe-,

; : g inning of tlie season to its close, covering a per­iod of about ibur m onths.

K E S T K 1 C T IO N S .

M'he gates are closed, o n tlie Sabbath, tuid. the quletncs* th a t becomes tlm t holy day everywhere

. prevails. Netther liquor nor tobacco a re sold upon th e grouud. * "Holiness to tho Lord” is our motto.

L O T S F O R N A L E .

About twelve hundred lots have already been Mild. There are m any m ote ye t I n 'th e m arket

. well located and attractive. T he proceeds from th e sale o flo ts , atnl from nil o ther sources, go to improve the place. The iudlviduftl members of th e Association a re not Iltianclally benefited. Tho eh art er‘p inhibits it. , •

.The Railroad l>ej»ot is b u t a few hundred yards -from tbo entrance to the grounds. Pott and tele­graph oUlee-s ojK'ii a ll the yeiir.

All o ilier information desired can be freely ob. " tallied by addiowing

E . I I . S T O K E S , I 'r e a M e n t .•SEO . W . E V A N S , S e c r e t a r y .

yProm tho AantmT P ahk J ouunal.1 .

HISTORY OF ASBURY PARK.Although wo hav otien given th o history ot

Asbury Park, tho placo Is becoming so well known tli rough tho owners of coltafrea and the press th at wo are often urged to again givo its history In typo. Its success is alm ost m arvelous; its growth as a sea-sido resort has been greater than any sim ilar enterprise oti tho Am erican continent. I t w il t bo noticed th at a pormanout village has grown tip arising from tho necessities o f th e situation. Somo, who a t first spent only a few m onths iu Summer, now llvo hero tho year round, as thoy havo all tho comforts of tho largo towns th a t nre much nearer Now York.

Wo tako pleasure lu rc-pnbllshlng its history, as riven In a previous limuDcr of T he J ouhnaj ' dr. Jiuncs A. Bradley, the oriirinai proprietor

“ Ono afternoon la May, 1870, 1 wan walking down Broadway, Now York, and suddenly ran against my friend, David II. Brown, Esq., Treas­u rer o f the Ocean Grovo Association. Iiow is Oceau Grovo getting a lo n g T I asked. 'V ery fairly,’ said h e j ' w hy don’t you buy a lot? Thoso who have th eir names put down now lmvo first choice.’ 'W ell, pu t me down for two,' said I. A few days after, In company with Rov. W. U. Boole nhd George \V. Cheese m an. or B lnnlngluun, Cou- tiectiuut, Itev. Mr. 8 axo and others, we started for Ocean Grove. Wo took tho boat for Port Mon­m outh, thence by railroad to Ealoutnwu. Tho sott-shoru route was opened a few days afterw ards. After dining ot Mr. Brown's country lionso at Kutontown, wo drovo toOccanGrovo in carriages. Tlio turnpike company Imd lust commenced ojaT- aliens, and from Great Pond to Ocean Grove win ono of tho worst roads U nit could well bo iuiag- Incd. 1 was completely taken with Ocean Grove and Its surroundings—so m uch so th a t I purchased tlio Ural lot over ’sold there, tho prem ium being 585.

"Tnvtne for somo. tlmo titwv .....................1 had been recant*Having for some timo p rev tons been lu had

....illlt, 1 concluded to try wlmt 1 had been recoin tnomled—sea air. Too close application to bttslness had mado inroads 011 my constitution and my nervous system was seriously-atli'cted. So, a fow days after purchasing Iholola, taking two horses, carriage and tent, and John Baker, my colored m an, I left tho hum of t he busy city behind to bccomo an Inhab itan t o f tlio w ild wooils, where m y wearied body and brain m ight rest, Billed to sleep by the m urm uring sea ut night* and awakened lu tho m orning by tlio songs oi birds In tho pine trees surrounding my couch.

“John and I arrived at Ocean Grovo lust ntnighl- fall, and having gottouour horses under shelter m a barn belonging to Charles Rogers, near the present Ocean Grovo school house. Wo entered th e woods and about h a lf a m ile oil* erected our len t. I t was too dark to get poles, ao we h ung the te n t 011 the beams nf w hat was afterwards tho Association Olllee, the tirst building over erected in Ocean Grove. (This building stood near the Auditorium and was afterwurd torn down or removed.) Tho build­ing al th at timo was w itliout roof. Wo were w ith ­o u t light, and soon after lunching on some crack­ers we lay dowu to Bleep, our heads resting on the carriago cushions, and our covcriug being the carriage blankets. 8 0 we spent our first n ig h t in Oceau Grove, and so began an en tire change i n my mode of life, which led eventually to a ll al­most complete restoration to health .

" Iu the morning Baker sighed and sa id : ‘ Mr.B.; this Is a wllderueva place. l ie was homesick*, for, let the reader, who perhaps lias Itcuu oil the some spot during tho busy sum m er season,.und heard the continuous click o f the telegraph instru­m ent and seen tho vast throng o f men uud m aid­ens call for tbo ir leliere w hen th e m ail arrives, rem em ber it was far dllferent 011 the m orning pf which we are writing ; although It was th e 10th of June, not a soul was w ithin hearing distance o f us. I cheered him by say in g : ‘ Oh 1 d o n 't be cast down,’ and b o o u we were eating our morning lunch. That finished we proceeded to my lots on the lake, and pitched our bmall teu ton thcgroim d now built upon and owned by Rev. Alfred Cook- m an’s widow. My large ten t was erected 011 the lo t now owned by Wm. P. Brock. E sq , and so we began our Crusoe life. During th e day wewcit* Bioually saw Mr. F rank lin 's men; w ho worked about tlie grounds, und at n ig h t wo were left to our solitude. Mr. Fran k ilo 's m en touted ou tlie lots now covered by the Hayward cottages, but on Sundays w ent to their homes in the in terio r of tho towuship.

"Baker was my steward, housekeeper nml cook.1 p r o c u r e d a b o x , d u g a h o l e i n t b e 'g r o u m l a n d p u t .it, in , and tlm t was our lee house. We would sometimes drive to Long Branch, six miles aiyay, and procure food, principally canned goods. Foreman FraukUa’ffmen indulged more iu fresh meats th an Baker an d I, so I would trade canned goods for the old-fashioned savory 6tew th at gave muscle to the men who first removed briars and brush from Ocean Urovo and mado Its streets.

“ Ouo evening Baker and I took a stroll along the ocean and I proposed a bath. Baker smiled aud said * No, no .' ' But remember, John, clean­liness is next to godliness.' 1 took an ocenn bath

now a feature in th e deeds ot m any seaside re­sorts Marled on the New Jersey coast w ith in tho past ten years.

“ As the tow n.grew a seriousdlfilculty aroso; ' How will vim drain and sewer the place?1 It was found th at the people Were not prepared, to grapple with tlm t question, so. again, another fortune was Invested in de 111 mist nit ing th at sea­side towns 011 th e New Jersey roast could be sew­ered ami every house put iu a complete sanitary condition. #

“ Money has not been lost on the purchase of An­bury Park, but the Might profit nmilo (a m ere salary to Its rounder) would disgust tho ord inary speculator, and all hough U10 m l cubit Ion bh to profits has beeti a disappointm ent, tlio en te r­prise is a grand .success."

Asbury Park was the first seaside resort oil the American con tinen t to adopt a perfect system of drainage. Wc have fifteen m iles o f s tree t maltiR, exclusive o f house connection pipes. Our sewage Is discharged Into the ocean and is carried away by th e cu rren t. We have m iles o f wulkR: an Oceau Plaza .one mile lung, uud from six teen Ao thirty-two feet wide.

Anbury Park has the purest water in th e world from our Artesian wells, tlio analysis of w hich was modo by Professor Cook, Htato Geologist.

Anbury I’a tk has seven church edifices—Episco­palian, Reformed, Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist and African. Hotels, boarding hoiescs, stores of every variety necessary to a largo popu­lation nro established : a public library buildli worth, w ith tho grounds, sai.ooo: weekly pnpcia with circulation o f over ri.tUK) copies; a post olllee. salary f2,;nx); two public h a lls -o n c , KiJueatJoimi Halt, being tho nujio nam e I t bore when it Blood on the C entennial grounds a t Philadotphia-scnt- lug over l.BOO people. Wo have also nn opera house, seating about 1,'JfiO. •

T here are e ight hundred cottages, besides hotels. The finest Masonic lodge-room in Monmouth county was erected by th e late Alien R.Gook, who was for a long tim e the esteemed superintendent or Asbury Park. * Wc have also 0110 of the best p lanned school-houses in tlio .Stale, with n daily Attendance o f seven hundred ; the school lot was donated, an d fronts on th ree streets,'and Ib'JOOxJOO. Asbury Park was assessed In 1MVJ for 8ir»,U00; tho assessed valuation in 1SST* wns over S’JjKHt,000.

Streets running at right nngles to tho sea arc ...........................Jr ’ ’ " ’ * *

tral Railroad of Now Jersoy, ami w ith ailjoluing streets cover four acres, including tnagulficcut womls.

Tho Borough, under a law passed in the w inter of 1885, Is now erecting water works to cost about sixty thousand dollara— tho w ater is procured from th e artesian w ells w hich are now becoming so celebrated.

Electric lights wore first introduced Juno 20, 1885, w hich m akes our streets and bench prome­nade still more attractive.

B R O W N ’ S

but, oh, bow different from Uicwhv bathers usually enjoy the surf, the waves dashing over their heads. 1 laid dowu on tho soft sand and allowedthe water to Just touch my body, aud 1 can tell. . . .*j( . . . .

...............tli.*u lying

while I looked around to see w hat had become ol

you. reader. It Is somo w hat lonely to tru s ty 01 irscif In th e great ocean iu tlie tw ilight aim alone. After 1 had beeu lying 011 U10 beach for a little

Baker. He bad plucked lip courage by m y exam ­ple aud had really divested him self o f his clothes, and, coward like myself, barely allowed th e water to touched h im . Ills dusky skin was somewhat In contrast w ith the w hite sand, and th e whole sccno forcibly rem inded me uf Robinson Crnsoe autl his m an Friday.

I bave often m et persons since th e tim e 1 first cnmi>ed out at Ocean Grove* whose nerves were shattered by too close application U) tiie ir profes­sion, studies or th eir chase for the * jUiuighiv dol­lar.’ 1 was familiar w ith th e ir sufi'erlngs which, alus, 8lroiig mou look ujsm wi th contempt. Some were taking this or th a t • nerv ine mt re-all,' but the U'st nervine fora man who Is uot absolutely past repair, is to break away , entirely from his culling o r greed am i cam p n u t ou the sea shore. W hite Monutaius, Adirondoeks, or in some other heulthy locality, or travel iu Kitroi*e. and .patien t­ly waft for the return o f the greatest Isnm God has ever given to nmn-rgood health.

“ During the cump-meetlng th a t took place i n ' August we often heard the Inquiry, 4 Who mvns the land ou the other side o f the lake?’ One day Rev. Wm. U. Osborn and myself w ent over, n m l; a t th e risk of having o ur clothes torn from our bodies, worked our way through th e briars until we reached Sunset Dike. And, like the red man of whum we read lu trad ition , we eould say • Ala­bama—here we res t;’ for wo stood oil the banks of as beautiful a sheet o f water as can be found any where. We returned to the UroVo by way o f the beach, and soon set to work to m ake up a company to purchase the land. We soon learned tho owucr would uot sell tho land 111 parcels, bu t the purchaser m ust take the whole or none. Here was a dlUlculty; five hundred acres 1 ' Never m ind,’ said som e; 'th e moro land wo huve th e more profit wo w ill.have.’ Our eomimny was to consist o f eight ivenwms. some o f whom were very enthusiastic; but, ulas! w hen the cool nights oi aulum u cam oaioug, it-ch illed th e ir enthusiasm , and .their exuniide h ad ita ch illing eltect on me. But I often thought of the m atter, and as soon as I heard tliat Bishop Simpson, o f th e M. E. Church, urged the Ocean Grove Association to purchase it to prevent Its falling in to the hands of some one who was not in sympathy wftJi tlie euterorise they bad in tiieir hands. I called ou David II. Brown, and propo«ed h e should join me in tne purchase hy tak ing one-cighUi,the price asked bciug about fJO.txx). ‘No,’ said he, • 1 am determ ined to have notiiing to do with any enU.*n>rise In Unit neigh­borhood th a t would seem to placo me In an iiicnii- slBtcut posiiion, as I am now .Treasurer of the Oceau Grove Association. This I will d o : I will write to every m em ber o f tho Association, and if they say buy, I am inclined to th iu k I Mi all not oppose it, although I th in k wo have enough land now. But if they do not buy it, you cay. And as you wish me to negotiate th e purchase. I Will do so, ou condition th a t you advance .ute requisite am ount to "secure tho property, ami if the Ai«Milation decide to take ft, your money to bo refunded. Wu are lo have a w eek's optioti to consider the m atter.’ A majority o f tho Associa­tion decided uot to purchase tho land, altlumgh somo urged i t very strongly ,* ao tho property be­came mftie—I, a t the same tim e assuring them th at the property would bo resold only to such parties as would appreciate the situation of tho place. After tho purcuHse, the briars before ailiulcd to, w ith tho tangled underbrush, wero removed a t a cost of several thousand dollura. And very few would now supposo th a t tho choice spots upon which are now erected bcautiftil cottages, was so receutly a jungle.

“ As stated above, ft was supposed th at immotiso rollls would result from the purchase o f tlm land nowu as Asbury Park, but the m an w ho has

tried to meet every emergeucy Uiut has arisen is wiser now than w hen h e first risked a fortune in au entirely new and untried scheme. There w as not, so far as ho knew, a BcaaJdo resort, an incor­porated town, on tho Am erican continent or In Europe, where in the deeds the sale of intoxicat­ing liquor was prohibited. ‘With your restric­tions you can never m ake a seaside resort a success no near New York,' said the tim id and tbo croakers, but tho founder o f Asbury Park, with, an intense and life­

long hatred of the liquor traffic, has given h u n ­dreds and hundreds of deeds which are on record at the Ctouuty Clerk’s office, and contain a protest against tho cunic o f Bociety which tho American people Btraugely allow to exiBt; and yet Asbury Park, notw ithstanding, d id grow and Its.success has beeu so g reat that, the anti-liquor clause ia

BITTERSCombining lltON w ith TUBE VEGETABLE TOXICS, qafckly and complrtcly CLEANSES and ENRICHES T H E B L O O D . (Juickcns the action o f tho Liver and Kidnrys. Clears tho complexion, makes tho skin smooth. Itdoesnot injnro tho teeth, cause headache, or produce con- stlpatlon—ALL OTUEIt IRON MEDICINES DO. Vbjaiciana and DrusBifltfl ovorywhcro rccommond It,

Dr. N. S. ftennnxa, of Marion. Mas*., wjrs: " !• mcommGntl Brnvrn’n Iron Bittorw a valiialilo Uimo for enriching tlio blootLand nttnotinR all ilyspcjitio BjrupUJma. I t dooe pot hurt ttjo U'etlu”

D a ft. M. DirazrLL, Rnynolda; In<t. batb: "X hare proscribed llttrwna Iron Bitten* in caww nf anreraia and blood diaoaaoa. also when a tnnio was nooded.aad It baa proTint Uiunrtigbly HatiMactorr."

Mn-"Wm.Bran0.26St.MarySU,New Orleans, Ia.. eaja: “ Brown’s Iron BIttera roliotcl me in a caao. of blood poiaoniag, aud I heartily commend it U> those neoJlnK a blood purifier.. Mit. W. w . WONAiUt*. Tuscumbia, Ala., m pu I have been troubled from childhood with lmpnn> Blood and crop lion on ray faco—two 1 Million of Bruwn’a Iron llitters elfoclod a porfoct euro. I cannot apoik too Ujahly of this valu&blo modicuio."Connlno ha* abomTrado Mark and crossed rod llnoa

un wrapper. Taiku no o th e r . Made only by U U U W .N C U K A II O A L C O ., I tA L T lM O lO ^ M IX

PEN N SY LV A N IA IIAILROAD.A S h o r t e s t R o u t e l io lw e e n l* t i l l iu lc l- p t i l n .m u l D c e n n C Jrnve.


Leave Brond SL Stathm —0:50,*>*:t»u, 11:15 a. si ,•1X») P.M. .

From (bun 1 leu , by Toms Rlvcr. nu week days, ■yjw a.sk

lA*avc Ocean Grove fnrllmtul Ht. riiilu .—7;tS5. SJ3 a.m., 12:27, 1:2U, r . >1. By .Seaside Park. Ton 18 River,. Mt. Hnliy to Camden, 011 week days.

Leave t icenii Grove, for Ding Branch and Imer- nwtUate Mathms—week days, 7:;V., tl*;a» a . m„ 12:15,5;:ir» 1*. m.

For Point Pleasant ami In tennodialc Matlons— IlStt A.M.. 3JKI, I: l**>, SrJS, 7:1*1 l‘.M.

For Sea Girt, Mauasqnan, Fnnnlngdftle, Freehold and T renton—8:13 a.m., 12:27, i.-ji. 5s»i p.m.

T hronghoxpress for Tu-nton and Philadelpliin, (Broad bt.) 7:25 A.M. with parlor car attached.

Leave ’Ocean Grove for EU/nD-th, Newark and New York, 7:53, <1:15 a.m., J2:l5t 5::*.vi km.

t.cave New York for Ocean Grove, ‘JJAl a.m., 12JM 110611. 5:i«i p.m.J . R. WOOD, (i. P. A:, Phila., I'a.

\ T E W Y O R K & L O N G B R A N C H R . R .X x hTATIOSH IN NK1V V««K:1’liiladclphia Rending R. It., fiiot. IJIicrty Ft.

Fennsyivatiia It. R., foot CortlmnU and Desbnw6CS SlS ■ ,

TIM E TABLE, MAY i>, 18MJ.' trains wm Asmmv KtitK and ocean orovr.

Leave New York via. Phihu .k Heading IL IL— l:;iu, 8:15,11.-on a.m ., l::w. ijs i, j::ai (express), ii:l5 p.m. By Peimsylvniiiii IL IL, 'J:<m a. 111., 12 noon, il: to (express), 5.*uu p.m.

Leave N ewark, Broad St. .Station—8r25,11:15 a.m ., l::«h 4« i, 4S», Cr-V p.m. M arket Street Slnthm —'J*.3t a .m ., 12:27, DH, 5:27 p.tn,

TRAINS FROM ASrimtY I'AUK AND OCEAN CnOVR..For New York, Newark an d Kliznlioth—i'i:2 *, 7:A>,

7:53 (expressi. n.-imi (exprom), t»;i5,1U:55 a , in., 12:15. .1:13, 7:15 p. m.

For l’b U a d e h d ila a n d Trenum .-v ia B ound Brook Hoifte—8.*25,8:(>oa m ,, J:Ju p .m.

For Ownn lieneh. Spring Lake an d Sen Girt—7:13, 8:13, l(i;2i»P lt.-uF»a.m., 12727, l:Ud,.2.*on, -law, 4.15, f.rJJ, 0Ji0,fi:i5,7j»i, 8:J5 p.m.

For Maniiwpmu and Point Pleaaant—'7:15, 10725, l lj l5 u .n i., 1:00, 2XX), 3;:jn, 1:15, 57J), 6:U0, 0:15, "jut. 8:15 p.m.

For Philadelphia via. Sen Girt—8:13 a.m ., 12:27, 4r3i p.m.

For stations on P. R. K. to Toms River, via. Buy Head, lP.d5a.in.-, 1:15 p.m. K<»r stations to Cam- deu via. Bay H ead,'1:15 p.m.

RIJFHs BLODGiaT,C. G. HANCOCK. G. IV * T. A. P. ,(• X. I i U.

J. U. WOOD, Geti’l ills. A'jt. V. Jt. Ji.


O C E A N G R O V E .4-room Cot tnges.5-room “

.fi-room7-nm m "8-room " b-OMim

hi-nwua " U-ro*>m J2-room “

from 3 s*i to Inna 12f»iofrom.from •fnimfrinnfrinnfromfrom

l.Mi t<» VM to Pin lo 151 to

fri'i to275 to :*iM to

imd some larger.< all mul see G, NY. M A UT! N\ *

Real listate and Insurance Agent, ••17 i ’dgriii Pathway.

Tie I f Devotional Soiig BodIlfor Ocean Grove services.

S E A S O N O F * 1 8 8 6 ,

Is tunv ready.. Entitled

“ On Joyial Wing.”J. it. Stvciiey nml \V. J . K irkpatrick, E<l.s.

John J. Hood, HUS Arch St., PIiIIil

Oars, oarlocks, nnd everything in the l««it line constantly on imml. IU*]uiiring and painting al «h<irt notice.

BOATS OF ALL KINDSBloredand cured for during the w inter monthfl.C a ll a l m a in S t r e e t i t r l i l g c , H e a d o f

W e s le y L a k e .

PLAIN FACTS!X T I S A- F A C 7 T ~ Tlud n o n i |fthM’knwBovcrn

........................ y o u r ltlnmnmtfpm or hnwlong you havo suRurisL you cnnin-t relief, and wliat’u moro. got it iHirmimontly—*• fo r keep’s,” im tlm boys

.tersoly p u t i tX T XS A F A hnvo had-*■ - f .f r , —r , thin Kind experience, nndnow roJoloo in porfoct health . Wo can nliow you tho tesLJmonlAla o r m any mich.. S T I S A F A C T - ' * U r n


CUREdoen tiin bnffincoB and hoa dono i t snccrwifnlly orory tlmo ft has boon tried according to directions./ T I S A F A C T ~ T h a t this remedy, though 1 a x a u j com paratively new in o u rcountry, lion Iwen. used very m any years In b o iu o ja r ta or Europe, aud wftli womlorftd sn cc tm X T T S A F A / 7 T - T l m t tho Russian Rhou-

m z J L mutism (M m has U10 cn- dorecm nnt o f cm luoat E im as 'an phyHlcfntm and Governm ent san itary commiwfioiiib w ithout which It could n o t bo publicly uold In Homo of those countries.I T I S A F A C T - Tltnt HKNnv M. Fhank or L i y F rank i!ro». U Ca. 51 N, .11

KL. I’tillOilelph I a, m illered fo r yearn witli Ithcutiiatiflm in tho arm s nnd Hlumhlors. IiosavH : 1 tried every­thing, h u t nnthim; hei|x*d un til 1 tmuirlit tho I t . I t . C u r e . " I t en ro l me completely aud very quickly." D c a c r lp t i r o p n m p b le t , w ith tcatimonialB. frrcc. r . I a m i h n c n I I f mallrol. W a wlilltlonaL P r i c e & 2 . D 0 4 I f nvi»h<rc<l. inc. more,

Aa yet i t la n o t to 1>o found a t tlm Rtore*. b u t can only t»o ha<l by enclosing tho am oun t oh above, aud niitfrnesimr Urn American proprie tors.

PFAELZER BROS. & CO.8 1 9 -8 2 1 M uTket Strtjet, lMillnilclDhla.

S T O C K Son Commission, and carried on favorable terms.

B o u a n ’Tand


Being m cinberanf Imlli th e Philadelpliin and New Ynrk Etoek Excliaiige, and having a Private Wire direct from our olllee ft* New York, wo are prepared to exemile orders left witii us promptly and KallsfacUirily. AccuiiiiIk received aiul inter* s t allowed.


36 S. 3d St., Ph ilade lph ia .


(SucccsMirx to H. luitncs * Sous.)

M ain St., A sbury P ark , N . J .

Houses for Sale and Ee n t- u *. a t t u b *Real Estate and t a r a n c e Agelc?,109 Cookman Av., ASBUBY FA2S.

IVK HKCRKSKNT.TItK * ■Liverpool nud London and Globe,

Ins. Go. n f North America,Phnnix o f N. Y., • Continental,

Fire Insurance Asso. Providence W ashington, , tJernmu American, Royal,and o ther large Insum iice Gomiuuilt's.


Ilea l E s ta te , In su ra n c e an d G e n e ra l A g en t.

Property sold o r. rented in Ocean Grove,. Asbury Park and vicinity. Insurance effected at lowest rates in strongest compa­nies. Money loaned on m ort­gage security. Cottages cared for. conveyancing, etc.

Ocean Grove Association. Lots for sale at lowest prices.

G. W . MAKTiy,47 P ilgrim Patliway, opp. Post Office,

Ocean Grove, N. J.


H O U S E P A I H T i l ANI1-----


TTAY.IN.n in<] ra?1,y years cx ik tIcu cc in Now l ur k and o ther oHloa; .also, toil voars in

Ocoaii Grove and Kurronndhtg places, and having for e igh t years had charge o f the Ocean d r o v e Association work, we honestly doom ft an advan­tage ft> all requiring fnilhm i mul artistic palm ing done to call upon ils a to iirbubim w linulq iiartors,

P ru llia n i’s P rodnco M iirkut, r O lin S t . I » o s t Oflice,

o r lo address us Uiroitgh BOX 2013, Ocean Grove.

• Work gun ran Iced o r no m oney claim ed. .

Sea Side Stove Works.D, ENRIGHT.

Sttm,lu|f:,U»sJsKTin Roofing, and Jobbing generally.

Main Street, Opp. Ocean Grove Gates.

M, M. CROSBIE ,SuecoKBor to

D A V ID C A R T W R 1 G 1 IT ,


Ilav ing been mnnngcr for Mr. Cartwrfgltt for llio past eight years-Ninco tiie busine-ss was first eslabllsliod here—I feel confident th a t tb e work I h av e done will be th e best.reference I can ofier.T a r P ap o r, S lio a th in g Papor, T w o a n d Throo

P ly 'R o o fin g P ap o r.T. O. Box W)2. ASBURY PARK, N. J.


Carefttl and prompt atten tion given to tho bund­ling o f all freight and baggage.

O nieoo tJ.. II. Kvans’ Ijidles’ Fftficy Store, Main A vo. near Gent m l. Ocean Grove.

ISAAC C. KENNEDY, Attorney-at-Law.Special a tten tion given to exam ination o f titles,

&»!. *Olllee in Cook’s Brick Building, Main St. and

Cookman Ave., ASBURY PARK.


Now occupy th e new brick build ing or J . Henry Applegate, on

M attison Avenue, near Bond Street,where they arc prepared to estfmutc on all kinds

OF M I M A S AND STEAK FITTING.T h cy d o iio iie o th er tlmn firat oinsa work, and

all plum bing will be done after the most approved sanitary metiuals.

R e p a i r i n g ; p r o m p t l y n t t e m le i l to .


A s b u ry l- a r lc , N e w J e r s e y .DKAl.nt IN

Stoves, Ranges, H eaters, Furnaces, House-Furnishing H ardw are. T in,

Sheet Iron, and Copper W are.

Tin-Roofing,Gutters& LeadersA SPECIALTY.

Call and exam ine our “ W P L K W IH D * ' Fire Place Heaters, Hotel and Fancy Trays, Costers, 8tniMil!iltig Irons. Oil Htoves, IMtent EurekaC«.five IW .A v .

Street Lamps and FixturesCONSTANTLY ON HAND.

Thanking our patrons for past favors, I respect­fully sol left a continuance of th e ir jiatromige.

H. B. BEEGLE & SON.Real Estate, insurance,

Exchange, Conveyancing, Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds, Loans Negotiated,

Job Printing. 48 Main Ave,, Ocean Grove.

COOK HOWLAND, Architect and Builder

Has been engaged in tho erection ofC ottages a t Ocean G rove

Irom the beginning o f tlie enterprise, and gained Mich experience hi the biwhicas, and knowledge of the wants o f iot-lioldors, am! lias Mich facilities for buying lundicr ul lowest rates and finishing intis witli dispatch,.tlm t h e can m ake It to tlie in­terest o f parties intending to build to consult 1dm nil Hie subject. Hu will contract for cottages.

In E v e r y S ty le ,In W o r k m a n lik e m an n e r, A t L o w e s t R e a s o n a b le R a te s ,

varying In cost from 32H0 to $3,000. n irtic s desiring lo sell or buy Jots, ren t cottages, • m ake collections, ptco.su address th e above,

with HtiunikS uud directed euvelojk*.(kmk’s Building, Asbury Park.

JO SEPH TRAVIS,Main Street, Asbury Park, If. J .

KING’S 1IIUCK BUILDING.. A splendid assortment of

Gold and Silver A m erican an d Swiss W atches.

G o ld rend S t e e l S p c c tn c le H .Theoretical and Practical Repairer of Chron­

ometers and Watches.n K H K A L L T H K T E A R .

THEODORE ASHMORE,(Successor to E, M. Fielder,)

“ Lot othkhs rit.\inET«tKK.” - - " l have known o f Poimer’a ’Skin Sucrrav since |S |y nnd found ft to be at I tlm t is claim ed for it."—Kev. W. W. Christine, Florence, N. J.

A KEWT13.TIMOMAI. HErKUKSCKS.Hon. A. A. Drake, New York: Kev. B. M. Adame,

Brooklyn; M. lloOkc. 1£mj , Chicago; Ucv. IL liar- n m rt, D.lK. .looey City; Judge I Iyer, Kahtvay. N. J .; A. M arry, Ksq.. Hartfonl, Cm in., know Hie l>ower n f “ Sk Jn-.Succeas.”






Al lowest Call, prices, (ioal thoroughly screencil.

YARD, REAR O F LA K E VIEW H O U S E,One block from Main St..

ASBURY PA R K , N. J .Telephone connection.

You can save fully 25 per cent. by. purchasing your H ats o f


THE HATTER,118 C ookm an A venue,


M. H. HUNTER,C o n c r e t e P a v i n gFOR

Side-waiks, G arden-W alks, Carriage-D nves,Warehouse und Stable Floors. B am tkdtnra, and

here a good pftrmanent lloor is required. Address WILMINGTON HOUSK,

Ocean Grove, N /J .


WO D AND CHARCOALought to unit you.

Q U A L IT Y .—! keep U th H u r d I .c l t i g l i and F r c o I t u r m n g 4’o n l . ail hIz**s and o|* the beat quality obtainable.

M y W O O D is CNlm gnt*d nud la alw ays per* feelly dry.

M y U lIA H C O .tL I lmve imule especially f<ir m y (fivrilnide.

PIU 41K S—l l i o I o w cnL p o h N lb lr .F a c i l i t i e s mieqimled in (liU town. Full

Weight nml.meiLsnre giianiuiecd. Order hy mail, telephone, o f my (lrivera, d r a l my odices.

J . STANLEY FEROIJSON.Main olllee, yard nud residence, opp. the <»ee»u

Grove School Home, at Main A v e n u e »iate. *•

W O O D S ’2042,2044,2046 Ridge Ave.',

p n iL A D K I.l’ IIIA .

I Julies J II you w ant to sco a splendid Hue o f OOIWIYl'S go to .thc csinl dLsh in cu t, 2DI2. 2HI I. 2iMi; Bldge Avenue. Woo«Lh keejw iiolliiug lm t the* lH*st m akes. You arc sun* to l>e suited us to <iual- ity, fit and price—all IbeAvuv from «», rt2,-75. S7c, 3t. 31.25.- 31.50. 31.62, 31.75, Sl.sT, 3” 32.1*2. $2.25,S2..ri<imid u p a l .

W O O D S ’,T h e C ire tit | t |» T o u n |» r y ( J o o iIn a n d

N o t io n N l« r r» ,2012,2TH 1,20tfi Kldge A venue.


T HE ABBURY PARK PRINTING HOD8E lfl THK largoetand beet equipped In tho OOtxnly.

F O ll SAKE O ft KENT. Davis S ew ing M achine,


B u r t is & K i r k b r i t l o ,84 CQOXinilN AVE. AND il BIATTISON AVE.

A S ltU ltY I*A ItK .


O B Q A J 5 T S 3 T T E S ,

Instm m ents to E en t a t vary low ra tes u n til June, 1886.

R c im ir iu g a itt l T im in g n S p e c ia l t y .

Great variety of nunieal hU'trunieiiLH, Burgiar l'roofKafe«, Window Hhiules, Cornlecn mid Wall ’ decora Lions,

3 3 3 Here V ie w A v e . , (Nrenn 'O rove;

Co p . l to i i i l S t r e e t reutk M n tU sn n A v e n u e . A n b u r y T u ik , N . J .



RcShane Bell FoundryFinest Grade of Bolls.Ciiuuts a i'a, P raia far OlIUnUHBH, Ac. SvuJ fqr Price nml Crttalague. Addtc&B

H . M c S J l A N F £ C O . ,(*</•"• t**ri /A /tr . UaJUuore, lid .
